The Savannah evening journal. (Savannah [Ga]) 1852-185?, May 07, 1853, Image 3

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iWisrcllanrans. LOST, SOMK TIME AGO, a Gold Pen nnd Pencil Case, Hen ry Charles Mackenzie, engraved on St. Five dollars will be paid on presenting it at the office, Pukvltl House. 6t may 6 MAMMOTH CORN. A SMALL lot ol'*Young's* Mainmoth'corn for plant- JA. nB ALSO, Corn, liny and Oats of tlio bc.-?t quality, just receiv ed in store. For sale by Z. N. WINKLER, pr3s ts Williamson's Buildings. CARPETS PRESERVED. rpnOSE FAMILIES desirous of having their Carpets l. taken up, and packed for preservation during the Summer, eau have thu same attended to by niy Uphol sterer who has full experience, haviug devoted several years to it in Now Orleans. Carpets will V 3 packed and storod until Families may wish tho.n rcluyed. Send i your orders to ‘ WM. 11, OUIOX. Agent, upr 2ft 2w Carpet Warehouse, 140 Congress st. ! iVfif ‘*o liEi\T. A corn for twb.e Luut-u lu a j B : ltl pleasant part of the city; postession given iu.uio oiitu iy. Apply at Ibis office. at may 5 j tW Just received at the New Hit pH Store, corner of llrougton and liar- 1 •w" l uard-sts., every variety of Sl'ltlNG Jjjgjrasf GOODS, consisting in part of Silks, vers, Gossaaieres, PeaLiLi, Cantm, Paris, Lone Star, Cuinpeachy, Florida, Straw. Swiss, and others too nu- ! in o rous to mention; also, all kinds of children’s Hats, at wholesale and retail. BELDEN iv ('*. opr 9 ts BALM Os 8A VAN N AH—Prioa JRedaoad, 1.1:1 >'l $1 to 75 cento a bottle. A large supply of this excellent preparation, just manufactured of to : following essences : 1. mh.hi. Bergamot, Jessamine, Magnolia, Nerola, Almond, Violet, Heliotrope, and Cloves. J. M. 11A1 WdOD, Monuuiont >S|., ftpr 1 1 ts Savannah. Ga, BAKER YT tIUIE SUBSCRIBER would respectfully inform his |_ friends and the public generally Unit he is now prepared to furnish every thing in the Bakery line of the Best quality, such as Bread, Biscuits, Cakes, Pies, Ac. Also, Hot 111 ska served up daily, cornor Jefferson and South Broad streets. apr 21 Imo C. WILL. CONfECfIJNARIES. r JUIB subscriber bogs leave to inform his friends and 1. the citizens generally 01 Savannah and its vi< iui ty, fiat lie has purchased the interest of Mr. Now e nubia tin* Combe, lion ary hitherto owned by Newcomb A Rice; and that he will continuo # to manufacture, and keep always on hand Fresii anil Pure Confectionaries, M i l ita.’ture l from t lie host materials, and compris iug every variety of Candies, Sugar Plums, &e, Ac, Ac. fronch Cjnfe3t;io.i triso, Lamon Syrup, Syrups for So.H fountains, Together with every other article in his line, always in ■dure and for saleat wholesale and retail,on tin* most reasonable terms. T. C. RICK, ao ts S. E. Corner Broughton an.i vVhitaker-sts. notice: notice! r P*l subscrilKsr takes pleasureiti announcing to the A citizens of A ivami.ah an l tho public generally, that he will keep at ‘lr. W. P. Ford's store.on Juffersou st.. Wald burg's Boil ting. Fresh Whu it. Rye, and Graham Bread, also Sugar an l Molasses cakes. ‘ apr 1 11 \ 1 m ;:i: • . CO-PARTNERSHIP NOTICE. r |UI ‘. iiii lersiguad has this day associated with him. L Mr. Pr isv llv.MPfov. of Houston County, with wii.'iq ho will continue the General Commis-i -n and Factorage Business in this city, under the firm of SI’URGGS A HAMPTON. ‘ \V. 11. ST URGES. Savannah, March 14, 1853. ts mar lb SILICS. Vj ILKS. —Summer Brocade, Plain Clmmelion, India it Gro Do Rhine, Poult l)e Sole, Marcel ine and Flor ence. For sale hy aprO K EMPT IN a- VERSTILLB. (1 4itOiAh 81.1 ai ii Mi L'urkeji Rhubarb- -Pre j pare l by James Tauart—an agreeable and uflic.a ci > is ni • licine. sanctioned and prescribed by the med ial faculty. This preparation ennnot be too strongly reeom it>:ided to lb.* many thousands now suffering from dyspepsia and indigestion, and its e-mse.jnenees. For sale hy JOHN B. Mg.)RE A CD, Gibb .n B 1 il‘ling. (1 >.\ •RE ■ WAi Eli. v fresh supply received J direct, from the proprietors of the Congress Spring, for sale by •am- It .1 >M \ B, M IRE a CD. INDIA RUBBER COMES. WE have just, received a lot of Goodyear's culcbrat el an li t Rubber Combs, which wo offer to the punii; very ehTip; tin Lilies, particularly,are requos te 1 to call ail l examine the same, at apr 7 J. 11. C >IIEN A C J.'S. 1P) Broughton-st. r F >K AY WINK.— \ superior article, strongly reentn -1 m ended; direct from the importers and for sale by aprj A. BON AUD. ‘ 1253 H { ; 1. > i>, >,• laving pui hased the Mill and Roaster formerly used by C. B. Scully the subscriber is prepared to furnish fresh Ground Cof fee miLV. Govt. Jinn Coffee in l ll>. Papers. Hio do in I lb. 10. W. G. DICKSON, Apr 7 Wliit tker-st anil Br > ugh ton Lane. *\ FRESH SUPPLIES received per , steamship Alabama : AjgyWyli&A 30 glass jars Fred 1 Prunes, drums . small size) Turkey Figs, ‘tuliau >l:iearonii white and yellow Vermicelli, Pearl, Barley, Genesee self-raising Flour, Butter, Sugar, Pic nic and So la Crackers, Pig Huns, Smoked Tongues, B dog 11:1 Sausages and Smoked Beef. W. G. DICKSON, ii.r 7 corner Whitaker stand Broughton-lone. VRNICA PLASTERS.—TIxwo . pared from the Arnica Montana, that valuable vegetable remedy, used fitr many years in Germany and vari >us other parts of Europe, with such astonish iuge’frdeney, as to attract attention to its wonderful | m 1 Real properties. They are spread upon the softest lambskin, anlcan be used by the most delicate per sons. J ust reseived and for sale by apr 7 W. \V. LINCOLN. Monument-sq. Sl>3 V WAT Mil.—ln the highest possible state of purfj itiou. wit h a great variety of the choicest Sy r 1 prepared with great care anl from the best ma terials, m ly bo found constantly on hand iu the store of W. W. LINCOLN, aprS Monument Square. 1I” A.I-* Ob’ S.V V.V $ S AH.—Having pa A the Copy Right of Elward A. Vincent, Esq., of hi: a ;.v .VI i,of Sivaunah. the undersigned has made arrangements to till nil orders for the same at short notice. A sufficient number to furnish subscribers was received by last steamer, and will bo delivered in nodiately. Wo are unable to supply the country demand until the arrival of the next steamer. Ar rangements have been made for a further supply, which we trust will bo regularly received. All orders punctually attended to. Address S. S. SIBLEY, B > lksel’er and Stationer, No. 135, Congress-st. Sav'li. apr 8 NtiT ICE.—The subscriber having transferred nil hi: ri gilt, title and interest, ns publisher and pro prietor of the New Subdivision Map of the City of Savannah, to S. S. Sibley, Esq., Publisher and Book seller of i his city, .subscribers are hereby notified tha* they will receive their copies from him iu future, os publisher of said .Map. EDWARD \. VINCENT. B-avannah, kpril 7.1853 apr 8 SFRINCr AND SUMMER GOODS, JV>. 