Newspaper Page Text
Mt tut.
Than are many illaatrwUoti* of Uia
tert that the will cm force even a weak,
sick body to obey ita command. One of
Um beet to aaauctated with Gen. Jackeoc
at Um time be was tn command << the
mibtu at TboiMMe* WhUe be vm ly
ing beipleee in bed, slowly recovering
from eevend wounds received tn a hand
to-hand fight, nears wse received of the
terrible mgeesnrv st Fort Ntms by the
Indiana. X e
The Jjegislature of Tennessee imme
diately assembled and called out 3,500
men to march to the Indian nation.
There was greet eiUt—ent, lor it was
feared that Umm would be a general up
rising of all the Indian tabes in the
Hou th west
General regret was expreeaed that
Gan. Jackson ooeld not take Um field in
person. In an interview a prominent
member of the Jbegistataro «x|>reeaed
this regret to the General, as be lay
groaning upon his bed.
The sick man could net sjieak with
out pein, but he mtimatnl that when
ever the troop* marched it would be un
der hu command. Two hours after tho
interview Gen. Jackson issued a print
ed order appointing the place of ren
deevona, ami announcing that the health
of the commanding General Was re
His physician, on being questioned as
to the General’s ability to march at the
head of Um troops, replied :
“No other lean could, and it is un
certain whether Gon. Jackaon, with all
his spunk, can. But it was always un
certain what Gen. Jackson could or
could got do.”
He did marcl. with Uie troojm But
the phyaicisn had often to stop the
plucky commander, make him dismount,
and wash lum from head to foot in a
solution of saga' of lead to keep down
Inflammation. With these troops Jack
son fought Uirco Indian batllaK
FoufA's Cbmpanton.
Breakfast on the continent always
means only bread and coftse. To the
laboring people it means a bowl us broth
and a bit of bread, or us bread alone.
The Ajnsrwai), however, will find liim
self served with butter atid eggs, or meat,
unless bo has previously on bred "a
plain breakfast," when hr will receive
the usual limed end coffee. Tlm> noted
table d’hote is perhaps Uie least suscept
ible of change. It U usually served at
fi o'cloak—hour when the day’s work
is over, and when the meal can be taken
at leisure. It is the anmal meal of the
day, sad all Um> guests of Uie hotel are
< ipcetMl to tiMel st Um table. It re
quires never I«<m than an hour—ofteuer
two; and unices your company is enter
taining it ia a long and dreary proceaa.
I’crligpa yuu have l>oen told that there
will bk ten or fifteen courses, and, if
uninitiated, you have your mind made
up that for <taoe you will have your
uauakaqufip* nMal,” But when
waitelf With Miflfee and ahirt-trout of
nnmhculate whitnnaes, brings you a
small piece of bread, and a dish of
•lightly-colored water tadled soup, yon
proceed with quiet resignation, in the
l*l let Uiat you will have the dinner pres
euUy.’ Your curiosity is enly the more
•roused when the plates are changed ;
and after a long, dreary waiting you re
reive a very amafl bit of fish. Then the
table ia cleared again, and yon are served
witi|a bit of Qluckcu, Like a true Amer
iran faubfcva dispatched your broad long
enough since, and you take chicken and
“ play it alone ;" but you conclude that
it is " pairing strange" when you learn
that buttered chestavte and nothing dec,
or a bit of eheete alone, will be served
for a course. And so you continue for
an hour or two >a patient expectation
at the meal that never comes My Yan
kee friend put it right when he said,
’’There ia a mouthful to eat, and then a
square acre of silence I shall always
rev pert the American who, the other
day when be had liornc patiently until
the maal was half over, thundered out
to the waiter, " Good gracious I Life is
too abort to be waettxl in Una manner,
air | For heaven’• sake, bring me som<-
thingta eat I"
A Lima from Norway states that
Mcwsacn mtaaicnanaa are numerous
there, and have already induced a large
nupber of peqple to “o<>lo<iiae, " as they
call it, by promising them a farm for
nothing and a tree and by rep
resenting Utah to be the moat flourish
ing put of the United Btetea. Many of
the people who emigrate believe Mor
monism to be arene sort of a benevolent
organiaatieti. which ia finding homes in
Arnenca for the poor of Europe, and
know nothing of polygamy and other
crimes that are committed in the name
of religion. Ths Chicago /refer (Aws
thinks the United States Government
through its representatives abroad,
should have the Mormon miaaxinanes
followed wherever they g", exposing
their deoeptaooa and warning people
against their wuea.
