Columbia advertiser. (Harlem, Ga.) 1880-18??, February 07, 1882, Image 2

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cownuaumßTittß hMttai Beery Twerty, at Haetam.Se. i. V. VRBUVR. Xorrva arp Fi Bi TWAT. FBBBUABT V. UM wrt—gß***—F - -..- "'. - KDfYUKiAL MKWS MOTOS. fwm ww H*n*. NartvSta Awl— War* we salted tognaaae tbs truest port sod mmCmtmM H'srarv worh- •as aaaoag ths Bviag writers of Um Sorth, we would unbeeritrtlngly name Pool H II ay ns He has no* risen to sadden popularity libs Georgs W-. CaMo; bo boa no* toaebad the Sooth ora bear* aa deeply aa Father Ryea with vsr— that breathe a bring fire; bo baa not aroused a qsfok eotbnai* am by spirited lyrim, Ifta the "My Marylaad," of Randall; bet be stand* to-day aa the beet exponent of Booth era literature Part BaeaAton Hayne ra bora On ttoe la< of January. 18W, la Obarlao foa. 8. C. Ha io eprang from an aa ctaahand baaorabta family. dietfo grtsbw* aHke la war and peace, on the huUoflrtd and la legislative bath. Üba Pupa, yoeng Hayas almost ■op'd in numbers; for wa bora that ho wrote verve when bo waa scarcely - r odse yearn art A* the aaaaa age hia ■Mob rated aaoia. Oea. Robert Y. . Haywo, ttoght him bow to ride and ’ oboe*, and u4d bfo mother that be •eror aaw a braver little boy with gna or bores Tbo poet baa always base devoted to field eporta, and whoairar tbo day is boa bo epends oeraral boon in the saddle, with gac Bad dog. Ha bee a favorite boree (Maggie), a gaatle creature, which fottowa him abort like a dog. He ' haaoßad tb reed at an early aa age that '‘ho oaeno* remember when be did sot know tbo Je ters. In addition to' Bobfdaon Crusoe, The Arabian H-lgb*, Swim Family Roblnaoa, and I rtbw books boys delight in, Paul woo also fend of solid rending The Aaetomy of Maloncboly, Froiaart'a Chrooic'ea at d Sir Thomas Brown's Warth, divided hia youthtai yean with rooMoot-s and ad rent*re*. For Sir Walter Scott bo always bad a tarttar and loving admiratma. Mr. Hayuo waa educated in bis na tive oily. and earned off many priiM, both at school end odirge- Soon after leaving collage ho breams the esoter of a group of ardent and bril- Mart footha who longed to win glory la tbo path of lih rnlure. William Gilmore Simms, waa th* Mentor of those gifted young men, whom bo loved to gather around him and whose enthusiasm bo fired by hie swa example. The first regular literaay position held by Mr. Hsyne wee tbat of edi tor oft bo Borthorn Literary Gassite, a weekly paper published inCharlse t><B, in 1852 The Guotte wee merged into the Weekly News in IBM, Mr. Hayas occupying the odi torial chair of the now paper. Ibn nut yeas the N wa failed, and its editor became a oont-ibuUir to the Rortfo n Literary Messrager aud t regular writer on the daily papers of Chariest on. When RusssH'a Msgoaine was alar 1 - edin Cbarisetoa in 1867, Pool H. Haywo was appointed its editor, and eortinnod with it lor two yearn. Il a-ou bucaine a feeding exponent of literature. Previous to ae semiag ohasge of thia magasioe Mr. Hm«* pobfiabad throng* IWonr A ia 1868, hfe first rolama ot powa. WM a saw axorpUon* th* «.4«m vat •arsfy • oo!l«*n f faghjaopiirr* Tb« «'*< briHiani •t »baoa VBHfUMM waa Um Tswp'a .tfcotfVrvaa, a poo«o wbioh waa wry g** l "rally sdaairsd. It ia ri h and wMras ia ooh-rins. bat atriePy w..