Columbia advertiser. (Harlem, Ga.) 1880-18??, February 14, 1882, Image 2

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CaiWBlA ADVXBTI3SE FlkltaW Iwry Tv***f. •« Wariaw.Wa- J. W.VEBoMEE. Eorrtm *rx> Pt-Bi-mw* TVH">*T FKRBt'ART l« l«« • 1 ■ koitoujal mkwh not»*. Laat Svlurlay wav Wt*» Alec’* birthday. May be lire to aee many ■tor*. Ro Ur none of I’rewident Arthur • nomination* bare be-o rejected by the Senate. Small grain in Carolina along the A and K R R- L no* looking aa well aa in Georgia The population of the United Riat** iia* iocreaaed 17,000,000 aince tbefcihnwof ibe civil w-r Ineoranee men any that their loeaea thia year fmm U»e Ihirm ng of country •ior■■ bare been proiige ua. Valaaal Rieka, of Miaawuppi. i« the aewnd largo* t |>linter in the South. am! employ* 1,000 mru. The faab at mile ev*r at Ibe Waabingron Conrae waa by a racer in Chai Ireton, in 1:47}, I ueeday es Ja«l week. Cigar making i* one of New York a greater induatrire. It i* estimated ■M at leaat 26 000 peraon* are en gaged in it. ( A Virginia farmer, while plowing in a newly cleared field laal week, turned- np 11,460 io gold rain, rnp |ic*e<f ftrlave been buried there dur my tbe war. The canal and wafer power at Weldon. N. f’.haa been anhl Inßobt. Teeldrai, of Northampton county, for filfl.soo A cotton factory to coat 1600,000 ia to be erected for the new porcbaa-r. A California man worth nearly a half million dollar*, rect n'ly attend ed Ibe fn neral hf hi* aon. Before the e •<> waa lowered he nn*crewed the nthar handle* and taking them back to town aoid them to an nuderlaker. The nwial rumina don over G«<or g-a afaira Snlnniea. Gen. Long, who aeem» about aa much nu filled for polit e* *■ any man firing, aeetu* lobe neater to that desirable organ, the aduiinhtratire ear, than any other Georgian. In New Qfleana la«t week SnMiran god the prize fl-fht r*. fought. Nine mnnil* were fought. Sullivan drew Hie fiiat blood ru> I gained the first kaoek down. In the ninth round Ryan wa* knocked ae iavles* and failriF to eume to die Scratch. Sulli van won tbe fight. Gmtwan cayabe would not walk out of prison even if tbe doors were ■pen Ofoour»e uot. He ia entire ly too sane w man for that. If he re mains quietly in jail be is likely to five untifi Jnue 3thh n«M». If. how ever, he rwkshia life on I‘cinsylvania avenue h would pob.bly ;nol live five Samuil A widow lady named Tankcrdy, firing in Cherokee county was mur dered and mblxMl and her bouse burn, ed ob the *>h in>t Her charred re main* were found I'l tile anile*. The parti s who discovered the crime 4>U««I under tbe emb. r« a box con tdhiiug •761 in gold end siher. lom and Bolsr Mo»u, nephew* of tbe de* reseed, bars bee > srasted, charged with the crime. Upon inquiry of .Major Cummings th* attorn y<d the <•*. K It we find that a paragraph, tx-pird iu our h-ur of Sunday, fr m tbe A 1 hen* Wa’di nisn, to lb« < ff< ot th it the c <tnpenv li h! compr'nii-ed wi h Johnson, tbe paaaenger ejected f'om t'>e Induce hy < ouduemr Hill last Sum uer, ir a mistake. Tbe company baa i>« t mprt<a>iwo<) qnd baa never enter tained a thought of comproti » >g; hat eomidem the conductor on ly per for me. I what wns a pan duty under all the cireaamta era of ihu rM - Tboee cir*iim»tnuoea ml •« futty inwatigatrd a' t e March term ••I the SnpertoJ Court, i’ Mr. Johnson rhiwMes io pre*s liiasuit against Hie r>m|uiny. ’Augn*t* Chronicle. The Georgia!'ooferewae ol tbe Col* rved Method!