The Savannah evening journal. (Savannah [Ga]) 1852-185?, October 17, 1853, Image 2

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s f I !AEU Moni iy Aftot nooa, October 17, 1853. Zd” \ ■ ! irn t it Capt. WkeDo.v, of the ®;L . ft"> I hs been iijis.-eil from Lis vessel aiuec Friday night last. HU clothing was found on tie dock on Saturday uioruiug. From a conversation wl ich he h id previously with his mate, il is upp<>sc<l that ho may have commit ted aUtcidc. A Nnv Scoonrr, The schr. E. U. /iemict, (.'a pt. WOOD, arrived at this port on yesterday in four fr- m New York, consigned to Messrs. Bkioram, Kelly A Co.—is 332 tons burthen, length of dock 180 feet, OJ feel hold, and 8,0 feet breadth of beam — . beiug a very large vessel of that class. She is a very tiue schooner, and has excellent aceom tnoialiotis pa- n^* ■-■. She i.- to ply he-’ tween this port and New York. The C*iinpJm Ms. This talented ompuny closed a successful se ries of performances in this city on Saturday night last. We learn that they are expected to perform in this city again next week. 1 hey , perform this k in Augusia. pit” The Kiiukel Troupo appear nt the | Charlestmi fiie itro to ivgiit. - ♦♦♦ ft#” The Lanier Uuiis- , Macon, has been leased by Mr. <l<dt<;K I.unw, anti will be ns Mated in its management hv Mr. James Meaiia, formerly of the I’ula.-ki 11-mse. A Valuable licit-k. An ingot of g-.l'i, weighing 7’.'.; •.un< >. nnd valued at sl6 a 2h6 76 wns a few days since drawn from the l . S. Mint, by the agent of llarnden's F.xpr*-ss, for the firm of Wells, Fargo A t’o. It is the nm.-t valuuhle ingot of gold ever cast nt oar Mint. In shape nnd dimen sions it resembles a brick, but the weight was enough to tire the frir mg-.-t man. Tiic BI mi* in i ‘lour. Flour which last year in Huston could Le bought fur live and a half and six dollars, now sells for eight nnd eight ami a half dollars per bid. The stock is said to be unusually light i*> j that city. (J. p. it. Janus, K p, the British Con sul nt Noil ilk, is still annoyed by incendiaries. Between 3 ami t o'clock on Tuesday morning a meat bouse on his premises was found to ho on tire, but the prompt arrival of the firemen pre vented any .-ci mu.- damage. The N w 0.1 ms papora h v ? Texas and ifes to the sth inst. The yell* w fever was on the decline at Galve.-iun. The yellow f• v r has nearly ilis-np pcared at the 1’ n.-.i- <la Navy Yar 1. Frori A he vy frost • ••urred at Xa.-hville on Tues day morning last. Annexation of the Samlivirli I-inmls. The recent rupture in llio .Sandwich 1.-land, praying King K imehaiueim to reimve from ofbco his Ministers, Judd nnd Armstrong, is regarded by the San Finn -is<*o paper ■ a--hav ing fjr object annexation to the United Slates. Frol rat ant (’ titnninni. The Nevada (Culifoniia) Journal mentiot.s it ns a curious fact that many of the Chinamen in that region are Protesbints, tvh” take oa’.li on tin* Bible in court* <>f Justie-*, and say they were converted in China by the labours of n missionary, whum they mtim* with much love. They are peaceahle uinl in lu.-trious, and giv,* practical evidence that “iheir faith is til ust ra Ud by works.” Miss Ann J 1’ am*, a young vocalist in New York, will siil in i!i -II ii -Lli. f>u 1 1 iv. to study r!*gu!.irly and completely os prim.i donna for the Italian opera. grflT Tin* snow whi h ldl in Syracuse on : Mon-lay n gut wi- to ill,-depth of an irn-h nt I u half, duing m.i -u damage to fruit tr. es. Miaivirr to 1 ’inncc. We hnv every re..- u to 1. *-iit -v •. (snys ti..- Washing Stur) th u among the in-lir.-t and tin gui-i- •.--sfiil appli •it ion- lor . ■ g i mi - i-ois uu - eer the present Admitn-’tiation, w.i- one for the appoiutiireut of no r than Mr. Jain‘*s Gor don Ben n .U, of the Now York //• til /, to bo American Mini-ier to France. Isimnnd f>i- Shipping at N-u York. It is stated that all sorts <>f v. m-in very ; ii-live demand it \.-w York, and Heights are correspondingly linn. The ship Ocean Steed. $2 p< r ton a m nth (13 months vi.ynge.) A brig from Mat in/,..- toN. Yo,k, or Ph ia l Ipl.i ~ SI,BOO. A sli p of 1,0011 t< !H. chart •red for San Francisco, $.16.(BIO. Th • dipp o’- for Cali foruia are getting 66 to tU cents per foot. One vessel gets s2l per ton for 300 tons - ■> -1. lie in-v 01-nc- of I lie Print its. Nearly eight hundred dollar- have been c r trjbutod by printers resident in New nk city f-,r the relief <>f th *• Miffering 11tn t.• r- .f thetr craft in New Orle in-. M iskloini. The entire sum of money raised by the churches of Great Britain for mission pnrpom**, is about. $1,760,000; by tlio-e ot Ameri'-a, s7so,9oo—makin.’ aI’ •> _ : $2,600,000. Cholera nt Marllnshurg The Mbrlinsburg i Va.) G-uctte states that an unusual amount ot -iekness exist- in that town, and during the pnst nine diy - there hsva been eight or nine su I b n .1 Mths, said to have been produced by rMen. But in n papula tion of twenty five hundred, tint number of deaths, it i- sai l pr .ves that though it boos cholera, if is n-t :u a virulent f>nm and cannot he regarded a- nn ej., L ime. Z Mr. (Vampt.m, the British minister nf M’ashington, it is stated, met with an accident several days since on tin* heights • 1 George town, spraining his ankle, and is confined to b e house in con.-equence. RnglUh anil Fia ncli \Ynr Vessels nt Count wntlDOplr. The New York Journal of < *mmerce says the following is the substance of a telegraphic despatch received at Liverpool ju.-f pn voous t*• the sailing of the Arabia: “Three French end tbreo English men ot war had passed the Dardanelles and proeeed 1 to f’oTistuntiuoplt-, fur toe purpose, it is said. <>l protecting the E'liopentis in •’ it city from the I'jry of f’...- Tori ’• p * uhice.’’ i’ i < i.uoa Tir*l c. “ t.e.u C#l (/'.tblislititl in tin- Tiii- 1 t and S'ntt -i. i . a 1 1.0 -ix innntl.P ’i ‘’ ■'.f t c 30. us which ICC were reprint. <,rßns!l I. P .1 . mu'! IT original trftu.laiiuu. fr-ro ill. rn. n & ri\ French. “Time*” Coining. The New-York Herald says : “Quite a number of of failure® were atlont in the city yesterday, but with the ex e- ption of the suspension of Mr. Sfroeon Draper wf were unable to trace any of them to a head. These are very ticklish tunes among capitalists, and it will probably take but few extensive failures in this vi'y to set our whole commercial j fabric into a commotiufi unp ralleled tjscopt in , the melumdiolly history of 1837.” In tho next ‘lay's issue, the snmo paper says, under the head of “talk on change”— •* There were softjo rumors afloat regarding i the stability of other homes; but they wore j pretty writ ascertained to be without the slight- j om foundation- During excitement like that of the present rumors were sure to abound, ; which were often mischievous or criminal in ! ih, ir origin, and should never he repeated, i There could not be said to be any panic in the public mind. Tho scarcity or abundance of j money were only synonymous terms for the .-canity or abundance of confidence. Let everybody cry “tight money market,” nnd money would become “tight.” And again, if ul! persons were to *uy “money was pleuty,” it would forthwith become plenty. A change iu , tho money market mostly denoted merely u I change iu confidence. The Indict was expressed that there had been overdoing in many departments of business, such as banking, railroad projecting and mi ning, with a muititudo of other speculations ; but ut the same time, it was believed that the country was never richer or more prosperous than at the present moment. The receipts and exports of-gold during the past nine mouth® of . the pre.-.-nt year had exhibited a balance in fa vor ot the country of about twenty millions. ; Mii’ h of it had been scattered broad cast among ’ the formers, nnd especially among those at the | West. The Troubled nt the Sandwich 11---nud®. ---nud®. The N*w York Tribune, in an article on the ! i>vulutionury movements in the Sandwich LI- j an Is. learns lliat “ this attack of the American ! - resident® (upon the Miui.-try) is to be repelled II- in an unexpected quarter. The Englishmen ■:i the islands came up to the defence of the , mini-try with great unanimity. NVe suppose they will he aide to counteru t the influence n i intrigues of the Americans nnd relieve the j King from the embarrassment which would be j likely to ensue from either refusing or granting the prayer of the inulconten*®. The real object of the bitter is evidently not so much to change the ministry ns to excite a feeling of hostility to the King’s (•'•v* , rntnent, to prolong agitation, and finally, by lm-nns of aid expected frotnCali a, to turn tlx lives entirely “it >f power .*■ 1 up the 11. publican system, and add anew State to tl.e American Union.” f* hgrajih Monopoly. Th N w Y ;1; C'Ji respi ndent of the Charles ton Ermituf says: There L inm li complaint among our mcr rhants here, as it is the ease elsewhere, that the U ii-opcan m-w’s rec,-i .. I from Halifax by what is teinicd the N.-w Yolk Associated Press, and it.- agents, under a sort of embargoed monopo ly. is held hack from the public by these par ti'sand used for speculative purposes.—The r-• ‘ at merenntiile community, who look to the daily prep® :• ■ r information, is thus grossly en trapped. The mm *po!y of telegraph wires by this combiii -1 monopoly, has boon a source of scriou® complaint. No honest telegraph com pany should, nnd er any c rcuinstances, allow to b- sent over or transmitted through their wir -® an}’ despatch or communication, the and tiny of whi. h requires it to be forwarded over or transmitted through a telegraph line w iii* 2i p, 11® the ex< lupive use of its wires to any 1 11 •- party over another. If all honest telegraph • nip-ini ‘ were to adopt this mode they would - ..n force such associations into fair dealings ami jiiitable terms. The sooner it is done, therefore, the snonei will this abomination be p Mo di. I, and sp culaiors prevented from ta kii;.; advantugo of their 1. s® l.tvored neighbors. ; I I charge, and am prepared prove, that the agents of this monopoly bold back their mo nopolized new®, fro i the public, wliilst they -eeretly sell it to individual parties lor specula- ! live operations, in such a ease the telegraph jbe -otiies a monstrous evil, worse than the incendiary who stabs in tho dark. It should be the great highway of thought, open alike to ‘ ; all upon e.piii.t'de ti-rms. The Arabic t;n| the Magnetic Telegraph. The Pui® correspondent of the New York i pays : “Tl.e lir-t electric telegraph i.i Algiers w.i’ initugura eil a fortnight ago, bv ° * I foe prefect •*! Oran and Gen. Diuiuas, tho military head of tliec-d my. The tiiet message ! wa® sent by an A. am who asked the pi i e of n mare so s.ilo at Mo® ugneui; tho second was relative to the pundia-e of a basket of dates, and the third Was about a missing pound of j Toba'-e •. The wary It • lo'.iius supposed that ! i d telegraph wa- some port of contrivance for ; surprising people*’ secrets, and pui posely pro p’ • I questions of very little significance, in order to 1.1 file the prefect. The Echo d'Oran, which report® these details, mention® the laugh - a ‘do fa t, all the sheik® and prominent Bedouin- that graced the occasion, wore the ir.®:.® of the Legiou of Honor.” Post Doing® In Iliivaiin. Th“ following is an extract from a letter to a gentleman in Now Orleans, published ill the Picayune.— •• H avana. 0* t. 3. 1853. “ Tim Post OTn e slits ovey letter cmning fi in the United States, and ill! such as contain suspicious looking material are kept hack. They attempted this on Mr. Kotierts<>n, the pr'®ent noting < - iisiil, hut bo complained of it ns an indignity to the l'. 3. Government and its offi cer.