The Savannah evening journal. (Savannah [Ga]) 1852-185?, June 02, 1853, Image 2

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3ATAIM&IEL 1 Thursday Afternoon, June 2, 1853. The Rail Road Festival. The pleasant anticipations with which tko ar rival of our Columbus Friends was lookod for, received a suddon check yesterday, upon the reception about midday, of the news, that the Express Train was far behind its time in arriv ing at Macon. Many and serious apprehensions of evil, wore entertained, soon however to bq relieved by a second dispatch, giving an ac count of tho cause of detention—an accident at Fuller, which, though productive of no injury to any person on the train, made necessary many changes in the Programme of Reception. The various committoos assembled together, and it was at onco determined to give onr guests none tho less hearty reception, though tho pleasure of mooting them had boeu so long postponed. It being understood that the train would arrive at 2J o'clock, A. M. to-day, a large concourse of citizens assembled at the Depot, near that hour; tho Georgia Hub nan, Capt. Lamar, and the wholo Voluuteer Battalion of our city, turned out in full uniform to woleome and do honor to our guests. Tho Great Ware-rooin at the Cen tral Rail Road Company’s Works, had been handsomely fitted up ns a reception room for tho occasion ; filled with a throng of engor citi zons, enlivened by the presence of many brilli ant uniforms, Hitting to and fro, beneath the glare of numerous gaslights, tho scene at the Depot was truly inspiriting, nnd went far to re quite tho throngs in attendance, for tho tardy arrival of tho anxiously expected train. A grand torch-light procossion had been planned, and every preparation made f<r its consumma tion ; at various points also, along the lino of march, tho materials for that generous, cheer ful, old faahioiied token of welcome, the bonfire, had boon provided ; but as fortune willed it, both torch-lights and bonfires wore destined to pale bofore the ligbtof day, which as it gradu ally dispelled tho shadows of the night, found Committees, Military, and Citizens, still wait ing for tho train which had not yet arrived. Tho spectacle had, therefore, to ho abandoned for that night, hut we trust both torches and bonfires will give their assistance this evening in illuminating our streets. About ton miutilesbefore 5 o'clock, the listen ing ear of the multitude assembled, caught the shrill notes of the engine, proclaiming at lust the arrival of our friends, and tho Iron Horse was gallantly responded to by tho Chattaui Artillery, ■who had been so long waiting, with pointed guns, to greet the approaching train. Upon reaching the reception-room, our guests were greeted by tho Hon. J. McPherson Ber iukn, who had been desired to discharge that pleasant duty, lie spoke as follows : My Fkiknbs —The very pleasant task of greeting your advent to our city, has been as signed to me—nnd with a vivid recollection of the generous hospitality which welcomed us on our recent visit to Columbus, and of that, too, which cheered us on our return, as we paused for a moment nt our sister city of Macon, no ono can more highly appreciate this privilege. In the name then, and in behalf of tho citi zens of Savannah, I welcome you to this an cient city of Oglethorpe—-to tho homoofyour coadjutors in the glorious enterprise, whose hap py consummation we have assembled to com memorate. That home is endeared to u, by a thousand recollections. Our fathers dwelled boro. They have rested from their labors —but you soo be fore you, soint! of the descendants of the early settlers of this nucleus of the colony of Georgia —and yet more of those, whose ancestors endur ed tho privations incident to a residence hero in the infancy of the f-tutc. You are standing within bow-shot of the spot, where one hundred and twenty years since, a small and feeble band of Britons first landed on these shores, in quest of a home-- where the pat riotic Oglethorpe, a soldier, statesman, nnd philanthropists, held high converse with Tom achici, and the Micoes, and leading warriors of tiie contiguous Indian tribes, seeking the acqui sition of teritory by peaceful means, and where, in tracing the lines of Savannah, he laid the foundation of our noble State. Above us, at a short distance, a body of Salt/.burger*. driven by religious persecution from their native land, were afterwards posted—and southward, on the banks of the Altnrnuhn. a band of gallant high landers, forming tho advance guard of tho Pol ony, stood ready to breast the first shock of Spanish aggression, Such was the humble origin of tho Colony, which in this mirday, has acquired the proud title of “Tho Empire .State of the South,” and thus the birth of our city was coeval with it. Its scanty inhabitants shared largely in the perils of our revolutionary conflict—mob toning with their blood the -oil which they defended. Wo shall pass presently to the monument erec ted to the memory of the illustrous Volamler, who fell gallantly doing battle in their cause. I turn to matters more immediately connec ted with tho occasion of our assemblage. With all the advantages of her position, on the banks of this nohlo rivor, which affords at onco an outlet to the ocean, and communication by steamboat navigation, with various portions of the State, Savannah wra for n series of years, comparitively isolated. Tho “slow coaches’* which you have w isely discarded, and tho -till slower ron / uni/on*, afforded to our friends in many parts of the interior tho onl v uicnns of transportation to Savannah, for themselves or their produce. But tho spirit of the ug", impa tient of such restraints, at length roused us to exertion, and you have now ••broken the last link of the chain which bound us” to them, nnd separated you from us. Our fellow citizens of •Columbus will now enjoy tho fruits of their glo rious enterprise. At your hospitable bidding wo journeyed with the sun, from the shores of the Atlantic to tho banks of the gently (lowing stream which washes tho huso of your beautiful city—and, but for the casualty w hich delayed jour progress, you would even in shorter time, have spanned the whole breadth of our noble Blate: from its Western to its Ea.-tern border, in coming to us. This is nottho moment to speak in detail of tho magnificent prospect thus opened to our view. Indeed, my friends, the most vivid im agination would b< powerless to delineate it. Tho broad Atlantic lias now become vour own great highway to the markets of the world. To us, it has opened a valuable portion of our own &tate. To you, and us, it gives access to tho rich productions of onr sister States, lying south and west of us. This great thoroughfare is now complete. Columbu*guards its western, and Savannah its eastern portals, while at an intermediate position on the lino, Macon en joys the full benefit of eastern and western tran *it. They are uolongernow tmurk cities sop er&tod by distance, tedious and painful to over come, but rather, osi; groat city, of which Savannah constitutes the eastern, * Macon tho central, and Columbus the western ward. General Bernard, a distinguished Engineer in the service of tho United States, while en gaged in rcconnuitering our Atlantic border, with a view to the establishment of a line of defence, many years since, expressed the opinion that Georgia occupied commercially, the same relative position *. the States lying .South and West of us, a* did New York to thoso States whoso orodueo found its way to a foreign mar ket through her great seaport. We are going to prove the a. 11 racy of that opinion; but if General Bernard were with us now, lie would look far beyond tho limit* which then bounded hi* vision. He would extend his view to that great Ocoan, which now con.