The Savannah evening journal. (Savannah [Ga]) 1852-185?, May 03, 1853, Image 3

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illisfcllfliifatts. MA.MMOTII CORN. A SMALL lot of * Young’s’ Mammoth corn for plant ing. ALSO, Corn, Hay and Oats of the best quality, just receiv ed in store. For salt* by Z. N. Wl N K LKK, u Pt‘ 35 ts ft illianisoii'sßuildings. CARPETS PRESERVED* FAMILIES desirous of having their Car pets JL taken up, and packed for preservation during the Summer, can have the same attended to by my Uphol sterer who has full experience, having devoted several years to it iu No v Orleans Carpets will be packed aud stored until Familios may wish them relayed. Scud your orders to ‘ WM. 11, (HMON, Agent, apr 25 2w Carpet Warehouse, 1 10 Congress st. S\ 4 W AHD.—Lost or stolen from km the schr. John Rugglcs (on Saturday night last) her Yawl Boat. The Boat is new, und is about sixteen i *at long, has light colored puint on the inside aud bottom, and black top. 1 will pay the above reward to any person that will return ’said Boat to mo at Jones’ Wharf. fapr 25--3t] E. W. BU KK R. / lOltlK HAY AN l> u A I’d, f Irsafe at the foot of \_yMontgomery street. The abovearticlcs will be kept constantly on hand by a ld 2w W. J. M YGILL. iifisi siirsfflss, mjust receive.l at tho iVcui Il<! .Store, corner of Brougtoti anti Bar- ■. -SO'* narJ-.sts., every variety of SPUING J3B3ja G J JDS, consisting in part of Silks, vers, GossamertM, Pcd da, Canton, Paris, Lone Star, Cam peachy, Florida, Straw. Swiss, and others too nu merous to mention ; also, ail kin Is of children’s flats, ut wholesale and retail. BBL DEN A OJ. apr 9 ts B.lij il OS SA/ANN 1H Prioa Rdiucod, I^Vt J and to 75 cents a bottle. A large supply of tiiis excellent preparation, just manufactured of tne toll ),v< - fences: L?m n. Bergamot, Jessamine, Magnolia, \ s Almond, Violet, Heliotrope, and Glovei. \ ai M. lIAYWJOD,MonumentSq., a P r 12 ts Savannah. Ga, hakeuy: ‘l'i.lH SUBSCRIBER would respectfully Inform his friends and the public generally that he is now prepared to furnish every tiling in the Bakery lino of the best quality, such as Bread, Biscuits, Cakes, Pies, Ac. Also, Hot Rt sks setved up daily, corner Jofforsou ] and South Bread streets. apr 21 lino C. WILL. C JNFECriONABISS. ~~ fjpHß subscriber begs leave to inform his friends and X tho citizens generally or Savauuah and its vicini ty, that lie has purchased the interest of Mr. New comb,in the Confoetioniry hithertoowned by Newcomb a Rice; and that ho will manufacture, and keep always on hand Fresh ami Pure Confectionaries, Manufactured from the best materials, aud compris ing every variety of Candies, Sugar Plums, Ac, Ac. Ac. Fronsh Coafjotioaarias, Ljnion Syrup, Syrups for Soda Fountains, Together with every other arli -le in his liuc, always instore and for saleat wholesale and retail,on the most reasonable terms. T. C. RICE no ts S. E. Corner Broughton ana \7hitaker-sts. N JIICE! mriCE; subscriber takes pleasure in annonneingto the i citizens of Savannah aui the public gencrallv, that ho will keep at Mr. W. I*. Ford’s store,ou Jefferson st., Waldburg’s Building. Fresh Wheat, Rye, and Graham Bread, also Sugar and Molasses cakes, apr 7 ts A. K. MBRA. CJ-PARYNERSHIP NOTICE. r lNil rl undersigned has this and iy associated with him, X Mr. Preslisyt H vmpto.v, of Houston County, with wnoin he will continue the General Commission and Factorage Business iu this city, under the firm ot ST URGES & HAMPTON. W. JL STURGES. Savannah, March 14,1853. ts mar 15 SILKS. SILKS. —Summer Brocado, Plain Chamelion, India Gro De Rhine, Poult De Sole, Marceliue and Flor ence. For sale by apr9 HAMPTON & VERSTTLLE. (\ >:l l>i.Y Li of Turacy Rhubarb—Pre ire lby Jam h Tanart—ail agreeable and efficu ci ius melicinc, sanctioned and prescribed by the nunl ieal faculty. This preparation cannot be too strongly rac-o n n,*.ido Ito the many thousands now suffering f •*> u lyspe.isia and indigestion, and its eonse (ucnce-. For sal a by JO UK li, M > )11K A C ), *pr 9 Gibbons’ Building. / ( >** 116 t;vV A i’*i.t. A fresh supply received \J iirect from the proprietors of the Congress Spring, for sale by apr J JOHN’ B, MJOIIE AGO. INDIA-RUBBER CBMB3 A VTG have just receive 1 a lot of Go*xly ear’s colebrat } j ed an tia R Giber C * nbs, which we offer to tho puolie ver/ cu * ip; the L i li m, parti -j jlarly,ai'o re iues ted t) call aud examine the same, at apr 7 J. 11. C J.I .IX A CJ.’S, lid Broughton-st. r F)KA iWI V3. \ superi ir article, strongly recom- X in indei; direct from the importers and for salo by apr 7 A. B JN AUD. 1A 413 5.1 Git d'JND J.JiTF.irJ.—Having purchased _ the Mill and It i.istor firmrriv used by C. B.Scally the subscriber Ls prepared to furnish fresh Ground Cof fee D VM.Y. Govt. Java Coffee in l lb. Papers. Kia do in 1 lb. do. W. G. DICKS JN, apr 7 Whitakcr-st and Broughton Lane. ‘s FRESH SUPPLIES received per stcamsliip Alabama : 30 glass jars Frc.-h Prunes, vd'FG, 50 drums (small size) Turkey Figs, boxes Cluster Raisins, “taliau Macaroni, white and yellow Vermicelli, Pearl. Barley. Genesee self-reusing Flour, Butter, Sugar, Pic nic and .Soda Crackers, Pig Ilams, Smoked Tongues, Bologna Sausages and Smoked Beef. W. 0. DICKSON, apr 7 corner Whitaker st and Brough ton-lane. VRftICA PLASTERS.—Those plasters a pared from the Arnica M mtana, that valuabio vegetable remedy, used f*r many years in Germany and various other parts of Europe, with such astonish ing efficiency, as to attract attention to its wonderful medical properties. They are spread upon tho softest lambskin, and can be used by tho most delieato per sons. J ust resolved and for sale by apr 7 W. W. LINCOLN, Monumcnt-sq. SOU V WAT3R.—In the higho-t p >.--il-! ■ perfection, with a great variety of tho choicest Sy rups. prepared with great care and from the host ma terials, may be found constantly on hand iu the store of W. W. LINCJLX, nprS Monument Square. AP OF SAVANNAH.—Having purchased tho Copy Right of Edward A. Vincent, Esq., of liis New Map of Savannah, the undersigned has made arrangements to till all orders ibr the same at short notice. A sufficient number to furnish subscribers was received by last steamer, and will be delivered immediately. We are unable to supply tho country demand until the arrival ofthe next st “amer. Ar rangements have been made for a further supply, which we trust will be regularly received. All orders punctually attended to. Address S. 3. SIBLEY, Bookseller and Stationer, No. 135, Congress-st. Sav’h. apr 8 NOTICE.