-, an Ibo was promised that it should be Mopped, although it was not entirely discon linu. I i.ntil Hoimrtson, on receiving among his despatches a pretty bulky no from the State Department, which had ‘ oen slit through at (he I’u&i UllUe, wont to head quarter® and demand ed to know whether it was the wish that ho should return that de-patch to the .State I>>- I irttn-nr ns be bad received it. that the Gov • I mi. -nt might r • for itself'lmw its de-patches wi ro used, even when they here the l'. S. seal and i-vci'v other *-viieuco ot genuiuoiicss. Ibis • i i.nn explan itim,or rather an assurance that it w ns an idontal, and the amount *t it w a® that the proper party was sent for and instructed in Mr. Bober-(son's presci to gourd against any -imihir not in liitnr*. We. unfortunate public, however, have to p cketsueh utlYnnts, and hold our tongue? al ‘ it it to boot. A pretty state of ‘things!” , s , * The Norwegian S- iilemeiit in lowa,now ••(Hi?i?ls of thirty t milics. It is said they desire to assimilate th’ m-olvos as nearly a® possible, to the habits of the Atnciicuus. To this end ■ thev are acquirir g the language, nnd will <-s ----tahli.-h no schools except those in which the Fegli-h language is taught. The acknowl edged bead of the colony is tho Rev. (’. L. (Mau*#en. n Dani*-h Lulbcrtm clergyman. SAVAiNNAM JOURNAL, MONDAY, OCTOBER 17. IH.'iS. Uniform for the Police. The b'oaiuiissiuiicr® of Police ofsNew York have decided upon a uniform for the police, consisting nt present of a light navy blue single breasted coat, with nine brass button.". This is to he worn always when tho men are on duty. An overcoat iu the same style has also boon or dered. Mexico. The New Orleans Delta, lias dates from Mexi- \ co to tho Ist inst., Sunta Anna still continues to j manufacture laws for the government of that already law-oppressed people. They appar- I ently need money more than laws, and if he ; were a skillful alchyinist, nnd could manufac ture n few millions ofdolUtrs for them, ho would i endear himself to his countrymen, and become seated more firmly on the throne of the ancient Montezuma*, and do n.oro good for Mexico than all the decrees lie can issue in a life time j will he able to effect for him. Gen. Lino Alcorta has been nominated Min i istcr of War, in place of the late Senor Lornel, and ha® entered upon tho discharge of the du ties of that secretaryship. The 27th of September was celebrated with great eclat in the city of Mexico. President ! Santa Anna was prevented by severe indispo , sition from being present and taking part in the i ceremonies. Telegraphic communication has been estab lished between Mexico nnd Guanajuato. Don Knfucl Rafael, the newly appointed Con sul to New Orleans, whs at Vera Cruz, cn route, to enter upon the discharge of the duties of his | office. The cholera still its ravages in the : State of Ouj.-ica. The Governor had ordered a day to he set apart for general fasting and ! prayer, nnd processions, headed by the func- i tionaries of the church, daily march through | the streets, offering up prayer® to the Most High j i to stay th“ scourge. Large donation* of money j have been forwarded from different places to ! aid the sufferers. Tho following we compile from the Picayune. On the 2Sth ult., funeral ceremonies were j performed in the city of Mexico in honor of the : memories ot the victims of the war of indepen- I deuce. The authorities of every class and a large number of notabilities were prosent on the occiisiuu. Similar ‘ceremonies were performed at Uiiurubusco on the 12th ult., in honor of the memory of those who fell on the 20th ot August, 1317,0n the occasion of tho American invasion, j Senor Vicente Garcia Torres, formerly editor of tho Monitor Republic,mo, has been banished to Sonora; for what offeneo is not i stated. V !ott*r hi I h*>a received from General Ari.-ta. stating that ho had recovered from his malady, ami purposed going t- witness the operations between Russia and Turkey tfiould war break out. Twelve bandits were lately arrested nt Cande laria, in Zacatecas; four of them attempting to i were shot, threo being killed on the spot. | I ho ravages of tho Indians continue appar ently witlinut check. In consequence of tho defalcation of tho ca-bier of the Sisters of Charity in Mexico—a Fad re Arinengol—they have been reduced to bankruptcy, leaving debts ofminuy hundreds of thousands of dollars. (?) So says the Trait <T I’ l n ion. At flio execution (bur criminals on the 26th ult., n shocking addition was made to the auffer j ing® of one of the criminal*. Three were gar , r “tvd with tho accustomed readiness: but on tho exeeiilio er** endeavoring to perform the las j j functions on the fourth, the machinery could imt be made to work. For some minute® en j ‘leavers to force it to do so were made, hut in ; vain; and finally th’ unfortunate victim was - obliged to he released from the chair, to gaze on the corpses of his fellow sufferer®, while one of them was lifted out to make room for him. and filially to take firs sent in flic chair thus vacated, there to undergo bis sentence, ibis is the se ; cm 1 tiai -. of bite, that n similar shocking scene ; has been witnessed in Mexico. An Indian Council in IS’cbrn?kn. Col. Manypennv, Commissioner of Indian Affairs, held a council on the 20th ult.. with the : Omaha and Otto Indians in Nebraska Territory. After a speech from Col. M. the Umalias assent ed to hi* proposal for a treaty to cede a portion of their territory to tho U. States. The Ottos ; said they had im Lnd to spare, and objected to making a treaty, but subsequently reconsidered . their decision, and made a proposal to cede to the United States a portion of their territoty. ! The commissioner cenduded the council by stating to uho Indians that they might rest in the confidence that during the interval of form ing a treaty with them, no white man should be permitted to invade, their country, or in any manner interfere with their rights. 