Columbia advertiser. (Harlem, Ga.) 1880-18??, February 28, 1882, Image 4

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Belief ta Wttetomfl. S-ndwToo* m the puwon appear to M *t the promt day with which witebcraft m f Ttorr Urac* vaa credited. »o*'h pnw cr» aerm BBVOT to have boon deturd or disputed by the great at the past A witch wm all that waa alwxmnahle, and to he hell in the etruugeat loathing. yet lew ilk! the wisdom or the courage io cootndict the p< ambdity at her eiar chuag the arts she pretaoded to The Judge, aa be pa awed eeciteooe oc the coodeamed woman, Ut-mbled leat her fell gaze aboil! bring npou him and h M b<xueb<4d arrow or death The yelling crowd, as it half stripped her to undergo the water -ordeal, ahuddered aa it aaw upon her et|«ae*i Isaom the marks Which, It was iu]>f»*«d, prcrre.l that she allowed her "familiar" to draw upon her life's blood. The villagers who went nidea oat of their way to avoid her haunts, never for one moment Iwlievcl that the object of Ihrtr fear was power lea. to work them evil, and was either a half-mad woman, the victim of a htdeous ilelnasai, or else the actrvetof a knanah j art to serve her own vit enda To all the old eronv, with her tall hat, ernteb stick, and black cat neathug ou her ahouldera, was one who had dealings with Uh devil, and who, through the might of Hatauic aid, could scatter the sends of misery broadcast wherever she liatesi Khc had sold herself to bell, and, naul death daimnl her, her power to effect evil, it woo alleged, was unlim ited. The great man uhe who nans ■uncnor to the prejudiaee of his age; bat before the end of the seventeenth erntnry—with the eioeptnxi of Bodin, Erastas, Regtaalii Hout, John Wagstaffs, ami Dr. Webster—there were none who had the boldiMss or knowledge to brand witchcraft as a base and palpable super • UUon Wo find Ix>rd Bacon gravely preecnUng "henlwme, hemlock, man drake, mounahade. tobacco, opium, and other aoporifenwM mahcitiea" aa the beet ingrvxllentafor a witch's ointment. Prom the |>agca of his "Historyof the World," we aoe that the gifted and practical Hrr Walter llalaigli was a firm believer in this childiah form of supersUUon. The learned Hidden, in his "Table Talk," while jdeaaantly diaoounung on the sub ject of witches, shows that he also held the sauna faith Her Thom** Browne, the kindliest of {diyaicians; Hit Matthew Hale, the most acute and spotless of Judges. Hobbies, the skeptic; "the em inent Dr More, of Cambmlge," and the jwUent and thoughtful Boyle, all were of opinion that w itcheraft was an evil cajrabje of solid proof, and that its dis ciples merited sharp and quick punish ment It was not until the dawn of the eighteenth oonturv tliat men came to the oouclnsion tliat the de none of "wiuvhiw ami witch-mongers" ware only no many tricks and fables, and utterly unworthy of credence. The last judicial eiacution in England took place in the year 1710, when a woman and her little daughter were, hanged at Huntingdon "for selling their souls to Satan." Hiuce that date, however, various cases havs occurred of women, accused aa witches, Iwing drowned while undergoing the ordeal by water at the hands of their in timidated, yet infuriated uoightxxa.— /■Vastr's Jfw/iuose. f'srlwss. Works of Aata. Anta are constructed with the "back” boM m front, and the heart and other internal orgaaa on the opjxwutr side are put together upaide down, aa we might think Their mouth is for biting and swallowing food only, not fur breauiuig Their bite is no deteirmiDod ami lasting that they are need in some emmtnee for confining the edges of wounds and cuts. Ants' heads are presented to the cut surface, which they grasp with the nippers, when their bodies are cut off, leaving a whole row of them to hold the flesh. They are cheaper than sticking plaster in some count row. As an illustration of their ingenuity and intelligence, it wan stated that they aoinetunen excavate tunnel* under over* of omatdaralil* dejdh and width, and use the tunnels for transporting sup plies. They dig well* twenty feet deep ami a foot in diameter for drinking water The harvesting anta plant ke<X on farms, which they cultivate with great care ami neatness, keeping every weed down ami harvesting the gram, curing ami storing