The organ. (Hamilton, Ga.) 1852-18??, September 06, 1854, Image 3

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RR<’E IP PS to St* member 6—S Gtf i~ net. $1.50; J A Marldw. 1 SO- J H C*Her, 1,50; O Braufield. 50c; J A B <* Issi, I 50; J B Wmrel. 1,50: W F Parks 1 50; MissS Miller by P Hampton, 2 50; R A Cranford, (W Point) I 50; ft A Crawford, 1 50; J ,\1 til >rris, 2 50; J W Pounds 1,50; W Howard 1,50; J G Hailovray. I 50 ; G$ W Par ker. i 50; A S Webster, 1,50; O Brad, field, (previously) 1,00; J G’.een, by 1 J Broxton, 100; A Gunn, by IV T St. J"hrm. 75c. ‘lO UEBLOUS $ CREDITORS. ALL persons indebted to the estate of Alfred, D Griffin, late o’ Harris county, deceased, are hereby notified to come forward and settle; and al! persons having claims against said estate are re. quested to render them in. in terms of the law. YANCY R. GRIFFIN. Ad,nr. Sept. 6. 1854. 29w6 execvtrixs sale. WILL le sold beforb’the Pourt House door in Hamilton, Harris county on the first Tuesday iu November nek*. >h*-- so Iti g iamls, to wit; 7r.% acres, n't’ (a *if I. of Lt No- 26. tn the. 19b districtVvf nrigi i-’ ailv Muscogee. now Harris county. JSol*l s tue pr perty of Jeremiah Reeves, late of * t,id eott >lv. deceased. EUZ vBE'TM REEVES, Ex trx. 4 1854. f'l*. GUARDIAN SALE t A OllEfi'AlSLH t * an Order of the eonr: <*f Ordinary, f Harris county, ivi4 b no).I before he Court House n<>r in th*- Town of Hamilton, on the first Tuesday in N ‘vetnher next. be ween the legal hours of sate. One Hundred Acres of land, nmr • or less, it being the Noth fie If of lot No.Oit” ‘hundred an<) Twenty onc, (121) miles Ensr’oTHamilton. in sod c< uoiy 8 old f>r ‘the heodfit of iVni. 1L Fwp, and bis <red- Itn’ s. Tei tifs f'n the day of stile. MILU> J. WOIHNSON, Guardian of 11. Sivak. September 5. 1854. HARRIS SHERIFF SALE ~ Wl LL be sold t.dfor ■ the Court Hon < door, in the town of II ntdiou H oris Cos., on the first Tuesday in October next, within tit * legal hours of sale Tile* entire ioteiUst <f Leroy G ‘Mighlutder. in th • -state of Daniel tiighwwei. deceased. l Levied o > h\ virtue rtf a Ft Fa in faVor of’ E. Barnard &, Cos.. Vs. Leroy G Htgl. tow er. as his undivided interest in the of. the shid Daniel Hightower, •iec’tl, said in-* Verogt pointed out bv Porter Ingram. Plain- 5 nffs attorney.#* t>. Ik Z YCHRY. D. S. * August 29 1854 GEORGIA, Harris County. W’ HEREAS Nathaniel Black applies for Letters of Administration on ♦he estate of Susannah Turner , lalf of said Comity, deceased : -v. These are^ therefore.ionite, sunuj ,ad*non.’ ish all Mid singular, the,kituTre'd and crenit-i prs of s.aad rfeyaascii, t be and appear at my office within ‘tie- time prescribed by law, et> show cause, ts anV they have, why said letters should uot be granted the applicant. H van under tny natjd at Office. this Au gus'2B. 1854. Win. I HUDSON, ordVs. 2813d. “TT GEORGIA. Harris County. W)l EIIE AS A rt.hihald A ufntry ap plies to, me fur Letters ol A ‘minis tration upon the estate <d Drury Aixghlry, .late of said county, deceased: These are therefore to cite and a’dmon_ ish all and singular, the kindred and Credit or* of said deceased, to he and appear at, any office within.the rime prescribed by law to shnw cause, if any they have. tYhy said letters should not he’ granted to said appli cant. Given under my hand at office this August 28. 