1)1 Congress and 73 Si. Julkn streets, Gibbons’ Building. I BEG leave to call the attention of the public, to the large and entire new stock of Fancy and Staph: Dry Goods, just.opened at 154 Congress-street, embra cing every article iu that Hue—among which may be found, Cheeked Silks, rich Printed Bareges, Priuted Jaconets and Lawns, Ginghams, Ribbons, white Goods, Laces, Embroideries, Kid, Silk and Lisle Gloves, To aether with an extensive assortment of Plmifatiov and 11 mse-kccpinj Goods, which will be constantly re plenished. Those who favor me with their trade, can depend upon receiving fresh an 1 new Goods. aprS SPENCER CUItRKUL. Agent. x rj)RE BOOKS. —Jennies’Diary, a lule <.f 1 tie tM i vL nic of h Legend of the Rhine, Rebecca and ltowona, by W. M. Tbaekeray. Lord Saxondale. or Life among the Lon<lon Aristo cracy, by G. W. M. Reynolds. Baruum’s Illustrated News No 15. A further supply of Viletto and Agnes Sorel. Received by la 13| J. B. CUBBEPGE | l'OSl I>o li V .—An extensive assortment of Ladies I I and Misses llnsorv, just ojiened SPENCER CURRELTi, Agent, fob 21 No. 154 Congrosa-st, Gibbons Building. OOIESTIC LIQUORS—IOO bbls Gin, Bum and Brandy. For sale by feb 15 COHEN A TARVER. IBACC fob boxes, a.-- >rU and brain Is, ilbr sale by J apr 1 11. J. GILBERT. 1 Afi Shares Central Railroad Stock. 20 Shares 1 ’ I<) South M’estern Railroad Stock. Fnj sale by upr 15 I'ADELFORD, FAY & CO. JUST RECEIVED per steamer—lo bblu. Apples; 10 boxes Oranges; 10 do Lemons, Figs, N uks, Raisins, Currants,Citron. Dates, etc. GEO. ALEXANDER, Bull andCongrcs-sts., Oprla Monument square. HITE LEAD.—S*IOO pounds pure and No. 3 WLiltclead. Just received and for sale hy apr 24 J- B. MOORE & CO. r pWO BOYS, of good character, wanted at Ihisoyjce to learn the priuting business. ONIONS. —Landing and for sale bv feb 9 ‘ 11. .V GILBERT CfOliV MEAL.—A few bags fresh ground Corn J Meal. fapr 25] SEABORN GOOD ALL. ORANGES AND LEMONS.—SO boxes for sale by apr 25 H. J. GILBFRT. PARIS MANI'ILLAS.—A few oj the latest style Pflrinßlack Rl!k Lfice Mantillas, rom&tbicg new. For Bale by [a 131 KFMrTGN A VISRSTILLF glfips oitb Steamers. D. S. MAH, LINB FOS N£W YORK. To leave Wednesday, Kay nth, at—o’clock. The new and superior steamship <^7: A UG PST A, Capt. Thomas Lyon, will leave ns above. For freight or passage a ppiy t 0 apr 23 PADELFORD, FAY fc CO. U- S. MATL LINE. FOR NEW YORK. To sail Saturday, May 7th, at 6 o’clock, P.M. The new and splemlld steamship ALABAMA, Capt. Ludlow, will posi jMwtively leave as abovo. For freight 01 KSCSEEai passage, applv to nay 4 PAIiELFORD, FAY A CO. U. S. MAIL LINE. FOR NEW YORK. ( To loavo SatUiklay, May 14, at - o’clk, M. Thu IT. S. M. Steamship FLORIDA, j C a l-'t* M. C. M’oc-dhull, will leave a< „ a * )ove • For freight or passage apply | may 4 PADELFORD Y * PA. UTS. MAIL Ll.\i-,. FOR PHILADELPHIA. To loavo Wed losday, Mfty 18. at - o’clk, M. The new and splendid steamship STATE OF GEORGIA. Capt. Walter Collins, will positively leave as above. For freight or passage apply to may 0 C. A. L. LAMAR. FOR CHARTER. „3ist The st hr. VIKU tNI A, Snow, master, is rcaily SWkto receive charter foro cargoofTimboror Lum ber far a Northern port. Apply to mav <1 WILLIS & PRUN'D AGE. F'JR NEW YORK —Union Lino. ,?• Gi The regular packet schr. North State, Ilor ton, master, will have dispatch as above. For freight or passage, apply to may 5 W ILLI3 &. BRUNDAGE. forbostonT The brig CAROLINE, Harding master, will with dispatch ns above. For freight or passage, apply on board, at Telfair's wharf, or to may 4 BRIGHAM, KELLY & CO. NOTICE Schr. PRANCES SATTF.ItLY. Davis, master, for New York, can accnmmoiiate a few |asson gers if application be made immediately. Apply on board at Lamar’s press, or to may 3 WILLIS A BRUNDAGE. WANTED. 100 bales Cotton to complete cargo of schr. j latterly, to sail for Now York on Mon day, Apply to apr3o ’ WILLIS A BRUNDAGE. FOR NEW YORK—OId Estal^hed"LineT The packet brig WILSON FULLER,.!. John ninster, will meet with dispntrh as above, Fur freight or passage, having g mhl accommodations applv onboard at Telfair's Wharf. upr23 BRIGHAM. KELLY & CO. FOR BALTIMORE—ReguIar Line. The schr. TRITON, IV Brown master, will meet with dispatch as above. For fright or passage, apply on board at Telfair’s wharf, or to npr 23 BRIGHAM, KELLY A CO. FOR FREIGHT OR CHARTER. Jl\ The scl.r. G. E. PRK3CdTT,UiIkoy master.— particulars apply to npo 2 BRIGHAM. KELLY & CO. WANTED. A Lumber Freight for New York, for schr ffijfcBLIZABKTH & ELEANOR. Applv to apr 15 WILLIS A BRUNDAGE. WANTED TO CHARTER, A vessel to take 150 to 175 thousand feet itA Pitch Pine Icunbor, to St. Johns, New Bruns wick. [apr 0] WILLIS A BRUNDAGE. WANTED TO CHARTER ,gCUh A Vessel to take 100 or 180 feet Sawed Lum- Montevideo, with a return freight to New Ipply to ao O. A.L. LAMAR, HEAVY FREIGHT FOR NEW/YORK Boxes of Copper Ore may be obtained by ves s*ds wanting heavy freight. Apply to mar 5 WILLIS & RUN DAGE. - W ANTE Db 2 or 3 vessels drawing light, draught of water, to lu:ut at .ti.t'riroutliurUo-s in North Ciirotina with Corn. Apply to no, 5 A. C. TOM.?, No. 12f. Bay .Srnot. VKS3ELS WANTED. Xht. For Northorn anti K t.torn port.,. Applv to out 7 ly WU.LIS AIHIKNDAGK. ™ UO.U> T'^lKAhTll HOtLOtrATB PILL3, Cure of a Disordered Liver and bad Digestion. Copy of a letter from Mr. It. IV. Kirl.u*, Chnnist, Pro pssor-street, Liverpool , doled tith June, 1851. To Professor Holloway. Sir —Your Pills and Ointment have stool the highest on our sale list of Proprietary Medicines fur some years. A customer, to whom 1 can refer for any enquiries, de sires me to let you know the particulars of her case. She had been troubled for years with a disordered liver and bad digestion. 011 the last occwiou, however, the virulence of the attack was so alarming, aud the in flammation set in so severely, that doubts wore enter tained of her being able to bear up under it: for tunately she was induced to try your Pills, and she in- j forms me that after the first, and each succeeding dose. 1 she hud great relief. Siie continued to take them, and although she used only three boxes, she is now in the enjoyment of perfect health. 1 could have sent you many more cm -os’, but the above, from the severity of the attack, and the speedy cure. I think speaks much in favor of your astonishing Pills. (Signed) It. W. Kiukus. An extraordinary Curo of Rhoumatic Fever in Van Dieman’s Land. Copy of a letter inserted in Vie llobart Town Courier of the Inf March, ISSI, by Major J. Watch . Margaret M'Connigan, nineteen years of age, resi ding at New Town, had been suffering from a violent rheumatic fever for upwards of two months, which had entirely deprived her of the use of her limbs; during this period, she was under the care of the most emi nent medical men in Hobart Town, and by them her case was considered hopeless. A friend prevailed upon her to try Holloway’s celebrated Pills, which she con sented to do, and in an incredibly short space of time, they effected a perfect euro. Cure of a Pain and Tightness in tho Chest and Stomach of a Person 84 years of age. From Messrs. The.w and Sm. Proprietors of the Lynn Ad vertiser, who can vouch ftrr the following statement.