The Savannah evening journal. (Savannah [Ga]) 1852-185?, October 25, 1853, Image 2

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Siuunnu!) iCneatii;] journal, r - ■ ■ ■ g i. lt. I CttUICDGK. TIIOIYS VV. 1. A A l£, Krtltor. Ai)Vifii(TISlX(J KATES. A Ivertisements inserted ut tho following rates, — K-IH |I iUI-ARK Os TEN UNI S, insertion, £u (JO I Oue month, s*> nO Tiro “ 1 o*’ I Two 10 00 • Thw?o ** 1 25 | Thr * I*2 60'. Pnir “ 150 | Four “ 15 00 1 I'ivrt “ 1 76.1 Six •* ‘2O <H One week, *2 00 | One ve'ir. 30 *>o I ~ _ ;T r ~ SKaST Monday Afternoon, October 21, 1353 TELEr.n vritEi) to the mil. Chnrlr<tt(n CnHon Market. CIIALKaTON, Oct. ‘25 —2, I*. M. Cotton. —4oo bales changed hands this morn ing, at prices ranging from ( to 0| cent Arrival of lhc Augnxtn. The steamship Augusta from Now York, was coining up when wo went to j.rc. .•. New adver: i-'Cinents uro left out, which will appear to-mirow. Sent in too la to. —; . , ——• —- The iv. utlier is cold ami bracing to- j day— overcoats ami real fires, nr in 1! rnand. It is • il that f-’ ri ‘• :lS h> he f-cen this j morning. lVt ,i:j n. t it. It; l<u. not, we may eoii.-ider the * ir.u.* quito question settled” in our M otion. T-2T The stenm. hip Jsnlad, passed onr Wr yesterday, delivering mails nml p.vscng ‘r.-- She left Havana on th 2‘2d. The sienm’ship Crescent City, from N-w Ymkf.r New Uilenur, . touche ! at Jlavar. i ‘•!> the 191 b. W- We refer the ead r to the rnrre*pnn- ! dence between I>r. Sciu:\kn and 12. It. \oi ng, j Esq., on first page. y.y- W.- refer to .Mr. C. I*. ( .Ti n's Card an 1 venture the rrnn)ik that Mr. ('■ is one of those hard working young men who frequently succeed in adorning tlieir profession*—of course, aft r years of toil. ,X r> We regia-t to learn that one of Di ll an AII l.'s horses was killed yesterday. The animals took fright in Farm-street, and dash- ; ed off with tho carriage—one of them coming in Collision with a waggon, ua.- instantly killetV pHT The Comp! til Minrircls had n very full bouse last night--and the audience v ire highly pirn ed with tho ] rforman. e. The Castle (lardm Hurl* - ■ ti>- i-a n< w feature to night. arid is “bound to draw.” This we learn is the hs-t night hut one, ns they perforin in .M.o- .i oti Thuisday evening. I'rokl tn Hinton. A gor.tleman tn ho learn-d t!• • • tact hy T graph, informs us that there was frost in Ma con this morning. A Ton of Conl The Philadelphia coal .h alers have resolved |0 give after the first of 1; u mber only 2,000 lbs. for n ton, although they require and are al lowed 2,100 lbs. for a ton at tin* mines, besides five per cent for 1 We have heard so much about advance in the price of coal recently, and now a reduction in measurement, that we begin to think a mild winter decidedly desira ble. NIIO iv and Hal!. The telegraph announces that sn-w and hail fell at Haiti more, Philadelphia nnd New York, yesterday. Sav ainiiili ltivrr Itoncli We learn Irom the Charleston Merrury of yesterday that Win. 15. Porn, 1’ j, bceu chosen President of tlio Savannah River Rail road. Smvh from WiiNliin^ion. A\ c copy the following from tlu- Star: Court Coahnnci.—Mv. Soule, it i-* said pro- ; cured a Court dross, at the instance of .Mr. ('.il deroo, the Spanish Minister, who was appre hensive if ho appeared in tlio Spanish Court j in plain dress tlio Ministry (not advised i.f Secretary Marcy’s circular) might eon true it ! into a vaunting of the extreme radical and til i libustoring views with which he was universal- ‘ ly crodited by the European press. J. J. Set | bels, Charge to Belgium, has 1. • u iv- iv - 1 in ; plain clothe?. Expn sident Van lturen recent ly sent word to the King of Belgium that be , desired to pay his respects to him if ho could j bo permitted to do so in plain citizen's drv. •. j His Majesty at once consented, and came in t> his palace from the country (where he had been ! rusticating) to m t Mr. V. IL, who spin, some hours in - ■•ci.-ty. \ Plcnitiiig Incident nt I lie Pidr v. • . ‘ itionnl is * R*p.. that ..ii Tiiurs lay !.