1854. Wm. I- HUDSON, Ord. 28(l30. SIXTY DAY'S after cUte apnlicatinn will be made to ihe Court of Ordinary rtf II rris county, for leave to sell the House and Lot in Hamilton, belonging to the es_ late of Richard H. Jones, late of said coun ty, deceased. CAVIL JACKSON, Ad mV, Julv 25.1854. . SAllltali HYATT. Ti*>i (tipper, & Sheet-troll W 0 ’?E£BHL* —-H \ MILTON. Ga OULD respectfully infirm the eir. ip'w zens <f Harris, th it he has perkina 1 lie oily I >cated in Hamilton, for the ;(trp<<se inf inainifarturi-ig to! repairing all kinds of Tin Copper, and Sheet Iron work. Gut i KRtjro wf all descriptions done wi beam sfe au2t o’Jsp’i'-eb. , All kinds of Jewelry repaired on moder ate torus—for Cash. Shop opposite house, two doors 111-low the Brick Store. ehls. G t”'i’roo. Vs .vpo. 1854 sw6m. AGK c EAi'.LE to an order of he Court us Or in try of Harris County will lie sold tie for 0 the Court H Use DltfOr In Übrti iltoit; On ‘he lsi Tiiesday in October, that part of tile Brick House adjoining th- Brick so,H bf Bedell & Mttllins, known as a Doc tor .nd Taylors <hop now occupied by Dr. vVih. L Hamner. as a Medical sho|>. and |,y A. J. <5 >r lon as a Taylor shop. Sold as the property of Do. M G. Jones, late of gald county deceased A Iso -the int- rest •>f said deceased in tHe Hamilton Female College. ‘ c Atlm’r. February 6 i 654‘ bid rg WO MONTHS after date applicatr n will ho made to the cotlri ol Ordina ry of Harris County; foi* leave to sell the land and negroes belonging to the estate or Joaiali O. Hardy, late of Hrri. rourwy, deceased. Win. A. HARDY. Adm. July 3, 1854. •• S<B*tlieirii llilithry L.4M TTE if r/// (By the Authority ,f the Slate of Alahartih.) CoNUUCTEP “IV TftE HAVANA PlaN. 10000 Asi nib’s-23 3 Prizes CLASS E. To be Draw'ti on the &t)th dsv of Sept I Prize, . . . $7.5W Os) 1 ... 5.090 09 i “ . . . 3 oon oo 1 .*• ■ . * 1500 00 In all. 233 mazes, amo.tming to S3O 000 00 Every Prize Drawn a* each drawing. Tickets $5 Oj halves and quarters in prooorlipu. Bills on all sfolvem Banks taken at par All comoiunic timis strictly confidential/ SAM’L VAN Age and and Mali *ger.‘ at th ■ Bronx** Lion*. Mnnrg’y, Ala. KIDD & COLLIN 8. Agents. Au-’ bum, ( Via.) will fi'l all orders promptly. Aug. 28. 1854.—-—^-23. .■ ! ‘ .YOTSCK, I LL lie sold at the IT *bsc of thc : subscriber, near H irhiltniS, <m Tut*sd-i.y the 12th of December next, alike ly Pft of N'.-gfue-, (if not sold b. fire that i ite.) a valuable lot of Mules and Horses, afshan extra I >t of Caltl * aftd Hog , Plan tai'ion tools of all di-crioti ms, two waggons and a carl.. Beds anil bedrfing. l House baib'l a’fid Kitchen fn ni;ure g+ neraily. ; ; ‘Perms made kno'fvn on the city of sale, , HaniiHon. Harris C* u dv. Gi. . j JOHN BROOKS. 1 August 29...1554. &2MaL Yh°, lSr.Bl stand in 0 f Georgia* vSvHE Suhserth(,*.r desi'mi- f ehanging: Jr. ids hu-iuess. oft’-''s lor sAte the entire -lock and to luol .’is well known PINNING ES I’ \BL'ISItMEINT. ■ : sis tools are new and iveli assorted, and .v.d lie sold in connexion with his atu'ck* ow fid’ cash, or good pap* r. 8A UEL HYATIX 1 Hamilton. Ang 28'I in. Musical Oouvontion. ! E Alabama Musical \uxilury. B. N I. will inl a nounl Hilliard ‘• 1 ur. h Pike co.. Ala., mi Thnrsd**yhefore the fourth Sabbath in September next.— PheTeach s...meeting to commence on the Tuesday prec-efbng. All the membership are i tquosj.d do be prompt in attendance. . August 28 1854. A Si! * ittouths after date (implication he n *de to th*. 1 Court of < frdiiia rv of Harris County, for leave o sell the inis tielongiog to tfie Estate of Thomas A fPiiliams, late <f said coiii'irY deceased. BRITPA'N WILLIAMS, EWr. August 29 1854. ■ - ■ .. . • strayed 01; Stolen. i 4 l Rt ) the HnT3cii ter, ,tivling tlil ee B? miles east i*f the Troup Factor*. Ga. One sinai’ B -y Mar** Mule ti ree years blit, nt mark 4 or lirand recollected. Wnyi’'foi in alidii in relation to said tnu’e so ag 1 can get hot. will he thankfully received. The mule left rnv premis s about (he* 3 I instant August. 