-titutes the western boundary of the United States, claiming access for us to its exhaustless treasures -for our own and the efforts of our sister States, will put us in connection with tho great Pacific Railways, whatever may bo the point of it* departure. Even in thi* progressive ago, it is difficult to realize tho rapidity of our progress. But r few brief years have flitted by—a small part of that ” inexorablo” term, which wo oudeavored, in our recent interview at Columbus, to render somewhat more yielding, has passed nway, since I rodo in the first rail car, moved by horse power, on the Baltimore and Ohio rail road— and yot, more recently, in a hand car impelled by negroes, on the first ton miles of tho rond be tween Charleston and Hamburg—and note, the map of our rail roads is almost co-exteusivo with that of the Union. Let us then rejoice, nnd be thankful. To tjie living actors in these noble enterprises—lctus render tho meed of praiso which is justly their due—lotus treasure in our memories a grateful recollection of thoso who have passed away. Above all, lot us thankfully acknowledge our gratitude to that Almighty Being, who has crowned our efforts with success, and strong in tho assurance of Ilis protection, let us press on ward to the accomplishment of the groat enter prises which yet await us. Once more, my friends, in behalf of those I have the honor to represent, I bid you welcome, ono anil nil, to our city, to our homes, and to our hearts. Col. Seaborn Jones of Columbus responded to Judge Bkrkikn, in a very felicitous address, which we shall lay before tho reader, as soon as it can be procured. After tho address of Col. Jones, ratijird by the Chatham Artillery, tho city’s guesta were es corted to Monument Square, nnd duly cared for. Thus ended tho first scene in tho Railroad Festival in Savannah. fiSF As we pen this art.iolo our visitors from ! the up Country aro passing on their way to the good ships nnd stauneh which are to bear them ■ over tho waters of our Savannah to tho salt waves of tho Atlantic. May tho Sea God bo propitious, and add I)}’ a courteous reception to the honors wc desire to pay our guests. As the delegation passed our window, wo could not forbear the thought that an united people is tho groatost blessing Providence can bestow upon a State. When all Georgians shall be brothers, when sectional prejudices shall have bccoino obsolete things, when ono spirit and that a determination to make all the parts contribute to tho good of the whole, shall prevail, Georgia with her means and resources of men nnd troa- I sure will be incontestibly the Empire Stato of 1 tho South. Such intercourse as lias taken place ; between the extremes of tho Stato in the last few weeks must go far to produce this result. ; The hundred and odd men of tho seaboard who j were the guests of Columbus returned to their homes fairly inspired with zealous affection for the dwellers on the western border. Whatever their feelings may have boon previous to that ’ visit the attentions they then received took their hearts by storm and they yielded thorn (unresis tingly we are sure) tv> the most hospitable hosts the sun ever shown on. That delegation was a representation of tho wholo people of the Sea board; returned home, they imparted tho feel ings that animated them to their entire con stituency, and nt this moment respect and fra ternal affection for the people of Western Geor gia fills every heart in the low country. Can we but inspiro such sentiments in our guests of to-day towards ourselves, and they spread them through those whom they represent, wo will bo more than satisfied, and much will bo done to wards the attainment of the result wo liavo de picted. Os this wear© satisfied- the welcome this day given to our guest’s is not mere cold formali ty, tho heart of our people is in it, and if the trill can effect ought in tho accomplishment of what we desire, very much will be done. Not the least pleasing incident connect e.l with our Columbus visitors, is tho reception by their bands, of a gift of Strawborcies, from | tho gartlcn of Peabody, tho Horticulturist, in whom they rejoice at every meal. The fruit is I of a quantity to astonish us who receive it in very homeopathic quantities. Think of it—ono nnd a half bushels of Strawberries in a single basket! Tho basket itself is a sample of good taste which wo would willingly walk a mile to see; but filled with its present contents, wc would walk—wc do not care to say how far. It tuny bo scon at Lincoln's. /ft®*Tho X. )'. Commercial publishes an ex tract from a private letter, received in that city, stating that Gen. St. Arnaud had been murder ed at Paris, in tho presence of tho Emperor Napoleon, by Gen. Corncmcusc, one of the Emperor's Aids-de-camp. Tho alleged cause is, that Corn emeu so had missed 200,000 francs, entrusted to him ns part of the marriage portion of St. Aruaud's daughter. Ho attributed the theft to St. Arnaud, charged him with it, and then alow him with his sword. The assassin it is further said was immediately arrested. The story is improvable, but is entitled to some little credence, ns there seems to be a lack of motive for originating such a falsehood, if falsehood it be, while tho circumstances men tioned are not entirely impossible. Gen. St. Arnaud was Minister of War at the time of tho alleged murd.-r, and lias been greatly instru mental in lifting Louis Napoleon to his present exalted station, lie was one of the Emperor's b..-.iin friends also, and a man of considerable military ability. Since writing the above wo have seen another version of tho affair which exactly reverses the position of the parties, Arnaud being rep resented as the slayor of Porucmcuse. ‘Of-The yellow fever was raging with grout violence at Kio Janeiro, at the date of our last advices Abbort Lawrence Imsgiven s.'