The Savannah evening journal. (Savannah [Ga]) 1852-185?, May 06, 1853, Image 4

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null nil The H caul Ifni. Walk with th beautiful and the grand, Let nothlnc on the earth toy foot deter; fiorrow may lead thee w-uq-lnx ty thehnn t. But give .lot oil thy thoughts t > her. Walk with th • l*aut!fiiL I hear thee pay, ••the!, nuUifal, win t i: Oh, thou art darklv Ignorant! I* ... ’Tis v ,r worry roao. rrm t visit. For thou **anst mako it axuUe ; ‘-i I-. thy d<,>r. Thou love the l. authul. Av. lovo it I ‘t*. u sDter that *2l bl - And toi !i lie • p it:. U.v-v!i I Giv !, - irt is lonely: The angels love H fur they .. In - . Aud thou art ma lea little lower ottF Then lovu the beautiful. Sigh for It 1 kiss It when ’tis lu thy way: Be its idolater, a-* of a maiden: Thy parot.ts Lent te it ana mure than t -ey, Be thou its worth!’ |- r. Au.alu r LUeu f j’.aos Willi the twautiful. Some boast its pre-cure ii;*on Helen s lie e; Some iu thu nlnijiieil pipers of the .-kie*c Bathe not fool’d: where’er thine oy might trace, Searching the beautiful, it will arise. Thou seek It everywhere. Tbv bosom i* Its mint, the workmeu arc thy thoughts; aud they must coin r>r thee. Believ ing Tlio beautiful Is master of a star Thou mak’at It so, but thou art thys Ifdoeehin.;, ifutherwUe thy faith. Dost thou beauty in the violet cup ? It’ll teach tho miracles. Walk on this heath, And snv to the negl-vte 1 flow ers, * Lo k up, \nd be ye beautiful.'’ If tliou hr t They will uriy t'.io word. On© thing I worn thee—crook ti j knee to-old; It is a witch of such almighty power. That it will turn thy young alfeciiuns old; 1 reach my hand to him who. hour by hour, Preaches the bcautif.d. (From Chambers’ Rq>OfiU>ry.] The Colton dirtiopolla. (CONTIXUED.) The company who assist at these performan ces are almost entirely mill hands and m: iian ics. On the average, two-thirds will be males, the retnain lor females of all ages—a good many with children, nud a few with babies at tin breast, these l .st being usually accompanied by their husbands. Young mill girls, however, are not wanting. You will m.-o th en in tw >s and threes, and you may put them down as be longing to the class of juveniles v/h > leave homo at au early ago for the liberty of lodgings.- Everybody is in working-dress, and, us might be expected, a general atmu. phere of decided freo-and-eaainess regins over the assembly. Yet it is generally orderly, and cases of drunk enness aro certainly tho oxoeption, although plenty of such are to bo nvt with in t! • street outside. The buzz of loud talking, and the con staut vociferations for more porter, certainly produco a continuous uproar; but generally tho disposition of the people appears to be good humouredly conversational, and they ar • always inclined to bo communicative to strangers. The Apollo Saloon is rivalled by another, “t peculiar construction, in the v ist thoroughfare of tho Oldham Road. In this haunt of tho Muses there are two groat rooms, one above tho other, with tho ceiling between them partially removed, so I that about half tho people in each apartment can see half tho p • >ple in the other, by looking up and down tho yawning hatchway, fhis in vention was tho id m of’.m ingenious landlord, who had purchased areallj very splendid sclt perforiniug organ, but who found considerable ditliculiy in having the instrument iu I oth rooms at once. The organ in question plays overtures aud movements of symphonies, und cost £l9l. Tho performances take place only at certain hours aud on certain nights, when they are densely attended. Tho lower class ot singing and hornpipe-dancing places present ( no features save that of being bad imitations ot bad originals. They give conjuring exhibitions occasionally, tricks with cards, und .:mila. trivial displays; ami wherever th'-re i a pre- ‘ ten led fortune-teller, tlio women uro sure to j muster, to hoar their future fates, r ir.ii -'a fur tho Manchester cheap Harm mi Rooms. Iheir evil social iuflnenco i> indubitable, t>r the amusement is nearly of tho low---! cl.i*?, an!: music and dancing are mu le sub.-i li ny to -in k . Dgn .• r.r-■ vt .Dir-’ivtl/iJJ • On these occasions, there are often present sev eral thousand operatives, mal • and female. Tlio price of admi.-sion is 3d., there being a small slico of the hall railed oil and charged double. • Tho programmes upon these oeea.-i ms du not present any great executive display. An orgnn and piano for accomp.miineuts, with a lew pro 1 fessors—gem-rally ut merely local celebrity— l now and then a London star, and a good and ! well-trained ohoru of some thirty ro - :rm tho executive troupe. Iu tho pieces jdaytd there is a preponderance of broad, mu -ive Choral music and popular ballads. Glees and j madrigals also enjoy a largo share of favour, | and eucores are curiously frequent. For all species of’entertainments,’from lecture tojug- i gling, however, Manchester is an excellent ! fluid. The itinerant ‘entertainer,* whatever may | bo his luck in other quarters, is pretty rurot'oj reap a bountiful harvest among the tall chim- j ncys, to which, when at all within their reach, I the working-classes copiously contribute. J The literaturo of tho Lincii.dtiro operatives! might be much altered for the better. A great proportion are, more or less, readers —n t read- ; ers or thinkers of the class to which we have alluded as naturalists and q culative men, but J devourers of vulgar tales and mon.-trous le gonds, iu the coarse manufacture of which they find mutter of absorbing interest; and of heap essayist publications, olten of extreme demo cratic views, sometimes promulgating social and infidel opinions. With floods of cheap lit eraturo ol this class, most of it of London origin, the booksellers’ shops in the working portions of the town are absolutely deluged. I non their shelves will be iuund masses of penny n v Is, and couiic-song, and dream, and recitation books, jumbled with sectarian pamphlets and ! democratic essays. Cheap educational works, tbo, in great variety, are accompanied by cheap reprints of American tales, and new editions of the early Puritan divines; while the chaos is completed by Sacred Melodi.