The Savannah evening journal. (Savannah [Ga]) 1852-185?, October 18, 1853, Image 2

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3 ATAjM AIK. Tuesi.. Rftol aoo i, October 18, 1353. Yirlvel rf|lir l-’loridn. Tlit* st-'iim.-'li’ (i, ‘’apt. Woophni.L, r.rrr* ! it hit wharf .t nn •i. !y hour this morn- 1 in.,-, in r .'in -S\ v York. Wo are in- j debt 1 to *tjto tittontivo Pur- *r, nnj oui o<>. t.-. 1,;. >iuiios l'#r lull tiles o. New York paper* in nuvauco ui the mail. The is u list ot’ pasiM Mgers. .M v. M J Hubert, Mis ‘1 Cruft, Mrs M"Stow, S MumfurJ, J S May, Robert P .lordan, if i> iiuty and lady, .John I! Screven, lady 3 • m ml serv’i, Wiu Crabtree and lady, Mr Sul! ■r, A (* Turk-ton, J l< White, U S A, J II • Snell, .1 K Sims and lady. l> U Hull ami lady, Mrs l*t tic ins. Mrs Plant, Mis? Sadler, Mrs Tus t i. Mrs Wilder, Mrs M redilh, Mre Ogden, 2 children and serv’t, Mki Ogdon, Mrs Govrdy, 3 • tildren and 2 sniv'ts, Mrs M C M..reland, Mrs < i. as! ‘. Mi s (ioodcll, Mr Howdy, Mr V'esser, Mr <> . I -ii and serv’t, 0 C Phelps/ A F Mitch ••ll. \\ I, Ualthour, ,S F Wilder and chill, I)r N\ Johnson an l lady, .1 0 Thompson, It F ll a* ! ‘-1 a mi, lady an and chili, Charles Johnson, hH f Uigby, .1 K Thompson mid lady, U L (lambi©, K Bostick, lvivvard Miller and lady, J H Pel* lows and lady. O K Walker, lady, 4 children and servant, L Bctton, lady, child and serv't, Mi.s Chaires, Miss Triplett, I) Ladd, lady and f. rv't, H Parsons, O Carlton, IV B Scott, Mrs S Daniels, Mrs Mary Humph, Mrs Branch and 2 children, Mrs Tucker, Mrs Olinstead, J Wash- , I urn, Indy an 1 child, Miss Ingorsoll, 2 Masters Washburn, Mi-s Washburn and nurse, W K Syiuons and lady, A Hopkins, lady, child and sorv't, Calvin Oaks. J J Griffon, Miss Swart, P Swart nml son. Win It Jenkins, I. L Cowdrev, I'.nid L Mitchell, II Gilbert, lady and infant, M” Peck, M'S Dickinson, Mrs O <’ Phelps. M Pindps, .! S Bi-rs. Jr., C.ipt Wm Potts, K k Hunt. II Gump and sun. K lward and • *dv, Mrs ,\ i; Thoinp.ton. Mrs Calvin Oaks, W St it lord. Master .J C Dick,-in, H Tarlcton, J km v. l’redcri'k Not/., Wra O R.rpors, .1 :• - . t.’ o.rg.* Kendall, B UroWn, Levi Br-uk*, v ... i: Sh."ii. j il O', L It ll.alu.m, ’ S'.ii C B Mdler, Mu> lor 11-r.rv Beers. i ter Joseph Bees, E It ChamL -rli'in, In .1 I'. Sullivan, Col Be-. C ,pt Crow. 11. C and lino- , J W Shen.i.n, m.d I ./J m the steerage. 1 j *•-- We to-day r -euiuc ~u r weekly rtvie* ‘ <•! the cotton market. Il ;a not how ever .-o full n- wo intend here,.ft r:• make if. It has been and laycd later in th- season than we had intend- ‘ e i, owing in pirt to the limit*- i tr insnotions in C market, and partly in cowv- pienc© of the nl—tire of n portion of our regular force, which < ■'•’■‘Uie wo oiler l r the inerfger report of L thy. Our advertising ifrcmJs will ol.lig* „s y sending in their favors at as early nn hour y possible, as it is quite inconvenient for us to r reive nn adverti.-emcut after one o’clock. U-tr press has been .. i summer taxed to its wtm-t capacity, but of Into the increase L i.- been such to compt 1 ns to go to press one hour earii-r than has been .>ur custom. The 111 u ,| rat it of Art. f’ol. XV. T. Wim.iams'has laid on our table October number of thi. h- lutif’ul and richly embellifthod Magazine. Each’.erof tliis u C>n( r.-presenting n-mirkable events, leading clisr • t els of the j.a-t and pr ,• lit age. r-.thcdr,.ls, < ’lurches. pulnccs, Ac., ,t-c. The Hr. rary do j irtment consists of original and interesting narrative.- from the mo. t p .polar writers of the ! day. W • recommend the work ns valuable to to.-family, an ornnun ut to the Irnv.iiu; loom, on 1 a pleu.'iin! inpani uin 11 *• study. ’ Cr* All interested nro reibrred to the notieo • Mr. I’ouv, nimn;r.-t tlio new ndvtu-tiscmeiUs. On our ii utility ltooiu Tulilr. n.e London ill'.i-tral'Ml A', no, and London I'wh, I!lottrated Maga/ineof V.rt, and Vni ted State, ltev-cw. - - -- Several new works Lave be, n received iVom puklishrr-, nJ will r. •i v mil., alien tiun. The I’nitiMl .Slur,.-, Jt-v,ow.. X. three if tbe secini'l vtilnni:'. : ..n tiur lalilc. Tlio cuu t . - valuable ai ! inMNfirf* C,.1. Sn.i.i.v is agent for th - w>rk. K v |hl ill on from Mmi uua | t i o Li her in. The American l)ol"iii/ation .'>oci iy design fending a vessel to Libcrin, to sail from ihis city, about tir-t I),-, ember. Persons deeiring to emigrate, nro ie.ju.* ;. l to give noti- o hy the first proximo, arrangement* tony be made f>r their coiiifurt.ih]- .u- ouuuo laiion. Persons wishing to send f. ight, must also give notice by the Ift November; olherwi e, ti. < m.iy not he able to accniumo IGo them. Freight taken at $! 50 a barrel, or .“,0 cents a cubic foot. JfiiT’ We Hie expecting letters from the fair. .foil ii ill lie hell. Arrangements are making in Now York to give John Mitciikm., the Irish patriot, an ap propriate roc ptiou on his arrival in that city. The Metropolitan Hotel. The New York Ifcnifd of Saturday, sny— - It was stilt and on go l aulh'ii ity that M.-ms. A. T. Stewart A Cos., the ceh bnited dry goods firm, had purchafu'd th • M fr..;>. litun 11 .iol, f r the round sum of SOOO,OOO, and tint they were to pay down ia ca-b slim,nOU, leaving >2UU 000 on lime.” UiVimVi*. McKay (soys the Uo.-ton //* •) In - I, on olTer ed $300,000 for his thip G. > , ls . Ti e very handaomo oiler cotnts from a New York firm. An trni) of Orji iuiu. The II .ward A- •lati'.n ■ f New (’ b en., an nounce that they have now about throe ,udi and orphan children under their charge, w'-0.-e jm* routs have fallen vi ims to the epidemic, and that the asocial i.,M will have a .'urplus of about SIOO,OOO after .-.'tiling all their liabilities. Mr. James Anderson, the distinguished English tragedian, who made •- > favorable an impression in thi? country n few years ng'., is daily expected to return. Snow in Maine. On Wedne-d n ; lio !• t. s,,wf ilia the tm nos Hi... ‘i i fuot. Betweeu that pi., • 1 I‘hillip., tra, .1 was interrupted i, r tev.-ml a. v- in , un sequence. To- tr. b .r! -dug the r.; i l were so load oil wub Mi'iw* that th y bent down an.: obstructod tho way. A lllliid Printer. In tbo office if the Green fa.-tle Banner, published at ( sj. . r, Indiana, there k -nid to he a blind printer, wh > -frtn 5.000 t 7 000 eras a day ! II - partner read- the ropy t him nud, ns lie has an extraordinary nieium'v he can compose half .1 <b • p line- without \ in ‘ nocessiiry to ref.eet G w. r r„ |,;„| t To ><• Hung, Chv. Johns .n, .