Tn people of Yankton, 1)»1 propose
to erect on a bluff near that city • 000
gregatmaal ouliags to oust 4100,000.
Wass otter* are seVsn-'g, <lnv • w-wd of
uuahin an 4 .ympni-y U they are •sg<ru»i
fraa a Cold, grog Ik IS T*r 111.' < <«ga ter
op I a few donga us Uun Sal wafra nreuntv sili
aßur-l treat*..( r ami a ieeuty-tes »•< teA-
tw will aura Um • <mm Uvugk
KAT/ro itAnßxaLOir.
Inatructiou ta eating watermelon m
given by the Baltimore Amentia*,
which should be good authority, as it is
puidiehad in Um melrei region. The
hotel plan of cutting a watermelon like
a tulip, and putting a lump of ice in it
is condemned, because ice should never
touch the uulp, but a Irurial of tin- nn
cut melon in ice for two days ia wine.
Then cut lengthwise and eat lirtwes-n
meals. " People deal unjustly with thia
fruit aometimea by eating a hearty din
ner first ami then topping off with a
melon, and than U a morel earthquake
■eta up in the intenor they charge it to
Urn mcluu. The watermelon waa in
tended as an episode—an interlude—a
romanve without words—» nvturne in
green and red—not to be mingled with
bacon and greens "
Treks is a fakir at Lucknow who does
wtoijudiiig things. Hu latest explret
waa to ait “quiet and unconcerned"
close to an enormous Are Th« heat was
ao great that the spectators could not
approach within 200 yards of the blazing
maae cotn]>oa<vi of eleven cart-loads of
highly-conibiutible material. The native
•crilie who chronicles the feat aaserta
that the fakir remained in this position
for fonr hours without the slightest
harm. The fame of the devotee spread
abroad like wddflre, and from all parte
came pions Hindoos, bringing offerings
to the incombustible saint. Bo great at
last became Uie concourse of pilgrims
that a detachment of police had to be
stationed on the spot. How Uie trick
was managed remains to lie shown.
Thirty years ago Burr forbailv Platt
to walk acnsM his land at Platteville, CU;
but Piatt could save many steps by go
mg that way to his mill dam every
day, and so did not heed the prohibi
tion. ltec< nWy, after Platt had worn a
path uuniolt«t<«i during the intervening
years, Burr tuld huu be must stop, as
the trespass had lasted long enough ;
that he had, after nature deiilieration,
rcaolvol to ah<M>t him if he walked tiial
way again. Platt aid take the u»m.i
route nett morning, and reewiv'xl L
charge ol buckshot from Burr’s gun.
“Wntr’it the matter with little Johnny
this morning? ” “Bore.mam, the liye’s
sick ; ho tumbled off wan of tliim wheels
without a camago to it"
As ex-conanl of Groat Britain, says tlie
Brooklyn Jiafjle, related that Mr. Chas.
Townsend, Bedalia, Mu,, was cured of
rheumatism of the worst kind by Bt.
Jacoba Gib— (lnd.) Sen
A BRrrniii man-of-war, the Merlin,
took 100 pobevmert te assist m the evic
tion of 120 iicrsons from their homes in
tbu Island of Inniaturk, off the went
coast of Mayo, somu days ago. When
it needs the services of a British mmi
uf-war U> carry out an eviction process
•gainst poverty-t Lnokeii tiabermeu m
the “ Wild West” of Ireland, it ha-ks
bud for the landlord and the Govern
ment which aakteta him m carrying ont
the eviction.
Thu Ottawa I Kan.) H>-publican thus
quotas: Mr. Harvey B. F. Keller, re
corder of d«i<ls, says: I have long
ta-en eonviucud of the merite of St. Ja
colm Oil, and use it in my family for
rheumat.siu «uoeva«fuily.
“Jew one," murmured he, involun
tarily drawing closer to the Inscions lipa
that smiled upon him with such be
witehingness, while his own quivered in
an agony of expectant anticipation.
“Bo 1 notice,*’ replied aha coolly,
glancing at the clock, “ and time for
you to turn up your coat-collar and
shut the street-door from the outside.”
“Ihiu’t know half their Value.’’
