Columbia advertiser. (Harlem, Ga.) 1880-18??, December 13, 1881, Image 2

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UJWEBIA « -U- -XJ-X - - I FrklMta* Every Tssagty, •< ■«•<«■■•*• J. W.TgBOMEE. Ehwouamd PoaaMWM ITOTPDAY, DIJEMBEB • MM. editor! al;mbwh noth*. , The Conferenee. Appointment" for the Angaato pwtHM The follow fwUb* of inti root to Iha readers of Um Advertiser AegastaDudriat—H- H. Petke. PF. Bl John ~W H L.Prede Sv Jm*m ~0 P.JRiebnrfoon Avhbwry- A C Thomas. 81. Lnke-M. H Dillard. Riatenon I Ct—J. E England- Ilart«m —G. W. Deval* b- Embry. B- Tb.-woo-fl* 8- Timmons. Wa imiun-W. T- IhmiUonl Calverton '. r C«ry .“•' flparta -W A. Caadl. r. JS M.Uodgevitl - G H.jPetilte. \ FpkwU tB —W. A. Dodge a Ham.H>y G-rva—J B Parker. CHinerrilU -’l J Adame. 4 Li .co ntoo-G E I'oanw atUni*' Im Cburuh—U The next Goof., rence; will|st laGrong’*. • ' To Our Petrone. With tbe Oeli ie*«* of the Adve - il^r P .. fir.i volume expires. T.uly bavs oaiwe to thank al for b. i*u gbfo to seoossfnUy make 'be t>* e to the end »i ‘he year, for J onr trials have indeed been aeverr. In the Bret pUee. we eesne amongst yoeja etran g«r aad at j-sat the eeaao- of tb* year when ‘.fou-e was bat little money ,m the country., Again •• b* l • h,ri ’ viator to battle with, f .Hawed by a doll epring a- d aenmer. We loole i forward, through to o brifU V" 1 ! wbereinj oir Ja-lvertieiog patronage wool.l Ik im r awed and our sabacrip* ti <n list greatly eaUf-fad, •»** ct|the •ateo limo hoping to bo able .®]gire oar reader* ajr*** good paper. But oar buprw were blighted ►ably bl-gh- Ud for the Aral of ifoptomber| we Aw 11)", we.;werv unable to n*a until the 26th of Novembei! |Nearly three months, otir business, t be mean fem , be«ng left| to slrangers, and tbiwe wh .|w«rs coqualified le attend to it Dot tbaake kind Pron dance, .wejam <woejmc»r»’np, though yet quite feeble—however „ we,"ball strive io makejian •improvsoieat it> oar nen ieaus, and, pr >mise to gi* v oor petr<M>a, J ir ng tbafroming year Providence permuting, a much better paper theu o*»r before All we ark •• a 11-Ue help from those who would like to eee Columbia have a first cla-" public journal ; We, are willing’to bend all onr anergiee in that direr lino, and if Columbir eonnty|wlll on ly give os a proper ebpport, io the waywof subooriptioajhsr people shall bare no oaaaa m ibe future to bo dia awkiofi'd with the Adverti*er. Leifth* pant bo foryoUoa, |and lot ea Marl the now year with kind and friendly foeliege towardo all. Como op and r mow yoer eabacription and help agelong for yoa ere well.aware that foe tail trade io adeortiaiog baa boon enurwly loot to no and Ibe ieauiogiof the Advertioer, daring the’peai three end a ball month*, M p%»or an in*waa hM boon deodoapamm. Wo now aak our fbeade and all Columbia—, to land oa a bolpin baud to oooe m >rv gel on oar peat furor* and par-'-rtg- we feel extremely tbauk tol and