The Savannah evening journal. (Savannah [Ga]) 1852-185?, May 27, 1853, Image 2

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3Sl7A’j Friday Afternoon, May 27, 1853. See First and Last Page** TVT* We paw this morning at tho store’of Messrs. Zucjuai’m A Cos., a splendid piano j covor, tho work of a young lady in the up coun try, which exceed* any thing wo have ever in spected, in the richn. .vi and tastefulness of its embroidery. Tho material is a light colored broadcloth, with embroidered corners and cen tre piece, and alt nvy ornamented border. The ornauieuts are raised, or embossed ; the centre and Corner pieces are Composed of leave*., and (lowers in orewel-work, and are raised aborethe surface at different heights, varying from a quarter, to an inch or more. The exceeding richness and natural appearance given to tho tiowors by tins device, it is almost impossible to describe. The article has been placed on exhibition to borafflod, and our readers would do well to call and examine it, even if they wish not to take a n chance in tho ralllti. So beautiful a specimen of female handiwork is not olten seen, and it richly deserves tho notice of those who lovo to “gaze upon the beautiful.” Tlie United Statt-K Her itw. Several copies of this new periodical have been laid on our table by Mr. Thkodokk A. Foster, one of its proprietors, who is now in • •ur city for tho purpose of procuring subscribers to the work. The U. S. Review is not, ns has been snpposd, tho old Democratic Review in anew guise, though like that journal it. is devoted to tho ad vosaey and elucidation of tho principles of the ; Democratic party. One prominent feature in the work is its .devotion to State Rights and Southern rights, us guaranteed by the Consti tution. The Review is conducted with groat ability, and contains many articles of interest to the general as well us political reader. To the De mocracy it specially commends itself. Publish ed monthly in New York City at $5 per annum. fit* Wo invite attention to tho advertise ment. of the Female Medical College of Penn sylvania, to be found in another column. JHEt'We have not been able to make room iu our paper, for the official proceedings of tho two inertings of the Stockholdors of the Savannah and Albany It. R. Company, hold yesterday, and tho day previous, in tho Exchange; our synopsis of yesterday contained tho essential particulars, and it only remains for us to say that those proceedings havo not iu any way dimmed the prospect of our connexion with the Gulf. The new organization which has been formed, has brighter auspices under w hich to commence the work, than did the old one. The transfer of subscriptions is going ou sat’nsfactori ly anl rapidly—new ones are coming in, and former subscriptions being handsomely aug mented in their transfer. Tho now Company will havo more capital than tho old one, with quito as much energy, and determination; is unfettered and unrestrict ed; is not weakened by contrariety of sentiment, and lurks only a charter, which wo apprehend can be obtained without difficulty, to onsure its successful prosecution. Z'fP* Father Gftvarzi intend.- making a west ern tour. Prof. Agassiz is lecturing in New Orleans. Miss Koto 11 ays is in San Francis co. Thus. F. Meagher delivers a lecture this week in New York. Mrs. I’o.slwiek cleared sll j, OOO by her southern tour.—Medical Savons pay that tho French Emperor will not live longer than a year. Don't believe it. “ The good dio first, amt those whose hearts are dry ns summer dust, burn to their sockets.”—-—The rebellion in China is natural enough—where thero is so much tea, says an exchange, there should lc hot tenter. Tho Washington monu ment has reached 180 foot in height. A Catholic Cathedral to cost $200,000, is project ed in Chicago. Tho New York 7Ymow has given anew name to the ruin-bottle- it calls ii tho fi Skeleton on tho Hearth,” \ cry appro- 1 priute. Alboni sails to-morrow for Europ*-. 1 The Hoosic Tunnel iu Massachusetts, will j be nearly five miles long. Tt is stated that ‘ all the British Goods imported into Toronto, I Canada, this season, passed through the United States. Thos. D’Arcy McGee, editor of the A merit tin Celt , is about establishing a Catholic (daily) paper in New York city. Emma Snodgrass, the eccentric, was arrested last week in Cleveland, Ohio. Sho has abandoned her trip to California. Thirty-two taverns and i shops havo licensed to sell ardent spirits nt retail, at Saratoga Springs, N. Y. Saratoga ! must now bo considered u liquoring and not a watering place. It i prop.,>ed to exhume the remains of (!en. llarri <>n, and bury them in the battle-field of Tippecanoe. Great ex citement has sprung up in Hancock County, Me., caused by tho discovery there of silver andiron ! mines. \V. 11. 11. Thomas, formerly a now? paper carrier in Cincinnati, ha- h. -n appointed as Naturalist to the Kane Arctic Expedition. Ho is spoken of as a learned and talented man. No verdict has yet been rendered in the Gardiner < \i ■ K-ailroud meetings at Griffin and Now nan Ga, were h Id last week, (as we notice from tiio Griflin I niun, l ut which addresses were made by Col. Maillkr of Alabama, in favor of the Griffin (Ga.,) L>c<-utur(Alu.) U<ud,unew pro. ject in which tlie people of our own city of 8a- I vaunuli should be d< i ply interested. \Yo are truly gratified to e that the proceedings of , these meetings and tho icvduti >ns passed, j manifest a due appreciation of the prime iuipor ‘ t.mce of this great project; and that the feeling i which prevailed, ufi’oi Ia grateful oarnc-t of substantial aid from the people of the section more immediately cone rned, vvh.n the time shall cotne for action. Itrequin in > prophetic eye to see that this road must be, and will be built. Tho people of tlm 1 un-■ -.-•-* valley, and North Alabama like 1.1 e <>i middle Florida, nro earnestly desirou-: of imj r .\ ing up m their prosent connexions with muikct. They pre fer, aud very justly, an Atlantic t . a Gulf Port, and our geographical p .-ition i.- uch as to en able us to offer them our own city as the host Atlantic port within their reach. In tho pre sent incipioncy of the scheme it is perhaps only required of us to direct the attention of otirpoo pio towards it; to call upon them to consider tho great benefits which it. promises ; and to urge j upon them in general terms the propriety of | forwarding the project by every means in their ■ power. l ’n IHull*. An article in the London Quarterly review says that th imports of false hair f rom the con j tiuent into England amounts lo live tong aunu hllt, the black hair cnnMm trnn Brittany and ue Soma oi France, ibc liglit ban ti m (3 ; .na . ny. I Jpff'- SuniH experiments have been m&dj in Paris to ascertain the effect o! Chloroform upon the sonsitivo plant, tho result of which was that the plant while under the influence, allowed itself to be freely handled without a display of its usual fastidiousness. r#-In addition to other legacies left by the . late Robt <). Shaw of Boston, tho Transcript mentions the following: To the Boston Fnthorb -.