Newspaper Page Text
pros ratio *nvrroi
Dm Mtaan ba «*• vary ill with aa *1
tank at dropsy of tba heart and cheat
Hocb waa tbe preramr ■• of the waler
upon hie heart and lung* fifata be rioriM
anarceiy breathe. Tta doctor prw
acnbed^raOrij**o^i^-<esaotta>* bat
they VfiWrSi tata no effect Ho
great waa the tear at raff- MtaU<m that,
whan the doctor paid hia fast visit for
the night, al 10 p. nt, in answer to hi*
"Oofi aSwr; I tton’i know
whether Hl ace you again.” The phy
their* eaid eocaething raaamtring, know
ing biiaet>coflffiuaa wee
moat cntkcrf. The next morning, when
be wABHiAWTOrTaa - Kl* patient, Mr
Hierro*' hooae faPHf T*w •**!*
distant on fce aatne street, he brand
I'm all jaopnng ; giedicine
tragaif tffife aflbet a couple of hour*
after you left." With a gnm and grab
iflad Vm d*appnufa4 thoaa
<. .<raft ra-un ,fe< ( tufa)t J wa*
« *Xt*-. i g-ifave Vo.fcaad * UiUa
prvoadot up the bill,” with a motion
of hie han|jjtawatd Ua hjuatdn oetn
rtrry where hia dost now repose*.
•• ‘rfMe fallow* " were rwyteui rape*
aarvicaobia politician*, vrkyy were well
ku J»uc<-ca«H»»
Ho walked into fan office thia morning
looking muate faka MMf W«*y well
aatisAed wiflhr|rfinaitFrfrtftitt‘*, and *»id;
“Can I see the editor 1" , ,
He waa shown that eminently useful
••h'Hittty flw*PM»r s at dace. .1 i •
“ Gtxxnuortifag, sir,” he cheerily Ifa
gsn .airifaA !’. <«-•'• ■ 11
"I’m? What is it?” *±Lf r ■ '
•• Well, you mm. I sent a •ottefestMatoi
yeatarday that Mr. Smith had just iieen
marrißjl ■••*■■ 1 ea*.
ha* got it - Mto Hggth ha* ra*t iraetr
martyred,' ihwK’hanlty
make enough difference to changeM." h
«“»•* U want
away ggfatfafare?,MhyahuuM Ute spirit'
of mortal be
Bjs*c «» -
Tm " A*t (1 inrri PVf XT-
ing and ffMMrtep Hr something wonder
ful. A festival known ad Ao*'
tor' waa lately held kt Philadelphia.
Os th* /b-rvs akya:
' I ire WBritftffptton of beer, aauaagiw,
and sauer kraut 881 enormous. Ona <ff
the committee gays the />mu reporter
the following’ftjHlM* ci? the amorint
Urßuk IHHSIWWM» 1*» yrotor-la> t T
There JS*I. ***** pteeea tn sit where
liner <uuld b* uuuhtoad, M'l ri* these
5M koff* wfroffuß. ■'fcnch keg contains
this. irtnUituol l>e forgotten Hurt sev
er* hundred Urttlaa of wig* wwn
consumed, and a large quantity of Mt
drinks. The aociaty received |s,2ft] rent
for the stte.da At
the laat-naUoAptnce since the festival
••»W*n NtoWM iifatea of aaiwr-kraiit,
13,000 |»-mOM ugtagts -if all deecnp
tkona, of ham and tnugna,
•ud Of mustard wen.
tliirty-UMr*MMteA*aaA si*ty-two mon
were onaatanUy employed in acrung the
piste*." _
gigjl •|i ♦rt |
ft b ml r*
CArattefe on
the MX engaged fa puff.
W: force through
the tnaidioos cigarette or etgnr stunqi,
arwfoeen and aa -their buaviM*
<-< earn lining* showt
•‘ Wot yet gum' to holtei to «iay,
Jameey f ** said one of the leader* of the
m|us*l to bis |>artncr ths other after
uoou. te sw A ’
••'■ ‘•ter ring outt ‘TBre * yer
Central Peraiflk train rob tier* They
make a fyaako and skip. ’"
" WiAtaa tpMfto, Jimmy T”
heap can belcher life on
that" «Mri* tries.