it safely in weather proof cavities in the sou. They also organise into divisions with commanders, each individual doing a certain kind of . work Borne anta aro smart enough for engineers, while others only know enough to do aa they are told. They can count and make oorrvet ostimabw of tbs magnitude of an undertaking, aa proved by oliscrvera. Eight chrywdidea (often called the egg* of anta) were placed path I where anta travel. A single individual ; found them and underbstk to remove them to their home. Several were car- I nod by the single ant notseutlv enough, but when twenty chrywoiuho were ! tdaced in the hear. another ant wa» found cngagwl in the work. The pile 1 was in er is* 11 at intervals till eightv ants aagagod in the undertaking, showing that the workers were detailed accord mg to the demands of the cases. Ante* , bstQrw i nntimes lasi many day*, In ( one case seven weeks, the victor* finally i taking the stores and removing them to I tbeu own houses. Tbetr wan arc quite aa justifiable as those of men, when the object—pillage—is the same. They have tbs power, too, of knowing member* of their own commumtsee even after six-moaths absence Htran mare are always driven off or killed. They are very helpful to each other, and show sympathy in ease of accident u eickneaa. Borne fanuUr* of ants build arcbed road* covered by aa arch of day or mortar for protection against roe mes. and show great skill in the work which is uudsr the suparvMMsi of trained - uginsen, who order a rebuilding ts ths work is not perfect. Bosse kinds of ante keep cow*, build cow-yards, and milk . tbetr cow* regularly, and don't throw at them either to make them "give down.** bat stroke ami pal their back* very tenderly. O< ' course these rows are tbs plant aphides I so faisi ihar to farmers and gardener*. X A Aforsr. H*n*s wm4 Dr. hall's Ceagb Bynu> la say I fosalty for tbs lasi Ikrse years, I gad S b tks ' foal Hwparsttaa I kava ever esed tar n—gi aad ttahte. g>nag *M*ei teMßafoate rtterf \B. Wsixes. (Jal Qsaa Mwikiit, lit UhMfik, Bataa., tad. p Gumms at the Truth by a CMhms Em perar, lUI. “ Lying irlhe first issuerce of ignor ance ; bat what shstl we do when we do not know the truth? Be stienk** "I I love to adsaire the manner in which nature roofounde our ideas of the greet nees of human industry and baffle* all tbs rweourros of our penetration I How difflcult it is to admire worthily I I* nod ■ a small insect, a blade of grass, more 11 worthy of our admireUoo than any pro- duction of human bauds " "We spoil children by our puerile eares for their health. We have, alas I too many want* , why should we increase them ?" r * Heaven provides for the wants bt men according to the places in which they live.” “I prefer to procure a new species of fruit or of grain for my subjects than to build a hundred porcelain tower*." "Every one dcaire* health and loves lifs, Init no I one practices temperance sod frugality, j They invent pleasant rsmediea, which they imagine will cause them to digest Eat little and you will digest much " i " I attribute my good health to the fact that I drink nothing but water, which 1 distill myself."— Naturr. Ths BL Louis (Mo. 1 Pint-DirptUi'h, at the close of » long article, say* : In fsict, BL Jacobs Oil is pushing si) other rem* ' dies out of the field, and, excellent though some of the liniment*, formerly offered are. the efficacy of BL Jacobs Oil is magical in cases of sciatica, rheu matism, pleurisy, neuralgia, nervous liesdaciic. lumbago, and scores of other disorder* ; while in the case of sprains, burns, or injuries it is an absolute pana cea, and for general use is better tlian the advice of many physicians. "A word to the wise is sufflcienL" —— Ths first coins of the United States I were struck with -the jxirtrait of Msrtlis Wsshingtou. Mr. Hiwucer, who cut the first die, ropviug her features in In* medallion. When General Washington ■ saw the coins he was very wroth, and I before any more were struck off the features « bis wife were altered some what, and a cap placed on her head, this < I'eing the original of the present Goddesc ' of Liberty. W*SI la**r*r* Sy Wwv Ow« < lil»*w« Wo matter how useful anything may be in itself, goo I indorsements seem to iucresse its usefulness greatly