The Savannah evening journal. (Savannah [Ga]) 1852-185?, May 28, 1853, Image 2

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SA7AHCTJMHL Saturday Afternoon, May 28, 1853. Set First and Last Paget,. Arrival of the State of Georgia. The U. 8. AI. steamship State of Georgia, Capt. Colmns, to C. A. L. Lamar, arrived lust night at cloven o’ydoik, in fifty-sovtn hours from Philadelphia,—a quick trip. XV• are indebted to Mr. G. J. JuNE9 PURSER, for the uiiual newspaper favor?. U. S. M. ateamship Florida, Capt. , Woodhull sailed this morning at 11 i o’clock for New York. The following is her list of pas j congers. Per steamship Florida, for New York- -E. G. ‘ Wilson and lady, .Mrs. J. J*. Hines, *M. J. XV il den, Miss Crabtree, Dr. J. M. Benson and lady, | XV. J. XVilliford aud lady, Mrs. Cary, Master Cary, Miss Hill, Miss J. Bradbury, 11. Koser, F. : J. Ogden, 11. P. Perry, C. Bmitli, D. P. Russel), \ H. Midddlebrook, A. Culbert, 0. XV. Demarest, i E. B. Crowell, Mrs. Christian nnd ?<n, Miss E. j Morris, Mrs. \X\ B. Hodgson, Miss Telfair and 2serv's, Mrs. Dun.i. Miss Conway, Miss XVins- { ton, Mrs. 11. M. North anti children, A. Mor gan, Mrs. XVadley, XX’. B. Hodgson, I). O. Spal ding, 11. K. Bancroft, E. A. Longley, Capt. D. Uollwnn, A. F. Cone, L. M. Lawar, F. G. Tooke, T. G. Benton, J. Adamson, J. XV. lieyxvuod, J. F. Pugh, S. XV'agor, .M. Howe, 11. M. XVeed, J. U. King, XV. (}. Bradbury, A. J. Oliver, J. 11. Robert, A. A. Kitcholl and lady, Miss XX'alker, i MissJ. R. Brown, R. Laohlison and lady, Mrs. 1 A. Arkwright, Mrs. J. Lachlison, Miss Emma Lachlison, Mias Elizabeth Laohlison, XV. N. Habersham, Mrs. Habersham, 6 ehildreu and 2 ‘ serv’s, Miss liabersbatn, Mrs. Jl. H. Scranton, Miss A. E. Scranton, Mr. E. M. McWilliams, IXlrs. Hir, Mins Davison, Miss Koser and maid, G. N. Ncyle, D. 11. Kendrick, 11. C. Kendrick, A. C. Day, J. Howe, M. Lurv r, A. Hill and lady, M. A. Wood, Stuart Austin and 2 child ren, C. Hint, and 35 steerage. Uail-Raml Celebration. The attention of our readers is invited to tho notice in another column, requesting such citi zens as intend to tender their private hospitali ties to our Columbus friends, to notify Hon. John M. Berrien, of their wishes. Wo are pleased to be ablo to state, that tho Committees appointed on XX'ednesday last to make arrangements for tho festival, are actively engaged in tbo discharge of this pleasant duty. We doubt not but they will make such provision ns will best promote the pleasure and comfort of our guests, and rodouud to tbo credit of our city. Savannah Fire Company. The Annual Parade of the Savannah Fire ; Company, nn event for which great preparation Is always made, took place yesterday afternoon, And was a most gratifying occasion both to Firemen and spectators. Tho Engines, aud llose Carriages, the various smaller implements of war, (upon tho devouring element) and the several insignia of office, were tastefully de corated with flowers, wreaths, and ga v colored ribbons, while at frequent intervals iu the long line of procession, wo noticed numerous ban ners, and appropriate symbols. All tho machines and implements, were in splendid condition, and presented a very handsome appearance, aside from tho florul decorations with which they were adorned ; tho bone aud sinew of the com- j pany never lookod bettor, either for show or use; | and the parade ns a whole was a brilliant and ! imposing pageant, reflecting the highest credit upon men and officers. The main body of tho Savannah Firo Depart meat, as our readers know, is composed of colored men, controlled and commanded bv some ‘ our worthiest citizens. They are paid for their services, at tho rate of 12$ cts. for each hour of actual duty, nud after many yeurs trial of the system, it has been found thoroughly efficient. Tho Chief officers commanding tho Company at this time, are Messrs. A. N. Miller Chief Fireman, Gilbert Butler second Fireman, ami T. J. XValsh Third Fireman. Besidos tho Engine and Hose Men, on parade yesterday, there were also the Axe-Mon, the Bucket Boys and tho Hook and I.odder Mon, all attired in becoming uniform, and comporting j themselves as befitting the occasion. Tbo Company was drawn up on the Bay, about 6 o'clock, P. M., and there reviewed by His Honor, Mayor Wayne; after which it was dismissed, and the various section.-; proceeded > respective quarters, singing as they ! marched, some fa v *rito Ethiopian melody which renders all other mu ic unnecessary, by which to “keep iu step.” During the day “Section A,” whose quarters ! iu Monument Square are soon to be removed, presented Capt. XViltberukk of tho Pulaski House, with a handsome cake, as a feeble token of their gratitude for thu many kin lu-v- •; they had received in tho past, from the Proprietors of l tho Pulaski. Capt. Barron of “WunC- r l air” ‘ was presented by his Company with a rich silver Goblet and Salver, as a token of their respect for him as their commanding officer. Capt. Barron also presented Edward Taylor, a member of “Xumbcr Four,” with a silver mo dal as a reward far his prouiptnos.s and ef ficiency, during the past year. ■* SfciP The New York Da / Hook denounces Franconi’s Hippodrome iu that city a? a humbug. The horsos it says, aro American horses; the riders, male and female, are not Parisians, but 1 Americans; anl the whole affair is essentially American, popularized and made profitable by the eclat of a French name. Per contra, the united press of New York, so far as we have seen their comments, speak of tho Hippodrome 1 in the highest terms, and its benches as throng ed nightly with delighted thousands. Tho Day Hook may be right—but it is very unkind thus to thr< w a gloom over the pleasure of the delighted thousands. Preserve us from ‘ the Cognoscenti —the knoicimj ones—the people ; who kuow what is what, and who delight in 1 impeaching tho genuineness of every celebrity i that other people throng to see, and lovo to ad mire. Often aud again have we—when at the- j atro or concert—been pitched headlong from the very climax of pleasurable enjoyment, into the deeps of thorough dissatisfaction, by the kind offices of some friend at our elbow, who was averse to our being delighted, except for good cause. Sometimes when our sides wore shaking with inextinguishable laughter, or wo could not repress a sympathetic tear at the fate of some poor wight, crossed mayhap in love, or otherwise perplexed and persecut’ and, a poke in the ribs from some knowing friend’s elbow, with ‘ an exclamation, “Miserable!” “Shocking!”’ “Do you call that acting?”