** Episcopal Church in dmerna has 1«3 preacher* ami a meml-embip of K.7U3 There finan r'al sneeww is doe io small iiguir matr.bul ions by every rm ml<er. b.r instance, e*ch pr< sober ia instructed t<> collect from bia five ceute jar member to pay tbs expenses of dekgsUa to the (Wpl t oufrrvuce. which meets in Washing ton Cl<y IU May IW2 Tbecolored jaople meet f lws» mebel a*«e*ment< chee’fuily a*d ♦ aprregale re»ult i* fi«»a««d m-c- Col Hob llarlemaa » *poken ot •ea eaudbdasr fix Mate TraaMwer at tbe nem rlaetiea. Ibis sard that fiSOO.OOO were eb tataed from curb of tbe tww gohl gukbee at McCbrasicks i« tbZ pee< Tbe I-bassehfs says there are Gnu lies ia Hancock eownty i hat arc ebeo letely without peovwioaa of any de scii,dioa. In tbe present amn«*ng muddle it> politic*, the broth* r mi black don I < xactly see where bi« spoon will bit tbe poridge. Last week ‘the* election in Ogle thorpe eosnty on the fetter qne*t»e resulted lor tene- by a majority of four to one. Mr. Gorham, tax-collect nr for Tel; *f»rro county, bad bia *afs broken open an I rollbed of several hundred dollars I vat week. The election on the question of fence or no fence res-dted in a vo>e of 765 for fence to 860 for no fem-e. Majority for f>aee, 406 -Greenstwro H'-me JaiiruaJ. The largest sale of real estate ever held in Macon took place on Tue*. day of last we k. Several fin* s'or. * ind building lota were «dd. one bring ing fifiOOOO, and two other* fi74,(MMt. Fenatnr Brown ia recorded a* v». • ing with the Republican* Thuralaj in a c >nte*t for a clerkship in tbe Uenaie. The vote ia not significant, and the Senamr will doubtli a* give good reason for bia action, you lie I The Griffin Now* «aya from report* »nd observation* throughout the c-nnlry we see that tbe fence law i lie ng carrier! out by the Lrmer-. A great many fence* have already I been torn down and the spirit of pr • greesivencM is tin r u.-hiy at work with the people. A lady iu Grcen*boro ha* a tnrkey now aching on 35 egg*. It is nonan al for this fowl to commence laving i h. f.rc’ibe first ot March. This ter | kvy is evidently an independent, ; and her | ro*pective brood may be | gobbled up by some ebony stalwart. ' Th>. polities of Georgia in l con- I •iderably »potted just now. If w<> | rend the »igns ►right there are tour . parties in Georgia Organise I Dem ••erst*, St aightout R-publicm Liberal*,’and Independent Nond< •crit* Ijsban* flock* were no mor.* parti colored than nre 1 e>rgia‘M |>oli tic* i>~day.--Milledgeville Union. Il i* reported that one J. H. Ridg way of Philadelphia ia negotiating for a public exhibition of Guiteiu'* liody Iu this copntry and Europe af ter the wretch i* dead. Scoville i* said to favor the ides, and has advis ed Guiteau'a brother and si-ter to a< - oept the proposition. The idea ia to preserve the body by a refrigera it g process, just aa fruit* and vegetable* nre preserved for shipment. T e scheme ia ghastly and outrageous, but what i* it the Universal Yankee Nation will not d> to make money. . CHICAGO WEEKLYNEWS AMD TBJt fOLKMBII IHVKRTISER ONE YEAR FOR ONLY —51.30 ! Th I* prop-xlthwi In un|<ar*ll*l*<t In th* hla- V«ry of JiHimallam. Juat think of It - pair oeunty paper. with all th* local and ireneml ttewa of th* day, nod