The organ. (Hamilton, Ga.) 1852-18??, October 17, 1855, Image 3

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Gt;D wins.— The H ru id (Cdaa ) Courabt, says: ’ A correspondent from Somers stated the other day that ‘here was a pair of ‘-twins now living in that town a little os ver .eighty seven vears old, and called tor Iheir match. A Verson man, in reply, says: “If your correspondent refers to the age of twins who have lived in Unde Sam's dominion- { ill state that there were born in Ashf >rd West Society, De cember 25. 1792. a son \nd daughter to Elijah and Hannah Whitton. The twins were named Boaz and Ruth. Boaz died ■ January 22, 1851, ninety years and twenty-eight days old, and Ruth survived Boaz a lew days.” Journeyman Printers —Prom high “to low they are tlje same careless, well ’informed, good natnr-d men—knowing how to act hotter than they do. Noth ing at times, yet everything if occasion *requiies it. We have seen one and tin same individual of the craft, a ministei ‘in California, a boatman on the western canal, a lawyer in Missouri, a sheriff in ‘Ohio, a sailing master on board a private er, an auctioneer in New Yrtrk, and a tpressman in a garret printing office. One thing is evident, every person ♦that chooses Can't be a printer. Brains •are necessary. • . The Epidemic At Norfolk and Portsmouth. — We are happy to learn, by way of Petersburg, that the yellow lever has ceased to exist as an epidemic in Norfolk and Portsmou'h. The im pression of the physicians, however, is that it is owing to the want of material which has caused the great diminution in the number of deaths, and prevented tile spread of the disease. They warn’ ab sentees not toretuin on'til after some very severe weather . Important Rumor —We have heard it rtrnored.-says the Columbus Enquirer, that Rail toad Company are lrymg to-Btfwottate lor the purchase of and West Point Rail road, and 6y • altering’ iti track to the same width of the Georgia Road, nrjake a complete! connecting link of road from Montgomery to Charleston. The track of the Opelika branch will remain the, same width as at present, which will re , <qnire through ‘freight to be unloaded at this place-and Opelika. This wilt ma terially affect the freifrhring business of Savannah. Who is *f the bottom of this move—Atlanta. Augusta or Charleston? We copy tba above for stating, as we are authorized that there is no truth in -Ahc- i tgrrme/fylouraal. The Steamship AdkiaTic. —This ’ steamer new being built lor the Collins line of steamers, will- be, when complet ed, the largest, and most magnificent .vessel afloat. SKe v\iH|,ts sisure five ihobwnd sis hundred tons; her length will be three bundled and forty-live feet on the board line.; depth ot Jjold thirty three feet; breadth of beam Tift}’ feet. ADMINISTRATORS SALE. AGR EC ABLE to an order of ilie lion. Court of Or inary of Pulaski county, will be sold before the Court House door in the town of 11 a wkinsville. Pulaski coun ty, mi the first Tuesday in December next, between the lawlul hours of sale, all ibe lauds tielonging to the Estate of Moses Welden, hie of said county, deceased, ly ing and being in Pulaski county, containing the following Lot: No. 250. 20?£ acres. Also, at the same lime and place, one lot lying and being in Forsyth county, number* •and 672, containing 40 acres, more oi less Sold for the benefit of Heirs and Credit ors of said deceased. Terms cash. ANDREW WELDEN, Admr. ’ Oct. 17-tds JBy the Authority of the Slate of Alabama.) SOUTHERN MILITARY AIS&MW JLOSRPJHBY# Conducted on the Havana Plan. ONE PRIZE to 10 TICKETS And remember every Prize Drawn! CLASS W. To be Drawn on the Sth day of Nov. 1855 in the City of Montgomery, Ala., wheD Prizes amounting to $60,000 will be distributed according to the fol lowing magnificen SCHEME!!! 