| V.,.. ir i- 1. 1 t > commute tbo rmni h n al ‘ ... 1; , II irbour r.iiniy. . ~ , il, of b - n-pbew, y e.ou i |{, v . .and tber •: ie be hung on F 1 tay , 2 <itj Serious Trouble In the Cherokee \a t lon. Tho AV’a i’ g* *1 Star My* the Government has just rece, m! advices from the southwestern 1 .Superintcn yof Indian Affairs, saying that a port!"it of tho Cherokee nation are in arms ngaiii't their i-rihal authorities; that someone j hundred of the discontented vecently attacked and murdered John and Washington Adair, two noted friends of the Koss party; that, as as , eertainod, the anti li os sites in arms at tbi.stimo number sothe two hundred fighting moo, who declared their iletermination to skill or drive out from tho nation persons obnoxious to them, to the number of sixty five men. The Govern ment ofiTcer.s there regard this emeute as the 1 comiuenoomont of the re-enactmont of the tor- I ibio troubles in the tribe which, it will be ro- j uiembered, occurred in 184fi; and they suggest the necessity for a prompt incroaso of the Uni- 1 ted States forces at Forts Smith and Gibson, j and also that orders be sunt from this point aw- j thorising their employment in tho defense of • the authorities of tho tribe, if the latter shall 1 demand such assistance. Tho Indian Bureau have ut once brought thiq subject before tho ; Secretary of tho Department of the Interior, with a recommendation that tho steps indicated above bo immediately takon by the Govern ment here. Further Subscriptions to the Pacific Iluilroad. The hooks <>f subscription to tho stock of the Atlantic and P tcifio Riilrood Company were opened for the second tim**, at Metropolitan ll*.tel, X?w York, on Thursday. Thornton-, dunce was large, an 1 for newly two hours, it is s.i I, subscriptions were outvied ns rapidly ns 1 they coal Ihe written down. In that time a lit- 1 tie over thirteen million of dollars wero .sub scribed tin* list being headed by P. T. P irnum. 85.,.. at s.Y.)o,fioo. The whole amount was di vided.among 103 persons residing in oil sections , .f the country, being an average or a little over 20,00.0 to • ich sub- rij.ti -n. Tho bioks were I closed oin* h'.ar for dinner, and re opened iu t'l.l afternoon, when a number of additional {•ubsriij lion/ w re made. Straw Paper, Tl.o New York Tribune notice* anew discov ery wiii’ h promi cs to wo k a revolution iu the ; p: .and icfi'Ut of newspapers ns well hs of books, vi/. the :lair paper of Mtdlicr, a F -n h ! r*h•• n1 i r no I manufacturer. This nrli do is | m id • entirely from straw, mid is a* good as enn I L • undo of rng'. lly amw ohctnionl process, ! ( inv niion n-dttecs t!o fibre of straw or other •e u .Mo substun*. - intopulp, which is then bed ns paper by the ordinary methods. The ; advantage of the use of straw comes from its j •vc. iing dicapn'* and abundance. Bugs are scare.', nnd a? the iL-mand for paper incroaser, 1 b e..:nos dearer, but there is little danger of a j short supply of straw. To discover a way of 1 ,11 ing it for p iper has long been desiderated, j but until Mr. Mellier, no seeker had found it 1 out. We are informed that his process is sim- : p! • and clicaj., and that when he ceases to claim c Miinensation n** patent'-o for its use, the price j of paper cannot but fall very considerably. Wny.hliigtoa Ncum. Tho Union of Friday last/nnnuooces, offici- j ally, the following appointments by thel’re i j dent; -lames 11. Williams, of Maine, Consul of tho i ITiiwd States for the port<Jf Sidney, in Austro- 1 | James 11. Young, of New York, Commercial ; Agent at Curncon. rf?** The articles in the New York Herald (soy* the Boston Post.) assailing the adtninis tration. and urging tho formation of anew cab inet fur the purpose of aiding W. H.‘ .Seward’s j election to the presidency, are siyd to emanate 1 II m the pen of Fewnrd himself. Anew four a t Drama, adapted from 1 D; kens’ novel of *• Bleak House,” is produced :*t W.illack’s theatre, in New York. It is from j tbo pen of John Brougham, Esq., ami may j tbcroloro be consul- red 11 treat. Important ‘l'l L grapitlc A rLit nil ion Caac. An important arbitration case was to bear i .gu -d at Philadcdphia, on Thursday before | M >srs. Pettigrew and Daniel Lord, distinguish ed lawyers of (Charleston nnd Now York, to settle certain charges against Amos Kendall and as- ‘ ?'-,', of improper and secret appropriation to their own urn of sotno $50,000 of funds be longing to the Washington and New Orleans Telegraph Company. A report by Messrs. Cooler, McCrery and Maury, usserts the facts alleged against Kendall to be true. The charge were preferred l>v a New York stoek hM‘r - ...J. _ Hcvolntion In Joui'iinllNm. The New York Tribune, under tho head of ‘*n revolution in journalism,” notices two new inventions. 1 irst, tbo manufacture of fine pa- j p‘r from xlran instcod of rags, by Mr. Mellier, | n French chemist, anil second, an improvement j iu presses by n eirzen of New York. It says; | “It is a printing pi. -*, which, at a moderate ! rat'* of speed, will deliver ‘thirty thousand’ is pi in ted on both sides in a siugle hour! Its movement combines the original principles of Napier, which are app id by Hoe in his great j prc?s, with soiuo new and beautifully simple arrOßgeuicMs and devices of the invontor.” I Tile Mllll l u for Tra veiling at it a Height. The New Y k J > irnal of Cotmneroo thusro lcis to sotno of its manifestations in that city : “ The pres.-ure of travel on our prinipul tho roiiglifiiros is prodigious. Steamboats and rail 1 pi curs arc crowded to excess. It seems as if everybody was on tho move. Between New Il.ivt ii and thi.- city, which is not ourgroutost thoroughfare, there are six trains per day each w iy: and they are insufficient for tho cbnveui cnl accommodation of the public.” From St Doiiiliigo.-lia|ii'tnMucnt of .Ynioriraini into the Army. A 1 iter to the Now York Herald datod St. U.iiiK, ‘'"pt- U. y : Mr. J. Elliott ic appointed conitnereinl agent f-r this purl, and al.-o for Forfo l’lata. As it is iid I ii-.-i blc for him to l>e in both places, ho has appointed a person to act, and represent him at I'.oto Flata. Several American citizen* estah li:d ‘ and there Imvc boon impre.