Atlanta weekly herald. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1872-1876, December 03, 1873, Page 7, Image 7

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THE GREAT SOUTHERN PASSENGER AND MAIL BOTJTB! -VIA VTJLAMA aijd AUGUSTA. To Charleston. Columbia, Charlotte. Raleigh, Wi’~ miugton, Weldon, Richmond, Washington, Baltimore, Philadelphia, and New York. RUNNING A DOUBLE daily THROUGH passenger train. and CONNECTIONS BY THIS LINE AHE HOST CER TAIN and sure at all seasons. 3a. o Eati ax g ECousos On this Lino have been thoroughly overhauled and refitted. Ample time is given for meals, and at regu lar hours. CONDUCTORS on this line are affable and courte cus to passengers. Quickest Time and Sure Connection Made by this Route. Vsssengers can purchase Through Tickets and have mcir Baggage Checked through from Now Orleans, Mobile. Montgomery, Columbus, and Atlanta to Rich, ooiid, Baltimore, Washington, Philadelphia and New York, by Four Different Routes, Ya Augusta, Kingsville and Wilmington, via Colum jj Charlotte and Raleigh, via Columbia, Danville and Richmond, via Atlanta, Augusta, Wilmington and Bay Lice. % Fare as Low by Augusta as any Other Route. ream palace sleeping cars >n all NIGHT TRAINS Leaving Atlanta by this Route. * Jfcßwngt rs Wishing to go North by Sea will hud a Splendid Line of Steamships Eroi.. CL:.;leston, 8. C . to Baltimore, Philadelphia, Boston and New York. The Charleston Steamships . 11--r every inducement to passengers, with Tables j ‘ ;; pii- and with every Jnxnry the Northern anu Charles - 1 :vn market can tfYrd. ana for safety, speed and com - IV:- are UNRIVALLED ON THE COAST. Tlsrougli TieXik ot is <v; at Montgomery, West Point and Atlanta TO ; New V'.-ri; via Charleston Steamsnipn S. K. JOHNSON, Superintendent. MEET, (Mu. T. ket Agent. nov22-ly "■ : -■ ;v Lumerlv of Uuthri* & Cos., late MiailcTO'-j, Martin k Bishop. ' f. rzi:. formerly of McEerrau & Mont-fee. ALLCROBS, MENEFEt & CO. F>OEUs.-rva.oE:siis. C ■ SIGN OiAUI.S, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, AND CIiHEBS OF Tii£ DIADEM HAM, V>. I • Mill: Street, and Xos. IS. 11. IS. 16. 17 and ID Washington street, LOUISVILLE, K.Y. ATLANTA DEPARTMENT SOUTHERN LI FE insurance Company. •S'VUTy ANTAIiV Ift. 1573 f!,53|,fH3 THE LEADING Life Insurance Company OF THE SOUTH. MEN. JOHN B. GORDON PRESIDENT - * I ANNUAL INCOME ABOUT $1,000,000 i MtetsltaCiiOT! ECONOMY 1.-* .L,e Watchword of the Company. PBO M P T It. .iu tin j and pa; .ag ItMiea. N O RESTRICTIONS | The Southern Life: Offers advantages that cannot bo surpassed. ♦i-KN. A. a. COLQUITT VICE PRESIDENT j 4. A. MORRIS, Secretary. FINANCE COMMITTEE: A. AtIBTELL. E. W. HOLLAND. . MKDICSL boakd: H. V. MILLER. M. D. J. M. JOHNSON, M. D. L. E. ULKCKLKY, Counsellor. THE SOUTHERN LIFE nksvi on? of tht FiRSf Cm?talcs of the Continen | SUCCESSFUL AGENTS WANTED. UOGEtIS & LEMAN, General Agents, Macon. Ga. • MILLEK k L \WTON, General Agents, Augusta, Cra. T’.LACK A WAKING, General Agents. Ooluinbia. S. C. j nov*2l -dtf Dr. Calhoun's Renowned LIVER PILLS DR. CALHOUN’S LIVER PILLS. lAM ENGAGED IN THE MANLTAOTCBEOF TH celebrated Family Medicine known as the Calhoun Liver and Anti-Bilious Pills. under the supervision and assistance of Dr. Calhoun j bimaelf. This Pill has been in use lor the last thirty five years, and has taken precedence over all other Family Preparations, by al that have used them, i Thousand. would c. rtily to their great value if neces sary. One fact ehould supersede any amount ol cer- • tdicates, and that, la .t is , Lis: Dr. Calhoun hue been, physician to the Fulton County Prison for over seven years, whgn the number of prisoners ranged from 21) to 70 laboring under all the disiasm incident to this climate. With hut few exceptions they have all been j treated with this pill, and astonishing to say, during | that long period, not a solitary cLath occurred uudor ; hU treatment. This fact Is worth any amount -f tes- , timoniala. C am now prepared to fill orders from Druggist?, i Merchants anti other*. All orders sent me shall re-, coivy prompt attention Then- is no type of Fever, Dyspepsia, Diarrhea, Py.-oeterr, Rheumatism, Chol era Morcud, lhlionaneaK and Sick Headache, or other diseases of a Southern lien ate, but yields readily to f■ preparation. Brice, 00 cents a Box. N'ou> goauiuo unless it heirs lhe signature of N. C. W loarns a;.d picture of Dr CalDoun. Ail dross N. C WILLIAMS. Post-office Box No. 240. Atlanta, Ga. Manufactory No. 118, corner Washington andPeters Birtt'ds, Atlanta, Gt. juna29w Gm j (JR AN BEST SCHEME EVER KNOWN. Fwtl> Grand Gift Gonert, TOR THE BENEFIT OF THE j PUBLIC LIBRARY OF KENTUCKY. 12,000 CASH GIFTS, $1,500,000 Every Filth Ticket Draws a (Hit. I 8250.000 for 850! TIUE FOURTH GRAND GIFT CONCERT author ized by special act of the Legislature for the ben -1 efit cf tho Public Library of Kentucky, will take place iut' nblic Library Hall at Louisville. Kentucky. WEDNESDAY. DEC. 3, 1873. Cr ? y sixty thousand Tickets will be sold, aDd one j halfc f those are intended for the European market, thusi eaving only 80,000 for sale in tho United States, where 100,000 were disposed of for the Third Concert. The tickets are divided into ten coupons or parts, and haveo n their back the Scheme, with a full explanation of the mode of drawing. At this Concert, which will be the grandest musical display ever witnessed in this country, tho unprece dented sum of $1,500,000, | divided into 12,000 cash gifts, will be distributed by i lot among the ticket-holders—the numbers of the I tickets to be drawn from one wheel by blind children, and the gifts from another. LIST OF GIFTS. ; One Grand Cash Gift f260 000 One Grand Cash Gilt ioo qOO l One Grand Cash Gift