South-western news. (Americus [Ga.]) 185?-18??, August 06, 1856, Image 1

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W. . SHERRY , J. E. niIRCER, ) VOLTIfFS HIE SOUTH WESTERN NEWS l!t rUBLISHKU KVF.KY* WEDNKSDAY MOHMN’U. Jl Y GUBRRY h MERGER^ r ■ ‘Z “* !Ni. Two Dollar* in Advance. Tn” Dollars and Fifty Ossrs it paid within >i.\ mouths, orTiuti i: l sit l!i expiration ol t!i i*ul*-H*ription year. No paper will be di.-ennlinuo 1 until all ar re a rinses are paid, ex- i copt at the option of the I’roprietob*. Ad.vartiaomHiits conspicuous! v inserted at the usu al rates o I Olio Dollar per -quaic of twelve fines or less, for the firs’ insert ion, and Fifty Cents for each suUse <jnnt insertion. .Vtili! deduction made to those 1 who adverti.-e*by the year. All nJv- rtisenwnts not apaoili m\ as to time wdl he puMUhcl until forbid, nu i charged aecordirn;l\. An moi MceMkSTsof e-iadidate-i f.r office, to he paiti for at the usual rates when insert- and. or L\ni> and Si... *i:s, hy F.x.valors. Admin istrakorsand UuuHiin", m e rerpiired hy h” to advertised in . pu.Jic I'a/.cttc, lorty days pic vious t> the day of sale. These sales must 1 > • held o : n* tirs'. Puesday i:i the mo ith, ■ *ve i the li ir- : aia t h f and three in Tie ift r . *a. a the oi.i h ain tb* co liny ia wii. n I a*’ • -..p • v , - -i -.1. SvUT IK* .’,;;s A. .* rV A h- .11 tisedin like .man r. ten lays. \oti u; im it. . > w.* ’:u:i* rou■ of .a l-state mast ie panlished fort-v days. \ r. a: .i it i>• .• . :i i .ill he made to th ‘ h di ie V•r i.* i'. eto sell i. m 1 and \ .-'roes, musl • pub Si he 1 v *e ;l V .hr t w > m-ml iis. hr vT ox Ar i *t ters nf \ l itiiisr :• (ion mast h*q>ui :so • I i.nii” . li.s; lo.* , n •■ui- sioa from Ad aiuiAt ra .i.iu, a i r>i ’ si\..ia is ; lor l>i ■•'mission lioai i > il ia IF’ , v eixl forty lays. ft'i-LKs oii F Kn •stsi. I* M >kt . must be pni - li-.h *d a i irlaU t’r four m ‘i- - •**** ! ’'ishij lost oapers. lorthef .il spae.- oOflm-c mouilt.-. i<u coal;icilino • 11 !es fro uK. eiu-rs o- A laiinistrator-, vhero a boa I hish-.n .yieeiby t!i ’. • use l, tin full Space of three m >n’ h . Publications will always b<- oit iuuc.l a. “>rdin.* to thet* tlie local requirements, uulcss other Ye order *L at tht* following RATES: ‘ .j Citation* on letter of Administration, vte., $ - o’ do do dis nusory from do do do do and • (ruhi dianahip. •* •'* ” Leave to sell hand or N', , >• •> “ ’ Notice to detitors a> and ‘*r - l *.*rs. •* Sil*i ot personal property, U*u days l s *uaro. I Sale of laa l or a•;> ‘.v porsipan’c . Kst'ay* ‘.Wo weeks, • |J ‘co fcs sio na’ ‘£ art) s. 0r...... *.: • • • r ■ _ 3 A WING on li i:■.l II till •I. t .HI : “I It .! FARCY JOS TV?-,!rjicig all •iz *. • t .w are un’ to exe.-U.-, in the :Rij(c (j i'll. Fverv kind of • ‘>k in our line, must vein-'.illy ne-ded in ia a. i i'*i 0n..:. v, mt;i as t e ‘ Pi‘ ‘l'\ ‘ • . Hall Tnkrt HLAXixS r, F ALL K!XDS;\ | J.AIN VA I) VKM V CA H IIS. rilNO BiX*T*. An. TTe call up-a Soul i- \Ycst. r- ‘h- to give up o share of its patiMa.i re, as wu': entrusted to m will he eve-aid with dispa!e!i ;hi lin the most ap ’proved style, |>r. E\ li. i liKUIvX r*v UAVIN'i l.e >’ ATI’D iu Aa “i mrs his Tro- 1 I’eftnional Services to the citizens of the place j mi l surrounding vn-iaiiy li'o.n (. u r : na.l e\ n sive experience in t!u UK.lLlNff AUT, I. Ii clf eonli lent of h'*ing able t o i v.• ix<*aeral sat isfaction in the treatm *n: of diseas - euatid i t his eare.— Jispceiallv wo ild he invit.* the uttentiou of those who are auifortug from some chronic form of disease, fe malealfoctions, ke. From previoug iucoess in the treatment of those, he feels confident that he will he able Vo relieve the suffering of thus.- who have l>**en bowe l down under some pressing malady, and bring back blnailing health to many neh *k long blanched by disease. Il r- -*” • ’ failv solicits the patronage rtf the iirtliotcd. that Isis works may speak more effec tually than his pen. He"can he found at his o'Tie * -it M. rs. Yorvci and Ford’s Drug Stor • m a’ Ins re'idcr.e.-, -West of 00l Malone’s and n ir vVin. Sirrine’s, at all hours, unless professional 1 v engaged. Feb. lrt.Sti *3 ts L v\v \o rire:. ~ \V r 0 it R I h l 7& B \\ I) W \N \ TTO II Xi: V S \ T I, \ w l?u '*ricus, Ssifiil'*r (!muty, t"ir^i.i. I T WIN - • aaiti- 1 their • i - tie.