The Savannah evening journal. (Savannah [Ga]) 1852-185?, May 07, 1853, Image 4

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mum. llymn to the Setting Sun. ET RO’JET.T OHJILLA.V. gau of the firuiiuriM pime: of wnndorinentl So* thy farjouru* * of .lay it | done; Sail art til m panto; i.rUht- -Jo, Win'* immortal light 1 Down on thy the .uo of olt?hfc—hail! -euiu - mini Slow th* i partost away-far from tl* realm •. May, j Lin in \V nit nn ■ loved b • * Thy lat n li itr-miuu- *.nv fu- *ll tin* gloaming j Yet th >uTt r Lttru t• . fr*. h* u t!. • • .e. . XU/ parting brio • . -.i-to---:—jet nations i Indue s ! Are waiting t irrb: • tl* f<uuLi.:i ><('■ :>U ’ V • ■ Ih • IMI KM Thoukiudic*!.day 1a the dwolfaug* oiia,;htl Wto-re*’- t’i *ti nn ier—there .I V .1 wander. Down i.. *th tin 0ce.1.1 .1 there do • thou rlroy: Kissstng tlie star** at 1.1 >rn— high in tb- nir upW.rue, Skirting creation’ far wrjj on thy .vay : Grandeur and glory—lh**v travel bo faro th’ 0; Brightness an I majesty wall* in thy train. Darkues? it flic* from tlwv, cloud* may not rljo to thee, When thou avakest from t!io -ran again. All own thy influence—kindly thou dost dispense Blessings o’er nature—where'er it* bounds be; Afric’e lone desert, it bloom* at thy presence: And Lapland is turned into auuiuier by thee! Timo caunot conquer thee—ago cannot alter the', Years have uo power to limit thv hwiv: Strength and sublimity—mill they attend on thee, Pilgrim of ogoa, but uot of decay ! Sun of tho firmament! planet of wonderment! Now thy fai journey of day it i • do*’ *; Still art thou partiag bright—shedding Immortal ! light, Dowu oa thy throne of light — bull ! setting sun 1 Tlie Florida Hammocks. From a new work entitled ‘*An Autobiography of an English soldier in th • U. 3. Army,” v.c take ‘ the following description of natural scenery in 1 Florida. It is abiy written and just at this \ titno possesses a peculiar interest Tho hammocks of Florida are a peculiar fen - | turo of tho country. Tho un !• area lauds, con sisting of what is culled pine barrens, are wholly ; composed of largo pine trees open to air an 1 light, ami between which there thrives a lu;;u riant undergrowth of pal radioes, and n gr- it I varioty of richly scented and gorgemisly-colore 1 i flowering shrubs. A savannah of tail strong ! grass, five or 9 foot in length, which occurs In l - and there, and an occasional swamp, arc the only relieving features, besides the hammocks, which I diversify the dreary monotony of those inter- ! ininablo pine barrens, covering nearly the whole j surfaco of tho Suite, of which there is, com- j paratively speaking, but a --mull portion under i cultivation. At intervals of a few miles, dense i iorest thickets, containing magnificent trees of i overy description common in Florida, excopttho j pine, occur in traveling through these pine bar rens. Oak, liquid amber, hickory, chestnut, cotton wood and magnolia, are among tho varie tics found in tho hummocks, which vary in size | from about one mile to two or three in circum ference. The bottom.) of many parts of them arc usually swampy, and there i • a thick under growth of thorny shrubs and vines, which makes I it exceedingly difficult to penetrate into their 1 dark recesses. During the Florida war, the i constant places of rciuge for tho Indian- w.-i : tho hammocks, and woe to the soldiers who f 1 j lowed them too rashly: l ixclo Sam’s troops being no match for the red men in tlx i natural and almost impregnable fortresses. Wounded doer frequently fly to them for shelter, und when one of them succeeds in reaching the skirts of a hummock, after having been wounded at some distance, without the assistance of a good dog, there is small chance of discovering its dying place. 1 have sometimes been .-educ ed into their dark an l sombre shades, in fol lowing ft flock of turkeys which had tal. n shelter in the branches of some of the gigantic trees: on such occasions i have generally been compelled to emerge from their treacherous recesses with torn clothes, face and hands scratched; an l bemired up to the middle with tho mud of the swamp. In goiug through those hammocks, ono ? m tho fallen trunks of large decayed trelying scattered on the ground iu uli dir ion*; t! ,• are very inviting tost ]* on, when oue im igines he is in danger of sinking up to tho armpit.- in u swamp hole. *. h > -v. v r, I would .-ay to : tho inexperienced and in .stranger, how you tread on these fallen trunks ; try the n with I your foot gently, aud see if they are sound; i many of them aro rotten and holl .w, and some ; of them contain dry lodging for u numerous and thriving colony of moccasins or rattlesnakes, a | single puncture from the venomous tooth of one I of which would make you grievously rue your ! reckless intrusion on their domestic privaev. Suakes of a groat many different varieties are I very numerous in Florida. During tho winter they remain in their holes iu a torpid state, scl- i dom making their appearance for two or three months during that season ; but in spring and j summer, 1 never wont out to take a walk with- j out seeing a number of them. Tho rattlesnak'*, I adder and moccasin, aro three ditTurent species j found there, whoso bit • is exceedingly danger ous, and in many cases, fatal: but they all luck | ily possess a very quick sense of hearing, and I generally contrive t” get out of the way before \ they are trod upon. I never heard of a singl • person being bitten while we lay ihcro, though ; in summer we seldom went into tho woods with outwearing a pair of very strong hoots, as a j protection against a chanoo bite. These boot.- catno up to the knees, and were wou over llie tho pantaloons. Alligators aro nnm c -u.- in th.- ponds and riv ors of Florida, and may often be seen floating with tho stream like tho trunk of a tree, while watching for their prey, on the surface of the Hillsbro’ River, close t > the garrison at Tampa Roy. Ono of tho soldiers who caught n young one, brought it to the garrison, designing to rear it as a pet, but as it gi\ n > igns o! profiting by tho opportunities of improvement afforded t, utterly despising the southing : in, and ex hibiting in the most undisgui-. and manner tin natural depravity und appen-ntly incorrigibl. vicious propensities of the alligator family, by snapping at dogs, children, an.l all wh■> ■ -am.• near it, he was forced to destroy it us a mn-an. Opossums, racoons, squirrels, and rabbit.