The organ. (Hamilton, Ga.) 1852-18??, February 14, 1855, Image 3

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fan. 29.—YVe have had another'fierce storm of snow and wind. The train on the C,hi cago aud Mississippi Railroad, with a large number of passengers aud several members of the Legislatnre, were frozeu up on the prairie in a snow, feet deep.— The passengers burned the cars, and by robbing the cars of a consignment of oys ters. preserved themselves bom starvation. By last accounts they are still there relief, however, had been sent to them on Satur day night. ” “ • From, the Columbus Enquirer. MINUTE OF POINTS .Decided by the Supreme Court of Geor* ’ gia, at Columbus, January Term, 1855 : Mercer vs. The State— from Sjewart. 1. A question being put to a Juror by the State, and not ohjecteii to at the time by the defendant, and after verdict put in for ground of new trial, is pot a decision sub ject to review, and'the objection, if any, is ’ waived. ‘2. Instructions to the Jury must be taken as a whole, and if the court should charge that confessions-when freely made are the highest evidence, and are to be weighed av other evidence—such a charge is dj>jc.-erro neous. if iio modification is requited. 3. Though,fiiay show that ~tKe prisoner was drunk when the act was 1 committed-—though such drunkenness was /Oxces&ive—yet anew trial will not be gran ted by this Court. 4. A juror, though be has formed artd “expressed an opinion hypothetically, and is not put .on his voir dire, is still competent. 5. After verdict, a Jury can not impeach ” the verdict. .Robinson vs. Banks —from Muscogee. 1. An execution issued in favor of a wit ’ ness, oo a subpoena from the Superior court, ‘ can not be levied on real estate. 2. On an issue made as to the attendance of a witness, the execution issued on certifi . cate is prtma farie evidence of the fact, sub ject to be rebutted. 3. A witne-s is not bound to wait for a determination of the cause to obtain his compensation for attendance. 4. Where a witness has been summoned ‘by the same defendant in several suits, the plaintiffs being different persons in the dif ferent suits, the witness may legally charge ‘for attendance in each case. 5. It is the duty of a witness to know every direction given by-the court in rela lion to the cause in Which he is summoned —and if the court announced that the case would not bo tried within a stated period, *sttch witness can not charge ‘dor his attend ance during tbat-period. whether he heared ’-the announcement or not. AKeaton vs Stoddard —from Dougherty. The evidence in the record as transmitted *4* insufficient to sustain the judgment, and the cause remanded. Jtfdhone vs. Central Bank. *l. A Bill m Equity, filed by one who al ihsh'iirwair rhmt ettfribrser dp a- Bitl<Vf Exchange discounted at the Central 4lank, and t-hdt saw bill was drawn in blai k and ihe name of the first. endorser was er-i ased by tbe assent of the Hank, and became; ‘•the acceptor, and asking for a discovery, ‘contains Equity. f 2. The Statute of Limitations in an fic tion by theCeiitrdFßailk-is not a good de-/ fence. ( , \ 3. On P Hill of e’xchartge lieTd by the *Bank, demand and notice are tibt necessary;, ‘to change endorser. ~ . c 4. Staleness of .dtii‘and'kii fttis cdse fs tlol nurquitalrle bfcr. L 5 Wheretio’hofice Is given by a credits “or to an adnJiriistrator within the time pre scribed by law, and such administrator ad ministers the e'S’ate in part, he is liable only Ho the exteht rtf assets in hand ht *the coir'- -mencement of the suit; because, by the Act r af 1792, a debt Jtie the public is required to ‘be paid iu a certain order. , ‘Terry vs. ‘the State—from Muscogee. If a specific charge is requested by a prisoner, and if there be any fact or facts in evidence to which such charge is applica ; *ble, a refusal to give it is error in the court. Young ‘vs. ‘Harrison—-from Randolph. 1. The value of land t rken by a Corpor ation for she benefit of such Corporation, is to be estimated al the time it is taken. 2. In estimating the value, the circum stances affecting its vhfne are so be taken Into consideration!; and value depends up on demand and supply. 