-t.-, Pinim* k - Caie- chisms, and Little Warbler , ranged ile b side with double-columned tranhlation. from modern French novels by Eugene .'•h.c, Dun.a.-, Sand, nml Paul Feval. Still, lh • cheap and coarse penny novel, appearing in weekly parts, scorns to take tho lead iu popular c.-iisimti'-n. In tho winter of ’4‘J >O, Mr. Abel llcyw >d. the greatest dealer in Manchester in w rking <!.. literaturo, calculated that lii.i weekly a!- -t the | following lot of licenthms garbage ftim-iiiited. ! for each publication, to an awiago of GOOD numbers: ’Angelina, Elmira’s Cur- •, Claude Duval. Eardley Hall, Ella the Outcu.-t. t.’.-ntle man Jack, Gamblor’® Wife, (lallant Tmu, Lady Hamilton, Muzcppa, Manfred, Old ."’am-titry. Koynl Twins, Firing of Pearls, The Brigand, nml The Oath.’ A number of the-o celebrate the gallant and generous qualities -I highway men: and the general character of the n i ♦hat of a collection of monstrous iiuprohabililie.- :n narrative and character, scusoncd up with a murder or a bunging every lew pug -, or with u acene of coarse licentiousness. There innv b, exceptions, but such is tho rub*. Os siimliar publications, but haviug a small circulation say from IUU to 1500 per week—Mr. lleywood furnished a list ns long as the fir t. In the do partwentof periodicals devoted to essays, tale.-, a. id generally to the development of doin'’ .t-ra:. . and moro or less socialist views, ho calculated that tho proportions of sale were ns follow: Barker's People, 22.009 (this publication i. American, and seldom seon out of the maim! i firing districts:) Reynold's Mi.-cclhiny, .".7CO; Illustrated Family Journal, 700; Loudon Jour nal, 9000 (this has probably risen sinco tho . period in question;) Family JL rnhi, . <'nu; 11 me ’ Circle, 1000; Home Journal, 1000; Penny t*uu- ‘ day Times, 1000; Lam-asliiro Deacon, 3UOU; and Potter's Examiner, 1500. Turning to n b <■ i class of periodicals: — Mr. Abel lleywood ->>M ! per week of the Domestic Journal, 000 copies; j of Eliza Cook's Journal, 1250 (this was soon af ter tho commencement of that periodica!;; ■ Chamber’s Journal, 900; Chamber's Informa tion for tho People, 1200; Jlogg'g Instructor, ( 60; and the People’s Journal, 100. Punch .-.'ld 1200, and tho Family FJconomist, 5000 weekly. The monthly issues of the cheap editions of Dickens and Dulwer were 250 numbers of the former, and 200 of the latter. In answer (•. in quiries as to whether he could apportion parti- ( ottlar classes of books to particular eludes of readers, Mr. Hey wood replied, that tlio comic j or quasi-comic taler, and humorous publications were principally bought by shopmen and clerks: that the school of the monstrous noY els, anil tho | more rabid democratic papers, supplied the ‘ literary thirst of tho mass of tho operative.-: and I that ‘he bettor weekly publications wore taken I by the superior clu--.'.- tho work-people. The j I women were terribly foml of mixed love and j raw-heud-und blooay-bones stories. TO BK CONTI.VFKU.) Iml list r* l latm stn ol'tlu SontH. One of tin objects proposed for the cousiuer atiou of riiu F ithern Couvsutiou, which is to | j a.-.-eiiildv .it Mi ..puis the lir.-t ol June urxt, is | “the c')''.; uorcial und in lustrial iudepondenc ol I the Foiltli.” I'll • term includes j “c tiuoier ’iul.” Hy ixidustrial iudopondcno wo i j unders f aud that condition of tho several dep.irt ments of our industry, to v. it: agriculture, man- ! utuctures and coimnerco, whereby ourproduc- j (ions, both natural and artificial, will roach their final destination, und our wants will receive ! their supplies, without the aid or intorposiluaof foreign or extraneous industry. The perfect attainment of such a state may nut bo entirely practicable, llut it is an object, j towards which tho material interests of every Community undoubtedly direct it to aim, iu so tar, at least, as its present condition and resources will permit. It is tho condition of the greatest j material well being. Tn any event the prouio- I lion and development of a nation’s iudustry ] should be tho groat aim of all public and private i enterprise, for the amount of its industry is the ‘ measure of its wealth and real power. All judi eious efforts, therefore, directed to this end are !te be encouraged. At the same time, the more , .self-dependent this industry becomes, tho more 1 self-relying are the people capable of being. The agricultural iudustry of the South, though susceptible of au immense expansion beyond what it has yet attained, is nevertheless tlio | great source of the wealth of the people and may Lo regarded as in a comparatively prosperous slate. Its commercial industry is of small ox ton J, compared with its agriculture, and its ma nufacturing industry is least of sill. Thus, al though no effort should bo spared to promote tlu‘ ngriculturo of the South it id evident if wo aim .it industrial independence, our exertions j should bo directed to tho advancement of our 1 commerce and manufactures. Tho South pro dure.*} now an immense quantity of raw material. I Tho profits of m unufacturing this and of carry ! iug it to its final destination are earned almost | entirely by others and tiro consequently lost to ; tho people of tho South. If, besides producing tbo raw material wo were also to become its manufacturer and carrier, our wealth would bo : enhanced by the vuluo of the ndclitionwhich our , industry would thus receivo. In the same pro -1 portion w -uld our population and political in | ttuenee be increased. I Take the article of cotton. Leaving out of the account tho quality manufacture 1 at the North about i hundred and twenty millions of dollars j worth (homo valuation) of this product arc an ’.tally exported in bottoms very few of which are owned at tho South, to be manufactured I abroad in articles many of which are sub.