The Southern witness. (Monroe, Ga.) 1870-18??, April 27, 1871, Image 2

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% -'fit,' 1 ~ ? ' ' * H m ':'!>■ || ij ’’~ * wf\ mg <>t / ’v ' ' ' ’ lass - hereby <>‘ afflj $ | jlKl of office. • - , pf Hoc. of State, o-4t. HfetJ § r ; Waterwheel, ji|Mfrinft.Slgffin£& Pulley- Vole % ho#%timor^ i On A CIRCULAR^;' Wilt. K depot. K. KKMOAUK bo f - well to examine onr AGO ALE is still cut of the Ale Depot, s at a distance order psont in person, as we own principleswhich— U?ROtX, who wifi lie manner. || , Atlanta, Georgia. STSt* FRUEBB, ind Shoe Store, MHA. r- Confectionery, Fnrft rtment of Plain awl Son, such as Oysters, l Corn, String Beans, xed Pickles, Pepper* ics, Maccaroni, Cur , etc., during the sea i elegant lot of Toys fi s hope to merit a fair . id look at onr stock fore they purchase elsewhere. We know we have jus I, what they want, at prices to it their little wallets. All we ask is for you to give us a call—we know von will cull again. TORBEIIT, GROWN & CO., N". B. —Don't forget the place, Railroad street. mar.B ts. TO F»LAI>J TE3RS!! Guano for Cotton. 1 + * .T GREATLY REDUCED PRICES. i* ‘ ES XJ 2r?_ HID 33L j3l. ’ 7 liateil Jlone Superphosphate of k Lime. t;*. ■ AUGUSTA, GEORGIA, $55 CASH, PER TON OF s acceptance pay-able Ist November next, $65 per j »cured by lieu on crops, payable Ist November next, pfflnterest. f: -Hnton delivered at a Railroad Station by Ist November, be allowed, and $65 per ton charged for “ Eureka.” Hpotton the usual difference will be expected in settlement. on four months’ time taken as cash. This Fertilizer ■•own, and lias given entire satisfaction for the last five used it. Parties wishing this well known Fertilizer in their orders at onee. Cotton Factors, Savannah, Ga., Gen. Agents. K BEALL, SPEARS & CO., Cotton Factors, Augusta, Ga., Agents. pDYSPEPSiAITINDIG E STMON^ SOLO' EVERYWHtRE . . _7f fl Bob^mmavis a WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS amaßWMfcfc 1 N. B. The Commissioner of Revenue has decided that any dealer can seH this article without a special license. Forsale'in Monroe, Georgia, hy TAT NOE FORD & WHITE, JOHN FEEKKR. And in Social Circle, Georgia, by 1-I3t. ACKRIDGE & C*. For Sale. A DESIRABLE HOUSE AND LOT pleasantly situated, being convenient, to business, churches, schools, ancl in good neighborhood. Tim house contains five rooms, with closets, all plastered, and in good repair, with all necessary out build ings. The lot contains two acres, all under good fencing, with good orchard of lino fruit,. Parties wishing a desirable homo would do well to examine this place. Price, $2,000. mar.lo, 7 ts. E. U. COHEN. THE LIVE DRUG STORE - EEDWINE & FOX, Atlanta, Georgia, Dealers in drugs, medi cines and Chemicals. Paints, Oils ancl Varnishes. Plain, Colored and Ornamental Window Glass. Goods warranted as sold. Prices low. Terms cash. jan3l-ly. GEORGIA RAILRROAD. On and after'Sunday, January 22, 1871, the Passenger trains will run as follow*: DAY rASSKNKKR TRAIN DAILY, (SUNDAYS EXCEPTED.) Leave Augusta at - - - - - 8.00 a.m. Arrive at Madison ----- 2.22 p. m. Arrive at Atlanta - ----- 0.30 p.m. Leave Atlanta at 7.10 a. m. Arrive .'u Madlson - - - - 11.25 a. m. Arrive at Augusta - - - - 6JOr. m. NIGHT PASSENGER TRAIN. Leave Augusta at 7 - - - - 8.301. M. A Madison ----- 2.37 a.m. Arrive at Atlanta ----- 0.40a.m. Leave Atlanta at - - - - - lO.lfi r. m. Arrive at Madison ----- 1.50 a.m. Arrive at Augusta - - - - 7.30 a. m. Both Day and Night Passenger Trains will make close connection* at Augusta anil Atlanta with-passenger trains of connect ing roads. l’iisscngers from Atlanta, Athens, Wash ington ami stations on Georgia Railroad, by taking the down Day Passenger Train, will make close connection at Camak with Ma con Piisscnger train, and reach Macon the some day at 7.40 r. m. Palace Sleeping Cars on all nigh trains. S. Iv. JOHNSON, Superintendent