Columbia advertiser. (Harlem, Ga.) 1880-18??, November 01, 1881, Image 4

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nr aw* n onftKtto. Tire gvrvvrntng f<im* of Rumi* sn eery imperttatli au< terst. *»! in thi» country. Among there gormuyt I•»•*!- mb m, in Um first pfaor, Um Council of State. Cumpowxl *f Um- highest dign>- tacte* of Um empire, all spjxxnU .1 by Um ("tar. thfii Ixxiy plays th* min of a Legiatatare. It is supfxxaxl that.all the law* of Um country are framkl by it, but, mi tact, nothing of the kind vrt-i take* plane. Th* Council m not aa ae •embly of legislator* , it is rather ap asylum for Hie ex-Min>atera ami ex- Genorala who, through age ami inflrmi tie*, have Ixxxwas unfit for active aer vine. It, perchance, an energetic ami amhiUauH person enter* thia decrepit council ho may easily acquire a' great influenae. Then nom<« U>e Governing Senate, the hlglreot judiciary tribunal in Ruaata When ho created the Sen ate, Peter th* Groat fall at ita diajxxxil the imperial crown itaclf. Bnt, aa Hea atora ware not elected but appointed by. Um Uaar, they naturally ix-catue the o I red treat tool* <rf the administrates, ami aouu lost all pohtwal power. h'o* the Heiiate is nothing but a mere wheel in tho coMphuatnd baroam ralio ma chine. Ilia Majesty a own Qpinaallory, formerly composed of the four HacUuri*, must not b* ovnrktekt*!. It ia Iran the Chaaaollery haa lost ita prsotlg* (and moatwf rt* odfarni afnoaiiie slxdition of the Third Section—the Russian laajMai- Uon. But ita dreadful power way be reaurrected at any time, though per haps in a new shape. The Chief of the State Volion naturally becomes the man tar of the Cxar, and, tberefom, he aland* above the law* of tim country The Minister of the Interior ia gt pres ent the Chief of the btale Police, *M<I literature the minor Cxar—that u, the real ruler of the cvuuUy. Tho Commit tee of Minister* has slaoalx-d the |X>w ers ixith of the Council and the Senate. Aa tho Minister* are irresjamaibie, each of them ia s real aut<x*rat in hi* ovrti branch of the Government. And, a* theft- ia no well-detlnul limits between the different braaoliea, there is iio end of eolluuona and war* in tho adiumlxtra- Uou, and theft' is no adequate authority to settle rival ministerial ptetonsioiia. The Caar, Council, Hcmato and Minis ters can maruly issue iikaao* and orders, whetta* tho Judgment of the ukaae* and order* is the s]x*ci,d function of a strong and wcll-orgeninvl laxly isdled the bureaucracy. The Russian bureau- an omnipotent, übiquitous, otn niacient inalitution. In Uio Cmr’x ixiun try nothing can lx> done without the burwancratii' machine, and everything is <toßa«tii the way prescribed by the machine. The bun aticrabi form • caste by themselves, and no individual Minis ter or Cxar can change tho tradition* and character of Mil* cos to. l'hilrulrt i>htn Trlff/rnph TOM ■ ■u.i.i - is. . FAffMCff ITtKKYJtitI.WATH ’ Versailles ■ reached ffom Vans by whafilta termed the "Amcrioau railway.* Aa reaamidea Amcnoau railway aa ' aa iioean steamer does a canal Ixxit; street oar a long carnage on car-wheels, seemingly not essential whether car runs on track or not. Vans has brought the tedion- system of street car* to per faction. Grand object in Pans i* to run aa lew oars aa |xjaaible for as many people a* jmaaibla, with th* longest j<«- ailds waiia between starts. No sUqm on the street for jmaeengara. VaMM-nger* must go to station and watt for car. Htahoua alxmt a quarter of a mil* apart. Clerk at each station. Conductor cor nea a "way-bill" of pasaengvr* after the old stage-coach faeaiou. Vast amount of stamping and sealing. Tins fur each paaeeuger who want* to ride fotty n»l*. Htamfung in blur ink, stamping in red. Dignity and fuss of officials awful to contemplate. But a Frenchman thinks that a pin dropping iu Pana drnjxi a little loudrr than a pm dropa anywhere else. Top of street ears tnnilahed with eeata ; called TZlin penale , fare euteide, S eenta, inanle, 6 rente. Belter air and view ontauje. Gauls object Io open windows *ml fresh air. Will Ixiar any aori of smelt to ki«p worm. Fuel and heal arc vary cxjwu sive in l“an». Take them leu mmnte* l<> change car h.wae* Name uld har naaa, wiUi ten Umea tbwmeceeaary num l>er of strap* to unbuckle, aa need with state ooeok *f Louis XIV.,- and two ••*4 Frwoeh hoatlers to bpekte and nn bnckle who druva stages iu the lime of Ik* first Napoleou, and-to wbosn time is no eb)«*te My daily ex)>ertau<M> and ohaervatioa on riding home from Van, to 81. Cloud via Route de la Rmm. Often eee four street cars in hue. filled with people above and below, waiting to start. Interval nt fiH<x<u minutes' start ing time between each oar. Last car <>f Um four on* hour to wmL Bnt tic - (tanks seem to like it, seem learned to wait; not to "latxw wait,*" but simply to wml. MsdAird. in <Sto* Masroe (Wronu l« A r*KM*M al I\xi Rouge, man l,*.ir-' bee, lighted a fire tunler a Ixdky h i * the other day, aid the tame atexxl it until overoutae by llxs I**l, wlw« lw lead down m the pile and a— lur.r.l to «le**h. Twees* *r» »t fweulwa kava te* si'iwsise le try th* •rwr failing qushtwa st |»t Ron's Utogh dyrep, and Hey s I «*g* i* u* i«»»« raoM an Artsnsm pep* *• *>vy th* following dramatic account of * deadly duel in fnduso Territory : J. T. C*rpautar, s Choctaw staef. tod OoL Piter, s prumuieni ritisan. haaassa mvoivwd ia S quarrri st Fins (tai Indkaa Agraey. Par ties abo were psaeect st s " gaUMnag ‘ say tbst the that they knew at tt» gasrrel the dust end CoL Pries acre Standing s short dw tsoc* from th* crowd, wbee the eMai e>- daundd : ‘Toor blood can sloes jay tor Mta.** •• Hr Mend is yuora ahm yon *r« aisn eeoegb to take it ri rxrlsimed the Cslenel. etefpmg lock soil amummg a ttire*ta<uux awtnd*. "Moi uow,“ said the chief, when the crowd nub-d to the acene. “A brsva inaa doaa not »bod Uood in the sane ot s mob. Mart ate ua Uq* spot to-morrow morau*.'* “At what time 7” “ When tbe son *biues throngb lbs top o< that tree, pixutiag ton tad ass, “teaa* Mro, and. when the sun reoebsa the top, rhea the *hxl* I*ll* at year feet, look around and alii *>« me.' The two mon eepanited, sad the spo-tal>«a woaderwl why two of the moat tatenUil man of the Nanon had qnarrilail, bst no on* dsred isvcsUgata, Isei bo be oonaidarad an intrndr*. On the follovrtng moralog a large oread gathand to witoeea the evutaet which every oaa knew iuiml terminate fstaUy, The l otowl amvaii, atefipad upon the exact spot wlwve be had «l>x*l tl» f« »u*ia day. sad lookad st the son. He locked again, and Um look,*! down. Ax* lW be looked *1 Ibe inn, uni thou aurvwywl U» fi«4d. The chief xs* **u advancing. Whan withia * distance of thirty feel of lbs Catenet ta rtopoed and draw his reiolrrr. The Colonel drew to* pwlol sod straightened lilmM-lf like a men that raddealy ny roio* a feeling of pnde Not a word ws* apoto u. The two man raised their weep ou*. They fired almost sunnltaneeiwly. Tho chief tooled. they fired. The Colonel fell dead. The crowd reabod forward. Tba chief fell tollw groun-L The (tolaoel'■ bullet bad cellared