-v j queutly purchased and consumed by us. In the transported m and manufacture i and in the subsequent carriage and sale of tho ! manufactured product, immense wealth is accu mulated by others. If tho same enttou were in uuif.ictur I Ly us and tho fabrics carried and j .-.-Id ..r exchanged by us, in addition to tho ; wealth of tho cotton grower, wo should posses also tho wealth of the cotton manufacturer and of the carrier of tho cotton fabric. Resides, tho ; manufacture of the cotton being effected in the ’ immediate vicinity of its growth, the number of ! that cl.iss of mankind stvltfd by political econo mists-distributers” won and be considerable di minish l and the class of producers correspond lingly increased. ll ni.iy not onlv bo tlmt such a condition of things c'.n ever be eutlrely realized by us: but J it is evidently in that direction our interests lie. . However, tho Attainment of theso objects , not be effected by the ~'solutions of conven- I ii..ns nor by any forced or unnatural measures. Ji,.v a,-o regulated by the laws which govern | production, distribution and consumption. All . efforts, therefore, to promote these objects must ■ effective, bo ,:,.,de in consonance with ; il.e e laws. Bjf means ..f.•.mveiiU..iHan 1 dis i is,, work of tirno, to 1.0 achieved only in pur j euanoe i f the laws of industry „nd l.u- Tl.e liret and most practicable step for the people of the South to take towards this so ,le s. end, is Ihooonstruetion of railroads and ‘ tl.o building up of works of internal improve- i mem. Ity these means the material resour eesof the So.ltl, will be developed, its agricul- : tun- and trade be greatly enlarged, and its 1 wealth immensely Increased. The people of tbs i .-untl, w.ll tb,... be enabled to eomineneo the I work of building up their manufactures and commerce. —V. 0. /Vcnyaae. American I'l, -re is ,1 prejudice of tbo runk.-st kind again, t „-,ug American steel—a prejudice it is, pro- i eminently. 1 1.0 Shell',eld manufacture and al. I ,nos, monopoly has its agents I supporters , through our wholo country, casting all the odi- 1 t. li-y Ihe Ac,.,:-,:, production, with In .(great success to be stave 1 in a trice. The pre ■ 1 ju,l„ ■ ~f . uuutrymc,, a, • fur too easily led ! by foreign opinions; and who, on those opinions I arc millions of capital depending for proßlaldo : inve.tment, there is no wonder they should be i enforced upon the American mind with alt (ho 1 arts aud efforts of sophistry. In fact, Kuglidi i steel, in a measure, comes under tin, hood „f I empirical productions—its market value being , bared upon tlio assumption tlmt because it is ■ E'e./it is belter than the American. Tbo : English manufacture the steel from Swedish iron, and so lmvo Anifricuns, but ours receive.- * a cold shoulder before it is tested by tlio first 1 trial. A Scotch foreman of a simp near here ‘ was asked to rnuku some cold chisels of Ameri- ■ can steel ; lie replied, •• it is nay use*’ lie was i offered payment for a trial. i„ a few days be was culled on again, when tbo chisels wore : found ,„ that etute which proved they had done good service. The Scotchman was asked about ! them, and he replied, “ it was nay n „—they're I good for gilt.” The same disposition semns | to possess the mass „f workmen ; “and for ail our j boasted national pride, we have flattered the ‘ foreign productions, when our own have been i ip.itc as good at our very doors, though they : may have needed a little different management. I We cannot af, ly say that the American t, ol b„ been produced in sufficient ouaiitities, of a ; standard .pmlity.lo i„,„re a stable character for the line.l purp- : hut ti, is does not excuse tho j '( |oej„d:. e against it Amerieans hare : e \ eel led ii, nearly eve, y t,ranch of i„an„f,.,'„,ro where encouragement ut home has boeu afford- i ed. Kneouragem.ut is needed for hot!, tl.e I I, me productions ol iron and steel, not only l.y legislation, but more particularly by national partiality for American materials. Tin Secret of ‘lalilmmilaj Hnpplit r. Zicliokke, in one of hia tales, gives the fo!- j lowing a to a bride: “In thy first solitary after the ceremony, take 11,„ B . nnJ .lemru,il a fu1e,,,,, vow „1’ lii.n, ai.,l j-ive I,lm v.m in return. Promisi 001 oootborxaoredly, ‘■the, ; never in bandy words or in lu!|fe in tlio least ill-huronr., Isay, never! v.r.m-. ling in jest. anJ pulling ou „n air ..1 ill-h„.„or mor.dy lo t.-aso, becomes earnest by prueiice. Marktbotl {Text, promise eonli other, atooi and demnly, ne.erlo /, nllur, under übalever pretext, wi.h wlmlever proiext, with whatever excuse it might be. Von | must coiititiuull v. amleverv moment, see clear ly into each other’s bos„ m .‘ Even when on •us i you has committed a fault, wait not au instant, j but confess it freely—let it co.-t tears, bat con- j few it. And ns you keep nothing sen t from each other, ho, on the contrary, preservo the j privacies of your house, marriage state, an! heart, from father, mother, sister, brother, aunt ! j nnd all the world. You two, with Hud's help, 1 I build your own quid world; every third or • I fourth one whom ym draw into it with you, | will form a party, and stand between you two. j That should never bo. Promise this to each other. Renew the vow at each temptation, i You will find your account in it. Your souls j will grow as it were together, and at hist will become as one. Ah, if many a young pair had on their wedding day known this secret* how many marriages were bappi r than, alt.-:, they arc J” Dusittfss pirfdort). Vustin, S.. Agent and Superintendent Favanuab Steam Rice Mill. Vilen Bull, Factors and Commission Merchants, . 112 Bay-street. . Vlli-n, it. A. x Go., Lumber Merchants, rim- t'a. . Wharf. ’ : V ikln v Burns, wholesale uud retail dealer in Dry (i x !-. ghad’a Building. * Viidersoua .v Cm.. Factors and Commission Mer clrtrits. 2*M> Bay >t. 1 in!. Dr. ii. D., OJlee u.i Oglethorpe square, cor. rit lc and Aborcorn. Vi • tan 1 . ■ rgo, and •.. r iuGr vie cur. Bull 1 aalCougros \ntrouu-. Joii.i ‘.’.•rtrait and Landscape Painter, rib \nxlciv./'., lfftll,Broughton t. V brail una I>. audßro., Clothing and Dry Goods Merchants, Bryan-st., near the Market. 