Columbia advertiser. (Harlem, Ga.) 1880-18??, December 13, 1881, Image 3

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■ . a. bnivrmkpniprietoc ofthe ■ » J«te te*y yn4»rW.t <4 Ifo, War- W« »» HMTV**y *< Bm jijt VBTflWpOll’Wlw* MV ' — 1 »> <• aaaST I'-ljWMl— tr ~ irV> ~ lB 1 (3HS* ,b< | jrtf «•!•»•■ eowHiwl ___ 1 ta***' 9 * 71- a .bertbvw>-ol ■ > ' "Ji..,*.* tlriMTlMto Will be tet.t « >* -pon thePuU-ivlnx term-: M t»’**ta tavaaoe . tl 00 ini ** M* ,U. u»* p<ta«<tß ” “‘ Herires a* ■ ciaa* a>»tt»»r ■ g*** end agreat vataty ■ ’ “ M-«U Toilet *te vs- M ,'»■•“*** w „«,aml i«e sris; *gvmU for lie »" "°trel..r Lambeth a pab-ut 1m- | uKOBei l BMLROAD ■ 1 | | gsa!> ■ *'- ; ... vte tell, ■ <«•»• I :: ::.±-::::: «?w I - “RjVIiABT "te.l, ’*’■• I ;. :7E. I * rJtvwA ugest» ■ ••■• H »»•* teatey fl U »«•*•« «!•-a ) L». Hartal. *« «to fl>—"SS** ;; »••- ■ “"JSX-.U ■’ is?" W ■|fl i*’ jjji %.| lz *”■ •• • ■ ’• • • * H " y m<a I j rItFfMPR >v«v MIJCBPKBb TO fl ‘R A .¥ hdorset. fli,«*r*l Manager Gte/Pato Agwsl fl Notice to Pa Ffng* r\ fl ... W MXNUING FEBJWABY l»U H„ „ »ll> be a* follows: M Arret rate. three rente per mile H I,*lu mte. lourcteta per mile M Cu ..Iren leHwoeu 5 nod U year*, half the fl *Mnnaniin rate, for any distunes 4 oente H| Pm engen. are hereby notliH-d that II Hu*. v»purehaae Ucketa from the Hta- BH so. A. ..I*, they will b.ub*rgud the train fl "u.t r» ar. not ttotet aeilnre end are 2EI 11. ’■•lt.’ aceept Ire* Ueu. U>« trail, fl .u .1 i-.m .enta per mile Therefore, k. 91 -oiftne edva'ilMg.i of the reduced rate. H .r i.aee ymr tlciiaOß before miU rlng Ue. *»IU a . , HI .. r -rnpan r■•-rf»rvwthenirhtU>rhan<M M I-I . a>.r. vat.. lt.aaeraUw. »t phafcoca |H 1M •ilbout niAtah. _ H E B DOBSEY.Geu Paso.Ast I lyMi Mitelleket H (Georgia Railroad (Jo., | ■ "H'.i Oen. Patawifer Asst, > H ’.ugu>ta, April 6ih 1879 J H i ' loin; Monday, 7th ibrt., Hi • < un;..i t v 11 e.-ll ONE THOUS fI iM- Mli.E II 'KETS, gtHMi over 91 Lii an ' bi ii.ebea,atlTHpHTT tiVEI) >LL/\ lt'> each. Theaalick ■- a.;: b i- .t:e.l to indiviiiuala, firtue ini i.ouihea, but not to firms and lim.lieH combined E K DOKHKY, Geu. Pae-enger Agent. 5<W) Mlle Tteketa. Get.rtne Railroad <'«., 7 Office G n F mowing er Ajrt V Auguefa, March i, 1880. I <‘ thie lints, thin cnmpn w.ll-ell FIVE HUNDRED MILE ii’KETS, «)i.i] over main line and •'inehe., at THIRTEEN 76-10 Q DOLLARS each. Th. ee lielreia will b i-mud u, mdividuala, firms or h® i e. hnt not to fir tn a ano t»<uUM-e •tabued, E. R. nORFKT. Gen. Paaaeugrr AgxaA I pamejfs”' EIHGERTOIIIC >-i4!i£2i±Ss*.» j* »yr «gfa Ttyaar aak yrw sack t_** **> XwMfr ■< i Lm> aanfaf **»**—. feat fat o»ndw»oHa»a* j I I■■* n—n U ifaM It d( fa ir*l f I | «*•. O. Itotenaoa a C*. tiisLS?"