Columbia advertiser. (Harlem, Ga.) 1880-18??, February 21, 1882, Image 2

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COLUMBIA ADm?I»R ~ '. ■?" mi mi-yrwe—»..? jj PsMtate* Jtasry Tw**y. « »**•«,»*. . -• J, , -~- J W VKribWEK. Borrow an* Pvm.iasxa. ff ** satetewwaa—WTO— TUESDAY. FBBBL’ABY «.I*l * 11 ■ * ■'" ' "* ' EDITCHMAL WEWM MOTES. <l<o. EH Warren, ag»djß2,*4 dis'in gmahod lawyer and ci ixen of Geor gia. di»*»a* at hi* home in Perry, near Macon, laat week. William Miller the ol tret Mawm in the Uttlfod Btafea, dial io Cald well, Ohio, recently, 98 year*. Il to said bo bad bean a Mason 81 year*. Every ip tn who ha« an uncle in Ireland worth*! 15,000 OOflJabould be can fol about bis J bubiia. A young man in Georgi* has just been disowned by an uncle of that; description tor being intemperate Bi*bop of the Methodiat 'Epiwxipal Church, Booth, died at h»* e residence, iu Chat lee ton. 8. C.. on the morning of the 15th after kii illneaa'of ov.r si* h. teen months, aged 7 i years. Professor Balsas, who baa juat ar rired at Tucson .from Souora, iuiu that a guano ia|nod has'been dooov. ered in ti* g*W of California, twcni) eight mile* sokflhdest of lx>b<«. Tue deposit is very large. The ialan I contains about aixtaed square miles. Thotniui McLane, of Anburn, N.Y. aged V yearn, died in that city la«t weak from lorkjaw.-prednred by vac etnatloo. Dr. Theodore Simon, the attending phyeioian and a witness on the Guitean trial, *ay* there ia not anotb* r similar case on record. On tie 18th the sparks from alooo motive net ire to little pools of oil in the low ground near L<>on, N. Y where the pipa Hua have a number of located The ire com mnnicatod. to three tank*, c ntaining 106,000 barn 1* of oil. Mi. E.D Irvine calculate* that 18 000 would o ver the expense of prernienmdpt exhibits «t the propos ed Art Exhibition at Macm, as well aa the iAnranoe upon exhibits, sala ries of and attendants, gas and other incidentals To meet this outlay an ‘attend ince of 640 persons per day, for 25 daya,atsooen sapieoe for admission. would be rsqui ed A angular case of contagious vac eination oocured in Baltimore lasi *ek. A young lady living in Weal Baltimore waa rec nUy vaccinated by a promiacot phyeioian, and while entering with the fever att n ling th. raneinatinn borrowed a pair of <a rings from a lady friend for a day. Upon the return of the etr-ring* the owner pnt thorn on, and waa aston ished to ffnd that she was thorough ly vacdnalod in the <*«• Baltimore Oaaette. Dr William G >odall, of the Uni ver ally of Pennsylvania, psi formed a very remarkable operation on the 18. h of thio mouib in thu presence of thn ty physician* and a number of e'nd outa at the University boe|it*l. He removed an ovarian tumor weighing 112 pounds from a woman whose name is not divulged, aged 81 years residing at Blanchard in that State, and the mother of Ihrs* chrildreu. When the tetnor bad been removed the woman weighed 75 pound*, so Dr. Goodall aaid: Instead of taking the tumor away from the woman I took the woman away from the tumor and it is believed that the woman will anrviw the op ration. A apeeiatfium Washington, dated Fobewary Bauabw Harns moved to Ahe up the reeolutiou tf> eh*et Neil i Brown, a Dr moors i, to ting Chief Ctoxt, but i was dufra’ed by the vote of .Senator Bmwu. of G.