-sed and made soldier*. I acting agent has, in u polite man net. wiiu,.11 to the Dnininciaii goveniineut on the su’ ieet. He received an answer saying that did not know him. The agent immediate ly infornicd Mr Klliot of tho c ase. The Con ‘id. Edioit, wrote i mined in t'dv to the President; an I after lift con day? hoi elftpaed. and no ai;- ; -w*-r had Inen received, he wrote a second let j b'i. ni l after twenty hadelnpseti no answer wa* 1 received. Auuoyct by sucb an insult, ho Ims wiJt-'iin third letti'r. A lew day- after reooiv- 1 • M R 1 Icttcran i verwftss nt : *•“ o ‘ imp i | .if- 1 which don’t appear ” “ r > and r -*y •• t that he must go ! ’ ttf Fab. . • :,e Ib-Mdent. with the doeu -o.ont ii .in bis -riim-nt to prove that lie is • ’ “■ ,l 1 ‘ ‘■■nul. 1 know that Mr. , JMioii w .ll' the.copy of that letter to the ! .'t'u v doubt iSic nppi-arnnee 1 t rt •* : and • “ tr “Bl settle the who! bu:lne:. SAVANNAH JOURNAL, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 18, JSf.l FiAiiklia Moiiumciit. Tho C’tUakooyft AUvertimtr, as our readers are aware, recently gave an article on the sub jo-M. of erecting a monument to Bkv the Printer, and suggested that ©very publish er of books or a weekly p-ipor in tho United .Stale*, contribute ono dollars, publishers of a ■ tri-Weekly paper three dollars,and of a Daily pa p T-ix or soveif dfdlars. Tho Philadelphia Htyinter copies the article and responds as ful . lowp: For ono, w<* suy trye heart 1 ly to tho propo .'ition. It is not boconiing in tho people of Piiriiidelphia to do no liomir to tho memory of ! the most illustrious <>! her departed citizens; and it would be a shame in tho Philadelphia ! press to be indifferent to a subject which ex cites such warm sympathy elsewhere. Now i<r the time to act. We suggest that a nieeting be held nnd an association formed according t,o , I iho suggestion of our Tennessee, contompora- An American Play in London* The play of tho Betrothal, by Mr. George H. ; Bokor, of Philadelphia, uayg the bulletin, was recently produced at Drury Lane Theatre, in London, Mr. G. Y r . Brooke taking tho leading part. It was enthusiastically applauded from beginning to end, but tho London critics net I themselves against it bocausc it was an Ainori- i can play, nnd, in spite of its success with the audience, would allow no merit to a work not j of English production. A correspondent of 1 tho Courier and Enquirer speaks of it us fol ; lows : Brooke, tho English actor, has lately return ed from the United States, and is imw per forming nt Drury Lane Theatre, On Monday night lie produced for the first time in this coun try. Mr. Boker’s play of Tho Betrothal. The principal character was sustained by himself, and the critics say he acquitted himself credi tably. The play is Fail ly spoken of, although there is nn evident reluctance to concede to Mr. linker tho praise bis talent, as exhibited , iu this composition, deserves. They accuse him 1 of a too close imitation of the dramatist of E lizabeth’s day, and quibble with tho plot. Not one of them has heartily denounced the produc- ! lion, which umy bo taken as a proof of its inqr ; its, because English critics of all ranks make : it a point to find fault with American coraposi- ; • lions of the kind, if they be open to censure. Tho audience was ovijontly much interested in ! the play and expressed their approbation of some of its sentiments by a good hearty cheer j The'Queen*® \i.?i{ to Ireland, on first page, w ill be found an interesting a* tide. 1., , t The Murder on Loug Island. I The outrage nud murder of the young girl ; near Jamaica, Long Island, creates great cx e.iteipent in that village. A meeting of the vil lagers, on Wednesday night, raised SSOO by ! subscription, to off eras n reward fur tho nppre ; hen-ion of the villain who perpetrated it. They ’ also resolved to represent the matter to the : j Governor; and suggest to him the propriety of offering a suitable reward. A Vigilance Com j mittee whs appointed to trace oui reports, and | do the best possible towards detecting him. Advance in the Price of Cumberland Coni. 1 We learn that in eojiscquence of the inorms- j j ed demand for coal, which greatly exceeds the j ! supply* the principal coal companies in the ; Cumberland (.Mil.) region, have advanced the , , prii es of coal at Baltimore an l Alexandria, ns I follows Is3 25 per ton for fine; 50 for run of j tho mi ir.''s. and 85'for lump. This is an a- | | vanc:o “I 25 cents per too, and nrikes lump coal | j coat iu New York, $5 85 per ton. - --•~- Extnit of London. The capital of ihe British Kingdom, it is said | extends overall area of seventy • eight thousand 1 and twenty-nine notes, or ono hundred nnd j twenty-two square miles; nnd the number of its , inhabitants, rapidly increasing, was tw*. mil ’ lions three hundred and sixty two thousand 1 two hundred and thirty-six, on the day of the last census. Rain Water n Prevent Ive of Cholera. j Mr. John Lea, of Cincinnati, in a long eoiu , inunication to the Gazette, states, as m fact, I that •'cholera never becomes epidemic in any , district or city were rain or pure soft water is used,” and supports his statements hy many I important facts. Ho also states that, during j five years past, not one well authenticated fatal ease of cholera has occurred w here rain water ‘ 1 was exc usivcly used. Snow Product of Mouim .Etna, The snow on Mount /Etna furnishes a source j of wealth to the Catania ns, by no means incon ’ siderablo. Above a certain height, it is found j in congealed graiml ited masses, and in this ! state is fit for conveyance to all the large towns ‘ j iu the island, and even as far as Malta. Con } stantinopl© ami the vicinity are in like manner supplied with this article, of paramount neves- ! : tity in a warm climate, from the cavities near j tho summit of Mount Olympus, where the snow lies throughout the year. Police Regulations iu Switzerland. Tho police of Friburg, Switzerland, have just promulgated two measures by the bellman ; one ! interdicting every person under sixteen years of j ago from smoking, and the other reeomtnend- i i”ff parents not to allow their children to play : with chemical matches. The New Uorenuir of Florida. The lion. James E. Broome was inaugurated Governor of Florida on tho 3d instant. In his inaugural address he takes ground tor the re moval of tlio Seminole Indians, conMdering ! ; them n blight to the prosperity of the State, in ! violation of treaty obligations, and in open de fiance of the power. authority and importunity of the Federal government, lie says that he ! will consider it n part ofhis constitutional duty 1 to see that the law of tho last session of the j j Florida Legislature providing for their final removal bo faithfully executed. How nnd AY tint They Punished in Olden Times. I On tho Massachusetts records appear the fol- 1 ! lowing order; I Whereas, there is no express punishment by any Law hitherto established or affixed to the evil Practice of Sundry Persons hy Exhoibi- J taney of the Tongue in Bailing and Scolding— | It is therefore ordered that all such persons ; 1 convicted before tbo Court, of Magistrates, that ! hath proper cognizance of tho enso for Bulling and Scolding, shall be gagged or set in a Duck -1 ingStool and drenched over Head and Ears i throe times, in Homo convenient place of fresh j <r salt water, as the Court of Magistrates may j judge meet. In ltm, the Court ordered, among other in t foresting matters, that every town should take r care that “there be a pair of stocks, n cage, and a emcking stool orcoted between this and the ! ii".vt Court.” Tho ‘‘couching stool,” or duck- I 1 ing stool,” a* it was oftenor styled, consisted of j a convenient seat attached to tbo end of a beam, , j precisely as a bucket is hung from the end of i j well sweep; this was placed over a pond of any . i deep water, and tho person to be punished hav ing been well secured in the seat, was jet down, i | or ‘‘ducked/’ into the water at tho pleasure of | the officer. This was tho most'cooling mode of | punishment then in use, and was therefore 1 specially reserved for scolding women. There 1 was also a provision for a whipping post in the vicinity of every justice of the peace.—presum ing tho number honored with that office was I not so groat as in our day. Coffin, the historian of Newbury, find* a re cord of 1751, “for carving the head of the whip ping-post, eighteen shillings,” nnd in 1765, 1 “iron work* for tho town stocks, four nnd six pence, and a bowl of toddy, eight pence.” The whipping-Jiost and pillory in Boston were sta tioned in Mato street, iu tho square below the •Slate ll .ii.- *. We have l e nd that the last per son set in the pillory in State street, in public, uas a black woman convicted ol stealing.— Boston Trnnvcriot. - 7Ms**Advertisement® coming in Into have do ; laiued us to-day. j The most serious eases of Dropsy cured hy Holloway’* Pills.— ! of dropsy are various, but it generally arises from ob-. I Htructkma to tin* free circulation of the blood tbrought the system; to remedy this there is nothing so five as Holloway's Pills, as they-purify tho blood and strengthen tho constitution, and thereby gradually diminish the collected fluid, and If |*ors*vorod in till th© cure i* eotnp'ote. further nccuiniiUtion* arc pre vented. Many person# that have auffered from drop #y enn testify to'the efficacy of this medicine, especial ly female* at the turn of life, who lit that period arc ‘ . more particularly predisposed to this insiduous ease. <*-l 18 finfirtiuas CTitrDs. arszrzt* DKS. RaVALLA JOHirSOw/] ‘■j Qltic* cor.St. Julii n-ft. ‘iJti Mitrlft Sfj’tre over S. W,hunt's jewelry store. ; Office hours from Bto 2 o’clock, and from 3to 6. 1 mar 11 Com | DR. S. G. PANCOST, Is prepared to perform all necessary operations forth” regulation, proscr- 1 ■ and beautifying of the teeth.and will insert artificial toeth, from a sin glo tooth to a double set. Pr. I’, will spare no effort to give the utmost satisfaction to nil who may command | : liis services. apr 21 JAMES B. FIDLER, Deulcrnmi Impoi terof Watches, Jewelry, Silver Ware, Fancy (iomls, &.C. No. 12, So. 2d Street, Philadelphia, Pa. ; sept K ly JOHN ANTROBTJB. f>r7r&s portrait, i.anpsuapk and animal PAiNTKR Bt. Andrew’s Ilall,corner of Broughton nnd 1 njar 5] .1 cffi'isoi'.-s'reels. [d'an j MARSHA).L HOUSE. •S A V A N X A 11 , a K O . , ‘GORDON l-'ARGO, Pr.'-wtiaroß. I.atc sf the United States Hot.;!, Geo. ; pr ll) ly WASHINGTON HALL, THE TRAVELLER’S HOME, Macon, (•., wrfij An Omnibus always lit readiness to convey ■‘“/g passengers to an l from llio Rail Road depot to , *ll J>. the llall. 11. P. KLDDING, Proprietor. D. K. Dr.VflE, Superintendaut. Omo apr 19 AM’tJ'.: ‘;.v.N flS§ HAXOVIdt STKLLT. - - - BOSTON, is • a \ t. 1 ; AY IS Ri i e , ; Rebuilt, Enlarged, and Elegantly Furnished, Possessing all the modern improvements and con- • veuionoeslor the iierouuiKsltttioil of the 1 dee 2 trail ling public. - ly i DANIEL OROMLAY, FASHION A HIiK MOOT MAKER!! Corner of Broughton and Bull Scs. JTin: Bub.'. i iU.r desire# to inform th© public, tlmt bo lias arrived from Charleston, • -and . lias opened as\boye, where they are pvepured to execute orders for Roots of the finest finish ‘ and style, ami equal, if not superior, to any heretofore ! oifmed t.> the public. He has many friends in this j State who have Vhvii his patrons in Charleston, and J he solicit* from them and the pul lie a call and a trial, novS ly j JOSEPH GANAHL* ATTORNEY AT LAW, Corner of Bay and Whitaker-streets. i 24 ly E. J. BLACK, (Li‘e of Charleston.) Xotnry FuDllt*. ami S'dpptng Master. Marine protests noted and extended, and ad other 1 ; notarriai busine's attended to. (nin eat Ferry Wharf,'opposite the On* Works, Sav- ‘ annuli. ly Junb 2<J j JOHN B. MILLER, AnVhM.V A T T.AW. may 23 ts llnuiaiwick, Gn WILLIAM PHILLIPS, ATTORNEY A'i LAW, MaRIETI fLG ly P. JACOBS, SEOAR AND TOBACCO STORE, No. lift, Hull rftn t,(Bi:-'iiof the Rig Indian.) N, 11. Keeps constantly on hand Spanish, Hull i Spanish, and American Segars, at wholesaleand retail. Also, Chewing Tobacco, .Smith \o. juue 1 j z. n. wjilki^ft, Factor and Com mission Merchant, ‘ 320 Riiy-st., Williamson's Buildings. apr H> ly Well 6 ii DURR. Factors and Commission Merclimat No. 82 Bay-streot, Savannah, Ga. L W. WtLLS, Savauiwiii. L. M. Piu;, Columbus, mar 1 1 y ; J. S. DiLvBY, House nail St;;ii I'aluui’, Guilder, Gla zier nml Paper Hunger, No. 21 McDonough and 82 Perry-sts. Orders will meet with and exe , cuteu iu the best manner. fel 7 A. SHORT. MASTER 15U 1 1,1) F.R. Will take contracts for building and Working Ma sonry of every Ucseription. Residence, first door west ; of St. Andrew ‘s Hall, Broughton street. oct an J. J. MAURHE, T 