>oo to the Massachusetts Colonization Society The .Merchants Exchange in New Orleans was sold recently for -Voo,ooo. Mr. Sartigcs the French Minister, and one of the most invet erate snobs, that over flourished, has taken a house at Newport for the summer. $1 a bushel is the price of new potatoes in Cincinnat ti. The City Fathers of Philadelphia have set aside $2,000 for Fourth o’July purpose. Senator Soule’s appointment ns Minister to Spi in, is received at Madrid with indignant dissatisfaction—he will probably meet with a ‘‘warm reception” (over the left”) or a cold shoulder (“over the right.") Russia in tends doubling tho duty on importod books. ! A locomotive in Indiana recently ran 116 miles in 100 minutes. for fuel, instead of wood, is now used to some extent on tho Baltimore and Ohio Railroad. On tho score both of economy and | efficiency it is said to rendor great satisfaction. We had hitherto boon of opinion that the use of coal in tho ordinary locomotive furnace, was iiuprocticable- JT-Sl” Madame Son tag it is said will forever retire from the stage at tho close of hor operatic I career in this country. Hor profits thus fur in America, nro estimated at $60,000, $6,000 of which she has dispensed in charitable purposes, j private and public. Madutnc Sont&g deserves ; t 0 be remembered, not less as a noble woman, . than a famous singer. The sacrifices and toils which she has undergone—and these too at an ; ago, when tho retirement of private life was most needed, and most to bo valued—with a view to retrieve the fallen fortunes of her husband, and | for the maintenance of her family, should be SAVANNAH JOURNAL, THURSDAY. JUNE 2, 1853. esteemed as among tho brighest laurels which crown her brow. A Praiseworthy Act. We learn that a lawyer, residing in Cobb County, who had tho claim of a poor man ngainst one of our Rail Road Companies for damages sustained by him, prosecuted tho same to judgment, with the understanding that he was to receive half tho award as bis fee. After tho case was decided, ascertaining that the man's family were in distress, and alter de ducting a small retaining foe, he turned over the remainder of the amount collected to his cli ent. This was but n just act, but we record it us one out of a thousand, and regret that wo aro not at liberty to mention the lawyer’s name.— Augusta Const. J* lit public, I*l inttt. < Shnkspenre’s himself Again* J. S. Redfield, New-York, announces tho publication of tho works of Shakespeare, re printed from tho newly discovered copy of the folio of 1632. This copy, our readers will re member, was discovered by J. Pano Collier, Esq., nnd is now in his possession. It contains nearly twenty thousand manuscript corrections of tho text of Shakspcare. This edition is to be issued in sixteen numbers, at twenty-five cents each, It will contain also a history of the stage at the time, and an introduction to each play, nnd n life of the pout, by Mr. Collier This is an important publication, and ono that will be welcomed by all tho admirers of Simk spearo. Hoard of Ilcall Ik. Sav \ii, Juno 1.13.13. Tho Hro&dme*—Present. l>r.K. 11. Martin, Chairman pro. tern,and Messrs. \V. K. I’roston. J. K. Doe, W. Hus set, C. A. Hall, It. W. Yerstille. D. 11. Stewart, T. Pren dergast, M. Houlihan. A. Borchcrt. K. Lovell. J. K. Fai neant, J. A. Richardson, Q. \V. Shaffer, and S. A. T Lawrence. The following Wards were reported, viz:—Chatham Crawford,Gurry-town,Decker,Derby, Franklin,Green. Hcathcotc, Jackson, South Oglethorpe.pcrcivnl,'Troup, Walton, and Garden Lot. Nu. 11. West..—Total 14. Sexton's Report of Interments for the Week endiiu/ May 31, 1853 2G—*Tliomas Hay, 40 years, Abccss of Liver, New York, non-resident. 27—Ahraham Sutcliffe, 43% years,Consumption,Eng land, resident. 29—John Higgins, 2 days, Spasms, Savannah, resi dent. 20— Louisa Heard. 7 months Inflammation of the Dowels, Savannah, resident. 29—*Jolm Brisker, 30 years, BUlious Fever, Gormany, non-resident. 31—Edmond Drury, 5 days, Spasms, Savannah, resi dent. 31—John A. Bryan, 8 days, Spasms, Savannah, resi dont.—Total 7.’ ♦Died at the Poor House nnd Hospital. Jilart,• and Otoral. 27—Catherine. 5 months, Fever. 27—Lury, ,10 years. Dropsy. 29—Isaac. Go year.- - . Jaundiee. 31 I>. FERGUSON, Sexton. S. A. T. L.AWRrNfK, Secy B. 11. llollovvny’H Pills, far ConijdiiliitK in cidental to Female*.—Mrs. Talbott,of Mitch, ham. informs Professor Holloway, that she considers it her bounden duty to acknowledge the astoni.-hiug benefit, she has derived from faking the Pills. At the age of 45 she began to suffer from a general de rangement of the system, languor, swollen legs, and other ailments incidents to females, and uotwithstnnd ingthe most careful attention to the advice of eminent physicians, her weakness nnd debility continued to in crease until she adopted another course, and took ll<>l loway's Pills, and this inestimable medicine lias rc stored her ton soundness of health and bouynney of spirits which she had not enjoyed for some years, may 30 Ct. l I A1.T.—300 sacks Fait, in store, and for sale by juxu l Bit 1011A M. KELLY A CO. liACON SHOULDERS.—Iu hhds. Prime I Y Bacon Shoulders. For sale lv HUXTER a \ M.MKLL. NEW MAI BUTTER da CHEESE-- Just received per steamer Alabama, and for sale nt the Emporium, by June 1 SEABORN GOOD ALL. hIItKCT FROM Til Id SPRINGS.-- Fresh Congress Water, just landed frt in the ship Southport, can he found on ice, at june 1 \V. \V. LINCOLN'S, Monument ?qr. Cti PERIOR S\G \l> OIL.* H n superior art irie ot SuludOil. !'••!• InM n *• Ac. For side at W. W. LINCOLN S june l Monument Squaro. / 1 K.VI UvME.N WIIO Ml WE THEM ” I SELVES.—Snundi-r-’ Patent ’d.-talli-l-.Mei and Httzor Strop —the best article ever offered to the I public in the way of the Baiun* Strop. It will keep j the ruvorln flue shaving order without thetneof the Also a line assortment of .'having Snaps, S:,- poimceou* Compound Olcopluiiie. Halving Cream of various kind*. Military .-hating Soap. Ac , Ac., receiv ed ands r sale by J. K. DtFnitl), juin l A porthof rales’ Hall. i ILICQ.I o r CHAMP \. \ t V./of this very superior Wino. whose reputatloto i* uncqunlhnl where it is familiarly known. Now land ing per steamer Alabama and lor sale bv PADEI.FOUD. FAY A so. juno 1 Agent** for Savannah. rpOK \ v WIN E—Just received 12d 1 Wine. For sale by A. It i.N AI'D. june 1 corner Bay and Whitaker-sts. TiixxjoniKrG-o DIBBLE &. CAREY, liras HI TAlLflfiS, 1 cohneh HJivt anroN axd w iih ahi r-sts. Sh v 11111111 It, CSu. r |M!K SUItSCKI BERS would mil tbe attention of the 1 citizens of Savannah, to thrir SPUING STYLES ok M.L COLO HU >p CLOTHS, CASSIMERES AND VESTINGS. Which they are pn-pare-l to manufacture loonier, in the neatest and most fashionable Myles. Also, their stock of Kcntly 31 ade Clothing, all of which have been got up in a superior style to any ever before offer**! for sale in this market. Tlieir stock of FURNISHING GOODS i- complete, ami well assorted. These G>md will be sold on the most rensounbe and accommodating terms. mar 25 ts T. W. Me AUTHOR v CO., , fSION OF THE KIO COPPER DOT) WHOLESALE AND RET ML TIN WARE MANUFACTORY A.XU stove vvaui: noon. WE have now. mid keep <>n- •* ffc* l k stall fly ‘oi hand. 11 full and e\-JP .1 t-n*i\e STOCK, which we offer on Bnrrj reiL-oiutl-le term*. raf'gptjA Pumps. Lend Pipe, Slieet Lend, Copper mid Zinc. Thoso Pump* arc of simple construction, and every pnrt perfectly fitted—they are so made that th< > may be taken apart nnd across gained to all the valves with out taking up the pipo*. orevun detaching the plat | form, to which tho Dump i* fastened. We are al*< - .