Columbia advertiser. (Harlem, Ga.) 1880-18??, November 29, 1881, Image 3

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i adwir*io .» BKmrf'rwrVt-r M? ’be ] B ' . .* imlwi r «»’ l»* >'«<■ ’••'■ «*,*.»*•*•■ur ‘** r "■»"•*• ► ... _ » ■l.■• _• ■• ' aMdS'tCa a.- lrfß nttw !*?**»? ftail) !■ C»lB3lBll« ÜB»e*Wß Mi je< 'fW« ton "lies ! -.. XT. K.wtA»<w am ap’owr , > the adiertieem nt. ,•**!> I* advance »l®» , .Jvarx- .. Joe mtaredlo « 1 ’ « “ F"* —iwiTi 1 — _u msdeandCn, Atlanta.Ga,offerat low H'TihH in.-eeow Mock of l .iuie, ißinp- < F"'ILL -ml 8WI»S tud t <p'»l variety nieg v’*‘d«, l*4i’-t »**». »»- "* Lh.oar ware A'” l ’ eJ » •* < *i •« e: ' u ,<w lH * !"$ Srttee for Uintelha patent Itu- tea- fIMMfA BVLBbl* - (iRCBGIABAILitOAboO., _ Oflkf General Manager, I Augusta. <*-. ttept s, 1881. - . -««<»/ Huedsy. ure 4th Inst, the acbedule «U1 be uper-J * d: NO 1 -WEST WaHy „ t Juste »» a m •** A 11 »o ra Md« MlliedgevHte 448 p iu - Maom m - Washington.. J»P m At 11 rtffl ri ...*••••♦•»•♦••»» ” "Nr P M NO U i EAKF Dally “ j*r : S±^**. ton -.wtS - Milledgeville ?57 S m A««Baw<»tt»»-IteOy. Rxesyt Banksy OOP m 1 Lv. Harlem 700 am **.' ‘mini J* 45 p m I Ar. Auguste a 30 a m * so sLwfcsr Daily A «-? ££3f::::' <L!L 3S7aiu -m ■• M»«wu ■; SS*J“ i, rVJ AtlaWa. • .... ...,.■ »*»“» 1 MO 1 E W T Dally Lm,., Atlanta ••■• ??.’•' ® 7 ...Harium 506 st! i Hur*. "Ufi-p m TW>p>d V "lort-iMII- Ol&ptu , . j. .. l«4*p in A X*L -•• ’»«"> A|i 11h(’( • ** ”* 4.TEIU I :PROVED HLBEFERB IO ‘JXO. w GMBH, ‘& «• literal il iuager. Gen. r.-j* Agnui NcliC t‘. F • -ntf r . iD4 \r a cI.NO-’ll HRIHJiY 1 iVil. , 11 >■■ O»wp,,H-iiv I lai' (if. n*i»i tuJkUi •• ' ' < ta -, 'iii |olk«WB . • A.-ul ~ •. till > .1. 'a.II.U- Irain c ii’-ji <*• itav ,- r mile. b< iwe- n 5 All-1 11 yuaTb, nail Uie **Mli l |iuuiu rate.lor any diotence. 4 u-nte rr are hereby nouiied U-«i H tt»r tail tn uurchate licketß tnmi ton Bta- U>a tai-uU, they will be charged tbo Ualu ' teaduotora are not ttuk«t seltara. and are •or allowed tn accept than lh« Ualu rur at four rente per inrte Ipareluie, U, (Kuratlm advantage of the reduwd late. Ernat*‘’ youi ticMota before witrrtug the a. Ttecompany ruservnethortirhttochange <rentirely abrogate thesei*teo, alph usuie ud wiUi‘Mit uottee. ' E. U DUiiSEY. Gun Peam. Agt. ■ —■ a IJN Mlle licket. Georgia Railroad Co., i Office Geu. Paaaeogar A«t, > Augarta, April Sth. I®7». J Commencing Monday, 7th ihet., thia company will aell ONE THOUS AND MILE TICKETS, jood over mm line and brauchee, atTWENTI FIVE DOLLARS each. The'* 'ick «b will be iaaued to individuate, firms rai lamihea, bat not to firiue and tun lies combined R R. DORSEY, Geu Passenger Agent. 500 Mlle Tlrketa. Georgia Ru'lroad <’o., ) Office Gen Paaaenger *gt. / Anga-la Murcb 2. 18*40 ) ciwtr (low .Iwta, >l'i« eomn<» it «ill«el!FiVE IMiKDCED WILE TICKEfB, tfo.'ii < ver mam lin« and b.ncb.a, at THinTEfcN 75400 Dollars each. Tb»*e ticket* wiv I* ixtied to iudivlOua!*, firms nr iruul't—, but not a, finoH ami i.unilit ► cumbiued. E R I OR<EY, Gen Paaaeuger Agent FxRkSH'B GINGERTONIC * MMA tMt Bmt MMMBt- ?**■£%■»** «■» aW>R. •**• . n — Trf***- ?