-', were found in the wood- round th • gamv<!, and a great variety of tho l* at!i • 1 trii - fiv quented its vicinity, among whi.H pelicans, cranes, ducks, didapers, i.u tri Iges, pigeon parroquets, vultures, and a host <•! other.-. Among the small birds I observed * \ ‘ i -p. cios of the humming bird, th • L!u -jay. the scarlet oriole, the red breast, tho w > • ip. ik. r. the whip-poor-will, with that glorious bird of inimitable song, the tnockiug-blid. It com mences to sing about the month of Murcb, and continues to the month of Juno. Tue celebrated ornithologist, Wil *n. has given a description of this bird, which I \ had rend, anl could scarcely help thinking \ must have been rather too highly eo!or<-d ami j laudatory, until I had heard a few of its extra 1 ordinary performances, when 1 fi ly admitted i its truth. Its song, to which I have often lis 1 toned on a stilt and clear m*> oilight night, for that is the time in whii h ii \\uj .•!•■ i:.- nm- 1 melodious strain, is undescril nbly sweet. If i- j tho only real good singing bird in America; but I would prefer it to nil ihe linnets, larks, thrush es and blackbirds of the old world. The lagoon-like bays and creeks on the coast of Florida abound with many e\ 1! it varieties * offish, an! turtle are very niinueii- ami dai ly caught. We often had turf !. e iipnt Tumpa Hay, as turtle could he bought ut two or ibr< •* ; cents a pound. A species of lund tortoise cud ed a gopher, which burrows in the sund, is ob tained in the woods by digging them out of their burrows with n spade; this made n very ■ delicious soup, which soup, some preferred j to turtle. There is an excellent oyster-bed on i a sand bank in the bay, about -:x mile> ti n the garrison; anil occasionally a lew of tic men. | havingobtained the perm is -i m of the Quart, i master would take the barge aud go down fora supply of oysters. Going down at low water, if was no hard task to collect as many oysters as tho whole of the two companies could consume. Nearly all parts of the coast of Florida furnish these excel! cut shell-fib in inexhaustible i;uan titiea. \rFiSHEL WANTED far PHI LA DELPHI.—A high rale of freight will bepuid for a vessel to • load in the line for Philadelphia, nppl v to feb 4 WILLIS A BRUN DAGE. MACHINERY 01L.— 6 bbls )>cst Machinery Gil [ landing from sc):r. Virginia, from Philadelphia j o x sole by 21; C. 11. CAMP FIELD. AGEICULTTJUAL WARE-HOUSE, 170 BAY-bT —SAVANNAH, GA. The subscriUir D prepared to I furnished Planters,Country Mer chants and others, at NNIIOLK or RETAIL every variety Vgimilt urnl Impleinenls, Consisting rblvfly of Houghs, Cultivators, llarrous, 1 Corn Shellei>. straw (!utU*rs, Puwdcr and Hand Corn Mills. Kan Mill-. Smut Mi Is, Hoad Kemper*, R.h.i • I'uller*. Grain Crmlles; grain, grass atidburli Seythes; lu ;ip Uisrks, (Jurdrn and J’runmy luntUmenU of 1 !’ < • ■ Mi! a.,.1 Cxtlou (Hu Charing. Mill lVfk- a I “'liM Irons. Saw Hum *1 r*. tal an I screws fur lifting Mill - -1 -i. 1 Dutrh um fan I* t!i . Bo >l !••’ v iniuibuils pH toot ih “> po\or, r.oc suJ | D!.:ko Patent Ulii F Froof Fatflt. j 11. dvautiu t u 11. ut and Plastor, tu quantity: ; • • ‘* 1 ■"*•1 *<:bvr *r lamp.-, ji hl und ton -1 ebinerv patent fantfaw Pol'b double and single .. .u -u It width; s'.itchod. cemented uod ; eopi'or-rivetetl; India UuMtirdo., amid i ply. ofidl widths: patent luce uud jl fcor string fantlicr, Copper and Burrs, IV-ugluss patent Davs mid Surtfrm iypr • hiiln Pomps, hydraulic Kama, lead pipe to lit; Colima and other makers approved Axes and Ifat-h ----e:-. wood and hand Saws. Ame -’ Shovels and Spades, 1 English pfttonj and emvn Hoes, and American best j manufactured li h-s, of nil sizes; hay and manure ; Forks, Chisels, liammors and Nails, assorted; garden j and canal Wheelliareows, cotton waro-bouse and store ■ Trick*, patent pl.i:form, counter and beam Scales, of nil sLe.*; Wire Cloth, Ac. I PatCZS BtxajN.VDLE—TERMS ACCOM MOD ATI SO. Wool, Hides, Furs and Boos’ Wax, • BOUGHT at all times, and pa il 1 r in cash at current I market prices. CHAS. 11. CAMI’FIELD. j fob 3 TIME 18 MONEY. ! Dispatch is a Rooo nmondatiou which is Im portant to Builders and Contractors. rilri Subscriber i* now prepared with nsuf > jla flcicut farce of Work men. to do four times tho I nmiunt of Tin Roofing, of any Establishment | iu the Fit y of b ivanimb in tiro some space of time..and can give reference to numerous Hoofs laid ! hy him, which tho p'tblie can inspect. I can cover a j Medium sued Dwelling House, and put up Gutters • an 1 r-.u labors, complete in the spate of 10 hours. ! All It > -:s warrant lin point of Workmanship, and , I prices as low as prudence diet itcs. , lam also, fitting up Water Works in Houses, which ‘ lin ptdut ofStvie and Workmanship, ha* never been ; I prii ‘j. .| in thin City. All work done under my immo j dinto inspot'Jiun. t respectfully ask a continuance of the patronage, > 1 which has lieen so liberally bestowed on ine since mv j coiiimeuooment in businoes, aud will endeavor to mer- j . it ae.,niiuuance 01 the same. JOHN J. MAUr.JCJB, 16 and 12 Ba rn ird-i 11 ai t. “_.O 1M rK V Til t: UICI Vi: S Jtadway ’s I ; Heady Belief. Perry Davis’ Pain Killer, Ayer’s 18 Ciii-M \ IV toral, Daley’s Magical Pain Ex’trae- 1 * r ® Me Alli-'cr’s Ointment, IP [land’s German • j i:i’ [• r-. Moffatt’s Pills. lJowaml's Knl\ dor for the Com , ! piexion. Ivi.viand's Tonic Mixtures, celebrated for the ! • a of Chills atul Fever Rowland’s TolegrapWc Piles : ] and v,ii'i'us others iu goricral use; Turlington’s Bal- ; , ‘inn. Kahnstuck’s and dnyncs’ Vermifuge and Dead ‘ j Shot. A full supply <f all the late popular patent \ 1 M *di iiics. received per steamer and f*r side hv .1 NO 1. MA YBR. STRING AND SUMMER CLOTHING, Y’ *111863, Goo. S. Nichols. r. II \. J r> e ntly recently returned from iilj jil/jp.Ncw V ■;•! . where lie has been selecting J md hating mad'* up his Spring and —i l—J summer Clothing, and unites his friends and i eiistinners t's look at the f l lowing which aro good j , aud fashiouably made aud offered on reasonable tonus, j Mon’s Clothing. 76 Men's Bb •*. Black, Frock and Dress Coats, ; 7.*>o do. Cad.merct. Drap D’Kte, Merino, Alpaca. Tweed 1 Planter's l.inon. Cream Linen, Grose Linen Frock ! I and Sack Coats. 2.V> Merino, Alpaca. Linen Drill and Cotton Round > j Jackets. : 7.60 Foncy Silk. Satin, Alpaca, Linen, White and Fig’d | Mur.