The Savannah evening journal. (Savannah [Ga]) 1852-185?, June 11, 1853, Image 2

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Saturday Afternoon, Juno 11, 1653. i Couiuta of Outside Pages. Editorial.—c>touo Crossings,— Anti Biblo Convention. Sunday Reading.— Pulpit Eloquence. — A Duty to Sing.—Grandeur of Man. Mucellankois.—Tho Present Ilail Rond M mia.—Letter from the Duke of Wellington. f’hloroforra.—lnter-’ ting Decision.—Pri/ea. I* of a Volunteer.— Deafness.—General News Items. Wc had yesterday in our paper some what of a novelty for the Journal —our own telegraphic despatches. They were sent us, (w j think through mistake,) by a gontlman in Baltimore with whom wo are in correspondence, 'nd from whom we hope, when the business season commences, to receive regular dos- i patches. Possibly wo inay make such arrange ments as will enable us at once to furnish thorn to our rouders. We make this statement, be cause wc expect a stoppage of despatches for tho pruseuf, nni wo would not bavo tho reador in fer therefrom that we bavo commenced a task which wo could not complete. The Telegraph ! is a costly luxury, which we are not nblo to af ford just yot. Our morning contemporaries af- j ford it by dividing the expense between them, ‘ and would they allow us to come in, wc too coul 1 boar our nhare of tho expense. But name 1 of tiiQ morning papers deny us this privilege though we are willing to pay our way. There- J fore'we must bide our time. Wo might, if wo were mean-spirited, cry “jiertecution” —we’d die first! We arc willing to wait till our rapid ly increasing patronage bids us move ou and tear not. A good deal of hard tulk against Presi dent Pierce, is being uttered all over the coun try, f"r his loose way of conferring important appointments, upon big men, and little men, old men,and young men, men of stamina and men of straw. If ours were only a Whig Journal, we could join io with gusto; but as it is, wo suppose wo must content ourself with a long staro of dumbfounderment,now anil then,when somo n o dle speeds upward like a rocket, from insignifi cance and darkness, into notoriety and a salary. Don’t fear us General—an occasional whistle of blank astonishment, is all wo shall have to say. See telegraphic items. Cape May. This delightful resort is now open for the sea son, and we presume will soon bo crowded with visitors. Tho reader’s atk ntiou is invited to advertisement, in another conumn. Arrival of the State of Georgia. The U. S. M. steamship State of Georg in, C.ipt. Walter Collins, arrived Inst nightubout 10 o'clock, in 57 hours from Philadelphia. On Thursday, at 0 o’clock, P. .M.. -10 miles South of Cape Hatterns, she exchanged signals with tho U. S. M. steamship Auguxta, hence fur New York. Mr. G. J. Junes, Purser of the ship, will ac cept our thanks fur a budget of Philadelphia papers of Wednesday, in advance of the nni!, and also for a copy of the New York // raid of the same date. We learn by a despatch to the ngonts, that the steamship Auguntn arrived at lu r whiuf early this morning. She had been detained be low by fog. T.SS” Tho l'. S. M. Steamship Florida, Cnpt. Woodiull, sailed this morning for N o Void:, having on board a large number of passengers, among whom were liltlo folks, and babies too numerous to mention, whose parents are bound North, in search of pleasure during the long months of the summer. The Steamers are fust depopulating the city, to the great discomfort of the Cant-get-away Club. The following is a list of her passengers : Mrs. Mary (J. Morrell. Mi— Sarah Jane Mur rell, Miss Maria Morrell, V. It. (i. Ross, C. P. Stone, Mrs. Patridge and daughter, !!. 1,. Wood. A. M. Blackshoar, !•’. Lyman, J. Hcrriiiiun, J. B. Fiske, T. lligham, T. .Sutcliffe, C. Weber, J. ; Weber, It. It. Gurley, Miss A. J. Carroll,, Mr-. Day and 2 children, Mrs. Win. Below, Mrs. Gumby, Mrs. M Ch .-ki y, 2 children and nurse. 2 Mis.-es Stoddard, Miss t\ Preston, 11. D. Weed and lady, Mrs. Dennis, 2 Masters Weed and serv’t, A. Outhbridge, 1.. May, wife and child, W. W. Yookiors, ,1. Pickup and lady, Mrs. McGregor, Mrs. C. P. Hayden, Mrs. Smallwood, J. L. Morton and lady, Rev. A. A. Lipseoucd, W. A. Smith, Mrs. White and infant, Mrs. F. M. Washington, John Floddard and lady, 2 Musters Stoddard and nurse, Mrs. Locke, daughter and serv’t. Miss I. ti. Knapp, C. E. Hyde, Dan’l Mooney, C. 11. Contoit and lady, aud GO steerage. he (•utcn to Monument Square, are fortunately of east I iron. No other mater!?.! could bear up under ! tho numerous maledictions which, both loud and deop, have been heap and upon them. They are unanimously voted bores, by tho town. One of the most serious objections to them, however, can easily be remedied. It is this—short mom oriod persons, and folks in a hurry, and thoso given to brown study, arc at a loss on the spur of the moment, whether to /'#/(, or Full tho gates on reaching them. Wo move that pla cards be placed upon them, one on each aide of every gate; the exterior placards to bo inscribed PUSH, and the interior ones PULL. Thus will the science of Pushing and Pulling be made easy, and tho way through Monument Squaro become a mere trifle. The unpleasant noise from tho slamming of the gates, might also I>-* prevented, but we have too much respect fur tho Fathers, to proposo the mode. It occurred to us, unawares. W e can’t prevent odd thoughts from coming into our mind, and when they do, we like to get rid of them. Wo thereforo men tion the plan that has occurred i > u> -not for adoption, but simply to ease our mind of it. It is to impale nil Alderman on each one of | those little blades against which the gates now bump with a rim. Aldermen, from time 1 immemorial have been of fair und round propor* j tions, and our poor inventive genius, could think of nothing better for a dcad-mer of lit” noisy gates, bar be it from our remotest thought to recommend such an expedient. City elections would become more frequent if it were adopted, and like Christmas, they should come but once a year. Air. Vesc s the American Curd wri ter who, is still sojourning at tho Pulaski, has left a pack of our orru cards upon our table, bearing the traces of his inimitable stylus. We: have never seen any engraving to purp is his writing, while it has a finish, softness, and del icacy, which is seldom attained by copy plate. Mr. A . remains but a few days in our city; and those in want of elegant Visiting cards, would do well to give him their orders at an early day. T*’ The last lllii'trut l London Ae/cs con tain* an engraving of Billy Bowlegs andl.i suite, or as the siu Is *,/ t. Who would have thought that Billy would ever have reach ed such a pinnacle as that ? A Delicate Subject. A friend, who says what he pleases to us, thinks ho sees decided tendencies towards Rlooinoristn, in onr oily, inasmuch ns ho has noticed of late, that a very little dust, or even a damp pln*o upon the pavement, affords a plea to our City fair, for temporarily curtailing their , j