1 )rown. J.h. A., whoieeub* and retail dealer in Groce j • ) ri.M, Fruit, and Confectionary. No. 27 Wbitaker-st. j liorehert A., ship Biscuit an,l Bread Baker, come for | > Jefferson and Bryan-stivels. 1)u uiuau, William, Gardner and Florist, Jonea at I ) L ; I )ukcr, E W. Factor and Commbuiion Merchant, | i > Jom.*>’ Whurf. I VunMughs. JTI T Son,Factors and Chmmission Mar ) chanta, 97 Bay Brigham, Kelly A Cos., Factors and Commission Merchants. 17f* Bay st. U 1 eldeii and Go., wholesale and retail dealers in Hats J md furnishing Articles.cor. Brou’n A Barnard sts. I >aeon, E.Ti., Counsellor at Law and Notary Public, 1 > I )urt,H. Oyster Restaurant, Barnard st., North of j | ) tixe ______ 1> nau I,A : > cor. Whitaker and Bay sts. 1) am well. J. B-. Inspector Savannah Gas Company. ; ) Office at Ga I Bancroft and Bryan, Stock and Exchange Brokers, J 117 Bay at. I • > ! > corner Flo.-d and McD mough ’ |_)artow,'Francis rt..” Attorney at Law, office corner ! | ) I I>lnir. l'ran i-. Contractor and builder, residence J > \\ -st end of Br<m :!iton st. I >ulTocli. Win. H., Clerk Court Oyer and Terminer, [) ■ ; i I> B 1 | 11,. •.; j. i! ,Ui icor, corner Weat Broad and York / < hens If-rt/., Commission Mer -lianta, No. 119- | ; rect, Savannah, Ga. / tuvler, George A. Teil-r Central Kail B"* > \ !. / ■ I \_/ Bank. _ / ( .... ;• ‘j t*i ;uei iui ArtUt,over Wilmot’a Jew- j \ elrv Store. Market sqr. j i ir-htr,.-. Wm Factor and Ootmui ion Merchant, ; l 108 Bay / .ur, 11. S :vl: -.1. unJ r<-laJ .1 : i.i lu vi I Gibbon’. BulMiny. / , i ■ .. \V:r! ■. Fn - .run 1 tauivl •• Mwliwita I , Kj Si lloy struct. i i11,i|.n,.1.1.1 II ,1....:-ri:. A “i. nitun.l .uo.-. Mill.- 1 M... l.i.i. rv. .- ■ 171 It i ...... - Cl’ in'.-: ‘i.k , li. ‘■ • ... 1.n.—n.., j ( j Krooxhton xt.. between 801 l And WhltxUor. i .in.,.. 7. I-., dealer ... Crockory wllilw Ware, l too Bryoo f , j. || .1.-.i r iu Urn I 1- ..17” t lb ■ ■■■ not. / mm3 b Fa 800 l Mxkor, ooraor t Uruujhtoo and BuU / i.i,-., an I Tarver, wboloralo Orocere, Da, U” I / london, I'lorcu, iirogriotor buy Hotel, Bay ! rioben, J. n. 4 Cos., dealer to Dry iiooat, 110 ; Broughton xt. /“Ota., a„d itonnon, ltar llrvx.ors, cor. lirouihton V 7 and Ilroyton ta_ , ■ n, War: an 10 • L '” | niaaboni sad Oonsiniibaa, ;<bip Chandlorx and l v /Grocer . Anrfnnx • Wharf. Ii ,barter*. Dr. W. M,Offlcc l Broughton xt. botwoon t Hull ..lid l>r..vt..n. / ioiil.-1.,-. .1. 11. UuokM-llor ar, i Stationer, aonth \ ■ , rk. /■Hark, *Ym.'i*.. 1-roi.rtotor 1-aviliou Hot < t - Rr eland Bull ■■ . j 1 i • itui i • • u \ .1 ■ i t'U hitukcr. / I'OIUIJ'., icii'T of Bull and Fi i t.i n .qUiudow t Mi..! - E-ta!>!i-hu.eiit. / Ihnlmers HJ. wk and Kxchang •Bn t<r ffl o V./ Bay Lane, iu roar of the City Hotel. / 101....irn, M . Tea -her of Slu.-i- ...M - . . : a!7- l •i. ; Drayt n t i I'K. V- dealer in Dry i.... I-...,-l l l .. I J l J Wbilakerstreet. no Ford, J. K. Denier in Drugs and M-Mieiiu-s, tx*r nr of Br iu *ht m and Barnard streets. D i) ■ “ ‘ >: - ! I ) I) : : -v- ; | )'t ‘ J I! f.i. l> K ;.in il i GrM., f...t ofYV.-t j J .... ■ • nerby, J. S, Pniutor. Glaziemnd Paper Hanger, 82 IVrryone l.* Tfc.i.i W. B.atel 21 McD..n..ugh sts. IMF ...Iv. W I* .v ft... 1... tor, and Comm.-i.-.m I J “ j: Boot and Shot l A Kretz,Fiu toi inuussii n Men bants, \ \ I 1 1 Bir -i I.’ Dougnld. t mal.. . and \ pI.TT-ter.-r. I York street, oj.,- .-ite tb.-Court It •> -. I D. Dr, ofili.-a*vl r.-si I'-n .• 12it Broughton st. I’ near Whitaker. I V.rt Dunham. Factors and Cominis.* ion Merchants. 191 Bay t. lAranklin & BrantU y. Fa t -and (’ rnuii .• l Her clinnts. In i Bay -t. {'■■■ i--"* 1 -. f bn G., Painter and dealer in Paints and _ Oils lniimcnt sqr. 1 Fleming and Millcn, A;t irneies ut Law,cor. Whita _ ker au 1 Bay st.s. i/htirchild L. J. i:. \ Pu Insuran. e Bank. { faucet. A. an 1 Cos.. Grocers, 185 Congress st.. above 1 the Market. I Money, M.. Justico of the Peace, under the Ex -1 change. I Ault. *n, R. L., Fi’ -i and Cuiinni-sion Sl.-rchnnt, 71 Bay st. {t ibb, Jiune e er State and Whitaker I sts. / 1 uilmartin. J. F., Clerk Superior and Inferior Courts x I office in the Court House. (1 alloway, A., D r and Oleiner, \ork street, f near the Court 11 on-■-. / 1 11 1 rich, \\ \.. w.ido al and retail Grocer Bni t s \ I Bull ling, Whitak r st. ( 1 ■ • lall) 8- wholesale Goru-r aod r I clinnt. -Mtißav st. / i illiert. 11. J.. wholesale and retail denier in Groce ” I ries west side Market sqr. /ti WB. ,v C>.. Lumber Mcn hant.-, Yale Royal \ I ‘■! / 1 irmanv. U. \\. .v ... Factors and Couimi.-siun N * Merchants, lot Bay / 1,1 .v Law-on. Factors and Com mis.-ion Mer- I I ■ . nits, 93 Bay street. (< iiion.W. 11. Wind.-ale and retail dealer in Carpet * Shad’s Building. (1 ritttn and Gordon. C.ianseli...s at Law, office in tin- I new Custom House. / 1 anaJil, Dr. (!: rl< ■. S >uth Broad st., East if Biur \ ! nard. e i ■■ rrard, J. . . . - (t irard, Min’c.. Boarding and Day StUool l>ir Young Jl Ltolies, No. 21, Jones st. (‘ ■ D. IL, manu:. : .1. .. ; , :i • M nr . I 1nk,73 T / t riiubull and Ashe, Con tractors and Builders, r.-si ” I deuce Junes st (1 owdy, H., Commission Merchant, corner Bay and I Barnard sts. up stairs. Hanry, Wm., dealerin Dry Goodi tndO thing,west . side ol tbo Market SAVANNAH JOURNAL FRIDAY. MAY fi, 18R3 n one and Corn-ry, Ship Chandlers, Harris’ Wharf Savannah, Gu art ten and Lawton, Attorn'es at Law, ollke Hay st, upstairs. J nenderson, Thomas, Cabiuet-maker nnd Underta ker, Bull-street-. H i. i . Dentist, office cor, Bronghton and Drayton sta. H olcombe, (. A. Teacher, Gaston street, near the . Park. _J ! Hn vw.,*77lt. M., Hair Dresser, &r., cor. llryim and Bull its.. Monument sqr* Hunter Wm. P.. AjrontMutual LiftinßOranceCoin . pany of Now York. I rownnl. Geo.Troup, Attorney at Law,office corner J JL W hitaker street ami Bay lane. ( nabershain. It. k Son, Factors and Commission Merchants, 146 Bay st. H, 109 Broughton st. j n;i: i ‘.\ n. A. .v Cos., Factors and Commission Mer* . chants. 110 Bay st. Un rX < i.miiiii-11. i'ii.toi.- Mil ('"nniii-.