Newspaper Page Text
One square one /line, one dothiv ;
all subsequent insertions, fifty cts.
anil corresponding reduction mit ill"
for tjHtcc over sir squares.
.Ye ally executed, saUsfnctto ngttity
an/etd, und fit ters moderate.
Of nil Kinds for sale ■
Notice to Our Patrons!
At there U 10 much complaint shout the
scarcity of money in tin) county, wo are
determined to place our paper within the
roach of all. Therefore, we will tako in ex
change for auhscriptioa any country. [>n>
duoo fbr which we will allow the tnurkit
price. So let there bo no excuse, but come
nlohg and subscribe for the paper and do
yourdutey and we a r o suro that you will lee
Ilavo r> moved their office
iloora li |.av Ipsnt ,J' **i I’ll-.glt*
Keeiu bcn tofbre
eepil, 1H74. t'
li. liobcrls, M. /).
May be consulted nt his tffi'v in the
Djwio. n^oki; ,
on the I*?. E. corner of llnm* and liny no'r
►tro* t#, or at h:s reeidelicf, cormr Ham
and Church Ftn o’ a . hj• I- if
Mali cat olive.
I have this day associated with me in U
practice of Medieiuo, I>r. L. \V. LINKIN''
Office and residence us heretofore
‘juntlS ly B 0. SMITH, M. 1)
Horatio A. Jloll ijitlti; M, J), 9
Sunders villa, Georgia.
Office nt his residence, where he ihhv ai
all times be found when not profea i*<n&lh
engnged. nys-0m
jkssi: a. i tons OS'
Saiidersvilhs (-a.
Will practice in all the Courts of the Mid
die Circuit, and also in the Bankrupt Court
of the United States. april7.-ly
a. If, If, If hit a L<r 9
Office at his residence, on H:urU Street
Sniidorsville, (<n.,
Whore he can lie found at al! hours.
terms cash.
apriK, Iv
K. V I.VSOMW": a l> KV.VN
atto it N kv S A I' i, a w
Sundersviile, (ifoikjtH.
T II 0 li AS E V A N S,
AT T O It N K V A T 1, A W ,
Offico on Ist floor in the M.conic Building
•Jits, It* Jj . At tin,
Wrigktsville, - (icorgiti
Offico In the Court House.
Something J%*ew l
wouk a eis; tr.
I take this occasion to inform tin* pnbln
that I have opened a IIA UN KSS SHOP
front of Brantley Pringle’s, and am pr*
pared to make and repair Harness, Saddn *■
and Bridles in good style. 1 am bouu
to work CHEAP. Come tc s omo
sept. 1,6 m W. 11. FLOY I)
. 1.- M..
Vinegar Bitters aro .a purely Veg
etable preparation, made eh icily from
the native herbs found on the lower
ranges of tiro Sierra Nevada moun
tains of California, tho medicinal
properties of winch am extracted
therefrom without the iiso of Alcohol.
The question is almost daily asked,
“What is tho cause of t lie unpar
alleled success of Hit-
U K Itsf" Our answer is, that they
joijjovo tho canso of disease, and
Jim patient recovers his health. They
,'iro tho great hlood purilicr and a
tilo-giviug principle, a perfect lieno
vatar anJ lnvigmutor of tho system.
.Sever before in lire history of tile world
lias a medicine been compounded pos
sessing tho remarkable qualities of Vix-
J.OAU fiITTRK# ill hauling the hick of
every disease man is heir to. They aro
H gentlo Purgative as well ns a Tome,
reuavjug Congestion or Inflammation of
the iifeXgnd Visceral Organs, iu ililious
Tho proportion <>f Dn. Wai.k-
Kr's VuiiWAlt ulTTKttsa.o Aperient. Dia
phoretle, (Jarutiiiative, Nutritions,
tive, Dhtrutlo, Sedative, Counter-Irritant,
Sudorific, Alterative, and Anti-Ililious.
It. 11. M< D<>\ 11..1 .. I il..
Pnipgiit* A Con. Agts., Sun FriincUeo. Cnlif*r
piu. A ror. of Washington and Churltou S:.t N V.
r*oltl by- nil IJrHggUl* iiml Uvuit * *,
Snbs<)riiitlou-H'4 prr iinnnm.
Written fir The" Gazette.
'rm dWjfLi sbhodl
ix 'raaj'.t: i*arw— I’Aitr skcund.
I never joitied in any of bis extrem
es, but as 1 have said Indore, 1 could
not avoid the di-crcdit ot h s acquain
tance. and came in lot iny chare id do
odium which insensibly attaches itseit
t > those who ..avo been familiar with
he wobbles; and at the s one time 1^
the vinxHiaivfe hatred oi I’ u
who bp I oever lorpiitbn ihe an
ie.if enmity ot our sebo■ 1-hoy days
and the time was rapidly ujiproacbing
when he had opportunity ot ..lulling
is malic to tile lulii St < xlent.