29. h 1854. L. L IIAHD.V. 2~w2 pwn FOIt SALE. J Great ttargain Offered. rBN UF, Suh-icriher *ff**rs for saie ‘l'hree B Hundred Acres of Laud, lyinur two and a h i.f inilq- East rtf Hamilton ; about 11(4 acres in the w odfe add well timbered the balance < letired, about 80 ac res fresh all in ;i gts'dil state of cuhivatiou, and in good repair. The p'ace has good cabins an t GinJx.nse on it. and also an exeeflenf Apple and Paach Orchard. Any pel|i>n . Wishing to purchhse would (In well to call i and ekandne the as I am determ ined to sell DAVID READ. August 14, 1854. EXECUTOR S SALE. A GREK, ABLE to an order of the Court i of Qrdi'tary of Harris Coutt V- will he sold before the Court house door in the Town of Hamilton, in said county, on the first Tuesday in October ntirt. all the lands hef'inging trt the estate bf DanieL HtriH* tower, late of said county, deceased, viz : Lot No sixty seven. *67.) and Lot No. ninetv three, (93) containing four hundred and five acres, more nr less, all of formerly Muscogee noW Harris county, situate bn the rdail Icadihc from Hamilton to Coinin’ tins, onfe mile and a qirnier from Hamilton, ■i.wd doe *ni‘e from the F-rirPle College.— On the pffeniise* a*e a large framed dwell ing house, with 6 comfortable rooms with fire pi iic6s ; a frami and kitchen with 3 rooms flatbed Negro houses, and other out honSes comparatively new, all in good repair; also, a good gin house, and noIV packing screw. The Luwls are in tSn active h| ite <>i cultivu’ iion, and in good repair. Terms of sale on the day. , JAMES F. HIGHTOWER, Ex’r. Augmsi 14. 1854. SALE. Agreeable to an Order of of the Court of Ordinary of Harris County. Will he -old before the Court House do r of *aid county, du the first Tuesday in oc tolier next, within the legal hours ofsrije. 1 1| ■ f„|| v/irig lots of land in the fourth dis trict of original y Troup, now Harris coun ty. to wit.—Lot No. 132 except 40 acres, also 80 acres of Ipt No. 141. Sold as the property of Byrd Pruett, late of said coun ty deceased, for the benefit of tlto heirs and creditors. Terms pmde known on the day of sale. WILLIAM A PRUETT, Adm’r, August 7, I§54T “” * ORE AT SOUTHB RN REMEDY JACOB’S CORDIAL. .- ~.. . -m j: * ■ \ FOR Al r. ( CHOLERA MORBUS DYSENTI'.RV. A h bilious CHOLIC, DIARUIKEV. *< CHOLERA INFANTUm ALSO, Xdmikably ADAPTED TO MANY FEMALE DISEASES. MO SI ESPECIALLY PAINFUL MENSTRUATION. The virtues of Jacob's Cordial are too well known to require encomiums. IsL It cures the worst chsts of Diarrhoea. 7th It Cures painful \lnisti-iintjoh. 2*/. It cures the worstforms of Dysentery. Sth. D Relieves pain tn the hack and Loins, lid. It cures Cali forma or Mexican Diaihoa 9th. 11 counteracts nervousness despondency, ilh It Relieves the severest Colic. U)lh It restores irregularities. ~uh. It Cures Cholera Morbus. 11/A. It dispels gloomy Hysterical feeling 6/4. It Cure's Cholera Infantum. 12/4. Its an admirable Tonic. .a.few short Extracts from letters, testimonials. & c . I 1 have usdd J icoH’a Cordial in my family, ami havo found it a most .efficient hud in’my judgment, a valuable remedy. Hi/iam Warner, Judge of Supremo Court, Ga. j it gives pleasure In being able to recommend Jacob’s Cordial—my own personal i x- j perieue’e. and the experience of my neighbors audjfriends arouhd me, is a sufficient guar-] a twee for ino to believe It tojbo a!J that it purports to be; vlx ; a spvEnEiGx remkdv. Wm. il. UWk* wood, Formerly Judge of Superior t'oiti t, Cherokee Circuit. •4 pleasure in recommending this invaluable met'ifh'.e to all afflicted withi bowel ili-t-■ scs. f**r wlucjk-1 believe it tb fee a sovereign remedy—‘decidedly superior to f any thing., else eV<r tried by rrte' A, A. Gsulding, pop. G. M, of G. Lodge of Ga. .Thi*: efficient remedy is travelling into celebrity as Fast tts Bonft'pa'rfe pt'i.she'd his col urntks iiitfe Rus-ia, and gaining commeticlatton wherever used.