Columbia advertiser. (Harlem, Ga.) 1880-18??, January 17, 1882, Image 2

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J.W. fanygws rpM "- Tvianti. jAncjtw w.MM. figTTirr--- rrfi rrT—• —i Bdbfoe sad piguooa an gutting ptfatifal la il* swamp* flnify Gania fatally ■ tabbed Jno Lavine fa Atlanta lan weak. Gov. Hagood boa kgprnved the roek taw bitt ei Bonth Carolina He a*faeg it Deeamber 20th. ftiaaaidAnt <Maa«e baeMOOO girl a working al the vnrionu trades for average wages of tie wewk. The Culanbm Tiana aoja Bev. Walker Learie waa evaad by tin yaawg MMNB Ji I Ixiiws a A eorooor to an errunt coward be m vsr etee ea a man until tin men to down, and then he likes to be backed by twelve ana. , < • The new trial of Jobe D- Crawell for the murder of Tarnov ia Wilkes hae resulted in hie being antaocrd foe life ia the paoeteulisry Attaata people are going wild over vueeioatioo The doetots aN b«sy performing the operatina oa ana. woneataad ehiMron. The assail pox score io a bananas for them. A Prof. Gunaiag. ap in Michigan to festering oa "After Mao. W batt** A Fort Wayne editor, who bee boon there, rhea to remark that it to go • orally Um sheriff or some wosnaa. w BUI Arp to iswtsasisbif. Pareuo Felton ia going into poUtics again, and there ww bo an preaching at their school borne, and tin little Arps will have to grow np aa heath •te Blow tin Parson I * Mr. J**P. WMtboni>ee, who wee arrested a lew days ago under au ac tion of bail trover brought by H. R CUfln A Co, of Wow York, waa re lented on Monday after argument before Judge Snood, InTbotnoon. 1 According to the Sparta labmae 1 lite, qnitv a nmaber of biack people have Ml Haacook eooa'y within the peat two week*. Leal yr ere disaster 1 to the farming intoreata of the coon tv is attributed sa the causa. The Albany Newa says that the Bran* wick train to crowded every aenruing with nagraoa seeking work tot the tarpea tine district. Ilia vary aaoeh afrqid that the fartsere will cut The Cesryw* Weekly •*JF® IM? VW before in Ute history of that town ba« there bean at> much whisky drank aa forth* pOat two week*. Methodist. Baptist, Praabytarian and sinner ware ■II pttsd ie the gutter together drunk. Tbs no feocaqnestion will be voted te Wednreday of thia week Oar country fellow dtimma ought to note “no free*" )a*t to force town people tn feooe their cows and ko> p them off t|gjbdd*r they bnng to town for their tense*— Warrentoe Clipper. The GrpnA Ommaadry of Knights . Templar of Oeorgia naeeta io Sevan nah in May. It ie mid ths! Palestine Oommandry of that city ip mfrfrig oxteesive preparations to entertain the body, and all ■> wiling Ofemao driw and Knighta The building* «f the lefarnuttounl Cotton Eipmdtx* at Oglethorpe Park were acid het week at private nth. by the Executive Or aamirtm to F. P Biee and B. H. Bieherde, of Atlanta, far •fifott* eneh. The aale loeoMidered a good one, and the pnrabeeere will eegnains a j<4nt stock , company al oaee. to fill the boildinn* with naaehiarry lor the maeufaeture Fire wm dhonvered abort ly after 4 o'clock ea the nwwniag of ftth in the engine room of the imtemee sag w riSutry o 4 Hevonnwyer ft Elder, I situated on Firm street and South Third and Fourth at