- and Widow's Society ....SBOO3 The Widow’s Society in Boston- 3m 0 Boston (’hill, oil's Friend S* ?v 3odft Boston Seamen's Friend Society 3000 Society I |i r .4,.;ed and Infirm Females 3500 Boston Marine Society 2noo Howard Benevoleut Society 1 500 , Society for Aged and Destitute Clergymen loot) ! Jl fr It U understood that President Pierce doe* not Approvo of spending $200,000, on an Equ**trian Statue of Washington, to be oxecut- \ ed by Clark Mills. Congress appropriated . $50,000, for the work, and it is said the Presi dent will not countenance a greater outlay than j this. SrflT*lt is stated that two or three shovols-full of saw dust placed in tho boilers of steam en gines will effectually prevent “incrustation,” | Tho discovery is announced ns an accidental ; one, ami at the same time that we give no ! opinion as to its worth, we would recommend that it be tried. It is a question easily Mettled, by tlmse in charge of engines. •T&iT*The Philadelphia Bulletin indulges in some speculations ns to of events iu France, shoul t Elnis Napoleon die. We make the following extract: “While the Emperor live:-*, the fidelity of the army is possible. If lie could live for thirty year?, and retain the aid of tho army, ho might, by gradually extending liberty, do much for Fruir’e. But the first is nearly as impossible physically as tho two latter are morally. J<ouia Napoloon, in the ordinary course of events, ‘ must dio long before the French could become accustomed to bis institutions, good us they might bo, so ns to reverence them in the sense in which the English and Americans reverence their institution:-. lie will die probably even before any heir he may havo can attain inajori- j ty. The great officers of tho army will not, we j may rest assured, submit to bo ruled by a buy; | there will, as under similar circumstances in imperial Rome, boa general scramble; and that I commander will attain the purple who is most popular with the troops and most unscrupulous. ‘ This will be the result, when tho Emperor dies, if tho army remains opposed to the people. But if tho army goes over temporarily to tho j side of the people, as it has so often done be- l lore, thou there will boa fourth, fifth or sixth attempt at a republic, hi tho end, possibly, ■ >no of' attempts may succeed permanent ly, though wo doubt it. What. Franco wants, before sho can becomo republican really, is the ! habit of self government, which sho can only obtain through free municipalities, local lions, and the spread of sound political views. These can only be had gradually, llut while her present system of centralization continues, ; she will be governed absolutely, let who will ! reign at Paris, and whethershe is called empire, kingdom, or republic. A Runi-terly lti tiirii. Tho pipers havo teemed for weeks with rep Mited accounts of disasters by fie Id and flood. The frequency of these so calb 1 accidents has j not diverted attention from the causes which in- j dm-ed the catastrophes, but the interest centre ing in one event has hardly arrived at its cli max hidoro the occurence of something else, cv en more terrible in its nature, brings up anew subject for painful meditation. The results of the miiiu ious collisions, burnings, and explo sions which have taken place during the quar ter are frightful. The causes ol the disasters doubtless, are mainly attributable toe uvle.-siies •. i.. ill., <•*.** ..r ♦.< 10.|.>t,..iw1.-o<-.- i||,. Jenny Lind, the \\ illiuiu and Alary, and the tonnes see, on tho water: and in those of the New II i ven, Erie, and Michigan rulroads, the negli gence of captains, engineers, and agents was very clearly indicated. In one or two of these instances an attempt lias been made to hold tin* parties responsible, and this is particulary the ease with the railroads in Michigan. In far too many of them, however, the blame has been affixed to no particular individual; the officers are still retained in their positions in the ser vice of the coinpani and are again at liberty i” put in peril tho lives of passengers who may hereafter be entrusted to their care. In order that the real extent of these calami ties may bo fairly presented for consideration, we have prepared a summary statement of the disaster to vessels, and on the railroads of the i l'nion, of which tidings woro received here be tween the dates of April 1 and .May 18. Tho exhibit is painfully interesting : V KSSKI.B. Snwirit I\ni:iT.\i>i Ni k. -Wrecked and i burnt, February 16, near Margarita Island in j j the Pacific, 107 miles north of Capo St. Lucas; 126 lives lost. SiK.vMiiu Tknni'.sskr.—Went ashore, March . 10, near San Miguel, on the Pacific. Six hun i dreil passengers on board; all rescued. Sti-:amKit Jmnnv Lim>. Exploded, April, 6. whilo on t lie way from San Francisco to San Jo.-o; .11 lives lost, 16 persons injured. Stkamkk S. S. Lewis.—Went nshore in tho Pacific, Bolinns Bay. April 6. Four hundred j and forty passengers on board; all saved. Steamer Albatros. Lost in tho Gulf, while i on her way from New York to Vera Cruz, April j 10. .Steamer Ocean Wave. Burned on Lake Onta rio, Saturday, April 30; 37 lives lost—passim- , gers 21, and crew 10. Barque William and Mary. -Wrecked on reefs in Bahama Channel, May 3; 170 lives lost. HAM.ROADS. Camden and Amboy Railroad.—Afternoon train from Philadelphia, Saturday, April 23—- ran oft’ the draw-bridge at Itancocas Creek. Michigan Southern and Central Railroads - Coll.-ion at the crossing, April 25; 10 lives lost; many persons injured. 80-ton and Maine Railroad.- -One man run over and killed. April 28, at Reading depot. Reading Railroad. -One man killed near the 1 Falls of the Schuylkill, May 5. New llnven Railroad. Morning express train ■ from New York, Friday May l>—ran off draw bridge at Norwalk; I7> lives lost. New York .and Eiic Railroad, ltamnpo Branch ( ..llirion on Monday, May 9; 2 lives lost. Old Colony Railroad.—freight train thrown ••IT near North Rraintrco, Mas-acliuse’t-, May ] I II: euu>e, misplaced switch. Taunton Branch Railroad.—Train thrown off, j >\iturday. May 7; 15 persons injured—cause, a broken axoltreo. New York Central Railroad Collision near . >y rncnse. May 2, botween pa.->cnger and cattle trains; engineer hurt. Hudson River Railroad.—Child killed in this city Monday, May 6. Total.—Loss of live during three months on sea uti l river steamers, 3(J7. Ou railroad-, 00. Aggregate loss, 433. I r-qn this statement it will be seen Hint up-I ward of four hundred /nr* out have lost their lives, during the transit from place to place on I our various route, of travel, in the short space ‘ ot three mouths. Reside the wrecks of sen go j ing vc-sols attended with loss of life, no less I than throe first-class steam-hips havo founder | oil; each containing a largo number of passon- i | gers, varying from one hundred and fifty to six ! | hundred persons on each vessel. Those were 1 j rescued hy strenuous exertions; but, under loss 1 favorable circumstance.