Columbia advertiser. (Harlem, Ga.) 1880-18??, December 06, 1881, Image 4

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school htolhwh. Tb» eoodittoa o( aoue of th* aeteooia Mto light knd ventilation ia simply 4* ptorabte. &*n* may ba raaartted. oth eta will Aad to ba removed and new boaaaa erected tn their piaoaa. In **v etal aeheol-rooma the tight ooter* *1 moat entirely from the rear, rendering it nr-n*sffy far the teacher* to stand facing tl» window., while the work of the pupil ia shaded by hie own l>ody. lam confident that in all ouch room* great injury ti frmg done ti> the ey» eight of many W the <xvnp*Dt* Many rooms aba provided with no adcqnaU means of ventilation. In some th> plans adopted hsv«- prove, failure* in part or wholly, While in other* no tneatn whatever Bev* been provide.l **v* by the door* and windows. Ltanug wan. weather* when there can be left open, no great harm need be done, but. when eold weather require* that they lx eloeed, foulness ol the air lx mmer awl no effort or wstehfltftiM on the part of the teacher* can male the nxxaa fit for use Even the out-door air in a city like our* ts far from living pure, and it la rate to nay that, with all otir efforts to secure vents tation, the air of many school-room* would, g MMliyxed, be found to contain five tunes the normal amount of car Ixxuc-acid gas, beside all the other ini purities incident to the collecting into one room Os from forty to sixty chil ‘iron. During the past two yean con regions disesseo hsvo prevmlud in our midst more than ever before. Not only have many uhildren Iron our school* died, iml hundreds of others hero been intemgited in their k!hx>l work on this aocounV-tt U a noticeable fact that these diseases are ‘morn jnwvalent in cold weather, and it'is isor* than prolm bio that the physical system of the children is rendered more aaaeoptibln to these diseases bocanae of the polluted air they aHt obliged to breathe f-om four to five hours per day. It io uxjieii* ive to build de* Rliool-liouaes and pro ride ample menus of ventilating Mie name, but ti ti fer more expensive to have ti* *ork of the school broken up by prAejftablo disease*. Visit, near the clone ■«< that <lay, any of the rooms, in which****** is a lank of goad von til* tic®, and the iaasitnd* shown by the children in all their exorcises will con vine* any one how impoaaiblo it is for the niMid to do eny realty-goxl work under such ciartunatiuice*. The brain refuses to set, tm|vrfret lesa*u* are tho result, the teacher loses co:. 1- dcnecWn trer ability to interest and ben. efit the pupils, and becomes discour aged.—AcAoof Superintendent Jfanielt, Grand Rapidt, ncoJrraitmcK uh hkiho a itv jtfoarsr. Bret Harte'* peculiar horror is the poem that made his reputation, " The HeathNi dhinec.” To a friend Who once madegiiquotatioti from it in his hearing, tee said: •• If you love me never mention ‘ Heathen Chinee' in my hearing. If 1 die young it will be of that niiner*l>l< waahgnwn H« ia my nightmare nnd my dryoevre I cannot get nd of him ; go where I will, he spring* up like a jack in-a-box. With some people I have to be polite and listen to all they have to aay on the subject ; but I feel that I knoxfjyou well enough to cry out * *|>*re mo I* fam willing and ph<a*o<l ‘o talk of any of my other atoriiv, and even other jxx«ms; but the Mongolian wdl kill me yet, •• Why, do you know, they have actu ally Imil to music—a frightful dugv ! A young lady instated upon chanting it to mV the other night, and I had to listen patiently, instead <4 following my inclination, which was to tear the music into a tlioueand pieces, and dunce up and down on the key-board of the piano. II waa enough to drive me mail" IjUl chu>! .fatty of moat ncw»|M|W m<<s"u to borrow around for new*, not to form smooth MUtancwa or emiucMUr beautiful thought*. Many pcmons can bo brilliant two