***■*« •* ‘*hJ**>»*«*| ni nzfibww raw win w - nu,,— | U«o. o. Hnbinaou & Ce oUr-H and o’«r«n« <■> any pr»ot In *"•»» < i w’ ..h t •** •‘aye. wih *Wraio’ •»•• frw> of nil •*«»* >•« jy' » j*.Ui«i«r rtyitl‘«wct • 0-0 *<*>t iwmt and On. ha** eompWHy J*’ I''’ 1 ''’ >n s»*lth<- mn«.c tnu** by wailing **-t 'o iruin. 4» ala •■oilier margin • V< ■. -1,, 4 ruai. tlk> hH.ii, tutt> . u watt unt,] y ,„ '•"*d w,u dWeaae pva may not get <>- It nuuuia, w(rp y<m eartiaeuiatldur m'*X»> aiptunrby Part< r> (Har-r **- •« tuaw known tne akb'ieet tam>- , r lllgT ty ir~ <4 >»X.ISJCJXX. ’<INXS Obi you go b> the s’.mw? AUea day ant To-<«Uay. U»lo, weatta-r. Gue week nwarw t'hrlatißaa. This aaouth gurw oat neat Thursday, WouM like tu aca a big woo* just no*. Every body Ukea the fire Unae e»ld days. Erl. Gray la one of Harlnai'a popular elerka ave. Thoeebtai k straw bate are an beoumlng to the ytMtiur lades. bang Armor was bung at Crawfordsville on last Xrtday, SnenaUmofgraud lecture next Filday night at Methodist Cuureh. Il la litue we weratiaviug a Dottier party. Cumu.boye work up. The Variety Store has nice freah Pork aaunege every Baturday. Dr. Bovloh klll'wl hie large hog on last Thursday, aud H weighed MS lb*. The Carp, tbe earn when will Urey be latge tauaigb tu eat. louu eu, up Dr. The bov« amund Haw Duet are having Oysters Huppers. Lau.t wu have ae luueb? Every budy that has been to Um Exposi tion oouree butuv well pl aned' eepeeteUy Judge B. What a Idee time the boys and girls will have wheu.,the pou>l lnu» so they can skate. Why dont th.« Literary dub reorganise? There was a tl'iu cuke of Ice Friday morn lug and alight lead. the Variety bloie has juet received a fresh kt of -wry fine Appkw" Cucoanute ■nd olt - ’fl ingw Duck ahootinr I* fine sport now at Mc- OuiUU-uo tub., luv o <u v kovplug things Mwly down theie. Hop«- the'people of our town am not iron Lied WiAl too vup Club of lUvMJUiUMM, like Ibe people vi A iguala, We are glad to learn that Rodt. Bennett Ih fas' appueuldug couxolewnee. We hope V> »■ ■■ him out ag-ln, ' .In. k ’•« « v |e th-handrvvnieet liepot a g-ti . the G.i. hß.au lln I-. <ia clever uh ho 'a bat d~otue. 1 will wager tuy reputation aa a prophet that v.e alii have two »wvll weddings in Harlem b«g>ire New Years. One of the greatest curiosities at the Ex ptwkm la, U>e bvutui haUblmr bun which can butch 50!) chickens every day. We were plmeol to learu of the promotion of onl elevei young friends Root Osllu, and v Hl Anthony. U> freight conductors. Mr J. W Venom* Is some b-ller than he was 1 st we-dt. Later Will I* home the lat ter paitof thu.wvek, If the weather Is.agree able. Mr. Reed has his commission ae bundle carrier tn fsvor of the Hu. Ex. com paty. the postUoo was 100 responsible for the pay. It was estimated that on last Tuesday then-:were 15.03 > pe. >pla at the Expos Itlon the largest crowd that hue ever boon there yet. Advertising its the pole that knocks down the prialmtnuti, nut mrny men never get any pm slmmone became they dual use the pole. Cta ui Revllk'had a pop <*U frnm t * e Bell of Plnetuctiv th-other any Claud says uhe is very.entertaining, and Is «oy Hung dut uglo. Wo