-*. <‘ and. David son, tho Chairman T the Executive Commit too, authorized Mr. .John S. II itchiiiaon, the j auctioneer, to anuoun.-o that ho would give a ! Silver Cup to the hot looking Child, of four teen months, of m growth, exhibited on Friday. W- il. lriid.y catuo, and th- auction cor mount*’ 1 his ro.-trum, an l am. >on < 1 that ho was ready t> r- • iv- comp tin .A voting . daughter of Mr. Robert ti! ro rgmu .and the pro prietors of tin* ( uu>- .w •- pi n \ in hi- an.. . who with youthful simplichv, after a lit tlu Ii i - around his neck, not only captivat-d him (for bear in mind reader that lie has none of the same sort himself,) but all pi-. -ent, botii male and female. At's-r crying (no not •n ! j‘ but *a:>> ;> if n.-ii- ••• ••.'• • . competitors on the yr ••on I. tho little mio still clingingaffcctionan ly * him,he an iounced :hat she had taken tlio premium, and presenting it to her while in !. n•, i m l as nm- • de lighted with its n-w | ic-ent a- any one on the ground. We di l not • * tin- s -m . buttin’ , auctioneer a sun -ushe w ill luiv *. ‘’ j-ction to its repetition, provided ho has one of the ! b vino sort to exhib t him If, at. the u<\t Fair. I. os-, of Nix Nii'iinilioats. Three bur'l n,f.t Inr ‘ • ‘ The St. lamia j p&pere of the 11th inst. re •■•id tin- lo?sof t” less than three bte unliout■< by ti-e. nml throe ! by sinkiner. On the Kdib, the s .nu-r Mon tank took lire a: ;'t. 1. ui-, m l the flames 1 communicating to the st-nrners Robert tamp bell and Lunette, all thr.-c vver. boon reduced to ashes. The Mnutauk w,i- in nrtd far $ 1• .tot the Cnmpbell for .SIO,(H, and tho inun Uo fnr so,ooo,—lost about $4,000 .\ lodve of u large quantity of freight. Several of the pas eengors, who were asleep on the Cunipholl narrowly escaped with tlieir live-'. Th steamers • fnink were tin- Mag at Flint f a laml, in the , (Jbio; the Holden Kra. at Amaranth I ‘land, an 1 | the 11. 11. Lee, with 300 sacks of corn on th” Upper Rapids, ‘flic latter vessel was insured 1 for $3,500, and the M-dd-n Era for SO,OOO. The birth day of Isabella Ik was cele- ; brntol with great rejoicing and ceremony at [ Havana,on the 11th io^t. Southern Central Agricultural Fair. (fONOMIDKII.) Jno. S. llntobinaon, Augusta, a Shell box eon taiuing a largo ivssurtim*ui of beautiful Shells Collected on the beach of St. Joneph’a Bay, i>y Miss I lay dun. Also several vory large Quocu Conk Shulls. Mrs. li. I). Thomas, Athens, Ga., ft very beau tiful Pincushion. Mrs. Jano A. 0 >k. Chittunog i, Tenu.,oue Work Box, uiado villi Muskim-lon seed nnd Reads, exceedingly beautiful. Also, one Ladies embroidered Jikin, elaborately worked and very • tastily executed. I Mis. Kiln M. W.urltien.&nlerville,oiwbwa. j tifully decorated Cloth Piano Cover. Mrs. 11. A. McConnell, Sandersvillo, a very ; fine Cloth Piano Cover, richly ortiamented. Mrs. C. C. riioun, Maid win, one Table Cover, J raised worsted. This is indeed a beautiful cou- j ! tribution. ! Mrs. Dr. Cbatitberf, Barnosville, one elabor- I utelv worked and tastily executed Table Cover, , which wo regretted to sets had got wot by tho | leaking of tho house during the rain of Tliurs- ! day night, ft is not materially injured, if at all. j Other article?, of the sumo character, likewise suffered by tlio rain. Mrs. John A. Siinonton, Hruenville, Ga., n j basket oi Paper Flow urn, which are very pretty, j basket and flowers. Charles W. l>.vis, of Suniterville, S. C.,ft plan of Charleston, drawn anil cutout ot paper, ; mostly from memory, with a pen-knife and punch. Also a plan of Savannah, and u Harp. . Ail of this work is beautiful, and exhibits grout , labor, taste and patietK-C. Miss Mary K. Bond,-(aged l J years) Angus a. \ n patch-work Quilt, which, considern.g the linker's age, is cxeoedingly creditable. Mrs. 11. C. Ruffin, Augusta, three patch work Quilts, very beuutiful. .Mrs. R. Nail, of Beach 1.