The Savannah evening journal. (Savannah [Ga]) 1852-185?, August 13, 1852, Image 1

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. - = .• . UULLtI/Hl/rt VOL m. Sayannal) (Cuming Journal. BY J. B. CUJJBEDHE. THOIIAS W. LANE, Editor. JT-^ 5 * The Daily Paper will be mailed to country subscribers at $4, and the Tri-weekly at £2 per an num—payable invariably in advance. All new Ad vert iscments appear in both papers. Ten cents per week, or two cents a copy— .payable to the Carriers. A I)Y 1. R Advertisements inserted at the following rates : FOR ONE SQUARE OF TEX LINES. One insertion, $0 50 One month, £5 00 Two “ 087 Two “ •00 Three “ 1 00 Three “ Four “ 125 Four “ 12 ()0 Five “ 150 Six “ 15 00 • One week, 175 One year Contracts tor j early advert; made on liberal terms. rgw;-ne?jmyT’ ---ir-t •- * CENTRAL UAI New Arrangement for Eusseuger Trains. ON and after Tuesday July Ist, passengerTrai is will run as follows : DAY TRAINS. Leave Savannah 8, A M. I Arrive at Macon 0,50 P. M. Leave Macon 7,30, AM. | Arrive at Fa .au’hG, V. I. NIGHT TRAINS. Leave Savannah 8, P.M. 1 Arriveat Macon 5,15. A. ! Leave Macon 4,30, P. M. | Arriv • > t‘. ;• i . A. I The Day Trains connect with the Mur a and VV tern Night Trains to and from Atlanta. Mont.: >m y and Chattanooga, with stages to ami from Aw.,w a. from No 9, (ami going cast) to and from Milled • ville, from Gordon. The Night Trains connect with daily Steamers to and from Chari ’ to and trom Now York ; at Macon with tin; Mac m and Western Day Trains to and from Atlanta. ( . lumbus ny Stage I nun - gia Rail Road, and with South Western Rail Road to and from Fort Vulley, and by Stages with points south westward. WM. M.WADLEY, june 21 Gen’l.Superintendant *PEKIN TEA COM PAN Warehouse 75 and 77 Fulton-st,, New York. This TEA Company has always ■ ‘B| maintained a high reputation foil y ‘ | ■ ol the most delicious char _ j acter and tragrancy, and are warranted to m v - o faction in every instance. If they do not pta.v* s represented they may he returned F* n vt • Agent J. A. MAYER, mar 5 154 Hroughton Street. J BOOTS AM) SHOES. to CASES fine sewed calf skin Hoots; and 4Udo pegged undo do : Monterey and C >ii-i:*'•• Boots; Ladies and Gent’s Gaiter Hoots; Ladies’ To and Slippers ; Boys’and Youth’s Shoes, 5000 pat Plantation Brogans. For sale bv oct 28 ” STALEY fe HENDRY. Sign of the Golden Eagle, ‘ long re■ tnvt i. 11. (COHEN & CO. No. 140, Broughtonst, Next to I. W. .Uorrell a; Co’s., Furniture STOlt E , ARE daily receiving largo nodi! ions to their much admired and Cheap Stock of DRY GOODS, “of the Newest and mo t Fa him ml Styles,*’ho knowledged by all to be “ CHEAPER THAN TIIE CHEAPEST.” Our facilities enable us to keep acm > • • <rt ment in our line, and we are determined 1” rn this the •* Real Cheap Store oi Savannah,’ by 1. ing Retail at Wholesale Prices. Soliciting a o ntin* uation of the Patronage so kindly extended us, we respectfully invite all to call and be satisfied. Planters will find it to their interest, to examine our Stock. No trouble to show Goods. may 28 VALUABLE IMPROVEMENT! A complete and substantial substitute for BLOCK-TUNG, HOUNDS, SWAY-BARS, SAND HOARD an KING BOLT. PATENT COUFimaS! For the fore AXLES and HOLSTERS, ot .-min: Blocks, of four wneeled Vehicle.-- of all descrijn ion •. are justly classed in the *ist of the most vaiuvffi improvements o: the age ; both for their perfect utility, economy aud durabiliy. For Farming or learning purposes, or light Carriages They are vastlj superior to any other n o le of cou pling now known or used. ‘Phough thousands of unimpeachable witnesses could be produced to t*- - tify to these facts, yet the Patentee would only ask for an examination of his Apparatus. The coupling is affected by tin* use of two metal’ e circular plates, bolted, one to the bolster and perch, and the other to the axle, which are connected to gether by a peculiarly shaped holt, in