3. Benefit to the proprietorfrom the pub lic appropriation of land, is also to be con sidered by thejttity in assessing; compensa tion. 4. A plat of ground sought *to be‘con demned for public use, is evidence proper to be summitted to the jury. *Snellins vs Cook —from Slew art. 1. A motion fora new trial, setting out -grounds for granting the same, may te amended under the statute by inserting ‘'other grounds, to imposition of reas tonahle terms by ihe Court. 2. A Rule ■fii si for anew trial, co&sii kint part of the pleadings in a cause. vs Hightower—from Muscogee, ■ttiere numerous persons ‘Ore interes kksubjcct matter. Equity in certain with the necessity of parties to a Bill. fetnl in Equity be in con to answer within the Bknay purge himself from kni|i r showing to the keying he made the eon- time to I’ 1; -■ v■ i. - - property M. P?f|X tk not a Y Sk !; ‘ Vt ’ EL ft ~ fValkerv s. Cook —from Muscogee. If a demurrer to a bill lie sustained, the Court may still permit the complainant to amend upon terms and retain the bill, and this should be done if the cause has been carried to the Supreme Court and remand ed. Anti-Liquor Demonstration by Vyo men.—Cincinnati, Jan. 30, 1855.—At Mount Pleasant, in this county, about fifty women attacked a tavern and destroyed*a laige quantity of liqu r belonging to tj.e keeper. After demolishing the liquorVasks &(?., they dragged the owner through the liquid, which stood six inches on: the floor. Warrants were issued again*! /about tweu ty of the parties, but the officers returned this afternoon, and reported their anahility to serve the processes. f They go back to uight with reinforcements. The river is full of ice, and tiavigpfßon en tirely •’ ■ Dr. .McLANE S VEKMIFUGE. a practice of more “than twenty McLane had attended innumerable patients afflicted with every form of'Worm disease, and was induced .to apply all the energies of his mind to the discovery of a vermifuge, or worm destroyer, certain in itseff-ets; the result of his labors is the American Worm; Specific now before the public, which is perfectly safe; and may be given alike to children of the most tender age, or to the aged adult, it purges mildly and subdues fever, and destroys worms wit success. Ut is easy of administration, and as it does not contain mercury in any form w-hatever, no restrictions are nee*, essary with regard to drinking cold w.iter, nor is it capable of and >ing the least itvjuiy to the teuderest infant. An incredible number of worms have been expelled by this great verirtfloge. Q& Purchasers will please be careful to ask for Dr McLane's Celebrated Vermifuge , and take -hone else. All other vermiliijg-e, in comparison, are worthless. Dr. M’Lane’s genuine ver mifuge, also his Celebrated Diver Pills. 1 c*n noW be had at all respectable Drug stores in the United States and Canada. For sale in-Hamilton, by HoodSl Rob inson, and by One agent in every town’ in the State. RECEIPTS to Jan. 14.—M. Baker, $1.50; S E Borders, 1.50; W Hobbs, 1,50; MissS A Chapman. 75c ; W W Chapman. 1,50; W J Williams, 1.50; J F Alrrond9,‘ 150; PC Edwards, 1,50; R J Harden. 1.00; John F Williams, 50c; B F Martin,; 1.50; John 1 Whitaker, 1,00; H G Jeems,> 2.00. : IIARRIIID Near Hamilton, on the evening of the 31st uli. by Rev. W. D. Atkinson, Mr. John Boyd, of Chambers county, Ala., ami Miss Elizabeth M. Glass, of Harris co. By the same, on the evening of tbe 2d mst., at the re-idence of Thomas Pearce, ne*r Hamilton, Mr. Jesse Roberts, and Miss Caroline Blaylock. f Harris. OBITUARY. DiFib—Of Typhoid Fever, at his resi- X Road#) rh'this county, on tho morning of the fOth inst., after an illness of three ivqeks, Dr. George B. He Ear, aged about 24 year#. Such is life, with all its hopes and expec tations'; like a flower, it springs up in the morning, and is -cut down and withered ere noon. No young ‘iban ever had “brighter pfris perts, or enjoyed more fully and universal ly the respect and esteetn of all Hvho knew him. His modest and unassuming deport ment—his studious habits—his kiml and ob liging disposition, made