-i'!; .Mer chants, 90 Bay street. Hull A King, Factors and Commission Merchants, 210 Bay street. Uownrd, Dr. J. 0., office corner Drayton and Per ry sts. n umphreos and Johnson, dealers in Drugs and Medicinos. *r. Broughton and Whitaker sis. i n'ardwick A Cooke, Factors and Commission Mer chants, 192 Bay st. I cidt. Win., wholesale and retail dealer in Shoes, i Gihivin’s Building. I arrtcastle, G. W., dealer in Carriages, 20 Congress . and 95 St. Julion sts. Henry. C. S., Couns<>llor at Law. and Coumiisson- ( er, office in Sorrel’s Building, Bull st. Uausman and Slayer, dealers in Dry Gfsvls. Cou- ; -. Blue 31 ire w< it ddeof the Mat i.'-i. Johnson, Wm., proprietor Marshall House, Bi u h ton st. I ucohs. P.. dealer in Fngnrs and Tobacco, 2B Bull st.- f | near Broughton. I ones. John, Fa tor h i< muiisriou Merchant, 72 Bay street. l J T.. Dealer in Guns. Pistols aud Hardware, t} 175 Congress st., west of Market. lessoe. .T. I).. Wholesale and Retail Grocer, Hrough .'.ii W hitaker imd Harr. u l. Jj hnson, John lh. SupcrinU ndant das Works, rJ -i ----denco Jones st. j Kibbec&nd R dgers, Wholesale Grocers,and Provi sinn Dealers, Bay-st., West of Exchange, Bav.Qa. Kempt in and Verstille, wholesale and retail dealers in Dry Goods, No. 72 Waring’s Range. Kinclil.-v. Lockett x Cos., ( omuii:..-iuu Merchants, No. 75, Bay-st., Savannah, Ga. Knapp, N.8., dealer iu Saddlery and Harness, Mar . ket sqr. j Kent, Ezra, Whe lwright and Blacl smith, West Hi Knorr, Dr., South Brood st, above Dr. Ganahl’S of . flee. | 111 A. it., Proprietor ul ‘Our lluu.c’ itostauraut. J Bi sL !ippm <o. Josej h. wholesale and retail dealer In Dry , uare. ( 11.-m-v .V Cos., wii* I lo an 1 ‘ : Lj in Dry ( Is, Gibb in’s n I ow ACo K I J Ii , iu lino-. Pi u I-. I land .. •-rv, Ac.. j Barnard st., South ofthe Market. ■ * ‘ j field Plantation. loug. Thos. TANARUS., Attorney, Solicitor Ucn. K. 1)., office j i I’"i \ Mini W hit :• k* * 4 atflteau > m.. steamboat Agent, fi j ‘ vannah stea nj teket Wha J‘ yon and Reed, and retail dealers iu llats j and furnishing Articles, 166 Congress *t I’ C. A. L., Fa lor an ! C. mini -<•-:< Men imut. lhy -t 1W tor in Drugs and Medicines, J corner Congress nd Bull sts. | I *-w..< Y.. .Mtoni.y at La. oilin’vtciicr U !u:.i!vtr I J at Marshall II mso, ■; Far,), Proprietor, Broughton, i ctween Drayton and A ben orn stm-ts M auk,-. J. Kvtuil (i.occr. ry-slr, . the Bay. -yi-r. M 8., Grocer, cor. Drayton aud Brougton- M.hlls A. x Bra, Wh dcsalu and Retail Dealers in Bay st. near Drayton. ;A 1 :<.or. IL. Imp i;,'-ro?Um-land Li"i.oi l . 11a 3 J w.n:i an I Piincipc Scxm>. No. *i. \Vl,i:.,k.-r \ I Vto r ‘ !!’ ■ l ' >^ffW^WV^;Ateoru' 'and Nj \ j ■ i ii. b r, yJ \ ‘ 1 ■ : Mui Wright, Eastern MiltaTand . cnr. iin.u-liton and tit ln t^ri^ir j • and Si h. i . TANARUS,„ ‘l.mutVlur.-ro, iSto^U- M . : : M uinto*’’ J *’ 11,1 M:uiufa ‘- ,ur< r ’ lOumt 12 Bar \ ] ,K ' ro k. Hcutlrickscn, <biiil.:r iu Drugs and Mtxli .'l M cltourv, Jomo . hisurauco Broker and Public, 118 Bay sk , Mayer, John A., dealur in Drugs and Mi.iuu.. -, . Broughton st. Morrell I; W. 4 Cos., dealers iu Furniture, etc., 134 ami 136 Rroinriitnn st. Mills. G. F. Fur tor and Commission Merchant, 204 Bay st. M"h, 1 , r,na 0o “-' M Ul °** bUM *■ ‘ ll '- MeArthy, J. H., Fashlonal.• Bort>or an I Hdr ! 1 -.- . *r,Bryan stoned west of Barnard. M ® Ti ” V ‘i 1 " 1 - 000. 8. Wholorelo and ln< Ith . ‘ < .11.1-. - Ituil.iiiiL’ V”' ,u ‘""”- l'* St. I.l.ins 1,.1. -,1,.,u„l ndaiid,*! .X ot ■ Drj O.KVi. Ojlth,,, - now Bnililin c. \■ - - *•* AU Ü Baj ( ii i>uii.. / Janioa, oyUr It, ataurant, Market ( De o'B^ne'a Wharf, Oliver. .John. Painter and denier in Paints and oils. .Broughton rt., between Whitaker and Bull. I )ringlc. .1.0, Country Furnishing Store, St. .hilieu- I treat, neat the Market. I Dr. J. F., n idonce corner York and I >rn \ tnn I >render nsi. M. .v C. W1,01,-and Retail dealers 1 in Dry hoods. 178 Broughton st. p th&fd '.V. Si , Pm Charles, Engineer and Mnahlnlwt, .Tiwum 1> •-1■- r. .1. I-. a Cos.. Factors and Com mission Mer chants, 220 Bnj street. 1 >•)>! J'dm. Puintcr and dealer in Paints and Oils, 11 >\ hitakerst. I) :i* h-lfori I. buy x Cos., Factors and Commission Mcr • hunts. 101 Bay st. 1) i” K. .v Cos.. Factors and Coniinb** ,i ‘\vr chants, 92 Bay st. I porter, I*. wholesale and retail dealer In (lothhig, ’ n street, nn tor St, Andrew’s Hall. I>hilbriek & Boil. Au< ii >n< <i> and Commission Mer chants, 1 Hi Bay street. I>iorson, Jiuidt and Cos., mnnufucturcrs and dealers in Clothing, .No.-. lot Bryan and 08 .St Julien sts. | loyal] & Johnson,Dentists,cor.BtJulien-standMat>> !t kc( S|„ (ivit S. Wiluiot’ jewelry store. I>’ • ■ in, rhomas, Agent, dealers, in Drugs and LV- M< ton st . 1> ! 1 ‘ .!• n. I n-'. ('!! co ,cnior \\ A Broad and St. .lulieii sts. P ■ i ■■■•'::! 1 V i I k Merchants, corner Jetrerson and Broughton r. lYabun a \\ hii. head. Factors and Commission IVMei 207 B Rousseau, J . wholesale x retail Grocer, Corner 801 l . and Bay bis. i C A.H.HI A.G-BS, HOCK AW AYS AKTJO I I*lN£ BUGGIES. —CHEAP— CHEAP— CHEAP. j The suh-CTiher Is rccolvinß n weekly sp| ly ofthe most fasliionnhle and latest will be fold as low ns ru he in any other t U.-hment. Please 1! an.lexamme for jourseivvt, at the Carriage Repository, Frankliu square. Also, agont for wickcrsham s M ire Railing. HARDCABTLE oct 25—ly - I ■ ~,.,-1,1,1 ,| ,n, , ‘ || | i OAnniilGrE nidPOSITO’Y - S. Z. MURPIIY, tig n’nl 15 1 Bryan aud DO aud 9S St. Jnllcu*strects \ 1 rOITLD respectfully inform the citizens of Savannah that he has ~,r.ecn-,l arra.uon.ento with ar. exten \ > Sivo <n mufacturin * ostabliskment at the North, whereby he will be enabled to Keep ou hand tlic latu and most fashionable stylos of . ... , TXi , C YURIAQR9, ROCK\W.Y\S, BILLIES, with or without tops, trotting Buggies, and every thing i that line to please the taste. Also Harness, cic % invited to mil an.l .-samlne thc..o nrtklw iw> the subscriber is confident h. ran aal isfy customers, both as regards quality and price. ~ I) owhmd, W. P., Factor audComml-siou Merchant. I X 94 Bay stret. ait rl, Rob< rt, J usth e - t the Peu i, offli e corner I V Bull st and Bay lane. !