‘' rim' to fco* 1 *. • Peapnt
•• Wot'e a gaU«M Manse FT
' H,U “‘•AS*'’* ‘ >*-
’ mi w - -* *
Jr«»a MvKaxaia. in Md sharp* to"
the Grand Jury of Tomato the other
UQL whlßr feV© the inrreaite lu Onkno,
which m becoming the scandal of
eight |>ereotM for HI treating their wiwe,
aiity-lhrse for neglecting them and fifty
<rae for tMaMNPffMU them. J udge
McKeoaM MMh Mrit tefe-beatfag to
one of the moat brutal of crimes, sial
that the twntee who indulge in it ahonid
tw vigorously dealt with.
Vivaa try to raw* s fSmUv etthoet s geod
esttoapw, provatai it coetals* th* tevartte*-
sm>* at Dr. riril. SyT , p ; fto tM. vri-
- *w rmm-
TU Strftyfori (T*. 1) AMk Aids ffteogf
quota* from a Misecari paper Mr. Wm.
F. (Jniolte. Crystal Qity. Mq,. aaftervri ;
oananoeaffy from tfaeoomMfo psfa* fa kt* :
knees, fur which he snsresefully tried i
Ht Jsrifas OU. 7 j
G«s. H. A. Brtunnt, at Mew Tort,
who received a wound during the war
similar to that from L
is suffering, is alive, healthy and vigor
trits ; yet hie wound has never bested ,
and has discharged pus daily for seven- i
teen year*. It gives him considerable
uxtouvqiepoe, but no P<m. ■*
R. L IxiwKrißri, Ecu. ik*
< mootati
(hncinoati A'myeirer, waa cured ty Rt
Jacobs Oil of a stubborn case <d zheamte
teem, which wouldn't yield iopbv»icistiß
Tria Uririibrir at horses, osttte, BttlM,
sheep sad bogs t« Ohio by the rstturi*
at JBBI is as fcUevssF Horse*, TOT.M6;
catlte. 1,888,M2, wS WiOfff » sbeep,
AWB.m, seal itofrt, I,?M,TT&
OoseegPHna in It* sarly *tsg«* to raMUly
nod by th* n»* of Dr. Pierce'* " Uoldso MadP
nU Dieoovery,' Uxragb, if to* lung* ar* watoad
Bo Medicine »fll rffsot * our*. No kgMs* rsee
edy *or*i *oo«hiag Spd hie fan in- ,
duytM* e*rr *A *orotiitote, - HMwMfaris, arid ’
pn'moaeryjpftotfoe* **th* ‘-DtaMwery.'' teton
Wiiiu, of-lnyria. Ohm, vnte* : “Th* ‘C"IA~
M*dK*l I>l wvery ‘ dom perittvatf em <*M*
• niutrfton.'**, after Uyitir every other madtoto*
in v*iii, thi* *aonerd*d. Mr. Z. T. Pbalp* of
C 'lthbul, Ga., wnte*: P Th* ‘ Golden Madias!
I'iU.ravy, h**enr*d s? life of * bronebltte
•ndfaeipieat o.artltnpbou." Sold by dmggtote
A>« evading eitor trnsAri sb inqffff
ing lady : “If you want to nave your
drees gored, all you've got to do is to
flirt a bandanna handkerchief fa ibe
Drsgknoeof!asullen \
I>n rtsaesT “Favorite Prtecriptton* fi"
povertnl reetoratlv*tonic, si», samtoninr
lbs riket rslsabte wvis* propertfa*.ameoially
Sdaplnl to the waul* of dehtlttatod l*d|*- *nZ
frrmg frwm wash tote, Inward fe**, tlhmSiT-1.