One no niiig a out lay break, in
lie month oi h enru ,ry, 1H —, 1 wa
crossing the tuuiiiry to my emphy
ment, in order to gain a public roan
which led to die place ot my • eeupiti.u ,
wnen jo tas l sr ek tbu■' ■,m
car e night the rapidly reiri aliag sound
of a horse’s feet, und look tig to my
.ighl, l saw the figure ot a h rsem
just dis; ppcatng at an angle of th
road. 1 thought tic figure res tnbl. o
(cm- m's but the view was so transit nt
that 1 might be mis akcii, slid 1 dm im and
this the more juohable, because 1 sup
posed liim at tl.a‘ time to lie in nnolh
i part cf the country. 1 proceec.eo
hum the road .nan opposite direction,
aid it id not gone moie than a lad
mile, when 1 discovered he r a email
thicket on the side of the road, th*
tea I body of a man covered with bluoO.
11 is hat was placed near him w itbsuuu
papers ami a watch in it, and a piste
was slightly grasped in his right tiaini.
tt a short distance was a horse, sad
died and bridled, und tied to a tree
L was impossible that the horseman
nould have passed witlioutsceing the si
objects, and I then fore supposed that
he might havi ente" ' the public road
it a criss otic, which 1 bad ] assed be
fore arriving at tfie s| ot. I inimedi
■ttiy \iwnr ry^rtmwr-rrei t “
I au elderly gentleman of the mighbor
j o od, who was sotm what sing lar in
'.is manners, hut lie was rich, ad un
known to be unhappy, or under any indite ment to commit so dcs
per .tea deed us sll mnrdir. f'|”'i>
further I'.xaininution, I pi-h- and up tb.e
h. f burnt wadding ot the pistol, and
on,ol lino it, pel' cited it was a pieci
of ca ico, the figuic of which was easi
ly discernible; tho propriety ol it’s
priScrvatmu. however, never oceuned
to .no 1 lontinucd to hold it in nq
hand as I proceeded in my iliqume ,
and without thinking of it or intending
to do so, 1 [lit it in my pucker, auu
u ver though of it ag in tint .l some
t n,o after. 1 examined the giouuu
which was very hod frozen, hut iouid
perc tve n j utln r traC'-fthati tho-e ol
ill.- horse wh eh hud t>. 1 aged to tin
mail, and even these wio scarcely to
c seen.
What should 1 and ? was now tin
mu stio" I ecu lulled it would lie best
i * mount the horse, und ride oil u.-
icdilj ns ii'i.-silde tu tho man-ion ol
t e Id I'entlemm, and “.vc the ala in
t hi- so: , wlpi leridid wit i him; I did
so, and returned immediate!j with him
to the scene We made n other dis
o .my which w.di and had tu a dewolo:
incut of the mystery, wo went to the
cross-road spoken of, nod saw the Unit
truces of u horse upon it as I had ecu
jectuicd. Tho young man inlorni u
in hat his father had determined 'll
pi tvious wei k U| on u journoy to tin
wil'd , and | reliably had .
otigiderahlc sum of iiiunoy about him,
hut we coul ti M doiio. Hi w !ch
was a valuable one, and would dotih'*
less have been taken bud lie hi en mm
deled. The placing of tho pupersu. and
ihe watch in his hut, looked like ad
liberate design, which could scarcely
he computed to an ars.ssrii, whoso liui
ry i pun a public r < and would ha o been
too great for such deliberation. Tho
pistol, however, he had never seen hi
fore. His father had frequently marii
feMcd some odity of manner, hut tho
son had never dreamed of such atemii
nation ol his existence Upon the
whole the matter seemed to I hie
conjecture, and so it app ared on the
Coroner’s inquest, yi verdict of death
hy sumo unknown means was tho re
sult, although public opinion seemed
to lean to the id' aof suicide. Tht s-n.
howevei’, came tea different conclusion,
Intst 1 suspicion fell iq tno panic
ul ir person.