— The subscriber having transferred all his right,title and interest, as publisher and pro prietor of the New Subdivision Map of the City of S ivannah, to S. S. Sibley, Esq., Publisher and Book seller of this city, subscribers are hereby notified tha‘ thev will receive their copies from him in future, as publisher of said Map. EDWARD A. VINCENT. Savannah, April 7.1353. apr S SPRING AND SUMjIER G00D37 No. 151 Congress and 73 St. J alien-sir cels, Gibbons * Building. I BEG leave to call the attention of the public, to the largo and entire new stock of Fancy and Staple Dry Goods, just opened at 154 Congress-st rent, embra cing every article iu that lino—among which may be found* Checked Silks, rich Printed Bareges, Printed Jaconets an l Lawns, Ginghams, Ribbons, white Goods, Luces, Embroideries, Kid, Silk and Lisle Gloves, Together with an extensive assortment of Plantation and lltuse-keeping Goods, which will be constantly re plenished. Thoso who favor nt” with their trade, can depend upon receiving fresh and new Goods. ft prß SPENCER CURRELL. Agent.. MORE BOOKS.—Jenuies’ Diary, a tale of the Pa nic of 1845. a Legend of tho Rhine, Rebecca and Rowena. by W. M. Thackeray. Lord Saxondale, or Life among the London Aristo cracy, by G. W. M. Reynolds. Barnum’s Illustrated News No 15. A further supply of Vilette and Agnes Sorel. Received by ]n 13J J. B. CUBBEDGE* I TOSIERY . An extensive assortment of Ladies IX and Misses Hosiery, just opened SPENCER CU Rlt ELL, Agent, feb 21 No. 154 Congress-st, Gibbons Building. Domestic liquors—Too - bids oin,whiskey Rum and Brandy. For sale by feb 15 COfiEN A TARVER.^ mOBACOO.- 100 boxes] assorted brands, for sate 1 y X apr 1 1L J. GILBERT. 1 Shares Central Railroad Stock. 20 Shares A Iff Iff South Western Railroad Stock. Fox sale by apr 15 PADELFORD, FAY A CO. JUST RECEIVED per steamer—lo bbls. Apples; 10 boxes Oranges; 10 do Lemons, Figs, Nuts, Raisins, Currants,Citron. Date®, etc. GEO. ALEXANDER, Bull and Congres-sts,, a?r 15 Monument square. WHITE LEAD.—SOOO pounds pure nnd No. 1 Whitelead. Just received and for sale by apr 24 J. B. MOORE A CO. BOYS, of good character, wanted nt thisoQtce to learn the printing business. 0~ NlONST—Landing and for aaleTy feb 9 H. J. GILBERT. C(ORN MEAL. —A few bogs fresh ground Corn j Meal. [apr 25] SEABORN GOOD ALL, RANGES AND'LEMONS.—SO boxes for sale by tpr 25 H J. GILBFRT. Sl)ipj milt Strainers. I U. S. MAIL LIN IS. FOE SEW YOKE. I To s.iil Saturday, May 7th, at - o'clock,— M. **. The new and splendid steamship | j ALABAMA. Capt. Ludlow, will posi- j 1 tively leave as above. For freight or I passage, apply to apr2s I ’ADKLFOItP, FAY A 00. U. S. MAILLIXE FOR NEW YORK. ! To leave Wednesday, May 10th, at —o’clock. 1 jm .-J*. The new aud superior steamship 1 ! YUGUSTA, Capt. Thomiis Lyon, will ; leave as above. For freight or passage | apply to apr 23 I* A DEL FORD, FAY A CO. FOR BALTIMORE—-Regular Line. j The schr. TRITON, W Drown master, will witli dispatch as above. For flight or passage, apply on board at Telfair’s wharf, or to apr 2* * BRIGHAM, KELLY A CO. fobTboston. Tho brig CLEMENT, l’au! Mayo, master. 4££2£vrill moot with dispatch as above. For freight or passage, apply ou board, at Telfair’s wharf, or to apr 27 ‘ BRIGHAM. KELLY A CO. FOR FREIGHT OR CHARTER. SI Tlie schr. G. E. PRESCOTT,Giikey master For particulars apply to -iQ BRIGHAM, KELLY ACO. WANTED. jP3\ A Lumber Freight for Now York, for schr ELIZABETH A ELEANOR. Apply to tiprl j WILLIS A BRUNDAGE. “wanted to charter’ “ A vessel to take 150 to 175 thousand feet VLiA Pilch i’iue Lumber, to St. Johns. Now Bruns wick. - [apr 9] WILLIS A BRI N WANTED T3 CHARTER. -Jsa A Vessel to take 160 or ISO feet Sawed Lnm- Montevideo, with a return freight to New York! Ap| ‘ to a5 C. A. L. LAMAR. HEAVY FREIGHT FOR NEW YORK. | a Boxes of Copper Ore may be obtained by ves- ‘ st ‘^ s wanting heavy freight. Apply to mar 6 ‘ WILLIS A BONDAGE, - j ‘ ‘ WANTED. 2 or 3 vessels drawing light draught of water, : to lodtl at different laudiugs in North Carolina j with Corn. Applv to nov 5 ‘ A. C. T )>I3. No. 126 Bay treet. j Vessels wanted. YZiE For Northern and Eastern ports. Apply to Sgggl oct, 7 lv WILMS A IUIKN'IACi: HERE IS YOUR REMEDY. HOLLOWAY’S OINTMENT A Most Miraculous Cure of Had Legs, after 13 | Years* Suffering. Extract of a letter from Mr. William Galpin, of 7-0 i St. Marys-street. Weymouth, dated 15tli May, 1851: T> Professor Hollow. it/: Sift:-—At the ago of eighteen my wife, (who is now sixty-one) caught a violent cold, which settled iu her j legs, and ever since that time they have been more or j less sore, and greatly inflamed. Her agonies wore detracting, and for months together she was deprived j entirely of rest aud sleep. Every remedy that modi- I cal men advised was tried, but without effect; her j health suffered severely, aud the state of her legs was terrible. I had often read your advertisement-, and advised her to try your Pills and Ointment; and. us a ; last re.-aurre, after every other remedy had proved | useless, she consented to do so. She commenced six i weeks ago, and, strange to relate, is now in good ! health. Her logs are painless, without seam or scar, au l her sleep sound and undisturbed. Could you have j witnessed the sufferings of my wife during the lu-t 4-'. years, and contrast them with her present enjoyment of health, you w mid indeed feel delighted in haying luvu tho means of so greatly alleviating the sufferings of a follow creature. (Signed) Willi \m G aLPIN. A Person 70 jYears of Age Cured oj Had Leg, us 30 Years Standing. Copy of a letter from Mr. Wm. Abbs, builder of Gas Ovens, of Rushcliffo, ucar Huddersfield, dated May 31st, 1S51: To Professor Tlolloumy: Sir:—l suffered for a perid of thirty years from a j bad log, tho result of two or three different Occidents j at the Gas Works; accompanied by scorbutic symptoms. I 1 had recourse to a variety of medical advice, without deriving any benefit, and was even told that tho leg must be amputated; yet, in opposition to that opinion, j your Pills and Ointment have effected a complete cure I in so short a time, that few who hud not witnessed it i would credit the fact. (Signed) Wili.i \m Arbs. ! The truth of this statement can be verified by Mr. ; W. P. England, Chemist, 13 Market-street, Hudders field. A Dreadful Had Breast (hired in One Month. J Extract of a letter from Mr. Frederick Turner, of j TVnshurst, Kent, datod December 13th, 183 U: To Professor IlotUmog: Dsar Sir:—My wife had suffered from Bad Breasts for more than six months, and during the whole peri- j od had the boat medical attendance, but all to no use. | Having before healed an awful wound in my own leg by your unrivalled medicine, 1 determined again to ; use your Pills and Ointment, and therefore gave them j a trial in her case, an l fortunate it was I did so: for in less than a month a perfect cure was effected, and the benefit that various other branches of my family have derived from their use is really astonishing. I now strongly recommend them to all my friends. (Signed) Frederick Turner. The Pills should be used conjointly with the Oint ment in most of tho following cases: Bad Logs Chillblains Fistulas Sore Throats Bad Breasts Chapped Gout Skin Diseases Burns hands Glandular Scurvy Bunions Corns (soft) Swellings Sore Heads Bite ofrnos- Cancer- Lumbago Tumours qjitos and Contracted Piles Ulcers Sand Flies and stiff Rheumatism Wounds Coco-bay Joints Scalds Y'aws Chiogo-foot Elephantiasis, Sore Nipples. Sold at tho Establishment of Professor HOLLOWAY. 