—has completely changed the current of our bliss, and forced ns ■ to wish our wise friend in a far-off land, known to abound in gold and ivory. Bo with the Day Booh and tbo Hippodrome. If all New York receives an enhancement of pleasuro from the belief that the Hippodrome is a French estab lishment, pray why not let New York believe, ajj'J enjoy. Tnr. New Romp., oh ihk Uxited Statiw ir thk XX okld; j lyThinulnre Fraadie and Charles New York. I (i. P. Put Hum A Cos. CJoth—l9 pp j This little work assumes that the 1 nited 1 States of America are to become the Conquer or, of the worM, an.l nil existing principal- , j itiett, power* and klng'lotn*. will one dny bo merged into one, under the beneficent sway of : ! Brother Jonathan. .Much ability, ingeuuity, j and erudition, arc displayed in the support of 1 i this, and while we endorse none ..f I of the contents of the New Koine, ns being con i gcnial'with our own ssntiuicnts, we feel no hesi } tation in saying that they will bo found highly j interesting. | H urn,on a>r> Second Expedition; by Austen ! Henry Layard. New York- (i P. Putnam A Cos. j Cloth— 550 pp. I This is an abridgement of tho larger work of j Mr. I.nvard, issued a few weeks since an.l pre | viously noticed in these column-. It embraces all | tho most interesting and imp3rtant portions of ! tho large volume, the author's language being : studiously preserved wherever possible ; it is i I copiously illustrated, printed in the neatest and j best manner: aud on account of its e.xtraordina- I ry low price, will perhaps have as large, if not a larger circulation, than the work from which it has been compiled. Mr. Putnam has acted wisely and well, iu issuing it in a cheap form, thus placing it within reac h of a large class of readers, to whom it must otherwise have been a ; sealed book. We lake pleasure in wartnly com mending it to every render. Echoes or a Belle : on a Voice prom the Past. By I Ren Shadow. New York. G. P. Putnam A Cos. Cloth—l9s pp. | A pleasant litilo love-story, containing here j utid there, Fume pretty thoughts nnd fancies, j touching passages, and felicitous description?, ; tending at last to a happy conclusion, after a J sufficiency of crosses and troubles to awaken the 1 ! reader’s interest, and enlist his sympathies, j ! Though neither powerful nor thrilling, its pages : evince good taste, and refined sentiment, which : ! in the absence of all pretension or affectation, 1 will secure for it a kindly reception. j ‘?P*The R. R. Bridge at Salmon Falls Mas- * sai'husetts was burned on Tuesday last, and ! while yet in flumes, tho passenger train was ! compelled to dash across it, tho engineer not j being able to stop in time. Tbo bridge fell in, | very soon after tho safe transitof the cars across. I | JfJtvMn tho Massachusetts Legislature now in session, the lloosac Tunnel Bill has been re | joctcd by tho Sonate, and tho bill to appropriate 1 lunds lor a Webster monument,, has failed in [ | tho House. Tallmadge is out in another long letter, declaratory of his belief inspiritunlm.ini- I flotations: introducing several communications ( received by him from John C. Calhoun, and also descriptions of the phenomena of which ho has been an eye-witness. That liubhcl of Strn w herrirs. Our Savannah friends, we believe, found ev- j ery thing here bettor than they expected, and! better than was promised, except that bushel of | Strawberries which our friends of tho Times J Sentinel told them they should soe nt their of- j lice, and that they could seo if they were just back here now. Peabody is a man who looks to tho manner i A3 ‘veil us the matter of the thing, and while ho 1 | was making his preparations fur such an exhi | bition, as would not only have astonished but ; delighted every beholder, ho was taken very ill; | ntui being disabled from doing tho thing up in tho best style, ho would not do it at all. In this ! lie was right, because ho know tho people of Columbus would do every thing else up first rate i and he had no idea of being behind in any thing he attempted. To-day (Wednesday) being tho first day ho j has been able u. crawl out, he bus placed in the 1 I Times A Sentinel office a basket of Strawber ! ries which astonishes even tho citizens of Co- j ; luiubus, who are accustomed to seo tho extra ordinary results of his labor and skill. If pie eminence constitutes greatness, Pea body is the greatest man now on the face of tho ; globe. Ho is the only man that we know of who stands confessedly without a rival in the world. Columbus (Ga.) Corner Stone. 1 [From the Columbus Times, May 27th, 1853.] A Handsome Present, i It will be perceived hy the following cor- 1 I respotidence, which Las been furnished us for publication to-day, that the efforts of our nin la id.: t ’wnswoinan, Mrs. William Perry, which bad so much to do with getting up the Into f-pleii iid dinner to our Savannah friends, have I been properly appreciated and herself hand somely rewarded. W have had a glimpse of these beautiful silver Pitchers, and can truly pronounce them ■ a handsome offering from liberal iiearts. r KEREN TATION. : H'l. Perry: Madame—We Iced ns citizens of Columbus l that we are under deep obligations to you for | the very handsome manner in which you con tributed to do honor to Columbus on tho occa sion of the recent of tho citizens ofSavan- ; i null and Macon to this place. For our own gratification, Madame, wo de- j I sire to make somo acknowledgement of our ap preciation of your valuable aid. and wo trust you j will permit us to manifest our feelings by pre senting to you the Pitchers accompanying this ■ note. Very respectfully, Your obd’t servants, H. S. Smith, I*. J. .’oiuuics, •T. 11. Howard, K. ,J. Moses, B. L. Mott, Daniel Griffin, H. H. lipping, Jno. A. I>cblois, Thos. XV. Talluian, R. Patten, M. G. McKinuic, Jno. A. Jones, A. J. Robison, Hines Holt, XX. Jl. Mitchell, J. T. Flexvellen, 1 Joel E. Hurt. (fulttnibue t da. May'lath, 1853. Gentlemen- 1 received your kind note and i j the two very beautiful Pitchers accompanying j it, which were to me very unexpected. I ro- I turn tny sincere thanks, and do assure you, I appreciate the present very highly, coming from ! ! the source that it does. It is to me a very great pleasure to know | > that my effort? at. the time referred to, proved j satisfactory. X ery respectfully, yours, SABAH 0. PERRY. j To Messrs. 11. R. Smith, P. J. Semuics, J. If. Howard, R. J. Moses, nod others. May 2otA, 185.3. JPST*The Xenia Torchlight states that the j , will of Gen. James Taylor of Newport, Ky.,wns 1 lately recorded in the Clerk’s office of that conn- ! t.v. The will covers 21X pages of royal octavo, j ! ‘dosoly written. Ths fee for recording it amount- ! **■’l It relates to property valued at • v 1,009,000, and gives freedom and property 1 tomore than twenty slaves and their pos terity. As the testator was tho owner of real I estate in twenty-six counties of Ohio, the will has to bo recorded in each of them. Hon Mr. Fish, of the Connecticut Sen- } at.