**>"•*•**■ *» •»? p***’ <• '**Mk oa trial «nr «ftm> 4»t». ••«* wTl*** ol rotaralwr. h»« nt all ftxpra«r> fj "•■•PwtaUua. ts not euturai y MtiUa ito- 0 BoMaaon <,4 Qo kava aaropXHr U* mask by arilltMr *** toinnnrate at a amaUm- aainrin rial ■ » Mi uu., f ... *"** —* **■*-» wfarrr aatar and rw- IMa. teaman* j T*"* frrWß ainrka, ,j —»■■■* *»*■*■»* * i l j €*n<»il JPoAMIM. Ft*X fcQltUMg. Pf«M»MUA»uff, Maa. ~ v tjw<t Jfeu. -tin tame by. Petaam hunttar 9 , < .t - wud JtatroMn pbtadiidO 0 *A >F IM Where! To the Expo • 4W anid sskmmHi »• UU tat Mtaytahd/pttatawta. J W-ijr via ita'C talk <g a««-m«. f ( Who'U unagpae the anat QauML -.Wta ttami at Uut Varfoty«tom. Wday la tatatara dey at tto <Uk . ’ Atatb* Mwkatatu ataftdMtahik" tata »«u ud the newel 4taßtaeiOMW4w«ur«pat&Mhtat . Akoud many outa*btaM ta at font* tu ttar apprAatmenta by Onn foreoce lb aaolb ar taetak . ' • • t ' waaid atame ta death ta 4>kanata aae ttaOhrktaaaa trtx at the Ymfeylfcalk. •* ■ * «j 3. 4> B.C«ttaAte* UodWA |M4 Aqtaiap. «*•**“•< rg»‘> *f*Ti b-e? I JMM bHlemkteetatW A *> Atlanta last tatp JA<M|QJ Jtali •! Mrs. Thomsit E BanMdttdtai to Htom sou last Thursday. The girtaatvuud tHwetown stem RF . .tluie up.<i thehriye. We an. <tal U. learn that Root ftaiueli al SuwUuta l« luipm' log- ThasrmHlety h'xiMs nn his nickels with tns mind full ct firs st a i tats There so autae MMk ut a tabuol kakaUtW pl Iktw ta ta* I ** l* o * “-oulh. i Bev Wr Umbrv wlM.«wa»y<a.iu«ckuy | * fc “ ira ‘*‘ *.**T“» l i* ** “* U til • Noil rota aacAesi talaata. M *<*d-renew your subecnpU * plena* k As a trail rtfh- *tek. CH We I>. es Grove M»t coUun is woruaoM bosuai frfood utai't wooer Ohrtsfan V t .We want Mtau*** 1 wwdlly m«tapeodedj| ta every *. AftaOvtarfol to fiiiwyi ty ■r. Q. E. psrtta "' 'T'T* Frida' ’ >hfi* 'd u>A44 •etahfnfi W 8*- G«u W Vutafo Mta AMl.*ni-ou.ef Thou**.* MMiatkiilli Mv*. the aoih. Boon will the boOMwivor he deep ta the rulsteruM of making taM ttdurfn tar Johu H Balo us Tlvuaauo . has tafie to WyiMeboro, where bewtU go ta to bukiMM k.B.HatahoroOto ptaoe rafoSWs year li bales at Mttan-oa 1 acres of tafld Santa Claus MTh® Va riety Store. Harlem ctrvult testa justly ptaod la hav tar Bev. G W. l>vv*li BStutoea for the oocnlUrf year. • Beaator HUI to quite restored, a slignt Hep bring Uta only taeslndereC file painful J t The (aotvvM* tartualiix. pg** ths faee of Hon. A ■. Btegto-ns seems la be paae ing away' The State Will gwt beck ail her money from the bruheo Lwnka. eave Uvr tkate I masurer. Pal.i and weakniw* u( lunga liver, kidney and urinary ociaiw refov«l by uoiug Brow u,b Iron Bltt-m. Dr aiders, a oolowd woman, and a do uayed tooth had a tuaete Tkuaitaf’ta UM rear *>f inir oflbea. v Tbt- Bev. Mr