such a manner that the fore axle cannot be separated from the body of the carriage without first removing one of the fore wheels, and turning the axle in a position at right angles with its working position: wh ch. it will be seen, brings one arm of the axle directly un der the perch. For further particulars read Testi monials. Notice of the Press. Valuble Invention—lmportant to Waggon Makers— Mr. David W. Seely, of Carlisle, Schoha rie County, New York,has recently secured a patent for one of the most valuable improvements of lin age. It is fur connecting the lore axle to the olster or bodyof a waggon,in a firm and substantial manner and dispensinji'with the use of the old fashion-wl hounds, block-tung, sand-board, and sway-bars, avoiding the necessity of boring the bolster and ax e for the king-bolt; making at least five dollars le.- • expense for ironing the vehicle to which it is applied and the same saving in the expense of the wood work.—N. Y. Farmer & Mechanic. I jUT* This improvement has taken premiums at seven State Fairs, inc'uding the American Institute. ir^ rJ Orders filled by 8, Z. MURPHY april 12 6 m New Yoik Wire f|HIE Subscriber manu!j. • m - > 1 Wire Hailing t>r public suui private grou.: Verandahs, window Guards and Gr.iLn_- : and Cast Iron Hailing,lron Columns, Iron He ora and Shutters, Iron l’eadstoad- andiron Furn ‘u.*c: Wire Fences, tor Plantations, Rail Hoads, etc., madeeii; ; rely on anew plan, with rails and iron jvt ‘r ; prices at 9 ,11 and Id cents per rum. 4’ J. ,M h ; for circulars with design* ad •> JOHN 11. WICKERS HAM, 240 Hroadway, New York. M. F ‘he subscriber would n lor t > the eu.-d flU'i* c.n rsyth Place, the railing and gaMcry work alike .L: ish Synagogue and • number of dwelling in Savannah, the enclosure of the private cemetery j at tho Everett family at Fort Valley, and also to tlie work at Macon, Madison and other places in Geo.uia. rn :v 1 Iv HAIR BRUSH US of every description, -ome very fine and rich patterns, for sale tv HUMPHREYS & JOHNSON, aug 2 Corner Broughton and Whitaker sts. gagineas (Harba. s>a*. b.vioes, (Late of New York) SURGICAL A AISO IANICAL DENTIST, Corner Congress ci* Whitakcr-sts ., Over Prenderga-Fs Dry Goods Store, Savannah. ,<C —Is now prepan and to execute all / v ._ _ -1 kinds of Dentrical Work in the ino.-t Y manner. Pers.msaiui -ring from Toothache can be relieved, without extracting, in ten minutes. J Prices very moderate. april 6 ly DR. IV. C. HEALF Office Frank!in-S'jr., Bryan-st., Savannah, Ga., > { - a ■■■■• m TEE 1 11. an.: .<■• ‘{Jj . i. which are lost, from one | l 0 , , :.rc Double Set. All work nted to be ole. Extracting performed ‘d skill. Charges moderate. Tooth-ache ...... liination and advice gratis. march 2 ly GEORG RDCAS CLE. r CARRIAGE MAKER, i^v ;‘5 . U Franklin Square* VjITOULD Return his thanks to his friends andpat- V 7 rons torpHßtfavors,and inform them, that he is now ready at the old stand, to execute any work : in the above line, and h pes by his untiring exertions j to please all who may honor him with a call. A.l kinds of reparing in the above business done with j tii-* utmo-r: neatness and dispatch. Wheclwri -i• t and Blarksmith work,and ali kinds • of Wheels, Waggons, Drays, Carts. Ate., made on the shortest noUceand on most liberal terms. Iy lebs -U. K. DARBY. FASIfIOXABL-:TAILOR & CU TER, 149 h Congress-street. OFFERS his rvices r o the citizens cf Savannah, ami .respectfully solicits a share of their patron age. Jle lias no doubt of giving satisiuction to all { who may favor him with an orderforcutting or ina- : kingthemo t fashionable garment. dec 13 “i;. w. Y'ops>r HOUSE (fc SIGN PAINTER. GLAZIER & GILDE Corner Liberty and Montgomcry-sts. ORNAMENTAL WORK OF EVERY DESCRIPTION EXE- j CUTEDTX A STVLETU AT CANNOT BE SURPASSED. LIVERY doscnjition of .lobbing executed at the ! ly april 9 ’ OdVOKIUS, No. 7 Barnard street, North side of the Mar ket, and opposite Planters’ Hold. BELL HANGER, AND MANUFACTURER —OF ALL KINDS OF— fijm: phooi safes, \ aonkailimes. LOCKS, Ac., a Ofldrs his services to the ditiznns of 8 avail Lg.'jnah. ni .State of Georgia. He is prepared to lill erdi rs fer aiiythinu’ in the above line, at the sh rte.