- is chairman of the Committee on the Proser j vation of Trout. fl&t’ A young man has been lined $lO and ! : costs in Cincinnati, for refusing to work at a i tire. The case is to bo carried to a higher trib- I | unal. A young man named Frank Topp, was j arrested in Cincinnati last week, charged with i cutting ladies dresses. He was sentenced to pay ‘ a fine <•( $2.5 nnd cost’, and to be e<*mruittid to { jail foi ten day.* ou bread and water. SAVANNAH JOURNAL. SATURDAY. MAY *-8, 1853. [From GaJigani’a Messenger, May 5.] Nnpnleon's Tomb. The following description of the prosent stato of the tomb of the Emperor, will not be without interest: —During the twelve years that tho , construction of tho tomb of the Emperor was iu contemplation, a variety of plans had been con sidered, and many of them, after having been commenced, were afterwards abandoned as not being suited to tho purpose intended. The crypt, which was first formed, was found not to bo suf ficentiy lurge and deep, and the enlargement of it required considerable precautions in order I uot to endanger the solidity of the dome. The circular portico limiting the space, tho centre of which was to be occupied by the sarcophagus, had in tho first place been conceived without any speciul ornamentation, and was intended to bo remarkable for its extreme simplicity. It was then thought that the construction, being of such vast extent, ought te bo ornamented with bas-reliofs representing the civil acts of the Hm ; peror; it was also decided that the pillars sup porting the circular entablature should be orna mented with tho representation of different vic tories. Tho sarcophagus, which is formed of por : pliyry, brought from Korchoku, in Fiuland, is of an imposing and severe form, and is completely finished, and bears a most extraordinary polish. It is lined inside with Corsican granite, in order that, lying in his coffin, the illustrious deceased may, as it were, repose on materials brought from his native soil. Tho tomb is raised on a . foundation of granito from the Vosges. The cover, which i. supported by woud-work, is brought as near as possible to tho sarcophagus, and has only to be pushed on horizontally in | order to cover it. On entering tho church from the south door, on the Place Vauban, the Dome de Mansard is scon at one coup (Tail. In ap proaching nearer is seen the crypt, surrounded with a rather massive balustrade. From the midst of marbles of extreme whiteness, stands up in bold relief tho sarcophagus, reposing on i pavement of mosaics of extreme richness. Be yond the crypt rises the high altar, surmounted ; by an immense canopy ; all this part of tho do ! corations is composed of colored marbles, which have the most superb effect. The altar is sur ’ mounted by ‘.a statue of our Saviour on the ; cross, sculptured by M. Triquetli. Semi-circu lar stair cases, turning to tho right, mid left, i lead to the door of another stair case, which leads directly to the crypt. This part of tho monument, which is conceiv ed in grand proportious, is turned towards tho nave of the church. On tho sides oftho door, I which is in bronze, stand two figures of old men, i composed ns caryatides, and by which it is in ! ‘.ended to personify in some degree the military nud civil glory of tho Emperor. Over the en trance ar written tho following lines, which J express tho last wishes of Napoleon : “ Jc dcairc qne men cend ‘ea repotent nur lea rivet de In Seine an milieu dn people Francuivc que joi Unit | nime.” On the right and left of the open space before the eutrnnee of the monument nre tho tombs of ! Bertrand and of Duroc, worth}’ guardians of the j man whom they so faithfully served. The sar cophagus boars no unme inscribed on it, and it | is that which surrounds it which gives its signi fication to tlio tomb. The twelve emblematical representations of victories, tho names of bat tles inscribed on the pavement, the bas-reliefs I intended to call to mind the principal acts of imperial administration—this union of military i and civil souvenirs, all equally glorious, and in j the centre the isolated tomb, such is con stitutes in its cMcmblc the monument of the ’ Emperor. The ten bas-relief? of the circular portico have i been executed by M. Si in art. One of them re- J presents a figure iu an antique dress, having in front two females, representing the Roman and Qallican Church, who are giving their hands to each other, and in the corner is a man raising a ! cross. Under this composition is engraved tho word. “Concordat.” The other ha? reliefs rep ! resent tho Cour dcs Comptes, tho university, i centralisation, the legion of honor, the counc.l j of state, great public works, commerce, manu : factures, and the Code Napoleon. In the con- i tre of tho chamber, called the Chamberdel’Epeo or du lleliquuire, is a kind of cippus, having a j compartment of bronze in the form of a cushion, on which will bo deposited the sword of Aastor litz, mid the interior of which will receive tho hut of the Emperor, his cross of honor and his crown. To the right and left will bo grouped > the colors taken in the wars of the empire. At the end of this funereal chamber, which will bo lighted by a lamp, is the marble statue of Na poleon in a standing position, covered with the imperial mantle, and holding a sceptre ami the i globe. The public will never be allowed to en i ter this room, and tho inside of it will only be viewed through tho grating of the dour. JT'GH'Wo find in tho Nashville I’nion nn ac count of a very singular case in that city, re cently decided in the criminal court. Tho Union gives the facts as follows : Mr. A. L. Green was indebted to \Y. Young the sum of $11.50, in paynu nt of which Green : gave him a cheek us follows; “Hobson fe i Wheless pay to Wm. Young or bearer, eleven j and fifty dollars.” There was no dot between ; the eleven and fifty at the head of the check. 1 Hobson and Whcdess, presuming the check to be i drawn for eleven hundred and fifty dollars, and : not having so much money on hand at tho time ! told Young to call the next morning, us it was i then past banking hours. Ho did so, when they ; gave him a cheek upon tho Union Bank for the sum. Young drew the in one}’ but did not nt tempt any concealment of the sum, but consult ed several friends ns to what he should do with i it. One of them told him to deposit it with hiui i for a few days, and if nothing was said that he ! should keep if. The presumption is that this was done, as none of the money has been recov ered. It was argued by the defence that as the i law distinctly stated that the goods must be ob tained with intention at the time feloniously to steal them, the prisoner could not bo found , guilty, as he obtained the money without fraudu ! lontor deceptive pretences. The judge socharg i cd : and also if Young hod not formed the in j teution to steal the money, aud was ignorant of the amount ho was to receive, ho should he ac quitted. The jury returned a verdict of ‘not ; guilty,’ and the prisoner was discharged.” ‘l’lie Speed of Ocean Steamers. Tlio Washington Union contains a letter from a New York correspondent, from which we tako ; the following extract: An analysis of the comparative speed of the ; Now York steamers tho past year, has appeared from tho hands of a U. States engineer, and as the most accurate estimate yet made, merits 1 some attention. Taking the time of making the passage as the true time, ho calculates the speed t oftho vessels for the following distances : “New i York to Liverpool 3,084 geographical mile--, Boston to Liverpool, via Halifax, 2,383. The mean passage on the outward trip of the Boston ! branch of the Cunard line for the eleven months commencing January 1, 1852, and ending Nov, ! 