Ir.fl«nlri»llon or uk *r*Uon, or frovn uerrona
im*« <>r ovorfapchriuaJßvdrimirtotok
a 001. D Watcn.iieioy ritrs, qg
-aw trihrnd at Oeocombwoc, lAa. *iM
yam a<< w*s feti lbe MM'dsy.
tJposH-etag talNri to- A >Wbter,”d waa
found to be umujursd, autl, when wound
up, >ept tfna aagatUkriDew.
..'X"A.TL u TffI".“X2S«
treatment, addraaa
X-»i kmnen ri.JkdlMhfa it T.
Tnsaa are now in the United Htetee
slxiu*. fl st y- Si t oottom Iml fal mill, x
ui TMmcaaM mid Tkxas, Atas fa
tucky (all in Louisville), four fa Arban
sak, two each fa Miaaouri and Alabama,
and one in Angaria. Ga.
J HAM iMOlfaOw, the English poetees,
spunda urn ch of hv time ta visiting the
poor of Iz-nrion, and gives a dinn** ihrr*
tfiaee II week to diadhasgad invalid* freo*
th« hospitals, and to otners of the sick
>atxl disabled in want,
Oss of th* n»*Sl pepslai riuwfa-i***
hr for* the American pulfac i* Hey falter*
You «•* it evrrywhstV. PVAple take il wi|h
ge«ri*tex. Il bultoto ik*n> «p. r»i*M(»i
ideMsat t* th* *••<* s* anme other Titter* a*
IL'" ? w £ i>ll y 4r“>k lb is liras* like-
Ike 4M fa*hloa*d baa* *et tea fast ha*
deoe • wartd of good IfyoS d est feel lirit
rlehttry Wop Bitter*.—Xbndo Me»*.
you aeu my last po«. F'
ft wad simply jicrfeet." “Oh, cume now,
really, you know nothing ia perfect in
thia war!A" “OU, yes—uoiiagtwcuto”>
From the ]i'fa of OcfabtL. IMI/i*al
h* Ist of July, IM>. gfaWrte Roci
BPRUU WATkk will be supplied to cus
tomer* by Kill* ft Gu, of Hatley Springs,
Ala., at tii* following rate*; n r <
Trn gallon* fa anti-cerroei*e«riri. .fIAOO
Same can refilled at 4.00
Five gallon* in anti-corrosive can.. 3.35
Saaie ckri MA Ned at.... .Vi'Z. .CT. ,f j M
Niuegalliwte iu glass botfle*. - .:. Tflff
Heasi.aAble frsfa u a*l aajMoaw rates
are jiren by all railroad*. Thi* Water
ha* been known fog neaXly fifty year*
ri* a sure cure for Tirvoepeia, a sure cure
(or <1 mease* of the Kfjoey add Bladder,
a sot* eu e tor all aurabie case* of
r>ron*y, a sure cute for Netofulou* case*
of the B me* or Skin, an I a
•Uoyer of the terrtfaw thirst Bf fiktAkj
cating drfak th«l overcomes an' tairti
w irthv resolutions Deprive a drunk
ard ol bi* diam for throe day* and
meanwhile give him plenty of Reck
Spring Water, and he won’t want the
whiekyx D >a't you thiak lib worth
trying i'-. If you do, drop a pirial to
Elli* A 00. It will cost oulr a eent
ADMririri rigidly am- uadavteMagiy to
trnth; but, while you expieea. what fa
trite, express it fa a pt *«V-c manner.
Truth is the picture, the mann< - i no
teaa*e Abet dispteyw N to *ilf lagr
I.TIM* E. rntaaari* VcmtaU* Qmpound
flrirta fmnal* ramplaMK* hr rinAtikm lb*
■write _ ■ r \
Tuosa imaeionato p*rwon* who cerry
Uuur heart* fa their uic«Mm are rather
lu be piUed Maa feared, thvtr thrmtra..
i.ig* serving no other purfioee th** to
forearm bun that i« threatened,
Tri*v pain ia to* bate X * ten tent yea
n**d to take * paekac* of Kkta*y-Wert.