-t nolic;, and on the most reasonab! : , :..s. oct23 V ■ : a i);,e i::j. ’ ilou.-.e and Sign Painter, Gilder, Glazier. &c. Dealer tn* Paint -. O', Purpcntine, Varnish.W : n .low Glass Putty, Pain Brushes, drc. Bro) -street, buicorn Whitaker and. Bull. i o W, COK vWEEL, r : l).*a!er in Foreign and Domestic ;it IIA ; Vv iKP: AMI CUTLERY,,aA A ... . . Tools of oil kind s. vVj’J (—J No. 202 Bryan street, Savannah, Ga. Yd. r april 8 ■ b, Aarebrtolmst^Ed J CABINET MAKER A?. D UNDER- taker, S&. Corner of Bull and Sfale-.stx.< • \ * over Mc-fj'.t-!*. Stibbs & Ravi’s, i> EtfPECTFUI.I.Y solicits a share of the patronage n( the public in his line nt oudiness. All orders loft with him will lie punctually attended to. fob and JOHN ANTKOBUS, L’OllTllAlT, LANDSCAPE AND ANIMAL PAINTER St. Andrew’s Halt , <• .nier of Brourjhton aud mar 5] Jejferson-streets, [Gin _NEW ST © HE, “ Now offering at wholesale ami retail it large assortment of ’ FANCY AND STAPLE DRY GOODS, AT THE LOWEST CASH I'UICKS. ! At Roberts 6e i-'uute’s old stand, Congress-st?*eet. mar‘JO K.L.GUERARD. ‘DR. H. J. ROY ALL; S> E \ ’J’ IST. Djjicc 129 Broughton-streel, near Whitaker. Oliice hours from 8 to 2 o'clock, and from 3 to 6. mar 11 eom DR. BANNIN PS E M P Iw V V EJ> U §5: A CJ E. DR. S. G. Pancost Dentist,No. 150Brougbto*i-st. Having made arrangements with the manufac .urer of the above valuable Chirurgical Instrument, vill supply all applicants, either at wholesale or re ail A Female well qualified to fit the Brace, will be in ittendunce upon Ladies, and it’ desired will wait upon them at their residences, N. i.—Ortiers from Physicians in the country will be promply attended to. april 7 wTp. yongi;, FACTORS it COMMISSION MERCHANTS No. 94 Bay-street, Savannah. W.P.Yonge, ju!y 8 V V. C)nii"“ P. JACOBS SEC Alt AND TO JS A <) STO RE, Bull-street, (Sign of Big' 1 Indian,) NEAR MONUMi iRE, ‘iiiiinli, G;n > Keeps constancy . liand .Spanish, Hall Si f.-, at wholesale and re- Tobacco, Snufi, fe e. june I J. H. HULL. i'ACTOR, < ’()iIMISSION it RIRWAIiDLNG ERGHAN2, Nunibc: iy Street, Savaunuh, (ieorgia. OCt 9 ly Z. MURPHY, Whccln right ;tss<l Itlsicksiuilii, No. 96 and 98 St. J lian-strect, West side of the Market, Savannah, Gat Carriages made and repaired at short notice, and a re asonable price ly jan 27 T 00l ived tb"fin :• i e-t iissoiiment of Hair Brusher,Tooth Brushes, ever oilered in thiscity . Our stock oi Hair Brushes consist of upwards of sixty different patterns, and our stock of Tooth Brushes consists of over ninety dill.-rent kinds, besides a large lot of Fancv Goods, I which we will sell at price lower than ever ottered he: * bes re. If you want a Hair Brush to suit you. ; call and get one at | june 26 HUMPHREYS fe JOHNSON, Corner Broughton and Whitaker sts. SAVANNAH, FRIDAY AFTERNOON. AfdUST 13. Ifsa jdnsincss ©arils. JOHN r S. GUERAItI), ATTTORN I'.Y AT LAW. ! i- o M MISSIO NK II Fl> R N E W .1 EH S E Y 17") Bay Street, july 19 i-AV.'.VN A". ! I A. ~ B. H. 3ACOK, ATTIt NE ¥ A T I. A W AND not a csv pin; Lie. Ojjiec at the Corner of Bay and H liitaki r-sts., Over Swift it Deuslow'. Store, feb 9 FIiEMlfrG- & MILLEN f | GIF undersicie i Laving united in the pr.ic ; c.-e ol -1- Law, will attend punctually to: -y en trusted to their care. Off-c-’ conn c hay an<l Wnita ker streets, over Ai< -is. S .vjlf, Dcnslew Go. William J.Flkmin g John M. Millkn. ordinary;** office. Corner of Bay and l> i t' talar streets. Office hours from 9 A 51. to 2 P. M., and M.] I*. M. to 6 P.M. iy ; ril V. W. SK iV F, Wnlt-li- G-Gicr mid Aenelc!*, No. 1:29 Congress vtrcct, f'arannti/i, Georgia , Watches, Clocks, and Jewelry repaired and warranted. CLASSICAL AND SC S-SOOIa. 