pruanwe to make the Adror- Bear he fatart|m«e worthy <f public iavor than ft baa boon deringf the poet. BeopeetlnUy, Jj W Voronoe. SEEKERS APTEB HEALTH. Übfortaaaiae wh<» ar* eeakiog to now tapir baa Ah. *n many. Bo of* lea bare they been dawiveU |by nbr adwrtia—tof wortoleaaeompoaDd thrt many aru and re fue* to beitore anything they read to the paper* Therefore, toa bast ad * arltoMMbl of a really <nod medi eta* to to* npatouan it baagtoaad in plaraa «b*r* it ia d*u< enld, No other remedy over <hear*a<ed b*i gwve ao tepidly to pebUo laeor *» that Un* medtaetl utae edtorf Brown.* Iron Btteer.a. la toMMiw where tea .wmerdtoery mwito totrr toee* win* bare been to Btbtoteb toe nal* in aapreeadented. On* dra*- gtot b j«« ntey wp mm to* *al* 0 23S bull hmi si. vd week. It mi in deed , won.lerful hmltbgieieg, life pvymratiun It ja . a/>oUrinr and refnabing in if* and itreogU.i n* aieT) part of tn* i-opy and aatiatea healthy appetite alto digeaifou, eoeu when the ayetom so annum destroyed by the many bost ful catbartive no commonly uaed Header, to ware? duty deo>anda you try Btowua Eon CitierA if y°or bealih la poor from any caoa. , a"farm’ A VALUABLE FtRM OF Ml acrea well timbered and in good condition, aimated on Head atoll, eud Bigbrier creekx Eißht miieo from aHarlam, Se ven aailw from Dea ring. B-n tided on the north and eaatby Tboa, Connell, and north and wo«t by Jubn. Adam*. South west by Hernial al I ereek-and Booth by Big-brier er>-ek. and land* of Moaee J. I-dale, on the north. For portMal«ra, apply lo Georg<- A. Bailie, agent for Mm, Charlotb Silcox. 743, Broad St. tugeataOa MONEY MaDE If you want to make money, g< t the right, to make and a< II Mcßridi and Stove Water Fdtor two ot ihe beat artiche ever'liaoovered. See them aud benane convinc ed. Active pn-hieg men can inak money handling t cm Write t • Me Bridt and Co. Atlanta Ga. rußs aee a oeeualn ornse fee aD Stoeaaee A CMNByftOBB tMNfeCt WWMb W4MBE <Ja JkJpgMCiW IMW or StTMCtlk. Leak erMtoergy «•» Snetebe* tbe btooC Mrangsto om lhe uauta. mat stvwe aww ■Sb be tfoe suwvws. Ante ’Mte a oboeas (oa Ae SMeattvo swaaam, vaaaavta* aD Syspeptto ayuaptowaa, aacb m MMm tbe fooS. Betobtap. •Be- Ba ewJty town Peep mbH aa tdbaawOl ae* Msabse tbe teeth ce Dive beaSMbe. Sold by aU Dnp gfeM at S» oo a boeua. ■MOWN CBKMKtAL OCK RalUmom. M<L _*»«W»«S *a* St—» ■* asSa »r »*ii«» Omhhmm paiba*M<MaM>>HM<>w, «a *a*S<a MW AM OS MIITATIOaa. WHEN THE FIELDS AUK WHITE WITH COTTON. ‘‘Be tuoerv now; can't buy PI ino* or ’nvaiM uutll cutexi <xun<* hi. Y-« voy «*u Kakr up ail) <•*** on an Onrau or taft "■■h «■* * Plano, a»«i w* will **ll you dur iu« Juun, July, Aiuriat and tetdiwutec at Uock Bottom Gaan Hatw», *mi wait tan* ■u.oih* tor ttetelaaoa « about one cent of iut> c"»t Cuh rat**. Thtw month* crMlt. No Internet. Don't forrrt ft- (Jranrt Hum- KoD'aruur out Mk> nt Now ano H<*«>nd- 1 Plan**, tenor****. tniyt** Onto tmcna adrauuwd <*tlu tan p*r orat. Fiftmi <iaya tent trial (luamn te<*l io*trußaMi«r> from nix hret Oateteaene and tall toterwatt >ti nuUlrd lr>* of Ware*. AwhlMa* lutprwod «(mwi br Baattv or any otter man, hv orrkrlna at one* from th* Grant Wbohwal' Ptan<> ael Onma Dopot of tte Month. I.VDHKN * MuoUmtu Muak' Hou*-, Bavaaeah. ft i« That “Tte VoMc Hnenn ot tte Mouth" to looatanta A««uate.Ga G. d ROBnt!