01c Bull’? Colony, in Potter county, Pa. it i® stated, has turned out most unfor unately. Not more than forty emigrants remain upon tho lands, which lie on Kettle Creek, anti are said tobe poor soil, illy fitted for cultivation. Mr. j Lull expended large sums of money in improve | incuts, such as erecting a fine hotel nnd other buildings, but a aerirous difficulty about tho title to tho land purchased by him his thrown the whole enterprise into confusion, and resulted in an expensive lawsuit. Til®* Sclmj Ikiil* Itlv er. . riic water in the Schuylkill, it is said, is now low -i than it bus been for many years, and for ; some miles on each side of Reading, the water | pre-. nt® a •very blue appearance, owing it i* I said, to the Sehuylkill county coal siftings, i whir-Ii have lotind their w>iy into the river. Tin® is an unusually dry autumn, many of the springs , giving out. Ibe wafer Company of Reading ‘ have less water than is needed; and have given to the citizen* to be sparing in it® use. Sallt-d for Eunqie. Mr. Meagher, the father, and Mrs. Meagher, the wife of Thus. F. Meagher, sailed from Bos ton in the steamer^America lr Liverpool, on Wednesday, lust. Madame Jenny Lind, it is stated, will next season visited England to gi\e concerts. Benedict, the composer, has gone to see her tit Dresden, and to stand godfather to her son. Jt'P” Coal of the fines’ quality, it is said, has been found on the North Western Railroad ami within n short distune* of Parkersburg. The Fauquier White Sulphur Springs, in Virginia, nre advertised to he sold at auc tion ot; the 15th November. Tin* price is limit ed to SIOO,OOO. 7.(1” lion. K. 11. Ewing, and Mr. Graves, editor of the Tennessee Baptist, had a per sonal encounter at Nashville, on the 3d inst. 1 Among the distinguished visitors in N w Y'*rk is Mr. Dion Bourricnult, the author , of the very successful piny of “London Assur ! mice.” TTw'P* The late Barnabas Bate?, the pioneer of cheap postage, was formerly assistant postmas ter in New York. The “ Old Sail Loft” in Horse nnd Cart street, Now York, in which the first Methodist meeting in that city was ever held, was torn down on T(vrda\ to make room for improve ment®. TELEGRAPHIC ni : w ™ Later from Europe. ARRIVAL OF TIIK ATLANTIC. [Transmitted for the Associated Press.] War Uetxveeu Turkey and llussln j New York, Out. 16—The steamship Atlantic lias arrived. Liverpool Market a. Cotton—Market unchanged. Sale* of threo | days, 18.000 bales. Bread®tuffs, which had previously declined again recovered, and the market closed at last week’s price®. Consol* have declined to 90 $. Rice is in good demand. Political Intelligence. Dates from Vienna to the 3d, sluto that the Sultan had, on that date, on recommendation of the Divan, signed a declaration of war against ; Russia. A report says that hostilities had al ready commenced, nnd that the Russians, it is 1 supposed, had attacked the Turkish position at i Rontsubouk. Previous reports stated that Austria had j again sided with England and France, and that ! souio new proposition was to be made to Tur- i key. When ad .-patch from Constantinople of 1 the 26th ult. announced that tho Divan bud recommended the Sultan to declare war, the four Powers opposed the act. The fleets remained at Deseker Bay. Koszta was to embark for the United States j on the 21 t ult., by consent of Austria, The chol.ra is slow ly increasing iu Liverpool I France and Naples. The extended term for the free imports of breadstuff® has prohibited the export of pota toes and vegetable materials of all kind. Among the Atlantic's passengers are Lieut. ! Maury and J. R. tngersoll. jfiif” James Grant, well known in New York j as a popular barber, was chosen in September j last to the ‘office of County Recorder at the i election in SatrFrancisco. He ran on the Dem ocratic an 1 the mcelmnio's lieu ticket, and ir elected by over two thousand in ijority. (ireat Discot ery of Copper Ore. i Horace (Jroswell, of lloedsburgii, Sauk eoun ! ty, \Y isconsin, lately discovered it is stated a large bed of copper ore on his farm. The vein is about two feel iu width and has bee., traced over the width of one hundred acres of land. It is thought that the ore will yield 17 per cent of pure copper. T-Cf” (iavazzi, it scciii?, i? tn Buffalo. It is stated that ho is, in part, to edit anew paper ! in New ork, to be called “The Crusader,” Senor ‘ Map oiela, la e tho represen tative of the It public of Nicaragua ut Wash ington, it is said, has been received, on his | return to that country, with great i ntbusiusm. Many of the taverns in Philadelphia were closed on Sun lay, of last week under the late decision of the Pensyl vania Supreme Court. 7T'P>” 11. J. Poinier, E?q.. w. s on Tuesday re-elected Mayor of Newark, N. J. Trd” Lncretia Mott got one vote in Bride? burg. Pa., on Tuesday, f.r State Senator. IV 011 ®4‘llb 4* • Mr. Barretf. conductor on the Lowell nnd Boston railroad, is reported to have stopped an express train, to allow one of his lady passen gers to kissa female friend whom she saw stan ding oil the platform at one of me ®tutiuns. Cloning of the Crystal Palace. It is advertised that the Crystal Palace will be closed in December, and as that may mean the first of Decetnaer, it is possible that, little more than six weeks rein tin f.r vi?iting the ex hibition, nnd the New York journals are there fore calling upon the resident citizens to visit it, as thus far, nearly ail tho visiters have been strangers. The stock is selling at at 55, or -15 1 b.-low par. Before the opening it was up as high as 179. Desertion of U. S. Seamen. Eighteen men tielonging to the 11. 8. frigate Columbia, deserted at Sau Juan, iu one of ibe ship’s boats, and are supposed to have gone to Aspinwall, on their way to California. The l . 8. Consul at Aspin wall was advised of their de sertion. At New York, where the Columbia now is. nine others escaped oil Monday. Capt. Pendergast lias offered a reward of SSO for each of them. Treasury Decision® of interest to the Army. It has been decided by tho accounting offi. oers of the Treasury Department, that an officer i> not entitled to draw a ration commutation for his servant, while the hitter tuny have been snb?i*u*d in kind at the public expense. And nisi., that an officer is not entitled to the pay for his brevet rank while serving on u court martial: that service not being a “command,” in accordance with the intent of the law *>f April Ifith, 1818, under which brevet pay i? allowed. The Prospect of the Cotton Crop. From every section of the country, our ex change® speak of the injurious effects of the rot and the 1.01 l worm, and in some sections the caterpillar ha* made its appearance and is com mitting i xtensive ravage?. The opinion is gen erally expressed that these causes, with the other unfaroruble influences of the season, pro tracted drouth and excessive rains must cer tainly produce a considerable diminution of tho incoming crop. It has always been found ex tremely difficult to estimate correctly the effect <>f these causes, and often results prove that apprehensions were nearly unfounded, but from the general reports from many sections, we think some diminution from lust year’s crop may reasonably be expected.