157 BUORGIITON sTUJ KT. B. A LLOA, PriHciini!. Miss A. iALI’ARKFR, Teacher of Primary Classes and Drawing. IIKNIU IIKKR!:’SI-:, Teacher of French. Dr. L. K.NORR. Classical Teacher. The Principal m; y be found daily at his School Ro m from 3 to 4 I*. M. ly sop t 29 A CARD, fp The undersigned having re opened with an entire New St rk of jiM DIM 1 -IF lUL’.LS PASCV A SiTSCLXS. At No. 139 South Side of Broi ihton-st., for merly Walker's Marble Ward. in now ready to furnish any thing in h. l-ine, at the ! shortest notice. SODA WATJER j made in his own peculiar way, sent to any part of j the cit * ; and always to be hud at the store, in the liighe.-t stati; of perfection. Prescriptions put up with careand dispatch. Subscriber having served i the public long arm faitiifully, respectfully solicits a share mar 3 l y THO dAS Agent. “ WOTICJL'. IR'inoval of Jewelry Slope, from Hrosi^li- TON to CuNGHI SS STUX'.T. v. w. sairp, tQ WOULD take this r.n rhod <■ ‘xlonii | A-'\ ir.g hie caatome.--- an.’ lb*-puD’e g‘Mi J I ! erally, that he has fitted up tl •• store. jEWI &C;SiJr'Wj ;29 Coimress-st., where lie ntenristo edi* | lii.iae a permanent location, and carry on tin* lew i elry busines in its various branches. Watches, Jew . elry, Clock, Sic., cleaned and repaired with dee : patch, and warranted. Also, an assortment of Jew ! (dry constantly on hand which will be sold at rea i sonable prices. Those in want oi any thing in the i above line of business, would do well to call at j .Skiff’s, on Congress st„, first door West ol Dr. Par | sons. (july CS) V. W. SKIFF & CO. WHERE IS SKIFF l Is still the inquiry on Broughton street, by bun- I dreds, daily—wr; refer those inquiring friends to the j above advertisement, lor further information, call ! at 129, Congress street. ’ M. BEILiT, I) It APE It AN It T A Ik 0 it, Broughton-street, next door to the Marshall House , Savannah , Ga. nAVINC; ON HAND A YVLLL SET/EC ted stock of FALL and WINTER CLOTH LNG, he solicits a share of patronage. Those ol his friends who may favor him with a call,will do we!!. Owing to his smallexpenses,he can sell at much lighter prof it thanthose thatpay a heavy rent. Don’t forget to give him a call. Garments made to order and war ranted to fit. Iy oct2o ROOFING. rpIIK Subscriber is pi epared to lay Tin Roof’s o t correct principles, and from 16 years’ experi ence, feels assured he can give satisfaction. Price very low. Best reference given, feb 18 J.J. MAURICE. Gutters and Conductors made to order. ,^4;s NOTICE r MUE undersigned have sold out their Retail Stock of Boots, Shoes, &c., in Gibbons’ Building to Mr. Wm Heidt, who will continue thq Retail Busi ness at our Old Stand, and for whom we respectful ly solicit a liberal share of the patronage of our old friends. (june 3) E. F. WOOD <fc CO. REMOVAL. r | AIIE undersigned has moved from Broughton-st., 1 to the Store in Gibbons Budding, recently oc cupied by E F Wood <fc Cos., where he will be hap: py to supply his old customers, and also the late patrons ol Messrs. E. F. Wood (feCo. june3 WM. HEIDT. 98 BRYAN STREET. FALL AND MUSTEK GOODS. ri>HE Subscriber has just received his selected I stock of FALL AND WINTER GOODS, con sisting in part of English, French and German Cloths ; Ei glish, French and Scotch fancy and black ! (hissimeres ; also, a large and splendid variety of Vestings, consisting of fancy Si lks. Satins and Wors ted, black and figured do, and black embrodered do, which heis prepared to make to older in the most fashionable style, and on accommodating terms. He has also receeived a select assortment ot REA DY MADE CLOTHING,for men andboys. Togeth er w’itlia large and choicesupply ot HATS and CAPS ; made upin the mostfashionable style, and to his! own order. PIIILII'KEAN, I oct9 Iv 5)8 Bryan-st. 7>.v ti it i:i.i..n i) akaiuan ‘ I LINIMENT—A certain cure lor all kinds of] Rheumatism, Soreness and Swelling of the