-land, S. C., nr.ecot n Counterpane, beautifully worked; the cotton : which tins was made, was picked with the ling"),', and the spinning und weaving execut ed by .Mrs. Nail. It is fine. Mrs. D tiii. l Kirkpatrick. Augusta, fourbeau liiui laid-vv ok Qoiiis, of diUt'icnt patterns, and ta: t'-fully executed. Mr.-, Todd, Abhovillo, S. C.,a patch ” • iv r.iii oi Quilt, (Auuexaiion pattern.) This q oi: wj.- removed while wo were in the act of i porting. We did not Lave time allowed to j ! *j a . min It.. ,M:-. Joiiu Kirkpatrick, Augusta, one laid Q lilt, (Moruitig Glory pattern.) This is very heautitul. .'lr*. Maria \• kinson, Reach Island. 3. C.,one Silk patch-work Piano Cover, containing 3U3'J I i•■cu.*,. Mrs. Atkinson is in tho 5.6 th year of lid- age, and her contribution is one of them <st adtniic l articles in tho Fair. Mrs. Ford. Augusta, u Brussels Lace Work C-. lr and t’ldV worked in Augusta, (•;., fy a Inly frotn the Brussels factory. They uro very ; well -‘do ue. Mrs. B. Bignon, Augusta, ono pair Sleeves, French Embroidery and one Chomisetto and 1 coll'ir, with other contributions, all very beauti j ful. Mi.** Mary Hitt, Augusta, ono Patch Work C..;. m Q lilt, very beautiful. Mry J. Wiiitc.'i les, Warren countyr nno I itch Work Quilt. Tlio child who made it is ; only seven years old, deaf and dumb, and her wmk in very line and beautiful. What an ex ample.tor oldt i young ladies to imitate, and for t.luc Who uro id.. -ed with hearing mid speak ing. Miss K. V.. Cosgrove, Augusta, one very . beautiful piece of Knotting, much admired. Mrs. Dr. Low, Heard, three Quilts, ono a i Patch Work Cotton raised and tho other two Patch Work Quilts. The two last verybeauti tii 1 and the first very fine. Mi P. A. S itnmoy. Clark county, ono sain pie oi nppernong M ine; much admired l*y { coimoi.'-urs at tlie Fair. Mrs. E. ]<. Goodman, Clark county, a boftlo of Blackberry VV ipe, made without tho use of ] alcohol. VV c pronounce it of excellent flavor . and superior quality. John J>. Butts. Augusta, ajar of watermelon Piv.mtvc.*, the fruit beautifully ornamented. S. A. Murray and G. M. Murray, six jar r.f i beauiilul glass uiclou Preserved. Mi ‘.Ju i.i S liirmer. Augusta, six jars con taining bh.ckbei ry Jelly, mad** in June. 1852, quince Preserves, Mack berry Jam, Cbickasaw plmnJclly. One bottle tomato Catsup, “vvnr i uicl in keep for years, it not eaten up before tin time.” Due jar mustard Pickles. All these contributions are very excellent. S. Rose, Macon, one buttle Scuppcruong Mi ne, 165 L Dr. Baity, Floyd cou. ty, several bottles of Toinutto Catsup. | Mr*. L. A Dogas, a biinutiful chair with silk p itch work .-eat and buck, mad” by Miss Fanny Hamilton, of Columbia county. It is beautiful. Mi-. J. .Mays. Atiicns, Ga., two magnifi cent Patch Work Quilts. Mi” M iry June Clark, Worcester, Mass., B.i'kci Fkiv. “rs, water colors, very neat—Paper M idi” Bit Foil'i L.-:iv• -. and a.i oil Painting ; ,st. .1 oil ii, io imitation of Ivory. Mr. Kirkpatrick, Cuiumbia county, one piece of knitting Fringe, very beautiful. Mrs. M. Johnson, Sparta, three fine colored ; Wool Coverlets. Mrs. .Martha Clark, Richmond, one very i beautiful Raised Work Quilt. Mis Mary Olive, Augusta, ono jar Peach and : oi e of Quince Preserves. Mi s Mary Eve, Floyd, fifteen samples of !\ -■'••I ve.', s.o-h as Glass Melon, Plums, Peaiq , B ispbeirv, Pino Apple, Blackberry, Quiuce, Vntvverp R i.'p errv*. Fig Peaches, .Strawberry, Peach Citron, Fig Tumulus, Blue Piutns, Yel low Peach. Mrs. Ik VV’. D nighty, Augusta, one jar Orange . 1 ’ I • . e I V “ . Mrs. J. Van Baron, Habersham, samples of ■ tine * ib Apple Preserves, current Jolly, and j other delicacies. Mrs. Si vru, H -loock. ns line n sarnplo of thin Dried Peaches as have ever seen. Mrs. A. J. L ine, Hancock, such very beauti ful Di f Punches, that it is difficult to say how .ui” they are. They are not inferior to any wo have ever eiueh. L. A. Skriii". San ler-villo, one jar of highly ornam.