— Brandon (Miss.) Republican, Gth inst. The Chinch* Island Outrage. It is stated that full reperation will be de inandud tor the outrage ut the Chincha Isl ands, nnd advantage taken of the departure of Mr. Medary and bis suite for Chili to send dis patches to Mr. Clay, instructing him to push the demand with vigor. The Suit an. The present Sultan ot Turkey is so delicate in health and appearances ns to* h$ scarcely able to keep erect upon his horse, upon which he seems to sway hack and forth like a tiling w ithout life. He is more than half a Christian it issaid, though such a suspicion would cost him his crown if proved. On repairing the Mosque of Bt. Sophia, through the aid of an A i erican artist, the Sultan was present w hen ■ some of the old plastering fell from the walls i nnd disclosed various pictures of Saints and Christian emblems; on which he remarked to the artist in French: “// /ant couvrir tout | —let temjna n’est jam encore renu.” liable®. It strikes us that more libs are told about ba bies than anything else in the world. We all say they are sweet, yet everybody who can smell, knows that they aresmir: we all say they are lovely, yet nine babies in ten, have no more pretension to beauty than a pup dog; we praise their expressive eyes, yet all babies squint; we call them doves, though one of them makes more noise than a colony of screech owls. The fellow who wrote this has left for Jxams i K.itka. The women were all after him with ’ broom stick® l!nu 2\i)i)cr!iscmfnts. Fare Reduced. FOB. PHILADELPHIA, To leave Wednesday, Oct. 19, at 9 o’cUr, A M. m ‘ w nod dpi'inlM stnnm-liip KIOST.'M- STATIC rapt. In.lwrl llurdie. will leave .ih above. Cabin Tnsshge to Phtltulelplda S2O Steerage *• • do ® For freight or passage, apply to tl. A. 1,. LAMA It. ION DO \ POUTEIt; SCOTCH ALE jMQUOUS, Ac...—A full supply of superior quality for sale at ‘ ALI:X A\DEB'S Oct 17 cornel Bull and Congress ts, Monuuiontsq II M (■; AND l 1., u i:. -Oliotho isn< i is! I ufifty bbls. Flour. Landing and for ?al* bv (H 'G7 BRifiHAM. K KI.LY f CO.® V t'MT KECqj per steamer 25 bbls. Potutoe*2o do Apples; 3do Fulton Market Pig Pork; 10 ha if do Fulton Market Beef: 2 do’ new Halifax Salmon:3 holt do Codfish. Tongue- and Sounds: 5 lioxes Lemons: 2 bbl® Smoked Beef; 2 do Smoked Tongues: 2 half do lMckled do Muokod Herrings, new Miu kerel. etc : for Bal ® f b -V ALEXANDi.It , oct *‘ cor. Bull and Congress-.-cs. 1> EC'D p'-r late arrkids F.xtra Hl, k end o<wn L uw, (wnrrnutnd) Cru-lm] l>o\va, r,i. rlariflctl Hml llfowu Suj-nrs ■‘■l'lf llni-in- Hour in l'wknß of 24 a’id id/ a ; 5 kegs Extra tloafien Butter; 5 boxes new niee®e, 2U lH*x.*s Sperm. Adamantine and Tallow bandies; 5 baskets Sweet Oil; lu boxes Tomato .Mush room, Walnut Catsupt. Engli h Pieldos and Sauce*: 2 bbls Tojuato Catsup, Almonds. NuK Itai-im Prnnies, Ac., for sale low ut ALEXANDERS, c.*r. Bull and Congress-st., Q"t 17 Monument Hqun'-e. Dt.ALi-qvAk'i'i-.its Mii cm/ .<•..>. '!>’ Office 153 8113 street, two doors east of City Hotei.aud in connexion with llarmlen's l-.xpres* Office. s i- m; om i-in For the Benefit of the Independent Fire ■ Company at Angaota. A. D. ELLIS Si, CO., iMHunger*. All Prize Scheme ! 7,506 DOLLARS. da*® ltd. Will bo draw n in Suvuniudi. Wedmsdav, October 2 tb. SPLUNDIi) .••CItT.M E.~7’ ■ VERY Tlf XiT A PRt7. K ! Each and every ticket in thin Lot'cry will be a prize for all tickets wiiliimt a drawn number, are each j eicitle to one lollar 1'! oil 1 prize of s7.snti I 1 prize of s£sl 1 prize of 2.500 I Iti prizes “f fiuo 1 prize of 1.500 J 20 prizes of 100 ‘ i Atid umny other handsome prizes umoilnting in the | aggregate to I Tickets only >3 —I .50—Quarters. 75c. i Certificate of a paika eof Wholes e<>?t >:.5 50 Halve® •* ‘IT 75 “ “ Qnars •• S s; A ip* Orders from the count! v answered prcinf.ll;. drawings sent regulai ly, find prizes ensiled oil demand 1 nt this office, by oct 17 CttABi.FP n P \ ‘l’ !’i''rs -20,000 1 )( )LL a RS. GREENE Ai>iu FULAa&I LoITTERY, Extra Class 7 I t for 1S5;;, ! Tube decided by the drawing of Delaware Lottery Cla.‘® 240. To he drawn at Wilmington, Del., on Tuesday, Oct. ! 18th. URKGoTtY AM U UY, M\.N Vtj ERS Sucvesaor® to J. W. Maury i Cos SCHEME. 1 prize of $ 0.000 I 1 prize of $3,000 j 1 prize ..f 7 OUU | 1 prize of I KK) 5 prize of 5.000 | 1 of 1,521 *C. Ae. Ac. Ti.-kefs ss—.-bares in proportion. Tickets either singly or by the Package for sale M J Ik WITJUNtITMX. Ilns Lane, .5av..m,,,1.,t,i • ‘ 17 Vender fpr U egnry v M„ rv I )D I'A TOE *. —2 Id I in line order, f.r ale By I ,H; t l * M KUSf KB v PALMhe UA Y. gin no, for sale by | o. tio - K. W. RUKBR. RKOIDEii lES, (i,-. .iii.iT i~. j Ciller bvv..-. 11,Lilli's Bee-, lot ... i Minis.. Brink fast Cain brie Cup-, Cambric and Bands, : all 111 great variety, at K IMIT'IN a vebsti .**', 72.'•t. Juliet! audio* Brvnti stm ts. | oct 15 Mini R|.. e. M.\vril I. \S. TA L'l .'-nT.Tttfin .Hid Velvet Maotillas; l loth <iik. Safi . and \ ,-|. , ret rlmas. of the late-t and most approved stvles; by recent arrivals, at K E'll‘j. i.x A Vr.KSTI LL.. .S ! 72 St Julie, and lUS Br;..:i streets. ‘ I Oft in \V • ‘ . - irangf HA VAX A ELAIIS. si ‘.oo oileli.i Vi-ta- 10n.,0 Londrcs. DI.OIMM ..ban as 10,0.1.) Jos,- Frns.j lii-ris |„ ndris. 2 i.OMi Pic - m and King. 2o moo La \it i Clara I. i.. <b r>,itnd B.’ .in I. r nando < orte? Londres. For sale by a. RUN Al D. m l 1 4 Corner Hay nnd Wldtakor sD New m < kw heat floi r. :.,.? imt from ?t came I Augusta, ami lor sal.