are glad to seethe genial faces of Dr and Mie Casev on our streets again Tl> ■ Dr. is looking tine and aays be was greatly b.wvfltUe.l by the trip ■r. Wyman who la stopping al the Held House has been quite atek for th past cwo weeks with chills rnd fever. Hop be la belter by this time. Our pople aero totot poeeree ver thankful heart*, ar Aitbur.a I hankegivln bay was not o'ewrveb wiUi much expres sion of thankfulness on last Thursday. We are fixed so very comfortable In our offl - in th* rpar uglier V rrloty Store, that we have a crowd of vteatort everyfTuesday morning to fouk al us printing our piper. There t« no place like home, especial y If if , s the horn- of a prettv girl, where they u-ep s good tire during th- cold weather In tte parlor and tu» «*« “k lll tow W 8 “ v0 zpeiNMft. A colored R R employe was so severely ruiahwl wl.llo .coupling Coups traveling e..r to tb* pareenger train In this place on l,p.t Wedu.»day that b- dicl on the next day. new are a great manv mottoes hung op L> nmrty every bouae and this la ooa that should be among the reel ‘ Its a g'«<od boron tbal mrver stumbles, andagtod wile mat never grumbles We doutknow bow you would fret, dut It does us a powerful sight of good to ha' •• ngewttaroan to al'P M'« han.l aril ptraae semi us vour paper oo- year. ■ thereatnm neuralgia, hysteria, female weakmwe. "tc . promptly cured With Bro • i<a Iron BHtor-a- ■ - —■a. ! . <Tr*’'-*i p..r Ireave To Soli Land -0.--ri-te odniwMa Dwtaty. W H [bed. ,et iwtri’»> tetra tor of EmH" M. ceeaaad. b viag applted kv ••av"t>»4l tv lands batongiag tu sal- K -I*y Magahee, deeenwi Notaw la te-reby <1 veu. tn all conr*ra*< that the prayei nf rV petlthwinr will be greiM at th.’ llrefn’w, term of eight-", bwlre! and eighty the eruirt of Oi dinar of said county ofOnhweMa 1 L'nk, gnwl cause b>. ihows tn the enntrery. Wltn.we ray official aigwator* this aex •rath day of November ,eighteen l>ut>dr< and r Wbty uue. 4 w George, D Doreey. / dminifftrator’s Bale. Stat” Ot G-orgls Odiimbta County. By virtue* <4 an order from the Court «'* Ordinary of Me, Duffl-' enunty. will he en|. <at the first Tuewtav In Deremter next b’-i Grart’ IL u-<e doore tn Applli’i county of Oulumbla. betwwn th- ueual hoars of •ude the following tract of larid I’ wit. The one sixth Pund-vM-d Interred If and b» a certain tract of land In *«M « unt? Os Oolutul’la. the said tract of lan<l l» Join ’ ngli idAOf We,Cord. Blalock, Marion Mc.- Danlcl. and other*, said tract of land enc taialng Three H indeed and Rlkt'- five acre ■ more or Ire* Bald tract of land l»4n kaown asjlot n” two In the distribution <•! ths land:-, of Wlllstn Dunn, late of ooluraM t county* dooaawl, Said lands aaalgn -d !