go 000 I One Grand Cash Gift 25 000 One Giand Cash Gift 17 goo 10 Cash Gifts, SIO,OOO each 100 000 30 Cash Gifts, 5 000 each 150 000 50 Cash Gifts, I,(KM) each 50 000 80 Cash Gifts, 500 each 40 000 100 Cash Gifts, 400 each 40 000 150 Cash Gilts, 300 each 45 000 250 Cash G.fts, 200 each 50 000 ■ 325 Cash Gilts, 100 each 32 000 j 11,000 Cash Gifts, 50 each 650 600 j Total, 12.000 gifts, all cash, amounting to $1,500,000 The distribution will be positive, whether all the , Tickets are sold or not, and the 12,000 gifts all paid in ! proportion to the Tickts Bold—all unsold Tickets being ■ destroyed as at the first and second Concerts, and not represented in the drawing. PRICE OF TICKETS, Whole Tickets *SO 00; Halves $25 00; Tenths, or j each coupon, $5 GO; rinven Whole Tickets for SSOO 00; 22H Tickets fur $1,000; 113 Whole Tickets for $5,000; 2i7 Whole Tickets for SIO,OOO. No discount on less ! than SSOO worth of Tickets at a time. The imparalled success of tho ThirdjGiffc Concert, as 1 ; well ur the satisfaction given by the Fint and Second ! makes it on ncctssury to announce the Fourth to in- j sure the prompt sale of every Ticket. Tho Fourth] Gif. Concert will oe conducted in all its details lik*- j the Third, and full t ar.ieulars nmy he lea-ned from ! circulars, which will be sent free from this cilice to ail who may apply for them. 3 Fleets now ready for eale, and all orders accompa nied by tho money promptly filled. Liberal terms g-ven to those who buy to sell again, THOS. E. BR&rfILETTE. Agent Pub. Lib. Ky , and Mannger Gift Concert, Public Library Building. Louisville, Ky. i'A*t tickets or info niatiou apply to Bedwma A Fox. sole agents, Atlanta, Ga. au c 19-*J Wed & Sunfc wtd TO THE Sicli. t*3 AffLioteca Hear and Rejoico for I bring yon Glad tidings of great joy. JACKSON’S MAGIC BALSAM, Is curing the sick and alliicted to an extent never be- j for heard of in the annals of Medical Science. It is ! curing without fail The worst Neuralgia in from 5 to 20 minutes. The worst croup in 5 minutes. The worst Toothache in one minute. The worst Rheumatism in from 20 minutes to 1 j days. The worst inflammation in the eyes in one week. j 'lhe worst Pain in the Side, Breast or Back. The worst painful Tumors in any part of the body, j The worst Sprains, Brumes, Swelling* and Risings, j The worst Catarrh in the head is relieved in one 1 week. The worst Palpitation in the Heart in ten minutes, j The worst cut, chafe or flesh wound. The worst case of Bronchitis is relieved in a few : minutes. The werst case of Inflammatory Rlmumatisru. The w Tst Burns avid Hcaidsin 20 minutes. And for pains and inflammation in any part of the ! human body, cither externally or internally, there iv I no remedy in the entir - world tba subdues pains ami j inflammations eo positively, so promptly and so perm a ! neatly i\a Jackson's Magic Balsam. P. VAN ALSTINE, Proprietor. UARNKSVILLt:, GA. SoMl.’/all D.’ltJlUt. tV;. 511. , t "SATliy 3W o r Let the Public Know It?, - IF JACKSON'S M&GIC BALSAM Has by repeated trials and permanent cures proven it* beif to bo the best horse lotion or horse remedy in the world, why not let tho people know it? It is curing the worst colic in horses or mules iu 20 minutes, and so prompt is it in curing colic that the Proprietor will to tach and every case, whore 202 iu pint of water is given to a horse or mule that hi 8 the colic, refund the money where It not cure in 20 minutes. It is also the very best lotion in the world for all 8 ddle or collar galls, flesh wounds, bruises, strains, lame ness. old sores, baud crack, pole evil, foundered feet, cuts, wounds of all biuds, poisons and wherever swel lings aud inflammation exist, either internally cr ex ternally. There is no linement or liorso lotion in the world tbatcau begin to compare with Jackson’s Magic Malsam, and the time is cot far distaut whet, every owner o md dealer in stO'tk wld have this valuable medicine i his stable, ready loraay sickuess aud distress amongs Lis took. Try it! P. VAN ALSTINE, Proprietor, BARNESVILLE, GEORGIA. Sold by all Druggists at 25 cents, 6C cenwi, SI.OO, eudss.oo per bottle. aug-14w:;m. Special Notices. WHJf WILL YE DlE—Death or what is worse, is the inevitable result of that continued suffering pecu liar to women. It is a condition which should not be trifled with. Immediate relief is the only safeguard ;;;iiLißt constitutional ruin. In all cases of suppres sion, suspension, or other irregularity, Dr. J. Brad field’s Female Hoeuiator is the only sure remedy. It uctß by giving tone to the nervous centres, improving the blood, and determining directly to the organs of moustruatlou. It is a legitimate prescription, aud the most intelligent doctors use it. Prepared by J. 11. Bradfield, Druggist, Atlantu, Ga; $1 5U per bottle, ami sold by respectable druggists everywhere. Tuskeoee, Alabama. Mr. L. H. Bradfield—Sir: Please forward us imme diately another supply of Bradfield’s Female Regula tor. We find it to bo all that ia claimed of it, and we have witnessed the most decided and happy effect produced by it. Very respootfully, HUNTER * ALEXANDER. J. BRIDFIELD, Atlanta, Ga. ; For sale by all druggists. sepSu-tf THOMAS BROUGHTON, OF CINCINNATI, ' says; “W. C. Hamilton & Co.—l had had the ague for j t wo long years, aud had tried soveral remedies of ac- j knowledgfcd or pretended merit, without any good re | suit. I finally tried you preparation—“Kress Fever Tome.’ One bottle completely broke up the malady, :iiid lam cow perfectly well. I can testify that your ! medicine docs all you claim for it; and it is only due ' to you that this acknowledgment should be made, cs -1 j eciaily as so many worthless chill medicines are now | offered." Tills medicine you will find at Itedwine & ] Fox’s drug store. angle *5- HAMILTON’S PREPARATION OF BUCHU AND DANDELION cures that most distressing mala* dv Piles, by Increasing tho digestive function of the stoViacb, aud by secunng a proper secretion of bite lor the lubrication of the bowels. This prevent* cou- Htirpation, and constipation is the immediate cause of Piles—common senso iu this treatment. Go to Red wine A: Fox’s drug store and tell them you want Ham ilton's Btvhu and Dandelion. Redwine & Fox can toll you ail about tho remedy—and sell it to you slbo. anglS ATLANTA WEEKLY HERALD-- December 3,1873. Fallen Sheriff’s Sales FOR DECEMBER, 1873. I WILL BE SOLD BEFORE THE COURT HOUSE door in the city of Atlanta, Fultou county, Ga ou THE FIRST TUESDAY IN DECEMBER NEXT, within the legal hours of sale, the following described property, to-wit: Also, at tho same time and plac\ a tract or parcel of land containing one huudred and one aud a quarter acres, morn or less, it beiog tho west half of land lot No. 99, in the 14th district of originally Henry, now Fulton county, Ga. Levied on as ihe property of Jeff Campbell, by virtue of aud to satisfy a ii. fa. issued from Fultou Superior Court, iu favor of Win. W. Har ris vs. Jeff Campbell. Oct. 3lst, 1873. Also, at the same time aud place, a lot, and the im provements ou the same, fronting 21 feet on Pryor street, and extending back 100 feet, more or less, to an alley, it being lot No. 3 of the sub-division of the Mitchell property, iu tho fourth ward of the city of Atlanta, adjoining the property of Brown and Peck, it being a part of land lot No. 77 in the 14th district of iwi gin ally Henry, now Fultou county, Ga. Levied on as the property of O. A. Lochrane, trustee, ko., by virtue of aud to satisfy a fi. fa issued from Fulton Superior Court, in favor of William Markbam \s. O. A. Lochrane, trustee, kc. Property pointed out by plain tiff’a attorney. Also, at the same time and p’ace, all that parcel of land lying aud being in the city of Atlanta. Fulton county, Ga., the same being parts of city lots Nos. five ; and six, in land lot No. 77, fronting 120 leet on Line street, which bounds it on the north; bounded west by Austell 8 laud 158 feet, thence east 60;j feet, thenco north 58 feet, thence 119,’3 feet to 'ail alley, thence along scid alley north 103 teet to the said Line street. Levied Oft as the property of A B Forsyth by virtue of and to satisfy four fi. fas issued from the Justice Court of the 1231 th District. G M, In favor of G J Booth vs A B Forsyth. Levy made by J F Walker, L C, and returned to me. Also, at the same time and place, town lot in West End, Georgia, the same b Q icg 50 feet front ou Gordon street, aud running back 90 feet, bounded as follows: cast anil south by Gordon street, and on the west by property of J M Willis, aud on the north by property of Chamberlin k Boynton. Levied on as the proper ty of James B Lawing by virtue of and to satisfy sev en fi fas issued from the Justice Court of the 530th District, G M, in favor of Wyatt Heflin vs James B Lawing. Levy made by Manson Stroud, LC, and re turned to me. , Also, at the same time aud place, a lot or parcel of land situated aud being on the south side of Raw son street, between Hood and Smith streets, fronting on said Raws an street 54 teet, aud running back 196 feet more or loss. Levied on as the property of It. W. A. Wilder, by virtue of and to fcatisiy a fi la issued from Fulton Court of Ordinary in favor of officers of j the Court vs It W A Wilder. AHo, at the tame time uu place, a part of land lot ! 82 in the lltli district ot originally Henry, now Fulton ! county, Ga, bounded on the north by a let formerly owned by Connally, aud afterwards by Joju J. Thrasher, aud running along tho Weeieru and At lantic K diroad in a southeasterly direction to Pul liam’s line, Pulliam’s corner, thence south to Lynch’s line, thence west along Lynch’s hue to th * old vine- | yard and Jetts lot, thence notth to the line of ia<* i Thrasher lot; the came being the lot whereon James i Loyd formerly resided. Levied on as the property of James Loyd, by virtue of and to satisfy a li fa issued ] from Fultou Superior Court iu f.vor of George W Hicks vs James Loyd, Enoch R Mills aud Joseph II | Mead, security on appeal. Property pointed out by plaintiff’s attorney Oct 1, 1869. Also, at the ►am j time and place, a city lot, contain- j ing three-quarters of an acre, on Castleberry Street, in the first ward < f ihe city of Atlanta, adjoining Day ly ft Wylv, it being block 81 of said city, and part of ! land lot 77, of tho 14th district of oiigiually Henry, I now Fulton count?, Ga Levied ou as the property ut‘ j Michael Havf-rty by virtue of and to satisfy a fi fa is- ! sued from Fulton Superior Court in favor cf L Strouss k Cos. vs. M. liaverty. Also, at the same time aud place, a tiact of land con taining 25 acres, it being a j a t of land lot No. —, iu tho 14tn district cf originally Henry, now Fulton co , Ga., having the following boundaries, to wit: On the west by Mrs. Head’s property, on the north by Dob bins, and ou the south and east by property belong ing to Col. Rush Irwin, tho same being part of laud lot 152. in said district, it being the place sold by Tbos 8 Powell to Rnsh Irwin. Levied on as the prop erty of Thus S Powell by viituo of and to satisfy a fi fa issued from Fultou Superior Court iu favor of J A ] xfaden vs. Tbos S Powell. Property pointed out by W R Phillips, transieree. Also, at the tame time and place, a city lot lying and : being In the city of Atlanta, Fulton* county. Ga., | fronting 50 feet on Harris street, and running back 1 150 feet ou Calhoun street, having a two-room bouse on the same. Levied on as the property of Isam