-ia T* f dlo va : ati ••-wit :*. Mua lolpli, ht! ■ .1 Ihih -r, “i 1 1 ■ • * ui li-• Circuit, an 1 Maoonnad Dooly, of the Macon ‘ireuii HT Basuuiss entrusted will meet with prompt u tcntioM. John It. VTorrill. John Carr Brown, June U. ISM. 1 I‘im’ BROWN tV iIIOWN, 11’ roll.\’EYH AT LAW \ mkiucus, <; \T[\A* promptly attend u* all professional t uesg entrusted to their care. EDWIN K. BROWN ADAM K. BROWN .lane lotiu v 1864. 1 1 FtCBl/KKiok I. H- imoWN'K. ATTORNEY AT LAW, Am (ricus Ua. WILD give attention to ulf business entrusted , his cate. June 14. 185 April 20. A855. 45 if JAMES KKLLY, !. U LEWIS, WM. J. KELLY, Chattanooga, Tnm America*, Oa. Jasper, Tran. J. KIILLY iV C O GENEKAL COMMISSION j loh TUB SALE OF Grain, Bacon, hard, Feathers, and Tcnaeassee Produce*. Generally. Next Door to Carmichael'* Warehouse. \\n:uLisw\. ! lYeAi Wart* II oiim*. r undersigned has juat com plot <•! his WARE JL House, and is now ready tc receive Cotton, Ac. and will give his intire attention to theaale of cot ton and all other produce, and hopes to merit a lib eral share of patronage. Liberal advances made upou cotttrn in Store. L>. I*. EVANS. Americas July 23 1856. 5 ts. Editors and Proprietor*. EO. V. ( OAI'IIK X t ~ AUCTION & COMMISSION HOUSE, A.MKRIC'I S, (;.v. [ Thto Doom nhm'r Itrmrn Carmiclmcl's H'arrAouM!.] Wll.L k,t‘(. ootiptflotlv on lun,l PHOItITJ! mni FAMILY Sl’Pl'Ll S. ‘ :-?r Liberal Advances made on Goods in store. ! HKI KHENC)>: IF. Jl. M'T.i.roy, - • New Orleans W. M. Roukrtr, - * Rome, On. * Messrs. IFilky, Banks dr Cos Charleston Oko. Patton, - • •- SovautiHh. loltjt B. Boss Macon. P'M. 11. V. Moouk * , - Amerieus < t. C'ARMIOKAKi. - * “ il. A. To! kk. - . New York Jon* M \n*uno J. 1> Uitohif*. - Baltimore. C 11., - ‘h'.v. land. Xi or*. Kelt 6 IRftil .S3 o c;l rKRi \(I >in f> y < Law,. ‘I i-i tc i<"i -> ■ v * “ , ;id> uis.‘ TLIXT (.(> , : ‘ I’-; .J-” .1:1 ’v - ‘ • m list. %. E H > mils. OFFERS his !•'• mo, .and serviee-* in town and country. Dili . > ea-t si lie publicS(|Uilie ! near Nfr’Sii-rin :■ . <r -hou .“j slidr- out jsidbmaps R i -\t t i Coh ullivanV. j and op i r * . i i. i iy Ilit A < o. \ \ \ \ >, \ ■"• . PATTEN, 10IJJY’ M \(’o.\. ! foatmissloii Mriviir.ids r.m! I actors. ; ,G. I* \TTE.N, J, CULMN3, j. s ln rrox. October 18, IS HENRY W. YEIISTM.LE. . Fat tors a in! ( oinmi>si):i Mt-rHiaul, S V\ V\\ V!!. <; a. Hos .e irer J Messrs, r.’.'b’lford. t*.t v i’ (*•>.. S.ivannnh. fa. Ti,r -w: a e..„ < <:#. i “ Si ‘Wtu t, t•I My (V IV. “ “ • M.*sm*s. Uunt v, ]):tiiie! J’ Cos. Colurabi,, Henrv !.’ d.lic.i t. i's.j., C,i'i a.u i;.', . I h. F. Stowe, ’j’taula, Alal in.i. S.-.g.- ’,. r 27. 1 s.M ti If. | 15ili >\Y \'s !!>!(!. Oppo'tiic tkc ILimi ■!!;(!• MACON, (, E I, BtD*V\ ■ • - Pr<*pr*fi o*. B. F. Dkn-l. .> iperinteii len’. Mciib vc-’ you thf Mi-rival ol every *. rain. “I Feb 27. 1556 56 SVimi vY UR \W I’OKI), AT VCR *!! *i S IT U\V, AMV.inrT.'i, SVMTEU Col MV, CA. Will practice in all tlo* (Nnutica in ilit* South j Western (‘iretiit. Is. A. Svrrn, (’. i* Crawiokd. 12, 1*55 25 NL.ISTEK 11.11. U IXHTJ’TI i'E a Mint osn si-KNci-iii, \. ,u., rni.\cu’AL. r piIIS Institution will r< slum* it S ,'sioiis on the I FIRST MnNI'W ii JAM ABY is;, 6, a.ul close in MAY. Pupils desiring to elite., will make ! application to the Principal, of whom CJn-ulius -an l>e obtained Dec I 2 ir.-tim Til Ahi AN ACADEMY. PLAINS OF OLKA, SIM TER CO., OA. rgl! E uudcrsigiu and, grateful to the citigcua of Sunt li. tt r and the adjoining eounties for their liberal patronage during the PAST TEN YEARS, begs leave to announce that the exercises of his School will be resumed on the FIRST MoND.IY in January next’ j The School lo'iug exclusively under his own con trol,without any trustees, for < videm-e *f ability and j success in'his profession, he would respectfully r.*- ferto those who have patronized him for a series of 4 years. :*r For particulars. Terms, tc.. see “Annual Report,” winch will he supplied upon application to • U. A. RANSOME Dee 19 1855 [6ml Principal. i>n. j. tnr>\ ii,!s, Ol i.i > r< • ell iii\ inforn the g* —^T;AS eit i/.e-i of \:u . :iiid I'’ - , r i oundi . r count ry, that 11. ha* opened ati ‘’ Ts T' 9 office in the //ill //•> Wh- lie will devote liisen* lire at .