The Savannah evening journal. (Savannah [Ga]) 1852-185?, May 03, 1853, Image 4

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[From Chamber; ’ Rt-petitory.] The Cotton Metropolis. The effect of laudanum upon th'* children is to produce t ’ffusiou on tile brain, and a whole tribe of clandu’mr and mesont*:*- disorders.— The child sinks i:. s o a low torpid and wastes ar *y to a skuiulon, the tomacu alone preserving its protuberance. If u survives, it is more or less weakly, and stunted for lile—the complexion never assumes a healthy hu \ ond the vital powers never attain their natural force nn l vigour. Tho liquid principally used i a drug common enough through all me country, and, well known us ‘Godfrey’s Cordial.’ Iu ; M *n hosier, *( >dfrey,’ an tho term i • generally abbreviated, is a household word. Just as the j gin loving rac? of London delight to call iheir favourite beverage by doa r.s ui slaugy, affec tionate titles—just as there is the ‘Cream of the Valley,’ and the ‘Regular Flare Up,’ and ‘Old Tom,’ so thore arc to bo found ia tbo lower dis tricts of the cotton town? ‘Baby’s Mixture’’ ‘Mother’s Quietness,’ ‘Child’s Cordial,’ ‘lnfant’s Preservative/ ‘Soothing Sirup/ and so forth. Tho druggists are not the only venders of these narcotics. The low puldic-houses and the ’gen eral’ shops keep them made up iu pouny and half-penny doses, aud, as may be believed, the rale is immense. The ‘Godfrey'is an ol l-faphioned preparation, t and has been in use for nearly a century. It j is made of different degrees of strength, but on the average contains about an ounce and a half j of laudanum to tho quart. The dose is from ! half a teisp&onful to two teaspoonfuls. Tnfants Cordial’ has tho ivputation of being stronger, containing on the average two ounces of laud j anurn to the quart. Tho stronger the potion is, j indeed, the more it is sure to bo in demand; and tho dealors have a half-emptied bottle frequent ly brought to them, with a request for a drachm ; or so additional of luudauutu. Tho constituents i of all these doses over and above the narcotic element are water, anise-seed, and treacle.— I Tho stuff is often mado by wholesale in huge i coppers, holding perhaps twenty gallons, ami , thence supplied to the druggists and the general ; shops, to be frequently sold in the latter as , •children's draughts, a penny each.’ Sometimes the children are dosed by the nurs es without tho knowledge or consent of the mothers, who, however, soon find out tho truth by tho languid air and wasting limbs of their offspring. But the administration of’sleeping stuff,’ for the purpose of obtaining an undisturb ed night's rest, is almost a universal practice even by parents who would shrink from stupi fyingtheir offspring in tho daytime. Very young girls, too, when left in charge of children, fol lowing the usages of the old nurses; and thus when every engine in Manchester is panting and throbbing, and every adult and youthful hand und eye upon the alert, a large proportion of tho infant population is lying in a torpid sleep—their young energies sealed up, and their brains becoming softened under the spell of the wretched potion which has lulled thorn. Tho question here arises, whether a child s treated but surviving its youth, 1 ‘ not imbibed tastes for opium-drinking which cling to it in after life. Wo arc inclined t > believe that such cas es arc tho exceptions not the rule. The steady discipline of tho mills, as soon ns the child is introduced to them, breaks up old habits, and launches tho individual, as it were, into anew i courso of life. Still, there is a certain consump tion of opium among the grown-up population. The drug is used in both its raw arid liquid 1 states: and women are the principal customers for it iu tho latter. In the ease of children put | out to nurse, the doses are of course gradually strengthened. The old woman intrusted with the charge, serves out tho teaspoonfuh. and then having laid her stupifiod babies in bods and cradles, goes about her own business, which is generally thatjof a laundress. Many of these persons earn in this way a really handsome in come, from which, however, the expense of tho drugs is a considerable drawback. It will bo seen from the above account, that the fact of young marrii 1 females being allow ed to labour in tho mills, leading as it does di rectly to tho necessity i r Godfrey—is one of the chief blots in our manufacturing system. The mothers, when spoken to, will admit the evil, but complain that it is unavoidable—that , tho industry of both purts is neee .-ary for the ; support of their family and that they cannot af i ford to pay for any system of nursing save that j iu vogue. Efforts are now,however,being made to provide a remedy and the creche system of j Franco has been introduced, and with fair sue- j cess. The French c. e he is a sort of public j nursery, cornbiuing for the elder children the features of an infant-school. It is under the j superintendence of mistresses and nurses paid by public charity, <r by the municipality. The children are brought every morning by the parent , and taken away every night. They have all sorts of household accommodation, and a playground; and their wants and appetites j arc attended tons well ns if they were ai homo —often very much butter. The parents of j course provide tho food, and some pay a small j fee, but the *•/ rxhc is open to all the world; and j if the mother bo too p >or to contribute to the 1 common of brea i and milk, and soup, 1 public benevolence makes up tho deliuicncj'. - j ‘l'lie exten.