or three time* ■ year who ■Merly tail in the treadmill expnn anot> of journal la tic work. Literary rod- Inkntors to newspapers or penodicob x'iilow become nnlbonalrwK. Os coarse, on* who ia already tamou* can gel hm own price for an article, but R 5 a |>age ia a good averag’' oompenaadioa for an article ar wy toil by one of oar magaauua. Ruppoac it to cover ten jiogva, the writer recsuvwa RfiO. If he could write and aa- CMUW a publisher for twelve such article* tn a year, which ia nuppoaing what rare ly occurs, hia net income would be >k)o. Thus, while it may pay the young be ginnar in law or medicine to employ hia < ww abradant LaMar* ami incraaar hia limited laeoms by writing for tbeaa monthlwa, a complete reliance on them for support, even under tavoralile cir umTtanftirr. ia fooliah As for the daily papara, they have little room, under the rooitantly-mevaaaing amount of tele graphic and local news, for the miacel 'anaoua topiea, in which, alone, the out uder can hope to compete with the regular ataff Thu* they ofcr very htUa to th* amateifr.—ClnrwwMtfi titaaetfa. A oaueawr la Nee RteMKrnd, O . Mr B. J. bin asm, *MMa at th* fnUuwmg “I irnnit Hr. ItalTa Oeogh Syrup ate M tte eery teal things ateda lew * attugattae Mi my own Matty and ana thaaafate iwnammmsd a." Is Bavannah, Ga., the annual death rate for 1,000 whites for the year IHHO was 19.05, and tor the colored, 45.47. In the Mayor's opinion, the diepanty is due to a n>>o-observance of sanitary laws on the part at a portion of the colored people, and to their unintentional neg lect of the necessities of the sick. The authorities provide medical attendance and dispensaries for them, but they have not yet learned to take full advant age of the eity’a liberality. Br actual merit the famous substance. Bl Jacobs Oil, has steadily won its wav until it ti to-day the national remedy for iL.'nmatiam. Lawyers, physician*, clergymen - all use it— t'incinnati (O.) Ztetly Knquirer. a ntiuf rotrib. Two Irishmen were ponng ore, the news of one of the city papers, and, com ing to the bead “ Latest" and immedi ately following it “Very Latest,’' one said to the other : “ Ah, sure, Tim, will you b< after ex plainin' what thia means? " “Arrah, bedad," said xim, “an' it's mreelf that can explain that to ye, Bure tiie latest is whst come* in time to lie printed, and the very latest ia whiA come* after the paper is out,” Tub Pittaburg Sunday Leader quotes: “Mr Martin Karg, Silver Creek, Minn., enrol a badly wounded horse with BL JaoolM OU." Wx have always maintained iha p'liccmcu are useful and that they 0o not get all the credit they are entitled to. While riding in Cineintati u prpnl inent resident of that city was thrown from hi* boggy, the horse at ones dashing off at a breakneck speed. Fort unately two policemen were standing on a crossing, and by knocking down and running over both of them the speed of the frightened hone waa demwaed ti such an extent that he wn* easily cap tnred. In this instance at least th< guardians of the law seem to have been in the right place at the right time. Ds. Fisscs's “(toldso Medical Inaoovsry' been so thoroughly astablwhari lu public fsvor th 1 ver* it not (<» the forgi-tfniiH** of people it would not b* neo***ary to call aUeti tlou to lie power to rur* oonsnmiiU’-’u, which i* •erofol* of tbs luug«, and other blood dla**»*», a* eruption*, blotcbca, pita plan, ulcer*, and •• Uvsr complaint." It is now definitely announced that Mi*" Anna Dickinson will appear next winter in the garb and personality ol Shak*|>e*re'* heroes, and that her en gng< menta will not only include the principal cities of the United Btatee, but England a* well llww Wwwmw WewM Were woman allowed to rote, every one In the laud who ba* UMd Dr. Pierce r •• Parent* pre emption " would vote It |o be an unfailing remedy for the dieeeeee peculiar to ber eex By dniggi.ta Tua