-n’e 1 Watermelon Preserves. Totiuco ami Sr.OAits— Gusta vus Vulgar, Vugusta: s-veral boxes fine Segurs. One large ■ii iu\ t- l Ipv M-veral small ones, reminded u- <>f Guliivor surrounded by the Liiliputs. Ono >■ g liiu i “bnecu, manufactured by Suit/. A, in.u i. lleory county. Yu. B"bcri Nastruw'ky & Cos„ So gar Manufoo tur rs, Dalton. Ga., several thousand fine Sc- • .:r-. and ; • •iiii"us of fino Sin dung .Tobacco, i i : lin • , i.i from the Yiielta Do Abuja !’>.'• and, i• iip ■: t• 1 from Cuba. This qii.ii \ i- and ime t-xcure and more elastic than • lie one kin 1 grown in ILvanu. Win. H. Pritchard, Augusta, a fanev box *>f Tob-.c ~, “ I Lirl groves imlispenaablu,” from tho Bui” i Factory. Richmond, Va. . “Tb mi. lit*- i i'em. in 11** World’s opinion, D tlu: _oln> n Icit <>i the old Dominion. ‘ll” \ouio;. tlu-olil. tia grRV* and sensible, l'r nnuii"". at once. Mis • ihtliajutiraUf.' ” Tiii.* is th” b"\ which received tho premium at the World’s Fair in London. —one box of VV’. B. Ilix’s Oronoco To baeoo. ( \i i “ioM nv. John M T . /inn. Augusta, a -p!> • did Ro- k Caudy Pyramid, chrystalized in one solid body, and beautifully and lastcfuliy executed. Al>", n largo nssortm nt of Candies, Drops, Toys, Fruit.-. Ac., from his manufacture , Bin id street. Also, samples of fine Rutter j Cracker? nnd Wino Bis-nits. Theso ar , tide- are simpl -sis cwidy, Ac., daily mtinu ‘ fnctitr-d by Mr. Zinti. i tj. p. Jirardey, Augusta, ono Sugar Pyramid and two va-. s tlwe fit, (previously reported.) Rimnuy Pi:uiu:s. -Win. 11. Pritchard, Ali gn ‘la, ‘ vernl jars of tine Brandy Peaches and • Peach Preserves. . .J. Lane, Hancock, ono jar of firm large white Brandy I’ciu lies. B. F. Phew. Augusta, ouo Shower Bath Bath- j I ing Tub. and one Pal lor Stovo. •S. P. Field, \iken, S. P.. samples of Biscuit, , Bread, Sw"-t Brea!, Ac.; of Flour and Meal, ; which were very fine and elicited much praise. Dr. J. Dennis, Augusta, sivmplfe bottles of 1 ; Georgia Sarsaparilla, and other Medicinal pro- j | partitions rondo by him. Alsu, two bottles of very fine Cologne. Snowden A Shear, Augusta, a largo and • gorgeous display of Carpets uud Shuwls. SAVANNAH .1 <) IJ ItN AL, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 25, 1853. P. B. Phi mb A Cos., Augusta two vory fino . Mudicino Chests, and an excotlunt ussurtrnunt of ('hetnionl? and Perfumery, Paris A Cos.. Dude Cos., one specimen of Ga lena or Sulphurct of lead, found iu Renton Cos:, i Alabama. Hollymau A Kelly, Dentists, Augusta, sped- ; mens of improved Block Teeth, executed in j tho finest style. If some of tho contributors to the Ladies De partment, find their names nnd articles omitted the fault is to be found in the hurried manner : iu which their work was packed up or removed yesterday from the Fair Ground. Wq had an , abundance, of time and inclination to report , for nil, but could not find the articles and labels to enable us to do so. JH.-if A correspondent of the Mobile Register j writing from Havunu, on Bth inst.,’days : We have an interesting ease of kidnapping nt present, being developed through tho energy of , tho present acting incumbent of the consulate, : | Col. Robertson, u negro, born in the Knited j ! States, at Charleston, free, Ac. It is said his ; ; case will be fully made out,although tho lapse of \ ! time is so much against him; nearly lorty years i i since'he was forcibly taken at Regia, from a i boat belonging to a small trading vessel, to ‘ 1 which ho belonged ns a cabin boy. His history is thrilling from the eloquence of i truth, with which it carries to the mind eon- J vlction; and there is no doubt that through the i investigation ordered by the Governor General, j and the American sentinel nt his post, that be ; I will obtain his freedom. The Washington National Monument This structure is now 112 feet high, but the ! manngers are much in want of funds to continue i its erection, and appeal to tfie people of Mary- ‘ . land, at the ensuing November election, to con- ; tribute such sums ns they may think proper in : aid of the noble project. Tlio judges of tho elections, throughout the State, are requested ■ by them t” put up boxes to receive the