rpjjpt GA^^ETTE
'1 hrc or four monti.s had | a-sed
away, Rial the whole afiiir seemed tur
iod in oblivion, when one day in tho
presence of Henson only, l intimated
my intention of setting out tho tolhi.v
ing morning for the town ol’-——, und
he carelessly n.skul me it I wou.d do
him the favor te sell fur him a cotton
mite, which he had received in pays
ment. for somo work. As 1 could see
no sort of cbjeclicu to so Iriendiy an
act, 1 readily usientcd; (my reader must
lirst bo informed that cotton wuutthat
time a sort ol currency, nd familiarly
used iu II transactions Ilk money.) 1
went to town, transacted m.Y busW,
solit’thc vutlon, und n turned lu iut 1 , and
paid till P'ocioilsto Denson. I thought
i.o m .re . I iln mailt r until a fc,v weeks
alter, When, to my utter astonishment
l was urns i“l upon the charge ol lmv
ing nmrdeied the old giutlimau above
im iiiioueu. My aiiiuZemiul was consid
ered wed deigned by Ins sou, who as
siucd me tl.a tl.c t vidiiKi! against mo
was irros stible, .no suecringly asked
m li <w I bout mo possessed of his fath
er’s cotton ? Jho tiuth flashed -
y iipou mo that 1 had luen inane the
upo ol a designing vidian, and at
once I saw the jorn ol my stiuatiou. .1
roplidJ lhai i had tieioved ii from lien
so.i, and desired to ho fontiotited with
uim, that 1 might tec w )u liter he w. tiUi
and ny tho inull of my assertion The .1
ueer w tic arrested Ille cuns, uled, as Hi' (l
ton lived .n iht Village wl cm the jail
was, and uceofdngiy I blond leu-re
him, searching every line-mint ol Ins
dark auuuttnanco with an e,c ol lire.
lanl you not give me a note to ell lui
you several weeks ug ? Ko, was his
sullet. reply. \ iiilau, 1 exelmmed, uo
you dale to deny it .' und 1 sprang up
on him with alt the violence ol a man
who saw the Uesperatiun of his situation
in.loss he could obtain a confession. 1
should cerium.y have strangled the
scoundrel with my grasp, had 1 not been
over powerid by numheis, and dragged
away to prison. ,\iy violence but served
to centum the suspicions ol my perse
cut.. WLu .-a>Y IU tlic'-j.
: Tv ivKi 11 c
ut VclK'llllMt JdiNMb’l.S, CM} iitlio Ol lIY
utrociij. i-ciL jiloiit* in in) m iitji) jmi
t)ii, il aia) be \uli imagine j how hui
i'ihls is the fain ot tliy thoughts. 1
left like Mime lualclactor wtiosc [ I'lsim
was on til's, and who Saw no chance ol
* crcape I rum the iivus which luiu liiui
chalUcd to the Walls. W 1. It could 1 uo .
. liaU certainly sold the note, and .■■-
known by the purchaser, and ootihi he
idetititicd ; no one had soli up. iccicvc
.lie note liuiii liensiii ; no otic had seen
me pay him the mouey on my retina,
i hat note, it appeared, was a part i t a
parcel of note,, which wcio known io
he .ii the possession oi the old gentle
man murdered, and lound to ho in ssmg
when his papers where exauiiucU by
his son, who was his executor aud hier,
and who us Ivoil to watch in silence
Du ll sale, as a tlua to the asSass.n ot hr*
lather lie had taken hn> measures wise
ly, and up Ml going to town some weeks
alter my visit to the same, ho discov.
ered that the note had been sold to a
meichaiit, who upon appliea'iun de
scribed the luUlvidual liaiin whom he
hud bought it, ui.d uisoloscd Ins name.
Here w > i chain ol uviueuce absolute
lj cue Us ,e, even it’ I hot nit bet it
ill | rso" W li" u.scuveia dt he t'O'ly and
gave the alarm. \\ hut w uhl it avmi
to say that 1 had no such pistol a- the
one lound near the body 7 It is I ways
easy to procure mat' rial* which might
bud inquiry a-tray. V\ object cou.d
1 have in officii in y disclosing the mur
der, and endeavoring to nice the umr
deier, as l laid done ill eulnpatiy with
the sou ? Ihe answer was easy ; the e licet mil ly to mislead the judg
ment. flow eorroboiativ ■"I my g"'d
was the cireumstmice that no trace of
another h'ire was visible on ti e spot.
It would lie vain to urge that the auth
or of tho deed in glit have designedly
passed on the other road, aud Lav. cross
ed to the thicket on foot, and h iving
committed the crime, might have re
turned to his lursc on shut road. Con.
jecturo ol liiis sott might have availed,
hud there been any coiroborutive cir
cumstances to do away v ib ihe dam
ning fact of my having possession ot the
I note; but, there were none. No one
I.a I seen the horseman that morning
but myself J'cnson was supposed to ho
at a distance ; nobody else was suspect
ed. Could I refer to my character to
: screen myself. It is true it had been
good sinco my residence in the county;
I but Iro in whence did 1 come, and what
[ was my standing in the place of my nu
I.MH'.I’UNDKNT IN Vt.l, THlXils.
