The Savannah evening journal. (Savannah [Ga]) 1852-185?, October 24, 1853, Image 2

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Monday Afternoon, October 24, 1853. fefcr* A dispatch to the. Agent, inform us ; tlnit the Ktyr>!t)uv Slut arrived at Philadelphia ou Saturday last, ut - o'clock, J*. .'l. Arrival of lire Alabama* The steamship Alai a. • arrived at her wharf at 12 on Saturday night, having op cou titered a gale during the entire passage, but | sustained no Injury. Wo aro indebted to the > officers forour regular file of New-York papers. 1 • Coroner’s Inquest* Coroner Eikn held an inquest yesterday on the body of John M.vnoxr.v, found dead in the yard of his residence yesterday morning. The Jury rendered n verdict that the deceased die ! rom cause unknown to them. The Campbell Minstrels. Our readers will bear in mind that the Camp bells are here, nud give their first concert to night ut the Ath.;naum. The house will be filled without a doubt—if you would get a comforta ble soat, go early. To -morrow we shall ••'•aclu Jo the,report of the articles on exhibition at the Augusta lair nst week. Compel ii ioi. Competition i.s tho life of trade, but often proves tin- Jii ■ f trader.-. Some of our breth ren of the cruft are advertising to do work cheaper than it ever Ins be n done in this city, and then another comes out and say*?, be will execute “as che-ip” < Iho cheap’ -t thn comes friend Is eh, who offers a little *he aper than th. cheapest—{ 6CC advertisement.) We have i.o time at present to enter into tho competi tion office is crowded with work, which pays a living pri c, and has hoc, for months • when it gets slack, we'll perhaps speak out. A lJtit-gy S aiul n Horse ICl}l< and. Vest rdiiy uftcri. >n while Mr. T. C. Hue Was driving in Cungrc'? -t. Ii horse took fright and dushe 1 oft’. Mr. Rick and his friend jump ed out of tho buggy, without receiving injury. Tho horse ran to the* stable of Mr. Stevllns on j Broughton -sf. and there stopped after he had succeeded in breaking his leg, which rendered it ueecfi.sary to kill him immediately. Marrow Iducape. This morning during the gust of win I which passed over the city between nine and ten o'- clock, a tree was blown down near the music store of Mr. Miti iiku,, which eauie near doing serious damage. The lady of Mr. 1. K. Tki kt, . accompanied by another la ly, driving in n bug gy, had just stopped their vclii ;lo in front of l>r. HoVai.l's oftice, and one of the ladios bad git out and stopp’ and into a store, leaving Mr-’. Tkfi’T in the buggy*. The rain at this moment coining up, Dr. Jtovu.i. went out an 1 *i•>-ist eel her to r.iis ? the t p of the buggy and rcturn od to hi office. I> i /■•••: ly a era ah was hoard, and it was found that the tree had fallen on the buggy, completely demolishing the top, but strange to say Mrs. Tki'it, received no injury whatever. Tho escape was most miraculous, j Tho horse was a very tame one,,or would have ‘ taken freight. Very prompt assistance was j rend’ rod by those who witnessed the perilous i situation of tho lady. SI miner Planter. The Captain of the steamer Sr. John*, arriv ed this morning from the South, informs us that the steamer Planter is still fast in the mud where she went ashore. We learn nothing further from the shipping in distress. The lute Slorm—l>isn*ter at Sea. T he late storm h:m prove 1 very disastrous to tho shipping as will 1 -en by the following report of vessels lost and <1;-aided, in addition to the accounts published by us ou .Saturday. The sehr. Susan Cann.oi, from Baltimore, ar rived at Charleston on Friday, had encountered tho gale and been compelled to throw over n portion of her cargo. Sehr. G. IF. Pickering, from Searsport, (Me.) went ashore on Wednesday afternoon, six miles south of Tyboo, and is now high and dry on the beach. Sehr. Mount Vernon, from Stonington, (Conn.) bound to Wilmington, has put into Charleston, having lost sails, and sustained other injuries. The steamship Palmetto which arrived at Charleston on Friday from Baltimore, experi enced severe weather —spoke brig Kate /P ath, of Wilmington, from Boston, having lost main mast and fore-top gallant-must head when near Bull's Island, took in tow sehr. Mobile from Now Orleans having lust sails, Ac., in a leaky condition- reports several other ve-stJs in distress, names unknown. The steamer Calhoun from Charleston, Sat urday night, spoke near Tybee, bri g John Hut t oi of B . ton, di-m is:. I. making for Charleston Brig IF. //. St. .. . !, cleared at this port the first oflast wrrk by Mcssi-. Oui:.v A Bu m. ru, for Baltimore, returned on Saturday night, having enr.not. ied the storm, lo t a portion of her sails and .b ■ k load, and in a leaky Condi tiun - -on 21st fill in with the wreck ofbrig St. I'urrcn- >, w l.i’ h \ r.-st 1 sailed from Georgetown, (S. <\) ou the 17th, bad on unterel the gale, had cut away finite, had several le t water in tho hold. < apt. II —in. of.tho IF. //. Striated, took off captain and crow, and brought them to • was going to pi ■ would he a total !'??. Sehr. James H a,*, e 1 arc-1 from this port on 6thlust., by 11. Iv. \V ii >*, Esq., but into Charleston on Friday lat f<*r repairs, having suffere 1 much from the gain, nud 1” t ; art of her deck load—um> in a leaky condition on the 19th, passed tw •- ships di-.unsteJ. Bark*/** l>.r h . bound to Savannah : > >m New York, put into Chari, ston on Saturday, with damn,’ .I‘ail‘ at. I lin’d- having taken the gale of 11th in l,t. 33. We conduiiao the above f-r want of room, principally from the Charles?■ i Lcninj .Y*. *. and refer tho rea l.r t” our ship new? column for further no • fdr t• • dipping. Monument to franklin. A meeting of Editor'. ; n. and publish ers, was held in Philadelphia on Wednesday to deliberate upon the ways an l means to erect a monument ot t the remain.- of thcSn<* Bi. s.ia- Jrfin Pkankj.jn. I.utrr from Ycni-xncla. Captain Wilson, of tho barque Venoauoln, nt Philadelphia, from Luguuyra via Porto (hi hello 23d .September, reports that tho Republic was tranquil, and tho coa.