skirts. He has even had tho presumption to ‘ intimate to us, that the aforesaid curtailment, ! \ which he would fain persuade us, has recently i assumed a very ultra character, would give us j | ’ tho foundutidn for a spicy local item, w hich he is sure would meet with the warm approval of all good fathers and mothers, and put us fore- ; m st of our brother quills, in the good gra ces of all conservative ladies. In a word, lie | , would persuade us to look in our ink stand for a few acidulated drops, to scatter over the said ; aspiring skirts. Not we? If we thought our ink 1 contained such ingredients, we should havo tho ink stand nicely poised, so as accidentally to upset, whomever our quill dipped near them. We do not profess thoroughly to understand our own business,and it would ill become us thereforo I to meddle with fcinalo affairs which wo under stand still loss. Betides, in this matter of hold ing up a dress, our motto is, Honi suit qui mal y pc use.” jpAß* The Mormon Eiders havo been expell 'ed from Persia; sorry to hear it. Nothing but I persecution has kept that sect alive; if they had j been let alone, by ibis time they could not i muster a “Corporal’s guard.” JE©** Tho Paris correspondent of the Boston Atlas saw Thackeray in Paris on the 16th ult.: ho was well, talked much and favorably of the United State?, and said he was coming over to this country soon, to live permanently. The Melbourne (Australia) Daily Ar • gus announces that it is now printing as many papers as its facilities will allow, and it there- i loro wants no new subscribers for the present, j We learn from tho Charleston Courier, I that the Post Office Department intends taking from tho steamships, plying between Charles ton and the uorthern cities, the mail-carrying which they have heretofore had; wo presume “in- Xew York and Philadelphia steamers will j be similarly deprive 1. We are at a 1 ;to conceive of any good rca- j j son for this stop, which if taken, will be to the j regret an l tho injury of all our merchants and business men. Wo postpone further comment however, until tha motives of tho Department j are known to us. i 77 Cf* Fanny Fern has published a collection j ! of her miscellaneous writings, under the title of “Fern Leaves.” Fanny is a dashing, lively, reckless sort of a writer, whom we like to read I now and then, but wo cannot say that wo es pecially admire her. Happening to read a paragraph about her not long since, in the pres ence of a youngster of some eight years old, he asked with great earnestness, if “she was not i that had woman that’s always in the papers?” I Ho was thinking of Lola Montoz, wo expect, 1 though he incists that Fanny is the veritable dam. 1 about whom he had formed so unfavor- ! I able an opinion. ■: C” The Parisians, it is said, nro disgusted 1 with Uncle Tom. For once, then, Paris has i evinced a sensible taste. It is rumored that in tho event of fur ther <1 ifliciillit's with Mexico, Gen. Wool will take command iri the field. 1. th ■ General a Whig ora Democrat? Wo ■ ‘ ask, because in tho event of war, ho will of [ [ course be a conquering hero, and of course our i j next President; and it would bo interesting to j ( i have some intimations as to thj complexion of j the next administration. JZST The License question iu Washington ( ('itv, drew out an immense vote, the election ( resulting in favor of the Temperance men, by a J majority of 1,072, more than two to ouo, against the License. ♦ Arthur Spring, the Philadelphia mur- ‘ derer, who was executed yesterday morning, : i ! signed the following document in exculpation of , his son, a short time previous to his death. Moyamknsino Prison, Juno 7, 1853. j 1 I. Arthur Spring, do most solemnly, in tho ; fear of God, before whom I am soon to appear, ! ( and in the presence of the Rev. John Street, ! and the Rev. Mr. Jvensil, declare that my son, j 1 Arthur Spring, Jr., as far as 1 know, had no ! hand in tin* murder of Mrs. Shaw an l Mrs. l.yii fi. N.'ii!u*r do 1 believe that he had any knowledge of these persons being murdered. Witness uiy hand. ARTHUR. SPRING. Witnesses present J. Street, R. T. Konsil. JT*£T* The Committee in the Connecticut Leg islature, appointed to examine into the cause of the Norwalk disaster, reported on Tuesday. The report embodies no new facts, but strongly censures the enginccrand malingers of the road. , They decline reporting a general law for the regulation of Rail Roads, for the reason that the standing Committee on Rail Road Accidents have the subject under consideration. o-'flf- The ship Frank Pierce arrived at Bos ton, on the sth in-t., with seven hundred and , ten passengers. When the vessel left Liver pool she had only six hundred and ninety-nine, and consequently there must have boon eleven births on board during the passage. The Sun the Centre of Gold. 1 Tho übiquity of gold w idt h Mr. Wulsli, in a letter to the New York Journal of Commerce, -ays we may assume, if half the stories be true - reminds him of Heruai din de St. Pierre’s the ory, iu his Hannan its de hi Nature, wherein (lull writer seriously maintains that tho Sun is com] used of gold, “tho heaviest of substances, and thereforo proper for the centre of our uni | verse.” Inhumanity to Mexican Women.] A correspondent of tho Now Yoilt Sun, wri j ting from San Antonio de Bexar, Texas, in re- ! relation to tho recent unmanly, disgraceful and i unnecessarily cruel and shameful act of an ofli- ! ; cor of tho United States Arm}’, in having two Mexican women flogged out of camp by sol -1 diers, says—Jt was said to ho tho opinion of G >v. Lane that the President would strike the J name of Lieut. Sykes from the army list, a-an ; example to officers dispo-ed to make their own j cruel will the law. Such a step will show the j Mexican people that this Government duos not ’ con-ider them altogether brutes, tube cropped j and whipped at every one’s pleasure. Tlic.-o ! , things show the necessity of civil law. As long j as the military are allowed to pluy such pranks, no annexation party can take root in Mexico. I TANARUS It graphic llemx. New York. Jim: 10. The British Com- I mi-sioner* to the World’* Fair, including Lord Ii,im-i> . .Inv—A lu.iiocratioStato | ‘ ( t,un io N. Mr. Ilurkc I .rilnv. rio.r. |; , vfrL . intrmliov 1 l.v I IMitiuml liurlo-. ,-,-„.„riu rume nl IVe.i.Unt ; I I'o rco’. ii|i|i..inlm, nl,. w|,i, |, can-.,1 creat ex -ilcmont. lie rc ua~ a — ri-.I it (Jitvaz/.i's | Iccton- but l x ht, io Montreal. Tire troop* ’ firnl twi-c no tin, rouli, InUinc no-l wounilin-'n 1 ; threat number. There was iotonao exciumeot i 1 io the city. It. .ton, Ji-ni: in 1,,-ttcra Imvo Im.-n rc . : 1 e.-icoJ her,- Iruoi Pay to to tho I 111, oil., which j ‘ stilt** that diflirultie have occurred between Ecuador and the French Admiral, which had , been settled. SAVANNAH JOURNAL. SATURDAY. JUNE 31. 