on* of th* he«t lite ral y. fa ah lon, and newa >mmala ever pwb- HaV* ‘—’or < nly • il 3*i a year. NOW IN THE TIME TO HUBHCRIHE. THE CHICAGO WEEKLY HEWS •• eroaytaao iooo«ated aa a paper u*«e paaoed la all IM reqwlroaaeato of Aaaarioaa Journal I am. It otaada eoaaptowoaa among (M meuopoUlaa jowaala of IM ooentry 00* rTgrft-H terpaper. Ila Talacraphle ■orrtoe nrmprtooo aU taa diapatoMe of tte Weata*wAaeoo*aiad Frwaa aad the Natl ear* Ataoolatad Freaa. tateeo a rwy •xteeataa •orrtoe of Motel Toloamaaa from aU Im perial potato. Aa a tawapapar It baa aa mportar. UlalNDEFENDKirTtaroilttea, praaaaMaM aU FoUttoal Hows froo from par ttaaa btaa er * iiWfc aad abaotadaly wilb oat (bar or tawor aa «o parttaa. a tl ta, ta (ba taßaa* eoaea, a FAMILT PAFE*.« Each toaaa ooatataa ■eearel OOMFLETKD BTOMBS, A KUUAL rrOWT as a>ia»bl i< lalereta. aata a riot eaatehr of aoaAoaaad aeiaa oa Faabtaaa Art. tadwtartaa Utarawan. bdtaae, ooa, •aa Ira Marta* RataaM—a oro oa«ptata mA ta ba rated apai ft ta waaarpataad aa aa Ratalprtatofe Wra aad Traorworta, OteMMAL FAM. ILT NBWRPAPER. OwtaoateCbabbtaa are* mm It wteta tbo roaab of an. •paeteaa aoptoa may ta oaaa at thia otea. aMTteta eata iatatanta to tea otea ‘ —am t-WS*- ~B.Hr >loyuu n ****o'* ’ *aul « Isrtv tolrer frwwl. “i..aia*r.r w. h-Hq.y alt t" 1 '" -I always hai* Paru«-r * t.Uarv lew* hamr* •• waa tt>- reply "-••'t th<» S»wpmy aettsaWUmtiy tn ar*«t hewJth. w hr* I ani writ I alwwya feet Sural natural »••* out er column For Fresli CARDEN SEEDS, -ONIONS,- -AND— CANNED GOODS, CALL AT THE 'Vnriely Nioro. -Au l y<Mi r?ih ffM AUCUSTA HOTEL, ES. E"oote .... JPT-op>. EVERY CONVENIENCE NECESSARY FOR THE EASE AND COMFORT OF OUR CATRONS. FINE BAR AUD BILLARD PARLOR. FIRST-CLASS FARE TERMS MODERATE FREE BI S TO AND I-ROM DEPOT. H.ey - ISlote -OF- Tho undid* lloiibdd* OFTHESOU H. • • • TOW 1> Zkt'KK < G 1 KICKS KTALES. • • • The B s! and Most CcLbra'ed PIANOS AM) ORIiAAS In Urvil V.iri.dy and S' vie. te hi :» Prr rent. Saved In Ever, Purchaser who VHH or eerresponds wlih ki.O.BIIKINBON A< 0.. Augusta,•> nra is mi mm i G’dEAT MUSICAL SAVING IN ' STITUTION OFTIIE SOUTH! ; Musknal laatruiMUlta. Hlevt Music. MM*k*| U »»k*. Rost Italian Sli tn**. and evrri • thing pertaining to k Maalc Hsiwi 2JTO3 PFIfOTSIIII —AT— ”r, *i. 11. < >. r r.*M. ■ I tuning and hepairing mtc h Taylor. ««•* snuewtaot tHtW .4 IM Mx. «• «<»••>* «• "e* S"«O< All awls, Ua. <* O. MUMS ON A CO. ; ciiin i mm ; Tlie Oorqot ««<I .GROCERY DEALER <HT-ra AJEsll Lliw l>f The F. .Ik>«in< G*al» Low F-r <U»h l>r ll» Equivalent CARPET DEPARTMENT. HialyfHruaseUe (arp-a» Tapestry Hruew-n* H.-awJS-Ply Csrpet* rtevScn all W.a.i Carpets IWlu* arwl Wool Carpets Stair Can*’* so<J B<*l* Hirtpe*! v.-nellau Catpet* Hearth K'ur* and I>««r Mat* ! Cocoa an>l Canton MatUiw* I rloor Oil.Cloth*. all wMths r*hl-Oil C|otb*.atl width* ; Widow Sha<l<*. Curtain*. Corot*** Ptetnr* Frau-e. Cbron.ra’ «»*dh*r thlhga t«> nu i inenet* tn nienfion. OROCF.ItY DEPARTMENT. 1 F»rrt*, Harn Mairn*'lla H«n>* I CliaintryfHams ! F*rrl*. Breaktaat Hani* ‘ Ferri* JHiiiokal Ora. A Bailie.* He-t Flour Baker, a Choice Fl<*ur j Milk Cnrrk.