-ofion in future -o ri(.J* l.*rnnehes of h o.'ofr ,um. * lire . >-.tuir • 1. oe.i I .tidies’ Parlor. , ft” *idiw ii and i 1 their re.-iileiieo--. it re quested. J/areh I*2 3S-ly .1. IC . < ovin^t((ii, r \siii)> viu.i: B;i r Ii c r n n <1 II a i r (I re s s er’ .Vert >f'">r to O'ftr*. Hills’ 1 fount, Anni run f!eo , l/areh -th. I- ... av. .ii r % i: a, AiT AMERH US, liA. JOHN THOU l^i. ATTORNEY AT LAW, I _____ AincriciH, da. .1. 1,. ADOERTOiV, ATTORNEY at law, amekuh s, G A. tIrIVI'OSH 1101 ME. Indian Spring, (irorgia. HR VAN W. COLLIER. ! RESPECTFULLY announces that the drove House will he open for the reception of Guests, lod the Roth instant. He has been fortunate in - ; curing the services of Mr. JAMES GRIFFIN, well know’ll to the public, as the keeper of the 90 mile, Station House on the Central Rail Road, to assist in the Superin tendance of the Mclntosh Honse during the season. A Band of Music has also beer* secured. Stages will be iu readiness at Forsyth on the arri val of Trains, to convey Passengers with comfort and ■ despatch to the House. No pains will be spared to make Guests as comfortable as possible, and a more : than usually brilliant season is confidently anticipft- 1 ‘ted. June 25 1856* 12m. iIBERTf, ihaep enuehce. ami:incus, Wednesday, august <>. \m. r o t; t r y . A double ldessiTlg ii a double gl ace ; Occasions smiles on a second lenVv. /*)/. Yet lisre,*Laretes! aboard, iftioiird, for, shuffle: •[ Ths wind sits in the should-n*f your sail. And are staid lor : There, —my blessing with voii; f l.og'mjhis Homlon la*rte s //:/. Jnd these t*w iff eCepts in niemoi v. 1 a)ok tln*n v hatavti r. Give thy thoughts no tongue,’ Nor any unproportion’d thought his act. lie thou familliar, but by no nit-nos vulgar. The friends t bon hast, mid their adoption tried,! Grapple them to thy - oul with hooks of steel; But do n t dull thy | him with cnteriainment, Cb’eiieh new hatch'd, Un fledg'd comrade. Be* * ware Qf <>ntrance to a ipiarrel; hut, being in. Hear itlhal the opposer mar b-wnre of th* <\ Dive every ni..n thine •ar, but t.-w thv voice ; t Til I ** em h man’ eensore, but re -i vc Aiy Jtldg- ; ment Costly thy habit us tin purse can by, P it not. express’d in fancy ; rich, not gaudy; For the apparel oil proclaims thcimtn; And they in i ranee, ot tin* best rank and sta- , lion, ic seiect an■: generous, chief in that. Aro, most **cb <-. Hint, u-in i ..ns, eUn fin \liat Neither a IhutoWim. nor .• lender I ; For loan oft !"S * hotii it 1 sand friend? ud Imrrow'i'f! •tuu.- th. > d.’<- p sbatidry This above all—To thine ow he true; , And it must follow, a*- the nigln tin- day, • Thou cunst not then he false to any man. Fake well; my blessing season t his in thee ! ’ ■■■ it;** A< • ih: v t.. | ! f!. \v * publish the t.d ----1 wing, wimii we oiij. the GeorM.i Citi/or, ■of tin stli ullrmo. Ear tl.. 1 tint - “f'tlic jmldii- i tion of tWs extract and this Journal miles we j be nnu-h mistnkvn could now find no room for. ■ ‘ho publication of paraloll pieces—the Citizen was uninformed as to the course it would adopt— I ! tin* ('onveution had not * assembled. 1 Hit now the Know Nothing Kitty tnav well cry out ‘T\e got a dotiki vat F : l Shu man li>:iS Biamiimtud (!mi Jarhsoit kScdolM)!! !sr?id,j DnitocratN. It is eoiiC'de.l oti :dl hands that parson Brown low, of tl” Knwiilo |Teim.] Wiiig, is cnti’iod to tin-credit of having notuinated Andrew Jack ‘ j son I'oneE* n, for the Yicu J'i mLucy to him,! I also*lc a-'cribcd ill jm.A* for, tin ingenious! i vugg t stiou if put.ting his fii.'ials nam • after this j fashion* AN I HlV.\\ J At’lxStbN <loiiei>oti. r !'o show llu- nener.iti ,!i tha! this Ih jwr.knv ! has for the nn inor\ of A'ul.* w , v !s on, and the j r o.iect and atnchinon; he ! .cars th- puncijdes and, acts < ♦’ that give: man. \\ e refer to tin- following j ’ \*i.'i''ts. copied ti'oWi tlu* files of lhoivnlovv's pa ip-T. Au*i rcatltng tin*'* ScliiiinciiD, l\nowj xothihg frier who wv* proud to bn call 1 ! Jaeksoll 1)’ ll‘".T,t'M, go Ftr - 1 1 !1 1 to the I’oUti icd Book, and erase your m.iiik* from the record where von ate v. t ittcii down :■ -worn Ivotlnr of; t lie slanderers and vihti’ is of tlio ashes of tln-j great and g !