-t healthy. Several < ; rhe revolutionists lud boon pardoned, others im prisoned, while many haw been expelled to distant provinces. Cofft • and hides were scarce and dear, busim -at very 1 w ebb, and mone tary affairs exhibited oppressive rtr:og°P‘*;\ Free Pcavk. We k-arn that tho Baptist Church of Macon I has unanimously resolved, that after the first day of November next, the pews in their house 1 of worship, shall be free and open to all who j may chose to attend. There is much diversity i of opinion on .thia subject. It is evident that j the mats will throng to a free church, but we j think those churches wh’cro pews are routed or j sold, could make strangers feel much moro at j ; houio, than i9 generally the ease, were they to ! pay a little more attention to having attentive | and courteous sox tons to wait at the doors and i , welcome strangers by promptly showing them ; to seats. They, of course, all profess to have j this system, but vru could point out where im provement could be made without going out of Savannah. Wo like the plan of renting, or I selling pews—it looks like a congregation wish ed to salary a preacher, and pay expenses in a j systematic kind of way, and intended to bear j equal proportions of responsibility; but, havo J ’ ! often thought that arrangements could l>o made, j l different from what we luivcsecn in some oases, ! whereby the stranger would never feel at a loss i , at tho church door. - t j /:•'**’ The marriage of Grace Greenwood 1 to Mr. LirriNcoTT, of. Washington city, took place on Monday Inst. They will reside in Philadelphia, where Mr?. Lg-i’lNCott will edit “The Little Pilgrim,” the paper for children, j ‘ 0?- J ..nos G rJ *n Bennett denies making any application for office from the present Ad ministration lor himself or others, except one, ‘ :n: l that was, simply asking the Administration 1 it i: weroßu willing, to bestow a small consuluto in Europe upon u gentleman—not Mr. <\ E. L *Bter--of his acquaintance, who had formerly , occupied a .-imihir post under a preceding Ad- j mini -ir.itiun. The Secretary refused the up- ; p ; ica,i,i ”- Farther from Hueito-* Ayres. Tho British I’ackot, of the l Slh of August, says the constitution promulgated by the Con- . gress of Santa Fe had been very generally ac- : flepted an l sworn to in the interior. The Min ister of Financo had presented the account of j expenses of tho Into rebellion, amounting to ! $251,921 04 tn tallio and $71,020,680 034 ri Is | currency. Free and. unrestricted commerce in corn is* ; one of the terms which the Packet says the government is ready to grant those unfortunate families whose cattle wore destroyed during the rebellion. Tho new Legislature would be installed on the 11th of September. Ylu- Treaty with the Argentine Stales. Mr. Cox, late Secretary to the V. S. Lega tion at ltio, has arrived in Washington, bring ing with him official copies of the two treaties lately negotiated by our representatives at i Brazil and Buenous Ayres, Messrs. Scheuck and Pendleton, with tho Argentine States, which will open to our navigation and com merce the rich countries of the Rio de la Plata and its extensive tributaries. The Uelcaae of Koszta. The New York Times, lias private advices from Smyrna, which ronder it fur from curtain that lvots/.a has been released, or that, if he has, the affair is not still more complicated than ever. It is stated that Mr. Marsh, tho Ameri can Minister at Constantinople, had made an armng<-ment with Baron de Druck, the Austrian Envoy, whereby Kosztnwas to be put on board an American vessel Ly the representatives of . the tw<> powers, for the purpnso ofroturning di rect to the United States, on th< condition that , ! if he should ever return to Turkey, the Austrian ‘! a'rrn incut shall hare full power to exercise the , riyhts it claims ayain t him. Mr. Brown had r C'lino from Constantinople to Smyrna, for tho , purpose of carrying this arrangement into effect. It is added that. Mr. Oflley, United States Con sul at Smyrna, objected decidedly to the stipu- I lations, and refused to yicc his assent to them , except on tho receipt of peremptory orders to that effect from his Government. Prom Hay li, ! ! Letters from Aux Cay os to 28th ult., state j > that the yellow fever was raging there, with i almost incredible destruction to human life. Os ! i foreigners frequenting that place, 7 out of 10 fall victims to tho scourge. Native produce was high and soarco. Business extremely dull. | The changiuig the island from a republic to an ! empire bus given no better security to life, lib erty and property. Tuxes wero accumulating and much discontent created by the arbitrary i power of the Emperor. Emancipation in Cuba. The State Department, it is said, has no in formation of th • alleged negotiations between ! the Biiii‘h aud Spanish Governments for intro dueii ‘ tho apprenticeship system into Cuba j li i- reported that the instructions to Messrs. I Buchanan and Soule embrace that contingency ! and that they will vigorously protest against ; emancipation in Cuba, or the increase of Brit- ; , ifh influence on the Islaud. ’ t'< We regret, exceedingly, to learn of the death of Horatio H. Smith, editor of the G:il . vesiun Jon, ual. Tho disease that curried him ■tV ua yellow fever. lie was a fine writer and i <\. iri: <>d a large influence. The best eulogy , that run be passed upon him is comprised in i tin* fact that he was respected by uli who know r | him.—A\ O. llulictJn. Eight Persona I'iilmiiiml, i, On tho Bth inst., a man named Alexander , Kuf'e’.l. of Limetown, Washington county, l‘a„ who had b*en insane fur some time, put a , quantity of urßi nic into & pot of which j Wa,- coking in the house of John Puor, of the ; , -amo place, and then swallowed a largo dose of the poison himself. Duer and his family, six . in number, out of tho niu.-di, and were very •i k, but recovered with proper remedies.— j Russel ? ill red for nearly day, during which 1 lie acknowledged what he had done, and tlion 1 died. “Flonr is uncommonly source, iu oonsequenoo j of a total failure of tho crops throughout Sicily. | A cargo of ll"ur or wheat from tho United .States would fetch enormous prices.” High Price* nt Malaga* ■ Advices from Mulagu to the 21st of Sojitern bei ate that there bad been inure rains, which i had ivturdod tho curing of fruit, anil prices were higher than ever before known. Box rai.'in* were costing SI,BO on board, and it was ; expected by some that it would reach $2. A Ftmnle Lawyer* Tho Cleveland Plain dealer says that Mrs, , Eiuma R. Coe has been pursuing a course of ) F'gul studies, for the purpose of qualifying her self for the practice of that profession. What I jury could withstand the cloqucnco of such a : j tpocial pleader ? 