Oaltn hotamad ae *Hh * Vtattlasl Ttatretay. He wtU pnach next rear al feet IHMI Brine yttar «t*«. »'**■ Vartriy More Itfbu waul Use toM the market forMtorifit- W v hetafitataAbul v«y IHmesrt vtait ftviu IkttUir, J. A ShlwreddtawAfcerwßluu Clipper on last Thurwiay Dr.u. F- BboeMsy “< Columbia 8. C la f» afiata. The Dr. aowtreuptetes Ofitafea |ag fig eusoeed in htauteMtaS |taMPtaat«e --| m«A»t A*•** sub- srdwi s have nut cotne tarwai dto pa> u», ta Bey prutataed •» tax Thereto* vertasMeTUta Ttamb at tae itapoelU-m. H- ta* *** «<*• > tawrfHk** *•* yearn uid. bl. »■ HhatalMfi ItoevabXM. b»* * ttn * VtaKdta ***’ »*«*<** *° imSmi , HenmM thto >*ar M we learn a turnip that w*tg*d M pound* '.*l m^mdirtata-to®— *r - In *•< urlng th* nervfovw <>f ~ « e— I I,.ana.* circuit have sauna.® ta «» 1 Our M -thodtot frteod* o* Appd«* «ri‘ gjrt w., J. M Embry n»*G esanitota goad Mtatafor. We would like oar frtmds . theciwhuy totafod «**---•*-££ various nrightM>rtw»*ta Htafi •» •“ the AddMSteer Uueiy. TV i plr?—« •*• evening ">*»*•■ J :.- S ’ **£*7l7/u iMir 1 — °* l * To i lie laui< », I R-wnember the Verb-ty Stor,. so the rfo.e I to buy ywui Oranges. Gweaufo Appfo . Bute Pi.—e n r— , ( gnemd Gfows, (Tlron. tumuifo oh.*.- Mpk’s Fieri tlx 1 i mm * u * Imbhf** to <wTa *t TBB VAMRWWuawtewiiirw i NexttoDr. tfoMiPS* 3MT k'OHS **"• B»C « ftXBXItoWHF tato* sokfitar taM a nsaMMMtfH* «ag_ ‘ Copgbf. ’ tai you *T" Ihrwa’lanrvl ifa ".fXSTrJ U»» I‘iarn Tab* '>«• p 9g»<Mfo>b*wn 1 tavuwtt Uv , y.m»9G3 foJSjKtot. taaan* aeyluiu amt be tore yisi Ou MHuvthfiw dtajfcjito, Maoon has a full Ut-dgwl woman <lo to W>n»efwwa t mh<Wrs*'Dr , F'Mr. Hynmmsr NT Hhe han eskUed in Maseru earl grot*, nee to treat women sod I bia * todnethlng new fur the HUfo I Mr. WilllamjM. umm, u{ Coljlrotnw Obis., ailfo : I Atpnried aKinruwof teuton*- ' «M|al wtatrr# the : oHhX M»ltaal ’ d *' l ** ftaefnuatl, O. Tban* I was t fAa*.iUtot * IKMI taagnuntoMri ekimuit 1 Phytdmu onMmaut us mankind ; with . •*** ***•• •** ImtaasKiUHy. A vast per ! tttNdg- «C the difo-wme and twvmatur 'ftaMb* to Wbtak the me>* to aubieot, ta caw* «k ta at hSMta toads pnaelhlu by a weaken 1 FfiM< UnslaMy la uuueutiUMiga id ailack of feowls bhebkaa) Uaviug huSukM from 111- bettb, puur iiigevUuu <m.i uciury trouble* srer riuoc I ioovveiud frotu .typbnld level complicates with malarial t I deter luiuud tu give Iron a triall Fcim lnv<**tlg Uou I luariMSl Uial Brriwn.w ‘lron -Hitter, a «ure u,n >«<. *»’ toattah-W ->«M »n« black «i Uogteatti. wf f oAeIuAM t«. wlivbe ues<4 them. They ueseopted Ilk.