-orgia, Beinlor Davis, of Llinoi*. voting for it Ibe Democrst. are very much iu«snaed al Sei a’or Brown be eanee of bi* vote, and say that be is ebdeaverVng to get up a reputatiw once mota A a now-p'lilioian, in or der to obtain certain Fedend appoinl menta. Benatoi Brown hsa been quite au'hre ia eeekiag Federal ap pointments for Georgia b it the Presi dent has wot been Inclined to grant lianqweM till now—so any boom- Dvtsrocrwta. Brown is endeavoring t» shape >ie wouree co as to make it that bo >k hot averse to ladepei deut iasn in the hope that that may o*m mend him tn the President. Anoth er explanation of hie vote offers I by bin entice .to that ho baa an idea that t gr-Q 1 lodopeudont usovem ut ia developing. whieh will carry hia • nntrytelMt au l that ho waste tojMoil- |le has not u&iod any eiptanalfoo Uuuassll The Georgia Hapii-t ia Amoricoo SOih of April next TboEdgdteld Mowitar any.: Wo bear it reported that the Hoeaian fly is playing havoc with wbra* and onto in some portions of our county Mr Thomae Swift, a well known citiaen of Atlanta, died at bis resi dence on Loekie street, at right o’clock Tuesday of last week of Bright's disesae Bishop Pierce to somewhat diwur aged st the condition of his throat. It fails to improve as be had expected some time since. H.s general h.aJih ia very good. Owing to the bard times a ma > should have a gauge similar to an engine steam gauge placed to bis stomachs and then be careful not to ovrr load it, or be will cause an ex plosion flnancially. The new Av# oent GarfivlJ'poetage stamp will be ready for rnsue Mai oh i Ist. Jbs stamp ia pronounced the truest likeneee of <»en. Garfield and tue handsomest stamp yet issued by the Postoftice Department. Ho long so Joeeph E. Brown is a leader of the Democracy of tieorgia, the party cannot condemn the coala lion with any great degree of consis tency.—Athens Banner. Th a General Conference of the M E. Cbnrch, South, meets in Nasbvil'e in Msy next II is thought four, and possibly six, B»hope will be elec ted. Every St ate seems to be naming its man. The value of railroad property in Georgia increased during 1881 four million two hundred and fifty thour and dollars All other values have increased, and the mannfacturii g interest* of the State ebow miterial advsnoetneut. Alnxwt every fanner has some way of measuring land, and the m >a< com mon to to step off five paces lore rod, snd call eixly-flve pace* an acre. F*>r ordinary purposes thia mode wd* an swer, but when the exact measure ment of a piece of land is de-irvd, it cannot be d< p ndtxl upon as being ac enratv. A light pole just sixteen and a ball feet long is a cheap and convenient mei.surc, but a foui-rod tapeline is mncti lx tter. A plot of ground eighty yard* wide by sixty and one-half yards long, o<>n tains one ne'e. A plot of ground seventy yards wide by sixty-nine and one seventh yards long contains one acre. An exact acre can be found by the following table of distances: A p'ot of ground five yards wide by 968 yards long, contains one acre. A