*, they might havo been 1 added to the list ot dead. These results indi- j cate a lamentable laxity of discipline, a want of i energy, and an absence of foresight, which do | inand the most vigorous investigation. X. Y. Ti,n. *, 10//,. | Kfleet of t lie War In Chinn A l*tti‘r from Shanghai, dated Feb. 23d, states that the rebellion in China, is beginning to exert an injurious effect upon commerco, and that serious apprehensions nrc entertain, and lost ii. ; may permanently arid injuriously influence the • business of tho coining season. The wealthy , ! men were converting their property into gold for safe keeping, as fast ns possible, and this , J metal has consequently advanced about 25 per | cent ir. value. ( ciitrnl ltoiitc to the Pacific. Col. Benton has been making speeches at i Kansas, Westport and Independence. Missouri, j ,n tho subject of the great central route to Cali- j furnia. The people on the frontier are very en- j thusinstic on the subject. Superintendent Beale, 11 uris, llcnpe and their company left Kansas I on the 11th. Elisha Riggs, of the firm of Cor- ! coran A Riggs, and his young toother William I Henry, and A. Rodgers, Esq., member of tho j bar <>t Washington city, an l son of tho late Loin. Rodgers, left St. Louis on the night of tho I 16th for Kansas, to join Superintendent Beale J in Ids new route. As the superintend!m would have left Kansas when these gentlemen arrived there, they would take a light carriage, drawn by six Mexican mule?, and run fifty miles a day until they overtook him. These gentlemen have no government em ployment, aud go its amateur travellers to seo tho grand features of their own eonntry, and to I form their own opinions of tho practicability of i one of the noblest works which the mind of tnau ever conceived. Mr. Richard 11. Korn, St. Taplin, nud tho rest of the expedition organized Ly Gen. Davis, secretary of war, were to reach St. Louis on the 16th, on the way to tho fron tior to fit out the government surveying par ty for the same route. Kern and St. Taplin wore comrades of Fremont in his winter ex pedition, where he and his party canio near be ing lost in the mountain snows. Col. Fremont ! himself will not ho able to return from London ! in season tojoiu any of the government survoy ! ing parties, but it is said ho will beat home in time to make a winter expedition, and prove 1 tho practicability of hii cherished central route in winter as well as in summer. The Memory of the Dead. Tt is an exquisite and beautiful thing in our nature, that when tho heart is touched anil softened by some tranquil happiness or affec tionate feeling, the memory of tho dead comos over it most powerfully and irresistibly. It would seem almost ns though our better thoughts and sympathies wero charms, in virtue of which the soul is enabled to hold some vague and inys terious intercourse with the spirits of those whom wo loved in life. Alas ! how often and how long may those patient angels hover around us, watching for the spell which is so seldom ut -1 tered and so soon forgotten.— Dickens. • llrgiilur as Clock. Work. A writer in a New York paper says that ho has often, whilo travelling upon the railroads, ! particularly the New Haven,compared the time | of bis own watch with those of the conductors, and found a variation of ten to fifteen minutes ! between the watches of the up and down train, ‘ the same day. A variation of five minutes would be sufficient, if a collision were to beenused by it. Make the companies pecuniarily responsible for all dis asters, and tho watches will keep time. Wo find in an exchange a recipe of groat value to our subscribers in “the woods.” It is for anew method of making candles: To twelve pound# <>f bird use of alum and salpetre each one pound ; dissolve the alum nud salt petre in a small quantity of water, then pour into tho melted lard and boil the whole until the water e/aporates. The mixture requires constant stirring to prevent settling iu tho bot tom of the vessel. Candles made of this com position are equal to the best tallow, and last some longer. T £P*The Fayetteville Cart tt ininn says that j on examination last week, it was found tbi t more than a mile of tho telegraph wire hud been removed. jJSST“A correspondent of t!i • X. Y. Tribune I writes, from Washington : “I shall not bo surprised if those who are look ing to grand results in the way of the opening of a now commerce with Japan, that is. from the expedition of Commodore Perry, arc grievously I disappointed. The probability is that he will I very shortly be ordered to Honolulu with his ! entire squadron. I . hall not l o surprised if this : is done within forty-eight hours.” It is said that one suit lias already been commene and by tho surviving relatives of an eminent deceased physician who was killed by tho railroad accident at Norwalk, for $25,000 damages, and another by tho friends of one of the deceased Boston passengers for SIOO,OOO. J?*v“The Supreme Court of Delaware, in ses sion at Newcastle, has decided that the execu tion of a power of attorney was not sufficient to | convey the interest of a married woman in her j husband’s property. That the only way to re- j loam* her dower was an acknowledgment of the deed, and a private examination at the time of | making such acknowledgement. The ease was I that of John B. Lewis, against Dr. Cox, of i Philadelphia. Plaintiff nonsuited. The report that a young actress was ! killed last week by falling from her horse at the ‘ Hippodrome, New York, proves to be untrue. When tho coroner called to inquire into tho matter ho was introduced to the lady, who said sho was not much hurt by Lite accident. Submarine Trlegrapli. The cable of tho new Submarine Telegraph from London, by way of Ipswich, across tho German ocean, to Ostcnd seventy miles in length, has Wen successfully laid down. This lino belongs to the same company as the tele graph Ly way of Dover nud Calais. This en j bio contains six independent wires. Besides j affording anew line of communication with the continent, it relieves the operations of tho lino from tho and day and annoyances of the viso of the French authorities. Inportnnt Railroad Improvement. In a card in the Washington Union, Robert Mills Esq., eng’necr and architect, intimates to the public that an improved railroad engine has been perfected by him, that will lo capable of running a mile a minute for any distance, and that ho lias nearly accomplished an improve ment in tho construction of railroads, by means of which this rate of speed may be made in safety, lie anticipates from his improvements tho abil ity to ero.