- a oharia. J, Mvuributoru tell «%robu»i. hearty, a n<l • eiroug- laegal Advertisementi *frsf r- ~ HlkerilT Sale. -ffiihtr O» Georgia - Cntapnbia County, Will he euM before tbu oouit bouse door at Appling county of ouiumdla on the brat .Twwday in January neat the ■Aaual uouru <rf sale the following property ■tawlb One hay mare mule, said mute name- Mary, and one two horse wagon. Bild prop- levied on a* the property of W. W. Huffman by virtue of a luuitgarm li ta lean ed from the Superior Court of said count- MColumbia In favor of Frankiiu Bron, a gainst W. W. Huffman. Tbi* twenty ninth dgy of November eigtiteen bandied anti eighty oae. B. Ivey. Bh< itaC. C. State Os Georgia- Columbia Ootuty r Will bo sold before the court b ruree do. la Appling on the dnrt Tueadry In Januar> negt between the usual houie of sale U>< following property to wit. Two mules, one a sorrel hors* mite gom by the name of Fox, ann one dark mar.- o»ul.« known by th- name of Boek, and also twelve hundred puumte of v«ud uolluo um bunlxud Uuabuia ut odtoa sefol. seventy Uvw bushels of torn, more or lees, ergl. hundred buudtes of loWrer. nr-re or leae end four bundled pounds of hay. more oi leas. Bald property levied on a* tbu proper ty of Ike. Dorsey, to aaltely three fl fan ta- Msd from tbu Me.Duffle County Oarrt In favor of John E Benton The oom, seed ooUon' fodder, and hay will be sold by earn pte. Thto November the twenty third, rig*’ teen hundred and eighty one. B. Iv«v. Sheriff . a—— CHatWxi For Le-tler* Os Distulaeion. etau-W <4|rg|k CvtambM Cuualy Win(tafiTTfß fauwhia.iiMiwtatateutor ol W. B. Lamkin, repr-woute tp th.; court ii hte puUUou. duly Hied sA<Huitw*d on rec ord. that go haoJaMliadgtahteteret.tW. B Jvaiakin.dtastJß;iMkd this |a tbvrefore to Beiteali peruoun ship i no-1. ’heir* and cr.-di | tons, I aaki administrator shouhljnot be dlncharg «l from bin aun-i®»tr ijj..n, gnd tensive let ters of llamlaslon on toe first Mooday tn Mail* eighteen lundred aad eighty two. Iveueil thia seventh day el Da-»mte r rigii teen hundred and eighty one. /" Otargs D. Bniwey Orritoiar y Pottttee tar M«M» e( Ikmiwni GEOBGI A-OdumUa <>es«ty. WtHMkas, Tt‘ «a*s U- l>mi-r. Adminis trator of Albert G D «l*r repreenwt* in tta *?KfcSS»-Tfc.!> .. 1 ws-rt. hrire and .-rertltor*. to show. eamw. If way they can. why »aid admlntaUator Hlioul.l nut be dIM-bargeil from bl* artmlnls trntSoa and vm«*v» Interrs M rtfoantastoe us theflmt M..rtrt«e In Janoar>- 1*« GStHWBD.IIAjUICr.Ordy. October »d. litoi, k® Large eissnta .AtasktoT**s*e With the beat manUfaMkrere, sert large m|| nspeei-w plMna an<i orrnna at lees griw than is peM by »mal! daaters 1— Orfierw *>o AOo.. Aegwtak. °h FOB W «- A flee «s4lW*al AggiyMßk {•tecMgstttarskfe. OYrfTKU MWs’KiA, I FKII»AY NIUHT. Mr*, Gtbeon. wilt Bavs aa nyMsr sup TW M HrraMakMM asst FruMy Night the idth, aart n*rankly anitaMs Uta rri roaagv nd her Mtokrts. aad atau Ute rmbUc Jd> *iri abated Harteva Oywtere served tawo* !