1 Prize of-- * 20,000 Id ° ° f *- ‘ ’ 3 000 J£ of • : ; 10 do of : 500 are 5,000 10 do of- 220 are 3.200 20 do of- 150 are 3.000 45 do of- 100 are 4,500 80 do of- 50 are 4.000 280 do of- 20 are 4.000 630 do of * 10 are 0 30° In all 1.000 Prizes amounting to $60,000 <u proportion. Prize Drawn at each drawing. Bills ou all solvent Banks taken at par. All communications strictly confidential. S\M’L SWAN, Agent and Manager, at the Bronze Lions. Montg’y, Ala. KIDD & COLLINS. Agents, Au burn, (Ala.) will fill all orders promptly- Aug. 28 1854.-28 By Authority of the State of Georgia. fort gainrs academy * LOTTERY. riie subscriber having accepted from the Commissioners the Agency and Manage*. m lit of the FORTGAINES AC ADEMY I-'GT fF.RY, his established the principal 1 tfnee at All mta. Georgia, and intends con ducting ihe LOTTERY on the same plan is tli < t of the Southern Military Academy Lottery, ‘f Alabama. GRAND SCHEME FOR OCTOBER. CLASS 8 To he Brawn October 2lth 1855, in the City af Atlanta,Geo/gia when prizes amounting to $30,000 Will be distributed according to the follow ing magnificent Scheme! {[g” And re member every Prize is drawn at each draw ing. and paid when due wilhoul deduction 1 1 Brize of . . SIO,OOO 2v do . . ! 2,000 3 ‘do . . ; • 500 11 do . . . 250 ID do . . . 120 1000 Prizes in all amounting to $30,000 ONLY TEN THOUSAND NUMBERS. Tickets $5 Halves Quarters ■$ 1,25. 05"* Bills on all solyotj-t-Ranks at par.— All communications sfriHfy confidential. SAMUEL SWAN, Agent &, Manager B.vJ A tlaijta, Ga. JVotlce.4 / MY Patrons are hereby notified that I am determined to close my Books Ml indebted are specially requested to aV tend to it witnout delay,—those who can not pay money at this time,—call ms rue. and liquidate ihe account. ’ Myß inks must be closed, and no mistake.V A hint to the wise is suffl lenr. C. C. GIBBS. Hamilton. Oct. 10. 1855. A DMINIS.TRA TOR'S SALE. BY Virtue us an Order <>f the Honorable Court of Ordinary of Harris county, will be sold before the Couri-house’~tloor in tuwn oPHainilton, in said county,’ with in the legal hours of sale.on thefi stTuos day in December ucxt, the fnJJowiug prop erty. to wit:—One Negro Bov. £tep.hpn, about 20 years old ; 170 acres?>f laffd, (the widow’s Dowery excepted,) lying in the sth Distiict of originally Troup v now Harris county, near Davidson’s Mills. Sold as the firoperty of Edward Satterwhito, deceased, f>r the benefit of the heirs and creditors of said dec’d. ELIJAH SATTER WHITE, Adm, . Oct. 9, 1855. * - . - - -. JYotice • WILL be sold at the residence of Ja !cob Oliver, late of Harris county deceased, on Wednesday the 4 24ih October inst* altethe Personal property belonging to saitl Esthle. Consisting of Household and- Kat'cfieir^Furnitute,‘Horses, Hogs, Cattle, &c., &c.. One Carri ,ge and one Cart. ROBERT WELDON, Adin’r. October 5, 1855. JYotice , To Debtors and Creditors. AL’V Persons indebted to the Estate of Jacob Oliver, late of Harris county deceased, are requested to make immediate payment, and those having demands against said Estate will present them in terms of the Law. ROBERT WELDON, Adm’r. Oct 5, 1855. GEORGIA, Harris County. SIXTY DAYS after data application will be made td the Court of Ordinary of said county, for leave to sell the remain der interest of Pinckney A. Copeland, a minor, in Lots of Land Nos. 206 and 207, in 21st Dist. of said county. J. T. COPELAND, Ex’or. Oct. 11, 1825. ; Union- Singing TO HERE will be a Union Singing at J| Union Church, Crawford county, Ga, commencing Thursday the first day of No vember next. The Class respectfully in