IMrincvurr w tha fturto ot
ri harsh nurse, wbo roogM>Yfefas hto
foster-children into strength and athletic
proportion* The mind, grapphag witk
great aim* and wresMtag wfth ritfafrity
impedimenta, grows by • Mrtafar aenae
alty to theur *tatare
- aitaMi Ttata«e tor
Ths *e*l iaaportaat laiormaliee ever nab.
otoefl l«t farm* Whs f e *4 !•••• with lilU*
naia tbreegh th* irsrif trial of metbertoMMl,
l>v Dr. Staiaback Witesn. *p*eiahet ia mid
wifsry and chroaie di*ea*v«, AUaate, Ga
Mead stamp for • eopy, addreaaiag a* ahevv
sad writlag bit full num*. “DteMSM of
Mea” to be tad te tea *am* way.
Mrimbrigged Agrihi.
J sew as mack said about tbs ararit* of
He p Mt-sto, shd my wWe wbe w*. ahray*
deetoriug, and never well, toaeed me to
nryeaUy to * si-tow estoe, I eeneludsd to be
hambeteed again . and I am glad 1 did. fee
ia tea tb*n two month* as* *2 the Butera
my wtfe wws erirdft sad all* baa r*mlined so
for eighteen stood**aiaee. I like shebbnm
xrFiaiu-.HL T., Bt Paul.—Pioneer Pvea*
ttalwMM fstaMfaCpteto known fa
Michigan waa brought to Detrod fa
1808 by Father Gabriel Richard, a pnest
at ttm order of Ht Bulptoe.
twesampUta <«■ be Cared.
t Head what Mr. Wifaiam C. Digsr*. a mer
rhaat of Bowllag Green, Va, wtttra ondrr
date of April itft. lifal. Ils *ay* I firmly
belter* that Allen's Ira or R>l*am will and
baa cored aswefanptioa. If taken iti time and
proper ears b* taken ol the patient, both in
■nimble food and dothlng. Rix year* ago
my snottar w** attacked with pneumonia
Th* attetding physfeia*. “»ome time after,”
•olfljwClhat toe disease had nettled on her
long* and that she had the consumption
.Mot believing that a permanent ewe could
l>e efiecled, bril tfeak ng tha 1 mfaht be
shl* to gat so expectorant not containing
opitm which would afford toote relief. I in
rqnised Os a druggid fa Richmond, V*. if
he n*d auj medicine not containing opium,
tfni waa a good ei|>eetor*a He thei rar
utameadsii Aden’* Ira ng Balsam, whieh I
pnrthaaed and Indexed my mother to tiy.
Before she had taken th* first bottle the
imtwoyemeat fa her condition wtesotfisrk
edthat T purchssed throe more bottle*. The
attegiding phrsiainn, *aci g the beneficial
effects, recommended Ilseoulisnvduse, and
in gbout twelve months her lung* were
progotinyd cure*!. ■ t'pou my jrre inuuenda
’non many Other* wte- h id th* ■■onsurnpiion
■teV* Been »»red I thin* yotl eah claim
for yofir mediciM the followint; Expeeto
raiisn without irritation, and healing < < the
lung-by keeping them fr«* from foreign
»u bion sea, thus arresting ano Curirg the
dr era! disease. Mr. Digee* ray* be write*
liecauto be want*us to know that Allen's
Rw*g Balsam Is doing good.
Bays- Trial.
Tte Voltato Jtelt Q>.. Mamhall. Mteh , will
rate fafar fll*Ht*o-Vott*te Baits and other
Uaorirte AppHsnoe* on trial for thirty d*»* to
aS ousted Willi Nervous Debility,
, and kindred trouble., guarsntoe
restoraUon of rigor and manhood.
a ten Tri* W (thorn delBT
riteis toenrred, a* thirty days'
Trvita On. made Term selected
i asawfaurti by Oaswull, Haaard A
rk. ft U'Abaolfitely |>tm and sweet.
Pstimda *bu have Site- tahasi It f-refer it to all
otltafa. I’bysiciaus have decided it superior to
M-y ♦» rise rtbev afe iu u-arkati
aSw'l >S* I* Ik. BMew.
A A Druggist* for “Bough OU Bats.” Uriases
eut fate. Sterrisafat, flftii, NW brigs- U»
ktertris rmssw Mt*r«.
