The Savannah evening journal. (Savannah [Ga]) 1852-185?, August 14, 1852, Image 1

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ViHB ‘ifi ‘ . ‘ ‘' ’ ‘''’ ‘ ’ ‘’ “-, ‘ VOL in. Damxnital) (Opening Journal. BY J. . CUBBEDGE. THOMAS W. LANE, Editor. S^p^TbeDaily Paper will bo mailed to country s übscribers at $4. and the li-weekly at 82 per an num-—payable invariably in advance. All new Ad vert isements appear in both papers. Ten cents per week, or two cents a copy— payable to the Carriers. ADVERTISING RATES. Advertisements inserted at the following rates : FOR ONE SQUARE OF TEN LINES. One insertion, $0 pi) One month, $5 00 Two “ 0 87 Two ■ -• 8 00 Three “ 100 Three *• !() oo Four “ 125 Four “ 12 00 Five “ 150 Six “ 15 00 One week, 175 One year 20 00 EP Contracts for yearly advertising may be made on liberal terms. CENTRAL RAIL ROAD. New Arrangement for Passenger Train*. ON and after Tuesday July Ist, passenger Trains will run as follows : DAY TRAINS. Leave Savannah 8, A M. I Arrive at Macon6,3o P. M. Leave M con 7,30, A M. | Arrive at BaVan’hO*, A. VI. NIGHT TRAINS. Leave ~and, P.M. I Arrive at Macon 5,15, A. M Leave Macon 4,30, P. M. | ArriveatSavu'h 2,30, A. 1 The Day Trains connect with the Macon and W j toi l Night Trains to and from Atlanta. Montgomery and Chattanooga, with stages to and from ( ugus a. from No 9, (and going east) to and from Milled e ville, from Gordon. The Night Trains connect with daily Steamers to -and fro in Charleston, and with weekly Sleamsh ps j to and H orn N-*vv York ; at Macon with Mac m and Western Day Trains to and from Atlanta, ( o lumbus ny Stagetr>nn Barnesville, Augusta, by Go r gia Rail Road, and with South vVestern Rail Road to and from Fort Valley, and by Stages with poii ts south westward WM. M’WADLLY, june 21 - GenT.Superintend*! it “Pl sv l N tISA C 1 ) >I PA NV9 ? Warehouse lo and 77 Fidton-st., New Yor\\ f? n This TLA C tmpuny has always “-r, Jj lj| maintained a huh reputation for’ r, t :at:TKAS oi the most delicjous char-j. ijf.- acter ; id fragrancy. and are warranted to give sat're faction in every instance. If tin ydo not prove & represented they inay be returned For Pale by the Agent J. A. MAYER, mar 5 3 54 Broughton .Street. Jf boots AMD snoi:s. tts,. CASES fine sewed calf skin Boots; i'J and <*wwdopegged dodo do : Monterey and Congrcr Boots; Ladies and Gent's Gaiter Boots; Ladies’ Tie and Slippers; Boys’and Youth’s Shoes, 5000 pai Plantation Brogans. For sale by oct 28 STALEY HENDRY Sign of the Golden E-gle, Congress street k'H. COIIJEIY & CO. No. 140, Broug hto v t-st i Next tu I. W. Morrell Jb Do’s., Furniture BTO R E , A iiE daily receiving large additions to their much J.*. admired and Cheap Stock of DRY GOODS, “of the Newest and most Fashionable Styles, *’ac- knowledged by all to be “ CHEAPER THAN THE CHEAPEST.” Our facilities enable us to keep a complete assort ment in our line, and we are determined to make, this ihc “ Real Cheap Store ol Savannah,” by sell ing Retail at Wholesale Prices. Soliciting a contln” uation of the Patronage s > kindly extended us, we respectfully invite all to call and be. satisfied. Planters will find it to their interest, to examine our Stock. No trouble to show Goods. may 28 VALUABLE IMPROVEMENT! A complete and substantial substitute for BLOCK-TUNG, HOUNDS, SWAY-BARS. SAND-BOARD and KING BOLT. I). W. SEELEY’S PATENT COUPLmCfS! For the fore AXLES and BOLSTERS, of Spring Blocks, of four wheeled Vehicles of all descriptions, are justly classed in the list of the most valuable improvements or the age ; both for their perfect utility, economy aud durabiliy. For Farming or learning purposes, or light Carriages They are vastly suppriorto any other mode of cou- I piingnow known or used. T hough thousands of j unimpeachable witnesses could be produced to tes tify to these facts, yet the Patentee would only ask for an examination