«H and CO. < PUumm ai>4 Organa toe >th *nteto| UMar »•***. anterior M<n«an<l n*tea All lklnil* At tountaal InMnimrarta. Mtet naualr and wtah* h**i*a. Tennity to thirty ter <*nt. *ar>-d tn pur- Aty»tyr Mia»lr H'<*>yot th* Boute" sa «tn*a. Wndrtovh i* wwmwte end prtaaa *r* a* low a* tte hwant. ArfedtoaaM* <iw*toeita»tote Hair, th* wk atae it* to’Hna he* teanr ►*•*> *oeeh t fnr.torkar.* Hair Itotoam' dtottaantahrd nt tteparity, tel ly tawlto* Ua n*at Diphtheria med rutt* Dtvir yAiwKiixi***** *\ r It h-j* u<«ttfcb<Wbet> tad h» bfjß valMnd wXjj< tt 1b < ~ fg- hw- nF bo fra Jfc iat a aaaa.- c =:-w=s? ii -‘ a ’ su = r:i —T-Tnt-r-.wrwiii i■■ 1 Man aw «V» A bndla « Pan XttZaa la M to—r la a <£•*'»’* **“ «® *Bu73hoaMtoVMML ■" trMiwmire PUtRY DAVIS A SOS, Proprtoaora, ProvMenoa,«. L GRANO OPENING! OF TM 0. K CLOTHISG HOUSES, About Ovtolvor* 3rd M 748 BKOADHTKEET, UNI>EK«iL4a»K HOTEL AUGUSTA,GA W Will then abow the finant atock of .Men a Yunib * B >ya and Cmidrvu a CLOTHHG That baa ever bem - xhibitod in thia place. Will b» add during the entir -e-iaon nt prist* for to low auythiUg ever offered in tbia city before. 1> connection with tbe noted OAK HALL CLOTHING BOOSE, 614 and 616 Praad Mrect, Which ia oow ebowing the largest and beat at--ck of Clothing in the State Thu»r -lock oompriaue everything soma cheap Working Suit t<» a fine Worrtod or Black Cloth Dnsa »niL B fore baying arythiug in thia line took to your own u-tuMmi, uud examine their Two Lurge Burcka. H. BROOKS. Th* 1H37 —-KHTA BLISHKD PI.ATT'K .(FURNITURE PALACE The Cheapent. the Nentewf. the Fnrarrat and Oldeat Establishment in Georgia. LA ROES'’’ twir’n'on’ nt Pine F"drnnm Rult* In Poeewnnd. Mihnnnv, Walnut and »sk <>f latiwt twlterimaud l.iweet prtres. Parlor Suite In Ebonv and (»<>l<l. Mahisranv, Walnut and (h>ld. In ( ot.Hln.- R-w Silke, Kepe. Satin de Laine. Hair and M >halr Dover lna« In larue rarletv at xiuallv low n»ur» Freneh I •r.vwor'. Mantle and Pier Mirror*. Rodateada. Centre and Card Tahlea Rlde- Iviarda. China and Silver I'awv Hall Stand*. FeatlieAi ami Curled Hair Ptrlor Oe-k*. Mirror Wardrobse. Fatter and Foldlmr ( halm, H-cietarh*. Hofaa Waahtand-, Rattan and Oarpet Bookers, Spring Mattrww*.. Kprltur Pillows, etc. PIATT BROTHERS, Agents, 708 and 710 Broad Street, An gnats, Ga. MF-Agent* for the Na'iortal Wire Nat MaHrsoa. . Sign of the BtgChsir. 