I*. I Harris, by virtue ot aid to eflfcsfy afi la, issued from the Justice Court of the 1026 District, G. AI , in fav >r | of Kisemau k B o. vs. I-aac P. Harris. Levy made by Frank L. Little, L. C., and returned to me. AI6O, at tho same time and placo, all that tract or parcel of land lying aud being in the 17tli district of originally Hen y, now Fulton county, Georgia, known as part of la>nd lot No 65, the lines of which are as follows: comm- nciug at the Big Nancy’s Creek in tho soutuwest corner of land lot, aud thence east along said original laud line until crossing Little Nancy’s Creek ten leer, thence down within ten feet of the j venters edge, ea-t side of said creek, uutil opposite a j small atream vhrt empties into said creek lrom the ( west side, aud thence north to the corner of the fence I on the east side ol said creek, aud tfcence north along ! said line' of fi-nce to Big Nancy’s Creek, which forms ] a cooditioua! lino between said Grier aud the estate : of Ldton Arnold, deceased, thence down the cent r I of said creek to the beginning point, tou’aiuing 45 acies, more orless. as well as all the rights of Wm J Birrert under his covenant or covenants, conditional or otherwise, contained in a deed lrom Wm A Grier. Levied ou as the property of Wm J Barrett by virtue of ad to satisiy a mortgage ufa issued from Fuiton Superior C rt in favor of N It Fowler, Treasurer cf the Fal’onLoan and Building Association, vs Wil iam J Barritt. Property pointed out m said inorgage ii ia. Also, at tho saino rime and place, a city lot begin- J ning at the conn r of Frazer and Riwson streets, in i the city cf Atlanta, ami running south on Frazer * eet 70 feet, thence right angles east 200 feet, th. uce . .ih 70 teet to lUwson street, thence uu Raw-son street 209 feet to tho beginning corner, containing % of an acre, more or less, the same lying aud being in the 3 1 ward of the city ol Allan.a, and part of land lot No 53, in the I4th district of originally Henry, now Fill ou county Georgia Levied on as ihe property of Mrs M L Robinson by virtue of and to sitisfy two fi frs issued from the Nota v Public’s Court of th.* 1234th district, G. M, iu favor of Gutbmau & Haas vs M L Robinson. Levy made by J F Walker LC, and returned to me. Also, at the same time and place, a tract or parcel of land, containing 50 acies, more or less, situated iu the northern portion oi laud lot No. 113, in the 14th Dis trict of originally Henry, now Fulton county. Georgia Levied on as the property of E R Elliott, by virtue of and to satisfy an fa issued from Fulton superior Court in favor of F L Little vs Elliott, McMillan k Cos. Oc tober 31. 1873. Also, at the same t : me and place, a part of land lots numbers 106 and 107 in the 14th district of originally Henry, now Fulton county, Ga. boutided by lands of McCool, Perkerson, aud others, and containing tighty acres, more cr less, commencing at the noithwest corner of land lot number 106 run ning thence west 390 feet to a stake on a branch ou lot No 107. running east 950 fe*t to a st ike on the Newnan road, thenco northwestward to Gresg’s cor ner, thence east to tho Macon and Western Reilroad, thence southward to Kidney Root's corner on the right of way of said road* thenco east 1.158 feet to stake, thenco south 860 feet to Lockhart & Doans’ corner, tli* uce west 1,485 feet to the west boundary of land lot No 106, to a stake, thence 2 670 f et to the be ginning, except all that portion oi land lot No 10G ly ing on the east side of the Macon and Western Rail road, formerly sold bv Edward Whi e to Thomas Al exander, levied on as the property of Edward White by vrtue of and to satisfy two fi ia* issued :rom Ful tou Superior court, one in lavor of-W U Phillips vs Edward White maker, and Yaruoy A. Gaskil), *nd., and oue in favor of W R I’hillq svs Ed *ard White aud E R Sasseen, end , aud eleven fi as issued lrom the Jus tices’ Court of tlio 530th district Georgia militia, in favor of Wm R Phillips vs Edward White. Prooerty pointed out by plaintiff’s attorney, October 6. 1873. Also, at ibe same rime and place, all that tiact or parcel of land lying and being in ti e city of Atlanta. Fulton county, Ga., commencing at the juuction of Hunnic-tt and Peachtree streets, and ruuuing west along t-aid Hunuicutt street 195 feet to an alley; thence along said allev south 199 feet; thenco 195 feet to Peachtree street; thence aloug saia Poach reestreet north 100 feet, to tue bopinutng corner, it bring part of laud lot No 79, in the lith district of originally Henry, now Fultou county, Ga , and containing one half acre, more or less. Levied 011 as the property of Gust A. Huwald, by virtue of and to satisfy a mort gage fi fa issued from Fultou Superior Court in favor of N It. Fowler, Treasurer of the Fulton Loan and Building Associa ion vs. Gust A. Huwald. Property pointed out iu 11 ta. Also, at the same time and place, 0} j acres undivided of a certain tract or parcel of land, lyiug and being in the county of Fulton and State cf Georgia, beiug part of land lot No 81 in the 14th District of originally Eenry, now Fulton county. Georgia, containing 11 acres, more or less, bounded on tho north by tho Western k Atlantic railroad, west by Effiols and Pow ell’s lands, south by Loyd’s land, and east by Rawsou’s land; tbe above levy being 9>£ acres undivided of the 11 acreß above described. Levied on as tho property of Alfred L. Wingfield, administrator, and Madison Strat ton, by virtu*-* of and to satisfy a fi fa issued from Fill ton Superior Court in favor of Collier k Hoyt va Alfred M Wingfield, administrator, aim Madison Stratton. Also, at tho same time aud place, oue-half interest in that tract or parcel < f land lying and being iu the city