recta, Will tame burp. The firemen were naah la to control the Acme* and the buMiug which wee eleven atone* htgb and ooteAd an entire btonh, wnaeoMum *L law. •1,000,00 ft. i m 111 ippoinUni to the mmptee of bowing done by the Indie* of Georgia and Alabama, e i the Wheeler and Wileon cowing me atone M the recent exposai mn, gnve the Aral prim to Mho Lninh Hamil to* *t A iia*t<, **d to® sbomn! pn*t to hire M- A. McLean, of Hamilton Manar, of Thoanson, Go. Th* nona asrttovo hare atoo aaade awaiton of Mm. H K. Free man of AnguettClfis* J. J. Farrell of tagmta, and several other Geer gfalndha WlSpMEte WWywr* tfoage mtewtrona Hveiy in Jd F oonefadso to .Ithef boM predicted thal to-neur-. row and Thursday are to ba the eold daya of thio winter. Henry Ticker* died in Waging tea, Gte, on Wednesday eight lam, from an overdone of laa*fooum. Felton blows his Independent bo gle in Augusta on the 31 at inet. Will Mrs F. have a coat behind the cur tain an prompter f The tweet girls can now be aeon with their anna fall of books and their mouths fall of gam, tripping away to school. The city of Maom io in a terrible ill-humor wi;h ex-Mayor Hoff, who rhinos that the city io due him a big amount of money. Col. Wm H Sparks, one of the moot widely known mon in Georgia, died suddenly at Marietta, on Friday night, of paralysis of the lung*. The Augusta Factory has employ ed a physician to vaccinate all of ite employees and their families, and they will be vaooinated at once. Tyman Garrett killed Eaekiel Nd eon, al Peareon, Coffee county, on the 11th. A woman waa the cense of the trouble. The mbrderer to at large Another new factory to soon to be started in Angnsta by M< evra. W. II and R. W Inman, of New York, and Goo P. and Rvbt. P. Carry, of Augusta. Guiteeu baa been denied the privi lege of addressing the jury in hie de fence. but Judge Cox has consented to allow hie oonneol to read from hie nmnuecript anything they deem pn fat- . Grand icon Harris, Jr., colored, of Augusta, baa been convicted of re ceiving a dead body stolen from the < grave for the purpose of soiling it to the Atlanta Medical Coltof-e. He wpo eentoooed to work co the chain KB' g twelve mouths and pay and ousts. The Senate Committee on Claims have unauimoualy decided to report adversely on the claim of Warren Mitchell f>r $128,601, covered into the Treasury as the prveeo<ls of oot too-taken from him nt K»vnw»*h. a . ™ ww. The claim baa boon pending before <. ongreea for about fifteen yenre. We had th* pleasure of a visit from Mr. Medlock, of the Christian Index, yesterday forecoon Mr. M. has beeu in thia section the peel few day* in the internet of hie sterling paper, and reports fin* suooem. W» will bar* add that Mr. Medlock so greatly fevor* friend Tayler et the hen** of e. O. B- bineoe i (X, Av gusta, that be fa rery .oftenteistekea for him; and in order to graaeaft th* ar rent of cm* for the Olhutl aatsdsartr. they should both heap vp io the r greeiat high standard efffboti-ftehn Dr. H. V M. Miller. ex-United States Senator from Georgia, a man of geemiae < l *]tt*ooe, aa we oan bear Wltoea,i** pronounced Independ ent. We are afraid be is what you aright call a diaappeinted politician. He is exerting himself to break up the grand old party whoee banner be upbvld and for whom we one* benrd him make a very impvaeaive and *•■ - mated speech. Hv tbiak« Dr. Felton a rec*at convert from Democracy to Republicanism, will b* the Indepen dent can dirt at*. Tourgee ia right, and be knows what be ie aaytng when be declare* that th* Independent mcnemeot ia the South, eo called, ie B*peblK*»iam and nothing el**.