-I • kson. 11. is lr>!>vnlou s oj'ii.: iof Andrei .1 lek-i son, while his body vv.ts yet ‘Y.ean ; and who*-* : livery he would steal to serve tlu* devil in. “heath of C m r<\l Jaekso.i. -After a lite of • eighty long years, spent in tin* indulgence of the 1 ! most bitter and vindictive pa sions which dis* 1 grace human nature and distract the human . | mind, the existence of Andrew Jackson tormina* ted at his rffsidenco. near Nashville, on Sphballi I tin Bill instant, at 0 o'clock I’. M. “13ut still he li\ eil on, wrote on, abused tlw* ’ living and the dead. And in all those letters in | wliicli hospoke mo I'roely of liis <lis l ‘Olution, wo iiovit could meet with any ot that I ft a aiwia and cliai il} which belongs io the | taitli lu-professed—no reparation ottered to the j ■ injured and fad need —no .Miring of pardon from those ho lnid slandered ! . ‘• ll’e never have ill all our ups and, downs in life, witnessed a spectacle mo edifying as the last’ few \-ars of t ten. Jackson's ill xprnt lift'/ “Amrif the naked truth could bo come at, • even in his last moments, a portion of those vile deiuaeogws were about him stirring the embers of his dying resentment into a tjaine, and awaken ing to a,■tion the smouldering ashes of that hit ter resentment and* dc/mnnl vindictiveness, w hich made his In-art. thnngli a long eureer in life, volcano Jit’t * aud tfu'/oi'cnuthlc [-a--ion-. Tin-elcctionof this singular man vulgar Hero to the J ’residency wns tin- jjreatest curse that ever ye’ bd'yl this nation. * * * * * * -■ Latin >s gone to a hniil of ■ hade, and we are willing to take <>ur have i.f him. He has passed out of our hands into the hands of a just U. ul. who will deal with him, ac cording to his works. IIV would not if we t could, turn aside ihe veil ot the future, to show his deluded followers aud blind admirers wlmt awaits hint.” ‘ h'i:n iso \mmmi i il.- I-etn m'l imi-, m i-Ith of July leader, looks aero-- lire tnoad Atlantic at American progress and energy, and *f els proud of our race. The Times i- evidently in otic of its amiahle moods, and is willing lo take us by the hand in friendship, spite of our bad manners, yel low vests and tillibustcring designs. Rut if American energy has led to such progress, why plot so continually to prevent its expansion? Why net rather assist it to conquer nature, es tablish law, ami impart the blessings of peac,), order and civil liberty to the whole ol this broad continent f I I The Convention of Old line Whigs of Virgin ia held in Richmond the 18th inst., passed reso-j j iutioiis denouncing the Republicans and their candidates; disapproving the course of tho ad ministration in disturbing the Missouri Compro , mise for party purposes ; also denouncing the Democracy aud Ruchanan, sustaining the Com promise of 1850, and coiisiilers Fillmore the most suitable person for President at the present crisis, hut disclaims adopting tho principles of the party nominating him, and concludes by calling all the States to join in a National Con ; veution at Baltimore, ou the third Wednesday ;in September, and then with great enthusiasm adjourned. ‘ *Mc|li‘ii kriiolH—l'l in. ISinto.^ l udor tins c:i|>liou, tho Macon 7Y < naph in troduces toils ivndors :i most, discreditable inci , dent occurring Ix foro the Into Know Nothing State U’omcfftk>u. ‘r/n*ro is no klipnju | enough td as it dcsvrv. ..such conduct. This (Noi’so than blaak injustioo to one of the ablest champions of the C’oualitittion-v-to that j foremost of, rfH ilkj jralhuit di feffders. at the North -of the .Smith agaiittt EfN v esoil fanatlci-m, i exhih/ted on Georgia Holt, and in the approving ! pivst-nce of a tloorgpi audience, astonishe* as 1 much as it disgusts. Who was this Know Noth itig orator ? 1 ’a>s lihn rooms: “fVrl'i'iiLN AiiNum!’’ “Er rr, lhiriKi*’*-- < Mi* if tjio apenkers at the Know Nothing State spoke of tin* author of the Kansas-. Nebraska Act-* is “Smpheii Arnold?- this Lit* i t(c Giapt wav out ill the West, there-- what's. D;>yrArKi ? v ‘ iVaMas! Douglas sai l the, ineeUnp. in a guffaw of merriniout, and with dc moui rations of delight at the/07/ Yes !.in the heart Ot the 1 mjire Stat<* of the South, in this insidious, indirect and unmanlv way, the’ : nohle Douglas wtis hraiuh tl as a traitor to his counin /, by a |*vT:y which one year ago resolved tliatt e eU'*m!