1 i SAVANNAH JOURNAL, MON DAI, OCTOBER 24, 18f>3. Southern Central Agricultural Fair. HOME DEPARTMENT. Mrs. Maleoiu Johnson, Sparla, six very stipe- j rior Cotton Coverlets, much and deservedly j admired for their great practical usefulness. Mrs. M. Walker, Augusta, one neat Cake Ti- ; • dy. and a very beautiful Chair Tidy, i Mrs. G. Vulgar, Augusta, two pieces of Table j I Knotting, very b. autilul. The Little Girls of Monroe Female Academy j j contributed a neat and comfortable Quilt, of laid work, which they authorized to be sold, and tho ; proceeds to bo applied to Missionary purposes, i It was subsequently purchased by Mr. Wm. J. j Eve. Mrs. E. W. Doughty, Augusta, four beautiful Tidies,’ two ltegalcttes and one Infant’s Croch | et Bonnet, all very beautifully executed. Mrs. June Oden, Augusta, a very beautiful Quilt. Mrs. Jane Austin, Walker Cos., one Quilt Cot ten Raised Work, which was very much admir ed. Mrs. Groer, Richmond, a very neat pair of ; Mitts. Laura M. Kelly, Richmond, a very gor j go oil sly decorated I*.Ached Silk Quilt, highly i admired. Miss Mary Fish, Baldw in, a beatiful Crochet | : Tiil.v. ‘ | Miss Mary A. Hardman, Augusta, an exceed- i ! ingly beautiful and costly Silk patch-work Quilt, . ; which merited and received trreut praise. Mrs. Win. J. live,’ Richmond, three album : ’ laid-work Spreads, very beautiful. Miss S. |\ Eve sonds a quilted laid work Quilt ; tho joint work of her great great gland mother, j i and her grand aunt. The ago of the former 78, j i at tho time of its being laid, in 1V24. The quilt \ ! exhibits grout tuFtoaml labor in its making and j was much admired. # Mrs. Louisa Wellauer, Augusta, one knitted Quilt, evincing great tusto anil immense indus -1 ny. Mrs. li. .T. Anderson, Richmond, one highly decorated Master Mason’s Aproin Mi's Martha Sibley,’Augusta, a very beauti ful I’ineushiu. Mr.-. Matilda Johnson, Cass, an exceedingly 1 : tasty Fine Burr llat. Mrs. Weigh*, Augusta, one very beautiful ; Quilt* displaying great latte and industry. Mrs. Mary A. Bowling, Oglethorpe Cos., a : Child’s Straw Hut, manufactured from straw ; arrown and prepared by Mrs, Bowling in her j Oath year. Tho Hat is very tasty and beauti- ; ful. Mrs. Jane Austin, Tunnel Hill. Walker co.. i two very beautiful and elaborately worked Quilts, of raised cotton style. Wm. E. Jackson, Augusta, presented n laid i work Quilt, ex. cured by a lady sixty-nine | 1 years of age. Tho Quilt exhibits much taste, ‘ i is beautiful, and is tho result of great labor at ! ’ the bands of its fair maker. Also, another i Quilt, from a lady sixty-six years old, which is very beautiful, tasteful, and evinces much in dustry in its formation. Mrs. George F. Peokhiim, Augusta, two very pretty Lamp Mats of worsted w ork. Mrs. J. W. Hardist.r, Covington, Newton Cos., two Pencilling*. Oue beautifully emboss- . ed Silk Vest. Mr?. .Erne Holden, (aged 68 years) Warren, one Cape, very neat. Mrs. M. K. Bowers, Hamburg, S. C., one very beautiful patch work Quilt, i Mrs. D. Cooper, Augusta, two very beautiful Dresses for Children.’ Miss Graves, Augusta, one Child’s Sack, beau tifully executed. Mrs. E A. Skinner, Richmond,one very neat ; Cotton Patch Work Quilt, much admired. Mrs. E. J. Anderson. Augusta, a very neat | and well executed Basket made from common Wire-grass. This is a gem of a basket. Miss Emily Dugas, Augusta, one very beauti ful Home-Knit Child’s Hat, much admired. Miss Darthcla Hanson, Lexington,Oglethorpe county, a very neat and well worked Needle Book. Miss Sally May F rd, Augusta, a Child's Crotchet llat, made by herself, which w*a.s very j handsome. Mrs. B. F. Taylor, Monroe, two very well ex ecuted Note Books. By Miss Ford, Augusta, n Portrait in Crayon. ; Mrs. M. E. Chcesler, Augusta, a very line ; Patch Wurd Quilt. Miss Freda L'-rouz, Savannah, a splendid Mantilla. Mrs. E. Todd, Abbeville, S. C., a very beau- i i tiful Patch Work Quilt. Mrs. Win. Glenn, Oglethorpe, one Patch Work Cotton Quilt, exceedingly tasteful and beauti- ! ful; Mrs. B. ('. Wall, a Patch Work Quilt, very r neatly worked. Mrs. L. M. Sturges, Augusta, one Laid Work Quilt, unfinished. Mary R. (Jnnncll, Franklin, a very neatly and ] tastily made Patch Work Quilt. Mrs. C. W. Metcalf, McMinii, Tcnn.,ono beau tifully executed White C’"tton raised Quilt. By Miss 11. Brumby. Columbia, S. C., white Counterpane, in thread, Crochet Work. This is a beautiful piece of w ork. Mrs. Bignon, Augusta, one Infant’s Robe, ; with Chain Stieh and French Embroidery, which ! was very beautiful. i Mrs. G. Volgcr, Augusta, a very ne; tly oxe j cuted pair of Ladies Underslovos aud a pair of I beautifully braided Bracelets. Miss Wingfield, of Washington, Wilkes, a 1 beautifully executed Child’s Dress, w hich was universally admired. Mrs*. J. D. Chase, Washington, Wilkes, a Child's Dress, very elaborately-worked and eli cited admiration from all visitors. Mrs. L. J. G art roll, Washington, Wilkes, two Child's Dresses, American Needle Work, very beautiful, and highly admired. Mrs. Elizabeth Heckle, a Child’s Net Skirt. Miss Emma M. Service, Augu.-tn. one Infant’s Hat, crochet work,decidedly beautiful and much j admired. Also, Collar Crotchcted, very hand i some. | Mrs. Wm. J. Eve, Richmond, a pair of Under- I slaves, English Embroidery, very beautiful. Mrs. Sarah Carter, of Augusta, three Thread j cambric Handkerchiefs, which were exeecding- I ly beautiful, of superior fineness and skilfully j worked. They wero entered too late to contend ; for a premium, or they might have obtained j one; they certainly received a great premium in the flattering term? iu which they were spoken of. Mrs. F. M. Rowland, of Cass county, Ga., contributed the following articles. 7 Woollen Coverlids, of different patterns; 2 pieces of Negro Cloth, Woollen; 2 Cotton Negro Blankets: 1 Cotton Negro Comfort; 2 pieces fine Woollen Plaid: -1 pieces Cotton Diaper, different patterns; 1 piece Bag Carpet; I Save-nll Quilt of Broadcloth; 1 fine piece Cotton Jeans; pair cotton half .'