“Ttn-i enrol me ol Avne. Biliousness
end Kidney t'omplsint, s> recommended. I
hs<l • hail Iwltle left which 1 used for toy
two little girl-, who the doctor* and neigh
con s*id could not be eared. 1 Would hsv<
ta*l both of them one night if I had not
given them H--p Bitter*. Tnrydid them so
nineh good I continued their use until they
wvro cuied That i> whv I »»r you do not
ksnn half the value of Hop Bitters, snd do
ml reeomuiend them high encash." It,
Hoelie*lir. S Y Pee other column. -Ainrr
lean Ktirsl B»me.
Dx Taxmib, it la said, is now prepar
mg to fast three mouths, and ia drawing
up » proposition to tho medical prutea
aion of New York t<> that effect. He
•aiil to a re|x>rter that ho can fast nine
ty-flvv days if its! on electricity, the air
in lua room to be charged with a strong
current. Thia being positive, he can
obtain a negative element from tho dis
uitograUun of hl» tissue. He ia now
fattening for the faai, as plenty of adi
oae ia ueoeaaary.
A Wise Beacon.
"Hsaeo i Wildsr, I want vou to tell me
how vou kept yourself and fsmilv well the
pavt season when all Ike rest of u« have
beta si<-k so n.ueh, *nd have had the do< •
tor« vinliing u« so ofter* ’
“Bro. Taylor, the ansa er i« very disy. I
uie.l Hop Hillers in t me: kepi my family
well and saved the doctogbilli. Throe dol
lars’ sorth nt it Kept ui will and able to
work all the time I’ll limit it has eoac
you and the neighbors one Io t«« hundred
dollars spire* to keep itek the same time."
"Heaton. I'll uae y. ur nivdieine hereatler.'
Ths Rev. H F. Adame, jtaator of th*
Leu ta Btreet Baptist Church, al Toronto,
Ontario, has tendered hi* rwuguatlon
hraettre lie dore mH tmliore m the doc
tnue of clone communitMi. The Bev.
Mr. Adams ia an Eugitahman, and a
daetpte U bpurgeuo. He mleads to rv
lurn Vo the e.'onea of his forme* labors.
I* r»r ar* “•• rose pone and ail wore ent.
pat tMMi take Ksinry Wort, B » «tot JWI
n* AJKHiMKDiAJr LtrtK.
The new pwwtp factory ot A. Y. Mo-
ItaaaM, Duta»q<». k”"’- th ’ r ' l
art ia the United Btates, was dedicated
recently by feasting, speeches, and mer
rymakmg, participated in by many of
Ihdmqne’s best citizen*. After supper
Mr. McDonald, who began Hfw as a poor
apprentice, addreased hie gweets. In
speaking us the future possibilities of
Ihilmqua he made Ute foUowing slloaiun
to the value of newspaper asautnnoe :
“ I would say m thia oainertioti that
there is one mighty engine to be nad
fc.r this end that has tn a great measure
been neglected by ns, namely : ‘The
press.’ A rigotous, energvtu, thrifty
press ia the index of a Live, aggressive
community, and while the press builds
up busiiiesa we must also recognize that
btiainesa must also build up the preei-
Their interests are mutual. The char
acter of a city is known by her news
papers. Let ns advertise a little more.
Let as show up what we have got. It
have a good thing we most let the
people know it."
A CHixaiux killed himself at Paw
tncket three years ago, and his <levote«l
brother has just killed and burned a
chicken and also a good shirt upon hu
grave, becauae the dead man was hungry
and short of clotiu a. be aald.
From the l<Hh u! October, 1881, to
he Ist of July, 1882, genuine Rock
Bpiiwo Water will be supplied tocu«
tomers by Ellis A Co., of Bailey Spring-,
Ata, at the following rates :
Ten gallons in anti-corrosive can. ♦5.00
Same can refilled at 4.00
Five gallons in anti-corrosive can.. 3.2'
Same can refilled at 2 50
Nine gallons in glaiw bottles . .. . 7.00
Reasonable freight and express rate
are given by all railroads. Thi- water
has been known for nearlv fifty years
as a sure cure for Dvatrcpsia, a sure cure
for diseases of the Kidney and Blsdtier,
s »ure cuie for all curable caws of
Dropsy, a sure cure for Scrofulous case
of tne Bones or Skin, and a certain de
stroyer of tho terrible thirst for intexi
eating drink that overcomes ao ninny
worthy reiwliili tns. Deprive a drunk
ard of his diam for three day- and
meanwhile give him plenty of Rock
Spring Water, and he won't want the
wniakyj Don't you think it's worth
trying it. If you do, drop a postal to
Elli» A Co. ft will cost only a cent.
