Columbia advertiser. (Harlem, Ga.) 1880-18??, January 24, 1882, Image 1

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PaMteher. I A. MlinM, P*»f»rw<.r. VOLUME 11. HEWS GLEANINGS. Oae tomato farm at Key West, Fla, 12,000 plant*. Four hundred inmate* in the Alaba- M , jnaane asylum. Mew Year’s day Georgia had $971,- 48S M, in her treasury. Voluntary donation* to the Universi tvof Virgins since 1865 foot up $440,- •100. Thia year’* hay crop in Augusta -nntv Va, i» estimated to be worth ”„.ioo,ooo. Manry county, Tenn., is out of debt, tad Mr warrants ar* worth ninety-five cents on the dollar. The license to sell iatoxicatiing spir it, within the town of Jasper, Ga, has Meo raised to 11.000. One hundred thousand young Cali fornia salmon havq recently been placed in the watets of Georgia. Bets of SSOO have been made at tu twta, Ga, that lais year's cotton crop »ilf be at least 6,000,000 bales. The residence of Hon. Ben: Hill, at Athena, 'Ga, has been sold to Prof. Speer, of the tJhiversjty. It originally set $30,000. There are seventeen tobacco factories ■t Pe ersburg, Va, employing about 15C00 hand* The groat annual pro dacta amount to about $3,200,000. The St. Louis, Iron Mountain and Southern railway company pay $3C A - yearly for ties to the wood-choppers between Little Rock abd Texarkana. The Porter Guards, of Memphis, will star ewallow-tailsd scarlet coats, trim-' ned with buff and gold, bud pants with yarlet strips, bordered by gold cord and buff helmets to correspond. At New Orleans all the cotton presses in glutted, owing to the fact that great quantities of cotton is being held for futuredeliverv and no -large ehipmenu ire being made to Europe. The city of Fayetteville, N. C., fol hwiog the example of Memphis, has bid its municipal existence teiminated by a state law in order to escape from tbe clutches of the mandamus movers. Chattanooga Times: As things are [low going, the south will in the year f!DO «upport her own markets with every grade of cotton goods, and with every form of iron and stoel, fine cut- Wy included. i Dr. Barksdale, of the Virginia lunatic i nylum, reports the case of a negro lu natic whose brain weighed ' seventy suw .This is believed to be the lar mt brain on lecord, except that of Oli ver Cromwell. la Minissippi there are 108,640 horses, 115,600 mules, 273,250 oxen, 22'\330 ®vi, 230,330 sheep add 1,789,600 bogs, •ith the following average value: Borw#, 57 73; mules, S7O 89; oxen, $7 69; «••», llz 00; sheep, 12 57; hogs, $2 70 The black confluent small-pox is ra pay at a great many points in Texas. It is said to have been first introduced by exiled Russian Jews. Be that as it ■•y, it is very obstinate and fata', re- Vinng the greatest care to keep it from v « A gentleman largely interested in the FV’sed canal, near Macon, Ga., states ’bat the project is not abandoned by •7 means. At the proper time the ’*’** project will be brought protni to the front. He is of the opin- * that tbe enterprise will only cost **>‘s4so,ooo. I‘» generally conceded, says a Fiori •exchange, that the brown or rusty .is much the sweetest, and can *«pt | onger tbe brigbt fruit but “oi a unasal perversity of taste, * brown fruit ia depreciated id North ** aarkets, and sold at half the price “lair fruit. Montgomery (Ala) Advertiser There 000 acres of government land subject to entry under the T*"**! and pre-emption laws, and •atering of land was never brisker present. Hundreds of acres are r sol ion the cash basis system of ■ per acre, particularly in some of * counties of the state. , TW touJ rereipUof tbe city of At ‘•’rom all sources during 1881, was * |x 97. The criy debt is $2,196,- expenditure* on account **re»‘and sinking fund, 1193,573, a balaeee SJM ( jHS,97 for ord:- *?»*l*Mitarea. The city bar no ,a r debt, and ean not, as the stele ••■d*. increase its bonded debt Baptist* minister* of Bicfcmvu !, ts olutnhw Bimfisets Xa, have reeoluted against the bill lie fore the legislature of that state, to re move the political disabilities of per sons who have, in recent years, violated the law against dueling. They say: "We l>>ok upon the proposed action as a violatit* of the spirit of the constitu tion and the laws of the state, as an in sult to heaven and an affront to the moral and Christian sentiment of the Virginia people.” Fernandina, (Fla.) Mirror: A few days since we were on tbe north shore of Orange lake, in what ia known as the island, once designated