• ‘S ot* the Kan*n< Nebraska bill , were t i‘ • h. , Tn>. sos the (institution and the) South \c'i ilie, man of all others who has shewn ntm indiMuitable courage and constancy in eopßonting Abolitionism upon its own soil— ; the iff; i wiio, in.ISNB, breasted the whole’ sttHnl l of nitti-slavery Iny the man who with an al me t j ‘cries.” moral courage, dared tell hi} own State Uat she was wrong, and answer back face to lace the angry scolK, j< rs and menaces of Ids; o* ii t o\\m’ ‘ • ns with such a majestic hearing l of on--ions rectitude w ith such solidify and j | strength ot reason and argument, that she has ’ recalle l and worscd her iudgemeiit—tho limn • who, ioro than tl! .ffhers, has planted the l>e uitvau of this iunintrv upon true constitutional; t ground) so that it is now the sole remaining par ty link belweeti the tv*o.sections of this confedora | ev V'V, ilii- man wasjecvd at by n State Gon* v. ntion of t 1 ■ a> n S e tml A moi l. have no words w eich can add force and siguifi j ! eanoo to the were fact. % Nitiio ii? l*ariii:iiiKFnl Misery, they say loves If <o, we may take some comfort from knowing, that if I our Congress often exhibits disgraceful semics, mid ! <>ften shows a crminnl indifl*‘r< tleo to the jmhlie ’ welfare, the English ! ’..rliam •:.? is aUo very far ! from being an immacnhfte J >ly JTo understand tho scene übout to bed vdl - tl, it K only ncces j sarv to know that forty members constitute a ‘juoruin in the i louse et t'oumions, and that the whole House numbers over six Hundred. \Ye ■ copy the folk)’ iag fi'om the London Lead Cl' : “Early on Tiie--*lay .evening, Mr. I Icy wood's motion iu favor of an extended endowment of science was U a-s- and i motion which was fcc uff.-.i: rlfftrrr in dumb sfrow, T.\ Mr. Tifr. |’>r the sake ofvifeD ;i fw ni ‘rubers liad drojiped in when it was un ved th.u the lLiuae In.* conn t.d. Hie essential forty wore in there places, j i Then, N r. Mat-kiimon 4l*li\• •** 1 his objections, and 1 tin* Hriii.di I. gi l.iture dwindled almost t. the! ! limits (.fa comm ;ii jury. Again a “count'’was ; sounded, and the alarm w , * .•.a I*. 1 in the cos ; feo-roo n The Sj-*nkcr kept silence to allow the : senatoiial dunkies to get up a second sham, and 1 then sdcmnly reckoned from side to ide of the House and pronounced that a quorum was pre sent. After this larcical decision, up rose the Eight lonorable Sir Corucwall Ixiwis, Chancel i lor of tie I xeheequer, to give tile opinion of the Cabinet on the p.-.trynage of science by the ! State. Scarcely was his first s. i.tence uttered | -tlTantL* members ni>hcd away, having not I twenty in the house. 4, Tw> displays of this sort, might have been I enough for one evening. Honorable members | , did no think so. The name pertinacious “bore” j him*lf, aftoi a soleuni mUn val, upon his I legv, and said. “Sir, I l'*g to move that tlio House be'counted.” | “Again tho signal, the alarm, tho mob at the door, the Speaker's, pause, the count the announce ! ment that more than foijy members were in the House. And again the noisy outgoing. “Tht put and end to the comedy ? Not, ot; all. Lord Stanley spoke to about twenty honomj ablo gentlemen, ami for the fotirtii time there j was a scandalous repetitition ot tho scene. “There might have been a fifth; but when,! for the fifth time, a member moved that the Holism be counted, the collee-room legislators did not find their way to tin ir places early enough to anticipate the reckoning. “There being only twenty seven members pre sent, the House stood adjourned. “Tl is is our Imp -iial I'aili.uin up” (There certainly is a show of truth ia Car” Ivies celebrated remark, that Parliaments liave had their day, and must give place to an insti tution more efTicient and better adapted tq mod orn * ircuinstanccs. \NJi.\r Tiir.v no with thk KansaA Fi nos.— On tin* fill) of February, IBfio, there was* a sa-i lute i.f one hundred and t hree guns tired in Dear bern Park by Swift's artillery. The occasion was : the election of Hanks, as Speaker, of the House of Representatives. The artillery were employed to fire salute by several respectable Fusionists in thU city, who undertook to see the company paid.