of Atlama, kuowu aud distinguished as lot No. 2 of sub-divisiou of that part of city block No. 163 con veyed to Jus M Calhoun, trustee of Bridgett Doyle, by J A Hayden ad J A Hayden, trustee, 0:1 the 2d ot February, 1804, fronting right-of-way of tho old Mauror Railroad 69 4-12 fe*‘t. and ruumng back 193 feet in th** 14tn district of Fultou county. Also, one half of a certain lot of land (city lot) and part of land lot 78 iu 14th dtsTJCt of origttial y Henry, now Ful tou county, being lot No. 3 of *ub divirion of the Seltzer p. oner ty, fronting 25 feet more >r less on northeast side of Marietta ►treot. and running back same width, northeast, on Foundry snoot 88 feet to au alley 10 eet wide; nud also au half of a portion of that tract or parcel of laud lying aud being iu the city of Atlanta, K ate and county a>oi*omid, and known in tho plan of said city n * a part of block 63, and is what may be termed the ba k nr 1 car of the iiridgett Doyle lot, auc is bcutided a* follows: jj.s teet oa au alley, more less, on street; 110 feet, more or less, on tbe Ryan lot side; 155 feet on the Withers side, more or less, and 76 ioet more or lesson tho branch side all herng in the 14th district of originally Henry, now Fulton county, Ga. Said plat is a portion of the lot conveyed by J A Hayden to Bridgett Doyle. Levied on as.the property of Edward H Jones, by virtue of and to satisfy a fl fa issued from Fulton Superior Court in favor of Edward L Jones vs Edward H. Jones. Also, at the samo and place, a lot in the citv of At lanta. Fulton county, Georgia, in ward four of aaid city, and fronting 50 feet on Collins street, and running back same width 100 feet, adjoining the property ot Boyd and Wilson, part of land lot No. 77 of the 14th district of originally Henry now Fulton county, Geor gia. Levied on as tbe property of W P Chisolm ly virtue of and to tatisfy a fi fa issued from Fulton Superior Court in favor of B H Thrasher vs John Coughlin, principal, and W P Chisolm, 8 T Downs aud Thomas Jones, security. Property pointed out by plaintiff. Also, at the same time and place, 00a large patent safe* now used in tho banking house of The Ga. Loan aud Trust Cos, in the H I Kimball House. Levied on as the property of H I Kimball by virtue of and to satisfy a fi fa issued from Fulton Superior Court in lavor of D A Eeatie vsH I Kimball. Property pointed out by plaintiff's attorney. Also, at tbe same time and place, a lot on Foundry street, in the 4th ward of the city of Atlanta, adjoin ing the property of Withers aud au alley, it being a part of land lot No. 78, of tho 14th district of original ly Henry now Fultou county, Georgia, containing 28 feet by 100 feet, and the improvements on the same. Levied on as the property of A T Finney by virtue of and to satisfy three li fas issued from Fulton Superior Court in favor of Tommey & Stewart vs A T Finney. Property pointed out by plaintiff’s attorney. nov4-lm A. M. PERKERSON, Sheriff. R.U.10 KTisl ! John R. Wallace, ] vs. ! Superior Court, Fulton Taos. E. Whitaker & f county, Fall Term, 1873. Harriet M. Whitaker, j It being represented to the court by the petiiion of John R. Wallace, that by deed of mortgage, dated Gth day of Jammy, 1872, Thomas E. Whitaker and Harriet M. Whitaker, by and with the approval of the Ordinary of said county, conveyed to the said John B. Wallace “all that tract or parcel of land lying and be ing in the city of Atlanta, being part of city lot (84) eighty-four, of the sub division of land lot (78) seven ty-eight, in the 34th District of originally Henry now Fulton county, Georgia, having a front of (t 0) thirty feet on tho southeast side of Forsyth street and run ning back (66) sixty-six feet to an alley, which alley seperates the lot hereby convoyed from the property lately sold Purmedus Reynolds, bounded northwest by property recently and probably now owned by E. R. Sasseen,” for the purpose of securing tho payment of five certain prr-raisory notes for one hundred dol lars each due (3; three months after the said Gth day of January, 1872, which notes are now due aud un paid : IT 18 ORDERED, That the said Thomas E. Whita ker and Harriet M. Whitaker, do pay into this Court by the first day of the next term thereof, the princi pal interest and costs due on said five notes, or show cause, if any they have, to the contrary; or that iu de fault thereof foreclosure be granted to the said John R. Wallace of earn Mortgage, and the equity of re demption of th- said Thomas E. Whitaker and Har riet M. Whitaker be forever barred; and that service i of tlie rule be perfected on said defendants Thomas E. j Whitaker aud H u*riet M. Whitaker by putJ'ceti *u of j tins rule once a month for four mouths in tne Atlanta : Herald newspapr r. ThisSoptcmbr-J9, 1873. Kail Terra, 1873. i l!y the Court:.- SIDI.iY lIEIL, L>. McCUTCIIKS, J.3.C. l'U'ffa Au y. ! A true extract Votu tho minutes of said Court. nctl-lairrim W. 11. VENABLE, D. C. Clayton Sheriff Sales. ! WILL BE BOLD, before the court bouse door in the town of Jonesboro, Clayton county, Geor gia, on the Ist Tuesday in December, 1h73, between tho usual hours cf gale, the following' property, to wit: One hundred at 1 fifty acres of land lot No 118, lying in the 13th district of originally Henry, now Clayton county; sold-'as the property of William Sbadnek, under and by virtue ot a fi fa recently issued from the Court of Ordinary of Fayette county, Georgia, in fa vor of 8 T Minor, guardian of Stanley Murray and Green Norton, auc against the said William Shadrick. Property pointed out by plaintiff’s attorney. This October 31, 1873. Also, at the same time and place, will be sold sev enty-four acres of laud, known as parts of lots Nos. 206 and 207 iu the 