as Towused Ter ritory, from its isolation. Five years ago, no public road passed through it, ■o rail or water communication came within twenty miles of it. While we were there within twenty minutes’ time, we heard the puffing of trains on the railways, the whistle of a steamer and of three steam saw mills, and realised the change which has been made and which is going on all over Florida. An amusing incident occurred at Fin castle, Va., during the last term of the Botetourt county court A jury was em pa mulled to try one Bolen, charged with an assault on J. G. Sperry, the latter testifying in the case. After two days deliberation tbe jury returned into court with a verdict of matudaugher. It would be hard to picture the scene that followed. The bar was convulsed, the “dead man” smiled audibly, Judge Palmer looked on-for a moment in mute astonishment and then hid behind his 1 newspaper. Richmond, (Va.) State: It ia impos sible Tdr the south unaided to educate all within her borders. White she asks no exemption front all just obligations, this duty of f ee education does not rest on her exclusively. Dr. Sears in 1879, said there were 2,000,000 of children in the Southern States, without the means of instruction. Increasing effi ciency of school system is daily furn i»hing*d4it’<Ufoil meow*, bn£ the latest reports of state superintendent* show a wide difference between the numbered editcat able children and those in actual attendance at schools. A writer describes a Christmas din ner at a country house near Richmond, Va., during the war: The four gentle men were in uniform, and the three ladies were in homesp.m. They had for dinner a S3OO ham, and the last turkey on the plantation, value sl7o, with SIOO worth of cabbage, potatoes and hominy. Com bread wrs served, made of meal at SBO per bushel and salt at $1 a pound The dessert was black molasses nt fiiO a gallon, and after one cup of tea—real tea, worth SIOO a pound, treasured for the occasion as a surprise, and not sas safras —there was coffee at discretion, made from sweet potatoes cut into little squares toasted an<l ground down. Memphis Appeal! Mr. May, a young Shelby county farmer, has been success ful in the manufacture of ensilage, a species of for cattle, that in winter takes the place of the clover of summer and is more nutritious. The method adopted by Mr. May was simply to cut the pea-vine down, chop it and pre** it into a pit forty feet long, ten feet broad, and ten feet deep. In this pit he made fifty tons of ensilage, with which be proposes to fatten fifteen head of cattle for three months. Mr. May a example should stimulate every farmer in this section of the country. Immense qnan tities of hay and com are sold, in this market every winter, the money paid for which might be put to some o'her use, if only ensilage were made for cat tle. The best stockraisers recommend it, and the practical farmer* at the west are loud in its praise. Face Dlfflcnlties. Have the courage to face the difficulty, lest it kick vou harder than you bar gained for. 'Difficulties, like thieves, often disappear at a glanwu H“ Te ,l1 " courage to h ave a convivial party at the proper hour for doing to however great the sacrifice ; and to stay away from one upon the slightest groanils forobjection, however great the temptation to go. H*to tbe courage to do without tha which you do not need, however much you admire it Have the courage to speak your mind when it is neceesary tityou should do so. and hold your tongue whan it is better that you ah mid lie silent Have the courage to speak to a i>oor fnend in a coat, even in the street, and when a rich one is nigh. TheXrt - b- than think it to be and the act is worthy of a kmjf Have the courage to «tait you have tieen in the wrong. y<m -dl retnovurthe fact in the mind unttinff a desirable impre-sH-n in pl»c< ure to adhere to the first reaotutum you can not change it for * tx/abandoo it even at tbe eleventh . upoo CODTICtUJU. Devoted the Interests of Columbia County and the State of Georgia. - ■ ■ . _ " ** ~ harlem, Georgia, Tuesday, TOPICS OF THE DAT. Otriit Wiu>« writes for • gninM • line for Our ('ontinml. The “boy preacher,” Thomas Ham son, is saving souls in Cincinnati. Tux jails are full of convicted mur derers, and hangings are a rarity, Venwok does not like to be clawed with Mother Shipton, but it can’t be helped. To kbtti.k the Oannon-Campbell con test, Utah will probably hold