Tax farm-roller is much more exten
aively used in England and France than
in the United States. It is perhaps mon
uot-iMty, for plowing frequently gi - .
in all weather*, wet or dry, and ground
is mmta cloddv by being plowed with the
water in it. The uae of tho roller is, how
ever, rapidly extending among our most
intelligent farmers.
Fos dyspepsia, imligestion, depression of
spirits and general diuility in their various
forms, al* - as a preventive against h-v.r and
agtiv and oth<-r mlmnittent fever*, tie Fr.aao
I'Hosi iiouxrri' Ei.ixta o* < »i tsava lUtx, made
by Caswell, Hazard A Co., Now York, and sold
by all dntggwta, is the bw<t tome ; and for pa
tients tesoveriag from fever or utbei
it has no rrptal.
Vile* aa*S M«agwllea*
15c. box "Bough oa Kali" kaape a boose tree
from files, bed-bum. roaobsa. rata. mine. Ao.
<>o*v r«» art nr.At.TW.
ft fa »»r» <«»• will f rt*« <i»f A>k(«mfrr.l«
M ttjll tab impirta br-*l, Wbrti RCOVttf.’’*
t AXT* BTtl ! IWIA. rr ANO l-IVKA
Nfftl I’ Will twafiwf* ItataWbtotW |>AyaWtal otgftjUt .
It rtfrstffrn then ■I Os tip, UUkr. toidtb* I -T
IUAM)I> 11 BIFIKK frtrfi rwd, rnr... K - Arr f da,
••fiphiltltfr ilwwa»«4w»a, *•»•»■•••< ♦ th* Kiluavs, Ertslpw*
Iv, M.lfrrtfr, Kwrtame dktotdro, IteUIHV, Ilili'HiM m
(datiil* ■»» I iMwtataM rif ihfr Ldfifrf, Kuturyg,
hl rtiiacb, -Mtui, «<c.
n\KER‘3 PALM FaXA< I.A clcw , Mau au4
!>R aoUEft'H MUMP ttuUutly
ts I»k M K
/ •')'S-
(Tbit M agravtag reywatß tta Ltaaga la a baaitby Mafia )
Poe 4 nu*»«a. <'e»l«4«. tf rw»M> hUta and a
W her fo/yrng-fii -db* *4 1 tv. Ittr*tol ami B.| «» frtatad*
awivaied tai wUtaviy bey rad aii <®«|wi u«.«a.
li arywtwteam arar a ape-talc that •• Xir»e<viva” pee
ceal Wrt permanently evrad, where the d 'r-et» »ae ate
•irtataly raatplwd rtflh. There to ueahtataMca. ar efiher »•«
gveebatota to harta the yrang w aid .
J. N. HARRIS AL CO., Proprietors,
< Infill *ATV» •
away.-i l. W>l.ihWll f"‘’[Xw
kR at any rare ’ ita' wrelker *• »*>* X* ll ?’
<io»“ of all »at4<<<*. everyooe think* U ■»
•I- -lai right to uy to better the weather and
hurtshu "tad .
and all who .-ndnavor Io ••« him in rt<uJ*cing
tie- VrtUtor The 10l loving omntnunwalloo Is
from .t'r -< Tim, of He la-ul*. Mo . the rroowtwa
nsrwwn k«i*t an.l wr.tner prophet of the Writ
It.kaa not dinwai tb* weaihrr but aometblna
•unlyof moro o-iportanre to lh-«e who mi Her
w th that painful rnatadr ha *|*aki-of: ’The
J»y afkr -tusmiug lay Weterea al tortlagWi.
(“X '
IE- *
K'F. 1 I 1 iff:
lowjk fflit'if hecewbcrlart I wra Rcired
v» .u A flil'ltk-H RtM< '< (>( H’firfi'c'R ilt »>*’ rlnM.
. VHIR tne vMcru* latins p-Ain aid! prevent
ins breathing. My ptthr uwually fell U> *J»;
intctfM.* iiAu-ra d»c Mt mneh Miciwdrd. Mint a
( »• 1 t Umuiy *weAl cttvrr.«! luy entire body.
