The Southern witness. (Monroe, Ga.) 1870-18??, March 23, 1871, Image 3

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Southern W il mss. Mohroe, March 23, 1871. 'N wspajper Decisions. 1. Aliy person who lakes a paper regular ly from the post-office—whether directed to his name or another, or whether lie lids Subscribed or not—is responsible for the i«y 2. If any pcfsolii orders bis paper discon tinued, lie taittst pay all arrearages, or'tlic publisher may continue to send it-uirtil pay ment istokde, and collect the whole amount, whether it is taken front theofflee or not. 3. The courts have decided that refusing to take newspapers and periodicals from ili'C post-oiliee, or removing and leaving them uncalled for, is puiua facie evidence of in tentional fraud. Superior Court.—Tlie Superior Court is now in session at Eatontou. Judge Reese and Col. Biuuurs, of this place, have,gone down. We call the attention to the card of Mr. W. 11. Colj.ikr, which appears in dir present issue. lie i% a prompt, and ruHtilile geiAleiueig and deserves the support of Our coinmunity. All orders in his line will meet with pro per attention. At Greene Superior Court List week, three total divorces were granted, and three negro Criminals convicted oh the respective •Charges of assault tvith attempt to mnwler, attempted burgla ry and vagrancy. SeS etal other priso ners were_ti'ie<i Col. J. A. Billups, in 'an able, earnest and gra tuitous effort, successfully defertded a negro boy who was charged %it h rape Vtpoti a negro woman-. W. B. R. —There will be found in our present issue a WiVihiunlcition signed W. It. 11. on the religious situ htioil. Oiir columns are opened to the discussion of all questions of pub lic, interest, and we cheerfully give place to tills lommuideation as wo will 'trho to aiiy thing in reply—but we disclaim all connection whatever with Hie controversy. Burglars.—Wc lniVc for some time known that our community, like most others at lids tiin'e, is infested by a band of either organized of uuorgan ized thieves. Their petty deprcd.-itioiiS hnVc been numerous. ail j ipijoying, arid of late are growing more serious. On hist Saturday night, the residence of I)r. Oglesby was entered and a Well filled trunk belonging to Mr. Harris, carried away; his chicken house was also bro ken open and sundry representatives ot the feathered tribe, including two setting iieus, removed to some other locality. A sack of flolir was also tak en, blit for some cause-, abandoned in an ally heal' l\v, where it Was found next morning.— Madison Appeal-, Press Convention.—ifeartily endors ing the foi'Ulvondhg Pl‘ess Convention, we arc iii faVor of holding it this time in Augusta. Atlanta, it is true, is the most central and accessible, and would Certainly do full justice to the occasion, but as so many affairs of this kind are held there, It will not envy Augusta in the pleasure of enteftaiug the knights of the quill tnis time. Besides the concurance of two other conventions at the same time and Gen.* Toombs’ lecture oil Magna Charter, will make it oarticulitrly desirable to be there at that time. Skating Rink.—We arc happy to learn that a company of enterprising young men have purchased the right to establish a Skating Rink at this place and that ohr city will soon be enlivened with this popular and most delightful amusement.- Madison Ap. Newton SbbEßion Court. — The March Term Newton Superior Court commences its session, in Covington, oil Monday last. Gov. Bullock has appointed lion. W. F. Wright, of Ncwnan,- to fill the vacancy caused by the election of J. S. Bigby, to Congress; in the Tallapoosa Circuit. Provisions are, cheaper in this mar ket, says the Greensboro’ Herald, Ilian at this time last jear; this may be attributed to the low price of cotton. It js reported, says the Savannah Republican, we know not how truly, that since the establishment of the bind and water route from Satannall to Jacksonville, via Brunswick and Feinandina,thc Florida