— -Gtorgia Jeffersonian. For Sale by Bedell fee Muffins. R Turner, mid A. F. Johnston, Hamilton; J. B. Foster and A. W. Wvnn. )Vaver/!y Hall; Wm. B. Strowhridge, Ellers’ie ; L. & vV. 11. Jackson. Cataula; Wm McCartan. Cochran's X roads. T. J. Iluut. Whilesvittc, and by the j'riuci pal .Vlercluitus and Druggists throughout the State. v 2 41 y J R, A. WAR B* ffhblesale Agent, Columbus. Ga. . An'ileroil (V Roberts, n K.YTBS rm. *iii EESPECtFULLV nuuntmee to t4ie citizens of Harris and,? the adj acent countie- that they havenufiovced their Office from Eilerslie to Ta i bottojx C ;.i . where they are prepared, with all the faleilities, for the execution of every style of work in their pro- , Persons at a distance, desiring operations performed at theif residences, are requested tri notify us hv mail.*’ L, P. ANbRRSON, Ov ROBERTS. I t-ike this occasion to return thanks for tfe * very lil**ra 1 patronage bestowed during the past four years, and will add in behalf of my pres'ent Associate. Dr Roberts, that an extensive practice (or more than ten years. ii every departmcirl of the liusiiffiis, has won for him an cjiviahle repttiaiion as a practical and Skillful workman; andean now guarantee with safety, that all oper minus performed by us, in point n’s finish adaptation diiraliti} shall be superior to MAN l—at least, inferior to none. . L. P. ANDERSON Tallvotmn, February 7 T 854 v I House & sigrtTOimii?, J- NE W wupTrt Teapectfu3v announce • t*> th citizens of Harris and adjacent comities, that heJM prepared^to do any kind of w ork hr rfl€ ’’ HOUSE and SIGN PAINTING. PAPER H ANGING aud GLA ZJ W _ Imsi ><?ss. with neatness and despatch, on as moderate lei ms as can he don© by auy oth er parson. Ready mixed Paints in large or sma l quantities, always on hand. Prompt attention Will he .given to all or ders sent to my address at Talhollon Ga. Feb. 22 1854. 3vlc2m. GEOIIHI Y, ? of Ordinary. Harris County. $ March Term, 1854. RULE NISI., WHEREAS John YV. Thompson, ad mmtstratoV ou the estate of Joel No ris, late of said chhnty, deceased, ap plies for letterfe of therefrom, It is therefore ordered by the Court, that all persdnfe concerned, be and appear at the September Term of said Court, next ensu ing, then aud there to show cause, if any tticy have, why saidTetlers should not be granted A true extract ftoht the minutes of the Gourt. Wm. 1. HUDSON, Ordinary. March 7. 1854. , - ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE. AGREE VBLE to an order of the Court of Ordinary of Harris County, will be sold before the Court Houle door in Hamilton, << the first Tuesday in October. ttcXL the following lands, to wij: Lot number 06. containing 21*24 acres: *7l acres of lot number 05. arid 50 acres of lot Bum her 63, till lying and being in the 21st Dis .riel bf formerly Muscogee, now Harris County ; boundedoi the .North by lands be longing to James Bollard, aHd comprising 425 acres, more or.less. Aljtb *jti interest io ti e Hamilton Fatale College. Sold as i he property of Burton Johnson, late Bf Said 1 County, deceased. ’ £ Term* made known on day of sale. > BENJ AMIN WILLIAMS, Adm’r. . July 19.1854. 22uU Valuable Property FOR VALE. THE Subscriber offers for sale his large and commodious two story HOTEL, in Hamilton, contaittisg seven rooms below anil eifeven up stairs, with all nefcfessary out , buildings, and 1860 a re* of tahri adjacent. 4 or 509 of which is tt active cultivation. ■ ami in good rep ir. hocks of HORSES, MtJLES, CATTLE* HOGS, &c. Plan tatloH tools of all de-cyiptions necessary to a farm. Also lor sale or to hire, hetwfeeu 30 and 40 LIKELY NEGROES. Those wishing to purchase will do well to call and \ see for themselves before looking elsewhere for a bargain is offend. For terms and ! further particulars call on the subscriber. Wm.'G. OSBOURN. JUSTICE’S SUMMONS AND EXE CUTIONS FOR HERE. ♦ ‘ % wVvfVi ,J’ -y ■ ▼ ■ v. - , j Throw Physic to the Bogs. OELVI RMACHER’S HYDRO EL JT ECTRIC,VOLTAIC CHAINS, Producing instant re lie! from the most acute pain, and permanently curing all Neural gic diseases. Rheumatism, painful"and swelled Joints. Neuralgia oftlm Face, Deafness. Blindness. St. Viths Dance, Palpitations