2300 F£LoliL£L@;esi • z BOOTS, SHOES AND HATS, AT 'WlioltMwale and Retiill. THESE good* were purchased for Cash from leading manufacturers and are offered io nur friend* and the public at the Lowest prices. W e have man) bargain lota which will be ronirvd by those who make an early call. Wm. Ml HKK N A CO , 722 and 913 Broad Street, Auguets, Ga, W. J. POLLARD, KOS. 734 and 736 REYNOLDS STREET, AUGUSTA, GA., Gettoa Factor and Commission Merchant, AND DEALER IN OF- AU. KINDS. Also Dtsbsi's Circular &>ww. Rubber and leather Beltlur. Strom Pipe, Water and Steam > UsMitus. Ouooeothex, Oil Cups; Pop. tikto and Check Valves. Governors. Wrenches. •W-, together with every article at »team and water ntUoga. Qudiagv. etc General Agent for Talbott & Sons. Talbotts Agricultural Engines on wheeU, Portable Engines on skids, Sta tionary Engines, Tubular anal Louomoiive Boiler*. Turbine Water U heels, Gorn and Wheat Mills, 3aw Milla, Shafting, Polleys, Boxes, Hangers anti Patent Spark Arrestors. Watertown St r am Engine Company. Watenown agnoaiMsrul engines on wheels, portable engines on skids, dairy engines for small building*. vertical engines, stationary engines with and without ent off, return tabular boilers with two Itaee, locomotive and ver tical boilers, saw mills, etc, ’ C. a G COOPER 4CO Coopersaslf-nrope]ling (tr.-setion) angina*. fare sgneiltnral engines on wheel*. portable engine* on skids, stationary engines, locomotive and re turn tubular boilers, corn and wheat mill, portable mill with portable bolt attached, smut machines, doatlrss wheel separators and oat and weed ex tractor, sa« mills, doable and single. J W CAKDWELL and COMPANY. Cardwell wheat Uiroshera, separatora and aieaaars, “hog-groand” thresh era, hydraulic cot ton preesee; horse powers, mounted and down; power corn shelter* and feed cutters MUtniuinsTun inEinisn nimti Reapers and Mede rs. reapers sod mowers combined, single binders, reap era end mowers. eailtivatore and grain sowers. FAIRBANKS 4 CO. Fairbanks' standard acatas, all bum end pattern* A'are cash drawees. Manutaetarer al ibe following aaaehuMs: Neblett A Goodrich Improved IXL COTTON GIN, Reid's patent auto matic power eerewpcses (steals or water power), KuHth'a improved hand power cotton and hay preen, oottan gin feeder, cotton a»adeaeer, new Vir ginta feed cutter W Baffin ■>, Cottro Gina, eta. repairs 1 in a work- manlike manner -JM BkgHh-derv enlicitod nod promptly exrcnted. For Mrther panic atari. earwular*, general udoraaauon eta., apply tn Ml V W J POLLARD A eeto or tkrau may not aiwin to atnrwM a wwaj aad i. pruapUr M.. udca to caa**' --- larrtkln. Ma evjr b«en mo w UWVV* and *■ “* «*>• “ p ” , .‘ * U.a a n h* ne-«ni.l MM rt< tMhS feMMfoaMM FS»» 9 B» MjVwras •’ftp *’”•’> T*"^* 1 ? <»» »»w 4UUTW dtiMlMvl* ano botb mrnM. •«> •*■“»• Sag" ”^- I n-r». wd y ft C<X*"ft* *f*~r m£t»a>«i ciear**x»oe OF CAtiFgTfl I to ornrr toratoEtoek tot . " ’ : t «****. at Itoaal Vetvett -111 lAw~~ d< ’- Taoeetry BnMßeb do, Extra uJf7wLjpnito-X> do. Extra Super .to! Superb... do- * and 4 Stair Brueails dojWair Rnd» end Fixtures, Napier and < oe« a Mattin-»* ; Plain, < becked and Fancy • aoton do; <h. ap Stnpe C*r>Mii. v ; Window Cornices. Lace C irtiinv, Cralsanee. Lumbreuoie bhadr Br <d Holton Fringe, Piano and Table < •»*•: Wm-iow >fe»d«> • to<l, Fnngeti Plmn and G-M Send*. Velvet Sofa Bags Sseyrtw. 