contri butions of the voters, nnd it is not doubted that tho request will bo geusiuily uud cjveoifully complied with. Another 01*1 Citizen Gone. It is a melancholy duty we have to perform this morning, in announcing the death f>f an other of our oldest and most respected citi zens, Mr. Nicholas De Laige, who departed this life yesterday, at his residence nour this* city. Hu died at the advance age of 87 or 88, was a native of the Northern portion of France and resided iii our midst some fifty or sixty years, j Ho leaves behind him a large family and mi- ; tnerous friends, who will sincerely mourn their loss. Enemies he lias left none. His funeral I takes place this afternoon, ut half past three i o’clock, from tho Catholic Church. - Anjuatn \ Constitutionalist l- Rejmbfic. Forty Acres of 111 hies. The last number of the Bitdo Record, the useful and suggestive little paper of the Bible Society, states the issues of the society for the past year to be eight hundred thousand Bibles and icslaments. These books, he estimates, if ; they were spread out on plain surface, nnd coin- ‘ pared hy square measure, would cover more than forty acres. If the same issues w ere corn par- and by long measure, they would exceed more than eighty miles. If by solid or cubic measure tfi-y would im a.-iiro more than one hundred and fifty solid voids. And those cords piled one upon other, would reach higher than the s; ire “I Trinity church, New York, or the Falls ot Niagara. The entire issues tor the thirty s> von years of the Society's existence, would cover more than forty tictes with Bibles and thousand miles, or make more than IS thousand Testaments;, or extend, in long measure, nearly a and lifiy solid cords. The greatness o! tho work yet to be done, may bo inferred from the fact that, though the American Bible Society should publish four and a half millions of Bibles a year, it would require more than two hundred years to give a Bible to each of the thousand millions of the population of the world. Xcic Vurli L'van. Yellow C.ntrtil Literature. Very few know tho immense amount ol per oi< i-'us reading that is poured out from the cheap presses, to vitiate the taste uud corrupt tile moral* of tho young. The counters ot the periodical depots are loaded with works of this kind, the titles ol w hn-li sufficiently indicate the matter within, the “ Firates of the Gulf,” tho “Robbers of the Rhine,” the “ .Mysteries of New* Y ork,” and thousands of others, in which . views of life are given so preposterously false, that only’ the very young, or those whose taste have been greatly per verted, can bear them. But it is the very young, whose taste become most easily perverted, and it i?> upon them, and iu all their future lives that the worst conse quences of this corrupt literature are visited. It is said, and from the letters left behind them, we should think truly, that the poorgirls who lately drowned themselves at Manchester, were driven to a moiioinaiiaieul condition by reining the publications of this class. They had liv. and in an atmosphere of fiction, and of fn-liou that bore no rct-eiubluneo to the truth, until the truth became hateful to them, and they could not endure it, nor comprehend it: and so they did as the heroines hud done iu the books which they read. We know of no other remedy than in literary nnd religious education, and iu supplying the young with that kind of reading which shall form a correct taste, and give the pernicious class to which we have referred, no foothold. Much can be done by parents, not by rigidly prohibiting the exceptionable publications, but by carefully forming the tastes of their children to better things, by accustoming them to health ful intellectual food, and teaching them to avoid the hurtful stimulants of over-wrought roman ces. History tuny be made more agreeable to the young than fiction, and it is easy to direct the youthful mind towards literary and scienti fic studies and practical pursuits. There is ro t tnnm o enough in