—, August ‘ld, 1851. To Professor Holloway, Sir—l desire to bear testimony to tin* good effect of Holloway’s Pills. For some years 1 suffered severely from a pain and tightness in the stomach, which was also accompanied by a shortness of breath, that pre vented me from walking about. lam 84 years of ago, and notwithstanding my advanced state of life, these Pills have so relieved me, that I am desirous that others should bo made acquainted with their virtues. I nin now rendered, by their means, comparatively active, andi*an take exercise without inconvenienee or pain, which 1 could not do before. (Signed.) Hknky Ook. North-street, Lynn. Norfolk. These, celebrated Pills are wonderfully efficacious in the following complain Ax ; Ague, asthma, bilious complaints, blotches on the skin, bowel complaints, eholics, constipation of tho bowels, consumption, debility, dropsy, dysentery, ery sipelas, female irregularities, fevers of all kinds, fits, gout, hcad-ache, indigestion, inflammation, jaundice, liver complaint.’, lumbago, piles, rheumatism, reten tion of urine, scrofula, or king’s evil, sore throats, stone and gravel, secondary symptoms, tic doulour eaux, tumours,ulcers, venereal affections, worms of all kinds, weakness, from whatever cause, Ac. Ac. Sold at the Establishment of Professor HOLLOW AY. 244, Strand, (uear Temple Bar. London.) and by all respectable Druggists and Dealers in Medicines through out the British Empire, and of those ofthe United States, inboxes at sale by the Drughousesin the Union.and by Messrs. A. B. A I>. SANDS,New York, and W. W. LIN COLN. Savannah, Ga. iFA* There is considerable saving by taking the large sizes. N. B.—Direction for the guidance of parents in evory disorder, arc affixed to each box. ly* ajtr 4 (“lUT NAILS.—A full assortment of best brands, j just received and for sale by mar 24 E. LOVELL. DANCINO ACADEMV. MONS. A. BON AUD respectfully informs his patrons that his Last Term, of this season, will commence on Thursday, 7 tlx Inst. Pupils, for the above term, will be received until the 23d inst. Persons willing to patronise him are re quested to send pupils to his Academy at 4 P. M.. Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays. N. B.—Mons. A. B’s Fancy lireaa Ball will take place on Tuesday, 26th inst. apr 5 KEMPTON fiTVERSTILLE A RE jiow opening a finely assorted and complete /V Stock of Summer and other DRY GOODS, which they will offer upon the most accommodating terms. As great care has been exercised in the selec tion of their stock, with a view both to price and qual ity, they confidently invite their friends and the public generally, to cal! and examine for them3elvess. apr 5 S~X&KS, SILKS, SILKS; SILKS.—A few more of those small Check Silk? left at L 2-/. cents. Forte.'* Jby [roar 12 J. H. COHEN ACO SAVANNAH JOURNAL SATURDAY. MAY 7, 1853. _ jlnrtiofl Sflteg. BY PIHLBRICK A BELL. Stock of Drugs, JCodioiaeo, ftc., ct Auction. On FRIDAY. May 13, at 11 o’clock, Will be sold at Suiott’s Building, Comoro! Broughton ami Whitakur-sts., the entire stock of Drugs add Chem icals now in said store, also, the furniture, together with the unexpired lease oftbeStorc. Terms at sale, may 7 Prime Cook At PrivAto Sale A prime likely young fellow, a first rale cook, for ! steamboat or hotel. apr 23 Ginghams and Handkerchiefs at Private Sale. Just received per last steamer : 2 cases Ginghams; 1 | do French Head Handkerchiefs, for sale low. apr2l Stawberry Setts at Private Sale. Strawberry Setts of tho following kinds: Alice Maude, Boston Pino, British Quoeu, Ohio, Redwood, Hudson, Crimson Cone, White-wood, Hovey's Seedling. Early Scarlet. They are all grown iu this climate, and in good order. All orders left at our store for any of the above kinds will be promptly at tended to. fob 19 Marshall Hou&o Omnibus and Team at Pri vate Sale. Comprising one fine largo Omnibus, six goodllorscs, and Harness complete. Also, the fine pleasure schoo ner Ann. with now sails, riggings. Ac., nil in complete order. The above property will be disjjoscd of on ac commodating termg; tho present owner being about to remove from tho city, has no further use for it. fob 17 Fairbanks Patent Platform Scales, (Improved in quality and reduced iu price,) adapted to every required operation of weighing—as Railroad Scales for trains or single cars, in use on the principal railroads in the United States and Great Britain: ware house Scales; heavy portable Scales, on wheels, for Foundries, Rolling Mills, Ac.; hay and coal Seales, Ac. These Scales have beuu long known and severely test ed, and til*.* universal confidence felt in the accuracy ami perfect adjustment is such, that they are now re garded as the standard, from which their is no appeal. For sale in all their varieties by I‘HILBRICK a BELL. | set 25 Agents in Savannah. , THE CELEBRATED GRAEFENBERGFAMI LY MEDICINES. tMAY he found at all times, at the store ofthe j lire way totheinfluunev Graofenborg Pills —price 25 cents. In bilious diseases and liver complaints, the,-e Pills act immediately, and will restore health quicker than any other remedy ever known. in the tropics, ami in all bilious climates, no person : should be without them. Burns, Chilblains. Sprains. Scalds, Wounds, Erysip- 1 elas, Rheumatism. Bronchitis, Ulcers,Scrofula, inibuu ! ination of the Bowols, and all ca.-es of inflamed sur- i faces, yield immediately to the power ofthe GRAEFENBERG GREEN MOUNTAIN OINTMENT—Price 25 cents. Tho Graefenberg Eye Lotion, Should be used in all cases of disarrangement in the Kves;it is compounded on the most scientific principles, 1 and will invnriahlv afford relief—Price 25 cents. All diseases of children ylrid at once to the action of : the Graefenberg Children's Panacea.— Price 50 cents. Rickets. Flatulence. Diarrhoea, Falling down of the ; Fundament, Ringworms, and Scald-head, WORMS, Croups, Cholera Infantum an*l all complaints incident to teething, are immedi ately relieved, and the foundation of a strong and ; sound constitution laid. Asa Tonic, the Graefenberg Hoalth Bitters, are unequalled. They will restore the appetite, r move the pallid appearance attendant upon disordered digestion, and taken in connection with the Veg etable l’ills, will cure Fever and Ague.—Price 25 cents. Dysontory, Diarrhoea, Asiatic Cholera ‘and Cholera Morbus, and all classes of Bowel Complaints are cured Immediately bv the GRAEFENBERG DYSENTERY SYRUP, and the system is left in its natural state, while other remedies leave the patient much debilitated.—Price 50 cents. The other Mcdiducs of the Graefenberg Company, are Marshall’s Uterine. Catholicbn, for all complaints in cident to pregnancy, nnd other uterine diseases.—Price $3 00. Dr. Libby’s Pile Ointment, a certain cure for tlio Piles—Price $1 00. Graefenberg Fever and Ague Pills, a well attested remedy.—Price $1 00. Graefenberg Consumptive Balm, a most valuable remedy and much used in medical practice.—Price $3 00. Graefenberg Sarsaparilla Compound, the most valuable purifier of the blood ever known.