-s the continent from the Atlantic to the Pacific in as many minutes as there are milesofdi.-tanco. Mis improved road, ho states, combines safety of travel with ecouomy of con struction. TELEGRAPHIC ITEMS. 3 The FlnlicricM. IH’lTie British Ships Cumberland and Devasta ton. havo been ordered to Halifax to protect the Fisheries. Tlie (•nrclliier Case. U a suing ton. May 2ti.—The Jury have ask el tho Court to bo discharged*’ and have been refused. Domestic Markets. Charleston, May 2<J.— Cotton.—Sales of the week 9,643 hales at 7 to lie; quotations at , tho close of tho week, with an advancing ten dency—good middling 10J :i 1 Oi. middling fair lUjc. Receipts of the week 3,116 against 8,066 corresponding week Inst year. Stock on hand | exclusive shipboard, 36,000 bales.—The advance j during tho week is fully one half cent.—Re i ceipt* at all tlie Southern ports ahead of last j year 250,700 bales. New York, May 26.—Cotton—12,000 bales j changed hands to-day at an advance per 11*. j New Orleans, May 26, M.—Cotton.—de mand to day active: this morning, sales up to noon, Hi,ooo bales, at very full prices.—Mid- dling quoted at 10(hjl0j ceuts. New Orleans. May 26.- Cotton.—l2,ooo i bales sold to day, mostly for England, at full prices. Receipts to-day (500 hales; exports 2,100 Freights firm; to Liverpool, Cotton per lb. id.: Havre le. H\ K 1 * Kit’S v i M.nt lily Magazine. fi.rJtno. Gnihum's Magazine, for June, t’ ■ “ - Rook, tor June Dumont * lllurtrnted New*, Xo. 21- Reciv*l hy •i II Cl BBEDGE N'OTK'E T'h* uniler-i m. I respectfully request* the miLmnb.r* to hi* Bath House, to return the J tieke!- they now have, in order to obtain new ones; n i number of the old tieke’s having been mislaid or st> j le.i from him. After this Jntv none of the old issue of i ticket,*; will lie returned. J. M. HAYWOOD. N B.— Prick or Bathing. —Single Both, 59 rente: 3 1 Fekc te for sl. may 23 I I) ICI HAMS . r r6 A. BON AUD. SAVANNAH JOURNAL. FRIDAY, MAY 27, 1*53. Holloway** Ointment and Pills. A Dangerous Wound lit the Thigh cur ed by tiu ir use .—About three years ago Mr. : Acton, of Melbourne, had his thigh most fearfully lac- I erated when out riding, his horse running away, and j his leg coining iu violent collision with a wall, lie was confined to his bed for nearly eighteen months, suffer- ‘ lug from the ac* ident: and notwithstanding tho best | medical advioo every effort proved unsoccessful jn heal ing the wound, and hishcalLh became so Impaired that • Ills life was despaired of. In this stato lie commenced | using Holloway's Ointment and Pills, which had the , effect of healing his wound with wonderful rapidity, i nud restoring him to soiiud health. MO lIK BJOK3. —Joumes’ Diary, a tale of the Pa nic 0f1845. a Legend of tho Rhino, Rebecca and j ltowonn, by IV. M. Thackeray. Lord Saxondale, or Life among the London Aristo- ! crocy, by G. \V. M. Reynolds. Barn urn’s Illustrated News No 15. A further supply of Yilette and Agnes Sorel. Received by ]a 13|_ J. B. CUBBKDGE- Sim res Central Railroad Slock. 20 Shares I V South Western Railroad Stuck. Foj sale by apr 15 PADKLFORD, FAY A CO. (T)MBS, BRUSHES. Ac.—lvory, Pearl, Bone, Buffo- i j 10, Sntinwood. and Inlaid Hair Brushes; Ivory. Butlalo and Bone handled Tooth Brushes; Nail Brush es; Shell, Buffalo and Horn Dressing. Tuck, Side and i Puff Combs; also. Ivory, Buffalo and Shell Fine Teeth Combs; just received, and or sale bv may 0 J. B. MOORE k CO. (AIDER— JO bids very superior Cider, for bottling. J For sale by BRIGHAM, KELLY A CD. apr 13 t \rELVBT WINE BOTTLE CORKS.—One bale of superior French Velvet Corks. For sale by apr 13 JOHN B. MOORE .v CO. I - )OT ATOES•—SOO bids fur sale by jan 3l H. J. GILBERT. r P\V() BOYS, of good character, wauled at thisoqjc I to learn the printing business. Ik AC ON'AND LAKH.— ) 20 hhds. prime new Shoulders: 20 bids. No. 1 Lard. Received per steamer State of Georgia, and for sale by fob2l PADELFOKD, KAY A CO. 1)1 TTER.-10 kegs Irish Butter in mb kegs, I ) fbi -de b> mar 22] E u Bl KKK. Malaga grapes, oranges, lemons,Ac.— K* per steamer Alabama. 5 k-gs Malaga Grapes, 10 boxes Oranges, lOdo. Liquors, liaisius, Fig* Dates, Prunes, Almonds, etc. GKO. ALEXANDER, tear $ (’--r Bull and Congress sta.. Moo’tag Molasses.— 100 i bdZ prime and prime New-Orlonns, for sale hv ftpr 1 II J GILBERT CHOCOLATE, COCOA AND BROMA. Ur BAKER A CO.’S American and Vanilla Premi . mu CHOCOLATE, COCOA and BRoMA. to which the first premiums have been awarded by the chief institutes and fairs of the Union, are for sale by all the principal Grocers in the United States, and by their agents:—Hussey A Murray. New-York: Grout A Twells, Philadelphia ; Thus. V. Itrundage, Baltimore; Keuuet A Dudley, Clnciiuiuti. Ohio. WALTER BAKER A CO., apr 5 ly Dorchester. Mass. IjjOLOGNA -\l SISSONS.- ii B J Smoked Beef; 2 hbU .Smoked Tongues. For sale by A. BOX AUD. may 12 cor Day and Whitaker-st. SILKS. SILK?. —Summer Bna-ude. Plain Chamelion. India Gro be Rhine, Poult De Sole, Murcoline and Flor ence. For sale by KEMPTON A YERSTILLE. IMS H RODS.—AII kinds jpst readved by 1 apr 27 E. LOVELL. HOME MANUFACTURE. AMERICAN SOAP COMPANY ! i r |MIK undersigned having purelmsed the right to L manufacture tho following kinds of Soap, are now prepared to do so at the shortest notice viz: American Cream Soap in bars. “ Lamuly in mass •• Toilet (Sanitive) iu small bars. * 4 Shaving Soap in cakes. “ “ Cream in pots Cream soap preparation in hbls.nllof which we war rant togive perfect satisfaction,and to be the best labor saving soup ever manufactured; give us a call, mid a , trial, that is all we ask. AY. K. MONOIX. No. 170. Brought- >n-st. Savannah. Gn. Cowles, A Cos.. lii Beekman st New York, j may 21 ly ! i'II.A.RFT WlNK—aoboxu. St. .Tulllon; 20do. Kant * ‘niiterue: 1 > boxes Chateax Marguax; 10 boxes Nathaniel Johnston's St. Jnllien. All the above wine ; is warren ted genuine aud ofsupcrior quality. For sale ; Ljr A mWAHT). may 25 Corner of Bay and Whitaker st s. (11. A RET AVI.VE—In Casks—lo (’asks St. Julllen _; ‘laret; 10 }.\ ( ’asks dog 0 do .St. Kmillion. For sale . by the cask or gallon by may lit! ‘ A. 110XAMI), Corner of Bay and Whitaker sts. ‘ : l > WON. LARD, ■ 1 ) 10 hhds new Shoulders, 10 do do Hams, i 5 do do Lard, landing from Steamer State of (Jeorgia, and for sale by fab : IIUNTER a G VMMRLL. ONIONS. Lauding and for sale by feMi 11. J. GILBERT. QTI \MBOAT ENGINE, Mill do,Hotel and Bouse fl Gongs, all sizes. Ready to put up. very simple and a first rate article. Also, Copper Ware aud Sheet Brass, just nxtoived and for sale by I apr 6 K. LOVELL. NEW GOODS. 1)1. AID an l Plain Gscna-lines, Fancy Bareges, I Satin Stripe (’bullies, Plain do. llnrege Rohes, White Muslin Mantles, Black Lace do. Black do. Mantillas, Silk do., nil colors, Application and other styles of Mantillas, just received and w ill be sold low by may 26 I\ EM IT(>X A Y ERSTI LLE. / < HOICK Bi TTEII.