2 4 4, Strand, (ucar Temple Bar, London,) and by all respectable Druggists and Dealers in Medicines through out, the British Empire, and those ofthe United States, in Pots at 37>£c., 87c., and $1 50 each. Wholesale by the principal Drug houses in the Union, and by Messrs. A. B. A D. SANDS, New York. it ip There is a considerable saving by taking the larger sizes. N. B.—Directions for the guidance of patients iu eve ry disorder are affixed to each Pot. For sale by npr 4 ly* W. W. LINCOLN. Agent. ( U 1’ NAILS. —A full assortment of host brands, l just received and for sale by mar 24 E. Lo\ ELL. DICING Ai ADDMY MON S. A. BON AUD respectfully informs his patrons that his Last Term, of this season, will commence on Thursday > 71 !i lust. Pupils, for tlio above term, will bo received until the 23d iust. Persons willing to patronise him are re quested to send pupils to bis Academy at 4 P. M., Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdaas. N. B.—Mons. A. B’s Fancy lircss Ball will take place on Tuesday, 26th inst. npr 6 “KEMPTON & VERST!LLE \RE now opening a finely assorted and complete Stock of Summer and other D4UY GOODS, which they will offer upon the most accommodating terms. As great care has been exorcised in the selec tion of their stock, with a view both to price and qual ity, they confidently invite their friends and the public generally, to cull nnd examine for them selves.-, npr 0 CHOCOLATE, COCOA AUD BBOKA. lir BAKER A CO.’S American and Vanilla I’remi }} , um CHOCOLATE, COCOA and BUOMA, to which tho first premiums have been awarded by the chief institutes and fairs of the Union, are for sale by nil the principal Grocers in the United States, und by their agents:—Hussey A Murray, New-York; Grant A Twells, Philadelphia: Thos. V. Brundage, Baltimore; Konnct A Dudley, Cincinnati. Ohio. WALTER BAKER & CO., apr 5 lv Dorrhe.-ler. Mn e s. TCED CONGRESS WATER.—Congress Water ’ warranted fresh, kept constantly in ice. may be found at the store of W. W. LINCOLN, ar 18 Monument-square. SACKSof prime White Corn,just recoiv /U*V/ ed and will be sold low if taken from the wharf. [apr 25] A. C.TOMS, 120 Bay--t. 1~ JLb UR.—2UO bbls. N. St. Louis Superfine Flour, received per schr. Prescott; 24 bbls. Extra Family do do do. Now discharging and for salo low from wharf. ]apr 25J A. C. TOMS, 126 Bay-st. (1 OSIIEN BUTTER,—A few tubs new fresh made I Butter. J ust received and for sale by apr 25 SEABOnN GOOD ALL. HAT APS. a Fine, fashionable silk and beaver Men’s and Boys’ California do. A lage lot of Wool llats,for For sale by STALEY & HENDY, jau‘6 Congress-street. LATEB ! SLATES!! SLATES!!! —An assort ment of the finest aud cheapest Slates ever in this market, just received. Also, a specimen o. the best Roofing Slates, which can be furnished wholesoleor retail bv S. S. SIBLEY, rtpr 15 No. 135 Congress-street. B "UTTER, CHEESE, LARD, Ac.-—Received per steamer 10 keg3 extrachoice Goshen Butter. 10 boxes do. do. Cheese. 5 barrels Leaf Lard, Fulton Mar ket Beef, Pig Pork, all of which will be sold at as low rates ns can be bought for in the city, according to quality- [mar91 GEO ALEXANDF.R SAVANNAH JOURNAL TUESDAY, MAY 3, L 853 Sales. B Y phuTbrick a BbL’l. i TO M ARROW, May 4th. at 11 o’clock : I AVill bo sold, the usual misortmeiit of Groceries, Pro ! visions. Liquors, Crockery and Glassware, Dry Goods, ■ j new and second hand Furniture, Clothing, Fancy Ar ticica, Clbcks, Watches, Cutlery, Ac, Terms cash be fore delivery. N.B. —All articles purchased nt auction, and not I settled for before the next regular sale, will bo wd.i for account and risk of the forriier purchaser. may o | Underwriter’s Sale. TO-MORROW, at 4 o’clock, p. m., will bo sold at 01 Rg horn .V Cunningham’s wharf, for account of Under- ! j writers and all concerned : 7165 lbs Yallow Metal and Nails damaged on the ship I Canada, aud sold uutor inspection of the Port War. dens. may 3 Prime Cook at Privato Sale. i A prime likely young fellow, a first rale cook, for steamboat or hotel. apr 23 Gingkam3 and Handkerchiefs at Privato Sale. Just received per last steam >r : 2 cases (Hnghanu; 1 do French Head Handkerchiefs, for sale low. apr2l Garden Lot at Auction. On TUESDAY, the 3d day of May next, will be sold, in front of the Court House: Garden Lot No. 98. lying West of the eitv of Savan nah. and containingfivoaud a lialfaorcs,&s per Hughes’ survey and plat—terms cash, purchaser paving for titles. np 10 j Administrators’ Sale. On TUESDAY, May 3d, at II o'clock, will bo sold in front of tlie Court heuse : L U N0.25 and improv:monts, Brown ward, fronting I on Hull street, subject to u ity ground rent of §32 16 ! annually, aud a lease that expires on tho Ist of No- I vember next. Lot No. 27. Columbia wanl, fronting | on Columbia square, in fee simple; the improvements I consist of a two story dwelling and adoublc tenement I house, subject to a lease that expires on the first of ! Xovembor next: belonging to the estate of F. W. Heine- j maim, deceased. Sold by permission of Court and by j ; order ofthe Administrator, for tlie beuefit of the heirs | 1 and creditors of said ostale. Terms cash, purcliasor i paying for title* mar 18 j Tennessee Eicon and Lird, at Private Sale, j U’.IKKJ Ihsiissortcd htg round new Bacon. 2000 lbs i ! fresh Leaf Lard, receive 1 per railroad from TennesstH*. : , and for sale in lots to suit purchasers. apr 1 Stawberry Sotts at Private Sale. [ Strawberry Setts of the following kiuds: Alice j 1 Maude. Boston Pine, British Queeu, Ohio, Redwood, I Hudson, Crimson Cone, White-wood. Ilovey’s SectUiug, . Early Sen riot. They are all grown in thisclimate, ami | iu good order. All orders left at our store for any of; the above kinds will be promptly attended to. fob 19 ; Marshall Honso Omnibus and Team at Pri vate) Sale. Comprising one fine large Omnibus, six good Horses, j and Harness complete. Also, the fine pleasure schoo- . ner Ann. with new sails, riggings. Ac., all in complete order. The above property will bo disposed of on ac commodating termg; tin* present owner being about to j remove from the city, has no further use for it. fob 17 THE CELEBE.VTED GK3JEFENBER& FAMI LY MEDICINES. # MAY be found at all times, at the store ofthe j give way tolheiutiuence | of tho Graofenberg vegetable Pills—price 25 cents. j In bilious diseases aud liver complaints, these Pills { act immediately, and will restore health quicker than i any other remedy ever known. in tho tropics, and in all bilious climates, no persou should be without them. Burns, Chilblains, Sprains. Scalds, Wounds, Erysip ! clns. Rheunmii.-m Bronohitis. Ulcers,Scrofula, iulluni mation ofthe Bowels, and all cases ofintlamed &ur- I fac**--. vield iinviniliatcly to the powcr'oftlio GRAEFENBURG GREEN MOUNTAIN OINTMENT—Price 25 cents. Tho Grasfonberg Eye Lotion, Should be used in all cases of disarrangement in the Kycsjit is compounded on the most scientific principles, and will invariably afford relief.—Price 25 cent*. All diseases of children yield at once to the action of the Gracfe’ibcrg Children's Panacea.