Oolielini tapestry ha* lieen re cently restored in tho morning-room st Holyrood, where are tho chin! relic* of Mary Btiiart, including < haini whost corer* were worked by het. In twenty rears the Cjuenn has bnt twice "pent any time at the palc'e- Wlial Han Lbamdbo, Cau, Janoary A, 1R77. Dx IL V. rtxaca, Buffalo, N.T.: Dear Mr— I bare employed rear “ Pleeaaut l*tirg*Ure Pellet* " In my precuoe for the l»*t four year*. I now cae no other altenttv* or cathartic mnli anee In all chrome derangetucol. of the atom aeb, liver, and bowel*. I know of nothing that equal* them. J. A. Mit-i-xa, M D. Aw agricultural pa|*r turn an article on kicking cow*. It is hard to uuagrnc a man who can be so mean a* to go around kicking those useful and inof fensive animal*, but we suppose there are sueh wretches or the article wouldu have been written. Wanssa'a Safe Kidney and Liver Cura. PoHTuaHTxns nave been directed not to deliver acuraiou* }KMtal canl*. They are also forbidden to read postal cards a.ldrvss«'d to other iiartie*. Therefore, when you drop a scurrilous postal card into the post office, you must acquaint the Post master ami his assistant* with the fact, or they will be terribly eml>ar rassed.—aVorvitaxcri Herald. ■aeon A Hamlin Organ Company. At the great Italian Industrial Exhibi tion just dosing in Milan, Italy, the lughest swards for musical instruments, a silver medal sod -diploma, were taken by an American manufacturer, the Ms aou ami Hamlin Organ Company, whose osiani'l organa were judged to la ao superior that they were the only reed orgxma of any manufacture. Eurojseau or American, which ware awarded a medal. It ia a great honor tc these makers that in Italy itoalf, the very home of music, their organa should receive such dis tinctiou. They excited much inter* st among musicians, and were by special order repeatedly exhibited to ib« royal court by Oario Ducci, the distinguished artart of’ Hume. Tint Rupreme Court of MaiwachtiM-tU baa decides! that the ringing of factory iwlla at an early hour of the morning is a nuisance. A similar decision was giv eti not long ago tn Philadelphia regard mg a cathedral bell Search the Ser pin rex and Earn S4O. “ Ttn- pablishersuf the Holly Springs,* Mi-a) Reporter in their prise panic column make lhe following oner To the person who will Aral tell as which is the >on(rst verse, watch ia the short cal verse, and which the middle verse of the Old TesUueenl, we will Si ve *9O in gold Toth- person who will tret name the book and division in the bible in which ocean every leUle of lhe Hebrew alp shot, we will give *yo in sub! These premiums to be awarded on the IMA of Jan uary next. Those was mntesi for premi ums tonal a* ad P. O. Order for twenty Av. rents, no stamps for which they will receive a copy of the Reporter of January IMh, con taining lhe correct sue were and names and poeioAie address of panics giving teem, to whom will he awarded lhe premiums. Ad nrvwa Pi susMis. or Kxruaraa, Holly .springs, Muasamppi Lrnu E. hrnu'l VagstaU* Oerngncnd rwrsa all femal* ' Xnptelut* Th* following M the ext of teatirnouiaU which Mn. Pm*bam rvowvea: I ba: bewi troubled with famalo wwakneas for aevmtwen year* Tbs threw tart year* I was s grwal Mtfferw fourteen UKmtb* of th* Ua* act sbla to tawvw my bad Many rwaaadm* from many pbysicaso. war* tried tw m* bet to ao avail. lam now wail, and work al my trade, draaamaking I waa cured by taking au hotel** of Mr* Pinkham'* Vagatable < uerposod. Mra. L. T. Deiaaack, corner Pine tad Boynton «tr*»ta, 1 Wismar*l, Ms** Lxaxwnio maketh young men tiunrx r ate, is the comfort of old age, stamling tor wealth with poverty and serving as en ornament to nebes A MUSI that will *noo*a*fully relieve fe mala veatuMw cannot fail to la popalar with • lauen. and when a mentorkjiM artxie >• placed on the market It meet* with s ready Among the rmat reliable ot tbx* daaa u Lrdi* E. Ptnkbam « Vegetable Compound, whim ia guaranteed to cur* all duesaee of fa msle weaknera. Tbm preparation M fast taking the place of ail other* »- a »nr* and reliable remtvly. *f„l i* ari-hvaed by draggwt* and oth er* w'w-rever rt ha* t«-n introduced. Herl land (JO.) .iryru, See adrcrUaement u> another oornmn. 