Columbia advertiser. (Harlem, Ga.) 1880-18??, November 08, 1881, Image 4

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nr* rttit mu When wa read so much aa we do about rwvtakoc, maanacripta, ate., aoaae of the term* employe*! tuu»t be confining to Uxne who have aot lit* mean* of ilcflu mg them. Thns, u> every newnpaf>er nore or lew* M Mid about '* uncial*" and ••cwraivea" aa apftliotl to the old trit* <4 the ecnptnnw. The former tens relate* to each* a* were wntb-u varlieat, **y more than a Chouaand year* a<i>, and the latter to thoae that have hero written more recently. “ Uncial*” l* from the lotlui word inch, and i* ao uaod liecaw* the letter*, Iw-uig capital*, and tinfriar* lar#c, were aaul to be- *u inch Jong. The “ curaivc" ia the run ning hand, and refer* to atnall au.l con nectad writing, each aa we ua>- al j«w ml. The antiquity of the uncial* give* Uirm an inter< »t that c annot belong to the other*, though it ia their caaential valui aa lining the early— the firat copu-a of to* text tliat cotnmeufe them to the acliOlaM who UM them. When *a remember that three old writing* were Ix4*l*! over and over again by hand, we can have aome faint Idea of the lai or required to give the aenpture* circulation, aa we can alao appreciate the cane with which mistake* could oc cur in the formation of letter* and the oonatruction of arntenoo*. Our »ur priae ia not, the roton 1 , that there arc ao many mutahee in the varum* readings, but that there arc ao few, while we recognize the neCMolty of correcting them ao far a< it ui po**jbh> to do ao,— 7%r (fated Im a recent New York dia|nteh »»« the stateiueiit that in the ilrxt eight month* of IBbl tharu were named new bond* and atock*. and placed on tho market for aale, to the amount of >171,• 000,000. The whole amount of new railway constructed covered by the** figure* is about 3,500 mile*, which, n* actually coating 935,000 a mile, would give an aggregate of about •MM I 4MN».<MNX Wo presume thia is more than thoiractuil cost. In all the <mum*< the oompiter of Uii* statement put* down a* cuali act ually invested the amount of bond* i* sued for tho oovstructioii of new road* ; Uie amount ot Ixmda uteutxl for improve menta and for Um purchase and consuli dstion of other road* ar« put dowh aa also calling for cash, though t|j« amount ia aomewhal catimated. In the ca»e of thu ‘io called‘finoorae bond*'* and the capital stock noaaah waa called for, they being tncre gratuitiee issued in mere* »f any real <*J*l, or expenditure, or value created. Os thia 9671,1X11),(MM), remark* the Chicago 7Hswnc, lose than |IMM),■ 000,000 represent any actual property; the remainder is purely Action—water without even a color of substance in it. Yet tliese skxik* and bond* are on the market for »*lc, aud that there are will ing dupes prepared and anxjou* to lose their all in thcao wild cat <>p< rations i* evinced by the ever-increasing supply ol the paper i»uing. There is, of oounxi, to be an mid to the knave-and-fuol buri nre*. Credulity and credit have a limit. There mnsl boa day of reckoning. The holder* ol Uii* (ATI,WO,(MM) of new bonds and stock must sooner or later discover that lesa th J> RUMi.OOO.tM) ol extrsvw* gaullywatail Vaio** ia all tliat is Ix-blnd tliese Ixiuda and utijck*. 