-dv>* establishmentin -titutions, • well organised and well looked after, would re- ! move one of the greatest stains upon the social I nud industrial -ystem produced by the cotton manufacture. The ere-he would knock over the Godfrey bottle at a blow; and for a far smal- ; lor amount than is often paid nurses, the chili dren would he really attended to, wholesomely ! fed, and would grow up in that health and j strength to which so many ure strangers. If, j however, the necessity for young mothers to work in the mills could bo got over, the change j would be, in many respects, m >re auspicious | still. The ignorance of tin* mill-girls in do- j inestic matters was long a subject of regre*, and : n matter of household liscomfor?. Their notions i of cooking were of the rudest and the least econ- j omieal n;uurc;and few or none could do any- j thing for themselves with the in •lie. We have J heard of an instance of a Manchester mill-girl ! after her marriage cooking her first dinner, and which was to ho eaten at one o’clock, putting the potatoes on to boll at nine, ami never look ing iu to tho pot until her lmshand had arrived, when, to her utter astonishment, sin* found that ‘ tho water had somehow di ;uppearcd, nud that tho potatoes lay a l*r wn an I strongly smelling mass on tho half-burnt through bottom of tho ■ saucepan! Since tlm T<*n Hours’ Bill, however, ! a change for tho hotter is becoming apparent. ! The girls have a long evening to themselves; ; and people a -cn-tom- 1 to Manchester are re- ! cognising a decided improvement in the style ; of dress of the operative foiunle population— j tho result of having Lime to learn and put in practice tho use of the need! *. The w riter was i once invited to inspect a little di play of the evening handiwork of the girls in one of the largest mills it* Mamdu -? r, where a long coun ter was heaped over with die of. bonnets, and specimens of crochet work; knitting, netting, satnples-scwing; Berlin w 001-working; and a vast series of copy-books, blackened from end to end—all the production, 11 *exhibitors w re unanimous in declaring, of the Ten Hours’ Bill. (to be co.vTixirn ) NEW 800 ri MIE Works of James Hull—Legends of tlic West— i _| the author's rwhctl oditior.. The Camel Hunt, a namitlve of jier-omd ad von- ! tun*, by J. W. Fa bens, author of Lite ..u tk.* Isthmus- Jiehind the Curtain, a tale of Llviile. I)r. Bireh and his Young Friends.l> . Wrn.M. Tliack nray, with sixt4*en illustration** by the author. Rural Essays, by A. J. Downing, edited v. i h a mo- j xnoirof the author, by James W. Curtis; nud a Letter j to Ids Friends, by Fredorika Bremer. Every Day Scripture Reading, with brief reviews I ami practical observations, for the use of Families nud i Schools, by Rev. John L. Blake. D. D. Essays and Miscellanies, choice cutting* from tlu ! Manuscripts of Grace Aguilar, author of -Vale of t.’e- ! dars,’ Ac. selected by her mother. Sarah Aguilar. j Eustace (Juiuthi, a sequel to Mary Price, byG.IV. M. ! Reynolds. jack and his Bride or the Highwayman’s Flight: le ing the further adventure* oft lutide and his friends, by the author of ‘Gentleman .lark, beautifully fllus- | t rated. The Illustrated Bible, numb ra received to 17 Itaromab Illustrated News, No. 17. Lofty and Lowly, by Mias Mclntosh—further supply : received by n2h J. B. CUBBEDGE. < TpiriCK. —5 beie? best quality Candle Wick, for f V sale by JOHN fl. MOOIUt A CO, pi* 25 Gibbons’ But) liag. I Business Dircrtnrn. I \ utin, 8., Agent and Superintendent Havunutth I Steam Bias Mill VMon A Hull. Factors and Comtui.-sion Merchant.*. , lid Bay-street. - . i, R > Cos., Lumber Hoi . \ Vila t Viki .v i.urn-. wV>!—. In uml retail denier In Dry I tbvds. Shad’s Building. I \ndersui. ,v Cos., Factors an ’ -.amission Mer chant-. 290 B.iV Ht. v ri. dl, Dr. K. IJ.. • .ucc on ugitfthorpv.-square. I\ State .. On. \ loxaulor, George, dealer in Groceries, cor. Dull and Congress st. \ntrubua, John. Portrait and Landscape Painter, St Andrew's lla'l. Broughton at. a brahams I'. aud Br . ll 1 lug uul Dry Goods Merchants, Bryaiwit. ooar tho Market. I~>ro*ii, J.wi. A., wlv>b*- jJe androtAil denim In flroco ) ri-.-, Fruit an 1 • v nf •tlumry, No 27 Whitakcr-st. Birohcr* A . ship Biscuit and Bread Baker, cornoior J T .• -I. and Br}n . frocte. J Buchanan, William, Gardner and Florist, Jones ct | > Lane. Bukor, U V. Factor and Commission Merchant, Jo:.*.V Wharf. IVarrough6, J II A Son FactorsaudChmmisisioaMer ) chants. ‘J7 Bay st. Kelly A Cos., Factors anl Commission JD Merchants. ITrt Bay st. | >elJon and Cos., wholesale and retail dealers in liats ■ find furnishing Article?.cor. Brou’n S: Barnard sts. I Aaron, E. Tl., Counsellor t Law and Notary Public* J.J cor. Whitaker and Buy id*. Burt, 11. Oyster Restaurant, Barnard st., North of I tho Market. \ lAonaud, A., dealer in Wines, Liquors, Fruits, Ac , j cor. Whitaker aud Bay sts. I> am well, J. 8., Inspector Savannah ‘bin Company, )•)... .• , . “, . Ji I)aucrojft and Bryan, Stock and Exchange Brokers, , 3 117 Bay st. ; Butler, Gilbert. Contractor and Baiider, rosidouce I corner Flo-d and McDon->ugh-*ts. | Bartow, Francis ri.. Attorney at Law, offleo comer | Bay and Drayton sts. j I>Uur, Francis, Contractor aud builder, reoideuce I ) west end of Broughton st. 1 Aulfoch. Wm. 11., Clerk Court oyer r.nd Terminer, 13 >mpe Court Hnuso. Hec, Barnai-il E., Receiver oi Tax Return-, ;it the Court House, until April loth, from 9 a.*2 P.M. J 11, Grocer, corner West Broad aud York / tohens A Hertz, Commission Merchants, No. 119, i V .’ Bay-street, Savannah, Ga. ( t ii vlo r , George A. Toller Central Rail Roa>l J RaiiK. Cq ohr. n , Solomon, Curl dor Central Rail Road J Bank. . p m.. Artist,over Wilmot’s Jew j elry store, Market sqr. (Irabtree, M in. Factor and Commissiou Merchant. j 208 Bay-street. / turrell, 8. wholesale and retail dealer i ■ I V j Gibbon’s Building. (Irugcr A Wade, Factor aud Commission Merchants, -1 B >'• street / vTmpliel I.C 11., and al**r in Agricultural Ware , Mil! M 71 Ba (i i,. m. ii iu. i Muki and den lor in Furnature, / it -mgbton st.. li(*twoi*n Bull and Whitaker. i toll)ns, Jr. io lei in . ■ kei > and Glass w aro, \ -1 (tarter, J. It., dealer in Drills and Ut Unlnes,l76 Broughton st. | v.Broughton and Bull sts. (Mihcu and Tarver, wholesale Grocers, Bay J t (“London, Pierce, proprietor City Hotel, Buy L/st ('Tohen. J. H. and Cos., dealer in Dry Goods, 110 J Broughton st. Ctohen and Hannon, lieu- Dressers, cor. Broughton J aud Drayton rts. (thari .. Ward and Owens, Attorneys at Law, Bay y st. j r 'thvgh- •••i and Cunningham, Ship Clmndlerd and 1 Anciaux’s Wharf. (thartnrs, Dr. W. M.,Ofrtco UJ Broughton ?t., between Bull and Di <iui>h.*d re, J. 11. Bookseller and Stationer, south Yj side Market sqr. (’ r i !*:n ill -o II -II I. c'! nor :• mill Rroa I and Bull (I Monument sqr. (n. I ..Gn.-lUler and Tin Roofer. Bryan st. two _j doors oast of Whitaker. ( :tu.F.corner of Bull und Broughton sts,\> iudow j Shade Establishment. (Hmlmers, 11. J., Stock and Exchange Broker—office. _j Bay Lane, in rear of the City Hotel. / ‘ .bourn. >!.. Teacher of Musio—instruments repair -1 / I')x. William, dealer in Dry Goods and Clothing, 12 i \ j Whitaker street. | Vovlh, John wholesale and retail dealer in Groceries, ‘ I J. D ne Ford, J. E. Dealer in Drugs ami Medicines, cur- :hfon and R u nar l-streets. h*niere. i)r. F. ii., otllce and residence south side but xve ‘*i Bull .