bia breast Blood flowed from lu mouth. The Colonel wa* ahot through lbs heart. Ibe chief atilt lives, Imi sntboat hope of recovery. TlfKJir arc at Ibe present time nearly Rm feuisle pliysioiaa* in active practice in twdnfy-aix Btatiw, tho majority of them Ix-ijjg resilient* of New York, Ma* aaclinartl* anil Vcnnaylvmiia. Tharw figares show a marveloa* grow 111. Ver- Miii* not very far mlvauoed in years can renu'tnber when there were no women claiming to praeticc m<-<lieine who were worthy of public confidence. The change tlmi ba* already taken place is probably only tlw beginning of a new era. In a few years tho number of womea who are .-rvxtitabla ihxitora will be ae great that tlicit sei will cease to b* a matter of comment, Tita New Vork f'lipprr lately cited the ra*r of Captain Jacob Hchmidt, of Tonip kinaville, Staten Island, N. Y., who had Ixwu a great miffvrer with rheumatism fur many vuors He used Bt, Jacobi Oil with splendid Bure-eaa. O.x tlu> shelly shore—" Com*, Cicely, my dear, aro you not going into the surf ? " wax the query of an enthusiast iu bathing. "Not gow, thank you. My toilet is too complete. I oau’t afford to waste adother two hour* in getting up my oomjdexhiu.** Her frieml had for gotten Unit tile color on her face was not adbeaivo and would wash off in the waves. Fkom tli<>Allanite flta) blundrtff I’fotn ofjraph ; The editor of the Vike* County AVwrs lisa been cured of rlu uma tism by HL Jooobe Oil. i HK WAS UKITHJCIt. ' Os tii -a- two general claaaex of specula tor* in the stork market,those who try to force up the prices of storks are called ••bulla," th<«M who try to crowd them nown aro called " boara." A Chicago |«|x.*r toll* of a man who wa* complaining that he liad invewtexl a rather large sum of money in Wail street and lost it all. A sympathising friend asked him whetlier he bail been a “bull*’ ora "boar.” lie replied, "Neither; I was » lacks**." "Ikon’t know half their Value." “I'nev cured me of Ague, Ikilousoeto sn<l kJnrv Com plaint, to reeomoieniled. I h*H » hall but la left which I <ia*d for my lam little girl*, who the doctor* anil neigh c< rv .»i't cnnld not be cured. I would have hut both of them one Wight if I had not liven them Hop llit'ei*. Tnaydbl them *<> niueh goixl I conUnnrd their u»e uutil they weroiuivd That l« whr Imv yi.u do uot know halt the valu<- of Hop Ritiefti, and do ml recotnmevid 11 rm high enough."-.fL, Roeb< »h r, S Y See other column —Amer iv-su Home. A wins young man of Chicago waa once called to hi* dying father * Ixwlaida, and told tliat the old man's will wa* made, making himself tho sol* heir to the rwtate. with Dude Charfay as execu tor. He reflected a moment tn silence, and the fond parent, aoeing aciood npo* hi* brow, asked : " Isn't that satisfac tory, William’" •• Y-o-a,” drawled Willtatr, " twit I'd ratbar you'd leavath* mon*y to Uncle Charley and make me the eiveutor. Than I'd bo more certain at rvttensr it?* A W ise Heaeea. "Itoacon Wildvr, I wvnt von to tell me how you kept vonrwelf *n<l family well the n*s< .esana when *ll the re»t of us have l> <-n mi kso much, and have had the doe tore vi.iilng «• mi often?” “Bro Taylor, the answer is verv roev I used Hop llittere i* time, kept my family ell nd saved the doctor bill. Three dot I re worth of it Sep I ns well sad able to wort all ibe tone I'll warranV it ha. rev* voir sod the neighbor, one to, two hunilre dwllar* *| i. re to keep sick the same time. ' Ui vrM, I'll u— v ar w-edieine hereafter . Aw Inah alibi- Pat • " Wlmt* did Tim kill the agint, DanW