30 of the same year, is shown to be eleven days fifteen hours, li minutes; and inward, 12 days, S hours and 9 minutes—the former having for I average speed per hour 10.3248, the latter 9.7350. Os the performance of tho New Y’ork I and Liverpool steamships for tho same period, 1 we have for mean passage of tho Collins line in outward trips 11 days, 5 hours, 40 minutes—a ’ speed per hour, expressed in decimals, of 11.13G2. On the other hand tho Cunard ves i sels A*ia and Africa , lor outward trip, exhibit J as mean passage 11 days, 6 hours, 58 minutes, | and other vessels of this line 11 days, 20 hours, 23 minutes, or in tho first instance, a speed of 1 11.3813 per hour, and in tho second, of 10. 8416 per hour. Inward trips of tho Collins lino 1 give as moan passage 11 days, 6 hours, 14 min utes. or 11.4125 per hour; Asia and Africa, of j ! the Cunard line for ditto, 11 days, 14 hours, lf> minutes, or 11.0828 per hour; other vessels of ! this line 12 days, 14 hours, 13 minutes, or 10. 2044 per hour. Assuming that tho Ana and j ; Afrit-a for size and power can alone he fairly considered as coping with those of tho Collins line, the superior speed of the latter is not so I great as generally supposed. -♦> J5Y*-Mr. Ball, the artist, it is stated, has just completed a full length statue of Daniel Web i Bter, which is said to bo oneof the best delinea tions of his commanding figure that has ever I been produced by painter or sculptor. Mr. \V. H. Trescott, it h said, has r(- ! signed as Secretary of Legation in London. I £3Bt*\Ve have seldom seen a more forciblo il lustration than tho following, related by the London for niny Chronicle: The chaplain of a country prison, not long since was very properly dismissed from his situation by tbo magistrates, for forcibly holding the finger of a woman who was uuder the sen tence of death, in tho flame of a candle, until it was in a blister, in order as he said, to give her an idea of tho eternal punishment to which she I would bo doomed if she did not confess her guilt to him. Screw v. Paddle* The Dengul screw steamer which brought home the lust Indian mail, performed the dis tance between Malta an lAlexandriu—eight bun dred and Twenty miles—in two days and twen ty hours, which is the shortest time tho voy age was ever performed in, and she must have averaged twelve miles an hour to have done it in the time. There is no doubt that this stea mer, the largest at present in tho world, cun rnn, under very favorable circumstances, nine teen miles un hour. She has fully answered the most sanguine expectations concerning her, and has proved the Yankee notion that length of itself gives speed, because steamers of such enormous length as the Bengal, which is nearly thrao hundred nnd twenty feet long, have not to breast every wave. All persons interested in the screw, and who have watched the per formance of the Bengal, have pronounced that tho days of paddle-box steamers are numbered nnd that they will bo supplanted by screw steamers ns effectually ns the mail coach has been supplanted by the railroad. —Liverpool { E '"j) Robert Walsh, esq., a verleran correspondent who has resided long in Europe, thus writes from Paris: *T used to distrust the British government nnd people, nnd thought that it was with them tho United States would ultimately have to en gage in a strife mortal to one or the other. My present impressions are widely different. Dispositions and views are not tho same in Great Britain. The universal sense of a vast enlargement and irresistible advances ofAmor i -a power; the indefinite extension and multi plication of mutual interests; tho more frequent, various, and intimate personal intercourse: the religious, literary and scion alio intercommun ion; tho effects nnd facilities of steam naviga tion, American importance with (he world nt large, the now sympathies and ties resulting j from the prodigal emigration and the progress j of the Democratic element, spirit, influence am! ! tendencies in the British political and social system—these nnd other salient changes, have [ begotten general good will, a rule of concilia tion, a general earnestness for the perpetuity of, relations nnd feelings such as become cognate races and institutions, and a common ackuowl- i edgement of the precepts aud ends of oliristiaui- \ 0-” llollowaj ‘M Ointment and Pills. A Dangerous Wound in the Thigh cur ed l.v their use.—About three years ago Mr. Acton, of XL-lbourne, had his tliigk most fearfully lac erated when out riding, his horse running away, anil j . his leg coming in violent collision with a wall. He was confined to his bed for nearly eighteen months, suffer- i ing from th<* acci lent: and notwithstanding the best , medical advice every effort proved unaecremful in heal ing the wound, ami his health became so impaired that j liis life was despaired of. In this state bo commenced 1 using Holloway's Ointment ami Pills, which had the , i effect of healing hifl wound with wonderful rapidity, j ■ and restoring him to sound health. IEMON SYRUP Dunbar’s superior Lemon j Syrup, received nnd fur Mile hv a]i l’ J. E. DzFORD, Apothecaries’ Hall. / 1 ILL NET AND SEINE TWINE. —IOO “lbs. Gils ’ I Net Twine, bleached and unbleached; 50 bundle I Seine Twine, t>, 9, 12, 16 and 40 threads; also, Foo ! Lines, Ac., f.,r wile by JNO. B. MOORE A GO., S mar 29 Gibbons’ Buildings. \ T I*7 XX OItLK ANS SUGAR.—39 hhds. just re li ceivod, and for sale by apr 13 SEABORN GOOD A LL. 1 lAVANA SEGA RS. 0 superior Havana Se- I jl gars of the toll, wing brands : Riondos, La vos I Las I res Maria, La Filanteopa. Montezuma, Esineral- | da, Punatellns and X’egueros. all the above named So- i ! gars are warranted to be of direct importation and of ! superior quality. For sale by A. BON AUD. may 12 cor Rnv and XVhitnker-gt. ‘ SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS, .X'</. 