-ui ! U hitakcr sts. ; nor ■ imrles li.. Factor aud Commission Mer- ‘ chant. Bay st. nuncan. Win. Factor und Commission Merchant. HP Ba> nu. .Mrs. ,1. i . ‘I illi in tv ;i iti I I ‘mi ;•_) i. . and .17 B.u n.ii ! street. nibble aud Carey, fa liionable Drapers and Tailors, I corner Hrougiiton and Whitaker t . i \ I r Broughton si. lan *. j yllun. I). It.. I'.cucr n. ILty and ‘Jr : in, foot Vc7t. | | Vtirhv. R. 11. l’'u..h;onubi.* Tailor ams Draper, 11. 11 I f ‘ n 1 .IV m and■ in Drj Goods, Co*<fre s st, Mon ument sqr. nerby. J.S. Painter. Gbtzhtrand Fnper Hanger. S2 ii. V* uid 21 McDoimugh tl I Mliuiidge. W. I .v Cos.. Fact>>rs and Couinii.-Lsou I J Merchants 80 Bay treet I,’ “i K and (la. Dealera In Boots and hot b, ! 10i> Bryan-si red. riavnnnnh, (la. I'pping .v K ret/..Factors and M*i'cbaul.-, j ltf'J Ba; - I/. r-o- ui. Dougai i. < iibiiiui-tu.ikiTand Uphol-u-r.-r, | York- treet, opposite tlie Court II uso 1/ish. JD. Dr, oih • i >ideuce 120 Bri.ugbton .-t ; near WhiUker. 1/ort A Dunham l ucte. aud'jin:iiis-ii.ii Merchants, I ; 191 Bay si. 1/ rank tin .v Biauil. I .u'lors nail (.'ominissUm Mir cb ml 1 1 • B v 1/ftlll John ■■ Paint *i md Ikr In Paints ami i 1 Oils mnmentsqr. t/l *mi.gnnd M.H -u Attorue.ii*., ut L.i,v,cor. Whita ker .ill; 1/ B •• M • I IlHur.m.-.. 11n.,1. ¥.Aaucot. \ and Cos. Oro ors. Isi Congress -t . above r the Market. ininnoy, M.. Ju tkso thoPMca,aDder the K\- lit u. It L . Fn i o n Ii i limit, 71 1 Bay t. 1 ibb *t ii!i' w , Bootmaker,corner State ond Whitaktu* (1 ulhuurtin. and. I . 'lerk Sup<*riornndlnferior Court,** I office in tin* i ‘ourt House. tfa . I *.. i K or Liven Stable ou West Brood \ I street. (1 alloway, A.. Jyer and Cleaner, 73 York si root. * u r the Coart House. i ‘ irh, W. W:, wtmla-alvauil retail Groeei binet’s \ I Building, VV hitaker .-t. / • ■ bill. ri. xviiul—iHle (ioreeraiid Commi-sion M*r V It chant. 20*1 Bay st. /'I ilbcrt, 11. J •ii • h* and rutail dealer in (Jr<K'< ” I ri**s west si*b* MurUet sqr / i il* WB. k Cos, Lumber .Merchant•*. Vale R**vul \ I Mill., G \\ ,v * *., Farlors niul ('■•uiiiil-sion I M'*reliants. DU Hay st. / \ odft y A Law *u. Factors and Commission Mcr \ I chants. 93 liny s!rs*t. / ‘ uion.W. 11. Wholesale und retail denier iu Carpels. ” I (1 tiffin and Gordon, Counsell \ ~ at Low. office m tho f new Custom House. / at oh], Dr Cbttrio . 8 uth Broad st . East of Bar* \ J narh __ (i uerrard, J. M., C mnaell r and CommUsioner, 17. • T Day st. f 1 irartl. MmV.. Boarding and Dav riehooi fur Young IJT Indies. No. 21, Jones st. ‘ _ / 'i alloway. F). 11.. manufacture of Matches, and Mnr- VJI king Ink. 7 4 York st. (3 rimball and Ashe, Contraetors and Builders resi- j JT dence Jones st. 01 owdy. 11., Commission Merchant, corner Bay and T Barnard sts. up stairs. Uenrv, Wm..dealerfu Dry Gw*!* aud CloGiing.wost I .ki ot the Market i SAVANNAH JOURNAL MONDAY. MAY 3.1853 Hone and Couery, Ship Chandlers, Harris’ Wharf | Savaunah, Ga. I V arden and Lawton, Attomies at Law, office 147 .11 Bay at, up stairs. Henderson. Thomas, Cabinet-maker and Undcfta- ‘ ker, Bull-street. neat' i, ‘LI Dcnti.i. olliee cor. Brougliion and : . Drayton ? s. 9 I•. omlie. G. A. Teacher, Gaston street, near the j * fay wood, J. M.. Hair Dresser, Ao., cor. Bryan und : I. Bull st s *., Monument sqr. Hun ter Wui. I’.. Ag-nt Mutual Life insurance Com . pany of Now York. Uoward. Goo. Troup, Attorney at Law, office corner Whitaker street and Bay lane. UalxTslmm, b. k Son, Factors and Ctmuiis.-ioc . Merchants, I4fi Bay st. nunt, W. .L. Fashionable Barber end llai.r Dn s.-er, ; 109 Broughton st. nardee, N. A. & Cos., Fetors and Cuniuiiseibii Mer cfaants, 110 Bay st. Euuter iiiammeU, Factors and Comruiosicu Mer chants, 00 Bay street. IU till & King, Factors aucl Commission Merchants, JL 210 Bay street. £■ ward, Dr. J. G., office corner Drayton and Per- L ryeto. Humphrwiß and Johnson, dealers in Drugs, and Medicines, cor. Broughton and Whitaker sts. Hardwick k Cooke, Factors and Commission Mer chants, 192 Bay st. Heidt, IVin . wholesale and retail dealer in Shoes, Gibbon’s Building. Hardoastlo. G. \v , denier In Carriages, 20 Congress . and 95 St. Juliou sts. | 1 i'iiry, C. 8., 0 11 La i 1, er, olfiee ia Sorrcl’s Building, Bull st. and Mayer, dealers in Dry Goods, Con gress st, (Blue Store) west side of the Market. Johnson, Wm., proprietor Marshall House, llrougli j toil Ft. faenbs. P., dealer in Segara and Tobacco, 23 Bull st.. ‘ 9 1 near Broughton. Jones, John, Factor and Commission Merchant, 72 Bny street. Jone ,J. T.. Dealer in Guns. Pistols and Hardware, 175 Congress st.. west of Market. let • eo, .1 D., u hole I- an I Retail ■; .• er, ou( b ton st. between Whitaker and Barnard. I ohnson. John R., Supeiiutendant Gas Works, resi dence June . Kibbee and K dgers. AVliolosale Grocers, and I’rovi -i .ii Dealers, Bay -t.. West of Exchange, Sav.Ga* Kempu>nand Yerstille, wholesale and retail dealers in Dry G >ods. No. 72 Wnring's Run .. . Kinclil 1 i ‘ii Merchauts, No. 75, Bay-fit., Savannah, Ga. Knnpp, N.8.. dealer in Saddlery and Harness, Mar . ketsqr. _____ Kent. Ezra, Wheelwright and Blacksmith, West Broad st. K norr, Dr., South Broad st, above Dr. Ganabl’s “t’ __ : fv;e. In A . i!. !';• ‘nr House” Rest vurant, j Bay st. lippman, Joseph, wh losalcand retail dealer in Dry j Goods, Market square. lathrop, Henry Cos., wholesale and retail dealors j in Dry Goods, new Building, Congress st. low A Cos. Andrew, Shipping and CommiMion m-t ---j chants, 50 and 52 Bay street. I’ j Barnard Ft., S<outh of the Market. I uffl Kiro, 0., Tanner and Dealer in Hides, Spring. j field Plantation. I mg. Thus. TANARUS., Atlorney. Solicitor lien. K. D., office j corner Bay and “ liitaker sts. iiit:ite:m. S. M.. - l i-.-i: til><;it A/ent. • ‘ !i-•: 1 ;■ •11 and j Savannah steauipa ’ket Wharf. Iyon and lleeii, wholesalo and retail dealers in Huts j r,:i furnifhjng ‘ rticlen 155 < ngre •st lumar. C. A. L., Factor and Commission Merchatit j 105 Bay st I in/ 1 In. \\. W.., dealer in Drugs on I i- ii inee, j corner Congress and Bull sts. levy.S. \ .. Attorney .it Law. office corner Wl.iiaker j and Bay streets. Marshall House, G. Fargo, Proprietor, Broughton. . between Drayton and Aberrorn-streots. M anke, J. Retail Grocer, Montgoincrj *atrc( i. near . the Bay. Meyer, M. Ik, Grocer, cor. Drayton and Brougton streot Lane. M'ode. A.8r0., VV ii ii,-. ‘tie and Retail Dealers in . Clothing, Bayst, near Drayton. M'ayer, Ik. Importer of Wines and Liquors; l-n. Ha . vana and Principe Segars, No. f. Wbiiaker-.