-lling tln*--l*-l.rntfsl Hue k I*nt t era Cooking Stove, fi r wood, whieli Is being very extensively u*nl in the city ami country. The suc • <'css of this Stove, since il* introduction l>v us, lms been gratifying—nothing has ever been offered to the j public for euleiiary purpose* that has given such gen eral satisfaction. Wo shall take great pleasure in | showing this Stove, whether you purchase of us or not, and we think wo can satisfy you that this Stovo is superior to any ever offered for sale in this market, mar 24 STORE, NO. 13 BARN ARD-ST. CHEAP SUGARS AND TEAS. ‘ L DOUBLE Refined Crashed gar.Crystalizcd,Granulated do., an ° l oHs.f. ,r sl. A Do. sparkling, bright Coffee * Ijower Grades Brown Sugar, 14 lbs. fir sl. Dark (suitable for servants) Sugar, 17 lbs. for sl. FRESH TEAS—Selected from the latest importa tion*. consisting of:—Extra Hyson, Extra Fine Gun ! powder, and Oooloug. | Fresh Mustard. Sardines, Piekles, Preserves. Bweet i Gil, Almonds, fancy boxes Prunes, Brandy. London | Mustard. Fetiches. Turkey Figs, extra large and line, ) and 2o boxes Raisins (all clusters)—whole, half and j quarter boxes—Mace, Nutmegs. Hpices, Ac. i Just received per steamer—2 Mils. Pig Hams; 50 i Smoked Tongues, large size; 60 lbs. Bologna Sausages; 2 bids. Smoked Beef. For sale at DICKSON’S, jan 20 Cor. Whitaker st. nnd Broughton lnne. HOME MANUFACTORY OF Saddles.BridlosanrtHftrness, IK3 Congntt-Streri, Snvnniinii, Gn. ft. The Subscriber* manufac- JSk ture and keep ronstaiitly on D hSc hand, a large Stock of SAD -6 DLES, BRIDLES, and HA It- NESS, and make to ord**r any description of article in our line. Our stoev. comprises also, a large assortment of Trunks. Carpet Bags. Valeisus. Saddle Bags, Whips, Wool nnd Dray Collars. Dray Harness, etc. Persons desirous of purchasing, would do well to give us a call, aud examine our Stock. All work man ufactured by us, warranted for material and workman ship. rAJISr”- n MAIXKTT & CO. N. B.—Repairing done ou the shortest notice and on liable term*. oct 20 (t AM I*lll \ E.—2o barrel* Uamphine nnd Burn- U ing Flukl. Just received and for snlo bv may 6 J. B. MOORE A CO. llctu Jlbocrtisements. SPECIAL NOTICE. 5T v The undersigned would take this op- Hav portunlty to return his sincere thanks to tho citizens of Savannah, and tho State generally, also t of Caroliua, Alabama ami Florida, for their iilierul pat. rouago and influence in the establishing of a Carpet Warehouse in this city. Having become satisfied that the requirements of this city demands a more full and e gnplote assortment ot CARPETING, OIL CLOTHS, CURTAIN GOODS, Ac., than lins ever been kept in this market, it is the intention to import direct those arti cles of Foreign Muviftclur,: in this line, to make the stock a* complete as can be found in any city iu the Union—thereby giving purchasers every advantage ns to stylo, and at prices as low as can be procured in any northern city. Designing to leave here during the present month for the purpose of \iri ting tho prin cipal manufHctorics of articles in this line, any orders for French Aubuson, Axinintdcr or Velvet Medallion Carpets will be received and promptly attended to.— A plan of the rooms ran now be taken by my Uphol sterer, ami tiie Carpets will be got out to fit them, je 3 ft W.M. 11. GUION, Agent. U. S. MAIL LINE. FORNEW YORK. To sail Saturday, Juno 4, at 5 o’clock, P. M. The new nnd splendid steamship ALABAMA, Capt. Ludlow, will post lively leave as above. For freight or %4L?£!2&ttS2ul passage, apply to june 2 I’ADEI.FORD, FAY A CO. II AB? C \ C R ACKKUS—WaInut” ( linger Snaps, Lemon, Fancy Foda, Sugar and Butter Crackers—lor sale by june 2 W. G. DICKSON. I VLANK BOOKS, Memorandum*, Ac. We have 1 > on hand, just received, thu best and cheapest as sortment of Ulunk Rooks and Memorandums of every dc.-ciption ever offered in the Favunnah Market, nnd respectfully invite those who wish to purchase, to give us a call before purchasing elsewhere. We lire like wise prepare* 1 to furnish Blank Itonk* ruled to any form nr pattern, which may be called for—suitable for any business. F. S. SIBLEY, jo 2 No. l-'lsCongrePß-street, Savannah. IEECHES—I case Large Sweodish Leeches j just received nnd for sale by j -- 2 ,i r. m<> iR:: a . i/LA YOKING EXTRACTS,— JR t VGA?, Strawberry, Raspberry. Banana. Green <sago, Fine-apple. Apricot, Nutmeg. Bitter Almond, Vanilla, Lemon, Ac., for flavoring Jellies, Ices, Sauces, l’asl ryj Ac.; just received and fir sale by je 2 J. B. MOORE A GO. omiCTLI PRIME BUTTER Re ficoived per .Steamer Alabama, 5 Kegs Strictly Priino Gofbcn Butter, (Premium Dairy.) Also, 10 Kegs New May Batter, which will Ihj retailed at 4 lbs,for SI,OO. And 5 Kegs New Butter, fair quality, 6 lbs. for SI,OO. For sole by W. G. DICKSON'! June 2 • 2 WhltakeMt.corner Broughton Lano. NEW LOOKS. DECEIVED BY S. S. SI BLEY. Juno Ist, 1853. I k Minnie Lawson, or the Outlaw's League—by Charles Rod Swan, Esq. Hurry Ashton, or the Will and tlin Way—by the Author o. Minnie Grey. Gm Ih ward, or How to” Win n Wife, Ac. Trapper's Bride, or Spirit of Adventure —by the au thor of Prario Bird. Dancing Feather, or l'irato Schooner—by J. 11. In. graham. Esq. W bite Wolf, or the Secret Brotherhood —by Taul Feral. Putnam's Magazine for June. Blackwood's Magazine for May. Gleason'a Pictorial. Barntuu’s illustrated News. june 2 For sale at No. 13.1 Congress-street. Drawn numbers of Class I indrawn in Savannah, 49 71 20 CD ( 4 26 29 24 IS 73 f,9 23 60 28. Half tickets 20 23 26 prize told—o 409 71 nnd 24 20 04 returned. Extra Class N: 4 50 83 41 64 44 31 67 05 76 26 GG 77. jane 2 OB PATTERSON. *'.•}• UKAD-QT ARTKRB FOR PRIZES. -® Office 153 Bay-street, two floors east of City Hotel, nnd in connexion with Hamden's Express Office. ii EOKGIA STATU I*OTTI'HV For the Benefit of the Independent Fire Company at Augusta. A. 1). ELLI.S &. GO., Manngers. CAPITAL $3,000. t I.A FIFTEEN, TANARUS” I >• draw n in .* nvatinidi ‘l’**-iurr<*w. bPI.MN |V| D 1 prize r.f I I prim ~f J.-. 19 1 prim t.f 1,0. x. I 4 prlr.-s „f I prltc of VO.. | 4 prl-> . f 2jii ,tr. Ti. ]„ U..,.1, tl-sl-rr... i„p l ..rli„„. L'i-k on a park *•! \N lu.b e*. only 1 Ki> u “ l,s ‘ |v r* “ j *X>- Orders from the i-.un'trV an.-werM promptly, drawings .-. nt regularly, and prizw eaMied on demand at this ufllie, l y jun • 2 ( II ARLES B.PATTERSON. NEW BOOKS. “ / 1 BEAT Truths by Great Authors; a dictionary of ” I aids to reneeti- M. qm.tnti ns of maxim*, meta, counsels, caution*, aphon-m*:proverb*. Ac. Ac., from writers of all ages and both hemisphere*. , The Einiiing Book; or. Fir.-i lr Talk on Morals and .Maimers, with sketches of Western Life; bv Mrs. Kirkland, author of *• A New Home.” Ac. Ar. * The Bible in the Counting House: a course if Lec tures to Mercliiints; by 11. A. lk ardman. D. D. How land Tre\er; or the Pilot of Human Life: be ing an autobiography of the author—showing how to make or lose a fortune, and how to make another. The Race for Riches, nnd some of the Pits into which the runners foil—six Lectures, applying the word of ibxl to the traffic of men : by Win. Aru<>t, minister of free f*t. Peter*’, Glasgow ; American edition, with pref ace ami note*, by Ftephen Colwell. The Doubting Comuini.ii aut Encouraged; by Septi mus Tustin. D. D.. lute Chaplain of the Initial States Senate. Second edition. Marco Paul’s Voyage, Tran ks and Adventures in Boston; by Jamb Abbot. Marie.!.