The Methodist advocate. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1869-????, June 26, 1872, Page 103, Image 3

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gottinp of %tw. From.the Churches. Bishop Williams has finished translating the Four Gospels and the Prayer-book into the Japanese tongue. President Finney, of Oberlin, has resigned his pastorate of twenty-five years standing over the First Congregational Church in Oberlin. The degree of D. D. was conferred on Rev. F. Milton Kennedy, editor Southern Christian Advocate , by Trinity College, North Carolina Conference, at its late commencement. At the recent dedication services of the Fortieth-street M. E. Church, Philadelphia, the collection amounted to twenty-three thou sand dollars. At the dedication of the Emory M. E. Church, Jersey City, on the 19th irist., the sum of twenty-six thousand dollars was raised. The first Protestant sermon ever preached within the walls of the City of Mexico was preached there about four years ago by Rev. Dr. Riley, who went there as a missionary from the American and Foreign Christian Union. Now there is in the city and vicinity sixty reg ularly organized congregations with a ministry of seven, all converted native priests. Mrs. Waugh, wife of Rev. Dr. J. W. Waugh, of the India Conference, died on the 14th inst. Mrs. Waugli returned from India a little over two years ago, in order to make provision in this country for her children, five in number. She has since resided at Ravenwood, 111, (near Chicago,) where her husband joined her a year later. Mrs. Waugh was a lady of superior education and culture, and of devoted Chris tian ilfe. She loved the mission work, and was making preparations to return to India with Dr. Waugh in September next. The South. Chattanooga has seven flourishing temper ance lodges. Major Hargrove has been confirmed Post master at Rome, Ga. East Tennessee has the finest fruit crop known for years. One hundred and six newspapers are pub lished in Tennessee. Florida is the only State in the United States without a daily newspaper. An excellent article of bituminous coal has been found in Erath county, Texas. Kentucky claims to have a fine quarry of lithographic stone, only one other being known in the world. The ruins of Fort Sumpter will shortly be removed, and anew fort constructed on the old site. Commodore Maury has resigned his position in the Virginia Military Institute, to take effect September next. There is an extensive bed of burnt umber near the Georgia Railroad, sixteen miles from Augusta. It is said to be equal, if not supe rior, to the best Turkish umber. General. Two Americans have started an English newspaper in Constantinople. It is estimated that 147,000 persons visited Niagara Falls during the year 1871. King Christian, of Denmark, opened the World’s Fair in Copenhagen, June 13. West of the Mississippi River the United States still owns 975,482,593 acres. Liberia, Africa, has been found to be es pecially adopted to the growth of coffee. Eight cases of sun stroke are reported to have occurred in New York on the 20th inst. The new one cent postal cards will be ready for distribution in about one month. The total consumption of sugar in the United States is set down, by careful statisticians, at 450,000 tons. Senator Harlan, of lowa, has bought the one-half interest in the Washington, D. C., Chronicle. Eight steamers, all heavily laden with pas sengers, left New York for Europe in one day recently. The strikes among the laborers in New York still continue. They demand the eight-hour system. . The New Hampshire Legislature has elected Bainbridge Wadleigh (Republican) United States Senator. It would require less than seventy dollars from each United States inhabitant to extin guish the national debt. San Francisco has been selected as the place for the next meeting of the Young Men’s Christian Association Convention. Wisconsin papers speak of the favorable change that their new temperance law is effect ing in some of their towns and cities. At the Philadelphia Convention three colored men, Gray, of Arkansas, Elliott, of South Car olina, and Harris of North Carolina, made speeches. Vice-President Colfax and family have gone to South Bend, Indiana. Between two and three thousand of his friends, accompanied by a band, gathered to welcome his arrival. Additional buildings are to be erected for the Cincinnati Exposition, so that when completed there will be a total exhibiting space of seven acres. The Exposition will open September 4th and close October stli. The Secretary of the Treasury has authorized the Assistant Treasurer of New York to buy two millions of bonds on each Wednesday and sell two millions of coin on each Thursday during the month of June. The Twenty*sixth anniversary of the acces