1 ire greats** men nave neen frequent ly ixiru in the moat insignificant places. Dr. Mary Walker waa Ixrrn in a remote New England village, I'M a hie heat hope* and Jntereat of the ra.*e rwl on tbx purity, health and strength of womaubood. We take pioasure in referring onr reader* to the remarkaid.- cfttcacyof Lydia E. Pinkham * Vegetable Compound in all that iti** of diM-uoa from which wuptau *uff«r to nonli. Okw. Dawikl Ttlkb is tho only sur vivor of a regiment of 1,100 men (tho First United States artillery) which re ceived Lafayette at Yorktown in 1824. Au. weakly women are *tran*tbeuad by Ui* n*e of Lydia L. Pinkham'* Vegttablv taw-pwiud- 15 per cent of the school chil dren of Holyoke, Maa*., are ol Ameri can parentage Forty-one per cent, are of Irish and 32 per cent of French Osnadian parentage. •'Fob two year* 1 wa* a great *affer<r from Kidney Compl tut*. I waa unable to attend to my btminaa*. and wa* comfortaid* only wlieu lying down, at time* being lu to great di*- Urea tint I noald r«wt nqther night nor day. I had teyrral doctor*, but reornod no b-oeflt from any. I tried about all the medmine* ml o rtuad for Ki 1 nay Complaiuta, but experi *nred no relief. Having boa re lof 11*® wonder ful effect* of Mr*. Pinkham'* Vatetabie Com pound lu F«>male (k>m|4alnt*. and knowing that it wa* advertised a* a remedy for Kidney t'-om viaintt. I tried it and bogan to improve before lb<- flrat bottlo wa* taken. I oonu .ued tin- n*e of the Compound, and In lea* than three month* I waajterfecUv well, and bare not been tronbtat rtnoe. 1 coruuder it the greatest remedr for Kidney Complaint* ever yet diacovereil. J. P. Huwaati, NoJW Park Street Lynn. Ma**. Tint corporate name of the place where the Presiilont died is to be changt-il to " Garfield,’’ though a postoflice is to be established there to be known a* “El beron,” Th* phyaical ilia which are peeuliar to women •re M-ldo-ri mentioned, either In oonvsraaUou or through the pre**, through false mo.leatv, and yet the fiercentage of three diaeaare are on the mi rea**!. Thousand* of women to-da< cbertab grateful remembrance of the Vi getebl* < om umnd which ia prepared by Mr*. Lydia E. Pink ham «>f thi* «tv We Asm Hist more of thu jireparation I* «old in fhia <Mty than 1* *old of any Other medicine; all the world sb- old kU->* of it* curatlvjr effect*. S*e advertise ment in soother oofumn f.ynn Trantrnjii. »VM. n« ur l-anola, Crenshaw county, Ala., has hmt two wives by death since the Ist of March task «tmt Tiding* lor Wotherw.” The moat important information ever pulre liahed for those who would psa* with little pain through the great trial of ntolhrrhood, by Dr. Stiitihack Wtl«on. apeciahat in wifery » d ebrooie <ti*ea*ea, Atlanta, <•* Send "lamp lor a conv. addressing as above ind writing hi" full name “Diaeaas.* of Men" tn be had in the "»m« way. I -OTTON OXD oil ia now used a* >. an re stitute for tartl for domestic purpose* by many families in the South. They pro itotinee it a* every way superior. Owi Tklrry Dayi' Trial. Th* Voltaic Belt Go.. Marshal I, Mich., will sand their Electro-Volttic Bell* and other Electric Appliance* on trial tor thirty dav* to any parson afflicted with Nervous DabUlty, Lost Vitality, and kindrod trouble*, gnarantm tug oompletc rewtoration of VMt r 'i sod maubixxl Addraa* as above wlihont daisy. I’. K— No risk I* incurred, a* thirty days’ trial 1* allowed. Fixoßß-xsitJi twoTnchtelong an' tne pride of » Italtiaiore woman. Do mot giro up,—hundred* that have Buf fered for year* fiorn kidney duwa*« have been cured by Kidney-Wort llumot.rrr. people let their soup grow cold iwtween the plate and the month. toot arviox. laawartaal la tka WaßUe aa wall a* thv Westlrgkl t*r»frtatal«»« HJl't jMrrtt-4 of Jlm/IA, fitig te < naatimpUtita, oMMtMt like Jbvliowttig t«n)>nrUi*t •• VtattMUCnplftafft tibttAilV '.