- Bi.ruiere; u Tale of the Crescent City. Ac.. A.-.: by U. Gilmore Simms, author of the Veiiiass.e, Ac. Ac. American Game in its Sejitous; by Henrv William Herbert, author of the “Shooting Box,” “Deerstalk ers.” Ac. Ac. A Dictionary of Domestic Medicine and Household Surgery; by Fpeurcr Thornp-nu, M. D.. retised—with mldition, by Henry 11. Smith. M. 1)., Surgeon to Lt. .1 ph * Hospital. Pliihul. lphia. Memoirs. Journal and Correspondence, of Thomas I M">re. islited by the IGglit lion. L-r*! John Itu.-sell. M. I*.—Part IV. Cvrilln; n Tale by the uuthorof ‘’The Initials.” Harry Ashton; or the Will and the Way: by tlio author of “ Minnie Grey,” “Uu* Howard.” Ac. The \\ hite Wolf: or the Secret Brotluwwoisl—a Romance; by Paul Feval, author of the *• Mysteries of fomdon.” Ac. Miuny Lawson: or the Out Law's League—a Ro mance ofGothnni: by Charles Beil Swans. Tin- DnneingFeather, or PirateSebonucr; by J. 11. Ingraham. K,.,. ‘I he sriiool-tellow’s first Quarter —a gift Book for Chiblreu; editedhy W. C. Riehnrd* and Cousin Alice. Putnam's Magazine for June. Barman'* Illustrated News, No. 21. Received by |jum- 11 J. B. CUBREDGK. ■Mi(M) DOLLARS. GREENE AND PULASKI LOTTERY, Class No. CC, for 1853 To be drawn at Savannah. Ga,on Triday. Juno 3d. GREGORY & MAI U\ . MANAGERS. Successors to J. W. Maury A Cos. 78 Xuuibcrjfjnttorv—l4 Drawn Ballots. SCHEME. I prize of $4,600 | 1 prize of $333 1 prize of 1,100 1 10 prizes of 350 1 prize of 700 I IU prizes of 70 Ac. Ac. Ac; Tickets $1 —share* in proportion. Ticket* either singly or by the Package for sale by K. WITH ING TON, Bay Lane, Savannah, Ga, june 1 Vender for Gregory A Maury SOMETHING VEKY~HANDSOME. Hats for Sinn II nml Large Hoys. mTHK Ladies of .Savannah have long wanted to get something very pretty for their Children in the way of HATS. They can now find suchar tieles at the Clothing Store, No. 69 and 160 Gibbon’s range, where I am now receiving Panamas. Leghorns, China and Dimore Pearl, Camperiin.Rutland and Can ton Straw, and Palm leaf— all neatly trimmed, to dt Boys from one to fifteen years oM Call ami see. mar 30 GKO. S. NICHOLS. TO PURCHASERS OF CHEAP DRY GOODS pi CASES of fast colored printed Lawns, Jaconet and * /Batiste Muslins, all at 12) cents. 3 case* assorted Gingham* in New Styles, nil nt 12} £c, 1 case in great bargain) Ladies’ Linen Cambric Hand kcrehiefe, all at 12 1 £ cents. We have much pleasure in directing particular at tention to the arrival, by the steamship Florida thi* day, of the above Goods, nml can with perfect confi dence recommend them ns the cheapest goods ever of fered for sale in Savannah M. PRENDERGAST A CO. may 25 178 Broghton**t. opp. St. Andrew's Hull. HAY. —126 bundle* Hay, landing per schoone at aract. For sale by apr 6 BRIGHAM. KELLY AG TirAHPENK , OR HAIR GIJ>SS.—An Indian } y preparation for restoring grey hair to it* origi nal color—also, for preventing grey hair nnd baldness Just received and for sale by W. t\ . LINCOLN, mar 10 Monument Square. NE IV Mli'l TElt.— A few tubs of very choioe Butter, received by steamer, and for sale l*y may 27 H. J. GILBERT. Special lloticcs. NOTICE. r~Z , The undersigned wishes to engage a --jy. g.xnl Contrnltx) Singer for the Choir of St. Johns Episcopal Church. Apply to june 1 E. MILLER, 132 South Broad-st. K.ULHOAD FESTIVAL^ Tho Citizens are notified that tickets for the Railroad Fostival Dinner cun he hud of either of tho Undersigned mom hers o r tho Committee : V. F. Bartow, J. Mallery, K. J. Harden, 11. Roberts, J. Olmstond, J. P. Fcrevon, J. 11. Burroughs, C. F. Mills, J. N. Lewis, R. Lackllson. 11. B. Hilton, J. R. Johnson, (1. W. Anderson, G. S. Owens, 11. W. Mercer, F. A. ‘f upper. may 28 EAILROAD CELEBSATION. The Committee of Reception announce the following programme: The Ball and Supper will be given at the new build ing nt the Railroad depot, on Thursday night. A display of Firo VV orkfraud Rockets will be exhibit od during the evening, nt Chippewa Square. On Friday the Dinner will be served in tho same building. The gu<\-ts will assemble in Monument Square at half-post three o'clock, I*. M., and march in procession from thence, escorted by the General Com mit too, and accompanied by a band of music. The dinner will be served at 4 o’clock. The lbm. J. M. Bkukikn will act as President and the following gentlemen ns Vice President's. Dr. Rich. Wayne, Hon. Win. Law, Hon. James M. Wayne, Rich. U. Cuylcr. Esq. Col. W. Thorne Williams, Hon. It. M. Charlton, Gen. J. W. ltabuu, Col. Jo's. W. Jackson. The Committee of Arrangements will wear bodges of white ribbon, uml tho guests blue; tho Marshals scurfs of white silk, The General Committee will moot nt tho Exchange on Wednesday afternoon at 5 o'clock, nnd proceed in a body t tho Depot. They will assemble again at Mon ument .Square ouThursday morning, at 9 o’clock, and on Friday afternoon ut 3 o'clock, commutes of in citation and becei'Ttio.y, •Tno. M. Berrien, K. S. Kemptou, Richard \\ ayne, Moses S. Cohen, Henry K. Jackson, James Sullivan, W. Thorne Williams, D. T. Scranton, K. M. Charlton, W. W. Garrard, Charles S. Henry, 11. I). Wood, John E. Ward, P. 11. Wildman, Solomon Cohon, L. W. Wells, Joseph S. Fay, W. P. Yonge, F. Sorrel, James T- Webb, J. T. Thomas. may 31 51 J. PICKLING, Corner of Perry nnd Barnard streets, Orleans square. Office hours from Bto 10, a. m. ts . mar 22 PRIVATE HOSPITAL. DRS. WILDJIAN fc GANAHL. Farm-street, West end of the Plank Road. Drs. Wii.dmawA Ganahl having com pletcil their arrangements for a I*rivutc Hospital, nnd fitted up the same w ith all the appli ances of hygiene, good nursing, and medirnl nnd sur gical attendance, now offer the benefits of the lustitu tution to the public. The terms of admission are $1 per day. This will se cure constant and efficient medical attendance, medi cines, hoard nnd lodging. Ten dollars will lx)required in advance, which will not le subject to reclamation* Apartments perfectly private may be obtained on reu. sonalde extra terms. That the Institution may partake ns much as osp bio of the benevolent public character which the origi nators intended, they have solicited the following gen tlemen to net as a board of visitors, who v. ill at all nnd any lime inspect the premises, nnd whose names arc guaranties to tho public for its efficient manage Jl"ii. Langdcn Choves, John W. Amlcrsou, Joseph F. Kav, A. A. Smels. Charle* Green, John W . Rabun, John Boston. Solomon Cohen, Mi.mtgnmery Cumming. Arrangements have also been made for the accoin inoJalion of negroes. P II WILDMAN. M. D. Corner Ahercoru and South llr*u I-streets. CIIAS.GANAHL. M. D., dec 21 ts South Brombst., East of Barnard. PROTECTION INSURANCE COMPANY. ’if* —j-~--j 1 >f Hartford, t’onn.