anothei election. Grrrxau says public opinion is chang ing. Ho wrong. It u-a«Us s change. The iron-producing intoresta of the South are shaping themselves into a moao|M>ly. A great lioom has struck Richmond, Indiana. Bh« is to have a $300,000 ojiera-housv. The author of ‘‘ Fool's Errand ” has started a paper in Philadelphia called Ow Continent, The census shows Paris to have a population of 2,225,900, an increase of 237,000 ainoe 1876. A hew law in Kansas forbids any per son to marry within six months after procuring a divorce. ♦ Now that smallpox is rife, it is but reasonably precautionary on the part of every one to be vaccinated. The report of finding a boat of the Jeannette containing corpses ia dis credited in official quarters at St. Peters- Jburg. JutxiE Pobteii has been a power in the Guiteau trial, and for that will bs deservedly remembered by a grateful republic. The National Temperance Society is’ advocating the appointment of a com mission to inquire into the liquor traffic of the United Htates. , Or the population of London, 3,620,- 000 are vaccinated and 190,000 are not. There were 1,532 deaths from smallpox in that city the past year. Mk. Lawes, a prominent English agriculturist, has set aside $500,000, the interest of which is to be used in carry ing out agricultural experimente. Among members of the Lower House of tlio Tennessee Legislature are a white man and a negro who hold the relation of master and slave before the war. Something is always lieing laid at Beecher's door. Last week it was an infant only two days* old, and he very properly and promptly had it sent to the City Nursery. MantTPaCTUEINo paper from palmetto is one of the new onteqirisM in Florida. Twenty mills in all are shortly to be erected by a comjiany in sections of the Ktato where palmetto is abundant. Prop. Williams, of Yale College, re cently received a dispatch from the in terior of Clone which had been saut the day liefore, traveling within twenty-four hours the distance of 19,000 miles. The rage in circus circles the coming season is to lie ** the handsomest woman in the world." Every circus will hays her. Barnum has already published his offer of $20,000 for a famous beauty. The members of the new Chinese Legation at Washington wear thteir na tive costumes on all occasions, and at tract considerable attention on the streets and elsewhere, by their startling com bination of colors. John TtVixiß. President of the Mor mon Church, has taken up his abode in the Gardo House, at Salt Lake Ctty, the magnificent structure which Bngbrjn Young built for his favorite, Amelia. It has been luxuriously furnished throegh ou t. ♦ - The two heaviest taxpayers of Boston are Moses Williams aad Joahua M. Sears, the first name being siwrosed for $3 300,000, and the other for $1,244,000. Ami vet we never beard of ibrae men before. Riches and fame don’t always go hand in hand. — Attobhet Gxxdul Baxwwrra is said to put on more style than any other Cabinet Minister who ever courted tbe smiles of faahiouabie society Hm “turn out” ia as gorgeous as that o< any Eaghah lord, and hu personal ward robe correaponds with it. ' moved on Gongreas In • body. On the llth inst every mbm bat of the Senate had a memorial to pr*ant from his constituency, asking fori a law to prohibit the manufacture, •alf or importation of alcoholic liquors thfongnout the national domain Jwmon ia always expensive whore there is a high state of civilisation. Ou th4 frontier, where churches and courts aril unknown, murder trials are of short duiation and to tha point, and crime leas frequent, to the population, than where the country is dotted With courts of law. •ermany has 3,250 co-operative sseo cuntons, of which 1,895 are loan or credit soeietiea, people's banks, etc., 674 in dustrial sociatieh, 645 stores for the silo Cffi goods, and 36 building societies. A»d yet Germany is reputed to be about the hardest country on the poor there ia; in the world .