{ cord thread: 3 figured Table Toilets, 2 pieces of White Flannel: 1 piece black Woollen Jeans; 1 piece brown Woollen Jeans; 11 white cotton Counterpanes, of differ ent figures or patterns; 13 Diaper Towels; 2 Jars Butter, 39 lbs. Mrs. J. W. L. Stovall, Augusta, a beautiful and complete costume for a child, consisting of | a Dress Cloak, with a capo and a Hat. Mrs. Malcolm Johnson, Sparta, one Knit Quilt commenced 6th Oct. 1852, and finished Juno 1853. The cover is 3 yards, fi squares, : SuO Shells composed the middle, and threo borders tho outside, before the fringe, and 19 pounds of thread. It is a magnificent Quilt. Mrs. Kendrick, Augusta, a Cashmere Scarf, beautifully embroidered with Floss Silk, highly admired. M is? S. M. Ford, Augusta, ono very beautiful j Work Table. Laura M. Kelley, Cobh county, one Silk ; Patch Work Cradle Quilt, very beautiful. Mrs. Goodman, Athens, basket of Paper Flowers, very natural in appearance aud ex ceedingly pretty. Miss C. Leach, Augusta, a basket of Paper Flowers, exceedingly beautiful. Miss Emma 11. Eve, of Augusta, a large bas ket of fine paper Flowers. The basket as beauti- i ful as the Flowers, aud made with u pair of common scissors. A Lady of Hancock county, a pair of em broidered Shoes, very pretty. Daniel H. Wilcox, Richmond, a lot of very rare and beautiful Shells. Edward DeLeon, Ksq* By a private letter from Paris, we regret to learn that our Consul to Alexandria has been extremely ill for six weeks. He is better, and improving slowly, but still in bed and much prostratorl.— Columbia South Carolinian. 1 I TELEGRAPHIC NEWS . Appointments and Removal!. Bai.tihork, Oct. 23. The Washington I'nio’n has officially an , noanced the following a^poinmoots: New York j —J. J. Kedfield, .Collector, vice Bronson re i moved. J. J. Sisco, Sab-Treasurer, vice Dix resigned. G. 11. Broadbead, naval officer, vice Redfiukl. Gutbrio*B letter in reply to Bronson is pub j lished. The Secretary contends that ho has a right to appoint subordinate officers in tho Custom llouso, and concluded by saying that Bronson’s insubordination renders his continu ance in office impossible. J. Leo Sullivan, a New York free soiler, has been appointed Charge to Portugal. Over half a million of United States’Stock* were redeemed at the opening last week. Gen. James Watson Webb, of tho New York ! | Courier J* Enquirer, who is said to boon a visit ! j to England to borrow jnoney for a Virginia I land speculation, lias addressed a letter to the ! London Times, rebuking the misrepresentations j of the American people by that journal, on the : subject of ** Yankee Privateerism.” Tho re ! joinder of tho 77m*"* is no reply to Gen. Webb, j but Only a smartish pfiillippic, at which tho 1 ! Times is proverbially expert, winding up with j j an assault on elavory. Mi*. Webb pointed out, quito temperately, that tho laws of the United ! States against privateering are particularly : stringent, and that be is warranted'in saying | that they have been executed, and will be exe cuted in good faith whenover the necessity ! arises. T-Q” Three individuals, Irishmen, says the ‘ N. V. Herald, have btkn arrested, charged with perpetrating Ahe murder of Catharine Quigley, near Jamaica, Long Island, and com mitted to prison to await an examination. The i excitement near the scene of the outrage con ; (irtues unabated. Mrs. Sinclair, (late Forrest,) it is ru . wared, is about to return l'roiu California, where ! she has had great success. Her sister Yirgin- J ia is reported to have married a millionaire. The Cholora ut Scu. New York, Oct, 18.—The ship Sugsdahock, of Bath Maine, from Got ion berg, for Boston, wiih passengers, has be* n spoken at sea, suffer ing terribly with the cholera. Fifty-eight of her passeugers had already died, and fourteen were still sick. A Railway Tmia Atluckrd I*y Gang a The night train from Cleveland for Columbus, on u recent occasion, had an Irishman on board i w ho gave the conductor much trouble, and w ho was dealt with as in su-di cases has-hecu “v.iado ! and provided.” A dozen or fifteen other Irish men were on the same train, but mauitYstod no feeling until they arrived at Delaware. At that j station the disaffected party on the ears were i joined by a crowd of Irishmen who happen to i be oft tho platform, and the whole gang com menced an attack on all those connected wit h ’ tho cars—the conductor, engineer, firemen aud brakesman. A general and bloody light en sued, in which tho attacking party were com pletely routed, after two or three Irishmen wore killed and a number seriously wounded. ———— The R U rope mi (tuestloa. The able and experienced Paris Correspon i dentof the Journal of ('uinmerco sends, under a j late date, the following brief notice of the E.isl i cm questio; ” A panic was produced on the Exchange of ■ Paris us well us that of Loinb.ii, by tin* exngge • rations of the press with regard to the call *>f J the two French and two English frigates from I Bosika Bay to Constantinople. Tho Augsburg | Gazette hits the truth in this remark: ‘There is such n contradiction fp-m day t-> and y in the ; French and English journals, relative to the proceedings at Vienna and Constantinople, that l they bewilder rather than enlighten'"their read-’ ; ers.’ Most of the Paris organs of this day ex j press their old confidence in the utter improba bility of any war between any of the Christian Powers. It is asked, why should Turkish an-* i arch}*, or the necessity of protecting the Suitap : against hi? own Moslems and the foreign politi | cal refugees w ho stimulate insurrection, be tbu ; signal or motive fora French mid English rup 1 lure with Russia? Theoaso is strongly exiiin- , 1 ited in tlio following paragraph of tho Union, ! j which is a Legitimist oracle : | * If, in fact, Abdul Medjid has fallen to such j a situation as only to be able to exercise his au thority under the protection of Anglo French i cnVinons ; if public order and the truqurlliiy of j the capital are at that price; if the security and j even the life of foreigners, subjects of allied and friendly nations, require a sort of military j 1 occupation, docs not in truth such an extremity | remove from Turkey the greater part oi lier pre- J i tensions to independence ? Does it not an- i | nouncea dissolution almost consummated, and i j does it not open to the ambition of its future j ; heir?, and the calculations