—Price $1 00. The most complete nnd valuable Alutanae ever is sued, may be had gratis at the Agency. Applyto HUMPHREYS A JOHNSON, dec 10 firnos cor Broughtou and Whiftlker-sts. DR. MARCHISI’S US2RINE CATHOLICON. incidental to tho respectable female, whether married or single, and usually known by the name of Female Complaints. Os these are Prolapsus Uteri, or Falling of the Womb: Foulr Alims, or Whites ; Chronic In fl am at ion and Ulceration of the Womb : Incidental Haemorrhage, or Flooding : Painful. Suppressed and ir regular Menstruation, etc., with all then 1 accompany ing evils, (Cancer excepted) no matter how severe or of how long standing. That this Catholicun is in every way worthy of the confidence of the afflicted, ns a safe and cheap remedy, is vouchsafed for by the fact of its having received the approbation and liberal patronage of many prominent members of the Medical Faculty in tin* United States, and a iso by the voluntary testimonials given in the pamphlets, from Ladies and Physicians of the highest respectability, us certified by the most satisfactory au thority. This preparation is not a “cure-all,” but is intended expressly for the above-named complaints, so very dis tressing in their nature and consequences and which have heretofore resisted the skill and exertions of t lie most accomplished Physicians of all countries, to a de gree beyond that of any other ninlndy to which the human family is heir. The ingredients, ns certified, by high medical au thority. (see pamphlet) are All Vkc.ktable,and are not associated with any article unfriendly to the animal economy. Rkfkrsnces.—P. B. Poekhiim, M. D.. Utica. N. Y.: L. D. Fleming, M. I>.. Canandaigua, N. Y.: 1). Y. Foote, M. 1)., S>raeuse. N. Y.: M. 11. Mills. M. I):, Rochester, N. Y.: Prof. Dunbar, M. lb. Baltimore. Md.: J. C. Or rick. M. P.„ Baltimore, Md.: W. W. Reese. M. T>.. City of New York : IV. Prescott, M. I)., Concord. N. 11. M ulch. Smbruan A Cos., Agents, A’hany, Ga. Pamphlets can be had at the Drugstore f HUMPHREYS A JOIN SON, Corner of Brough ton aud Wliitakor-st recta, sole Agts. nov 27 swtimos for Savannah, Ga. PHALON’S HAIR INVIGORATOR THUS Invigorator is considered infinitely better than oil or grease for the hair, and is an article in which a cleansing wash is blended with u most deli cate silky and glossy moisture for the hair. It cleans the pores ofthe skin, entirely frees it from scurff or dandruff and other cutaneous diseases. Will positive ly change the harshest hair into the most soft,healthy and glossy state. For sale by iurr 30 JOHN B. MOORE & CO. T.iLUID MAGNESIA.—This condensed solution is Ia very agreeable and efficient form for the admin istration of Magnesia, and is very useful in Nausea, Aridity of the stomach, Sea Sickness .and Dyspepsia. For sale by W. W. LINCOLN, mar 23 Monument Square. SUPERIOR WHITE AN]D YELLOW~GREASE For Railways, Carts, Heavy Machinery, Omnibus ses,nnd all other Carriages; 5 bbls and 7 dozen cans of the above Grease, lauding from schr. Virginia. For sale by [mar 21] C. 11. CAMPFIELD. CiORN STARCH.—Oswego refined and prepared / Corn Starch, for culinary use. This article is ex ceedingly healthy, delicious and economical, and when desired, may be used as a substitute, for, aud in the same manner as Arrow Root. For sale by JOHN B. MOORE, A CO., mar 17 Gibbons’ Buildings. lAABBLS. New Orleans Whiskey, landing this 1v H * day por brig Kate Heath, and for sale by mar 2 WILLIS A BRUNDAGE ISLAND'S CALCINED MAGNESIA, fully equal to Henrys’ at one half the price. One gross just received, and warranted fresh. Eor sale by W. W. LINCOLN, mar 10 Monument. Square. E’ TUSJdV WHISKEY.—4O bbls. Hrandy. and 30 do. Wbiskev. landing and for sale by mar 2 HUNTER A GAMMER IDflitts, Hcntg, for ftc. Inteiligcnee Cfficr. ! WANTED TO KENT—A House to contain sis ; teen Rooms, or two Tenements adjoining, for j one or h term of years. The House, or Houses, to be ! in an eligible situation, and iu good repair. Possession | will be taken on the first of September or October next. ! House, or Houses, not to be further out tliar Liberty- j street. Applyto 11. J. CHALMERS, Bay Lane. , apr 20 (RTYV) SPRING GOOD3! JUST RECEIVED.—The undersigned would announce to the citizens of Sa vannah, and surrounding country, that lie has just received,by lateariivuls from Philadelphia, a splendid assortmentof SPRING and SUMMER lJry Goods. Call and see, as he wiil sell cheap for cash. NEAL McIIUGH, No. 170 Broughton-st., mar 25 Nearly opposite St. Andrew’s Hall. t~T PHAM'S PILE ELECTUARY.—Fresh supply jus ) received and for sale by JOHNB. MOORE A CO, mar 25 Gibbon’s Range. |VUOW.VS ESSENCE 04 JAMAICA GINGER.—This 1) article is warranted to possess, in a concentrated form, all the valuable properties of Jamaica Ginger, and will be found on trial, to be an excellent family medicine. To the dyspeptic, it affords great relief, by giving; tone to the digestive organs. Just received anil for sale by W. W. LINCOLN, mar 10 Monument Square. N'KW BOOKS.—Harper's New Monthly Magazine for April. Harry Muir; a story of Scottish Life, by the author of Mrs. Margaret Maitluud, Merkluud, Ac.,hi cloth and paper binding. Tho Ranger of Ravenstro.iin; by Newton M.Curtis. The Life of Nod Scarlett; the daring highwayman,by the author of Dick Cliuton, Nat Blake, Dick Turpin, Ac., illustrated. Agncn Sorel.a novel, by G. P. R. James. The Child's History of England; by Chas. Dickons, vol. Ist. Ellon Linn; a Franconia story, by the author of Ital ia Books, beautifully illustrated. The Bourbon Prince, the History of the Koval Dau phin. Louis XVII, of France. Barnum’s Illustrated News, No. 13, received hv mar3o J. B. CUBBEDGE. j MARRIAGE, HAPPINESS AND COMPETENCE. H7/r is n r f|"UIAT we behold many females, scarce in the mcri _L dian of life broken iu health and spirits with a complication <f diseases and ailments, depriving them ofthe power for tin* enjoyment of life at an age when physical health, buoyancy of spirits, and happy sereni ity of mind, arising from a condition of health,should be predominant. Many of the causes of her sufferings at first—perhaps years before, perhaps during girlhood,or the first years of marriage—were iu their origin so light as to pass , unnoticed, and of course neglected. /.V A FTC It VS A ItS. When too late to he benefttted by our knowledge, we look back and mourn,and regret the full consequences of our Ignorance. What would wo not often give to possess, in early life the knowledge we obtain In after years! And what days and nights of anguish we might not have foam spared, if the knowledge was timely possessed.