railroad threat ens to send no train from Jacksonville to connect with the Allaultic and Gulf id Lire Oak. Three Macon women were up a few days ago for being drunk. A professional dignosis of Dalton reveals the chicken-pox and mump9. The pickle market is dull. The Augusta bar hvis invited Gene ral Toombs to deliver Lie .great lecture on Magna Chufta in that city. From present indications, says the Greensboro’ iterald, the coming crop of small grain In this country will be short, wheat especially. “ The oat crop,” says the Sparta Times and Planter, “though quite young, is very fine and much larger ’than we expected 'to sec planted.” A Novel Pint Measure.— Perkins will get tight occasionally,intich to the astonishment of hiinsdf ami friends.— “For years,” says he,*it was umacount able to I never did drink bul a' mouthful or two,and .the cause never' did strike me until I measured my mouth, and found that it held a pint.” During a steam-voyage, on a sudden stoppage of the machinery, considera hie alarm took place, especially among the female passengers. “What is the matter? Wliat is the matter? For Heav en’s sake tell me the worst?” 'exclaim ed one more anxious tliaft the rest.— After a short pause, a hoarse Voice re plied,“Nothing, tnadame, nothing; only' the bottom of the vessel and the top of the earth ar stuck together.” SPECIAL NOTICES. v ‘Stimter Ritters”produce such good 'digestion abd quiet rest as Bryant describes in the following; “Like one who wraps tlie drapery ot liis couch around him and lie down to pleasant dreams.” Marietta, Ga.-, Aug. 9, IS7O. Messrs. Bradfield & Co.—Gentleinvn: You will please ship us another supply ol your invaluable Female Regulator, and for ward bill per mail. We are happy to state that this remedy gives better satisfactiontldm any article we tell. Wc have bce’n selling it since IS6B, and witnessed Vnany remarkable cures by it. Among others, there was a truly friend ofoitvs who was sallow and sickly wbtilsh? Was tYVenty-six years old, at which age slie married; her husband lived two years and died'; she continued in bad health; in fact, she Has novel been what a Woman ought to be.. A few months after tlie death of her Intel)and, she Saw your advertisement and came <» (Air store and bought a bottle of yettr Regulator from us, and took it accord ing to directions. It has cured her sound and well, brought her regular monthly pe riods on, and to-day she is a hearty, bloom ing widow, with the use of but two bottles of your Regulator, coasting her only three dollars* when she had tried several physi cian? anil spent a great deaf of money with out any hem-lit. • Wishing you great SttecCss with joiif valuable remedies, wC lift! respectltillyi yours, etc. IV. ROOT & MO AS. 32-ttX PKOCLAM AT I ONi GEORGIA: I!y Rlfu3 15, Bullock, Governor of said Stale, Whereas, Official information lias liecii received at this Department that a murder was committed in the county of Bibb, oil the I3lh day of November last, upon the body of Gus Redding, by one Henry Love, as is alleged, and that said Love, a person of color-, lias ffed from justice: I have thought proper, therefore; to issntf tills, my proelaiiiation, hereby offering it reward of five hundred for the ap prehension and delivery of the said Henry Love, together with proof suffleieht, to coti viet, to thd Sheriff Os said eoitiity Arid State, iii order that lie may be brought to trial lbr the offense with which he stands charged. Given under my hand and the greatscalof the State, at the Capitol, in Atlanta, this lath day of March, in the. year of our Lord Eighteen Hundred and Sereiity-oiic, and t>f the independence of the Uiiited Slates of Ahicriea the ninety, fifth. RUFUS B. BULLOCK. By the Governor: David G Cutting, Secretary of State, mar 23 ‘ 84t A Lectiire to Young ffleii. Just published, in a sealed envelop: Price six cents. A LECTURE on the nature; that intent, and radical cure o f Spei'inatorrhoea, of Seminal Weakness, Involuntary Emission, Sexual Debility, and impediments to Mar riage generally: Nervousness, Consump tion, Epilepsy, and Fits; Mental andPhvs ieal Incapacity, resulting from Self-Abin’e, We.