him a favorite with all his acquaintance and especially endear ed him to his-patients:—But hols gone ! Though ho .sleeps in the fold and silent grave, and is hidden from sight. George will not be forgotten; his friends will lbog cherish his merrtory, and lafnent the early loss of their worthy and esteemed’friend. Let us emula te'his virtues, aud be ready to meet our final account. H. /l OtiCe, tf| HE Stock holders in the Hamilton , J. ‘Female College will meet in rhe Court House on Saturday next at 2 o’clock P, M. —a full alteridence. particularly requested —business of’rnaportance to transact. JOHN MURPHY, Pres. ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE. AGREEABLE to an order of the court of Ordinary of Harris county, will he sold at the late resilience of William, John son, deceased, on the 7th day of March next, all the perishable property belonging’ to the est,ate of said deceased, consisting of household tmd ‘kitchen furniture. &c., &c. Term* made known bn the day. TANARUS„ N. JOHNSON, Adra. Feb. 2d. 1855. 50td GBt)RGIA, Harris County. WHEREAS, James N. Ramsey, ap plies to me for Letters ofAdmitura tion, oo the Estate of John F. Cone, late of said county deceased. These are, therefore, to cite and admon ish all and singular, the kindred ami credit ors of said deceased, to be and appear at my office on or before the first Monday in March next, to make known their"ob-! jeetions, if any they havp, whv said letters should not be granted to said applicant. Given under my hand at Office. Wm I. HUDSON, Ordinary. This Jan. 29 185/5. Blank •Attachments* 1 jfledicstl Card* DR. WILLIAM A. DE\DY, respect fully announces to the citizens of Hamiftou and vicinity, that he is prepared to give prompt and efficient attention to all who may desire his services. He feels con fident in his ability to ttreat successfully all diseases incident io within the reach nf the He begs partifcularly, to call the of those who may be afflicted With VENKRrAf. diseases in any of its vari ous stages. From a very thorough investi gation of all the most distinguished authors, together with a somewhat extensive and successful practice, Tie feoTs assured of .giv ing entire sati-faction to all v,hjo may give him a callin this branch of his profession. All commnnicatinns strictly confidential, and charges to suit the times. 50tf , Hamilton, Frb. 6. 1855. Harris Sheriff Sales. W ILL be sold before the Court house doorjti the town of Hamilton, be tween the lawful hours of 9ale, in said coun ty of Harris, ion .the first TuesdayTiiFebru ary next, the following negroes, “to wit Isaac, a man 30 years'old, Ned, a man 33 years-old, Harriot years of age John, any 13 years ‘old. aud Frances, a woman 23 years old. Levied upon by vir tue iff four several Fi. Fas, issued from Harris Superior Court, in favor oFEarly Lyon vs. Robert A, Crawford. Adm’r of John A Lyon deceased—John T. Winston, vs. Robert A. Crawford Adm’r of “John A. Lyon dec/d, atul §. T. &j. T. Whitaker, vs. Robert A. Crawford, Adm’r tie. bohis non of John A. Lyon, dec'd. Thomas Win ston, ys. Robert A. Crawford, Adm’r of Johh A. Lyon dec and. Property pointed out by Robert A. Craw ford, Adm’r de bonis non of “John AYjLyou, deceased. Also—itt the same time and ‘place, will be sold a Negro Girl Eliz t, 11 years old, levied upon to satisfy foijt*/several Fi Fas, ‘hree issued fiom Harris Superior Court, in favor of Claiborn C,. Evans vs Sarah J. Crawford, and her Robert A. Crawford, ’Dillard & Mason, vs Robert A. Crawford and Sarah J. Crawford, Dillard & Martin vs Robert A. Crawford andSa rah J. Craw/ord, from Harris Infi. . Cbiirt, Dillard & Sedtt vs'Robert A. Crawford & Sarah J. Crawford. All the above property levied,upon as the property of John A., Ly on dec’d, except the uegi/o girl Eliza. ; — Said girl being .pointed out by Robert; A. Crawford, as the property of his wife, fea~ rah J. “Crawford, to satisfy the “four last mentioned jfi fas. ELIJAH MULLINS Sh’ff. Dec, 29, 1851. Postponement.