—The undersigned, agents <-f the alNwe Company .are prepared to take risks against Fire, on building*, and their cou tenU, on the most favorable terms, jnly 10 BRIGHAM, KELLY i CO. MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE- Life liniurnnce Com* puny of New York. ISAAC ABB ATT, Secretary. JOSEPH B. COLLINS, President. Applications received bv WM. P. HUNTER, Agent. Du. R. D. Anxoi.n. Medical Examiner, ly jan 29 SAVANNAH MUTUAL INSURANCE Co* Tlf Office, No. 11S Bay-street. This Com pa ny will continue to take Murine, Fire nnd Inland Navigation risks on the most favorable terms. Hknry I). Weed,. President. Trustees —Henry I). Weed, 11. F. Waring, I. W. Morrell, N. B. Kuapp, Hi ram Roberts, K. F. Wood, Henry Lathrop, James Mc- Henry. Secretary. june 13 BOOK AND JOB PRINTING. The subscriber having supplied his office with a large assortment of plain, orna mental and fancy types, is now prepared to execute at short notice, all orders entrusted to him ill the best mann.-r, nnd equal tunny establishment in the South. Pamphlets, Law Blanks. Circulars, Catalogues, Busi ness Cards, Hat Tips, Bills of Lading, Visiting Cards, Bill Heads, Dray Receipts: also Posters. Show and Hand Bills, in Gold, Bronze, Red, Green, Blue, Yellow, and every kind of colored Inks, faithfully done at short notice and on reasonable terms. Orders may he left at the Office, Sorrel’s Building, or at the Book Store on Market-square. jan 27 J. B. CUBBEDGE. BOOK BINDING. The subscriber is prepared to execute •ili. Book Binding of every description at the aliortest notice. Blank Books ruled and bound to any patterns. |fcl>2J J. B. CUBBEDGE. CARPET AND FLOOR CLOTH WAREHOUSE Curtains, Curtain Goods, &c. No. 150 Congross and 57 St. Julien-streets. {JVVYVv TIIE subscriber knowing that tho citizens I of Savannah have felt a great interest in the establishing of a CARPET WAREHOUSE iu 1 this city, and being aware that many have been await- I iug the completion of the New store, so that they could I make their selection of the various articles for furnish ing their houses, would respectfully inform the public i generally that he will this day open the most complete assortment of nil the various styles of goods usually I kept in similar establishments. The stock of the differ ent departments will consist, in part, of the following , Goods, viz: Carpet Department. Royal Velvet Tapestry Brussels, Moecfc Brussels, Brusels. Velvet. Tapestry and Brussels for stairs, 3 ply. Superfine, Fine, and Common Ingrain, Plain and Twilled Venetian for stairs, hulls, etc. Druggets 7-4. 12-4 and 16-4 in width, of every variety of patterns. Hearth Rugs, Parlor and Stoop Mats, Tablesimd Piano Covers. Silver and Brass Oval and Octagon Stair Reals, Stair Linen, etc. Oil Cloths. Os every width, from 1 to 8 yards, for halls, dining moms, steamlouts, saloons, etc.: Rosewood, Mahoga-. ny and small figured Furniture oil Cloths, 4-4. 6-4 and, 6-4 wide; Figured India Rubber Cloth for stairs. I Curtains. Hilk and Worsted Damask DcLaino, Worsted and I Linen Damask DeLaine, Figured and Plain Damasks, ! variety of color*. White and Buff for Shades. Window Shades. Transparent Landscape, Medallion. Garland, and ! White and Gold, entirely new style. Cord, Loops, Tan- j sol*, with all the various Trimmings for Curtains and Shades. Gilt Cornices. Band*, Loops and Pins, of the greatest variety and patterns, of the latest importation—:all of which will j be sold,at wholesale or retail.on the most liberal terms. WM. H. GUION, Agent. nov 9 160 Congress and 37 St. Julien-sts. jYTOLASSKS.—IOO hhds. prime Cuba, and 76 bfcb. j} I prime New-Orleans, for sale by ai r 1 H. J GILBERT. HOME MANUFACTURE. AMERICAN SOAP COMPANY!! fIMIE undersigned having purchased the right to A manufacture the following kinds of Soap, are now prepared to d<*eo at the shortest notice viz: American Cream Soap in bar*. “ Laundy in muss “ Toilet(Sunittve) in small burs. “ Slia\ing Soap in cakes. “ “ Cream in pot * Cream soap prc|*aration in bbls.nllof which we war rant to give pei feet salisfacti(n,und to be the best labor saving soap ever manufactured; give us a call, and a trial, that is all wc nsk. W. K. MONGIN. No. 170, Broughton-st, Savannah, Gn. Cowles, & Cos.. 19 Beekman-st New York, may 21 ly CONFECTIONARIES. rixjiE suh*cril**r begs leave to infitrui lii* friend* and l the citizen* generally oi .Savannah and its vicini ty. that lie has purchased the interest of Mr. Now J coinbjn the Confection try hithertoowneilhy Newcomt j Riee: and that he will conthiuu'to manufacture, and i kocn> Always on hand Fresh and Pure Confectionaries, Manufactured from the best material*, and compris ’ log every variety of Candies. Sugar Plums, Ac, Ac, Ac French Confectionaries, Lemon Syrup, Syrups for Fountains, Together with every Other article in his line, always iustore and lor saloat wholesale and rctail.on the most reasonable terms. T. C. RICE. n5 ts S. E. Corner Broughton nrn Whltnker-sts. EJIOJiS AND UK AM I Erf.—- lo boxes of ench, steamer Florida, and for sale low for cash nt ALEXANDER S, umj 26 Or. Bull & Congrcs :-sta. opp. J/on. S iunre DISSOLUTION. r|Mie firm of WILLIS & IIRUNDAGE is this day di*- _1 solved by niuinal consent. Franri*T. Willis will attend t the .-etllcmoiit of the affair* of the late firm. J. ll.Brumlngc will on Ist July become a partner with N. L. McCready A Cos. of New York. FRANCIS T. WILLIS, J. 11. B RUN DAG K. | Savannah, May 26,1853- -_~ may 27 BACON. POFvK AND~BEEF. hu casks prime We lorn Bacon Side*: •• “ “ “ Shoulders; 50 hi Is. Mess Pork; 1.1 •• Prime. *• 75 “ Mess Bes; 25 half “ Fulton Market Beef. For sale by (may 1" J WEBSTER & PALMES. | 4 BOXES CHEESE.—Landing per steamer Flor &\J ida, and for sale by may 42 ‘ 11. J. GILBERT. STRICTLY PRIME GOSHEN BUTTER*— Just yo ccived per steamer Alabama : also: 15 Firkins Very Good, which will be retailed at 25 Cents at a 21 DTCXSON'S II {TX KK.-1 few | •>fft *h Butte ju t > received and for sale at the F^m(annum bv may 4 SEABORN GOOD ALL. / t.\ Rill AG B 110 US 1-: V_ybuy Horses, kind, gentle, and excellent travellers. Apply to [may 4] PAPKLFOIiD. FAY & CO. I \i \ BCJSII Km CORN,lit store, and i-r solo i.v I *)\f apr 20 W ELLS K DU UR* UA Y.—lOO hales prime North River Hay, landing per bark Maria Morton. f.)r sale bv mar 1 BRIGHAM. KELLY A CO. / i OSIII£\ BUTTER.— 6o packagesGosln-n, Butter \ I just received per steamer Florida, and f.r sulo at tho Emporium, by fe.b 17 SEABORN GOOPALL. \|A Civ Sj2 11.16 JL— lO hi .Is .\ o. 1 ,2 ;t"d 3 Mackerel: iV_L 50 half do. No. 1 and 2 do., landing and for sale by (fob 15) COHEN A TARVER. HcAEAP CASH STORE. CORNER OF WHITAKER AND CONGRESS STS. Stock, in Trade at Auction. r | 1 iiE Si BSI'KI BERS, in order to close their busi- JL ne*s, at the above stand, will dispose of the en tire stock of DRV GOODS mow remaining) at Auction, coimncm ing Ist JUNE next. The stock i- large, consisting of every variety of Summer and Fall Goods. Country Merchant* desirous of procuring bargains, would do well by being in atten dance. Terms—All sums under SIOO, cash; SIOO to SBOO, four uioutus; over S3OO, six months. M. P KEN DERG AST* CO. may 25 PIIILBRICK A BELL. Auctioneers. t pRIAiMINGS, trimming braid, Colored Silk and 1 Linen Braid. Colored Silk. Linen and Gilt Buttons for Cljjldren’s Clothes: also, Fancy Open Worked Hose nnd Hose nt. apr 19 KKMPTON A VKRSTILLB’fI N’ EW 15(H>lvS.