-* After the salute had Wen fired, the artillery ask ed for their pay, and nil the funds that abolition Chicago could raise, was not equal to one half the claim. The gentlemen who had contracted before the firing, to pay the debt, though keenly alive to tlie “ atrocity” of violating compacts, re fused to pay. The artillery-men brought suit and obtained judgment for the amount claimed. The; judgment remained unsatisfied, until after the Kansas aid funds had been collected in this city. • ihe defendant in tho suit was one of the most) VmnJiwous in urging others to subscribe for “ Free dom) in Kansas ; aud, shortly after, the judgment agafyst him for the powder wasted in honor of Hanks’ election, was taken up. We do not know, j and therefore do not assert that that judgment J was paid out of she Kansas funds, but the coin - j dance is remarkable, and to apply the funds toj that purpose, would in our judgment, bo infinite , ly more hon ruble and patriotic than to waste them! i upon such men as the heroes of Ix*xington. (CcTivspondenoe of tin* Savannah Kw ub it ... K:iunv Wr-nvKr, M.v, Jul\ 1“. K U’*. Everything’is comparatively quiet in the torri tory at present. Now and then wo receive mw> ■ iof aMitionists coming up tlio river, but they hardly -over see tin* Territory. Within tin* past three weeks ahout 140jtlle of Lanes ar-. my | have been disarmed and sent to fln ir homes. * Locotnpion the seat of t Jownintent, is a beau tiful place ami contains about fifty houses, also a good steam saw and grist mill. Hi ‘ t ’apitok bnildiffg is progressing rapidly, the first or base • ment story being up. Two stores will be built on that, making the whole building three stories higli. The Representative lLall will he’in the second story. There is no part ol tho territory 1 sup riot U< that'*f 1. eomploii. The soil i ich, ; the surface of the country ‘gently undulating, with plenty of timlier, stone, coal, and water.: The Capitol, Land office, Surveyor General’ ; lice, ami county S at are located at Lvompton. j <>ik* paper | the \ ’nifln] is published there n.*w. : 1 and nnolher (tho Kansas Southern Ad\< ib‘] will he out by the fir-t of Augu* 5 !. Gov •Shannon and lady, arrived at Lecoinp- , ! ton on the Bth. Gen. I\irsifrF. Smith, has .and o! arrived iu the territory and is now at Fort L av* | eiiworth. IJe-take- effniinaml of the U-nit-al; States troops in the t- iritory. Tlio southern bo\s are all settling claims in’ 1 the territory. nnJ \hos<* that have net yet done’ so, are getting ready as fast a- possible, so as to be there lx fore tho first of August. 1 here need be |no fears as to theV* suit of the election, if il comes 1 oil'thip year. W oha\etlio majority ot actual j settlers almost two to one. I am happy to inform von that J. H. Lain Kat j is recovering last and will soon be ready tor any i j emergeuev . i I’lie weather here is very warm 1 think! I warm i tlmn in Sa\ffunali. Yours, ifcc., I ’• The oditoi of the M.iipiok'ta ) Iowa) Scoti ‘ ! thus descrih-s Lam ’ company of cinigrunls fm j Kau>:;s, • iw ••i.eainjied at l n\*a Gily: On cither side of the retail ou which they w.i encamped, could be seen strewed over Uie ground, j the very st'imi and ( {Ucouiing df ei .nion—men j who know law -in i-i! who have not the common j decency of the brute the counterpart of dos-i perndoes, fohbers and villions of whom we read 1 in history, and who infested the Upper Missis.sip-1 pi \ alley and were known, as'the R.indiui of the !‘rairie. Here on all sid* s could 1 seen tlio j ’*juons teachings of Ifenrt/ 1 Card Ih echer- - men i with countenance* bloated, eyes bleared ; cards, ; those “passports to hull, were seen in the hands | of groups, accompanied with the ulc-tof I Hats- j [du*mv os they Dtrwd their tmtaj* with a hoe rid oath, mingled with tlio dismal yell of their !