— Wilmington tMar. MON BY ” MADE If you want to make money, get tbaiiginto make and aril Moßnde and Um Store Water Filter twoot the bcm arttdts ever diaoovered. de* them work and b boo ma convinc ed. Active pushing men nan m»k« utoney baedliug teem Write te Me Bode and (k Atlanta U*. _____: ft.... Him BLmom TtetTte Marte Boom of th* llouth** ia located la Amre***. Ga. Q. O BOBIMteMt and 00. Ftnnea nartt Onftwse •iwtohmmeal tv u U.(\nuMaeu*. Aatoarta. tte. are *• tvw m tea towwt. CARDEN SEEDS ▼»e • 9 . CALX AT THE ' < • I ■ . *7 <i "Vftriety Mtoro. And >-uu can <’-< U»«u. CORN, PLOW - f - r J < LINES, » i . -ARD- | Groceries / I . . s «< "< • JUST BKCEIVED. < y^y^y^^yy - FOR SALE. A*M saddle almost new. Apply at this Ofltae and art a bargain. • ssr •• —“ 'VaE ■ —-*s * * ; • 1 al • AmM er str* ftrwi may boc mb toumm to bml Diphtaa 1 KWAJfaU .The UraMt use « thh SmhreSte reared hss sbvm n wns st urn. vagfav tea vro* r aTwikiuuut u** sa *wi It has brae beams th* salsa Mr terty yores, sad M asote vataed wbare tt M best kaown. A tew sswests tMte mtsatery tastfaHteis read as kdtows: yym K»ya h»s**h*M Mow te, y ftl pY lr JjSi Mr OoiM4rmr,PinnLUKta)>aMMl. ntm wean errmaine <*>■ MU A Mtaaf Bm> tun latte k»kin£ZrtlM H luaHy dwUAte Wtem. ABtn^B*n—i ,»■« NMprMUi PCMY DAVMI < SOK, Proprietors, “ ■ limn " ‘ 1«37 E»rAIUJaHKI> / - i* r. jvt'T’m FURNITURE PALACE, Tbe Oeapeat, tb* NeoteM, (tee Largest ami OMeot Eatabtiabment la Georgia- LARQKRT aaanrtmHrt <4 Haa Bterooro tedta ta Bnaawtmd. Matawany. Walnat and Oak. «4 lateal ptetrraa and Iterate price*. Butte ta Steer aad OoM. Maßneaay. Wateat aad U.«M. la UaHlte »Yk, gaUa «te Lalaa. Hter aari MoAair Q>~e ‘TteadTEteMra?' IVrlßSda BMateada. Cetera ate Card TaMaa, IMa- Ctena and MMwr Oaa-a Hall Bteada, Ftettem aad Cartel Hair. Farter bnJU. Mirror Wardtebea. Jaacy aad P.-Mlaa Oalra. Hroretertaa Mota*. lo»MFa*. baateaada, Battaa and Carpet Bockeea, Mpria* Matlrreaea. Bpcta* PHtoam. etc PLATT BROTHERS; A v m«. fM a«4 710 Broad Street, G*. MT*Aged* lor the Ht'lOßal Wire Met iiatanaa. Stga of tbe B«g Choir. 7 '7'"* 1 OCW TJv^ ’y. Oajrq«t and GROCERY- DM. ' tMkrvA FuH Woe OTbe F«dtowteg OeoUe 1 Lew Far Cbrnb Orta ««ui»ahwt CARFET ' DEPARTMEMT. Body BramsUs Osrpeu Tapestry Bvweells Csrpeta Heavy »-Pty Qwpvts Beaten all W.mMMrprta Cvtann and Wool CUrpsta Htetr Carpets and Rods StripMl Vmwttaw Usrpeta Hearth Kites end !>>or Mats C-cpa and CMrtue MaUimts Fhs* -Oil. tlatbe.eP widths TaUi o*l <*<*•. sH wWUm Widow Shades. CaftabM. Uwnkae. Ptrtnro FTOmv. Cheanwe'end vtber tMtegs too M ■terous to menUun. • -. • QROCERY DEI’ARTMEXT. ; Frarte.Uam Maxwdia Haras Onmtry Hams Ferris. Brvsktast Hams JTtvriS Hmokwi B«ef Ueu. A. BatNks Best Floor Baker, s Ctwtae Flour Milk Crscksm Fancy Crockers Heat Teas and OiffnM Fancy Work Hsak-ts 'Hanginx. Market, aod Clothen Hnabeta. Rromna, Dusters, Tube. Buckets. Palls. < Stable and Yard Brooms, LAvo Chickens ami Dreaeed Poultry. MY MOTTO- The Minitie tUxponcu b-tter than the alow Bulling. Q>d<'k bah* and itaiall Prodts tor cash. Carpets, nrsl <hl Clothtw Made and L ild. Curtains and Bhadtw Hung At Bh«et Naths'. 