tivity ; 1 c mid not bop* for aid in that
quarter. No, tho ilct.-'i-jol’ a felon was
S tch were tho th e, T.ts which ocru
| p’etl my milled itul ing , lirst' night
lof nty etinliuement ! bid i lorning my
j wife ami child cun. P s e me. It is
impossible to ct nv, v' an ib aoj the
j deep sense of dcgi i Id.. I felt, not*
withstanding my inn ■, ut the re'
cep'iou of my family i. ail. My an
I gel wild fit tv my l oi e endeavored
Ito Soothe my jiaut ’■ *■ v means pant
j slide j she assured me inai sho doubted
j uut my iuuoeouco (or a r.iomont, anti
! that she trusted in <•*) iuy tie livers
I undo. My liilJ cli’id. Vn y knee, and
asked mo w !iy I did But non o home,
ami what I staid tl.oio fir, and repeat
ed a thousand oml imr ' tie citcutu v
stanc<s cotuiccte > witu 1 line, which
w rung my heart, aud pioditeed a feel
i ing if Inttcruess whiqh I bad never
kiinwn bid re. I carotid bin fondly,
; and promised to eouni back, un i be
seechod my wile 1o take him away as
I could not bear the ujjMijizing sin tin
he awaken and.
(ro nt-; t.oNnxi’i ty )
".inii a uiTi r; t uudi . itAi.i. i.k.vd
Veins ago, uni yet net so many, fur
Ut has been since tho war, some dtsa
pie. ment arose betw ecu ;lc upio ol iuar
' lied fiuks iu one of tho old States, and
tier much pain and su|bnii_ ami puli
I tic epimurc of amily affairs iuihc coin ts,
Ia decree of divmco was obtained, and
they who bad stood at. the altar of !ly
men to bo j lined in Uti’i ni parted
at the ijustice, to wliii they hid
:i| peuied. Tljcir ow n \v.iy c.oh ot theiu
mm and, and long years have Oume aud
gone s'nce tiivn. '1 lie l.ii ibaud and fat 1.-
er,traveled wrlli his buriieu io tho gold
en shores ol„i'alihirni, : aiid ttioro no
doubt, f tilt" bard to mLjtVe und lor-ct.
t-be wife :.pd mothrrefill their l übe,
Sti Iq.'glcd With the aiid|lieu tl bur lletld
ci.c.i die, and ,in timaf cpmo to iexas,
liy some fatuity-the' Husband Caine to
lexasalso, L'sCFftibiy t l ,! y l ortiw re
aboard the train btt'rit jjTiupnd- I ' lv '
• strange faces, SuddeltljW : II ;ht figia oi
! hir long-gone lather, i.’.-i tv her tnotii-
Icr culil stay In r, shot;., rushed t.
! him, crying ‘Papa! pap#! ’ lip- gioet
! ing "f and chi and was touching
| und beautiful All fhe old emotions,
all the smollictcd love of wife and el.ild
I came hack m an in-taut. "Mamma i
licrc,"-aid thu little girl; “e ino and
■ it" lnr.” And she led Ip r fat in r up
I to ihe astonished mother, und a pueiie
prtide-iin.iitou was accomplished. They
i met and t.iikid ?.s of'yore, and so m all
I was well w ith them again l hastened,
as I \ fire, they seemed to know inch
I other better. iho sequel is soon told.
1 .tltei reaching //oitstou the services ot
Kcv. A,r. //ackett were culled I or, a h
. disc obtained, aud the marriage vows
lea slimed w ith a lar better understand
mg of liieir nature and sanctity. And
thus it is. “All's Well that cuJs Well.’
Hullah :, (7i.nds) J'oleiJlilplt, Auj. 2S
How They Waltz.
A Put in-Bay c. riespondcnt of the
Ciueiiiuati limes furnishes the follow
ing lively description of the sty io iu
winch gills Ir'-m diffci’cutFtiitcH audio
calilies waltz, as sho v'U hy the hops of
that [.leu an’ ri snrl:
i I'eujiii tn iy - y that a waltz is a waltz
but it Isa mistake; as milch ns to sny
| that, a nog is a dug, lor there arc dogs
and dugs, and t' ere tre wahz sand
1 waltzes. Wiili "ip- person it i- the pm
! try ul motion, with another it is about
as awkward n pci Ia uiauee us putting
yoilisuit upon u lev el and going I hruugli
the motion ol running up stairs would
he A KentU' ky girl ijApigtiarai wait
zi r, and she does it with a charming
clue and abandon. An Ohio . in’ , vvii t
ziiiiz is easy, graeellll and “nielodiOus ”
ll sho lia|ipctis to ee.'.il' from Ciu iiitn
' n, and across tho Koine, she swing
i <ll *ain i ly round and I'uund in Die euil
I hss “Hiiicli vializ " II -he culms from
S (’hiciigu, she throws her hor hat k
jump- "[> and cracks her luels togetlur
and curries oil her ustonished paltrier
! as thoug h a simoon hud Strut k him, and
L oe.ks over all intervening in her mad
career around ihe room. If she is I'retn
Indiana, she creeps closely and timidly
up to her ; annul', as though ho wou.d
like to gel into his vest p.-eket, an t
j metis away wi ll c staoy ns the witch
ing strains ol the 'DJbp' Danube” sweep
through the hall, tf she is from J/is
s' uri, stio crooks her hudy iu th" nod
die tike a door hinge, takes her r inner
hy iHe shoulders and makes him miser
able iu Dying lo hup up und her with
out treading on lu-r No. 9 shoes It
site comes from Michigan, sho astonish
es her [an tin r by now ■nd then works
mg in a touch ol the dcAno shuttle, or
a bit of pigion wing, with the w,.i z
si op. AnU il sho comes from Aiitansas,
she throws both arms around his neck,
rolls up her ey es as she floats away, und
i.s heard to murmur: “Oh, hug me
John.” ’ I
A wonderful Case.
| Kivu thn New Orleans ’fimes.]
