The Savannah evening journal. (Savannah [Ga]) 1852-185?, August 12, 1852, Image 1

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VOL 111. Sauannal) (Eliciting Journal. BY J. 15. CIRHEDGE. THOMAS W. L ANE, -Mi- The Daily Paper w; i!. .;■• • antry subscribers at $4. and the l'n .v.kly at £2 per an num—payable invariably in advance. All new Ad vert iscments appear in both papers. rr- Ten cents per week, or two cents a copy payable to the Carriers. ADVERTISING RATES. Advertisements inserted at the following rates : FOR ONF, SQUARE OF TEN LINES. One insertion, $0 50 One month, $5 00 Two “ 0 87 Two “ 8 00 Three “ 100 Three *’ 10 00 Four “ 125 Four 11 12 00 Five “ 150 Six “ 15 00 One week, 175 One year 20 00 fjp Contracts tor yearly advertising may be made on liberal terms. . CENTRAL ItAILKOAB.” New Arrangement lor JPnsseugfer Trains. ON and alter Tuesday July Ist, passenger Trains will run as follows: . PAY TRAINS. Leave Savannah 8, A. M. I Arrive at Macon 6,30 P. M. Leave Macon 7,30, A M. | Arrive atSavan’hO, A. M. NIGHT TRAINS. Leave Savannah 9, P.M. I Arrive at Macon 5,15, A. >1 Leave Macon 4,30, P. M. | ArriveatSava’h2,3o, A. M. The Day Trains connect with the Macon and W in tern Night Trains to and from Atlanta, Montgomery and Chattanooga, with stages to and from Augus a. from No 9, (and going east) to and from Milled, e ville,lrom Gordon. The Night Trains connect with daily Steamers to andfrom Charleston,and with weekly Ste&msh ps to and trom New-York ; at Macon with the Mac >n and Western Day Trains to and from Atlanta. ( o lumbus ny Stage t non Barnesvilh*. Augusta, by Go r gia Rail Road, and with South Western Rail Road to and from Fort Valley, and by Stages with poii ts south westward WM. M. WADLKY. june 21 Gen’l.Superintendent “PEKIN TEA C i MI PAN YV ’ ~ Warehouse 75 and 77 Fulton-st., New You t. This TEA Company has always , fgi f fj mH * nt ained a high reputation forj sg: r Pliiiii.TiiiHfe'rEAS ol the most delirious ellar-In•■•iili. acter and tragrancy, and are warranted to give kiip-?- faction in every instance. If they do not prove s represented they may be returned For sale by tie Agent J. A. MAY HR, mar 5 154 Broughton Street. BOOTS AND SHOES. On GASES fine sewed calf skin Boots ; 12 and pegged dodo do: Monterey and Congrer Boots; Ladies and Gent’s Gaiter Boots; Ladies’ Tie and Slippers ; Boys’ and Youth’s Shoes, 5000 pal Plantation Brogans. For sale hv oct 28 “ STALEY & HENDRY. Sign of the Golden Eagle, Congress street J. 51. COHEN cV CO. No. 140, Brough ton-st, Next to I. W. Morrell \ Co’s., Furniture S T O It E , ARE daily receiving large additions to their much admired and Cheap Stock of DRY GOODS,- “of the Newest and most Fashionable Styles,” ac kuowledged by all to be “ CHEAPER THAN THE CHEAPEST.” Our facilities enable us to keep a complete assort ment in our line, and we are determined to make this the “ Real Cheap Store ot Savannah,” by sell ing Retail at Wholesale Prices. Soliciting a contin’ uation of the Patronage s kindly extended us, we respectfully invite all to call and be satisfied. Planters will find it to their interest, to examine our Stock. No trouble to show Goods. may 28 VALUABLE IMPROVEMENT! A complete and substantial substitute fur BLOCK TUNG, HOUNDS. SWAY-BARS, SAND-BOARD an KING BOLT. PATENT COUPIIK C*3 I Forthefore AXLES and BOLSTERS, of Spring Blocks, of four wheeled Vehicles of all descriptions, areju3tly classed in the fist of the most valuable improvements oi the age; both for tiieir perfect utility, economy aud durabiliy. For Farming or ‘learning purposes, or light Carriages They are vastly superior to any other mode of cou pling now known or used. Though thousands of unimpeachable witnesses could be produced to tes tify to these tacts, yet the Patentee would only ask for an examination of his Apparatus. The coupling is affected by