828 Ciroad Street Augusta Ga. ' H|»-<-ial Ortlera , For pian<« aixt orirans. tor holiday gifts, are forwarded aluxwt ilaily to G. O. Robin son A Co.. Augusta. Ga. iDJMD-LANCTrmMQIB- PWIAj Bout*, bfaiCM niMl Hats Wm. Mttlhwto A <Jo., <d Ao»ru«ta. bev op-wed a brooch store al tiw »Um>l lately <«wup*ed bylMr. l’Hrr g.enan. opimnlto be monwtaewt. Thu mends of ue timi and the , l-ahM-- wilt an-1 s tear ntnek * l bran<* eb>ro. an<i sl*o al tW r «M stand. Vl-I ilnunl street. Mr. K-enan will h*> pl-'WI to sc his friends at the Bran. I - Hlorr. 8 M VMt the -’Mu'”. H'Hiao of the ftoCth." or write to G. O. IM Miummi ami Co, Ailgusts. for catalogue • pi ia»and tertea U ptem andorgaa*. Pun-hsOvrowill Hod pilyvs he , naCte uiak ■ and tyleof WStrutiicul from 10 to Jupsrubot ItVw iliaii eiauwln-I*-. ' ~lc •' —- I —•***• •flfbu Music Hnine of th® Soittli. lAL ti. Roi.tna.Hi. of Augusta e->ll in Texas Vksfl-an, LouUlnna. Mt-wtiraOppl. Alabama nopwith landhue the huge and elegant stock ot i-isaoa sod «-rears* at “The Mnsle >HteMbo< tbe H-.utb/’G. O, Robins*m A Co. 'teMtraphe'l laetwted lor Ofb-en Platea ami Onrsc*. to lUlardaro which are coni lug In by every mell> W FDR SALL a Valuable Ft rm of 561 acres wi ll timbered and in good pondition, aitnalvd ©o?! Head stall, and Bgbrier creek, Eikht mile* from Harl ra, Seven mile from Oravmg. Bondded on the north and rastby Thoa, Connell, and north and wash by John. Adama.|Bonih west hrHeadtHlaH creek-and Ko***h by Bigshriey creek ami lands of Moe s J. Indale, on the Dortb. For particulars, ap| ly to (Jeorge A. Bailie, sgent for Mrs, Charlotte Silcox. i7A3, Broad St. Ingusia Ga i fwtaMMH wlm aw Mmo «o mm*f OMm. boots, shoes and hats, .IT and l&etail. THEBE goods were pureaaaedfc* Gaab from teadhig maautaeiurera sad am tn Our btende and the pubile at the Imwaat Pitaeu. Wo bare umay bargain tots which will be secured by those who mate aa tarty ma. Wm. MB*.ni.N tew, 722 and 911 Broad Street, Augwta, Ga. nr® pfmrt fag* To effrr the LARGEST and moot complete rtoek of . DRYZ GOODS, CLOTHING, SHOES. HATS. Etc, it has ever been mv plea*.or- to conowcacr -fas l-WSPRIXG trade with. I hope by eontwnal mMitKMn liut snr-jng Soring ano muse it Mill more a<tt* live, -fag tSf and bo|« by fair dealing and aiiruli<« hr bumiwaa. atoF* merit and receive the patronage of Ibe community -fag IMT EE atolier. “ ' ■ the white MAOTGB ! Superlative in Its Attributes It Btanda ACKN&WLKDGEDTHE KING of al» SEWfHG MICHISEs Til*- WHITE hes been treed tormore^ 1 tbsii tonr ■aliofuction than any nre< hiue put upon -h*. nrerkel Th- WHILE re th- «|Uie gGfll .k. I - m.oi if"''ltr- IH tl" lnr-l.n Er* I I jwm " •■>!, ma* li:n- > V \Hl<\Nl El *L B YEAHB I-' »bd A A tWNS.- o-rtificate of wurruity re green <*acl juirchanrr We do not peddle them, thus we are enabled to sell them cheaper I ban ■ . first Hus- old patent ma. bines are sold jnr Al <>rd« r" by mail shall b-r- .M them or write fur circulars and prices J. n. A T. F SMITH ' 9. HORACE SMITH, N*«. 