-eilles \ u*ts, ; 90;) White and Fancy Colored Shirts—all qualities. : 300 Undershirts and Drawers, do do Boys’ Ciothing. ! As ic ■ ■ was given that. I would go largely Into the | Boys’ Clothing, I would inform them that L h iv<* th * 1 I-r assortment iu onoStore in the SouUl, and will be -old cheap and at one price, i suo Boys’ Frock Coats, and Sacks of all kinds and I quality. : 7On Boys’ Hound of great variety. I 650 do. Cassini ere, Drilling, Alpacas, Dra > D'Ete I Pant*. 300 do. Silk, Valencia and Marseilles Vests, great va- I riety, J6O do. White and Col’d. Shirts, from sto 10 years old. i 76 Sni ill Children’s Suits, Kills and little Sacks, as sorted. Als • a good supply of Boys’ Drawers, in fact a com j pi os**, outfit for Boys of any age nt a moment's notice. Fancy Articles. j Handkerchief.-. Cravats, Stocks, Gloves. Suspenpers, ! Money Belts. Children’s Belts, Comhs. Bru.-hes. Neek : tie*. Port Mouai.-, Card Cases. C* liars, Umbreila-.Sutch . ois. Carpet hogs. Ostrich Featlior Dusters, Coat Links Kho *l filer Brace l .Caps. Ac.. ,tc. Those iu want will, ; now fin*l a full assortment <>!'the aliove at the Cloth | lig Store, No. 166 and <>9. Gibbons’ Kanve. mar 25 SAVANNAH BARBER SHOT, AND Itatlilujg Saloon. ‘IMIl! Suh-crilier would respectfully announce to the j 1 eitizens of .'-.(vaniiiih. and of Georgia, Alabama, : ! Florida, aud South Carolina, that this long uml well | I known e.-tnhlLshment is open for the rcceptiim of his 1 : friend.-. He assures them that nothing will be left uu j done on his part to continue it a convenient and com , t irtalde Barbershop. 11 is prices will he as reasonabhv as any similar establishment in New* York. | Iluir Cnttin.-, iu neat uud fashionable style, $0 20 ■ Single Shave, 10 ‘ I ShainpiHiing. 25 I j Shaving six and seven times a week, 2 00 Shaving five times a week, 1 50 ‘ Shaving three or four times a week, 1 00 1 I Ti*diets for Children’s lloir Cuttiug, 8 for 1 00 I ! Hot and Cold Baths, 50 I Parents are respectfully informed that every cure ! ; and J.-liiis will be taken with their children when sent , I * th*-Saloon to be waitetl upon. Hu will also keqi j ’ t**r sal*-a variety ut Fancy (hm>*ls, sueh us Gentlemen's ! ! Cnivuls. Si-.- k- oil Kinds of Gloves. Dress Shirt-. Me ’ vino mid ( ‘ ion Undershirt -and Drawers. Pocket Hand j ken bi ands Cull .r-, Sooks. uml other articles of Unnth- I men's wear: ids*. II dr. Tooth, Hat. Nail. Flesh, j Cloth* an*! shoe Bm. In-..; Soaps, Oils, Colognes, und Balm of Savannah. j This b.-aaiifiil preparation is iminiifaeturcd by him i self f>r .leaning and darkening the Hair: thousand* who fan e-**. rived ih-* benefit <*f- lenimingfnmi dandruff, | improvlug and darkening the Ilsur, are willing to com mend i:. Price- a botth-. or three bottles for $2 25. Augusta B.irbcr Shop. H * wool I al-o take th • pleasure ofinformlng hi- mi ni- - * *i ft ieo !- that li*- hn* “pen. and a magnit .nt Bar her Shop under the Augusta |. Br<>a*l stre t, Au gusta, wfawc every eorircnlcncc will he found to make lb* pair*. eomf •rtnblc Strnng-rs and frleuds veil , ing Vugu.stn, arc respe tf.:!l s.*li. it-*l to giv un* u cull. .1 ’I. IIA\ WOOD. ‘I *mimoni s.juare. S ivamuih. Anlunlcr Vug.*. 1I! •*.*l. Broad at nt, Augusta, j an 25 Tv : MAPS. ROUTE AND GUIDE P/JOKS. &C. i 1 ‘LI ->\ S It-hi • hi: I*• aide It . k through the I ni l ■ IC.I St a’ ami Cai.u la. .-ootaming th • routes and : .flMauccsoii th* r* it line *1 travel hy Uailroiul*,.Stage r*'>6. C:uial - l.t and Kii.-is. a**, oinpuuied with u ( •!’ n * ’lap t th** I i;i ! Sat.-- ~f Amcrl- a. iu< Ind i i'g th* Hii’i li Pr ** r *•* -. Ab-xi.... ;h. We t Indies and < eotrul \:o**ri*u.w it li n part*. I New Grenada and Ycit ! oxuclit. 33 \ Id inch* P*'ck ,- t ‘I •• .1 ii r 1 Florida, Tenn* -<-*1 . and . Kentucky— A in*a a rtincut just received aud for *‘|e by 8. 8. hfBf.EY, 1 j-ui JS No. 135 Congress-street. BUT I ER—I lba. for sl. ! TT ’ST HKCKI \ III) I 10 k-g* Butter, I Ih*. for fl I lo : eg* tloshea Butter, 3 , lbs. f*>r sl. 15 l:.'gs- .-tn<*'ly prime Butter, 3 lbs. for s.l. Landing per *. h • >n**i Triumoh— ■j) imita’i •:> bo.di-h t'h • *e. 11 h and lino flavor, j li boxei mil l rich -Northern Cheese. 1 For s.dc at DICKSON’S, j marl* Cor. Whitaker-*!. a*id Broughton-lane. nIRECT IMPOR'I i**i Otard Duj ft Cos. Brandy, vari vio t-igosuitd w-orrunted Ith proof, in Custom House stores’ *tw f Ml as &▼ rabie terms as any in market’ j A eoiHtant supply of direct importation. l . Cognae and | Bordeaux Brandies. Also, 100 baskets ••Buenavistn” I Champagne, imported by ourselves —a choice Wink. 50 buckets lleidsick and B*mcheChainpague. For sale on reasonable terms, by WEBSTER ft PALMES. I VOAVI. A.NDM* K i LYB * 1 :. -n - celebrated ! V prep.iration f*r improving and Leantifving the I ci*mrfaxion. crndii-niing all cutaneous eruptions, and ! ■ ,l •‘•ling- t lie skin soft, fair and blooming—warranted ) the gunuinc article—is for snh* bv JOHN B. MOOR E A 00.. I Gihht os’ Building. I)KC’’l> l’Klt STKAMJiUt lo bills Extra Mercer ; \ I*otabic*: 10 do Kidney do; in p,. n ,<h Bloom do; 1 1° lo Apr fas: Currant - Kn /lish Walnuts. Brazil Nuts, 1 Penn <lo, Filberts, Pickled L< bsler, Swoctmeats, Can- 1 j etc. GEO. ALEXANDER. Got Bull and Congress sts.. Monument aq . I 11* t it. J lauding per aelir. Wood bridge and f**r sale by ! l’t - B tIGIIAM, KELLY ACO. | i ffCHOVIE on Anchovie Pa * in Fr-*uch Mu t*ir.d: 3 •* Currant Jelly; for rale by -Vj3 A. BON AUD. NO. Slli V It*—A few hogsheads left. For sale ! • low to close consignment, by apr 25 SBABtIRN 000 DALL. j •j UOIR-260 bl ls .for sale be I opr 25 H. J OTLBEKT- SAVANNAH JOURNAL SATURDAY. MAY 7.1853 Business pircftori). Vustin, 8., Agent aud Superintendent Savannah Steam Rice Mill. \lh*n Si Ball, Factors and Commission Merchants, 112 Day-street. \llen. it. A. jc Cos., Luiulter Merchants, Smcls { ikiu \ Burns, whole* ale ami retail deal or iu Dry V C *si*. Shu 1- Bail*ling. Vndcrsoas A < ’o.. Factors and tJuuuuission Mer i 1 .1, Dr. b. i>., uiliee ou Oglethorpe square, cor. a \ Si ate and Aberuoru. V :•’ J • i- ’ .*1 \.lin Cr.c *". **, or. Bull and Confess st. t ntrobus, John, Portrait and Landscape Painter, ! V. St. Andrew’s liall, Broughton st. j Vbnihams 1). and Bro., Clothing and Dry Goods Merchants, Bryun-st., near tho Market. I>mwn, J is. A., wholeoale uml retail dealer iu Groce > ries. Fruit and Confectionary. No. 27 Whltekcr-st. IXorehort A., ship Biscuit and Bread Baker, corue for > Jefferson and Bryan-streets. IXuchauau, William, Gardner and Florist, JfliMi st ) Lane Bukur, K W. Factor uud Couiminsiou Meruhaut. Jones’ Wharf. Harroughs. Til A Bou, if actors and* ’bin mission Mer ohants, ti 7 Bay st. Brigham, Kelly & Factors and (.'