the use of two metalic circular plates, bolted, one to the bolster and perch, and the other to the axle, which are connected to gether by a peculiarly shaped bolt, in such a manner that the fore axle cannot be separated from the body of the carriage without first removing one of the fore wheels, and turning the axle in a position at right angles with its working position: which, it will be seen, brings one arm of the axle directly un der the perch. For further particulars ‘•end Testi monials. Notice of the Pres Valublk Invention—lmpoutax . aogun Makers —Mr. David W. Seely, of C.u usle, Schoha rie County, New York,has recently secured a patent for one of the most valuable improvements.of the age. It is for connecting the fore axle to the- ulster or bodyof a waggon,in a firm and substantial manner aud dispensing'with the use of the old fashioned hounds, block-tung, sand-board, and sway-bars, avoiding the necessity’ of boring the bolster and ax e for the kina-bolt; making at least five dollars less expense for ironing the vehicle to which it is applied and the same saving in the expense of the wood work.—N. Y. Farmer & Mechanic. tyi ’his improvement has taken premiums at seven State Fairs, inc'uding the American Institute. Orders filled by S.Z..MURPHY, april 12 6m New York Wire Railing Works. rPHK Subscriber manufactures JL VVire Railing for public and private grouds, Verandahs, window Guards and Gratings : Wrought and Cast Iron Railing, 1 nm Columns, Iron Doors and Shutters, Iron Beadsteads andiron Furn 4 'lire: Wire Fences, for Plantations, Rail Roads, etc., made entirely on anew plan, with rails and iron posts ; prices at 9,11 and 13 cents per running foot, 4\ feelL'gh ; for circulars with designs address JOHN B. WICKERSHAM, 240 Rroadway, New York. H. B • The subscriber would refer to the enclo sure oi l - rsyth Place, the railing and gallery work atlluijev ish Synagogue and* number of dwellings in Savannah, the enclosure of the private cemetery at the Everett family at Fort Valley, and also to the work at Macon, Madison and other places in Georgia. m u’ 4 Iv HAI R BRUSH ES of every description, some very fine and rich patterns, for gale By HUMPHREYS Ac JOHNSON, aug 2 Corner Broughton and Whitaker sts. Onsiuess Curtis. _____ i OR. . If. IJ VIiYES, (Late ot New York) SURGICAL <fc MECHANICAL DENTIST, Corner Congress d? Whitaker-sts., Over Prendorgast’s Dry Goods Store, Savannah. * s now prepared to execute all hinds of Dontrical Work in the most scientific manner. Persons Buttering from Toothache can be relieved, without extracting, in ten minutes, g Prices very moderate, april 6 ly DR. M. C. HEALD, : Office Franklin-sqr., Bryan-at., Savannah, Go., grjp]rt —Is prepared to perform all opera ons upon natural TEE TH, and re- P' uco which are lost, from one *"*“*-* Li j to an entire Double Set. All work warranted to be durable. Extracting performed with care and skill. Charges moderate. Tooth-ache cured, examination and advice gratis. march 2 ly GEOIIGE W. IUUDCASTLE.” ~ CARRIAGE MAKER, fgs. 200 Congress and ll )l ’ 95 St. Julian Street, Frau It I in Square. WOULD Return his thanks to his friends andpat rons tor past favors,and inform them, that he is now ready at the old stand, to execute any work in the above line, and hopes by his untiring exertions to please all who may honor him with a call. Ad kinds of reparing in the above business done with the utmost neatness and dispatch. Wheelwright and Blarksmith work, and ali kinds of Wheels, Waggons, Drays, Carts, &c., made on the shortest notice and on most liberal terms. ly leb.3 R. H. DARBY. FASHIONABLE TAILOR & CUTTER, Congress-street. OFFFRS his .. rvicesio thecitizens oi*Savannah, andjrt-spectl'ully solicits a share ui their patron age. He has no doubtof giving satisfaction to all who may favor him with an order i'orcutting or ma