of his Apparatus. The coupling is affected by the use of two metalic circular plates, bolted, one to the bolster and perch, and the other to the axle, which are connected to gether by a peculiarly shaped bolt, in such a planner that the fore axle cannot be separated from the body of the carriage without first removing one ,of the) fore wheels, and turning the axle in a position at | right angles with its working position: which, it will be seen, brings one arm of the axle directly un der the perch. For further particulars read Testi monials. Notice of the Ptcms. Valublr Invention—lmportant to Waggon Makers— Mr. David W. Seely, of ( ...uric, Schoha rie County, New York,has recently secured a patent for one of the most valuable improvements of the age. It is for connecting the fore axle to the olster or bodyol a waggon,in a firm and substantia] manner and the use of the old fashioned hounds, block-tung, sand-board, and sway-bars, avoiding the necessity ot boring the bolster and ax e for the kins-bolt; leaking at least five dollars less expenseforironing’the vehicle to which it is applied and the same saving in the expense of tho wood work.—N. Y. Farmer & Mechanic. This improvement has taken premiums at seven State Fairs, inc'uding the American Institute, jy Orders filled by S. Z. MURPHY, april 12 6m New York Wire Railing Works. riMIK Subeeriher nmnufacturt• s I- Wire Railing for public and private grouds, Verandahs, window Guards and Gratings : Wrought and Cast Iron Railing,lron Columns, Iron Doors and Shutters, Iron Beadsteads and Iron Furn ‘tiro: Wire Fences, for Plantations, Rail Roads, etc., undo entirely or anew plan, with rails and iron jcf ic>; prices at 9,11 and 13 cents per running foot, 4.V feet high ; for circulars with desiens address JOHN B. WICKER SHAM. 240 Broadway, New York. N F “he s would refer to the enclo* su • > .T rsytu Place, the railing and gallery work ; attlM-b irh Synagogue and •< number of dwellings in Savon: the enclosure of the private cemetery at tho Everett family at Fort Valley, and alSn to the work at Macon, Madison and other places, in Georgia. m . 4 Iv II AI U BRUSHES of every description, /one Avery fine and rich patterns, for sale by HUMPHREYS A’ JOHNSON, ang 2 Corner Broughton and Whitaker sts. bnsiticss gEatbs. DR. D. D. BARNES, (Late ot New York; SURGICAL A MECHANICAL DENTIST, net Congress dc WhitaJccr-sts., Over Pmndergast’s Dry Goods Store, Savannah. 1 Is now ptepafin ex<cute all iM-- kinds of Dentrical Work in the most scientific manner. Persons suffering from Toothache can be relieved, v ‘bout extracting, in ten minutes. ’ ■g j Prices very moderate. aprit'B” - ly DR. |l. t. IIKALD Office Franklin-sgr., Bryan-st., Savannah , Ga., tfgzr* —Is prepared to perform all opera tione upon natural TEE l H, ami re place those which are lost, from one 1..1-T to an en tirc Double Set. All work warranted to be durable. Extracting performed with car.- and skill. Charges moderate. Tooth-ache cured, examination and advice gratis. march 2 ly GEORGE W. HARDCASTLE. CARRIAGE MAKER, /P-X Congress and ll )| 95 St. Julian Street, U Franklin Square. W r OULD Return his tliauks to his friends andpat rons tor pHat favors,and inform them, that he is now ready at the old stand, to execute any work in the above line, and hopes by his untiring exertions, to please all who may honor him with a call. Ad kinds of reparing in the above business done with the utmost neatness and dispatch. Wheelwright and Blarksmith work,and ali kinds of Wheels, Waggons, Drays, Carts, &c.,made on the . hortest notice and on most liberal terms. ly lebs R. H. DARBY. FASHIONABLE TAILOR & CUTTER, li iU Gongresi-strcet. OFFERS his si rvices io thu citizens of Savannah, and,Tospectfuliy solicits a share of their patron age. lie has no doubt of giving satisfaction to ai! who may favor him with an orderforcutting or ma aihgthmnost