13th district of originally Henry, now Clayton county, known as the place whereou Wm G Bmith formerly resided, and whereon one Cautbum now lives. Levied on as the property of P W Merrett under and by vir. *ofafi fa from Henry Superior Court in favor of Horgn W Walker vs said P W Mer rett. Property p>, ~ted out by plaintiff. This Novem ber 1, 1873. NATH KIEL €*. HTTDStyN, *****-. Printer’s tee $2 per lew. Libel for Divorce. GEORGIA—Fu on County. Annie E. Welch, f Fulton Superior Court, October vs. Michael I. Welch. (Term 1873—Rule to perfect Suit. IT apt earing to the Court by tho return of the 8b er iff that the defendant in the above stated case doe*j not reside iu this county, and it further appear ing that he does not reside in this State, it is, ou mo tion of couu-el, ordered that said defendant appear and answer at the next term of this Court, else that the, be considered in default, aud the plaintiff be allowed to proceed; aud it is further ordered that this Rulo be published in the Atlanta Hfrald ouce a mouth for lour montufl. This October 2t)th. 1873. JNO MILLEDGE, Attorney for Libellant. A true extract from the Minutes of the Superior Court of Fulton county. oc?20-4m W. H. VENABLE, IX fi. POSTPONED Sheriff’s Sale for December 1 3 *7 3. WILL be sold before the Court House door iu the city of Atlanta, couu*y of Fulton, wthiu the legal hours of Bale, on the first Tuesday in December, next, the following described property, to-wit: A tract of laud containing 159 acr s, more or loss, it being the east half oi land lot No. 247, in the 17th dis trict of originally Henry, now Fultou county, Georgia. Levied on as the property of E M Donahoo, by virtue ot anti to satisfy a fi fa issued fiom Fulton Superior Court in favor of U M Hooper vs E M Donahoo. Pro perty pointed out by plaintiff’s attorney A. M. PERKERSON, Sheriff. novs-law4w. Peter Oelrich aud wife ) Bill tor Relief in Fulton vs Anna Ruhmann, Re- > Superior Court, Spring becca Hanson, et al. ) Term, 1874. It appearing to the Court that Anna Ruhmann and Rebe- ca Hanson, delendants to tho above stated cause, are uon-reMdants, residing in Germany, in Europe, aud are over the age of twenty-one years, aud are necessary parties defendant to said Bill and cannot be served personally with process. If is ordered that service of said Bill be made and perfecte i by publica tion of this order in the Atlanta Daily Herald, a pub lic gazette ot thi State, once a month for four months By .he Court, October 24,1873. M. A. BELL, Solicitor for Complainants. True extract from the Minutes of this Court. W H VENABLE, Deputy Clerk Superior Court. The Bill seeks to have a mistake in a Deed correct ed. M. A. BE* L, Attorney for Complainants. Oct 30-1 am4in. GEORGIA— Clayton Couxty. NOTICE is hereby given to all persons concerned that on the day of , 18—, Joshua ti tatter ton. late oi Clayton couuty, Georgia, has de parted this life iutestate, aud no person lias applied for a miiuistration on tho estate of said Joshua Bet terton, and that in terms of tbe law, administration will be invested in the Clerk of tho Su;>erior Court, or some other fit and proper person, at the December term of tuis Court unit S3 some valid objection is made to his appointment. Given under my hand and official signature this 4tli day of November. J. A. McCONNELL, nov7 Ordinary Clavton County. Georgia—Fuiton County, To the Superior Court of Said County. npHK petition of Henry Haney, James M. Toy, D. A. McDuffie, J. 8. Gormany. It. O. Yong, James E. Mann, W. It. Diggers, John Downing, James G. Kelley. J. H. Sterohi, and Cnarles Crenshaw, and such other persons as now are and hereafter may be, associated with them, respecfnlly showeth that they desire an .rder granting them a charter and incorpo rating them under the name of the “Firemans Benev olent Association, of Atlanta.” The object of tho Association is, by the accumula tion of a fund from initiation fees, regular dues, flno3 and such donations and bequests as it may receive, to make provision for ihe propar care aud relief of sick, and destitute and afli’cted Firemen, and their fami lies. By reason of its characterand purpose, the Association has no capital stock. Petitioners desire, under the corporate name aforesud, to be allowed to receive by purchase or gift, properly both real and personal arid to hold and cou vey the same; to sue and be niied; to have and to use a corporate seal; to elect officers, aud to make such By-Laws. Rules aud Regulations, as may be necessary to properly carry out the obj cts of said Association. Said charter is desired for the term of twenty years. Pet’oners ask that ihe proper order may be grant ed in tbe premises, aud as iu duty bound will ever pray, kc. WM. T. NEWMAN, Petitioners Attorney. A true extract from the minutes. novlG-wim JAMES I). COLLINS, Clerk. GEORGIA—FuIton County. ORDINARY'S OFFICE, Nov. 10, 1373. MK3. R”ALIE A. PETTIBONE has applied for exemption of personally, arid I will pass upon the same at ten o’clock, a* m., ou the Ist day of De cember, 1878, at my Oflice. nov2l-td DANIEL PITTMAN, Ordinary. Georgia State Grange- Corrected List of Subordinate Oranges, Organized i'n <n Date, October 13. 