actual life without stimulating it with unuaturul fiction. The I'lerna of Turkey. Tlio Ulema is a general name given to tho moUahs or higher lawyers and judge's of the empire. To belong to this class, which may be called doctors of the law, there must have been thirty years rerddeuee in the law universities. Tho ('luma is divided into three classes, accord ing to a scale of tho cities of the empire. The first class consists of tin* cudzi askers, or chief judges in Europe and Asia, the Stuinboul Ef fendia, or, ns we may translate it, the Mayor of Constantinople, nnd the mullahs, or judges of the thirteen cities of the next importance in the • empire. The second class are the judges of the twelve next cities* nnd tho third, often inferior cities. Smaller towns have merely cadzis or cadi? for their judges. From the wealth thus acquired tho privilege of boron ing the student of a inedresseh or law university has been made almost hereditary. Hence has arisen the body—the poernge of Turkey—known by tin* name of Ulema, uniting tin* high attributes of the law and religion, dis tinct from tho clergy, nnd yet possessing tlieir power and privileges. They have engrossed much of the wealth of Turkey, being owners of at. least one-third of the real estate, but they have generally used their power to the better > cultivation of the soil, und to the establishment of schools and the spread of learning. The uni versities, hospitals, fountains, and most of tho tno.-ques, are erected and maintained by this body of men.— Hartfiftd Conrnnt, European Acknowledgment of Ame rican Naval Superiority. A correspondent *f tho Newark Advertiser status that Mr. W. 11. Webb, n New York ship builder, (who recently started very suddenly for Europe,) has been authorized by the Em peror of Russia to build in New Y ork a hun hundred gun ship, furnished with a steam pro peller as auxiliary power, and to deliver her within reasonable time at .St. Petersburg. Mr. Webb, a year *>r two ng*>, conceived the idea of • building such a ship, and Siis plan was submit- I ted to about a dozen admirals und high officers of Russia, by his agent, and rejected, at the in i stance of tho Emperor. A personal interview, however, was lately granted Mr. Webb, and the result is ho has been commissioned to build the ship, ‘fhe correspondent adds that the Grand Duke of Russia declared that the government hutLfollowcd English models long enough. It is also said that the knowledge of Mr. Webb’s contract has boon a matter of great chagrin to , various English parties who have been long | negotiating at. St. Petersburg for this object. ILiy jDKrthftnenh. K . t ivd ;ti Mi -. 8. TOMB'S SII )W sir ROOMS, 174 Brough ton-.street, a f*-W new Style DRESS and MOURNING CAPS; also, Ribbotr uud Worsted Rlgoletts. oct 25 CHARLES P. COOPER, ATTORNEY AT LAW AND COMMISSIONER FOR FLORIDA. 175 Bay-street, Savnnnali, Will practice in the Courts of Chatham, Camden, Glynn, and Mclntosh Counties: also, the United Plate** Circuit u-nd District Court? for the Southern District of Georgia. UrFKTUNCB#. . •SbmanaA.—lion It M Charlton. Messrs Crane A Rodgers, Boston & Vlllulonga, Dafikd U. Stan-art. Hornin'. —Hon Janie* E Brnomo, H n 8 It Midlory, lion Thomas Baltzeli. Hon Tho inns Douglas. IlouC II • Dupont, Hon W A Forward. oct 25 bids Apples—landtag from steamer, oct 25 > J A BROWN. ¥ POTATOES. —108 bids White and Mercer Potatoes -1 .1 out received by J A BROWN. I oct 25 NRW V* HITE BEANS—S l bis for site by pet J A UK IWN, No 27 Whilnkor.-t. JUST RECEIVED. \T 154 Congress-st.—2o pcs Mer Knock Prints Upca real Welsh Flannels, 4 pcs Milk Flannels 4 pcs Lirirtti Hhoctiag, 3 |m*>< PHlow-Csse Linen 2 base's Kerseys. 8 CURKKLL, Ag’t, j rx-t 25 Gibbons’ Building. NEW BOOKS. VITA VLAND'S JUDSON—A Moninirof the Life and V V labors of the ltev. A Judson; by Fran cis Way laud, President of Brown’s University. ! All's Not Gold that Glitter?, or the Young Californi an: by Cousin A lie*'. i Bleak House; Jjy Clnis Dickons—with illustrations. ; The .Midnight Queen; by Geo IJppaid. Barnum’s Illustrated N?ws. No. 43. Received by CUBBEDGSGt BROTHER. • r’ . r'MBROiOERIES, tr., Ac.