by insur ing a wider field tor the display of its special merits. We were thus impressed in view of the following atutements re ceived bv one of oar representatives from the lea<iing individuals connected with some of the largest enterprises in our midsL Among others whose testimony was freely given was W H. Stearns, Esq., Master Mechanic of the Conn. Hirer Railroad, residing at No 2H Boyl aton street, who observed :—St Jacobs Oil has had remarkable effeef among the man employed hero. One of them jammed his arm very badly, and by the use of St Jacobs Oil was greatly beuefitted, and the arm was healed. Another used it for severe rheumatic pains in the knee, and pronounoed the Oil a complete success as bo was cured by its use. Mr. A. B Taylor, of the ' ‘Bay A Taylor Manufacturing Co. ” was pleaski to say: "My aunt, Mr*. Pillsbury, of Mount Clair, N. J., while visiUug st our house tried Hl. Jacolm Oil for rheumatism and neuralgia, and found immediate relief every time. She pronounced it the licet thing she hail ever tried for the trouble, Mr. J. B. W’astoa, 45 Gre< nwo<xl street, Bupt. Car W’orka. Boston & Albany Iteilroad, thiu addressed our reporter: **l am one more of the fortunate* who have had the goo<) lack to hear of that wonderful remedy, HL Jacoba Oil. I had rheumatism tn the shoulder severely and could find no relief until I used the Oil. I applied it and must confess I was surprised at the j results. lam almost well and expect to be entirely so m a few days.”— Spring fir Id (Mtut.) Union. Lvov Hoopbr says that Adelina Patti, though she is forty years old. hxAs ten yegrf younger Patti, no doubt, will declare that she is ten year* younger I than she look*. It makes all the dif ference in the world who tells tbs sge. Norritttnm Hrrald. T*m -Owiara BSwmw nt Twwtß-' May be rstelMd by using Or. Pierce's Favor ite lYsecnpOou,’' * spooiOc tor " fecude oom plainta." Uy druggist* ••B-k-a-T, father, I learned some tiling new at school to-day." " What was it?" ' “I learned to say 'Yea, air,’ and ‘No, i air.'" "Did you?” "Y-a-a-s." O«r Fyyw ■■■. A* stage* arc qulekly abandoned with the ooßipteSJoci nt railroad*, so th* huge, drastic, cathartic pdl*. rotnjxxwd ot crude au.l bulk, nviletnea. arc quiekly abandotxxi wt.h the in tcodurtlon ot Dr. I’mvo* * "Pleasant Pnrgalire j Fallal*." which arc sugsc-coateti. and little larger than mustard saed*. but eom,xieed of highly coucoatrsiad vegetable axUscU By (tniggMs. Ths Ixmdon Timt» makes fun of Americana for colling luggage baggage. , Il is not lugged, and should not be luggage It i* not bagged and should not lie baggage. Tnmkage is the right wnrd—trunksge ami smashage. CWSMwiBMAwa Cara. Da. R. V Pmscs: Drar Htr~ Death was. hourly expected by myself end fneods My physscaeas pronounced my diaae*<- consuni;- Uoo, aad said I Binet dwt. I began taking your " Dtesovery" and '' F*Ue«a." I bav* seed nine boUJa* end un wood-vfidtv relieved. I atu bow able to rideout Euxsarr* Twoaxro*, Mon long >, Art. " Pbat, Mr. Lectanw,” asked a lady, ** what m a paraphrasM ? ” " Madam,\t is simply a mrcnmhx-uUwv and plconas t*e cycle at oratorical aunorauty, mr camroribtng an atom of ideality, foet in verbal profundity " "Thank you, sir.” C»yr?gilita. Uabftow Q. IL, S. C., 2. IMI. H. H. «uiu A Co, .lire-The result of Cltafo Kidney aad Laver Cure la ssv caa* ba* s**onMlng, as mack so that 1 can And no words ta wkteh to ssprcn* my indebted nee* to POte Bav. W. H. Paasnsa We never oouid quite understand why a mms rot atan is the noblest work ■f the Qreator. Bm TBSrty Oa.w TVtel The Vteteto Belt Otx. Marek*'l. Mkh., will send ttaar KJartrc- T«M*k Itaßa sad altar KtoMte Apptaaem so into for thirty days to any pmsta rfgutad w*U Jtarveas DeMßtg, Lted vteshw. »ta kmdrta Sroebtes, gwsaii mg mm pili rastantsm es vigor sad manhood. Utaaisikm wahoo* delay nTi t rfj?*rT * ”•* “ “‘ rtr *”■ On of the fools of this world is he who pate hi* finger* an s buzz saw to determine if it is steading stilb Kidskt-Wost radieally esrm bihoosams, palea and nervous dssissm As vi have only a ghost of a navy it is meet and right that Admiral Porter aliould be an Inspector General.