vite Teachers and Singers, generally. F. M. AMOS, ) I P. HAMPTON, } Teachers L B WALTON, S October 3, 1855 PUBLIC SALE. )H| HE Subscriber offers for sale, at pub -1 ■ lie out cry, at his residence three miles west of Hamilton, on Tuesday the 30th of October, instant, all his Corn, Fod > der. Plantation Tools, Cows, Hogs and Sheep. Household and Kitchen Furniture. Terms made known on the day. JAMES CANADAY. Oct 3. J 855 Look. You that want Money THE Subscriber wishes to purchase a lot of likely young NEGROES, va rying in age from ten years to twenty-five, for which liberal prices will be paid. Ad dress the subscriber at Columbus, Georgia, or call at bis residence, nine miles North of Columbus, on the Whitesville road. W. H. WEBB. Oct 8. 1855 3m GREAT BARGAIN OFFERED! FgN HE subscriber offers for sale, at PUB JL Lie OU 1-CRY, on the 10th day of December ucxt, (if not sold privately be fore) all his LAND AND PRIVATE PROPERTY, the place knowu as the Butler Old Stand. seven miles below Hamilton, on the Colum bus road. Among tbe lot offered for sale will be Corn, Fodder, Plantation Tools, Blacksmith’s Tools, Stock of all kiuds, and two likely NEGROES. Any person wish ug to purchase privately would do well to call and see tbe premises. JOSEPH DAVIS. Cafaulu, Oct. 3, 1553. EXECUTOR’S SALE. WILL be sold within the legal hours before ihe Court-house-door, iu Hamilton Harris county (Ja., on the first Tuesday in October next, at public out-cry. the plantation, and its appurtenances, where Col. R. J. Crews, late of said county resid ed. situated 14 miles East of Columbus, on the Telegraph Road, comprising some 287£ acres of the best farming lands in that sec„ lion; on the prim Les are some 200 acres open laud, a good framed dwelling-house, gin-home and packing screw, together with all necessary out buildings in good repair. Sold for the beuefit of the heirs of said dec’d Terms on the dav, which will be liberal. P. .1. PHILIPS, Executor. August 3, 1855. Th above sale is hereby postponed until the first Tuesday in November next. Then to take place within the legal hurs of sale. P. J. PHILIPS, Ex'r. Oct 3, 1855 ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE. BY virtue of an Order of the Honora ble Court ol Ordinary of Harris coun ty, will be sold before the Court House door in Hamilton, Harris cosaty* Georgia, within the legal hours of sale, on the first Tuesday in December next, all the negroes belonging to the estate of Levi Hall, late of said coun ty, deceased, to wit : .Tom, a yellow boy about 23 years old; Major, 19 years old; Mitchell, 18 years old ; Jane, 22 years old, and her hoy child. Bird. 4 years old ; Jenney •18 years old; Hester II years old; Mary about 43. years old ; Adaliue 7 years old sold as the property of said deceased, fertile benefit ol the heirs and creditors. Terms ttu the day of sale. THUS. B. FLOYD, Adm’r. Oct 3,1855 * *— ‘ 1 11 “■ “■ ■ GEORGIA, Harris County. WHERE AS, Thos. B. Floyd applies to me for letters of Guardianship of the persons and property ofAssenith and Nancy Hall, minor heirs utider 14 years of age, of Levi Hal! late of said county dcc’d. These are therefore, to cRe and admon ish all and singular, the kindred of said mi nors to be and appear at rrtv office within th#*time prescribed bylaw, to show cause, if/wiy- they have, why said letters should not be granted said applicant. Given under my hand at office, this October Ist, 1855. N. H BARDEN, Ord’y ex-officio ADMINISTRATOR S SALE. AGREEABLE to an order of the Hou cfcable Court of Ordinary of Harris county, will be sold before tbeS3bourt-house door, in the*t4wa’of v Hamilton; Harris co., Ga., on tl\e first Tuesday-uy November next, between the lawful” hour's