-Frend) and Ii English EM KROIDMtEI)GOODS, in ruuUos’Cuffu, Collars, Cheniisettes, Haodkerehicfs. and I’ndersleeves. S Livliesand Gontlomofi* Plain Cambric Hundker cbiefs, among which are some real SHeria Goods, at ■ greht bargains; II‘>BIKRY for t h season, of all kinds, j in Cotton. Merino, Wool spun. Silk, ami .Silk CLOY EB, i ’ of nil kinds—several new makes. M. PU END ERG AST A CO., 17K ]<roughton*strsvt, oct 25 opposite St. Andrew’s llnll, west-side. S 1 •! v PLAI \ few hale| of ! l t fliesesuperior Gixsls maunfactiir*'*! last, season. : 1 will* hare considered hy judge? to he tfie best, article | in tlie market. Planters are invited to call and exam- ] . iue them before purchasing elsewhere. I oct 25 K EMPTY Na VKRBTILLB. ! PLAINS.'—A heavy article suitable i J for Rite Planters, at KEMPT.IX A YERSTILLE’S, I 72 St. Juliouand I<s Bryan-st?, i _oc| 25 Waring’? Range. ! IRISH LINENS, Ac.—4ri. SUPERIOR, extra, supe rior, nnd superfine IRISH LINEN'S; 0-8, 5.4 and •- i Pillow LINENS;B-4, 10-1. 11 4 Barn-ley heavy I ting 1,1 N ENS; Damask Tuldo LI NEN'S; Brown I and Bleached, every quality, TOWELS and NAP KINS. With a full assortment of House Furnishing Goods, Flax OSNABURGB, a great bar min. M. PRE.N iER(J AST a 00., ‘l7B Brmiuhtou btreet, oct 25 opposite St,. Andrew’s Hall, we-t-side. ! i . >. mAil. i.(n FOR NEW YORK. To leave Wednesday, Oct. ‘2B, at 2 \ o’ck,?. M. n. The .splendid steam-hip AUABA- Capt. Geo. H. Schcnck. will leave V iaSyrhi ,r wharf as above. For freight or m passage, apply to oct 25 PADELFORD, FAY A CO. M. PRENDERGABT & CO., \1 MSII purtieiilaily to direct attention to the mf"t 1 y elegATit ashsortmout of New Freueh nnd British Ribbons they have ever Sold, embracing every novel ty in style. 1 4-1 Rich Genoa an*! Lyon’? Velvets, for Talmas, ! Scarf-and Mantillas. Bl'k and Col'd. | G-4 Superfine Twilled Freueh Ladies’ Cloths for.Tul , mas ami Mantillas. French Merino, all colors Rich Plaid und Printed d'L'tini*- and Ca-tirneer-. oct 25 178 liroughton-st, op. St. Andrew’s Hall. 94“ HF.AD-QI A RTKRS F-ll PRI/FS. Gflh-o l’>3 Bay-street, i doors east of City Hotel,and in connexion with Hamden's Express Office. GfIIHHH A s r i l l; LOTTIHIV For the Benefit of tho Independent Fire Company at Auguita. A. 1). EIjLH A, CO., Manager*. capTtal; 7,500 DOLLARS. f ill” ltd. Will he drawn iu Fav.inuah To-morrow. PRIZES. KVK n Y TIOK F. T A PRI ZK ! /7(s“ Each and every ticket iu this Lottery will he a prize tor all Grket? without a drawn number, are each entitle to one dollar I!.’ ‘. k it 1 prize ol {u.s'lo j 1 prize of $854 1 prize of 25 Ml Hi prizes of Wh) 1 prize of 1,50 u | 20 prizes of 100 Ae. A.-. A-e. Tick ots only s3—Halve*.sl Ml—Quarters. 7-V. ! Pack of VV Indus cost S7B. at a risk oflly $45.50 Halves *• - “ ‘ v‘ 17 7 Qu its. 4i 10.50, “ “ 8. 7 , Gij~ Order-from the country answered promptly, j drawing- n*nt regularly, and easlusl <oi de.-.iand ; at this office, by oet 25 CHARLES P. PATTERSON. 4.000 DOLLARS GPwEENE AND PULASKI LOTTERY, Class No. 12S. for 1853 To he drawn in Savannah. Wednesday, Oct’r 2(’>th. GREGORY i MAURY. MANAGERS. Successors to J. W. Maury A Cos. 75 Number Lottery—l3Drawu Ballots. SI’LENDI l> Si’il EMKi 1 prize of jtt.nin I 10 prizes of SIOO 1 prize of 1,022 ) 20 prizes of 50 4 jiriz<*s°of 4*>o | 20 prizes- of 40 Ac. Ae. Ac. 1 Ticket- >1 —-hares in proportion. Tickets either singly or by the Paeknge for suit- by E. WITHINJToN, Bay Lane. Savuiiuah, Ga, oet 25’ Vender f*>r Gregory & Maury. N’FAV ROOKS.