«• with a Alight, dtffOitifh la thti titan, n« *Mng UM, g-tung m.*rr at id tuttia* fttequeau, With Wtiwaaaad pblrgtu, ic‘"»wm*iag AffbilMy, thttitirwa <7 fewh, th«ti>w«g «< htralb, and quteta* titiw* Im frrttil r-Mtag Itfr •va fAgw rvinor ta ab>Mlt t»n year* , jteere tbw tm)<*Uww*» <-t anrMttig ffre kIM rtfif • Mag'* *• p«Mr»bi», tif.d »b« Anrw.rf rMional Mr few thie par |«n»w Ibe grrairr th* cWnrw of *acrw*** Th* 4t*ra»* »• owing to •*> IrrHalMva fßMnmwtaetDg th th* thtoaal wrd ektrhdtng l<ilfr« lang*, wo Ibal tfrwif krthti »* Ihltiffvrwd With, M><l th* W>*«| fi-**i»ut i wcrlvw Aufikeie r.t oivgwa lo pctify U. Th* «»<*« waw/k**! *tgri of t«wg dtaeWA* w ***•*»•!»•« ; an.l »br I p-ttif- U»» << rrturwtwg Itawhb I* il*t*-m* m Be.jhi " r. .t«ak. HaU's V w» t>. w , *4d that «• 4*wp*ratw rase*, awd, tn (bet, » all <>.•« .1 t ««• a«mp4i<so, o< trtrtibiww ut lk» thinat and langs, un«»*4 rwit*! ftiay few (Attainted *ud a pwrw»e® wwt rurn *-ftK ed fry tb« »*• of fW. *m Mall’* Balaam to* Iba Lang*, a MMH*k> mnekaoww ll* ■»*.«« Ihtan llbwty-4lr» y*art an M > i ? - i "g rawed* *n ramgtta. roM«, browehUta and all (rtilaat nary and |wr««waki dtiwaae* That lbw •(*»! cnera of < offtawaup* ibwi bate bwwn ear** b» «b* uae td Hall’* Ba!sari ha, »>ea atle.ted to bff IM iheusAn ti Who have M, Off ba*w bn«t> c*g|utitant rd kte wtitadwrhil rewnadtai •Abonry sste. Esses* 11 rtemn a os., ewie*»ieam K. I TnMrG ■ ”«*■■■* —■* ■ am. os~ yxUllO Orno asm*m Van.rmn ■ ns e. w ATCSBS Mlec. From the lOtn of October, IMI, to he l«t of July, 1882. geo nine Rock Hfrisu Water ariil be supplied tocoa tiunere by EUi» A Co., of Bailey Springs, Ala., at the following rate*: Ten gallons in «nti-eorro«ive css:. .95.00 Heme can refilled at 4-00 Five gallons in anti-eorro*ive can.. 3.25 rtame can refilled at 2 00 Ninegallona in glam bottle*.. ... 7.00 Reasonable freight and express rates are given by all railroad-. This waler ha* been known for norly fifty year* as a sure cure for Drsuepeta, a »ure cure fur diwaaes of the Kidney and Bladder, a sure cure for all curable cases of Dropsy, « sure cure for Scrofulous case* of the BoaM or Akin, »nd a certain de stroyer of the terrible thirst for intoxi eating drirtk that overcomes so many worthy re* l uti'iu*. Deprive a drunk ard of hi* diam for three day* And meanwhile give him plenty of Rock Bpr:ng Water, and be won't want the whiakyj Don’t you think it’s worth Irving it. If youdo, drop a prstal to Efli* A Co. ft will cost onlv a cent. CAhcVTTA has a population of 684,658 aouls, .wo-thinl* of whom are males, and of three the greater part are in the middle period of life. The number of young pontons under 20 years of age has tn creased perceptibly, and from this it is known that the remdent population is qrowiug. Fob dyspopria, indigretion, daprereion of •pint* *ud general debility in their v»r>on» form*. "I* "* • |X«v«*itivu sgsinvt fevsr and and other intermittent tevsr*. tin' Fxsso r>i< *raoiuTzi> EuxibovCausits Bsbs, made bv Caswell, liaxsrel .t Co., N< - York, sod wild by sh drnggat*. is th* best Umic ; sod tor pa tients rrouveruig tivtn fever or other sieknaa* it liss no equsl. StoO-a»,» StnaWre, rets, ret*, mice ants, flls*. Insect*, daarod rat by "Bougb on Kat* l*o., draxyiata itrxsv* < innni rc asi.vr. I. il.* nr.