kingtheinost fashionable garment. dec i:i i: w cope HOUSE & SIGN POINTER, GLAZIER & GILDF, Corner Liberty and Montgcvmery-sts. ORNAMENTAL WORK OF EVERY DESCRIPTION EXE CUTED TX A STYLETIIAT CANNOT BE SURPASSED. VERY description oi .lobbing executed at the J shortest notice. ly april 9 i>. lORBIsJ No. 7 Barnard street, North side of the Mar ket. and opposite Planters’ Hotel. BELL HAXUEII, AM) MAN UEAOTURER —OF ALL KINDS OF— FI HE PROOF SAFES, I RON RAILINGS, LOCKS, &c., YY Offers his services to the Citizens ot Savan L* nah. and State of Georgia. He i* prepared to fill orders for anything in the above line, at the shortest notice, and on the most reasonable terms. oct 23 ~ JOO OUVKit, House and Sign Painter, Gilder, Glazier. &c. Dealer in Paints. (J'U, Turpentine, Varnish. Win clow Glass Putty, Pain Brushes. Ac. Broughton-street, between IVhitaftcr and Bull. i\ u. :<> ‘ FI Dealers in Foreign and Domestic pi HARDWARE AM) CUTLERY', AA And Mechanics’ Tools of all kinds. \V l -J No. 102 Bryan Street, Savannah, Ga. april 8 E HERBERT IOLMSTED D J c.tBINETMAKERAXD UNDER TAKER, • Cono rof Bull and State-sts . * \ ■ over Messrs. Stibbs Davi’s, ESPECTFULLY solicits ashareofthe patronage LL of the public in his line of business. All orders left with him will be punctually attended to. feb 2 JOHN ANTROBUS PORTRAIT, LANDSCAPE AND ANIMAL PAINTER St. Andrew's Hall , corner of Broughton and mar oj Jcjj'erson-streets. [6m WEU ‘STOHJK, Now offering at wliolesale and retail a large assortment of FANCY AND STAPLE DRY GOODS, AT THE LOWEST CASH PRICES. At Roberts & Foote’s old stand, Congress-street, mar 20 E. L. GUERARD. DR H j roYALL^ i> £ i\ ‘r is t . Office 129 Brough ton-street, near Whitaker. (Jliice hours from 8 to 2 o'clock, and from 3 to 6. mar 11 eom DR. BANNINi.’S B xll I* U O V 41 D ll U A C E. Dlt. S. G. Pancost. Dentist,No. 150 Broughton-st. Having mu ’’augements with the manufac turer of theabe .jable Chirurgical Instrument, will supply all v. ..cauls, either at wholesale or re ail- * Fetna, well qualified to fit the Brace, will be in itiundance upon Ladies, and if desired will wait upon them at their residences, N. B.—Orders from Physicians in the country will be promply attended to. april 7 vo\ a 17iv oi)Ki\r F CTOIIS A COMMISSION MERCHANTS No. 94 Bay-street, Savannah. W.P.Yonge, july 8 W.Odfv P. JACOBS’ SEGAIt AN I) TOBACCO STORE, Bull-street , (Sign of the “Big” Indian,) NEAR 310NuME NT—SQUABE, Savannah, Ga. N. B.—Keeps constantly on hand Spanish, Hall Spanish, and American Segars, at wholesale and re tail. Also, Chewing Tobacco, Snuff, Ac. june I 3 J. 11. UVLI., FACTOR, COMMISSION A FORWARDING M E R C H A N r l. Number 172 Bay Street,Savannah, Georgia, oct 9 ly S. Z. MURPHY, Wheelwrightiimt ISliieksmitli, No. 96 and 96 St. Julian-street, West side of the Market, Savannah, Gat Carriages made and repaired at short notice, and a re asonableprice ly jan 27 IOOK HERE. —We have just received the fin _J est assortment of Hair Brusher, Tooth Brushes, ever offered in this city. Our stock ot Hair Brushes consist of upwards ol sixty different patterns, and our stock of Tooth Brushes consists of over ninety different kinds, besides a large lot of Fancv Goods, which we wiil sell at price lower than ever offered here bet re. If you want a Hair Brush tosuit you. call and get one at | june 26 HUMPHREYS & JOHNSON, Corner Broughton and Whitaker sts. SAVANNAH, THURSDAY AFTERNOON, AUGUST ljs 1852 Business (L : cu‘i)s. John n. <u iatAiti>, ATTTORNEY AT LAYV. COMMISSIO NE K F • U N E W JERSEY 175 Bay Street, july 19 Savannah, Ga. ” B. H. BACON, ATTOR Nt: V \ T 1- jV W AND NOTARY PUBLIC. Office at the Corner of Bay and Whitaker-sts., Over Swift A Denslow’s Store, feb 9 FLEMING & MILLEN, miiK undersigned having united in the practice of JL Law, will attend punctually toauy Business en trusted to their care. Office corner Bay and Whita ker streets, over Messrs. Swift.,Denslow Ac Cos. William B.Flemin g John M. Millen. ORDINARY'S OFFICE. Corner of Bay and Whitaker streets. Ollice hours from 9 A M. to 2 P. AL, aud 9.