—PhUa drtphia Bulletin. In connection with Porter we might further add that it would be meet and driuk; but to be sure, the navy takes water. —New York Vjtnmercial Advertieer. Is «Ai* issse eppear* a sew advertisement of tbe Dl Bawtkb Manil las Comcast, ■Bsuutaelurtr* ts ih- ja tis eel.brrts i fBOS Tome, eedo set sud recommended ty tbe medical profession. Asa genets! tonic, snd espre aVy tor Dyspepsia and General De oiiity, it t*« no equa , bavii g been tbrr osghiy iestrd and r-commended at bavins eirt-es whi hroother tonic |oxf*iei. It • certain y a v* usble remedy, judging from the sat rfset ry teal moo,*l* from prom nent per*oss it his iwdafved.—C'uichtuali(UAio) <Arb. Slandard. Thx meanest coward in the world is the man who, with a crowd to back him, resorts to tar and feather. Foe dyspepsia. Indignation, taprrcsioa ot •ntnt* and gaoaral debility, in Seir varioa* forms , also ss s pveveolauv* s<alnsl fever sud sgue arid other lulrruuttoul feesrs, the " Ferro- Pboapborsted Elixir of Calisnya," made by OaswsU, Hazard A 00., Naw York, and sold by all Druggisle, is tbs beat tonic , and for patients raoovarwg from feasr or other snWiism, U has no equab Hawthomms is supposed to be derived from the red fruit sailed haws, and haw from an Anglo-Saxon word meaning hedge. , PAKCHED tag>4 awollpa hpg Worm*. Phrißer'e Itsduut Vetmifug* will dotalroy mi<l wjtae! throe d<*tr«L»ble i-TMfttrrta fte>«u Ibta idtaslitatata, Ihua rrMuriag tb« child to btataslh aa4 bvtaUty. nrjriTi carbolic balti (aihtaßKßT BALTB for CWU. Brultaeg. »*«••. Cletafß, *» < Rbtaum. Trftor, Clapped Mtaads, Ckilhlaltai, C«rw. Mid tall kind* ofßfcita XrtapfiltaAß, Frotalltak and Fltnpl«ta irt BIXRT'R CARBOLIC BALTI, M tall Ctauatrrftatw. Fne* IS ee»te. OR. (iRrEM’k OIYfirWATF.D MITTKRI ta ih« b#«t rtaCßtady for by»p*pta*B, BiHewintaßta. Malaria, lA.figtataiMMi Bill Inrtatatataß of lb« Blood, Kldtatayr, Urar. Mia, ou. WBXOR CfiTARRR BWCFF euro. «1| a^rWiMiao( gttk-iKdM nsßibfkß* at iho hood tu»d threat MOTTS UVEB HU JI M« lb« b«0 OuhArU* FR >M M*>n» to Molfoo, th« farmtara speak in pTBiM of tbs* pfrof worth of Font*** llofm* and Cattle Fewdcra They oprak from rip«rte-»eta. Im one hand of a corpse the Ixipland ers place some money to psy the fee of the porter at the gate of paradise. ■ i WEATHER-OR NOT. - ■ a- We admire th« philosophy ot the unfortunate man,- who, when vrerything had been «wopt away, aald, ’ Wall, there’ll be weather and taxc* left al any rat< Alai! weather t« the • yellow «io< ’ of ail taubjecte; evcryWM think* H bn epii-ial right tn try lo better the wcagher. and hurt* hl< MnalbcmaN *«ainat Old Pr>babnitb a." end all who cii-taavor t*» hloi lu reffulnfing tlw’ weather. The following communication h from lYof. Tire, of FL Ix>uU. Mo . the renownel b.rfcon4offts< an ! weather prophet of die Went. !(<!<«• not diacuM tbe weather but •oiuethlng •urrlyof more Importance so th nee who suffer with that iwtlnfui inAlndv he apeakt of: ‘ Th* day after cuueiudhif wy lecture* at Bur!in<vn t , * * * * * I lowa on the ?l»t of December last. T was •else’ w Ith a sudden attack of neuralgia in the cheet pring «nr uscruebtting pain and almost pretrn’ ing breathing My pulse, usually ts), fell to A. unease nauwa of Ute stomach *uocrcdrd, and a cold, clammy sueat covenxl my hitler bo?h The attending physician could do nothing to n Here me After aufterteig for three hours J thnught as I had bcm using Rt Ja< obs On with rod effect for rheumatic paine—l would US it MtnraUtel a piece of flannel, lant° enough v corer my cbeet wish the Oil, and anpUudlt. Th. relief was almost irukiantaueoua In one hour I »av entirely free from pain, and would hart taken the train to fill an apindnuncnt that night Itx neighboring town had itiv friends not ata •tiadvd me As it was I took the nf/iit train foi my ‘ me, Im St. L*<ul>, aad bavu nut buva truubltft Since. miNTKRVSIB PAINTING *ed LET TERING. SIXTY STYLES, al) S ms. Plain >rn*m< nla), ad*p kI io all kind* o> T. B. McCLAIN, York ville, S C H KALTW r»« ALL. - MASTIX** Srt.Kß* W akr> T(»XI( ta wfciraattad to care Chill* aaJ F»vrr, Afwa. Kolarged Hplarn, ato., «ta»4ing Furelv VtagataWa, <x*U b«K I1U1» so ihta tataii .toy* I e*et tba Ftactyta •».! nghi k> «akA mul aeUta. • "Os rvtaikiv * with rtatfpta for mas 111 jt to«t ItanimMkt tofal i r tatai f & c*«tta SI'S) can to intf« with h * tt 2 uMy * V M A * Tl X1 Terr *‘ l • Tm • Baa 31 MBs ►“ r< r“ t, Altram., I rc T,.