-“Theslile cf the above properly is postponed until the first Tues day in March, aqd then to take effect at the same iime and place. Sh’ff. January 39, 1855^^1’ GEORGIA. Harris county. To any lawlul officer to execute and re turn : John J. Oliver —for the use of Thomas Ol iver—vs. James Meadows. To James Meadows, Greeting: — WHEREAS John J, Oliver obtained a judgment Hjraiijsf. you in a Justi ces Court for the 782d district, G. M., on the 4th Saturday in July, 1839, for the sum of Twenty Five Qollars. principal, with in terest from the 25th of December. JB3B, w ith One Dollar, fifty six and a quarter cents cost; the same tiding due and unpaid. You are therefore, hereby required, person ally, to be and appear at a Justices court to be held’in District, G. M:, on the 4th Saturday in ; February next, by 10 o’clock; A. cause, if any you Tnive, why said execution s louhi not he set aside, aud anew judgment and Execution issued in lieu of the old one. Given pnder iny hand In office, this T7th day YiTjaiUtary, 1855. , HOPSON WLNER, J. P. 49m4m. GEORGIA, Harris County. To any lawful officer to execute and re turn. John J. Olivet —for the use of Thomas Oli ver—vg. James Meadows, To James Meadows: Greeting — WH FIRE AS John J. Oliver obtained a Judgment against you in a Justi ces court.for the 782d District. G. M. t on the 4th Saturday .in July. 1839. for the sum of Twenty Thiee Dollars, Thirty„otie aud a quarter cents principal with interest fmm the 25th of December*,one dol lar fifty six and a quarter cents cost; the same being due and unpaid, you are. there fore. hereby requested, personally, to he and appe r at a Justices court to be held in and for the 782d district. G. M..ou the 4ih Saturday in February next, by 40 o’clock. A. M., then and there to show cause if any they have, why said Execution should not be set aside and anew Judgfnent and Ex ecution issued iu lieu of the old one. Giv en under my hand b> office this I,7th of Jan uary 1855. HOPSON MILNER, J. P. • ‘GEORGIA, Harris County. WHEREAS, Elijah Satterwhite, ap plies to me for Letters of Adminis tration. upon the Estate of Edivari Satlei while, late iff said “county. deceased. These are, therefore, to cite and admon ish all and singular, the kindred and credit ors of said dbcea*e(LC--Hk‘ a,4 Appear at : my office on or befo: lhe first Mojnday in March next, to make knowm their objec tions, if ahy they have, why said letters should hot fie granted the applicant. Given under my hand at Office, this Jan uary. 29, 1855. Wm. I. HUDSON. Qrd’ry WE are authoriz> and to announce the oame of pleasant b. hall, • as a candidate fur High Sheriff of Harris County at the uext January Election. This Jan. 24, 1855. n4B Southern military T TJE it IT/// (By the Authority of the State of Alabama.) Conducted on the Havana Plan. ONE PRIZE to 20TICKETS— And remember every Prize Drawn ! CLASS K To be Drawn on the 20th day of Feb. 1 Prize „ - 15,000 .1 - - 5.000 1 - 4000 2 - - - 3.000 In all 501 prizes, amounting to p $63000 in proportion. Prize Drawn, at eath drdiving. Hills on all solvent Banks taken at par Alhcemjnunic ttious strictly confidential. SAM’Ij S VAN. Agent and Manager, at the Bronze Lions. Mnntg’y, Ala. KIDD & COLLINS. Agents, Au burn, (Ala.) will fill nil orders promptly. Aug. 28. J 854. 28. DRUG STORE. (UNDER THE MASONIC HALL.) HOOD A KOBIMfiO^ HAVE just received from New York, a large assortment of DRUGS. MEDICINES. CHEMICALS, OILS. PAINTS, VARNISHES, DY E-S T IJF F 8, BRUSt.ES BROOMS. . „ &c..,"&c.,, which they offer to Pevsicians, Planters and the public generally, on the most liberal terms. Having purchased on good terms, we can and will sell as eheap as the same articles can be bought in the Columbus aud LaGrange markets. VVe warrant onr Medicines to be pure, and may be returned if they do not give satisfaction We also respectfully invite the Ladies to call and examine our PERFUMERY, j COLOGNES, FLAVORING EXTRACTS, FANCY SOAPS, arid tnany othei articles that will please their taste and fancy, as well as supply their convenience. Also a SPLENDID COSMETIC for the removal, of Pimples, Freckles, Blotches and roughness of the skin. Every article usually kept in the above line, always ou hand. Hamilton, Ca., Jan. 15th 1855. 