— It Is MELANCHOLY AND STARTLING To behold the sickness and suffering endured by many a wife for many years, from causes simple and control lable, easily remedied—or better still—not incurred, if every WIFE AND MOTHER Possessed tho information contained in a little volume (within the reach of us all) which would spare to her self YEARS OF MISERY, And to her husband tin* constant toil nnd anxiety of mind, necessarily devolving upon him from sickness of the wife, without giving him the opportunity of ac quiring that competence which his exertions are enti tled. ami the possession of which would secure the hap piness of himself, wife aud children. Sir IRE THE MEANS OF HAPPINESS By becoming in time possessed of tho knowledge, the I want of which lias caused the sickness ami poverty of I thousands. In view of such consequences, no wife or mother is ! excusable if she neglects to avail herself of that know- I ledge, in respect t> herself, which would spare her much suffering, l*e the means of happiness nnd pros • perit v to her husband, and re nfer upon her children j that Messing above all price -healthy bodies, with i healthy minds. That kuowle Ige is contained in a lit tie work entitled TIIE MARRIED WOMAN'S Private I>l< iii ul Companion. BY DR. A. M. M AURICE AU, PItOFKSSOH of ntSEVSES OF WOMEN. , One Hand ret h El it inn.) 18m., 2)0. /Vice 50 Cents. lon fine papeu.f.xtiia iiimuno,sl Uo.] First published in 1846, and it is not sintVßisisa on womikiiivl, Considering Hint every Female,whe ther married or not, can here acquire a full knowledge of 1 lie nature, char acter and causes of her complaints, with the various symptoms, anil that nearly 11 AI. F A MILLION COPIES. should have been sold. It is impracticable to convey fully the various sub jects treated of, as they are of a nature strictly inten ded for the married,or those contemplating marriages but no female desirous of enjoying health, aud timt lx*auty, consequent upon health, which is so conduc tivc t<> lierown happiness, anil that of her husband, but either has or will obtain it, ns has or will every husband who has the hive and affection of his wife at heart, or thatofhls own pecuniary improvement. UPWARDS OP ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND COPIES Have been SENT BY MAIL within the last few I months. CAUTION TO THE PUBLIC. BE NO r I) E Pit At DPI) ! | Buy no book unless “Dr. A. M. Mauriceau, 129 Lib erty Street N. Y.” is on the title page, and the entry I i in the Clerk’s Office on the back of the title page; and [ ■ buy only of respectable and honorable dealers, or send by mail, and address to Dr. A. M. Maurlccau. us there are spurious and surreptitious infringements ofcopvright. LET EVERY WIFE AND HUSBAND PONDER! IVo excuse for Ignorance, when Ignore ance is Misery to those vve hold near ami dear, and when to dispel our Ig norance is within our reach. ; To enable every one to decide upon the imlispensi ble necessity of possesing a copy, ami that no wife, or ■ mother need remain uniformed upon the many caus es, which sooner nr later, are destined to make fearful ! ravages upon her health, unless guarded against, and ! that no considerate and affectionate husband have , cause to upbraid himself with neglect of the welfare of ! his wife—a pamphlet, of thirty-six pages, containing | full Title-page and Irub t of Contents, together with cx j tracts from the book, will be sont/m* nf charge to any j part of the United Stateo, by addressing, post-paid as j lierein. When Knowledge Is Happiness,His culpable to he ignorant. Ito ‘On receipt of One Dollar (for the tine Edition, ! extra binding). ••Tub Muiried Woman’s Private Med ioal CoMPANloN'is sent (mailed free) to any part of the United .States. All letters must be post-paid, and ad dressed to Dr. A. M. MAU RICEAU. Box 1224, New York City. Publishing Office, No, 129 Liberty Street, New-York. For sale by Lee A Whitman, Ringgold; R. F. Rennet, Cnflsville:Poyal A Sears, McDonough; J. A. Reynolds, Dahlonega; C. Youngblood.Oglethorpe, Ga. In New York City, hy Stringer A Townsend. Adri nci',( Sherman A Cos, Dewitt A Davenport, and Barnes A Cos. apr 12 (IIIFCIvLKl) SILKS.—A few Imndsoine patterns J just received. SPENCER OUR HELL. Agt., feb 17 1M ('"ii rr-’s.- st. i Ji b I w>n s’ Building. ] YDUBLE AND SINGLE BARRELLED GUNS.- 1 J Just received and for sale by mar 81 E. LOVKLL- LIRIORS AND Wis US.— l2 halt pipes (Hard. Dupuy A Co.’s French Bran dy, 10 half pipes assorted brands, low pric i ‘*d French Brandv; 80 quarter casks Domes tic do. 50 bbls do do. 70 do P A H Rye Gin, 150 do E Phelps’ do: ('• pipes Holland Gin, 10 bbls Virginia Apple Brandy, 8 do pure Georgia Peach do. 300 bbls do N O Whiskey. f*o do white Baltimore d0,30 old Westminster Mononguheia do, 20 do old Pennsyl vania Mountain do do, 100 do N E Rum 25 quarter casks Madeira Wine,l6 eighth do choice do d0,20 quar ter do Port do, 2 half pipes do do, 20 quarter casks Brown Sherry Wine, 40 baskets Champaigue do. For sale by [aug2o] WEBSTER & PALMES. “PEKIN TEA COMPANY.” Warehouse, 75 and 77 Fulton-st., New York. 1 f .— u This TEA Company has always main xaraq tained a high reputation for TEAS of t X the most delicious character and fra-a } grancy, and are warranted to give sat- x'tersJl to give sathfaction in every instance. If they do not prove as represented they may be returned. For sale by the Agont. J. A MAYER, ’ mar 6 Brough ton-street. ECEIVED PER LATE ARRIVALS—a Tull .supply of Duffleld’s StaggA Shay’s Cossard’s. aud Holosou’s Hams; nisi, a fre3h and full supply of new Groceries, for sale low at ALEXANDER'S apr 15 cor. Bull and Congress sts., Monument-sq. SAW MILL IKONS—Consisting of Cranks, Styr ups, Pitman’s Dogs, Gudgeons. Ac., complete. Landing from schr Empire, and for sale by apr 15 C. H. CAMPFIELD. I THRESH HOPS—One coseof fresh Hops, in 1 ponud . packages, warranted of tho lust year’s growth.— Just received and for &ale by W. W. LINCOLN, may 3 Monument Square. (MIIEESMAN’S ARABIAN BALSAM—For the cure j of wounds, bruises, Spasms, Ac. Ac. Just received and for sale by VV. W. LINCOLN, may 3 Monument Square. AI. AG A GRAPES, ORANGES, Ac.—Wrived per steamer Florida, 5 kegs Malaga Grape3, lo boxes Oranges, 10 bbls Pippin Apples, Raisins, Figs, Prunes, Dates, Citron, Almonds, etc. GEO. ALEXANDER, fob Id Cor Bull and Congress sir.. Monument- s<|. JNEgAK.- I” bbls. pure Cider'Vinegar, and 10 hbla. White Wfoe Viaegar, just landed from preamsbip State of Georgia, for ea! bv I tnr.r 22 ts BPKER FLOUR. —200 bbls. N.St. Louis Superfine Flour, received per schr. Prescott; 24 bbls. Extra Family do dodo. Now dincharging and for sale low from wharf. ]&pr 25] A. C. TOMS, 126 Bny-st. 01 OSKEN BUTTER, —A few tubs new fresh mado T Butter. Just received and tor salobv , apr 26 SEABOnN GOOD ALL. I HATS AND CArS. rn Fine, fashionable silk and heaver lb 1 ’ Men’s aud Boys’ California do. A luge^gßa Wool Hats,for Plantation use sale by STALEY & IIENDY, 1 jan 0 Congress-street. LAI’ES! SLATES I! SLA £&!h .! I—An assort mentof the finest and cheapest Slates ever in this market, just received. Also, a specimen o. tho beet Roofing Slates, which can bo furnished wholesale or retail by 9. S. SIBLEY apr 15 No. 135 Congress-street. B "UTTER, CHEESE, LARD, Ac.—Received per steamer 10 kegs extra choice Goslien Butter, 10 boxes Jn. do. Cheese, 6 barrels Leaf Lard, Fulton Mar ket Beef, Pig Pork, all of which will be sold at as low rates as can be bought for in the city, according to qutilitv- fmar9] 080. ALEXANDER. ____ z N -WINKLER, Factor and Commission Merchant, 229 Bay-et., NVilliauison’M Buildings. apr 1> ly DK.. S. G. FAN COST, Is prepared to perform all necessary j operaHoiifi for the regulation, pro.-or vntien and beautifvingof the teeth,and ! will insert artificial tooth, from a sin glo tooth a double set. Dr. I*. will spare no effort t• • give the utmost satisfaction to ull who may command his services. npr 21 ImTON MARKET BEEJ i • : by [anr 26) II J. GILBERT. HAY. — 1 40 balesof Prime Timothy Hay, for sale tn arrive per sclir Edna C, from Baltimore bv apr 4 A. C. TOMS, 126 llny-st n'AY. —300 bundles Ifomostn* Huv. I r salcbv apr 80 : A BORN G K)DALL. NOTICE EXTRAORDINARY! Positive!