Duns. "Hhurv, <h>wn Ute mad straight there' 1 are him shoot wid my own eye*, ar,' b* jabrrx they toxik him lor murder ' " Pal " Tim uli be hanged, jxxw ,tar liatT" Dsn’l: •• NTvwt a b»t; well peuve an atebi I Look al that now • well iwuv* the agint waaa'l Umtw I" Fur* as* to bart«4 «g ty ewata «*** ttak »tty U*(*WwthM 4 tolfe mA, Am Htvawtor tn Bartfioad. CL, ha* patented • b*i» wtascit ia flted* of wune, th* aehmgw* hsing teas* and cop per. The weft ia <rf cotton, several thramia bmng woven in withont baxag twist fl tn gat her. A dowtote fabnc is made, iratwaen wtuah, or iaaad* of which, a number of amgfa heavier wire* are in etoaed to taka th* tenatto strain off the belt, Mlm. From the 10th of October, IMI, to he Ist ot July, 1882, genuine Rocs Rpmko Waves will be supplvd to cue tomer* by Ellis AC*.,of Bailey Rpriaga, Ala., at the following rate* ; Ten gaJiom in can. .85.00 Name can refilled at 4.00 Five gallon* in anU-oorrostve can.. 3.2fi triune ean refilled at 2 60 N in* gal loo* m glass bottles 7.50 Reasonable freight and express rates are given by all railroads. This water ba* been known for nearly fifty yean as a sure cure for Dvwuefmia, * sure cun fur disease* »( the Kidney and Bladder, a sure cure for all curable cases of Dropsy, a sure cure for Retofulons case* of the Bone* or Bkin, and a certain de stroyer of the terrible thirst for intoxi eating drink that overcomes ao many worthy rreolutiont. Deprive a drunk ard of his dram for three day* and meanwhile give him plenty of Rock Spring Water, and be won’t want the whisky; Don’t yoa think it’s worth trvinglt. If you do, drop a postal to Efli* fit Co. It will coat only a cent Ow« Beilin autherity reckon* tbv amonst *4 capital lost to the Fatter) ind by eaugraUou to America at 12.00 C million marks. Many regard th* vast tide of amigraiion not aa an nunnxeil evil, but aa a purifying stream. They contend that Germany ia snffenuf, fror ov*r potmlaUon. A babt weighing thirty-two ponnd* wa* Ixju at Washington. Ita father u so undertaker. Tn sixst *ll troubles iixudent to ebsug. ot lite, Ljdis E. Pmkham's Vogetsbte Oompvaud Las no eqtisL Tua Jewish population of Vienna ia reported to have more than doubled it self, according to the recent oenan*, within the past ten years. In 1870 q was ao.aoa It is now 7XOOO. Isoiasanov. dyspepsia, narrows proaCreOoa sol all forms of reusrs. debOitj rsttovad by toklag Mas*Msx*s nrrvinxau Baa* Twno, ths only prepsretloo »f bast ooatatataa Its aaUre aatrtuous ivopsrtto*. It ooatams blood-msk Inc. for*a-g*oar*Uu* and Wfe-sastatohM prep artlre. la |nvslashfal:> all aufasbtod oonjlaoas, whether tba r**aX at axJmaatkm. narvovu nro» tret ton. ovarmort, or scat* ffisMa*. psrtSeafasty If resaltiag from pelsnoaary eoeipsatata Oss «*U, Hsssrd A Co., proprietors. Baw Tert. Warn') Wta I* tea teewre Ask Druggiato for “Boogh on Bata." Ilofaan vol rate, tawsk rsinbrn. fiiaa. bad-tasa* itt ■ atari gn reow nr. its*. Wiil»«m J. ( tmghhn, id Maxnri iflir, But. »*n "(a lb* fall of ItN I was tak*n •rtb bita**hM*a of th* iauc*. M a R*V*l« I iittfi BIT *" I ••ah. Rftd •Mriwifihwl to my Wd In |<77 f waa »d --■|iu*diotha bmepitaJ. Th*•«««.«• < hwi a hula m t«p Itmg aa h*g m fcaif • <ioHar. At on a lima a repxwt ttei t arm«n4 that I waa dwwl I <•*« ¥f» hogw. but • fy.wndLiU tur blDt, tTiUdAW Hatl.'fl VaLAflta 011 (MR L&a«*B. 1 a •ban, la my atwpruto, I wma 4 Xtaheal «ft-4ay 1 f«*l brtier fa*,- tbfaw yrwia pant. I wrtt« Ibaa bmp*ag arrry «m« • >tb tte I waft rill taka IM Yiujam Halx'i lav •* a, BK-I he rm.vitMted tbai tweTßrnot raw at «Ms. T ran »aly a«y Q h*< 4<m>« ■!»