—Prieo 50 emits. Rickets, Flatulence. Diarrh ea. Falling down of the Fundament, Ringworms, and Scald-head, Convul tons.j WORMS, Croups, Chclera Infantnm j and nil complaints iuci lent to teething, ore Immedi ately relieved, and tho foundation of a strong und [ sound constitution laid. Asa Tonic, the Graafonbarg Haalth Bittoi’3, ! are unequalled. They will restore the appetite, re- i move the pallid appearance attendant upon disordered ! : digestion, and taken in connection with the Vog- j j ctable Pills, will cure Fever and Ague.—Price 25 j cents. Dysentory, Diarrhoea, Asiatic Cholera ‘and Cholera Morbus, and all classes of Bowel Complaints are cured immediately bv the j GRAEFEN3ERG DYSENTERY SYRUP, I and the system is left in its state, while other j j remedies leave tho patient much debilitated. —Price 50 : cents. The other Medicines ofthe Gra-fenberg Company, j i are j Marshall’s Uterlue Catholicon. for nil complaints in- j | cident to pregnancy, ami other uterine diseases.—Price ! $3 00. I)r. Libby’s Pile Ointment, a certain cure for tlie | Piles—Price $1 00. Gracfeuberg Fever and Ague Pills, a well attested remedy.—Price ,?1 00. Gracfenberg Consumptive Balm, a most vain tilde I remedy and much used in medical practice.—Prioo i $3 00. Gracfenberg Sarsaparilla Compound, tlie most \ valuable purifier of the blood ever known.—Price i $1 00. The most complete and valuable Almanac ever is : sued, may be had gratis at the Agency. Apply to HUM I’ll R EYS A JOHNSON, dec 10 6mos cor Broughton and Wkitaker-*rtß. j DR. HARCHISrS UTERINE CATHOLICON. incidental to tho respectable female, whether married j or single, and usually known by the name of Female I Complaints. Os these arc Prolapsua Uteri, or Falling ; of the Womb : Foulr Albus, or Whites; Chronic In- j flamation and Ulceration of the Womb: Incidental | Il.’cmorrhngo, or Flooding : l’aiuful, Suppressed and ir- i regular Menstruation, etc., with all their accompany ing evils, (Cancer excepted) no matter how severe'or I of how long standing. That this Catholicon is in every way worthy of the , confidencepf tho afflicted, as a safe and cheap remedy, j is vouchsafed for l*y tho fact of its having received the approbation nnd liberal patronage of many prominent j members of the Medical Faculty in the United States, j and also by the voluntary testimonials given in the j pamphlets, from Ladies nnd Physicians of the highest respectability, as certified by tho most satisfactory au- I thority. This preparation is not a “cure-all,” hut is intended expressly for the above-named complaints, so very dis tressing in their nature and consequences and which have heretofore resisted tho skill and exertions of the | most accomplished Physicians of all countries, to a de- ] gree beyond that of any other malady to which the j human family is heir. The ingredients, ns certified, by high medical hyi- | thority, (see pamphlet) arc Al:. Ykgf.table, and are not associated with any articlo unfriendly to tho animal economy. Ueff.rkn'CEJ*.—P. B. Pcckbam, M. !>.. Utica. N. Y.: L. D. Flomimr, M. D.. Canandaigua. N. Y.: I>. Y. Foote, M. D., Syracuse, N. Y.: M. 11. Mills, M. D:. Rochester, N. Y.: Prof. Dunbar, M. D., Baltimore. Md.: J. C. Or rick. M. D... Baltimore, Md.: W. W. Reese. M. I>., City of New York : W. Prescott, M. P., Concord, N. 11. Welch, Sherman A Cos.. Agents, A’bany, Ga. Pamphlets can be had ntthe Drugstore f HUMPHR EYS A JO INSON, Corner of Broughton and Whitaker-streets, sole Agts. nov 27 Bw6mos for Savannah, Ga. ITrOWN’S ESSE NuTT JAM aIC a ( i ING ER .—'Phis ) fisaen - r j. *=sesses, in a ooncajntrated form, all t he Valuable properties of Jainaica Ginger, will be found an excellent family medicine—is part icularly recommend ed as a touic to persons recovering from fever and oth er diseases. For sale by J. B. MOORE A CO. apr 26 CiOPFEE. —350 bags Rio, Laguayra and Java.— j For sale by [apr 2a] If. J. GILBERT. OATS and Hay—2oo bushels prime Up -Country Corn: 150 do do do Oats, 500 bundles Pc mestic Hay, for sale low by mar 22 SFAROEN GOODALL. IDER -2 ) bbls Champagne Cider, just landed from steamship State of Georgia, for awe bv I mar 22 li W. BI’KER | ID ants, Rents, far Salt, Nr. I Intelligence Office. WANTED TO KENT—A House to contain flf- T-T t •<>., Rooms, or two Tenements adjoining...for ! om- nr a term of years. The House, or Houses, to bo in an eligible situation, and in good repair. Possession ■ will be taken on the first ofSoptemberor October next. J House, or Houses, not to be further out thar Liborty -1 street. Apply to 11. J. CHALMERS, Bay Lane, apr 26 intelligence Office. V HOUSE TO BE RENTED, from Ist of June to . Ist of November, with the use of the Furniture Tiu: house is situated lb a pleasant aud healthy part of the City, and contains five rooms, with a basement sto ry. Applly to 11. J. CHALMERS, apr 20 Bay Lane \\f ANTED TO PURCHASE.—A few likely Negroes , ft to cousist of men, Women, boys and girls. For such negroes, a fair price will be paid to fill an order. Apply to II J. CHALMERS, Broker, anr 6 Bay Lane. Intelligence Office. TITANTBI) TO HIRE.—Two negro men that } V have been accustomed to work on a farm. For such, good wages will be paid monthly. Apply to apr 7 11. J.CHALMERS, Bay Lane. jSnrvT SPRING GOODS! JUST RECEIVED.—The undersigned would respect fully announce to the citizens of Sa vannah, and surrounding country, that lie lias just received, by late arrivals from Philadelphia, a splendid assortment of SPRING and SUMMER I>ry Goods. Call and see, as he will sell cheap for cash. NEAL Moll LG 11, No. 170 Broughton st.. mar 25 Nearly opposite St. Andrew’s Hall. U PHAM’S PILE ELECTUARY.—Fresh supply jus received and for sale by JOHN B. MOORE A CO, mar 25 Gibbon’s Range. | TYrOWVS ESSENCE OF JAM AICAGINGER.—This 1) article is warranted to possess, in a concentrated form, all the valuable properties of Jamaica Ginger, : : nnd will be found on trial, to beau excellent family 1 ’ medicine. To the dyspeptic, it affords great relief, by j giving tone to the digestive organs. Just received aud J | lbrsale by W. W. LINCOLN, i mar 10 Monument Square. ! | \TEW BOOKS.—Harper’s New Monthly Magaziue isj for April. li irry Muir; a story of Scottish Life, by the author of Mrs. Margaret Maitland. Mcrkluud, &c.,in cloth and | paper binding. Tho Hanger ofßavcnstream; by Newton M.Curtis. j The Life of Ned Scarlett; the daring highwayman,by : 1 the author of Dick Clinton, Nat Blake, Dick Turpin, ‘ . Ac., illustrated. j Agnes 30r01,a novel, by G. P. R. James. The Child’s History of England; by Okas. Dickons, i vol. Ist. ’ Ellen Linn; a Franconia story, by tho author of Ral i la Books, beautifully illustrated. ! The Bourbon Prince, the History of the Royal Dau ; pliin, Louis XVII, of France. ; Baruum’s Illustrated News, No. 13, received bv 1 mar 30 J. B. CUBBEDGE. i MARRIAGE, HAPPINESS AND COMPETENCE. \VHl r IS ITT r PIIAT we behold many females, scarce in the meri- j JL dian of life broken in health und spirits with a j complication of diseases und ailments, depriving them 1 Sos the power lor the enjoyment of life at an age when j physical health, buoyancy of spirits, and happy sereni ! ity of mind, arising from a condition of health,should , be predominant. Many of tho causes of her sufferings at first—perhaps | | years before, perhaps during girlhood.or the first years ; |of marriage—were in their origin so light as to pass unnoticed, and of course neglected. I. V AFTER YEARS. When too late to be benelitted by our knowledge, we j look back and mourn.and regret the full consequences . j of our ignorance. 