-r* I Fiine'l"'rackets Be*t Troe’smt C'rffeas i Fancy Worklßaskets ! Hamrlnir. Market, an-ITTotho* Ba-kote. ! Brr*onn>, Dn*ler*. Tulw, Bucket*. Pall*. Stable and Yard Brauns, Live Cblekrna j and Dnweed Poultry. MY Mt»TTO * Th* NtnbleWv pence Imtt<>r than thcNlorr Khlltiiur. Quick Sale* and Htnnll Profit* !f ir cash. Carpet*, and Oll.CMlr** Marie ' nut Lalit. Curtains amt Shade* Hung At ; Snort Notice, 82X Brond S’nei AngnstaGa. D AVI D.LA NDRETW&3MB • PHRA-j m SM A VALUVBLE F KAI <’F I >'»l acres w«ll limlrer-J and in i {..nd orxidilioti, ait tinted on Henri I itn'l, mid B glirivr creeks Eidht i'tiilea fr >m Harlem, Seven tnile i from Herring. B •nuded on the nor'h mil rad bv Thon, Connell, anil nor !• Hidwe-t by John. Adam*. S>n'h went ; Irv H’-ailatsll creek • rind doll ll by ' Big-brier cnek. and land* of Mos< a IJ. Iwbile on the north. Fir pirticnlma, ripply tn George A . Billie agent for Mrs, Charlotte Silcox. 743. Br»ad St. lugn*ta flu eS* . ' >• z- iT X ■■ —/ •■' z . ■ .AxrciFiwrA. * I EVENING NEWS. *. • • • IAS L. GOW. i UNO. M. WEIGLE, l’r-q»tiel<»r«. jW H MOORE ' TIE fiilEEi HEIIIS PAPEE OF GEORGIY. Independent In all thiiur-t l T .trammelled ami ILiiiietruebwll • Not the Organ of anv Clique, Rim; or Coiutdiiatiou. *- —1 —-♦ • • OurOiplUl Experience Ahir Motto I’ro- • gmas. Our Rowan! Bu,-or»». 1 The Mtirwo. Ik. EVENING SEWK ha- i •h* l inr<*»* eirviilatbsi of any daily psfwr ~,-rr l-wir-d In Augusta. and »" an n>lwrtls- J Ini’ n.vllum la unaiirtt*s~«l. Advertising rwtiM furnlshwl on applies- | I tl<*i. rxtewof subscription Dilly. on* VH " r *■' ™' pailv. al* month. '1 •» Weekly, one year I ». Wiwklv, six months .... J MONEY MX DE If von want In make money, pel ■ tl.e<ighttn make mid a II Mcßride land Co,* S»ovw Water Filter two ol 1 ha lx-at article* ever liaeovered. See them w..rk and become con vine I ml. Aetivr pn-limg men can mvk»| money handling Vem Write tn Mr I ldn<k and Co. Atlanta G.>. I I AM NOW PREPARED >aF" To offer tbe LARGEST nnd mrat complete *t«ck of DRY GOODS, CLOTKINC, SHOES. g®- HATS. Etc. it ha* ev»«- been my pleasnr* do commence trade with. I hope by coutinwwl addition* dm MT* ing Spring an<t Summer, tn make it still mor*, attractive, and hos r bv fair <L-:ilii'g nnd ntienlion In bn*iwf»a, tn Moment aud receive the patronage of the community IVT W T3Tf> fob SUse Lawrence & MartirVe | *®r MONIA CONSUMPTION, Diseases of THROAT, CHEST AND LUNCS. n A I ■■■ rtf" Trt I II n *" stwayv been one of lh<~ mt Import-int Uni V n R.W ( 1L Illi II » l 'P ,, "*, w 'e | < , ' ,< t hy the FACULTY fl U I M (VI ill I 111 II asuii-ttlieineroailiiiH-nuaf Cot <;ns< UnLynifl Ul I ULU bronchitm. asthma, sokk throat' COsSi'MI'TIOx in its incTpietrt sail *dv.uiceri augen, and all divr-ave* of lhe TllKriAT.Clirsf and LUNGS, but it has naver hvr-n vo ndvniiVureoiivly r<nii|Miunded an In tile TOLU, KOCK and KYK Hi vooihliiy Balwimie propertten attorn a dltnuSve atlinulnnt and tunic to Ladd up tbo •yatam after tire coup 11 han been relieved. Quart alrr bottles. Price $1 <kx rt All T I BJ I Bo not be deceived by dealer* who try to palm off Knek and Rre W AA W I ILz Iw I In I'lao- of our TOLU, ROCK AND BY’k. which !