*al, thanoffering a phaatng con trast to the posm of Swiaabaraaopon lbs tame aa»'j«t Mr E P. Whip ple proooonoad Mr. Hayaa'a first o daansoo* of graa« prsmioa, as srfl a- fiaa performance Ha gars Um orodit for poaaa-aiog aa artiaro lasts ■* Bad akill <*qo ‘I <" fsrt'hly and * Mrangtb of oosotma. adding. T1 «r koovotag firary in tba thoagbt, aoU» ’ i>« psMTilo ia tba fcahng. aoUmg ia tba wprHMmn la 1867. Mr. amiood roi ■«it of puaow *•• poblisbrd in « bariaaton aad bad an axtenaira ■ala B«orral •< tte pUwa tract the naads of iba praaa, aad bars labra tbdr pise* Hi th* p«paUr poatry o Iba raautry. Oa*. aspowaily. Tba (Ma io HUap. oaa wvWy r» nd, both brra and * Ba««M»d Bry*"' L«w fkttnw, Will* and other Amoric a spoba bigbiy of the tcraas ul the ycaag Southern port la IMS Mr. Bayne's third v.4eua« of po aaa waa published by Tlefanor A Fields Tbo A tartie Mortaly cart of tbta work: Mr. Hayueta ralaaaa rtewe ouftaro, ihiigbitata—, eoßmbildy to natarnl beaoty. and great rwfiee mentof iiihag In mewy of bis sow Bata, the poet shewn a graßioa vigor of expression and metnity of parpens Dcrtag tbo last twelve years, Mr Heywo bee does aa immeuse amount of literary work, book reviewim, Ac. for half a doaon difiersat jouraafo besides contributing poouM of the Southern Magasino, the Attawtie Monthly, Lippincutt s Maguioe, Her porta Msgaa-ns, Seribeortu Monthly, the Galaxy, Ac; and writing etorws, eeeeyo and sketches for Applrtoe*s fourael sod other periodicals. [We lake great pleaears in giving space to tbo above fiaUenag article concerning Mr Haync, becsaee tb< compliment is dauerved and hi amis the gifted poet ia now a mtiseo of ear ooai ty. Kd. A tv.j , I gs a Green pees ore op end growing nicely at Uvviagtoo. The Conyers Wertlv reports the rtcca taw aorkm g like a charm ia Rockdale county. The editor of the AmoHcws Repub lican baa begun oaiing green peas and Irttooe grown io bie yarden alrsedi. A Jefferson county man, Phil Rai ford, baa been eootouoed to iho pern teotiary for throe years for raining bis niece —Kx. Mr. Kimball prepooeee to fnraiah Atlanta with tea million galloon of water a day In leaa time than a*gb> teen montba. It appears that daring 18R1, through out the whole count y, tbnw wer« 472 large fires causing a damage of about 860,000,000. Tbo News inlimetes the dsmagr dune shade trees in Griffin Mon.iay by the lor King at 11,000, and to that of fruit trees in that section at 125,000. Tbo gallows atai.da waiting for Guueau in the Washiagten jail yard, and Warden Crocket soya all ihe prep arations for hia execution could bo made in fifteen mi nates. It is stated that the fellow prisoners of the aeaai sin are eager to have th.