I !»*• Ait**nAjiiig phywteHu cvuld do nothing V» re
lieve me lAf-r suffering for threr hoar* I
thvOKht o*l hu ! >XTIt IkMllf "T. JA< OBR Oil With
itkml < « t h»r rheuniMlh piiiiß I woahl trv It
1 «atur»led a pi«x-r us fiAiniel. larw eixiugn to
r»ner my <hr«t. with tb«* Oil, and Rpplfedlt. Tiw
relief *•*• xlmrwt jj»uiitaneou«r iti one hour 1
wan cntlnJy frve fnwn pain and wraoMl have
taken th** irahi to HU an appointment that night
in a nfi ik'hh* r’nc town had my friend* not dk
•‘ladtwHn. A»itufi« I toil the night train for rur Luuj*, aud have but beeu troubled
lllialnlaltesl Vigor
Is r.tmbuisrd in great measure. Io tho*
trouhlrii with weak kidneys, by a jndictoui
uw of IL-itettef’a Bitters, which
iwi",-»rnt«and stimulates wjthoot exciting
tin- urinary oteans. In conjunctieu with
iti influence upoa them, it eorrerta acidity,
uilprovrs appeirte, and ia in every way con
tlU' ive t<> health ami nerve repose Another
marked quality to i’s control over fevar and
a *ur and its power of preventing it. For
iije by all llriiggists and Ilea Im generally
For Two
Tho good and staunch old
mom to assuage pain, relieve
Hutienng, and save the lives of
bicu and beasts than all other
liniments put together. Why?
Because the Mustang pene
trates through skin and flesh
to the very bone, driving ont
all pain and soreness and
morbid secretions, and restor
in*’ the nfflicted part to souud
and supple health.
l ull OLD
Fitolrtffvv MMPfM .a.ttM in |«A| hy th. PnwfitaMMfiwra
• •ji *-» Witt |rtv a vrrv ht/!> prWW ♦ : « MWf UMtal
- A .
I’V * I
lef« | MRM, which lb- • . 1
Win ra»y AltH» 4»r Htaita.
I r * a 6'll Ari’ »!w«ik leave tb*»
■ t .) ai*.| rew« all romniuui-
• s f. .-EEl'.i.A h if7 W*,i M . N-rt ) 4k.
To the People THE South.
\ li vv -t it-- Bait le, ITRR, aad tba »v««u
|• •’ ’• ’ *«•» •* veafa »jwnl im prepM•»».*, I«
j now i-.Mtehrd at. I ifrwb ft dal-wry. Tba aal hoe,
I I vu ' , i kir»» II 1» ha« ejaptat «d vaam m gat bar
mail - a.- f. ■ lbw wistit, wAhtwmda la afi tftag r>-
•<i a i tciti -ic« an I ha>> -ttae«4‘ h e»cap*«, alike i»<*r»
I • ‘ k J » 4 v.. The deewnAen'• <4 a rich man ag
•tv rev,, i. Vr-1ar.,1 I arey William*,
■ >;M. Mi • w»il, Haltaat >4. Atol ibelt
I ” ' ' M M I*» th*. ~au4» I br. tart bout iba
*• -■* teftafiatail reoi*4 ut that mJ...
■l* ‘ •• ’u nw th* t»d* -4 lb* Brttoitttxtai. Th<
I • A s I ’ !■•!?’ • •» *♦•* l‘*r~ r boaUtritally buead.
be Jtcxoea. a»d a«mer«*Q«
w • i 1-a ’ «•» reli tvacaa. t*rfrer, >4,
■ •
’ • » i ETER ‘i. TNi»Mm)S, PtabttoCr.
N . i;t Vita* Rratat, a*HaaaU, O
%K»nta va mm real • t tiamrttfMd Wmuty.
Pnpfipld •
. |ir««y <a efeffawtlv M »t- r**ed »«!••**. lUet aiar4xMHe-ta,
I I.llwrf.l • i fig. „l. I»kr M4*f tew Huta -M •’W CS
tell.ftasv'.* b-.ta |«t*| A •»«<•••< er MMtaia
■ta'itae var t Th* ta •• • A** •f M i (per **•< • rttM egta»«-
• » • > i «- aektatawa. AH maia MBStarM* • h -• •
. »*««*« fcew U««ta4« »T*waa« AC* . PtMVtaMd. Maaa*
t 77 7- **-
Dili e.*. Wtertwr*. Kwawauk a*
' MRAhFRK V.i v
I ♦ wr■ ■ -'-♦’•a. V ■¥'.•* IT <l»srf Btraafr. All aifififr-
I IMmm -i 4ta**a«4 R «aaM.a m* ■»A*e, a-f-Ater—i
♦UM 004 QCU UMto B. t-
m ™■? u wwh a IM»< h. Su*
.-4 gyir-wb-T* or seal br wall lg • letter M- .u*
I <W-
ra w.w e.res* —4 —te ■■*!*« *■! •»“*••' !
e«l m trreMle a-d BoMewi “I Sierel forms II ull
btaW to Mtariarv* an kt»a aartaert <««•• bfe* *
aMaar La th« tert advMtacrt m all aacmlarfi
* flw Ctrcviara •K.aistar »
•taillmw'tawa as »hrt a*4 arttra larva i* aft Ma.