sion of Pope Pius the IX to the Pontifical Chair was celebrated in Rome, on the 16th inst. Four thousand persons representing all nations of the earth proceeded to the Vatican and pre sented congratulatory addresses. The Jubilee Singers from Fisk University, Nashville, left in October last for a tour through the North. So successful have been their con certs that when they returned in May they brought with them over $20,000 nett profits. By invitation of Mr. Gilmore they take part in the great Boston Jubilee. The Evangelical Messenger states that the German societies of Dayton, Ohio, have de cided to hold no more public processions or celebrations on the Sabbath day, not because they regard them as improper, but in deference to the opinions of their fellow-citizens who dif fer from them in their views of the mode of observing the day. Memphis District Tenn. Con. Fourth Round. White Sulphur, July 6,7; Decatur, 13, 14; Galway, 20, 21; Memphis, 22; (Temperance Lecture at Wesley Chapel, near Gadsden, 24;) Pond Creek, 27, 28; Lexington, August 3,4; Hardeman, 10, 11; Carroll, 17, 18; Weakley, 20,21; (Temperance Lecture at Wesley Chapel, North Gibson, 23;) North Gibson, 24, 25; Dyer 31, and September 1, held by brother J. L. Wood; Huntingdon, August 31, September 1; Adamsville, 7,8; Henry 12; Benton, 14,15; Erin, Huston county,.l4, 15; McNary, 21, 22. F. W. Vinson, P. E. Camp-meeting in connection with Benton quar terly meeting, beginning Thursday night, 12th of September. We hope all the preachers on the district will make their arrangements to be there. We are anxious that the Class Leaders and Recording Stewards of each circuit will bring along their Church books and the pastor the records to their quarterly conference. And, now, brethren, do not fail to present the causes for which the Church has ordered collections to be taken, to your congregations. Do not say the people are too poor, or will not con tribute until these subjects have been fairly presented to them. F. W. V. BUSINESS NOTICES. ONE REASON LEFT Why Hurd & Houghton’s (Riverside Press) unabridged, enlarged, and corrected edition of SMITH’S DICTIONARY OF THE BIBLE, edited by Hackett and Abbot, 4 vols. Bvo., 3,667 pp., 576 illustrations, cloth, $26, is better than the English edition of the same, and thus the best Bible Dic tionary in the English language, is that the entire work has been examined with most scrupulous care, and thousands of minor errors corrected. A uniformity in style of ac centuation, and other matters of nice scholarship, have been substituted for the variations oi the original. The book is now a monument to English and American scholar ship. Our readers will be pleased to learn that at last, New York city, our great commercial mart, has realized the absolute necessity of a medium through which parties at a distance may rely on having their orders promptly, accu rately and honestly filled, whether these orders are for large or small amounts, from wholesale dealers or jobbers, ladies of fashion or con sumers of moderate means; all will receive alike honest, courteous treatment, by address ing the New York Purchasing Bureau, 704 Broadway, N. Y. Circular forwarded to any address. CAUTION! Every genuine box of Dr. McLANE’S LIVER PILLS bears the signature of Fleming Brothers, Pittsburg, Pa., and their private U. S. Stamp. ggP“Take no other; the market is full of imitations. It is the popular verdict that people who have been accustomed to the use of Bitters or Cordials, are obliged, eventually, to resort to McLane’s Liver Pills for permanent relief. 18—43 Unprecedented Success. Jt6S~Within the past year, 200,000 boxes of DR. TUTT’S VEGETABLE LIVER PILLS have been sold, and not a sin gle Instance is known where they have failed to give satis faction. If you would enjoy life, have a fine appetite and robust health, use these Pills. Augusta, November, 1869. Dr. W. 11. Tutt: It affords me much pleasure to testify to the great value of your Liver Pills. They are all that they are represented to be. In my opinion, thore are no Pills so well adapted to the Southern climate as they are. Yours, truly, JOS. BRUMMEL, late of Richmond, Va. The Barbers Prefer Sr. Tutt’s Hair Sye. Publishers’ Notices to Subscribers. In mailing last week’s Methodist Advo cate. we found that we fell short of the re quired number of papers, and were under the necessity of making up the forms and working off enough additional to complete our mailing. About two hundred subscribers received their papers a little late, although they were mailed on Wednesday, the day of publication. We generally get a good part of our papers in the post-office by Monday night, and the balance on Tuesday morning. If any of our subscribers have received two copies of ’The Methodist Advocate of June 19,1872, they