1 s It O O K It, The subscriber is prepared to lay Tin Roofs on I reel principles, and. from Iti years’ experience, feel $ as sured he can give -atisfacliou. Prices very low. R * .'t | reference given. i'eb 18 j Jtf - Gutters and <V*nd u“ors made to order. . f 'jr FORT & DUNHAM. FACTORS AND COMMISSION .MLRDHANTS, Sava 11 null, Ga. llkniiy R. Fort, T. Iv. Dunham. j oct lii ly SI URGES & HAMPTON, General Commission Morchants for Lumber, Ac. Ac. Office No. 70 Baystreet, Savannah. HKlhi: I.NCKS. Messrs. T. X. Uouluiu .v Son, Hand. Davis. Kolb A Fanning, W. S. A T. 11. Roberts, Bel cher & llollingswortb, linn. Andrew J. Miller, Col, John Millidgc—Augusta,(la. j Messrs. Hand. Williams .V Wilcox—Charleston. i Messrs. Hunter AGamuiell, and Lr. It. L. Byrd—Sa vannah. Ga. ■ leb 9 h mos I MEDICAL NOTICE. DKS. RIO U DON x Cl ELEN. Having associated themselves iu the practice of Me- 1 dieine and Surgery, respectfully tender their profes sional services t*> tin* citizens of Savannah and vicinity. In cases requiring the attention of more than one phy sician, the attendance of both can be obtained free ot extra charge. Officoonlbe corner of West Broad and St. Julicu streets. ly nov 10 i JAMES MchELKY, I \SI It A \ ( E Iflto K i : k AN 1> a o- T.un PUBLIC. ; Marino Protests Noted ami Extended, Averages ad- ; I justed. Charter Parties and Average'Bonds drawn.— ! I Papers prepared whereby to recover from Arne- 1 I ricun or Underwriters, and attention given to I all matters connected with Shipping and Insurance.; No. 118 Bay street, opposite tin: front of the Custom House. ly nov 8 .[ it. 11. DABBY. FASHION A BEE TAItOB AND CUTTER, 1-lst 1 . Congms St., Offers his services to the t iti/.eus of .Savannah, nnd j respectfully solicits a share of their patronage, lie has no ddYibt of giving sati.-faction to all who may (a- 1 ▼ >r him wiili nn order for cutting or making Uie most , f.isliionable garment. dm 13 j FRENCH JUVENILES. Ri-nut ifuliy rnl cd -In Onnmcn tnl UiaiUag. EE RORI* SON h )UESSE ou Histoirc ! tit •■rlfi'a B'Une t’amillo Luisse Naufagee, par J. 1 Wyss. fjf Adventures de Robinson Crusoe, tra- j Z5*KS v dujtes de Daniel !)>• Foe. Aiuaiiti Corsina ou 1/Orpheiine De Seinnc, Dediee j Aux Jeunes Person lies, pur Yn U>r Doublet, Proles suur de Belles-lottrej, etc. Abrege de ton- Les Voyage# uu Pole Nord. depuis les Frere*. zeni jusqu'a trahouard (1080-l83t ; ), pur ‘ Henri Ecbrun—.sixieme edition, j .Marguerite Robert, par M’me Tullie Moueuse. 1 Les Berniers Jours do l’ompei. iuiitu de Bulvver—B | edition. lUstoirc Naturello. dcs Aninmux lespluß rcmarqnn- j bios de bl classo dcs >1 am mi fores (Qiutdru pedes et I ectaces) par un Naturiiliste du Museum, ornee de figures D’Aiiniinuax—s edition. \ E'Orphcline de Moscou o.uJu Joune institutrice, par j .M ine VYoillez—dixieuie ed tion. Pierro-le Grand, par .1. N. Dubois, profosseur de 1 l'Universite —qnatricme edition. Mes Prisons ou M(*moircsdo Silvio, Pollico, traduc- I tionnouvclle. Par M. I/Abbe Btiurases, profes.-eur uu | petit Seminaire de Tour*. Au • usto et Thoreso, ou Lc Retour ala so, par M’mu ‘ Tarbe das Sublous—troisieme edition. Ernestine au les Churmcs de la Vertu sniviede Nel ly ou lit Juenc Artiste et do Caroline et Juliette, par M ine (Ysarie Forrenco—septieme edition. Blanche de Havenav, pur M’nie L. B. Ague* de huuv.-ns. uu momoires De Sueur Faint ; Louis, pur Loui- Yeuilette. Mathilda et G;.bridle ou los Bieufuits, D’L’ne Edu- j cation Ohretriem.t —tmi-iemme edition. Robert .111 Le .Souvenir D Cne Mere, par IM’mc C. 1 ’ Guermante, Voyages ot Avanture# do Laperouse, par F. Valon- j ’ tin—fixieme edition. For sale by I 2<) CUBBLDGE A BROTHER. I Rem jUrocrtistnunts. PARTICULAR NOTICE || RECETVKD THIS DAY per steamship Florida from%ew York, nnd now being served at Conr'# Coffee House, New York Beef, Partridge*, Wood cock nnd Oyntcis, Ac , Ac oct 18 j* SITUATION WANTED, A SITUATION i* wanted either in town or ran 11 try HatY by a Ourdlner. who can give r.-b'v- from former employer*. Ajiplv at tlrK’ofti< <•. 1 rs:t 18 % ‘ ;{* : -i KioTfuTii.i>ai.wocß ■ O mr fude on favorable term#, by ! °*-t 18 4 0. A. L. LAM Alt. OS STORKS FOR RENT—Two Store# under our Bblil Counting Room, and one Wharf Store. I’obsos ! sion given immediately. tct 18 PIITLBRICK (f BELL. U. 8. MAIL LINE. *1 ~ FOR NEW YORK. • To sail Saturday, Oct. 22, at 11 o’cloAa.M. The splendid fast going aHhship UUMtiDA, Capt. M. S. WoodWlT will FurNreight or passage _otdlH ’ FAYA CD. Ffi/c Reduced. FOR PHILADELPHIA. To leave Wednesday, Oct. 19, at 9 o’clk, A.M. , The new and slpeiidid stciun'ldp KIIY STONK STATE. Capt. Robert 11 ftrd i°’ “ Kan* a# above. j Cabin Passage to rhiludelphia J2O Steerage •* do. s For frciglitor passage, apply to oof 1 ‘ (’. A. E. E \;.|AR. FOR PHILADELPHIA- Heron's Lino. The regular pa*.Uct sChr. ALOYo.NA, Hand t&s. ma-ter wilt have quick despatch for tboapuy© port. For frdglit or passage apply to ; not is i lii PEN it BUNKER. FOB NEW Y 0 ftK UniouXiue. ; The regular pack t schr ELIZABETH A Pelrson, innsfer, will have quick I despatch for the above port. For freight (>r pns.-age, ! apply to tort. IS) <’GD! \ <!■ BUNK EU. FOR PHILADELPHIA Hevon’s Lino. Ihe regular jmctctscbr VIRGINIA, Hants, muster, will have quick de: patch for t)ie a hove port. - For freight or passage r.)ipl\ to j oct. IS oGDKN it KnjfKßß. S OR BALTIMORE. Tbo schr D 11 B.\LDW’i.N. Frisbie. master. Nj-'/ 1 will meet with despatch as nbov©. For freight ’ or passage. a]plv on board at Tdiair’a wharf, >r to oct 18 * BRIGiIA.M, KKLLV .t Uv>. F.m FREIGHT OR CHARTER . j .■£!<*• Tie new brig TALLULAH, master. Fo s3£ particular#, v to 1 ihugH am, kelly >t rr>. FOR FREIGHT OR CHARTER. I The fine sdir E R BENNETT, Wood, inastcr. For particular*, apply to .Tfc 13 _ _ HRlwilA.M. KEL’jY k C). r VI r HESKEf—in bl.fa SionougalieTu If 1 puncheon Scotch Whiskey • j 1 do Irish do. For yule by | oct IS HYLAND t o’NRILL. It fs Mol?k£ n; r \ND TONGt ; 1 B .rrels just received OOtlb HYLAND A O’NEILL. / t htjUNDH.ASTniE— 100 casks Ground Plaster \ I daily expected, for .-ale t> arrive, by )! 1 GIA.M. K : i.'.Y V <M. I EME.— i'.K) casks Liine now lauding, will .be sild j very low if applied for this m ruing tn 1 18 Bill ill AM, KELLY A CO. f ATllai 1 or brig 1 J ,Martha Rodger*, for sale to arrive by 1 IlGil 01, KELLY A CO. HAY. —()() bales prime Eastern liny landing per J. Uohun. Fur sale by 1 oct 18 BRIGHAM. KELLY * CO. WiNEB AilD BRANDiES. j 2 half Pipes Old Reserve Maderin. u-.. , . Ilb “ and quarter casksHierrv. 