—A few tubs left of \J Choice Goshen Butter, received pur steamer Flori da, and for sale at the Kni|>oriuiii, bv may 2d SKA BORN GOODA LL. 1/1 N K FFItMTI ItE ( 111 NT/..—Frei.ehand English Furniture Cliiutz. in Bunches aud Stripes for Laid Quilts and Bordering, at may 2(5 KEM PTON k V KRSTI LLE’S. TO PURCHASERS OF CHEAP DRY GOODS (’ASKS of fast colored printed Lawns, Jaconet and vJßatiste Muslins, all at cents. 5? cases assorted Ginghams iu New Style*, all at P2j^c, 1 ‘use hi great bargain) Ladies’ Linen Cumbriu Hand kerchiefs, all at 12b/, cents. Wu have much pleasure in directing particular at- j tendon t > the arrival, by the steamship Florida this j day, of the above Goods, and can with perfect oonfi- ‘ donee recommend them as the cheapest goods ever of- j sered for suleiu Savauuab M. PRENDERGAST k CO. j may 25 178 Brought*>n-st. opp. St. Andrew's Hall. ! lEMONS wu ORANGE3 10 I J per steamer Florida, and for sale low for cash at ALEXANDER'S, may 25 Or. Bull 4 Congress-st*. opp. J/on. Square l )i<; HAMS. Smoked Beef, Piekled Tongues Ac. I Just received, per steamer Florida, *2 hMs. I’ig Hams in hags: 2 bbls. Smoked Beef in do: 2bbls. Pick led Tongues; 5 half bids. Hawe s Beef; 5 bbls. Ilwk - • 4 Bro’s. Self-rising Flour, and 25 cl . packages; 2 bbls. Pig Shoulders; *2 do. shies. Fall ut ALEXAN DER'S, may 25 Cr. Bull k Congrcss-sts. opp. Mon Square. I U.ST received, and on hand, a Fresh supply of Groceries, Almonds. Nuts. Wines ami I.iquors. Call und examine for yourselves, at ALEXANDER’S may 25 Cr. Bull A Congress-st?. opp. A/on-Square, PANTALOONS FOR l if I this day a great variety of Men’s Pants.—Fancy Fluids, Stripes and Checks.'together with a good as- ; | sorlinent of White Drill, which will be sold at moder l ate prices at the Clothing Store, Gibbon’s range, by j may 2. GEO. S. NICHOLB. | S CLOTHING AGAIN.—Just roccivcd another I > large assortment of Boys’ Brown and Check i Linen Sucks, Alpacca, Cheek and Brown Linen Jack- i ••ts. White and Fancy Drill Pants. Figured Marseilles \ Vests. Children's F’ancy Suits and Kilts, Shirts. Draw- J ers. Neck Ti-s, Ac., 4c., all for boys froinfourto fifteen i ; years old. For sale cheap by may 25 GEO. S. NICIIOLS. j Gibbons’ rango j CAEAP CASH STORE. CORNER OF WHITAKER AND CONGRESS STS. ! Slock In Trade at Auction. f IMIK SUBSCRIBERS, iu order to close their busi- ’ 1 ness, at the alsivo stand, will dispose of the en- i ■ tire stock of DRY GOODS (now remaining) ut Auction, I commencing Ist JUNE next. The st.iek is large, consisting of every variety of Summer and Fall Goods. Country Merchants desirous ! of procuring bargains, would do well by being inatten- j dauce. Terms—All sums under SIOO, cash; SIOO tosßoo, | four uioutns; over S3OO, six months. M. PRENDERGAST & CO. ma v 25 PI 111,1*. It l(’ I\ A BELL. Aueti 1) A PKll. -500 reams Paper, comprising every va j riety usually called for—Printing. Cap, Letter, Me dium. Royal, .Super Hovel, Packet Post. Note. Envel J opes, Ac., Ac. For sale by J. B. CUBBKDOE. | o i* \ j DSQI l iO NI "mN;T—M(I ICP. Mosquito Not- It I ting, 50 Bobinutt Netting. For sale by apr 13 KKM PTON A \ ERSTILLE. I)ICKLEBi**In barrel* and half barrel*, put in vinegar, ready for use. Just received and for sale j by |al SEABORN GOODA LL. s ILARKT WINE 5n boxes Chateau Nl l •! ~:mi v . v / Chateau Lafltte, St. Julian, St. Emillion. For sale by ;fcb 24J A. BONAUD. j Reis TrUmcrtiiu’infuts. FEMALE MEDICAL COLLEGE OF PENN SYLVANIA. Fourth Annual Seaaton. r |MIK next Course of Lectures in this institution L will commence on Saturday,October Ist, IBa3,nml ( cmtiuuC'/Zfc iwni/Ju, (21 weeks; closing on the 25th of February, D54. Faculty. 1 David J. Johnson, M. /A, Professor of Chemistry and Toxicology. ; El wot t Hun-'//. M. />.. Professor of the Principles and i Practice of Medicine. 1 Ifilbern l> irlh fifnn. ,V. D.. Professor of Surgery. : Ann Prrtton , M. />.. Professor ul'Physiology, j I'lunn Ftt.'. rU, .}/. It.. Professor of Anatomy. ; Mark (J. K-rr. M. D . Professor of Materia Med hut and - General Therapeutics. j Martha If. Howry, M. D Professor of Obstetric sand Diseases <*f Women and Children. ! Almira L. fowler, M. />., Demonstrator of Anatomy j nud Chemi.-t rv. Persons wUhiug futh *r information n* to terms, regulations. Ac., or desirous of receiving copies of tho Announcement, will please apply, personally oi by letter, to the Dean of the Faculty. DAVID J. JOHNSON. M. I)., mar 27 fit 229 Arch street. Phila. FIRE AND LIFE INSURANCE AGENCY? Farmers’ Fire Insurance Company of Utica, N. Y.—Capital, 9200.000. , Geo. F. Wkavkr, President—E. J. Richardson, See'ry. (inuiltc Fire Insurance Company, of Utica—Capital $‘400,000. | Geo. CuaTis, Pfoaideut—Wm 11. Dxdhick, Secretary- Knickerbocker Fire limitnncc Uo., f Waterford, N. Y. Capital $150,000. j Charles Oramf.r. President F. D. Mor., Secretary. I These Com parties having a cash on pita I, safely in vested in l*ond and mortgage, are prepared to effect I Insurance against damage by fire, on all kinds of pro perty on reasonable terms. Charter Oak Life Insurance Com pany, HARTFORD. t’.n\N.— Capital, and surplus over $250,000. Alfred Gm.i.. President, J, See’y. i This Company will issue Policies on the Joint 1 Stock principle, and upon the Mutual plan, tuns com bining the benefits of both systems at tho option of the insured. “The strength, ability and wll invested capital of , tho institutions are. in my opinion, unsurpassed by any Life Insurance Company iu this State or Union. |L. S.J Signed It. G. PIXNKY. Comptroller of Public Accounts, State of Connecticut. ; For Insurance in cither of tho above wmitid Compa ‘ J nies, apply to A. AVII.BUR, General Insurance Agent. and agent fur theab*ve Cos. may 27 office PJ'.iCongressutt. ) DISSOLUTION. r I ’he firm of WILLIS A BKUNDAGE is thia day dis 1_ solved by mutual consent. Francis T. Willia will attend to the settlement of the affairs of the late firm. J. H. Brundiigo-will on Ist July become a partner with N. L. McCroady A Cos. of New York. FRANCIS T. WILLIS, J. 11. BR UN DAG E. Savannah, May 26,1853- may 27 CO-PARTNERSHIP NOTICE. S’TATE OF GEORGIA, ) I ‘ Chatham ( ounty. J The under-igned have firmed a Co-partnership un ■ dor tho net. of the General Assembly of the State of | J Georgia, entitled Au Act to Autliorize Limited Part, j nerships. a .-sen ted to on the 22nd day of December, 1*37, to be conducted under tlie name of OGDEN A BUNKER, for the purpose of transacting a Shipping j and Comuibsiou husiue.-s in the City of Savannah, and County and State aforesaid; FkaxcisJ. Ogden and En -1 ward H. Dunk n. of Savannah, will be the general ! partners and Francis T. Whjjs, also of Savannah, who has contributed to the common stock tho sum of j Ten Thousand Dollars iu cash, will he the special part ner. Tho Itu.