*.**i..l l-to-1., I • " ■ lu* torra.. Irb tarn,-ktas Ita FUr to.** |-*M., Ira*,**,. M Fl- rar. « 1-rrra H-iu..., I raw bru* : ’ tou.w-*. Puulra. •»., to -r,bl u*,. 1,,.,. .1 ~<**•> •« tote 1 <*y*lh* Alllb. Abra. main* rrawlM " Ite.i. .luwp. u> owrer *<•<*,., foe. Atal.*. XBXtiAl A CO , Botafo*., Mom Crackers -l»>- faM tor-mi., <b. Iradtto Rtavry AKES SEEDS. BEEDB. SEEDS. draw, Ttetoky Orchard and Bard OruM tad*. Eitr. Ear. ra-l Murc.wto fra., Milk* ■•• .u.«*.-•..1 frar. rai rraid rm, aiaaava wain aNd aiMrt xr* waiTi ra«uri< <**k run hl Lira, 1 **4 . era*M«te Maarten***<• G*rd.n torai*. warmutta frmh ata ira* t* *m*. Furtoato Mtenixra rl "2*" t“ r ■** toad for <*t*lra,». for I>U a aoeaa*. x*. ua M*rtM «l. Hutafoiyte*, r*. frtaw TMJB AVLTMAM A TATUM! Gl >, M—Sal l.q *WA ia year cww ws TwsMaetfSß mh» foWta- AM tfl RMwUQL.rwtUtf V. IIIPIITIIEKU! S 6 ta S2S prBULL’S COUGH SYRUP k— - ——-A ffOSHOIRJs Fitter 5 A rsmsdy wil* snek srspoUll** ssHMlsUsr'l Slomsck SiUsrs dSMrvsa s tslr Wist if y®o srs dy«p,puc your mslsd; will „*si«*lly yislS I*lll <f r<"> taM*. is«* SO.I tot lMp.ra.Uol, ll will bolk >lll4 ata ,-u Os. If yon srs woaUpstol It will rsllsv*, *»4 ts ML otu. hoollbbillr skßUlau y«w Hv*», Ooa'lSospo* 4 - Mt msks this s».r« I* Iks dlr*<*,sa Sm sols ky all Drassiai* as* Dsslsss a*SM*br. WATCHES ttSS Faub Do., Piiutu'qSk 1 1 |ol HAS BEEN PROVED J Iby themaanda ami tens of thmwanda all ovw £ |«| tbe country to be the HTTIUffT CCTRK £ jpl| ever duooT«ced for all J kKIDNEY DISEASES.? ij| a a ■•I Dotata a lame back or di Murdered urine Indi • Lgiaato that you are a talcttm P THEN DO NOI ■ |X BJBTTATK.utae Kidney-Wort at onoe, (every 2 inagrla* will rwoonunend it) and it will U fjwrTOj* oTwoume tbo dtaaaan and roaton J R naalthy aodon. InnonUncncta or refianUoa of Urine, briah gg I?* Elutat or ropy depoaiu, and dull dra«;in< pains w all speedily yield telta curative power. |< PBICB 11. BOXeD BT DHUGGUTB ts TTTVrC ** re|T * < osigiggw ft** itifoM aJ «LV vSr Brtatat WswC Gia Wort*, Ht'*»trgh Ta Diary Free Z ate. a r»<i«it>i of tw > Ttfree < «***• bfampta AddreM < UAMLKd E. UIEK", «• W I* awhrta Ava . Phils AC ENTS W to m«ae money rapluly fiediUf our hr* Boek t New York * 3S Rhoetnj up (he New T«»rk of frpftrm, with Ils paLt«-»*n ft* thort«a<bfir?tai. t«<s umhtnf •Itavau**! trailia, |ig rountleM Ila iont»nce, S*v tnvi:«'ry It* dark « (sin< .. •! »err b!r liasr •«. WNcharlrlfw and In fht-i every of life in tn*? jrreal city Doni waste tliue arlllng Mow boikt. nnt v»nij fhr Hmtlar i full iable of content*, term* iqbucv itN. rrjtaly «ud ierrtU*ryTn great drnmno. AtUrtat DOUGLASS BROS. & PAYNF. OHMJ. DOBJ-’T F'-AJLIj. ■MF W rood k-cl ataUßp for Um agaat t ingtf ns Ctatafofw W TYPE, BOWOEM, CUYS, FREWEI, AC. LOWOT FIUUKB LAAUNrr VAjUITTY NATIOHAL TYPE CO., “tCLAjlifs-XlA’l'A* \uaw ta wiirsn*■< im smimih r.,ra.i h*h- IU( fhetmial Bak?* mi-1 Btblea. Prtera rvduewdAJ p**' sent. NaJiottal FuWlahln< Co.. FhiladtaltkUt*. Ta. 11 i mniTflin *• A - p PbUalloßeßorß, I I I LN TV Waahirtgtnn, l>. C. Our v.luabla A IJ&JI 1 a " H,,a KILL And FACTOKY SUPPLIti IF ALL KINDS. BELTINS. HOB • •nd PACKIK6. OtLS, PUMP 3 AH (INDS, IRON P‘P£, FITTINGS. BRAS* iOODS. STEAM GAUGES, ENGIN' | 10VERN0RS, Ao. Send tor Price l«t W. H. DILI INGHAM A CO 43 Hain Street. LOUiSVILLE. Kt tl? Mifftl herns eeailv mad*. Cmtly 4 AmOutdlfotaw. AMfgtaTgcxfifa., AutffMU, Ma . R MMW Tin. < turn -.,. raw I fbta MB s “" teas-i-'-u tiuttuH «„ I W EL M V«-ra»n. o |cur«, w,ih-,i gwl WW r “* •* '‘■l 0 ’* « •«!*■>«. *tal • eer. ralu. 11l WM rtjJara, DR WM BAJNOCBB, OeatrevtUe, Ind. SET m BID' VUK’teV. Viatic Barm "ti CONSUMPTION I **»« * FtaUy* r*a*d, for 1&8.wf0.i,, to a* Ira* UinwraiH. at hm* of u» SU4 *a4 x I— •uwßub.r. to*, emto tmurffto •»...*• te u, ggt «lu >lllll. Ural 1 WUI **x4 Hka s vrltal Jtafil | ***£/ ** flkn '- 1 i i ikiij. i*rv e. taliocVM. y r**ti ahwi, *Zwjra> 1 lli) epileptic fits. SVm 4a». ZrarxW y MJtX*., t>r. *k. Mra*>ol« -I*U at Ixratoa) wto makra • 1 ■rail, •< *fMl.*,,, M* wHkonl 4c*M tto*l*4 «*4 ««rto •<w* ra~ Ura* **y Mtor :>.*« rtotoA* Hb .onto, X. Uraply to** ralrauh.