• the children of Eitxaboth Stovall, deocawrt. The uUd one -Ixth interest of aald land nos ‘ ad vert lao.l Ir'l'ig the property of E. H.Rt« ' vallidcoeAwoi Hal.l tract of land being sold fort V benefit of the heirs of the said Bllre both Stov'.l,* aetata. Terms, one Uili< 1 cash balance In on-and two, equal yearl' 1 |a.tal merits at eight cents intavsat Tpor an uutu. with boaJ fur titles to purchasers Purcliasi* to pay for papers. Admlulttrayir of E. H. Stovall. We theuu’lorelgued Joint tenants ownln* th’ reiualslog ftvesixth ot tal l land in Cu , lumbiu ouiiuty. agtvs’ that the entire U.ul of said laud shall V sold in aecordate • 1 with thegbovu Advertisement. And will unite with B. H. Pearw Admlnlstratoi In Uis cmivoj »«ce under the t’ rmgpubiisli , ed above' •ftg tied < irge T. Sto Va 1 1 bamuql W. Wynne i Mary V‘ Toole , George M. Latent,)- V C. Boyd Thl* third day of November, eighteen huu. dred and eighty one miimw uh. Sl tte O I wgla OdU'Ubl v bounty. Illb” m4U Im-.”ie the c>urt-boueed<H>n> I' Al’t’ling ta twre-n U>- usual houta ”1 eel’ on the first 1 Ui-»lay In December next the following latul to wit; OuC tiurt of lain. In wil l canty of Columbia containing six ty two acn-s more or lee*,'ad)oluh>gUlan<ta of Miles Carr, and others, sold as the pr”i> erty of Emily Magabee, deceased for tb< purp<»e of dlotributlon. , w W. B. Boebuok. Adm. I *o«t poned. Mlieriff Male. State of Georgia-Columbia County. Wdl be sold before the court houee doo in lt»’towu«f Appll-g. Columbia Count} betW"-n the ueual hours of sale, on the firs Tuesday ta Dcoetnder next, the toliowlu* track of Innd.te wit. All that tract of land lying In said count;* of Columbia, containing five acres uioie ot eea, ui»ou wnlch Is eituated ihe grist mill of James M Harris, and bounded dy tanda of Bolwrt Willie Ireimkiu. and lands belong login the Bauk of Washington. Georgia ami being a |i*rt of the tend oiaioted »} said.lau.M M Hurts, as rNlomeetead said t. ad and lot of land above descritte» levlrel on as Urn properly of James M. Ha»- rls.U> aaUsfy a tl fa. issued from the Supe rlor Gairl of Ute said county of Columbia mtuniaWAto the March term.otghtaen *>y *utv eight Uier.i u< lu tavur of ttei Bank of Washington, Gxirgia. affalnat James M 11 n,l-itav nteenth day of Outubor eighteen hull'll tel and .-irflitV omr outwi* B-lvsytu-ir HIIERIF** ?sale. OF COLUMBIA ‘ t'UNTY. Wlllli-- 'll I * t r.mdav 'nil*- c.’ini.a ~rl d at Aoi'lute <’ ’l ’mb** rt’uniy. Is’twten lll uaual lUMu . ..I *al ’. V>" toilo**ng proporti 1., Wit *7 V'"* ’ f land mor-or I—*, bound rel .>ii Ute north t,y lamia of l»i( Steiner. Ou th” .Stet bv M.a, Tripp*, and <*>uthjsn.l Urenr i’ itv' f' |H Anthony, t’fieattafy om.MaTn.Vfte« '*’* " V<.u»g U’.ltte.' n.-tav inorU.W dta H”rve.L.a> land UH* taeuly ninth .lay of Ortober.Elghteen hun dred and el <hi y uue. ,« t« ■> « B lT * y H<! C P.tltlonf'r Lsttrri of IHriCtaSlon. 1 i Ire.llre’lin.rg'd fr-’O. bis mlmlnl*- .traUte. m.d ns- iv- I tt-ra «f ’.'J*? 1 -** ou L„. Ilrrt Ord’y. O>-Vib**r A:. 1 AL m ExenipHon Os I’eltaMudlty B’vb- of Genrgta. O-luiubia Count) , J H M’.rrt* ha- applied to «•" <•»«■ Fta“l> U, m (4 .rer.’nm.ty and.! will pmw upon the RI ,„ at io. <m*>**a un «* •*"' ,,oU> <Ur Itareiot-M- righteeo hunlred and tagnty oo* St „,y Offlre in Appling. Thia November the nineteenth eighteen hundreb and eighty Guo. D. Dorsey oa '' Ordinary I UeeliT Cunt recta tviih n>* lent inMt»uf*cturt*r», ULFg’*" mXITXA<££ H.hmj O< the HOJIUI ' 7 11 ,* < J O B tanaoo AOo o< Augustmto Lu .urreriar plaoo* and organa at lees upSX entail dealers. Sp.teiai