The Methodist advocate. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1869-????, May 01, 1872, Page 71, Image 3

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The Methodist Episcopal Church. Jacksonville Ct., Texas Con.—Thomas Wilson. Presiding elder Molloy made his quarterly round, held a nine days’ meeting which was attended with good results. The Church was quickened, nine hopefully con verted. Ten united with our Church, making our present membership thirty-eight. We are still waiting upon the Lord for fresh displays of saving power. The Southern Methodists in these parts are friendly toward us, frequently attending our meetings. Yazoo Dist., Mississippi Con— J.W. Dunn. —We are at work on the Yazoo district and the Lord is blessing us both spiritually and finan cially. In Yazoo City we have had over one hundred accessions and a goodly number at other points. We have two churches on the way that I hope in a short time to give you a more definite account of, and we have also a parsonage on foot at Greenwood, adding one to the seven reported on our work, and hope that this will not be the only one erected this year for we are needing them badly. Brkckenridge St. , Louisville, Lexington Con.— M. W. Taylor. Quarterly meeting just closed; we had a heavenly time—elder W. S. Muir, presided. Eighty-six communed; many were forward to be prayed for; several united with us. The Lord was in the midst, and with a full measure of the Spirit we felt fully able to possess the land. We protraeted the meeting at Jeffersonville, Ind., with good success. Recently the brethren and sisters went to the parsonage in my absence and placed therein a handsome bedstead and mat tress, half a dozen chairs, wash-stand, center table, cooking stove and utensils, besides plas tering, whitewashing, papering and setting things in order generally. Above this they gave a benevolent contribution of lifteen dol lars on Sabbath. We have a flourishing Sun day-school, and all on the advance. Tazewell Circuit, Houston Con.—Emma Rama —The second quarterly meeting for this work was held at Rock Castle. Brother Elbert Clark was present and made a good report He has received seventy on probation, forty in full connection, baptized fourteen adults and seven infants this last quarter; he is at his post all the time, and in tine spirits, doing a good work,and we hope to give a good report of our selves at the end of this Conference year, both spiritually and financially. Brother Patty our beloved presiding elder was at the meeting and preached with his usual power. After the sermon the Sacrament of the Lord’s Supper was ad ministered ; many communed and felt that the Lord was present. I hope the good people on Tazewell circuit will not forget brother Clark and his family; he is working hard, and must be supported by those with whom he is laboring. West Tenn. Dist., Tenn. Con.—H. W.Key. —We are growingevery way—spiritually, tem porally and financially, in influence and in mem bership. We have built two new churches since Conference, and bought one, and bought a lot to build another one. The most hopeful feature for success is the interest that our mem bers take in the children and in education gen erally. We are keeping our old schools that we organized a year ago going and have es tablished new schools. We have had during this year eleven day schools and six hundred scholars; an increase over last year of four hundred and fifty. I wrote some time since that I brought three young ladies down here with me when I took charge of this district; they have made a mark for good both for our people and for our church. They have a great influence for good among both white and col ored ; and our enemies as well as our friends are beginning to say that the Methodist Episco pal Church has a mission here in the South to fulfill, and helping to educate the colored peo ple is a part of her mission. I am very sorry that these young ladies are so poorly supported. They have taught months since they have been in this district, and got barely enough to pay their board. They are good and faithful Sun day-school workers and have all done a good work in our Sunday-schools and for the mission ary cause. lam afraid they will be compelled to abandon their schools on account of being so poorly supported; this would be a great loss to our work. Our third Ministerial Meeting was held at Mason’s, in our new church that we have bought recently. It cost $850; we have made the first payment of $283.85. Dr. Kynett sent me a draft for $100; God bless that good man. We will be able by Conference to report a large Increase in churches and about seventy five per cent, financially over last year. Some person or persons have burned another church of ours on the Malone circuit, in Desota county, Mississippi. ftfititip of jSteiw. The South. The Louisiana Democratic Convention post poned its nominations till after the Cincinnati Convention. General Ransom, from North Carolina, has been admitted