<<«• gsan< than fiTT th •tba-f iMediv'twwa I kava taba«* »Ga«-a txiv ackawfl " Gai Ba id and Faa.ily, rlaw.t *n*ravtag, ifi’t boat lur |t efiampa). Mi**hy i( *, t Aairdav B< , M. T B A ifi AM (TMs BaraMM »M» IBM to tbe I SMQS Is B MwMby MS) A STAN DAM REMEDY IN MANY HOMII. F«r Cmnblbk Cb><b.<Ynmp, WerfetUe awd all stb*r bMetCsia m tbs Tter««tC and LVWMMA, it at—A stitiraUd ssd eOeMy feyned all —; >t*Uss. IN CONSUMPTIVE CASES Il apfrseebee w sest a thsfl ,a MfestjM** * F* cwakj ar* pMMMisOy sarM, whwrs th* gpeefl ws are sutMly cTOswhe* wfeh. Throw la ssetosM sr eAher M preli*wte ta harm the rsssg er aM. as an EXFccmam it has m iqual. IT CMTAiNI M BTH/W M ANY FOBtt. 4. S. HARRIS fi 00.. Prtafltatetovs, < ■■4-SSBAW. ta. FOR SALE 8T ALL DRUGGISTS. 12 jvwxs ?• THE ramCE ANO W PAUPER ’ y u r*** •“ r""'- —»• »<*, ,*. *y ,**ty * >—' ** >re*“ on The Illawiiator. Tba aalaSeeca of aond Swilnron toe part nr the t rraeb Ssttoa far the pro u*s<<ritacaeatry t**b<nra by Um preen, la Uou ot a ...kaal bvixvrr figure of Freedom bolding sfan the t.rrh of Überty. Beauty, with useful ares, is ere- Mned In Ibis tiamenre w.<k of art. as lb<- ixfltbt. I4srin< torett will serve lhe puzpoae ot a Lracvo Itehllutbe harbor <.f Sew lurk. TWrs is somber figure which will chai ieixrv larger peaise and sd nftratl.w. than even the greai work abo .rvfc-rred «» S • MS* * Ua it U Dluatratul ber* wfth. »nd rrprvmenu lb« arrd and wort by kt JMoßghoMinrakkfllabOh*" l bwi tiabkh wUI tide artfbt all -aiHn< upon thernaH Hfi» , •b>M» waler* ai*dtn<! with lb« dan plarv* of airknr— »Bd dl— ar 1 br It ra*ia is dsrwlgnci Lu abow lhaX !*T. Ja< <>•»» OIL i» tlw tr«e and trmard means of krrpin< the UkJy on tufiramr v«mne, and us e—U>jr and ” righting it it »«• nnft rtunatHy ra»< u|w n the abcaia of rtMtimalUm <«<4lM*r painfhl aiUnctit*. Ihuor •irta ts rral< ful ofm* throOgbokit ih« v odd have uforeß the kaltM ai«*l fall l»e lA thia Grral <Bering i> and are gla»i to rm tn mend it to all iHwdnw the M-rrkrs « f juat »urh a remadv In tlda cmnectkrn Mr. John b. Krirjn. a wHI known M K-nwlii, Nrb.h.Mni»a»|a|cf mn that hr was terribly sfliictrd with an amte attack of rbctiinaii<m tn bi* ba« k. Ih< <li*ca*e, • hirji had been pn yiiig ti|*m hint fnr i«ar» bad drawn hUn «<it <»f aha|<e Mu tr—irtrn U> every remedy know u to phyakiana, bnt ftxind no rrtlcf until hatned hj, Ja«oim Oil-.c ue botUaof which effected ariittiplefr and rad lead cure Anutbar case »ay j tMily reference : A l HdHtfr h&i fhrfitn, ('htoian, JOj ] tend v n this, feelitg tiiat the iiiformaUon etmiejrcd v. i!i bros material iienrftl to many •€ yowr render* One of o« obfeaUitiarui (faipuln ( U . Hoynt«>n. lbw laovflrnmmt Licht hiMae keeper nt thi« point, i» C»teMy amt of Um- okfeal eranten iu Ameritn. vine aaikM twnwiyaix year* salt water A fief thia ferty-Mx year*’ m-n fee bb eytMght teilati him »n<l he kctH the 14ght al CbKwro uutil the Governiru nt ImiIII the Gn»* HAut l.ight here, when he wa« transferred. While srated In my atora thi* luoming Ihc < a|>Udu vohintr< rwt the fcAluwing written Matetnent: " 1 bfe ia to certify that I have tiren afliii ted with rlu uauLxm fer twenty <Jh year*, l-ah in my aide and llmlw I am bapvy to»Mh I bat. after Irra ii»an twobK Ilea pf tba by J o i>a« (ML. 1 ain entirely fret tens pain, ifeHigh Mid ihainiu M*i»eMh M t whui walk ißr.fnun U-nx Jorvv * f lialut < \t ImontoX?