fashionable garment. dec lit eTwT copp— HOUSE & SIGN PAINTER. UI.AZIER & GILDK Corner Liberty and Montgomery-sis. OHNAMIiNTAL WORK OP F.VDttT DKSCRIPTION F.XE- Cl’Tti!) 1X A STVI.LTJJaT CANNOT BE SURPASSED, JV V ;iL i description of .lobbing executed at the -i shortestnotice. • ly april 9 O.iHOIiIUS, Mo. 7 Barnard street, North side of the Mar ket. and opposite Planters’ Hotel. BELL iIALGER, AND MANUFACTURER —OF ALL KINDS OK— FIttE I*llool SAFES, IltON RAILINGS, Locks-, &t-.. Oilers his servicesto the Citizens of Suvan and State ,of Georgia. He id prepared to fill orders for anything in the above line, at the shortest notice, and on the most reasonable terms. oct 23 .soilx OJL.IVER, House and Sign Painter, Gilder, Glazier, &c. Dealerin Paints. Qls, Turpentine, Varnish. Win now Glass Putty, Pain Brushes. &c. Broughton-street, between Whitaker and Bull. r. w. coba wejll; g Fl DcaP rs in Foreign and Domestic AM) CUTLERY, aA L And Mechanics’ Tools of all kind s. lyj •* L—-J No. 202 Bryan Street, Savannah, april 8 E. HERBERT OLMSTEDD ) CA BINETMAKERANI) UNDER TAKER, ijtfs&li Corner of Bull and State-sis., * v over Messre. Stibbs it Davi’s, T> ESPECTFULLY solicit? ashare of the patronage -LL of the public in his line of business. All orders left with him will be punctually attended to. feb 9 JOHN ANTE OB US PORTRAIT, LANDSCAPE AND ANIMAL PAINTER- St. Andrew's Hall, earner of Broughton and mar 5] Jefferson-streets. [6nt Tew SToinii Now offering at wholesale and retail a large assortment of FANCY AND STAPLE DRY GOODS, AX THE LOWEST CASH PRICES. At Roberts As Foote's old stand, Congress street, mar ‘2O E.L.GUERARD. drThTj. ROYALL, I>EXT I S T . Office 129 Broughton-streei, near Whitaker. Oiiice hours from 8 to 2 o'clock, and from T to (1. marl! com * DR. BANNINIi’S “ 3 M I* It O VII II It It A C 11. DR. S. G. l*icosT Dentist,No. Having mddo arrangements with themanulac ■ urcr of the above valuable Chirurgical Instrument, will supply ail applicants, either atwhoigsalo , re ad. A Female well “lifted to fit the Brace, will be in ittendance upo. 1 h, and if desired will wait upon them at their residences, N. B.—Orders from Physicians in the country will be promp'y tided to. april 7 w. jpTyonoe, FACTORS & COMMISSION MERCHANTS A o. 94 Bay-street, Savannah. W.P.Yonge, ‘ july 8 W.Odfv P. JACOBS SEtIAR AND TOBACCO STORE, Bull-street, (Sign of the “Big” Indium,,) .NEAR MONO At ENT—SQUARE, Suviinnnli, (in. N. B.— Keeps Constantly on hand Spanish, Hall Spanish, and American Segars, at wholesale and re tail. Also, Chewing Tobacco, Sirull, Ac. june 111 J. 11. juuLl, FACTOR, C( IMMISSION it FORWARDING M K J 2 C H A N r l , Number 172 Bay Street,Savannah, Georgia, net 9 • ly a Z. MURPHY, Wheel lilacksmitli, No. 96 and 98 St. Julian-etroet, West tide of the Market , Savannah, Gal (Jarriact‘6 mnue and repaired at short notice, and a re asonableprice ly jun 27 IOOK IIFBF.—Wp have just received the fin -J eat assortment of Hair Brushor, Tooth Brushes, ’ ever oflered in thiscity . Our stock of Hair Brushes consist of upwards u( sixty different patterns, and our stock of Tooth Brushes consists of over ninety different kinds, besides a large lot,of Fancy Goods, which we wiil sell at price lower than ever offered herebel re. If you want a Hair Brush to suit you. j call and set one at june 26 HUMPHREYS & JOHNSON, Corner Broughton and Whitaker ats. SAVANNAH, SATURDAY AFTERNOON. AUGUST 14, 1852 Business (Eriiviis. JOHN 11. U IMMKO, ATTTOKNEY AT LAW. COMMISSIONER V © ll NK W JE K S E Y 175 7iy Street, july 19 “ Savannah Ga. k“h r bacon,""’ ATTORNEY AT LAW AND NOTARY PUBLIC. Office at the Corner of Bay and Whitaker-sts., Over Swift & DengJoVv’s Store. feb 9 FLEMING- & MILL SN,” FIIIIIS undersigned having'''unitedin t. practice of -L Law, will attend punctually to any Business en trusted to their care. Office corner Bay and Whita ker streets, over Messrs. Swift,lie-ind >w fc Cos, William B.Flkmin g John M. Millen. ORDINARY’S OFFICE. Corner of i'ny and IV hi taker streets. Office hours from 9 A AL tu *2 P. M., and 3J P. M. to (i P. M. ly ‘ ‘ april 29 v. w. siiii r, ML tcli-Muker mill Jeweler, 9 ngrtss Street , Savannah, Georgia, „ ‘ .uches, Clocks, and Jewelry repaired and warranted. CLAS sic aland’e n g lish SCHOOL. 