1873. | -•,••• •, ' 1 - J ' •••' • ■ ... O NAME. MASTER. SECRETARY. POST-OFFICE. j|V a ldos |M Jones Thomas Valdosta. Lowndes co 2!Laurens county jo 8 Guyton j*p Duncan iPublin, Laurens co 3!Quitman * JT Perdue JGMcCall Quitmsu Brooks co 4 Georgia iL 8 Livingston x a jffack Covington, Newton co siForsyth J 8 Lawton u jj papier Forsyth, Monroe co 6 Howard GH Waring A Y Shea’s Kingston, Bartow co 7 Bartlesville I 8 Lavender r x Graddlck Barnesville, Pike co 8j Enterprise jW B Hattaway w c Tinsley jßluitou, Clay co 9!Greene county JB Park j Davison Woodvilie, Greene co 10;Central City | J P Fort CM Wiley : Macon, Bibb co 11 Sandersville |T J Smith 8 G Jordan Sandersville, Washington co 12 Whitney CM Davis ww Dickey Morgan, Calhoun co 13 Taylor E Taylor *. j E Taylor Colaparchee, Monroe co 14 ( Flat8hoals ,T B King j (j Beauchamp Flat Shoals, Meriwetherqo ISiTuomaston J P Lewis Joel Matthews Thomastou, Upson co 16' Leesburg HL LoDg \y h Baldly Leesburg, Lee co nlOcmnlgee WDH Johnson r e Bowman Colaparcbee, Monroe co 18;Jackson j 8 McKibben j t Goodman Jackson, Butts co 19 Longstreet GW Jordan p y Walker Longstreet, Pulaski co 20 Colquitt M H Bunn R w Everitt Cave Spring, Floyd co 211 Miliedgeville T II Latimer L Carrington Milledgeville, Baldwin co 22;Ringgold A J Luts. T M Gordon Ringgold, Catoosa co 23 Hancock J M Harris h clinch Sparta, Hancock co 24 Wofford J Weems b N Best Cassville, Bartow co 251 Hebron EW Jordan S Prince Hebron, Washington co 27 Spalding county RPJohnson WEH 5earcy..........-Griffin, Spalding co 28'Fort Valley WJ Anderson H C Harris Fort Valley, Houston co 29 j Carterßville W H Felton W H Gilbert Cartersville, Cass co 30 Calhoun A Roff J M Reeve Cilhoun, Gordon co 311 Culloden A L Woodward RW Rutherford Forsyth, Monroe co 32 Kennesaw W Phillips j G Campbell Marietta, Cobb co 331 Alston J Reese G B Steward IDecatnr DeKalb co 341 Little River MS Paden p Hardma# Woodstock, Cherokee co 35 Columbia county \V A Martin c H Shockley Appling, Columbia co 86 1 Perry j J A Hafer JD Smith Perry, Houston co 37 Hudsonia G F Hudson JD Tooke Davisboro, Washington co 38 Jack Smith J J Wyman M Fulgam Sandersville, "Washington co 39; Social g O Warnock E A Carter Lester District. Burke co 40i Jefferson county T Hardeman j Clark Louisville, Jefferson co 41 Tocmsboro \V Taylor A J Miller. ,Too?”sfcoro, Wilkinson co 42 Hollonsville ' J Pcdeu AW Blake .. Hollonsville, Pike co 43 Cave Springs | R JM Po kins WO Connor Cave Spring, Floyd cO 44 Horne N Bass J J Cohen Rome, Floyd co 45 riigar Falley <> II Davis T M Wright Hugar Valley, Gordon co 46 Montpclia T M Brantly ✓ M S Jordan ; Bankston, Monroe co 47 Stvukens j ? H Jones o A Barry Gothbert, Randolph co 48 Albany TH Willingham AW Tucker Albany, Daugherty co 49 McDonough |UT Zachry G G We'ms McDonough, Henry co 50 Coweta county \l R Ray J E Jones Newitaq, Coweta co 51. Pomona ;T H Reddick \V D Crooni j Powersvi*"7e,Houston co 52 Itnckmart W F Darden W O Barker Roekmark, Polk co 6•< Etowah S F Stevens -W G Reed Stilesboro, Bariow co 54 Randolph comity iG P Beall J p Sawtell Cuthbert, Randolph co 55;Btfown Station TNKillep... ft j Ellison ;Brown’s Station, Terrell co % 56'Adams Patrick. jW P Phillips Griffin, Spalding co 57 ! Harlem W T Martin J M Anthony ! Harlem, Columbia co 58 Thomson JR Wilson. W ii O’Neal iThomson, McDuffie co 59;Union Point L D Casiin J T Hart Union Point, Greene co •60: Madison TP Saffold E Heyeer Madison, Morgan co GT Warren county J T Baker C E McGregor Warrenton, Warren co 62 Davisboro f l G Wright f L Brown Davisboro, Washington co 63 Red Bluff | W Walker H M Stubbs Cameron, Screven co 64 Screven county J G Lawrence J p Jordan Cameron, Screven co 65 Louisville K H W Hunter L F Berry. Louisville. Jefferson co 661 Conyers I H Zaehry A C W Travis Conyers, Rockdale co f.7 LaGrango ‘J H Fannin*. j f A trey LaGrange, Troup,co 68 Antioch J B Reid W PEimr ndson Antioch, Troup co 69 : WEGlatttou JWHirdaway Hogansville, Troupe® 70 1 Acworth David Nicholle B F Ilvmnett Acworth, Cobb co 71 Oothcaloga WL Lecounte OD Anierson Aduirsville, Bartow co 72 Lexington I H Echols T J Olive Lexington, Oglethorpe cc 73• Point Peter fJ H Tiller J F Cunningham Point Peter, Oglethorpe co 74 xttapulgus PA McGriff Jos Avcritt Baiubridge, Decatorco 75 Zebtilon MM White J L Jackson Zebulon, Pike co 7>i Smithville Wm Wells H Whitaker |SmitbviUe, Lee co 77!Euharlee |G A Fink IIS Phillips iEuharlee, Bartow co 78! Atlanta J JToou J M Harwell ' Atlanta, Fulton co 79 Erin J H Williams D T Pope Erin, Meriwether co 81 Fiucber JW Means W J Fincher Zebulon, Pike co Sl.Atnericus T J Barlow O W Felder Americufl, Sumter co 82 Liberty Hill T B Williams J M Williams Liberty Hill, Pike co 83 Greenville WT Revell A J Hinton Greenville, Meriwether co 84 Laurens Hill W W O’Neal Q L Harvard Laurens Hill, Laurens co 85 Colarparchee D B Searcy T W Barrow Colaparcbee, Monroe co 86 Liberty JW Cawthon AS Liy^fog; < 45 < c&iJ!&? ro * Greene co 87; tsatonton g,c Humbor. s ' Wea .. er *;;;;;;;;;;; EatontoiX JntSSS co R S Story 'lrwinton, WilkmWr.. 52t5W21? a **::."": w 4 Hail JA Mason..... Irwloum, WllWnwo . 91 Chatham Wm Scbiey J W Mc.Alpin. 92 Oconee J M Palmer V 8 Joyner Occnee, W’asbingto co 93 Beulah . ! J A McLendon W E Duncan Dublin. Laurens cj 94 Woodvilie I F Griffin W’ McWhorter Woodvilie, Greene co 95 Harmon v.’.’ GW Evans J A Walton : Belair, Columbia co 96 i Wlnterville W H Morton J R Tuck W inter*, ille, Clatke co 97 Cobham M C Fulton W T A Dunn Thompson," McDuffie co 98 Forrest J Maddox G M Lazeuby .Berzriia, Columbia co 99 Danielsville J N Montgomery E 1J Eberhart Danielsville, Madison co Jackson county L J Bradbury A A Hill Mulberry, Jackson co 'Oil Clarke county W li,J Long R H Boon Athens, Clarke co 102-Bowling Green W F Smith T A Bell .‘Stephens, Ogletliopecs 103 Maxey’s JTHurt B P Taylor Maxev’s Depot, Oglethorpe co 1 04 teuniie JC Harman W M Moses Pennille, Washington co losi Kirkwood CC Howard TW Warren ‘ Atlanta, Fulton co loti!Gordon .... E I MasseV Gordon, Wilkinson co •OTlSenoia.. C S Fall FM Brantley Senoia, Coweta co 108 l Washing. ou J T Wingfield TL Anderson W ashington. AVilkes co *O9 Dan burg W A Queen J A Sutton Danburg, Wilkes co 110 * oluca.. Wm Lundy W E Lundy Macon, Bibb co 111 iOconee B F Stanley W G Weaver ~. ubi . iD ’ Laurens co 112 Wooaburv JI- Dickson R M McCaslin Woodbury, Meriwether co 113 saudy Run ‘GMTFcagin J F Hodges '^ errv . Houston co 114 rurin P Carmichael J B Walker .Turin, Cowetaeo 115 Raytown LA Moore I J*?