-Clara Moreland; or Adventures in the far Southwest, by Emerson Bennett. Mary Price: or Adventures of a Servant-maid, by G. W. M. Reynold*. No. 14 of Barnum's illustrated News. Christian Review for April. Received n further supply of My Novel, and Lofty nnd Lowly, in cloth nnd paper binding, apr 6 J. B. CUBBEDGE, M USI.IXS, MUSLINS— “ Plain Combric and Jaconet Muslins, Plnided do. do. dv. Plain Swiss .Muslins, Cheek'd do do. Strip'd Cambric do. Plain Mull do. Bishop and Victoria Lawns. For sale low at mar 12 J. 11. COHEN A L’d.. I*o Brough ton-st. leecTiks. —A fine !•••, “i‘ --v I. e--|es; ono Jther supply of Bazin's articles and otlier goods.just received by steamer and for sale at the a2B * A!’• ‘-'I'IIBCAEI !> It M. 1,. Bn uhb n-*t jVr AGAZInLs I’ iil 51 iv flHqioS New Monthly I*l Magazine, Putnam’s Monthly Magazine, Gra ham* Mft/.inc, Godov'* Ladies LV*ok. and the Book of the World. Nos. 7, 8 nnd 9, Received by npl2B J. B.CUBBEDGE. FIRE AND” LIFE INSURANCE AGENCY. Farmers’ P'ln* liisiirancr Conipnnv of l lien, X. Y .—Cnpil hl, 9*400.000. Geo. F. Weaver. President —E. J. Richardson, Scc'ry. Granite Fire Insurance Couipnny, of It lea—Capital G. l x. Curtis, Prenideul—Wm 11. Dedkick, Secretary- Knickerbocker Fire Insurance Cos., of Waterford, N. Y. Capital i>150,000. Charles Cramer, President F. D. Mok, Secretary. These Compuniu.s having a cash ea(>ital, safely Tn vesiwl iu boud and uiortg ige, are prepared to effect Insurance against damage bv fire, on all kiudsof pro perty ou reasonable terms. Charter Oak Life Insurance Com pany. HARTFORD, CONN.— Capital, and surplus over $250,000. Alfred Gii.l. President, Jas. C. Walkley, Fec'y. This Company will issue Policies on the Joint Stock principle, uml upon the Mutual plan, thus com bining the benefits of both systems at the option of the insured. ‘ The strength, ability nnd well invested capital of the institution arc. in my opinion, unsurpassed by any Life Insurance Company in this Stateor Union. [L. 2>.J Signed U. G. PIN.NKY, Comptroller of Public Accounts, State of Connecticut. For insurance in cither of the above named Compa nies, apj'ly to A. WILBUR, General Insurance Agent. aud agent for the above Cos. may 27 Office 199 Congregant. NEW BOOKS. VREN TEW of the Spiritual Manifestations, rend before the Congregational Association of N. York and Brooklyn, by Rev. Charles Beecher. I Journal of an African Cruise, comprising sketches | of the Canaries, the Cape do Verde. .Madeira, Sierra : Leone, and other place* of interest on the west coast of Africa—by Horatio Bridge, U. S. Navy; edited by : Nathaniel Hawthorne. 1 Silver and Pewter, or contrast of New Y'ork Life. Memoirs, Journal and Correspondence of Thomas Moore—edited by the Right Hon. Lord John Russell, .M. 1. Barnum’s Illustrated News, No, 20. Received by niay 2 • J. B 01 BBJSDQJB. TIN WAKE! TINT WAKE ! ! Thai E on hand and am constantly manufacturing TIN W ARE, of every variety and quality, whole sale and retail, to which 1 would invite tho inspeo : tion of the public—feeling assured that I can give sut ! isfuction both as regard quality nnd price. Also. Brass Kettles: Brass. Iron. Enameled nnd Tin ned Sauce Puns, Frying Pans ; Smoothing Irons. Fire Dogs; Iron Pots, Ovens and Spider* . Tea Kettles; Gridirons: Waffle Irons: Table Cutlery; Brass Candle stick*: Snuffers: Ten and Dinner Bells. Also Glass and Brittania Fluid Lamps, and many articles too numer ous to mention. Call and see. march 5 j. j. MAURICE. E\\ B(>OKS —Summer Cruise in the Mediterrn- a nean on board an American frigate, by N. Parker Willis. The Old Man’s Bride, by T. S. Arthur. ’the Mother and her Offspring, by Stephen Tracy, •M. D., formerly a Missionary Physician to the A. D. C. F. B. to the Chinese, Autobiography of nn Englisn Soldier in tho United States Army, comprising observations and ventures in the States and Mexico. The Lovers’ Stratagem, or the Two Suitors, l*y Em dine Flygare Carlcu, author of ival or the hkjuts lxy. The Flying Dutchman, or the Wedding guest of Am- Jterdnm, a mysterious talc of the sea. by Capt Merry Th.* Lmlies wntiona! Magazine for May. Barnum's Illustrated News, No. 16, and a supply of the back numbers received by api 20 J. B. CUBBEDG E. IMPORTANT T 0 THE AFFLICTED^ r FHE great number of persons both male and fe- JL male who have been bone-fitted by the applica tion of Dr. Banning’s improved Brace,or alHlominable supporter, during the past year, has induced the sub scriber to order n large supply of the above val uable article, direct from the manufactory, which will enable him to reduce the price of the same so that all can be accommodated who require their assistance. A female well qualified to fit the Brace will be in attendance upon ladies, and, if desired, will be waited upon nt their residences, apr 21 S. G. PANCOST, Broughton-st. NEW YORK WIRE RAILING WORKS. ri'HK SUBSCRIBER manufactures X Wire Railing for public aud private grounds, y* r&ndahs. window guards and gratings; Wrought and Cast Iron Railing, Iron Columns, Inin Doors and Shutters, Iron Bedsteads, and Iron Furniture; Wire Fences, for Plantations, Rail Roods, etc., made entirely on anew plan, with rail* and iron posts. Prices at 9, 11 and 13 cents per running foot, 4% feet high. For circulars with designs, address JOHN B. WICKKRSHAM, 240 Broadway, New York. N. B.—The subscriber would refer to the enclosure of Forsyth Place, the railing und gallery work ut tho Jewish Synagogue, aud a number of dwellings, in Sa vannah; the enclosure of the private cemetery of tho Everett family, at Fort Valley; and, also, to tho work at Macon, Madison, und other places in Georgia. inar 4 ly G. W. HAKDCASTLE, Agent SCHOOL BOOKS. —Webster* Unabridged Dio* tionary. Boston School Dictionary. Fitch’s Mapping Plates. Pierpont’s American First Class Book. Looiui’s Llcincnts of Algebra. Yuumim’h Class Book of Chemistry. Quackenbo*’ First Lesson* in English Composition. Parley’s Common School History. Bullion's Latin Reader; A further supply received and for sale by may 18 S. S. SIBLEY. No 135 Congrcss-st. I ) HI NTISG IN K..