- t. M ercer. 11. W., Cashier of the Planter's Bank. Rei nol if ’ • jr. Miller,F. Baker,s-1 Bryan sts.,between Abcrcorn au l Lincoln. MaHekD. ‘. Co.,ManutiietuiersofSa tdles,Bri U gaud Harness. 183 Congress st. A I cllugh, Neal, dealer in Dry Goods, Broughton st. I IV JL one door east of Jefferson. ’ \ T orris, D., Sal n cor. Jefferson and Bryan st- . ! A I D. rmot, J. and I ~ < Jontr i i.l MontgfiiniTy and Gastnii sts. | M rd, ( at Law', 175 Ray M iller. A. N., Engineer and Mill Ui i .dit, Eastern Wharf - _ Miller and Ferguson, Wheolwri hts and Smltbw, cor. Broughton and Montgomery sts. Murphy. S./... dealer in Uarria .. 90 and PS St J ulien st. Mer.-C Mild Nielli 4-. Tin ,-i.. i iilA. t ur.-r . 154 llmmi 4. ton st. Murphy. M. D., fashionable Draper and Tailor, 18 ; . Bull st. Mm and Fire In ranee Bank, c rner President • . and Drayton sts., Ik Pndnlfor k President. M ■ Mo< re A I iendriek-son. dealer in Drugs and Modi . cines. (iihiion’s Budding. Mellenrv, lii . lusuran e lircM-r and Nnk.rv Pul He, 1 ! -Ui -r Mayer, John \.. dealer in Drugi and Medicines . Broughton st. Morn Ik I. W. & Cos., dealers In Furniture, etc., 131 I . and I3(i Broughton st. Mills, C. F. Factor and Commission Merchant, 304 i Bay st Molvneux, K., Factor and Commissiou Merchant 77 Bav Street. AYnekall, Dr.. No. Km Breii-htou sts. i;.- iiieiue ; .>L Marshall House. M’cArthy. J. 11.. Fa ?h! rtinbc !; rii ifnlr too* . ser, Bryan st, ont; door west of Barnard. McArthur, T. W. and Cos., Stove Dttder and Tin Manufacturer, 13 Barnard st. N-ieholsVieo. S. Wholesale and reti i! Deal In( .. :ii- Ing, Gibbf.n's Building. N* ‘in- wll • i ” - ; 11 • and re I ail deal D''v ti” i.'-. <>iU".n‘- new Bnildini. Nichols, J. S. teacher of Dancing, at St. Audri w Hall. N"” Harri Attorneys ai La a. 90 Bm nnnah. O' 'Driscoll, \V. C. Factor nnd Oommia km Morel uit, 108 Ray st. Oliver, .1. L. Fashionable Boot Maker, 17 Bull gt. Bet ween Broughton and Congress () ‘v r , Janibrf, 1 •; R Market O’Dj me J- i D iler in Lumber O’Byrnt Who! Savannah. Ga. Oliver, John, Painter and dealer iiTpahits and Oils, Broughton st., between Whitaker and Bulk |)riuglc. J.G, Country Furnishing Store, St. .1 ulien street, near the Market. 1 >ot>cy, Dr. J. F., residence corner York and Drayton I sts. I) render -.M. & Cos, Wholesale and Retail doalera in Dry <; U, 17R Broughton st. IJntterson, C. 8., Lottery Vender, Bay st. next door 1 to the City Hotel. IT nard and Jefferson sts. |>vrry, Charle., Engineer und Machinist, Jones 8t 1) ‘- 1 F A Cos., FSctors and ’ommi sion Mer chants, 25W Bay street. I'.iinter and dealer in Paints and 1 His, 11 Whitaker st. lAftdelford. Fav .V ‘■>. F:n-ti>rs and (4'inmi ■ - 1- >:i M. r chants, 104 Bay 1 1 It ,fi. i Cos., 1 limn -i'H ‘i • chants. 92 Bay st,. IT ’ter, f. wholesale and retail deal i in Clothing, hton street, qtylor st. Andrew’s Hall. A Bell Auctioneer; and Compii ion Mer ( chants, 11*5 Bay I)ieron, Heidt and Co-, manufseturers and dealer* in Clothing. Nos. 101 Bryan and 08 St Julian sts. }) m ’'i ,v Johnson, I Tenth t.• ir. 81 .1 uli* n-st. and Mar* t i jAyorson. Thomas. Agent, dealers, in Drugs and L A Medicines. 189 Broughton st. J>i onion and Cullen. Physicians, Office corne r West. | V Broad and St. J ulien sts. r> I iTfhnll, tfh L- alt D i Merchants, corner JefTeison and Broughton st. {> abiin Whiteheail, Km tors and Commission A -f’7 Hty i*. 1) ousscau, J., MholeHule A retail Grocer, Corn or Bull and Ray sts. f > owland, W. P., Factor and Commission Merchant, I \ 94 Bay strut. 1 > aifurxl, Rol/ert. Ja-li c of the Peace, office corner HI V Bull st and Bay Lane. IXoLhsehild. T.. dealer in Dry Goods ami Clothing. V tCongress st, w and side (*f the Market. 1 Roberts, J. and Cos., Lumlier aud Timber Merchants I \ office 105 Bay t. up Hairs. I>ogers, J. Wholesale audiietail denier lu'Dv) V Goods, Shtul’s Building.-. Sichel, Joseph, Importer and Dealer in Cigars, To biieco,etc.,cor. Bryan andsßarnard-Ht-. Market riq Stripling, NeWton, Wholesale and Retail Grocer, corner of State and JefTerHon-streets. S'” targes and Hampton, General ConuTiLssioh Mer chants, for Lumber. Ac.. No. 70, Bay-street. Solomous, A. A. and Cos., dealer in Drugs ami Med iclnea. south side of Market sqr. Skiff, V. W., Watch Maker and Jeweller, 129 Con* gress st. Sorrel. Francis, Factor and Commission Merchant. Bay st. Short, A., Contractor and Builder. Broughton st., next to St. Andrew’s Hall. S~’ win, Frauds, dealer in Watches, Clocks and Jewel ry. 148 Broughton st. Sibloy, S. 8., Bookellor aud Stationer. 135 Congross st. Solomons, S., Factor and Commission Merchant, 201 Bay st. Staley A Hendry, wholesale and retail dealers in Clothing, Congress street l Smith A Latbrop, Commissission Merchaus, 00 Bay street. Sxvift and Cos., wholesale dealers in Groceries, 109 Bay st. Solomons, M. J., wholesale and retail Grocer, 157 Broughton st. Sullivan, Dr, J. S.,Congress, between Drayton aud Abercorn sts. S’ anders, Wm., Grist Mill, Corner East Broad and St. Julien sts. Smith A Humphreys, Factors and Commission Mer ohauts, 95 Bay st. Stark and Bryson, Factors and Commission Mer chants. Buy st. S'tibhs and Davis, BiacksmitFs iu general, corner Bull and State sts. Srhnieder, C., Boot Maker, corner State aud Whita ker sts. tone F. M., Tax Collector for Chatham County, of fice at the Court House. Stevens. Thus. F., keeper Livery Stable. Brought*>n st., (late Warner A Hooker’s.) Soullnrd. E. A., Factor and Commission Merchant, . _ No. 08 Bay st. Sholl aud I’ay, Architects, Owen’s Building, Bull ft. Stato Bank. Monument square. A. Porter, Presi dent. tokos, J. Merchant Tailor, 20 Whitaker st. Solomons, L., Supcrlntendaut Carpenter's work, 142 Broughton st. Sturtovant. J Contractor and Builder, corner Montgomery and Mb** tv sts. ’ I ’l'd'.’ b tmißSl id ir 1 70 Bay st. ‘i’ in . I.C I*':t<•: r ii -T; ■ ’:. bant F.x ----1 hang 1 r | turner, T. M. I Medicines, Bay st. ‘I ’ in Hay and Grain, No. Bay I street. ‘l’ i lx. 1 ‘.ui bank of the Stutoof ticor -1 gin. \r *•:■■•■ fill'* A Butler, w holesale and retail dealer in rihoos, Market .