157 BUORCUITON STREET. 15. MALLON, Principal. Miss A. M. PARKER. Teacher of Primary Claeses and Drawing. HENRI lIKRRIS3E, Teacher of french. Dr. L. K.NORR, Claasicnl Teacher. Tin'Principal may lie found daily at his School Ro. m from 3 to 4 P. M. ly sep t‘29 A CARO, The undersigned; having re-opened with an entire New rite,■!: IS!’ (IICALB FANCY ARTICLES. At No. 139, South Side of Broughtonst., for merly Walker's Marble rd , Is now ready to furnish any thing ii i Line, at the shortest notice. SODA WATUt made in his own peculiar way, sent to any part of the city, and always to be hud aVthe store the highest state of perfection. I Prescriptions put up with care and dispatch £ Subscriber having served the public long ana faithfully, respectfully solicits a share of patronage. r J&Ji mar3 ly TflO vLYS K YERSON,- Agpnt j\otic'Je4 Removal of Jewelry More,(from Brougli ton to Congress Street. v. w. siurr, gD WOULD take thi od of inform-jam* /?% ing 1 is customer.- . gen- i |n A orally, that he hat ed up ihe store. wMj make a permanent location ud carry on the Jew elry b urines in its various branches. Watches, Jew elry, Clock, dee., cleaned and repaired des patch, and warranted. Also, an assortment oi „ew elry constantly on hand which will be sold at rea sonable prices. Those in want of any thing in the above line of business, would do well to call at Skiff’s, on Congress st„ first door West of Dr. Par- I sons. (july *23) V. W. SKIFF & CO. ! WHERE IS SKIFF ? Is stilltheinquiry on Broughton street, by hun dreds, daily—-we refer those inquiring friends to the above advertisement, for further inlormatiori, call at 129, Congress street. ii7eeilly, 3 RAPES, AND TAILOR, Broughton-street, next door /.. the Marshall hf usc, Savanna / ‘a. Having on hand a wellselec ted stock of FALLand WINTER CLOTHING, he solicits a share of patronage. Tho. >f his friends who may favor him with a call,will do well. Owing to his small expenses,he can sell at much lighter prof it thanthoso that pay a heavy rer Don't forget to give him a call. Garments ma , . dcr and war ranted to fit. ly % oct2o ROOFING. rFlf|E Subscriber is piepared to lay Tin Roofs o A correct principles, and from 16 years’ experi ence, feels assured he can give satisfaction. Price very low. Best reference given, leb 18 J. J. MAURICE. Gutters and Conductors mem order. NOTICE r PHE undersigned have sold out their Retai’ nocl: -*• of Boots, Shoes, &e., in Gibbons* B* :g to Mr. Win lleidt, who will continue the Retah Busi ness at our Old Stand, and for whom we respectful ly solicit a liberal share of the patronage of our old friends. (june 3) E. F. WOOD <fc CO. “removal: rfIHE undersigned has moved from Brougbtoh-st., I ?• .ie Store in Gibbons’ Budding, recently oc cupied by E F Wood 6c Cos., where he will bo hap: py to supply his old customers, and also the late patrons of Messrs. E. F. Wood & Cos. june 3 YVM.HEIDT. 98 ~BR TAN STREET PALL AND WINTER GOODS. t pHE Subscribe r has just received his selected 1 stock-of FALL AND WINTER GOODS, con sisting in partot English, French and German Cloths ; Eiglish, French and Scotch fancy and black Cassimereß ; also, a large and splendid variety of Vestings, consisting of fancy Silks, Satins and Wors ted, black and figured do, and black embrodered do, which he is prepared to make L. ■ : >er in the most fashionable style, and on accomraouaiing terras. He has also receeived a select assortment of REA DY MADE CLOTH ING,for men and boys. ‘Togeth er witha large and choicesupply