-r *SI.VR IW CM>, . *»**, Vl*-r«. •*.ll Bkern*, TMMr, Ch*fT*«t H**4>, c*r»*. ind«'l kirtda Fr«»j 4»***>. Finck U« »n>l I’tHtplew. <le< HFNRY’H CARBOLIC BALVK, M all Other* tare .’wraiDterfcd*. Crtev J 5 erntw. ■>n nwstMT'w otiuriiTKO rittfr* I. th# he»t rwi<b«df Cor hy*f«rpartk, B.hri«wne>M», Malarra. ItidifavtteQ <r»i ln*wMww of tho Blood, Kidowy*, Livwr, Abln, etc. f>t!BXO*RCATARRH •'crFFenrww all th# n-irifroo* #»• nihttut# of Ihr vn-i U o "’ * ,rrr * L,VKR »*• Cotbortie B AIM am K® Tbto BtigttifflM >#»*>«»u tAw l-«aga la • taraltby affou.) A STANDARD REMEDY IN MANY HOMES. Per ( owgh*. t taWM. (Ynap ltr*»ww< hilta aM a!I Wfbffr a/frcii 'Tiff .J the Throrai m><l 1.l WCHb, iltund* • ufJwAltel tod altar I y b-y<*od #l4 IN CONSUMPTIVE CASES MppsAWfbw* m tb*4 " BtMrty.flww" m« -•nt ar* (vfrnu •wily ear tel, whwta lbw di aa gßr’ •irx-tlff rumrltad with. Thwr« It nocbwtßtatal off alborHa grwdiowte U> harm kb# youag Or old . AS AM EXPECTORANT tT HU NO EQUAL. «r comsms na opium in any form J. N. HARRIS A. CO., Proprietor*, SINCIMBATk. •. ‘‘OR SALE BY ALL DRUGGISTS. flO$ TET KRS fcIfTERS Owe Übo It PI I Mar* • • *f life, a jMOfmrly ooobod ®m!, aPwda Httlo at bo peo» Mkt BBjmaMat, bb4 aacb tert Bro Io a ooo ».rw»ol Bal •browta la4Moo««a to «*•>- •wttod wUh n<MUr'« Buxaacb the feod a oaloi. vtU roltob. aa4 b»M towportaal of all. to aaaitnilaledl by mb4 »o«rtato* Ito aytoawa. Cob ibto fraad loatc ar4 roe rMtivo atoo *• roaaody BQaatopoUaa. taHooooeaa. rbouoaa ttoaa, fetor •<•• For aalo ay •’! TVnjqnaU aod Doalora get.e»allt . ABBATTY'M FIA’IOFORTKS MaxnJflon* . bcxkUy prrwrnt*: wquara <ra©-l p*-u>4<v aery kaalßuOttr hmmbl rorwfi. rua»u«l ram Ibrro untooca. heMtr 'a majcbkoo iron naataa roror b«>ir», Ytoi obl<mw«* prtroo feat) tu |l<afe. oaiata-t a sut'axrtwM or b<<wj rofuai»i. a/tor om yoaf atuet l »rt«bt riaaafartaa. •I»t» 1156 caio i'«XK prtcaa feblUlo|*«' *iai>iar4|4an.4urteao(it* ua>- oorao mu <-wom> .otrottfe. wrtlo few BBomtnoCh Itot of iro ttarwtaA I ablart UKI«< cotbodrol, chttM*. fhßfeJ. parkw.ft.'lO • ;>want Tfeit.- a uw. few eamarr MartapMW't. HtaotrotM <au»>.a< 4ay odltkiß) Irrr A Mroaa or eali aw*n Da>IKL F. BKATT i t XawJna** rOUM MEN «*at Sg3S aa>4 bo eertlfa 'Z• • M.. atofeoM fat-WrTTWK B»oa, AoardU, w* | THE COUWTRYMAN f3B TUB Weather Signal Cfica- . Mr leremlahT.adr.ue.cJtber disukt. beouxtn a taler oL 1 ""; non tn the I lUU-l nisteaS'. ere. and by toe tetter g':mlrm"« v ■lK*rn th* txauUtal menu tor mcrennu* the various changes *»4 •L*'” I ***. ..iiUeuremher : T tb*-Hereof tha hvwt upon Mr 1 * ire iou.dy inquired ** hatati nuilu-r un «> mo* roervbi->e to *ol the lisvin' and tarvert um« •’>» mfpec tiowwf the aeron« t< r or w l»l messorw I evoked iha axprwdon: * . H*he toe Um> B*c*«t to run Hie Wind nSll with - Tho taromeire >» nipt of words, reia: “ F rtaid. did ££ 1 ever have the reumstaF The abruptne*' f th* quren m nrp™*') the oKrer. w ►T.'KSL- • Whst’ Evidently rec 'llecunj . idßiseir. Mr. T "topped on '*»• reffffte i cdeeof the it reSTtarv «.“*rk, »nd ■ ■#£lt «I &n)y wßßtcd V» know, for 11 . ihl* trap (pointing to the larvntaer: | .howslSs good it's would be a bully trap for i*j?pte with reumstls; they eould LnVit every too t'p c, ? n «2. when Mk* baa tt they use nr. ■»»<»•» OIL an' it's a powerli.l n-mratis-tf* the uoner dorg in the flltta every time " Muh thanks for Umwnexl tnformatlon, thv'offl i is! politely tun>ed Mr. Toe-mne over to the usher to show him to the I rtrevl car, while he. ks.king over hl* I paper rrad: “ Mrs. T A. Ght. Ko. II i*x Walnut **”* t. Philadelphia. Ps. ■ wrtu-* 1 had tonammsiory rheuina- H !i*m very badly Inoue H It fc-mod to hare taken b<W with the 11 Jetermination to stay. •■V 1 Bling I obtained the &T. JxcoßSlUt » leouldnotpul my foot down to the B floor even for an liutant. 1 med II I thalevcnint for th*Bnd B next morning for the mrond toe. H and that aIU-rnt«.n nut my J'"'' J (~r ko. ml minute*. On th-- b ■ follow Ing I e»ul'i *'«no «P »>>d • ■ B few *i< t*. O* Tuewtay coto fl about mv room and went dowrn ton I bv holdiiutra totho l»nd.ter» i Ko* ■ I can walk unto- well and there 1* ■ eery lltdcpain I' D. .