Among those well known and high
|y isittciued citizens who have recci.lly
lii-api caicd from our th rocplifarcs,
tvlu re wv have been in the habit of
meeting them in our duly walks on the
boulevardno ow is more missed than
the cheerful euuuti'liuuco ol Muj"r Hd
ward o"tthcil Ou the 2d.1 tf duly
I a-i 1.0 was suddcnl,’ stricken down hy
paralysis, und has siili red greatly ever
mcc. It. is with ttufeiugeii pie seur
WO learn Ir un inm la lsonally and also
trivia I,j> liistingtiishud and altuitivo
medical ailcndant Dv. Niel.oh. n. that
ho is slowly hut sur. i , rovoveriug, and
that his ro.Vj.'lio iratK t' ihu .daily in
tcreourse of bio is onry a question ot
short time
This ease of paralysis has many
strange features which require eons
slant watching, and although the .M i
jor is still very sick, yet so hopeful anti
t iiooura.'itig are the symptoms that two
days aeo ho wrote to 1-r Nicholson
the follow ng eh iraotorist e note :
“J)i An lint loll—l urn much better
this morning; have linn ivfreshod
With sound sleep last nigld, and urn
new waiting tor my breakl.nt ot ham
lid Pegs with u starving appetito. I!
you don’t coma to see me to day, 1
shall try to call on you to morrow at
hciKiqtMrtcis m person <1
Those familiar wh li Major (iottlieil
will apnrecitt c the quiet good fan a
of his note, which oieu his picsoiit at
tlicti li could not repre.-s. \lways the
child of health, so also lias lie been the
Ul lit of generous cm.'liuQß aid kill'll;
deeds, the consciousness of which has
no doubt tended to buoy tin his spirits
under o ire must i. pees oi not only plty.f
i al Buttering, hut of an almost unpar
A .'hurt time after Maj r (I vttli 'IV
aftlutioii coiunietieed rheic win Uc vel
oped in liimsynipi >ms which it is stilted
lciv" hut "lie I at alkd in the I Vtury ol
medical science. One evening lie was
lying asleep, almost as profound and
peaceful as when .11 health, file fail lit ill
wa ohms s.t just within the adjoining
room is udy to am ver his slightest call
pudder,ly he cried out in frightful
screams of tig iny, if ■al though paiaiyz .1
and incapable,, ot m ving
without aid, he sprang up in bed. flic
... V t > I
paroxisms of pliu did nut in the least
afftsol the clear cones, tgms of tie intcl
reMMf’un . i q i
strei:" h'-ned bum i *, : sc. ( u.oU-1 ’
| m Dus manner from -nund slumber, h,-
I fir t e me.'il was tint -omo one find ap
; lied t" h in a galvanic ! bery licavny
clin gcd Hcemuing assured but such
had not been the ease, he then thought
than someone had stolen into his room
and dune s imething to him, what he
kn w not, This in turn gave Way tu
thu positive iß of his wife and
friend'; hut it was [dam somet hmg had
liappi ued, of un exirai'i'din ry physical
oh ir.iJter, and the M j, , with his
usual scicibitio turn ul’iiiiuii, set about
iis investigatiou. Lilting up his para
lyzed arm. he di-C"Veud that it was
covered with what appealed lo Ie a
[dinsphurio lielil. Holding the stricken
limb still higher,
U, textile Liutna nitoi'i'KD I'ttoM tijk
ii n units
like drops of liquid liivd, while the
.v'holc ami and t he corrcsj onding s des
ul the lace and the lu ck were and umiiicd
in like in.niier. The phiiioiin'na wn
wornli l'tul to btfhold, It was plain the
patient was mysteriously and vvondcr
tally overcharged with eleetrieity. • eel
mg a mysleii u- uifliiencc in lus left
eve bee died upon Ins friends to exam
ine it They t und it to he pcrlceily nat
ural in .appe-.i'.nee, ixeopt that it emit
ted a bright ll iirninatioi), which cast
a light ou tho Wall sufficiently strong in
■a darkened imoiu to enable him to see
tae figures on the wall paper, in a word,
the eye shone out iike a lamp
1 1 war ,'ll, this stage, hut after these
wenderft 1 physical indications hud aha
ted, that Dr. Nichols n was called in,
.nd it will gratify thu many "Id and
chcrmlu il friends of Mujor Gultheil tn
be informed that the symptoms of Ins
painful illness have taken ;v f.vuiabl'i
tarn A heady lie has measurably recov
ered the use of his lo v r limb, and with
steady increasing strength, the strongest,
hopes are in'eriaiiud ut bis speedy re
covery. The fuels in this ease as related
above were obtained by a representative
ut the Times directly form Mr. (Jot
hcil and his estimable family.