< When the weather in the IffMDe and Western States ia very moderate, mer-, cury in Dakota Territory ia generally below mro, but up to tbe middle df Jan uary the present season it seems that they have had nothing up there but “continuously warm weather’’—not even an ordinary snow. ■i ♦ i Ouoab Wilde seems to be the boom for the present, and it is singular how the msthotic crowns his every move. His arrival in this country was January 2, or 1882 -2. He talks in rhythmic chant, accenting every fourth syllable, thus; ' I osmo from Aigland bcoauae I thaught America was the beet place to see." A of the New York . Hott says that the removal of the duty on quinine has cheapened the drug seventy-eight cents an ounce, and that more of it is manufactured in tills coun try now than when it wa* <*protected.” We arc getting to bo almost as inveterate users of quinine as we ere of tobacco. Dn. Mabt Walkbb, who has a singu lar way of dressing, narrowly escajied arrest • few days ago in Washington. Hhe walked tttrough the Prost dents grounds, pursued by a newly appointed colored policeman, who had been told " it was a woman,” and would have lieen taken to the station-house had not those at the White House identified her. i Business seems to be pushing in Nevada. Bays a Nevada paper: Not withstanding the absence of bonanzas, nearly 1,800 miners are at work on the Comstock at present, repreaentipg a monthly payment of nearly a quarter of a million dollars. The miners in turn give employment to many. in tho mills on tho Carson River, in Gold Hill and Silver City. - - ■ ♦ Ths Cincinnati Oatelt' states tbe case briefly as follows : If Congress will ad mit to seat in that body a delegate from Utah who admits that he has several wives and believes in and practices the doctrines of the Mormon Church, it might ss well stop talking and logis'at-. ing against polygamy. A man who de- 4 fies law should not have s seat among - law-makers. Miss Ida Ullman, a New Y’ork belle who, a few days ago, recovered damage in ’. the breach of promise suit against Mr. Henry H. Meyers for $1,760, has married Mr. Cohen, one of the witnesses tn the case. Ida is charged with daring everybody to kiss her on New Year’s day, and that wan one of Mr. Meyers’ reasons for not wanting her for a bride. Her kisses were too abundant. l«» "■ ■ Idaho contains 35,000 inhabitants. ■ Ito gentiles or anti-Mormon residento are frontiersmen of the better clsas Un fortunately the Territory lice immediately north of Balt Lake City, and the Mor mons, finding themselves rather cram ped in Utah, have marked out Idaho for their own. This ia an imperative reason used by the Denver Tribune why Con gress should not delay the Mormon question. I»E. Blibh thinks $50,000 would lie about right for his services sa physician to President Garfield. The servtoes of Dra. Agnew and Hacnilton he reckons at $35,000 each, and Reyburn, he thinks, ought to be satisfied with SB,OOO. Dr. Boynton and Mrs. Dr. Edson he consul- Mutely allows SI,OOO each, although per haps Mra Edson did more real service and suffered more anxiety than the whole lot Tee, Dr. Bliss is a great man. The printers in tbe Government Print ing Office are being meanly treated. NMwithstaoding they get a higher price far their labor than is paid for aimilar work in any office in the civilized world, they still ask for more. Bo long as they are so modest about it, wo <to not see why the Government should not bo willing to divide tbe profits with them - es j| might tarn the iaetthitton o*m to them and make it a stock eoneora for that matter, aqd thin XUow them an annual appropriation beoidfo. The boys should be treated on the square Human nature ia hard to understand. The wife of Henry Kirk, of Madison, Indiana, a virtuous and handsome wo man of thirty years, was recently called upon by a young Peunsyivatea jewelry mender, of good address nd oily tongue, Mr. Kirk was absent at Iho time. The young man was ao excessively po lite and irresistibly faaednating that Mrs. Kirk was completely captivated. A few days after the event she became wildly deranged, constantly repeating the subatauoo of tho conversation, and her husband has been compelled to send her to the Intone Asylum. - Tnnttjii? incidente which, when we seem really to lie co exhilar ating that one almost liecomee intoxi cated with the “spirit of approval,” if that were possible. A young lady in’ New York City, who was accosted by a wolUlreaeed man in an insulting man ner, accepted the offer of an old woman, who was grabbing in an ash barrel close by, to "cover him with ashes for ten cents.” The man was pelted with hand fuls of ashes, covering him from head to foot, before he could oacajM-. The old damn was rewarded with a quarter. Bho should have had, at least, a dollar tor such appropriate services. GLANS HOUSES. rue Bril lie aauuaaoe Beller «Wr BalM laa l*arw«aee ißm Blaus. inusbuni DtofuUbd perbsna not ou