1853; The Right of Way. ! A suckerwho strayed up and squatted on tho I line where tho railroad was to run, was applied to for tho right of way through his farm. He objected strenuously They would spoil his farm, and nil his cattlo would bo killed when i tho locomotive enmo along. When told that the company would pay him for all such dam- ! ago*, he met tho agent with the reply:—“Why, yes—perhaps they might—if a feller could catch ! era—but when they corao along with ono of their cow catchers and tuk off his stock in the night—the darn thing would be in Chicago be foro he could got up and dress himself.” illnrricb. On Thursday morning, Juno 2d, ut the Gothic Chucrh. Richmond, Vn., by Rev. Mr. I logo, THOMAS M. NORTON, K*q., of Savannah, Oa., to Miss ANNA M. HKN'DRBE, of Richmond. Holloway’s Ointment nml pills the t>**st cure for Accesses, Piles, Fistu las, mill Ulcerous Sores.--The very satis factory results arising from the use of this Invaluable Ointment, iu cases whore patients liavo boon suffer lng from Abcessos, Ulcers, l’ilos, Fistulas, or bearings down, have induced soveralof the medical profoesion, eminent for their skill to introduce it into tho hospi tals, and their private practice: nml in many Instances, where tho sufferer was considered incurable. Hollo way’s Oiutmcnt, In conjunction with bis Pills, has healed the most desperate wounds, after every other remedy had been tried in vain. These fine medicines are unequalled in the cure of scrofula, scurvy, and | (Umsilea of the skin. June 7 NEW BOOKS. HECEIVED BY S. S. SIBLBV. June Ist, 1853. 1 1\ Minnie Lawson, or the Outlaw’s League—by i Charles Red Swan. Ksq. Harry Ashton, or the Will and the Way—by the Author o.Miuuic Grey, Gu.s Howard, or llow to Win a Wife, Ac. Trupper’s Jlrido, or Spirit of Adventure—by the au thor of Priu ie Bird. Dancing Feather, or Pirate Schooner—by J. If. In. graham, fcsq. White Wolf, or the Secret Brotherhood—by Paul ; Feval. Putnam’s Magazine for.tune, j Blackwood’s Magazine for May. | Gleason’s Pictorial. Burn urn's Illustrated News. juno 2 For sale at No. 135 Congress-street. ARRIVAL OF NEW SUMMER GOODS. M. PRKNDKKGAST & CO. have this day I received per Steamship State of Georgia a I very excellent assortment of new, fashionable . ebenp goods, comprising White and Colored French Linen Drills: I A great, varhty of light materials for Gentlemen’s and Boys’ Summer Wear. > Bareges, Chameleon Figured and Pointed Grcua dines, i Black and Colored. I Black tiro de Rhine Silks. Ladies’ Needle Work Collar?. Jaconet and Organdy Muslins. 7-*. 4-4 and U-8 French. F.uglish and American Prints, particularly desirable styles, j A beautiful assortment of Cambric and Swiss Edg ings and insert mgs. Ktj - They will be receiving further supplies by the steamers during the mouth. 178 BROUGHTON ST., mar 16 On ite 8. Andrew’s llall t lITIS ATE gF MAGNESIA V frigerant and laxative for the Summer, f*>r sale by .1 r DbFORD. A not heenries* Hall. APOTHECARY’S HALL, Soui/i East Curia r of Urouyhton and Jtarnard-streels, tSnvaniiali, tin. THE Subscriber would roost respectfully in Vv form the citizen.- of Savannah,and tliosurround fjfj ing country, that lie has taken the store ,‘ituatcd :us above, where lie is now opening a full and SELECT STOCK OF ! DRUGS, MEDICINES, CHEMICALS, PER furnery, Fancy Articles, Dyo Stuits, G LASS-WARE, Ac. Ac., Wide he offers to the public at wholesale and retail, on such terms as cannot fail to give entire satisfaction, both ns regards price and quality. Kvery article In* offers for sale has been selected by himself within the last twkntv dws. from the most re liable houses in tho northern markets; particular nt tciiiiou having been paid to their purity ami freshness. Having had several years’ experience in the pre scription business in northern and southern cities, he feels himself fully prepared to compound all prescrip tions nml family me Heines entrusted to him, with care, neatness ami dispatch. Pi i- ripttons put up at nil hours of the day and ‘ tiivrlif. by n skilful and competent hand. Pliy-di-inns, Couutry Merchants and Families, and I nil persons who nee<| or may need pure and genuine t Meili* ines, or any other article that is generally found | in a well ri* rul de l Drug Store, are respect fully invited I to call and examine his stock before purchasing else- J where, at the Apothecary’s Hall. ,T. K. DeFOKD. mar 22 ts Drnggi-t and Chemist. SPIRIT GAS* >pirit Gas being u ca.-li article liereafler, there will be none sold on a credit Cash price 75 cents jx'r gallon : 20 cents perquart. Jo 7 J. K. MAA i R, 154 Broughton-at, NEV/ BOOKS. IOUISH ELTON; or Tilings s’cun and Heard, n J Novel: by Mrs. Mary Herndon. Wild .lack: or the Staten Island Child—a sketch from life, together with highly interesting stories: by j Caroline Lee llciitx. •Vain Slick’s Wise Saws and Modern Instances; or What he said, did or invented. Antifuwutieisui—A Tab* of the South : by Miss Mar tha Haim* Butt. Nancy Waterman: or Woman’s Faith Triumphant— a story of New York ( ity : by C. F. Itumiugluii. Lafltte, the Pirate of the Gulf: by J. 11. Ingraham. The Empress of the Isle*; or the Lake Bravo: by Charley Clewline. Notabilities iu France and F.nglnnd—with an auto biography : bv Phihirettc Charles, Professor of the Paris Institute. Harry Covenlalc’s Courtship, and vvliat came of it: by (lie author of “Frank Fairleigh,” “Louis Aruu dell,” Ac. Ac. Volume 1, Putnam’s Magazine, bound neatly In Cloth. Further supply of My Novel. Rarnum’s News, No. 23. Arthur’s Magazine for Juno. U ived bj june7 J. B. CUBBEPGB. NEW BOOKS. ECHIYED by S >I BLEY. May 24. 1853. I \ Echoes of a Bell; or a Voice from the Past: by Ben Shadow. Before and Behind the Curtain; or Fifteen years Ob servations among the Theatres of New York: by W. K. Northall. Harpers’ Magazine, for Juno. Graham’s do. do. Godcy’s Lady’s Book, do. Gleason's Pictorial. Baruuiu’sHlustratetl News. may 25 For sale at No. 135 Congress-street. I IkOOKS. —N inovnh und Babylon, by A. 11. Layard ) M. I\. abridged from the larger work, cheap edi tion. Echoes of a Bello, ora Voice from the Past, by Ben Shadow. The New Bonn*, or the United States of the World. | by Theodore l'oosclie aud Charles Gnepp. received by may 25 J. B. CURB EDGE. | I SAY, LOOK HERE! SHI UTS. Umbrellas, and water proof Coats. Just ■ received at the Cheap Clothing Store, Gibbon’s j range, and for sale cheap by may 5 GKO. S. NICHOLS. ! MORE lioolis. J lint Diary, a tale of the Pa . nic oflsl.'). ;i Legend of the Rhine, Rebecca and i Kowena. by IV. M. Thackeray. Lord Saxondnle, or Life among the London Aristo- | ; eraev, by G. W. M. lie} nolds. j B irmitn’s lllustvated News N'ls. . A further supply of Vilette and Agnes Sorel. Roc, ived ■■ ‘ ala J b. > 881 DGE I I Hl*:, LATHS, PLASTER. CLMKYI aii 1 j Plastering I lair.—A constant supply of the above j ! articles fur pule by may 12 BRIGHAM. KELLY A CO. IKMO.V S AND UK ANG ES. -Jteceived i.y Steam ier. and for sale by j may 27 ‘ 11. J. GILBERT. ; \i r bappin., paper 200 rtam* Wrapning Pus } 1 per of different size* and qualities, received and ! fur sale by S. S. SIBLEY, may 17 No. 135 Congress st. I T PH iM*S PILE HLKCTUAU.Y supply Just received and for .sale bv jOhn b. mooig: a co, mar 25 (libhin'i Range. IITHGG RAPHB a beautiful gtsloction j which will be sold very low bv the lot j-7 J. B:CUBBEDGE. COA WATER.’ in the bighi'it pussfhle • tale - \ perfection, wit It a great variety of the chujeest Sy ru|prepared witli great care and front the best ma terials, mav lie found constantly “n hand in the store* of *\V. W. LINCOLN. nprß Monument Sjuare. l j A 31S. 500 best Baltimore cured Hums, land II ing from scltr Edua 0. For sale by opr 13 BRIGH A M. K ELLY A CO. \K.\l’ V PLASTERS i'. e pin ‘er- are pie pared from the Arnica Montana, tlist valuable ve-.retable remedy, used f. r many years in Germany ‘ and various other parts nl Eurcj e. with such nstoidsh in'eilieiem y. as to attract nttcutinu to its wonderful an Real prnportio. They are spread Upon the soltest lamb-kin. and enn be u-ed by the most delicate per- I .lust received and b rsnle by npr 7 W. W. LINCOLN. Monument-sq. I)KA8. K I . • 1 Cow P. m just rec 4 ivad from Culdt county, and for talc low bv wajr 10 WELLS A DURR I iletu Jlbocrtiscmcats. CAPE MAY SKA HA THING. Congress Hall is now open. 1 The location of this House on high and jfJjiJ...] lieaullftilgrounds, with large Lawn in front, E !!! wtHtow it the mostdesirab eof any ou tin* fcUi.Ai. I*l aud. j Gas has boon int oducod and ninny other improve ments made since Inst season. The proprietor hopes to merit a continuance of the very liberal patronage heretofore received. W. B. MILLER, jo 10 ltn Proprietor FOR PHILADELPHIA Philadelphia and Savannah Steam Navigation Company. ■ The new and splendcd side-wheel - STATE OF GKDRGIA, of 7V-.1,200 tons register, Capt, Walter Col- j teN’ linn, will leave Savannah as follows: Wednesday, June 15 Wednesday, August 10 Wednesday, June 2u Wednesday, August 24 | Wednesday, July 13 Wednesday, Sept’r 7 I Wednesday, July 27 Wednesday. Sept’r 21 This ship h:is been built with the strictest regard to the safety and comfort of her passengers, and her accnminodnt lona are unsurpassed by any steamship , on the coast. Anew steamship, already launched, and in every : respect equal to the “State of Georgia,” will take her place in the line at an early day, and will with the i State of Georgia make a weekly line, leaving each port en Wednesday. Cabin Passage from Savannah to Philadelphia, $25 Cabin Passage from do New York 25 Storrage through to New York, 9 (’. A. L. LAMAR.agent in Savannah, jell HURON A MARTIN. Agt’sin Philadelphia. FOR BALTIMORE—ReguIar Line. i The Schooner W(.K)DB111I)GK, White, mas | ter, will meet with despatch ns above. For freight or passage apply ou board at Bolton’s Wharf, or to I j uno 11 B RIG If AM. K K LLY AC X Fo£ NEW YOKE— Union line. Tho regular packet sc hr. COL. SATTKRLY, 1 the above port. For freight or passage, apply to june 11 OGDEN A BUNKER. 1 ‘ VINRG AII.V-fbTTblTwiiit.* Wine and CidTr \ \ incgnr. For sole by 11. J. GILBERT, june 11 ! 7,600 DOLLARS. GREENE AND PULASKI LOTTERY, Class No. 70, for 1853 To be drawn at Savannah. Gn.on Monday, June 13. gni:g:v & m acry. man agers. Successors to J. W. Maury A Cos. 78 Number Lottery—l4Drawn Ballots. SCHEME. 1 prize of $7,000 | 1 prize of $l,lOO 1 prize of 2.000 . 2 prizes <>f 1,000 ! 1 prize of 1,398 I 2 prizes of 509 ! Ae. Ac. Ac. Tickets $2 —shares in proportion. Tickets either singly or by the Package fnr sale by ! L. WITHINGTON, Bay Lane, .Savannah, Ga, june 11 Vendor for Gregory & Maury 1 AT I IS. - 50, iOO Laths landing and iforsalo by j juno 10 BRIGHAM, KELLY ACG. rpOBACCO. Lot 1 article, wrapped in Tiu Foil ami put up iu half i gross boxes, for salt* by ■ 10 J. IV M >OIIK A CO. HEAD-til UtTl US lOR PIUS’ - > Office 153 Bay-street. twodooraea.M of City Ilutel.and in connexion with Hamden’s Express Office. (iBIOHUIASTATII I.OT fi’Bl HV For the Bonefit of tho Independent Fire Company at Augusta. A. I>. EI.I*IS A CO., managers. Any three drawn numbers must draw at least j SI,OOO. CAPITAL $J5,495. Extra Class S, Draw* To-day. SPLENDID SCHEME 1 prize of $55,498 I 5 prizes of $4,000 4 prize* “f 20,000 J 5 prizes “f 2,000 Isuvest three number prizesl,ooo. Ac. Ac. Ac. Tickets $15 —Halvess7 su—Quarterss3 75—Eighth.- $1 87. if i) * Orders from tho country answered promptly, drawings sent regularly, and prizes cashed on demand at this office, by juno 11 CHARLES B. PATTERSON. ‘IVIIiR A .VESSEL T /. E li A I* E It I K A T. [ This effervosiingprcparatiuii from an aimlvsis of the rulubruUal .Seltzer Spring in Germany, with -m b additions and improvements ns will he t’oiiud materially to increase it< clli.wv. ll will m.t 1 fail to remove Dyspepsia. Bilious Aff.*. li..u*. \ealitv of the .Stomach, Cofetlvcu.vs, Ilemhu be, Ac. For sab* 1 by John b. moork a c l, jein Gibbon’ Buildin-r. j HOME MANUFACTORY. AMERICAN SOAP COMPANY:; f |Mli: undersigned having purchased the righto 1 Me.-.-r-. v’owbrs A Cos., of New York, to mnnufac ; tore thef.dlowiug kind* of now prepared to do so, viz: American Cream Soap in bars. I “ Laundy in mass •• Toilet tS;uiitive) in small bars. *• Shaving S.ap in cakes. “ “ Cream in pots Cream soap preparation in bbls By the use of these soaps, hot wat.-r. washing machines, un-hboards. Ac., I Ac., are entirely dispensed with and not one-fourth the labor is required to do the wa.-hiugof nfunily. U ashing i* done by merely rubbing the soap on the j parts mostly soiled, then place them in water surti- : cut to cover tin \ aud let them remain a few hour*, then with a good luind rubbing and thorough rinsing ; they will Ik- perfectly dean and beautifully blenched, and without injury to the most delicate fabric, a cull I and trial is respectfully solicited. W. E. Mn'.NGIN, No. 170, Bmughton-st. i N. B.—These soups wash in either hard, salt or soft 1 water. ly june tt . OR ASHES A\ L> LE.MOXS,”rt*cei\ed by steamer Florida, for sale by juno 8 Q, J. GILBERT. |>AINT Bill r SIIXBS,&c—\ large nssort- I uienlof Caiut Brushes and Dusters, graining Combs. I- Indies, Marking Brushes, Ae.. just received and fur sale by JOHN B. MOOIIE A Cos., june 8 Gibbons’ Building. SPICES.— Maco, Cloves, Cinnamon. Ginger, All spice Nutmegs, Jamaiac Ginger, Ground Ginger, Black and White l’epper,Cayenne. Ac. Cinnamon and Pepper ground fresh, and in quantities to suit custom ers. A supply of the above, just received and for sale by J. E. Df.KoRD. june 8 Apothecaries’ Hall. OR VIS* CORN STARCH.—A upply of this superior article fur diet and dessert purposes, re • ceivetl fresh and for sale at the | je s APOTHECARIES’ HALL. Broughton st. ; I > UTTER \\l> CHEESE.— > |> Butter in tubs and firkins. 20 1.-\es new Cheese, just riH-eived, and for sale at the Emporium, by June 8 SEABORN GOOD ALL. IMfULIgH HAIR BRUSHES.—Just re- IT ■ eivnl u great vaiiety. some • t them very hard— ] also, fine French Buffalo Ruck Hair Bruslies, for sab* by june 8] JOHN B. M*H)UF. A CO., OMOK ED IIE EIV Pig 11 mis. I VU.