} P. M. to 6 P.M. ly april 29 V . W. Mi I FF, Watch-Jinkei 4 and Jeweler, No. 129 Congress Street, Savannah , Georgia , Watches, Clocks, and Jewelry repaired and warranted. CLASSICAL AN D N G iTI SCHOOL. 157 BROUGHTON STREET. 45. I?IAL£OJ\, Principal. Miss A. M. BARKER, Teacher of Primary Classes and Drawing. HENRI 1i E ItRISSIO, Teachei of French. Dr. L. KNORIt, Classical Teacher. The Principal may be found daily at his School Ro. mfrom3 to 4 P. M. ly sept 29 A f} The undersigned having re-opened with an entire New Stock of )§ DUUGGS. CIIEYIICALS FAACY AKTICL.FS. At No. 139 South Side of Bnmyhton-st., for merly Walker's Marble Yard, Is now ready to furnish any thing in his Line, at the shortest notice. SOI*A WATER made in his own peculiar way, sent to any part of the city, and always to be had at the store, in the highest state of perfection. Prescriptions put up with careand dispatch. The Subscriber having served the public long anu faitnfully, respectfully solicits a share of mar3 ly TllU >IAS RYERSON, Agent a o r i < 87. Removal of Jewelry More, from Hrougli ton to Congr':s< Street. v. w. sinrr, WOULD take this method of inform-esoi ing his customers and the public gen I(7\ J. orally, that he has fitted up the store. mMi 29 Congrees-st. where he intendsto make a permanent location, and carry on the iew elry busines in its various branches. Watches, Jew elry, Clock, &c., cleaned and repaired with des patch, and warranted. Also, an assortment of Jew elry constantly on hand which will be sold at rea sonable prices. Those in want of any thing in the above line of business, would do well to call at Skiffs, on Congress st„ first door West of Dr. Par sons. (july 23) V. VV. SKIFF CO. WHERE IS SKIFF ? Is etill the inquiry on Brouuhton street, by hun dreds, daily—we refer those inquiring friends to the above advertisement, for further information, call at 129, Lougress street. JL REILLf, I) It APE It V i) TAI L 0 it, Brouyhton-strect, next door to the Marshall House, Savannah, Ga. O AVINO ON HAND A WEI.I. SET.EC -1 l tail stock of FALL and WINTER CLOTHING, he solicits a share of patronage. Those* of his friends who may favor him with a call,will do we!!. Owing to his small expenses,he can sell at much lighter prof it thanthose that pay a heavy rent. Don't forget to give him a call. Garments made to order and war ranted to fit. ly oct2o ROOFING. f | lIE Subscriber is pi epared to lay Tin Roofs o I- correct principles, and from 16 years’ experi ence, feels a-sured he can give satisfaction. Price very low. Best reference given, leb 18 J.J. MAURICE. Gutters and Conductors made to order, NOTICE HMIE undersigned have sold out their Retail Stock of Boots, Shoes, &c., in Gibbons’ Building to Mr. Wm Heidt, who will continue the Retail Busi ness at our Old Stand, and for whom we respectful ly solicit a liberal share of the patronage of our old friends. (june 3) E. F. WOOD it CO. reyiovaTT rjYHE undersigned has moved from Brough ton-st., .I to the Store in Gibbons’ Budding, recently oc cupied by E F Wood & Cos., where he will be hap: py to supply his old customers, and also the late natrons ol Messrs. E.F. Wood &Cu. june 3 WM. IIEIDT. ” 98 B U YA N STREET^ FALL AND WINTER GOODS. 