1 “ fit) Old i'nrt. J 10 Low Price Mudoria, 11“ “ *• Olard Brandy. Bui.nm:;*. > t() •• “ “ ,J. J. Dupuy j l “ “ “ pazorcu and Honessy. in wood and bottles, for sale by HYLAND i O’NEILL, oct 18 Next door to Marshall House. J’.-. UKAD-QUAItTKUj FOR Pi.!/.i.s Office 1.78 Bay-.-trect. two da>r# east of City Hotel nnd in connexion with Hamden's Express oil'.oe. GUOKGI A a’ a i'U LoTTS: 521 Fur tho Benefit of tho Indeponclont Firo Company at Augusta. A. 13. Ei'ii.iS dc- CO., Managers. Lowest 3 No. Prize 6,350 DOLLARS'. Class ftf). Will be drawn in Savaunnh. Tn-morrow Afterno -n. Si’ L:. NIM 1 M : 11 E.~ | 1 prize of I 1 prize off 2-2 1 prize of t.buO j ‘Jud prizes of 75 Ac. Ac. Ac. Ticket-only —Hulvcs.£l—Quarters. 50*. Met)’ Orders from the country answered prcmptly, 1 draw ingp sent regularly, and prizes cashed on demand ) at this office, by oct 1’ CHA RLE.? B. P V i’ i ‘ 4.672 DOLLARS. GREEKL AND FuLAblxi LOTTERY, ft lass No. 12:7. for 1853 i A'o be drawn in .riavanuuh, Wednesday. Oct’r ifttli. GREGORY & MAURY, MANAGERS, j Successors to J. W . Maury & Cos. SCHEME. 1 prize of $4,> 7 1 ft prizes of SIOO j 4 prizes of 1,00“ I Id prizes of <SO 5 prizes ot 2ou j 20 prizes of ftu Ac. Ac. Ac. 1 Tickets $4 —shares in proportion. Tickets either sin My or by tin; D.u kage for sale by E. M ITHINGTON. Bay Lime, Suvauuuh. Ga, “<4 I s J ender fi r Gregi ry a Maurv. 10.V00.Y PORTER, SCOTCH AKb iLIQUORS, ae.,—A full siij.pjj it” syper or qoulity ! for sale nt ‘ A LEX AN Dl-,R'S oct 17 corner Bull and Congtc.-s sls. Moimnicntsq, 11 ME\ Ni> Fid)IJR.- -(hie thousand Ml-. ! m:;,-. aid gfifty bid*. Flour. Landing and for sab* by w ‘l7 Bit 1G HAM: K. LLY and • }. 1 UST lllilC’ll per steamer 2ft bbls. Point'm;* 20 *t do Apple-; do Fult. n Market, pig pork. Hi half • t - niton Market Beef, 2do new Halifax Salmon; .’I half do Codfish. Tongue* nnd Sound- : ft boxes Lemons: i bids Smoked jffcof; 2do Smoked Tongues: 2 half do Pickled ib Smoked Herrings, new Mackerel, etc.: for ’ - ul,! *y \ LENA NDc,lt'S, i ocil7 eor. Bull and Oougress-: ts. 1> ECU per late arrivals Extra Bbi k and Green V leas, (warranted) Crushed Powdered, Clarified and Brown Sugars; Solf-llri-ing Flour in Package of 21..'2 and *■ l ft keg* Extra Goshen Butter:;* boxes new I 1 luese; 2o boxes Sperm. Adamantine and Tallow j Emtidles: ft basket# Sweet Oil; B) boxes Tomato Mush* room. Walnut C:u*upt. English Pickles nnd Sauce-; 2 bbls Tomato Catsup, Aliuund#. Nut,*, Raisins Prmnes, Ac-i foKsalo Ww at * ALEX ANDERS, cor. Bull and Congress-st.. i o*t 17 Monument Square.. HA V. — 1 bolus prime Eastern Hayper/bri giaua, for sale by oct Ift K. \V. BUKEU. j / AI BROIDEUIES, Collars. UhhncsJltw, £ j Underdeeves, lufanL’s Robe#, lnlcint's Waist*, breakfast Cambric Caps, Cam hi ic and Musliu Bauds, j all in great variety, at K EM I‘TON A. A EIJSTILLI/S. 7 2 St. Julien and 10ft 1; ry an street s, oct Ift WMiing’s Range. NJOAY RKIvWHE AT I'kOl 11, L i 1- ing from steamer Augnstrt, aud tor sale by ocl 11 11. J. GILBERT. |> 1 ‘U r r Klt At cilKidsid. - Landing from 1 > steamer Augusta, and for #h e by j 6ct 34 H. J.-GILBBRT. I KMORIS.-—Landing and for sale bv I j act ll _ H, J.QILI 1) \? : 1 8151ST) oil., for Machinery. rt i <•* ived and for sale by oct ll Jv B. MOOR F- A Cos. , j GINGER PRESERVES^ 2d eases, for sale by oct 14 ■ n.xJ.OXLBERT. 1 I | AVASA SEGAIIS.— 10.000 Norrictas, 10,- 1 1 I d*)d Buenu Vista#. Iff,Odd Londrcs, 10.000 Cuban* , 11'. 10.000 Jose Krasqnieris. J.ondri*, 20.000 Pierce and j King, 20,000 La vita Clara Lononders,and lO.Ono Fer -1 mindo (Tortus Loudres. by, A. HON AUD, i oct 14 Corner Bay and Whitakor-sts. ANTILLAS, TALMAS. An.—Cli-th/Silk Satin uud Velvet Mantillus; Cloth, Silk. Satin and ‘ ci vet Talmas, of the latest and most approved styles; by j recent KEMPTON & \ MUSTII.LK’S, 72 St. Julien aud 10ft Bryan-strcet*, oot 10 Waring'* Range. , MASON’S BLACKINCK t quan tity to suit purchasers, ly H. J. GILBERT. 20 O ATS.—SOO Bushel* Prime Maryland Gats, just re cei\-viand for sale by P. L. OONSTANTI NK, j ’ sept It* Foot of Barnard street. Ol !,*. 100 bbls. Lamp I'n: _ 2ft bbl*. Tanner’s Gil; i 3*> do Linseed do.; for sale bv ; sept 1 IL J. GILBERT, We. t aide Marketer, j 4 list* ndtncßlfice. C. M. 11., ) Mava.vnui, fIC. Sept. 1.-1, 1853. J After this day, by resolution of the of Directory up and down freiglit will Ujhftyftfao H t the Meryhant*’ Counting House, or by depict made with the, soni-w&J.Iy t on Monday* MpJgtotfnys from 9 o’clock, A. M. to 2 P. M. Kills to through tlio Post (,’fflcc on , and Fridays. l aihuc to make payment wlion railed fbras above, will stop parties’ account. W. M, W ADLKY. 1 ‘ i*l*t 1 General Suporintemletit. TO THE VOTERS OF CHATHAM COUNTY. FrLLow Citizens lam a Candidate ****’'****'-’ ffir the office of SHERIFF of yourCoun ! nt the election in January next, andrespcctful j ly .solicit, your support. <*’£A. THOMAS. . SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN. = > j TjjT’ TTIE Subscriber, having lieen appointed ng(*nt for the above unrivalled publication : ia prepared to receive subscription#.. The next vol ume will commence on the 17th of Sjgtcmfcor g::o. i!.VriT(:mi,i,, j oct ” Succcsor to F. Zf.gbjium Sc Cos. WM. \. WHEELER A < <?, WIFoLKSALE Sta tiono rs Wa re r OO in s„ i Summer mid Kali Import ntlons. 1 853, FRESH GOODS. from Europe, the nu> t nlegant and care ! | fHy selected STUCK CF STAPLE AND FANCY STA i Tl * >NKKY, ever imported into the city of New York.— ‘ They have also on hand a coinj ortment ot AMKHIOAN C.U*. 1.1-riTKU. J.KiJ.U, CAP, DAlil PJSI’ li.l PI. AT PA puns,' all of .vhfcl, win IwffiM.t the lowest MIL!. Pl*.tcn.s. Buyers .from the Interior will find itto their interest i to examine Llje;-o guo l# before pure!wising ehewherg. WM. A. WHEELER A* CO., j Nios. Id and 15 Park’ Row, ! “’’s'3* *'iv New York City. LAKFCRT, BIAKEMAN & LAW, ;I.ATK COUMSIt, LAMPORT St CO.) - • iely of Cap and Letter Pa per. ! B >.)StSKLLI!S A STATIOSESS, j A". S IKtrk /V...:,:. tieai- llrtjvdwai/, X I: ■ - V o n k- . IITIIAM If. I.AMI’OUT. r.IRTIRKV ill.A KKM AN, ly llliNltY W. I.AM'. MAY SlNdl\(j UilOK PATENT NOTES! 