of European policy, 1 ! u vaster field And a nearer future than ever. Look at the picture: Russian troops iu M Ida- j i via and M’alloehia; the French flag and the ! English ling in the port, and perhaps in tho 1 j streets of Uonstantinople: one day or other! Austria in the Daimbian pevincos; ctneub s . incessantly in perspective iu the neighborhood ! i of the Imperial palace; fanaticism aud iusub- ! ! ordinatihn in an array which obeys a revolu- ‘ i t ion ary chief, nud which has nil the passions of! i a liordo of barbarians; Hie Provinces without tr-.ops, and given t.. the chance of disorder and i fmpular rising; the (Jhristinus without defence mi l exposed to the insults of a popuhitiou j which only dreams of holy war; what is not to bo expected and dreaded in such a elate of things? In our opinion, the true ‘Eastern : question’ is beginning; not that which, before i brooking out. in the Dardanelles, ran the risk j ; of plunging Europe into war and the world in- 1 to conflagration;hut that which nt the present ! ; moment has arisen, in the Bosphorus and on the banks cf the Danube, and which will prob- ■ ably only bo settled, within n period more or i less distant on tho ruins of the Ottoman eiu- ! pirc.” —______ ; 1) I A NO AMD TA BEE OO.VHRS.—A very handsome lot of Cloth Piano and Table < !ovor?, at KEMIMVX A V El IST I ELK'S 72 St. Ju2en and 106 lirynu ?tn, i OCt 20 V, Ring’s fin. IJI N K OI'TLKR Y.—,ln?t rccijved a very superior \ .‘ ?frtmcntof Wnsfitcnholm*? and Rodgers’ Pock i et Cutlery: also, some very fine with ami with j out ('asos; Ladies’ line Scissors, Ac. Ac., for sale at the i Apothecaries’llatl, by | oct 20 J. K. Pr.l’Oßl). INRUSH BUTTRR AND FIUSESB.—Just received by steamer Florida and for sale bv i wept 1:t ii \ uD ( O’Nl M L. UTIRE SIJSVE (ill CLOTH--2 < ’ ? eoiilainlngall si /.es of tine and coarse woveuM ire, I 21 to 3ii inch width : for sale bv <“ j 1 Cg. IT. I>UTTKR, BETTER.—Received per steamer Florida, I strictly prime Goshen Butter—Choice Butter. 4 ] ibs. f>r .*1.00; Fair do. 51b?. for SI.OO. For sale by* oct 19 w. g. DICKS ON. l’ potash. by 11. ,1. GILBERT. ; oct b Wwt side Market-squuro. N” KW BECK\V H EAT.— Extra flue new Indit'd Buckwheat, in 12 lb. and 24jqJ lb. hags. Just r | eelved and for sale by i oct 19 WM. G. DICK.SON. C'OKMiTs. rwilled Railroad’ C j Lateen Regular hips do; White lo do; French EUsler? do; Imported Wo von do; Bosom Girdle do; For sale at 72 St .luli-n and 105 Bryan-streets, bv oct 22 KKMPTUN f VKIISTILLK. (c\STOR OIL. 10 bbls. superior cold pressed J i’astor OU; received and for, sale by oct 22 JNO. c. MOOItK k CO. (H).\ EK( “l'lO\Ell V. 2i 1 Ca _) dies, manufactured expressly for the .Southern i j market. Just received aud for sale bv j oct 22 JOHN B. MOOR£ & CO. J I TltßfiMml) IMflUllllWAL, CUariestou Cotton Market* Cii vi.eston,, Oct. 24— 2.30, P. M. I Cotton. —Sales 520 bulcs, at prices ranging from 9i to cents. Stro Jtopfrtigmtents. AT PI RSE 1 :; PRINTING OFFICE, No. G, Wlittakrr-streety thirds are printed at so 1000 :: oct 24 . ;i lm ROOMS WANTED. HW OOR THlLKE.unfi.rni-hedßooms,wanted j I by a man and Ids wife, situated in a healthy lo- I canty in tl/o neighborhood of West or South Broad street?, preferred. Enquire nt this office. . net 24 ;t* | spßoaesTxs, tatlob & hodgetts, ~ WnoLEsALi; MAXUFxoTcntrs of PLANISHED TIN WARE. M Uliam-st., lik the rear, J j NEW-YORK. Tea and CofFoo Urns, Chafing Diehes, Veni son Dishes, Dish Covers, Egg Codlers, Coffee Pots, Tea Pots, Coffee Filters, Hurso Lamps, AND EVERY ARTIOLE IN Till. TRADE, j oct 24 Cmos FALL AND WINTER TRADE, 1553. TO Vl ERCB A N TB~ And Wholesale Pnicliagers of DRY GOODS. Ot'R l‘l Rt II i r the Fall and W inter trade : are now completed, aud wo can submit to your i in?pt*ftion a very large ‘and wdl-o??orted sUx-k, cm ! bracing every nr:i> u* u:inect( and with toe trade, AM) ’ Al’ M Oth i'Jtlt'EMis will, in the present state markets, prove highly cmi.M'aerory. M. PRODRitOAST* & CO., 17 S Con'gr6s?-ht., oct 24 opposite St. Andrew's I! ill, “UKt cido. M. r II F N D E R G A b T & CO. lirouglitoik Street, Opposite Si. Andrew's Hall, West side., | HAVE great plcnsurein directing attention 67 their ! . late pmvhu?*'?. In connt*ction with their Retail j trade, they carry out strictly the same system, in the >alo of their Goods, n? is pursued by tho large houses ! , in the Northern cities, namely : their customers the i full advam.i .c arising from buying IN LARGE LOTS. I planters*, and beads if families, and all persons buy- I iug-lN tfl ANTITY will find manv l.vlUjf, lot.? to cvv from, AND DECIREDLY CIIEAP. oct 24 **)• HEAD-QUARTERS FOR PRIZES, ‘u.9 Office lod Bay-s;.n*et, two doors east of City Hotel,and’ in connexion with Hamden's Express Oftice. URO !ASV AT Si 1.0-J'Tli 1C 1 For the Eenofit of tha Independent Fire Company at Augu.ta. A. D. EI.LIS A i. CO., Mauagers. Collars. Class lul. Will be drawn in Pavannah, Wednesday, Ot t. 20th. piuzisT ~ KVF. nr Tlc KK T A VRI7. K ! /i.'V Each and every ticket in this Lottery will be a prize for nil ticket? wiihoul a drawn uuuiber, are ofi; h entitle to nj.euullar!!! ‘ u)| I,prize of $7.5n0 I 1 prize of fSnt 1 prize of 2.500 I It. prizes of f.o() 1 prize of 1,500 | 20 prizes of 100 Ve. Ac. Ac. Ticket? only Halves. >1 50—Qunrter?.7 r c. Pack of \’ JoU‘kcom nt a n.-k only CM *0 ** Halves *• •• 17.7,-, *• Qu it*'. “ in.:,u,’ “ “ “ s.s7 tttir Grflgr.'frum the cuntrv answered prcinpilv. drawings sent :< gulaily. uud prices cashed on Jctuaud t this office, l*y “foci 2-> CHARLIkS B. PATTKRBOX. 2&0g5 DOf.LAKS. GKEENE AND PULASKI LOTTERY, Extra Class 75. for lSok. To ho decided bv tho drawing of Delaware T.ottery Class ! 24.,. To be drawn at Wilmington, Del., on Tuesday, Oct. 1 2<>th. i grf.jT ►i ;y ,Vma i:uyTm a"n a< ikr s. Successors to J. W. Maliry k 00. 7> X unilx'r LAwcrv—l2 Drawn Ballots. 6 i*L l \ and iTTsi; ii iJyi e. 1 prize of [ 1 prize of *2.205 ■ 1 prize of bfOOO | 10 prizes of 1 ..MU) | 1 prize (,f 4,003 j 10 prizes? of 600 kr. Ac. Ac. Tickets Jfi 00—.•diares in proportion. Tickets eith**r singly or bv the Package for sale by 1.. VTiTll.\Gi\)N, Bay Lane. Savannah. Ga. oct 21 Vender for Gregory & Maury. ! / illl.ft'isd. Genuine ia \\ )]- \ b>w eovv*rcd Lutlles. Just received and for sale by t2J J NO. |l 110 HVB & CO. ; M*.i.I *.>) VLSIS 1,.