Wiliam J Cfeyijhi <■, <!♦«»♦'vUl r , Mm*., Mp: **!r
• MMMI fcf nfal **• tftfewn *htl bltasdUkfi 0< llw laagri,
felltWwd ». •ormfb I lota ay appmtlla a*-.!
, wufwlksd tn my bed la iffH I «tm ad
mitlH U »Kfa bwytmi Thw domwa Mid ! had a bo Ia la
*1 M u <* • Asltar . Al nulMu
w»»»f ffround ibai ! wm <Umi. I fin ap bof*. ■
frtffi 4tuld m» tJ th*. Wiluam tfALt'a Balaam fob rai
I ff«t • Mb, ohae. lb my >Ol far to*. I «w>>
vwnofad io «A1 batfbr, Mid lA-dfl? 1 Ibfft belter than kx
ihr**»Mr> (steal, t write IMm tooptftg «wry
■Mh sbrnmad long* will teia Da. Wuxiaa Hall's Bai
*A». «v 4 ibm ftarfFTlfi CAM •» nr
Imu fwwiffWlp «*y H ha* ftena miiWp fnrwl than all lb
•<U*r taad-ciit** I bare tehau nuee my akchaaM-"
Z> . In.fetay F***r«te< MW>f* ar«»d ptaatedtatea r<>*K vrry
baiMtei-tiie tot.faj otctirfa. rijaewv>>-l <asn tUrrw uulaxm.
AMlffl wiMtrblai aIW nnMM*. thiol, boot cover Mum
tHM'I T 3 i wtteflw pncM Bnuu la BliiMj,
wMKMtton jnianMrtMWQ vr moflwy rvfumte i. after ooe
yearaauwi I writ bl Pla nafarltM. •I3’> t ■BV cats
!•!<»• twfate |M*)tAtbn.»teMard|Manoftfateetif .hr ut>»-
Vto I.'a aeir m*.
hr* <-4rria<eat*Mla paan? n» telain •• ftralh
<tev MUna) ftwr »4'Ural tall mckhi
JfrfcMJKL F. B*ATTV£Vaa»mi. 5 aw Jumay
(TWa BfifarwrlM eaRaaMW I waff* tea Wafefy •mm>)
Fm <'■■■> •> < Wdritek, <*rw«B|B t«ra»w« lb Ills aad fell
•tbM a4teca«>Mnf ito* Tterwml M>d B.t'HUM, n »ua4b
•arlvMad aad aiurly to*y«md ail aeuiiwi u<m.
•ff|>«afftom •• mm a fiffirffbi ibafi •• ftin«ly-tv«" p*.
«M* •»• priffe*hiaUy wrW, wb«r« ibe duvefitoM ar«
■rtelil MMRUtaI «teb. tteriHkocMmfeaiMKtef to
pvtetii totartri fag prams •« aid
n coriTAuis m eriUM m mt fowb
J M. MAURIS A CO.. Proprietors. .
H |UI •« ■■ B
€ SB* ■ ■ B “ »
M »D*n owr Matorai» ■>««*»
Bnfe-wm *»ta«tert D
RyM** ■ v 0 "’
Bltßarßna ■ o.
/•■H 35 lw aJ^WiV—Jgni —,z-.
fa p w
/A "I IL i 1
& 1! r to~
riM 'T 1 ‘nring
Lilil surarvw
Vl HW S-~--~ — tl-ms *re
Arite not deelgn-
V? A* < ' ■ Indue
Vijßkir fa.k ~ th.- puiteta
d'Swn 5 * Wvfi »' * •t'emr’lbedw
’ the Os Ibe pro
writ 19r iiunrson. but.
'I "C write** merely to piece tbc
\" W Mil reralereof them-psMree
..L .*7 in pom«wri<m of • miens
j 1 1 ' t>f trlnUnentof tbemlnor
Sci-ideh t i been nd ng del I y I n
1 hr- tvnisrhr-14. »nd which, while not .iriter r- us
in thetnseive*, ere exceedingly annoying.