pkt of ground ten yards wide by 484 yards long, contains one acre A plot of ground forty yards wide by 121 yards long, contains one acre. A plot of ground 440 fest long by 19 feet wide, contains one acre. A plot of ground 120 feet wide by 396 test long, contains one acre. A pl< t ot gr< uod 240 feet long by 1811 feet wide contains one aere. Ot.e acre contain* 160 square ro ll 4.840 square yards, or 43 500 square feet. One rod contains 8',56 squ e yards, 572 25 sq.iare feet. - CHICAGO WEEKLYNEWS AMD TKB rOLUMBfI ADVERTISE!" ONKYBAR FOB ORLY —gl .SOI— Tnt emnann wzlt wrwa t* as a sapsr liar S*erod is all tea rsqwtewasa** st Saswteaa Josiaallteß ttMaaSa sewssSawoasaMoag Ute teskropomaa foamahi aT tea sows wy Ma»im»>lw« —spasm, baTwtacraphM ■serin emapriMS an tee «tea*ahaa W ths WsstaraAsMaiassd Pvss* aad tea RaMMsl h—tetsßFtesg Settees very ismwv* asrriss sf apstael Ti Harams Ossi stt tee portast atast*. tea hsipipsll has we sspsrior. btoDmXFKMDKrrtaFnMte t ma*M aS FiWWWMswsfrss■*»■*> taros ttesar 1 ilirtsfc sad ahstaatety wlte- KthwshwrMWwrta • b ta, ts tea fetes* aaaaw S F AJOLT PAPBB.V Baah teas sssWte* tovaral COHKXTKD RTOBZaA B tMUAL rro«T er akin* I K tesrste ate state vataskyef *mi*atet *tea* «a tetetea tea. tateaartaa, U> i*a>i, *te» •TO HaMatea* Qu ■** tanas a*ae*wi*tei ate «ate rate* asaro - - it ia saaarteted as aa feteptate* Para, ate TraaMsmtey QteMBAL 9AM tLT xmrmx O*w teaatalCtaMtaa tew Mm ta wtteia tee mate ot aB ■■■tames imkaa wrheasaaaStaa ifesi IWtesa eateaatstaaea to th** Mb* te -H -w <t>< ><a> — IMrJvbg: Mrwl -IO awwsr -■ fcMW>r -1 alwnra Save Pwrte-v's Ou—v Dole bacd r,” was th* nroiV •WHfcwnfcroV.nty- VrftMdta—vismwdhro Nk. weU talwMWterisuuUent— tak er coTumn For Fresh GARDEN [SEEDS, -ONIONS,- -AMD- CANNED COODS, CALL AT THE VfErioty Store. An.l you can srrt them. AUGUSTA HOTEL, E. Y. Foote - - - - r>rc>F. EVERY CONVENIENCE NECESSARY FOR THE EASE AND COMFORT OF OUR MATRONS. FINE BAR AWD BILLARO PARLOR. FIRST-CLAHB FARE TERMS MODERATE FREE BUS TO AN J EROM DEPOT. K.ey - Mote -OF- Tlie Hllloiimc? OFTHESOU rH. L(»W YF Q 1 RICES O-ILEB —1 o*4 ■ "■ '*— The B<s- aud Moet A'e’sbrated PIANOS AND (MS In Grv.t Variety and Style. 1 11 1 *■• 1 ■*■ * to 31 Per UcbL Saved I* Iverj Purchiier who Vhlh ®p e«iTe*i>on<hi with 0.0. ROBINSON BC'O-.Aaga.sla,'» ro -1 ■ “ ■ “W iltlLSlll 1$ Eli Iffll I GREAT MUSICAL SAVING IN STITUTION OFTHE SOUTH 1 Musio*! InetnMwcets. ttewt Btel*. Mualc taste. Bte Ilaltan Sti lag*, and ever)- thtag pertaluliw to a First Ossa Mutacßros 23T031 PEBCENT SIVBD T, M. 11. O. T. S. tuning and repairing BvC.H TAYUtB th* w»y •stemteri ta>»w .< the MwsV Bro— Ite HtetA, As gu.ta. Uro U O BORIN3OH A CO CHUI 1 UKII The? I.lve? Carqet unci GROCERY DEALER l WT-r» AJFull Une I.W Th* KJk-aUW Uwhl* Low Ft* deh Or Its Equlvatent cam.- CARPET DEF AH rMKNTMB Borl ytJtruaaH Is Cs rpatn Tap— ry Brw— Is Orpete Hmvy!>-Ply Carpet* HroSrfi ail Wool Carrots Cuttun and Wuol Girpats Stair Carro<* an* l H.tas Mtriro<l V.-nettan Itarpta* *7 Health B'ur* an<J Mate CtaWa a.ta Canton Hsttlna* r l<»w 0.1. Clothe, all vrtdths* Oil <ltah«. all widths WlA>wJJha4*« ('iirtslna. tlwwleea. Picture FrwM-e. Chronaw’ «i»t.other thlh«t<oo »u owthi* tA nte*n(k»n. ■ OROCEI.Y DEPARTMENT Eerrta,: Hain Mapyx.lta Dims (NaintryTHams Ferria, BreaSfast Rams Ferris pc nek*. I B*el T <lss>. A. Hallie.