of. sale, all the lands belonging tu tfcj'Esiate Jf Z,m Hall , late of said county ‘decased, lyiyig and being in Harris county. Ga., with Lhg- exception of the Widow’Dhft/erjr. wifictr will be laid'; off before the day of sale, containing the fol lowing Lots,—Nos. as follows : No. 73, containing 202£ acres, more or less, No. 72. containing 21)2£ .acres more or less; No. 71, coutaiuining acres more or le-s; No. GG, containing 101 £ acres more ar less; on all of which there is buildings with e exception of Lot No. 73, on which there is considerable cleared land. The balance has cleared Land, Orchards and many oth er eonveniencics. Persons from a distance would do well to c,all on the Adm’r for information. fe'illd for the benefit of the Heirs and Creditors of said deceased. Terms on the day of sale. Tims. 13. FLOYD, Adm. September 21. 1855. ALSO. ON Thursday, Nov, 8, will be sold, all the Perishable Property helouging to the Estate of Levi Hall, late of Harris county deceased, consisting of Horses, Cattle. Fat Hogs. Slock H >gs, Sheep, one Fine Carri age, one Road Waggon. Corn, Fodder, Oats, Rye, Wheat, House-hold and Kitchen Furniture and many other articles too tedi ous to mention. Sale to contiuue from day to day, until all is sold. Sold for the benefit of the Heirs and Creditors. Terms on the dav. Thos. B. FLOYD. Adm’r. Sept. 2i, 1855. ALSO, AT the same time and place, the sub scriber will soli to the highest bidder , Lot of land lying broadside East of the above described lands of Levi Hall deceased, — Said lot all in the woods. Will be sold on 12 mouths credit. P. B. HALL. Hamilton, Oct. 2, J 855. 31w4 IX I’Y DAYS after date application will be made to the Court of Ordinary of Harris county for leave to sell 50 acres of land lying in the 3d district of originally Troup, uow Harris county, belonging to the heirs of Alexander Bass, deceased. D. H. ZACHRY, Guardian. Clerk’s Office Inferior Court, ) December 4, >854. ALL persons concerned are hereby no tified that D. W. Snell, of the 770th District, G. M. Tolls before Win. T. Smith, one of the Justires of the Peace for said dis trict, as an Estrav, one certain dark mouse colored mare mule, of medium size, valued by Hartwell N. Harris, and D. It. Snell, a free holder of said county and district, to be worth forty dollars. The owner of said estray is required to come forward, prove property, pay charges and take said horse away, or he will be dealt with as the Law directs. A true extract from tbe Estray Book. C.L. DfiNDy, Clerk Itamscy & Hina;, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. COLUMBUS AND HAMILTON, Ga All business entrusted to the above firm will be promptly and efficiently executed. J A’MES N. RAMSEY, Hami LTON • W. H. M. KING, Columbus. Office—Randolph street, near the Post Office. 16v4y1. Valuable Plantation for Sale. THF, undersigned offers for sale one lot ot land lying above the Pine Moun tain, near Beach Spring Church. There is about 150 acres of cleared land on tbe lot, :25 of which is worn out. a considerable j portion of the balance fresh ; 50 acres in the woods, well timbered. The plantation is in good repair. Any person wanting such a place will please give me a call. J. N. EMBREY. I July 25. 1855. 