> ot hschild, r . dealer in Dry G ids and I lot hin \ Congress st. west side of the Market. 1, .1 and <.. hum! r and ’I inn cr M l : Bay st, up stairs. j) J. H., W | V i nii'ils, thud’s Buildings m i.hel. Joseph, Importer and Dealer in* ignrs. I’ *- biu-eo, etc., eor. Bryan and Barimrd-sts. Market Sq j Newton, Wholesale and Retail Grocer, ! corner of Btate and Jefferson •streets. q targes and Hampton, Goneral Commissi n Mer- Solom :i -. A. A. and Cos., dealer in Drugs and Med j iciuos, south side of Market sqr. Aikilf. Y. W . h Maker and Jeweller, 129 Con* j i ’ gn S'orrel, Francis. Factor and Commission Merchant, Bay st. • ■ \ < ntract and Bonder, Brougl Jj noxt to St. Andrew’s Hall. Cl tcin, Frauds, dealer In Watches, Clooks and Jewel- ry. 118 Broughton st. Ctlbley, S. S., Bookdler and Stationer, 130 Congress ** -t. hi .| ‘U-l L' u* in i> -i* M reliant, 2d Buy st. __ __ S“ taley & llendry. wholesale and retail dealers in Clothing. Congress street* S' until & Lallirop. Comuils.-is-ion Merchans B street. Swift and” Cos., w hole, ale dealers iu Groceries, lo’j Bay at. Siolomon*. M. J., wholesale and retail Grocer, 107 Broughton st. Sullivan, Dr,.) S.,C mgrosa, between Drayton and Ahercorn sts. S'ui'k V i 1 11 I• - I'a !r- and < ’ -111 Ui ’ -i- 11 M.j rim Ids. 90 Bay xt. S'Urk and Bryson, Factors and Commission .Mer chants, Bay st. S'tit*l*s and Davis, BlacksmitFs iu general, corner Bull and State sts. hni.-der, C., Boot Maker, curm r State and Whitu S'toneF. M., rax Colleotor for Chatham County, of* ficoat t tie Court House. Stevens, i‘i -i keeper Livery Stable, B cough ton st., (lute Warner A Hooker’s.) Soul lard. 1,. A.. Factor and Contmisskm Merchant. Nq. 68 Bay at. CJ l i ... Vrohitocts, Owen’s Building Bull t ’ st. State Bank. Monument square, A. PorterT Pre.-T- l dent. O tokos, J. F\, Mere hunt Tailorl 2o Whitaker I * > ” r - _ _ ! Sflomons. L., >11) crint.-udant • c.rpentei - work. 11 Broughton st. Qtnrtevant, J > . Contractor and Builder, corner l > Montgomery and ty sts. harles i...! ounaclior at LawandCommissionor 1 .0 Bay st. ’ 1 1oln • 1 '• Fa- t..i” c;..’ 1. change w hart f 1 turner, i. M. & Cos., wholesale dealers in Drugsaml X Medirines. Bay st. r I tucker, J. F., dealer in Hay ondOrain, No.-—Bay 1 street. r |N-nt. l. K., Cashier Bank of the {Stateol Ueor- L gm. \ “ hi lesalo and retail dealer in Shoes, Market sqr. W ‘ i: 1 - l: ‘ “or South Brood and J v } streets. \\ ” orncr, Y*.. Man u fact ureran l Dealer int 1 v Buggy's, etc., e..r. Broughton and W. Broad-Ms. \l - Dr. C. W„ South Brood between Whitaker T t and Barnard sts, \1 “ill.-t.i;. ‘I.. Brickmakcr, Louisville Road, near } } Hines’ Mill. 11-on, Edward CL, Clerk of Council and Justi, i ▼ W l[ ’ °® V V M ‘litgomery. , \\ ay and King, Fa ton andCommissiou Merchants 1 ? corner liayaud Drayton st.s. \l “iltbi rger. I*, and Son, proprietors Pulaski House, v f ‘loiimnent sqr. \\ \ ? ? Monument sqr. IIT 1 ’ nd i ruitist \I r ilrnot. .< s . dealer in Watches, Clocks and Jew- V V elr\. Market sqr. YV>"> and Montmoilin, Brokers, Bay Lane, in rear v ? *t Custom House. W ton, K., Bi i \ :i m i ■ ... mi 1 Broker, Bay Lane, between f v Bull and DrayUui sta. \l-lu:.. r. dealer in Wuxi, “ut the CiimTl V ? Bridge. K. K end I ||. li-.nT.- :r..„b.r, in siAA t T corner Broughton and Jefferson sts. \\ ;irin ‘ 11-1 iiaiit, 159 ? ¥ Bruughtoii street. Brundage, Factors and Hnmmiasj ~ ! U Merchants. 70 Bay street. \\r alker, R. J)., dealer in Marble and St ne Wort I? St. James'.-qr. \\ T l ' be ti.r unil I'aluiL... wholesale duilcm iu (iroce- I T V ri.-s 193 Bay st. * ’ ‘ “■ andOominiHion Mi rchaut, : V ? 11l Bay st. \\ r ildman, Dr. i*. n. corner South Brood mid Vber t } corn-sts. n'-yHy., aV>„ „•! f.i i ...mi..,.i.. ! 7 Luinhi r Mm, Fig Island. W'tU'T’ l' lu -' , " r ’ Limmiiaaion Mcreheute - ? T -No 94 Bay st. V ’S'S Commission Jlun hiuitTsU j f/oKlmuni. Y. iiml iv, .tail,-r in Jlarfe'SH Music:! - ! It Instruments, Werlnge BuilJiug. rotKSH iiokiiKx iu TTi:ii andniKiisi:.—io I keg-and t hus fresh Goshen itutter. 50 boxes ( Inund cask—just reeeved and for .ale ut the Em ponum, by SEA HORN CIOODALL ANBriJEK.-'K.—A kmxli lot of tubs 1 of choice family Butter andOnshcn Cheese. Just received and for scle at the Emporium, bv 1 “I* 13 SEABORN OOODALL. JOHN B. MOORE & CO. Gibbou’s HulldlMß,Savannah, Wholesale & Retail Druggists, f) WOULD call the attention of Merchant.-, Planters. Physicians and others, to their exton sive and well .fleeted Stock, comprising every ar tide ill their line of busim-ss. and which they o fer for sale on the most favorable terms for cash or ap j proved credit, viz : Paints, Varnishes, Glass, &c. ! White Lend. Pure and No. 1: Tit-man's Colors, dry : nm| in Oil: Japan, Copal and Coach \ arnishes: Linseed I nil; Spirits Turpteine. Window Glass, Putty. Gold Leaf, paint Brushes. Sash Tools, and Glaziers’ Diamonds. Lamp, Machinery, and Tanners’ Oil. &c. Bleached Sperm. Whale, ami Lard Oils, for burning: i nil descriptions of Oils for Machinery, viz: Patent Oil. | Unbleached Sperm, bard and Rape Seed Oil; also Tan- I ner’s, Neats Foot and Sweet OiL Grocers’ Articles. j Nutmegs. Mace, Allspice, Cinnamon. Pepper, Ginger, 1 Mustard. Saleratus. Soda, Pearlash, Sweet Oil, Starch, Fig Blue, Matches. Ac. For Physicians. I A great varietv of the he.-t, French. English and Amer ican Chemical and Pharmaceutical Preparation: Select ! Powders. Surgical Instruments, Vials, Specie Jars,Mo- I tallic Saddle-bags, Ac. Also, Campheno and Burniog Fluid, j Any one who may favor them with their orders, may I depend upon their receiving the best attention, and | t hat all goods furnished will he of a reliable quality.— I Should they not give entire satisfaction they may be i returned at the option of the purchaser. niarlO SEED OATS—In quantitv. f>r sole by A. C. TOMS, 12 • Bay street. \lw LEAF LARD—In kegs and bbls., 1 r sale by (jap 81 ‘H. J. GILBERT. / HIBEBE.—7S boxes for sale by I (J f „ h B 11. .T. GILBERT IIXCHANGE WANTED. —51 ‘i on New York, wanted by I jin M O. A. TANARUS, LAMAR. )IS\i. 17 S iiilliill's Tv. ine. .ins, i... .