VaaMBaA PwaMaaiaa €•-, aUamlm. «M. I
»or Chill* and S’W'WWB
amo all oisaAaaa
Oaw»»< Kr M.lart.l rcl*o<il«s«r B>mA
Price, td I .OM. *or MW M all DraazMl
A A .Br.aU.. I.’
,2"7<)» Waaa. Oil• «ay M Kama aaWfy mwts. Cretlj
I awOwiA* Oaa. A44ram Twa A Oa., Aa<aa*A, Ma
Ur*B ■ k rl.-.-T!'-, k’-i-My .’’V
I FM * WL f rll “ri.-v-’v.
, ure Jn rA cry cam. lUi
u»adoHar Mr4d by drvcct -Uuramt by mall A*
drwa DH. L. li. UAMKfe. FiUaM«r«b. 1
fowie men uza&JrrJgntf •
ui». oaaraM vaLXxrun K>oa , Jawaavnu, ww.’.
«vt»i ano* < uk tut yrs.
KAHHWAIN’S ?• *“r° K
Writ iGtUMkll all hu pr»v na w<rk«, ar»J uF-1« voa tha
bwt fhrtneta ot fiHir hfe Iv fiulrii maarv raftMpv. Old
aie-itK will act pr<nnp*ly, m<l fia-cuf* <-h-> lerntcry,
and we adnaa jmv do iba aam* Ouia « ugw rr«dv.
A«nd «t me* ft revreulara aadterau l* DUVGLAMb B£Ori..
A PfiTXM. Fublwhtaca, Owio.
a,eon AetcMrw W ANITKATO RKtb *m«
Tl* many life and ffaieer •• • ’ftr and «t v’e-»maa ; l> » *’»<
t’i>n and »d«itatatrai>-vt: Ida a*M***in«t»<kn ; be* bar-t
•true* 1 * h* bfe; »<*d tftal mediral Ireafuvect • bio©
J troonlHf ; r*m«>T*l (n KHwrrtn ; d-wlh, *<•'
nHWS*»vC ( ,l’pt«S<r>d pf.Hi all t'tHFFSrKT. T *TT« U»<4t ;
•t . arwar ©< the *te.*4
l.h **ll; the garrtvM<e« and tbe Cah>a« t The *ml«
fit>-l /vtatkrafi.- work , u <i Awteivr /<* I* ft-
Irl 4 W-V* /-tot (h.lflt ftOr rip an notch.' A4>baa
>' I RUA RD BR(kt, Pobliaheiv, Atlanta. Georgia.
§'TN=. d MaifTu
“The Prince and the Pauper. ’’ k i
book fur the young of all Kgrs Be-’ I
c=i fl.i'-k for canvassers ever published
~ Sold by subeription only. For term
aa and terrborv apply al onec to
■22 Southern I’uhliihing Co ,
li -t l New <>rttaaa
t'arra < oi.tHKPilat, 4 tatd*. I'si’innauij, I tt>
J,«r ri. nrrtrichtw! IllWi nhlew l» < hltiw. ■
ila ir»rnr«ia. I«|limi. tump. V% hn«ai<iua
•fifirtb. novi nil Iti«»-.iwr-w rs tbr Jirriitning
f )rxt*Maw | * aaoui b r-1 tmd fern la t>n ’I r*»»’>ru nr
• I the l.riMua. in tl. iMt cd and p «)««*•' «•<! Uy litr
llawna--, unit nrrvr»Hw ihv nfehf •otenfte nna
l»klnrwv ficru.s lferrfe<;sl ufeii fe mifiiiinuiii
’. ('uMteMitopt lon la tltal .111 iitriir.lbl r* Hiulndv.
tlAMa*'* util run- v« . rtro
feaMgfe niuf«-M*iuv) tl Hid l.iiln.
w "Zl; ' •"? 'XoKW
> Vtokit yvwmten Twai aad aytti
frw Add eaa H. Bm»n A Ca., Farilgu f. La.
One Dollar
-Am YU-AJR..