to the United States Senate. The sixth State Fair of Louisiana commenced on the 24th ult., and continued six days. Tuesday, the 26th ult., was observed as Confederate Memorial Day. Seventy-three crates of green peas were shipped to New York from Charleston a few days ago. _ General. The new charter of the city of New York turns out every one of the present city officials. At the World’s Jubilee, soon to be held in Boston, three-fourths of the pieces to be per formed by the choirs are strictly sacred music. An English railway engineer and fireman have been sentenced to three months’ hard la bor for being dead drunk at their posts. The Supreme Court of the United States, in a case from Georgia, decided a note given for slaves is valid. The Senate French Arms Committee has fin ished taking testimony, and adjourned to meet at the call of the chairman. The New York Legislature has passed the New York City charter very nearly as pre pared by the Committee of Seventy. The Russian Government, after hearing Cat acazy’s defense, lias condemned him and he has left St. Petersburg in disgrace. The iilegality of the trials of the Mormon chiefs, which took place in Utah a few months since, consists in the fact that Judge McKean ruled that Territorial District Courts are United States Courts. A late decision of the Supreme Court reverses this decision. This relieves Brigham Young and about a hundred and forty others convicted of murder and other crimes. SAVANNAH DISTRICT, GA. CON. Third Round. Appointment. Time. ‘ Place. Miss. Tatnall, June 1,2, White Bluff, 810 South-Eastern, June 8, 9, No. 9, 8 Blackshear, June 15,16, Blackshear, 35 Brunswick, June 22, 23, Brunswick, 35 Savannah, June 29,30) . . Savannah circuit, July 6, 7, | Asbury, 40 Trader’s Hill, July 13, 14, Trader’s Hill, 6 Camden, Jnly 20, 21, Oak Hill C. G., 15 St. Marys, July 27, 28, St. Marys, 5 Brethren will please take the Missionary Collections as soon as possible, and send the money to me, to be forwarded to New York. * C. 0. FISHER, P. E. AUGUSTA DISTRICT, GEORGIA CONFERENCE. Third Round. Old Church ct„ Clark’s Chapel, May 11, 12. District Ministerial Association, at Waynesboro, May 16. Opening Sermon, Thursday, at 11 o’clock, by Rev. A. F. Ellington. Waynesboro, Waynesboro, May 18,19. Waynesboro ct., Waynesboro, May 18, 19. Charlestown and Hoise Creek ct., Springhead, May 25,26. Mt. Zion ct., Wesleyanna, June 1, 2. Scriven ct., Bazemore Chapel, June 8, 9. Richmond ct., Bellevue, June 15, 16. Green-Street, Augusta, June 22, 23. Satilla Mills, Satilla Mills, June 29, 30. Satilla ct., , July 6, 7. The preachers will take collections during the quarter for the Sunday-School Union and Bible Society. J. SPILMAN, P. E. EXPENSES FOB DELEGATES. The following sums have been received by the undersigned, from the Holston Conference, for the expenses of Delegates to the General Conference: From Athens District. Rev. P, H Reed, Maryville ct , $4 00 Rev. A. B. Wright, Jamestown ct., 2 CO Rev. H. H. Burke, Philadelphia ct 4 00 Rev. H. Pile, Wartburg ct 85 Knoxville District. Rev. J. B. Ford qo Total . S2O 85 N. E. COBLEIGH. f» iPkmunj of tint fast. Holden W. Nichols was born in Anson county, North Carolina, August 3, 1807. He came to Tennessee, with his parents, at the age of six years. Professed religion when quite young, at McKendree Camp-Ground, and joined the Methodist Episcopal Church the same year. Brother Nichols was a class-leader in the Methodist Episcopal Church for twenty years. He departed this life March 14,1872, in Huston comity, Tenn., aged sixty-four years, seven months, and nine days. I preached his funeral sermon in the Arlington Court-house, Huston county, the 23d of March. Subject: “ These bones are the whole house of Israel.” An immense number were in attendance to hear what might be said in memory of the good and great. Thus a good man has passed away in the triumph of a living faith. Lexington , Tenn. E. N. Williams. Os hemorrhage of tiie lungs, on Friday, April 12, 1872, Rev. H. Frank Miller. Brother Miller was a local preacher, attached to Janes Chapel quarterly Conference at Aus tin, and had resided in this city about fifteen months. Formerly he had charge of a Church or Churches in Colorado, but his health failing sought a more congenial clime. He was em ployed as book-keeper and treasurer of our State Lunatic Asylum, and gave universal sat isfaction to all. To say that brother Miller was a good man would be language too weak to express bis worth. 