151 Cbnjreu aiul 7:'. St. Julitn-s'.ruJSy Gibtxmi | JiuHdiny. I BEG leave to cull the attention of the public, to . the large and entire new stock of Fancy and Staple Dry Goods, just opened at 1.54 Congress-street, urn Fra cing every article in that line—among which may be found, Checked Silks, rich Printed Bareges, Printed Jaconets and Lawns. Ginghams, Ribbons, white Goods. Lares, Embroideries, Kid. Silk and Lisle Gloves, Together with an extensive assortment of Plantation and House-keeping Quods , which will be constantly re plenished. Those who favor me with their trade, can depend ! upon receiving fresh uml new Goods. aprß SPHNOBK .TURKU,, Agent. SCHOOL* BOOKS XVebst 1 nabrid Di< tiouary. Boston School Dictionary. Fitch's Mapping Plates. Pie-p<nt's American First Glass Book. Loomi’s Elements ot Algebra. Vounuin'ft Chiss Book of Chemistry. Qunckenbos’ First Lessons in English Composition, i Parley’s Common School History. Bullion's Latin Reader. A further supply received and for sale by may 18 s. s. SI BLE V. No 13,5 linens: I INF.NS.—Linen Sheeting, Pillow Case Linen, and 1 j Shirting Linens, of the best make. For sale by apr 1 -* KEMPTON A VEUSTILLE. I ) 111 \ T I N GIN IC.—Having mode arrange A meats with Messrs. C. Mather A Go., of Philadel pliia. one of the best manufacturers of Printing Ink in the United States, we have received and intend keeping on band for sale, a general assortment of Book, News and Fancy Colored Inks, which we think will please both in quality and price. We have Book and News Ink in kegs of*from 20 to 100 lbs., Nos. 1 and 2; Card arid Book Ink in small canisters. Also, Red. Blue, Yellow, mid Green, in canisters of from one to three lbs. each. All which will be sold at a trilling advance on manufacturer’s prices, for cash or city ne ceptmu-es. From our knowledge of the Ink, we can safely recommend it ns being equal to any sold in the South. Orders promply attended to st the book store of S. S. SIBLEY, No. 135 Congress-fit. mar 22 C AEAP CASH STORE. CORNER OF XVIIITAKER ANDCONGKEBS STS. Stock in Trade at Auction. r rilE SUBSCRIBERS, in order to close their busi- JL ness, at the above stand, will dispose of the en tire stock of DRY GOODS (now remaining) at Auction, commencing Ist JUNE next. The stock is large, consisting of every variety of Summer und Fall Goods. Country Merchants desirous ! of procuring bargains, would do well by being inaHen- | dance. Terms—All sums under SIOO, cash: SIOO to SBOO. four montns; over S3OO, six uiontbs. M. PItKMIKUGAST & CO. may 25 PIHLBRICK A BELL, Auctioneers. rUST n ived, and on ha iI i apply of 11 Groceries, Almonds. Nuts. Wines and Liquors. Call and examine for yourselves, at ALEXANDER S may 25 Cr. Hull & Congress-sts. opp. J/on-Square, 1 ) \\T A LOONS FOR GENTLEMEN. I will open I this day a great variety of Mcu’s Pants.—Fancy Plaids, Stripes and Cheeks, together with a good us- 1 sortment of XX bite Drill, w hich will he sold at moder ate prices nt the Clothing Store, Gibbon’s range, by 61 ay 25 GEO. S. NICHOLS. I >o\ S CLOTHING AGAIN.—Just received another I ) largo assortment of Boys’ Brown nnd Check Linen Sacks, Alpacca, Check and Brown Linen Jack ets. XVhitc and Fancy Drill Pants. Figured Marseilles X'ests. Children’s Fancy Suits and Kilts, Shirts, Draw ers. Neck Ties, Ac., Ac., all for boys from four to fifteen years old. For sale cheap hy mny 25 GEO. S. NIGIIOLS. Gibbons’ range TO PURCHASERS OF CHEAP DRY GOODS •*\ CAS ES of fust colored printed Lawns, Jaconet nud i •/batiste Muslins, all at 12V, cents. 3 cases assorted Ginghams in New Styles, all at 12Ve. J 1 ease ta great bargain) Lathes’ Linen Cambric Hand- ! I kerchiefs, all at 12)cents. i XX'e have much pleasure in directing particular at- I I tent ion U> the arrival, by the steamship Florida this day, of the above Goods, and can with perfect conti- ; dence recommend them as the cheapest goods everof- j fercJ for sale in Snvuunah M. PRENDERGAST A Cos. 1 . may 25 178 Broughton-st. opp. St. Andrew’s Hall. [ 4 PPi.E>, ORANGES AND LEMONS 1\ Landing and for sule by may 12 11. J. GILBERH , / tHOlt'Fi BUTTEII.—A few tubs left of Choice Goshen Butter, received per steamer Flori da, and for sale at the Emporium, by may 26 SEABORN GOOD ALL. IX| n K FURNITURE CHlNTZ.—French and English Furniture Chintz, in Bunches and Stripes for Laid Quilts ami Bordering, at mv 26 KEMPTON A VERSTILLE’S. CIO.VC4R.ESS XX’ATER.—A fresh supply received ydirect from the proprietors of the Congress Spring, for sale bv pr 9 JOHN B, MOORE ACO 1 1 Special lloticts. j DE J. FICKLINS, C° rncr perry and Barnard streets, Orleans square. Office hours from Bto 10. A. M. ts mar 22 PHIVzVTE HOSPITAL. DUS. WILDMAN &. OANAIIL. Fann-streot, West end of tho Plank Road. Drs. XVildma.n A Ganahl having com- ‘ jileted their arrangements for a Private liospitnl, and fitted up the same with all the appli- • ances of hygiene, good nursing, and medical and sur : gical attendance, now offer the beuefitfl of the lustitu- ‘ i tution to the pullic. The of admission are $1 per day. This will se cure constant and efficient medical attendance, inedi- i dues, bo:ird and lodging. Ten dollars will be required j in advance, which will not be subject to reclamation- , Apartments perfectly private may be obtained on run. sonable extra terms. That the Institution may partake as much os osp ble of the benevolent public character which the origi ! nntors iutended, they have solicited thy following gen- j Demon to act as a l>oard of visitors, who v. ill at all [ and any time inspect the premises, and whose names arc guaranties to the public for its efficient munage { ment: ; Hon. Langdon CheTes, John XX'. Anderson, Joseph ii. Fay, A. A. Sinets. Charles G.roeu, John XV. Rabun, John Boston, Solomon Cohen, .Montgomery Gumming. Arrangements have also been made for the accom i niodatiou of negroes. P. 11. XVILDMAX, M. D. Corner Abercorn nnd South Broad-streets. ( H AS. GANAHL. M. I)., 1 dec 21 ts South Broad-at., East of Barnard. FROTECTION INSURANCE COMPANY. “XT* —Hartford, Conn.—The undersigned, agents of tlie above Company.are prepared , b> take risks agaiust Fire, on buildings, nud their con- i tents, on tiie most favorable terms, july 10 BRIGHAM, KELLY A CO. MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE’ Lilfc Insuruuce fom jinny of New York. ISAAC ABBATR Secretary. JOSEPH 15. COLLINS, President Applications received bv W’M. P. HUNTER, Agent. Du. It. I). Arnold, Medical Examiner, ly jan 29 SAVANNAH MUTUAL INSURANCE CO’ Office, No. 118 Bay-street. This Compa —7?-’ ny will continue to take Murine. Fire and Inland Navigation risks on the most favorable terms. Henry D. XV red, _ President. Trustee*—Henry I). , XX'ecd, 11. F. Waring. I. XV. Morrell, N. B. Ivuapp, Hi- ! ! I’atn Roberts, E. F. XX'om.l, Ilenry lathrop, James Mc ! Henry. Secretary. junc 13 3JOK AND JOB PRINTING. The subscriber having supplied his office with a large assortment of plain, ornn -1 mcntui and fancy tyjes, is now prepared lo execute at short notice, all orders entrusted to him in the best maimer, and equal to any establishment in the South Pamphlets, Law Blanks, ( irculurs. Catalogues, Bie-:- i ness (turds. Hat Tips, Bills of Lading, 1 i.