* H**t Flour Ba her. XChotee JFlou r Milk Crackers "Ys nr ytCracker* fw «t Teas’and Ctahws Fkncy Workfßsehtaa Harurtnp. Market, and Clothe* Baskets. _ Broom*. D.i*trr*. Tuba, Bucket*. Pall*, atshl* and Yard Live Chickens and Dnwecd’Ponllry to NY MOTTO Th« Rlni l. , *blxr*ore;t»-tter than th*»atow Shilling Quirkl Hal-v and BmaUffProflte f.r <v>«h Carptas. “‘><l Oil Clothe* Miute andiLakl. I Curtalna.aod Shad- 4Hun< Al Khort Notte*. KJ 828 Broad Street Augusta Ga rrwiASZffaih »f rnc WWP.IAHBCT.aMei. PHUA. Tmrar; A VALUIBLE F»RM OF ( 561 acre* w.-ll timbered and ii ( g<»od condition, aitui.ted on Head .tail, and B ghrivr creeks Ei*h' miles frjtu Ilarkm, Seven mile ’ f>om De. ring. B'undrd on thkUorll. ( .nd es.t by i’ho*. C“iiutjll r and nor I* * Jiid we-l by John. Adum*.,B..n’b west , bv H-n<ls>»U creek and Aon h by | Hiit-br:*r crock, and lahda of Noe<* J. Isdale. on the north. | F t pirticnlirs, apply to Georg* A. Bailie, agent for Mr», Charlolt.' Silo, x 743, Bi-md St. lugoita Gn *fe \ y / ■ X jVtJOTMTA. EVENING NEWS. IAS L. GOW. ) fNO M. WEIGLEf Proprietors. ,V H MOOKE ) n» pim» mint rmi OF GEORGIY. Independent In all things! U .Iranitnelkil and Unlustru. tel! Nta the Organ .4 anv Clique, lU.< or CoiublnathMi. ■ —" '■ ■ ■ Our UM'ltel-Exrortroce Our Motto -Pro gress. Our Howard -Hucchss. Th* Aiumala. (te. EVKXINO MEWS ha* the lanro*. rarr.iiatl.-n of any dally roi*-r ev>*r taaa-vl In A.urwua. •»! aa aa ■slrortls- Ing irotaum la ufsuin wi Advertising r*Uw furnished on applica tion. BITES OF SUBBCRIPriON. DaHv. nro roar M nn ttailv, six osMitha J si Weekly. <»*> roar . 150 Weekly, six ru-mtha 75 MONEY MADE If roe want to make money, get ’ the light Io make and roll Mcl'-nde and C<»,a Stove Water Filter two of be Leal srticl.sever discovered. See them snd become oonvinc ! ed. Active po-hiag man can wake money handling H.em W nt* tn Me Bndc sud Cm Atlanta Ga. I U MW PREPARED ■MT To offer the LARGEST akd most eomp'ete etoek of -Ntoa DRY COODS, CLOTHINC, SHOES. Mr- H ITS. Etc. it has eve- bsen my pleaswro fr» rnmvteSMw FfW-SPRING trad* with. I Lope by continnal rolditiowa <hir ■MT ing Horine and Summer, to midre it still more s'trsrfiv*. MT and hope hy fair dealing and aiientinn tn barinesa, tn ISrmerit sud receive the pstronsge, of the community TMT T 2 * TTatoher. SUse Lawrence A, Martin 1 * ““ bi ram cSIm’sSST^ROAt" BRONCHITIS, ASTHMA. PNEte MOtolA OOWSUMPTION, Dlsmsm of THROAT, ©WEST AMD LUHQS. RTS Itasoothlug Balsamic properties aflora a diffusive Mlmnlant and toele to MM no ths ryststn after tro esmh has bssn roitevsd. Quart sue botUea. Fries SLSS CAUTION! MKnn ATKI> articl*—tea■enutaehsa sPrivato Die Proprietary m*asp aa each MUa, which pcrsUis It to be SaM by Wrseeru and Dialers Dvary wtMs, ■r WTFBKWT SPBCIAX. TAX OB XJOSBM9L Tbs TOLU, ROCK AND RYE CO., Proprietor*, 44 Rbsr St, OWMffl* THE WHITE Sup rlariye in Its attributes It Stand* ACKNOWLEDGEDTHE KING of n‘ tor mor. four 1 1 the mark. I Th* th.