**, w, tor* Irau4 at r*ra* M ! ■rcr » rrar*’ *raU( .Mrararoll, tor to b, lu*> I. ira traMukto * *«k oa ihM dlra***. wbleb *• tonSa. •lik * t*rv, tori!, of *u wvntorbil ear*, frto t***y tatow. »to *ray ra*4 itorr a**r*m aato jrau*. to Ir-raw» to-Ur *n, t0.V.,, * <ra-« ra KUra HO. Sb MM*M*nt.K. MuNfok* Okrwrt. M*w Irak. S 77 , “"SSVm WorX ■ .ddrtataaKXOWLTOM. McLKARI A CO^Taiwtaugioe.Me. • ■*— —■ —BB»—!■>!* N | —. ,■■ ■ I THE OFFICIAL HISIORY OF THE CUITEAU TRIAL Tbta la Ibta tataly tatawrlMta and Ntlp fhut'tftad Mfo kitrid of •« *»»•-•' hfoaU ss klVßb< twtatiwtatav ts i j bo Mptarta aad •%>•< »Mtf tb« aprocitaa eelta bv tbta ruaaiAf Nia«eaw». tat h a (ve«Mobi*•'<<» hta <• ••• so gta-Bg bMHr Ttatri pw. ay . MUlaeata «4 fs»yU mb weMt* ftf |> M wwk lUBNYB WAXrkB. <ttoa^aafM, BM.«aer*ta ***" l Fewawtawa Ekltatfa, Qa I AtteßU tow- .4 lb* tom g*amte*4 irtata la ita cmaatry ttetwlm* ma.:M rasa DR. SCHENCK’S Pulmonic Syrup, Seaweed Tonic, -* Mandrake Pills. » to* l*k»n to du»«*4. will -'l.-rara ito wbol, trktow. rr*o.-e Ito *p|»Ul*, *rak. Ito fowl 4if~‘ *taly »»4 rao** >1 l« m*k» *«w **4 brailky blood, io Ibra way lk, .yrtO* ra pul In • eowdiUon Ural rtotork II poraibU for Ito lun*. lo tool 1b Coanuaipuira, *od lu *o Mtor «*y m* Ibra -ilk onto to corto. to to, BoytbUis o*n to 4oo« toward* a cm. ito «loo>- nrb **4 tow.l. tuu.l to rltonnod, *o lb*» lb* brad Ural W I*l.u will d.*~l nod oral, btollhy blood. Emtorauuu M Iran of grab Jn lon.ampuoo. U nlwnyk o»u»*4 by * Irak M «ourrahnranl. n*4 uourrahmrnl eno o*lr roanr (ram wall dlgoslto food. To Mlaßlpl l« rt»P noougb •ton Ito lungn *r« durarato » blwarl dnngarvu*. To try to Mop night .oral, wuboul bulldiaz up Ito (naornl cyMM* by wall digeMto loud w u*»l«*o. **4 in ranoy <to*. Ito mrdxinen (■'•* " tkll*<« lira** ijmy *-.., u, lb* -.-. I ..I 4*Mb. CONSUMPTION ta Inter Uta, or II m»f kn brougbl on by DytJ»ta*»' • latorad nnd InnMir* lirw. In nnbnr e.rae ll Is iratolly 1...1»pt0 by * Iranry cold soUllnf on th* lungs. It you STS Irabls to th* draaass from say of tba eaura* wo teaa luomtoasd. wrlta your u*u>. and ad-lirra pUlnty <ra a pcoial sard *nJ mall ll 10 as. Wa will soul you FREE, POUT PAID, A ropy at Dr. toh.ark'. Book o* 1-raau*. M tba Lour, tbrir isusaa, rreraotloa bud Curs. Tbia toxf: Is lbs raoull s< mart yasn’ evparisto*, aad **••* • full da- • a.iH>o* <4 Ito duaasa lu all to rainrar to ora. Addrasa DR. J. H. SCHENCK & SON, Philadelphia, Pa. DR. SCHENCK'S MANDRAKE PILLS Donofi prodo<w gickneui >i th* stomach, MtNNfior frip ng. On th« cnotrw y, they for* •<> mild and Mgrtataahle In their artiou that a peraoo inAnif with aaick headache, •oar atomach or peia lu the bowvla, i« •petalily rvbtaVtad •f thetata diaUeaaipx •yw)-<om«. They art directly oo lh« liver, th* organ whwb, when in a healthy condition, ptirlftM tbe blood for the whole body. Tbd<) ax* a j-eifeet preparation of that great and well* Known remedy, Mandrake or Podophyllin, a remedy ihat hag dieplactad tbe •>• at WMWJ, aa well m many * ether poieunooe druga.Yn the practice of every intelligent phyakdan. | Prof. John King, of the College of Mtadtcine, oCCtadn* * aaL, aayt: "In Coogtipation it acta upon the bowelg without diapoMng them to euhaequeut coetiveneae. In Chronic Ltver Complaint there ia not Ite e/jual In the whole range of mvdtctnea, being vastly mor« ueefbi than mercurial a<enU, arouwng the liver to healthy action, mereoeing the flow of bile, and keeping up tboae action* longer than Any other agent wilh which we ar* ao gaainted.** (Me« American Duptanoatory, pag« DO ) 1 In all caar« ot Liver Complaint or Dyepepaia, when j there ta great weak neo or debility, Dr. for hr ger ta*a (MMfiwrtawt Touir Should be need in connection with i l htaeePJ to. HEREDITARY CONSUMPTION CURED. Du. Bcassc* bear hlr: Ih the antumn of 1577 I hfid a grvere cough, with teriibie pain in my aide* and between niy ahoulderv. I had v«-rv little and what Huie I could eai only ■ . ir. d iihwm < taMUL Wb i* l ■ ■ . dition wae a very l>a<l one and gave me ore different cough eyrupe aud hvoice, from which I received no benefit, but •e«in rd to grow Wciae and kept lo«lng fe«h and •U ength. I nad night •weal*, and eweat matt of tbe tune during the day. I roughed And rai«e<l blood and a salt, foamy phleg|a.l_my iTrr.-arwaa filled with ulcer*, 1 could hardty awiillow ; •oinettmea I could not apeak a loud I word for wtaeke ; my lung* grew more pa bfui every day with difficult breathing, while pleonay peinw would Kiwtont atop my breath. 