- l,\ | oct 14 11. ,1. <ll LB .RT. 1 ‘.UTTER 6l CIIKK9K. Landing f ■ 1 > St. Miner Aug . .. au l i r?ae by QCt I I li. .1. GILBERT. ■ eMons I JLj octU II .1 QTLgKUT. 1> \PE SEED OIL, for Machinery > r Just to \ ei'ivod und f.<r sale by oct 14 ‘ J. B. MOURE* CD. / 1A X TOX GINGER PRESERVES. A 2” ases. for sale by OCtl-1 H. .T. GILBERT. pREPARATI JXS FOR THE HAIR. Barry's Tri'opherou>. Lyon's ('ntharion. Jayne’s Hair Tonic. Eau I.ustraie. Bowlmdsden. MacnssorUil French. Eugli.-li and American Pomatums, oils. etc. I ! etc.. J. K. 1>: KURD, j oct 11 Apothocaries’ Hall; v pERFI ‘.MERY. \,, f orl m^fitofgenuine Lu bin's Extrio-ts. * do. Oriental Drops. Verbe na Water. Mille Fleurs \\ afer, Extract l’j per Ten, Ac Vlso. a variety of styles genuine Farina Cologne and several .jualitic.- doiue.-lie do. for sale by oct 11 _ J. E. D:;1MR1), Apotheearle ‘ Hull. \1 ERIXO INDEiISIIIitTS * DRAM - • 1 KBS.—Now opening per steamer, a full a.-sert- | ment of Undershirts an 1 Drawers of Merino, Flnnnel, red and white French Flannel Shirts and Undershirts for servants; Ladies’ Merino Shirts, Undershirts and Drawers for Boys, Shaker half-Hoso. Ur., for sale . heap by [oct 11 CEO. K. NICHOLS. / IDKA J)IE A Ij.--J> i bushels f. fig: ui.ini < ouu- V 7 try Corn Meal, just m.ied and f.r sab bv “■•t 11 CHAS. ii. it ;; i ee IIME. —suO bbls. Lime landing and for sole by J oct 8 Bit ICIIAM. KELLY A- Ci). IINE AND BURN!NO FLI ID \ this day perschr. E. If. Rowley, n fre h suj |l\ . f Canis hiue and Burning I luid. width will lc |,f by s- ptl.t JNN). J. MAURICE. 12 *l4 Barnard t 1) OT ATOEs.-- \f • w \ bis.'. f i*..... u-7 by |octsj, SEABORN GOOD ALL. I EASTERN II \V. -151 tries Fast ern Tl:7v i now landing at W i.ilebcad’® Wharf, j er Grip- Ar I go. from Boston, for sale by ; oct 4 OGDEN'* BUNKER. 1 )IG il AM n. Steamer I loiMa. 1 5 barrels Pig I Inins; sdo Smoked Beef. 2o dozen j Smoked Tongues; 200 lb Bojogfie Susnges. for snlebv HYLAND a o NEILL, oc f I “>r Mayfhall Houf - NO. AND PORTO RICO SUGAR.-40 • b bds.; for sale by wjptl M. J. GILBERT. SEGABS. —10,000 No. 1, In Noriega and otlu rs; for sale by IIVLAND .VONEt 1.1,. spt 13 Under V r-liall I’ • i A | ERINU YEST.-L— Ju.-t ret rived at 1 I ( men - ! iTI street, a leaUliful assortment of Ladies and | Gentlemen Cashmere nnd Merino Vests. 8. CUKRKI.L Agent, oct. 10 (Jibbon's Building. IARKBH I’d Tl IR* aND ‘ HEt m J®t r< \. ed by steamer Florida and for-ale by [sept 13 IIYI..Wi> A- O'M TIL. ! vyiKff sikvk uu . ..Di li— * f containing idl si/cs ofline and coarse woven Wire, 21 to 30 inch width : for sale bv oct 1 VAI. 11. CAMP FIELD (tAHIPHINE. —A fresh supply-just received nnd i fSr tale by ocM J. I! VO !t Id *QO. X i fin eb h ai• B on., U received nnd for sale by l oct .; rJ. B. MOORE * CO, ■ HAY AND CORE MEAL. 25 bales Ens£ urn Hay, 72 busliets Corn Meal, just received ; I and for sale, by < ct 0 0t H. DUB VUE. I NOL.DING LADLE it S. Several dozen Os tin* above very useful artii les. just at hard, and : for sale by (net 1) CII. ii. CAMI’FI i.LD. I IME. •• 1000 bbl®. mi ding fa ni /. 1 I ia. nnd fi r I j sale by [sept 2j BRIGHAM, KELLY .V Cn. 11 UTTER AND ( II1.1? I- Just rcceiyi>l per steam )er Alabama, a fresh supply of But Per and Cheese, n choice article; for sale at the Emporium, by M'pt 12 SEAR HtN GOODABL. nzVY”. —s? bales prime Eastern Hay. for sale, to arrive, apply to -m-t 22 ‘ n ;i>EN .v i*,; \ < ER. / 1 OSIIE.N RUTTER.'—A few firkin?superb rG- Gum * I Butter, received per steamer Augusta, and for sale nt Ihe Emporium,bv sept U * SEABORN GOOD ALL. SEGALS’ SKGARST!-- \ lot of elu lire Sega rs. just received, inelnding J I'renado, A'eilkn, Gift, large, medium and small Plantation, Rustamente. Union, i Regalia, Fenoraeno and Genuine Rio llondos. < all and see nt the APOTHECARIES’ HALL 1 oct 8 I nil A. ‘..C7 - Sptrial llotirrs. SPECIAL KOTICE. Schooner *• Norfolk Packet.’’ Lound | fr<m Norfolk to Savannah. Shippers nod coni giieas by this ve-el are inf rme<|. Hi it in tWnxequnnce of Imr linvtng been dismasted in : the Into gale she has been towed to this port for re pairs, nnd the cargo !• now being re flopped by the schooner Enchant mo, T'ler. AH c ‘ucorned will govern themsdve nccortlingly. Met’READY. MOTT A CO. New York. October Bth, 1853. 3 oet 14 Supertuteiul>nl’s Office, C. I?. H., \ S.iVAXNVH, t* V., >Ppt. Ist. 1853. I After this day, by resolution of the Board of Directors, up and down freight will be payable at the Merchants’ Counting House, or by .deposit made with the Treasurer, semi-wcfkly, on I Mondays anil Fridays from 9 o'clock, A. M. to 2 P. M. j Bills to be rendered through the Post Office on ■ Wednesdays ami Frida* s. Failure to make payment, whon called for a? above, will stop parties’ account. AY. M. WAULKY, sept 1 General Superintendent. TO THE CHATHAM COUNTY. Ff.i.i.ow Cittzkns : lam a Candidate for the office of i* 11 GRIFF of your Ooun* ; t/ ut the election in January nest, auct res; ectful- ! ly solicit your support. oct ti te A. TIIAMAS. ! SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN. TiT ‘l*ll having been npp*>int. and ngent for t tie above um i vailed publication is prepared to r*ccivo Mibscripti ms. The n >xt v 1- uino will commence on the 17th of Septemlier. GEO. B. Ml T< MI ILL. oct 7 Succesor to F. Zoghaum k Cos. AYJS. A. AVHEEbER & CO, WHoLKKALN v Stationers’ \\ arc rooms. ■ Suinmcr h:*l Fall Import nt ions, 1853. FEES IT GOODS. pT - TIIK SUIJSGii: BEKS are daily receiving , from Furop< . the most elegant and care- 1 fully selected STfH Iv F STAPLE AND FANCY ST A • ■ Tli).\ EH Y. ever imported into the city of New York.— j They have also on hand a complete assortment of ! AMERICAN CAP. LETTER, LM'JAL CAP, BATH 1’ ‘ST and FLAT PAPERS, all of which will he sold at the lowest MILR PRICES. Buyers from the liCerior will find it to their interest to examine these goods before pnrcluuing 01.-ewlure. \VM. A. WHEELER A: Nos. IB uud 15 Psfrk Row, *ig 21 3mrs NeW Y'ork CWy. LAMPORT, BLAXEMAN A LAW, ‘ v l. \TK COI’.MSU. I.AMPOUT 1 CA.) p.f .MnDUfiicluri-rsof e very vn rlety of Cap and Letter Pa per. j PUBLrsiIi’RS. BlMv-'ELLEItS k 3TATI.ONERS, A'o. 8 Park PI tee, near Uroadivuy, N K W -YORK. 11l RAM 11. LAMPORT. HI ROSE Y BLAKE MAX, nv.g2t ly lIENRY W. LAW. NEW SINGING B K>K PATENT NOTES! THE HA PwP CF THE SOUTH: A Nt W VN!