1 What would we not often give to possess, in early j | life the knowledge we obtain in after years! And | what days nnd nights of anguish we might not have been spared, if the knowledge was timely possessed.— | I It is MEL A .y< -HO L r A Nl) STA R TLING To behold the sickness and suffering endured by many i a wife for many years, from causes simple and control- j I lablo, easily remedied—or bettor still—not incurred, if every WiEE AMU MOTH Eli ! Posse sed the information contained in a little volume j (within the reach of us all) which would spare to hcr- YEARS OF MISERY. And to her husband the constant toil and anxiety of ; mind, necessarily devolving upon him from sickness of j the wife, without giving him the opportunity *f ae | quiring that competence which Ins exertions are enti tled, and the possession of which would secure tho bap ’ piuess of himself, wife and children, SECURE THE MEANS OF HAPPINESS By becoming in time possessed of the knowledge, the ’ want of which has cuuscd the sickness und poverty of j thousands. In view of such consequences, no wife or mother is j excusable if she neglects to uvail horse! sos that know- ; lodge, in nvpect to herself, which would spare her . uilicit suffering, be the means of happiness aud pros- , perit v to tier husband, and confer upon her children ; that blessing above all price—healthy bodies, with healthy minds. That knowledge is contained in a lit-| ’ tie work entitled THE lIAnHIED WOMAN\S Private Medical Companion. BY Dll. A. M.MAURICEAU, rnOFKSSOR OK DISEASES OF WOMEN. ! 6Vie HunJreth Edition.) lSmo.,pp. 250. Price 50 Cents. lon fine cater,kxtkabinding,sl 00.) First published in 1846, and it is not SURPRISING OR WONDERFUL, I Considering (lint every Female, wlie (her married ornot, can Here acquire , a full knowledge of t lie nature, char acter and causes of her complaint**, j with the vurloussymptoms, and that nearly HA LF A MILLION COIVES. j should have been sold. It is impracticable to convey fully the various sub jects treated of, as they are of a nature strictly inten ded for the married, or those contemplating marriages | but no female desirous of enjoying health, and that ; beauty, consequent upon health, which is so conduc tive to her own happiness, and that of her husband, . but either has or will obtain it, ns has or will every husband who has the love and affection of liis wife at : heart, or that of his own pecuniary improvement. UPWARDS OF ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND COPIES I Have been SENT BY MAIL within tho last few I months. CAUTION - TO THE P-ÜBLIC. BE NOT DEFRAUDED ! j Buy no book unless “Dr. A. M. Mauriccau. 129 Lib- I erty street N. Y.” is on the title page, and tho entry I in the Clerk’s Office on the back of the title page; and I buy only of respectable and honorable dealers, or ! .-end by mail, and address to l)r. A. M. Mauriceau. j ns there are spurious aud surreptitious infringements of copyright. LL'T EVERY WIVE AND imSBASD POXDFR! No excuse for Ignorance, when Ignore nin-o is Misery to ilutse we hold near and dear, und wlicato dispel our Ig norance is within our reach. To enable every one to decide upon the indispmsi ; ble nawi'/yof posscsing a copy, and that no wife, or j mother need remain uni formed upon the many cuus ; cs, which sooner or later, are destined to make fearful ! ravages upon her health, unless guarded against, and ! ; that no considerate and affectionate husband have ! ! cause to upbraid himself with neglect of the welfare of I j liis wife—a pamphlet of thirty-six pages, containing j full Title-page and Index of Contents, together with ex j tracts from the book, will ho sent free of charge to any I part of the United Statee, by addressing, post paid as j herein. I Winn Knowledge is Happiness,’lis culpable to he ignorant. I /L.}*On receipt of One Dollar (for the fine Edition, ! extra binding) .“The Married Woman’s Private Med ’ ic al Comp vnion'Ms sent (mailed free) to any part of the j United States. All letters must be post-paid, and ad i dressed to Dr. A. M. MAURICEAU, Box 1224, New < York City. Publishing Office, No, 129 Liberty Street, I New-York. I ‘ For sale by Lee A Whitman, Ringgold; R. F. Bonnet, • Cnsfixillo;Doyal& Sears, McDonough; J. A. Reynolds, , Dahlonega; C. Youngblood, Oglethorpe, Ga. { in New York City, by Stringer* Townsend, Adri j ancc, f Sherman A Cos, Dewitt A Davenport, and Burnes j & apr 12 tlHl<7CKldl) SILKS. — \ few handsome patterns J just received. SPENCERCURRELL. Agt.. j fob 17 154 Congross-st,Gibbons’ Building. I \OUBLE AND SINGLE BARRELLED GUNS.— j | / Just received and for sale by I mar 81 E. LOVELL -1.1 Q.I ()R8 AND WINES.—I 2 hall pipes Otard, Dupuy & Co.’s French Bran dy, 10 half pipes assorted brands, low pric ed French Brandy; 30 quarter casks Domes tic tin, 50 bbls do do. 70 do P ,V II Rye j (Jin, 150 do E Phelps’ do: 6 pipes Holland Gin, 10 bbls Virginia Apple Brandy, 8 do pure Georgia Peach do, 300 bbls do N 0 Whiskey, 00 do white. Baltimore d0,30 old Westminster Monongahela do, 20 do old Pennsyl vania Mountain do do. 100 do N E Rum 25 quarter casks Madeira Wine,l6 eighth do choice do d0,20 quar ter do Port do, 2 half pipes do do, 20 quarter casks Brown Sherry Wine, 40 baskets Cbampaigne do. For sale by |nug2o] WEBSTER & PALMES. TEA COMPANY.” Warehouse, 75 and 77 Fulton-at., Now York. This TEA Company has always main-.—..- mi tnined a high reputation for of IS vr | the most delicious character and fra- Ip W4l WJZM pranev, and are warranted to give sat to give satisfaction in every instance. If they do not prove as represented they may be returned. For eule by the Agent. J. A MAYER, mar 6 Broughton-rtreet. 1-jBCEIVED PER LATE ARRIVALS—A full Supply ofDufficld’s StnggA Shay’s Cnsaard’s. nnd Holosons llnms; also, afresh and full supply of new’ Groceries, for sale low at ALEXANDER’S apr 15 c ir. Qjull and Ogugresa-etß., M*n ument-eq. SAW MILL IRONS —Consisting of Cranks, Styr ups, Pitman’s Dogp. Gudgeons. Ac., complete. Landing from schr Empire, and for sale by 1 npr 45 C II CAMPFIELD j (Cummcrrifll intelligence. Savanaah Market, May 3rd, 1853. WEEKLY REPORT. COTTON*.