47m<3 riwyo MONTHS afterdate, applica- Jl fibn will he made to the Court of Or dinary of Harris county, for leave to sell a Negro woman. Jane, aboutsixty-five Years of age, belonging to William U. and S'ime oq T. Henderson, minors, JAMES M. HENDERSON, -• f : -Guardian. January Isih, J 855. GEORGIA, Harris County. Court of Ordinary —January Term. 1855. IT appearing lo the Court by the petition of Jus. F. High tower, that VVm. Roper, of said county.\leceased, did in his life time execute to said James F. Hightower, his bond, eofyjitioucd to execute titles in fee simple, lo said Jas. F. Hightower, to fifty acres of land, of lot No. ninety seven, in the 35t-dist. of originally Muscogee, now Harris county —and it further appearing that said William’Roper departed this life wi'bout executing titles to said land, or in any way providing therefor -and it appearing that saij Jas. F. Hightower, has paid nearly all the purchase price of said lots of land, and is ready to pay tfie balance—and the said Jas. F. Uightoiver, having petitioned this Court ,to direct Sath’i McCants & Eliza beth Roper, Ex.eeutor and tlXacutux of the said _William Roper, now .deceased, to execute him titles to said lots of land, jn conformity with said bond’. It is.fherefoie, hereby ordered that given at three or more public places in 9aid county, and in the Organ, a public gazette of this State, of such application, that all persons concerned may file their objections in the Ordinary’s office, if any ihey have, why said Samuel McCants, executor and Roper, exeeptrix, afnresaid. should not make titles to said Jot of land, in conformity with said bond. . (•■>.. s- } „ * J. ‘ • A trufe extract from jhe minntes of said Couil, this Januarv 8. 1855, WM. I. HUDSON, Ordinary. GEORGIA. Harris County, WHEREAS, Hitiory S. Bruce ap plies fur Letters of Guardianship of the person and property of Americus L. Pruett, Ann H. Pruett, and Sarah E. Pmeit,, njiimrs of.Byrd Pruett deceased, un der fcurteeti years of age. These are therefore, to cite* and admon ish all persons concerned, to be and appear at my offie within the time prescribed by law, to show cause, if any they have, why Letters aforesaid, should not be grauted to said applicants., Given under my hand at office, this Jan uary 29, 1855. ‘ ~ ~ Wm. 1. HUDSON, Ordinary. GEORGIA, Harris County. ■T7 HE ‘< EAS. Thomas R. Lumsden WW applies for Letters of Guardianship of the person, and property, of Jane B. Ly on, minor of John A. Lyou, deceased, un der l 4 years of agp. Thesa are therefore, to cite and admon ish all and singular, the kindred of said mi not to he and appear at my office within the time prescribed hy law, to show cause, if anv they have, why said letters should not be granted to s; id applicant. Given under my hand at office this Jan uary, 29.1855, Wm. I. HUDSON, Ordinary. GEORGIA, Harris County. - Court of Ordinary , December Term. 1854 IT appearing to the Court by the petition of Phillip E. Richardson, that Stephpn Hanks of said county, deceased, did in hjs lifetime execute to said P. E. Richardson, his bond conditioned to execute titles in[fee sim* pie, to said Phillip E, Richardson, to lots land, Nos. one hundred and twenty six, and west half of lot No. one hundred and fifteen, in the 19th district of originally now Harris county—and it further appeal ing that said Stephen Hanks departed this life without executing titles to said land, qr i l ’ any ty ay -providing therefor, and it ap pearing that saidThijlip E. Richardson has paid, nearly all the purchase price of said lots cf land, and is .ready to pay the bal- Inoce—and the said Phillip E. Ricbardsoip having petioned. this Court to direct Stephen L. HanXs administrator of the estate of tfye said'Stephen deceased, to execute him titles to said lots of land, in conformity with said bond. It ia therefore, hereby Of?- dered that notice be given at three or more public places in said county, and in the Or gan, a public gazetto of this State, of such application, that all persons concerned, mqy file their objections iu the Ordinary’s office if any they have, why said’ Stephen JL. Hanks, administrator as aforesaid, .should not m ike titles to said lots of land, in con formity with said board. \ A true extract from the minutes of said Court, this December 4 1854. Wm.'l. HUDSON, Ordinary. 