Hurns, brute* scald* sprain* etc., arc prin
cipei »nn«ig there troubtefano and annoying
occurencs*. and 4ra«»l immodlrie treatment
with the best mean* »t hand In the kitchen,
the dining hkn. the nursery »nd the sitttag
ruw* they »re Hahin to happen. »nd. Instead of
faar and elarrn at the sight of the cut or mashed
finger, or t-ruteri or burned arm. or ecaldiri
surface, a cord *nd quirt m*nn< r sboukl be s*
sumad. and after weahltig awsy the blood. Os
required), the Injured p*rt» *houM be -Ire«*.-d
With that must vrii>l'ls Jx<x>*e
tin. lUaun’rtalnglf q dl « Yfclifcf.ttf clearwtng
i-ropertie* Ito twodrescy to quickly remove oil
tnUamtaeUon. and Ila wonderful efficew In the
abovv as well m In all m uactilarand other pain*,
such aa rhmnnrtwm. neuralgia, tuolharfse.
heednebe. stlffneas of tbc joint*. et<. - ibcae
ren-U-r f*T. J aeons On. pre-eminently the beat
external remedy r»>w bi-tore the |>copli : which
- lalia Is fully rittatan nated by the etrengost
kind of twrtlmony from all clasere of people.
The value iff kuirisn Ufa 1* ansuoresnely Impor
tant that anything that thuds >0 "*J , T O l2s*®‘
tlon is entitled so the highest romn-lethtion
Chartea Netsoo. R*i . proprietor Nelson House.
Port Huron. Mteh. says: “I suff- red so with
rhcutnnil»m that my arm withered, and physt
nans could uot help me. I was in despair of
my life, when some one advised ms to try HT.
Jacobs On- Idld so. and as If bytngglc, I W*s
rjstasitly relieved, and by the continued use of
the Oil cnurely cured. I thenk heaven for
having uix«f Hits wonderful retnedy. fort' sores
wy ifr. It »l«o cured my Wife.
<>f 1 a prefMrly aoohad m«al, afbriu tittte ar do j*a*
•tit »ff|cy«b«ai, and much torttna teaeom
flrm«4<!yap«pUe. ■«» wbwwebrmie iMdlfMiMm to oom.
batted Will. Haatelter'a Blrtmacb BHter«, Um (U*i •aten
wilb mliah. and mm< tmpwlAAl o< all, to aa»G«ilai*d by
and affurfateri Ute ayatem. Vm ihto ffT*** l *<**'• bb4
rMttvff aIM) to r*m*dy MonalipaUoD, tffHou ••*•*, rbianix-
HMD, |»v*r ts d a<Ba
For mda all rwtltjttote and Itealwt
■Snmvai of the FiMI
■ a riant nMmnn ■» uumdl
■ a HALM VOX BTtak* WHt YH W«
■ rru MAIM Df AHWCU. K
«| ■n>e Mgriasm Mustang I.mipmt basH
■ boon known fm snr. than thirty ffvam
■ roar* ut fan bros or all 1 lainranto, *>*■
MMan amt Hmast Its arias today *r*m
■ arger mail ever ft our«* WBen sdlta
■others fril. and pen etc*-re ritta, toOdtam
Mud wmarle to Use very bone. MMm
■ •vary when. S
I wrvte <«• •• < •!•!.. I’l-rMm...|ii. | M .
Hr«ta*«-bifel IXMcmlilire* llrr»«s* hill*
HaatM-ta**. IfahwiN, ('rwM|>. U li•«•(<!mu
‘••mB. Mwai all III"4-irar** •! tbr llrvniblaa
Drrflii*. h - thr H.-br-tv
»l lbr l.tiHz*. IwM «mr«l nud tM>i«wnr«l by itoe
und pt*»r-t* lbr wl«b< awmlra fettfll
ltflUW<-«-> artwra* Ibf cbrral Mbith RI
*•. C'faHtefeifefkUwH I- M»« .«•! ißcarnblr mnlndy,
llll.i/H II if-* IM MM ill *«rr |fe M . raw*
kwfiiffh prWrv»*U«RRI nld Imll*.