—B,v: J. CULVER WELL, M. I).; Author of tlie “Green Book," &e. The world-renowned author, in this nd hiitable Lecture, clearly proves from his own experience that the awful consequence of Self-Abuse may be effectually removed without medicines, hull without dangerous surgical operations, ■ bougies, instruments, rings or cordials, pointing out a mode bf cure at once certain and effectual by-which every sufferer, no matter what his condition may be,‘may cure himselfohoaply, private ly, and radieallv. THIS LECTURE WILL PROVE A BOON TO THOUSANDS AND THOUSANDS. Sent under seal, to any address, in a plain envelope; on the receipt of six een(S) of two postage stamps. . Also. Dr. OUvcrweU’s “Marriage Guide,” price 25 cents. Address tlie Pirblislrrts. CHAM. J. C. KLIN E & CO., 127 Rtiwory, New York, mar. 23, ts. Post Office Box 4,580. FALL GOODS LUNCEFORD & WHITE, UaVc just filled their house with tlie UATest Style* O F —FAjNcY DRESS GOODS— Splendid aftteies, tfeat rich aVid durable. Hats, Bonnets, Hibboiis, Laces, And the most Fashionable Trimmings. A large lot of Toilet Goods, Perfumery of the best brands, Pomades, Soaps, Bifehes, Etc., Etc. A large ussortiVieiit of Stripes, and Checks for every body's ware. MENS’ GOODS, READY MADE CLOTHING, C-ASSI MERES & SATINETTS, In great variety. Hats oil tlie Latest Fashion. Boots and Shoes of Best Quality. HOME AND PLANTATION goods. A large abd Well selected stock bf Family Oroceriei. All of which we will sell as cheap asany body. Call and ho supplied. ~gT G. 0. LUNCEFORD & W. W. WHITE, _ _ MOiyftbg, GXi IMPORT El3 VanJanscns Royal Schiedam Schnaps Fin- sale by JAS. M. SHEPARD. AT.SO THE LARGEST STOCK OF FOREIGN AND Domestic Wines ancl Liquors, Os every kiud, ever offered for sale in Monroe. Every article warrented as rep resented. No article put on the market until pr'oprriy and scientifically tested-. £2T' The best LiquonS forMedioibal pur poses eOiretahtly on hand Alia Vvarrented plife. I-ts. REST EASY! CG. NO WELL has .just received a lot . ts Dine Bedsteads, which lie is offering at very low prices. Don’t complain that your slumbers are dis turbed by an old rickety bedstead, buteblne to Nowklls and get anew one. Monroe, Ga., Feb. 21. . 5-t’f. Mil! Gearing,Shafting Fullc3 r 'ISSND FORA CIRCULARISE' I -341. I’KOCLYMATION: GEORGIA: 15y Rufus B: Ihiuock, Governor o! Said State. \\ hereai, Official information has been received at this Department that a murder wits eonnnitted in the county of Cobb, on of about the 11th df December last, upon the liody of Wiliiahl Edwards, by one Howell C. Shut-icy, as is alleged; and that said Shutley has lied from’justice: I have thought proper, therefore, so is sue tills; my PiTK-Idfffatioh; he'ftby Offering a raw aid of One Thousatid Dollars ftif tl e apprehension and delivery of the staid ftintl lcy; with proof sulfieieiit to cohviet, to tile Sheriff'of said eonitty aiid State. And I do moreover charge and require all officers Mi this State, civil and military, to be vigilatlt in endeavoring to apprehend tliß Said Shutley; in order that lie may lie brought to trial for the ofl'ense k ith which he stands charged; Given tihder toy hand ahd the groat seal of the State, at the eapitol in Atlanta, this 14th day of January, in the year of our Lord Eighteen Hundred and Seventy one, and of the Independence of the Uni ted States Os America, the Ninety-liilli. KlTl S li. BI'LLOCK. By the Governor: David G. Conixu, See. of Stale, fell iS-5-4t. LOOK HERE! % Something New!! C. XL. NOWELL, MONROE, GEORGIA. Having j fist returned from market, re speetfufly calls tlie attention of the public to the, fact that lie luff no tv’on hand a well s&edftd s tCH*k & FALL AND YVINTER GOODS which lm.