* Krferring to the fonTCoinx lart*. I might allude to uumcrou* ajtuilar cumt liamt have fi-nx- tn my aucice, but "a word andfefeni." Johnt orati.. Phfmif»M. Kv n) t.ini la p| HOSEUR’S fclfTER 5 niialeishwd Vlgar I* raimbu ratal in grrst measure, to tho* trouble.! with wr.k kidney*, by s ;adieious as.* of 11.-stettac's Stomseb Ritters, which invigorates snd stimulate* without exciling ita- urinsrv oigxnA In ennjaactioa wii£ its inflaenoe npo i them. It earrecls ssidiiy, itsprove, spp .lite, snd is in every way sou dseive to u slth no<l nerve repose Another marked nnality to i's contro* over serer snd stue, and its power of preventing it For sale bystl Druxgist* soil Healers jenerslly 15 to S2O rouNG men jttLsWeJsryn.: ire. «*4<re VstSrriM »g. tasweih, ■■■■miM iman tTaaasiß cum F RF ► < I iMk RiUPnitta, ar. 1 all Xi'Hu ■ ■ • Caalakaa m QaUitea. Mr vary <>r hwtor i.« ft aay kM. Taias Bob tfcnFni A i irvaa MaaAar4 6a*a 6a.« IH Xaaaaa Bfi., law Tndk Clt) MILL and FACTORY SUPPLIES OF ALL KINDS. BELTINB, HOSE and PACKING. (MLS, PUMPS ALL ONOS. MON PIPE, FITTINBS, BRASS 300DS, STEAM GAUGES, ENGINE GOVERNORS, Ac. Send lor Prioe- J»t. W. H. DILUN6HAM A CO., M 3 Main Street, LOUISVILLE, KY, 4704 twt eikaßtf MlßaaMeraßy mate. OeaGy > 4 Baa. Akfraai Twa B Ga.. Aagwfia, Ma a eurrs wajttod mb tw feawi ram ZY MjrloUfk '.Beak aw 4 iMbtaa. Ftlmn rWarwMtS par ea»A. Battaa al PwMiafeM urr or iMaKeeae ALWAYS CI'HABLB BT ÜBUfQ MEXICAN MUSTANG LINIMENT. or mu noa. or aiuuu, ■brew., tire, Owrettahs., Brews wtsU Beata.. Bore* Orel Italta, ■Stags aret BUss, Bfsavta. Create.. Cw*s *M Bratess. Serew Wares. Urwta, Berate. *k ■Utehaa, I are Kre, Uaar Hl, < aetretaag taaaalaa I -a.*.., •UflfJatm**, flwtaay, ■aakerte. Bp rale., Btaalre, terapaSaw*, Bar. Fret, kraal taltos. BaMteaee, ted all rstereal tie.a. sad are.. kartsreretare tar *re v*Jwss la family.aSateasrel .to* ~,4*1. TO flmsriu. LINIMENTS MMATWHILi PIICS "•flonos Ml I* irwartru •* trot h* m*u, a. MMULUUkrwMtattA, frrf Pspor iw Nho BrigrhL Indepeadeat, Iteli<ious and ( oßwrvative. The Methodist: FOB 1882. rwbSteßae WgCkMT as U taarwww ■*.. BMW IM* ■•****< reere asre.M4rta.arer~.laa*. taleM p«S*» Mak ..a*.., *as sal/ Two Dollars a Year. Vfeo«o *■>—■■ «■■ awflN *mvlßß< BfeW &• *“• *•••**■ *«■* •< •|Y •- N WMEf LEI LL. • HEY BAB tu dUBIY, LL. 0 liiera i Udor Ate-trei by aa able lot ot crombMara. ■wbHl—i i <•»»«• awwi rrwo ww ayfßtt—Maw. •» »ute*<Trtyo»a*“. rrwii by PraA, L‘b*r-fc, P.O. H«b*r <>r4*fa or BrgtafareM letter G«MI RtertoWf* waawa ev«ry wbege, «• wb*a> tb« k<b*M Ctoh riWßtetotoi will be IM* iddfV* H. W. DOUQLAI.PubIUhtr, ■w. IB ■wrrwy. Bt., Haw Taovb. Payne’s Automatic Englneak Mi £t ffehalU. , DnraUa and 8.-or-omtrai. wdfl/bmfeA a Wf ar |NMr*p v-fIA h taw wattr lUn wag OUUr Aj»<Ffer bwttt. not k’trd wiUj art A atom* tic Cufetiff Mend fnr lliuaf ral+d "J." few k|f<inMbtioa A Fruwa b W P. i u «>«.., Dux MM, N.T > W1 raaiarwd ta atm»4 orattB t V mum a tldßg *• TIOUETTEtBUSINESS Tho ie ikr eheapsrt *a4 aaly oemylsu at>4 reliable wtMkeci KuquaUe aa4 Basta«m sad Acetal Fmbj JI i«*l. haw io p«ef«BB all tba vonaao doite* of lu*. aa i hew la apfwar Ln lh« hwofi advaott<o oo fill aceastaxM *W —1- -flea* for otretaiars ooaUfbtag a bill darripfluti . ( lb* work aad sxtrs tarma ta Afsnu. Address, fimaa** Fwblm*ib«Co.. AUaaha, Qa. COTTON ISKINQ reT ?^" , KING OFCOTTON tor I fMtaty (ha OM aad (rMral gUntoUM purport* ■ wM/Mrm/ aa mb* oMAct ho Mr F©» ' PawjAileo ami Pncw La* •rp*T by maul ko TUB 1 AULT MAN * tAYLUR COMPANYTMAmriaLib Uxtfa GUNS MUr I* /**>*-*■ ftrfu idratf V' j <res •( GskslivCwax. w tab nten I*4 ■ wfi*4 be t > efire. iof te re tta«Mn« r»PB* ■ yoor dt-txta ovt. J work, far r<w ■ otljaiakinf* *n d ••* tor* Lraw tar rvr and ■ Hop B.ttera. Hop a. ■ it yrwt firs VWS nr fiM ■ BtUYrrfrw frner »»» ln ■ dte rrtvo-h or iUm>|« ■ U'>n if y<xi firs mar ■ rwd <w oLI or ■yvumc. ranrrtng frxwn ■ pwor fara'.'h < ' laiurateti■ itiM »n a bwd ot ■sw rc:r -.