-dTon .’ile. Fulton Market Beef. lit Pork. V * •.. just | reeeixed and fur sale at ALEXANDER'S, j s B ill and Broinzhton-st*, Monument-sqr Hams, hahs. i -u -i ;i . . Roloson’s, and other brands, of Hams fur sale ! ; at ALEXANDER'S. I je 8 cor. Bull and Coogrcss-sts., Monumcnt-.-qr. | NEW BOOKS. I > LCKI \ED BY S S.SIBLIA .Tn day June S. j 1 i l.mpres- of the 1-K-, or The Lake Bra\<. Nancy Hnterman. or Woman's Truth Triumphant. 1 Luflite, or The Pirate of tlicGulf. Sam Slick’s Wise Saws, or C hat lit* Said and Did. i i W ild Jack, or The Stolen Child; a Sketch from I Life. Dr. Valentine’s Comic Lecture*, Comic Songs, Ac. : Anti-Fanaticism, a Tale ofthe South, by Miss Mar tha Haines Butt. No. 2. Popular Education. Fur sale at 135 Congress street juno 8 j 1. L \ tv BOOKS, Memorandums, Ac. \\ e have ) on hand, just received, the U*st and cheapest gs -1 sortmeut ofßlank I took* and Memorandums of every | desciption ever offered in tho Savannah Market, anil i re.-peetfully invite those who wish to purchase, to give 1 u- a call before purchasing elsewluye. We are like- i “i-o prepared to furuish Blank Books ruled to any form < r pattern, which may be called fur—suitable fur any i business. S. S. SIBLEY, .i*‘ - No, 135Congrwwtreet, Favahnah. pACOX A X I > LARD.- 2-h. I!i„-. 15 blTi- I ) Si I- and Shoulders, and 3‘i bbs Lard, for sale lv H. J. GILBERT. ! N” BW B >Kd. -Punch’s Priz ■ N< relists; the Fat Contributor, and Travels in London—Appleton’s j Library. Agatha's Husband, a novel by the author of “The I Ogilvies,”Ac. The Three Pirates, or the Cruise of the Tornado, by i Harry Hazel, author of** Yankee Jack,” Ae. The Spitfire: a Nautical Romance, by Capt. Chamicr, : author of -Ben Brace,” Ac I Graham'* Magazine, for April. • | Go-ley’s Lady’s ** “ Peterson’s Ladies’Magazine dodo. Barnum * Illustrated News. No. 12. Reocived by 33 J. B. OUBBEDOK, BEAL SPANISH PANAMA HATS. E*** GKO. S. NICHOLS has just received a fine lot j AjJT'4 R'-alSpanish Panama Hats, the finest to be ; found in this city, and challenges competition.— | They are lsaiutifully shaped, and of extra fine quality, j i Call and see them at. tho Clothing Store, Gibbon's j Range, and get one, cheap, npr 14 \ IKiUOXS —10 boxes, just received and for sale by I j may 11 A. DON A UP. | Special ilntin's. DR. GEO. F. COOPER, Office under Mrs. Snider’s, No. 7, Mont gomory street, west side Liberty square. May l*c found at night and on Sabbaths at the resi dence of Mr*. Stobbins. ts ju 0 DR J. FICKLING, Lf —Corner of Perry and Barnard streets, ui> -JJ-. Orleans square. Office hours from Bto 10, a. m. ts mar 22 PROTECTION INSURANCE COMPANY. >f Hartford, Conn.—The undersigned, agent* of the above Company,arc prepared to take risks against Fire, on buildings, aud their con tents, on the most favorable terms. jly 10 BRIGHAM, KELLY A CO. MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE* Life Insurance Com pany of Xew York. ISAAC ABB ATT, Secretary. JOSKI’H B. COLLINS, IWUont. Applii'iitions received by WM. P. HUNTER, Agent. Du. U. D. Arnold, Medical Examiner, ly jan 29 SAVANNAH MUTUAL INSURANCE S) Office, No. 118 Bay-street. This Com pa ny will continue to take Marine, Fire and j Inland Navigation risk* on the most favorable terms. Henry D. President. Trustees —Ilenry D. Weed, 11. F. Waring, 1. W. Morrell, N. B. Knapp. Hi ram Rolierts, E. K. Wood, Ilenry Lutlirop, James Mc- Henry, Secretary. june 13 BOOK AND JOB PRINTING. o The subscriber having supplied his office with a large assortment of plain, orna mental and fancy types, is now prepared to execute at short notice, all orders entrusted to him in tho best : nmnner, and equal tu any establishment in the Smith. Pamphlets, Law Blanks. Circulars, Catalogues, Busi ness Cards, Hat Tips, Uilis of lauling, Visiting Cards, Bill Heads, Dray Receipts; also Posters, Show and Hand Bills, iu Gold, Bronze. Red, Green. Blue. Yellow, and every kind of colored Inks, faithfully done at short notice und on reasonable terms. Orders nniy be left at the Office, Sorrel’s Building, or at the Book j Eton* on Market-square J. B. CUBHEPGK. BOOK BINDING. The subscriber is prepared to execute w—* Book Binding of every description at the ahortest uotico. Blank Books ruled and bound to any patterns. [feb2J J. B. OUBBEDGE. SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS, AT THE New Si ore, No. 140 Broiighton-strcct. j WK have just received our stock of , .Muslins and Lawns, which. . beauty and neatness cannot lie stir-’ 1 ‘ passed, and would invite the attention of the ** public to the same. As we are determined to suit the most fiistidious in taste, and in prices, and In styles of GOODS, which are unequalled iu the city. Consisting of ! Fine French Organdie Muslins, I Super, do do do, do do Jaconet do, ; Super. French and English Lawns. French Rube ala Bayadere, of the latest styles in Muslins and Bareges. r*up*T. Black Lawns and Muslins from 12 1 to 50 -•cuts; fast colors from the celebrated manufacturing liuu.- e of Mulhotise A Freres. Fig’d White A Col’d Swiss Muslins. White Emh’d Organdie do. C-d and. do Muslins, new styles, plaidciLj ! Fine White Dotted Muslins. For sale by | mar 31 J. 11. COIIEN A CO. CO-PARTNERSHIP NOTICE. STATE OF GEORGIA, ) ( lintliaiii ( oiinty. j The undersigned have formed Co-partnership un der the act of the General Assembly of the state tl f : Georgia, entitle.l An Act to Authorize Limited Part, ttcrohipi*. assented to ou the 22nd day of Deeember. 1>37. t-> be conducted under the name of OGDEN A BUNKER, for the purpose of transacting a Flopping nml I’ommissiuu bu.iucss in theClty ofSayamiah. nnd County and State aforesaid; Francis J. Oodkn and Ku w \ri 11. Bi nkkr. of Savannah, will be the general partners nnd Francis T. Willi*, also of ” ho has contributed t-. tliecoium-m stock the sum .. Ten Thousand Dollars in cash, w ill be the sin-end part ner. The bud-icss to commence on tho 2nlh day of May, 1*53, and to terminate on the 2*lth day .f May. 1858, unless sooner di-oh,-d by mutual consent, nndaivor ling to the said net of the General Assembly. In witness whereof, thesaid Fram isJ. Ogdon nnd Kdwar-1 II Bunker and Frain is T. YYilHs. have here unto signed the foregoing agreement this twentwixth day of May, 1853. Francis J. o<.m n Ki.waiu) 11. Bt nkku, Fk\n, ;sT Wiu.j*. Signed in presence..f \\ v. Duncan. R. Raikoud. J. P. Georgia Chatham County.—l do hereby certify that Francis J. Ogden, Edward 11. Bunker and Francis T. Willis, have signed the foregoing certificate, for the j purpose therein expressed, this 2‘th day of May, 1853. W. Duncan 27 R. Bmi • •!:i. J. p. S.MOK ED LONGUES.- ■- bbls, just received and for sail* by |nmy 11] A. BON AUD. ’ I ’lt l; SSI*IS, TRI-’^rES!—Marsh’s late* improved 1 Universal Joint und Self-adjusting Truss, Rein hardt's patented Glass pad Chu-o-. and Hulls double and single, of all sizes and patterns, Shoulder Braces, , Suspensory Bandages. AlMl-.uiin.