525 BROAD St REET, AILffISTA, GA i i ' H !"■■■ ■ I f! "TTIWMij y & €O. LEAD IN LOW PRICES 1 FURNITURE of all Grades. lITT^SSJtXJ» SWIXfi MM ILL SIZES 4 SHUS jflos Walnut sad Chamber beta Dressing Caa>, MarUaTop, toe Fitly Dreiareaadvpt We have put duWaalM price of Bns Fdrnlture St perjeent. Have money hy raffing ea tie before you buy. - J. LBOWLKIA W - ■- nrskoaß st, ibborri, ex. FOUNDRY & MACHINE WORKS, ; ’ NQS 618, 617 and 619 KOLLOCK STREET, JViijx’ivMtn., TQOITR PATRONB: Our Foundry and Machine Works, which were <ieatn>y«l In July by’ tire, have hre*t retell It. <krtarm»l and fnrnMw<d. with new took. W*- ran (utnl.h EROS AND BRASH CABHNGB ANIFMACHINEtIT ■>! all dreerftMtoto. and al reaasi al-k* prices and of the treat qualltv. FxYcue willbegivsti of anything you may want by letting ire know Adret you mW! If you need men msU to your place to repair tour Mill or Engine write us. v,- my 17 ly W. J. FOLLARD, NOS. 734 and 736 REYNOLDS STREET, AUGUSTA, GA, Cotto a Factor and Commisaiaa Merchant, AND DEALER IN Y OF KINDS. Alan Diston'n Circular Ah ws. Rubber and D-reth»T Betting, terrein Pipe. Water »o-l Steam Gauges. Ooonrettans. Oil (SipA; Ppp, Globe ao*l Check Valvee. G**»ernor». Wrenches, etc, together with every article id steam and waler tittlnga, ttodlngx. etc. General Agent for Talbott & Sons. Talbotts Agricnltnral Engines on wheels, Portable Engines on skids, liooary Engines, Tabular and lxx.umrnree ILiilers, Tnrbfaa Water tt beds, Cort and Wheat Mills, Saw Milla, Minfting, Pulleys, Boxen, Hanger* and Patent Spark Arresters. Watertown Strain Engine Company. Watertown agricultural engines on wheels, portable engine, on skids, dairy engines for small building., vertical engines, stationary engine* with and without ent off, rreorn tabular boilers with two flues, tocumultve and ver tical boilers, saw mills, etc. C. & G COOPER & CO Coopers self-propelling (traction) engines, fans sgric- llnral engine* on wheels, portibl*- engine* on skills, stationary engittea, looomoiire and re turn tubular boilers, and w-heat mill, portable mil) with portable bolt attached, smut machines, dnalh-sa wheat separators and oat and weed ex tractor; saw mills, double and single. J W CARDWELL and COMPANY Csrdwell wheat thnrehers,separators and deaners; “bug-grouinl’ thresh ers, hydraulic cotton preaaee; horse powers, mounted and down; power corn she Ilers and feed cutlers Mimi uiffim u in iwisn rum i w. Reapers and binders, reapers and mowers combined, single binders, reap ere sad mowers, cultivator* and grain sowers. FAIRBANKS g CO. Fairbanks' standard scales, all sixes ami patterns. Alarm cash drawer* far Manstaoturer of the following unebines: NebleU A Goodrich Improved IXL COTTON GIN. Reid's patent sdo matie power screw press (steam or water power). Smith's improved hsn-l powur cotloo and hay prewa, eotVm gin feeder, cotton ooodenaer, »ew Vir a“Ur *•“ Ewre, ( olt.wi Giua, eta. repaired *«> • •«' k ,* maahke manMr W-*>rdoru solidied and prompilr wsenttel - ® er P* r, ** Ur *. circulars, geuend information Me., app'v to ly w j rOLLABD