will oblige us if they will let us know, as we wish to find out where the trouble was. And if any subscribers failed to receive that number of the Advocate, they shall be supplied on application by letter. Respectfully, Hitchcock & Walden, Publishers. Methodist Advocate six months for sl. The Methodist Advocate will be sent to any address for six months (till Jan. 1, ’73) for #l, but the money should accompany the order or the account be assumed by the presiding elder of the district or preacher in charge, who are authorized agents. Advance payments are desired, as it is the surest method of making the paper self-supporting within a reasonable time. But send the names, and pay over the money at Conference, if it is not convenient to pay now. Let us have large lists at $1 for six months I Methodist Advocate six months for sl. sf2g“Read advertisements of Books by the Methodist Book Concern. You will see notices of just such ones as you want. Send the money to the Publishers aud get these books. Methodist Advocate six months for #l. receipt of the price of any one of the books advertised in The Methodist Advocate, Hitchcock & Walden (Atlanta, Ga.,) will send it by mail, post age prepaid. Methodist Advocate six mos, sl. Remittances made to us must be sent by Post- Office Orders, Registered Letter, or by Express. We risk no money by mail, only when regis tered at office sent from. Remit to ns direct. Hitchcock & Walden, Atlanta, Ga. Methodist Advocate six months for sl. Preachers’ meeting' Charleston District. There will be a meeting of the preachers of Charleston district, South Carolina Conference, at Florence, July 17th, at 10 o’clock a. m. Essays. Best Method of Conducting Class-Meetings.— Burrell James, William Darrington. The Object of the Sabbath-School. —S. S. Lawton, Lemuel Arthur. How may we render our Sabbath-Schools more interesting?—Samuel Weston, M. K. Holloway. The best Method of raising Money for Mis sions.—J. E. Lowry, S. W. Hampton. Methodism North and South compared.— J. B. Middleton, Henry Cardozo. How shall we meet the demand for Preach ers and Teachers in the supply of our work?— V. H. Bulkley, Joshua E. Wilson, Jr. The best means of procuring an adequate Support for our Ministry.—A. Middleton, E. M. Pinckney. Lectures. Reading and Public Speaking.—Rev. Dr. Fox. The Ministry we Need.—A. Webster. The influence of Habit on Character and Destiny.—R. J. Donaldson. Questions for Discussion. Is the Organic Union of the different branches of Methodism in America desirable? Ought persons to be licensed to Preach the Gospel not sufficiently Educated to read and write correctly and readily ? Ought Complexion to be made a Question In any election to office in Church or State? Sketches. Rom. xiv, 7. —J. G. Thompson, Francis Smith. Prov. xxiii, 31,32. —Thomas Phillips, Lisbon Johnson. Acts x, 4.—D. Minus, J. Brown. Psalms xxvii, s.—John Boston, John Bur roughs. Psalms i, 3.—Stephen Jett, Waiters Mclntosh. 1 Cor. xiii, 12. —F. D. Smith, E. J. Snetter. James iii, 17. —Jerry McLeod, I. T. Sewell. Romans xii, 15. —July Harris, A. Adams. Any traveling or local preachers whose names are not mentioned in the above assign ment will please come prepared with an essay or sketch on a subject of their own selection. This meeting will be continued over the fol lowing Sabbath with various public exercises during Its continuance, which will be regulated and arranged as the brethren may direct after the meeting is organized. Let all interested make a special effort to attend. A. Webster, S. Weston, A. Middleton, Committee of Arrangements. Orangeburg, S. C., June 14, 1872. 25—2 t THE METHODIST ADVOCATE, JUNE 26, 1872. REASONS WHY THE PAIN-KILLER MANUFACTURED BY PERRY Sc SOIsT IS THE Best Family Medicine of the Age! And why it should be kept always near at hand : Ist. Pain-Killer is the most certain Cholera cure that medical soience has produced. 2d. Pain-Killer, as a Diarrhoea and Dysentery remedy, seldom if ever fails. 3d. Pain-Killer will cure Cramps or Pains in any part of the system. single dose usually affects a cure. 4th. Pain-Killer will cure Dyspepsia and In digestion, if used according to directions. sth. Pain-Killer is an almost never failing euro for Sudden Colds, Coughs, <fcc. 6th. Pain-Killer has proved a Sovereign Rem edy for Fever and Ague, and Chill Fever; it has oured the most obstinate cases. 7th. Pain-Killer as a liniment is unoqualed for Frost Bites, Chilblains, Burns, Bruises,Cuts, Sprains, <fco. Bth. Pain-Killer has cured cases of Rheuma tism and Neuralgia after years’ standing. 9th. Pain-Killer will destroy Boils, Felons, AVhitlows, Old Sores, giving relief from Pain after the first application. 10th. Pain-Killer cures Headache and Tooth ache. 11th. Pain-Killer will save you days of sick ness and many a Dollar in time and Doctor’s Bills. 