3m42. AmfimSTRATOR'S SALE, BY virtue of an Order of the Honorable the Court of Ordinary of Harris coun ty, will be sold within the usual hours of sale,-fie/jo o the Court House door in town of Hamilton, on the first Tuesday ip February next, for the benefit of the heir* and creditors of the estate of John A. Lvobd deceased, the following tugroes, to witr- Wiley, a superb wagoner and carriage dri ver, thirty two or three years of age. a fine ploughhoy, 13 years of age ; Louisa and child, a valuable woman about thirty years of age. . . Kdßf. A. CRAWFORD, , • . Adm’r de bonis non. December 8, 1854. 43 Postponement.—The sale of the abora property is postponed until the first Tuesday in March, then to take effect al the samd time and place. ROBERT A- CRAWFORD, ’ . Admr. de bouis non. i January 30, 1855. GEORGIA, Harris County. Coui tof Ordinary—January Term , 1855.,, IT appearing to the Court by the petition of YYilliam Marks that’ Win,. Trli* ett of. sgid county, deceased, ditLkfhislife time execute to said William Marks, hi* bond emulitioual to sitles io fee arm pie to tho said William Marks'for seven ty five acres of land, of the south part of lot number 99, in the 20th district said county; and it further appearing that said WmTruett departed this life without executing titles to said‘parcel of Jam), or ; iu any way providing therefor—-and it appearing that sa id Williain Marks has paid the price of tho pur chase money of said parcel of land, and the said William Marks having, petitioned this Court to direct Selba J. Truett, Exec utor of the estate of said William Truett, dq ceased, to execute him titles to said parcel of land in conformity Svith said bond. It is therefore, hereby ; ordered that.notice be giy-f en at three or motß public places in, said county, and in the Organ, a public ‘gazettp of this State, of such application, that all” persons concerned may file their objections, if any they have, in the Ordinary’s office* why said Selba J Truett, executor as afore** said, should not make titles to said parcel of v land, in conformity with said bond,. A true extract from tbe minutes of said Court, this January Bth, 1855. WM. I. HUDSON, Ordinary. 3m46* - , , GEORG I A Harris County. Court of Ordinary January Term, 185*5.? , IT appearing Mrjhe Court by the of Micajah Cree^d.that William Roper at said County, deceased, did in his life time execute to Micajah Creed his bond; ditioned to execute titles in fee simple to said Micajah Creed, for pait of lot of land> number one hundred and twenty eight in the twentieth. district ftf originally Muscogee* now Harris County, to wit; Forty two acre* of said lot ofland. being in the South west comer of said bt. A ?<l i further appear* ing that said Willian Roper departed this life without executing titles to said forty two acres of laud, oriu any way providing therefor. , , ~ And it appearing that said Micajah Creed has paid the full amount of purchase price of said land, and said Micajah Creed having petitioned rhis Court to direct Sam uel ftcCants ami Elizabejh Roper executor & executrix, *to the last wifi and testament? of Wiliam Roper, deceased, to execute to him titles to saic forty two aereßofland, it*- conformity with said bond. It is therefore ordered that notice be given at three public places in said county, and in the Organ, a public Gazette of this State and county, of such application, that all persons concerned, may file objections in the Ordinary’s office, (if any they have) why fata executor fc executrix. as aforesaid should not execute lilies to said land, in conformity with said , ,>o nd. f M ... A true Extract from the minutes el tho Court. W T m. I. HUDSON, Ordinary. Jan. 8, 1855. 46m3 SIXTY days afttr date application will be made to the Honorable Court of Ordinary of Harris county, for leave to sell all the Lands belonging to ihe Estate of Moses Weldon, late of said county dec’d* ANDREW WELDON, Admit* January 1, 1855.