•mmission Merchimts. 17fi Ray st. Kelden und >!o., wholesale and retail dealers iu lists ind furnishing Articles.i*or. Brou’n k Barnanl sts. 1> I ) cor. Whi taker and Hay at I|urt,ll. Oyster li iraut, Barnard at > the Market. 1) J cor. Whitaker uud Bay sts. I Barnwell, J. VI., Inspector Savannah thus Company. I Office ut Gals Works—Uesidem-e, 100 Jcffcrson-st. I'lancroft and Bryan, Stock and Exchange Brokers. ! .>ll7 Bay st. ______ I ) utter, Gilbert. Contractor an ! Builder, residence j O corner Floyd and McDonongh-ste. 1 >. *. * I ) Bay and Drayton st*. I )lair. Francis. Contractor and builder, residence i> w **st end of Broughton *t. ikulloch. Win. ii.. Clerk Court Oyer and Terminer, > office Court ll*>u-*‘. I’ Barnard 1*3.. Keeeivcr * : Tax Returns, at lie* I Court House, until April I.sth. from oi. m. t<* 2P. M. ishlor. J. 11. Grocer, corner West Broad uud York ('ft he us A Herts, Commission Merchants, No. 140, j Bay-atrcct, Savannah, Oa. / 1u y 1e r , George A. Teller Central Itail Road \ BiIDK. (1 ) lifii, Solomon, Ca-kier Central Hail itoad _J Hunk. ("•fa rev. P. M.. Daguorrlan Artist, over Wilmot’a Jow j dry store, Market r-qr. | Wm. Factor and Comuiisidou Merchant, . . 20H Bay-street. (Tui . j Gibbon’s Building. (1 1 r & Wade, Foctorand Commission Merchaats, j 8 t Bay street. _ _ j Tampfli l*i,C. ii i Iturol Waros^S \ M . ‘TI Bay st. (Vonn, U. 1., Cacinet Maker and dealer in Furnuture, j Broughton st., between Bull and Whitaker. (1 1 Ulaas W ure, j j 100 Bryan st* j tarter, J. EL, dealer in Drugs and Medininea, 176 1 \_j Brnightun st. 1 tpunb-v. Daniel, Ka iiinuablc Boot Maker, corner V_.’ Broughtou and Bull st. i \ ihon and Tarver, wholesale Grocers, Bay l | Toudon, Piorco, proprietor City Hotel, Bay CTohen, J. 11. and Cos., dealer in Dry Goods, 140 j Broughton st. _ (T*>hen and Bannon Hair Dressers, 001 Bi 1 ton J and Drayton sts. i Ward and Owens, Attorneys at Law, Bay \ j Tlaghorn and Cunningham. Ship Chandlers and j v_y(ir.s*'T!i, Andanx’s Wlmrf. j fliarters, Dr. \V. M.jMhce ‘JJ Broughton st., hctiveeu j ; \ Bull and Drayton. / Tuiibe.ige, J. B. Bookseller and Stationer, south I ! \ ! ride Market wir. I i * >uth Broad an l Bull 1 ts. j (A llalr Di - >1 ■ Bi yui j Moniinu‘nt s<jr. I ’ is to u, 11., G asl \ it* r. east of Whitaker. / 1 •rie:iu.F.i* tnu*r of Bull and Broughton iud.nv * uuent. /’Tlmlmers. 11. J.. Stock and Exchange Broker—office \ Bay Lane, in rear of the City Ib'tel. 4 V'baurn. M.. Teodier of Music—instrument* repair \ t cd, 7 Dra i ton t. / 1 i\, William, dealer iu Dry Goods un.i Clothing. I'-’ v / Whitaker street. Doyle, John wholesale and retail dealertuGro erics, Exchonge D * k. ne Ford. J. E. Dealer in Drugs and Medicines, cor ner of Broughton and Barnard-strect*. I Veni ■: . l *i. F. U., “.n ‘ and 1 e idet south • ido I * of Broughton, between Bull and Whitaker sts. i varyee,Charles 11., Factor and Comniis.sion .Mer- I ) chant, Bay 1 . h uncan, Wm. Factor and Commission Merchant. 8U Bay t tn •*. | y *” ‘i nurd hibble aud Carey, tkshi muble Drapers aud Tailors, corner Brougiiton and “ ldtoki 1 • DW or, corner Whitaker si Brought .11 st. lane. nil 1 m. I*. It., deal *r lu Uay an i G ruin, foot of West Br .1 st. jy - 1: 11 i , nabl i*. aid Brapf 14 J y*ly. M in.,” deafer in lh V Cinods, Congre.-- t. Mon | v* by, J. S Painter,~G 1 ozlorand Paper Hanger, 82 I f i'.Tiy.medoorfem W. B. ai,*l 21 ‘!* Dom.uzh sts. I Etheridge. U . D. Si Cos., Factor! und Commisbmu J ‘I T. luillt*. XU Bav .11.-l-t, ! fMauigau K. and <’•*.. Dealers in Boots and Shuos, I* IBi *-” -sti el Savannah, •- * Ijtpptng & Kretx,Factor* mid . oniui:*.-i'*u Mcichant-. i lU9 Buy riL lAcrgusutt Dougnld Cabinet-maker and I pholslorcr, \ : opi ito the Court House I Ldi. J. 1. Dr, office *vl rc.*i !• ic e 120 BrimghtonTt. T near Whitaker. 1 _D'I Bay *t. Elr&nklin & Brautley, Factors and Commission Mer cl uit . i ■* Bay st tAalliga>'6. .I>hu I* . P;n:iU-r am*l dea!* r m Puiul - and oils ‘muinontsqr and Millcn, Attorneios at Law, cor. Whita- I kur and Bay sts. j. Fairchild. 1.. .I 8.. N *tarv Public, Marin** and Fire 1 Insurance Bank. I Vii.*ct. \. and C<'.. Grocers, 185 Congress st.. above T th Marki t I ‘iniioy. M., Justi<*o of the Pence, under the Ex ,hane - J/ t ton, It. L., For*tor and Commission M* i luiii. ;! | 1 1bb, James, Boot r State and Whitaker 4 uilnirirtin. J. K.. Clerk Superior and Inferior Court* \ I* in the Court House. (1 ass, David, Koepei Livery Stable on \\i>t Broad I street. (f allowoy, A.. Dyer and Cleaner, 73 York street. T near tlie Court House. ( f oodrk li. \\. \\:, wholiualcand retail Grocer Smut's I Buil.ling. Whitaker st (< oo*l:ill. 8. wholesale Career and Coninii.*.*iou Mer r chant, 20fiBay st. / 1 ilbert, il. .1.. vsh ...i dealer in • i \ I ries west side Market *qr. / 1 lies uit v in.. Lumber Merchants, Yale Royal \ * wm. J / 1 armnny, G. W. *v Cos., Factors and Commission \ I Merchants, 10l Bay st. / ‘ . !. . \ JT chants, 93 Bay street. / 1 ui ia,fi . 11. V\ li .I sale and r. tail iealer in Carpets. ; \ I Shad s Building. riffln iu and i tod m, Counsellon at Law, offiie m the ! I new Custom House. (1 iiimhl. Dr. Cliarlex. South Broad st., East of Bor J nard. ("1 uerrard, J. M., Counsellor and Commissioner, 175 T Bay st. (1 intrd. Mm * . Boarding and Day Sefaioiol far Young I .Jl Ladies, No. 21, Jones st. p tdloway, D. H.. manufacture of Matches, and Mar- I I I king Ink, 73 York st. (1 rimball and Ashe, Contractors and Buildeys, ffisi- I T dunce Jones et. 01 owdy, IL, Commission Merchant, corner Bay and r Barnard sts. up stairs. I fenry, Wm .d.*nb-rin Dry Gc*xls and ‘’lothhig.wes’ ‘ IJ sidr of the Market none and Couory, Ship Chandlers, Harris’ Wharf Savannah, Ga. Harden and Lawton, Attendee at Law, office 147 Bay st, up stairs. 1 I onderson, Thomas, Cabinetmaker and Underta- I L ker. Bull-street. Heald, M.C.. Dentist, office cor. Broughton and Drayton sts. Uotcomlx*, G. A. Teacher, Gus tou street, near tho Park. Haywood. M., Iluir Dresser, Ac., cor. Bryan and Bull sts.. Monument mir. Hunter Wm. P.. Agent Mutuul Life insurance Com . pany of New York. Howard, Goo.Troup, Attorney at Law,office corner 1 Whitaker street and Buy lane. Habersham, R. A Son, Factors and Commission . Merchants, 140 Buy st. nunt. W. J., Fashionable Barber und Hair Dresser, ! . 109 Broughton st. j H ardee. N. A. A Cos.. Factors and Commission Mer- ; chants, 1 lo Bay st. I Hun ter A Gaiuniell. Factors and Commission Mer-j chants. 