Breast, j Pain and Weakness in the Back ami Joints, Sprains, ] Bruises. Cramps, Old Sores, Paralysis, or loss of ! power in the Limbs, Burns, Wounds,Swellings, Salt i Rheum, &c., a single trial ■’ ill convince any one of J the efficacy of this truly valuable Liniment, and as a reme.iy tor Horse 9 in Spavin, Splint, Galls, Bruises ; and Wounds, there is nothing to exec’- it. For sale by HUMPHREYS 6l JOHNSON, juneO corner Brought rand Whitaker-sts. riIHE ROSE COMPOI NI Hair, is I wit. out.doubt the best preparation of the kind ottered in the c.ty , all who use it speak oi it in the highestterms ; hundreds of bottles havo been sold, and not a single complaint. Price 25 cents, tor sale by HUMPHREYS <fc JOHNSON, july 31 Corner Broughton and Whitaker sts. 7TTTTi FT iTT \% gnu sm: dauby ?s 5 C a RMINATIVE.— l bis prepar tion is without any exception, the bent remedy for Children ever known. Call and get the genuine at HUMPHREYS & JOHNSON, juneO Corner Broughton and Whitaker-sts. .1. 3!. COHEN .V S $/> KROIIGrI'I ON-STREET; solicit a call I t 1- * > from t’.c ladies. to inspect the I’olh.wmg Dress Goods, Ar., which will bo sold nt the lomst prin .< : Black Silks of different widths and qualities. (hdored and Koularo Silks Colored Muslins, a R-au'.itul asjortme t. i*-ilk. aiJ Worsted Bar< -g* s. Scotch and crouch Gin:;hams fast colors. (Jalicos at 10c. jj>’ M.rd, last colors. Also— Swiss. Plaid, Cambric ami Dolled Muslin, very low. July i jVj liW .'i mie and Tide : or Strive ! .* i etui YY ii ; oy A L Rae, Author of Jam*;- clou t ; joy, to Love mid to ho Loved, etc., etc Lair Rosamond : or the Queen's Victi u; by Pierce Egan. Kft'.jr. Marco P.mi's Travels ami Voyages in Vrimmii by Jacob Abbot. Tim Merry Museum for July. The Ladies’ V’ math lor July. The Christina Review for July. Sar:ainrf Magazine lor August. Received by july 15 J. B < IUBBEDUE. f TNPIDKAIUjK LOCK Eoi doors ot any *-j kind, which challenge the world to pick them, the h<ro of n hundred locks” not excepted. It is <hi“ to the pub ic that locks thus offered, should be fairly te-ted. For that purpose the proprietor id lers to dep< sit h ire Hun ‘nd dollars in proper hands lor two years, if not sooner won—as a reward to the successful operator, on the lollowing terms. Any! person may select three locks from thirty—before j examining them—and may then examine the re : mainirg twenty -.-even, and have the use of their ! • keys, lie may then have one month to prepare his picking instruments, when he must begin the pick ing operation, and pay one per cent, per day on the amount deposited, till he picks one of the three se lected locks. or abandons it, the last of which he may not Jo till he lias operated ten clays. When he has picked one lock, to the acceptance ot a disinter ested committee, he is only to prove that he k mus how to pick them by picking the remaining two locks in the two following days, to the acceptance of the same conunitte* , and take the £.'> . This loay certity t nt Mr. L. S. Wood bridge has deposited in my hands a certiti and check ot Shot), payable at the Hanover Bank, New York, for tie purpose named in the above advertisement,. JAMES C.BEACH. Payable Teller at L.e Hanover Bank. II 1 *” above Locks with 3 keys, with a varie ty ot rfinished Store* andHouseDoor Locks, with ami ait knobs. Also, Carpenters Mortice, Stock, (’lo'ot. Chest, Trunk Pad, Drawer, &c., Ac. with Porcelain and Mineral Knobs, just receive and for sale by E. LOVELL, inn- 5 No. 11 Barnard str< •t. mHE GEM INK C arpentt r’s Extract Sni ipar J- ilia, for sale by Jim ‘ IIIMIPHREY.- & JOUNSO N / IOLOREDTABLE ( LO TUS Col’cL Cot t<hi Table Cloths, various sizes Col and Linen and Worsted do Col’d Piano Covers, tor sale low. by J 11 COHEN & CO, june-17 Ml) Broughton streeet, next to 1 vY Morrell’s Eurniture Store. D ACON, 50 hi Bacon Sides ;25d0 do do Shoulders; 20 tierces choice canvassed Hams : lor sale by july , WEBSTER & PALMES. ! 