> I.XTENMVK OOtLSOTIdX OF fcJliaCll MUSIC, l*y I* lb Woadhnry, P Author of the Dulcimer, Liber. Musjcus, Ac. embraces many new fea tures, and it is confidently believed, will he found the most comprehonsive, attractive and useful woik of Im kind ever issued. It has been prepared in answer to uumerous calls from the Smith anil \Vet. nnd cm braces the Gems from all the mo-t populnr round note! in the country, together with much new music written expressly for j: - pares. By s|erial nr rangenn :t, th*- right to u-e the favorite e< nijorition of Icwell Mason. Esq.. t!ie di-lingui-l.od cc-mpmer nrd 1 ’ editor. 1 .<• beenobtaint d.tu.da nt eful selection from his ! verv popular works the IlnnileJ nnd llaydenSrriety’s : Coiievihin: Tl.e Boston A a.!.my V Collection: The Car min t Sacra, (of which last w.,rk alor.c, over 800,000 | copies have hi-en •• id -and othew. has been marie— j S.dectioi. • have al-o made from t e works .f Thpmue II lugs an t ihinm B. Bt*mß ary, ; . - well a* from the tb. r... .st .list,u pushed Aun ricnt. n.1.1 Foreign C .m P .--ix The choicest pic . ha ve also twen inserted f. : . m The Dulcimer, by Mr. Woodbury, a work which has has had the astonishing -ah-of 125,- rOd.eo, i.- in Mo -iiort time rime its publ.cnirm. Teachers. Choristers and oil era iut.-n stcl. xr in- | vitcil to cxuuiino thh* work. Retail pike .>1 HO. Fur sale lv t l BBEI/.j:. X BROTHi.R. sept 5 ly Savannaii. BOOK AND JOB PKINTING. i ‘ The subscriber having sujq.liod his office ‘A*'*-wit h a large assortmeiit i's plain, orna mental an 1 f: ncy types, is now prepared to execute,at ; short notice, all orders entrusted to him in the best , manner, and equal to any establishment hi thegoulh. Pamphlets, Law Blanks, Cir> ulurs. Catalogues. Buri ucss Cards, Hat Tips. Bills of Lading. Visiting Cards, Bill Heads, Dray Receipts; also I'osters, Show and Hand Bills, in Gold, Bronze. Bed, Green, Blue, Yellow, and every kind of colored Inks, faithfully done at short notice and on reasonable terms. Orders may be left at tin- Office, Sorrel s Building, or at the Book Stove on Market-square. jn 27 J. B. QUBBEDGK DU. GEO. F. COQPER, Office under Mrs. Snider's west side L:l -erty square. Montgomery st. BesMei.ce corner Perry and Drayton sts, opposite the Catholic Church. ts je 6 DAGUERKEAN GALLERY^ AT* .MR. P. M CARY, having formed a t'opartnersl.ij with J. W. P.*rkin, for the purpose of carrying on the business of the Daguurrcnn Art. respectfully gives notice to his former patrons and the public that the rooms formerly Occupied by him will be open dining the whole season, the business be ing 1 me by tl)o firm of Cary k Perkins. Those who are in want of pictures are r ispcctfully invited to call and examine Mr. Perkin’s specimens of tin* Art. they will not he found inferior to any that have before been exhibited in these rooms. Pictures taken at all hours between'.’ o’clock, A. M. and Ci o’clock. P M.. and In a- y weather. 4?/) - KnTKAXCB FHuJf ST. JLLIEN-6T., 1111101011 S. 8. Wm.mot’s JtWtLRV STOltt:. • v* It nun o P. M. CARY. BOOK BINDING. 7jT The subscriber is prepared to execute Book Binding of every description at ti c ahortost notice. Blank Books rnte<l and bound to ny ; [feli2J CURB EDGE k BROTHER, j The curative properties of Hollo. way’s Ointment nnd Pills arc dully attested. —All ranks of society and medical men. liolh at home awl abroad, spank of those iuicomparn- i j hie modii the most flattering terms, and assert | that in the severest cases of chronic ulcers, those even I which were considered imyirable. Ilojlowny’s dint itnent has been truly effiem ious. when used, aid there i slip disputing the fa t that Holloway’s Pills are the | very best family medicine ever known or tried. These * admirable remedies will cure bad legs, however invet crutely diseased; likewise rheumatic affections,giandli : !ar swellings, and the most obstinate cases of scurvy, scrofula, or King’s e\ il. oct 11 UA\ . 175 bales Priuii* Nnrtli River Hay,landing per steamer Augusta, and h r sale 1 \ oct 12 PADELFi Gi 1, FA Y k CO. I )lI'IiI/ES. — A few halfhb’- . Cucumber Pickles. 1 with Peppers, put up in Vinegar readv f” use. 1 sale by oct 12’ SE \B JR N GOOD ALL. |>t T ’ .;R tv C’IIJEESK.- 5u firkins Butter. Intul un anti A ugu.-tu. Fur sale at tie* Emporium by oct 12 SEABORN GOODALL. 1 )()\\KT RIBBONS. Juat receive*! .-it l l I > ‘ ungress-streel. a iiaiiUsnme assurtim*nt of Bon net Bil'lions. S. CUKHELL, Agt . i Oct 12 Gibbon’s Building. Silks. j u i received another magnificent j assortinent of 1 iguri and Silks, ent ii e new patterns. ■ and each piece containing but one dress. ‘ Also. fi-w dresses ot Paris D’Laines, imported ex presslv nsarkat S. CURB ELL, Agt, i oct'll ‘ Building j Jiisumnre. AGENo'i HOWARD INSURANCE CO., OF NEW YORK. Savannah. August Ist. 1853. Diuinr my absence from the city, Mr. 0. It. CmnplioUl win act as my attorney, and attend to all business pertaining to this Com pa ny S. C. DUN NINO. ang.l Agent. SAVANNAH MUTUAL INSURANCE CO. >-** — —Office, No. 118 Buy-street. This Coni pa* ny will continue t' take Marine, Fire atnl Inland Navigation risks on the most favorable terms. llknrt D. Wkrd, Prerldent. Trustees—Henry I). Weed, J. It. Wilder, t. IV. Morrell, N. B. Knapp, Hi ram Roberts, K. F. Wood, Henry laithrop, John W. Anderson, .lames McHenry, Secretary. june 13 PROTECTION INSURANCE COMPANY. . Hlkrtfon, Conn.—The undersigned, agents of the aloveCompany.are prepared to take risks against Fire, on buildings, and their con tents, on the most favorpble terms. I July 10 BRIGHAM. KKLI.Y k CO. MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE. Life Insurance Com- J?- pany of New York. ISAAC ABBA IT, .Secretary. F. 8. WlNSTON,President. Applications received by \Ytt. I\ lIUNTKR, Agent. Da. It. D Arnold. Medical Examiner. Iv jan FIRE AND LIFE INSURANCE AGENCY. AY. 1211 t'mirfrrxn-Ht., Sti ntnnnJi. Gd. Equitabli Fli c Insurance Company, OF L i.nIMN. Authorised Capital. $2,500,000 Capital paid in $1,01)0,000 C. K. il \B£CUT. L.