>m« think! <>m E bot’le and a half, and I art al nn el fret fr*>i-> |-<.i»! Ills* ty iiderfuitoedldM It I i r 11 H *• irii • ir * Il * w If M II « I i h I ’ * ir I 1 * Ir B I > Il . ■fl If you ar© Interested In the Inquiry—Which Is the best Liniment for Man and Beast!-this i i lae answer,at tested by two irenerations: the MEXICAN MLSI’ANU LINI MENT. The reason fa sim ple. It penetrates every*Bore, wound, or lamenewi, to the very bone, and drives out ail Inflammatory and morbid mat ter. It “ goes to the root” of the trouble, and never fails to cure in double quick time. t!».l fftattr# a*#l*tu ta thr** pic nt La AB' pem-t wb* w<U KA* aaa pt 11 #acb tlzbl fn>». 11# U«wafc* «-•, b« rvwtorM Is anwn t b*taFK. if •"<■*> p»# Ua *'«: pw 4 a a Waaa. flll a lay m n#cna #«Mni* madte. Coal.' •Ih 4 fra* iW/tei Tui A<#., kaguato, M* OR < RBIATJIAN ( AHDV |flr. t B AninMa Honqneta I4hr IB ItarL ra'M Mutn*.. |tta fr H»i* » hrtiHK*. I Ar. i flOil Ftctufr*, |®r.; 3 Eogra* B LitUwptaph*. IJiH. Ikta- Al f ur .We l*«»**4|bmMl J. W. ball . M<i BALLOO’S .00 Pates EiiihaiiiMt i IntKi'OQO a Tni) U 11.50 nr iiitiD hisw * barmlM Kam®tiCY-M. tt w«aata*-<>ua aiartcjff- te-. IdrteNUtritM- I >N«*fa Bid dtr lurm bv Mtem aud IwMaatf. lUu*ii».*<l Pan-in . Vf M aAr. Jnsteffßfle l»«*i»arvaM*ml. Krtlto*. •- l»i . er. I'uuta Paacw. I l.cpat (num, 11 ****■»«’«■'a l»e|w*reitarm. < roir IN* It'Mllaata*. Ac* . all htrmiug m MistComoiete sntf Popular Serial snd Oldosi Tn tho count-y. ' ' l |«c»i>!#tA th* puM»t**r» of ihi. pf m.r m > oik.a, recvitid fl r<>j y <»f th« mmhi«* »<# labnarv, |jb>X tilth ii- Aktali v •rt WAW iaflp«t»l » MfNK • teh ! Untie, it will ly l« *w*fo. r v to rwtnil ftl 1(1 •i f «hw balatav*' of v e *» • No ao<»w lak*i. of i-rtal Cards ralhar L# •aenpiaa. Far a<l# bp all Neu#4lealrrw at l-W acopt. TIIOttKa a TAA M T. Fab, . MB AC. H-al . H , t|*wta i^moo— ——• w i it- »«f«M rvesm l IF £ J' as fJf Jf » |b— WBjjliml V"« >l«7 ro "* Frrerw << F *i«» tu-’ n»y labor dscaom* to me A veraUoa of • ■booth did mH fivw mw Kuril relief. Lui tho rintWJ, inrrvnhM [nnrtrs’ioo *ad BiniiLtaf cbUla. At (hia time 1 began the we of jwir iuOM'luMl' . f Utatet hJmnal IntmMdUile end wemderfe! rramlta Theo’d anonfT returned md«l I Io«o<i th* U- ww. B< t i.tmaoaoUy ateted. I have umml thre* bottle, of the T ml- Hiore e»in« it lh«»« doa*’*";" bo»’ that 1 **rer did le the aeaw Uae dnrtae my Ulwaa. end with doebie the eeee ** ' ’ h _ l u> fAd» the •nd rupnr of body, haa come alee • cteumeea us thought nwvof I ♦fora eeioyod. If the loo*: ba* o* * work.Tknow not whmh 1 «WwU therradH J. P. M atwow, l*wtor Chrfttian (The fv-ov* Tonlr tfe ml fSBES|S£3ESSS|||SS3SESiISE!^SSS"^^^O^^| I prc»*r*flon o/ ft a* 1 F Jr M ll <» r htr v f a r***> «« -1 >rji J w Jfr r iflH flwv null /Ts** ■ MJM J J ' JJ J J yhntrn. Jr the lrpr/nW*| W F < JJ J 1 g g f JBHi » *o*w«>r*«*e it •♦'«-♦•■ gw gg g g g k r r ys M e yscsar e- .< Ar rr I ; a T»M<r t* utairicrmi it t«i on. haatep medicine co., «o. xix meih IT,UI ’ COOLft WHEELOCK t REESE, Oen’l Ag’ls Roulh Bend Chille' 1 . ll.bams, MHcis’ipl" A vents wanted in every county. Liberal diacounU liven Write for rtrny tier circulars and price )i’t. _,., v NASHVILLE, - 1 h _ Eb U .SVlftf Wt T» 4. I «urtev*i . t tfw '*< V A 1..* 7sw v-n .•* a.f I •••« »• •»” [ F.* ■ •»*« wtmg «ssi>e •< » bM e-wa vramra t>n emraml*<ee ** ta* *r*yaMM a*4 <*• w” , ■ raral *.* aWrralM atUM Rrtsr. »(( •* CNAtM. $- U 4 y-w ST«> • 4 V** .Xeni ara. IgPROVEKEKTi HEV STYLES—MEV CATALOGUE THE MASON & HAMLIN ORGAN CO. Ws«m osMM wr ymlw srusa* Baes wen menme asssm sv eesa. ms Wt>» esasr wren's l« sweecsv sesm IM* Ite msy Swaim ssmm wSss. tern Sana O**t wertbf «r swab si ssj . 3 amsrn) susses rsuv.esui larwAeansb Iteo 'Ksmt. IBs use .ess He is ,',,,s wees ISS Sra lassaesaUaa 4 Um mm warns! to iSsss, twwaiy rsav stem : s*S see new ■*«! u « rt ewsusscs ate ssusess cseaasvv; ate eautes amen ate esuxaa g isvaaru e»“2 oa •>< ■, mo. s s LYDIX E. PINKHAM’B VZGSTASLI COMPORT rw all IMaa FaMtel OaaredataS* as* WeatoMree. ora**,* tv ver tortr.