'J his st'l,(XX),- 000 i* only a fractional part <>( the watered and inflate*! stank* and bond* now floating on Wall street. Tue time* that pretwstel 1873 are fa* repealing themselvea, and the crash ot 1H73. so far aa the stock-market is concerned, promise* a speedy reapfiearsiiee, bu with vastly increase-1 force, just a* mxin a* the fixila have al) been drained ot Uieir money, gud there ia no longer auy use lit keeping tho swindles afloat. « ritir rv mtxitr cljlT'x raitu. Here wo visited Aiddaud Farm, the home of tho "(Ireat Harry of tho W<«t.” All es that ence aaagnifleont farm (ex cept tliat portion owned by James Clay and on which bo now resides) was bought by the State of Kentucky. A |ort*on ha* lieen set apait for an Agri cultural and Mix'lran leal School. The old residence, on account of it* dilapi dated condition, has Ixmvu rebuilt by one of hi* sons on the aamo rnodch A good many of the free* planted by the hand* ot Mr. and Mr* Clay as ornament* to the grounds have lieen cut down and car nod way. He is buned on one of the elevated apot* in th<- Lexington ceme tery. Th* State of Kentucky has erect ed over his remains a very imposing monument of granite and marble, cut from its own querns* In the basement of th* mcouaavsat, through Klfleaa door, ia seen hl* tomb, on which is inacnl-ed one of those efoqwsat sentence*, taken from one of hie epeeehe* in Oongn**. ui which be calls on (kxl to I mar him wit nee* to the jmrity at hi* motive* and the abeence of any demre fog eeif-aggrau-l unP that prompted his advocacy of the pen Ung measure before Oougrrn*. Not at aU. Not at all. The Rrmrtirr intend* to inUmate that tho Baptiste <4 M teen nr* are not Bapteeta—that they have got into the wrong font, aa it wurw. —(riscgpo AtfUmca ■v OMrvasernra a ****** Cough and Cold. I was eooi|>aU*d to gt's *P ■»’ daily work Slid hasp te tea hew** A MWgttec* rwiumwM as* to try * bo*U* <4 Dr. Bull s Cosgh Hyrop ; It wsa prererwd and s*d . to ay aa ■awtimawl few W. (Xavro*. Wavsrly. Md r» a TKM> a vom The Anthropoiogioal Society of France had under diacamiou, not kmg ago, the question whet tier tlie dog deeceudz from Uie woll M. Harbourdin said that he ha<l brought up a wolf that was now fl year* old ami was a* gentle as a lamb. It waa, beside, remarkably intelligent, and could open tho doc*» by turning the haudloa. When it heard a clock strike it would stand ou its hind legs to look behind, ami would move the hand* round with it* pews. It is fond of per fntuee, and lives ou gorxi terms with poultry end other animals, but ha* a gieat aversion for cate. Its bark resem ble* that <4 a dog. M. de Mortdlat, on the other hand, said tliat he hail Ixwn endaavunng in vain to tame wolves. They were gentle enough so long a* they were young, but became savage a) the adult size. A HoltoKZ, Mask., exchange all rule* to tlie cure of I). O. Judd, E»q., U. S. Htijx-rvieor of Postal Curd Muiiutaetory, wlio was cared by Bt. Jacob's Oil of rheutuatißm sud neuralgia.— Hridycpiirl (Conn.) Slan/iard. IIOFKfI TO nAMAOFM, A cute, but very civil, Umf was one who broke into a mite-lxix in the vestry at HL Borromeo Church, Philadelphia. It waa found broken open and plundered of a sum i stimated at 312 to fI2U. The cheeky “ cuss" left a note, reading: "Tin* will never bap)«ti again. I got enough to take me to Virginia. Tliat Wa* idl I wanted. I hops butaru long to [ray damages.” Mb. Gioiiik Drakk, 4H Oak street. Indian..[roll*, lud., Mifferol terribly with •water rheuuiatum. He used Ht. Ja cob* Ud and was entire ly enrol.