•» the OM T MF.DICAtKI* article—the Kcnolnolias a Private Die Proprietary Stamp on each bottle, which permits It to bo Nwld by Drncirtata. Uroeerw and Denier* Kverywboro, «7- WITHOUT SPECIAL TAX OH LICBWSE. The TOLU, ROCK AND RYE CO., Proprietor*, 41 River St, Chlopc, IIL 7iiiT white Sup rlative in Its Attributes It Stands ACKNOWLEDGEDTHiTkING of ••' vivfvc 'f 'C|H\£ t s The " HITE has Leen nsid lor tnor loin u ili-f icti.’ii til*" ini i.'iu- pot np.". th,, market Th. WIIHE '* H" '* (i ' 1 1 imbO n i.p, i- W \I,IX 5 H I' I I . i YEAH> 'le jflLjJli TwW <* *" ' We do Uot p. ddle tln 111. ■ we nre enabled to sell them elu np* i than ■ W , first cl as* old patent inaihinrs m< sold M Jf All orders by mail ebull 111 V. prom p' aI c. i > f"I • 1 Call mid evmnmc liim h. f"i- Imy j or w lite for circulars and price* “c J. I). A T F SMITH. J. HORACE SMITH, No. 5'25 BROAD S I REET, AUGUSTA, GA- <s& 23510., FOUNDRY’ & MACHINE WORKS, a NOS GIG, 617 and 619 KOI LOCK STREET, .A 11U1 , '*’> Call. TOOUK PATRONS: Our Foundry and Machine Works which were destroyed In Julv by Un*, Imn'ii i onlm lh* I hihl hi iiiiMun! with im»w b *»!»*. run in ini’* h !HO\ ANU HIUSbCAK; INGS \Nl> M M’IHNE Y«*i all d»*Mcripth»ns *nd nt rvn*»ii «h|e |>i h-wh iind <»f thebHKt qtiiihlv will !»»• giv»ui <if niivthllttf v<»»i nmy want bv l••ttlllK r un kfHYw whiit you mini. Il )..u n< »nl iii»*n wnl to yuiir piaco to rejmlr y*»ur MUI or Eiitfitn* wi iu* u* niy 1 > 1>‘ W. J. POLLARD, NOS 731 mid 736 REYNOLDS STREET, AUGUSTA, Gt., Cotton Factor and Commission Merchant, AND DEALER IN- MAC ’ll I X ICl€ V <>K AU. KI ?S'l >!*». \|ao KhKlnm* ami L *»it tier Belt I nil, Hhxvn Pipe. \\ nt»T mid St emu | G mw*. (Oil (’up*; Fop. G!♦»!»•♦ mid (’lin k Govcrnoi m. \\ nnicli*’*. i •*tv.. together with wry mt.<*lv< I Munn miti wiitri llttlng*. IlndiniCD, etc. General Agent fur Talbott & Sons. Talbottn Agriciiltinsi Engines on u heels, I* ntnlde E’igi> c* on eki-ls, Sta | Uonary Engines, Tub ulnr and l.m otn j’ivy B 'ilvra, I iirbinn IX uter W lierl*. ' Corn mid Win n' Mills. ~uw Mills, Sh itting, Pulleys, i> >xes, Hunger* mid ; Patent Spmk Arresters. Watertown St am Engine Company. ' Wrttertown tigricultural engines on wheels, p'lrliddn engines <>n skid*, dairy engines fur aitiall Iniilding', verti«;il ••i.giue., simionniy ••uginc* «db at"! I without cut off. return tnbtllni' butlers with two Hues, locomotive mid ver' ticul boilers, saw in Ils, etc. C. & G COOPER & CO. I Coopers aelf-prnp" Hing (traction) engines, farm agric Ifnrnl engine* on ' wheel*, port ibl* engine* on skids, stitl loinirv engines, ln<* niotpre and re turn tnlinlnr boilers, corn mid uhenl mill, portside mill with portiddv Imlt a>inched, etntil m iclones, dust|. s* wlu nt a< l arstors and out mol Wied tX- I tractor; saw mills, double and single. J W CARDWELL anti COMPANY. Cardwell wheat thre-hera, separators and clem err; •‘hog-gronnd” thresh er*, hydraulic cotton pressva; horse powers, molliited and down; power corn ahellers and fe« ti cutters ! JQHISTPI IWETIi ffl. in !!U THCOTT & tP. Reaper* and hinder*, renpera and in-'W« rs combined, single binders, reap era and mower, cultivators and grain sower*. FAIRIaNKI & co. Fairbanks'standard scale*, all nnd pattern*. A arm cash"drawer*. tsffT Ma nnlftctnrcr of the following nnchinee: Nebh-tt A Goodrich Improved IXL COTTON GIN, Reid’* patent *n,n --i matic power act ear pres* (steam <>r water p-iwer). Smith* improved hand | power cotton and hay pr*w«. colt >n gin feeder, cotton condenser, m w Air giui* feed cnitcr." fcjr- t often Gin*, etc. repaired in a work | manlike manner »rder* **Jtrued and jtromp'lv evcnl®' 1 - F-»r fitr«h<w particular* circular*, gen ral infonnatio* **e. a»>r>’v tn j. 21 ly W J. IXILLARD