011 the morning of his death lie rode into the city for the purpose of purchasing a horse for the Asylum. While lie was trying the animal he was taken with bleed ing, dismounted and in seven minutes breathed his last. He “walked with God and was not for God took him.” The Church has lost a most excellent member, and his surviving ab sent friends mourn his departure. Brother Miller was aged twenty-seven years,and though a comparative stranger here, the day following his interment his friends raised $l5O toward a monument for him in token of their affection. G. W. Honey. Sister Ansie Ann Stewart, daughter of Rev. Francis and Drucilla Winn, and wife of brother P. G. Stewart, all of Douglass county, Georgia, was born January 23,1823,and crossed over the river on Sabbath, February 18, 1872. Sister Ann joined the Methodist Episcopal Church in her 15th year, at a cauip-ground eight miles south-west of Powder Springs, (A. Dorman, preacher in charge) and lived for thirty-six years a faithful and consistent mem* ber, not only in name, but in deed and in truth. All who knew her love to tell how good she was. She was afflicted for many years, and for four of her last months on earth was mostly confined to her room, but she bore it all with astonishing faith and fortitude, often shouting the praises of God till strength would fail, ex horting all who came to see her, to meet her in heaven. She told the husband (who feels that she was the instrument under God in bring ing him to Christ, and lived to-see him preach ing the Gospel) to be faithful in pointing sin ners to the Lamb of God, and Drucilla, their only daughter, to join the Church, live a Chris tian, and they would meet again; that she would be permitted to be near them and see them, till they met around the Father’s throne in Heaven. Brother A. Dorman will preach her funeral sermon on the third Sabbath in June, at Wesley Chapel. N. Trimble. SPECIAL NOTICES. A. New Beautifying Agent. —All Dentifrices had their drawbacks, until the Salubrions Bark of the Soap Tree was brought from the Chilian Valleys to perfect the fragrant Sozodont, the most delightful article for the teeth that a brush was ever dipped in. “Children’s Lives Saved for 50 Cents.”— Every case of Croup can be cured when first taken, by Dr. Tobias' Venetian Liniment, warranted for 24 years, and never a bottle returned. It also cures Diarrhoea, Dysentery, Colic,|Sore Throat, Cuts, Burns, and Ei ernal Pains. Sold by the Druggists. Depot, 10 Park Place, New York. VENUS herself would not have been beautiful if her complexion had been bad. If beauty is skin deep, it is nec essary to secure and retain that part of it; and the ladies, instead of resorting to paints and powders, should remem ber that an impure, blotchy, or sallow skin is the proof of feeble indigestion, torpid liver, or vitiated blood, for all which Walker’s California Vinegar Bittebs is a safe, sure and effectual remedy. Burnett’s Cocoaine. —No oils, neither pomades or alcoholic washes—foreign or domestic—can compare with Cocoaine as a HAIR DRESSING. It auchors the hair firmly in the scalp—gives it new life and lustre—and renders it the “crowning glory” of both sexes, old and young. Pratt’s Astral Oil. —More accidents occur from us ing unsafe oils, thau from steamboats and railroads com blued. Over 200,000 families continue to burn Pratt’s Astral Oil, and no accidents directly or indirectly have occurred from burning, storing or handling it. Oil House of Charles Pratt, Established 1770, New York. A Beautiful White, soft, smooth and clear skin is produced by using G. W. Laird’s “Bloom of Youth.” It re moves tan, freckles, sunburns, and all other discolorations from the skin, leaving the complexion brilliant and beauti ful. Sold at all druggists. This preparation is entirely free from any material detrimental to health. Just The Remedy Needed.— Thanks to Mrs. Winslow’s Soothing Syrup, we have for years been relieved from sleepless nights of painful watching with poor, suffer ing, teething children. For Dyspepsia. —lndigestion, depression of spirits and general debility in their various forms; also, as a pre ventive against Fever and Ague, and other intermittent fevers. The Ferro-Phospborated Elixir o 1 Calisaya, made by Caswell, Hazard & Cos., New York, and sold by all Drug gists, is the best tonic, and as a tonic for patients recover, tng from fever or other sicknes*, it has no equal. Risley’s Genuine Golden Bell Cologne Wa ter according to the original Joimula of Prevosi, Paris, so long and favorably known to the customers of Haviland, Harral and Risley and their branches, for its fine perma nent fragrance is now made by H. W. Risley, and the trade supplied by his successors, Morgan k Risley, Wholesale Druggists, New York. . Thurston’s Ivory Pearl Tooth Powder.— The best article known for cleansing and preserving the teeth and gums. Sold by Druggists. Price 25 and 50 cents per bottle. F. 0. Wells & Cos., New York. Carbolic Salve unequaled as a Healing Compound. Physicians recommend it as the most wonderful remedy ever known. Price 25 cents per box. John F. Henry, Sole Proprietor, 8 College Place, New York. Chrlstadoro’s Hair Dye.—This magnificent com pound is beyond contingency, the safest and most reliable Dye In existence; never failing to impart to the Hair, uni formity of color, nourishment and elasticity. Manufactory, 68 Malden Lane, New York. SVAPNIA is Opium purified of its sickening and poi sonous qualities. It is a perfect anodyne not producing headache or constipation of bowels, as is the case with other preparations of opium. John Farr, Chemist, New York. Envelopes at » the bookstore.” HITCHCOCK & WALDEN. OLDEN HOURS, The heat Magazine for Boys and Girls. THE METHODIST ADVOCATE. MAY 1. 