—A'. Spirit of the 7 t i>nr‘r, OTFKCKO*I>KI>. A* long ago a* IHlfl N. I’. Willis wrote to a young corrr-spondent : " Ax to writ ing for niagsrjnca, that ia very nearly done with a* a matter of profit. The competition for notoriety alone gives the editor* moro than they can ns-i. Yon oonhl not rell n piece of jxx’try now in America. Thu hteriry svenuex are al! overcrowded, sud you cannot live by the pen, except a* drudge to a newspaper.” fief out Doors. Th* dos* cot fi.irnisnt of a'l <a*ti ry work gi***' th* o|i-r«il»e« pills-i fae>s, |>oer so|.» tit *s. I ‘ I'iM inoe-a I*l* f**lio<«, |e»or bio el, iasici” 1 ver. kidneys end ur noy Uonbln, an l di i)>* )> y irisn* as<l u.n itesl u.en io th ssrid ouuot hr’n ikeni ui|l*s-< t4i*y get oa o’dnors or sis Uop Bi’.lms, l-.« inr»» sol be I irnie’y, «»p»< ably for meh k»<m« , «iti aicvot b**!lb, sacstitii* *n,l« ro-y cnreki In tnrni Th»r ch«t »*ut a Ir.fl*. ■ * so t n tolM’i>t>4Chr «'Lan R*(il«)ct- Brirr Hautb’s work* were greatly a»i ruired by the late Dean Stanley, and Mr*. Ho .per quote* him a* saying, half laughmgly, yet with genuine tdnoenty, to Uie poet and novelist : " I do not want you to bo m a hurry to quit this world, Mr. Harte, but if you die before liie I attell certainty put you tn Wckt aunster Abbev.” •‘( Mmcai. InscoTssv tfniite ilia k not uUi> a aHjVvrtigtt rvinedv for conemn; Uou, but blmo for «>>hnmij tiw brojiclkfUri, c<»ugh», tepittUig us I hrol. weak aborthrM of tnath, and kjndrwU of the throat and cht uL By TfISBK haa l>een a markol dimumtioo in thu nunilier and amount of fsilurrein Great Britain. There were 13,132 in- Mjlvencic* report**! in 1879 and only 10,398 in 18X0. Tho liabilities in the torwer year were 8138.'MW,(MM), and ip the latter flbo.MM),000; the assets were 960,600.0X1 and 833,500,000 respective ly. But, if the grain crop for Uils year dis* not turn out iietter than is now ex pected, there msv be an increase in the recoreL f.-sii- ts**4lnc to.uni, N. V, A|*rii 2A, I**-’. Da. K V I’issi e. HußaJu, N. Y.: f*ar Mr I tee! It my dnlv to write and thank you tor shat your ” Medical I’l.corrrv aud “ Fsvwnte Prsscriptloii ” have doo* tor my daughter. It i* now Ur* weska sukw ah* Ixyau than n«*. Him i« more tteahy, ha* SHU* color lu liar t*<V\ no Ixwilaclir. ai>d la ui -Star ‘ways gloat:v luiprov*.!. i.»ur* trulv. M. » MAIU ELLA Mi EK*. Ntxx years ago Katie Fhelps, daugh ter of C. O. Phelp*, of Atchison, Kan., swallowed a nickel. She waa but 3 years <dd at the tune. Since then she lias lx-eu greatly troubled with sick turns, wliich ptualed the doctors. vomited up the nickel, which wa« found to be of alsxit hall its proper th wk urea. Almost tnunir .twain. Mr mother wa* afflicted s lei * time with nr-urslg* asd a du l hnavy .mrlur condi lion o< th , who! - av-lvm; bsadaeh*. n» i veu i real ration. ** i was a'mn t b*i|j**». No phys eiaaa or mc-tic nra did h*r asy y<*-I Thre* mouth* *<.. lb* l*.-an to uae tio| Bitt are with lur-h good »fl cl It. a. *o* i< rm* asd trs'r youn< a<aiu, al h -igh ovrrarvmiy r*ar« old. Mn. I’arsxul. is now among the wyxen trwsauie* of the .Mreara Tnaamnd (Mad ame died ioug ago). "A of rank ”is alleged to have lately gazed awhile ou thia " eountarfi it presentment'’ with preMound irterret. Then taking off a heavy gold chain, with cross attached, she reverently kissed it, and placed it on Uie image Usuxa olb*r cathartaw. Dr. Pwrre * "Psl- IM* ■' do l*.l rend- r U* bow*ia cwati** after operation, l-ul. on Um ooutxarv, iwtaldMh a pnr luaiwnUy beaithy actxxi vwftreiy reye- luhw no pan.. u.