12th. Pain-Killer is a purely Vegetablo prepara tion, safe to keep and use in every family. The sim plicity attending its use, together with the great va riety of diseases that may be entirely eradicated by it, and the great amount of pain and suffering that can be alleviated through its use, make it imperative upon every person to supply themselves with this valuable remedy, and to keep it always near at hand. The Pain-Killer is now known and ap preciated in every quarter of the Globe. Physicians reoommend it in their practice, while all classes of society have found in it relief and oomfort. Give it a trial. Be sure and buy the genuine. Every Drug gist and nearly every Country Grocer throughout the land keep it for sale. SPECIAL NOTICES. FLAVORING EXTRACTS are of primary Im portance in cookery; and of all articles of this description the highly concentrated Standard Extracts, prepared by Joseph Burnett & Cos., Boston, are pronounced by leading cuisiniers—Professor Blot among the number—the purest and best. HUMAN WRECKS). —Every day and hour we meet with broken down specimens of humanity—wrecks that seem past hope of salvage. At least seven-eighths of these might be filled with new vitality, by a course of Dr. Walk er’s California Vinegar Bitters. Many are suffering from the reaotion of rum-polluted bitters or powerful min erals. It is characteristic of Dr. Walker’s Great Restorative that it neutralizes the effect of these mis-called remedies, and accomplishes, in due time, a perfect euro. NATURE GIVES US TEETH, but she does not preserve and purify them. That must be done with Fra grant Sozodont. The dental bone and Its enamel casing are made invulnerable to all destructive influences by the dally uso of this beneficent preparation. 50,000 DOLLARS WIEE BE PAIR for any remedy which will cure Chronic Rheumatism, Pains in the Limbs, Back and Chest, Sore Throat. lusect Stings, Croup, Dysentery, Colic, Sprains, and Vomiting, quicker than Dr. Tobias’Venetian Liniment; established iu 1847; never fails, Sold bv all Druggists. Depot, 10 Park Place, New York. Pratt’s Astral Oil. —More accidents occur from us ing unsafe oils, than from steamboats and railroads com bined. Over 200,000 families continue to burn Pratt’s Astral Oil, and no accidents directly or indirectly have occurred from burning, storing or handling it. Oil House of Charles Pratt, Established 1770, New York. A Beautiful White, soft, smooth and clear skin is produced by using G. W. Laird’s “Bloom of Youth,” It re moves tan, freckles, sunburns, and all other discolorations from the skin, leaving the complexion brilliant and beauti ful. Sold at all druggists. This preparation is entiroly free from any material detrimental to health. .1 list The Remedy Needed.—'Thanks to Mrs. Winslow’S Soothing Syrup, we have for years been relieved from sleepless nights of painful watching with poor, suffer ing, teething children. For Dyspepsia, Indigestion, depression of spirits and general debility in their various forms; also, as a pre ventive against Fever and Ague, and other intermittent fevers. The Ferro-Phosphorated Elixir of Calisaya, made by Caswell, Hazard & Cos., New York, and sold by all Drug gists, is the best tonic, and as a tonic for patients recover, ing from fever or other sickness, it has no equal. Blslcy’s Genuine Golden Bell Cologne Va f.©l* aocordinpr to tbo original fuuuuln us Prevusi, Faria, r»u long and favorably known to the customers of Haviland, Harral and Risley and their branches, for its fine perma nent fragrance is now made by H. W. Risley, and the trade supplied by his successors, Morgan & Risley, Wholesale Druggists, New York. Thurston’s Ivory Pearl Tooth Powder.— The best article known for cleansing aud preserving the teeth and gums. Sold by Druggists. Price 25 and 60 cents per bottle. F. C. Wells & Cos., New York. Carbolic Salve unoqualed as a Healing Compound. Physicians recommend It as the most wonderful remedy ever known. Price 25 cents per box. John F. Homy, Sole Proprietor, 8 College Place, New York. Christadoro’s Bair Dye. —This magnificent com pound is beyond contingency, the safest and most reliable Dye in existence; never failing to impart to the Hair, uni formity of color, nourishment and elasticity. Manufactory, 68 Maiden Lane, New York. SVAPNIA is Opium purified of its sickening and poi sonous qualities. It is a perfect anodyne not producing headache or constipation of bowels, as is the case with other preparations of opium. John Farr, Chemist, New York. WANTED. AGENTS,WANTED SPEED'S ~pV .xQYj_ C 3 o °\RES\ot^^ V^O o EVERY CITIZEN WANTS IT. Also for Campaign Goods. Address GOODSPEED’S EMPIRE PUBLISHING HOUSE, Chicago, Cinciunati, St. Louis, New Orleans, or New York. 21 —13t—33 AGENTS WANTED A GRAND and popular Repository