90 Bay street. j Hull A King Factors and Commission Merchants, 210 Bay street. | Howard. Dr. J. G., office corner Drayton and Per- ‘ rysts. ! n uniphrcns and Johnson, dealers in Drugs and Medicines, cor. Broughton and Whitrkersts. Har.l wick A Cooke, Factors and Commission Mer chants. 102 Bay st. nfidt. Win., wholesale and retail dealer iu Shoes, Gibbon’s Building. | I aidcastlo. <i. 5V., dealer in Carriagus, 20 Congress 1 i and 95 St. Julicn sts. nonry, C. S., Counsellor nt Law. and C-ommisson . or, office in Sorrel’s Building, Bull st. Han smen and Mayor, dealers in Dry Goods, Con gress st. * Blue Store) west sideof the Market. \ mson VV m., proprietor Marshall House, Brough f I ton st. Jacobs, l\.dealer iu Scgara uud Tobacco, 23 Bull st., Broughton. j n s, John, Factor and Commission Merchant, 72 Bay street. JonosTX Ti! i* ■ Sot m Guns. Pis tola and Hardware, 170 Congress st., west of Market. Jcssoe. J. D., Wholesale and Retail Grocer, Brough ton st, between Whitaker and Barnard. J ohnson, John R., Superiutendunt Gas Works, resf dence Jones st. l/’ibbee ands: dgers, W’holesalo Or re, and Provi IV j n Dealers Bay -t.. West of Bachsmge,Sav.Oa. Kemptoiinnd Verstiile, wholesale and retail dealers in Dry Goo*!s. No. 72 Waring's Rauge. I ‘ ‘• ckett A Cos., Cos in uii slon Merchnuts, | IV No. 77), Bay-st., Savannah, Ga. Knapp, N.8., dealer iu Saddlery and Hornoss, Mar* . ket sqr. Kent, E/.ra, Wheelwright aud Blacksmith, West. Broad st. Kuboie lr. Gamihi's of .floe. i'i ‘••• A. 8., Pr ■; riut V *;’ i! m•” K.-laur.-int, j lippman, Joseph, wholesale and retail dealer in Dry j 1 Jim|ls. Market square. lathr p, lit nrj ,v Cos., wh lesale and r< tail doaloi • j in Dry Goods, Gibbon’s new Buihliuir. (Congressst. IOW A I O. Andrew. .Shipping an 1 Mi r j chants. 50 and 52 Bay street. I ovell. E. dealer iu Guns, Pistols, Hand ware, At - ., I j Barnard st., South of the Market. luffboro, 0., Tanner and Dealer in Hides, Spring. j field Planlntioii. long, J in,-. l Attorney, Solicitor Gen. E. D., othcc j corner Bay and Whitaker sts. iaffitcau, S. M., steamboat Agent, Charleston and j Savannah *t cam packet Wharf. Iyon and Ho 1. n holosole and retail dealers in lints j and furnishing Articles, 155 Congress st. lamar. C. A. L., Factor und Commission Merchant, 1 j 105 Bav st. 1” H iler in Drugs aud Me j eoruer Congress and Bull sts. Iv) S * l Horn at Law, < ffii *•. ornei w hitaker 4 and Bay streets. Marshall ll >use, •* Fargo, Pr iprieti r, Brou;hton, between Drayton and Abercorn-streets. M unke. J. ltetuil Grocer, Montgomery-street, near 11,0 ,!u - v ’ _ _ __ Meyer, M. 8.. Grocer, cor. Drayton uud Drougton . street Li no. Mode, A. A Bro., Wholesale add Retail Dealers in Clothing. Bnyflt, near Drayton. Mayer, K., Importer of Winesttnd liquors; also, iia vana and Principe Segars, N,,. f,. \\ hitaker -l. Mci'cer. 11. \\., Cashier of the Planter's Bank. Key- Holds’ s jr. Miller. F. Baker, 51 Bryan sts., between Abcrcorn and . Lincoln. Mall.l D \ '* .'laliota* tin ,-i> .*| Mufi !!.-> Bridies and . Harness, 183 Congress st. j ‘ Hugh. Neal. denh-Hn Dry Goods, Broughton st. M°rrls, D.. Safa Manufacturer and Bell Hanger, i m cor. Jefferson and Bryan sts. Vs 1 r at Law, i. Ba Mft Eu inoor and .Mill Wright, Eastern W half. M*:. ■ 1:1 1 For uson, u 1 ,-el weights and Smiths, 1 ■ ■-r Broughton and Montg mtery sto. : \f j iyj hols,TinManufa turers, 155Brou^i- Murphy. M. D., fashionable Draper and Tailor, 13 i . Bull st. Marino and Fin, Insurance Bank, corner President I end Drayton E. FideUird, Prcsidont. Mw2 ‘* ‘* *’ * ! i,< 1 ■ Iff end 12 Bar- Mooro A Hendrickson, dealer in Drugs and Mixli M ll *:ir\. .billies. l u.-ui.iii*-,- lliokcr m.d Nutarv ._Public, Ih Bax st. Mayer. John A., dealer iu Drugs and Medicines, Broughton ,*t. Murrdl I. XV. & Cos., dealers iu Furniture, etc., 134 anil 136 Broughton st. | i* ‘ ‘ l ' !U t r iuut Commission Merchant, 204 Molvneux. E„ Factor and Commission Merchant, MnnkaJl. Dr.. No. luy Broughton sts. Residence Marshall House. Mr Art in. .1 11. Fashionabe Borber and llir Dres . ser, Bryan at, one door west of Barnard. Me Arthur, T. W. and Cos., Stove Dealer and Tin Manufacturer, 13 Barnard st. N ‘ Wholesale uud retail Dealer in Cloth ing. Gibbon's Building. N evilt.Lothrop .v Mel,bins iGiol*->ale mid retail deal • r* in Di v Gibbon's n**u Ihiilditi-:. vr‘Chois, J. 8. teaebdrof Dancing, at St. Andrew's .ii and H irris, Att iroejrs at Law, 09 Bay it, Bav Ol>s 1- • 11. w. r in* 1 * -r-and “ui mission Merchant, 198 Bay st. Oliver, J. L. Fashionable Boot Maker, i7 BuUst. Between Broughton uml Congress. () liver , James, Oyster Restaurant, Market ( ) Oliver. John, Painter and dealer iu Paints and Oils, Brougham st.. between Whitaker and Bull. Iyringli*. J.G. Country Furnishing Store, St. Julicn street, near tho Market. | ; 1 and Dray t.*ii J) rendu r a-i. M. a < \v holesale and Retail dealers 111 prv Goods. 17s Broughton -t. I )attcr-**ii (’. b.. Lottery Vender, Bay -t. next door I to the City Hotel. I I k a,,0,!, h *'*■<.. Dentist, 150 Brough tou, I ,etweeu Bar- I 1 |)’ Ineer an 1 Uadrini I )* l"t. J. K A ('*)., Factors and Commission Mer- I chants. 22' Bay street. John, Painter and dealer in Paints and (His, 11 Whitaker st. ! )adelf.,rd. Fay A Cos.. Factors and Commission Mer chnnts, 104 Bay st. T)arsons, E. A Cos.. Fwtors and Commission Mor- I chants, 92 Bay st. I porter, T. wholesale and retail dealer in Clothing, Broughton street, under St. Andrew’s Hall. Iyhilhrick & Bell, Auctioneers and Commission Mer chants, 116 Bay streot. I)ierson, lleidt and Cos., manufacturers and dealers in Clothing, Nos. 101 Bryan and G 8 St Julicn sts. i )oyall & Johnson, Dentists,cor. SLlulien-st. and Mnr -1 ket Sq., over S Wilmot’Jewelry store. Ift 1 •1 • •:i* l'.-. in I 1* ;. At Medicines. 