Coroner's Inquest.
Win. Duggan, Justice of the Peace
nf the OOtli district in the obdi-.iice ui
John Tennillo eoronor, held an inquest
on W’ldrn silay morning la t. upon tjq
b .dv of A'ford Oommiug (tail’d) who
wa- killed by a negro gill mini, I Shdu
AI .tib'u Dickson* A Dor fully investi
gating the Case the juty rendered a
verdict of involuntary manslaughter
against the girl “"’lid.i,” it being l'.iiind
coneln ivcly that th ■ wound inflict .1
hy her and which caused the death ol
the hoy All’cid, was done uninlention
a.y and with no desite to injure him,
thin weic " mil bid. !i at the time und
were engaged in afi icri Ily frolic, when
the injury was inflicted, and which re
sulted fatally.
If’heri'is a plant like a hog'/ When it
begins io runt. And when is it like a
. oldioiWhen t .’ a't..
is. n\ . un;r, I'topi ioiov.
Romance in Real Life.
A pretty romance bis just conic to
li. bl in Vales county, N. \ . the do*
tails of which arc vouched lor by mi
illlpcnehubic witnesses. It appears doit
in IS5.') Sir .loliu (birdon Talinaeo, a
gentleman of high birth and great wcaitli
in England, came to this country ami
spent some time travelling in k/euiial
New York While here he met the
daughter of a well-tosd" farmer named
ltlivcil. The girl was sixteen yiais ol
age, haiulsniue, engaging and sensible.
The acquaintance ripened into friend
ship, and at last the fereicuer tillered
his hand to t’amlace, which was accep
ted. Unbeknown to the aid’s parents
the two were united by wcv. Mr. ('ur
rier, who was pledged nisccreiy I. r line
year. P.i iu nl’icr the marriage Sir .lohn
loft Ilia voting bride, promising to return
witliiti one and lake his wife to
K:u: and. The year pass <J and Sir
John did not conn'. Soon another year
was gone, and five, then teu : almost
twenty, and still no tidings ol Sir John
reached the ears ot ('anduco. It appears
.hat the return of Sir John to Ktiglund
wis lor the purpose of living matters
sati: t.ieturily with his family . and after
arriving, it h ippciicd that while out
riding With his mother his 1 or.-cs took
I’rigl t, runaway, threw the two out kill*
ing his mother and very seriously in.
jilting Sir John. Though rueuvering,
his illness so pleyed on him that he bo
eaiiie demented- During a lucid in
tv l'Val lot winter, reed elion of his
earlier lve came back to him, mid the
secret wile was uppermost in his
ill nights. He made knowu to Ids broth
er the story of his marri igo, willed his
immense f atune . f half to
his brother mid the other half to his
wife in ease sh - might I e I’oun l alive.
He kirtlur pledged his brother to send
a messenger to America for the purs
pose of hunting up his wife, 'i I emit'
smgi r came hiil.vr and recently d.s
covered the l.inn waiting bride ol'lwcnty
years ag i. 'I he cnmniingling of astnn
i.-him tit, pleasure and sorrow which
coutemlcd far mast, ry ns the sadly ro
mantic history of her long ago bride*
groom was u ifolded can he better im
agined than told.
A i.- . .-','BNE.
The t*re at 1 ,ru Circus, hound
ir no s . Jictii et ;ol • . r ■ iclicd Siiatogo jt
-11. JM'^
I taunt.: in. lii.’i nu n pt..tffoin
car. s’ riiek the I'■ lai an bridge about
live I, ’ b low Ib.iis: i an 1 threw one
car otl’ ti,o r.iek, an 1 hruke tho cage
and reic.-iscd tho lion. f’ll*-* men sur
round'd im with nt Ivors and tried
t i drive him back into the cage, blithe
would not go They tried a piece of
raw im it to the bell Cold and drew it
along the ground before tho animal,
hut lie could not be coaxed. Finally
they took the engine, wont to IkiHston,'
got a young ealf out of a market, aud
tted it ill the ear. \Y hen the lion satv
the ea'fin the e.r, ho m "lea spring
fur it, ami at once shut in, the call’,
meanwhile, crying piteously A large
crowd witmssvd the thrilling scene.
• tur inf uni ml, s:i eye witness, sivs
that the moment the linn bounded in
lo the car he ceuld hear the crunching
of the holies of the unfortunate calf.