builder or contractor in ten, if told that' the common grades of glass made at the glass factencs in this city have a crushing strength nearly fopr limes as great as that credited by axiierumcod engineers to tho strongest quality of granite, would accept the itatement as true. ''Vet it is a fact, and being so, the qneYy m to why glsst has not received more %tter.tion from orolii teeta as a stiuctural material nsturollv suggests itself. A reporter had a talk with several promlocirtA gium taannfao turors ou the subject, and in answer to an interrogatory as to whether blocks of glass could bo made in suitable lengths and aims and so annealed as to b<> util tz xl in the cons! ruction of n building in iJaco of stone, they raid it could bo done. Hold one of those gi'iitlcmen ; “ This question has been considered by myself a numlier of times, and, although I do not want to advocate the absolute aliolition of brick and stone, yet in tho erection ot art galleries, memorial build ing*. etc., a structure composed of blocks of glass in prutnotic colon would lie a unique, lieautiful and lasting structure. With tho numerous inven tions which have come into use of lato voen iu connection with the production of glass, tlm cost has been gradually going down, while tho quality of tho fabric ia ataadilv liecoming lietter. " Ono obiectiou which would be raised to tho durnbility of a glass house, in tho literal sense of the words, might be that tho blocks would not take a bind, or ad here together with odmmon mortar. This objection can lie rearlily set aside by tho use of a good cement, and when arnipteted the structure will stand for ages, barring extraor/.inary accidents. As to the c mt of a glass bouse, it can bo Kept down to a smml peveentage alxivo the prico-of our cut granite. Iu build lug with stone you have to pay the stone mssoiia, and when it c itnca to elaborate examples of carving in Uorintbian pil lars, collars, capitals, etc., why tho work i< rather coray as compared with glass, when tha latter can be molded into any atiapo ur form, and the work accom plished in much teas time. I am con vinced tliat tho time will come when we will see such a building erected. Hoarcely a day paws but what the sphere of glass aa an article of use liccomea. widened. In parte of (tertnarty and on one lino in Engliual glass I ICO' *»e Ixnng used on railroads, and thus for have given satis faction, combining all of tbe requisites of wooden ties with the virtue of being susceptible to naago st least twenty-five per cent longer than wood. Then by the Baatra pVboMvi glass articles are now iieuig made for common use which can bo thrown on the floor and will roiionnd like a rtfnlier b*lb Progress is. also bomg made towards rendering glass, which as the brittie fabric, duetite, and to-dav threala of glass can bo made that caa b* tied its knots and wove* into, atotii. Ware one <lia|ioeMl to give play* to fanny and fuse it into fact, a bouse entirely oompowvl of glass could ba fowilt witfi wails and roof ami floors fashioned from, melted sand. Csrpeta of glass tbe floors.’ The most ultra vaHffitK sitting on glass chnits or rtdlining on giass couches, arrayed in glaae garments, eat ing ami dnaking from glass dishes, such a oos.could aaahze that tffil age of glaaa had come. Yet nearly all of thia fifty years ago would have baen claaarxl with the then imp<aaibto telephone and elec tric light, and this statement would have .likely found its place in the *Uatalogue Expurgatovoa. ■ - There seems to be no occupation ao dangerous as that of lirakeman on freight trains, and many tnsnrance rvimpaniea n-fnae to take the risk of insuring their live*. It ia aakl that only twenty-five per cent, of freight bvakmnea die except hy sccideßt TERMS-$lOO per Numbers. HU HORN OF THK DAT. “Jcnroa, aMse her said Bambo, m fulius was contemplating a fat pullet in he moonlight Domehtic troubles come bunched, like •alary. Tn only thing in this country that ia lot injured by bnrating, ia apjilauae. When you ace an oct committed are rou not ncoeasarily an nigh witness 1* “ Husband and wife," says some sage laraon, " should no more struggle to he last word tlian they should struggle ’ortho (xiaaeasion of a lighted bomb.” Diey don’t The wife gets it without a ilruggie. The Jiuigc. " Have One Little Kiss for Papa,” ia ho title of the latest song. If this ra nark is aimed at a Chioago girl with ■our steady tieaux the old man’s chances un> pretty slim.