Tba Ib«a4*<tary Faprr tn fiba Weak 4R Ctaturani
of ar rtTtaai aad ebofiewiy aa arttad raadtaf matter, 9 r nTed
opoo uip, pUte typa laaaad Waakl/ aad ma dad to
ray fid4-«m ia u>a United Btatoa. poau<» »*LCfeu
<»«r lltatter a Tear. Mvary naw eubaertfear «ou a
pratoiiMß Ke nJ fur aa-upfe codj Addraaa
cTs Ak
Lit. am R— »• a«*w« *r wt > -how-s
Tooth Preservative
tad a fitfte cur- few <4|. u*tr breath. UUtef !r>n»
• few fe*, «• aeutong. ?*• a<i 43 real* ■ ■ •i*»iij», ©r Hue*
fvr vl. rrat <•. O. P4:i.4-I TI».H.
MraiphU. Tenn.
1 *> Far.«r Wrtfitoa CAII4 for lie.. M for Rte . lu*
1 for M-M by mau. Cl* Biß4. Qraaeo. I>
■V a *V*VWV B * l W 1—•**•"» i*"—“ 1
w/IF//, rfJ/F.F ■II
JF F r “F ff g JK gs a 4/ * OM " ’ r
F F g F g ggg g g •”' r “ / '* f
iwr l«H»r
ihmf—Ha—. A eaeattoaof a»mih dal t*4 «l*a at* wk b relief, trot on the contrary. vaa
Uacraawd proalraUoa aad «iakla« cbiix At this ttm* I bagaa the traa of your Iron TOS !C fmtn watea
aMsed y Moat twrtUf and wocaterfal rw<lu The old eAerrj rwuiraed aad I foufcd that m «T
I « tram Tw4r to «l
Mr«tl«H •/’ rtw l F IF g a ■
<•* • / fr*H »Vr«« 1 > g g g F gg g g f g g g jfi
• H«rk hh4 F*a* ■ Fg g g ' g F g F
> <»• >lfjr fff j j ff t f FrF
ti 1 F g F gg g F g g Fr g
>•<.« '-I wvn , « 4«l<«A4«
*t-». llwhc .W.U4aaH» r uTlZFlire y— iT\ »• •«•"■!**
fcf U R»U 1 Wiy •»«•»'«<• «• • »■»—< OR*rr»V'*R« la •tR»' r ’
i« r*M» •’.-I -«>M »«4 l'.« t».4ki»n .M <*»lM< I '••’»■»•*•
UU'na rtiwi o« •• tk« »■<« «m a»MF wt'i » *
‘xaUkl fl( JQI t'<AlAl. —*♦ v»«r <4«*4-4 k>«f “« '*’*‘*2l
—V?S.. r7iV. r ,i... u L.»m. r»
I U»a lAd tpproTvd by U« iaa4iag P | M
| CIASB «f ETOOpg and M I
I The mo«t Valuable F R B
I Family & 'jWw ■ t«>*
I ■ ,, - ow L. 2 i; nSR r~-
F A 1 r«»*4. t«U»A.
B F U ,w '*’. 0-4
B T f
tisufli oosnnw
• myMtarta.«»i A> mtrmMr •?**
WT»y that. Uul H aaat aaw «( all car gw fa. ta< <aaabat a««r*A"'J
•iM.»»«a»*xairTb«rMMjuißUTUA KxrMHTtaa.l “ ra™ *
- > MMATIfcB
5 ?
l s
teottxelz coitpow:
Is a Poaltlvr Cwe
Ur all Paterel <W*»Uli<- —4 « -«L _,
-.-amirioa UMr WMK-.U MI.UU*.
It wuirrere Kluaty UwwnnA KraafF -nfoiUw.
rlalnti. all ovwtaa tmoKtaa. krtammaMoa sad riren
Ills*, railing and It pUreawnU. and Um rrmmymrt
rrt»al W-aVnew, tfrl 11 l artkalarti s4a*tH I. iu
< haae- cl Lua
Jt win dwiolv. and «rT« I tutu ore frren th. .-Htm i,
,n —rty *a<wol Ocrrtoymri t Iba trawnryl*re>
~rows horeorvtlwreiacKmkrd rery nrefflyby ffo w
It rmnorre ralnlnms, Kalutenry. oreUoy..n rrera,
til mil I'—O’, and NtewwOw- ottK.a<mar>
It rrem moating Honda lw. Xwwia IVretreUc,
u*ml DabOJty, Slin<»«mrm. UrjiremUa and lad)
That rreilag of tearing dowa, raa*n< pair, wrigta
•ml tenkarte. I*aiv*/1 permaarntly cured by Hi im
li WHIM all nnmaand nadir all cUs-umreaa.wurt la
harmony with tte l>wi thai gosara ite t.nal. lyam.