1 hail roito palna, eour dUwnacb and ooikMUna uu over viking 1 ai« My whole body wm filled with pSn 1 tfinM n<M h« down, but hadtwYvH ho« la a rltUufi pwetULt tn Ural he. I gw** up and did not think of ever gefllne np aftfu, «e H WM lumo moiniig myevlf, my ftatal and auk lea bagau to ewell badly, and my hiu hail given out long before. In thia tanking cnrtdilitwi, 1 thought I would try your remedv for consumption • It might do me aoma g«Vid ; it evuid do tn* no barm, for I waa certain J could not jirw a Bjon'b longer tba way I wait. At that time. May. IR7*. I procure.l your Prlmenlc Ryiup, Heaweed Tonic and Pille, and -frraA them m di rect r< I In a week Iwm better ft tbnMv of! from the lunge a greaioah yellow matter atrraked with blossd. r I could eat a little without throwing it np, the patne to my aide* wore not eoeevere, I could sleep an hour eery eoundly, and that waa what I had not done for Lbitae munt ha. I took your medicines ateadlly ail months, tny enggh got totter, I did not sweat •<> bvi at night*, kept aaiuuig •lowly, taud m a year aher I began your mrdtcinta« I cOeld •ay I ftalt well. ! tokgan to gain fi*ah, and laal Fketemtor waigbdtf ofoe hnnditad aud t|ai(tv*fl«ta pound*, pounds mute than I ever waighe'i before in my life. Ynur mta>tic<utata, I know, aawd tuy life; and 1 would any, fr ui tnv own •i|-*’nenra, toall c< n«uin(>ti v ca, ink* Dr. Schenck's antadiciotae, for they will c«rltfnlv cur> you. I had Consumption, it is haregliarv io our thmlly, my« fathd-r aud i*o brolbtaia having died of ||. I haw had btatttar health th* i«.t winter than for teh’ years pievious. Yours Rr«p«€tlully, MRS. SARAH A. CARTER CauuaLß, Maar, April Mb, IMu Fi*om Sprlnjrfleld, Ums. CONSUMPTION CAN BE CURKDI T)s. J. Hh McWkbcu ; . 4 Utaor Mr: About tfstee*. yesrf •<<>, whJ* ii«m« j ft . mv hv-alth bean ma very poo<. Mv d on» o« gradually, beginning with a !•»• n( appetite And attoi* wards grtast *ku»rfc, which loought un night •weal* ■ and • dry , hacking rongb. My chest and iwek wtt» very wtask, and so net* that I o>uid not bear my weight J against the hack of a chair. At dlffomni limes I raised | conk i<f rm hie blond, which mv bhy*ician ward cam* fount | the lungs I tamptuyed several uoctors, buy lbs, all told , me tto -tane thing- that my lung* were hadlv affrete<l, and ihw l*»t <w>« that I had ala<> taUd that 1 oould live but a sfowt time, aad tbal I had better go to my mother*? home tn w Inta etai. <t aa scon as I oould. that with eartaful »u; >rne 1 might lira for »orue time. When I got Jo my mother’! I was very low indeed, so that my mol her ataulfor hoc doet.n. H« prououtietad ma beyoud ail help. Ur. huweker, left me tamne mrd.etne which be ■Aid would Ytahtave mv wseai •rmpfieme After IhM, mv twothei tamfdoyed snofiber doctor, who sakt that one ot. "Vj'foHß w ** nearly gone. I ato scarc«ly anrthing for aetaeral tnnwtbs, and never eip*rfon to grt well. <> on I LMhi) * frtetad who hvr« tn Collinsville, Ct., gave my . UM* of pamphltate on Ctauauinption. Ue BteßAht It bom« and told me to look over It and see ts anv <***• ifeswibed in it were hketnmr I reed lb« *•** tbi found so many cwM-s deaeribed there IhU seenmlhad aa mtnc, that ware cured that 1 b :£7.Wfo * *•* *•* •*-.|*.»..u P *lte | oon . 1 *••* xtor I b*£*n itolr urc, mj n>|hl* c*m*<|. I 's' •n*'llt. to**n I* lni*n>.a In |*<l *r*k, *n«- '' ‘’•J**’ 1° •*•** ■*>; I romni**<ra.l lo I I* M*reh ; In Jal, I nud* rtrmig ; ra *.T*taWto 1 -M -nil, *ta I knr* had (Oral l**llb *»«r Mirc. I 1*11... th.l I *ouM nd to All,. I ?” T” •" •* e qr ■ra««teM. nta *ll Ik* Ito*,. 1 h.-l ra>4 uit <l<***.* «*. lon.umiXxra. »u l lh*l I Wknn<rar*l.l.. tour. Trait, UKs CgAri W. PLt'MMKR, April nib, IMI. n-Mteu eu., *prinr*.M, ki«ra. I <■». J. ».to-u.rcx. rkUtadphl*, r*. ' foteto t fo‘.XfoSK2f d‘«»i»>«><M your I took- so thisi vfllaga a tow dmrs has reminded ma -be past, an I ba* male me tael that I ought u> ack now I* ■ uiedi<*u»M * ***** from your I JAoldrar u> from IM.llo l»*s a*.l wh*n HMHU out •«. in n rci|.pirct .t»i. tori nr tod dnrin, ra’J’l'T*' "bKb. •«>> lb* *. ihe swamp* »u which iSWh of our <>|>e rations were .U 1 rtW ' lrn d'M*ta-ed all Otatar. 