*i ,-ar* a requure *ku- Uieau. By draggwt*. tX>Lolui*r>, Uie youngest <4 the States <4 the Union, ha* now 800 miler of rail road uniter contrect, and has just been oeiehraUng the ojauing <4 a 2UO-mite branch which complete* a line 450 milre long, rewching Irotn I ten ver to U»- Ar aaus a* vaitey, m the extreme aouUi western iwrUtm <4 the Htete. w,***** * »*J* Kid***y aoJ hirer cw*. Pusnxn Gaarau> began to mend vfter all at his physicsana had given up hope of Lis recovery. It will ba rw membaMd that a few yean ago Chart** O'OoZkor’a phyririana left his bedside, declaring they could do no more, and tost deaUi waa near. The patient had received the last rites <4 the church. Then he waa given a bit of food which he had craved and been denied, and he directly made way toward health. Th* iTinoe ot Wales was pronounced peat hope by ins doctor* a few years ago, and be turned back from the grave on the Sunday which had been designated as a day of prayer throughout the Unit ed Kingdom for his recovery. A i riKßxapoxMicT or tne fmmernaf Adi'rrUaer *|>eaka of railroad officials aa "carnivorous cuaae*.” It grind* aom<- neoole terribly to be refused a pas*. XeHce. From the 10th of October. 1881, to lie Ist of Joly, 1882, genuine Rocx Brnisu Water’ will be supplied to cus tomer* by Ellis (kCo.,of Bailey Bpring*. Ala., at the following rates : Ten gallon* in anti-corrosive can .93.00 Same can refilled at. -1.00 Five gallon* in anti-corrosive can.. 3.25 Bame can refilled at. 2 60 Nine gallon* in glass bottle* .... 7.60 Reasonable freight and expreaa rates are given by all railroad*. This water ha* been known for nearly fifty year* a* a sure cure for Dv«uep*i*. a sure core for di*ea<“* o’ the Ividney and Bladder, a sure cure for all curable case* of Dropsy, a sure cure for Bciofulou* case* of the Bone* or Skin, and a certain de stroyer of the terrible thirst for intoxi cating drink that overcome* so many worthy resolution*. Deprive a drunk ard of hi* diam for three day* and meanwhile give him plenty of Rock Spring Water, and he woii’t want the whi*kyj Don't you think it’* worth trvinglt. If you do, drop a postal to Ellis A (yo. It will cost only a rent " Phktty nice thing in your paj-er this morning,” said Fogg to Uie alitor of Tho Matutinal Marauder. "Y«a,” said the editor inquiringly, his fare light ing up with a glow of pleasure. '■ I »up |N**e yon refer to my loader on th** situa tion ? ” Fogg shook his head. " Or, perhaps it was that neat paragraph about the Bungtown railroad 7” “ No,” said Fogg, " it wa* a pound of beefsteak that I took home for breakfast. Nicest thing I ever saw iu the Marauder, ’pon hpnor.” Man i* like a musical instrument he he i* worthless unle** in tune. At time* , the system need* the strengthening ef fects of a tonic; the blood need- rein forcement. nnd the vital energte* Mie*u lant. Iron in various form* ha* Ixen in use for vear*, and no lietter combination of it with other vitalixer* than Dr. Har ter * Iron onic i* known in this country, ft iaa safe and reliable remedy in Dys- | *'psi i(u n. ral Debility, Wanlnf Vital-1 ity, and tue usual disorder* attendant 1 upon a prostrated condition.—Burling ton (Iowa) Gazette. Alphoxrr Carr, referring to food adulteration* in France, once said : "If I [lotaon my grocer I shall be sent to tho peniteuQary, but if he poison* me he Igeta off with 916 fine.” Max and women that norm* sedentary ocen- 1 pit on* need to t»ke Kianay-Wort. i More people should die on Saturday than any other day, os it’s the recoguiaed j *nd of the week. Pvbb Con lav kb On. made from selected liver*, on the *ea-*hore, by Caswell, llssard A Co., New York. It i* *b*oliitaly pnreand sweet. I'stient* who hire once takoo it prefer it to all otiM-re. Physician* hav* d«*<ted it *nuen--r to any of the other oil* In market. ■*< Way- ■■■*»«, rata, eata, mice, anta, flire, Inaerta. cleared out by "teoagte an Rata." 16c.. drua_i>ta. ■ifxwv•*> canwoi.ic ■ ai.vr I I - r .