sou the of Religious Knowledge. AGENTS sell 100 per week. A splendid quarto, L| ■■ a*i with 200 magnificent illustrations on l_ H I STEEL and WOOD. Agents who sell I U II I this can have a prospectus free of our I PICTORIAL HOME BIBLE, published of the j n E n gij s h an( j German. Address at ■ a. ■ bb ONCE to secure terms and territory. Us IIEJ* I fl a WM. FLINT & CO., Savannah, Ga. IT 1111 HI a I.7—cow—l3t nn Ts By T. 9. Author is now *| ■ PA ready. It is a thrilling re- Ja XX X N? cital of a three years’ life in a city dram-shop, shown up WH A W fl ttie vile deceptions practiced I Hi M nA in bar-rooms, and is the ■ ■■■■■waa most powerful work ot the IN A-» *- *tt itind ever written—is cer- JVI \ J\ tain to have an immense sale. Apply tor an agency, and __ ---» make money. QUEEN CITY l T*yl Tj, PUBLISHING 00.. Cincin- AGENTS! QUICK! rush for it) on I>IO LEWIS’ last and greatest work. OUR DIGESTION; or, MY JOLLY FRIEND’S SECRET. It is by odds the most taking and salable book in the field. 1. It is on a vitally important subject. 2d. It is by America's most popular writer on health. 3d. It is, for the price, the largest and handsomest hook ever sold by subscription. Agents, the people are eager for such a book, and will urge you to bring it to them. Write for terms, <&c., free. GEORGE MACLEAN, Publisher, 17—29 733 Sansom Street, Philadelphia. SUNDAY-SCHOOL SONG BOOKS. W E sundTy^ The Charm, The Pearl, Pure Gold, Sparkling Rubies, Fresh Leaves, Fresh Laurels, Musical Leaves. SINGLE COPY, 35c.; PER DOZEN, $3.60. HITCHCOCK A WALDEN, Atlanta, Ga. Methodist Advocate six months for sl. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. lowa & Nebraska Lands FOR SALE BY THE BURLINGTON & MO. RIVER RR Cos MILLIONS OF ACRES On Ten Years’ Credit at 6 per ct. Interest. No part of principal due for two years, and thence only one-ninth yearly tiU paid in full. Prod acts will pay for land and Improvements within the limit of this generous credit. 4®* Better terms were never offered, are not now, and probably never will be. CIRCUEARS giving full particulars are supplied gra tis; any wishing to induoe others to emigrate with them, or to form a colony, are invited to ask for all they want to dis tribute. Apply to GEO. S. HARRIS, Land Oomm’r. For lowa Lands, at Burlington, lowa, And for Nebraska Lands, at Lincoln, Neb. 26—29 MILLER’S BIBLE AND PUBLISHING HOUSE. New Illustrated Family Bible. The Cheapest and Best Bible published. I.arge Print, Beautiful Bindings, more than two hundred Engrav ings. THE CHRISTIAN HARMONY, Anew and choice collection of Sacred Music, basod on sys tem of seven-shaped character notes. Any one can learn to read music and sing in one-fourth the time required by the old methods. Address, MIIdLER’S BIBLE «fc PUBLISHING HOUSE, 1103 and 1104 Hansom-street, 26—26t—51 Philadelphia, Penn. BOOKS. BOOKS. BOOKS~ JUST WHAT YOU WANT. FOR SALE BY Hitchcock & Walden, 64 POWELL BLOCK, (PEACHTREE STREET,) ATLANTA, CA. THE GENTLEMAN’S LETTER WRITER. Price $0 40 THE LADY'S LETTER WRITER 40 THE COMPLETE LETTER WRITER, for Ladies and Gentlemen 75 The three books embody Letters on the simplest matters of life and on various subjects. EVERY DAY COOKERY FOR EVERY FAMILY $1 25 Containing nearly one thousand receipts, adapted to moderate incomes. LITTLE SONGS FOR LITTLE READERS 60 With numerous illustrations. POETICAL WORKS. ROBERT BURNS 1 00 The genius of Burns has become the heir-loom of the World. JAMES HOGG 1 00 Containing the Mountain Bard and Forest Minstrel. GEMS FROM THE AMEBIOAN POETS 1 00 With brief Biographical Notioes. Every American lover of Poetry should have this valuable little book. SPEAKERS. THE YOUNG AMERICAN SPEAKER 75 THE SUNDAY-SCHOOL SPEAKER 60 THE SUNDAY-SCHOOL CELEBRATION BOOK 60 THE ANNIVERSARY GEMS 60 THE MODEL SPEAKER 60 HEROINE OF THE WHITE NILE; or, What a Woman Did and Dared 1 00 JOSEPHUS’ WORKS, Containing the Life of Flavius Josephus, Antiquities of the Jews, Wars of the Jews, Flavius Josephus against Apion, an extract out of Josephus’ Discourse to the Greeks concerning Hades. Dissertation 1., 11., 11l 2 50 PRINCE OF THE HOUSE OF DAVID 2 00 Or, Three Years in the Holy City. * PILLAR OF FIRE; or, Israel in Bondage 2 00 THE RELIGION OF THE FAMILY 1 00 By Rev. I. W. Wiley, M.D., late Editor of the Ladles’ Repository and Home Magazine, and now one of the Bishops of the Methodist Episcopal Church. The Warlike Trouble Brewing in Europe concerns us less, individually, than the intestine commotions to which each one of us is liable at this season of the year. Fortunately, all disturbances of the stomach, the bowels and the liver, engendered by hot weather, sudden changes of temperature or unwholesome atmospheric conditions are speedily relieved by a dose or two of Tarrant’s Effervescent Seltzer Aperient, which is nectar to the thirßty palate, and at the same time the finest of ull cathartics, a healthful invigorant and sto machic, and invaluable as a means of preventing fever and congestion. The genuine article may be had of all Drug gists. 