of the heart, periodical Headache. Pains in llie Stomach. It'digestion, . ‘Dyspepsia,Uterine Pn'ifls Paralysis. etc. etc. These chains were first introduced in the city of New York less than one ytftr since, and after being subjected to thorough trial in every hospital in the city, and applied by Drs. Valentine Moil, Carnochau, Van Bu ren and was discovered that they jlossefes strange and wonderful power in tbu relief an*! cure of the above class of diseas es. and their sale, and the succcsfe that has attended their ufee is ntipaVafetleiL i'revious to tneir introduction into tms country, they were Used in every hospital in Enrobe., and are secured by patents in France, Germany, Austria, Prussia and England ; and also in the United States. ••THINK CLOSER & PONDER WELL.” The principles upon which it is claimed that the Chains produce their marvelous cures are, first—that all Nervous Diseases are attended atid prodUcted by a deficient supply of uflrvQus fluid, and an that tesembles closely electricity, or electro fl&tfjjf natism; and second —that the electro u:ag netie chains, by being worn over and upon the part ami organ diseased, furnish to the exhausted nervous fluid which is required, to produce a healthy action tltrotigh the en-; lire system - . No disgusting nostrum is al r lowed fn lie taken \Vhild using the chains, hut a rigid observance of the general laws of health are required. Brisk friction upon the part diseased adds much to the effects <>T the chain's', by increasing their magnetic power. Vs ONE IHO US AND DOLLA RS, . will he given jo any person who will,pro duce so many woll authenticated certificates c/fcure, both from intelligent patients aud scientific physicians, as have been effected f.y the use of l’ulvermacher’s Electric Chains. Thoy never fail to perform, w hat they are advertised to do, and no person has ever bacu dissatisfied who has given them a trial. . iN FEMALE CASES. more than one hundred permanent cures jjof Piolapsus Uteri have been effected within the last year by the use of these chains. By applying one end of thn chain over the re*, gion of the abdohten. and the other upon ‘he spiiie just above the bin, the Usual sev ere symtons incident to that disease are at once removed. MODE OF USE. The chain should be moistened before Use with common vinegar, and then one end of the chain should be applied directly to the seat of the pain or disease, and the oth er ehd opposed to if BE NOT DfeCEIVED! The Electric Chains ate not to cure rtll diseases; but for Nervous Diseases it is claimed that NO Medical Agent in the world has produced so many cases in the last year as the Elec trie Chain. INSTANT RELIEF from the most ac ute pain, is produced at the moment of ap plication much more effectually than can be produced by opium, in any of its forms. Call and obtain a pamphlet (gratis.) J. STE!INERT, Sole Agent, 568 Broadway, cor. Prince St. J. F. WOODBURY, Agent for Hamilton GEORGIA” ? Court of Ordinary , Harris Ci UNTt $ March Term, 1834. RULE NISI. WHEREAS Jathes R. Blackmon. Administrator tin the estate of Joel Blackmon, late of said county, deceased, applies for letters of dismission therefrom. It is therefore ordered by the Court, that all persons cdhcertied, lie and appear at the September Term of said Court, next ensu ing. then and there to show cause, if any they have, why said Letters should not be granted. A true extract from the min utes of the Court, Wm. I. HUDSON, Ordinary. March 7, 1554. 6f W ° “sEPMcS'w!'JIRANNAN 1 '’ JunTi'l iSl U ’ /RejerenCrs— ‘l'oliVer Jones, J, D. Rev. G. W. Epps, J. C. AlcGcfcee, T. B. Foster, George Osborne, G. A. II- Dozier. t—^ — —r L ~.