-inc-s to couuneuco on tlie 20thday of May, S 1853, and to terminate on the 20th day of May, 185**, j unless sooner di-.-olvcd by mutual consent, uudaccor- ; ding to the said act of Urn General Assembly. lii witiie-s w hereof, thesaid Kranei-J. Ogden and i Kdward 11. Bunker and Frau* is T. Willis, have here unto signed tin- f .r.-going agreement tltia twenty-sixth day of May, 1*53. Fran< is J. Ugdlx Edward li. Bi nki r, Francis T Willis. Signed in presence of Wm. Dcvcav. R. Raiford. J. P. Georgia Chatham (.’ol'.ntv.—T do hereby certify that Francis J. Ogde.u. Fldwar*! IT. Bunker and Francis T. I Willis, have signed tho foregoing certifiente. for the purpose therein expressed, this 26th day of May, 1853. W. Duncan inay 27 R. Raiford, J. I’. IBS 510 -\ S AND OUA.NG ES.—Received by Steam ier, and for sale by may 27 11. J. GILBERT. M *** ■* ■I - and 21 ti. • nriine Cuba . clnlasses. just received from Alutauzas per brig Deluiont Locke, foreale bv may 27 PADELF.ORD, FAY & CO. LADIES UMBRELLAS. VFINE assortment, just received, SPENCER C JR 15ELL, Agent, may 27 No. 154 Congress-street. / iTtrate OP MAGNESIA \ii agreea -1 Y. 7 ble refrigerant and laxative, a pleasant substitute for Epsom Salt. Full direction*) accompanying each bottle. For sale by JOHN A. MAYER, may 27 T OW'S GENUINE highly perfumed brown Windsor I j Soap, so much approved of for washing aud sliav i i (may 27) JOHN A. M ER FEATHER FANS. VIIANDSmMK a-sortment of Feather Fans, jut! received. SPENCER CURRELL, Agent, j may 27 No. 154, Congress-street. 1 brand, landing per. -hr J IV Anderson, and for sale l>y (may 27; BRIGHAM, KELLY AUG. IJIELTOX’S RUM 1 L I n’s Rum per brig Northam, for sale by may 27 BRIGHAM, KELLY A CO. j I ).* ISTED AND GitOl ND COFI ii., 80 ixe .'u 11 prime article, landing and for sale by mnj 27 BRIGHAM, KELLY A 00. I NEW BUTTER* K few tubs of Vfiry <ii ice Butter, received by steamer, and fur sale by . may 27 ‘ H. J. GILBERT. IJAt'ON ASU LAlll).- Hums. 15 hhds 1 1> Sides and Shoulders, nud 80 bbs l.aril, for sale by I may 27 H. J. GILBERT. Drawn Numbers of Georgia State Lottery, Extra Class L. drawn in Boltimere on the 20th inst; 57 54 7 47 07 72 55 3ft 8 29 25 15. may 27 (’. B. PATTERSON. tin- HE M Ql ARTERS FOR PRIZES. Office 153 Bay-street, two doors east of City Hotel, and ! iu connexion with Ham leu's Express Office. GGOUGIA STATE I.OTTI! RT For tho Benefit of tho Independent Firo Company at Augusta. A. i>. BLLIB A CO., Manager!* CAPITAL SBO,OOO. H rand Mam moth Scheme. Extra Class M, To be drawn To-morrow. IS Drawn Ballots in ca*-h Pack of 2ft Tickets. BRILLIANT SCHEME. 1 prize of ssi).floo I 4 prizes of SIO,OOO 4 prizes of 20.0u0 I 8 prizes of 3,903 SBOO and lowest litres number prizessoo. Ac. Ac. Ac. I Tickets only $82 —shares in proportion. &i) * Orders from the country answered promptly, drawings sent regularly, and prizes cashed ou demand at this office, by may 27 CH ARLES B. PATTERSON. ()t),01)1) DOLLARS. lOU of SI,OOO arc 9100,000. GBEENE AND PULASKI LOTTERY, Extra Class % E. for 1853. To be decided by the drawing of Delaware Lottery Clas K. To be drawn at Wilmington, Del., on Saturday, Mav ! 28th. ORE(SORY A MAURY, MANAGERS. Successors to J. W. Maury A Cos. splendid” sciiemeT i 1 prize of | 1 prize of $10.5ft7 1 prize of 30,000 i 10(1 prizes of 1,000 1 1 1 prize of 20,000 I 100 prizes of 600 Ac. Ac. Ac. Tickets $20 —shares in proportion, j Tickets either singly or hy the Package f<r sale by E. Mil’ll ING TON, Bay Lane, Savannah, Ga, I may 27 Vender for Gregory A Maurv ! NEW BOOKS. I > EC El Y ED by S. SIBLEY. May 24. 1853. 1 Echoes of a Bell; or a Voice from tho Past: by Ben ! Muidow. Before and Ib -liind the Curtain; or Fifteen years Ob servations among the Theatres of New York: by W. K. Nortludl. Harpers’ Magazine, for June. Graham's do. do. (iodey's Lady's Book, do. Gleason’s Pictorial. Bnrnmn’s Illustrated News. may 25 For wla iri No. 135 Oougrcfia-rtreet. I)OOIS.S.— Ninevah and Babylon, by A.II. Lavard > M. P., abridged from the larger work, cheap* edi- J tion. Echoes of a Belle, or a Voice from the Past, by Ben ! I Shadow. Tho New Rome, or the United States of the World, ! , by Theodore Pocscbe and Charles Uoepp. received by i may2s .J. B. CUBBEDGE. j ; ‘ I say. look here": SHIRTS, Umbrellas, and water proof Coats. Just received at the Cheap Clothing Store, Gibbon’s j range, and for :ale cheap hy i may 5 GEO. S. NICHOLS, i Special Uolicts. j DR J. TICKLING, Corner of Perry and Barnard streets, IS* v.Orleans square. Office hours from 8 to 10, A. M. ts mar 22 PRIVATE HOSPITAL. DUS. WILDMAN &, GANAIIL. Farir.-street, West end of the Flank Road. Tit Dhs. Wii.nMAN A Ganaiu having com plettd their arrangements for a Private Hospital, aud fitted up the same with all the appli ances of hygiene, good imr.-ing. and Medical and sur gical attendance, now offer the benefits of the Iqstitu tutinn to the public. The terms of Admission are 41 per day. This will se cure Constant and efficient medical attendance, medi cines. board and lodging. Ten dollars will be required in advance, which will not be subject to reclamation- Apartment* perfectly private may be obtained on rea. sonable extra terms. That the Institution may partake as much ns osp bio of the benevolent public character which the origi- I nators intended, they have solicited the following gen tlemen to act ns a board of visitors, who x. ill at all and any time inspect the premises, and whose names nrc guaranties to the public for its efficient manage ! incut: lion. Lungdon Cheves, John W. Anderson, Joseph >. Fay, A. A. Smets, Charles Green, John W. Rabun, John Boston, Solomon Cohen,, Mintgomery Cumining. Arrangements have also been made for the accom j modation of negroes. P. 11. WILDMAN, M. D. Corner Abcreoru and South Broail-streets. j Oil AS. GANAIIL. M. D., dec 21 ts Svtulli llroad-st., East of Barnard. SAVANNAH MUTUAL INSURANCE CO’ Office,.No. 118 Bay-street. This Compa nv will continue to take Marine, Fire and Inland Navigation risks on the most favorable terms, i Henry D. Wk::p, President. Trustees—llenry 1). Weed, H. F. B aring. I. W. Morrell. N. B. Ivnapp, ili- I ram Roberts, E. F. Wood, Henry Lathrop, James Me* I Henry, Se.cretarj’. junelS BOOK AND JOB PRINTING. fX’ The subscriber having supplied his office with o large assortment of plain, orna mental and fancy types, is now prepared to execute ot 1 1 short notice, oil orders entrusted to him in the best manner, and equal to any establishment in the South. Pamphlets. Law Blanks, Circulars, Catalogues, Busi ness Card*. Hat Tips. Bills of Lading, Visiting Cards, Bill Heads, Dray Receipts; also Posters, Show and ; Hand Bills, in Gold, Bronze, Red, Green, Blue, Yellow, and every kind of colored Inks, faithfully done at J short notice and on reasonable terms. Orders muy be j left at the Office, Sorrel's Building, or at the Book Store on Market-square. jan 27 J. B. CUBBEDOE. i PROTECTION INSURANCE COMPANY. K Hartford, Cohn.