-or. \\rill C., Baker, corner .South Broad and Jefferson tl \\ T arucr, IV.. I lan u fact urorand Dealer in Carriages, tv Buggy’s, etc., cor. Broughton and W.Brond-sts. W’i Dr. C VV M South Broad between Whitaker IU., Brickinaker. Luui -. i!! • *a i. near Hines’Mill. W/ilfon. I'M ward 0., Clerk of Council and J ustico T V !’• at ■ Di-.. olfici B . I \I ‘ ayi i U T T Montgomery. \I r i;x and King, Factors and Commission Merchant) V T corner It.-xx and Drayton sis. i VirUtberger, P. and Son, proprietors PtUaskTUonse, v f ‘l"Liunn*u! -qr. \l r ilhur, \ . I nsorani e A ml 129 I v T ‘I nument - ,r. .i G \\ T >t, 8. S.,doalor in u atchgZ < ks and .low- T r • lr> . Market jr. \\ yßy and Montmollin, Brokers, Bay Lane, in rear TT of Custom llutise. W igtoD, i... Brisker, i. x i..ui.-. near Bull \\^ r >-hU W in.. Genr;U Brokor, Buy Luuc, between T T Bull and Drayton sts. \ 1 T 'iiit*. P., dealer iu Wood, at tho Caual T T Bridge. \\ t^,h,, l* E. F. and Cos., wholesale dealers iu .Shoes, T T corner Broughton and Jefferson sts. \I IF. F. Wholesale Dry Goods Merchant, 159 T T Bronghtoi, street. \\ r *lli- and Rrundage, Factors and Comini.-.-iou T T rchant ,70 Bay ti llTalker, It. D., dealer in Marbli and Stone Work, TT rit. . I limes’ Sqr. \I ,rcb.ster and Palmes, wholesale dealers in llroce > > ries 193 Bay •i. \\ r oo<lbridge, VV. Factor and Commission Merchaut. 114 Bay t. Y 1 i>r. P. II eoruer South Broad umlAbor 7 eorn-sts. \A/. v,, y*Klish’i. Agi n; ami riuperiuteiident Starke's T T 1 mnb r Mill. Fig Island. \l7ella A Durr, Factor- and Cunuui-.-iuii M. ..!:m:- > > No 94 Bay st. \ r onge. W. I\, Factor and Commission Merchant, 94 1 Bay street. um. F. and Co M dealer in Music and Musical j Instruments, Waring’s Building. Hay.— 100 handles prime North llivcr liny,land ing and for sale bv mar 29 * BRIGHAM, KELLY A CO. (101-’PEE.— 150 bags Rio, Laguayra, Cuba and Java Coffee. For sale by 11. J.GILBERT. pOTATOES >0 1 Is M rcer an l Pink Ey I Potatoes, landing jter whr. Mason B. Davis, and : • BRIGH AM, K ELLY & CO SKPjI) OATF.—SOO bushel- heavy Seed Oats, per schooner A. lterry, from Baltimore, for sale, to nr rive, by [febO] ’ BRIGIIAM, KELLY A CO. I>ACON, I LOUR, Ao.— 20 hhds. N w Bo in, 100 bids ) Baltimore Fluor, 30 do Phelps’ Gin •’9'lu. Molem*-. 5 i boxes Cheese, 50 do. Herrings, 25 bids. Butter and Sugar Crue.kcra, 50 kegs Lard, land ing. For sale by nmr 10 ‘ COIIEN A TARVER. HA Y.—loo bales prime North River liny, landing fromschr F Sat tori v, for sale l.v 10 ‘ItUIGHAM, KELLY A CO. {A Ni 1) VV .Mill A XTri.—The highest cash price paid j fur Land Warrants. r A.C. TOMS. 1 • > Bay-e I)ATI*’N. .1 1 , . I-I. Kx • *.•• i;i.*r Alabama. fresh supply of Pates. For sale by fcb 24 ‘ A. BON AUD. mBBLS. BYAS r KTi:i;. 10 bbla Ale, lfibbls. Ale. for sale by A. BON AV D, mnr 0 eor Bay and Wbitnker-sts. \SPARAGUS RtKYi 1 case AsparagU Root, iu fine order, just receivexl per Philadelphia steam er, and for sale by fob 21 VVM. W. LINCOLN, Monuim*nt-sq. UAY.--1 i ■ • n:i* North River Hay. landing l"*r bark Maria .Morton, for sale bv mar 1 BRIGHAM, KELLY A CO. / 1 OS Hi;BUTTER.'—SO packages Goshen Butter ” J ju.-t received per steamer Florida, and for sale at the Emporium, by SEABORN GOODALL. QOtJ THERN METHODIST HYMN BOOKK A i ‘ general assortment received and for Sale by fob 23 s. s. SIBLEY, 13ft Qongi SARBIN i*.s.— : eases Guilloux Sardines; lot) lh fresh Chocolate for sale by fob 9 A.BONAUD. \’ KVGih U \\l ~1. FoR I'll 11, \ DELPHI. A high rate of freight will bepniil for a vessel to load iu the line For Philadelphia, apply to fob i \\ i LLIB A BRt?NDAGE. M achinery oil. ;• 6w best Moohiudrv <Ol . landing from whr. Virginia, from Philadelphia For 1 up •c. H. CAM PI I ELD. I ) VINT 01L.—2 bbls Refined, 5 do. dnuble refined J Paint Oil. for Ships, Houses, Iron Railing. Ac., at half price Linseed.) Landing from schr. Virginia.aud F *r sale by [mar 24] C. 11. CAMPFIELD. 1/RESH GOSHEN BUTTER AND CHEESE.—4O keg- and thus fresh Goshen Butter, 50 boxos Cheese, and cusk—just roceved and for sale at the Em porlum, by SEABORN GOuDALL an 20 BV TT ER AND CHEESE.—A small lot of tubs of choice family Butter and Goshen Cheese. Just received uud for sale at the Emporium, by opr 13 fEA BORN GOOD ALL. CARRIAGES, HOOKAWAYS -O-NX) , FINE ETJOGIES —CHEAP—CHEAP—CHEAP. The imWribcr is receiving a w.oM, supply of Ihr most fluhtonabl. and latest improved stylo, which will ho .old a. low M ran be purehiwe.l in any other ostal.lihmcnt. Pleaec tall ami examine for youraelren, at the Carriage Repository, Franklin square. Also, agent for wickersham s>Y ire Railing. lIARDCASTLF. oct 25—ly 1!_ OAnilliVGH! REPOHITO'Y. S. Z. MUItPHY, 1 t and 131 ISryan and 90 and 98 St. .tnllen-strrelli \\ rOI'LD reaportfully Inform the citizens of Savannah that hr lias porfeotcl arranizemonte with an eaten -1 y sivo manufacturing establishment at the North, whereby he will ho enabled to keep on hand the latest and most fashionable stylos of CARRIAGES, ROCK AW AYS, BUGGIES, with or without tops, trotting Buggies, and every thing in that line to please the taste. .Also Harness, ele gantly plain and durable. The public is respectfully invited to call and examiue these articles as the subscriber is confident he eau sat isfy customers, both as regards quality and price. J au (THE A P PUBLICATIONS. —Coant Monte Christo J Cupt. Kyil, Stories of Waterloo, Count Julieri, Amy Lawrence, Capt. Blake. Bivouac, Fortune Teller. Quin tin Matsy’n Angela Wildcn. R<>rvO'More, Wood's Melo dies, Cragilliun Castle, Pick Clinton. The Gipseys; ro ceivod and for sale by S. S. SIBLEY, jun 28 136 Congross-st. I>ACON, BACOW.-35 libels prime Sides, for sale, ) to arrive, per schr. Martha .lane, from Now Or leans. by | fob 28 ] W ILLLS A HU UN PACK. j GUTTER.—IO kegs low priced Butter just re ) cidvcd, and for sale at the Emporium, by fob 17 SEABORN GOOD ALL. (tOUIPOUND WILD CHEEKY LOZENGES —A J very efficacious article for Coughs, Colds, and In tluenza. A fresh supply received this day. per steam er. ami for sole by W. W. LINCOLN, fob 10 Monument Square. IJECEIVEO HER STEAMER —5 firkins Extra V Goshen Butter. 5 do No 1 do, 5 boxes Cheese, 5 Ikixcs Baker's No 1 (I’r.