-KITE <->r f'tetn, hr !.»•«■*. I Irera, *»'• Khrttm, T*Ml»r, < >i«|*)w>*t <"kilMaln*. < strike, a trt l k irvla nt B-itn IlßfdlnM, FI«C-lli«ra taset tlwt < in Roll' HALVE, all u»h*<* ta. I'ltee 35 ewtUn. »»i< o<YWF.w<Trn rittehm . ’v.l r»mealv (■< !>y«prp>«n. Uw’ietie-a, MelMtte, an-l l>iaera»«« vt the Blood, fttdueje, Liter, Mttri, •«. |.ictTvKRW Nxrrp <*.»*• »n I • I ate- I I ! ! ’ V -'il’fl UVBB MUUI atte the tw*l < niharUc • tl *nr i »ux> and Family, elegant en<ra*>hg, IwiH Beni fag M oXampe.) I*be*-ay A «V»., _u lUrciav •» ,X. Y. —~ BAIM AM R?® Wfe ■■. * A V/ iTM* »*r”<M rvprvmu tb. Umji kaa baiNAy IM J A STANDARD REMEDY IN MANY HOMES. *« « ■ Il<b I. O*M>. «Vw.. Hr.. Mill .*4 .11 Mhw |«H»| <atba T..»a« LlWa, . I—a , : ..rrM.lW.a4 Mierly Wjw.ll n—i iiiu.b, IN CONSUMPTIVE CASES 11 i f fM«l>» 44 W» « <4»84l IBM Mr ; r..1, v. lirßMwjt; MrW. rt«i lA. 4UMUM* an 1 Mnnly rc.llW MU. TWr. b M*aM « Uhl Is- I I P >4aMl.brbU.rm(«M M M EXPCCTMMT n MA* M HUM. IT CMTMK M «ntM M MT FM< J. N. HAU Wil A CO.. Rroprlotora. IlKIUtn 4K FOR SALE BYALL ORUMISTS Tnn value of electrical inventions has recetvod a fresh illuatratr-ai in the case of the schooner Vermillion, which was wreuiu-l 111 Lak” Ene iu 1843. The vew- Mll Was hsvled with copper ingota of the value of fifIO.OOO, but her precise location tar <lowu iu deep water was for tlnrty f-<ur year-, a mystery. It remained for elecfincity to solve the mystery. With a newly-invented electric indicator on txciril a cruising schooner evidence <4 the proximity of submerged metal was at last obtained, and diver* were sent dowp to March. They lauded plump on the deck of the sunken vessel, and reap|>eari-d at the surface bearing one of tho e -pi-er ingota. The entire recovery of th- valuable cargo in nndamagvd con dition is now a question of a few days only, - COMFORT BY THE WAY. / 1 y The nnall br»y • Mm of frnnfne » J 4 coßjrjrt and happiuewfl wan u» t<‘ j pitched Into a pr«<i us kt* cn amwhtne I L ’ »bor»«* Mtrt ftuk!<* | ) HlimiM’ry ibo ahaenceof the**' I ikl pl«»a»inul»*iMn< r«. Thai boy BimHF . fcjt; rrpr*M*nu htunanhy Comfort 1« Rp ull I‘Wiauil by comrant— «nH’> • ■JP thing in pn>iw»rti<»D D» our mnutplion FJlrf < us the diMDivufitaiceM of our dt prHa i'l •’ I thvrv f Thu apnht> to material r II ■ thlnr 1 ’ •' well at to immaterial con /iJH ■ MderalMma. Ihe frit le. wb<afl Bp- I I ■ pearnniv in the wintry cold an<! ■ uh ak !)»■•« K u I y ihr 9hhcr of dlffcont fort ihnMiKh the woakl•«<- I ■ 'f| p*l nolhau of tLe to>l«»t comfort iu i ■! ' IM fultrr daifl of the lummcr I HHrmmom’u And in both wanon*--that n ■Win which the hie iu flotirbbtt be»t I ■ !■ and tn the ono » herein iu alaenre U fl Ila con«pi< ii'Mite- thnt m<*t iincfi’jutorta i ■ ■■ hie an«l tortuniuf (liecmc, rbcuma- Ml Isl tl*tn, plentifully alounds causing VIV painand agony to Tnyriad*of people, ill ■ An<l l u n ‘ l thus afflictive 111 r! If•uffvrm would onlyuwbT jacom VI M tnL ’ th *’ and >|»eedie»it lM f j| remedy In the whole world for the Vlf erwh< ation and cure of rheumallam lai and all painful al hnrnta. Ihcfollow- J lit in# fh»mthe Rochester (lh<l 1 11l i -b*»w«h«»witntne jMople attend to thatr ’ I rbaumattam: “ when a young hu*- *«J! I hud gone from home, an<i with aßfil I fond »<di<-Hu<le tetigraphed hi* little