6INE APPLE CHEE E.—A ~U sw boxes for j sale at the Emporium, by june ii S.GOOfiAU,. | |> OBINSOX’jTI'ATKNi” lIA KI A? Y . —This i V article is strongly recommended by the*Facul ty as a nutritious, cooling foop for intents. It is al so much approved lor making a delicate custard, etc. J list received and lor sale by july 21 YV. VV. LINCOLN, Monument-sqr. I Oil) FNS Carminative, lor sale by 5 j june 14 HUMPHREYS & JOHNSON. SODA V A TER” ofp >rf seti n I manufactured after a late improved method, wit!: a costly self-generating apparatus, and war, ranted to t>i’ superior to any heretofore sold in this city, served with fresh syrups and kept constantly cold. Also, iced Congress Water. may 19 J. A. MAYER., 154 Brought on-st. O>OTH WASH, warranted genu; I ine, just received by june 14 HUMPHREYS & JOHNSON. DAI H BKICK.- 3 cask En ath Brick Hi lor scouring : just received and for sale by june 14 W. VV. LlNCOLN,Monument-sqr. SEHARB. —20,000 Esmeraldoes, vt ry superior, just received afd for sale by PADELFORD, FAY & CO. 4 TT FNT l i)S —ls you shonld be so unfortunate as to want Medicine at night, you can obtain them at any hour,by ringing thenight Bell, when i competent person will wait on you. There will hi? alight in the store all night. HUMPHREYS & JOHNSON, june 5 (It corner Broughton and Whitaker-sts. ~P i BLIC P 11! CHA SIS G i\IHJ OMMISSION AIiEM’V IN NICV.’ YORK, and the prjncijtai cities. 3L. STI IKE S OK 1 , Public Agent aim! Cori-cspondeHt:, ADAM S & CO’S. J! X P ii E S S () FFICE, A Vi. 19 Wall Street. New York. WILL give prompt and faithful attention to pur chasing Merchandise. Agricultural Implements, Surgical Instruments, etc. etc., in 1-rge or small quantities, and forwarding by the most responsible Expresses to any part oi the United States, the Can adas anil Europe. * dy* He will also execute any other practicable, proper, and remunerative commission, eitherper sonal or through his Agents, in Washington ( ity. Baltimore, Philadelphia. Hartford,New liaven, Bos [ ton, New Orleans, Mobile and Europe. Only such letters as shall have been pre- I paid.will be received, and every original application ! to meet witii attention, must enclose one dollar. Orders directed to left at any id Adams fe Co’s Express Offices, will come promptly to li ml,or they may be addressed (post-paid) to A. L. Stim son, No. 19 Wail street, New York. july 7 LOtw I .MI OWN’S !•: SSL \v i 1 <i I ,1 AM ATI A ■ I GINGER.—This rticle is elaborately prepared from carefully selected articles of tin; best quality. It possesses in a concent rated form all the valuable properties of the Jamaica Ginger, and is warranted to be free from all irritating or other properties of an injurious tendency It is beneficially used in a variety of circumstan ces whore a warm cordial and grateful stimulant is required, particularly in cases where is a i sense of exhaustion arising from cxces.-fvo fatigue or heat, a few drops in a half tumbler of water wi‘h j a little sugar, will be found an effectual and most j pleasant restorative, which makes ibis !• sseiu.e a ; highly useful addition to the traveller's portrnan i t( au, as well as to the family collection of remedies. I Where there is an unpleasant sense of weight or j nausea after eating, from imperfect digestion, or where nausea is induced from riding in a railroad car, or carriage, or from the motion of a vessel nt , sea, the Essence of Ginger,if given according tothe * directions, will almost invariaoly give relief. In ordinary diarrhoea, incipient cholera, in short, ! in all eases of prostration of the digestive functions, ! whether from indulgence or disease, it is of inesti mable value. During the summer months, and in Southern cli | mates it is invaluable, particularly during the pre valence ol epidemic cholera. No traveller or family , sh mhi lie without it. This day n o a <! per steurn l er. and for sale by VV. W.LINGOEN, \ june 25 Monument square. Sftuannalj (fuelling Journal. ! ‘V(tms L \ I)1K —A i;.dv ho ploys we 1 >n me piaiiofiii tc, siiiii desiK :• D-makc thisaceon.plishinent ! a source of pleasure and not ol annoyance to her ! friends, should be careful to adapt the style of her performmv*• t. tin*circumstances in wliidi it iscall od for, and shoul.i remember tnat a ;:ay mixed coin ! pauy would be I ired to death with’ot those elab orate pieces which would d.