-d Supporters, Surgi- I cal Instruments. \-*.. Ac., ived mid for sole by may 17 J. E. DzFOKD, Apctbocarida’ Hall. 11 bales best quality Candle Wick, for yy sale by JOHN B. MOGRE.V GO. mar 25 Gil-lM>ns’ Buil-ling. NEW BOOKS. V REVIEW of the Spiritual Manifestations, read before the Congregational Association of N. York and Brooklyn, by Rev. Charles Becebor. Journal of an African Cruise, comprising sketches <.| the Ganarii-s, the Cape de Verde. Madeira, Sierra I nnd other places of interest on the west coast •>f Africa—by Horatio Bridge, U. S. Navy; (Killed by Nathaniel Hawthorne. Silver and Pewter, or contrrst of New York Life. Memoirs. Journal and Correspondence of Thomas Moore—edited by the Right Hon. Lord John Russell, M. P. Bnrnum's Illustrated News, No, 20. Received by may 29 J. B. Cl. BHEDG E. NORTHERN HAY.'—BO bales prime North River liny, now landingnnd for sale by ttpr 29 K. W. BUKER. n 191 ASK,—B-4 and It) l brown and bleached Linen Table Damask; s-4. 8-10 and 8-12 Damask Table Cloths; Datiuo.k Napkins, Breakfast and Tea Doyles. For sale by ; npr 11 KKMPTON A VFJtSTILLK. GROCERIES. &c. 100 Baltimore Flour; fell. M “ ll'.wnnl-..-. “ yuS/Saßt 20 half-barrels Canal Flour: 75 bbls. Stuart’* B ami C Sugars; 25 •• “ crushed “ Dili Luxes Tobacco, assorted brands; 10 hhds. Bacon .Sides; 10 do Shoulder*; 50 boxes Star and Adamantine Candles; 25 bl-ls. Monongaheln Whiskey. 150 •• Rum. Gin. Whiskey and Brandy; 15qr. casks Cognac Brandy; 2 pipes 11. <• in: 2 -jr. casks Scotch Whiskey; 2 qr. casks Jamaica Bum; 25 boxes assorted Cordials; f>o M. Spanish Sogars; 25 kits \o. 1 Mackerel; 2” half bbls. No. 1 •• 25 bbls. Nos. 1. 2 and 3 Mackerel; 159 boxes No. 1 and Palo Soup; 50 boxes Starch: 50 boxes l.ciuon Syrup; lo hhds line P. U. Sugar; 3•• St. Croix 50 bbls. N. 0. Syrup: ! Landing and in store. Fur snle bv may 13 COHEN A TARVER. I NL. AVCmi XC EXTRAC TS,—ORANGE, Strawberry, Ituspberry. Banana, Green Gage, Pineapple. Apricot, Nutmeg. Bitter Almond, Vanilla. Lem-iii. Ac., fnr flavoring Jellies, Ices, Sauces, Pastry Ac.: just received and for sale by je 2 J. B. MOORE A CO. STRICT LY PRIME B UTTE R—K - i iceived per Steamer Alabama, 5 Kegs Strict ly Prime Goshen Butter, (I'rcti'ium Dairy.) Also. 10 K-*gs New May Butter, which will lx* retailed at 4 lbs,for SI,OO. And 5 Kegs New Butter, fair quality, slb*, for SI,OO. Korsale by W. G. DICKSON, june 2 2 Broughton Lane. NEW GOODS. I ) LAID and Plain Grenadines, 1 Fancy Bareges. - Satin Stripe Challios, i Plain do. Barege Rohe*, White Muslin Mantle*, Black Lace do. Hluck do. Mantillas, Silk do., nil color*, Application and other styles of Mantillas, just received and will be sold low by m iy 20 KKMPTON A VERST I LLK V’AI.AIOX A XI) MACKEREL. Just . it celve 1. per brig Empire from lio*ton: a fresh *uj>- ply of No 1. Nova Scotia salmon and No 1 Mackerel, i for sale by W. G. DICKSON, je 7 Whitaker-*!., or. Broughton Lane. pROWXS ESSENCE OF JAMAICA GINGER 1 > A fresh supply of this delightful article, for the ■ summer use, received and for sale by apr 18 J. E. DrFoRD, Apothecaries’ Hull. SPOXt; E, lint Turkey < up, Bathing and Car riage Sponge, just received nnd for sale bv I npr 25 ‘ JOHN B. MOORE 4 CO. UNITED STATES MAIL LINE. Now York and Savannah Steamship Line, SI MMER ARRANGEMENT. Day* of leaving Savauuah for New York. The Augusta,Capt. Lyon, on W ednesday, June 8 Tho Florida, Capt. Wood hull “ Saturday, “ 11. The Alabama, CApt. Ludlow, “Saturday, “ 18. The Augusta,Capt. Lyon, “Saturday, “ 25. The Florida, Capt. Woodhull, “ Saturday, July 2. The Augusta, Cupt. Lyon. “Saturday, “ 9. The Mabama, Capt. Ludlow. “Wednesday, “ 13. The Florida, CapL Woodhull, “ Saturday, “ 10. The Augusta. Capt. Ly< n, “ Saturday, “ 23. Tbe Alabjma,Cnpl. Ludlow, “ Wadnesdny, “ 27. The Florida, Capt. Woodhull, “ Saturday, “ 80. The Augustiu(’apt. Lyon, “Saturday, Aug. (. The Alabama. GHj-t.Ludl'W. “Wednesday, “ 10. Tha Florida. Capt. Woodhull, “ Suturdny, “ 13. The Augusta,.Capt. Lyon. “Saturday, “ 20. The Alabama, t’npt. W-nslhull, “Wednesday, “ 24. The Florid.i. (’apt. Lullow, “Saturday, “ 27. The Augusta, Capt. Lyon, ** Saturday, Sept. 3. The Alabama, Capt. Ludlow, “Wednesday, •* 7. These ship* are the largest on the const, unsurpnss, ed in speed, safety or comfort—making their passages in 50 to'-O hours, and are commanded by skilful, care ful and polite officers. They offer a most desirable conveyance to New York. On the completion of the Atlanta in the autumn, this line will be semi-weekly— sailing each Wednesday and Saturday.—Cabin l'ai*- sage,s2s. I’ADKLFOKD, FAY & CO.. Agents in Savannah. SAM’L L. MITCHELL. june 4 ts 13 Broadway. New York. Cl AW jtttL FOR BAL B .—THE Proper ty known a* the OGLETHORPE STEAM SAW M 1 LL, opposite the city. For terms Ac., apply to junn l E. W. BUKER. 1> UTTER) BU TT K R—Wo havo just recoiv >ed a few kegs of strictly prime Gushen Butter, Premium Dairy. Also, a choice article of fresh May Butler, always on hand and for sale low by june 3 J. M. M(h)RE & CO. IMSOUR. 200 bbls. North Bt. Louis Fancy Brand . Flour, 24 do St. Louis Extra Family Flour, 2,500 bushels Prime White Corn, In sucks of 2 bushel* each, 4.250 do (N. C.) I‘rime While Corn. For sale on or be forearrival at wholesale price. A. C. TOMS, apr 14 120 Bay'street. f1 RE AND LIFE INSURANCE AGENCY.’ Farmers’ Fire limni'ancc Company of It ten, N. Y.- Capital. $200,000. Gko. F. Weaver, President—E. J. Richardson, Sec’ry. Granite Fire Insurance Company, of Utica—Capital $21)0,000. Geo. Curtis, I’xoaidcnt—Wm H. Dcdrick, Secretary- Knickerhockcr Fire Insurance Cos., of Water foul, X. Y. Capital Charles Cramer. President F. 1). Mos. Secretary. These Companies Laving n cosh capital, safely in vested in bond and mortgige. are prepared to effect ! Insurance against damage by fire, on all kind*of pro ! perty on reasonable term*. Charter Oak Life Insurance Com pany, HARTFORD, CONN. — Capital, and surplus over $250,000. Alfred Gill, President, .1 as. C. Walki.ey, Sor’y. This Company, will issue Policies on tho Joint Stuck principle, and upon tin* Mutual plan, thus com bining the benefits of both systems at the option of : the insured. “The strength, ability and well invested capital of tho institution are, in my opinion, unsurpassed by 1 any Life Insurance Company in this State or Union. ; [L. S.J Signed K. G. PINNEY, Comptroller of Public Accounts, State of Connecticut. For insurance in either of the above named Compa | liies, apply t-> A. WILBUIt, General Insurance Agent. aud ageut for the above Co*, may 27 Office JOHN B. iIOOHE & CO., Druggists and Apothecaries, Giiihon’k Builmnus, ss.wvanau, Ga. O Invite tin* attention of Planters, Physicians andthecitiz.cnsgwierally. to their stock <*f pure VS and unad ult era ted MEDICINES, which have bt*en sclarted with great personal care for this 1 market. Their assortment of Plantation, Family, and Toilet article*, will bo found unsurpassed, cither iu quality or variety. For Physicians. The best French. English, and American Chemicals, Select Powder*, Trusses of all kinds: Surgical, Den tal. Pocket, and Cupping Instruments, Catheter** Med ical Saddle Bags, Ac. Planter’s Articles. Paints. Glass.:Lamp Uil, Lumets, Tooth Instru ments, superior American Mustard, and Lundroth's Garden Seeds. For Family Use. Preston Si Merrill’s Yeast Powders, Flavoring Ex tracts, Russia I-in-Bass,Gelatine. Vanilla Bean*. French White Wine Vinegar,superior Teas. Spices, Mustard Anuw Root, Sweet uil, Burning Fluid, und .Sperm Oil. For tho Toilet. Fine Turkey Sponge. Flesh Rul-berc: Hand Mir , rors, Powder Boxes. Gcnuau Cologne, Shaving (’reams. Razor Strops, and Dre.