-mium) Chocolate, 6 do Baker's Premium Cocoa, 5 do Hass's No 1 Ground Coffee, with a full assortment of fresh Groceries, Pickles, Sauces, GKO ALEXANDER. / tOH\ MILLS —2O 15. Swift'sPitont HanOillL, V > bowling and for sale by fob 21 C. 11. CAMPFIELD. \L EA NO i*. HIT El L—2oo casks me and Pertcr, pints uud quarts, for sale by l b in COIIEN & RARVER. {> EC’D I*Elt “s i'EA M ElT—H’ Kx: ra Mercer Potatoes; 10 do Kidney lo; 10 do Poach Bloom do; B do Apples: Currants. English Walnuts, Brazil Nuts. Pecan do, Filberts, Pickled Lobster, Sweetmeats, Can dies. etc. GKO. ALEXANDER. I'eb 2 Cor. Bull and Congress sts.. Monument sq . nIIIECT IMPORTATIONS IN 80.NU.-3U hal pipes Otard, bupuy A Cos. Brandy, various vin t.agcsaml warranted 4th proof, in Custom Uouse stores’ and for sale on as favorable terms ns any in market’ A constant supply of direct importations, Cognac and Bordeaux Brandies. Also, 100 baskets “Bucnavisln” Champagne, imported by ourselves— a choice Wine. 50 baskets Heidsiek and BouchoChampagne. For sale, on reasonable terms, by WEBSTER A PALMES. HAMS. —500 new sugar-cured llams, for sale by f. b 21 COHEN & TARVER. SAVANNAH BARBER SHOP, “ AND Bathing Saloon. r |MIE Subscriber would respectfully announce to the 1 citizens of Savannah, and of Georgia, Alnbamu. and South Carolina, that this long and well known establishment is open for the reception of his friends. He assures them that nothing will be left un done on his part to continue it a convenient and com sortable Barber shop. Ilis prices will be us reasonable* as any similar establishment in New York. Hair Cut ting, in neat and fashionable style, $0 20 Single Shave, 10 Shampooing, 25 Shaving six and seven times a week, 2 00 Shaving five times a week, 1 50 Shaving three or four t ime- a week, 1 00 Ticket* for Children's Hair Cutting, Bfor 1 00 Hot and Cokl Baths, 50 Parents are respectfully informed that every care and pains will be taken with their children when sent to the Saloon to be waited upon. He will also keep for sale a variety of Fancy Goods, such ns Gentlemen’s Cravats, Stocks, all kinds of Gloves, Press Shirts. Me rino and Cotton Undershirts and Drawers.Poeketlland kerehiefe, Collars, Socks, and other articles of Gentle men's wear: also. Hair, Tooth, Hat, Nail. Flesh. Clothes and Shoe Brushes; Soaps, Oils, Colognes, and a great variety of other articles. Balm of Savannah. This beautiful preparation is manufactured by him self for cleaning and darkening the Hair; thousands who have received the benefit of cleansing from dandruff, improving and darkening the Hair, are willing to com mend it. Price—sl a bottle, or three bottles for $2 25. Augusta Barber Shop. He would also take the pleasure ofinforming his nu merous friends that he has opened n magnificent Bar ber Shop under the Augusta Hotel, Broad-street, Au gusta, where every convenience will !*c found to make ids patrons comfortable. Strangers and friends visit ing Augusta, ore respectfully solicited to give me a call. J. M. HAYWOOD, Monument Square. Savannah. And under Augusta Hotel, Broad-stret, Augusta, ’an 25 ly AGRICULTURAL WARE-HOUSE, 170 BAY-ST.—SAVANNAH. GA. The subscriber is prepared to furnished Planters,Country Mer i faia chants and others, at WHOLE m ilii or RETAIL, every variety Agricult unil Implement s, Consisting chietly of Ploughs, Cultivators. Harrows, Corn Shellers. Straw Cutters. Powder and Hand Corn Mills, Fan Mills, Smut Mills, Rood Scrapers, Hoot Pullers, Grain Cradles; grain, grass and bush Scythes; Reap Hooks, Gordon mid /’riming /iiijdeincids of all kinds. Mill and Cotton Gin Gearing. Mill Pecks and Mill Irons, Saw Glimmers, bales and screws for lifting Mill Stcnos. Best Dutch anchor bolting Cloths; Bo ganlus A Trumbull's patent Horse Powers; rioc und grain Thrashers of various makers. Blake's Patent Ohio Fire-Proof Paint. Hydraulic Cement and calcined Plaster, in quantity; ; best sperm and other Oils for lamps, paint and ma chinery: patent leather Belting, double and single ; from 2 to IS inches width: stitched, cemented and copper-riveted; India Rubber do.. 3 and 4 ply. of all widths; patent lace and pic ker string Leather, Copper Rivets and Burrs. Douglass’ patent Fbrcr. and Suction /‘urnim. chain Pumps, hydraulic Rams, lead pipu to fit; Collins’ and other makers approved Axes and Hatch ets, wood and hand Saws, Ames’ Shovels and Spades, English patent and crown lloos, and American best manufactured Hoes, of nil sizes; hav and manure Forks, Chisels, Hammers and Noils, assorted; garden and canal Wheelbareows, cotton ware-house and store Trucks, patent platform, counter and beam Scales, of ail sizes: Wire Cloth, Ac. Piucks reasonable —terms accommodating. Wool, Hides, Furs and Bees’ Wax, BOUGHT at nil times, and paid for in cash at current market prices. ('HAS. H. CAMPFIELD. feb 3 FiFOVRt —2OO bbls. Flour of superior brands landing per schr. Woodbridge and for sale by BRIGHAM, KELLY A.CO. \NCHO VIE PASTE. 2 dozen Anchovie Paste; . sdozen French Mustard: 3 “ Currant .Telly; for sale by ftb :: ‘A. RONALD. VT O. SL( All,—A few hogsheads left. For Bale il a low to dose apr 25 SEABORN GOOPALL. IMjdrß. —250 bids., for sale by 1 apr 25 ‘ll. J. GILBERT. HYDRAULIC CEMENT.— 100 bids. Hoffman llosou dnlo, a superior description of Cement, landing from schr Francis Satterly: for sale by _npr 25 C. 11. CAMPFIELD, SPOIVtwE. —Fine Turkey Cup, Uatbing and Car’ ringe Sponge, just receive! and for sale by spr26 JOHN l: MOORE A T INSEED galls. English Unseed I j oil. Just received and for sale hv apr 25 JOHN B. MOORE AC<> JOHN B. MOORE & CO. G ll>l>oii’s Ituilellng,Savannah, Wholcsalo & Retail Druggists, WOl‘ LD call the attention of Merchants, Factors, Planters, Physicians ami others, to their exten- Ijl .-ive and well selected Stock, comprising every nr tide in their line of business, and which they o~ fer for sale on the most favorable terms, for cash or ap proved credit, viz: Paints, Varnishes, Glass, &c. White Load, Pure’and No. 1; Tieman’s Colors, dry and in Oil; Japan, Copal and Condi Varnishes: Linseed Oil; Spirits Turptcinc. Window Glass, Putty,Gold Leaf. Paint Brushes, Sash Tools, and Glaziers’ Diamonds. Lamp. Machinery, and Tanners’ Oil, &c. Blenched Sperm, Whale, and hard Oils, for burning; all descriptions of Oils for Machinery, viz: Patent Oil, UnTdonehed riperni, Lard and Rape Seed Oil; also Tan ner’s, Neats Foot and Sweet Oil. Grocefs’ Articles. Nutmegs, Mace. Allspice, Ciuparac Pepper, Ginger. Mustanl. Saloratus, riotla, Pearhish, Sweet Oil, Starch, Fig Blue, Matches. Ac. For Physicians. A great variety of th° best French. English and Amur iean Chemical and Pharmaceutical Preparation; Select Powders, Surgical Instruments, Vials, Specie Jars,Me tallic Saddle-bags, Ac. Also, Camphene anti Burniog Fluid. Any one who may favor them with their orders, may depend U'.KUI their r. ceiving the best attention, and that all goods furnished w ill he of a reliable quality.