1872. Decoration Day. —Liberal arrangements are being made for Decoration Day at the National Cemetery, at Marietta, Ga. Let the occasion be observed by all who love peace, union and liberty! More Valuable than Treasury Notes. How that old cynic, Sam Johnson, would have revelled through Webster’s massive new Una bridged ! How he would have gloated over its magnificent letter-press and its illustrations, beautiful as new Treasury Notes, and much more valuable to the student. The Merriams have incurred a fabulous expense in having the whole work rewritten, reset, recast, and republished. It is not a mere revision, but a reconstruction. To insure excellence in typog raphy, it comes from the Riverside Press, which Is all that need be said about its me chanical execution. It is a marvelous speci men of learning, labor, research, and taste. It is by far the greatest literary work of the age.— Baltimore American. CAUTION! Every genuiue box of Dr. McLANE’S LIVER PILLS bears the signature of Fleming Brothers, Pittsburg, Pa., and their private U. S. Stamp. no other; the market is full of imitations. It is the popular verdict that people who have been accustomed to the use of Bitters or Cordials, are obliged, eventually, to resort to McLane’s Liver Pills for permanent relief. 18—43 WANTED. HISTORY OF THE Great REFORMATION. Now ready, complete in one volume, the People's Illustrated Edition of D’Aubigne’s Great Work, of over 1,000 pages, with numerous engravings, and maps on steel and wood. AGENTS WANTED. SSLflSft; % choice of territory at once. Circulars, terms and advance WM. FLINT A CO., Savannah, Ga. 18—eow—13t AGENTS! QUICK! Ss rush for it) on DIO IaEWIS* last and greatest work. OUR DIGESTION; or, MY JOLLY FRIEND’S SECRET. It is by odds the most taking and salable book in the field. 1. It is on a vitally important subject. 2d. It is by America’s most popular writer on health. 3d. It is, for the price, the largest and handsomest book ever sold by subscription. Agents, the people are eager for such a book, and will urge you to bring it to them. Write for terms, Ac., free. GEORGE MACLEAN, Publisher, 17—29 733 Sansom Street, Philadelphia. AGENTS WANTED -For Professor Parsons’ Laws of Business . With full directions and forms for all transactions in every State of the Union. By TIIEOPHILUS PAR SONS, LL.D. A correct, economical, and safe Counselor and Ad viser. So plain, full, accurate and complete that no person can afford to be without it. Embodying the results of the labor and study of the most popular and successful writer of law books in the country. es-Send for circulars with terms, etc. Address NA TIONAL PUBLISHING CO., 274 and 276 Second-St., Memphis, Tenn. 4—7 17—21 _ACENT9 WANTED FOB “JESUS.” —TBv' gHAMLBS'if. B, fir port popnUrSßTTTpniTSefliDg religion, won ever IssueAA' TTr Circular., xildreis uiSTCoTNTY? 12—24 NON-EXPLOSIVE. —Dr. F, T. Grimes’ Patent Non-Explo sive Kerosene Lamps produce a clear, bright light, supe rior to gas-light, at an expense of one cent a night. Agents wanted. For Circulars and terms to Agents address F. T. GRIMES, No. 321 East 22d-st., New York city. 12—24 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Sunday-School SONGS. PURE GOLD, Ey Rev. Robebt Lowry and W. Howard Doane. Over 350,000lCopies SOLD IN ONE YEAR. BRIGHTJEWELS, By Rev. Robert Lowry, Wm. F. Suerwin, and Chester G. Allen. FRESH LAURELS, By Wm. B. Bradbury, SONGS OF"SALVATION, By Theo. E. Perkins and Rev. Alfred Taylor. Either of the above , 35 cts. retail , Board Coven; S3O per hundred. CHRISTIAN SONGS, A large collection, (224 pages,) compiled from all our books, (Golden Chain to Pure Gold,) with many new and valuable Hymns and Tunes. Especially adapted to large Schools re quiring a wide range of Songs and Subjects. Price, 50 cents retail. Board Covers; 840 per hundred. THE BRADBURY TRIO, Containing all the Songs of the New Chain, New Showeb, and New Censer. Price, 81 retail, Board Covers; 875 per hundred, 49-A Single Specimen Copy of any of our Books sent by mail, post paid, on receipt of the retail price. _ BIGLOW & MAIN, Publishers, Address (Successors to Wm. B. Bbadbury,) 435 Broome-St., N. or 736 Wabash Ay., Chicago. 