I illUJj ‘What bfi'« you f« r brt-ttkfa>t, • Ml J j f and hnw» the Lal v.’’ be i»»cited the JI | p brief,practical gn4 migg* >tiv? reply— Ji j * Bid kwheat cakv>« and Uie ineaaiv*.' II I " v bare tho rtjort of a can? in our nl in hi*!, not where toeaafeawaa In the VB I bill of fare, but when* m iatlv rheun.a- ti-ni runilned Mr. J.lMwaon.the well* J'l I known lb* heater druggiat, to hi* J I I room for a long period. liwa»9tat<-d ] I toour n-jMjrter in the following word*. / I ’TbcM’nior mrinlwr Os thia firm wa» I f I attacked with lie rheiimati>m ff ■ aliout I>crvinljer Vlh Ihm, and for four I H week* mcceeding Feb. l*th, could I ll w-anxly hb room. HfUwdM | ■ JA<onaOit, and i* now able tote at i I hitepbice of btuiiH mi, fueling not much • . 1 v a for hi —The Inforcnro ia convlhdbg Tho - —— run which er. Ja<o»*('iL h hating K— -t». wc mi) . nnpr <•<»<h ntud, and the ar- Whass- c I" rapidly dlapiacilig ail oth* r rbeumaii' rtincdie* as ia*t aa Ito vir- II tue* Ite-eome known. nIA "1 igai i i V”, oniMrbt* nil xu sh di <)..’< j 4 • rails Mjrs it the bpringtu Id htyvNifii*, ‘ that Mr. Allert Guenther, under Hotel, ha* um <1 that remark*- i/7 V Me reme*ljr, Mt. Janriu Oil. fora severe L Hi»c of and it cured him k _ |i> if by luagU* JjOSTETTfijjj fcifn-RS UaeafUr IrMouablK i |e anrea Os life, n p'Operlr eo ke.t meal, aflorda little or n> ) re»«n'e ijoyui. ■>', tn I much >ub»e <] tent tor are t>* cm firmed diepeptic. But • h 10,1 be ehr mic indice«tion in combatted with Ho tetter • Bi.inych Hiner., the 'on I i» w en *ith relink, nod mo t wpo tuiief *ll, t» aaomil.te I by and n oui.hea the nyateßi. Vie th a trend tome ant cotecire al-o to r.uiedy c< na ipat.ou, b biomue*., trictuxli* tIMB, eeer end ague For wile by a I d ujreiate and dealera ran* « rally. To the Peoples.South ■ i.woa auiiTeta eu ar—.. "£ r. I Two. aaa eh. .Mau • hH-b I*4 h, iwo imh «pa«l )■ nriMJdls ta " ow pabjuhed ted iasdy tet dalivsrj. 'fU —«»t t Lva>> C. Uum, LL b b M fl|wat k * Lsr« U aZSZI •»< n**wr>ala far tai* vn«ti, whcti a Soo ada la Mirriar rw olAia WWrwatarwMd Uu-brtMth ai*fc. tsur. yowwf Tb* 4*r«t>d«c'a W at»«h k>« d m fawhrWH. BfetiM. *♦»•»<, ■ .•TaUsd. Leeay. WijUmm, ba. M < wd Iwti •wfwra. waw hviss by ib« ih-~tranfMi tbreobnai ih* M ..IH atn t>,>u * •’•*! whxh iur»«<Q ii« uda W iba Ma*MSSo« Th* •<*d esta, wttb lnd»a nf S.fllß raforassss. V*rb<v >4 • ww? '**lSTßf , u“ l rSoiy(M k ftau. < i£*“ »«. it»v,m tame, ’.•4r».t» a» ..Maua wnuvy. r*“l ealar. aad a*a»*4« npy TTT A mpTTT’a **“"■** J o*~*.eMww« WAI Wd - S22S'S3S'JSK-S as urn .hrrjEi ti: . a®rwTW wa<m»ro aiLi nt a UFE OF GARFIELD. Mwlaur »a< l« al elan .mail a; au a.a.nn., lu, a«<> •troeat. wr M.; uMrt.l mm UM—, Um. I*“ |I W: tMueew m KlwrM; *uak. aaa IhaKM f„. l * , OMiuT! . g?*- teSUrte a «ub ia flys* MZ .? k 2 SSwe farwawriy *»♦. Encyclopedia » tiouette* business Tin, » i ti.r>> ■»■>«*- •■* **>L owaatata *a* restate .<»■ <. xaaMte *ta Itam >a4 Otetel " toll, ha* UMrtor. all IB* rertoa, Satl*. «<llto,*ta bow to *pt>** r Um k*W *B***tefl* •• *U *— A<— M W.**. terestere • mm. r*teuta*a o*., rtatea*tete». >»■ MILL and FACTORY SUPPLIES OF ALL KINDS. BELTING, HOSf ind PACKING. OILS, PUNPS ALL KINDS. HON PIPE, FITTINGS. BRASS GOODS, STEAM GAUGES, ENGINE GOVERNORS, • Ac. Send for Price ir. W. H. DILLINGHAM A CO.. . 