7JAHE Subscriber has just received his selected I stock of FALL AND WINTER GOODS, con sisting in part of English, French and German Cloths ; English, French and Scotch fancy and black Cassimeres ; also, a large and splendid variety of Vestings, consisting of fancy Silks, Satins and Wors ted, black and figured do, and black einbrodered do, which he is prepared to make to older in the most fashionable style, and on accommodating terms. He has also recceived a select assortment of REA DY MADE CLOTHING,for men andboys. Togeth er witha large and choicesupply ofHATS and C APS made upin the mostfashiouable style, and to his own order. PIIILIP KEAN, oct 9 ly 98Bryan-st. iiK Hi lilt ATE II ARABIAN LINIMENT—A certain cure for all kinds of Rheumatism, Soreness and Swelling of the Breast. Pain and Weakness ic the Back and Joints, Sprains, bruises. Cramps, Old Sores, Paralysis, or loss of power in the Limbs, Burns, Wounds,Swellings, Salt Rheum, &c., a single trial will convince any one of the efficacy of this truly valuable Liniment, and ns a remedy lor Horses in Spavin, Splint, Galls, Bruises and Wounds, there is nothin? to excel it. For sale by HUMPHREYS Ac. JOHNSON, june 9 corner Brought c \and Whitaker-sts. ‘jAHE it < > SFCOAI POUND—For the Hair, is ■ wit out doubt the best preparation of the kind offered in the city , all who use it speak ot it in the highest terms ; hundreds of bottles havo been sold, and not a single complaint. Price 25 cents, for sale by HUMPHREYS cfc JOHNSON, july 31 Corner Broughton and Whitaker sts. GMIEPfRE AND GENUINE DA FRY’S JL CARMINATIVE.— i’nis prepar lion is without any exception, the best remedy for Children ever known. Call and get the genuine at HUMPHREYS & JOHNSON, june 9 Corner Broughton and Whitaker sts. J. 11. COHEN iY CO., I 10 KKOUGH'I ON-STREET, solicit a call -4- “ from the ladies, to inspect the toil wing Dress Goods, Acc., which will be sold at the lowest prices : Black Silks of different widths and qualities. Colored and Foulard Silks Colored Muslins, a beautiful assortment. Silk and Worsted Bareges. Scotch Hnd French Ginghams, fast colors. Calicos at 10c. yard, fast colors. Also— Swiss. Plaid, Cambric, and Dotted Muslin, very low. | jwiy 1 ]\TEW BOOKS—I ime and Tide : or Strive and Win ; by A L Rae, Author of James Mon t - joy, to Love and to be Loved, etc., etc. Fair Rosamond : or the Queen’s Victim; by Pierce Egan, Esqr. Marco Paul's Travels and Voyages in Vermont ; by Jacob Abbot. The Merry Museum for July. The Ladies’ Wreath for July. ‘The Christian Review for July. Sartains Magazine for August. Received by july 15 . J. B CUBBEDGE. (TNPICK A RLE LOCK"*—For doors of any J kind, which challenge the world to pick them, the hero of a hundred locks” not excepted. It is due to the public that locks thus offered, should be fairly tested. For that purpose the proprietor of ters to deposit Five Hundred dollars in proper hands lor two years, if not sooner won—as a reward to the successful operator, on the following terms. Any person may select three locks from thirty—before examining them—and may then examine the re maining twenty-seven, and have the use of their keys. He may then have one month to prepare his picking instruments, when he must begin the pick ing operation, and pay onopercent. per day on the amount deposited, till lie picks one of the three se lected locks, or abandons it, the last of which he may not do till he has operated ten days. When he has picked one lock, to the acceptance ot a disinter ested committee, he is only to prove that he knows how to pick them by picking the remaining two locks in the two following days, to the acceptance of the same committee, and take the SSOO. This may certify that Mr. E. S. Woodbridem has deposited in my hands a certified check of ‘SoflO, payable at the Hanover Bank, New York, for the purpose named in the above advertisement. JAMES C.BEACII, Payable Teller at the Hanover Bank. The above Locks with 3 keys, with a varie ty ot superior finished Store, and House Door Locks, with and with jut knobs. Also, Carpenters Mortice, Stock, Closet. Chest,Trunk Pad, Drawer, &c., &c. with Porcelain and Mineral Knobs, just receive and for sale by E. LOVELL, june 5 No. 11 Barnard street. HM! F GENUINE Carpenter’s ExtractSarsapar .4. ilia, for sale by june14 IIUHPHREYS& JOHNSO N i AOEORERTAKEK CLOTHS.