139 Broughton st. r> iordon and Cullen. Physicians, Office corner West, I L Broad and St. Julien sts. T koberts, Foote A Marshall, Wholesale Dry Goods -I Merchants, corner Jefferson and Broughton *f. rftulmn k WhiUdioad, Factors and Commission j t Merchants, 207 Boy at. Doussoau, J., wholesale A retail Grocer, 1 lorfter Bull I\ end Pay CARHIAG-BS, ROCKAWAYS AJMD FINE BUGGIES. - CHEAP—CHEAP—CHEAP. Th. suWrihcr 1 rw.Hvln K , w.okly mildly of tho U">* f.'hi mnW<- an.l latcl improjod stylo, which will ho sold no low ns can he purchased in any other establishment. Please call and examine fur yourselves, at the Carriage Itepository, Franklin suuare. Also, a-ent for wlckorslium's tt ire Railing. OCt 25 jy (•. fi. IIAKIX. ASI liK. OARRIAGrII RBPdsiTO’YT S. Z. MURPHY, t 19 null 151 Bryan aud hd aud !IN St. Jullcii-sfreets, 11-OUl.ri re.poctfully inf Tm the citizen, of Savannah that he has perfected arrangemonU with an exten ft \ sivo manufacturing esUiblisiimonl at the North, whereby he will be enabled to keep on hand the latest aud most fashionable styles of C AHIIUGES, ROCK A.WAYS, BUGGIES. with or without tops, trotting Baggios, and every thing in that lino to please the taste. Also Harness, cle guutly plain and durable. The public is respectfully invited ti call and examine these articles as tho subscriber is confident he can sat isfy customers, both as regards quality und price. j an I Rowland. W. P., Factor and Commission Merchant, j IV 1U Bay stret. _ j 1) uiford, Robert, Justice of the Peace, office corner | k Bull st and Bay Lane. II oilucliiltl, TANARUS., dealer in Dry Goods and doth . . V Congress st. west side of the Market. ■ >olicrts, J. and Cos., Lumber and Timber Merchant* i 1 U office 105 Bay st. up stairs. I) ogers, J. Wholesale and Retail dealer in Dry \ i k ods, Shad’s Buildings Sichel, Joseph, Importer and Dealer in Cigars, To bacco,tc., cor. Bryan and Barnurd-sts. Market Sq Stripling, Newton, Wholesale and Retail Grocer, corner of StAteand Jefferson-streets. Sturges and liainpton, General Commission Mer chants, for Lumber, Ac., No. 76, Bay-street. Solomons, A. A. and Cos., dealer in Drugs and Med icines, south side of Market sqr. Skill. V. w.. Watch Maker and Jefteller, 129 Con* gress st. S~ orrcT, Francis, Factor and Commission Merchant, Bay st. S’hort, A., Contractor and Builder, Broughton st., next to St. Andrew’s llall. Stein. Francis, dealer in Watches, Clocks and Jewel ry. 148 Broughton st. S’ ‘ibley, S. S., Bookeller and Stationer, 135 Congress st. Solomons, S., Factor and Commission Merchant, 201 Bay st. S'taley x Hendry, wholesale and retail dealers in Clothing, Congress street Smith A Latbrop, Commissission Merchant, G 6 Bay street. S’ wifi and Cos., wholesale dealers in Groceries, 169 i:, ; st Solomons. M. J., wholesale and retail Grocer, 157 Broughton st. Sullivan, l>r. J.(longrui . between lira)ton and Aberoorn sts. Sanders, Wm., Grist Mill, Corner Bast Broad and St. Julien sts. Smith A Humphreys, Factors and Commission Mer chants. 1)5 Bay st. S’ tark and Bryson, Factors and Commission Mer chants, Bay st. Slibbe and Davis, HlnekantitFs in general, corner Bull and State sts. Schnieder, C., Boot Maker, corner State and Whita ker <ts. Stone F. M.. Tax Collector for Chatham County, of fice nt t he C.mrt House. Stevens, Thoa. F.. ke*per Livery Stable, Broughton st., (late Warner A Hooker’s.) Soullard. K. A., Factor and Commission Merchant, No. 68 Bay st. Shell and Fay, Architects, Gwen's Building, Bull st. S’ tate Batik. Monument square, A. Porter, Pro. i m dent. Stokes, J. F., Merchant Tailor, 20 Whitaker st. I Solomons. L.. Supcrinteudant Carpenter’s work, 142 j Broughton st. S' turtevant, J S.. Contractor and Builder, corner 1 Montgomery and Mb** ty sts. r I VffLCharles E., Counsellor at Law and Commissioner I “(I Bay st. r pouts, A. C. Factor and Commission Merchant Ex- X change Wharf. rpurner, T. M. A Cos., wholesale dealers in Drugs and I Medicines, Bay st. fpucker, J. F., dealer in Hay andGr&iu, No.— Bay X street. ’ I ‘<ll l . i. k.. Cashier Bank ol the Stateol Geor- X ga. \rrstille A Butler, wholesale and retail dealer in Shoes, Market sqr. \\ rill C., Baker, corner South Broad and Jefferson I } streets. 11 J arm r. \\.. Manufaoturerand Dealer in(ferriages, l y Buggy’s, etc.,cor. Broughton and W. Broad-sts. ITTest, Dr. C. W„ South Broad between Whitaker yy and Barnard sts, “\1 r il!*-t. G. M.. Brickmaker, Louisville Road, near yy Hines’ Mill. Tinison, Edward G., Clerk of Council and Justice yy Peace, .’id I)is.. office Bay st. liTayne. Dr. It., office corner South Broad and T ? Montgomery. \iray and King, Factors and Commission Merchants y y corner Bay and Drayton sts. \lTiltbcrger.P. and Son, proprietors Pulaski House, y y Monument sqr. Vi rilhur, A.. Insurance Agent, 129 Congress street y } Monumeut sqr. \I Tutts, J. G., Grocer and Fruiti.-t, No. 4 Barnard yy st. \ I’’ilmot, S. S.. dealer in Watches, Clocks and Jew y y dry. Market sqr. Winy and Montmollin, Brokers, Bay Lane, in rear, T T of Custom lb'll e. ithington, l . Broker, Bay Lane, near Bufl \ \ ’’right. Wm., General Broker, Bay Lane, between T T hull and Drayton sts. lirhite, I*., dealer in Wood, at the Canal }y Bridge. YlTood, E. F. and Cos., wholesale dealers in Shoes, T I corner Broughton and Jefferson sts. XlTaring, 11. F. Wholesale Dry Goods Merchant, 159 yy Broughton street. \lTillis and Brundage, Factors and Commission y y Merchants. 76 Bay street. \ Ifnlker, R. D., deuler in Marble and .Stone Work, yy Sf. James’ sqr. \T7"ebster and Palmes, wholesale dealers in Groce y y ries 193 Bay st. \I Eoodbridge, \\ . Factor and Commission Merchant, yy 114 Bay st. Vl, r ildman, Dr. P. 11. corner South Broad and Aber y corn-sts. \\ r ylly, Elisha. Agent and Superintendent Starke's y y Lumber Mill, Fig Island. \\rells A Durr. Factors and Commission Merchants yy No 94 Bay st. Y r °nge, W. p.. Factor and Commission Merchant, 94 Bay street. /ofbaum, K. and Co- dealer in Music and Musical Instruments, Waring’s Building. GOSHEN BUTTER AND CHEESE.—IO kegs and thus fresh Goshen Butter, sft boxes Cheese, and cask—just receved and for sale at the Em poiinm. by SEABORN GOODALL an 26 Butte Rand cheese.—Aamaii lot of tubs of choice family Butter and Gosbon Chewo. Just received and for tale at the Emporium, bv apr 13 SEABORN GOODALL JOHN B. MOORE & CO. Uibhim'M Bull(llng,Savftnnnh, Wholesale & Retail Druggists, n WOULD call the attention of Merchant..*, Factors, I’l.intors, Physicians and others, to their exten yf sive and well selected Stock,compiling every ar tide in their line of business, and which they o fer for sale on the most favorable terms for cash or ap proved credit, via : Paints, Varnishe9, Glas3, &c. White Lead, Pure and No. 1; Tieman’s Colors, dry and in Oil; Japan, Copal and Coach Varnishes Linseed Oil: Spirits Turpteine, Window Glass. Putty,(loid Loaf, Paint Brushes. Sash Tools, and Glaziers’ Diamonds. Lamp, Machinery, and Tanners’ Oil, &c. Bleached Sperm, Whale, and Lnrd Oils, for burning; nil descriptions of Oils for Machinery, viz : Patent Oil, Unbleached Spetm, Lard and Rape Seed Oil; also Tan ner’s, Neats Foot and Sweet Oil. Grocers’ Articlos. Nutmegs, Mace. Allspice, Cinnamon, Popper, Ginger, Mustard, Saleratus, Scnla, Poarlasli, Sweet Oil, Starch, Fig Blue, Matches, Ac. For Physicians. A great variety of the best French, English and Amer ican Chemical and Pharmaceutical Preparation; Select Powders, Surgical Instruments, Vials. Specie Jars,Me tallic Saddle-bags, Ac. Also, Campheno and Burniog Fluid. Any one who may favor them with their orders, may depend upon their receiving the best attention, and that all goods furnished will be of a reliable quality.