-q.. A 11 :m.v Liju-am. Ksq„ > Trustees, N. V. KOBT. DILLoN, Esq., j Fanners’ Fire Insurance Company, Capital, 9^00,000, Granite Fire Insurance Company, Capital *400,000. Knickerbocker Fire Insurance Cos., Capital <^160,000. New York it Erie Fire Insurance Cos., Cap. al, *150,000. The.-eCi mpai.ies having n cash <u,ital. snfe'y in vested in Ih>i>.l and mortgige. arc pnqaredto effect Insurance a ::*: -t daniiigr by lire, on all kind.*-of pro perty on reafotml Ic terms. Charter Oak Life Insurance Com pany HAKTFoI I). <<” N Capital. and surplus over $250,1:00. Alfred Qn i.. I‘resi < nt. Jab. C., Sec’y. This i -impany will ism* Policies on the Joint Stock principle. and upon the Mutual pmn, urns toi - billing the benefits of both systems at the option oi the insured. strength, ability and well invested capital ot the institution are. in my opinion, unsurpassed by l any Lite Insurance Company in this Mate or Union. [L. S.J Signed ‘ K. (i. DINNF.Y, Comptroller of Public Accounts, State of Connecticut. For insurance in either of lire above named Compa nies, apply In A. WILBUR. General Insurance Agent. and agent for the above Cos. sept 13 Office I)OTATOES! I’OT ATOTES!! —Landing this day per hark Harvest from New York: 50 bids, prime Nortli Liver Pbtutoes. fyr wharf low for cash. GKO. ALEXANDER. sept II cor Bull and Congress-st., Mou't sqr. / t HEW I Sti TOH A CCO.—Loriilnrd’s ( avcii V /lili.-h i'.ibneco in tinfoil, also, a fresh supply of Mrs. .'tiler's Tobacco. .1 ust received and for sale by JOHN B. MOORE k CO., sept 10 Gibbous’ Budding, SOAP AND CANDLES;*—IOO boxes Craton Soap. 1"0 boxes Craton Family No. 1 Soap, s<> do do pale do. 50 do dan I 8 Bedels Caudles. -•> do Sperm 4 and 0 do. Formic 1 y sept 15 WEBSTER k PALMES. i'ioITH WESTERN Bail Bead Stock.—J9H shares £ r n by . .-opt IB] C. A. L. LAMAR. 1 RIBU LI Y K YS.-40 , i M v7 bole and b:df I piece*. Huot.-r- and Itl-hnrri.wne celebrated Iri.-h Linens, warranted all pure rtax-Abo Ble.-u bed in and Brown Idaper Towelling: lluckabm k do; Twilled do; Dovliw S. ot. h. Russia. l.ird J ve. and Urn A abiu k Diaper. .Just received at 154 Congre.-s st. S. CURKKI.L. Agt. r, 'd 5 Gibbon's Building. \ ELtEI RIBBONS 4fcc.—Just received > i I*4 CougreSh sireet. colored silk Velvets. F- ■ ■•••’ do; Plain Block do: Figured Black do; Superior Ida k Kn-li-h Crane: do do Italian do; white and I lack In clads-.•; Marc line and Florence Silks; Bonnet auil Deck Ribbons, Taffeta and Satin do. S. CUKUKLL Agt. No. 154 Congress stree*. oet 5 Gibbon's Buildin . Q-UfISRA rUS- -1200 pounds Bnlmratua. in | ) Iv>k -ot -t-sorted si/.,, papers tar retailing. 1. and I HW- * |itjj -JAS V ‘A) ’ll It it 0. II ME.- 3QoJbla; Roc u, “’ Lime now landing j at Whitehead's \Muirf, per brig Argo, from Bo - I ton. for salebv |oct 4) OGDEN A BUNKER. llttK. I*L.\sTKK,t LATHS.*- j l ime: 50 bids. Plaster: lOO.oOl) Laths; for sale to araive. per brig Tiberius, from Boston bv ; wpt 22 OGDEN A BUNKER. 1 ). KCEIVIO I> per Steamer, a supply of Ladies’ 1 I aim Misses Buskins and Slippers, and for sale by sept 20 “ . 1111Gibbons’ Range. MASON’S l:L ‘.( KI.V(;.- For V&lcin quan tity tosuit purchasers, by 11. J. GILBERT, sept 20 O ATS.—6OO Bushels Prime Maryland Oats, just re ceived uud for sale by l*. L. <\>N ST A NTIN E, PCpt 10 Foot of Barnard street. SUGAR.- 300 lilids. prime N. 0. Sugar; 20 bhds. choice I*. R. Sugar. For sale by wi !'■ W ERSTRR & PALMES. / <ORN—IOoO bushels M hltc Baltimore Corn, for l .sale by [sept 22j OGDEN k BUNKER. PATENT MEDICINES.—The Horseman's Hope, or Farrier's friend. Badway’s Ready Relief. Davis ; Pain Killer ami Me\i<n Mustang Linamcnt, an in voice of all Miiew, received by J. J-;. DkFOBI). | not 10 1> l ‘1 I 1 It a (11 FlisE.— SO firkins ilwh > Goshen Butter, and 50 boxes l hcere.jnst received smd for sale nt the Emporium. bv I Hit 22 SEABORN GOO DA IX. U” LET M EATS.—2S boxes assorted, vffz.: Apricots, t ’ I cades. Pears, Quinces, Pine-Apple, Citron, Plums: and West India Preserves, assorted. Just re ceived, bv HYLAND O’NEILL. *‘Tt D3 Under Marshall Home 07-4 lON M.—200 b’ is.onions tor sale to arrive per hi ig Tiberius, from <■>'l,22 < (; DFN k BT’NKFR. 100 Lamp - ul; 25 Mils. Tanner's il: 30 do Linseed do.; for sale by Pvpt l 11. .T. GILBERT. West side Market *qr. \ r EAsT !’■ A\ DEB an invoice of Preston & Mer rill's infallible Yeast Powder, just received at thu oct 3 A POT 11LCAU1ES’ 11A LI,. nAY — r n bales prime North 1 her liny, landing and for sale by oct 3 BRIGHAM. KELLY & CD. OATS. —1,1,00 bushels of Cats, for rah* to arrive; SMllyto [septff], OGDEN A BIN KIR. II A! K---500 1 Els. Lime, dailv expected per brig > Mazatlan. will l c sold low if applied lor iniuic | dintdy. Not'd BIIOH AM. K. ELY k Cos. I >ALE ROPE A DIIA ‘i GIIV f.- For sn 1 o I >'’ |sej t 211 11. J. GILBT’LT. •I ’A ILLFI CRAYON I loco 1 I machinery for shtu'] cni: e lead jeinils: for sale b-. • - > I : Hi l *. i: and br -i HI R. 1)'” KKT j UTLKICT- n desirable assortment, )nd opened, by CURB EDGE and BROTHER | oet 8 1 1 > I.TICt'LES—u splendid nsMirlment at all prices; Ik for sale by CUB HEDGE J BROTHER, oet 8 SAFETY B >XFS, for wax tapers and vesta lights: for sale by BUBBKDGE k BROTHER. r p>BACCO.—200 boxes various brnr-dsand qunlitv -1 for sale by [sej t 15] WLPS'I’I J! k J'ALMI h.* I )OST OFFICE SCALES, i convenient ar- I tide for tlie counting room: for sale by >ct S CPHREDUK k Bit OTHER. Mai 11 iMNlAl’KIAL INSTRUMENTS—a good as . sortment; for sale bv oet 3 td'BBEDGE k BROTHER. r FEA. —50 balfcbests Hyson, Imperial and Powchong 1 Tens: for sale by s-pt 15 ‘ WEBSTER A PALMES. I)i('KLt.K. — i n half bids., received per steamer Ala l ama, and for sale bv BBABRON GOODAfX. !> UTTER flrl fresh Goshen Butter, received I per steamer Ahi)>ama, and for sale at the Knipori "tn by (sept 2B] SKABRON GHODALL. (tIIEKsE. —Landing from steamer Florida and for sale by | sept 211 H. J. GILBERT. \7 c ■V'''!’ POW I>ERB.—Lurket s. babbitt’s, Preston k Merrill’s Y’east Powders. Just opened nod for sale by oct 6 JAP II CARTER A CQ.