W»wa BUabay mi m—a—it* mada. c«bi
-4 dfaOtombwfe. A4df am TBwm A Qa.. AmuMm* Ms
in w
ssfaresi tossaaSkvaMA, it rack a I Ma* bs rare tea
K t r ’ w, skx
to» m» vly Maagaw, a*e>
tn iba Vwwewitowr ■umber of
FwA a'lXr** ——*°te*c*SS. » and o*> g*.
trasT? «*-V-< spacinMa uiuuhar. svwwsinlnv
tes*chapwaat 6 tMvrar»wiri,~saxa> *
Ea. ATTHI BAbON. ne - lOC>
■rifani rtiiai rtsm rvavrir
Vks ■SMaTySsfaasn-asas. tester's Was W H k* WuJ
riraste M iiMMH, rWisiw. rtsrstos art r.£,
aa M see* A*. **« vtefe
r d ° es wnv?B
■wonderful, nlll 1
■ tareawtl arise* >»• MTf*
■ S 3 klSOtt »« Hssrasaettos.
lyw b um*x4 Ci..brw H
nr i« ■ 1 ■gl »
I IXI foSUT paona -AT ■ B
MbAoud belter. teUk)*te»7 WflWtewwdlffM
W arm t. J fIM
■ Uu > tawn y ear-
Maori rm«|toteMtoWn ETTI Ft
MfefgyWtet- ~
M John M lA-rtoor* of J***** **?*--JTTZS
m - wa.l -u ere "
□ KIDNEY diseases H
■ JT;, rit. rrod Wte* B
U err it *TTnr nntoawTS. rntcih a tv* IK
El wvi.L*. UH itautao* A«a . nwti'v* ■
J wigrawduserirraeraaaM >
iJU Jfß tagTriZ.ta m!**rtes
i 5 to S2O
nrrifmnn boGM canvassers to
Wft N H FQft tkrmk and
"Uli ICD (trcqlarh fob lit
TLE WOMAN*,” Worcvoter’s Subecriptlon
PENDIUM of Social and Burinera Form*.
Box 1 i«, ff«w Orleans, L*
W E| / M-t—. ssrt • -~re-
2£?*s- Cre. re
nCJU isz.
•maW kfIUHT qtff.FfffffiWb QareOVMrA tv Cfa>*«* ■
tk-ainivxoos » >«\«- 10
#,»•« A grew t* WanlKl tor lAto of
1 eertatea tb* fiitl Moteri rs Ms eeM. art sw.l/Jl ll»
.n-l teeter Sly aaartraM. riantteol «r*e»»reu. testa,
f, 0 .-,lol»ra*'s*-*te. Th* bro ***** •< yo*. I.fc te
-ikee-e*.. tewer* *r "eau-avenay*’tetsere*. Th*
. t a. Miy ooUteeUs art fully Ul-mrort lib t ret
guljret Artte-T Flos steal p-rtrOte ttinurSU
teSvs-.u ('4revtate tree (/ _
Wfire ManteU fvjMWgetO*-- *»«»«* *«
IbHf < &tB & $■ * * bjb »■■ >••••■•< /»». |
B # Bm &&
Hr gg^B'a ri ft Wggg gjn gm 1u» ■*’^ l “- , ‘’X! r ?'
v- •« «■ />«~« i*" r » -*-
• ■>**lAlmost i«ib»*<li«As . ( * t Hiao* gainst it Ifc*’* 1
>M oM permanraUr ahaiad. 18**« .”T~ ?.*?Wtth U« traM°H »”■
bor Ua» I •«< did io U. >mm U— H "•’“l - 4 “ o fe haa m* *»• “•
“*—*** ffi#SL»TF£k<>£»«
WUBWMTMH II TM oj, HMRTM Ms DICIRS CO., M■ «U <■**'' ___
£ r.^g£M^s5 k “;’SSSas.".