18—t f Now is the proper Time to take Cleansing Medicines to PURIFY YOUR BLOOD. The most Pleasant and Efficient is SWAIM’S CELEBRATED PANACEA. SWAIM’S CELEBRATED PANACEA FOR THE CURE OF SCROFULA, INCIPIENT CONSUMPTION, GENERAL DEBILITY, WHITE SWELLING, RHEUMATISM, DIS EASES OF THE SKIN, AND ALL DISEASES ARISING FROM IMPCRITIES OF THE BLOOD. Swaim’s Panacea has been for fifty years celebrated In this country and in Europe for its extraordinary cures, for the certificates of which reference is made to the directions and books-which may be had gratis—accompanying the Panacea; some of which give the particulars of cases too frightful for geneial publication, where ttie patients have been almost eaten up with Scrofula, and were deemed in curable by physicians. It has been used in hospitals and private practice, and has been recommended by the most celebrated physicians and other eminent persons; namely, Professors Gibson, Chapman, and Dewees, of the University of Pennsylvania; Valentine Mott, of New York University; Del Vallo, of Ha vana; JoseEcorenco deLuz, of Lisbon, Spain; J. Chlpman, Royal College Surgeons, London; G. W. Irving, late Minis ter to Spain; Sir Thomas Pearson, Major-General British Army, and many others. The wonderful cures effected by SWAIM’S PANACEA have for many years made it an invaluable remedy. The Panacea does not contain mercury iu auy form, and being an Innocent preparation may be given to the most tender infant. If persons purchasing the Panacea will be careful to ob servo that the word BWAIM is correctly spelled, they need not be imposed on. Also Swaim’s Vermifuge, A valuable Family Medicine, being a highly approved rem edy for all diseases arising from debility of tbe digestive organs, such as Acidity of the Stomach, Worms. Cholera Morbus, Dysentery, Fever and Ague, Bleeding Piles, Sick Headache, etc. See the pamphlet—which may be had gratis —accompanying the Vermifuge. Prepared only at SWAIM’S OLD LABORATORY, THE OLD STAND, SOUTH SEVENTH-ST., BELOW CHESTNUT, Philadelphia. Sold by all druggists tn the United States. General Agents for the United States, W. H. SCHIEFFELIN Si CO., 18—18t—eow. 170 William-Street, New York. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Advertise Your Business I E. N. Freshman, CIBO WEBTJFOURTH-BT., INOINN ATI, Special Advertising Agent FOR ALL PUBLICATIONS OF Western Methodist Book Concern. Religions and Agricultural Newspapers a Specialty. ®#*Send for Circulars, List of Papers, etc. Office in the Methodist Book Concern Building. CETITHE BEST. Webster’s Unabridged Dictionary. 10,000 Words and Meanings not ta other Dictionaries. 3000 Engravings. 1840 Pages Quarto. Price, sl2. Work which none who can read or write can afford to dispense with. [Atlantic Monthly.] Essence of all other books. One of the necessaries of life in every house. [lndependent.] Beyond the reach of criticism. You are obliged to have this Dictionary. [Spectator.] So faithfully sets forth the present condition of the English tongue. [Harper’s Magazine.] There is a vast mine of information in the book. [Christian Union.] Extensive Art Gallery. Remarkable'compendium of human knowledge. [Household Advocate.] Result of centuries of culture. Contributions of some of the greatest minds. [New York Times.] A necessity for every intelligent family, student, teacher and professional man. What Library is com plete without the best English Dictionary? Published by G.J& C. MERRIAM, Springfield, Mssb. jfcg-Sold by all Booksellers. A1 W 1 Letter Paper, School Cap Paper, Note Paper, Initial Paper, Legal Cap Paper, Straw Laid Envelopes, Corn Wove Envelopes, Canary Laid Envelopes, Amber Laid Envelopes, Orange Laid Envelopes, White Wove Envelopes, Ink, Pens, Pen Staffs, Inkstands, Lead Pencils, Visiting Cards, Rulers, Pocket Books, Pen Knives, Paper Gutters, Gold Pens, Mucilage, Pen Racks, Slate Pencils, Slates, Crayons, (different colors,) Paper Weights, Chromos, Albums, Bible Pictures, Mottoes, Bird Pictures, etc., For sale by HITCHCOCK & WALDEN, 64 Peachtree-Street, Atlanta, Ga. C. C. THE CENTRAL CITY, A first-class Democratic Newspaper. WILLIS M. RUSSELL,^Editor. A. M. C. RUSSELL, Ass’t. Editor. The Central City is issued every Wednesday morning in the Central City of Albany, Ga., the Junction of the South western, Albany and Brunswick, and Atlantic and Gulf Rail roads. THE CENTRAL CITY Is offered to the Business Public as an invaluable ADVER TISING MEDIUM. It has a circulation among the very best of readers, and circulates throughout SOUTH-WESTERN GEORGIA. Subscription 53.50 a Year. 4®*Send for specimen copy. Address WILLIS M. RUSSELL, Publisher, Albany, Ga. 0 o BELLS! SBELL FOUNDRY, - " Established in 1887. Snperior Bella for Churches, Schools, etc.,of Pure Cop per and Tin, fully war ranted, and mounted with our La teat Improved Rotary Hangings, tha Illustrated Catalogue sent fret, VAHDUZEH St TIFT,' 102 &1Q4I!. Second Stq Cincinnati, April 10, 1872. 15—ly The Meneely Bell Foundery. (ESTABLISHED IN 1826.) BELLS for Churches, Academies, Factories, etc., made of pure copper and tin, mounted with im proved Patented Mountings, and warranted. An illus trated Catalogue sent free upon application. Address E, A. & G. R. MENEELY, West Troy, N. T. 18-ly mm For Churchet, Schools. Fire Alarms, Farms, de. Fine-Toned, Wabranted, Low Priced. Descriptive Circular sent free. nLYNER, NORTON & CO., B—now ly 684—694 West Kighth-St., Cincinnati, O. TROY BELLS. OLD ESTABLISHED TROY BELL FOUNDRY, rpROY, N. Y.—(established 1852.)