<h handled companions, t!ie j eisonous ( xlmla li"its rising from their fueled ir*ai|ia, hut tool ! plainly told that these lovers of “Kai. a free j dom” were hut the licentious pot ho rde />> f< rs, ! raised in the woisf p.ii ihu- and sinks of infamy . I 2’hey talk of freeing Kansas ! A more degraded,) **iullian” looking hand of heings who would j claim themselves tube human oiireyes never foie gazed upon all aimed to the tooth with j a Sharpe's lillo, bowic knife, six shootei> “,” Ac. ralhoßirs am! Rhu a Rcimblican^. Them arc seventeen newspapers published in the Englisli lan gnage in the United States and j | edit oil by liomaii t atb"lics. dhiitecii out of tie* l seventeen are published Aorth of Mason and , Dixon's line. How many of the number do our! j readers suppose are advocating, the election of j ; Fremont. ! -f<-r tlu ro is but one of them that i-, strictly neiitijd in politics. Mow many U We | have to answer 0 * .Most, of tlu in aio edited by ; I Irish —some how. r by American -bom Gatholics; : —Not one I Hack IkCputdovn in the ciowd. As! • protectants, we should like to know that any jirotestantdenomination of the North could pre- : 1 sent such a catalogue from its members, ofedi-j \ tors loyal to the Gonstitution and the Uniyii. J'w el ve of the thirteen Northern Catholic journ als favor the (‘lection of Mr. Dik liaimu. ‘The j thirteenth, the American Celt, (whose editor's communication the tdneinnati Gonvontion ilnl not choose to notice,) is neutral.— Georgian A’ Journal. Tlit* Idnt iHli Coiiiinancliiit'ial. “ 1 coine, fellow citizens, from a free State like , vour own ; I never owned or expected to own a -lave. I’ut other men, Ifettcrothan 1 am, and a good as any who are arotlnd me,liave eonscicii : tiotjslf held H.avcs. It is in vain -o attach thuj motives of tho whole conmniuity, when that com munity is one of the most civilized and refined, portions of the inhabited world. (Gries of good, , ; good.] Wiiat do the South ad; 1 lo he let a ; lone. They do u*t interfere with us; they d< not want to interfere with us. AlUjhey ask i 1* be lot alone. Hut we have certain aspirants for) public power and place who will not learn lh< eleventh Commandment--” Min i your own busi ness'—| Laughter.”] This speech was made at a political meeting! in one of the Northern States. It would lie su perfluous to add that the meeting was a Demo; eratic meeting. Remarks of this kind are made at none others. . The speaker was Joseph Ran- ! dnll of Philadelphia. Tlio place I'ani many Hall. the day the 4th of Jnlv. i Donelsoii on l^iHinore. j The following query which answered itsc|fj i when propounded by Andrew J. Donelson, a j little over four years ago, does not require an • answer now ? “ K it not, to the plain sense of every plain man, j j a monstrous foolery to ask a national democrat j ; to sustain Mr. Fill more, now repudiated by two. : thirds of his own party, as an eleventh hour apos tate from his KNOWN ABOLITIONISM of • 1848, to the old democratic doctrine *-f non-dn- I terventiou ns im bodied in the (Yrntpi )ur • ? :iDh: !<i‘J |mt Annum } IX IDVAXiH. TTnißElt c. .VoRK C.IMEI *• -.• Tk\-*.—'Hi.’ I I N'tali-s-!<'.'inisliii> Sn.-rri-i , r.o.v Hi - N'- v \ .it ■l. N ext York, i ; nt Again . \\i.v.k<foi- rcinfoiwmoiil to tlio sltvk i'! - ■ ■” l.roiii’lit in I'v lioroti fior L:-t nnJ I■n.l- ■ I in r.r tli.> 1 ‘nil. J if.- * -■ m It h:is (won r->nml tliat lit-’ orfM'iinfint -nit. ,'ulmirnltly, aml that for tlio tj mo-lV r <>l tho lor 1 tod Slatos - to!. - at” ■ tho plain’ ot’ l-\i th catm l i- j oii'.-.-tlv iiit. il, ami witlo tali,lint; tl"- -oil c! of lilt t ‘initry ilin>ut any ti t lioultv. Thus far otiiy Lln.i v-fno ha. b> ■ti hi'ouoht. It i-. mton l! in lli.- noxt trip to hritur fifty. Tlio Loinhrn Wooldv tint l ; :t\ Tliaoko ’ iav i-omplaitis of tho tl a -m ho in.-t with i” Now Yoik, tit'i\!o-jH‘oial!\ Irom olio t-litor, wh” always droppotl in at tho 4,’> aJoa llotol just a- ho wa-a “oifi;; to .'tun r ; ho I- ‘iftl tho t . tlior of I'omF-miis ... that ho was i .t.lvoil not t.i tain if . Am.'i ‘'’ I In u • of his porsovutor's I.iliorl:i. 1-A-l'ri‘si.lcnl U .t • Li ’t.i. in Boston “•',.11:; L> nialio airatH -"t 1 r - tahlishing a I collejro at MonrO'ia. 1 li-stay in this countiy - w ill In- short, a ; ho inlomls to Kan e soino time in i August for Kuolaiitl, whore lie will join his faini* Iv, aatl ; 1 with tht ‘ ‘ to AfrU’a. l'ro-i ----1 • L-nt Kohoits : i.tail, ■ Vory fivo, ably of tho tato ! ,if tilings in tlio now UopnLhv. jkV . !.