—CoId. Cot ton Table Cloths, various sizes Col’d Linen and Worsted do Col’d Piano Covers, lor sale low. by J 11 COHEN &CO, june 17 140 Broughton streeet, next to I VV Morrell’s Furniture Store. I-YACON. —50 hhdsprime Bacon Sides ;25 dodo * do Shoulders ; 20 tierces choice canvassed Hams ; for sale by july 9 WEBSTER Ac PALMES. })INE APPLE CHEESE.—A few boxeaTtbr sal? at the Emporium, by june U a S.GOODALL. 1) ORINSON^jyfiSgNTBAKLEY.--This Y article is straggly by thefFacul ty as a nutritiononHKfoop for infants. It is al si) much approN .making a delicate custard, etc. J uat sale by july 21 W.WkiiLINCOLN, Monument-sqr. { OUUKNS Carminative, lor sale by * i june 14 HUMPHREYS & JOHNSO N. SODA WATER in its highest state of perfection manufactured after a late improved method, with a costly self-generating apparatus, and war, ranted to be superior to any heretofore sold in this city, served with fresh syrups and kept constantly cold. Also, iced Congress Water. may 19 J. A. hrAYER, 154 Brought on-st, ORCHIS TOOTH WASH, warranted genu J inc, just received by jur.e 14 HUMPHREYS Sc JOHNSON. i>ATII BUiUK.—3 casks English Bath Brick * for scouring : just received and for sale by june 14 VV. VV. LlNCOLN,Monument-sqr. Segars . —20,000 EsimTaldoes, v- ry superior, just received and for sale by june 22 PADELFORD, FAY <fc CO. . TTKN'l’lOAi.—if you should be so unfortunate Lm. as to want Medicine at night, you can obtain them at any hour, by ringing the night Bell, when a competent person will wait on you. There will be alight in the store all night. HUMPHREYS & JOHNSON, juneo 6t corner Broughton and Whitaker-sts. PUBLIC ri T RCHASI.\G AND COMMISSION AGENCY IN NEAV YOltK, ami Ilic piinci pal cities. A. 1. STIMSOW, Public Agent and Correspondent, ADAMS&CO’S. EXPRESS OFFICE, No. 19 Wall Street, New York, YIuTILL give prompt and faithful attention to pur f v chasing MerchaDdise.Agriculturallmplemfnts,. Surgical Instruments, ete. etc., in U rge or small quantities, and forwarding by the most responsible Expresses to any part oi the United States, the Can adas and Europe. He will also execute any other practicable, proper, and remunerative commission, either per sonal or through his Agents, in Washington City. Baltimore, Philadelphia. Hartford,New llaven, Bos ton, New Orleans, Mobile and Europe. Only such letters as shall have been pre paid ,v/\\\ be received, and every original application to meet with attention, must enclose one dollar. Orders directed to left at any of Adams & Co’s Express Offices, will come promptly to hand,or they may be addressed (post-paid) to A. J,. Stiu son, No. 19 Wall street, New York, july 7 IGtw BROWN’S ESSE NCE OF JAMAICA GINGER.—This rticle is elaborately prepared from carefully selected articlesof the best quality, it possesses in a concentrated form all the valuable properties of the Jamaica Ginger, and is warranted to be free from all irritating or other properties of an injurious tendency It is beneficially used in a variety of circumstan ces where a warm cordial and grateful stimulent is required, particularly in cases where there is a sense of exhaustion arising from excessive fatigue or heat, a few drops in a halt tumbler of water wi*h a liltle sugar, will be found an effectual and most pleasant restorative, which makes this Essence a highly useful addition to the traveller's portman t* au, as well as to the family collection of remedies. Where there is an unpleasant sense of weight or nauseaafter eating, from imperfect digestion, or where nausea is induced from riding in a railroad car, or carriage, or from the motion of a vessel at sea, the Essence of Ginger, if given according to the directions, will almost invarianly give relief. In ordinary diarrhoea, incipient cholera, in short, in all cases of prostration of the digestive functions, whether from indulgence or disease, it is of inesti mable value. During the summer months, and in Southern cli mates it is invaluable, particularly during the pre valence of epidemic cholera. No traveller or family sh >uld be without it. This day received per steam er. and for sale by W. W. LINCOLN, june 25 Monument square. Qaoatmat) (Lnu-mng Journc . j Stephen Allkn’s I’ockkt Pii:ck.