25—26 PUBLICATION FOB ALL Prominent Benevolent Organizations!# 1 lAA ! Masonic, Odd* Fellows, Knights of Pythias, j JLUWjWW WUIUi Bed Men, Mechanics, Temperance, etc. Ii l Sale unrivaled by any thing heretofore offered. Agents with no ex nerience are telling *2O Pictures and upward a day. One of our agenU hat cleared aver $1,200 in 3 months. The Brethren welcome these works. PCIj Our inducements are unpbicedkntkd. Our cummittiont are potitively f— j yi larger than any other house does or CAN offer. Send for Circular oi Order to which you belong, giving No. of your Lodge, and state where L'H you saw this advertisement. You will certainly engage with us. J. HALE POWERS & CO., Pas* Fraternity Publishers, Cincinnati, 0. NEW SAORED MUSIC BOOK. For Churches, Singing-Schools and Oonventions. THE GLORY! By GEO. F. ROOT. EMPHATICALLY A YEW BOOK—YEW IY PLAY—YEW IY LESSOYS—YEW IY DEPARTMENTS—YEW IY MUSIC. By fab the Best and most carefully prepared Singing- Book by this Author. Will be issued early in July. Price, $13.50 per dozen. Specimen copy will be sent post-paid ou receipt of $1.25. 16—ly JOHN CHURCH A CO., Cincinnati, O. (£ THE RECORDS OF TESTS . | at LOWELL, Mass., proves N. F. BURNHAM’S JT P" NEW TURBINE < superior to all others. It gave a VagM*agkJl higher per centage than any other wheel of common finish. Pamphlet and Price List, by MnNHaSniG N. F. BURNHAM, York, -34 BELLS! The Meneely Bell Foundery. (ESTABLISHED IN 1826.) BELLS for Churches, Academies, Factories, etc., made of pure copper and tin, mounted with im proved Patented Mountings, and warranted. An illus trated Catalogue sent free upon application. Address E. A. & G. R. MENEELY, West Troy, N. Y. 19—ly , S'-r'llls For Churches, Softool*. Fire Alarms, Farms, Ac. Fink-Tonkd, Warranted, Low Priced. Descriptie* Circular tent free. BLYKER, NORTON A CO., B— eow ly 604—694 West Rlghth-St., Cincinnati, O. 5 BELL FOUNDRY, Established In 1837. Superior Bells for Churches, Schools, etc.-of Pare Cop per and Tin, fully war ranted, and mounted with our Latest Improved Rotary Hangings, the Illustrated Catalogue sent free. VANDUZEN & TIFT, ~ 102 k 104 B, Second St., Ciieiuati, April 10, 1872. 15-ly THE NEW ENGLAND OF the SOUTH-WEST. CENTRAL AND SOUTH-WEST MISSOURI, POSSESSING the best characteristics of New England, with better climate, better soil, better health than the old New England—with varied aud beautiful scenery, hill and dale, and springs and streams of pure water running rapidly ove« rocky bottoms—with long, yet cool Summers, and short and mild Winters, invites FROM ALL OTHER STATES, AND FROM EUROPE.^ Come from the cold regions of all countries, where Winter consumes all the products of Summer; come from localities ai ■ flicted with consumption to a place where pulmonary disease is almost unknown, except In the coses cured by its climate; come from crowded cities, where the laboring man is poor, to a region where industry is suro of reward, where a home is easily obtained, and wealth always within the reach of humblo men; come from high-priced lands to the cheap yet better lands of the South-West New England—to Central and South-West Missouri. THE ATLANTIC AND PACIFIC RAILROAD COMPANY OWN 1,400,000 ACRES OF LAND, Which they offer cheap, on long credit, and with free transportation over their Road to all purchasers. The greatest In ducements offered to men who will organize colonies. Village Plats, where are expensive depots and side tracks, and centers already of considerable trade, offered for sale by the acre on long credit. Colonists can obtain reduced rates from all points to St. Louis, whence this Company will provide tickets and transportation. For particulars, in pamphlets and maps, apply to AMOS TUCK, Land Commissioner, 28—ly Corner of Sixth and Walnut Streets, St. Louis, Ho. Advertise Your Business] E. N. Freshman, Cl9O WEST FOUBTII-ST., INCINNATI, U., Special Advertising Agent FOR ALL PUBLICATIONS OF Western Methodist Book Concern. Religious and Agricultural Newspapers a Specialty. BSTSond for Circulars, List of Papers, etc. Office in the Methodist Book Concern Building. PELLETSm % o Or Sugar-Coated, Concentrated, Root and Herbal Juice, Anti-Bilious Grannies. THE “LITTLE GIANT” CATHARTIC, or Multnm in I’arvo Physic. The novelty of modem Medical. Chemical and Phar maceutical Science. No use ol' any longer taking tlie largo, repulsive and nauseous pills, composed of cheap, crude, and bulky ingredients, when we can by a careful application of chemical science, extract all the cathartic and other medicinal properties from the most valuable roots and herbs, and concentrate them intoa minute Granule, scarcely larger lli.