-.l«- r«v»l.u.. MwUlcwre yattrelv lb* wav* ton* ot r«o*i* c <**. plal'-t*. all rewri*i> troatea*. ttasiematam and Vlrrr* Won. FWUUW and DWrtowawatv. u* Ito «*>,„„ Rpm.l WraltoN*. acd to rewtlcwlarlj adapted lo u. CbtaOfl# ct lAtta. It vtn dUta'lv# aad erpH trow Uta utenn i n Ml varty *c*«* or drret.pawov Tto ttoroey lo ran a.roe* hemorvltere I* ctocXvd wry vpertUy by n* to Il leaiurr* famine**, BaMtaiey. daMroywaH erwvw* toto** 11 **** sod rrUevra vealtee** olUwaloto.* Il race* Hireling, H-*d*cha*. Serrva* FnaWwmn, Ueoeral MUKy. Bke;lre*n***, pnearer* and fodl f##Uteffti Toxt treUns ot hearine down, rawing pal* wiQM a*.l bad*, hr. Ualwar* partoaeat!, rnred by lu to tt Win al al i lune* and under all rtreuatoaoraa art |* harmony with th*law* Ual yrerm U>. temala ayton. rorttonreot Kidney Oampialnu of aOtev inito awnpe-jn l.i nn*wrp*tod LT DI I F- PIXKHAMW VXCrTABLF COM POI’XDU prepared aS SB and MS Wtoarn Sven*. Lxur.,Mto PrleeSl. Bta boSSUafor•*- tori by toll inlbefenn ot pill*, atao lathe form of I ores* u, ** receipt of price, (1 par bos for either. Bra. Elnktrea freely Mw"rv all irttere of Inquiry. Send tor p.*e*t>- laL addnee aa abore. Mewn..* IM« lUgtor. No tamUy .honld be wittoul LTDU X- FIXXtUIn * IJVKB PIUS. They care eoarepauoa. bUiototo, ud torpidity of lhaUrar. MoeaUpn tor. a*r Mate bv all llrwaatae- "B* _ 1 MILL mA FACTORY SUPPLIES IF ALL KINM. MLTINfI. HOSI mW RACKING. OILS, PUfIH ALL KINDS. IRON FIFE, FITTINGS, BRASS 90081 STEAM GAUGES, ENGINI BOVERNORS, bo. S«id tor PKw- J»L W. H. DILLINGHAM A CO.. 143 Mato Str-L LOUISVILLE, KY. "OS? FbJ •** '••• ■S tog aaaj. nrr kaai>*ra«. ffMIM. ataH*. «M**«tota4, M 4 totarvwtAM * |te#r*. fetitat MVtikrr* c># Ft JAI * vw- t « p*—* w tbto m. a** ba«#B#M ff#M Art ANatrfftativa *»4 **«> ta*U—lali jctijti* tatewta K* M t» try as. d« arary fm/ a#4 iteti *• W kb* t# OS* tatafftefl la Url»a Atrwi Cai U# •art. aaA «ta« y«« «r a frte*4 b#M a B##iag to*-■>•* m Mzw w aidraai to##.Fa*»# A Qte. U Tblrd 4»JAiRM»U S.aoo Agent" Wanted for Lite o< GARFIELD ft r ntatealb# fflll bl#t#rv #f bto »#BI# wl Itto a 1 fterttaffAlj aaaaaamall#* fargtaal tf#tatntarrt, ilwh, D;a*ni! oba#q«l#a. •<« Th# beat cbane# yocr bfo w w"ik#moa»y. B#warb #f ••#■!<•>> pen nt ” imHMiiWts. Tbit .* tn# anthßDtic a»d ftolly IllwflraUd IK* « omi *nVr«4 Pr*#rt*ni Fla##t##l portraits. BsSraurw >o Ae#»td. <‘l rent art ft##. AMraaa Nari#»a». Pvwuani*# Co., AUtak fta. -g• a • a #•#* ia F#«r #w« k#wa- Tarnaa aa<Bß •«UM ] T* jt> frfrta- AA4 «m H RkumAOa , P#rtiaa4. to*. >5 to S2O rarFJtorejs: Fac-Similes of U. S. Treasury AMD WATIMAI* BANK PIIILM < noatotlßji as Bln# #iar< Imiiallona of Cnrttei F»v*« rrtiaanrt Xm*«, and nln# of National Bank B'H«. 1“ >• • rnwana of <i#t**-iin» #nnnt#rf#li monry th*T a?* i *•'••• b’e. J. A. M AT.»7Qrta#nwwhßtte*L S#w V#A "it*. najWww I Mtry of Bagtaad | \ Bag Ut#r#tow« I MB I I • Cf# tt-no rote I I !■■*» *<*J banMMMAj If -•*-*- LF v urtb <tal Bl.idF*-* too**# tor MUy A# *te ” *- 4A • IAaT« A M 800 l CO H » te k f i (i tatita * -T *7 ■! i TBAB tart •»»**** •• *<***• 4a f f f *•» * DI I I P.O rieMery. !■«■•«*. w* One Dollar Yuan. The Brel <l*rr Taper in to Ware "" —Hare •f #r f -a-ii and ctooAotaif-#*l#cttai Ireading ■talKr. pra «d ■p*>o Urga. ptoilta typ# AMMd WaakJj' #»d ma* I*l to aaj ad dr-*i U Ua’.ttad St***#, pcatag. paid. M Um* OtaHwr m T«M»r. Irarjaffw avbWbtr <** • #r#M>uixi ftanl f a*rrp»*tcpr Addraa* IHU ADU l-KPeßßff LHt OPIUM MSRHI SOK* made wlihont fol. Ater*., he r . c-.iarw. rnrhtaiDg ’tawp, Cffiow Aontf, Fu*t.tb* X * T» Pubttotivr*’ I'nMk#, Ailaala, Ga _Fony-DlaAta *i cts • v I O re *. THICKKR -TaiatiTtaa 1 * "•< lNVH>*)AkTatea ii«ia ...-fores are* . be T'V I'-esraax N*re* *-re-.rev wbaa* ... *«» LB !■’ ffaiikb. ifolokir m.s tiv- .• j fhi’tiA to fowl a*a arere. tore. foe.w to *U