—-The undersigned, j agents of the above Company.are prepared to take risks against Fire, oil buildings, and their con tents, on the most favorable terms, july 10 BRIGHAM, KELLY A CO. MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE* “fit Life Insurance Com pany nf New York. ISA AC Al 5 R ATT, Secret ary. JOSEPH B. COLLINS, President. Applications received by WM. P. HUNTER. Agent. Dn. R. I). Arnold, Medical Examiner, ly jan 29 BOOK BINDING. ttf The subscriber is prepared to execute Book Binding of every description at the shortest notice. Blank Book* ruled and bound to any i pattern*. [feb2] J. l\ CURBKPOK. j HERE IS YOUR REMEDY. HOLLOWAY'S OINTMENT A Most Miraculous Cure of /lad Leys, after 13 Years Suffcriuy. Extract of a letter from Sir. William Galpin. of 70 til. Murys-strect, Weymouth, dated 15th May, 1851: To l Vq/i’-ssor Holloway: Sm:—At the ago of eighteen my wife, (who is now sixty-onei caught u violent cold, which settled in her legs, and ever siucc that time they have been more or less sore, and greatly iufinuicd. Her agonies were , dcstrneting. and for mouths together she was deprived entirely of rest and sleep. Every remedy that medi cal men advised was tried, hut without effect; her health suth led severely, and the state of her legs was terrible. 1 had often read your advertisements, and advised her to try your Pills and Ointment; und, as a last resnumi, after every other remedy had proved i useless, she consented to do so. She commenced six weeks ago, ami, strange to relate, is now in good health. Her legs are painless, without seam or scar, and her sleep sound and undisturbed. Could you have witnessed the sufferings of inv wife during the last 43 years, and contrast them with her present enjoyment of health, you would indeed feel delighted in having j been the means of so greatly alleviating the sufferings I of a fellow crcatur.i. (Signed) William Galpin. . A Person 70 Years of Ayr. Cured of a Had Ley, af 30 Years Standing. | Copy of a letter from Mr. Win. Abbs, builder of Gas l Ovens, of Rushcliffe, near Huddersfield, dated Slav ! 31st. 1851: lb Professor Holloway; Sm;—l suffered for a peril of thirty years from a laid leg, the result of two or three different accidents at the Gas Works; accompanied by scorbutic symptoms. I bad recourse to a variety of medical advice, without deriving any benefit, and was even told that the leg must lu- amputated; yet, in opposition to that, opinion, your Pills and Ointment have effected a complete cure 1 iu so short a t ime, that few who had not witnessed it I would credit the fact. (Signed) Wii.uam Aims. ; The truth of this statement can l>e verified by Mr. W. P. England, Cliemkt. 13 Market-street, Hudders field. .t Preadfal Pad Jlrcast (Lured- in One Month. Extract of n letter from Mr. Kmlerick Turner, of Penshurst, Kent, dated December 155th, 1850: ! To Professor Holloway ; Dkak Mk:—My wife had suffered from Bad Breasts for more than six months, and during the whole peri ‘ od had the best medical attendance, but all to no use. Having before healed an awful wound in my own leg ly your unrivalled medicine. I determined again to use your pills and Ointment, and therefore gave them a trial in hjncase. and fortunate it was I did sot for in i less than a month a perfect cure was effected, and the benefit that various other branches of my family have derived from their use is really astonishing. 1 now strongly recommend them to all my friends. (Signed; Frederick Turner. The Pills should be used conjointly with the Oint ment inmost qf the following cases: Bad Legs ('hillbluing Fistulas Sore Throats Dad Breasts Chapped Gout Skin Diseases Burns hands Glandular Scurvy Bunions Corns (soft) Swellings Sore Head* ! Bite of iiios- Cneer Lumbago Tumours ! quitos and Contracted Piles Ulcers i Sand Flies and stiff Rheumatism Wounds Coco-bay Joints Scalds Yaws Chiego-foot Elephantiasis, Sore Nipples. Sold at the Flsbiblisliment of Professor HOLLOWAY, 1 ‘ill. Strand, (near Temple Bar. London.) and by all respectable Druggistsand Dealers In .Medicines through out the British Empire, and those of the United States, in Pots nt 5>787c., and $1 50 each. Wholesale by the principal Drug home? in the Union, and bv A/essrs. A. B. A I>. SANDS, New York. /£4>- There is a considerable saving by taking the larger sizes. I N. B.—Directions for the guidance ofpaticnts in cve ! ry disorder are affixed to each Pot. lor sale by pr 4 ly* W. W. LINCOLN. Agent. IE .110 NSY K U I*.—Dunl m r's superior Lemon ! j Syrup, received and for sale by i apr is J. K. DkFORD, Apothecaries’llall. /111 L NET AND SKINE T\VI NE. You ib*TGUs I \ Net Twine, bleached and unbleached: 50 bundle Seine Twine, (>. 9,12,10 and 40 threads; also, Foo Lines. Ac., for sale by JNO. B. MOORE k CO., | w-' 11 ’ -9 Gibbons’ Buildings. New ORLEANS SUGAR.—39 hhds. just re ceived. and for gale by apr Ft SEABORN GQQDALL. (ILAIIET WINES.—2S boxes of superior J quality, for sale by A. BONAUD. 1 map 5 cor Bay snd Whitaker sts. \I, F lIIT E N\ ASHER’S BRUSHES, of superior T \ make sorted sizes, just received and for sale by Rpr ‘27 E. LOVELL. CIONGRESS WATER —A fresh supply received /direct from the proprietors of the Congress Spring, I for sale by | apr 9 ‘ JOHN B, MOORE A CO. HAVANA SEUARS.—7S,OIK) suporiar Havana Se fjars of the following brand* : Riondos, Lu vo Lu Ties Maria, La Filanteopa, Montezuma, Esmond da. Panatellns and Vegueros.all the above named Se gura are warranted to be of direct importation and of superior quality. For sale by A. BONAUD. may 1 - cor Bay and Whitaker-st, SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS, No. 154 Congress and 73 St. Julien-strcds, Gibbons Building. ]BKQ leave to call tlio attention of the public, to the large and entire new stock of Fancy and Staple Dry Goods, just opened at 154 Congress-*treat, embra cing every article in that line—among which may be found, Checked Silks, rich Printed Barege?. Printed Jaconets and l,awni, Ginghams, Ribbons, white Good*, Laces, Embroideries, Kid, Silk and Lisle Gloves, Together with an extensive assortment of Plantation and House-keeping Goods , which will be constantly re plenished. Those who favor me with their trade, can depend upon receiving fresh and now Goods. aprS SPENCER CUKItKLL. Agent. SCHOOL BOOKS. —Webster* Unabridged Dic tionary. Boston School Dictionary. Fitch’s Mapping Plates. Pierpont’s American First Class Book. Loonii's Elements ot Algebra. Youinan'a ( lass Book of Chemistry. Quackcnlms’ First Lesson* in English Composition. Parley’s Common School History. Bullion's Latin Ponder. A further supply received and for sale by may IS S. S. SIBLEY. No 135 Congress-st. linens’ TINTXS. —Linen Sheeting, Pillow Case I.lnen, and j Shirting Linens, of the best make. For sale by cprU KF'.MPTOX A VEUSTILLE. 1 )K1 NT 1 N G I N li.