—Having niuile a; range 1 ill cut* with Messrs. C. .Mat her A Cos., of Philmiel phis, one of tho best manufacturers of Printing Ink in the United States, we have received and intend keeping on hand for. sale, a general assortment of Book. News and Fancy Colored Inks, which we think will please both in quality nnd price. We have Book nnd News Ink in kegs of from 20 to 100 lbs., Nos. 1 and 2: Card and Book Ink in small canisters. Also, Red. Blue. Yellow, and Green, in canisters of from ono to three lbs. each. All which will be sold at a trifling advance on manufacturer’s prices, for cash or fcity ac ceptances. From our knowledge of the Ink. we can safely recommend it as being equal to any sold in the South. Orders promplv attended to nt the l>ook store of S. S. SIBLEY, No. 135 Congreas-st. ranr22 CO-PARTNERSHIP NOTICE. STATE OF GEORGIA, ) Challum County, j The undersigned lmve formed n Co-partnership un der the act <d'the General Assembly of the State of Georgia, entitled An Act to Authorize Limited Part, norships. assented to on the 22nd day of December, 1537, to bo confiuetcd under the name of OGDEN A BUNKER, fir the purpose of transacting a Shipping and Commission business in the City of Savannah, and County and State aforesaid: Francis J. Ogden and Ed ward 11. Bunker, of Bavannah, will be the general partners and Francis T. Willis, also of Savannah, who lms contributed to the common stock the sum of Ton Thousand Dollars in cash, will be the special part ner. The business to commence on the 20t h day of May, 1553, and to terminate on the 26th day of May, 1858, unless sooner dissolved by mutual consent, and accor ding to the said act id’ the General Assembly. In witness whereof, the said Francis J. Ogden and Ml ward 11. Bunker ami Francis T. Willis, have here unto signed the foregoing agreement this twenty-sixth day of May, 1853. Francis J. Ogden Edward 11. 81-nkkr, Francis T Willu. Signed in presence of w.v. Dun can, R. Rauohd. J. P. Georgia Ciivtiiam County.—l do hereby certify Hint Francis J. Ogden. Ed ward 11. Bunker ami Francis T. Willis, have signed the foregoing certificate, for the purpose therein expressed, this 26th day of May. 1854. W. Duncan may 27 R. Ratforo, ,T. P. “V T K\V bOOKS> —Jennies’* Diary—a Legend of il the Rhine, and Rebecca andKowcua. By W. M. Thackeray. Wood \ Bench's United States Dispensatory. Ancient Christianity Exemplified. MHlinnn’s History of Christianity. New Themes for a Protestant Clergy. The Infant's Progress from tho Valley of Destruc tion to Everlasting Glory—illustrated. By the author of Little Henry and his Bearer. Yinel's Pastoral Theology. •Simon Kenton; or The Scout's Revenge. Barnum’s Illustrated News. Gleason's Pictorial. For sale at the Bookstore of S. S. SIBLEY, apr 14 No. 135 Congress-street. JOHN B. MOORE & CO., Druggi.sis and Apothecaries* Guidon's Buildings, Savannah, 9a, Q Oivite the attention of Planter*. Pjy*H uvna and the citizen* generally, to tlieir stock of pure 13 and unadulterated MEDICINES, which havu t been selected with great personal care for this market. Their assortment of plantation. Family, and Toilet articles, will be found unsurpassed, either in quality or variety. For Physicians. The best French. English, and American Chemicals, Select Powders. Trusses of all kinds; Surgical, Den tal. Pocket, ami Capping Instruments, Catheter* Med ical Saddle Bag*. Av. Planter's Articles. Paints. Glass, tliiimp Oil, Lancets, Tooth Instru ments, superior American Mustard, and lamdroth’s Garden Seeds. For Family Uso. Preston A Merrill’s Yeast Powders. Flavoring Ex tracts, Russia Isinglnsp,Gelatine. Vanilla fVimx. French White Wine Vinegar,aupurior 3’eas. .Spices. Mustard Arrow Root, Sweet Gil, Burning Fluid, und Sperm Oil. For tko Toilet. Fine Turkey Sponge, Floh Kubbcrc; Hand Mir* rare. Powder Boxes, German Cologne, Shaving Creams, Razor Strops, and Dressing Cases; uml an extensive assortment of French. English and Ameri can Hair I‘reparations. Ox Marrow. Phßorome, Bear’s Oil. Ac.; and Lubhrs, Guerhiin's, Maugenet’s Piver’s, Provost’s, and Muupela's fine Toilet Soap*, Pom made*, and extracts fi>r the Handkerchief. Brushes and Combs. They request particular attention to their assortment of these articles: viz : Ivory, Pearl, Botte, Buffalo, Satinwoftd. and Inlaid Hair Brushes, comprising eve ry variety of French and Eng. manufacture; Ivory, Buffalo, and Hone handled Tooth Brushes. Nail Brush es. Shell. Buffalo and Horn Dressing and Tuck Combs, and Ivory Fine Tooth Combs. Sundries. Backgatnmnn Boards. ChessuuMi. Dominoes, Criln bage Boards, Playing Cards of extra tine quality, Purses. Liquor Flasks, Tapers, Pastiles. Aromatic Curium's, Pocket Books, and a great variety of Smel ling Bottles. Preston bait*. Ac. Orders from the country promptly filled ami satis faction guaranteed with regard to price and quulity. mar 12 IS’ DldljlllLK INKS.— Kidder*. T runts, U ceres, Waters and Paysons, with and without prepara tions. for sulo by ai r2l • JOHN B. M<HillK .1 < ) SALT. —509 socks Suit for sale by mar 17 11. J. GILBERT. ST'IOIv K l> TONGUES. - bbjs, just received and for sale by [may 11] A. BONAUD. HTH/SSESt TRUSSES!—Marsh's late improved 1 Universal Joint and Self-adjusting Truss, Rein hardt’s putented Glass pad Chases, and Hulls double and single, of all sizes and pattern*, Shoulder Bruces, Suspensory Bandage*, Abdominal Supporters, Surgi cal Instruments, Ac., Ac., received ami for sale by may 17 J. E. DeFOKD, Apothecaries’ Hull. OSX AlsUOotton Osnuburgs, from Plan ter* Factory, in store. For sale by feb 24 ‘ BRIGHAM. KELLY A CO. \iriCK, —5 bales best quality Candle Hick, for } > sale by JGIIN B. .MOORE A CO, mar 25 Gibbons’ Building. SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS, AT THE New Store, No. 1 lO lirouglitoi-*treet. WE liave just received our stock of t ‘ uminer Muslins and Lawns, which, 7J-ifor beauty and iieutm-ss cannot besur-’ J passed, and would invite the attention ot tho ** public to the same. As we are determined to suit the most fastidious in taste, and in prices, and in styles of GOODS, which ure unequalled in the city. Consisting of Fine French’ Organdie Muslins, Super, do do do, do do Jaconet do, Super. French nnd English Lawns. French R>l*e ala Bayadere, of the latest style* In Muslins nnd Bareges. Super. Black Lawns and Muslins from 123,3 lo 60 cents; fast colors from tho celebrated manufacturing house of Mulliouso A Freres. Fig'd White A Col'd Swigs Muslins. White Emb'd Organdie do. Col’d. do Muslins, new styles, plaidodj Fine White Dotted Muslins. For sale by mar 31 J. 11. COHEN A CO. M. PRESDERGAST & CO. 1 I AVE to announce the arrival, This Day, of the _| L first portion of their Spring Stock. Their Mr. Prendergast ieing now in the markets, they expect tho full completion of his purchases in n few days, of which a detailed notice will be given; in the meantime, they solicit an early inspection from all their old friends and the public generally. 178 W HOUGHTON-ST.. mar 7 Opposite St. Andrew’s Hall. Vs A LAG A 7TR A l*Eb, (lit A NGK S. Ac.—Received ivl. per steamer Florida. 5 kegs Malaga Grape*, lo boxes Oranges. 10 bbls Pippin Apples, Raisin*, Figs, Prunes, Dates, Citron, Almonds, etc. GKO. ALEXANDER, fob 16 Cor. Bull and Congross sis., M< nument *q. (10R1M \b llblXfu of Turkey RhubariH-Pro ypared by James Tanart—an agreeable and effica cious medicine, sanctioned and prescrilied by tbo mid leal faculty. This preparation cannot be t<to strongly recommended to the many thousands now suffering from dyspepsia and indigestion, and its consequences. For sale l>y JOHN B. MOOR E A CO, apr 9 Gibbons’ Building. T)ACON AND-LARD.—2OO Ham*. 15 hhd* 13 Side* and Shoulders, and 30 bbs Lard, for pule by may 27 li. J. GILBERT. ALAGA GRAPESj ORANGES, LEMONS, Ac.— . Received per steamer Alabama, 6 kegs Malaga Grapes, 10 boxes Oranges, 10 do. Liquors, Ruisins, Figs Dates, Prunes, Almonds, etc. GEO. ALEXANDER. mar 9 Cor. Dull and Congress sts- Mon’t sq.