- honor to poll the rope which eball cause the fatal trap to fall. Buena Vista Argns: When Joe Brown was making syrup Us left a barrel of the ikunmings near the mill. A day or two after a drove of thiiiy five fine bogs went fur the skimmings and the whole crowd got drunk. They ent np all manner of didoea, and finally the entire gang tay down aud went to sh-ep. Thia ata>med Joo a little, and for awhile be waa in doubi whether to administer sweet milk or s'rung ooffse or send for a doeb". They got over their epr> e after awhile, and went around for a day or two with red eyes and tbo headache . CHICAGO WEEKLYMEWS tOLIIHBir"IBIKRTISRB ONE YEAR FOB ONLY -51.30 ! Thta profweftkia la unpareiiotad in th* his tory of journalism Jto* think of It— your OMinty paper with all the load and «•* al news of the day, and res of the ba t tits saty. fashtea, asel aswa >H>maJ« nvpa nss*'—f»r <<iy •I to a tour. MOW IB TH» TO WUWCBIBB. via obkm«o wmbly i— > a ■raystankatotod an a to** mm* pa— dtotoltoske*toswMtosf itotoese > It eMsste ecMtoMSM amesg ** toMWMsd Fsess, best** a vusg eatoatow sarrtM es tosstol Tiliib mi Warn a* to totoaa*toto«k to a toaM»* to* m th— MißDmwMaMrrtaMMaa Sonato toßMnalßaaa*aa Bsm*to •setose er fever as »apM«M w * to, to fee totert aanas. a V ABOUT FAF«lt.*Mto Bane aaatotoa toseral DMotmo vroson. a bbbux BTOtoT as rtsaAito* kassrsfe mA artto aaatotoaT atoiaaaaA aatoa an hto* Ato.l la stow, Itomaam, Mmk am, •to AitoMtoaAMtot*»tto ■tototototoAto*. • _ i fl to MaawaatoA to to townaaA lh— iwMu »to* O.Y MVWBFAFBB. Oat to I IA flillin M htoac* WMAtoVa htolfsA Bl H itoftotoWaaaatoWiaßßto TBs<rtor art teasersrt Fsrtßaev rrtcr to to teAto «r aver brtr krtowf Ito- Hsto Hrt— a baemtass Uraastas Mgklr lafrs—sd tor Ba purttr art prrfurw jß’or* ~ J C\ GARDEN > SEEDS, -ONIONS,- I 1 I I CANNED I I I ! GOODS, CALX AT TBS ■Variety ®fitor«. I I 4 And rua eaa get them. GINGERTONIC ' Aa n»ii.i «rora*.nssto ‘ ‘"11 ’.T.- ‘ SOT, r«ssls CrtsSUWh ** l,l ■■■■■> WsSrt mm, m 4 aS SfertMMf Aa toxa, iiiisto >■■■■. rtM*A SSTMS art rtMsyw*ss too SrtS as ary a Wa>Baw. cLSL WSmm SMmh. M V. | ‘ far ruoataypw cncoeew m I Bloy • NTote> -OF- THe Mtwio llouwi OF THE SOU H. LOW T> rAUICK Q 1 KICK OIUES. The Bert, aad Moot CeUbratod PIANOS IND ORGANS la Great Variety end Myto. M U M Per Cell, Sated to Ivery Pirtluwer who Vblta •r correspond with 8.8.8081N80N ■ I ■■ ■ ■ <rt> ■■ " uobiii u in nm i GRKAT MUSICAL SAVING IN STITUTION OFTHE SOUTH I Musical laetruiMata. Stort Music. Musis Boohs. Bmt Italian Mi tn**, art wary UUag psrWntn* to a First Ones Music House 20 TO I 'PER CENT SITE! -AT- T, I*l. M. O. T. «. TUNING AND REPAIRING BvC- H TATbOR, the only •atrtrlw'd tarw «r the Mua'C H«ne» ihe *wrt KA u- G O foiIUMHONAdO Wil PR tiTWGStII lUdALdii. O«ora A roll Um Os The Mfowfoß Uerte Low For Oaah Or Ito Keutvalaet CABPBT DKFABTMBFT. Body Bruaeeila OarpMs Tapestry Brueertto IMrpeto HaavyN-riy CaiintMfi Booton all Wool Carpets Ootloa sad Wool OsraMS Stair Carpets art Brnta Striped Vraettan Chrpsta Hearth Bags and Door Mato Cocoa and Oaatoo Mattings