11" dtscribed the scone as really touch'
ing as well as tei rib li.
Alter the accident the brukeman on
the train dropped his lantern and start
ed 'or the woods. Iho lion’s trainer
lustily Called him buck, and just, in time,
as the lion was preparing to follow the
bait. The trainer said that nom >ro dan
gerous teuip'aiion could have Lee.u laid
be foie .he li n.
Alter reaching Saratoga the cage was
backed up at the door tin I an uttenq t
male to tone him into it, but up to 9
o'clock it was unsuccessful Ihe neigh
borhood where it occurred is sparsely
settled, hut. was aroused Few people
would come near the cars inasmuch as
the lion, for a time, sat upon one of the
cars in a tlireaicuiug attitude.
The G.cdt B.tttlo with the Grass
The St. Paul (M inn.) /’rest warns
tho people ol the Northwest that a hard
tight is still before them. It says :
“1 lie probability is that the grasshop
per raids offSTit and 1m74 are the m *ro
skirmish lutes of tho great army of lo
ou-ts which are now silently forging
their armor in tho .1 pths o! the earth
for tho more comprehcn-ive and des
tructive invasion ol I'TM Our lroutier
tanners of curry county', where the
pests have <l< pn.dted their eggs, should
iiegui at onue to prepare for the great
battle that i hefom them. The great
mistaku of our lroutier farmers during
the pot yen’ was that, hum want of any
previous knowledge or experience of
the manner of dealing with the pests,
they took it for oracled Unit nothing
could lie done to protect !h< ir craps, and
so surrendered them to the gras-hop
pers without a struggle to save them
Hot it lie understood once for all that
the gi.vslmppcrß can bo conquered, aud
that the tanner can generally save his
crop if he choose to wago a persevering
fight, with the invaders. Tho grassltops
pers have no terrors for the posantry of
Kuiopeand A-iu, because in the course
of ages they have become used to them,
and know how to defend their crops
lignin: t them.”
It /indiiished at Sondcrsvitie, Ha,
' Very ‘l'nesdiry niorti inn, at
s*3 |M>r Annum.
f, .1 fnsonfc Jiniid
* •/>/. H'est side Vonrt- house.
.\H eoiniiinniiti tlnns and hits in css
letters must he addressed to
IS7i. I’OSl'llKlTrS 1874,
* -('K TilK
• A ::ri'itt paper- an honor not only
to S.ivantnli, hat to tho State.—.H/aii*
la (la. Constitution,
“A real live paper—one oftha bcstoti
the (’outineut.— Soihltrti'itlc On Hers
“Aliould lie received hy every busi.
j ness man -ab.e, frcdi, spicy.— Marian.
mi Fla., Courier.
“The neatest, w ittiest and most ably
' edited daily in the Southern States.”
I C'M'hojton Oa , Htiicrjo i.a'. | U
“One nft’ic leading journals of tho
’South- edited with ability and
| sj.ri; htliiK'.v' invaluaLlc to moichants
| an<l business inen. M —Christian Index,
j In i sain*; this, th® twenty-fifth annual
prospectus of thoSavunnah Morning News,
it is unnecessary t> revert to tho history of
1 :lu* , ipiT. For a quarter 'fn eontur)* it had
i l>e<*n the conapiv’iious and conitent chant'
! pi on of Southern Fentimont and Southern
interims. The career of tin* Morning News
j ias boon one of singular prosperity. It mad®
! i place for it If from the start aud bait kept
it, while all of it contemporari*a of that day,
; and all save ore of its later rivals, have per
| ishpd hy the wayside, and to-day it stands
(irmly established in popular favor, with lit*
' tie or n< i ompi’til io:i within the area of its
The r.'.-tle.-s activity, cnori?v and enter'
1 lie t ! the MK’‘ have so extended tho sphere
1 i f j urnali.m thul tho modern newspaper
; i- liU’’rally un yluop tie in character, com
t prising everything of specific or Koncral in
; i!. :* va t domain of art, science, literature,
.■ . , p.tli'Jes ami tho news. Its tendon-
Ii v i- ;o . eeupy tho Held of th® pamphlet,
; the i:.iri<* and tho nor >l, and it is jjrnd
.ially usurping the functions of those vehi
: t les nf tiio’.ight ami information. Jta scope
t’lnhraet s the discussion of every subject
i which has been invested with interest by
| lhe rcbtlc'S exiilor.ttions of the human intel
lect, and includes every t.*p ; c calculated to
'iflrib ■' <>r to entnrluiu. In the newspaper
j ol to-day tho profoundest oxegetical article
> frth surrounded and rolievod by the
iirilliant essay ’ho caustic review, tho puns
go it editorial, thou pa riding letter of cor res
| pondenee, und the racy paragraph—tho
wii ll l tdrming a Commune of Belle-Let
wherointne most noteworthy literary
. V.*?; , scarcely any advantage of posi
-,. n ov >rthe poorost item.