— Should they not give entire satisfaction they may be returned at the opt ion of the purchaser. mar 10 SEED OATS —In quantity, f<>r sale by fob3 A. C. TOMS; 128 Bay street. N'EW -LEAF LARD In kegs and bbls., for sale by (jan 31 11. J. GILBERT. (IHEESE.- 1 fob 9 H. J. GILBERT 11XCHANGE WASTED.-i 2j on New York, wanted by jan Jl _ U. A. L. LAMAR. BALES Dillon's Twine, just received and lor & sale by (fob 2i j M ILLIS A BRUNDAGE. FiTx TING ANDTABLEI'OT A TOES4SObbI in tine order. For sale by 11. J. UILBFUT, fob 23 West Side Market Square. \TORTH RIVEK SEED OATS.—IOOO bushels ±\ received and for sale by A. C. TOMS, jan 28 GREAT REDUC 5 ON IN THE PRICE OF GAS. I>KST quality Burning Fluid, 82’ ._> cents per gallon, > 31’ \ cents per half gallon, 16 cents per quart. yUamphiiic. first quality,7s couts per gallon, 37’j ets per ludfgullon. 2d ets per quart. Also. Camphine Lamps, Fluid Lamps, a fine assort ment of Wicks, cans and Feeders. Improved Water Coolers, 2,3. and 4 gallons, a superior article, for sale at J. J. MAP KICK'S, mar 28 10,12 and 1-1. Barnard street. \rEA’ST POWDERS. Preston & MferrilPs Infallible Yeast Powder. Received and for sale by mar 20 J. K. I)kF*)RD, Apothecary s’ Hall. (10SHEN BI TTER. \ few firkins Goshen Rutter JT Just roeeived and for sale at the Emporium, by mar3 > SEAR IRN G K)PA LL. SUGARS ! SUGARS ! : BEGABS! !! rE. DkFORD hasjust received a lot of very snpe • riorlmported Segars, coinpri'ing the following | choice brands : Union London, Eagle Extra Principe, j Medium Plantation, Full Priuiavern, Chicken Ikntk, 1 j A polio Opera. Ac., &e. Also, u superior article Chew- i ing Tobacco, for sole Apothecaries’ Hall. mar 30 j SiOKBiTtONGUES, Pickled do., Pig Pork | Smoked Beef. 1 bid Pickles, (cucumbers,) iu vine gar, and Soda Biscuit, Pie Nie, Butter and Sugar I Crackers, Wiue Iliscut and Pilot Bread. Karina. Corn. I Starch, Sweet Oil. Sardines, Table Salt, landing ex steamer from New York, for sale bv W M. O. DICKSON, j nuir 3i> Whltakcrat, cor. Br6agbion-lAnp, /\ \ RPEXTER'S 1’ l,* A full :L**<ntmeut, ‘ \ 1 just received and for sale by E. LOVELL. J iftLOI 11. . ■ Foi - - | apr l ll J. GILBERT. (IHEWIKG T* lit A i ‘('*\ very superior artieie Jof Plug and Twist Tobacco of various brands, far , sale at the Apothecary Hull. J. E. DeFOKD. mar 84 WIS r A R’S COI ‘.II Lis NGI ft ft fr**iii the original mil. <*f the late Prof. Mi - ter. These l/isenges caunot lie too highly reeommeud- , ed as a safe medicine in Cough*, Colds and Asthmas. 1 prcpnredaudsoldby >V. W. LINCOLN, mar 10 Monument Square. ‘ XJWJST RECEIVED. per Ship Speed and Bona Dei* j from Liverpool—Five cases n j fine DOUBLE BARREL GUNS, 1 with L A M J N A T K D Steel j Barrels, direct from the makers, j Also, a supply of Sportman’s ‘ goods, too numerous to meu- • tion. E. LOVELL, july 8 No. 17 Barnard street. KEPHALIA. —Ramsay’s Kephalin: un elegant preparation for |>re.-erving, beautifying, and res ; toring the human hair. For sale hy JOHN B. MOORE, & CO„ 23 Gibbons’ Buildings. MESS PORK AND BEEF.—3ft bbls. new Mess Pork; 100 bids, new Mess Beef. Jusfarecevicd i and for sale by ffab’2l] WEBSTER & PALMES. nib HAMS, BACON, SHOULDERS, Ac.- Rec’d JL per steamship Florida—2 tes Pig Hums. 2 do. do. Sides Bacon, 2 do. do. smoked Shoulders, 10 half bids Fulton Market Beef. 5 do. do. pickled Tongues, smoked do.. Bologna Sausage*. 5 bbls extra No 1 Mackerel, j Codfish, smoked Herring, etc. GEO. ALEXANDER. apr 12 Cor. Bull and Congrosß-sts. Monument Sq. j S~ IUJAR AND MOLASSES— -30 lihds. N. 0. Sugar; 25 hhds. choice refinned N. O. Sugar; 40 hhds. prime and choice Porto Rico Sugar; 25 hhds. fair and prime Muscovado Sugar; 150 bids, steam refined do.; 2ft bbls. crushed do.; 2ft boxes Loaf Sugar. For sale bv feb 21 WEBSTER A PALMES. THRESH LOBSTER.—IOdoEin Car’s Lobster, just I 1 received und for sale by ! feb 9 A. BON AUD. Malaga grapes, ora ngks, Ac.—Just re reived per steamer—lft kegs Malaga Grapes; 10 ! boxes Oranges; 2 half bbls Pickled Salmon: 4 do Pig ! Ilams; 2 do Smoked Beef; 2 do Smoked Tongues; 3 hit do Pickled do; Pickled Oysters; English Pickles; Ca pers, Sauces, Catsup, Olives, Figs, Raising, Almonds, Ac. GEO. ALEXANDER, feb Cor. Bull and Congress sts.. Monument sq. (* riv; —lft bbls. Phelps’ Gin. for sale bv J mar 22 E. W. BUKER. I~> OTATOES.—300 bbls. Potatoes for sale by mar 17 11. *J. GILBERT. ¥ AUD*—25 bbls now Leaf Lord, far sale by Ij fab 9 H. J. GILBERT. BUTTER..— 30 bbfs Ohio Roll Butter, just re ceived per State of Georgia and for sale on eon alignment by (feb7-6t) C. A. L. LAMAR. CHLESE.— 50 boxes English Dairy Cheese. Justro- ; ceived, and for sale at tho Emporium, b) mar 30 SEABORN GOODALL SPRING ARRANGEMENT, THE LIVERPOOL AND PIIILA- STEAMSHIP COMPANY intend sailing tlieir favorite Steam- CITY OF PHILADELPHIA, now being built. CITY OF MANCHESTER. 2166 tons. Cupt, R. Leltcb, CITY OF GLASt OW, 1610 tons, Capt. Wm. W vile. FROM PHILADELPHIA. City of Glasgow Thursday, Mar 31,1553 City of Manchester.... Saturday, April 23,1KC3 City of Glasgow Saturday, May 14, 1863 City of Manchester.... Saturday. June 11,18’3 City of Glasgow caturdav, July 2,1854 FROM LIVERPOOL. City of Mancheter..AVednesday, Mar 30,1853 City <■. Haagow Wednusdny,April2o,lßs3 City of Manchester... Wednesday, May 18, 1853 City of Glasgow Wednesday, JuneS, 1853 City of Manchester...'Wednesday. July 6, 1853 RATES OF PASSAGE. FROM PHILADELPHIA. I FROM LIVERPOOL. Saloon Berths 90 Dol. Saloon Berths...2o Guineas Midship “ 65 “ (Midship “ ...15 “ ! Forward “ 55 *• ! Forward “ ...13 “ Including Steward’s Foes. THIRD CLASS PASSENGERS. A limited number of Third Class Passengers will be taken from Philadelphia and Liverpool and found iu provisions. From Philadelphia...s2o j From Liverpool $35 Certificates of passage will be issued here to parties who arc desirous of bringing out tboir friends at cor responding rates. Drafts on the Agents and the Bank of Ireland fitrn £1 and upwards. tih- FREIGHT ON GOODS 60s. PER TON. Bills of lading for goods from Havre signed by tbe agents there, through to Philadelphia at $22% per ton. An experienced surgeon will be carried on each ship. All good sent to the Agents in Philadelphia and Liv erpool. will be forwarded with economy and dispatch. For freight or passage apply to THOMAS RICHARDSON. 