1 wMtacwm attacked S ’ • a,,<l • constant, h*. k ■■■ , WY narvouS'eywem wmcamtftaielv pr«M«rntodl I W»«wrb ngU* gra.e wee aow«raptare to swd taoastaahrng wtvwtltod / -4 wiHi<«k<w of ft»- HF g Kg ff g gfJfg sis gg g ggj g K W I gj UH «• l-olalvOir form 7»l' gg^f^gjKg^ <A«< LiJ oof J^-fjy.'? 1 ..”™^ 1 . 1^1 7 > ‘ l '* , * ,l ~ uu * T l ''<■■■ »MI 111, whw woMJerf*! «arm. mu... JuStwS jg ■ ’<nfwrwi(V. lU A,<wf»»/1« | i^^My^y wlll wp , jiiy |iM "* ii y ,,i^MF*y ii yTy <■** »<»|p ’vefei* eryw*4 «w 4 j ||H^V jSg Sff » XSgg- r s Jg «^Aci , uiZBTr?^>iLMSBSMH?!?SfI^!SSH l Ilin, sta Tsrale, to <<mMS*nta Iktor as* I rara xrata ikM wtol ymitad s< ,s*r rartlrt... .*•*,!„ Itov wkta SB miUts ttoMMfc— I* ", lira* «*sk t>to«*ll, <r*w I*" —aldtassrosMta stragNto . w sis-' did WT drarrkrara sag Mtor ■to*l. < n»r«‘-ra. rad I wss .OUT.I, Ctota I .toll *>**•* bold I* .pUirl rrawWxK. m -BM, of rMlsd*lphto I t 011,., llks *>■*■»». ra.*l K, lUr, s> 1 tor. MSlto FXrdo* tkrtsl* srt*oolta(. rraal J lb, £r*M tos.Sl I tor. r*r*rrad from so». Tour obodlasi rarrral, KIXL I. BTXVIU mb Msloo VMralooks, Arm, M Ik* rusorara.- itorar,! B*Md**to. on***, rrßßkUs Co., Mass. MM sub, l*el. DR. SCHENCICS MEDICINES : MANDRAKE PILLS, SEAWEED TONIC, staPULMONIC SYRUP Ar* told by all DrugsraU, sod lull dir tot ran. to ura us l>: mlta oo lb. orspprrs at srcr, rMks** I RL CTME PIIHMI, OF LTD, MSS., I • s 4r « E a' c o * LYDIA E. PINKHAM’S VEGETABLE compouiti > for *ll Uwoo r*l*r»l »<ra*u>*a l*«ar book ta mol. tovraUtlo. Jt will -XT, sotlrsly tbo wont form of rksstoo Oom rlslals. Ml ovarls* Inrablr*. IslUmmMUra sod Ukrarc Uon, VsUln* aad Dhariacoaraata. aad lbs roasonaaai Sptasl Wrakorm, aad ’j parlkularV adapted lo 18. . Cbaaff* ot Ufa. It will dlssolrc and skfred totoor-i from Ura stems to *n rarly M*<« of iter.l.' Tto trnarnry to os r rr-rmis htunors Urar* la. bwkb.l mry sprrdlly by Us ass It rmaoTS* foUitnam. Halcfoacs. OMkroysan c-mvtas tvr SktnMiUcts. aad rails ten w«ak turn of Wo stems st, II Miras llloatln*. Ilmdwbas. Xsrroaa IVraimOo*. (teasral DobUliy, btoplsosam*. Drprsssion ata ladl gegtlon Ttol fraltor of bsaMnz down, cattaac rain wM*t» sod torkaebr. la always rrrmairanSl, rrared by ns «aa II trill *1 *ll Utaos ata tmilrr aB clrromManr** art la tonaosy wilh lbs laws that ,-omra tbo fomalo syMom. Forth*cornKldaay ItoupMlafo of Mlbsr s<krfcra Compound la ut»sni , amr 1 LTBIA E. FIMKHAM'S VEOETABLE CBM -1-eVXBIa pnrparsd *1 S 3 *ml «6 WsMrrn Avsaaa lymuMmm Trio-It Br botltofor »l Smtbymta In tbs farm of pills, also Is Ito form of losmrra, on rroMM ot prtcr, fl per box for sttbor. Mrs. Pinkham frrMyaaswwsalllottrrsof 10*01*7- *tod for pam*b Ist. Addroan as abort. Mmfte* lAfa Aiprr. No family sbonld bo wtlhont LTDIA E. PIMKHAITB t.rVEX nixa. Ttoy rare rorraOpolloo blUonanam. *ta torpidity of tbo tlrar. M routs p*r bmc. ar- Mold by all Dr*B»l*ts. -»• GRAPE VINES! i nnn I y WLF, VW 1,000; 1 y <w , *ls u gtf) Ll other twrieUee cheap. jMeofol klnde at ßmeil Fruit. Pi»»ie ulhw DB ts. MIIRUDEB. Blooulnglcn Hl. One Dollar •A. 'FUAJPV Th. BaM Story Fapor so ta Wass Os ita—L M te<sla*l .ad obMoety ralsteta foadba tatter, oytal.l spoa tots, plain ly»o Imaod Woakly. aad asallta te MU add la (to I'alloJ llalm, prates, ta- to <>*. Dollar * Irart •*• sobrarib*. sa«* a IWnrKlß ra CONSUMPTION CAN 0E CUJED! AH ALLS wBALSAM . area (o'lAiimytlen, L’alda. PnrHm«nl«, la iMcaitn. Ilraorblnl Dlßr ult Ira. llranrbllla. •Hanrwriiriw, Aalhinn, C'r*«|». W baaala* •»uyb. nod nil as Ibe Hraaiblna lr«i.uh, || mmilipb niid hralo ikr Mrmbrate »l the Liiiab*. InUnmrd and palaaurd by ibr il«rn«r, niitl ptrvrnlt fbr ntabl iwr«f» ■■< Übl*icM»» nrr«M*** ibtcbrtl wblrb ». ( «iiMuutp< ion l« net «n lucamblr malady. HM/M HAI.KAII u IJI curt yaa, rvra haarb i»t a ('«*«* I aim I old Falla. ENGINES, Boilers & Machinery CHEAP ! u< mw. «~l tor Amkar ta SMITH » Sd»m».tia WM .h r. o. M. M 5. OPIUM ■ biwrlrM. a Mtor.voM habit CURE. truth / a at*.n BEST IN THE WORLD! IMltorr.a on Trial, FRMI or C»a«O«l Shuttle Sewing Machine I BUY NO OTHER! U»n A I.tFK TIME. Warranted « Trara SEND FOR CIRCULAR "B.” Attfurs WANUDin Unoocupitd Territory. A<Mrr«« WIIWIN SEWING MACHINE <XI 9SS A »ST Wabash Ara., Cblear* rnUaher.' I’nUm. AUaala.Ua -A6€ATSWMTH>-*>*!*‘ w arf k Jr«Tn th* a Arid • *•*“ Vklr.w Jay iHmh. Mkh