2Jtc’s I , ___ GUARDIAN SALeT GEOROIA, Harris County. BY virtue of an order granted by the Honorable Ordinary Court of Harris cAuuty, on the first Monday, iu Septeui , her inst. . Will he sold before the Court-house door in the J own of Hamilton, in said county, on the first Tuesday in November next, be tween the lawful hours of, sale, fifty acres J’s ‘*i tbe North east corner of lot No 33. in the 3d district, of originally l roup now Harris county. | Sold for the benefit of the heirs of Alex i under Bass deceased. Terms made known ou the day of sale, <# D. II ZACHRY Gurdian. September 34, 1855. GEORGIA , Harris County. WHEREAS. Jacob C. McGehee, of said county applies to me for letters of Administration on the estate of Mrs. Sa rah McGehee, late of the county of Harris, deceased. These are therefore, to cite and admonish all and singular, the kindred and creditors ol said deceased, to be and appear at my office within the time prescribed by law. to show cause, if any they have, why said let ters should not be granted (he applicant. Given under my hand and official signa ture. This 25, day of September, 1855. . N. 11. BARDEN, Ord’rv. ex-officio, * Auxiliary Meeting. A MELTING will be held at Double Spring Church, Walton county, Ga., j ou Thursday before tbe 4ih Sabbath in Oc tober next, for the purpose of forming an Auxiliary to the Southern Musical Conven t,OH - Sept. 17, 1855. ANOTHER SINGING- , THE Oconee Musical Auxiliary hold its Monroe county. Ga.jComffienCwgon Thurs day before the 3d Sunday in October, next. Said Church is within 5 miles East of Barnesville. Come one! come all!! Ample provision is marie for all that will come. * Win. J. COLE. Barnesville, Sept. 23 1855 I am a candidate for Deputy Sheriff, Elect mo and take off the Tariff; I’ll serve the writs without cost, And tho’ you’re sued, there’s nothing lost Know-nothings all will vote for m.e, 1 am close kin—and take mv tea. I stand on platfonn Democratic, Ai’nt much account —but fear no racket. The whigs will give me good support; I’m real grit, and the right sort. I’m after office—use no deception— I’m after it for my protection Against starvation—and other evil, And eager for it as the Devil. HENRY WOOD. WE ar“ authorised to announce the uame of C. P. OLIVER, as a candidate sot Receiver of Tax Returns at the ensuing January election. Sept. 24.1855. WE are authorized to announce the name of PLEASANT B. HALL, as a candidate for High Sheriff of Harris County at the next January Election. This Jan. 24, 1855. n4B WE are authorized to announce the name of Wm. W. WILBOURN, as a candidate for Tax Collector of Harris county, at the ensuing January election. July 30. 1855. 22te We are authorized to announce the name of ENOCH G. HART, as a candidate for Coroner of Harris coun y, at the next Jauuaryelection. June 16. We are authorized to announce the name of NO4H 11. EVANS, as a candidate for Tax Collector, at the eusuing January election. \pril 11, 1855. Lost Or Mislaid , A Note of hand given by Porter’Grad dick to G. W. Hightower, for sev enty-seven dollars and fifty cents, dated on or about the 7th of April last, and due 25th of December next. The maker of said note is hereby forewarned against paying the same to any person but the subscriber, and all persons cautioned against trading for it, F P. HUDSPETH. Sept. 12, 1855. We are authorized to anuouuce the name of ZACIIARIAH CARPENTER as a candidate for Tax Collector at the en suing January election. April 23. 1855. Pl/f.TIVf TIOJV ami Town Properly FOR SALE* THE Subscriber offers his Plantation for sale, containing 648 acres, about 250 cleared, and nearly all fresh, and iu k high state of cultivation, aud has running water in each field ; about two mile 6 west us Hamilton, convenient to flue flourishing Schools. There is a good framed Gin House and Screw, and other necessarjr buildings on the place. Als—His STORE-HOUSE and DW EL LI NG, in Hamilton; the Store House occupied at present by Gen. Elias 11. Beall. the Dwelling by the subscriber. A great bargain will be given the purchaser. Possession given on the Ist of Januarv next 1 . JOHN MURPHEY, August 29, 1855. 