~i:iug Cards. Dill 1 leads, Dray Receipts; also Posters. Show aid | Hand Bills, in Gol 1. Bronze, Red, Green, Blue, Yellow, j and every kind of colored Inks, faithfully done at j short notice and on reasonable terms. Orders iuy be , left at the Office, Sorrel's Building, or at the Book Btore on .Market-square. 27 J. B. CUBBEDGE. 0 BOOK BINDING^ * 8,, is prepared to execute Book Binding of every description nt the ahortest notice. Blank Books ruled nnd bound to any patterns. [feb2] J. B. CUBBEDGE. ITT HI PE \\ \SIIER S BRI SUES, of superior T T make sorted sizes, just received aiul for sale hy apr 27 E. LOVELL. IK .110. XS .VXD ORANGE*.—Iu lx.\es ol eaeli, per steamer Florida, and for sale low for onsh at ALEXANDER'S, mivj.'s Cr. Bull A Con^rees-sts. opp. J/on. Square I )Ki lIA MS. Smoked Beet. Pickled ‘longues ,Vr. JL Just received, per steamer Florida, 2 hlils. Pig ; Hams in hags; 2 bids. .Smoked Beef in do; 2blils. Pick ! led Tongues; 5 half bbls. Ilawe's Beef; 5 bbls. Heck ler's A lira's. Self rising Flour, 6 1 12and 25 cts. | packages; 2 bbls. Pig Shoulders; 2 do. siib*s, Call nt ALEXANDER’S, may 25 r. Bull (• Congress ts. ojqt. Mon Square. || || | Mur... CuMiral Railroad Stock, 20 Sluirua i South XVeetern Railroad Stock. Fo.i sale bv jij'rD) PADELFORD, FAY ACa 1 JOHN B MOORE & CO., Druggists and Apothecaries, Giiiuon’s Boildinos, Savannah, Ga. Q Invite the attention of Planters, Physicians 1 nnd the citizens generally, to their stock of pure il and unadulterated MEDICINES, which have * been seb-eted with great personal care for this market. Their assortment of Plantation, Family, and Toilet articles, will be found unsurpassed, either in ! quality or variety. For Physicians. I The best French. English, and American Chemicals, | Select Powders, Trusses of all kinds; Surgical, Den fa!. Pocket, and Cupping Instruments, CatlieU r's Med- I ieal Saddle Bags. Ac. Planter’s Articles. ! Paints, Glass. -.Lamp Oil, Lancets, Tooth Instru ments. superior American Mustard, and Landretli's j Garden Seeds. For Family Use. | Preston A Merrill’s Yeast Powder®. Flavoring Ex-’ traeta, Russia Isinglass,Gelatine. Vanilla Beans, French XVbite XVine Vinegar.superior Teas. Spices. Mustard Anovv Root, Sweet Oil, Burning Fluid, and Sperm Oil. For the Toilet. Fine Turkey Sponge, Flesh Rubbere; Hand Mir rors, Powder Poxes, German Cologne, Shaving Creams, Razor Strops, nnd Dressing Cases; and an extensive assortment of French, English and Ameri can Hair Preparations, Ox Marrow. Philucomc, Rear's Oil, Ac.; and Lubin’s, GuerJain’a, Maugenct's l’iver's, Prevost’s, and Monpela’s fine Toilet Sopjv*, l’om mades, and extracts for the Handkerehief. Brushes and Combs. They request particular attention to their assortment of these articles; viz : Ivory. Pearl, Bone, Buffalo, Sntinwood, and Inlaid Hair Brushes, comprising eve ry variety of French and Eng. manufacture; Ivory, Buffalo, and Bone handled Tooth Brushes, Nail Brush* ; es, Shell, Buffalo nud Horn Dressingaud Tuck Combs, and Ivory Fine Tooth Combs. Sundries. Backgnmman Boards, Chessmen, Dominoes, Crib bage Boards, Playing Cards of extra tine quality, i Purses, Liquor Flasks, Tapers, Pastilcs. Aromatic Gnehou's, Pocket Books, and a great variety of Smcl j ling Bottles, Preston Salts, Ac. i Orders from the country promptly filled nnd sat is* , faction guaranteed with regard to price and quality. | mar 12 l IUTT E it.— it) I) jan 31 11. J. GILBERT. S.\ XV MILL IRONS ( msUting of I rai ups, Pitman's Dogs, Gudgeons, Ac., complete ’ Landing from achr Empire, and for sale bv ! apr 18 C. H. CAMPFIEI.D. I.’X REFII Hops—One cjiseof fre.-h Hops, in 1 pound packages, warranted of the lust year’s growth.— Just received aud for sule hy XV. XV. LINCOLN, niny 3 Monument Square IATJA SACKS of prlmo White Corn, just reciuh. MM / i-.| and will best-id low if taken from the ri I < QMS, 128 Bay-st. J)ALM LSaF IND CANADA STRAXV HATS A large lot at wholesale at may 17 BCLDENACO’S. S 11I1LUUEN AND YOUTH'S llATS.—Straw, V_J Leghorn ami XVebster, a lino assortment at _ lnn - v 17 RELDEX a C()’S. I > I’M—-50 bbls Luther Felton's Rum, landing per I V the brig Clement, *td tor sale by mar > BRIGHAM, KELLY AGO. IIOOKS : BOOKS 1 BOOKS!—Harry Moir: a -i..- > ry of a Scottish Chief, by the authorof Mrs. Mur- i guret Maitland, Merkland, Ac. The Ranger of Kuvenstream; by Newton M. Curtis, author of Patrol nf the Mountain, Scout of the Silver 1 Pond, Haunted Chief, or the Female Banditti, Ac Harper’s Magazine for April. Putnam's Magazine, containing answers to the Bour bon question. Black wood’s Magazine for March. . Gleason's Pictorial. , Barnaul's Illustrated News. ! For sale at the Book Store of S. S. SIBLEY, j mar M _ No. 135 Congress-st. ARRIVAL OF NEW SUMMER GOODS. - XL PR EN DERG AST & Cos. have this day | very excellent assortment of new, fashionable cheap goods, comprising - XX bite and Colored French Linen Drills: I A great variety of light materials for Gentlemen’s 1 and Boys’ Summer Wear. 1 Bareges, Chameleon Figured nnd Pointed Grena j dines, Black and Colored. Black Gro de Rhine Silks. Ladies’ Needle XVork Collars. Jaconet and Organdy Muslins. 7-s. 4-4 aud 9-8 French, English and American Print*, particularly desirable styles. A beautiful assortment of Cambric end Swiss Edg ings and inserting.®. They will be receiving further supplies by the steamers during the month. 178 BROUGHTON ST., 16 Opposite 8. Andrew’s Ilall tlfU) JUmertiscmcnts. RAILROAD FESTIVAL. The Ciliseus are notified that ticket* for the Railroad Festival Dinner can he . had of either of the Undersigned members of the Committee. F. S. Bartow, J. Xlullcry, E. J. Harden, IF. Roberta, ,T. Olmsteml. .1. I*. Soi-even, ,1. It. flrtrfcmgh?, C.F. Milts, •I. N. Lewis, R. Lucklison. It. 11. Hilton. .1. R. Johnson. (1. W. Anderson, G. S. Owens, 11. XV. Mercer, F. A. Topper. may 28 Railroad celebration. Thoe citizens who are ilLpoml to cn tertnin, at their re; idences, any of our invited guests, will please give notice of the fame to tlio lion. J. M. Bekrif..v, Chairman Committee of In vitation anil Reception. may 28 I’, s. MAIL LINE FOR NEW YORK. To leavo Wednesday, June 8, at -o’ck, M. /• fTVfc. The new and superior steamship AUGUSTA. Cnpt. Thomas Lyon, will leave as aliove. For freight or passage . Xi£BSfSfSzJja apply to _mnv2 PADELFORD, FAY A CO. T 7. MAJr7 LI NIL FOR NEW YORK. To sail Saturday, Juno 4, at -- o’clock, M. The new and splendid steamship CjL ALABAMA, Capt. Ludlow, will posi lively leave aa above. For freight or umv2S I ** l’ * LELFORP, FAY & CO. I**. \ NTB.—Jap< ni’ ns. Heliotropes, Rosas, • ?j£jljk Curnutions. Geraniums, and other Flower tip Plants in lino state of growth, for sain by , M may 2s ,1 N<>. A. MA Y ER. 1/ XTil ACTS FUR FLAX IKING Exti Ba j liana, Fine Apple, Ka-pberry. Strawberry, Lemon, Orange. Rose and Vanilla. ,IXO. A. MAYER, ni."'