FVw OH. Clothe, ail widths Tabto OH Ctatha, all width* Widow Bhadea Oevtatee. Onrartu, Ptotore Femes. Chromoe* art other things too ne- BMtous to ssentton GBOCERT DKPABTMKBT. Ferris. Ham Magnolia Hart Oaintry Hams Ferrto. Braaktaet Haase F-rrto Howdied Beef (too. A. Ballteij* Heat Ftoer Baker, s Cboioe Ftoar MUk Craflkon* FaneyOCrartesra Met T*eatand:C!oßeeo Fanr.ylW ortgßaskete Hanrtn*. Market. awflCtothes Baskets Brooms, Dneters. Tuba. Buckets. Pall*. StaMe and lard Bruusea. Live Chtetaus sndjfrsesnil Poultry. MY MOTTO- The BlehrtSltpewra bettor than thsfolow Hhlllin*. Q ilelr Batoa and Small Fronts lormsh. gOarpoto. and OH (Xothea Made and Laid. Curtatee and Shade# Hung Al Short Notice. 828 Broad Btrert Augusta Ga. mrwir A VALUABLE F »RM OF 561 acres will limbered and in good condition, silßateil Ou Hcsd efalL hnd Bfjwfor creeks KiNbt miles fr.»m Harlem, Seven mile* from Dearing. Bounded on theuorth and east by Thne. Connell, and north and we-l by John. Adam«.;Sortb west bv H-admail creek and tion'b by Bitf-bner errak. and lands of Moses J. ladals on the north. For particulars, apply to George A. Bailie, agant for Mrs,• Charlotte Silcox. 743, Broad St. ingesta Ga EVENING NEWB. JAS L. fIOW, ) JNO M WEIGLEJ Proprietors. W II MOORE ) ni mini niiiK nm OF GEORGIA. TrwVfwmdeot In all thlnga! ih.tramroelied and UiiinetrwtM I w i 111 ■ i -• “• Not the Organ of any Clique, Ring or GmiUnatlm. Our <Spltal Kxpnrrttoe Our Mott.. Pro grass Our Howard Bures as. The kmrrta. Ga, KYRXTNG NEWH rte the Urgnel Mn-uhuhm .8 any .tally tmper ever rt'ieil In A'uruMSk .let as an Mlvurtls ln* rtodlum I. i>neun"«*~' ■ Adrartlnlag rata* turi.Urtl on *ppit<«- tiua. RITRS OF NTTBSCRTmON. D*!lv, one rear BSOS Dally, all m.mlha Ito Wanhiy. <MW year i to . Weekly, six nsonlha TS MONEY MADE If von want to make mnasry, get * the right tn make and a-II Mcßride and Co,a Btovn Water Filter two ol ho beat artieh-s ever discovered. Bee them work aud become convinc j ad. Active pn. hi ng ni» u can make ~ | money handling them. Write to Me Bride and Ou. Atlanta Gs 1 All NOW PREPARED ar Ta ofrt the LARGEST aad most earn plats stank ORY GOODS, CLOTHING, SHOES. gV> HATH. Ete.. it has ever bwa my pi— to «—omasa fir SPRING trade with. I hope by eoatmurt aMtamra 4a»-tot asr fog Baring ana Sammer, to make ft m!U mare mkrwtara, *tas gar sad hope by fair dealing and aitaattoa to bmiswu. gVmerft. and receive the patronage of the erramaasty -gm *OL4T Sum Lawrence & MartM POtaff *3FSoS^M»OAT , HMNMA OONSIMSPTUML Ole I anas of THROAT, CMMST ARC LMMS. BYK. its KOSMns Batatow yropertrt **ojT a ditoMtre strtaisM art Wafil to MBS a» Be eyaSaas ailar tae eeegh has been vaUcved. <Ja*rt art bottrt. Fltoe gl SS ’ MnUiU>t> ° AT WITWMOT NTWOIAi TAX«NB MOBBWU Tte TOU, ROCK AID RYE CO.,Prwristers.AlheMUßlnft, THE WHITB ~ Superlative in Its Attiibutei It Stands ACKNOWLKDGEDTHE KING of al' «b'W|\v MtCHIXES F / The M IIITE t>a« beet' tor mon than lonr »>•" |K>o"'mtl.r 3 ■stiafaciiot »’>v "! w ” tl „ 'I,, v-'iiri u >|MM| ">'■l »' ...... ■ * / r /C] It |M Hl- til- .tir ibh- 1v r ' t.. umeb" - ' YEIK> I'- tin W ■ JUkufl g >• K'»"" esci purchaser. We do not peddle them, ihua we are enabled to sell them cheaper than S - firs' cl..