}’ Svllin <iil’ at Cost. Subscribers desirous of during their present L business, would invite the ntfou'iou of the citizens of Savannah, and its virinity to their large and well so- j lected stock of Spring and Summer Dry Goods at pitini: ,iew voicii cost, j among which are to l*e found some of tho most desira ble styles of goods, for this and tho coming season, con sisting in part ofthe following goods, viz: COLORED AND FIGURED BAREGES, do do do Bilk Tissues Plain, Black au.l Colored Silk Tissue!! aud L’u regea, Swiss and Mull Muslins, Jaconet ami Cambric do, do do Checked .Swiss do, Colored and Figured Organdies, Black and Colored Lawns, Canton Cloths for Travelling Droves, Printed and Plain Linen dodo. Dotted and Embroidered Swiss Muslins, Ginghams nnd Barege Dcl.aiues, Black and Colored Chamelfou bilks, I'iiiuled and Brocaded Jo. Colored Marcdino and Florence do. M\E,\ <a>OI)S, Ac., Ac., Wo have n large nnd well selected stock ofthe eelc brated RICHARD.SON’.S, GRAY S, DUNBAR, DICK SON A Co.’s Shirting and Fronting Linens; Together with a large nnd elegant assortment of White nnd Brown Table Damask of all widths, Damask Doylies, Cloth and Colons I Linen Table Covers, Birds Eye Dia per, Linen Dowlass. Hiiekabnek Diaper French Linen Twelve and Doylies, Linen Lawns and Linen Cambric, etc., etc., etc., etc. OUR ASSORTMENT of nofir.sTio (jooi)s, is complete and embraces every article kept in a first class retail store. Purchasers will do well to call and see for themselves, as GREAT BARGAINS will be given especially in P;i:i(’} r 1.00.15, which will be sold for In many instances below cost. THIS IS NO HUMBUG. Call and an*, and be assured of tho fact. at. ,1. 11. Ci HI EX & CO.S, npr 28 150 Broughton-stre-’t. M. P REN DERG AST & CO.. this day received per Florida, a very choice le-.CtlV.w s., (,„.*„! of ■ Shades, 4-4, s**4 G-; Plalil Stripe, anil AV It Hr Matting; Anew well seasoncil lot nf Oil t'lo; In, new patterns In every xvliltli; While Clinton ('rape Shawls ; Trimming Velvets, assorted ; Which, with a complete stock of every thing useful in Dry Goods, they offer on very moderate terms for cash, at their New Store. feb 17 178 BROUGHTON-STREET, Nearly opposite St. Andrew’s Hall, West Side. I) UM.—su bids Luther Feltons Rum, lauding per V the brig Clement, and for sale by mar 5 BRIGHAM, KELLY A CO. REAL SPANISH PANAMA HATS. GEO. S. NICHOLS has just received a fine lot A® of Real Spanish Panama llpts, the finest to be found in this city, and challenges competition.— They are beautifully shaped, and of extra tine quality. Call aud see them at the Clothing Store, Gibbon’s Range, and get one, cheap. aprl 1 M. PRENDERUAST dTCO^ HAVE just received a small case of very choice French printed Parages. | Plain and Brocade Black Grenadines. I An assortment of very nice Cambric Imcrtlngs and I Edgings. One ease of superior Italian Sewing Silks. Which with a very complete assort me ut of general Dry Goods, they offer on very low casli terms. 178 BROUGHTON-STREKT. apr 26 opposite St, Andrews Hall. ] (IOAL, COAL.—KX) tons Red Uh Coal, broken and screened, for sale, to arrive, per sclir. Setb Smith, from I’hiludclpliiu. l>v feb 28 WILLIS ABR UND AG E. GROSS Osgood's India Cholagogue, the famous & cliill and fever reinwly, received direct from the proprietor aud for sale by J. A. MAYER, apr 18 154 Broughton-st. | ;\| \ ii .'i ICORN, in store, fi ir sale by J f)\ J apr2Q WEI.I.S A DURR. _ SEIDLITZ POWDERS.—Fresh aud full size, _ prepared and f<r sale by apr 12 J. K. I:-:F0RD, Apothecaries’ Hall. I IJUE. 1 •!>l. . t unc, nn\ l.m-lin per.- c.Jmoiiei 1 j 11. M. Jenkins. For sale by apr 18 BRIGHAM, KELLY J 00 nADIs. 500 best Baltimore cared Haxbsj lami iug from schr Edna 0. For sale bv apr 13 BRIGHAM, KELLY A CO. VTTHYtE WASHER’S of superior y \ make sorted sizes, just received and for sale by _apr 27 _ E. LOVELL. \|BW BOOKS, received April 27 byS. S. SIB LEY. No. 135 Congress-street— Tho Rector of St. Bardolphs: hy F. W. Shelton. My j Home in Tasmania,or Nine Years in Australia. Ladies’ New Cook Book; by Mrs. Surah Jane Hale. Life Here and There; hy N. |. Willis. Nick ofthe Woods, a Tale of Kentucky: by Dr. Bird. Love Affairs in Our Village 20 Years Ago; hy Mrs. Caustic. A Stray Yankee in Texas; by Phillip Paxton. Evelina, or the History of a Young Ladies* Intro duction into the World: by Miss Burney. The Shady Side, or Life in a Country Parsonage; by a Pastor’s Wife; The Old Man’s Bride: by T. 8. Arthur. A voyage to the Celestial Country from the Manu script nf An Old Salt, by Rev. Dr. Cheeves. l)r. Tyng’s Family Commentary on the Four Gos pels. Sacred Songs for Family ami Social Worship. Every Day Scripture Readings, for the Use of Fami lies by Rev. J. S. Blake, M. D. Essays and Miscellanies of Grace Aguilar, selected from the Manuscript by her Mother. Poetical Works of Thomas Gray; by Tho:. Reed. Summer aud Winter of the Soul, by Rev. Erskein Neale. Doctor Birch, nnd his Young Friends. Boys’ aud Girls’ Own Book. Agnes Sorel 1, a Novel; by G. P. R. Janies. Ac., Ac. apr 27 FINE FRENCH MUSLINS AND SILKS. \\TE have this day received, per ptearner, a very el Ts egant assortment of new and desirable style.- of French Organdie ami Jnconet Muslins, at a very reasonable price; also, rich light colored Mantilla Silks. M. PRENDERG AST A CO., may 3 178 Broughton-st., opposite St. Andrew’s Hall camFhine and Turning fluid. JUST received 20 bbls. of th** above, which a will be sold by the barrel or otherwise, at the lowest prices. Arrangements will be enter to supply dealers. jau 26 ’ J. J. MAURICE. BOOTS AND SHOES. 20 CASES fine sewed calfokin Boots; J&*tr i m 12 do. do. peggged do. do.; Monterey Jm and Congress Boots; Ladies’ and Gent’s Gaiter Boots; Ladies’ Tjes and Slippers; Boys’ and Youth’s Shoes; 5,000 pairs Plantation Brogans. For sale by STALEY & HENDRY, oct 23 Sign of the Golden Eagle, Congro.-s st. SPRING AND SUMMER CLOTH ING—TheTub scribersbave in store a good assortment of Spring I an Summer Clothing, which they are selling at low prices. Our friends, customers, and all in want, of good and cheap Clothing, are respectfully Invited t<> call and examine our stock. We will receive by the steamers from New Y'ork, during the business season, weekly supplies of such art icles as our trade may de mand. Call at tho sign of the Golden Eagle. STALEY A HENDRY. May PERIODICALS.—Harper’s Magazine for Mav Putnam’s Magazine for May, Graham’s Magazine, Godey’s Lady’s Book for M&7, Blacker Mzgaxlr.e for April rereteed for sale bv * cf? 27 : S r7RLEY.No 13; Cong r?vt-fit. (Lcmtnrrriri JntcUujrnrf. Savannah Market, May 7. COTTON. —No Baled reported this morning. Exports. Per steamship Alabama, for New Y'ork—Bo3 buie Cotton, 40 do Domestics and Yarns, 3 do Wool and auu* ! dry pkgs. I Per brig Charlotte, for liaiunu—2so casks Rice, 37,- 297 ft Lumber. Per schr Francis Pat ter ly, for New York —893 bales ■ Upland and 25 dc 8 I Cotton, 91 casks Rice, 0 boxes Marble, IS bales Waste. 