—Among the victims of the Henry Clay disaster, was Stephen Al - len, Esq., an aged man of the purest characU'r, for merly a Mayor of New York, beloved and esteemed by ull who knew him. In hi* pocket book w * found a printed slip, apparently cut from a newspaper, of which the following is a copy : ■*Koe ogood company or none. Never lie idle. If your hands cannot be usefully employed,attend to the cultivation of your mind. Always speak the truth. Make few promises. Live up to your engagements. K epyour own secrets,if you have any. When you speak to a person, look him in the face. Good com. pany and good conversation arc the very sinews of virtue. Good character is above all tilings else.— Your character cannot be essentially injured except by your own acts. If any one speake evil of you, let your life be so, that none will believe him. Drink no Kind of intoxicating liqours. Ever live, (misfor tunes excepted,] within your income. When you retire to bed, think over what you have been doing during the day. Make no haste to be rich if you would prosper. Finall and steady gains give compe tency with tranquillity ol mind. Never play at any game jof chance. Avoid temptation; though fear may not withstand it. Earn money before you spend it. Never run into debt unless you see a way to get out again. Never borrow if you can possibly avoid it* Do not marry until you are able to support a wile. Be juit before you are generous. Keep your self innocent, if you would be liappy. Save when you are young to spend when you are old. Read over the above maxims at least once a week. Com Merck of Holland.—By a statement of the imports, exports, and transit of merchandise in Flol land during the first six months of 1852, in the Staats Couradt, it"is shown that the quantity of raw cotton imported in that period is nearly double that irn ported iu the same period of 1851. Cottou yarn also shows an increase of fully one.thiru ; the value of iron imported has heen increased by nearly 1,400,000 florins; the quantity ol raw sugar, 15.000.000 lbs.; cof lee, 10,000,000 lbs.; rice, E 6,000,000 lbs.; leaf tobacco, 6,000,00 ibs., and tin, by 1,000,000 lbs. In the exports there has been an increase ol 1,200-000 florins; value upon ir0n,3,000,000 lbs. upon raw cotton, 8,000,000 lbs.; upon coffee,! ,000,000 lbs. upon sundry manufac - tured goods, 6,500,000 lbs. upon rice, 600,000 lbs. upon sugar, 5,000,000 lbs. upon leaf tobacco, and 1,000,000 lbs. upon cotton yarns. The Commandments—A country lad went to be confirmed by the bishop, who inquired if he had learnt his catechism, aud asked him how muuyjeom mandments there were—‘-Forty,” replied Hodge.— “Go home child and learn better,” said the bishop. On his return dome Hodge, met a companion, who was also going to be confirmed. ‘ Stop,” gays he ‘ do you know how many commandment there be?” “Yes, to be sure, ’ replied the other, “ten.”— “Pshaw ! you lool! said the other, “I told the bish op lorty, and that would not do—go home and learn better.” A Quietus for Cross Babies.