-sii-g Cases: nnd an extensive assortment •■l’Krem-h. Eugil-li aiul Ameri can Hair Preparations. ll\ Marrow. I hib-e- ine. Bear’s • il, Ac.; an-1 Lul in’s. Gucr)aiu’>. .Maugenct's liver's. PrevoHt's. and M--npebi*s fine Toilet S>-ar-F, I'oui -1 made*, and extra-i - l--r the I tan-llu r-Ides. Brushes and Combs. They request partbular attention t-- their assortment of these article-: viz: Ivory. Pearl. Rone. Buffalo, Satin wood, and Inlaid Hair Brushes, comprising eve ry variety of French and Eng. manufacture; ivory, Buffalo, and Bom* handled Tooth Brushes, Nail Brush es, Shell. Buffalo and Horn Dressing and Tuck Combs, und Ivory Fine Tooth (.’- mbs. Sundries. Bftckgnmmnn Board*. Chessmen. Dominoes, Crih , huge Boards, Playing Card* of extra fine quality, Purses. Liquor Flasks. Taper*, Pasliles. Aromali ; C’uchou’s. Pocket Books, aud a great variety of Sincl i ling Bottles. Preston Salts. Ae. Orders from the country promptly filled and satis ; faction guaranteed with regard to price and quality. 1 mar 12 IIXEN ITKKi.MI FRIC'riONT*J\VELS. -A ver j useful article for bathing purposes, and much su j-eriur to the hair glove* now in use. where friction i? required. They are very highly recommended by the medical faculty in England und the United States.— .1 uatreceived and for sale by W. \V. LINCOLN, mar 24 Monument Square. KEMPTON & VERSTILLE VUE now opening n finely assorted and complete Stock of Summer nnd other DRY ROODS, which they will offer upon tho most accoinmndating terms. As great care has been exercised in the selec tion of their stock, with a view both to price and qual ity, they confidently invite their friends and the public generally, to call and examine for themselves*, apr 5 SILKSj SILKS, SI LKS. SI LKS,—A few more of those small Check Silks left at 02 1 / cents. For sale by [mar 12 J. 11. COHEN Si CO. M. PKENDERGAST & CO., HAVE just received at their new Wholesale and Retail (’ash Dry Goods Store, ITS Broughton st.. nearly opposite St. Andrew’* Hall, West side. 1 case gentlemen’* superior White Kid Glove* feb 17 (MORN STARCH.—Oswego refined and prepared J Corn Starch, for culinary use. This article is ex ceedingly healthy, delicious and economical, and when desired, may In* used as a substitute, fur. and in the same manner as Arrow Root. For salt* by JOHN B. MOURE. Si CO., mar 17 Gibbons’ Buildings. PHALON’S HAIR INVIGORATOR. fJMUS lnvigorntor is considered infinitely better 1 than oil or grease for tbe hair, and is an article in which a cleansing wash is blended with a most deli cate silky nnd glossy moisture for the hair. It cleans the pores of the skin, entirely frees it from ,-ruxff or dandruff and other cutaneous di-en-o**. Will positive ly change the harshest hair into the most soft,healthy and glossy state. For sale 1-v mrr3o JOHN B MOORE A 00. ID MAGNESIA.—This condensed solution is a very agreeable and efficient form for the admin istration of Magnesia, and is very useful in Nausea, Aridity of the stomach, Sea Sickness and Dyspepsia. For sale by W. W. LINCOLN, mar 23 Monument Square. UECivEII'S Self-rising Patent Flour, (fi und 12 lb. packages.) Also, Yeast Powders, Super. Curb. Soda, und Cream Tartar. A full supply of the above articles received per j steamer Florida, for sale, at Cash Prices, by ! feb 10 W.Q. DICKSON. \i ‘KST INDIA RESERVES.--! cases Preserves, y y hy steamer Florida, and fur sale by mar 4 A. BOX AUD. i 1 AFUI it.--200 bbls. Flour of superior brands I JL lauding per schr. Wood bridge and fur snle by BRIGHAM, KELLY A CO. VX< HOY IE PASTE. —2 dozen Anchovie Paste; French Mustard: 3 •* Currant Jelly; for sale by feb 3 ‘ A. BG\AUD. QA K D'S IODIDE SARSAPARILLA —For the cure > of Scrofula. Rheumatism, stubborn Ulcers. Chrun : ic Sore Eyes. Cutaneous Eruptions, and all diseases arising from the impure state of the blood. Just re ceived and for sale by J. B. MOORE & CO. apr 26 OBBD POTATOESB••■•2OO bbl* prime Plant n iug Potatoes, landing from brig A. Dunbar. Fur ‘■•‘U* Uy • j:in 2'i HUNTER .v GA M M ELL. I^JCKLES. —In barrels and half barrel . put In vine gar. ready for use. Just received, and for sale by mar 28 SEABORN GOOD ALL. LINENS^ TIXENS. —Linen Sheeting, Pillow Case Linen, and j Shirting Linens, of the best make. For snle by apr9 KEMPTON -V VERSTILLE. SOMETHING VERY HANDSOME. Huts for Small nnd Lnrge Boy*. rrm THE Ladies of Savannah have long wanted to |H get something very pretty for their Children in the way of HATS. They can now find such ar ticles at the Clothing Store, No. 69 nnd 150 Gibbon’s range, whore I am now receiving Panama*, Leghorns, Chinn nnd Diraore Pearl. Onmpecha.Rutland nml Can ton Straw, nnd Palm loaf—all neatly trimmed, to fit Bovsfrom one to fifteen years old Call nnd see. mar 80 GEO. S. NICHOLS. NEW BOOKS. C 1 RE AT Truth* by Great Authors; a dictionary of I aid* to reflection, quotation* of maxims, meta phors, counsels, cautions, aphorism*, proverbs, Ac. Ac., from writers of all ages and both hemispheres. The Evening Book; or, Fireside Talk on Moral* and Manners, with sketches of Western Life: by Mrs. Kirkland, author of “ A New Home,” A. Ac. The Bible in the Counting House: a course of Lec ture* to Merchants; bv 11. A. Boardman, D. I>. Rowland Trover; or the Pilot of Human Life: be ing an autobiography ofthe author—showing how to make or lose a fortune, ami how to make another. The Race fur Riches, and some ofthe Pits into which tin* runners fill—six Lectures, applying the word of God to the traffic of men: by Wm. Arnot. minister of Free >t. Peters’, Glasgow ; American edition,with pref ace and note*, by Stephen Colwell. The Doubting Communicant Encouraged ; by Septi mus Tuslin, D. Ik. late Chaplain of the United Mutes Senate. Feeond edition. Marco Paul's Voyage, Travels and Adventures m Boston; by Jacob Abbot. Marie de Berniere; a Tale of the Crescent City, Ac* Ac.: by W. Gilmore Simms, author of the Yemasso^ American Game in its Reasons; l*y Ilenry William Herbert, author uftlie “Shooting Box,” “Deerstalk er*,” Ac. Ac. , , „ ~ A Dictionary of Domestic Medicine and Household Surgerv: bv Spencer Thompson, M. D., revised —with addition, by Henry 11. Smith, M. D., Surgeon to Lt. Joseph’s Hospital. Philadelphia. Memoirs. Journal and Correspondence, of 1 horn a* Moore, edited by tbe Right Hon. Lord John Russell, M. I’.