— Should they not give entire satisfaction they may be returned at the option of the purchaser. ’ marlO SI5 TCI) OATS—In quantity, for .-ale by A. <TOMS, 12 H N’ KYV LEAF LYRI) In l.*-.’ mm to*!-... ftu =ale by an 81 H. J. GILBER’J. ( 111 KEriE.—7s boxes lor .-ale by / fob 9 th GILBERT ItYCll .WOE WANTED—3O-Godaydrafts j on Now York, wanted by jail 31_ _ _ C. A. I, LAMAR. O BAINES Dillon's Twine, just m-eived and lor 5 al by WILLIS & BRUNPAOE. I)l. AA'TIN <i A N DTABLI SIM YT Aft )Eri.- 460 bbl iu fine order. For sale by H. J. (ULRFRT, feb 23 West Side Market Square. N'OltTll RIVER SEED OATS.—I9OO bushels received and for salo by A. C. TOMS, jnn 20 GREAT REDUCTION IN THE PRICE OF GAS. I)ES T quality Burning Fluid. cents per gallon, ) 31* i t-ents per half gallon. 10 cents per quart. .Campnine, first quality,7ft cents per gallon, 37*uj cts per half gallon. 2(> its per quart. Also. Camphine Lamps, Fluid Lamps, a fine assort ment of Wicks, cans and I’ei**lers. Improved Watel* Coolers, 2,3. and 4 gallons, a superior art icle, for sale at J.. 1. MAURICE’S, mar 20 10. 12 and 14. Barnard street. V r K AST POWDERS.-- Prostoir & MerrilPs Infidlible Yeast Powder. Received and for suit* by mar 20 J. E. I>-:I’)RD. Apothecary's’ Hall. /( 10QHEN BUTTER.—-A few firkins Goshen Butter \ J’ Just received aud for sate at the Emporium, by $K k B )RN GOODALL. SEGARS! SEGARS ! ! SEGARS TH IE. DeFOUD has just received a lot of very supe • rior Imported Sugars, comprising the following choice brands: Union London, Eagle Extra Principe, Medium Plantation, Full I’rimnvern, Chicken Cook, Apollo Opera, Ac., &c. Also, a superior urtiele (’hew ing Tobacco, for sale Apothecaries’ Hall. mar 30 S MOKED TONGUES, Picklod do., Pig Pork ritnoked Beef, 1 bbl Pickles, (cucumbers,) in vine gar. and rioda Biscuit, Pic Niv, Butter and Sugur Crackers, Wine Biscut and Pilot Bread, Karina, Corn, Starch, Sweet Oil, Sardines, Table Salt, landing ex steamer from New York, for sale bv W.M.G. DICKSON, mar 30 Whitaker-st., cor. Brougbion-lane. / tAJtPENTBR’B TO ILS. —A full assortment, \ ) just received and for saleby E. LOVELL. 1/1/6 V R.—2SO bbls. Fur sate by 1 apr 1 H. J. GILBERT. (11 ft EWING Ti IBAOI -A very superior article Jof Plug ond Twi-t Tobacco of various brands, for sale at Gio Apothecary Hall. J. E. DeFOKD. mar 24 u r l STAR’S Con ill'’ L9SKNQE.S—Prepared from the original recipe of Ihc late Prof. Wis ter. Those Lnsengcs cannot lie too highlyrccommcnd ctl as a safe inetlicine in Coughs, Colds and Asthmas. Prepared and sold by W. W. LINCOLN, mar 10 *_ Monument \ > JUST receWM. per Ship Speed and Bona Deb from Liverpool—Five cases o fine DOUBLE BARREL GUNS, with L A M I \ ATE I) Steel Barrels, direct from the makers. /g Also, a supply of Sport man's N/ goods, too numerous to men tion. E. LOVELL, july 8 No. 17 Burnurd street. KTCPII .V lift A.—l (amnuy’ri Kephalia; au elegant preparation f*.r preserving, beautifying, and res toring the huuifth huir. For sale bv JOHN B. MOORE. A CO„ 23 Gibbons’ Buildings. ERS PORK AND BEEF.—ffiTbbls. new Mess Fork; 109 new Mesa Beef. Jnit recevied and fur sale by [feb2l] WEBSTER A PALMES. T)IG HAMS, BACON, SHoFf d>ERS> Ac.—Rec’d 1 per steamship Fl*riln—2 tes Pig limns. 2 do. do. Sides Bacon, 2do. do. smoked Shoulders, 10 half bids Fulton Market Reef, 5 do. do. pickled Tongues, smoked do.. Bologna Sausages, ft bl-ls extra No 1 Mackerel,, smoked Ilerriug, etc. GEO ALEXANDER. apr 12 Cor. Bull an*l Cougress-sto, Monument Sq. CURAR AND MOLASSES 2ft hhds. choice rofinnod N. O. Sugar. 40 lilids. prime and choice Porto Rico Sugar; 25 hhds. fair and prime Muscovado Sugar; 160 bbls. steam refined do.; 20 bids, crushed do.; 20 boxes Loaf Sugar. For sale by fob 21 WEBSTER A PALMES. 1/R.ESII LOBSTER.—lodozen Car’s Lobster, just received und l’or sale by feb 9 ‘ A. DONAT'D. M alaga grapes, ora \ges7 a*.—j'ii.-r re ceived per .steamer—lo kegs Malaga Grapes; 10 boxes Oranges: 2 half bbls Picklod Salmon; 4 do Pig Hums; 2 do Smoked Beef; 2 do Smoked Tongues; 3 bll do Pickled do; Pickled Oysters; English Pickles; Ca pers, Sauces, Catsup, Olives, Figs, Raisins, Almonds, Ac. GEO. ALEXANDER, feb Cor. Bull and Congress sts.. Monument sq. / <IY.- Ii) bbls. Phelps Gin, for sal by \ I mar 22 E. w. PURER. I POTATOES. —300 bbls. Potatoes for sale by mar 17 _ H. J. GILBERT. lARD, —25 bbls new Leaf Lard, for sale bv j fi b 9 11. J. GILBERT. TYUTTER.-30 bids Ohio Roll Butter, just rc : I) ceived per State of Georgia and for sale on con signmont by (feb7-6to C. A. 1.. LAMAR. CIIFEE.SE. —50 boxes English Dairy Cheese. Just rc j ceived, aud for sale at the Emporium, by mar 30 SEABORN GOODALL. SPRING ARRANGEMENT, m THE LIVERPOOL AND PHILA DELPHI A STEAMSHIP COMPANY intend sailing their favorite Steam- CITY OF PHILA DELPHI A. now being built. CITY OF MANCHESTER. 2106 tons, Capt, R. Leitch. CITY OF G LASGOW, 1610 tons, Cupt. Wm. Wylie. FROM PIIIIiADELPJIIA. City of Glasgow Thursday, Mar 31,1853 City of Manchester.... Saturday, April 23,1853 City of Glasgow Saturday, May 14, 1863 City of Manchester.... Saturday. June 11,1853 Ciiy of Clasgow Saturday, July 2, 1853 FROM LIVERPOOL. City of Manchcster...Wcdnesday, Mnr 30,1553 City of Glasgow Wednesday,April 20,1863 City of Manchester... Wednesday, May 18,1853 City of Glasgow, JuneH. 1863 City of Manche*ter...Weduesday, July 0,1863 RATES OF PASSAGE. FROM PHILADI Ll’lIIA. I FROM LIVERPOOL. Saloon Berths 90 Dol.lßaloon Berths...2o Guineas Midship *'*s “ (Midship “ ...16 Forward “ 55 “ iForward “ ...13 “ Including Steward’s Fees. THIRD CLASS PASSENGERS. A limited number of Third Class I'assengcrs will lo taken from l’biladelphia mid Liverpool and found iu provisions. From Philadelphia...s’2o | From Liverpool $36 Certificates of passage will be issued here to parties who are desirous of bringing out their friends at cor responding rates. Drafts on the Agents ond the Bank of Ireland from £1 and upwards. JU,,’ FREIGHT ON GOODS6Oa. PER TON. Bills of lading for goods from Havre signed by tho agents there, through to Philadelphia at s22b£ por i ton. i An experienced surgeon will be carried on each ’ ship. All good sent to the Agent s iu Philadelphia and Liv erpool, will be forwarded with economy aud dispatch. For freight or passage apply to THOMAS RICHARDSON. 