Order* g re n'mte* and organa, for b, dlday gifts. -Jl-reardel almost dally to Q. 0. Buble *uu * Ou, Aagasta. Ga. Mtore, FYi.i*m.erT« Yoa C2a.ii Wave* Money BI BUYING AT THE Variety 6 tore> such as Bacon, Meal* Cffoe, Bugar, Lard Cbeeoae, Mnckcral, Rice, Bu«p Keroeece Oil Candlif, Buttar, Eggs and »ucb things aa yua ooad in tuak hoe. I will bay or exchange grocer ies tor any kind ut vuauttj produce. ' all sud S ’,i F >r Yourself- ReCullect the place The Variety Bfiure. lU>ot*, Nhoen and Uuta Wm. Mulb-riuA Oik. of Augusta, have opened a bis.K'b sto. a al bw stand lately • cupl’-d by Mr. '*,-t. r’K’onan,opposSte lb’- iiii.ininirnl. Ibe ineorli, <4 toe finu amt th* oui’llc will h’i i n l..rg* sto k st this bnureh -tree. a«<l s|~r«» t’-eir old stend, #IS Bma<i -tn-et, Mr K enwiiwillta, pleased to sr« Ms friend* at Um, Branch Sion*. Rfidseed BATES TO Atlsats, COMMENCING MONDAY NOVEMBER 14th. 1881. Snclule Os Days Allotted and Tei* ril< rj. Monday—Einbrict-a all Bta. tioiie br-tw. cn and inJudiug Angtte ta sod Cuuiuk. Tuesdays -Embra •e< all St., ion* I’Ctueun and iuc'ud it>g Ha block* a d Wain n on. W dntw.laya—Ekubracua nil Bta- i >u* and including Nur wo’id and Wa-hirg’ou Tur*<l»ya Enibrsct a all Stations bet wa in ami ’ii c u hug t’r.iwf irdcvillu and Aihetis. Fihi’s—Embrnces all Satiom* b twc.'n and it.clmling Greensboro iml A'-e ivy SuUudsis - Embrace* all S ntions between »nd iuetudiug Covington and Decatur. 2c’t is per m Its to an I from Atlanta, John W.Green, E R Dorsey, tie >i Mnngr. G”ti). I‘aagr Agt THE A-iiji'iiMtn Hotel Is NOW THE Itoreif ill A-UJflkMttt. ! TEEMS LOW FABE FIUST-CLABB. Notwllbstsndlng the largo-end elegant •luckuf plains, and oi gans at "The Music J aise <{ lh,i S ’UUi," <». 0. HobteMUi A 00. •legraphref test weed fic-mUten Plant* and irgnns t > till orders which are Cuming hi >y every mall. ■ Sts _J R ■ Visit tire “Music H”<i«e nt the Routh " oi rit -toG O UotM'i-on and Co, A’igii’-ta ” est .10-ruee. nidree, arid te’-’US of piano* .nd organs Purc'insere will dud prtsai for ~m« m tee in.i stele of mat. invent from 10 teAlpor .i>nt lew, than elsewhere. t'bc Miihic House ut tire South. G O. BaUusuo. ut August., m H In Texas trfcansas, Lo’ilsl uui. Ml «l«»lppl, Alabama r kiriiia and everv Honth-rn Hlata north of Uooivl , Augu~l » cau justly claim tu have lite "Music Huuse us the Routh." smsi i. nun The lalvo ('arqet stiiffl GROCERY DEM Offer* A Full Line iif Iha Fidlowlng Good* Low F..r C»sh Or ll* Eqiilvalent. carpet department. H<>dy BriiaM’lls Cmp >ls Ftii>’’**'-y Bruwll*Carpets Heavy 8-Ply Carpets Hi-oteh all W-,,1 Oarp-ta Uetlon and Wool Girpeta Htalr t irpete nl»l Mode Striped Veui’ilaaOirpeta Hearth Rug* aad Door Mato C«M<>a and Caaloo Mattings Floor OU, Uotha, ail widths I able Oil Ciutha, all widths Widow Hiliute*. Curtains. Oomlres. Picture F< rare. Chinin’*’ aad other thing” too SU merou” to meoUuu. GIKXJEBT DRI'ARTMENT. Ferris. H»m Magnolia Hams Counti > Hams Ferris. Breakfast Hasan Ferri* Hinoked Beef Uwo. A Halite * Ita* l Flour Balun, s CUotee Flour Milk Ciuekera Fancy Crackers B«*t Teas and Coffees Faney Work Baaketa Hanging Market, ami Ckitbre Baskets. Broom-. Duster*. I übw. Bucket*. Fails, Btabte mml lard Btimm, Lira Chicksan and Dressed Poultry. MY MOTTO The N lubte Biapeoca better than the stow Bhllllng Quick Hates and HmaU Profits for cosh. Carpets, and OU Ctotbea Made wad Laid. Curtains aad Hbadea Hung At Hort N ta-o. 828 bread Btrsek AaffMU Ga. ■ ■ -»- -■■ .