•• Kn-'.v N'olhi- : I ;s>rs aro making a or. at fuss ahull! th- v. itlulraw al of Clias. Irving, M-i]., from iln l 1 1 rnoi'iatio Klovtoral tivkot in Virginia. Wi-v ilo th-v not stata that Mr. Ir -1 viug liuelimal iu ooiist'jtiiuioo * f his tlosiro to aivl ith - oausti of 1 luoliatian mill llrockta.iiJ;;,. tho j oililoi ial ooianm of his pup,a : 1 i euuiso only that air. Inina ihi-Lino. 1 . 1 Stati: iieNM. On tho tii.-t Moinl.iy in Vngnst.ol.viions will ho in Itl in the Statos ot i Koiitin-kv, .t a rova-, Missouri atul hova ; J ni.l oa tiiv lif t Tha -,la. of August, in North I i'arolimi. till tin li. •! M. n lav ol Oetohor, in ,i- it” i.’.a, .- 111 vl mi tiie i-i i lay of th'leh. r, ; in 1 Viiii ‘vl. ania, (Miio an I I r .hana. ‘Our Crcrfit'tion. Th ah a paja-t iu (hi ■ State aro making ‘a groat lie .. .tit th • p pularity of tln-ir ! woolly hoist- canili.lale, utnl all thoir i'ig ami lit tla villi “is from t ir< onport lo 1 ‘.tnkirk, are boaat* ! i.that In v .1 . rry tl State hy tidy thousiniil ‘inajorilv. I her., never was more froth on a little su tnn.-e than all this talk ami hullabaloo about Kiveinotil's popularitv The Se.varihles . have suhsitli/eii the | n ■. ami m an, if possible, ■to earn- tlio tl IV hv miioli hi.!, ... ami maki g ; people bcliove that ovoryhotlv is foi i remotit. !S OW, V le. ■ ‘ 1,, p ! h boasting , tlie f. ilowi ; pnallction. Cut it out, loath-r, anti put :i ill yom Wallet'. I Hui'li.'inan will poll in thi- : : ito, 225,000 votes ( Fillmore. liO.OOO j lavuiont. 140,000. ’A c piTtlit l. further, that Huohmmn will carry 1 all lli- s. i. ra S: ,1’ . - hania. New Jet ■ov, X w V ,A, r X.niu.-i t i i'. Ne.v 11ani|Hlhire, 1 Maine, Mifl.ig ni, i wa, atnl Illinois. Now pis', this up am!• v i \t. November how near wo nr ■le lit A'. 1 . /'.■ V !>"• t. Wtt.UAM I’nuvKi.i., IX<). —This gentleman, formerly tho editor of the American Organ at ’.Wellington, is out in a letter announcing his in tention to support Mr. Buchanan for I lie I'o-'- I ill liny. Ha'il-g heell l looted to tho \ irglln.i lo; ! ialaline lasi fall by tho .\moricnn party, In ul - - ■ announce that lie has tmwar led lus ivs-gualioi ■ : lo the tiovornor. j N't,i ,o i ; I’.ni out. —The State fientiool (la.) sa\ , the blucj, icpublicails h.avo oflcrcd tisr -.ul of tlio la I'll I 111 deitioctafic paper of th • ihe “ \ olk-U<itl,” one thousand dollars it would go ..vert • the support of Fremont. 11. ■ otter was scoria si, utnl the “A olksblatt” is a sou tv i i national democrat ic journal. I’.ilm Mkihcink. — The Jlnlm of a very hem //t. ot/.,', alartittho streets, will not purify the lireiithofu person with a moutli full of rot ten teeth. It will purify the broath of a to ’ liaeed u r, a rum sucker, nor. indeed, will it pu rify the breath of anv one. Cleanliness alone ! w ill do that. Buy a Bit of line soap and a tooth | brush use them freely every day, and you will ! liial no need of tho halm of a “ very fop flowers,” winch cor -t, of a liftle s suited wator, and notb • i moie, -old .-X, 50 cents for a very small Ujll tl!. l 1i... ],. : -i .latuif of Texas commenced its session at A list,n on the Till ins.t. On the Bth the Govern •or tiaiisinitted a tin i m setting torlli necessity for action upon the t / this ms-ioii, and also in refeietu 1 .- to the eetioiiali.'.ing of tlio public lands. ’ The legis'atur, ha passed an a. t givieg |>er ..otis umvsti ained pAVer to dispose of tln-ir pro- I pi i ty, by w ill, as they pleatse. Tho Governor has veto’ .1 tho Texas Western ; Kail road (company bill, mal the bill granting (tlio taxes to the counties, pa .-tl at the last b:"- I sion. Mr. t li hiltri , eli .irman of tlie House commit tee on slaves and slaverv, has made a r,.|oit. and j introduced a joint, re-olution to appropriate vat’ I 000, for the promotion of|teaceablo cmigrats \ to Kansas. The report was adopted and the jo. ! r..solution was nude tlie special order for the lot ; inst. A lett.-r from An tin to the Galveston Noe, av- the river bill was sent for tlio 15th insL, and the lone bill the 11th, and there seems to U jno doubt that the K-au bill, in some shape, will I pass. The newspapers -ay that a severe drought is prevailing iu many portions of the State, cspe ’ ciallv on the Colorado and its tributaries. Corn 1 1.1- sutfert and. Cotton is also suffering but in it so sex’ iely .