-dios* Patent Merino tests j Ladies’ aupml'.ne Cashmere du; Ladies’ China : spun do. G.*ut s Royal Ribbed Shirts Gent’? extra size Meri no Wrappers. Gent’s extra size Merino Shirts; Hunt's , Coilou and Merino Draw. is. at KEM ETON A VI .RSTILLK S, 72 Bt. Julicu und 105 llryan-strce*?, | t” t 22 Waring’? Range. NK \\ (<o(R)S,—Every *>t , nni , i*arriving brings | wiibit m u and handsome Clothiug, for Men, ! j Roys aud Children. And I Cxpee! to open by the Al | abirma, to-dav. s. methlngcxtin for Roys, and ,i very ! large H-'oriiiciit of Gents’ Overcoats and Business Cunt?. Call and scent the Clothing*'’Store. Gibbon's , Range. [<>ct GFA). .8. NICHOLS. j T J.U HIAEIIY OII.S Bhsitlied. Winter ! 11M. Whale, lib iu bed Winter Sperm, Rape Seed, j ■ Sweet,, Patent Machinery and Tunner’ii this. For sale i |by [oct 22] .) No. p,. MOORE A GO. I /1 A ME.**. Ai -4 ii- •■irn-ii. I l.e kcT*. jii-iniuocs, Crib- ( A X baa - It'ii kuainmon and t'bev- Boards*, just rt- 1 I ccivc l and lbr sale by j *i 22 JNO. IL MO )Ui: & GO. I I ‘l Df'.iißS.—Ro‘e. I.croon and Raspber ry Ouui Drops,just rcecivel fhnn A..1. Chain can, I and idr sale by W W. LINt )LN, oct 22 Monument square. j \ I Quarts. Pint-*., and half Pints Farina O-logue, in | j Willow eovi red buttle?.just received from Agent- per I steamer, anil fur sale by W. \V LI.M >)LN. I oct 22 Monument Fquaft*. SUNDRIES. 1 A B ft-Celur'd Engur: 50 do powd’ed do; I / hhds Ft ( roix do; C.i) bids LI ,S nnJC Flour; lot) , i bbl? Bait, and •: ISO do Lebanon and Etowah Georgia do*. I i 100 bags, PS lb? each. Georgia do: 50 du Butter, Fngar. | J and Soda Cracker-: 25 do Pilot Bread; 40 bnxe* Soda | Biscuit: 150 bbl? Portland Sugar-house Syrup; 75 bids ■ ! N O do: oOdogood eating Potatni*?: 00 boxes Beat lei's | j O’? and S'? patent Tallow Candles: 75 do Adamantine i do; 25 do J udd k Son s Sperm do; 50 doz Brooms: 15 ] i lb-< No I Mackerel. ‘2c 1 . J bbl? No 1 do; 75 boxes white 1 ; and yellow Cheese: 25 bids prime Lard; 50 keg? do do; I 100 boxes ss. Bs. nud pounds Tobacco, good brands, 80 j | do ’o nud SsOratit \ W illiams’ dn:lso 4o Smith. Col- I gate, Cvottnn, and Beadell’s Family Soaps; 75 uo Pale j i do do d<>: 12U do No 1 do; 50 do Pearl Starch; 80 whole, j half, and qr boxes Raisins; 25 drums Herrings, just rocci.ed and for sale b oct 20 W EBSTER & PALMES. ; 1 lOYXET RIinSONS lust received at 154 ( I ) Congre?B-strect, handsome assortment of Bon- ! net Ribbons. S>. CCKRELL. Agt., oct 12 Gibbon’? Building. I 80/.E\ WOLK'S super of ‘ H apps. u superim* Tonic, i*iuretic. AntWispep- : tie nml Invii.gratingCordiuL especially recommended | to all persi'ii? residing in the Southern country: a ; demonstrated pv< veutive of Ague, lUmittmt and Bil- j ions ever, for sale by , A. R( iNAI'I). i oct 21 corner of Bay and Whitaker ?t? j T FRENCH AND GERMAN CORDIALS.—2O d< wn, for sale hy i 00t21 \ i: ‘N.U D. / 10RN, MEAL ANUfFLOI R. - 360 l uiLpiitne Wet* ern Corn, in wliitesacks: 160 bus! el? fresh ground 1 Corn Meal: 54 sacks Georgia Flour in half barrel sack?. Also—2o bale? prime Eastern Hay. .1 u?treceived and for sale by [oct 21] CIIAS. 11. DCKYEE. I ELL\ , —2O dozen assorted Jelly, Apple?, Our tj rant, Strawberry,orange und Quim e. f- r sale by A. RON Al! D, °ct 21 corner of Bay and Whitaker at?. ’IVTIIISKEY-—lO bbl? Moiionguhela ) t 1 puncheon .Scotch W hi?hey 1 do Irish do. For ?ale by oct 18 HYLAND & (rNEILL. ])IG HAMS. SMOKED REEF AND TONGULB.—IO Barrels just received <? t IS IIYLAND if O’NEILL. K'\ A M PIIIA LI.—A fret b supply, nst received and fur sale by [octlj J. B. MOOBJS A CO. Special Ikdicrs. SuperintcudcnPii Oftice, C. It. It., | Savannah, Ga., bept. Ist, 1553. J jTf* After this day, by resolution of the Board of Director?, up and down freight ; ! will In! paynl.le ut the Merchants’ Counting House, or . by deposit madu with the Treasurer, xenii-u', on Monday? and Friday? from 0 o’clock, A. M. to 2 P. M. j Bills to be roudered through the l’uot Utuce on W lno?days and Fridays. Failure to make payment when culled for as above, will stop parties’ account. ’ W. M.W'ADLEV, sept 1 General Superintendent. NOTICE. Nf* —THE owner or con si rnoe of 115 Grind Floncs, marked 8., landing from brig J. i Cohen, from Boston, fir requested to call, pay charges I and take them away. oct 21 E. w. Li’ KER. MUSIC, FRENCH, DRAWING AND PAINT ING. 7T —K. Mill eh will resume his lessons on the Piano and Organ with hLfgmpl? ou Mon } I day the 24th iiist.—Bay And evening classes are now- , i forming or French, Drawing aud Singing—apply ut I 122 South-Broad-st—Also, a second bund Piano sos j i sale or hire, cheap. 0 . oet 21 , TO THE VOTERS OF CHATHAM COUNTY. * Ufllow Citizen? :—I unt a Candidate ; for Hie office of F 3 PE RIFF of your Conn- i ty at the election in January nextj cud respectful- J r ly solicit your,support. I net 0 ‘to ALKXANniiII TirOMAS. SCIENTIFIC AHEKICAN. | j j I ! THE Subscriber having been appointed [ ti#-— JOZ*. agent for the above unrivalled publication ■ ! isprepured to receive ?üb.'eriplion?i The next vcl- 1 ume will commence on the 17th of September'. GEo. B. MITOIIELL, oct7 > Suooosor to F. Zogbaum k Cos. ; WM. A. WHEELER &. CO) WHuI.KSALK j Stationers’ Warerooms. Summer and Pall Importat loum, 1 853. FRESH GOODST THE SUBSCRIBE!;? are dally rcct.\jving | from Europe, the most elegant und car, • : fully selected S’JYK'K OF ST A IM.EAND FANCY ST A TIONHRY, ever imported into the city of Now York'.— ; ’ They have also on hand a complete assortment, ot AMERICAN CAP, LETTER, LEGAL CAP, BATH ! POST and FLAT PAPERS, uli of which will be sold at | the lowest Mill PiuckS; ■ Buyers from the Interior will find it to” tlieirinterest I to examine these goods before purchasing elsewhere, j WMi A. \vi(ltei.KK A CO., Nos. Id und 15 Park Row, nug 24 3mos Now York Sty. ■ DR. CEO. F. COOPER. uniter Mrs; Snider's west side Lib- ! ert v square, Montgomery st. Residence i corner Perry and Drayton sts, opposite tfic'Catholic I Church. ts jcG LAMPORT, LLAKEI.IAN & LAV/, (I.VTE COHMSH, Jt CO.) nf —Manufacturersofevery va litty of Cap and Letter Pa per. priIL'SIIERS, RODK9ELLEP.B k STATION I. R.S, J'o. 8 Par/: /'Lice, near Broadway, XBW-V O It K . IIIRAM If. LAMPORT, RIKDSEY BLAKLMAN’, nug24 ly HENRY W. LAW. NEW SINGING BOOK PATENT NOTES! THE KARI* OF THE SOUTH: A NKW AXn HXTKN't VK COU.KCTION OF mtUKCH MUSIC, By 1.11. Woodbury, Author of the Dulcimer. Liber. Musicus, | - -w— j Ac. Thjs book embraces many new- feu- j ; tores, is confidently bejtoyed, will be found the ! j most ••••luprehenslve, attraettre and useful woik of | , he kind ever issued. It has boon prepared in answer ! to numerous call? from the So: th and West, and cm- j brace? the Oeins from all the most popular round j note book? iu the country, together with much new music written expressly for it? pages. By special ar 1 mngement. the right to use the favorite conipo'itiou i of Lowell Ma.