—Part IV. Cyrilln: a Tale hy the author of “The Initials. Hurry Ashton; or the Will and the Wav: by tho author of “Minnie Grey,” “Gus Howard,” Ac. The W hite Wolf; or the Secret Brothcrwood—a Romance; by Paul Feval, author of the “ Mysteries of London,” Ae. Minny Lawson: or the Out Law’s League—a Ro mance-if Gotham; by Charles Red .Swan*. The Darn ing Feather, or Pirate Schooner; by J. 11. Ingraham. Esq. The School-fellow’s First Quarter—a gift Book f>r Children: edited by W. C. Richards und Cousin Alico. Putnam's Magazine for June. Barn urn’s Illustrated News, No. 21. Kecceived by [june 1] J. B. CUBRKI GK. CONFECTIONARIES rpilK subscriber begs leave to inform bis friends and |_ tlie citizens generally of Savannah and its vicini ty, that he ha* purchased the interest of Mr. New comb,in the Confectionary hitherto owned hy Newcomb A Rice: nml that he will continue’to manufacture, and keen always on hand Fresh nnd Pure Confectionaries, Manufactured from the best materials, and compris ing every variety of Candies, Sugar Plums, Ac, Ac, Ac French Confectionaries, Lemon Syrup, Syrups for Soda Fountains, Together with every other article in his line, always in store and for sal eat wholesale aud retail,on the most reasonable terms. T. C. RICE, n5 ts S. E- Corner Broughton aim \Vhitnkor-etfl. NEW YORK WIRE RAILING WORKS. r | , IIE SUBSCRIBER manufactures 1 Wihk R.ulinu for public and private grounds, vu randaha, window guards and grating*; W rocoht and Cast Ikon Railing, Iron Columns, Iron Door* nnd Shutters, Iron Bedstead*, and Iron Furniture; WTkk Kr.NCES, tor Plantations, Rail Roads, etc., made entirely on anew plan, with rails nnd iron posts. Priees at 9, 11 and 13 cents per running foot, 4>£ feet high. For circulars with designs, address JOHN B. W ICKERSIIAM, 240 Broadway, New York. N. B.—The subscriber would refer to the enclosure of Forsyth Place, the railing nnd gallery work at tho Jewish Synagogue, and a number of dwellings, in Sa vannah: tbe enclosure of the private cemetery of tha Everett family, at Fort Valley; and, also, to the work at Macon, Madison, and other places in Georgia, mar 4 ly G. W. IIAKDCASTLK, Agent. GROCERY EMPORIUM. J, W. MOORE & C 0. f TAKE this method of ”*v MU in (firming the citizens of 8a- Vl* n 11 11 1 1 and the Cl mn II V keep constantly on hand :t large und choice assortment of the best family GROCERIES, which they intend to dispose of at the lowest priees. Persons from the country and city are respectfully invited to call and examine for themselves as they will doubtless find it to their advantage, to make their pun bases where they can lx* sure of receiv ing their money’s worth in good artHcs. Call and see at No. 192 corner Congress aud Jeffereon-sts.. 8u iinn.-ih. may 13 X r IIITK AND CO LURED Curtain and Pavilion \\ Loops. For sale bv apr 11 KEMPTON A VERSTILLK. Yppi-es, Oranges and lemons.— Landing and for sale by may 12 11. J. GILBERT. | IST RECEIVED, Prime Brown, CtoUt , p| (’rushed and Loaf .Sugars, und fur sale low by june 3 J. \V. MOORE A CO, j; A X C Y i ll ACKERS—WaInut. Ginger I* Snaps, Lemon, fancy Soda, Sugar nnd Butter Cracker—tor sale l>v w.c. DICKSON, (E 31OXS AND ORANGES.—IO \<oxw of each jvcci per steamer Florida, and for sale Ic/w hr cusli at ALEXANDER’S, may 25 Cr. Bull A Congress-fits. opp. -Won. Square BACON, FORK AND BEEF. ;!ff 80 casks prime Western Bacon Side*: j: I;; -iC* ;;u •• “ “ *• Shoulders; IfoibpAr-ky 50 bbls. Mess Pork; 15 “ Prime “ 75 “ -Mess Beet -25 half “ Fulton Market lieeft For sale by [may 13] \V EBSTER A PALMKSI. CAEAP CASH STORE. CORNER OF WHITAKER AND CONGRESS ST3. Stock ia Trade nl Auction* r I Ml K sSU BM’KJ BEKS, in order to close their biui -1 ness, at the above stand, will dispose of the en tire stock of DRV GOODS (now remaining) fit Auction, commencing Ist JUNE next. The stock is large, consisting of every variety cf Summer and Full Goods. Country Merchants desirous of procuring bargains, would do well l> being iu atten dance. Terms—All sums under SIOO, cash; SIOO to SSOO, four montns; over S3OO, six months. M. PR EN DERG AST A CO. may 25 PIHLBRICK A BELL. Auctioneers. ALAGA GRAPES, ORANGES, LEMONS, Ae.— Received per steamer Aluhnnui. 6 kegs Malaga Grapes. 10 boxes Oranges, lOdo. Liquors, ltuisius, Figs Dat-s, Prunes, Almonds, etc. GEO. ALEXANDER, mar 9 Cor. Bull and Congress st*.. Mon’t sq. .j; PL A NTS.— Heliotropes, Rose* ■. yySj Uarnations. Geraniums, and other Flower Plant* in tine state of growth, for sale by may 28 JNO. A. MAYER. LIXTItACi'S FOR FLAVORING.—Extracts la-, i j nana, Pine Apple, Raspberry, Strawberry, Lemon, Orange, Rose and Vanilla. JNO. A. MAYER, may 28 154 Brouglitou-stree t. IkA-DIiK S’ White, Satin mid Kid Slip k'ftwKi&fc pers, just received and for sale by nmy 28 W. lIEIDT, Gibbon* Range. lAMPB. —New and beautiful patterns Spirit Gas j Lumps with glass Shades for Parlor and Office use. Also, hanging and side Lamps and a large assortment of small Glass and Britannia Lamps. .lust received. mav 28 JNO A. MAYER, 153 Brougnton-st. “Ajk ~ UKMI “HOUSE I‘I.iVNTS. . Three hundred pots Green House Plants, in full bloom, comprising an elegant assortment of various and rare kinds, will be opened and of fered for sale this morning 4 by may 18 W. W. LINCOLN, Monument sqr. (tbOVE ANODYNE. —Tooth-ache dropa; an immediate ami perfect cure. JNO. A. MAYER, 154 Bronghton-st. CHOCOLATE, COCOA AND BROMA. “ \\ r BAKER .V CO.’S American and VanillaPremi yy # uni CHOCOLATE, COCOA and BKOMA, to which the first premiums have been awarded by tho chief institutes and fairs of the Union, are for sale l>y all the principal Grocer* in the United State*, and hy their agents:—Hussey & Murray, New-York; Grant tt Twells, Philadelphia; Tho*. V. Brundage, Ballimoro; Ivcnnet & Dudlcv, Cincinnati, Ohio. WALTER BAKER & CO., npr 5 ly Dorchester, Mass. /~1 RAPES, RAISi::S, FIGS, CURRANTS, Ac..— \ I Just received per Bteamer, 5 kegs Grapes; 10 bxs. 10 half do., 10 qr. do. new Raisins: 1 cask Smyrna Figs; 2 casks Currants. Also, a fresh supply of Pecan, Hickory, Brazil, Filberts, English Walnuts. Almonds, Ac. ‘ GKO. ALEXANDER, jan 10 Corner Bull and Congress st*. SALT. —ouo sacks tjull for sale i.y mar 17 11. J. GILBERT, CRAPE SHAWLS ! CRAPE SHAWLS !! J UST RECEIVED ut the NEW store r fresh sup ply of Plain and Embroidered White Crape Shawls, of every quality. The Ladies are respectfully request ed to call and look at them, as there is no trouble to show good*—at J. 11. 00IIEN A* CO.’S, mar 7 140 Broughton-fit. M~ “GLASSES.—27O hlid* prime Cuba Molasses in fine order, just received per brig Ellen Hayden, nnd for sale by PADELFORD, FAY & CO. may 11 (TASTOR OlL.—Henning’s Cold Drawn Castor j Oil, a superior article fur family use. Just re ceived and for sale by G. JL & J. B. HENDRICKSON, feb 4 Gibbon's Buildings. MORE NEW GOODS. JUST received pof steamship Alabama: Boy’s white nnd plaid Half Hose English Mourning Prints Super fancy Linen Drill White Marseilles A'osting Marcellinc Silk, in all colors Grass Skints : Under-Sleeves, Sc. SPENCER CURRELL, Ag’t.. No. 154 Congress and 73 St. Julian-st., may 4 Gibbons’ Building. HAY. —300 bales prime North River Hay, land ing per schr. Breeze .’for rale bv jo 7 BRIGHAM KELLEY & Cos.