—Arrived since tho date of our last report, ; 2,089 bales Upland, and 70 do. Sea Island, as follows: : Per Central Rail Roacl, 1.430 bales; from Augusta and landings on the river, 651 boles; via Darien, S bales Upland, aud 76 do. S. I. Cotton. The exports during the same period have boon 9,077 bales Upland 1 and 943 do. Sea Island, to tho following ports: To Liverpool, 7,495 bales Upland, and 943 do. Sea Island ; and to New York, 1,072 bales Upland—leaving a stock j on hand, Including all on shipboard not cleared yes terday, of 33,445 bales Upland, aud 56 do. Sea Island, against 37,463 bales Upland and 737 do. Sea Island, at the same period last year. At tho closoofour last report, we left a dull but firm market. On Tuesday, the first day of the week under review, 399 boles were sold. On Wednesday, the Hum boldt's accounts were at hand, reporting au unt iiauged market in Liverpool, with a moderate demand—this news did not appear to effect prices, but the transac i tions were very limited, amounting to but 75 bales, j On Thursday, 302 bales were sold. On Friday, the ac ’ counts by the Canada were received, reporting an ]/ A ! advance in Liverpool. These accounts effected no change in our market, and the sales of the day a mounted to 206 bales. On Saturday, tho market con tinued dull, and without chauge—sales 104 bales. Yesterday, there was little business of any kind trans acted, and we heard of no sales. Total sales of the week, 1086 bales at the following prices, viz: 16 at SJ-jJ, 32 at 8%, 32 at 8%, 105 at 9. 20 at 9% 11 at 9%. 97 at 9 7 £, 32 at 10,129 at \O%, 234 at | 1 •)],£, 9 at 10%, 170 at 10%, 17 at 11, and 17 Masterdon j ] Cotton at 13 cents. ] The transactions this morning amount to 253 bales I at prices ranging from 8% to 10%e. A lot of tine Up land Cotton from tho plantation f Wm. Samlford of ; Walton County, sold for 11 %c. It is generally conce ded to-day that the market i.s easier, and we quote a follows Ordinary * Middling loj* Good Middling 101^10^ Middling Fair 16^®^®% Fair 10%($— Fully Fair 11 SKA ISLAND—Offering stock very light, demand good, and full rates readily obtained, but the sales have boon very limited, r.t extremes ranging from 30 to 42 cents. RlCE—Stock light—market inactive owing to the high rates demanded by holders. We hoar of sales at $4% per hundred. Rough Rice is selling at $1 per bushel. FLOUR—The market remains quiet without any change in prices. CORN—The market is fairly supplied. Wo hear of no tranactions of importance—prices about the same as last week. OATS—FuII stock on sale but tho market dull— -1 prices nominal. j BACON—No change in this article—prices same as i previously reported. See quotations. HAY—Eastern Hay is soiling at 137% @ 162%, and Northern at 131 to 137% per hundred. ! SALT—Wo hear of a cargo sales since our last at 90 cts. i Lime i” worth $125 (a, 150 per cask, j FREIGHT3—There is more Freight offered to Liver ; cool. Twoships have refused %and. for full cargoes, nnd j one vessel lias been taken for Havre at %a- Coastwise To New York, %e, for Cotton; to Boston, %c. for Cot ton, $1,25 for Rico; and to Baltimore, %c for Cotton, 1 and $1 for Rice. ! EXCHANGE—SterIing is quoted at 8% @ 9 per I cent, premium. Domestic —The Banks are selling Sight | Checks on all Northern cities at 1 ([ cent, premium; and purchasing Sight Bills at par.; 30 day Bills at @ ; % per cent, discount; GO day bills at 1% @ 1% per cent, discount; 90 day Bills, 2 @ 2% per cent* discount, Exports of tho Wook. Ter ship Acadia, for Liverpool—2o44 boles Upland, and 200 do SI Cotton, and 75,272 foot P P Timber, j Per ship Milicite, for Liverpool—2s9,l9s ft Timber, 571 bales S 1 and 1012 do Upland Cotton. Per bark Victory, for L0ud0n—270,199 ft Timber, 9,038 do 3 inch Plank. ! Per Br bark Mali, for St Johns, N B—lll,lßl ft r P Timber. Per Br ship Anne, for St Johns, (N B) —147,589 feet Timber. Per brig 4 Ceral, for St Jago do Cuba—oß,B79 feet Timber, and 65,082 do Timber. Per schr Wando Passo, for Full River, (Mass.) —05* 000 ft P P Timber. l’cr steamship Augusta, for New Y*ork—727 bales Cotton, 72 do Domestics, 7 bags Feathers, and sundry pkgs mdze. Per steamship Florida, for New York—66B bales Cot ton, 35 do Domestics, arul sundry, pkgs mdze. Per brig Philura, for Now York—6B7 hales Cotton, 35 rolls Leather, 18 boxes Tobacco, 60 empty barrels, 9 Hides, 511 Skins, aud sundry pkgs. Per schr Chos Mills, for New York—69o halos Cot ton, 6 boxes mdze, aud 5 bundles DccrSkins. Per schr E Leland, for Rockland, (Me.) —94,000 feet Sawed Lumber. Ter brig Rio Grande, for Boston—lso,ooo ft Timber, l’er b.ig Itogorliu, for Charleston —2Ol sacks Sa 11. Imports of tho Wook. Ter ship Chaos, from Liverpool—2 bundles Stones, 3 socks Seeds, 2 bundles Shovels,2B bundles and 258 bars Iron, 160 bundles and 151 bars Iron, 138 boxes Tiu and Screw Plato, 5 bbls Bottled porter , 2 cases Caps and Guns, 146 pcs, 1 box Iron Screws, 19 casks, 556 Spiders, 1184 Iron Pots, ISO Skollots, 855 , 1043 boxes, 22 crates, 3 casks Earthen-ware, 258 bars Iron, 1044 bars. 1 case, 3 casks Hardware, 360 sacks Salt, Per brig Charlotte, from Havana—s96hkds, and 21 tc§ Molasses, and Fruit, to W C O'Driscoll. Exports of Cotton, Rice and Lumber, From April 20th to May Zrd, 1853. Cotton,(Up’d) S. i. Bice. Lumber. Liverpool 7,405 913 000 767.540 Boston 000 00 000 215,000 I New-York, 1,672 00 00 000,000 ! St. Johns. X. B 000 000 000 844.143 Rockland, 000 000 000 72,850 Fail River, Mass 000 oo 000 65,000 London 000 000 000 279.238 Cuba 000 000 000 123,956 Total 9,077 943 000 2.397,726 BANK NOTE TABLE. (•orrected for the Savannah Evening Journal. Charleston Banks par North Carolina Banks.. 5 ct. disc All Banks and Branches at Augusta pur Bank of the State of Georgia par Marine and Fire Insurance Bank par Planters’ Bank of the State of Georgia par Central Railroad Bank par Bank of Savannah par Central Bank of Georgia par Georgia Rnilroad Bank par Merchants’ Bank at Macon par Manufacturers’ Bank at Macon par Bank of Brunswick at Augusta par Lank of St. Mary's EXCHANGE. Hank Rates for Selling Exchang*. Checks on Boston prem •• “ New-York Vfp.ct. prem “ “ Philadelphia i£sct. prem. “ “ Baltimore U/f.ct. prem. Rank Rate* for Purchasing Exchange. Bills on England, nominal. 9(5& ct. prem. “ “ New-York, sight par. “ “ “ sto 10 days tp rt. dinc*t. “ “ “ 30 days K $ ct. “ “ “ “ 60 days IW. 1% #ct “ “ “ “ 90 days $ ct. “ “ “ Boston, 60 days 1 \ ct. “ “ “ PhlladeFo, 60 days f* ct, “ “ “ Baltimore, 60 days V,A(d)\\ ct. “ Z ~ N WINK ILR, Factor and Commission Merchant, 220 Bay-fit., Williamson’s Buildings, aprl6 ly DR. Oh FANCOBT, Is prepared to perform all necessary operations for the regulation, preser and hoautifying of the teeth,and will insort artificial toeth, from a sin glo tooth to a double set. Dr. P. will spare no effort to give the utmost satisfaction to all who may command his services. apr 21 I.IULT ON 1 MARKET BEEF.—2ohalf bbls. Ibr sale ’ by (apr 25) 11. J. GILBERT. J|"AY. —IP bales of Prime Timothy Hay, for sale ta | arrive per (K’hv Edna C, from Baltimore bv | apr 1 A. C. TOMS, 126 Bay-fit I SAVANNAH PRICES CURRENT “Artllea. i $ c. $ c. Bagging, lumlo.-, 44 in per yd 14 u 10 Kentucky per yd. u Gunny per \d.