- been jnin-hased since Tfc, recent decline iii prices and will be offered exceed ingly loft'. STAPLE AND FANCY GOODS IN GREAT VARIETY. A large assortment of Dress Goods, in solid colors. Plaids and Stripes, lower than ever. OinsUtibg "of Poplins, French Mire noig, Delaines', French Chi ne, Alpaca’s, OpcfY Funnel, Linseys of all colors, prints,Shawis, Nubias, Hoods, Cloaks, Bal tooiais. BlCe'-hing, Brilliants, Chignons, Switches and “ Shoo Flys.” LADIES AND MISSES IIATS, In great variety. Ribboev, Trimmiiigs, ftnd Fancy Ar tidest etc., Ladies’, Misses’ and Gliildren’s BOOTS AND GAITERS, A Fine Assortment at I’opidnr PncVs. Boots and Shoes, Hats and Caps, lii fihieSWYk for MYlq Boys and Children. A superbifotdf READY MADE CLOTHING At prices that defy competition. ' A splendid lot of Eieoe Goods, For Men and Boys' wear, from 25 els. Up. Consisting of Cashimefes, JeanCs; Sittinetts mid etc., etc.; Guns and cutlery, - And a General Stock of HARDWARE. Bagging, I’ies, Powder, Shot; Saddles, Bridles, Buggy (Villa'--,' Harness, Trace Chains, Whip.-, Shovels, Spade-; Haines, Etc., Etc. BE D STEA DS, Bed Blankets, Coverlets, Trunks, Valievs, isatchcls; Clocks, Looking Glasses, L’lithrellas, Etc.; Etc. A fitie lot of tIiOCKERY AND GLASSWARE, In Good As'-yrlhicnt. Always on hand a Good Assortment ol Toilet Goods, Soaps, Cohu lit"; Pomades, Perfumery, CourSfc and Fine Coinlis, I’aiiei; Pell.-; ink. Linen Cuff's and Collars, Cuff' Buttons Jewelry, Etc., Etc. A large assortment ot SCHOOL tJOOK!S. Family Groceries, BACON, LARD, FLOUR, CORN,! MEAL, SUGAR, COFFEE; j RICE, SALT, Eu. MOLASSES AND SYIIUP, j Cheese always on hand at the Lowest j Cash prices. If j'ou want goiil Bargains.don't fail so call and examine thi- new stift-k IjWbre hureha-ing elsewhere. I-tl. Torbcrt, Brown & Cos,, * DEALERS IN FANCY CONFECTIONERIES, FRUITS, TOYS, cfcO., tfco. At the stand formerly occupied by the Baltimore Boot and Shoe Store, ttAiLROAD STREET, MADISON, GEORGIA, To tlic Citizens of Madison % And. Surrounding' Country: We beg to inform yctu that \vc are now opening a first-class Confectionery, Fruit aiulToV Establishment, and will keep at all times a superior assortment of Plain and Fancy Candies, Nuts of all kinds, Fanned Goods of eVery description, such as Oysters, Sardines, Lobster?, Salmon, .Mackerel, Tomatoes, Peaches, Green Corn, Strintyßeans, Peas, Strawberries, Pine Apples, and a full line of Plain and Mixed Pickles',’ tapper Sauce, Catsup, Jellies, Preserves, Brandy Peaches, Brandy Cherries, Maecaroni, Cur- Tants, Citron, Raisins, Prunes, Figs, Oranges, Apples, Lemons, etc., etc., during the sea son. Tobaccos of the beTH brands, Cigars, Pipes, ete., etc. A1 o an 'elegant lot of Toys of every description. Tlie Ladies are respectfully invited to give us a call. Our aim is to keep everything of the best, and by doing so, we hope to merit a fair share of patronage. We would invite our friends, the little beys and girls, to come and look at our stock before they purchase elsewhere. We know we have just wliat they want, at prices to suit their little wallets. All we ask Ls for you to give us a call —w e know von will call again. TORBEftT, BROWfI fc CO., X. B. —Don't forget the place, Railroad street. tSiftES ts. TO PLANNERS!! Ouano for Cotton. AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES. “EUREK.A” Anuiioniated Bone Superphosphate ftf Lime, PRICE IX STORE, AUGUSTA, GEORGIA, $.33 CASH, PER TON Os 2,000 pounds. For Warehouse or Factor’s acceptance playable Ist November next, $65 per ton, without interest; Jov Planter’s note, secured by lien On crops, payable Ist November nexl, $73 per ton, without interest. Tor low middling cotton delivered at a Railroad Station by Ist Novembei*, 15 cents per pound will be allowed, and $65 per ton fchafged for “ EpftßU.’’ For lower grades of Cotton the ostial difference will be expected.An settlement Approved acceptances on four months'time taken as cash; This Fertilizer is wc'l and widely known, and lias given entire satisfaction for the last, five years to all who have used it. Tarlies wishing this well known Fertilizer would do w ; ell to send in their orders at once. T W. SIMS & CO., Cotton Factors, Savannah, Ga., Gen. Agents. beaix, spears & CO., feb2i-tf. Cotton Factors, An trust a. Ga.. Atrehls. EXECUTIVE NOTICE. PROCLAMATION. GEORGIA: By Rufus B. Bulllock, Governor of said State. Whereas, it has been made known to me from reliable Sources, that one William Hood, alias George- Wilson, a hotorioe* character, has of bite committed many dep hidntioiis upon tli* goo<l and law-abiding citizens of Hall county, iu that he, the said Hood alias Wilson, has.for some time l>eei), and, as is alleged, is now. engaged in steal ing, carrying off and killing cattle and other live stock from the farms of the in habitants of said county of Hull; and Whereas, it is the paramount duty of the Government to insure protection to the property of its citizens, and it being the desire Os the Executive to encourage all good citizens in endeavoring to suppress: and prevent any fiiHhl'r iJcetirfcnbc bf htr fccuies such as those lierelhbeforc recited: Xow, therefore, I, Unfits B. Bullock, Governor of tbb State, do hereby issue this, tuy proclamation; offering a reward of live hundred dollars for the apprehension and delivery of the said William Hood alias George Wilson, to the Sheriff' of Ilall County. Given under mv baud and the great seal of the tstjjto, at the Capitol, in Atlanta, this 2-1 day of March, in the year of our Lord Eighteen Hundred and Seventy-one, and of the independence of tin United States of America the hitict Y-liiUi. RUFUS B. BULLOCK. By the Governor: I): G. CoTTixd, Sec. of State; Description : ThefciM William Hood <leoige Wil son, is about 5 feet tt ibelies high, weighs from 120 to 123 Jknfinls, has dark hair, slight fuzzy beard, dark eves, ear* pierced for rings' and is about -V years of age. mar.S 4t. WAYNE, MITCHELL, RECK «Y t <>., : Would respect fully in form their old cus tomers. and the public generally, that they fire >till carrying on the Carriage Making, pfaek-iuithing and Carpenter Work, in all their', at tinvir Old Stand, Mou rn', Georgia. Walton Sheriff Sale. WILL be sold before the court house door in the towh of Stonroe, in said county of Waltoh, on the first Tuesday in March next, within the legal hours of sale, thirty acres of land, more or less, lying in. the north-east corner of land lot not 77 in the third district of said county, it being the remainder of 55 acres, lc’viwj on. by James S. Bullock, former deputy i o r said county, as the property; of i lVtii7lS'- Nowell, deceased, by Virtue of one fi: fa. issued front Waltoh IhfeHor Court in favor of Stcphet) Ftffker vs. Win, L. Michael principal, and Wm. W. Nowell security'; J. M. AMMONS, 2- tds. Sheriff. PROCLAMATION; GEORGIA: By Rtf us B. Bullock, Governor bf said Suite. Whereas, OlVieial infoftfialion has beeff received at this Depart iikiht flint a murder was committed in the county of Doiigher ty, on or about the lith day of May, 1870, upon the body ofCMtster DonnallyJ eiflored; by one James Browh, colored! as Is alleged; and that ?a!fl B?owh has fled from justice: l have thought proper, therefogef to issue this; my proclamation, hereby offering a re ward of live huntlrcd dollars fol tlie dp'prc liensidh anil delivery' b'f the snibrt Brown, with proof sufficient to convict, to the Sheriff'of said county and State. And I do moreover charge arid require all officers in this State, civil ami military, to be vigilant in endeavoring to apprehend the said Brown, in order that he may be brought to trial fob the bfibnse with which he stands charged. Given tioder toy hand and the Great Seal of the State, at tile Capitol in Atlanta, this first day ol March, in the year of our Lord Eighteen hundred and Seventy-one, and of the Independence of the United States of America the Ninety-fifty. RUFUS B. BULLOCK, Gorerndr: By the Governor: David G.* Cottlxg, See. of State. DESCRIPTION: The said James Brown is of a bright, black color; about 5 feet 11 inches high and weighs about 100 pounds. mar. 8,4 1.