—Having made arrange 1 ments with Messrs. C. Mather & Cos., of Pliiladcl phia, one of the best manufacturers of Printing Ink in the United States, we have received ar.d intend keeping on hand for sale, a general assortment of Book, News and Fancy Colored Inks, which we think will please both in quality and price. We have Book and News Ink In kegs of from ‘2O toIOU lbs., Nos. 1 and‘2: Card and Book Ink in small canisters. Also, Red, Blue. Yellow, and Green, in canisters of from one to three lbs. each. All which will be sold at a trifling advance on manufacturer’s prices, for cash or city ac ceptances. From our knowledge of the Ink, we can safely recommend it as being equal to any sold in the South. Orders prom ply attended to at the book store of S. S. SIBLEY, No. 135 Congress-st. mnr22 JOHN B. MOORE & CO., Druggist s ami Apothecaries, Giiuion's Buildings, Savannah, Ga. jO Invite the attention of Planters, Physician* €¥•£9 and the citizens generally, to their stock of pure lM and unadulterated MEDICINES, which have fcJSk been selected with great personal care for this market. Their assortment of Plantation, Family, and ! Toilet articles, will be found unsurpassed, either in quality or variety. For Physicians. The best French. English, and American Chemicals, Select Powders, Trusses of all kinds; Surgical, Den tal. Pocket, and Cupping Instruments, Catheti r's Med ! ioal Saddle Bags, Ac. Planter's Articles. ; Taints, Glass,; Lamp Oil. lancets, Tooth Instru : ments, superior American Mustard, and Luudrelh's | Garden Seeds. For Family Use. : Preston A Merrill’s Yeast Powders, Flavoring Ex l tracts. Russia Isinglass,Gelatine, Vanilla Beans. French White Wine Vinegar,superior Tens, Spices, Mustnrd I Anow Root, Sweet Oil, Burning Fluid, and Sperm Oil. For the Toilet. I Fine Turkey Sponge, Flesh Rubbere; Hand Mir rors. Powder Foxes, German Cologne, Shaving I Creams, Razor Strops, and Dressing Cases; and an extensive assortment of French, English and Ameri can Hair Preparations, Ox Marrow, Pliilocome. Bear's oil. Ac.; and Lu bin’s, GncrJain’s, Maugenet’s Piver**, Prevost’g, and Monpela’s fine Toilet Soap*, pom mades, and extracts for the Handkerchief. Brushes and Combs. They request particular attention to their assortment of these articles; viz: Ivory, Pearl, Bone. BuiTalo. Satin wood, and Inlaid Hair Brushes, comprising eve ry variety of French and Eng. manufacture: Ivory, BuiTalo, and Bone handled Tooth Brushes. Nail Brush es. Shell. Buffalo and Horn Dressing and Tuck Combs, and Ivory Fine Tooth Combs. Sundries. Backgamman Boards, Chessmen, Dominoes. Crib -I>nge Board*, Playing Cards of extra fine quality, Purses, Liquor Flasks, Tapers. Pastiles. Aromatic Cachou’s, Pocket Books, and a great variety of Smel ling Bottles, Preston Salts. Ac. Orders from the country promptly tilled and satis* j faction guaranteed with regard to price and quality. I mar 12 nI'TTER.—4O kegs for snip by > jan 31 _ 11. J. GILBERT, t AW MILL IRONS—Consisting of Cranks, Styr ups, Pitman's Dogs, Gudgeons, Ac., complete Landing from schr Empire, and for sale by apr 15 O. 11. CAMPFTELD. I/RESII HOPS—One case of fresh Hops, in 1 pound 1’ packages, warranted of the Just year’s growth.— Just received and for sale by W. W. LINCOLN, may 3 Monument Square I I II k| 1 SACKSuf prime \\ bite Corn, just rcceiv. I•’ / ed anti will be sold low if taken from the barf. [apr2s] A. O.TOMf*. 120 Bay-st. GROCERIES. &c. 100 BIJLS. Baltimore Flour, s|jJl SU “ H “ 20 half barrels Canal Flour, 75 bbls. Stuart’s B and C Sugars; 25 “ “ crushed 100 boxes Tobacco, assorted brands: 10 hhds. Bacon Sides; 10 do Shoulders; 50 boxes Star and Adamantine Candles; 25 bbls. Monongaliela Whiskey. 150 Rum, Gin, Whiskey and Brandy; 15 qr. casks Cognac Brandy; 2 pipes 11. Gin; 2 qr. casks Scotch Whiskey; 2 qr. casks Jamaica Run-; 25 boxes assorted Cordials; 50 M. Spanish Segars; 25 kits No. 1 Mackerel; •2o half bbls. No. 1 *25 bbls. Nos. ]. 2 ami 3 Mackerel; 150 boxes No. 1 and Pule Soap; 50 boxes Starch; 50 boxes Lemon Svrup; 10 hhds fine P. R. Sugar; 8 ‘* St. Croix 50 bbls. N. 0. Syrup; Landing and in store. For sale by may 13 COHEN A TARVER. A PPLES ORANGES AND LEMONS.— _*A Landing and for sale by may 12 If. J. GILBERTS DALM LEAF AND CANADA STRAW HATS. X A large lot at wholesale at may 17 BELDEN ft CO’S. pIIILDREN~AND YOUTH’S HATS.—Straw, Vd Leghorn and Webster, a fine assortment at limy 17 JfELDKN A GO'S. r) UHI.mSO bbls Luther Felton’s Rum, landing per L the brig Clement, and for sale by mar 6 BRIGHAM. KELLY A CO. I)OOKS S BOOKS! BOOKS! —Harry Muir: u sto ) rv of a Scottish Chief, by the author of Mrs. Mar garet Maitland, Merkland, Ac. The Ranger of Ravenstream; by Newton M. Curtis, author of Patrol of the Mountain. Scout of the Silver Pond, Haunted Chief, or the Female Banditti, Ac. Harper's Magazine for April. Putnam's Magazine, containing answers to the Bour bon question. Blackwood's Magazine for March. Gleason's Pictorial. Barnum's Illustrated News. For sale at the Book Store of S. S. SIBLEY, mar 30 No. 135 Congress-st. ARRIVAL OF NEW SUMMER GOODS. ~~ M. PUENDEHGAST A CO. have this day per Steamship State *>f Georgian very excellent assortment of new, fashionable cheap goods, comprising White and Colored French Linen Drill*; A great variety of light materials for Gentlemen’s and Boys’ Summer Wear. Bareges, Chameleon Figured and Pointed Grena dines, Black and Colored. Black Gro de Rhine Silks. Ladies’ Needle Work Collars. Jaconet and Organdy Muslins. 7-8, 44 and 9-S French, English and American Print*, particularly desirable styles. A beautiful assortment of Cambric and Swiss Edg ings and inserting*. ifo- They will he receiving further supplies by the steamers during the month. 178 BROUGHTON ST., may Id Opposite S. Andrew’s Hall ¥ IME, LATHS, PLASTER, CEMENT and 1 i Plastering Hair.—A constant supply of the abovo articles for sale by may 12 BRIGHAM, KELLY A CO. CONFECTIONARIES. fIMIE subscriber begs leave to inform his friends and 1. the citizens generally ot Savannah and its vicini ty, that he has purchased the interest of Mr. New comb,in the Confection iry hitherto owned by Newcomb A Rice; and that he will manufacture, and keep always on hand Fresh and Pure Confectionaries, Manufactured from the best materials, and compris ing every variety of Candies, Sugar Plums, Ac, Arc, 4c, French Confectionaries, Lemon Syrup, Syrups for Soda Fountains, Together with every other article in his line, always in store and for saleat wholesale and retail,on the most reasonable term*. T. C. RICE, a5 ts S. E. Corner Broughton anu Vhitakcr-st*. lUAVOitING EXTRACTS.—Preston A Mer rill’s, and Wright & Meakin’s Extracts of Rose, Vanilla, Lemon, Strawberry, Nutmeg, Bitter Almond, Banana. Jarzonell, Pear, Ac. For sale by apr 13 JOHN B. MOORE y CO, PARASOLS. . PARASOLS.— A handsome assortment of Parasols and Ladios Umbrellas. For sale by j KEMPJ’ON A VERSTILLE, A Waring’? Range, next toZogbaum’s Music *tor* aprO