-i. .-1 IHI'I l'jr : J in fine order. Forsaleby 11. J. GILBFRT, 1 feh 23 Side Market Square. ; VrORTH RIVER SEED CATS.- WOO hu.-le.-l-/ . V received and for sale by A. C. TOMS, jail 20 GREAT REDUCTION IN THE PRIC G OF GAS. 1 >ITS T quality Burning Fluid. G2}4 cents per gallon, ) 31’ cen i- per half gallon, If* cents per quail. first quality, 75 cents j*er gallon. 37).. cts per halt gallon. 20 cts per quart. Also, Camphinc Lamps, Fluid Lamps, a fine assort ment of Wicks, cans and Feeders. Improved Water Coolers, 2,3. and 4 gallons, a superior nrti le. for sale nt J. J. MAURICE’S, mi v 21 10,12 and 1 L Barnard street, ■ VSK VST'O-i >\v DKIt.-.—A- M.-rilll s InfolUbie I Yeast Powder. Received and for sale by mar 26 J. E. DkFORD, A] tb iryg’Hall. /1 ■ ‘'H I BI V rER. { few flrkinc <i hen Butter ” I Just received and for sale at the Emporium, by mar3o SEAR ;i:.\ <; K)DALL. I SEGAR3 ! SEGARS ! ! SEGARS ! ! ! rE. DkFORD has just receive l a lot of very supo • rior Imported Segars. conijirising the following | choice brands: Union London. Hugh* Extra Principe, ; Medium Plantation, Full Primnvera. Chicken Cock, Apollo Opera. &*., %c. Also, a superior article Chew ; ing Tobacco, for sale Apothecaries’Hall. mar 30 ! 1 CMOKBD TONOURS, Pickled do. Pig Pork l ‘ Smoked Beet. 1 bbl Pickles, (cucumbers,) in vim*” ! rar. and Soda Biscuit, Pic Nic. Butter and Sugar Crackers, Wine Biscnt. and Pilot Bread. Farina, Corn, Starch, Sweet Oil, Sardines, Table Salt, landing ex steamer from New York, for sale bv WM.O. DICKSON, mar ■ 1 w hltakor-st., cor. Brougbion-lane. / IARPENTER’S I JLS \ full as \ ) just received and tor sale l-v K. LtY ELL. IM.Ot R.- 2 i Furs ■ :I - ! 1 11. J.GILBERT / iHE \V l\( !’• •i;\i • • \ y--ry superior article \ /of Plug and 1 wist Toti.u • i (if various brands, for I sale at the Apothecary Hall. J. E.DIFOKD. i mar 21 \\ri ST AK s (.i.;I fI, . - 1 : Nis KS Prepare* I v T from the original recipe of tin-hth* Prof. Wb ter. These L i.-engos cannot he too highly recommend ed as a safe medicine in Coughs, Colds and Asthmas, i t re pa red and sold by . W. W. LINCOLN, mar 10 Monument Square. ! JUST RECEIVED. P or Ship Speed and Bona Dea r from Liverpool—Five eases o fine DOUBLE BARREL GUNS, with li A M I N ATE 1) Steel Barrels, direct from t lie makers. Also, a supply of Sportman’s j'Mxls, too numerous to men tion. K. LOVELL. ! july 8 No. 17 Barnard street. KEPHALIA i; . preparation for preserving, beautifying, and res toring the human hair. For sale bv JOHN B. MOORE, k C 0„ MESS pork and beef.—3Tmk m-u m,.7 8 Fork; 100 bbls. now Mess Beef. Just receded and toriale by [fcbgl] WEBSTER A PALMES. I )1<; II Uis, -il ‘I I.l> !:>; A,-. I:. 7| I per slvamuhip Florj.pi- ta IM Mum-. J and... ,l„. >"l— Ha 2-In. cl'i. nni.kod Shoul.U-r... Pi half 1,1,1,, ! Fulton Market Hoof. 5 do. Un. pkklcd T.u,nnoked ■ln- Hi'loptm Smisn-e... 5 Id,lf extra No 1 Mackerel. ‘ CodfMi, ainokeU llerriug, tv. <;KO. AI.RXANDHII, ; a|r 12 Cor. Bull andCongress-sts. Monument Sq. SriiAß AND MOLASSES.— ! 30 hlids. N. O. Sugar: 25 hhds. choice rellnned N. O. Sugar; 40 hluls. ]>rime and choice Porto Rico Sugar; hhds. fair and prime .Muscovado Sugar; 150 bbls. steam refined do.; 20 bbls. crushed <j 0 .; 20 boxes Loaf Sugar. For sale by feU 21 WEBSTER A PALMES. j I AKKNII L'.ltiSTßK.—lUdu/.cn Car's Lobster, just 1 received and for sale by A. BON IPD. \ I A LAG A GRAPHS. Olt.Y NtIF.S, Ac.— .lu.-t r-- I L eeived per steamer—lo kegs Malaga Grapes; 10 | 1 tuxes Oranges; 2 half Mils Pickled Salmon; 4 do Pig ! Hams: 2do Smoked Beef; 2do Sinoketl Tongues; .‘1 bit ! do Pickled do: Pickled Oysters; English Pickles; Ca , I'i’rs. Sauces, Catsup, Olives. Figs, Knisius, Almonds, ‘Ye. GEO. ALEXANDER, j feb Cor. Bull iin‘l Congress sts.. Monument sq. /i I —lO bbls. Phelps 1 Gin, tor sale by ” I mar 22 E. W, BUKER. POTATOES. —JOO bbls. Potatoes for sale by mar 17 11. J. GILBERT. lAIID. —25 bbls new Leaf Lard, for sale by feb 9 H. J. GILBERT. HI TTER,—3O bids Ohio Roll Butter, just re X> eeived par State of Georgia and for sale on con signmentby (fob7-6t) C. A. L, LAMAR. CIHHESK. —50 boxes English Dairy Cheese. Just re ceived, and for sale at the Emporium, bj mnr So SEABORN GOODALL. SPRING ARRANGEMENT, THE LIYKRI’OOL AND PIIILA DELPHI A STEAMSHIP COMPANY intend sailing tlieir favorite Steam- CITY OF PHILADELPHIA, now being built. CITY OK MANCHESTER. 2166 tons. Capt, R. l.eitch. CITY OF GLASGOW, 1810 tons, Onpt.Wm. Wylie FROM PHILADELPHIA. City of Glasgow Thursday, Mar 31,1853 City of .Manchester.... Saturday. April 23.1 h. r >3 City of Glasgow Saturday. May 14, 1553 l!ity of Manehestor.... Saturday. June 11, 1853 City of Glasgow Saturday, July 2, It 53 FROM LIVERPOOL. City of Manchester... Wednesday, Mar J’-O, 1853 City of Glasgow Wednesday,April 20, 1H53 City of Manclister...W<!dnes<tay, May IS, 1853 City of Glasgow Wednesday, June 8, 1853 City of Muuclu-ster...Wednesday, July 0, 1853 RATES OF PASSAGE. FROM PHIhADBLPHH. I FROM LIVERPOOL. Saloon Berths 90 Pol.'Saloon Berths...2o Guineas Midship “ W> - Midship - ...15 Forward * 55 “ |K..rward “ ...13 Including Steward’s Fees. THIRD CLASS PASSENGERS. A limited number of Thinl Clnas Paasengwra will h*’ taken from Philadelphia und Liverpool and foond In provisions. From Philadelphia...s2o | From Liverpool $35 Certificates of passage will be issued here to parties who arc desirous of bringing out their friends at cor responding rates. Drafts on the Agents and the Bank us Ireland from £1 nnd upwards. *a - FR KIG HT ON GOODS 60s. PER TON. Bills of lading for goods from Havre signed by the agents there, through to Philadelphia at 522l j per ton. An experienced surgeon will be carried ou each All good the Agents in Philadelphia and Liv erpool, will be forwarded with economy and dispatch. Fur freight or pnuuage npply to 9 Walnut st., Phila..and 41 Exchange Place, N. Y. PADELFOUD, FAY 4 CO.. Bay st., Savannah. RICHARDSON, BROTHERS 4 CO.. aprll Liverpool. FOR PHILADELPHIA. PIIIL ADEL PHI A AN D SA V ANN AH Steam Navigation Company. m .