1 THE H A R F OF THE SOUTH; A N'W ANI KXTKN.SIVK COI'T.KCTION Or OIUKCTt MUSIC, . Tfy I. IS. Woodbury, ; Ac. Thi# hook embraces many new fou turon, aud. it ia confidently believed, will be found the ■ j most comprehensive, attractive nnd useful woik of he kind ever issued. It has been prepared iuuuswer 1 U numerous . alls from the South and West, and ein braces the Geuis from all the most popular round i notp bookkiu the dounby, together with much new , music written expressly for it* pages. By special ar I 1 rungement. (he right to use the favorite composition i I of Lowelb.Masou, Erq., the. disliiiguislnui composer and i | editor,lias been obtained,and a careful selection from his j ! very popular, vvorka. the Handel and Hayden Society’s j ! Collection: The Boston Academy’s ColleetJun; The Car- . mina Sacra, (of which last work alone,* over 300,000 ! copies have b, eu sold.) and other*-, has..been made.— ] ; Selection* h-tve also been made fro© the works of j ! Thomas Tl.t ting* and William B. Bradbury, Ksqr*.,as 1 | well ;i# from the'other most disti mi wished American j j add Foreign Composers; Thiele icest jdeces have also j i been inserted from The Dulcinun. by Mr. Woodbury, | j n work wliicli Juts has had the astonishing sale 0f125,- i ! UOd copies in tlic short time since its publication. .Teachers. Chorister.'and others interested, arc in* j ; vilod to examine, this work. Retail price $1 Off. Fori *by CUBREDGK A BROTHER, ; S,: •’ ly Savannah. I LDO 3: AND JOB PRINTING. , r: ’ ° “üb-criher having iiuppljcd his-office with a large *•.rimeiit of plain, orna nn-nCd and fancy tvj c*. i. now prepared to execute, at sliou notice, all order# entrusted to him in the best manner, and equal to syiy establishment in t.hcSontli. | Uamphlets. Law Blanks. Cirnibu-#, Catalogues, liusi ness ( ,irJs. Hat Tips. Bills of Lading. Visiting'Cards, Kill Head*. Dray Receipts; also Boaters, Show and Hand Bills. :n Gold, Bronze. Re<l, Green, Blue, Yellow, and every kind of colored Inks, faithfully done at short notice and ou reasonable term*. Orders may be i h.’ft at the office. Sorrel * Building, or at the Book 1 Store on Market-square. J an2 < J. B. CUBBKDGE. Dit. GEO. F. COOPER. Office under Mrs. Snider’s west side I.ib- erty square, Montgomery st. Residence corner Berry and Drayton s(s. opposite the Catholic Church. ts j 0 0 DAGUERRE AN GALLERY. MR. B. M (’AItY, having formed a Copartnership with J. W. iVrkin*, f..r the I purpose ot carrying on the husmessof theDaguerreMn • Art. reupectfully gives notice t- lii- former patrons nod the public that the room* formerly occupied hy him will be open uni ing the whole season,the busim-s. be ing dime ly the firm of (’nrv A Bcrkiiif*. j Those who are in want of picture* arc r-spcctfullv invited to call and examine Mr. IVrkin’# specimens of j the Ar(. they m iff not be found inferior to any that | have lief re been exhibited in tJieso rooms. Bictuns taken nt nil hour* between'.) o'clock. A. M. and 6 o'clock. I* M.. and in a:.y weather. , ho” E.ntkvm .. nifM St. JruKN st., through S. P. M ll.MOT’s JxatXUV Slußi;. * i.Jt a ‘V'ft B. M. CARY. BOOK BINDING. The subscriber is prepared to execute E iok Binding of every deaeriptk-n nt the abortusL notice. Blank Books ruled and hound to any : pal terns. [feb2J OUBBIvipGF: & BROTHER. Tile c in’ nil v e jiroptit ies of Hollo way’s Ointment and Pill* arc daily rtf Healed.-*— All ranks of society and medical men, ; both at home and abroad, speak df these imeompnra i ble medicines in themost fluttering terms, and assert ■ that in tjie severest cases of chronic ulcer*, those even 1 whiclrwo-o considered incurable. Holloway’s flint iinept has been truly efficacious, wheu used; and there sno disputing the fa ttl i.l 1 ('hwix# J ill.-’Me ti t very best family medicine ever known or tried. These admirable remedies will euro bod legs, however invet sirntely diseased: likewise rhcunintic aflcetions.ghindu-’ i hir swellings, and the most obstinate cases of Scurvy, scrofula, or King’s evil. oct 11 I VT'EAPT BOW DER*—nn invoice of Brest on a Mer ; J rill’s infallible Yens! Bowder. just received at the wt “ AB( )Tll EC ARI Kb’ IM LL. HAY. —- r,(l bales prime North River liny, landing . ami for sale bv | oct. 3 ‘ BRIGIIAM, KELLY A CO. OATS. —1 .iK'ii bushel# of rale tc arrive; 1 ply; to (.sept:;] OGDEN <t BUNKER. IIMK*-- ftOO 1 M*. Lime, daily ox]*x-ted per brig j Mazatlan, will be sold low if applied for inline* diately. i BRIGHAM, KELLY & GO. DAL| ROPE AVP BAGGISG. I *-> Ky 3 [sept 21] II."J; GILBERT. ’I’ A 11. 1 . CRAYONS convenient idei pi I uiacliinery for shaipt-uing lead pencils; for sale ‘ ! ]> y -4fc-‘(oct 8) CURBI DGK ,/ BROTHER. ‘ I) 1 ‘■ Ki. • Gii i,;. Ii 7 a.cfesirable assortment, just npenci: Ty CCBBEDG E tC BROTHER* ]> KTICULKS—a splendid assortment at all price#; I 1. for sale by Cl BBEDUE and BROTHER. ! oct 8 OW i.J-. l’ MEAT?.—2S boxes as* i-ted, viz: Apricot#, l i I ’caches. Bears, Quiuees. l*iue-Apple, Citron, Blums; and Most India Bre-erve*. assorted. Ju-t re- I ccived, by HYLAND dtO’NKILL, 1 Ll Under Marshall House. O?. IDA s. -2( O'bhl#. ( ir4< ns for sale to nrrlfe per brig Tiberius, from Boston, by ] sept 22 OGDEN A BUNKER. J1 JIJL7.--ftuu bbl*. Rockland Lime now lauding j at Whitehead?# Wha-f, per brig Argo, from lios i ton, for sale by [oct 4) OGDEN & BUNKER. j Jasnriinre. AGENCY HOWAHB INSURANCE CO., 0? HEW YOEK. Savannah, August Ist, 1853. Huring my absence from the city, Mr. H. Campfield will act a# my attorney, and attend to all business pertaining to this Cos mprt , IV . S/C. DUNNING, img 1 2Vml Agent. SAVANNAH MUTUAL INSURANCE CO. Office. No. 118 Bay-street. This Com pa* kLS-v. uy will continue, to take Marine, Fire and Inland Navigationrl-Us on the moat favorable terms. llcnrt D. Weki*, President. Trustees—llenry D. Weed, J. R. Wilder, I. W. Morrell, N. B. Knapp, Hi* ram Roberts. K. F. Wood, Henry Latlirop, John W, Anderson, James Mellenry, Secretary. June 13 > t .Pjrtfr'fcCTlON INSURANCE COMPANY. HW* Hartford. Conn.—The undersigned, agents of the ab<vve Company,are prepared to take risks against Fire, on buildings, mid their cun tents, on the most favorable terms. July 10 BRIGHAM. KELLY A CO. JTJAL LIFE INSURANCE. utiinl Life liitmi-aiurt Com pany of New York. ISAAC AItBATT, Secretary. F. S. W INSTON, I’resideuL j Applications rewived by WM. B. HUNTER, Agent. 