ot HATS ana ‘PS made upin the mostfashionubie style, and t. own order. PHILIP KEA’ oct9 ly 98 Bryan-ht. CELEBRATED ARABIAN LINIMENT—A certain cure for all kinds of Rheumatism, Soreness and Swelling ot* the Breast, Pain and Weakness in the Back and Joints, Sprains, Bruises. Cramps, Old Sores, Paralysis, or loss of power in the Limbs, Burns, Wounds,Swellings, Salt Rheum, 61 c., a single trial will convince any one of the efficacy of this truly valuable Liniment, and as a remeoy IBrv it: Spavin, Splint, Galls, Bruises ; and V' r a* tin r< s nothing to excel it. For sale j by HUMPHREYS & JOHNSON, june 9 corner Brought c \and Whitaker-sts. ’ IMf fE rose’ COM POUND—For the Hair, is l wit out doubt tbe best preparation of the kind offered in the city , all who use it speak of it in the highest terms ; hundreds of bottles havo been sold, and nota single complaint. Price 25 cents, for sale by HUMPHREYS A JOHNSON* july 31 Corner Broughton and Whitaker sts. j rjmii im ii h am) (Ten l im: daLines A CARMINATIVE.— Phisprepar .tion is without any exception, the best remedy lor Children ever I known. Cali and get the genuine at HUMPHREYS & JOHNSON, l june 9 Corner .Broughton and Whitaker-sts. J.H. COJIEN & CO., jin RRolJ G‘ no ' N -S T REET, solicit a call I*'* from nit; ladies, to inspect the foil*.wing Dress Goods, Ac., which will be bold at the lowest prices : i Black Silks of different widths and qualities. Colored und Foulard Silks Colored Muslins, a beautiful assortment. Silk and Worsted Bareges. Scotch and French Ginghams, fast colors. Calicos at 10c.. yard, fast colors. Also — Swiss. Plaid, Cambric ami Dotted Muslin, very low. July i VEW BOOj^S—Time and I\ide : or Strive 1 i and Win ; by A L Rae, Author oi Jame- Mon t joy, to Love ami to be J.oved, etc., etc. Fair Rosamond : or tlieQueen’s Victim; by Pierce Egan. Esqr. Marco Paul s Travels and Voyages in Vermont ; by Jacob Abbot. ‘J ih; Merry Museum for July. The Ladies’ Wreath for July. The Christian Review lor July. Sartains Magazine for August. Received by july 15 * J. B CUBBEDGE. UNPIPKABJiE MMTyS—For doors ot any kind, which challenge the world to pick them, the hero of a hundred locks” not excepted. It is du* 3 to the public that locks thus offered, should be fairly tested. For that purpose the proprietor of fers to deposit Five Hundred dollars in proper hands ior two years, if not sooner won—as a reward to the succesbiul operator, on the following terms. Any person may select three locks from thirty—-before examining them—and may then examine the re maining twenty-seven, and have the use of their keys. lie may then have one month to prepu.e his i picking instruments, when he must begin the pick ing operation. and pay one pen: nt. per day on the amount deposited, till he picks one of the three se lected locks, or abandons it, ie last of which he may not Jo till he has operated ten days. When he has picked one lock, to the acceptance ot a disinter ested committee, be is only to prove that he k lows how to pick them by picking the remaining two locks in the two following days, to the acceptance of the same committee, and take the SS()U. This may certify t iat Mr. E. S. Wood bridge has deposited in my hands a certified check of SSOO, payable at the Hanover Bank, New York, for the purpose named in the above advertisement. JAMES C. BEACH, Payable Teller at t:.e Hanover Bank. The above Locks with3 keys, with a varie ty ot superiorfinishod Store, and House Poor Locks, with and without knobs. Also, Carpenters Mortice, Stock. Closet. Chest. Trunk Pad, Drawer, Ac., &c. with Porcelaiuand Mineral Knobs, just receive and for sale by K. LOVELL, june 5 No. 11 Barnard street. f|HIE (GENUINE Carpenter’s Extract Sarsapar ilia, for sale by „ uel4 HUMPHREYS JOHNSO N <VLe uEOTii^—cordTcot J ton Table Cloths, various Col’d Linen and Worsted do Col’d Piano Covers, tor sale low, by J H COHEN &CO, june 17 140 Broughton strceet, next to I VV Morrell’s Furniture Store. BACON.