—. ~ i a gx-- i*aiw _ __ W. X.X>HJXsX>JEaL,. SSI anOAD BTBXXT, AVamTA, OA. COOKING STOVES, HEATING STOVES, HARDWARE AND FTin-Wterte. Buy the ‘Excelsior* COOK STOVE. Fifteen different Blac< In Htock- W I. DEHPH. J JBMJ. rOTTON F.UTOR HD IMNKSIM IIICDIW, ID IWTolntoeelk Mt., A ng* rasaraa.,, .REMOVA X,.; , v rn ® on *'*T 1 l r *‘ < ** 7^ Storage mom I have rem< ved'frnm Ne. 8. W JI « 1 M,K ' BIUcK «!• 'TH HOOF WAREHOUSE known J, ** " ar, house, No. IB Mc Intosh strew* rear I it|nqrii W-?ewrf B«-rt and National B .nk Augusta. wurgra Th bnsiUM* Bill l>w ooulmued,*. heretofore in all its brasehte |B2T W. N. MERCIER, OOTTOIV r'A.a ToSul - ANDv- GENERAL COBfffl'SHOlf MEBCBAIT, Es No. 3 WARREN BLOCK, AU<’U<TA, MI. Wil! give personal aud undivided attention to the weighing amt telling gs ><t n k*b»ral cash adviuige* made on consignmenui, bfrci h muss t n. dkistd. si inn h. ;i W e, th- untlei algued, have thia day formed a no lairtnciwtap uudt* Use Son tesflte af4 WHEGESS <*l CO, j Fur the purpose of amdnettag a COTTON FATORIG E ANDQCUM VlffliON BUM B*' *o< aisnityears’ extrerleore' In that lino wo flwl warranted tn Mttefte the, te Uuare w|to may favur us with shlumonU. A sharv us lb* Da to aud tune hauls Is rwpucUull) suitelk-d. W; T WVKLBIIS __ r. T. U K HOKOrSH.W GBU. B. bIBLEY WM. 11 tinruv SIBLEY & JORDAN, OOTTOTV S' AO POHH, -A-ug-tiMtxi, Oa. We a agents for the LUMMUd GIN and the C*OTTON BJXMHt GIN. . - speflal AHcnUbb Clvcn to Welgtiia. Qnh k Halen A Prompt letana Porter P’lexxxlng-, <*j (OWOR AMI OOMMIM lERCB.m’. 738 Reynold St.* lAuifusta* Ga. ALSO DEALER IN WOOL Olid (GEORGIA wJ£LAWfII. For SelliiKi 60c. Storages 26c. KzT. = COTfOKFA3TOR& COMMISSION MERCHANT No 6 WARREN BLOCK, Q HIT TO COTTU 111 mEICI IICIiIEI-lUKTI U. Lil*ervl adviinoGß on Ootion ami Prodnov i atorß. ft* waites given lo Weighing and B.dliog. 4MB M*~ A. (?•<<•■ Factor aod Commission Kerckaat, 737 REYNOLD STREET, AUGUBTA GA. a«r Prompt atten ion given to all business. Agept fur (iaorgta aa4 South Carolina lor the Baltimore Compound Hand Powsr Baling Fteaa tha beaC.p'SM for all pur|>oaes made. Stand forairtaiaraQMlaaaal ata* on band. Mirnaml ■w 1 -j-BMgwwa»gMait €. s. M c coax> a co., HBLYIOIXXp BBU LEAVE TO IMFOBM THE TBADI.NG PUBLIC THAT THEY BAtBA fUIX aaOOuu fol. ui AS IVQ ooustaaUr ow haod. OHKAP FOB THB OABHjMaa a* May, Uutu, Puuuu. liuux, Lugd. Maul. *4» In aAJttlua to tbs atarvu already largastook. ws have a HODA FOUNTI, w«te hp. constantly turntables those who wl«h nice, ooo', Hummer drinks, and are HeaaM t» give us a tail. We been atoo a fine kA ot F-UH-TVITUTIIS. Which we offer al price* te cult the Uracs Thanldag the P*M*> *75 .**** age w reepecUully w4uSl a oaiUDuaooe o< lire same, hufitag at all times to merit teak eoalMteWby ffood bomwt. fair audte<iumo dealing