—A large as -1 tsortment ol Church, Academy, Fire Alarm, and other Bells, constantly on hand, and made to order. Made of genuine Bell Metal (Copper and Tin.) Hung with Rotary Mountings, the best and most durable ever used. All, Bells Warranted Satisfactory. 445" Large Illustrated Catalogue sent tree upon ap plicution to JONES A CO„ Troy, N. Y., [May24/71—ly] or, 109 Dearborn Street, Chicago, 111. THE NEW ENGLAND of the SOUTH-WEST. CENTRAL AND SOUTH-WEST MISSOURI, POSSESSING the best characteristics of New England, with better climate, better soil, better health than the old New England—with varied and beautiful scenery, hill and dale, and springs and streams of pure water running rapidly over rocky bottoms—with long, yet cool Summers, and short and mild Winters, invites FROM ALL OTHER STATES, AND FROM EUROPE.*^: Come from the cold regions of all countries, where Winter consumes all the products of Summer; come from localities af flicted with consumption to a placo where pulmonary disoase is almost unknown, except in the cases cured by its climate; come from crowded cities, where the laboring man is poor, to a region where industry is sure of reward, where a home is easily obtained, and wealth always within the reach of humble men; come from high-priced lands to the cheap yet better lands of the South-West New England—to Central and South-West Missouri. THE ATLANTIC AND PACIFIC RAILROAD COMPANY OWN 1,400,000 ACRES OF LAND, Which they offer cheap, on long credit, anil with free transportation over their Road to all purchasers. The greatest In ducements offered to men who will organize colonies. Village Plate, whore are expensive depots and side tracks, and centers already of considerable trade, offered for sale by the acre on long credit. Colonists can obtain reduced rates from all pointa t 0 Bt. Louis, wheuce this Company will provide ticketsand transportation. For particulars, in pamphlets and maps, apply to AMOS TUCK, Land Commissioner, *7 Comer a! Sixth and Walnut Streets, Bt. Louis, Mo. ADVANTAGE OF ADVERTISING. We call the attention of business men to the advantage to be gained by advertising in The Methodist Advocate. We think our circu lation will compare favorably in number with any weekly paper published in Atlanta. Our circulation is extended through every State in the South as well as some parts of the North. Hitchcock & Walden, Publishers. s o Or Sugar-Coated, Concentrated, Root and Herbal Juice, Anti-Bilious Grannies. THE “LITTLE GIANT” CATHARTIC, or Hultum in Parvo Physic. The novelty of modern Medical, Chemical and Phar maceutical Science. No use of any longer taking the large, repulsive and nauseous piils, composed of cheap, crude, and bulky ingredients, when we can by a careful application of chemical science, extract all the cathartic and other medicinal properties from tlio most valuable roots aud herbs, and coneentrato them ■ into a minute Granule, scarcely larger tlian a mustard seed, that can be readily swallowed by those of the most sensitive stomachs and lastidious tastes. Eachlittle Purgative Pellet represents, in a most concentrated form, as much eat hai l ic power as is embodied in auyof the largo pills found lor sale in the drug shops. From their wonderful cathartic power, in proportion to their size, people who have not tried them aro apt to suppose that they are harsh or drastic in effect, but such is not at all tlie case, the different active medicinal principles of which they are composed being so harmonized and modified, one by the others, as to produce a most scare h 1 tin and thorough) yet gently and kindly opera* ting cathartic. SSOO Reward is hereby offered by tha proprie tor of these Pellets, to any chemist who, upon an alysis, will find in them any Calomel or other forms of mercury or any other mineral poison. Being entirely vegetable, no particnlnr cabe is required while using them. They operato without disturbance to the constitution, diet, or oc cupation. For Jaundice, Headache, Con stipation, Impure Blood, Pain in the Shoulders, Tightness of the Chest, Dlz zlncss, Sour Eructations of the Stom ach, Bad taste in mouth, Bilious attacks, Pain in region ol Kidneys, Internal Fever, Bloated feeling about Sto.nack, Rush of Blood to Ileml, High Colored Urine, Unsociability aistl Gloomy Forebodings, take Dr. Pierce’s Pleasant Purgative Pellets. In explana tion of the remedial power of my Purgative Pellets over so great a variety of diseases, I wish to say that their action upon the animal econo my is universal, not a gland or tissuo escaping their sanative impress. Age does not impair them; their sugar-coating at and being enclosed in glass bottles presorve their virtues unim paired for any length of time, in any climate, so that they are always fresh and reliable, which is not the case with the pills found in the drugstores, put up in cheap wood or paste-board boxes. Recollect that for all diseases where a Laxative, Alterative or Purgative is indientod, these little Pellets will give the most perfect satisfaction to all who use them They are sold by all