143 Miin Street, LOUISVILLE, KY. 4? f f / OMtetre. Atarew j) f f I r. te- VUta«y7. A»M-»'»- ■» PLAYA! PI.ATM! FLATS! ri*AY«! P<>» Me*4 cg< labs, R»r AmaUurTheatrical#. T. tupwxmra Praya, PrawirifsßiMMu Hat*. Fairy Flap, >.Ono|4*n ' Flaw, OuM* Rook*, Pantonmura, TaLi«*a<Li NNKtirmton Lights, Catered Fire, Rural Cub, | Th»alr»ral Fare prepai alriXMt, «E«rht,’- Waa W«<k«, Wtu», | Hrarila, MoQaUrhra, t ortuni'-s, ( haxadr* B4»<1 I’aper rtc»ne»i Frw catariogoffla aetitfre*. crmUtwtnf full dr— 1 •CT-|4 -a. a) 4 |ff»cea. NANIKI FME.Mt 11 A M», , aw » . I Illa IM.. Rew Ywrfr. lUVSKCKI In «bt B«te, .llhoul MlWielt? rend 1 f .ismr Ivr 11. tex. u- K- «UM». PRINTERS ‘ A NEW BOOK BY MARK TWAIN! THE PRINCE ANO THE PAUPER. Auv nt a wunt < (11 F<m taimaaud terrttor v apply tn Mulhern S”ni»HaA«tM* « Pc* !!•». Srw Oileaii*, l*a. ■ai j.-. M- -A.ui. n«~- •>►• *•••' wmajtere -re* re • 1 4 * "... < n— k •- ■••> 1 j " . to. ... ■ - Utton rere-87 Mte. C-Z. 1 ■ 1 ■t ■ 11 *~*r ' YOV WATT a Firet-citM Rrhgjnuo and Fawlly X.w«pa|*r, OMbarrtba !•» THE METHODIST DUS WItF.XI.KK tai I TWO DOLLARS A T»AW x.w Sutocrire., *>. i«? rerelre u>« p*|»' ite t*.i ft thu jwr rnr.w. > m--« ■. w i.;>: 11. »* . r-wi»ll*teer. Nto IS Msrrsr at. Rew T.rß. | COTTON IS KINO ■ OT -re" cn " KING OFCOTTON 10. loltoo Gin to. ,nj ginre.l pl«nl*tion pvrp<o «.-z /tots/ m *«» Wire £*r«>* t* <A« tere.Z_ hi I'.r.pMrl. and Fr«« Dll MteG <nafl t 0.... I S •t'i IMAN ATAVLOM COMPANY, M*it»i«<-i> Unto : j tatetemaaiMß (■MYT ITXWMfIO CURE 9 ■> rFfa,.:. r at ii 1 I 'l'. Bte M ■■ Ba a nre.r-aill*, resreG for I «o I— Are*. Hiuuoct»«m, red *ll ■ ■ ■ I'IBMMR. Ooaiaiaa no Qolntna, Mr- <n>rv i*r r«»e<aM of any kind. Tmau Bor P* ll , A irein -Handard Ctna ©♦ , 114 Kaaaaa fk., N» w ><wk • it' rouNu men JKltv::- tore. Mdrre* VAL&TIXX USI, AteaatiU*. w >_ rtTT'RTC’ s-reiarea. r>.. .J.,_ Ajr aJ Aw Ur**l Wan. Saa Wwta. rtttaWA*. *a 1 Ma.warraji gong co u r.o un* I Pane; Wrlttaa CAM Da U* SM. I SI ; Itß I a£faff tf.7»H*ail. 0. KTblm, CMaaea, U & Hope, Buchu, IWan dniUße ar>! Dandolion, *uh al! tn< tw-u and rrvoflclurtUrr prop* Hmw of aJ! other Bitters, inxhra\the Blood Purifier, L.ver Rag u tor, <od !*»<• u-» iteaJth keat>>rtag Agrat <aWHBHHB No tL-tafflwr poanbly long eiirt where Hop I Hmara arw uaVrd ray )r-l adxl perfect are thatr Tity girt mv iiVt ul vige? k iha sgMsU !i€ra- Toall wboaa a Wnpicymroti.rauw irmcoUrt ty of tho tx>weiao«% nrtnary organ*, or who n* , quirwao Ui>pßiUeniar« ineai^k u * Ur without mtoi loatinß. Mo moiur what yw«r ar wrmptmn* arte what life dkrnaw or U uae Hop ura. Dont wait UDtU 7tX ia>r* akk but if only faN toa*i ar mUarabU.l*** tb«ra * t one®. Hmay mveyour llUUh**B»a v eu hundrroU •500 *U! be padkt for a caßw they wR ino 4 mreorhate. bo not ywr fnrndi ueeaztel unrv IbnA 1 * 1 Hop 8 fonwmbrr. Hop Btttnre ia D4V TUr> dniakrn but the a d licit 1 MaxlLai nc ewer , Uw m FWIAU and sort" and nn penna or tx wtthvut Umxu au a .«44(0 00 ) | - b<l»run»*t.;i—a n*- 1 opfun., u.iauvxj najvrtti-a AH sold M iruinrvx*. Atebd for ClrruUr Wuera Mf|. Cm., F Y _ 7 I <»»•*»»***•'< f, ' r ' | Jr F fJFFf F jft £F FP sIF fiM°* 4/ >*»«>/ » * 1 F F < F A^F& Fj F F F IMIS >**■*»«/« »* ’• 1 I • " XFf ff*f Ff f F F"t ■ ■*•*••'' •• • • I XF X F ~ JF F F *F £• X F .Itrroit* f*>*oafr<« ■ lfi«»/i .»»> MM^——NUM Ve»«crp nut Ir, ,« A r <Wneomo to mo.* a ■ZaSi^S2lil l^? t,r 10 my inbor wasssoosdiartr >«v thLti bot OQ U ' r <-«£»r«n. »*• t- h ' aUMd AlmAet immrdi.te aod wo»dt rn nT* <b * n- of poor Imw !<>*!.% from oht. h I r* •M tMrt Mrmanontlj ebAtod. 1 bar. uard thrr. fT*V r * luro< * l 1 found tb-t try 0at..:.1 f ' - borUiatlrT<fd t 4i O | bewaa|eU d - .