* "Id p«"'" tnsihirn. *'• ."Id f l-nip'. HI"! '■»"! ' »"c ''• ' or write for circulars and prters J. D. & T. F SMITH. J. HORACE SMITH, No- 525 BROAD S I HEET. AUGUSTA, GA- & 880., FOUNDRY & MACHINE WORKS, NOS 616, 617 and 619 KOILOCK STREET, a. Ga. TO OUR PATBONH. Our Foundry and Msehlne Works, which were Atornyed In July by fire, have Ix.mi rebuilt, eolnr*«»l and furnished with new loots We eaa luinun IRON AND BRASH CABIINGH AND MACHINE' Y of all d.-«crtntlowa, and at MMk* side prhws and of the beat quality. Prti.w will Im given of anythin* you may want ny l>-ttiiiK ua kiwiw what you lined. If you need men sent tv your place to repair yeor Mill or Engine write us. *Y 1 _7 t W. J. POLLARD, NOS 734 and 736 REYNOLDS STREET, AUGUSTA, GA , Cottos Factor and Cowmtislon Merchant, AND DEALER IN JHEA.CTIIIY ER Y < >K -AJUL. KI IN »H. Also Diatom's Circular .few*. Rubber and leather Beilin*. Bteaai Pipe, Water and Sliam Gsugua, Connections. Oil Ou*.; Pop, Glob.* and Check Valves. Governors. Wrencie*. etc., together with every article of steam and water tiutuga, ftudlag*. rt*- General Agent for Talbott & Sons. Talbotts Agricultural Engines on »heela, Portable Eugiwto «•’ ,11 tiouary Engmea, TnbuHr and lA>coin->iive Boilers, 1 itrbine " ates rr • Corn and Wheat Milla. Saw Milla, Shafting, Fulleye, BvXto, Hangars Patent Spark Arreatera. Watertown Steam Engine Company. Watertown agricnltoral engines on whewle, f>irtabl« engines on aktds, Aawy engine* for small buildings, vertioal eogin.*, stationary ***■ *' f , without cut off, return lobular boilers with two Booa, loootnotiv» am* ,r tioal boiler*, saw mills, etc. C. A G COOPER A CO. Cooper* aslf-propelling (traction) engines, farm - wbeela, pot table engiu«a on skids, stationary engine*, temoeo’t l1 * *• turn tubular boilers, corn and wheat mill, portable mill with I*** 1 * . ailached, smut machines, dual he* wheat a. | arator* and oat and we* » tractor; saw nulla, double and aingle. J W CARDWELL and COMPANY Cardwell wheat thre«bera, steps rat ore and cleaiera; “bog-grouti'i ><ff ora, hydraulic ootten presses , horse powers, mounted and down, P° corn ahellrra and feed cult era nnsm MinsTn n. m imiisii num i tt. Reapers and binder*, reaper* and mower* combined, single binders, *1 I ere and mowers cultivators and grain sowers. FAIRIANK3 ft CO. Fairbanks'standard acales, all stare and pattern*. A’arm essh drawer. MF* Manufacturer of tbs following tnnebinne 'VB Neblett & Goodrich Improved IXL COTTON GIN, Raid * f***"', matio power ecrew proas (ateam nr water power), Smiths power rotton and hay prun, nott m gin froder oottom •ondeneer. wOf j. gin la feed entter. **** Engine*. Cotton Gin*, rtn. r*p*i»*’ ,0 manlike manner 4tog »rdwrs aolirited and promp<l» For further particulars, circulars, general aikirmauor ste .