• be 11 itehrk F.M. «• kege ow udttaeueeM the petite generally vriU gtre pkre. Gfitaoe a fkwral sweport <« tbta spec tai *M«ata* Bvary hndy may reel swraj tUtlbey wHigettbatr mmeya worth Beader, be ou baud. '. ■■• —■ ■' ■ VfiM-icty Rtore, You Cnn Have IMEoiioy BT BOW IT TH! Variety btore.suchaa Bncoa, Meal' Cflfee, B«n:ar, Lard Chaeeaa, Mail end, Riae, Soap Ken ague Oil CarnUoa, Hwitvr, Eggs *ud *uoh tUingn as joe need m that hoe. I will bay or excbko<k grocer ies for any kind of ooantry produce. < all and Bee For Yourself' licooßcril the place The Variety B'oca. Jtonfa. Hhoew and Hat*. W® MulherinA On, of Auguwta. have a branch store nt the stand lately '.-.-upirrt by Mr. IteV-r'K-wiaa.ripsiuelte th*- m'-nnnreat. The fneadn of tlm firm and th" tiublk- will find a large *Uwk at this branch «t-’re. and «l*-r> at tbrir old stand, bit Bma<l •rirent. Mr. K-*«»an will b- pteoaed to ecu ita fkfoudv at the Brauuh Wore. THE Hotel IS NOW THE in A u{pi>stn ! TEBMH LOW FARE FIBBI-CLABB. Notwithstanding th* I*nr- and elegant -took of pianos and organa at “The Music House <g fheS-mth." 0 0. Robinson A Co. -Itvrapherf last weed for Itftrewi Plame and Organa, to till orders wkieb are coming in oy every mall. H fit Vlatt th* •Mnofe Hon** nt the Routh " or ■-rib-to G O Knbinson atsrt Co, August*, ■r .-atoioguea. price* and terms nf piamw •nd organ- Puri-nasere will tlud pri.vw f><r - >m" make and atvtenl Instrument from 10 toll per ceet lane than eteewhere. j DEVID. LAMWCTHECTB. PWMaJ Ttw- Mumc Home of the Noutb. G. O. fetbineoti. of Augusta aril in Texas Arkansas, Louisiana, Hl-alealppl, Alabama t lortda and every Hout li.-rn Hi sb-north <g Gaorgl* August* aui JuaUy elslm to have tbu “Music House of tbeßoutb." ; 0T5!1.Wl Tlie Uve Carqet and GROCERY DEALER, offers A Full Lina Os Th* Following Good* Low For Owb Ur Its Mgwi vetaot. c.Awnrr dufabcmemt. Body BruasslU Onrp-As rnpnstry Bniaaetto ftarpets Heavy fisfita Gargets Hootch all Wooi<ten>-ris < ottoo and Veei Qsriwta Htai> Carpwte «od Mods H.ripeg▼■iitas Usrpete Heart* Mt*» •*> D>*w Mkfis Cocoa mad Oaaton Matting* Ftaor OU. OtotOk, ta wtdtee Tabte OU < Muth*. aU wtotee WidowMkmdss. Oertetes. Utowtewa. Ptotore Frmua. OteooMT tort otter IMkiga too aw OMruua be MOttato. OROUKMT DKFARTMMNT F-rria, Haft Magnoita Hsasa Ouantry Hansa Ferric. BraskiaM Hsasa 'Ferrta Mmuhad ifosf Gnu A. Baltea Bert Ftoaar Bahar. Stktei Ftotsr MUa Crtekara Faacy fritaisrs Msec Tone ata OsMwm Fancy Work Haabtes Hsatata. Market, te OtoCtae Bntetaa. Hmocaa. Dealers. Tube. Nwtaata. Pate, Mabie ata Yard Bruuaua. L4vu ililtt ma ata Prate ad Pttatry. MY MOTTO The ■ totes Mxgewos tetaer Umm tte stow BMUtag. Qetok Bates ata Mteta Frtau far cate <Jarpate eta UM llitate Mtas ata Late Oartttaa ata Iteailaa Meat At taurlMuttte 828 Brg«d StaMfiMfMtaGtt ssoADnsTsaar, suq-nsTs.