| 12 u 12)^ Tow -per yd. u Hale Rope per lb. 8 u 8% 1 Dillon’s Hope per lb. u Bacon, Hums per lb. 12 a 13 Shoulders per lb. a g Sides .per lb. —a 9 Ilccf, Now-York Me-s...pcr bbl. 13 00 a 14 00 Prime per bbl. 700 u KOO Cargo per bbl. u Bread, Navy per lb. a 4 Pilot per lb. b a | Butter, Goshen prime.per lb. a No. 2 per lb. 18 a 20 , ricks, Sav’h, Istqal..per m. 11 00 u 12 oO : Northern per m 600 u iOO I Caudles, Spermaceti..per lb.i 83 a 42 Savannah made, Tal.per lb. u 13 j Northern do. do..per lb. 12 u 14 Cheese, Northern per lb.{ li a 10 1 Cos Hee, Cubs. Inf. to fair. . per lb. a Good fair to pnuio per lb.! a Rio per lb j 10 a loj^ Java per lb.- 12 a li Cotton, UplauJ, Inferior per lb a ** Ordinary per lb. s “ Middling per lb. a *‘ Mid. fair... per lb. a “ FuirAfy.fair.per lb. “ Good fuir....per lb a Cordage, Tarred per lb 10 u 11 Manilla per lb 14 s 15 Domestic Goods, Shirtings, brown per yd. 4 a 7 Sheetings, brown per yd. 7 a 10 Brown Drills per yd. 8 a y Cotton O.snuburgs per vd. 6 a M i Duck, English per bolt >lO 00 a 14 00 Americau Cotton per yd. 14 a 24 Elsli, Mackerel, No. I..per bbl. 10 50 u 11 00 ** No. 2 .per bbl. 650 a VSO i “ No. 3..per bbl.| 700 a 70 0 ! Flour, Canal per bbl 000 u 700 Balt. Iloward-st. sup.per bbl. 660 a 075 l’hiludolphiu per bbl. a Georgia per bbl. a Grain, Corn,cargo per bus. CO a 65 “ retail per bus. 76 a 80 Oats per bus. a 40 Wheat per bus. a Glass, Aui. Window perlOOftl 450 a 700 Gunpowder per keg 375 a 550 Huy, Crime Northoru..pcr cwt. 121 a 137 “ Eastern .per cwt. 145 a 150 Hides, Dry per lb. 9 a yto. Deerskins per lb. S a 9 Iron, Swedes, assorted..per tonjß7 50 a 100 00 Big per ton a 80 00 Hoop per cwt. 350 a 400 Sheet per cwt. 450 a 600 Nail rods per cw t. COO a 025 Lard per lb. IoVC a 12 Lime, Thomastcu per bbl. 1 12a 1 25 Lum her, S.Sawed,refuse perm.ft.* 800 a 11 00 Merchantable perm.ft.ll4 00 a 18 00 River Lumber, ref...perm.ft.] 900 a 10 00 Merch’ble to prime...perm.ft. 14 00 a 16 00 Ranging do. for exp..perm.ft. 900 a Mill Ranging perm.ft. 10 00 a 13 00 White Dine, clear perm.ft. 30 00 a 40 00 Merchantable perm .ft. 18 00 a 25 00 Cypress Shingles per m. 400 a 450 Sawed Cypress do per in. 16 00 a Red Oak Staves per in. 12 00 a 16 00 Whito do. pipe...per m. 86 00 u 60 u Do. do. hhd...per m. 25 00 a 35 00 Do. do. bbl....per w. 20 00 a 25 00 Molasses, Cuba per gul. 21 a 22 New-Orleans per gal. 31 u 32 Nails, Cut Id. to 20d...per lb. 6 a Naval Stores, Tar..per bbl. a Spirits Turpentiue...per gul. a Varnish per gal. a Oils, Sperm, wint. st’d.per gul. 140 a 150 Do. full do..pcr gul. a Do. suin’r do..per gul. 120 a 125 Whale, racked, wild.per gal. 05 a 70 Linseed per gal. 75 u 60 Tanners’ per bbl. 15 00 a 1C 10 Oanaburgs, Flax per yd. B}<j a 10U. Pork, Mess, \Vcsteru...per bbl. 21 00 a 22 00 Prime per bbl. 18 00 a 19 00 Mess, New-York per bbl. 21 00 a 22 00 Porter, London per doz. 175 a 275 Raisins, Malaga per box. a Spirits—Brandy, Otard. Dupuy A Co...per gal. 225 a 350 A. Seignette’s per gul. 175 a 300 Leger freres per gnl. 225 a 360 Per.-li per gul. 65 a 125 Dom estic per gal. 34 a 37 Gin, American per gal. 28 a 30 Holland per gal. 85 a 100 Rum. Jamaica per gal. 1 <’o a 175 N. E., bids per gal. 27 a 30 Whiskey, Phil. A Balt...per gal. 24 a 25 New-Orleans per gul. 27 a 28 Sugar, ]. Rico anil St Croix.pcr lb. 7 a 75i Havana, white per lb. a “ brown per lb. a Loaf and Crashed per lb. B }■£ a 9 Salt, 1 iverpool, coarse..per sack I a Cargo, bulk per bun.l a Turk’s Island per bus. a Soap, Amer. yellow per lb. V<, a 7 Shot ,all sizes per lb. Gl£ o 7U , Segars, Spanish j*er m. 16 a 35 American per in. 275 a 0 j Tallow, American per lb. a Tobacco, Manuf. per lb. 25 a 40 Tens, Souchong per lb. 30 a 00 Gunpowder per lb. 70 a 85 Hyson per lb. f.O a 75 Twine, Seine per lh. 30 a 35 Baling per lb. 17 a 19 Wini-s, Madeira per gnl. 150 a 200 Sicily Madeira per gal. a 75 TonerilTe, L. P per gal. 100 a 101 Malaga, Sweet per gal. 45 a 55 “ Dry per gnl. 40 a 50 Claret, Marseilles per cask j 35 00 a 40 00 “ Bordeaux per cask 20 00 a 22 00 Cbampague per doz. 800 a 15 00 Wool, Southern TTnwftshcd.por lb. 15 a 17 “ Clean per lb. 20 a 25 Wool.sktns, Lamb’s..enrh, 20 a 25 Sheen’s each, 50 a 62 RETAIL PROVISION MARKET. Savannah, May 3, 1863. Corn Meal, bushel $1 00 “ Grist, “ 1 00 Bacon—Hams, B* 14 (ai 15 c. Sides, ♦* 12 13 Shoulders, y ft* 11 ‘(5) 11}^ Beef, jUh (grass fedj... 12 (§i 15 Veal, “ l^^j Mutton, ft* 12 to; 15 Lamb, “ 12 18 Pork—Whole hog, % ft) [scarce]...lo (§) 12 Cut, “ 12* 2 Venison. saddle Poultry—Turkeys, each 1 25(4) l 60 Geese “ 75@ 1 00 Ducks, (domestic) each..[scarce].. 1 (</) 125 Fowls, each 50@62 Chickens, pair 60@ 100 Sausages, lb 31 Butler—Goshen. ft) 25(131 Country, “ 00 Lard. $ ft* 14($ 15 Eggs. doz 20@ 25 Potatoes —Sweet, half peck 25 Irish, “ “ 25 Apples, half peck 25 I ftINE TOOTH cimiw An elegant aeeort- mentof Ivory and Tortoise Sheel Tooth Combs, of all sizes nnd degress of fineness. For sale bv a6 JOHN B. Gibbon’s Building. Notice extraordinary s” Positively Selliiinoff at C ost. IMIE Subscribers desirous of closing their present business, would invite the attention of the citizen* of.Savannah, nnd its vicinity to their large and well se lected stock of Spring and Summer Dry Goods at Pit mi: HEW VOBK COST, among which are to be found some of the most desira ble styles of goods, for this and the coming season,con sisting in part of the following goods, viz: COLORED AND FIGURED BAREGES, do do do Silk Tissues Plain, Black and Colored Silk Tissues and Ba roges. Swiss and Mull Muslins, JacoDet and ('anibric do, do do Checked Swiss do, Colored and Figured Organdies, Black and Colored Lawns, Canton Cloths for Travelling Dresses, Printed and Plain Linen dodo, Dotted and Embroidered Swiss Muslins, Ginghams and Barege DoLnines. Black and Colored Chnineliou fcilks, Plnided and Brocaded do, Colored Marreline and Florence do. GOODS) Ac., We have a large and well selected stock of the celo- | bra ted RICHARDSON’S, GRAY'S, DUNBAR, DICK- ! SON A Co.’s Shirting and Fronting Linens; Together with a largo and elegant assortment of White and Brown Table Damaek of all widths, Damask Doylies, Cloth and Colored Linen Table Covers, Birds Eye Dia per, Linen Dowlass, Huckaback Diaper French Linen Twelve and Doylies, Linen Lawns and Linen Cambric, etc., etc., etc,, etc. om ASSORTMENT OF DOMESTIC GOODS, is complete and embraces every article kept In a first class retail store. Purchasers will do well to call and I see for themselves, as GREAT BAKGAINB will be glvon especially in Fancy Goods, which will be sold for in many instances below cost. THIS JS NO HUMBUG. Call nnd see, aud be assured of tho fact, at J. 11. COHEN A OO.S, a p r 28 160 Bronghton-street, H~ AY!—’ 00 bundles Domestic Hy For sale by a,,r I SEABORN GOoDALL. _ __ JfUarricb. At U>> us. it.S. ( on Thursday evening, 28th April, i by tin- Rev. L>r. Walkbr, Mr. FAMIT.L C. GATHER ; WOOD, nnd M s* ARDEN Passengers. ~l v‘ M ‘-““Wp Ufti !. m Nevi i. . . mu- j Howard. I*. M Lvdig tin.l udv. Mi-- D Newman i V I Kent Riid, li. Brown. .1.1: I'. M tlm .: I I °": Hjyton.. 1.. F. Shftflln, V. Hull. J,. li.Buti, | J. ii. Treumm, L. 11l ikiiu;.. Jus Pforrepunt, uixl 2in I the steerage. ! jhiipata at tjatels. I PULASKI HOUSE.. 