-'nn. Esq., the distinguished compo. cr aud 1 nliter.hnsl>en obtained.und a careful selection from his J very popular works, the Handel and Huy den Society ’? , ("ullection: The Boston Academy *s Collection; The Cur miiui Sacra, (of yyiiich luil work ulor.e, over 80o,d0t) | copies have been sold.) mid other?, ha? l*een made.— j Selections hayo plo been made from the works of ‘ j Thomas Hastings and William R. Bradbury, Ksqr?*.s ; well as from the/ithcr fnozt distinquished American ‘ 1 add Foreign Composers. Tho choicest pieces have also ! been inserted from The Dulcimer, by Mr. Woodbury, a work which has has hud the nstouishing sale 0f125,- ; | (K)0 copies in the short turn* since its publication. I Teachers, Choristers aud others interested, are in* j j viteil to examine this work. Retail price $1 00. For i sale by CURB EDGE & BROTHER, ) ?ept 5 ly Pavannah. BOOK AND JOB PRINTING. dt The subscriber Laving supplied his office with a largo assortment of plain, orna j mouUd und fiini’y types, is now prepared to execute, at ! short notice, all orders entrusted to him in the. best manner, and equal to any establishment in tho South. : I'amphlcts, Laiw Blanks, Circulars, Catalogues, Busi ness Cards, lint Tips, Bills'of Lulling. Visiting-Cards, Bill Heads, Dray Receipts; also Posters, rdiow and i Hand Bills, in Gold, Bmfirae, ited. Green, Blue. Yellow, ! and every kind of colored Inks, faithfully, dime at I short notice and on reasonable terms. OrdcVs may be leil at the Office, Sorrel’s Building, or at the Book j Store on M:irket-squarc. jMii ‘27 ,1. B. CUBBEDGE. DAGTIERREAN GALLERY. pP P. M CARY, having form<*d a Copartnership with J - . W. Perkins, for the purpose ot currying on the business of tho Daguerrean Art, respect-fully gives notice tu his former patrons and | *ho public that the rooms formerly occupied by him will he open during the whole season,the business be iug done by the firm of Cary & Perkins. Those who are in waut of pictures are respectfully in vital to call and examine Mr. Perkin's specimen? of j t he Art. they will not bo found inferior to any that l have before been exhibited in these rooms. Pictures taken at all hours between 9 o'clock, A. M. 1 and ii o'clock, P M., and in any weather. it- Entrance from St. Juukn-st,, tiirovou S. 8. j )V u,mot’s Jkwklri Stork. iv M. OARY. BOOK BINDING. 1 subscriber is prepared to execute : v.*—-• Book Binding of every description at the i shortest notice. Blank Books ruled and bound'do any | I p*ttem. [febi] CUDBEDQR & BROTUEK: Tlie inOKt ?erlbUH cases of Dropsy j cured l>y Ilolloxvayte Pills.—The cause? 1 : of dropsy are various, but it generally arises from o)> j structions to the free circulation of tho Mood through j | the system; to remedy this there is nothing so effee- ! j five as Holloway's Pills, as they purify the blood and j I strengthen the constitution, and thereby gradually j j diminish the collected fluid, und if persevered in till ; the cure is complete, further accumulations are pre- I I vented. JMuny persons that have suffered from drop j j sy can testify to the efficacy of this medicipe, especial- j j ly females at the turn bfiife. who nt that period are j more particularly predisposed to this insiduous dis ‘W oct IS NOT BOASTING, BUT FACTS. CAPS.—CAPS.—The finest and best made Caps to be found in tho City, are to be found at the Clothing Store, Gibbon’s Range—all made up for my trade aud .sold cheap—call and see. oet 22 GEO. S. NICHOLS. SILKS. Just received another mugnificent assortment of Figured 8ilk?. entire new patterns, and each piece containing but one dress. Also, a few dresses ot l’ari? D’Lnines, imported ex pres.-lv for the Southern market. S. CI’RRELL. Agt, [ <>t; t 11 (iibbon's Building JB MON S.—Landing and for sale by J oct 14 11. J. GILBERT. I i __ Jiisuranrc. SAVANNAH MUTUAL INSURANCE CO. Office. No. 11H Ray-street. This Coin pa* iiy “ ill contiuue to take Marine, Fire and Inland NavigutionrUks on the most favorable terms. Henry D. Weed, President. Trustee?—Henry D. Weed, J. R. Wilder, 1. W. Morrell, N. B. Knapp, Hi ram Robert*. E. F. Wood, Henry Lathrop, John W. Anderson. Janie? Mi Henry. Secretary. June id mOTFCTION INSURANCE UOMIANY. Hartford, Conn.—The undersigned, agents of t lie above Company,a ra prepared ■ to take risks against Fire, on buildings, and their con tents, on the most favorable terms, july 10 BRIGHAM, KELLY k CO. MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE. Lift Insurance Com lili) wili ji&ny of New York. ISAAC ARfIATT, Secretary. F. 8. WINSTON, Preside ut. Application.’ received by WM. P. HUNTER, Agent. , Dr. R. D. AnxoLD. Miilieal Examiner. Iv jan FIRE AND LIFE INSURANCE AGENCY.” | A'). 129 C>nyrras-Ht., Suvanuoh, Ga. Equiiaoii Flit liiHUrauee CompM)} , ! OF LONDON. Aulhorlsed Capital .$2,500,000 f Capital paiiTiu {1,000,000 | C. B. ii v .Keur. L.-q.. | llxm’Y I.riq.AM. E?q.. ; Trustees, N. Y. j Kdfci. Datti.V, Esq., ) Fjunurn* Fire Itniirnncc Company, Capital* s.‘4oo*ooo* Granite “Fire Insurance Company, Capital $200,000. Knlekevfiocker Fire Insurance Cos., Capital SISO,C|KJ. New York Ki te Fir*- Insurance Cos., Capital, $150,000. i ‘1 he?c Ck-mpuiiit - LuvHig a i :..-.h c:q>ital, safely in i vested in bond and mortgage, are prepared to effect ’ Insurance against damage by-fire, on all kindsof pro ’ party ou rea.sbualde taiius. Charter Oak Life Insr.rumf Com peay, II ART F t R!). C< >N N CapiUil, and surplus over $260,600. 