- quir - ,-s - . SF ' tba fl till HHESk - t- Hi- rro'“ ! Hnri! ■ Evro jteWKP;.' - < it. m*. l.iro i WAEKW.FI P H Y| b. Hi. iiiiniifuctiiri 1 * <_ k *Mfl o. rtifii-ntc of wurr D’y 1* given to t-sci purchaser We do not p« dd!e th. m. «<> are enabled to roll then cht njx r than ■ first clnro old psleiii ins- Iniir* »u wold II -W JI - •w i Sw a rit<- (or circular* snd * , J. D. AT. F SMITH/ J. HORACE SMITH, No. 525 BROAD SI REET, AUGUSTA, GA- FOUNDRY & MACHINE WORKS, NOS 616, 617 and 619 KOILOCK STREET, A.n, On,. TO OCR PATRONS: Our Foundry and Mnchlro Works, which were destroyed In Hr**, bnv»* tnw»n rebuilt, ««nlMrrel aiwl Inrniwith new timin W»» ran luiniAh l ?i BRASH (JAM I INGS AND MACHINE..Y <»f all drMHiptloa*, and at nwnno- d»h' pn<*M* MiHltif thr i»*nt quality Pruiw will l»e iflveti <»f an\thing you may Want by Mtinx um kiMYw what pm utawi. If you n«*ed iwtt *<ml to ytMir place to rvpalr your Mill or Emtiiw wtiu» 11*. • myHly '*-j— M k'~~ .'f. ——L-..r0T~~~ ■■'_■' 1 ! ,j_--I " —“'ii ■". "T 1 ■*- or *7*- W. J. POLLARD, NOS. 734 and 736 REYNOLDS STREET, AUGUSTA, GA., Cotton Factor and Gomnxission Merchant, AND DEALER IN OF- jVLJL. KINDS. kl«o Dlston'a Circular .Snr*. Rulitier and v-Hlber Beltliur, M’wii Pipe. Water and Strom Gaugro, Omix-cthwi*. OtlCui*.; Pop. GM*, and Cheek Valve*. Groernora. Wreuehr*, He., together with every article..! etnam and wider "fitting*, finding*, etc.. General Avtnt for Talbott & Sons. Talbotts Agricultural E'igines ou » herd*. Portable Engiee* nn skids, Sta tionary Engine*. Tubular and 4AM-oni iiivc Boilerx, Tnrbinc Water IV heel*, Corn and Wh.-at Mills, 8«w Milla, tybafniig, Pulleys, Boxes, Hanger* aaid Patent Hpurk Arrester*. Watertown Engine Company. Watertown agrienltnra! engine* on wheel*, p-.rtalde engines no skids, dairy engine* for small building*, venieal engine*, etki iotiary engine* with and withont ent off, return tubular boilers with two flues, locomotive aud ver tical boilers, saw mills, etc. C. A G COOPER & CO. Cooper* self-prop. Bing (traction) engine*, farm sgric Itnrnl engine* on übevl*, pot t ibl* engine* on *kid*, Htationnrv engine*, !<>e>4nutive and ro htrn tubular boilers, corn and wheat null, |w>rtabte mil) with portable bolt *'tached, Miiut machines, dual 1. ea wheal 9. paratore aud oat and weed eX tractor; saw iuiUm, atul ainglv. J W CARLWELL and COMPANY. i Cardwell wheat thre-licrs, aepiratore and cleaners; "bog-gronnd” thresh ers, hvdranhc cotton press**; horse powers, mounted and down; j-ower i-otd sltrllers and fe. d cutlers ifflisTti innsTu h in eusesi num t p 1 Reaper* and hinders, reajiem and mowers combined, single binders, reap -1 ere and mower*, cultivated and grain sowers. ' FAIRIaKK-5 & co. Fairbanks standard seal**, all sixes and patterns. A'arm c*sh drawer*. ■kff" Manatactorer of Ibe following m ichines: . Nriil. U A Goodrich Improve.) IXL <X>TTON GIN. «nd * patent astn -1 matu) power screw preas (steam or water power), Smith's im|>rovsd h* n power notion and hay pros*. «n gio feeder, cotton c-ndenoer, n« w Vir gima feed cm ter. Rngine*, G n*. etn. repaired 10 a work - , j manlike manner UM M* »rd«rs solicited and prompriv axeented- Fw 'nr'her par'.malar*, cueaWs, gen- nd information. *»e. fpr’Y - httly W J. roLLABD.