— Chicago Tribune, “What a contradiction a watch tat" laiil Timmins. " How eoF’ asked Mrs. ruiimms. " Why, because it always cee|w perfectly dry, although it ooa •tantly has a running spring inside.” Will the "coming man” shut ths loor utter him ?” Ho will in this office, ir the going man will go out of the window.— Lowell UUiten. Blonde—"They say Carrie ia en pigod.” Brunette Engaged I why, iho married a month ago and has just mod for a divorce." Blonde—"How romantic! Isn’t it splendid f"—Boston Trantcripl. "Yea,” said the Denver editor, "I think I must have got out a very reada ble paper this morning. I’ve been licked by three prominent citizens to-day, an other chased jno with dogs uid a gun and tho police had hard work to keep a mob from wrecking my office,"—(.%<• yago 'l'rihunt. Db. D— has a bright little girl about four years of ago, who in very fond of dolls and ho buys a new one* for her nearly every day. He brought her a new one the other evening, but it did not apjioar to take her fanoy at all. " Wbat, don’t you like the now doll Y' he asked, after watching her a few mo ments. “No ; I’s tired of stuff dolls. I want a real most baby," she replied, earnestly.--- The Judge. "I can well remember the time,"said Mrs. Marrowfat, loaning ovesgAhe fence rail, in confidential oonvcM|teo n with her neighbor next door, " Simp sou’s wife was glad enough to get a plain I woolwn shawl to wenr. Now she always api tears in n sealr.kin saoqus." you forget," was tho reply, " that Mr. Himpsou’a brother has become a bank cashier.” A Detroit man calls his wife Vesu vius, liecauseshots aholy terror.— Chaff. A Burlington man calls his wife Ooto pazi, liecauso she spits fire and won’t lava the uoighliors alone. —Burlington • -V. J. Enterprltc. A Jamestown man calls bte wife a fool 1 h>cause she has not .Etna thing sine? the winter bounata have made their apiiearauco.— leader. A Htubcnvillo man calls his wife after he gets up aud builds s fire, for she won’t get up in tho cold. StubenvlUo Herald. Darwin acknowledged himself match ed when lus little niece asked him, s-riouslY, wnnt a cat.has that no other aoimal ha<. Ho g«vo it up after mature deliberation,* ariil then the sly puss’* answered " kittens." Bausaoi: Fritz, of thia city, is an Bsthnte. Ho says he now has a4‘ goed quality of homo mate stxiaiohM, with der dog collars all picked owid. Dey vasb doo utterly py gosh a goople of dimM, out yon [>et my life if I dold vxM so I' bite mine hot off.”— Larmle Bill • Leave-taking. Not all have teamed the art of leave taking in an appropriate manner When you are about to depart, do eoat ooee, graix-fidly iu>d )>o)itely, and with no dallying. Don’t say " It's about time I was going," and then settle back and talk on aimlessly for another ten minutes. Homs teNff’l'’ h*ve just such a’ tiresome habit. They will even rise and aland aliout the room in vartoua at titudca, keeping their hosts also stand ing, and then by an effort succeed in getting as far as the hall, whan a new tiiought strikes tbeig. They brighten np visibly anil stand for some minutes longer, saying nothing of importance, but keeping everybody in a restless nervous state. After tha door is opened the prolonged leave-taking liegios, and everyliody in general and partMutar ia invited to call. Very likely a last thought strikes tha <te|«rting visitor, which his friend must risk a cold to hear to the and. What a relief when the door is finally closed ! There ia fio need of lieing offensively abrupt, but when you are ready to go—ga An old darkey who was aaked if in his experience prayer was answered, re plied : " Well, sen, some pra'era ia an slid an’ some ain't—’pends on w’at you axes fo*. Jest arter do wah, wen it was mighty hard scratohin' fo’ de culled hroddvrn, I 1 marred det w'enbber I prav de Lord to sen' one o’ Marte Peyton a fat turkeys fo' de ole man, dero was no notice took of de partition ; but w en I pray dat he would sen' de ole man to' de turkey, <lo matter was ’tended to be io' sun-up nex* mornin*, dead sartin." " I didn't call, because whan I passed the house 1 noin-ed there was no light in tbe parlor and I thought you were out, ” apologetic illy obeerved ths simple minded Chicago man who had an ap pointment with a Oinctiinati merchant ** Never be such S fool as that ar am,” angrily responded the disappointed perk packer, *' you ought to have known it , was only one of my gals recusing oaea i l»ny-"