-q* (XXJKING STOVES, •' HEATING STOVES, HARDWARE Grates, v XKD Btty (be 'fttcr-jalor* COCI STOVE. «*i Flftssa dlMerwwt Siam > B s took . W. I. DELP! J jivr. bTTK.X>E;XjIL, cm FIHOR DD COMMISSION fflltlHf, kVo. IO I < a lii lornli Rlt., C»>Mr 3E i RX MOVA X*4 lalcnnseqirenoe of scarcity of Ah.rage room I have * < . M ~zr K s ,h : '" rR, ‘ ? RIcK s, ‘ te roof L L K'»ta War. h.mee ■N. IB Jklutoeb street Bank and Nalwnal R, o k Angunta. '•«**»*. Tbe bq.itrem. wili be heretofore (* ajj ito hrented W. N. MERCIER, COTTON FACTOR! - AND- GENERAL COMMIB ION MERCHANT, Na 8 WARREN BLOCK, AUGUSTA, Oi. Will give prrtaoa! aud umhndta aUtalfoa to the wrigbiag Coitnq. Liberal oata siivaaate ■ede oa —liriiLi iiljl Tfiti n must n iitim u ntw i nt MEW JfUtM. . We. the undersign.*!, have thto day formed a ao-partnershlp tauter tta firoi —« WHE feaEaSß For Uta purpoea of ontauctiag a COTTON FAHJR.itE JKOKJUMIIBBIO VMJSEVH. .. fhhnrtFter*' experience tn that line, wo feel wemekud to -. tkm to thrwe »bu may favor us with shlpmenta. A stere us tte ?*-—*! sod t»»rihaute ta ru*p«~UuUyeulicitod. *•**•■« u< uw patruopge es ptaabttfi w. T WBKUMT , k. T, vkboss! vn Ute.B ÜBUH-. •a.a.ruauM. SIBLEY & JORDAN,' OOTTORJ FAO TORS, A ng-iiata, €te. Wo a agteta Nr the LUM HUH GIN ata tbs OOTTOM BIxOOM UK. h*««I.I mrstlsatlwstsWetol* faMinsteianwafokmme I»c>x-ter F r lexxxlnLg', COTTON JACTOR AND OOHMIM. miCIM \ 738 Reynold St* Augusta. Ga. ALSO, DEALER IN »«<! OI*X>IIOIA_ -TFAWM For SeUinfir. 50a Storage, 85c. A*. O F DOW R X>, COTf ON FACTOR A COMMISSION MCTCMAWT No C WARREN BLOCK, ikiT ti tmsi m mnu im-wi n Liberal advauooa tnape on Out ion and Produce t B M ora. Purteaal etwtataa given u> Weighing and Bulling. M A. B'4’o V JLikXk, t oitoH Factor aid Coßunlsslcn Herchaat, 737 REYNOLD STREET, AUGUBTA, GA- MT Prompt attenikw givee to aU buMoeaa. Ageat foe Gaaggfo Nootlt ( aroUna for the Baßiworo Compound Hand Power FtoMk the beet praas far all porpoMt aaode. Seed fonMVMlam DHfoeml gfa* «b«d. ttigtolp €. £. M C CO£I> a €O., X£tex*lexxxr G-&. LRaTM tu DUrORM TMXTJUDIMG FUMUG TMAT Xtthl MAfMfoHfM GROCERIES la ataitton to Use teove atoaadr targe stock, w* bate a HOD A FOOWT. wt«»t fas. ennetantiy ferafahtagHtate* who wfah eta*. *wl. ttammsr. driafca. nadiarw tewta so give ea a call We hers atou a Baa tot of STMte *• tete vt re«M* re ata *M **ste Thaatttag «** wtato *sw tetev' i ae* w twwwetevM » wtewv « eneatwreWkee nf *h* *Mte- fikfitag *• "N Mete# be MCtbtettt •atatatawebyMeta tatatek. fair eta MMM ftaWfag