■ —* : sqg —a- We are authorized to announce rne'namo of U ILLIA;M W. GOODAIAN a (or Receiver of Tax Keturtrs at tfe( next January Flecticn—lßss. Feb. I J, J 854. ■-'*&& — l — — - ■-■ ■ ‘■ , - - : : —- v Ve fir® authorised to announce tbe nam'd of CoI.'JOSEPH VAKDEMAN. as a caiulidaie*. for Receiver of Tax Returns at the next January Election. July 12, 1854. ’ ~ We are autliorized to announce the name m, JOSEPH A. FLOYD as a candidate f. r the Offiee of’Tax Col lector, at the ensuhtg January lEfertioa., We are aurhoi ized to a nounce (he tin ir e of IHRAiV) DORMAN as a candidate foe T.>x Collector at suing January election. ; * August 42. J|Bs4?’ W We are authorized to anmiuncn tfee Hatnp <>f a...z. Mcßride; f as q candidate Tor Tax-CoTlecxt* <n rhV - next January election’, “ | 3 August 22. J 854, —.- We are authorized to apnnonce the name of JAMES N. BIGBY. as a candidate for Tax Collector, at the ensuing January election. Aug. 28. ’54. i W e are auihunzcd to announce the name of fel. V MOSELEY, as a candidate for Receive r ofTax Returns at the ensuing January Election. August 23. 1854. , . I W'e are authorized to announce the name ot LEROY L. PIERCE as a candidate fi r the office of Tax Collec tor at the ensuing January election. - August 29, 1854. We are authorized to annouce the name of W ILLIAM B. STRIPLING as a enndidate for tbe office of Tax Cellect or, at the ensuing January Election. Eept. 5, J 854. ay- ** • 1 .1 Valuable Plantation FOR SAi.IL FWNIIE Subscriber offers bis Plantation W on the road leading from Hamilton to Whitesville, coi.taining 460 Arris. 260 in the n oods, and 50 acres of Bottom Lapd lying on Mountain Creek There is on the premises a good Dwelling House, Gin hodse and Screw, and all other necessary 4uild itigs. Also a good stand fur a Blacksmith and Woodshop. JR- G. HOOD. June 27, 1854, 19m2- For Sale. { Qsjß J# IjfWm WtMi**•■- ,^-c T Offer my plantation for sale. milce X north of Hamilton. Harris County, con l * taining 202£ acres of land, more oh less, about 135. or 40 acres of w hich is under gooc* fence and in a high stateofCultivatloh. 1 he dwelling is large, with good rock chim neys, kitchen, liegro house, and other good buddings necessary on a plantation. A splended apple orchard, peach orchard, &c. on the premises. About 40 acres of the laud is fresh and of the best quality. THOMAS ,1. DOGGETT., July 25, J 854. 23tf ~*——— - - -■ -| , gdBKMMMMW Dr. JF. G. JftcElhany, SURGEON DENTIST. HAS removed his location to AubURN - , Macon county, Ala. He will attend to all calls in his line at the residence of persons throughout the counties of Harris, Alerrmetnxr and Troup, in Georgia, as well as through the country adjacent to Auburh* Jan. 23. 1854. 49wly f Carriage Factory. THE Subscribers wonld respectfully iofotrti th© citizens of Harris and the adjacent counties, that they are now prepa red to fill all orders in their line of business. READY MADE BUGGIES kept constantly on hand, manufactured in the Latest Style, and of the best materials the country can afford., Their w|rk will he pul up by the best of workmen, and war ranted to please.’ Repairing done with neatness and despatch. They will bq thankful for all calls, and soiled a liberal share of public patronage. Ocßorne at JOHNSON. — Hamilton, March 15, 1854. 4m6. - ■ astray JYolleeM Clerk's Office Infeiior Court, \ | ; __ 4 January 24, 1854. ) ALL persons concerned are hereby no tified that fclias D. Hines, of the 703d District. G, M. Tolls before James E. Holt, one of tbe Justices of the Pence for said District, as an Estray, one Bay Horstl about 10 years old. one fore foot white, and both hind ones, hob-tailed; valued bv Bos well Bankston, a free holder ol said county and District, to be worth siity-five dollars. The owner of said estray is required to come forward, prove property, pay charges bud take said hotse away, or he will bq dealt' s 'vitb as the I,aw directs. A true extract from the Estray Book, * Wm. I. HUDSON, Clerk. A F JOHNSTON^ Dry Goods & Grocery Dealer, South oiHe of th* Public Square*