rertteenroof Kuinoy complaint* ,r itihrr miu
Cteapoood 11 nnsurrewd
VOL >D.« preimred at tu and r. Iream,
hj-p-. W.m McwgL Ml teeth.r»rM S.B’ by ana
In tte form of plll«. "I" In tte 1 rm of I o. here. H
rmtpt or nitre, titer tel tore.lter Wre llateaa
trealy au-wetl all Idtere < f taoulrr Seal Ur ten.
Irt. AXlrea. re ate-. K**!-os lit. Iltyrr.
Ito familr (boold to wittecl LYTHA F. HXTHu XT
l.rvm ITUA. Ttey our* c-.uwtjtek.n. btlireany
*>l torpldily d tte Itrer. a. coau i»r box
ge Sold by all Dragglnii. -*»
i. .• -4 -TSIw if v- x
of tin ita’- • ” •* wtfW ’IV* I i* t
Mi wood by the rtrwsn < f terwDxUru.’‘’vernlr
SM vc-MF dntiew avoid DKi-t wotk. t re»
■ NtxlßtdMMfite •n 4 Ufirt W Uxv taainir vr iw
H Hop Bittore. Hop 3.
Ilf roa <r» yuuntf tand ■•-.iff* ring fmtr «rv .tv
■ dterrvttoa or dieripaHtton i if y > r- ■ xr.
f rted or MBMfe. edd or■ younrf rat!. ; g (nrn
I A iHjorbetaiUi or UMicvtahHlatf un • Im-u u &.k
¥ nrra. n-ly v® Ho pl Butera.
(I Whoever you are, jOk Ihotkrind* die *«-
i S whenever you feei ■ ■ »uali’ •« • •»
H t'.ital y or pv«s*ia f .. us Kld noy
1 li. a or rUmiiltatlng, b*w t*< •'I 1
, j Without infur rihng, by O i i-u r1 y i f
I take flop jKStLx Hopßittoro
B Bitter a. OMIM
I ■ yon 4««-
| ■ t*pui, d. i. c.
I ■ 11 f ■ ' • l " an •’~ lll da
I ■ httrt'f Vr'JSrts BHU A |2m o e “Mi‘
jU°ri.7.'Aii:| Qiirrnn
| Hopa.tter.i
R Jf eeaikri-ehta- W' ’ »' , »4bv <*njg-
I f NEVER ' -
I ■ savod hun-B. jßwh*«t*r, lt.
h] dfOd&a IKmiMMIM I * r-e-W-.'M.
A WFMtN WANTCfihf aifortuiFtom
-X Pf Piet r T»* Rse-k <cd Riblm Preert rediceitj yw
taut. NtaUoaai FubUahlag Ota., Phifodrtlpua. Ita.
/T" 1 T TTVTQ Cltazjrt fr„
■ kJ Xw 9 «»••» Obb Vtote .Fl>
S 5 to S2O
I I-übfeahv*' butM, AllaatA, Ut -Porlf-thrM -M.
■M ■*■■■■ EMORYS »T1KOA»0 CURE
B Pvrrlt Vegeteblrt riorwr < Ata-’e; > *■
BK BB HB A neeMr-faliitag reme-tv f f I «»v«
■ ■■LLAaci.HiUioc»iu< a:.J »iMa «»
■ ■ ■ ;»t*eaaefi. Oootainfi fin Qumin*.
I i:y ox Ecu•£,;.• of anv kind. Taut B«« F*«*
' -Standard Cure Ce., |l4 Naaaaa It.. N»* fork CM*
GOVERNORS, Ac. Send for Price
ijt. W. H. DILLINGHAM & CO..
143 Main Street, LOUISVILLE, KY.
I <ita»Wrlel 4 Pn. PWurea. Ar"’
a wanted. A«idrefr* K Map andCbait Co- t [j
CO! TON IS El NCt ,<n S?*
A r Cottnn G«n QM Atei general plantation P ul P* e ’’
ay/e-M f r-rtwy WVr M* <ul
F-T fv fs ce Utt bpHy Ynad so
». i . MAN & lAYLOR. LuMPANY, MamW»iA
V itw _