1 box nuiic. Per schr Elizabeth & Eleanor, for Phildelphia—l47,’ 000 feet Timber. Receipt* of Cotton, <Co., j;r C. R Sl* May 6th—lß9 bales Cotton and Mdzo,to 8 M Laffiteau, Brigham, Kelly & Cos, G W G&rmauy A Cos, C Hnr tridgo, Lawson & Godfrey, Both well A Smith, E Per- 1 eons A Cos. SAVANNAH PBIOJiS CUHHENT. Articles. - t. Bagging, iMudce, 44 in per yd. 14 a lti j Kentucky ..per yu .j Gunny per yd. 12 u IC I Tow per yd. u Bale Rope .. per lb. b u Hb.j ! Dillun s Rope per lb. Sj-u a Bacon, Hams... per lb 12 * a l;’ I shoulders per It. a j Sides per lb.j u v* Reef, Now-York Mess...pci Ul. 1. 00 a II uo l’rimo pur bbl.l 700 a b I*o ‘• Cargo per bbl. a Breud, Navy pur li*. a 4 j Pilot |ht lb. 5 u 5U | Butter,Goshenprime.pcr lb. u No 2 per lb. 18 a 20 I • vieks, Suv’h, IstqaL.pcr m. 11 ot) u 12 UU Northern per m. tOO a bOO j i Candles, Spcrumceti..por lb. S3 u 42 , Savannah made, Tal.per lb. a 13 I Northern do. do..por lb.l 12 u 11 , ; Cheese, Northern per lb.i b u lu Collce, Cuba. inf. to fair por lb. a Good fair to prime per lb. u Kio per ib. 10 a loVj j Java per lb.l 12 a 13 Cotton, Upland, Inferior per lb. a “ Ordinary per lb.l u “ Middling per lb. u “ Mid. lair per lb. a “ Fuir.ify.fair.per lb. w “ Good fair....per lb. a Cordage, Tarred per lb. 10 a 11 Manilla per lb. 14 a 15 • Domestic Goods, Shirtings, brown per yd.j 4 a 7 j Sheetings, brown per yd. 7 a 10 | Brown Drills per yd. b t 0 i Cotton Osnaburgs pur yd.| 8 <i lo j Duck, English por belt jlO 00 a 11 iK) I Amerirau Colton i>er yd. 14 a *24 i i Fish, Mackerel, No. 1..p0r bbl. 10 50 <i 11 00 “ No. 2.. per bbl. 850 a 950 “ No. 3..p0r bbl. I7 00 a 750 j ! Flour, Canal per bU. 000 <i 700 Balt. Howard-st. sup.per bbl.l 550 u 5,5 l'hiludulphia per bbl.l u Ceorgiu |ter bbl. a Grain, Com,cargo per bus. 1 GO a f5 | “ retail per bus.l 75 a 80 Oats per bus.) a 40 Wheat per bus.; a Glass, Am. Window periOOft 150 a 700 Gunpowder per keg', 375 a 560 Hay, Prime Northern..per cwt. 131 a 137 “ Eastern...per cwt. 145 <t 150 Hides, Dry per lb. 0 a lib. Deerskins per lb. | 3 a f * Iron, Hwodes, ussorted..pcr ton l ß7 50 t UK) 00 l’ig ner ton a 30 00 i Hoop pur cwt. 3 .'*o a 400 Sheet per cwt.l 450 a 500 Nail reds per cwt. 600 a ti 25 Lard per lb.j 1014 a 12 Llm<*, Thomastou per bbl.l 1 12‘.j a 126 Ij uin her, S. Sawed.refuse perm.ft.’ SOO a 11 00 Merchantable oo a is no River Lumber, ref... per in.ft.i > a 10 00 Mereh'bh* to! 14 oo o 11. 00 Ranging do. for exp., pur in. ft. 000 a Mill Ranging perm.ft. 10 00 a 13 00 White Bine, ulear perm.ft.!3o 00 a 40 00 Mereliantable permit. IS u 0 a *2; K Cypress Sldngl**s per m.l 400 a 450 Sawed Cypress do per in. jlii 00 a Red Oak Staves per iu.jl'2 OO a 1(1 00 White do. pipe...per ui.!35 00 <r CO IM) Do. do. iihd...per iu.| 25 00 a 36 00 Do. do. bbl....per in. 20 OO 25 00 Molasses, Cuba per gal.j 21 a 22 New-Orleans per gal. 31 a 32 Nalls, Cut 20d...per lb. 0 a Naval Stores, Tar..per bbl. a Spirits Turpentine...|*ur gal. a Varnish pur gal. a Oils, Sperm, wlnt. st'd.per gal.l 140 <i 150 Do. fall d..per gal. a I)*. suui’r do..per gal. 120 a 125 Whale, racked, wiut.pur gal. 05 a 70 Linse<*l per gal. 75 a 80 Tanners’ j*er bbl.; 15 00 a 16 16 Osnalmrgß, Flax ji*r yd. SV.< a 10}^ Pork, Muss, Western ...per hhl.|2l 0 a 22 00 Drime per bbl. 18 <m u 19 (H) Mess, Xew-York per bbl.pjl oo a 22 00 Porter, London purdox.! 175 <i 275 Raisins, Malairn purlKix.l a Spirits- Brandy. Otard, Dupuy A Co...per gal. |2 25 a 560 A. Solgnette's per gal.j 17. a 500 Luger freres per gal. 225 a 360 Bereh per gal. 56 a 125 Domestie p**r gal. 54 a 37 Gin. American per gal. 28 a 30 Holland pur gnl.j 85 a 100 Rum. Jamaica per gal.* 1 C 4 a 175 N. E., bbls per gal. 27 a 30 Whiskey. Phil. A Bull...per gal. 24 <i 25 New-** lien ns pei gal. 27 a 28 I Sugar, B. Rico and St Crolx.per D*. 7 a 7*V., j Havana, white per lb. a “ brown per lb. Loaf and Crashed per lb. a 9 Suit, Liverpool, e >arse..pur sack a Cargo, bulk per bus. •> Turk’s Island per bus. a Soap, Amor.yellow per lb. 4* 6 a 7 Shot ,all sizes por lb. 6J* Segars, Spanish per m. 10 a 35 American per in. 275 a 6 Tallow, American per lb. a Tobacco, Manuf. per lb. 25 • 40 TtttK, Souchong per lb. 30 a GO Gunpowder per lb. 70 a *5 Hyson per lb. GO a 76 Twine, Seine per lb. 30 a 35 Baling per 11*. 17 a 10 Wines, Madeira per gal. 160 a 2"0 Sicily Madeira per gal.i u 75 Teneriffe, L. B per gal 100 a 101 Malaga, Sweet per gal. 45 a sst “ Dry per gal.J 40 a 50 Claret, Marseilles pur cask 36 00 a 40 00 •* Bordeaux.... per cask j ‘2O Oft a 22 00 Champagne per doz. 800 a 15 00 ! Wool. Southern Unwnshcd.pcr lb. 15 a 17 “ Clean pur lb. 20 a 25 Wool skins, Lamb’s..each, 20 a 25 Sbeep'i 1 a ('2 RETAIL TROVISION MARKET. Savannah, May 3. 1b53 Corn Meal, bushel $1 00 ** Grist, *• 1 Bauvii—Hams, p so. ... 14 @lft c. Sides. “ U Shoulders, T’ so 11 ‘(s WVt. Beef. •jAlh [grass 1ed]...12 (a(- 16 Veal, ” 12)- 2 (<k IBfi^ Mutton, -12 (-7 15 Lamb, *• 12 fii) 18 Boric—Whole hog, lb [scarce!. ..10 @l2 Cut, “ ...12i Venison, T*. saddle $3 00 Poultry—Turkeys, each 1 26 fa, 1 50 Geese “ 76(g 1 00 Ducks, (domestic) each..[Bcan ej.. 1 Oh 125 Fowls, each 60(5jC2 Chickens, pair ... 50@ 1 0(* Sausages. ft> 31 Butter—Goshen, T* B> 26@31 Country, “ 00 I.arei, J) lb 14’ 16 Eggs, m doz 20(n> 26 Botatoes—Sweet, $ hulf peck 25 Iri-li, “ 25 Apples. $ half peck 25 riINK TOOTH COMBS.—An elegant, assort ment of Ivory and Tortoise Sheel Tooth Combs, of all sizes and degress of fineness. For sale by ati JOHN B. MOORE A CO.. Gibbon's Building. HAW LB) COLLARS Sit fiupoi O Shaw is,plain and embroidered. Vandyke Collars, beautiful goods, Parasols,assorted, Ladies’Green, Brown, aud Black Silk I’robrellar., as ; sorted, Plaiu, Striped and Checked Glace Silks, Bareges, Tis puos aud Grenadines. j Colored and White Jaconet and Organdy Muslins, A large assortment of Irish Linen*. French Printed Cambrics. M. PRENDEKG AST A CO.. apr 4 178 Brough ten-street.. ! SPANISH SEGAUS.—SO,OOO imported Sugars, just. received, nf various brands, viz: La Esmeralda. Ln Filautropn. Rio ltendi*. Morena. For eajeby afi V.BONAUD. coruw of Bay and Whltakwri^. r“TH VTEi)FmAON ESIA.—An i,rw> He refrig ’••rant and laxative; used exteusivriy ou the conti nent of Europe and throughout the United States as a substitute for Epson Salt.--it i* ns pleasant to the taste as Soda Water. A fr*v h supply kept constantly on bond I RM ADI .—Just recei'ed. :'b boxes Beaune J > Burgundy, a fine article; for sale by jan A. BCNACI* ! 7 JaCaJ nf p.-lme dilu, .w.” , I . \ I on and vdil be sold low if take- f.-ora tee • >pr A. C. TOMS. 1 V Bv st JJassfitjjfrfl. Per steamer Gordon, from from Charleston —L A Bratt. M W St Amand, P Phillips, J Legrec D Le j gree. W H Brice and lady. W .1 M Oaghan and svt, K I J McLygan. J ACouuts end lady. Miss Hernandes, C Bisl*eo, J H Gordon, D B Lnndershiue. W E Eruns, JL J Gordon, C E Potter, H Hunt, Rev T Burminghsm, G U IVtvn, N Goddarel. Master J Sceffiy. McGregor. : I’lieud and rvt, and 9 dock. Per steamer Ja.per, from Chatlcston—Mrs Cherry, Mrs Baldwin, Mrs Reynold. Mr A Jordon, Mrs Epping • “ernes and 2chl)dren. Mrs Robert? and art, Mr* I Miller, Mrs Haynes, Mrs Ross. Mrs Russell, Mrs Slant, ■ Messrs J Simmorman, J H Harris, C Smith,T J Fnlng tnan, Vs Stephens, J W Haynes, J J Brown, C J Daw son, R Toombs. 