8-fa V-1. „ Brw-efe Re. a; O-* Door Mata, Velvet <to. »*aeb *>, Bton . do Sb’ .pßh.n Mau, bremb ( lotto. Ctouoo-. Wall P.p« and R-rto,., Rum”SbsX. FireStorena. Md Pnggy Mete. Oeder tfeea.., Ster Ud Ctotbe and Crash. MT AH«Mida evld for net <meb nr «stj u>. wptiuoe. JAS. C. BAILIE A SONS, TU MOAD STREKT. AOOCHT* at i ' I'li W ■IITT‘I !■ I M HOI PREPARBD tig- T<> offer the LARGEST and moat eompleto ruxA of *« DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, SHOES, nr- H VTS. Etc. it hae ever been my ptoaeur. to eowoenee rtM MT SPRING trade with. I hope by eootinnal mMitiew* •MP* ing Boring ano Bomtner. to make H still more ctrnetiw, MT and hojw by fair dealing and attention to bw-iaww, to *SI •M" merit and receive the patronage of the ooesmornty -«g Kt BHatoher. tSi wnrrs SSWSHG MAC£U£(» ! Superlative in Its Attributes It Stands ACKNDWLKDGEDTHE KING of *V«\TVrt vr PIIIVI;8 Th.- " HITE ba* l*en used lor tnovs .- • thui, lour years, and hax |g)v«nbetU>r <meMMMMRC™M F® op® '.1.. Will IT. I. th. MO.. fMKg9 Mfe rurmng and n> - to* ai» th. moat .inrrtbie Ev«-> \\ A H It \ N 1 EP FH M K i, XJk w.rr.niy >• g-’-n to s«c pnrehaser. We do not peddle them, ibus i are enabled cheaper then ■ V tna. 1 b "’ it Call and examine them before »eyi*> , ar and pries* J. I). A T. F RMITII. J. HORACE SMITH, No. 625 BROAD S l IUEET. AUGUSTA, GA. 3. la. BOWIsBS a CO. LEAD IN LOW PRICES 1 FURNITURE •! all Grades. HITTMSSES INI) SPRING BEDS ILL MI x & STILES Nice Walnut and Chamber Seta, Dreestiyi Caw, Marble Top, for Fifty lb'Uni ft «t*l ut We have put downithe price of tine Furniture 25 par.e’ni Nave money by railhve <•( u« before you buy. .11.. ROWLES •* ( 0.. ni BROAD «T, ACO”9TA. HA FOUNDRY & MACHINE WORKS, NOS 616, 617 and «!• KOLLOCK STREET. TO OUR PATRONS; Our Foundry and MaeMm* WorlM. wMofo were dmtmywl la July by Ore, have hmm eWwtlt. eelaniwl and tarniehaU wtth new toots W». fta hwaUs I RO'. ANO BRASS OAHIINUH aNl> lUCHIMRtt Yat oM Awcrtatisn.. and at rvie* aide prtuna and u< l*e beat quality. Prieto wRI be ateeu «* anvtMng yen may WMH by letuna us kuow what you need. If you used num sent tu yuur paee ta mpatr nwr Mill or Engine write us. r—- -y rfly Wheelright A BlMkmtthilc. MST WOKK, AT UVDT PALIS. By W. 11. COOBEB. Harlem. Ob. (•)——- I AM JUST COMPLETING MY NKWBLMMMtITH AND WHKJBLRJGHT SHOP. ISLojro© Oil Oping. I Will 5 hoe your Horwo at moderate ratea> and guaiantee sati>f ctioa in every <*•« Gha me a trial* I WILL HAVE BEADT IM A FV* BAYS A LABGK ITT ABLE W drelHmr he Atoiliit ASM. mill -» Uabt •" ata> braminu- ”«■? •» • tHUnle W» IBetr Berw— ye ewe-- •iwaya teaeea FMar & •* wliwoto