1’ Wimnott i Bw, PmiioioN Monday, May 2 IP A Chuznl Charleston Mr Gilmore • W Henlo’ii do'lt King ; <(l< | T.I Postene N C J A B< ‘I ."h'!i W H Howard doj\\ M Wad lev i • W WCar. t i t Ma . W W Erins .SC J It G- damn ,*> U T Eruin do I* Hall .\y W A Martin ..Charleston! E Beltkarft. . o W I u ler ...|E R Freeman T A Parsons 3 F Clmlpre t’ < A W II Swanson Alj. Mr P M Livlig and ladv.NV t’ Vantche, 2, do Mis Lidig .. w Hole) D L Sre- lain A S Holey ... (\< K M Simp-on. N ) C Holey do, J Pierpont Bu.-d u MARSHALL HOUSE G Faroo, Proj'rht<.r Monday, May 2. C Hoot .Jo'-ksoriville J InmainJ and svt.. . PCBrooks AI but i \ j K A VVeath burk.i G P FluwUr Aogustn J J Woath | A Duncan* . FlniJ R butte Milledgevilin | .• K Farlton . ... \ O O lirawnce ’ J M bentou Va S M nglcr .... j WA IVrrv Mr* SM Howard | It Thompson... Atlanta! A Vogler Saxony . E K White and ludy.-Ptiil 1 CITVIIOTKI. 1* C ‘VP'iN AJ. H Pour, Proprietor. Monday, May 2. | 0 P Smith ....ftii-M A Powers CJnundin SCj\ \\ K O'Outt. Gt J 11 Jaun dm a- |H I Cas-idv. Kffingtu.m Ma.-ter W .laundln di |WII l* Wright .. Clt K Kev J li S<-abrook *1*•; *5 S Kenklund I’. * J M Shank Import n. Per bark Indio, from St Johns, (N It) —lor,( oo it White Pine Lumber, 100 bUs Potatoes, 53,000 Lath.- 50 boxes Herring, 3 bbls Pork, and 0* £ do Beef. Per brig Albert, from St Johns, (N It ! —IOO hh<’s Lime, 00.000 Laths, 50.000 Pal L-i, 2000 ft W hite Pine Lumber, G 1 Spruce Spars. Exports* Per ship Marion, for Waterford—237,l4l feet 1* I’ Timber, 4.420 Oak Stave*. Per br bark Alcyone, for Liverpool—2os,3Bo feet P Timber, 0,496 Staves. Receipts of Cot ton, &c* per C. 11 R. April 30 A May 2—667 bales Cotton and Bo* ton & Gunby, Washburn,Wilder A Oo,Brigham, Kelly \ & Cos, G W G arm any &. Co,Rabun A Whitehead, J Jones j R 11 Cuyler, Wells & Purr, F A Moon,K Parsons A C ! G J Smith, Lawsou A God fray,Allen & Rail, W D Eth eridge A Cos, V\ Proctor, S.C Punning, Bunker &O t and u I W Woodbridgo, C Hartridgo, Willis & Brundage, and order. Jlturiiu Jitklliiprc. ; POKT OF SAVANNAIL:::::::::::::::::::::MAY 3. Sun Rises, 0 11 I High Water, 3 14 IRRI V ED. Steamship Alabama, Ludlow, New York, to Pad elford Fay Ac.—Md/.e. ltrigham Kelly A Cos. Bunker A Ogden. M A Cohen, (laghurn A Cuuuingbam.T P Col lins, Wm. Duncan Einstein A Feb man. Florida steam Boat Cos, Ohas Green. W W Goodrich, W W Garrard. C Hartridge. W IPidt, llone A Connery. II Haywood W \ Habersham, Jno.F Hamilton, Horton A Kikemun C Hopkins Agt, J Lippumn, S M I.ahttsan. W Lincoln, 1> P Lander.- bine, Mo he v Mehols T It Mills. A N Miller I) Malli-tie A Cos, T McKenna, Mills A Duer, .1 B Moore A Cos, Juo. Poole, M I’rendergast AC*. Roberts A Foote. T C Rice, Roswell Minify Cos, Stibl s A Puvis, Smith Luthrop A Ct>, Scianton Johnston A Cos, A A Solomons A Cos, Veistille & Butler. T S Wayro W T Williams, H F Warning, James Dickson Aikin A Burns, Bolden A Cos, A Bonai and J Rousseau, I* Wiit berger A Son, N K ltnrnuin A Cos W (i Dickson, II J Gilbert J D Jesse, C II Campfield, O Johnston A Cos, Wm Hide. F I’ Wood A Cos. Pierson A 11 eld t, K Parson A Cos. M J Riley, M J Solomons W it Symons NBA H Weed and others. Bark India, K.'tchum, St Johns, (N lb to E A Soul lard. P.rlg Alhersoa. St Johns, (N B) to E A Soullard. Brig Kendall, Caihrin, New York, hallast. to E A j Soullard. I Brig Care-line. Harding, Boston, to Brigham. Ki lly j A Cos. Mdze, to Andersons A Cos, Brigham, Kelly A Cos, ! F Blair, J C Burroughs. Claghorn A Cos. Cohen A F<>-- dick, J K Falligant, H J Gilbert. S Gootlall, Hydraulic Co:ton Pre*I', 1 ', W m Ileidt. W Hale, G II fji hmon, W W Lincoln. T R Mills, W V Prentice, E Reed, A A Solomons. Swift A Co.T M Turner,W P TefTt, Yerstillo A Butler. K F Wood A Cos, N B A H Weed.TS Wayne, nnd order. Srhr Mecca, Ward, St Johns. (N’ B) lmllast. to E A Sou II art I. Sehr St George, Torrey, Camden, (Mo.) Ice to C E Potter. (REARED. Ship Marion, O'Brien, Waterjord. A I ow A Cos. Br bark Alcyone. I'itts. Liverpool. A I/*w A Go. ~D E 1 \ R T K I>. Steamer Gordon, King, < h:irl*-toii Steamer D 1. Adams, lliil-hard. Augi st i. Steamer Jasper, Mattias, Palalka, Ac. MEM OK A N l)A . Baltimore, April 29—Cldschr 11 N Gamlrill, Fav^n nali. Philade’pliia, April 27—-Arr schr Ilarlltigcr, Savan nah. List cf Vessels in Port.—(Corroded Daily.) Ships. Alabama. Ludlow, NY. Pndelford, Fay ACo fltato of Georgia.(VPins, Philadelphift, C A L Lama Florida, (*) W oorlviull. N Y, I‘adelford. Fnv ACo Canada, (Br) Hubbard, rep'g, Jl’Grnves Chaos, Duntx-n, dis’g, Washburn, W A Cos Barks. Duubro ly. (!'• *"> Williams, l.iv'l, J P Grave* Clyde, (Br) Mills, Liv l, A Low A Cos Christiana. (B) Muir, Liv’J, A Low A ( * Liverpord, (B) Williams, London,Padelford Fay ACo Jane Tudor, (Br) Evans, Liv'l, A Low A Cos Maria Morton, Bulkloy, NY, Rowland &Cos Commerce Be van, L’pool. J P Graves Deucy, Aver ill, Y N’, Starke A Bryson Brigs. J P EllicoP. Grant, N A r , CoLcns A Herts Clement, Msvn, dls’g. Brigham. K A Cos Meta Hack, Alley, Newcastle, W Crabtree Tangent, Kced, Newcastle, W Crabtree Marcia. Allen. dis’g, W Crabtree Austrulin, W Crabtrew CarrihFoe, Crabtree, dfsg, WCrahtne Marshall, Bviler, dis’g, E W Buker W Fuller, Johnson, NY, Brigham, K A Cos Macon, Watkins, dls’g, Rowland A Cos Boston, Torrey, dis’g. C V Potter Mecca, Ward, walfg, K A Soullard Jason, Morrison, dis’g, E A Foullard MT Wilder, Cunningham,dis’g, M A Wilder Caroline, Harding, dis’g, Bfigkom, K A Cos Schooners. M B Davis, Paris, N Y, Brighsm, K A Cos H M Jenkins. Baddadge, Id'g. Brigham. KA Cos Trader. Trailer. NY, t\'Ulis A Lnuidago Wood bridge, White, dis’g, Brigham,K ACo A Clifford, Smith, Boston, Bunker A Ogden E A Eleanor,MauU-bury, Philo, ft illis A Brundage Advent, Dana, rep’g, Master G E Prescott,Giikey, dh’g, Brlghom.KACo IRoy, Powell, dis’g, Washburn, Wa Cos PI undome,Brown, dis'g, Rowland A Cos Triton. Brown, dis’g, Prig ham. K A Cos Henry. Line, dis’g, lluuter AGammell B Franklin. Lard, dis’g, W F Giles A Cos Lndv of the Ocean, Lewis, Bath. Win Crabtree John Buggies, Sawyer, Porlsmsuth. FN\ Buker F Sutterly, Davis, N Y’, illis A Brundage 1)S Mershou, Spragg, di‘’g, Hunter A Gnmmoil F.ljivah, Small, dis'p. Bunker A Ogden HOUSE, Iggh HANOVER STREET. - - - BOSTON. Jdii BY LEWIS RICE, 1 Kobuilt, Enlargod, and Elegantly Furnished, I Possessing all tne modern improven:6nts and con veniences for the nccommodatii nos the | “"dec 2 traveling public. ly WASHINGTON - HALLI THE TRAVELLER’S HOME, Itlnron. Ga. a An Omnibus always in readiness to conrer passengers to and from the Kail Road dopot to the Hall. 11. P. REDDING, Proprietor, i b. F., Super in tendant. Oino apr 19 __ ’ MARSHALL HOUSE. SAVANNAH, GKO., a GORDON FARGO, Propriftor. Late si the United States Hotel, Augusta, Geo. aprl9 lv I” y A I*ER,—SO mum* Paj or, comprising every’ va riety usually culled for—Printii g. Cap. Letter. Me diuin. Royal, Super Royal, Packet Post. Note. Envoi opes, Ac., Ac. For sale by J. B. CUBBEDGE, o o IYOT A TOE S •—SOO M* fbrmiTby jan 3l 11. J. GILBERT M’ ACKEREL- h 1 bis No. 1.2a-*d o MackerH: 50 half Mo. No. \ and V d<\. ‘andiug and tor sale i V>y (.feblb ( ‘HEN & TARYT I-