2 Ma tors WyUy.A H Floats, C P Coop- T Reynolds, W Russell, J Ridgell, J M Stephens, J W Omens, C S Gates. J McHard;, N A Hardee,J Roberta, j BTrup, E B Hi- herson, A II Common, and 16 deck. of tjatcin. : PULASKI HOUSE B WrrrnEao*;R A Son. Pr*)prietorj Friday, May 0. , Wm Dodd i.inniP Tracy do I E h Stearns Connjs H c rawford,Buena Vista N Bhiliipe S CjMiss J Dunham *’ H Bierce N CIF M Be\lus and lady Fa - r H Houston Jas Legail .. .Charleston Miss Q A Walker do 1> Legiiil d> JT Bevins Jones L A Pratt —N Y ■ Mrs C Bevins do J Bet ner de H T Pl*ek and lady A Uiaard doji B Stubbs A I) Lewis Fla Goo Young A G Gordon dolw N Tanard-.-Churleeton Mrs Atherton. . ..Bhiladel >V A Ross Macon i J F Adama..Wa.'hingtonJJFSmith ‘lre M K Burbaut*-, Macon R Botta ....Columbus R B Nosbit do l MARSHALL 110U8F... ... G. Faroo, Proprietor Friday, May 6. , 1,/'’ l ( Jacksonville!R Chamberlain Ga I Fernnnde* S C;C C Potter Savannah BNV i evnmur do W Wadlev Griff.n j 1| n, ' ri ' < Twiggs H Thompson Ga iJ. *' tai’ ton un V Burden Ala I. I. Harden . J C Barns— Macon Marion N S Goodwin Fla doiJ Minbach Macon blaster Holt Macon |D Posenbv do Dunn Columbus | , <. 11 \ IL*TEL...P. Condon A J. B. FoLr.f, Porprietors l Fridavj Mav 6. J M orthington Go G \v Oulton do M H Bar lies,Mil ledpev illei J J Eubanks 8 0 !.,• Effiugbnm iG W Scatergood Macon M II 1 Wright C R H| illariitc Jntrlliijcnrf. j POUT OF SAVANNAH:::::::::: : ;:::: : : : :::MAY 7. • v un Rhus, 6 08 | High Mater, 7 1)4 A HRIT i*;i. I Baak Saranac. Cole, Now Orleans, to Allen A Ball. ! •‘■’ hr Elins Reed. Rued. Brunswick, to master. 44 bales S I Cotton and W ood, to fc Reed, N A Hardee A Cos: and master. Schr Cotton i’lan, A maud, Ogechre, to Master. 3,- >urtM Is Ri ugh Rice, to R Hal enduitk A Son Steamer Gordon, King. Charleston, to S M Laffl ; teau. M(L.e. U SM Laffiteau. CRR Laßcth Bowre : A Cos. A Honnnd. Harndcns Express, N Cruger, Bohn & I Foster. Kempton A YeretiUe. A A Solomons, E Heidi, 1 W ‘i‘ M illjoms, Rabun A Whitehead, W Batters by, T S j Wayne. Kiuchluv. Lockett A Cos, W B Tinsley, A G ! Arard. Cohens A Hertz. j Steamer Jaspi r, Mat fair. Pnlatka, Ac, toS M Laffl lo:u. 2U bales Cotton and mdze. to Andersens A Cos, Boston A Guiiby. I! in> ,v Connery, Padelford, Fav A I Cos, J 11 Carter, K A Lewis, T S Way no, Authon Slout j and order. tL EARED. Sttnin.vhip Alabama, Ludlow, New York, Padelford. l ay A Cos. ’ Brig Charlotte. Starke, Havana, W C O Driscoli, Schr Francis Sattcrly, Davis, New York. Willis A Hrundage. S.-hr l.lizabuMi A Fleanor. Malshurg, l’hiladelpbla. Willis A Hrundage. PEP A RT i:ril Steamer Gordon. King, t Imrlu.-ion. M KM6l< A N DA. Lhurpool. April 19—Arr Br •hipJaue, and Grotto, flout Siiinnnah. April I>*—Sid ship Sterling, f>r Savannah. Bo>thii. May 2-Ud Br l urk Lady ofthe Lake, for Sai annrh. New York, May 2—Cld brig R M Charlton, nnd -ritvs Ro.-ur. and Cataract, for Savannah. Arr srhr Edna C. In m Savannah. Mav 3—Arr sriir Empire, Savannah. I Riiadelpliiit. May 2—Arr schrS Bolton, from Suvan nalu May 3—Cld sclir L Dupont, for Savnnnah. Portland, April 21)—Arr sclir S M Young, frim Sa vunualt. List of Vessols iii Port.—(Corrected Daily.) Ships. Alabama, Ludlow. NY. Padelford. Fav ACo Canada. (Br) Hubfotrd, rep’g, , JPG raves Chaos, Puntou, Havre, Wathbnrn,W A Cos Barks. Dnnbrodv. Williams, l.iv I. J PO-rvu* Clyde, (Br) Mills, L iv'l, A Low A C 6 ia. ei jh.i i, ( in >i uliania, fo.nuon,Padelford,Fav ai o Commerce B. van, L |h*ol. J P Graves Dcnuy. Aver ill, NY. Starke A Bryron India Ketchum, St J. has, E A Soullard Brigs. .1 P Ellicott. Grant, \ V. Starke A Bryson Hiiasinn, Garey. NY, Btai ke A Brvson Albert, (Br) R. biiiMtn, St Johns, E A Soullard Kendall. Ciithrin.s, St Jol ns. I A Soullard Mecca, M uni. St ,b hns, E A Soullard Jiis.ui. Morris n, St ./ohus, I. A Soullard Macon. Watkins. N V, lkiw land A Cos W Fuller. Johnson, NY. Brigham. K A Cos Caroline, Harding. Boston. Brigham K& Cos Australia. Wylie, Newcastle, W Crabtree (a-ribl ue. Crabtree, l ath, M Crabtree ! Boston, *l l rrey, dif’g, W Crabtree , .Mi talla. k. Alley, Newcastle, W Crabtree Tangent. Peed, Newcastle, W Crabtree Mania. Alien, Bath. W Crabtree M T Wilder. Cunningham load’g. M A M llder Marehi.ll, Rjdrr, Boston, fc W Buker Charluttg. Sfnrkg, \N 1, W C G Driscoll Aud ust a, Stuue, dis'g IVaabLum, WA Cos SchftOneiß. Wood bridge, White. Fall, Brigham, K A Cos G E l’rcscott, Giil.ev, dis’g, Brighanli, K A Cos Triton. Brown, Balt, Brigham. K A Cos bcltoy. Powell, dfs’g, Washburn, WA Cos E A Eleanor. Maulsbury, Philo, W illis A Brundag* I Sutterly, Pavia, N Y, ( V.'Riis A Brundage Virginia, Suow, dis’g. * Willis A Brundage North State, Horton, NY. MillisA Brundage A * lifford. Smith, Boston, Bunker 4 Ogden F.ljivah. Small. Horton. Bunker AOcden B Franklin. Loud, N Y. M V Giles A tk> Plnndouie,Brown, N Y. Rowland A Cos John Buggies. Sawj cv, I’orhmsulb, E W Buker 8t George. Tortey, dir’g. C E Totter Advent. Dana, rep g. Matter Lady of the Ocean. Lewis. Bath, Wm Crabtree AMMRICATJ HOUSE. £ HANOVER STREET. - - - BOSTON. ffP* HV LEWIS RICK, ptj[ uilt. Enlarged, and Elegantly Furnished, Push-.*ring all the modern improvements and con veuicnctiti for the aceomiundalicn of the WASHINGTON HALL. THE TRAVELLER’S HOME, Macon. On., / ' n Omnibus i lways in readiness to convey passeujrora toand from the Rail Road depot to JUU- the Hall. 11. P. REDDING, Proprietor It. F Dpxse, Superintendnot. 6mo npr 19 MARSHALL HOUSE; S A V A A N A II , LEO., :;■* GORDGN FARGO, Phoprietosl. bil'il T “te f the United Staten Hotel, Augusta, Geo Jbc-i. apr 10 ly I - ) APF.R. —£OO reams Paper, comprising every va ricty usually called for—Printing, Cap, Letter, Me dium. Royal, Super Royal, Packet Host. Note. Kovel opes. Ac., An. For sale by J. B. CL'BBF.DGE. oi*e 1) 6T A TOES.—SOO Lid's for wikTby jn fti- H. J. GILBERT. MACKEREL —ni* bbls NO. 1,2 and 8 Mackerel; 50 hulf do. No. 1 and 2 do., landing and fur sale by (feb 15) COHEN A TARVER. OH BUSHELS Cow Pens, just received and for sale OU by fapr 2*l B ELLS A DURR lEECHES. —A fine lot of Swedish Leeches; ano _jther supply of Bazin’s art fries and other goods. Just received bv steamer andibrseJe at fb(* a 28 ‘ .v POT 11 EC A R TES’ lIALL, Bronghton-at M AGAZINES FOR MAY-Harper’s New Monthly Magazine, Putnam's Monthly Magazine, Gra j bain's Murine, Godcy’s Ludire Book, and the ficok of I the World. Not. 7, 8 and 9, Received by appjS J. B. CUBBEDGE. 1)11 ICIaE.S.—In barrclsand half barrels, put in J vinegar, roadv for use. Just received and for sale hv fa 81 SEABORN OQODALI,. ('iLARET W|\E 5o ho\es Chateau Morguux, . Chateau Laflttn, Bt. Julian, St. Fmillion. For rale hy ffb 21] A. BONAUD \ E'V bOOKB.-i lara Moreland; or Adventure* In the far Southwest, by Emerson Eennett. Mary Price; nr Adventures of a Servant-maid, hy G. W M. Reynolds. No. 14 of Barnum’s illUF'.rr.ted News. Christian Review for April. Parrived a further supply of My Novel, and L(f-y aud Lowly, in doth and paper binding, apr 6 J. 11 CUBBEDGE. MTmNDEEGAbT & CO., TJT AVE justroreivud at teelr new Wholesale tnd JL In v Goods Store 178 Brenghfon st., r+oV.y eppe-rite Andrew’s Hall West side 1 gunCtwnon't superior White Kid Gloves. foe. 17