Il bm been the aim of tho conductors of
M uning Nows to keep the paper fully
of this tide of progress and Improv*
t: ut, and to this end no expense baa been
.„nr .j That thoit'eiVorts have heetiVm pr m®
p,...,.*x'cf,F. ijt . ■ from dftL,
ri-ny. r.c am"" ’ ’3ft
liv ’ .11 nii.Ti.ntiH , ' * * 'ffa
viri" im ! i'ltlui’fi.' at In", at
tai ■ Thi ’!h >l*l fur 74
. io], i . i.. . ,-r iqipruaun t' tho iJonl
| iron, i" iftlio timo than over before. Tho
that . avo given tho liauor ft mark*
j ~.l in.liviJunlitv a ,'onir Snuthorn journal#,
I „.nd wtiii'h havn lirmi\.t. it up to it? proaont
i lik'li ftiu.'iiiril of popularity -win ho rotftinefi
. an ’ improved upon Kvouta ofinweattran
-1 qiiring in any portion of tho world w\V.hin
j ronvli of tho eiortric wiros, will find in tho
Morning Nowmipromptand rolialilo chron
irli.r: nnd it? nmitig''n'i'iits for gathering
tho nows aro such that all important omis
..ions of tin' tolcatrap aro roasonnlily suro to
ho suppbcl by itß staff of special correspon
dents; so l hat tho readers of tho paper are
certain of finding in its comprehensive col
umns tin* latest and freshest intelligence,
systematically grouped and attractively od
In its editorial conduct thn MnnKiKn Now
will con- -tontly tyursuo the policy wliich
has cti'iraclcri>'."d it from tho first. Quo#*
ti.ui? of national or sectional internet will bo
corididly and impartially disoussod, while
every stihicct of a political comploxion will
i*e treated with an eyos’.ugloto tho welfare,
tho progress and tho substantial develop
ment of tho material resources of tho. South.
Tho system of carpetbag robbery and plun
der that has impoverished our section, tho
popular practices of official knavery and
e"rrup!i"'i—and all those odiouspi H.uniaoj
Itadicnlism which havo for tlioir oliject tho
prostration of sovereign States and tho dis*
establishment of civil government in tho
South—wilt ho hold up to tho severest con
demnation : and at all times, in season and
out of season, tho paper wilt advocate tho
primitively pure doctrines of a strict con*
siruetion of the Oonstitntion, and tho ad
niiriistra'ion of the pnwors of tho govorn
mcn 4 —ivvoentive Judicial and I. gi-lativo
-within tho limiis prescribed _ bv that in
strument. In subserving thn interest of a
section that ha? been so surely oppressed
and > pcr-istanllv belied the cmrso of tho
Moiinimi News will be, a# heretofore, oith-,
or cutiniidv ei.inarrvii.ivo or sharply ng
grssivo, as the nature of the ('ireumstancos
limy seem to demand ; uml it will bo tho
aim and purpose of tbo conductors of tho
paper t" maintain its position as one of tho
leading exponents of .Southern opinion'
In the ii""' department, the current local
affairs of lloorgia and Florida will bo
eiironioti'd with the sumo picturesque mid
pungent a 'Utility that has made them such
prominent and popular feature# of tho pa
per. The local department is in charge of
a gentleman of skill and reputation, nnd
will continue tu ho tho most complete and
reliable record of home events to be found
in any llcrgiajournal.—Tho commercial
j department is lull and complete. Tho fig
ure- arc collate I b.y experts, and tlioir ac*
, urnc.y i- such as to commend them tumor*
1 chants an I business men in this and tho ad-
I joining Stale*. The local market reports
; are compiled with laborious care nnd may
be relied on as representing every phase of
Savin null's comimuco.
’i'lu \V ki'ki,v N xws Is a carefully edited
compendium el the freshest intelligence,
ami prise ail of tho most attractive foa
turi of the Daily. It contains thoughtful
editorial.' upon niattcir of current interest.,
lively condensations, characteristic para
graphs, and luUsitelc ginmsandmnrketre
porl up to tho hour ol going to pros. It
specially commends itsod to the farmers
and planters of Georgia, Florida and tho
adjacent State#, and is furnished at a price
that places it within the reach of all.
\\ hat i- here .-aid cftl:' Daily and Week
ly may ah a with equal truth, liosuidoftltO
Tin WKcai.v Ni:"a It is one of the best
papers of its kind and contains everything
of interest that appears in tho Daily to
gether with the latest telegrams and com
mercial intelligence
Dam.'. Morkino Nkws. 1000
Tm- Wkkki.v N kwh. titlO
Wi.m.i.v Mkwb. “00
Money may bn sent by express at tjio risk
and expense "I'thc iimprioter. Address
4 J.II. I I* DLL, Savannah, fja.