-a Ho p■ BfttC' 1 Where, yncfirr, gfffcb Ib-urtrt’db *ft- ■ wbcL. rr r., u LH Mlj nuallylruH toiu. ■ tbAt v •ti r • y*<B jnjl form < f Kldn o y R rrewwls U renal n.-, fa»n- mi,ft ■ •< luon siiiid, h»»' »•*’> i’t*v. t ■ With .*,• 1.1 vrt'-sgj, Lijf * tares vs I Blttori° P Hopßittero I H.v #? .:lftt ■ gwjte. > i .fff f JKfrfS—ta£—AssX> D. |. c. ■ adwliU an ■ - . ~ , ._IW! !»«• opium. ■ - U * * *fiITTf*HA lobar <u ,or csrwo 11 you topy 1111 y| • ruijcof 'a. g Hop nl 11 rnA ■ If TH WJ- rfatt-RF ’ ■ piy weak siriirn ' ■ »>l| NEVER <■ -•«!- ■’’ ,1 ,"l?rh*‘ri i| • ur on*** ■ life. It ha*® |A I L Bire co., ■ saved hun-jW srerere. *. i, | arene. ".u stesßarite faeoo w w ire sux v r.a *» $777 UT A TrTHR tetaremreew. W JXAbXUM -wrew. wresr- nyip-,.1 ,r. ... - . ' ' _ ■ -■ ■ . I rup<wo»u, - a a- - .« MitflitrU *« »««* »•< ■ ’*»• k jy ir>. ».<- > ■ " g g gg gg ggf ggj gg gg 11 ■ **'• .* /• • •»/• •* <•« •■ .■F JF JFJF V * g jg jgg g >*v-r'>>••-- I r J _ jy jl7 <4sP Kh S'* t,,1, '» • >•• I IMF g g 1g g g& ggg g jsSp Wj B* •> I lr K Ar A & rSr AfFr <■ AS 9 jUnS M ,z m %<•»•<«•<• 1 f |l_ At / jy jjy «<*•" •"-' • / |JSJSissZSsBaEK3sEHsSESSSS!EESS£sS®® l,!lfl I * ee «•«/**••« f> »■*’ - 4 *' 4 O»fTLIMP: (nwa wmorni my Übrr ••aotrwodinirty bgr A °C 1 * l ’* •• ■® f b nH*W. iui tn thn contrary. wmf•/ •4 by MMwyqd pruatretloj pad ohUUfe At thiaumo Ibouau tb« iim« of your hoWhisn', from whi. t» I r» aliwddßoti woodoHul rw«lw Tboold «O«rry acd I found «b*4 W) »*tural f cbotod. iboro oMdlhroobotUMof th® Took Hi neo u>in«lllh.>« duo« t» ■ -th” »• twruiat l«*or <IUI in lb« aaJMtlMdurla* my HJtMOM. aod wttb doubU Uw m«c U itb th- traoqni! n*' - ***V*rs of UMiy. U cvm also > rlxr«Mi of U>ou«bt <mr Imforo ooioyod. 1 1 the Tunic ba- do*. to work. I kiMw no< wbal 1 giro it Wcredit. J. F W- roow. f n-tor ChrluUn Church, Tmy. <* (TBo frwM <« al KSSSSSSSLSSXZZZZZSSZSZZISZSSZSSSSiwi ./ /,OH. WK W f gs WfM 9g 1 w«M /»..«< •«. I J£ J r JJ K r Jg o-oorUiCed M Kt K A JF £ *WA (Ar | W A ff J A M M li ■ Kgb J g £ggg ggi gU ****** V f» *•» w I•«• ie «« m J imurwiinm of. na»tkr midicine co., m. tu bmth -ah itiut. r n»n- D"METTAURS. , ,tl» j Aa-P—C— rax— ««r« mo«t im-rrtnliy tn n »err ***** ***a K(X. aund xmtvoca Mt—n-r-wfej and wldl« a. Mnf • wSj*!S?^|?y X- t \ <> _ ,h of •>oeaa at bUc, pro dnrvnj " ••HEADACP “"W- »w iia by all -ragglate at tie. feu proprietor., ■■owx CMBMTTAr COWAXT,B«III»n- ■ ••••PILL PETROLEUM If —d MW*rW *y U- PHTC I "*■ CIAJ3 es roiflPl »4 I Th. moet V.|u*m. I M. I Family » ** TwMn* g rw V— H*« 0-4 »•*» m W W % T-.IIMIM t W y»a-n>a Cmaha' •*» m ¥ g <?*»»■, rrwro. «wSSuS«rSr B t£!te ÜBMI twrn** 1 T*r s-csrisiT ■I ‘ StSfli y'- T ’ w 'Sf«W!7' RSrmtcure ' RHEIMATISM 1 “ *-■■■ WwSiweatteret rere. fl THOVSABBS IF CASES tl*taa ww*M fasm* ar «hia iambi, arere Utareteoa gtastaWTOi il.taartmure H PANFXCTLY CUWKD aria taerevy garter tea Oaaatrv la has- ’ ’ areas of rewa 11 haseares*Small els. brt i' Bllsd Ilia adM. but staeiMi. CCBTSIX IMlTßkCTtek.batire-re.ia.UtaLi ', t*-l I eteaaem. Blreealbere ate al < re X re I Ufeteaineetartortaaioraaasot tbsare, , Tba aatoreu aettem or tbs kldrey. u reawred Tb. Uvwv U alrtnetil ot all areare. and th. f Bewrels move toreiy *a4 bsaJibtaii, to ibi. vmrtte wrete area... M ereareswl from ' *s the maos atoaswsl rwnaSy far olesnsuic ta. I sjoeeiu or all reortsa 11 re«.ia b. waskta reaey boeaahoM ae a SPRING MKOICINE. Al east rerea kIUOCStaBS* towimr*. . now. PtltaS aad ell VXMShB IXereae. ■ peSeotaßr; Vrertabte Vww. tnua ou- ' ere parkaew or ekw-kiMutesoart. reacts. are la 1 rtwte Perea. ..r, I'rerewtoure Ire ’ " taseoereelrec. of tfaorewhorreoocrMUnytre ' . p*retl. Zlocl.