-li ji-t ibo leurm and ears ( f a party ol^’cognoscenti. It is from m-i.eiot th.s I consideration that many a !• al.y cxeeli.-nt perfor ; hot ii.; T - nor iiiu-ir a . oeial a. ri \ Many a heautil u 1 Foii ata < r lan t a.-ia to vv hie b at uno her I ini e w - would have listened with pleasure, has bo n l tin own away upon a company, u ;i. eitln r ~i wo- i i: l.*y their conversation or sat dui ngits eon’:: -a. !ci: ici :i-ti niiied ami wearii.’ii silence We would : ‘cr a..: vise a performer to n -ike a sacrifice to ‘.i ; ii’ bad taliut thd’e is riu want of pi#*e s nine brevity \\ ith t xcelh nee— c< nt r n -'('Hi i r mpafes inar-y beauti( -• io - !i-dy. .a in i,v and nm-iunitn>n. and afford room tor disj y - b 1- - alley, tas o,a;id ex pro hi-n on the pa t>l tin pr o ■ r. A j a-.-o oi this kind will not weary by it-.. n. I | those who <;• not care for inu-b*. while it vva p a l ism v to tin* m -t ciiitivati il taste ; and with such th n,s,therefore.every mU'.cai inly ought to be Well provided.—V. Mas. Times. A Bi.ut*LK I.M'r-iJß.vr—A p mr man (at Hambuig) was to be buried : four men bore the colliu, and the wile tollow'd. They had some difficulty in passing through the narrow lan * ; the way was straight; not a sunheani found its way down there—it was only when they I.aii emerged into tb - broader streets that the Hun-ligbt 101 lon tin* humble coffin. I heard a story about this Dim ral. which i- as poetically touch ing as it i- ’ i in*. Wiibiu this narrow street, high lip in an equally narr.-w ciiaud vv. I y this poor corpse. Tiie wile sa; ar;.i v.. pt over it ; she ktn-w of n- rx pedit i.t to get .t buried— she had no means. The window stood open, when a canary bird Hew into tin - room, and settled by the head of the corpse, where tl began to sing it made a strange impres stun on the woman ; she could werp no longer, for she imagined it must have come down from the Lord. The bird was tame; it allowed itso f to lx* caught direct'y : and as she related the circumstance to a neighbor, and show, and her the lord, the woman remembered that she had shortly before read an advertisement in the newspaper about n canary bird that had flown away from its home It was tlx* same bird; ami t o- woman on restoring it to its owners, found there, hoimee* hearts wiio rendered her such assistance as enabled her to bury tin* dead —Ham bies near the liar f z Mountains, by //. C. Anderson Laughter.— V fai uty bestowed exclusively upon man, and one which there is. therefore, a sort of impiety m not exercisiug as frequently as we can.— We may say with Titus, that we have lost a day. if it baa passed without laughing. The pilgrims at Mec ca con. idde r :t so essential a part of their devotion, that they c. 11 upon their prophet to preserve them fromsad e-t piide, as his fiends were weeping over his death bed, * k of I were to die ten times over 1 ndVer should make you cry half so much as I made you laugh.” It is said that five signs betoken the fall of a king : first, if he believes the words of go-c-ips, and of those who cannot foresee the issue of events ; secondly if he turn against those whom he ought to love ; thirdly if his revenue be not sufficient for ilia station; fourth ly, if be fa vour one and dismiss another from cap rice and not D oia reflection; and fifthly, it lie despise the counsel ol’ men ot wisdom aud experience. Mother.