-5U hhds prime Bacon Sides ; 25 dodo do Shoulders ; 20 tierces choice canvassed Hams ; tor sale by july 2 WEBSTER * P \LMES. PINE W l’lrE CIIFE LL —A lew ooxes for sale at the Emporium, by june 14 S. GOODALL. BA RLEY. —This article is strongly recommended by thegFacul ty as a nutritious, cooling foop for infants. It is nl so much approved tor making a delicate custard, etc. .J ust received and tor sale by july 21 VV. W. LINCOLN, Monument-sqr. J OIJDENS Carminative, tor aule by l -2 june 14 HUMPHREYS & JOHNSON. WATER in its highe6tstate of perfection O manufactured after a late improved method, with a costly self-generating apparatus, and war, ranted to be superior to any herotofoie sold in this city, served with fresh syrups and kept constantly cold. Also, iced Congress Water. may 19 J. A. MAYER, 151 Brought on-Et. ‘ ‘ fl WASH, warranted genuj ine, just received by jur.e 14 HUMPHREYS & JOHNSON. BATH BRICK.—3 casks English Bath Brick lor scouring ; just received and for sale by june 14 VV. W. LlNCOLN,Monument-sqr. REBARS. —20,000 Esmeraldoes, superior, O just received and for sale by June 22 PADELFORD, FAY & CO. A TTENT I —if you 9honldbeso uufortunate X as to w> dicine at night, you can obtain them at any hour,by ringing tne night Bell, when e compel’ person will wait on you. There will be ali? • he store all niuht. HUMPHREYS Sc JOHNSON. junes 6t corner Broughton and Whitaker-sts. PUBLIC PURCHAmG Mb COMMISSION AGEXCi i.\ NEW YOliK, and the principal citios. A. L. STIMSOM, PuMic Agent and t oriespoxulent, ADAMS&CO’S. EXPRESSOFFICE, No. 19 Wail Street, New York , WILL give prompt and faithful attention to pur chasing Merchandise. Agricultural Implements, Surgical Instruments, ete. etc., in lerge or small quantities, and,for warding by the most responsible Expresses to any part oi the United States, the Can adas and Europe. He will also execute any other practicable, proper,and remunerative commission, eitherper sonal or through his Agents, in Washington City. Baltimore, Philadelphia Hertford,New Haven, Bos ton, New Orleans, Mobile and Europe. icfF Only such letters as shall have been pre paid .will be received, and every original application t- meet with attention, must enclose one dollar. Orders directed left at any of Adams & Co’s Express Offices, will come promptly to hand,or they may be addressed (post-paid) to A. L. Stim son, No. 19 Wail street, New York, july 7 lOtw BROWN’S ESSENCE OF JAMAICA GINGER.—This rticle is elaborately prepared from carefully selected articles of tho best quality. It possesses in a concentrated form all the valuable properties of the Jamaica Ginger, and is warranted to be free from all irritating or other properties of an injurious tendency -11 is beneficially used in a variety of circumstan ces where a warm cordial and grateful stimulent is required, particularly ir. cases where there is a sense of exhaustion arising from excessive fatigue or heat, a few drops in a half tumbler of water wirh a little sugar, will be found an effectual and most pleasant restorative, which makes this Essence a highly ushtul addition to the traveller’s portinan- ( t< an, as Veil as to the family collection of remedies. Where there is an unpleasant sense of weight or 1 nausea after eating, from imperfect digestion, or where nausea is induced from riding iu a railroad car, or carriage, or from the motion of a vessel at sea, the Essence ofGinger 4 it given according to the directions, will almost invariably give relief. In ordinary diarrho3a. incipient chol> ,iu short, in all cases of prostration of the digest. • functions, whether from indulgence or disease, it is of inesti mable value. During ihe summer months, and in Southern cli mates it is invaluable, particularly during the pre valence of ep.demic cholera. No traveller