. 28 i:,j Ri iu ;hton-Btre-t. LADIES’ White, S;it in .-m l K id Slip teSSSESi pers, just received uml for sale by may 28 XV. HKIDT, Gibbons Range. IAMPS. —New uml beautifulpatterns Spirit tias j Lamps with glass Shades for Parlor and Office use. Also, hanging and side Lamps and a large assortment of.small Glass and Britannia Lamps. Just received. ’ JNO A. MAYER. 153 Hrouffnton-flt. -rft* dreen Souse plaFFsT^ Three hundred pots Green llouso Plants, in full comprising an elegant assortment of various and rare kinds, will be opened and of fered lbr sale this morning* by may IS XV. XV. LINCOLN, Monument sqr. / <l.O V B A NODYKE .—Tooths !.• dn on \_y immediate and perfect cure, may 27 JNO. A. MAYER. 151 Broughton-st. 10,180 DOLLARS. GREENE AND PULASKI LOTTERY, Class No. 64, for 1553 Tobedrawn at Savaunaji. Ua.on Monday. May 30. GREGORY .v M \l i; YMANAGERB. Suecessora to J. W. Maury A Cos. sclToi K. 1 prize of $10,840 | 1 prize of $1,500 1 prize of 3,000 i 1 prize of 1.255 1 prize of 2.000 I 5 prizes of 1,000 Ac. Ac. Ac. Tickets $2.50 —shares in proportion. Tickets either singl. - or by the Package for sale by E. WITIIINUi'ON, liny Lane. Savannah. (sa, may 2S Vender for Gregory A Manrv ulr 11E A B-lJ C A ItTERS FOR PRIZED. uU Office 153 Bay-street, two doors east of City Hotel, and in connexion with Hamden's Express Office. GEORGIA ST \Ta:LO T v i: V For the Benefit of the Independent Fire Company at Augusta. A. I). ELLIS & CO., Managers. CAPITAL SBO,OOO. (intml Mammoth Scheme. Extra Claßf M, Draws To-day. 18 Drawn Ballots in each Pack of 2'i Tickets. lliTl LLIAXT SC ii 1 prize of SSO.OUO I 4 prizes of SIO,OOO 4 prizes of 20.000 | 8 prizes of 3,%3 ssuo and lowest thres number prize SSOO. Ac. Ac. Ac. Tickets only $32 —shares in proportion. tit) ’ Orders from the country answered promptly, drawings sent regularly, and prizes cashed on demand at this office, by may 28 CHARLES B.PATTERSON. (1 BRUSHES, a.-. Ivory PearL Bono, Buifa- J 10, SatinwikmL and Inlaid Hair Brushes; Ivory, tSullalo and Bone handled Tooth Brushes: Nail Brush es; Shell. Halfalo and Horn Drifssing, Tuck. Side and Puts Combs; also. Ivory, Buffalo amt Shell Fine Teeth Combs: just received, and .or sale by may 6 .1. B. MOORE A CO. (1I1)1£K— >20 bids very superior Cider, for lmt fling. j For sale by BRIO 11AM, KELLY A CO. apr 13 \rEIiVKT WINE BOTTLE CORKS. -One bole of superior French VelvetCtirks. For sale bv apr 13 JOHN B. MOORE A CO. 1) OT A TOISS.—SOO bbls for sale by jan 3l 11. J. GILBERT. r I I W(> BOYS, of goinl character, wanted at IhiFoyjc 1 to learn llie printing business. 1) ACON AND LARD.— > 2'thhds. prime new Shoulders; 20 bids. No. 1 Lard. Received per steamer Statt of Georgia, and for sale by felt 21 PADELFORD, EAY A CO. 11UTTER. -10 kegs Irish Butter, in 12 lb kegs, ) for sale by [mar 22] E. W. BUKEK. Malaga grapes, oranges, lemons, a.-. Received per steamer Alabama, 5 kegs Malaga Grapes, 10boxes Oranges. lOdo. Liquors, Raisins, Figs Dates, Prunes, Almonds, etc. t GKO. ALEXANDER, mar 0 Cor. Bull and Congress sts.. Mon’tsq. MOLASSES.— 100 hhds. prime Cuba, and 7.’ bbls prime New-Orlcans, for sule liv wpr 1 H. J. GILBERT. CHOCOLATE, COCOA AND BKOIVIA. BAKER & CO.'S American and Yaniiln Prcmi- XV . mn CHOCOLATE, COCOA and BROMA. to which the lir.-t premiums have t>eou awarded by the chief institutes and fairs of the. Union, are for sale by all the principal Grocers in the United States, and by their agents:—Hussey A Murray, New-York ; Grant A Twells, Philadelphia; Thus. V. Brundoge, Baltimore; lvenuct A Dudley, Uin< iuiuiti. Ohio. WALTER BAKER A CO., ttpr 5 ly Dorchester, Mass. 1) OLOt iX A > A USISSONS.—IOO thTlolognas; 2 bbls. ) Smoked Beef; 2 bbls Smoked Tongues. For sale by A. RON ALD, may 12 cor Bay and Wbltaker-at. SILKS. SILKS. —Summer Brocade. Plain Chnmelinn, India Gro De Rhine, Poult l)e Sole, Marceline and Flor ence. For sale by apr'J _ KEMPTON A YERSTILLE. Ills'll RODS.— All kinds just received by - apr 27 E. LOVELL. HOMEMANUFACTUREf AMERICAN SOAR COMPANY!: r pill‘. miilcr.ixncd having piir.-baamt the right to 1 manufacture thefollowing kinds of Soap, are now prepared to do so at the shortest notice viz; American Cream Soap in burs. “ Lnundy in mass “ Toilet (Sunitivet in small bars. •* Shaving Soap in cukes. “ “ Cream in pots Cream soap preparation in bbls, all of which wo war rant to give perfect satisfaction,and to be the best labor saving soap ever manufactured; give us a call, and a trial, that is all w e ask. XV. E. MONOIN. No. 170, Broughton-st. Savannah, Gn. Cowles, A Cos.. 19 Bcekuian-st New York, mny 21 ly [ ILARFTXVIXK.—2O boxes St. Jullieti: 20 do. Han't \ ySanterne: 10 boxes Clmteax Marguax: 10 boxes Nathaniel Johnston s St. Jnllien. 11 the above wine is warreuted genuine and of superior quality. For sule by A. MONAUD. mny 20 Corner of Bay nnd Whitaker sts. / 11. A RET XV INK—ill Casks—lo Casks St. Jullien V. 1 Inrot; 10 }.<£ Casks do.; 5 do. St. Emillion. For sale by the cask or gallon by may 20 A. BOX AM I), Corner of Ray and XVhitakcr sts. I) ACON,’ I.IRD, ii ) lo hhds now Shoulders, 10 do do Hams, 5 do do Lard, landing from Steamer State of j Georgia, and lbr sale by fob 7 HUNTER A GAMMELL. j ONIONS. — Landing and for side by feb'J H. J. GILBERT. \ NEW GOODS: INLAID nnd Plain Grenadines, Fancy Bareges, Satin Stripe Challiep, Plain do. Barege Robes, White Muslin Mantles, Black Lace do. Black do. Mantillas, Silk do., all colors, Application and other styles of Mantillas, ju*t ; received and will be ;r.W low by may 26 KEMPTON A VFPSTILLB * GROCERIES, &c. 100 BBLS. Baltimore Flour; M&lplpßia 20 “ Howard st. “ 20 half barrels Cunal Flour; 75 bbls. Stuart’s B und C Sugars; 2.5 “ “ crushed luO boxes Tobacco, aMorted brands; 10 hhds. Bacon Sides; 10 do Shoulders; 50 boxes Star and Adamantine Candles; 25 bbls. Monongahela YVliiekoy. 150 “ Rum, Gin, Whiskey and Brandy; 15 qr. casks Cognac Brandy; 2 pipes 11. Gin; 2 qr. casks Scotch Whiskey; 2 qr. casks Jamaica Rum; 25 boxes assorted Cordials; 50 M. Spanish Scgars: 25 kits No. 1 Mackerel; 20 half bbls. No. 1 25 bbls. Nos. J, 2 and 3 Mackerel; 150 boxes No. 1 and Palo Soap; 50 boxes Starch; 50 l>oxos Lemon Syrup; 10 hhds fine P. R. Sugar, 3 “ St. Croix 50 bbls. N. O. Syrup; Landing and in store. For sale by may 13 COHEN A TARVER. “fire andTlife” insurance agency.’ Farmers’ Fire Insurance Company of Vtien, N. V.—Capital, 9200.000. Gao. F. YVeavkr, President —E. J. Richardson, Sec’fy. Eranite Fire Insurance Company, of Ctica—Capital s’*oo,ooo. G£o. Coutis, President—Wm 11. Dedrick, Sccrctary- Knlckcrbocker Fire Insurance Cos., of YV a! t rford, N. Y. Capital $150,000. i Cramer, President Al. D. Mor., Secretary. These Companies ha\ ing a cash capital, safely in vested in bond and mortgigo. are prepared to effect Insurance against damage by fire, on all kinds of pro -1 perty ou reasonable terms. Oliartcr Oak I.ifc Insurance Com pany, HARTFORD, CONN.