-ni a mustard seed, that can be readily swallowed by those of the most sensitive stomachs and fastidious tastes. Eachlittle Purgative Pellet represents, In a most concentrated form, as much cathartic power as is embodied in any of the large pills found for salo in the drug shops. From their wonderful cathartic power, in proportion to their size, people who have not tried them are apt to euppoeo that they are harsh or drastic in effect, but such is not at all the case, the different active medicinal principles of which t hoy are composed being so harmonized and modified, one by the others, as to produce n moKt searching aud thorough, yet gently aud kindly opera ting cathartic. SSOO Reward is hereby offered by the proprie tor of these Pellets, to any chemist who, upon an alysis, will find in them any Calomel or other forms of mercury or any other mineral poison. Being entirely vegetable, no particular cave is required while using them. They operate •without disturbance to the constitution, diet, or oc cupation. For Jaundice, Headache, Con stipation, Impure Blood, I*atu in the Shoulders, Tightness of the Chest, Diz ziness, Sour Eructations of the Stom ach, Bad tasto in mouth, Bilious attacks, Pain in region of Kidneys, Internal Fever, Bloated feeling about Stomach, Kush of Blood to Head, High Colored Urine, Unsociability and Gloomy Forebodings, take Dr. Pierce’s Plcusant Purgative Pellets. In. explana tion of the remedial power of my Purgative Pellets over so great a variety of diseases, I wish to say that their action upon the animal econo my is universal, not a gland or tissue escaping their sanative impress. Age does not impair them; their sugar-coating and being enclosed in glass bottles preserve their virtues unim paired for any length of time, in any climate, bo that they are always fresh and reliable, which Is not the case with the pills found iu the drugstores, put up in cheap wood or paste-board boxes. Recollect that for all diseases where a Laxative, Alterative or purgative is indicated, tnese utile relicts will give the most perfect satisfaction to all who use them. They are sold by all enterprising Druggists at 35 cents a bottle. Do not allow any druggist to induce you to take anything elso that he may say is just as good as. my Pellets because lie makes a larger profit on that which he recommends. If your druggist cannot supply them, enclose 25 cents and receive them by return mail from It. v. PIEIiCE, M. E., Drop’, , BUFFALO, N. Y Best and Oldest Family Medicine.— Sanford's Liver Invigorator —A purely Vegetable Cathartic and Tonic for Dyspepsia, Constipation, Debility, Sick-headache, Bilious Attacks, and all derangements of Liver, Stom ach and Bowels. Ask your Druggist for it. Beware of mitations. 2—15 O w ly Now is the proper Time to talce Cleansing Medicines to PURIFY YOUR BLOOD. The most Pleasant and Efficient is SWAIM’S CELEBRATED PANACEA. SWAIM’S CELEBRATED PANACEA FOR THE CURE OF SCROFULA, INCIPIENT CONSUMPTION, GENERAL DEBILITY, WHITE SWELLING, RHEUMATISM, DIS EASES OF THE SKIN, AND ALL DISEASES ARISING FROM IMPURITIES OF THE BLOOD. Swalra's Panacea has been for fifty years celebrated in this country and in Europe for its extraordinary cures, for the certitlcatfesof which reference is made to the directions and books-which may he had gratis—accompanying the Panacea; some of which give the particulars of cases too frightful for geneial publication, where the patients have been almost eaten up with Scrofula, and were deemed, in curable by physicians. It has been used in hospitals and private practice, and has been recommended by the uiQpt celebrated physicians and other eminent persons; namely, Professors Gibson, Chapman, and Dewees, of tho University of Pennsylvania; Valentine Mott, of New York University; Del Vallo, of Ha vana; Jose Ecoreuco do I,uz, of Lisbon, Spain; J.Chipman, Royal College Surgeons, Loudon; G. W. Irving, late Minis ter to Spain; Sir Thomas Poarsou, Major-General British Army, and many others. The wonderful cures effected by SWAIM’S PANACEA have for many years made it an invaluable remedy. The Pauacea does not contain mercury in any form, and being an innocent preparation may be given to the most tender infant. If personS purchasing tho Panacea will be careful to ob serve that tho word SWAIM Is correctly spelled, they need not be imposed on. Also Swaim’s Vermifuge, A valuable Family Medicine, being a highly approved rem edy for all diseases arising from debility of the digestive organs, such as Acidity ot the Stomach, Worms, Cholera Morbus, Dysentery, Fever and Ague, Bleeding Piles, Sick Headache, etc. See the pamphlet—which may be had gratis —accompanying the Vermifuge. Prepared only at SWAIM’S OLD LABORATORY, THE