9 Walnut st., Phila.,and 41 Exchange Place, N. Y. PADELFOKD, FAY A CO., Bav st.. Savannah. RICHARDSON, BROTHERS & CO.. j apr 11 Liverpool. FOE PHILADELPHIA. PHILADELPHIA AND SAVANNAH Stoam Navigation Company. m The new ami splendid side wheel Steamship STATE OF GEORGIA, of iUaaa 1.200 tons register, Capt. W. Collins, ttSSSSSKcSs* has commenced her regular trips and will leave Savannah on Wednesday, the Sth day of Sept., and every alternate Wednesday thereafter—say ou 22d Sept., 6th and 20th October, 3d and 17th Nov., aud so on. Cabin Passage to Philadelphia, Through Tickets to New York, 25 Steerage, y This ship has been built with entire regard to safety comfort and dispatch, and offers new ami admirable facilities to business und travel. For freight or passage apply to C. A. L. LAMAR, Agent in Savannah, HURON *i MARTIN, Agents in Philadelphia, sept 3 ts STEAMSHIPS FOR NEW YOEK. The first class splendid steamships FLORIDA, Capt. Woodhcu., —ANL— ALABAMA. Capt. Ludlow, belonging to the New York und Savannah SUurn Nav igation Company, Loave Savannah and New York every Satur day, These ships aro of 1,300 tons register, and unsur passed in safety, compfurl and speed. They leave Sa vannah at the “same time that the Marion and Union leave Charleston, and arrive in New York as soon as, or before them. #*>- Cabin passage $25— payable before going on board. Agents : PADELFOKD, FAY k CO., Savannah. SAMUEL L. MITCHELL, jan 2A 194 Front-street, New York. ~~ii ~ HERON’a I * EGb'L AR PAC K £IT LIN Id ’ liKTWKEN Philadelphia and Savannah, Tne following vessels comprize this Line, and will sail about every two weeks, viz ; Schr. JULIA ELIZA, Capt. Hiodek. do. J. 11. IIOLMES, do. Lodge. do. DART. do. Somers. do. C. A.GREINER, do. Peterson: The Vessels are first class schooners, and command. I ed by captains experienced in the trade, and who will use their best exertions to give satisfaction to the ship ] pers. For freight or passage (having good accxmmo 1 daiious for passage) apply to ’ WILIS A BRUNDAGE, No. 72 Bay-street. Savannah. HERON A MARTIN, rnarll No.37North Wharves, Philadelphia. FOR AUSTRALIA. “Upper Line for Port Philipe. *. The dipper ship SCO SUSA, will sail from &Z£ New York on the 20th inst. touching at Cape , of Good Hope. She is tlie fifth ship on the line, i§ fit , ed with every regard to comfort and convenience and ‘ is a remarkably fast sailer. Au experienced Surgeon is attached to each ship of tlie line. For freight or paa ! sage, direct from Savannah, apply to, WILLIS & BRUNDAGE, oct 0 or W. T. BURGAN, New York. DIBBLE & CAREY, CLOTHIERS AM) MERCHANT TAILORS, WARE-ROOM, y. E. Corner of Whitaker and Broughton st*,, Savannah. ’ | ''HE Subscriber.--, in announcing to their numerous l customers and the public, the arrival and opening oftheir Spring SIi!lL felicitate themselves on the advantages which their re | cent purchases enable them to oiler all who desire to i select their Clothing from an extensive assortment of 1 the choicest goods, made in the most FASHIONABLE STYLE. ; These goods have Wen purchased under the person -1 a 1 inspect lon of one of the proprietors; and availing themselvesoffavoraldecircumstances, they are enabled j not only to warrant them in quality, but tooflur them : at such how Prices, as must distance ull compe* ! tit ion in their trude. The following enumeration is made for the benefit of I Gentlemen in the country, whose orders will meet j prompt attention, and who, when in the city, are re -1 spectfully invited to an examination of our Goods. GENTLEMEN’S CLOTHING. I FROCK and DRESS COATS of every quality. “ *• “ *• in black, blue, brown, green and olive colors. DUS!NESS COATS, in great variety, viz: I.inen, Rus sia Duck. Drab I>‘Etc. A1 pacha, Cashmcret, Frock and Sack Business Coats. PANTALOON'S—-Black Doeskin at a great variety of prires. lllack and fancy Cassimeres, at a great variety of prices i “ DrabD’Ete, “ White and Fancy Linen Drills, 44 44 44 | Fancy Marseilles, “ ** 44 1 VESTS—Black silk and satin Vests. Fancy silk White silk, for party, “ White. Buff and Funcy Marseilles “ Whit* and buff Duck and Linen 44 FURNISHING GOODS, 1 Furnishing Goods of every description for Gentle men's wear—consisting of scarfs, cravats. Waterfox-d ; ties. Prince Albert ties, spring stocks, merino shirts and drawers, cotton do., suspenders, half hose, gloves— ail kinds* best quality patent yoke shirts;a fl loassort luent oF Dressing Gowns, ! Umbrellas, Canes, Perfumery, C'onxbs, Brushes, Port monies, etc. etc. HATS An extensive assortment of the latest and most sash j ionable styles. Boy's Clotiiiiig-. Comprising the largest assortment ever offered in this market, consisting of Frocks, Sacks, Polka Sacks, Jackets. Vests ami Pants, in every variety of and material suitable for the season. nCKCIIANT TAILORING. The favorable and long established reputation which their establishment has enjoyed, and still maintains, for the style and finish of its garments made, to order, as well as for the superior quality of their Cloths, dura ; hility of color and substantial workmanship, it shall be I the constant effort of the proprietors still to continue ! They invite the special attention of both old and new customers to the following, from which they are pre ; pared to furnish garments, which they w ill w arrant to be nr plus ultra in both fit and fashion. SIMONI’S <t BIOLLY S best Blue, Black, Brown, Mulberry,Green, Adelaide, Bronze, Corobo and Olive | Cloths. Black Doeskin. Black Cassimere, and a large assort ment of Colored and Fancy Tweeds. LINEN GOODS.—While. Buff uml fancy Linen Prills. VI'STINGS.—White Silk and Satin, for Party Vests. Block and fancy Silk and Satins. V hite. Buff and Orange Cos. si meres. A large variety of White, Buff and fancy Marseilles. UNIFORM SUITS. For Volunteer Companies in the city and throughout; the State, made and furnished at the shortest notice and in the best manner. DIBBLE £ CAREY. apr r\(~I SACKS CORN MEAL in store and for sale *J\ r 1,,w hy [mar 3] WELLS & DURR. DR. ROBERT'S WELCH MEDICAMENTDM, curing Indigestion or Dyapepaia. Lircr Com plomta, Jaundice, Ft’vcr and Ague, Dysentery, Headache, Loss of Appetite and Heartburn. It alto punnet, the bkod and ronovotesthe whole aystem. Pot up In pint bottles, at 75 cent* per bottle. For sale by mar 17 .'NO A MAYER, 151 lirouphton-st