18. R nor. Iv jan FIRE AND LIFE INSURANCE AGENCY. .Vo. 129 Sncannnh. (ia. uLlc Fire aiice I'ompaiiVf OF LONDON. -Authorise;l Caj it:d §2,500.000 Capital paid in $1,000,000 C. E. Haukcht, 1-ftq.. “I IL:.vhy Luiu am. Esq., 1 Trustees, N. Y. K-rar. DiLto.v, Esq., J Fariui-rs’ Fire Insm-nuce Couipuny f Capital, Granite Fire Insurance Company, Capital %i.2 00,000. Knickerbocker Fire Insurance Cos., Capital 0150,000. New York &• Erie ’aj)isal, $150,000. The.-e Companies liaving u efish capital, safely in ve-ted in bond and nmrtgige. me prepared to effect lusurapce agaitist damage b; fire, on uli kind#of pro perty on reasonable terms. Ciinrtcr Oak I.ll’e Insui-nnce Com* puny, HARTFORD, CONN.— Capital, and surplus over £250,C0(k- Alfred Qit.l. Presii cut, Jas. C. Walk ley, Sec'y, Tiii* Company will issue Bolides <-n tho Joint 5-tock principle, and upon ti:e Mutual plan, ttius com bining the heiuTiLs of both sy.-tems at tho option Os the insured. “The strength,’ ability nnd well invested capital of the institution are. in my opinion, unsurpassed by , anv Life Insurance Company in this State*or Union. [L: S.] Signed lt.G. IMNNEY, Comptroller of Public Accounts, Stati- of Connecticut. For jnsurimcc in either of the above named Compitv i nie.s. apply to- A WILBUR, General Insurance Agent. and agent for the above Cos. sept, 13 Office 12'J .— JIREPARATIJNS FOR THE HAIR, ’ * Barry’.- ‘j'ricopherous, Lyon’s. Cutbarsm, Jay lie's | IlairTonie. Eau l.u*trale. l.'iwl.mdsGen. MacassorOil l-'reucli. English and Amerieau Bomutums, Oil#, etc. ; etc.. J. K. Di-FORD. oct 11 Apothecaries'llall. j)E R EIT fi. FRY. -\ ii of genuine Ln -1 ■ bin’s Extract*. Hazin’s do, Orientnl Drops. Verbe ;na Water, MUie Flours Water. Extract Upper Ten, See. Uso r a variety of styles genuine I'arhin Cologne and [ several qualities domestfc do. fi*r sale by | out 11 J. K. DkFORD, ApoLhecario - *’ Hall. SAFETY BOXES, for wax tapers and vesta light#: for sale by joct S j BL BBEDUE i BROTHER. ; f j>RACOO. —2OO boxes various brand#and quality-- J. for sale by [sept Iftj \VULSTER A PALMEb. n-YY. —17ft bales Prime North River Hay. landing per steamer Augusta, and l'ny sale bv ott 12 BADEI.FGRD, FAY Sc CO. F'CKIjES. —A few halfhi>l*. Cucumber Pickle*,, with Peppers, pot up in Vinegar ready so. u.-e - j For sale hy SEA 15 )RN G'.HR)ALL. I )I T f iilß i& CHRBSEi—SOMinn llatter, 1 )u:ol :U tMixesChuose,received pc V.tenmers Alubuma j and Augyntu. For sale alt he e.m’poriuni by ‘> t 12 SEAM i;tN GOODALL. I lO.YKET RIBBONS* -Jn#t received at 1 A 2 F Ouigres#-street, a han,S"iin.’ assortment of net Ribbnus. CU it KELL. Agt., oct 12 Ufbb ‘iTs Building. SILKS. Ju*t received another magnificent assortment ol l i :ur. and .-iiks. entire new paLtcrus, ; and m b piece coiilaii.iiig but or.c dress. * Also, uliw di t.-s sot I i.i i: I I.di es, imj < rtrd ex-*- ’ pve##ly for the, tout hern inaiket. 5. (Üblvl i L. Apt., oct 11 Gibbon'.- Buildings HOST OFFICE SCALES, a convenientur- I tiele for the counting room; for sale by i oct s ccbbeikh: a bkgther. : If A Til i-.AIATICAL J N >ll hTmen TE—a goed ua xTj. sortmeut; for sale > - oct 8 CUB HEDGE A BROTHER. ] f pEA.—SO halt chests Hyson, Imperial and Bowehong 1 Teas; fur sule by sept 1.5 ; / 1 HEAVING TOnACGO.—Lorillard's Cn'en ; Tobacco In tin foil. also, a fresh supply of Mr#, j Miler’s Tobacco. rc< eived and for sale by JOHN B. MOORE Sc CO.. ] sept 10 Gibbon#’ Building. j/OLIMIYL LADDERg.—several dozed of ■ the above very iim ful articles, just at Ihi and. and for sab* by (oct 1) Oil. Ji. CA.MPFILLD. Il AI K.—ltKK.l bids, lamljiig tn.m’ZcnoLiu. ai.d fir jsaleby (s<ipt 2] BRIGHAM, KELLY A CO. 1)1. ITF'.R AND ( HF.hfcK.-—Jnst ret eived per * ton m 1 >er Alabama, a fre.-h supply of Rutter nud Clwe. e, ■ a choice article; for sale at the Emporium, bv sept 12 SEAB.'RN GOODALL. HA Ii •—B7 bales prime Eastern I Inv. for sale, to arrive, apply to *2 OGDEN Sc BUNKER. /I : 1 ...\ Mb'i i .it.— A few firkins superior Gosheiv \X I tuttor, received per..iteauier Augusta, and for’ sdcat ihe l.mpulium,by rtpt i 4 SEABORN GOODALL. i* ‘ ARS! - GALS!!- A lot of choice Segar*. juat O received, ineluding J Br. nndo, AT-ilka.Gift.large, l tuediniu and small Blnntation. Mustamenle, Union, Regalia. Fenomcpo and Genuine Rio Hondo#, rail and-ee at tlio APOTUECAUIES’ HALL. net fi | JOTATDfcs—"go bids in tine Tier, fur-ale by I |s VYEMSf Lit Sc I’A'LMES yjERISO i SDK ;SHIKTS& DRAW- F'LS.- Now opening kteexncr, a full assort ! ment of Undersbirts end Drawer# of Merino. Flannel, I red and white Fr.-uch Flannel Shirt* and Undershirts tor servant*: Ladies'Meriuo Shirt*. Undershirt# uml Drawees for Boys. Shaker hulf-Ho.-e. de.. lor tale cheap by fp-t U I GKO. S. N ICHOLS. S lORN Al Id A L .—'2i'll bushel# fresh gi ouud Uoun- Y_g try Corn Meal, just received nnd for sale by wt 11 CU AS. 11. DUIIYEE. I I M E.—ft(K) bbl*. Lime, landing and for sale by Ii net S BRIG 11 AM. KELLY Si CO. { lAM I’l rfS’E AND BUR Nl NG “FEwlT.—Received \ this day per schr. E. 11. Kotvlov, a fresh supply of Cainphine and Burning fluid, which will be sold Ly . sept It) .1 N•. ,1. .M ,\ *i; in;. 12 &14 Barnard-lit. r)TATOKS.-A t *v\ mi of Potatoes for -Me by foetoj HFI A BURN GGuDALL. 1 lASTERV HAY.—lftl bales Eastern Hay I A now landing at. Wliit< head's Wharf, per brig Ar -1 go, from Boston, for sale by j o’t * OQDF.y A BUNKEIR i >iG IIAMB. • ■ • a, , 1 ft barrels l’4g Hiiiiis;s do Smoked Beef; 20 dozen j Smoked Tongues; 200 lb Hologne Susagcs. tor sale by HYLAND k O’NEILL, “• Next door Marshall ll miFo. Vs (>. -VM)P(qtTOIll( OSI (,'AU.-0 11* hhds.; for sale by | *opt 1 ___* 11. J. GILBERT. BROARS.8 ROARS.'—10,000 No. 1, La J?orioga and others; for Mil*- 1 by HYLAND & G’NEI LL. ! F°ptl*3 ‘ Under Murphall Honsr MERINO V , EiST5.‘*-Ju#treceived at 154 Corigrovs street,, u beautiful assortment of Ladies and ! Gentlemen Cashmere and Merino Vests. S. CI’RRELL Agent, 10 . Gibbon’s Bulßiny. bi TTKR AND ( HEF.BK.'—Just rtoelved by steamer Florida and for side by H?Pt 13 . HYLANI)A O’NEILL. Ty iltE “‘IEM’E OK CLOTH —2 case#, * ? co|itiiinliigll sizes of fine and coafse woveuWire, -l to .‘{o ineli width ; for sale bv net 1 Cil. 11. CAMI’FIELD / IAMPHIKEi—A fresh supply Just received and ” / for sale by 1 octll J. il > OORE .1 Cos. ArTM'Eit A\ IIALE 01L. bbls, just I } received and for sale by ot J. B. MOORB & CO. 11 AY AND CORN MEAL 2ft bales Fast -1 I eru Hay, 72 bushels Corn Meal, ju#t received and for sale by net G C. H. PUR Y£E.