or family sh iuld be without it. This day received per steam er, and for sale by VV. VV. LINCOLN, june 25 Monument square. i Saoanual) (Evening Journal. Want ok Cuuragk —Sydney Smith, in his work j ou moral philosophy, tins wL#> as to what 1 men lose for the want ol moral courage. | “ A great deal of talent is lost in the world fir the I want ot a little courage. Every day sends to their graves a numb. ; obscure men. who have only remained in obscu y because their timidity has pr* vented them from a first effort; and u io . it they could only hav, jeen induced to begin, \. ‘din ail probability have gone great lengths m the ever ot fame. Tne fact is, that in order to do any t ig in this world worth doing, we must not stand aLm -*r ing on the bank, and thinking of 1 the cold an ’ tne danger, but jump in and scramble throuah at well as we can. it will not do to be perpetually cal culating risks, and adjusting nice chances ; it did all very 1 Well before the Flood, when a man could con suli his friends upon an intended publication tor a hundred and fifty years, and then live to see its suc cess tor six or seven centuries afterwards; but a; present a man waits, and doubts, and hesitates, and consults his brother, and his uncle, and his first cousins, and his particular friends, till one fine day he finds that he is sixty-five years of age—that he has lost so much time in consulting first cousins and particular friends, ihat he has no more .ime left to follow their advice. There is such little time for over squeamisbuees at present, the opportunity so easily clips away, the very period of life at which a man chooses to venture, it ever, is so confined, that it i* no bad rule to preach up the necessity, in such instances, of a little violence done to the feelings, and of efforts made in defiance of strict and sober cal cuiation.” A Goon Name. —Always be more solicitous to preserve your innocence than concerned to prove it. It will never do to seek a good name as a primary object. Like trying tojbe graceful,the effort to be popu lar will make you contemptible. Take care ofyour acts your reputation will take care of itself. The utmost that you are called to do as the guardian of your reputation, is to remove injurious aspersions. Let not your good be evil spoken of, and follow the high cst examples u mild and explicit self vindication.— No reputation can be permanent whicn does not spring from principle, and he who would maintain a good character mainly solicitous to main, tain a good charactci||Did of offence towards God and towards man. ■f. Costly ancient palace of the Popes and the most magnificent in the world, stands on the right banks of the Tiber at Ik>uic. The palace takes its name from the hiU on t which it stands, derived from oneol those ancienrfmpositions, known asor ccular deities called by the Romans, “Jupiter Vnti canus.” Who begun tne juiiding is not known, but it was occupied by Charlemagne more than a thou sand yenM ngo, and has been increased by c ,. :ces *ive Pt • s until it has reached its present immense extent. The number of rooms in tho Vatican ex ceed 4,420, and its treasures in marbles, bronzes, frescoes, statues, paintings,and gems are unequal in the world and is the richest in Europe” ine length of the museum of statutes alone com puted to be a mile. “ One touutain is there,” says Miss Bremer, “ who c deep lying vein hasor’y juetjbegun to throw up its silvery drops among n nkind—a fountain which will allay the thirst of millions, and will give to those who drink from it peace and joy. It is Knowledge; the fountain ot intellectual cu'tivation, which s health to mankind, makes clear his vison, bringsi joy to kUiiJe, andjireaths u,yer his soul’s des tiny a deep repose. crelrom, thou whom fortune has not favored-; aha thou wilt soon feel thyself rich ! Thou mayest go forth info the world and find thyself everywhere ai home; thou canst cultivate thyself in tby own little cham ber ; thy friends are ever arc thee, and carry on wise conversations with thee; nature, antiquity, heaven, are all accessible thee! The industrious, kingdom of the ant, the works of man, the rainbow* and music records off’erjtothy soul equal|hoydt ay.’ “ A few months c ince, I saw the Parisian populace crowding around tne church where the remains of. Talley, and lay in state, but tho p -”pr of curiosity alone gleamed from their eyes, undi . J by tears When Goldsmith died, Reynolds, then in the full tide of success, threw his pencil aside in sorrow, and Burke turned from his f-. ■ } Tightening vision of re uown to weep ” —Ti ‘h ‘man. An Ordinance, to provide for the issuing of the Bonds ot the City of Savannah to pay the sub scription heretofore made to the Savannah and Ogechee Plank Rond Combany. SEC. Ist.—Be it ordained by the Mayor and Alder men ol the City of Savannah and Hamlets there of, in Council assembled, and it is hereby or -ued by the authority of the same, That there shal: be issued Bonds of the ci:y of Savanbah, to the amount cl five thousand .ar.-r, to pay for the city subscrip tion to tne 3u\ai Ogechee Plank Road Com pany. The said 80.- shall be payable in ten years, with interest at ti.-’ rate of 7 per cent, per annum, the interest pa> able semi-annuaLy, accord ing tb coupons to be annexed to the Bonds. RICHARD D. ARNOLD, Mayor. Attest: R. F. Akin* Clerk of Council, july 10 AN ORDINANCE, To increase the number of Privuics of the City Watch. BE ’• inrd by the Mayor and Aldermen of the City ot ••''rtVHi.nah and iluinlets thereof, in Coun cil assembled, and it is hereby ordained by the au thority of the same, that the nun f Privates of the City Watch shall be eighty-six iiieaead of sixty six, as heretofore, and that the additional number of Privates to be appointed under this ordinance shall be subject to all the existing ordinances, regu lating the Privates of the City Watch, ann shuii re ceive the same compensation and give the 6ame bond. RICHARD P ARNOLD, Mayor. Attest: R. F. Akin, Clerk Council july 2 Condition Powders, still go freely and prove effectual in every l l * instance by giving lelief to Horses in f eases of heavy Coughs, Colds, Wcims. Broken Wind, Glanders. . for improving the An imal generally, for sale by HUMPH! . & JOHNSON, july 31 Corner Brought, and Whitaker sts. or Magnolia Vale—a Novel :by Caro- A line Lee Hentz, author of Linda,” &c. Pencil Sketches, or Outlines of Character and Manners : by Miss Leslie, author of ‘ Kittle’s Rela tions.” <fcc.: including Mrs. Washington Potts and Mr. Smith, with other stdries. The hive Love Adventures of Solomon Slugg, and other Sketches : by Daniel L. Roath, author ot the “Bandit,” <fcc. Ben Brace, a Nautical Romance : by Captain Chambier, author of “The Life ol a Sailor,” &c. Mary Morris, and other Tales : by N. H. Moore. The Gipsy’s Daughter, a Novel : by Mrs. Grey. The Disgrace to the Family, a Story of Social Dis tinction : by \V. Blanchard Jerrold—with illustra tions ; by Phiz. Received by j*ie 23 J.B.CUBBEDGE. RECEI VED, per steamship State ol Georgia, a fresh supply of Ladies* fine French Morocco and Kid Slip pers, Ties and Buskins: also by re cent arrivals, Ladies’, Misses, and Children’s fine Gaiter Boot 9, also Gentlemen’s fine French Boots imported by J Miles <fc Son of Philadelphia. The ibscriber keeps constantly on hand a fine assort ment of Shoes and Boots of every variety and style, which he will take pleasure in showing to all who may favor him wltna call. WILLIAM HEIDT, june 15 Sign of the large Boot, Gibbons’ Building. HAY— -200 Bundles prime North River Hay, daily expected to arrive, for sale by _june2l WASHBURN, WILDER & CO. RADYVAY’S Medicated Soop, genuine, lorsaie by HUMPHREYS & JOHNSON, june 5 corner Broughton and Whitaker-it*. NO. (51.