* ovvn. Taliaferro co lie Woodstock D C Barron WC Briscoe Woodstock, Oglethorpe Cos 1 17lOampbf*lt couuty J W Nelms PT Robinson Fairourn, Campbell co Us Derbyshire W li Callaway J W Arnold ;W bßh>ngton, Wilkes co U 9 Lowndes county W A Simms W R Tally Lowndes co 1 2*, Whiiesville.....' DH Hunt W A Andrew Harris co 121 M dville J V Jones TB Felder Midvtlle, Burke co 1*22! Marshaliville ID Frederick M J Hatcher Marehailviile, Macon co 1 23; Stonewall M L Burney J M Fulton Ward s Station. Randolph co 124 Bartow i J W Carswell N T Harman Bartow, Jefferson Cos 1 25 Oxford Aat Oxford J B Irvin Concord. Pike co 126 Washington county .151 Minor 3 Kitreil Sandersvdle. Washington CO !27 Glenn Ella i-T W Brannan L F Etheridge Gordon. Wilkinson co 1 2s oak Grove W W Leo L W Lee Irwinton, Wokinßon co T 2O Jeffersonville J T Glover JE McDonald Bullard, Twiggs co iSO. concord AW Lane w H Malone MonL cello, J^perco '32 * Newborn |J W Gay I E H Gay S VSSSa^^r 00 x 33 Trauquilla O Tufts J T Williams Haddock Station, Jones co iSo; Floyd J J Bearin ' Anderson j Covington, Newton co 1 36 Tunuel Hill J P Clements w H Russell I Tunnel HIH, Whitfield co J 37 Rutledge N J Remolds V" M Moseley ! Rutledge, Morgan co 138. Friendsnip W J Ree*o I A J W’illiams Americus, Sumter co 1 39 Buena Vista ;J L Baker J B Lumpkin Americus. Sumter co *4° Lee J T Turner J F Roes ; Americus, Sumter co Ul Dawson .11111111 ‘-J M Roberts.!.; 1 H Cannon iDjson. Terrell co 142 Magnolia I H Black B Johnson i Plains of Dura, Sumter co 1 43| Mnckalee C C Sheppard jJ T Howell Americus, Sumter co f-i Houston T M Awbry tWSEvaas Houston, Heard co 145 Fannin E Baker R J‘>nes MountviUe, Troup co U 6 Boggoss , fi T Camp hitcaburg, Carroll co 1 47|Lino Creek -S A Scott T Marchman Griffin, Spalding co Rutland T W Stubbs j W Ryder | Aueon, Bibb co jß’lrowaliga C W Sims ! McEihmy Towaltga, Lutts co 1 59 Wallace D W Lester R V Cox (Haddock Smtion, Jones no J sl Mount Hebron W Adams A a Davis Torsyth, Monroe co 1 52 ,Gibson wm Kelley , C Krily i Gibson, Glascock co }s3;scruggsville E .T Scruggs [ W W Kitchens Gibson, Glascock co Liucoiutou IT H Remson ! U J Lang ! \r DC i?l?i o Lincoln co J3 Mayfield i R H Stevens B F H&* ris _ua.\ ncid, Harris co R>G' Liberty Hill j Walker Ilawes IT J Adams ! Lincoln co 157l C lay Hill F M Fuller J M Dell 1 . a l,^ Lt . ncoln c 0 58! : j e McDonald ! Twiggs co 159; Twiggs F D Wimberly G It Glover j,, 1 co 1 Gd, Bullock county S J Williams W A Hodges ° Ve ° CO stonewall .RL Miller G W Bailey Rock hord. Screven co KS2;ogeechee JT Brown W K Flynn ?iiZ^n^7. eU C 0 103' High Falls H J C Thaxton C S Maddox ij; nl °nvßle, Butts co i oiumbus W G Woolf oik, T J Mott Columbus, Muscogee co j Jamestown V Gillis JII Wooldridge JyKK'stown Cnattahoochee C3 Mulbe ry T J W Biggers M B Ely Mulberry, Muscogee co *67 Hamilton W J Hudson J T Johnson ( Hauii!Itoi u Harris co 168 iWa veil v J W Murphy IF Marshall :: averly Hall, Harris co Flint River 'B W Sandford B F Leo tor tA alley, Houston co 110 Kendrick JM Slide. C M Gresham *rmm, Spalding co Snapping Shoals R Hightower T Bosworth anoals, Newton co •Ti Telfair .? D McArthur TJ Hmllb I ,^ I 0W ? !, ' le lai^ c ? llSiHawkinsvlbo |JJ Jells 18 PWoods HawkiueMlle, Pulaski co 174 Rocky Mount ID 0 Dunlop -T T Dunlop ; Rocky Mount, Meriwether co 1.3 JonoaDoro JT Smith It Logan 2J a^ ton 00 111. Fulton .. T E Mercer WL Mangual East Point Fulton co 117 Pniiadelplna 1 M Hole E Hine n°' cl “/. t011 c 0 l 7 8! Spring Place 1 Gregory AK Ramsey * ia^e . Murray co * 7B l Villanow JH Cavendor I A Clements . I<K* Cool Spring W W Oneal J C Slintiuou S T "’ Se9co 188 Perkinsville F.A Perkins II A Lester n“ r P 00 184 Green’s Cut JB Powell A Chance \tm,S m I'm* " rk ° .1° 185 Shady Dell ’ W II Partridge WJ V Trlppe ■ MouutviUe, Meriwether co 185 Hickory Grove W R Hickson W Holmes U, !? U cO . 187 H.ynevillo |B W lirowu S Henley fr Houstmi co 188 Houston Factory jj T Coop-r JM Davis Houston iactory, Houston co 188 Uuion 0 W Scarborough L J Thomas uI?.a H S 0 “ “ 190 Calhoun L D Monroo W G Horsley noJrffS S!S° nn 00 101 Joo Johustou w R Call L A Lee n K vm ri , Ven c 0 192 EfflDgham L McLaws BJ Morel c 0 193 Autloch Is F Gove A E Nash SKSSS!?* CO 194 SnmmorvlUo ,3 II Bnrchelle M H Lewis ruloin,—i.? Urk M oO i 195 Ohalybeato Springs in Roper A B Norris Ch# l Springs, Meriwether 00 190 vinscogCß R Dozier OP Poe Columbus, Muscogee co 197 Mount Zion jltev J S Searcy DJKarrekor ! w 1 ?,''?* 00 198 Worthville 'f L Walthall <1 llarnes Wnrtlivillc, Butts C o 199 McDonald 1 J McDonald R C Ing ills 1 McDonald, lliomaa co 2UI. Ocllla T W Jonoa I W Maddock Q' Brooks co 201 stevens !h Stevens T J Finney , Milledgevuio, Baldwin co 202 Gil,SO 0 F Gibson I M Weaver Barnesville. Piko co 20. "roaton WRMalthewa I P Baaty 1 Americus, Sumtor co 201 Benevolence It M Puckett It T Dnz or [(.nthbort, Randolph 00 205 UrookHVille j 8 A Thornton Goo W Mullins I * ev t. Raudolphco .ornucopta I W Simms I EDrnoard Weston, Webster co vtU* Sbadv Grove dWßavtu v -I L Burney t.uthoert, Ranoblphco 20h ffionubt a I W Roagin Wm II Parkor.... Uienubba, Terrel!co 20: Dover 11l Jonoe* J J Bradley Dawaun, Terrell co 21* Fort Gaines T E Spreior jhort Guluea, Clay co 21 j r'nton lSutton MA B Tatum Titnton, Dido co •*1 LaFayetto I \i E Rhodes J Diokeon i Isa Fayette, Walker co 2if untniewU'e .fl C ; • rn |w D Summer jaummervillo, OhsHOogt co And thirteen other3 not recorded at this date. Secretaries finding errors iu tho above w/fi please Bame to Atlanta, October 17, £ SeC^. 7