— *• You are not fond of children, ma'am, 1 believe ?” remarked our good aunt Betsey to a lady the other day. “No—not when tl.ey are small; the brats are so much trouble ; but if I bad one from six to eight years old, I think I should like it very web.” *• Well, that’s just the way for ail* the world that toy fashionable niece used to talk. Poor thing ! On one occasion the child’s nurse went into the country lor a week, when the baby was but a year old, and, would you believe it, she never undressed the child once n. all the rime, day or night, becau-e she was afraid she could not put his clothes on again.” An Ordinance, to provide for the issuing of the Bonds of the City of Savannah to pay the sub scription heretofore made to the Savannah and Ogechce Plank Road Cornhany. SEC. Ist—Be ir ordained by the; Mayor aud Alder men of the City of Favannah and Hamlets there c U in Council assembled, and it is hereby ordained by the authority of the same, That there shall be t.-sued Bonds of the city ot Favanhnh, to the amount <>f five thousand dollars, to pay for the city subscrip tion to the Savannah anu Ogechee Plank Road Com pany. The said Bonds shall be payable in ten years, with interest attic rate of 7 per cent, per annum, the interest payable semi-annually, accord ing to coupons to be annexed to the Bonds. RICHARD D. ARNOLD, Mayor. Attest: It. F. Akin*, Clerk of Council, july ID AN ORDINANCE, To Increase the number of Privates of the City Hatch. I >E it ordainrd by the Mayor and Aldermen of the .13 City of Savannah and Hamlets thereof, in Coun cil assembled, and it is hereby ord ined by the au thority ot the same, that the number of Priv itos of the City Watch shall be eighty-six instead of sixty .-dx, a9 heretofore, and that the additional number of Privates to be appointed under this ordinance shall be subject to all the existing ordinances, regu lating the Privates of the City Watch, anu shall re ceive the same* compensation and give the same ‘ond. RICH API) D. ARNOLD, Mayor, j Attest: R. F. Akin, Clerk Council. july 2 HELL’S Condition Powders, still go freely and prove effectual in every l \ instance by giving relief to Horses in ■ ■mlbi .tfi., cn-’- i 1 heavy Coughs, Colds, Worms, Bi'cken Wind, Glanders, and for improving the An imal generally, for sale by HUMPHREYS Sc JOHNSON, july 31 Corner Broughton and Whitaker sts. or Magnolia Vale—a Novel :by Caro i line Fee Hontz."author of “Linda.’* fee. Pencil Sketches, or Outlines of Character and Manner.*! : by Miss Leslie, author ol ‘ Kittle's Rela tions. ’’&c.: including Mrs. Washington Potts and Mr. Smith, with other stories. The Five !-(-’: VivcMures of Solomon Slugg, and other Skt by Daniel L Koath. uuthnr ol i the ‘'Bandit,’’ A e. Ben Brace, a Nautical Romance : by Captain ; Chamber, author of “Tin- File ol a Sailor,” A c M try Mnrri “and other Tales :by N IJ. Moore. Thefiip ..'liter, a Novel : by Mrs. Grey. The Di.'_ be Family, a Story of Socal Dis tinction : by inchnrd ,/crrold—wi'h illustra tions ; by Phiz. Receive dby J. B CUBBF DGE. lU JC Ivl VMI), per BteamshipStab I oi Georgia, a fresh supply ol Ladies’ line French Morocco and l\ and Slij; per-. Ties and Buskins: also by re cent arrivals, Ladies’, Missea. ami Children’s tine •Gaiter Boots, also Gentlemen’s fine French Boots imported by J Miles fe Son ot Philadelphia The subscriber keeps constantly on hand a fine assort merit of 8 hoes and Boots of every variety ami style, I which lie will tak** Jleasure in showing to all who may l’avor him wltna call. WILLIAM HEIDT, j june 15 Sign of the large Boot, Gibbons’Building. nAY.-20d Bundles prime North River Hay, daily expected to arrive, for sale by june 21 VV A SUB URN, WILDER & CO. DVVBI.TT OF ALABASTER* ’arrant’s J. Cn.-limbrian Tablet ot Alabaster, for removing Tan Pimples and beautifying the complexion. Just received and for sale by W . VV. LINCOLN, june 2.) Monument square. 1> AIBVAY'S Medicated Soop, genuine, forsaie -to by HUMPHREYS & JOHNSON, june 5 corner Bronglitoo and Whilakcr tte. ISO. ox