26w4 Valuable Plantation for sale. 11E Subscriber offers for sale, on good 9. terms, his Plantation, lying two miles East of Hamilton, cotaining Eight Hundred and Hfty Acres; 350 acres cleared and id good repair aud active state of cultivation; a portion of which i9 valuable low ground.. Oo the premises are three settlements, all joining. Also —mi the premises is a good NEW DWELLING HOUSE, with Five Rooms, good Gin House, aud all other necessary out buildings. Will be sold to suit purchasers. Call and see before nurehasiug elsewhere. JOSEPH MILLER. Hamilton, Sept. 17, 1855. £IIXTYDAYS after date application >5 will be made to the Ordinary of Harris county for leave to sell the lands belonging to the estate of Daniel Blackmon, late of Harris eounlv, deceased. Win. K. BLACKMON, Adm’r de bonis non on said estate. Sapt. 17, 1855. , SIXTY DAYS after date application will be made to the Ordinary of Harris, county, for leave io sell 35 acres of laud, off the South side of lot No. 180, in the 20th District of former ,y Muscogee now Harris county. To be so Id as the property of John Cassels. late of Harris county, deceased. ELIZABETH CASSELS. Adra’x. Sept. 17, 1855, OtIXTY DAYS after date application k3! will bo made to the Court of Ordinal .ry of Harris county for leave to sell the negro property of James RobinS; (a mute; of said county. ~ ELIJAH ANDERSOk, Sept. 4. 1855. Guardian £fKXTY DAYS after date applicatiod fol “’ill he made to the Court of Ordinary of Hards Couty, for leave to sell the land belonging to the Estate of V. A. Hi,ll, late of said county’deceased. > \ MARIAII HILL, Executory Sept, 24, 1855. . SIXTY DAYS- aft . will lie made to the Court of OrdiriarV ■ of Harm county, for leave to dell all thd lauds belonging to the Estate of MarH Buchanan, late of said county deceased, WILKERSON SPARKS, Adm'r. Sept. 24. 1855. „ .v - DA\S after date applicatioti will be made to the Court of Ordinary of H arris county fo*- leave to sell the ne groes belonging to* the minor heirs of Oliver Davidson, late of said county, de< ceased. MONROE DAVIDSON. (Aug. 20. 1855.) Guqrdiatii. BUNION SINGING. THERE will be a Union Singing at Union Church Crawford county, 8 mile# North of Fort Valley, on the Ist, 2d, 3d and 4th days of November, next, by Messrs; Hampton, Amos and Walton, aud as tna* ny as will attend. Teachers aud Singers generally are invi ted to attend, “Everybody and hi# Wife’* is expected to be there. Sept. 24, 1855. SACRED HARPS. For Sacred Harps, by White and King apply to • J\ L. White, No. 105 Canal st. N. Orleans; J K. Randal & Cos, No. 44 water st. Mobile’ John W. Pease, Columbus, Ga. J. J. &S. P. Richards, Macon, Ga. Richards & Brother, Griffin, Ga- Rov. Thomas Murphy, Greenville, Ga. The Proprietor, Hamilton, Ga. D P White, Curetous Bridge, Henry co. Ala* B. G. Atkins, Notasulga, Ala. All of whom will keep on hand a Constant supply of Sacred Harps, Wholesale and Retail. • Notice. ALL persons indebted to C, A. Fisti, deceased, are requested to make im mediate payment or their demands will be placed in suit; and those having demand* against him will present them for payment as the law directs. SAMUEL McCANTS, Adm’r< September 11, 1855, ,i ..-J’ GEORGIA, > Court of Ordinary, Harris Countv > July Term, 1855. RULE NISI. WHEREAS Stephen L Hanks, ad-r ministrator on the estate of Stephen Hanks, late of said county, deceased, ap plies for letters of dismission therefrom. It is therefore ordered by the Court, that all persons concerned, be and appear at the January Term of said Court, next ensuing, thou and there to show cause, if jidv they have, why said letters should uot bo granted.- A true extract from the Minutes of the) Court. Wm. I. He!DSON, Ordiuary* July 1654.