1 Ai.Fkkt. G iu.. President. .1 as. C. tV.vLKiJtY, Sec'y . This Cf uirany .will issue Policies on tlie Joint Stock principle, and upon the Mutual plan, thus com bining .the benefits of both systems ut the option of the insured. **Tht* strength, ability and well invested capital ot the my opinion, unsurpassed by i any Lite Insurance Company in this State or Dnion. [L. S.J Mgnod * K.G. PJNNEY, Comptroller of Public Accounts. State of Connecticut. For insurance in either of tin* above nunied Comp a i nies, apply to j A. WILBUR, General .Insurance Agent. and agent for Iheabove Cos?. I sept 13 Office 1 RICE’S WILD CBERRUMICAXDY! VGBF.J AHLE o the last**,and warranted (if used according to the iliicciior.s. which are simple.) to cure all cases of CcUtG !>’ and COBBS, which arc with in the roach ofa oy Medicine, besides aft. rding relief in case? of--GKUIT. ASTHMA. CATARRHS, and BUON ! (MUTIS, and bdngonc of tin* most useful remedies in j the early stages of CDS i* BM I TION. Mr. R ICE iu plnein-.r tbi? article before the public, claims not to hive discovcrul or ingeniously ci Hi pounded Medicine? hitherto unknown.orknown only a? M*parnU* remedies or in *.ucfi coiubinalion? ? pro provenled U.u full force of their beneficial effect?. Nur does he aver that hi? COUGH CANDY ha? thy approval of the *.*i:iire Medical Faculty,’* or ha**t n rJc iiimendeti bv the-most culiglitemd Phy sicians.” hut he would merely state, that having him- Kolf Mitfcrcilsever. Iv IY-m Ri'..i . Inal Affection atteml ed with Cup'liiiv-jin 1 Ni-Jit Su,.n .he ,np| lied tonneuf • the hienlty whi*'-; i cripiion atfnrded smli sperdy nv , liefjihd revid'eii in such p**i fii t cure that h** was iu ; -lured t” obtain . km v le dge.q tlie ingmlient?and the ; uiHiiuer in wniefi tin-v t izlit be properly cm pounded j “itli sugar.t’- ‘ivatlmmaci.iiveiiient and pahitnldefnim i ?in*e w liieh In* lias had the Satisfaction of ndmii.i-ter iug it -ti'-'*** <• InJly in many en.-ess. The iugrcdicnl? •I * v I'i* hll i- Lai:dv is imposed . among wi.ic h v.i'.d ( heiry i- ibe prim iph-.r Ole perfectly luiruile??, and : may taken b% person? of all ages nt all lime?, j l tdike many of the Con di ('undies now offered f-.r I *!•. (purport :ng to be tlie product of profound uiedi- I cal n mi * !.. but vbich arc ii. reality the concoction? I of genuine Cam G ‘I .korsA this article i? not expected j to cure “nil Uiei'd?ihat t : c. his heir to.” hut ispciu. liarlv adapted to ihe few di.-eascs above mentioned, , and ins.'-u of being composed of the pforest o’.alitv *f r. infused will, the e.Mvnet of iloarhound. it b ; made from Sup.o in its hi Ie ( state of perfection. Mod e'-ntuii” well known and approved remedies, fry it. audit? intrinsic me:it will call fottlmspontan eous approval from you which e'er long shall giro it a pupouhirit> unpuralteled in tliohiFtarvof uosirum?. • I rice 2.5 cents per !‘aeka-;c. b ‘cii g’Mll■ i,iu pa.-!- .-.go of BICE'y C il’Gll CANDY will bear on the envelope the signature of | . TU RICK, Cor. r.ror.gldon k MbitaK. r its. Country ‘!er,hauls cun be supplied l.y the Box, each lox containing'so package?, at $0 25. ! oetin,‘ If HATS! HATS!! HATSH 1 J list received, per Alabama, a large lot of ’ m ni,,! 1,1 -tritu*d Bonnets, Lmlnellas, and every rariely of Fall and Winter ifats.Caps. *c. i VI e \i ill sell a better new style tiilk Hat, (and of our ; own m;imi!ucLurl*i at ? 50, tlian can be produced in Savannah. V*e also wisint distinctly understood, that we make our own Hats, and put no other maker? name in tlie tips, especially those that lmve been defunct for year?. H'pt -7 BKLBEN & CO. GrH l 2 A T A 1 TR A ( T ONI! BfliicmmHiinm. r |MIL M. LMdilBi:KS beg leave to state that they I. have determined to stay in .'Savannah, and,havo This Day commenced lo open an entire new FALL AND WINTER STOCK OF DRY GOODS, I Which, fur .'li/It's and prices, cannot be surpassed ; ■ and would imho the aitentiou of the public, viz: Mouselinc do Luinos, from 10 to *>2)... cents j?r yard* l’lain For.-inn du., *• 10 i> 02[-5 cents per yard. Fi .ured do., from 18 to 50 cents per yard. Freucii Merinos: Edgiish clu.: plain and figured Cash mere?. French Gala Plaids (now styles,) Chhnteettes Collar?, t hantiila Veils, Swiss and Cam brio I iisertingnud edgings; beside? Prints, brown and bleached Shirtings and .‘heelings, Flannels, Denims, ke. Fur sale at ,1. 11. UuIIEN & CO.’S, sept 14 140 Broughton-strees. CAEPET AND FLOOE CLOTH WAREHOUSE Curtainsi Curtain Goods, Ac. No. 150 Congross and 57 St. Julien-streets. TUB SUBSCRIBER would respectfully iu yjM.^'f. || .-^’fo r| u tin* public that lie lias now opened the —La most complete assortment of all the various styles of GO >DS usually kept in similar establish , incut?. Tlie st*? k of tlie JilToreiit departments will ; consist, iu part, of t.hc following Goods, via; Carpet Department. | Royal Velvet Tapestry Brussels, Mocet Brussels, i Briift?el?; Velvet, Tapestry and Brussel? for stairs, 3 | ply- buporfhie. Fine, and Common Ingrain, Plain and j Twilled Venetian for stairs,Jin 1 Is, etc. Druggets 6-4, ■ I*2-4 and 16*4 in width, of every variety of patterns, Hearth Rug?. Parlor and Stoop .Mats. Toblesnnd Piano 1 Covers, Silver and Brass lhal aud Octagon JStair Rods, | Btuir Biiieu, etc. OilClotliS. .j Os every width, from Ito 8 yards, for halls, dining ) rooms. stouniboHt?. saloon?, etc.; Rosewood. Muhoga, ; ny and siunll figured Furniture Oil Cloths, 4-4, 5-4 i and. 0-4 wide; Figured India Rubber Cloth for stairs. Curtains. Silk and Worsted Damask DcLainc, Worsted and I Linen Damask iH Inline. Figured und Plain Damasks, variety of colors. White and Buff fur Shades. Window Shades. Transparent Landscape, Medallion. Garland, and White and Gold, entirely new style. Cord. Loops, Tas ?els, with all the various Trimming? for Curtains and j Shades. Gilt Cornices. I Bands, Loops umj Bins, of the greatest variety and j patterns, of the latest importation—all of which M ill be sold,ut wholesale or retail.ou the most liberal terms. WM. 11. GUT ON, Agent, oct 20 160 Congress and 37 St. Julien-sts. SILKS. T DPT RECEIVED at 154 Congress-street, the follow er ing very desirable SILKS, which for elegance of stylo, cannot be surpassed, if equalled, by any estab lishment in the city, viz : Super Bayadere Silk : do. Plaid do.; Plaid Satin do.; do. black Gro de Rhino. A I.SO. A handsome assortment of black and colored Al - De Luinos, &e. S. CURRKLL, Sept 20 154 Congress-street. MERINO VESTS,—Tust received at 154 Congress street, a 1 . autiful assortment of Ladies and I Gentlemen Cashmere nud Merino Vests. S. CURRKLL Agent, j 0P * Gibbon’s Building.