‘'loco uaincHltiHvi* don*twi * tb* >• •‘■d r ir r ' r < f hsa cvrnw a *-ÜBr—"s <O< * .double th* oa«e WUb thr trarwpi I • r <*k,Tbouw c«a abaL. Asivatt llicS" thoo *< rywrJWt’ib Jtu>« T<m»f baa .ton* U* (’>»• >r.B r««4e <a .1 /"■" » ,n r ‘ "' '" 1 , "" M .'- ‘' " ' "Ts ,.* , pur», IX FF X F X. FF F A rt ß >«*-eeu»r»> w j \SSsS» l J-————-’ 111 °*‘ H**™" remedT M •‘* t * e *** I’*•'" 1 ’*•'" t.. h dlpml •< Rwrinyi, i■*••*«•» ••'•«•■ *•’ IBk <' * r*»r<M <w h «eu iif - -* **- 1 *2yT*HLI-W < »?»{ n'**** M B ’ ml ■""■"■ r .:-? PETROLEUM JELLY Umd And Approved Sy tka hMiig FHYP- f 3 | CLLIB if KUMPB A»d I I Th. moat I iLrf* 9 ** I Family I J| ' rw-r- # a 1 r«bU« •■—*'>* M M > ,W **s *■“*’" W F * *TBIrM G«y*<' !•* A V F J**”?., ■****■ >ml.u T«G« IMF. USDiM(Wrilfll *MH>a^*aiTWM»arop —d >;>au lA, ata AaavnaabUtarw **► , WTI J ™—■ M«4 M «■! Ma I«U «u («. hit TaaUlaa la <«-»*• : ■■■■»■■UiiTWiHaAiiMMt'F luii—■ ** aan * ,01 ~ ■■.»■■ aaan. at na raaai asraanM/ CW4MTI *** XA M. UM L im, 8F Lm, im., s b 8 I ! 3 act < i £ MBr JMfo 8 t LYDIA E. PINKHAM’S VZQgTABLZ COMFOm:: la a Poaltlre Cure ftasll Urere rd.r.l <'«to,lal.f. rereauare. ta««r tate ftmate ’ II will cure entirely the woret terra ot >. ptolnte, all ornrton trnehte*. l*S*toto,u, m , hJ rw tton. »*llln« ud Mtataretsente. red u» erw-.0,., te>ln*l Woekw, ud te pertiretolj totapu-: to u. gr at Uta It wiu dtarelr, red tmm lb- wreuin re «srtj a<*<r ot dereksenret Th. lend. . . t ., „ ’ wrota >■■■■* there U taeteed eery .rendu, by », re It, laloure., Itetulenr. dretr-,,,,1) tor aUmalnat*. red relteeve vetaneM ot the K. rare*. ! It esre* Blretln,. Hredeehre. Serene, , (Moerel DeUUly. Steeptaemren. bepneeion ud Udi Beta on. Th*i toellne nt bearinc down, eaulnr rein, eric • red benkatae, to alway, penunently eared 1,, tu re 1 twill at el I UKM, red under alldroinwter. n , 3 harmony wlxb the lawn that jrorern tbe tenul- rew- Vortko eareot Sidney Oom plain u 11 enter Ml at Campouad It unmireare-l LTBIA K. PINKHAM'S VXOETABLr COS rWCXDU prepared al XS red m Wutorn A.r, . Lynn.Maae Price ,1. 81. bottle.turfs. Srntbyntoi la tbe torn, ot ptlte, ateo 1 a the form of I.renew., <i reretpt ot prlee, (1 per box tor rltter art. Intelu. freely antwen. all letter* ot Inquiry Send tor peaq-S lat. Addree* aa above. >w.i.o. tM, Hiper. So runlly should be without LYDIA t IINKHAVV LTVKR PILL* They oure ooreUpeUon. bUkjuuww ud torpidity at the liver. * rente per Lor »»- Held by all Itruaalx* 'ba IMMMHMMWnr ) An Open Secret Tho fact is well understood that the MEXICAN MUS TANG LINIMENT is by far the best external known for man or beast. The reason why beeomeH an “open secret” when we explain that “Mustang” penetrates skin, flesh and muscle to the very bone, removing all disease and soreness. No other lini ment does this, henre none other is so largely used or does such worlds of good. j GrwtauXSrelJ Ag»olawaftt«4 Ari jib rs Fir. : |( niHIQIn teld A complete, farthf .1 h. ’ livery. Au elegantly illoaUaked volume Endr ' Liberal Uruu Ag«*«u take order* for from d ■ daily. OutaeHa any Mher booh 10 to I. Ayenie ae< moDeyaofaal. The booh aellatUelf Eapwrienre aaxy. Failure unknowa. All mu* in tn* nee |w».W • H > tr'u afrrte Gffloawa tmaaoa A One Dollar ■A. TTDAH Th. Bret tiw. Paper In th. Wrel 4* ralreM •< vr ureal and ohotouly relucted readlnu maltre.( r- mJ •pnu Ureu. plain typ* iaare: Wrekiy and racial u “> •ta’a** I* lb* r nil ad B<alre. pretou- M*d M to. Itwllar a 1-ar Brery now aatevnbU. re<* • Breuttum. ttond tor aajrpla copy. Addreaa iteitAW i.taicix **.*»cv. iu,_ I jbhahaya' Union, Allaulu. U* I »ny ( OXtabutrere rew. wto aunre,