««r*rere <*re»re..nurrrmw arr rropTot’R pncooipr. ' WUJ.s. KiCBiUBKOV ACa.. Pre, t. eMearyimt iwM i srsuteros vv. ' To the People,".'.South, ■ IH4MS tataVWTAIX tote Its taEBOKS. * Hater, of lb. Hauls, OoL T, I TSO, u* it. eb.rt Ita to h, *n«i lew ,*ar. .pr.t io prerezt- « » aow pablwbea o*4 >.*rf, for Sslltwi. Ire imkL Ltkab C. bsAPKfi, LL. I) bro epsnt 40 years i B r>'b»r .ng Diterfali fnr Ibis work, whtcfc sbuaads la Bllr’n. r •ttslsof »dT»oitirs* end Ittui-brsadtk aliksmte? Mtalif to old Afad roRPg- Th* Oersndentß of augb me* Csansb*!!, Mbrlby, Msvisr. < Irvslstid. Wm-em. Hambfighl, M.4>uw«il, Wiusuxb, Hasim«m.l. , •, now :>▼«•( by ths thowssnds throo c hnvj l •uulk will wrle-vtas thie asroßAaenl r*w<d ol ibu •»._ rttaisrvrnt wh ch tars*«th« Ud» sfibe BfevetßUos T'* work <»>s(«ii**<.|*pxtbs, m tn* ysrwr, besQurw’y • >lh .evm st. sd j-trlrfilt. of ths Meros*, find nutnrro „ wnralmt*. with lt>d*i <4 ft.OW) rwfsrrncw. Mrirw »*Ni p»<! |Mi<j r»esip< f 4 re**, c* s»sy tw hsd «< :• rvsry Cxxiai/. PKTKK O. THOMHOX, PnblteMr. Mo. IT» Vi»* RUmI, CtscMufiU, o **’ <»*»•»• W Meted for nnafisifasd isrrikarr btsg r< irrm>, ci>cul«Y* and sample eopy. G.- I ,re l fl j*l J Arsato srsniod for l»lb of Presto* i Osr* QpilOin *« >d A complete, feithftd hui.-r f, rn HI Until "• dl * 10 r*’*- lh * rwtfieid ULJLIUm pbtar.Col.Cocw.ll, B<x>*s ail rrsdv !'< <<•- | 11 very. An rlscaolly illaatrMsd rolsm* Kador**<l rdti’ < ■ Liberal terms Agssta lake orders for from jo uin c-p.* I dally. o«te*lls any rdbsr book lOtsl- Agsow ne»*r mwl* ; tnnney Bolael. Th* book e*lla itself Bipsrieucs uo< t I aaiy. Fallurs Q*.kD»sra. Ail naaks tmosense prop's Privsi* tiaossß A Co, Portland, Mass* Ale, P*Mteb*rs, IA faer. ksv esarywbww. OMrs IM An Only Daughter Cured of Con sumption. By the sceideatel preparation of an Ewt Indian herb Dr. H. Jntn**, while experimenting. aecidonUHy cnre>l his only chilil of Coxsumitiox, and now gives to tire afflicted thi* recip* free, for two atam|xi to pay ext»*n«u*. Addvest Caiwxx i A Co.,'lo®l Race St., PtSii delphia, I‘*_, Burning this paper. N- v iviMiii.u.i rm. m • Momt let Iswr. Arwon.iia teilvrevrtl l *p*» I .»*> ante pol trit's adj u-ttad. Msnsgrt. |> k* *i‘j v TRIITM 11 B,uKT ’ ra. wwo--4 I hP ■ PS rely" fte. ■ilri'iri - 'lmi •gfiMsa ■*-»*•,! Wa*«4 srtß (b* M< ms* vttA a*s . ■■■ fatgl*. «e*te U or**, bo-4 tark at ta», taste * *i*B*rvi of vßßs.tws* ta«s*7 veteHtaM «* *A osi **.«<»■ <oQGKjgnk, AtaTta* FtreJ L Msrtsaee. M ■«.< v Fl L—re* Nte. iioaS>Wm?B:-:7.-7“" l .‘ l . ■■■■■KB ■ , 'A'Watu*n. Maa*. Pnbtuhars' UaiM, AllnatA, 0a .Forty-fear.-41. B.O«W AUANTA w ANTBM 'ftj Ttf a LIFE OF GARFIELD. ILa«Miy Ilfs and career d**<'Ml«f and Usir-Auan >»w*>*s t'r»n and MininiatraMw : hts aMMfehUfoa; h!s bs»*» atragßls for life ;• wnoderfu I medical tr*a?a»*al_ bi*** j njkonlßg ; rwtnnifel M ElhsTpn ; dw-sth, Me. PvßAarty /•eTratAi. Kpl tall did pnrtrfirt <4 Oar RsM, h>« •Ifeandwer H ; ar*r»e o< the SfeAAiQg ; Lb* a»rk-chamber; 6mfße - • hu cell | th* eargrons and chet-eIxDM Th* mA- pw**»* andewtAmriz work. Tbrvw w a fwrtwr i.w <?"»'* fav * r »- MJsUiUuLM Outfit BBe. Hpwfik Sbtr< FVBBAMD BiOrt., PuHfebeta, Atlaate, ire rjga.