cutcrprisiug Druggists at i!5 cents a bottle. Do not allow any druggist to induce you to take anything elso that be may say is just as good as my Pellets because he makes a larger profit on that which he recommends. If your druggist cannot supply them, enclose 25 cents and receive them by return mail from jR. V. PIERCE, M. ZL, Prop’, , BUFFALO, N. Y. THE POPULAR SUNDAY Music Books School For 1872 are: The Prize, by Gkoboe F. Root Per dozen. $3 CO The Charm, by P. P. Bliss 8 60 The Crown, by L. H. Dowling 3 60 The Silver Spray, by W. H. Doane 3 60 The Chapel Gems, by Geobge F. Root 3 60 Sparkling Jewels, by Knowles Shaw 3 00 For Bale by Booksellers generally. Send 80 cents for a specimen copy to the Publishers, 16—ly JOHN CHURCH A CO., Cincinnati, O. WHEN YOU WANT A FIRST-RATE NEW BOOK, go or send to our Bookstore, Powell’s Block, Atlanta, Ga. HITCHCOCK & WALDEN. BURNHAM’S m New Turbine is in general use throughout the United States. A six “wp® inch, is used by the Government in the Patent Office, Washington, D. C. Its simplicity of construction and the iSasSSpL, power it transmits renders it the beat water wheel ever invented. ASF*Pamphlet free. 9—34 N.F-BURNHAM, York, Pa. WATER PUBLICATION FOR ALL Prominent Benevolent Organizations!# FRATERNITY lArt AAA V Masonic, Odd-Fellow*, Knights of Pythlaq, JLvVf WWW WWIU • Red Men, Mechanics, Temperance, etc. Sale unrivaled by any thing heretofore offered. Agents with no ex* nerience are telling 20 Pictures and upward a day. One of our agents hae cleared over $1,200 in 3 months. The Brethren welcome these works. Our inducements are unprecedented. Our commieeione are potitively % larger than any other houte doet or CAN offer. Send for Circular of Order to which you belong, giving No. of yourLolge, and atate where you saw k thli advertisement. Tou will certainly engage with us. J. HALE POWERS & CO., Fraternity Publishers, Cincinnati, 0. Hitchcock & walden, in Powell Block, At lanta, are opening a line stock of Books and Sta tionery, to which they invite the attention of preachers and the public generally. Send for free Catalogues. gOuck^Eye jjIkEHIVE 18 THE VERT BEST Movable Frame and Moth-Proof Hive IN THE MARKET. Farm, County and State Bights for sale in Ten nessee, North Carolina, South Carolina. Georgia, Florida, Alabama. Mississippi and Louisiana. For Circulars, Prices, &c., address J. K. RUGG, Nashville, Tenn. JOHN HOLLAND’S SUPERIOR GOLD PENS. (Successor to Oeorge W. Sheppard, Cincinnati O. TO be good and durable, a Gr OLD J? K N should be made of 16 carat gold, as no writing fluid will corrode gold of this fineness; be sufficiently heavy to be strong and possess good elasticity. The points should be of the best quality of Tridosmium, (commonly called diamonds,) firmly attached to the gold and well finished. It is almost impossible to wear out such o point o paper. Those who wish to enjoy the advantages of GEN UINE GOLD PBDNSS should only pur chase those that possess the above qualities, and be careful in selecting a pen adapted to the hand, as they necessarily vary in point and spring. If fairly used, they are warranted for one year from the time of sale. EWSend for Price List. For sale by HITCHCOCK Ac WALDEN, No. 64 Peachtree-street, Powell Block, 20— ATLANTA, OA. TO ADVERTISERS. AS“The following Advertising Agents are duly au thorized to contract for advertisements in The Meth odist Advocate at our lowest rates. Advertisers are requested to leavo their favors with them: GEO. P. ROWELL & CO., No. 41 Park Row, New York City. 8. M. PETTENGILL & C 0„ 87 Park Row, New York City. WM. J. CARLTON, 39 Park Row, New York City. W. A. FITCH, 245 Broadway, New York City. I. W. PARMENTER, No. 6 Spruce-street, New York City. HUDSON A MENET, 21 Park Row, New York City. GRIFFIN A HOFFMAN, No. 4 South-street, Baltimore, Md. COE, WETHERILL & CO., 607 Chestnut-streot, Philadelphia, Penn. N. W. AYER & SON, 719 Sansom-street, Philadelphia, Penn. E. N. FRESHMAN, 190 West Fourth-street, Cluoinnati, O. T. C. EVANS, 106 Washington-street, Boston, Mass. WOOD & MURRAY, 393 Wabash A venue,.Chicago, 111. DeVALCOURT & WILTZ, 1105 Main street, Richmond, Va. Rest and Oldest Family Medicine.— Sanford’s Liver Invigorator —A purely Vegetable Cathartic and Tonic for Dyspepsia, Constipation, Debility, Sick-headaclie, Bilious Attacks, and all derangements of Liver, Stom ach and Bowels. Ask your Druggist for it. Beware of imitations, 2?-E o w ly CHEAP FARMS! TREE HOMES! ON THE LINE OF TIIE UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD. A LAND ORANT OF 13,000,000 ACRES OF THE Best Farming & Mineral Lands in America. 