■boww omoocAx. cowjurr. * d
•••• PILLS'i
I Uwd u«! <pprer»d by the UadiJßf
I CLAJI «f nriQPE uul
Th* modi
I Family J ww
r w > a < j> t_ *2. •—***“•**
CZTTI. j r *
unun cwnrnon
*M*A®»KA> «<tw»M. hr»<«*
WTry Am. Mal M «■« mm «« aU au g«aM f ,mUm i»ur»*»T
MunrouiTtwi wiiiiyfi^L£JßE* * *^7 ’
wworenfafs'-ifir jrrifsLwr cjmiosw
zTax: taxs,’xa , Tzr£S
- -•™rs=’ X 27
•* ma KWtt. KLTMt, Host
lSt STfc. mumghaiT a F ca
ftt gflte Waats LOUBYILLL.
$ 77 7 H
tOUNfi MEN 1
-as., terre. VaU»Tfr> ang., teretek, a. ,
Mayne’s Automatic tnrint>x
Mi ftbi
Iteneite Dorebte »4 Bcoee-iucri riu /aerate *
a-cVsawer «*s*kJi fas tori art asuer im,. a», «*, kgrit Mt Attea with a* Aaleiuatx
wul ter ill iteraSs t Crivloaae "J. ro I- ■ mmivaa
Prtov B WYa rwr * Itei ■sccce*um I *
tMgAmetitA aatoA«w4 «wwwr4i ■*t romptetw u»b
--j-u* - J** <4y raHffi- trt »rv*. «
Fac similes of U. S. Treasury
ixnianeirtßisii ram *• »>
■ retesSteg Os *ta* soar. IsaUaUre. te t'ara-1 s-re, I
Yyomwry Mete*.a»d biaeef WaiKmal Bank B.ra,l* •ail,
as vertow* dewuninecism A» a rare and re>. vn. - n
roeenfi ol decxtiite •cMUhterfafe m.tavy th*y unWn
bto <. A-. BAI, WT Otmvifli )
|mm cm m •>*, BIPTI Kt,-f t* ,»■
<P*ate« •< Mm«e m I •*♦*•**- I Mu ,
a>d Atfa*e4«el fatter* <-.
KZfSr" re
art Ibv. CtaMfi Asak. toik ri Ua-rereu
te to. i -nteteteey, tor •*!«. plrew •l-trws- 0"'«■to";-
baa art grire, V. 1. toe*, «;l Wasbiar"* * - 1 k ->C 1
~r*M»»re»' o**m>, atlaela. 0» rwiT <U‘ -SI.
-.r Ms.. 1 . *
f-~taklir— *— <* Hop*, Buchu, Man- I
enklste l Dandelion,vnsrii ure-iw X
awe* e>*r* uve prvvvrtte. ot all -o- B tun, k
osWita »r*rtre Bipod F unbar, I - - J
Breitb tore. ..m I
Agsel reWmtota™**"''*
-- - -reretifvtee* .Tbt vtor’ 11 I
mttsr* are T *“ KXi **' u *'-' J
Wri.ii rtterira. .>mfiiiiijuii niiaflii~f IrTwra an ■
tvVf t«• u arirerr orv*— or rt - J
MrartU^!S3k«-¥- d “““ UK -*'" I
Hep Biiuia A* * A—i^^*** I **' wH-hout nt or- V
Mobster dt ffY’«r*«-
arv whal tte er allmfteDt te ua- Hop ftrt
tara LkJW*l *aH KiUUyo«a% r * terA ball? v.-j
nai* feel bad *r u,w " al
II r«wMte.U ba* • » • d buDdrfeto
■SOO rirlDMDßid for •«•■*• **
•antar b* l ?- Do mi
evOarAm QWRAd anr> *° u *‘ Mop D
WrortZt-tori H p HJlteTB m
4rttakM rwWfMm. to*, lb*
Mflitlrtaa war mam! »tbe •
b awd ■W" a»<l b® r p "" famUy X
abuuW toe wtttexjl Ite m. MHHBMBb
• m a tean fete Lutetel njrv I|K>
« r Xi*. uukJ~rtY-riw. owDf i»ptum.
fl SwMirv AU Mfad bv_jrWWte^ v
1 Jr MPI