— Capital, and surplus over $250,000. Alfred Gill, President, Jas. C., Sec’y. I This Company will issue Policies on tiie Jpint j Stock principle, and upon the Mutual plan, thus com ! hiuiug the benefits of both systems at the option of ; the insured. “The strength, ability and well invested capital of the institutions are, in my opinion, unsurpassed by any Life Insurance Company in this Stateor Union. [L. S.J Signed R. G. PINNEY, Comptroller of Public Accounts, State of Connecticut. For insurance iu either of the above named Cumpa uiefi, apply to A. WILBUR, General Insurance Agent. and agent for the above Cos. may 27 Office DISSOLUTION. r|Aho firm of WILLIS A BRUNDAGE is this day dis solved by mutual consent. Francis T. Willis will attend to the settlement of the affairs of the late firm. J. H.Bruudage will on Ist July become u partner with N. L. McCready A Cos. of New York. FRANCIS T. WILLIS, J. 11. BRUNDAGE. 1 Savannah. May 2d, 1853- may 27 CO-PARTNERSHIP NOTICE; STATE OF GEORGIA, > Chatham County. ) The undersigned have formed a Co-partnership un der the act of tiie General Assembly of the State of Georgia, entitled An Act to Authorize Limited Part, j nerships. assented t< on the 22nd day of December, 1 1837, to be conducted under the name of OGDEN A i BUNKER, for the purpose of transacting a Shipping and Commission business in the City of Savannah, and County und State aforesaid; Francis J. Ogden and Ed- I ward 11. Bunker, of Savannah, will be tho general ; artners and Francis T. Willis, also of Savannah, j who has contributed to the common stock tile sum of Ten Thousand Dollars in cash, will be the special part ner. Tho business to commence on the 2<>thday of May, 1?53, and to terminate mu the 2fth clay of May. 1858, unless sooner di.-.-olvcd by mutual consent, and accor ding to the said act oftho General Assembly. In witness wheredf. thcai<! FrancisJ. Ogden and Kd ward 11. Bunker und Francis T. Willis, have here ! unto -i rued the f >regoing agreement this twenty-sixth day of May, 1863. Francis J. Ogden Edward 11. Bunker, Francis T Willis. Signed in presence of Wm. Duncan, H. RAt KURD. J. P. Georgia Chatham County.—l do hereby certify that Francis J. Ogden, Edward 11. Bunker and Francis T. Willis, have signed tho foregoing certificate, for tho purpose therein expressed, this 2tith day of May, 1853. YV. liunca.n may 27 R. Raiford, J. P. I B9IONS AND ORANGES.—Received by Steam- I jer, and fur sale by may 27 IL J. GILBERT. MOLASSES. 300 hhds. and 21 tierces prime Gut a Yh hoses, just receiicd from Matanzas per brig Dclmont laicKc. for sale by may 27 i’ADFI.IV.RD, KAY A * ■ * LADIES UMBRELLAS. VFINK assurtuieut. just received, SPENCER CJRRELL, Agent, I may 27 No. 151 Congress-Btreet. | fITRATE OF M CgNESIA -An V 1 t !u rei'i i.-eranl nnd laxative, a picasHUt Mibstitute for Epsom Suits. Full directions accouipanving ea< li bottle. For sale hy .1 ■ >ll \ A MAYER, may 27 IoW S GENUINE highly perfumed brown Windsor i Soap, so much approved of for washing and shav pi-.-. (may 27) JOHN \ MAYER. FEATHER FANS. 4 HANDSOME assortment of Feather Fans. ju?t A received. SPENCER CURRELI., Agent, may 27 No. 154, Congress-street. lAliOl'K.- 75 bbls Baltimore Fit u•, of a superior brand, landing per sellr .1 W An lerson, and for ■ ‘ (may 27) BRIGHAM, KELLY ACO. 17BLT )N’S RUM. -50 bbls L Folton’s Rum, landing per brig Northuin, for sale by may 27 BRIGHAM, K ELLY A I I. OASTEI’ AND GROUND COFFEE.—3O boxes, a V prime article, landing and for sale by may 27 BRIGHAM, KELLY A CO NEW lit TTER. \ few tubs of very choice Butter, received by steamer, ami for sale bv may 27 H. J. GILBERT. | )ACON AND L.ARIJ.-200 HamsT lTThds 1 > Sides and Shoulders, and 30 bbs Lard, for sale by may 27 IL J. GILBERT. NEW BOOKS. r) ECKIYED by S. SI BLEY. May 24,1853. a- Eelioes of a Bell; or u Voice from the Past: by Ben Shadow. Before nnd Behind the Curtain; or Fifteen years Olh servations among the Theatres of New York: by YV. K. Northall. Harpers’ Magazine, for June. Graham’s do. do. Godey’s Lady’s Book, do. Gleason's Pictorial. Barnum’slllustrated News. may 25 Ft>r sale at No. 135 Congress-street. HOOKS.N iucvnh and Babylon, by A. 11. Bayard M. P., abridged from tho larger work, cheap edi tion. Echoes of a Belle, ora Voice from the Past, by Ben Shadow. The New Rome, or the United States of the YY’orld, hy Theodora Poesche and Charles Gocpp, received by may2.s J. B. CUBBEDGE. look hereT STURTS, Umbrellas, and water proof Gouts. Just received at the Cheap Clothing Store, Gibbon's range, and for sale cheap hy may 5 GEO. S. NICHOLS. HARPER’S New Monthly Magazine, fur June. . Graham’s Magazine, lor June. G(nicy's Lady’s Book, for June. Burnum's Illustrated News, N0.21. Received hv maj 24 J. B. CUBBEDGE. NOTICE. —The undersigned respectfully requests the subscrilter.s to his Hath House, to return the tickets they now have, in order to obtain now ones; a number of the old tickets having been mislaid or sto len troin him. After this date none of the old issue of tickets will be returned. J. M. HAYWOOD. N. B.—Prick op Bathing.—Single Bath, 50 cents: 3 tickets for sl. may 23 1 >II lIAMS. —3 bbls just received and for sale by J aprU A. BON AUD. MOKE BOOKS.'—Jonmes’ Diary, n tale of the Pa nic of 1845. a Legend of the Hliiue, Rebecca and I Rowena, by YV. M. Thackeray. Lord Snxoudole, or Life among the London Aristo ! cracy, by G. YV. M. Reynolds. , Barnum’s Illustrated News Nolo, i A further supply of Vilettc and Agnes Sorel. Received by ‘ ]a 13} J. B. CURB EDO F -11 ME, LATHS, PLASTER, CEMENT and i I’hLstcring Hair.—A constant supply of the above I articles for sale by j may 12 BRIGHAM, KELLY A CO. CONFECTIONARIES. ■ rpilE subscriber begs leave to inform his friends nud 1 the citizens generally ot Savannah and its vicini ty, that he has purchased tho interest of Mr. New comb,in the Confection iry hitherto owned by Newcomb A Rice; and that he w ill continue'to manufacture, aud keep always on hand Fresh ml Pure Confectionaries, Manufactured from the best materials, and cotupris ing every variety of Candies, Sugar Plums, Ac, Ac. Ac French Confectionaries, Lemon Syrup, Syrups for Soda Fountains, Together with every other article in bis line, always in store and for saleat wholesale and retail.on the most reasonable terms. T. C. RICE, an ts S. E. Corner Broughton ana YVhltakcr-sts. I? A VORING EXTRACTS.—Preston A Mer rill’s, and YVright A Meakhi’s Extracts of Rose, Vanilla, Lemon, Strawberry, Nutmeg, Bitter Almond, Banana, Jarzonell, Pear, Ac. For sale bv I H P r 13 JOHN B. MOORE y CO. “parasols. i PARASOLS. A handsome assortment ot i and Ladies Umbrellas. For Bale by J KEMPTON A VERSTILLE, YVaring’s Range, next to Zogbaum’s Music store 1 f nr®