3,000,000 Acres in Nebraska, IN THE GREAT PLATTE VALLEY, THE GARDEN OF THE WEST, Now for Sale! These lands are In the central portion of the United States, on the 41st degroe of North Latitude, the central line of the great Temperate Zone of the American Continent, and for grain growing and stock raising unsurpassed by any in the United States. CHEAPER IN PRICE, more favorable terms given, and more convenient to market than can he found elsewhere. FREE Homesteads for Aotual Settlers. THE BEST LOCATIONS FOR COLONIES. JSff'Soldiers entitled to a Homestead of 160 Acres. “^5. Free Passes to Purchasers of Laud. Send for the new descriptive pamphlet, with new maps, published in English, German, Swodlsh and Danish, mailed free every-where. Address O. F. DAVIS, Land Commissioner, U. P. R. R. Cos., 12—24 OMAHA, NEB. BUY YOUR BOOKS AND STATIONERY at ATLANTA BOOKSTORE. HITCHCOCK AJWALDEN. stunt- 0 hOVEZISEG. JAH.I4.IBGS j u Lreajag^f iaßi< aTvaU This Saw possesses several great advantages over the an cient V tooth, which has hitherto been relied on, especially in cross-cut saws. The strength, Btlffuess, and durability of these teeth, and their capacity for deep gumming, are so ob vious that we will only name four other points of comparison, namely, speed, ease, simplicity, and perfect clearance. All are aware that an ordinary handsaw cuts only one way ; that is, the front cut is more effective than tho hack or Retreating cut. These teeth, with their opposite cutting faces, if CUTTING IN line, are equivalent to the front cut both ways of a handsaw, in distinction to the two back cuts of the old V saw. Hence, speed is inevitable. Ease of Cutting.— lt is easier to plow a groove in timber than to crush one out. The application of this principle is very perfect, all the teeth being of even length, double pointed, cut with outside vertical aud projecting edgos, aud clear sim ultaneously with the same. Simplicity. —This is obvious, all the points being cutters like huudsaw teeth, namoly, the lame length. No hooks or thick, raking teeth to be shortened; only ono mill file is needed to keep them in ordor, aud they are as easy for tiie unskilled laborer to sharpen as the old-fashioned saw. Perfect Clearance. Continuously cutting and clearing, these opposite “cutting faces” not only cut, hut clear, liy lift ing the fiber above the projecting blades, like a plow, which is the most perfect clearing implement. New Tori, American Institute Fair Building, ) November 4,1871. j E. M. Boynton, 78 Beekman-stroet, New York—Sib: 'I bis certifies that I saw the Lightning Cross-Cut Saw, workod by hand, by two men, November 2d, at this Fair. Said men and saw cut off a souud Bx 9 inch chestnut log in 3% seconds; aud 16 cuts of the same, continuously, in 2 minutes and 18 seconds, or at a rate of a cord of wood in less than 9 minutes. lam satisfied that for all purposes of cross-cutting large and small timber, your cross-cuts aud wood saws have no rival in speed, in ease, aud in simplicity. I believe their universal use would save a vast amount of money and time, and lighten the toil of millions of men. J. W. BLAKE, Superintendent and Engin er American Institute Fair. N. B. These extreme tests are quoted merely to prove what should be obvious—that direct cutting is better than the old V friction process used by all other saws. The cutting of all saws depends much on the proper set, sharpening, and skill of tlie operator. I can not furnish brains, and skill is at tained only by practice. But no saw manufacturer dares to question the superiority of my latest improved saws, or to publicly test the mattor. Siuce the enlargement of dust space one year ago, no com plaint of clogging has been received. The latest improved Lightning Saws will give universal satisfaction, on large or small timber, soft or hard wood; but soft wood requires wider set. Saws are set and sharpened for hard wood. Try them as sent out, but may be made thinner for soft wood. Ilold level in using, and do not rock; Bhove slightly. Do not cou found this 1869 pattern with my old 1867 pattern Clearing- Tooth Saws, now out of market. All clearing-teeth are complicated, as they reqniro to be kept shorter than cutters and frequent re-adjustment. After much experience, I can not recommend them. Each one ot the new Lightning Cross-Cuts has ray $560 challenge, and full directions for set ting and sharpening any saw, engraved on it. Honest haid ware men will procure the genuine for their customers, even if they are overstocked with inferior goods; but where they do not keep them, Agents are wanted. A six-foot Cross-Cut and Buck Saw sent on receipt of $6. Express will cost from 40 cents to $1 to places this side of the Mississippi River by special contract. N. B. Millions of Axes are used for cutting wood; a Light ning Cross-Cut Saw, either for one man or for two, will ent five times as fast as au ax. Why not try them ? See that the name and warrant are on each saw. Recent increaso of business has compelled me to lease No. 80 Beekmau-street, adjoining No. 78, where I shall be happy to see Hardware Dealers and Customers. E. M. BOYNTON, SOLE PROPRIETOR AND MANUFACTURER, 15—18 80 Beekmau-street, New York. BOOK OF MANNERS, (only 40 cents,) sent by mail, post age prepaid, on receipt of price. For sale by HITCHCOCK A WALDEN, Atlanta, Ga. The LADIES' REPOSITORY IS “OLEEN OF THE MONTHLIES." TRY IT. 71