9 Walnut at., Philo., and 41 Exchange Place. N. Y. PADELFOUD, FAY A CO., Bay st.. Savannah. RICHARDSON, BROTHERS k CO.. apr 11 Liverpool. FOR PHILADELPHIA. PHILADELPHIA AND SAVANNAH Steam Navigation Company. m _ The new nnd splendid side wheel ~steamship STATE OF GEORGIA, of i WVFI-fiyy 1200 tons register, Capt. W. Collins, ®2E23K£ii£2iw has commenced her regular trips ami will leave Savannah on Wednesday, the Bth day of Sept., and every alternate Wednesday thereafter—say on 22*1 Sopt., (3th and 20th October, 3d und 17th Nov., and so on. Cabin Passage to Philadelphia, $26 Through Tickets to New York, 2ft Steerage, 8 This ship has been built with entire regard to safety comfort and dispatch, und offers new ond admirable facilities to business and travel. For freight or passage apply to C. A. L. LAMAR, Agent in Savannah, HERON A MARTIN, Agents in Philadelphia, sept 3 STEAMSHIPS FOR NEW YORK. The first class splendid steamships FLORIDA, Cnpt. Woo&htJU., —AND — I ALABAMA, Capt. Txm.ow, j belonging to the New York and Savannah Steam Nav igation Company, Leave Savannah and New York every Satur day, These ships arc of 1,300 tons register, ond unsur passed in safety, com pfort and speed. They leave Sa vannah at the same time that the Marion und Union leave Charb ston, and arrive in New York ns soon us, or before them. #** Cabin passage $25 —payable before going on board. Aanxia: PADELFOUD, FAY & CO., Savannah. SAMUEL L.MITCHELL, jnn 29 194 front-street, Nfcw York. J'-r- HERON'S ; site packeti.uve Sam BETWEEN Philadelphia and Savannah, Tue following vessels comprize this Line, uud will sail j nlxrnt every two weeks, viz : Schr. JULIA* ELIZA, Capt. lliobek, I do. J. JI HOLMES, do. Lodge. ‘ do. DART. do. Somers. j do. C. A.GREINER, do. Petf.ii.son: i The Ye -els are first class schooners, and command, j cd by captains experienced in the trade, nnd who will use their best exertions to give satisfaction to the ship- I pers. For freight or passage (hating good accommo dations for passage) apply to WILTS & RRUNDAGE, No. 72 Ray-street, riavannali. HERON k MARTIN, mar 11 No. 37}(i North Wharves, Philadelphia. FOR AUSTRALIA. Clipper Line for Port Philipe.; The clippor ship SUO SUSA, will .-ail from New York on the 2oth inst. touching at Cape of Good Hope. She is the fifth ship on the line, is ht* ed with every regard to comfort and convenience und is a remarkably fast sailer. An experienced Surgeon Is attached to each ship of the line. For freight or pas sage, direct from Savannah, apply to, WILLIS A RRUNDAGE, oct 6 or W. T. BURG AN, New York. 1)1 81l Iv F & ( AIM] Y, CLOTHIERS AND MERCHANT TAILORS, WARE-ROOM, X. E. Corner of Whitaker nnd Broughton-*ts,f Savannah. fJMIE Subscribers, in announcing to their numerous 1 customers and the public, the arrival und opening of their SjiriiiK Stock, felicitate them selves on the advantages which their re cent pure buses enable them to offer all who desire to select their Clothing from an extensive assortment of the choicest goods, made in the most FASHIONABLE STYLE. These goods have been purchased under the person al inspection of one oftlie proprietors; and availing themselves of favorable circumstances, they are enabled not only to warrant them in quality, but toeffer them at such Low Prices, as must distance all compe tition in their trade. The following enumeration is made for the benefit of Gentlemen in the country, whose orders will meet prompt attention, und who, when in the city, are re spectfully invited to an examinat ion of our Goods. GENTLEMEN'S CLOTHING. FROCK aud DRESS COATS of every quality. *• * “ “ in black, blue, brown, green and olive colors. BUSINESS COATS, in great variety, viz: Linen, Rus sia Duck, Drab D’Kte. Alpacha, Cashmeret, Frock and Sack Business Coats. PANTALOONS—BIack Doeskin nt a great variety of prices. Black and fancy Cassimcres, at a great variety of prices “ Drab DT’.te, White and Fancy Linen Drills, “ “ “ Fancy Marseilles. M *• “ VESTS—Black silk and satin Vests. Fancy silk “ White silk, for party, “ White. Buff and Fancy Marseilles White aud buff Duck aud Linen “ FURNISHING GOODS. Furnishing Goods of every description for Gentle men’s wear—consisting of scarfs, cravats, Waterford ties. Prince Albert ties, spring stocks, merino shirts and drawers, cotton do., suspenders, half hose, gloves— all kinds, best quality patent yoke shirts; a fine assort ment of Drossizg Gowns, Umbrellas, Canes, Perfumery, Combs, Brushes, Fort monies, etc. etc. HATS. An extensive assortment of the latest and most sash ! ionable styles. Boy's Clotliiii£. | Comprising tho largest a.-sortmpnt ever offered in i this market, consisting of Frocks. Sucks, Polka Sucks, J Jackets, Vests and l*ants, in every variety of style and | material suitable for tin* season. MERCHANT TAILORING. The favorable and long established reputation which i their establishment has enjoyed, nnd still maintains, for the style and finish of its garments made to order , as well ns for tho superior quality of their Cloths, dura bility of color and substantial workmanship, it shall be the constant effort of the proprietors still to continue. They invite the special attention of both old nnd new customers to the following, from which they are pre pared to furnish garments, which they will warrant ta be ne plus ultra in both fit and fashion. SI MONT’S & BIOLLY’S best Blue. Black, Brown, Mulberry,Green, Adelaide, Bronze, Corobo and Olive Cloths. Black Doeskin, Black Cassimerc, and n large assort ment of Colored anil Fancy Tweeds. LINEN GOODS.—White, Buff and fancy Linen Drills. VESTINGS. —White Silk and Satin, for Party Vests. Black and fauey Silk and Satins. White, Buff and Orange Cassimcres. A large variety of White, Buff and fancy Marseilles. UXBFOB.U SUITS. For Volunteer Companies in the city and throughout the State, made and furnished at the shortest notice ; and in the best manner. DIBBLE A CAREY, apr F\C\ SACKS CORN MEAL in storo nnd for salo j OU low by [mnr 3] WELLS & DURR. ! DR. ROBERT’S WELCH MEDICAMENTUM, IjlOR curing Indigestion or Dyspepsia, Liver Com . plaints, Jaundice. Fever and Ague, Dysentery, Headache, Loss of Appetite and Heartburn. It also purifies the blood and renovates the whole system. Put up in pint bottles, at 76 cents per bottle. For sole by mar 17 JNO. A. MAYER, 154 Broughton-st.