-£■* The new and splendid side wheel steamship STATE OF GEORGIA, of 1200 tmis register, Capt. W. Collins, SBS3RffICBHI has commenced her regular trips and will leave Savannah on Wednesday, the Bth day of Sept., and every alternate Wednesday thereafter—-say on 22d Sopt., Oth and 20th October, 3d and 17th Nov., and so on. Cabin Passage to Philadelphia, L?-° Through Tickets to New York, 25 Steerage, , ® . This ship has been built with entire regard to safety comfort and dispatch, and offers new and admirable facilities to business and travel. For freight or passage apply to „ C. A. L. LAMAR. Agent in Savannah. HERON -v MARTIN, Agents In Philadelphia, sept 3 *£ . ~ STEAMSHIPS FOR NEW YORK. Tlio first class splendid steamships FLORIDA, C/ot. WOODIIUU, —AX’ I) f A LAB K M A, Capt. Luniow, belonging to the Now York and Savannah Steam Nav igation Company. / , „ , Lcavo Savannah and New/York every Satur day/ These ships :re of 1.300 Jams register, and unjiir pai u lin safety, comi f< Wind speed. They leavo Sa vaniudi at the same tin/that the Marion and l nion lc:i\e Charleston, aiid/urrive in New York as sc,on as, ir I (cfi re i hem. / tag- Cabin outage E2s—payalilo before going on I L A / PADELPORD, FAY k CO., / Savannah. / S YMUfiL 1.. MITCHELL, q 29 / 1 M Front-street, New Y< rk. HERON’S IIEGI T- Ali VAt KET LINE UFA WEKJf Piiiladelphia and Savannah, Tne following el* comprize this Line, uni will suil about, every two weeks, viz : Schr. JULIA ELIZA, Capt. llicnKE. • In. .1. 1L HOLMES, do. Lonor.. do. DART, do- SoMKlts. do. C. A.GREINER, do. PKTEKSoX: The \ essels are first class schooners, and command, cd by captains experienced in the trade, and who will use their best exertions to give satisfaction to tin* sliii*- per-.,'For freight or passage (haviug good uccommo a.^“lur 1 "“'“ s ' 0 XVI us A nnUXBAOE, r No. 7- Bav-strect. Snvannuh. HERON & MARTIN, mai 11 No. 37U North Wharves, Philadelphia. XUA iIuaTItALIA. Clipper Line for Port Philipe. - ■Sj-fftfr _l he ill] : ship SUC SUSA, will -ail from / New York on the 2<Hh in.-t. touching at Cape , of Good Hope. She is the fifth ship on the line, is lit j ed with every regard to comfort and convenience and I is a remarkably fast -idler. An experienced Surgeon is | attached to each ship of the line. For freight or pa*- i sage, direct from riavannali. apply to, WILLIS A- BRCNDAGE. ! oct 0 or W. T. Bt’ROAN, New York. DIBBLE &CAREY 7 CLOTHIERS ANI) ITU-lieni 11*T TAILOItS, WARE-ROOM, l A. J’. Corner <>f Whitaker and Dronyhton-sts,, Snvan itah. r I , IIE Subscribers. in announcing to their numerous I customers and the public, the arrival and opening | of their Stock, felicitate themselves on the advantages which their re : cent purchases enable them to offer all who desire to •-elect their Clothing from an extensive assortment of the choicest goods, made in the most FASIIIOXABLE STYLE, i These goods have been purchased under the person al inspection of one of the proprietors; and availing ! themselves of tUvorablecircumstances, they are enabled not only to warrant them in quality, but to offer them at such Low Prices, us must distance all compe tition in their trade. The following enumeration is made for the benefit of Gentlemen in the country, whose orders will meet proui|At attention, and who, when in the city, are re spectfully invited to an examination of our Goods. GENTLEMEN’S CLOTHING. FROCK and DRESS COATS of every quality. ’’ *’ in black, blue, brown, green and olive colors. BUSINESS COATS, in great, variety, viz: Linen. Hus* sin Buck, I)rnl> D’Ete. A1 pacha, Cashmeret, Frock and Sack Business Coats. PANTALOONS—BIack Doeskin at a great variety of prices. Black and fancy Cassimeres, at a great variety of prices *• Drab D’Ete, “ White and Fancy Linen Drills, “ “ Fancy Marseilles, <• VESTS—Black silk and satin Vests, l’auey silk ‘’ bite silk, for party, White. Buff and Fancy Marseilles u White and huff Duck and Linen i{ FURNISHING GOODS, Furnishing Goods of every dcseription for Gentle ni'-n's wear—consisting of srnr:s. cravats, Waterford lies. Prince Albert tic.-, spring stocks, merino shirt* and drawers, cotton do., suspenders, half hose, gloves— all kinds, best quality patent yoke shirts;a tinea.-sort* Dressing Gowns, Umbrellas, Cones, Perfumery, Combs, Brushes, I’ort inoiiios. etc. etc. HATS An extensive assortment of the latest and most fu-h i -liable styles. Boy’s Clodiin^. Comprising the largest assortment ever offered in I hi- market, consisting of Frocks. .Sacks. Polka Sacks, .Jacket-. Vests and Pants, in every variety of style and material suitable fur the season. JIDHCSIAtVr IMILOJUIVG. The favorable and long established reputation which their establishment has enjoyed, and still maintains j for the style and finish of its garments marie to order, as well as for the superior quality of their Cloths, dura bility of color and substantial workmanship, it shall he Ihe constant effort of tlm proprietors still to continue They invite the special attention of both old and new customers to the following, from which they are pre pared to furnish garments, which they will warrant to be ne plus ultra in both tit and fashion. ! SI MONTS A- 15101,1. V S best Blue. Black, Brown, Mulberry, Green, Adelaide. Bronze, Corobo and Olive Cloths. Black Doeskin. Black Cnssimere, and a large assort ment of Colored and Fancy Tweeds. 1,1 N F.N GOODS.—\\ bite. Buff and fancy Linen Drills. V KSTINGB.—White Silk and Satin, for Party Vest- Black ami fancy Silk and Satins. White, Buff and Orange Ca. simeres. A large variety of White, Buff and fancy Marsi dies. l \IFOBtH SUITS. For Volunteer Companies in the city and throughout the State, made and furnished at the shortest notice and in the best munner. DIBBLE A CAREY apr SA I CKS ‘-'I'RN MEAL in store nnd for rale low by [mar 3] WELLS & DURIt. DR. ROBERT’S WELCH MEDICAMENTUM. curing In,ligwUon or Dyspepsia, Liver Com if “J" 1 ?’ Tever and Aicuc, Dysentery, Headache, Loss of Appetite and H. arthrrn It alio purifies the blood nnd renovatestbe whole system. Put up in pint bottles, nt 75 conts per bottle. For sale by mar 17 JNO. A. MAYER, 151 Dr,'lighten-.*