OLD STAND, SOUTH SEVENTH-ST., BELOW CHESTNCT, Philadelphia. Sold by all druggists tn the United Stateß. General Agents for tho United States, W. H. SCHIEFFELIN & CO., 18—13t—eow. 170 William-Street, New York. JGuckZEye -jjQ EEhlflfe] IS THE VERY BEST Movable Frame and Moth-Proof Ilivo IN THE MARKET. Farm, County and State Rights for sale in Ten nessee, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, Florida, Alabama, Mississippi and Louisiana. For Circulars, Prices, &c., address J. K. RUGG, Nashville. Tens. 16-27 Hitchcock & walden, in Powell Block, At lanta, are opening a fine stock of Books and Sta tionery, to which they invite the attention of preachers and the public generally. Send for free Catalogues. BOOK OF MANNERS, (only 40 cents,) sent by mail, post age prepaid, on receipt of price. For sale by HITCHCOCK & WALDEN, Atlanta, Ga. Traveler’s Guide. WESTERN AND ATLANTIC (or State) RAILROAD. Night Passenger Thai* to New Yobk and the West. (Outward.] Leaves Atlanta 8.35 p.m. Arrives at Chattanooga 3.40 a.m. Dax Pabsenoeb Tbain to the South and West. [Outward.] Leaves Atlanta 8.30 a.m. Arrives at Chattanooga 3.50 p.m. Lightning Bxprbss to New Yobk. [Outward.] Leaves Atlanta 4.05 p.m. Arrives at Dalton 9.23 p.m. Night Pasbhngeb Tbain fbom New Yobk to the West. [lnward.] Leaves Chattanooga 5.20 p.m. Arrives at Atlanta 1.30 a.m. Day Passenger Tbain fbom New Yobk to the West. [lnward.] Leaves Chattanooga 8.30 a.m. Arrives at Atlanta 3.50 p.m. Accommodation Tbain. [lnward.] Leaves Dalton 1.00 p.m. Arrives at Atlanta 9.50 a.m. ATLANTA AND RICHMOND (or Air-Line) RAILROAD. Regular Passenger Train leaves 3.00 p.m. Regular Passenger Train arrives 10.00 a.m Sunday-School Song Books PUBLISHED BY BICLOW & MAIN. OVER 350,000 COPIES OF PURE GOLD, By Rev. Robbbt Lowby and W. Howard Doans, Sold in One Year I BRIGHTJEWELS, By Rev. Robkbt Lowby, Wm. F. Shebwin, and Chester G. Allen. FRESH LAURELS, By Wm. B. Bradbury, SONGS OF SALVATION, By Theo. E. Perkins and ReY. Alfred Taylor. Retail Price of either of the above, in Board Covers, 35 els.; S3O per hundred. THE BRADBURY TRIO, Containing all the Songs of the Naw Chain, New Siioweb, and New Censer. Price, $1 retail, Board Covers; $75 per hundred, UWA Sinolb Specimen Copy of any of our Books sent by mail, post paid, on receipt of tlio retail price. BIGLOW & MAIN , W H. BJBB ADBURT, 435 Broome-St., N. T. t or 756 Wabash Av., Chicago. 20— t f JOHN HOLLAND’S GOLD PENS. Dont fail to look ovbb this list of Gold Pens, FOR SALE by Hitchcock &; Walden, AT THK NEW BOOKSTORE, POWELL BLOCK, ATLANTA, GEORGIA. PENS— No. 1, sl. No. 2, sl. No. 3, $1.35. No. 4, $1.50. No. 6, $1.75. No. 6, $3. No, 7, $3.50. No. 8, $3. No. 9, $3.50. TELESCOPE GOLD PLATE WITH PEN— No. 4, $3.50. No. 6, $3.35. No. 7, $4. No. 8, $5. Silver Extension Cases, with Pens and Pencils— No. 1, $1 50; No. 2, $1 50; No. 3, $3; No. 4, £2 33; No. 5, #3 75; No. 6, $3 25; No. 7, $4; No. 8, $5. Oblique, or Spencebian—No. 6, #2 50. No. 2 Pen and Pearl Holder, gold plate, in morocco boxes, $3 50. No. 2 Pen and Pearl Holder, gold plate, with slide, $3 75. Plated Round Sobew Pencil—sl. “ Cable “ gi 23. “ Enamel •• <• $1 25. Solid Silveb “ ** #1 25. Gold mounted Snakewood Pencil, $1 75. PEN AND PICKS FOR RULING. Small German Silver Mounted Ruling Pon and Pick, $1.50. Large German Silver Ruling Pen and Pick, $1 50. Holland’s Patent Ruling Pen, $3 25. Steel Ruling Pen and Pick, brass mounted, 75 c. Steel Ruling Pen and Pick, black handle, 50 c. 4®-Leads fob Pencils, any size, at 15 c. peb box. Where can I get the best GOLD PEN in the market? At HITCHCOCK & WALDEN’S, 64 Powell Block, (Peachtree Street,) ATLANTA, GA. e have just received a fine \ stock of JOHN HOLLAND’S cele / \ brated GOLD PENS, and we bo / \ lieve they will give entire satisfac / \ tion. Handles for each size, as j j|, buyers may select; but we sell tho /lip pens separate, if so desired. 11l ! I y° ur selection from the I |I p ice lißt, and remit in registered HI IS letter or Post-Office Money Order, ■hoilandM , . . ul|H and we will send you your money s 111 Q'M wor^> * * n advance, with a 111 I Hill discount to ministers. Call at our 111 1 H s t° ra an d give these Pens a fair Ml HI trial, if you please. Webster’s National Pictorial DICTIONARY. 1040 Pages Octavo. 000 Engravings. Price, $5. The work is really tigempf a Dictionary, Just the thing for the million.—-American Educational Monthly. Published by ©. A C. MF.KItIAM, Springfield, Mass. Sold by all Book-sellers. Webster’s Primary School DICTIONARY, 204 Engravings. “ Common School “ 274 “ “ High School “ 201 “ “ Academic “ 344 “ “ Counting-House “ with numerous Illus trations and many valuable tables not to be found else where. Published by IVISON, BLAKEMAN, TAILOR & CO., New York. Sold by HITCHCOCK & WALDEN, Atlanta, Ga, 103