—By this we do not mean knocking their brains out against the bed post, nor any thing ot the sort. Nor do we mean giving them paregoric. Daily’s elixir, Dalby’s car minative, black drops, or any other poison. ‘1 he only requisite to quiet a squalling, squealing little baby is, that it shall possess a nose. In the midst of its screaming, press your finger gently and Jcpeat edly across the cartilage of that useful ( organ, and in, less than two minutes it will be asleep. The best thing for love is sickness. If any of your friends are troubled with this complaint therefore, dont persuade them to seek consolation iu good advice or arsemck, but induce them to eat green fruit till they get the cholic. As Dr. Wing very justly observes, no man can go crazy about a piece of calico as long as his bowels are deranged. trip’ An Irish newspaper came out one morning, with this statement; “A man was found dead in street this mor ning, with a long word sticking in his throat.” The next morning appeared the following errat um : “For word read sword.” ‘l’he same paper also contained the following er ratum : “For her Grace the Duke of Dorset, read his Grace the Duchess An Ordinance, to provide for the issuing of the Bonds ol the City of Savannah to pay the sub scription heretofore made to the Savannah and Ogechee Plank Road Combany. SEC. Ist.—-Be it ordained by the Mayor and Alder men of the City of Savannah aud Hamlets there of, in Council assembled, and it is hereby ordained by the authority of the same, That there shall be issued Bonds of the city ol Bavanhah, to the amount ot five thousand dollars, to pay for the city subscrip tion to the Savannah anu Ogechee Plank Road Com pany. The said Bonds shall be payable in ten years, with interest at the rate of 7 per cent, per annum, the interest payable semi-annually, accord ing to coupons to be annexed to the Bonds. RICHARD D. ARNOLD, Mayor. Attest: R. F. Akin, Clerk of Council. july 10 AN ORDINANCE, To Increase the number of Privates of the City Watch. BE it ordainrd by the Mayor and the City of Savannah and llnmlets thereof, in Coun cil assembled, and it is hereby ord ined l>y the an thority ol the same, that the number of Privates of the City Watch shall be eighty-six instead of sixty six, as heretofore, and that the additional number of Privates to be appointed under this ordinance shall b” subject to all the existing ordinances, regu ing the Privates of the City Watch, an sha - c *■*,; the same compensation and give the same bond. RICHARD D. ARNOLD, May. r. Attes. : R. F. Akin, Clerk Council. july 2 HELL’S Condition Powders still go KirNrC\ off’ freely and prove effectual in every \X/\ ‘ by giving leliel to Horses in ■■l ‘ “ •’ cases of heavy Coughs, Colds, Worms, Broken Wind, Glanders, and for improving the An imal generally, for sale by HUMPHREYS Sc JOHNSON, july 31 Corner Broughton and Whitaker sts. EOLINE, o r Magnolia Vale—a Novel :by Caro line Lee Hentz,author of “Linda,” &c. Pencil Sketches, or Outlines of Character and Manners : by Miss Leslie, author of “Kittle s Rela tions.” &c.: including Mrs. Washington Potts and Mr. Smith, with other stories. Ttie Five Love Adventures of Solomon Slugg, ami other Sketches : by Daniel L Roath, author of the “Bandit,’ See. Ben BrAce, a Nautical Romance : by Captain Chambier, author of “The Lite ol a Sailor,” Ai c. Mary Morris, and other ‘Pales : by N. 11. Moore. The Gipsy’s Daughter, a Novel: by Mrs. Grey. The Disgrace to the Family, a Story of Social Dis* tinction : by W. Blanchard Jerrold—with illustra- J tions ; by Phiz. Received by june 23 J. B.CUBBEDGE. GZjfy RECEIVED, per steamshipStatc ot Georgia, a fresh supply of Ladies’ fine French Morocco and Kid Slip- and Buskins; also by re cent arrivals, Ladies’, Misses, and Children's* flue Gaiter Boots, also Gentlemen’s fine French Boots imported by J Miles Ac Son of Philadelphia. The subscriber keeps constantly on hand a fine assort* ment of Shonsand Boots of every variety and style, which he will take pleasure in showing to all who may favor him wltna call. WILLIAM HEIDT, june 15 Sign of the large Boot, Gibbons’ Building. HAY.— 200 Bundies prime North River ilay daily expected to arrive, for sale by june 21 WASHBURN, WILDER Sc CO, NO. 59.