*—Tlie Mud Cabin: nr the Char acter and Teudenuy of British Institution, os il lusiratiHl in theirofTect upon Human Character and , Df-ti v, by Waii’en Ishani. The Forged Will; or Crime and Retribution, bv Era ■ urs in Bennett. f ‘J’lie White ('miser; or the Fate of the Unheard of, by , Ned Biinlliue. Euitfi’s Legacy; *>r the Long Wood of the Grange, by the author of Adelaide Limt-ay. •la no Set on; or. the King’s Advocate: by James ’ Grant, author of *• Romance of War.” Ac. Ac. The Rudiments of Building; for the use of Archi tects. Builders, Draughtsmen, Machinists, Engineers, and Mechanies: by John Bullock. The Rebel S-out: Romance of the American Revo lution. hy Aria A-bl .nd. Violet/the Dan-emise: or Courtship and Wedlock, by the author of “The (Met,” “Warning to Wive?.” BiirnunTs News. .No. 40. Putnam's Magazine,for October. Received by , Cl BIiEDGE & Blitll HJ AGENCIES. c The uruler-igruiF Is Acent for the -ale ot ‘•iMiiwS Georgia Uui-rDliil Stone, dressed I KM m and furnished with all the uecssary Irons ’i_ coiupleta for running—is also prepared to , furnish French Burr, Cologne and Esopus Mill Stones j of every dimension. Wilder’* Patent Klre-Proof Safes, AT M t M'FAIJTUHK S I‘RICES. Burns A Griswold’s Bea Island Cotton and Cotton Saw Gins. Taylor's patented Georgia Straw Cutter, the most ! competent of any in use lit present. ! *** Specimens of all the above to be seen at the Ware-house, 171 Ray-st,, Savannah. feb 3 CII AS. 11. CAMPFI ELD. N- EW ItOOIvS. Lee II",.; in •w . ||, ien and Arthur: or Miss Thu-a's Bpinning Wheel. Isaac Laquud<*m, by Alexander Dumas—lllustrated. Kodeiiek the Rover; or the Spirit of the Wave, by I Lieut. Murray. J The Boyhood of Great Men: intended as ancxnmplc to youth, with illustrations. Fattier Gnvnzzi’s L‘etures in New York.with bis life, amt Reports of his addresses, in Italian, to Ids country men in New York. The Dressmaker and Milliner’s Guide.aml Report of [ the Paris. Loudon and American Fashions, by Samuel I T. Taylor. Six Years Later or the Taking of Bastille, by Alexnn* : ilor Dumas ! Red King the Corsnn Chieftain, ft Romance of the ocean: by Harry Hazel. Barnum’s News, No. 28. Gus Howard—further supply received by jUIy 13 ‘ .i, B. CUBBKDGK. 1> KC KIVED per steamer Augusta—lo bids A Apples.2o do. Potatoes, To do. Heritor's Putent ! Self-raising Flour, in ti, 12 ami 241 b. packages: 3 bbls. *xtra Pig Hams. 2do do. Pig Pork, l *i> new Halifax i Pickled Salmon. 1 do. Tongues and Sounds, Fnltou ! Market Beef, Smoked do., new Mackerel, *<*. For sale | t ALEXANDER’S. i sept 27 Cor. Bull and Congress-sts.. Monument-sq. l > \PK BKK4) Ojh, for Mat binery. Just re- J i eeivud and for sale by oct 14 J. B. MOORE A CO. /i\\To\ gi\gi:u prUbrySb | \_j 20 cases, for sale by * oct 11 11. J. GILBERT. llcm JOtofrtiacmcnla. s. cunnsLij, A*mt. I) KSPECTFU LLY acknowledges the very .liberal k, putronage extended to him. and begs to invito the attention of ids old friends and custom#?* and that of the PUBLIC generally, (o rtne of the most extensive ami varied stocks ever oflered t>r inspection in Havnniiah. These Goocis. which are offered fiir sale ut 73 St. Jnlii'n mid 151 Conafre*?*.. Worn purchased of the Importers under liis personal i. inspoetiontnnd wit h spcelal rofwreuce to their adaptation j to the j*outh"ru trade. Front these circumstances, and an acquaintance with the Savannah market,"’h* 1 is enabled tastatS confi dently that the adi aut.-tges he is now prepared to of fer to PURCHASERS OF DRY GOODS, cannot bcexc<)lod hy any holme in the city. The following euumcra.ion will convey an idea of the extent and variety of the Goods iiow offered, viz; i Kerseys. Schley’s Plains. Block and White Washington Kersey; Kentucky Greys, Three Cord Double and Twisted. Georgia Kersey, Heavy Striped Kersey; Blanket*. Plaid Horse Blankets; Heavy Twilled do.; Assorted Colorado.: Heavy Mni khuiw do.; Duffil do.; It’ 4. 11-4, 12-4 Whitney do.; 11-4 Bath; Ribbon-bound Crib do. - Caseimercs, Clotlio and Satinets. cy Fr on oh Ca—irttcres: ('louded Ciu*simeres: Rock Island do.: Crystal Palace do.; Black French Doe Skin do.; .Superfine Black French Cloths, do. Twilled do.; Black, Blue and Grey .Satinets. Tweed*. * An extensive nssortipuut of three GoocW, comprising ‘ every variety of color. Finn nela. Scarlet, White and Yellow Flannels; Welsh do.; Sel lwoan Flannels for Ladies’Sacks; Printed Flannels: Red | and White Twilled Bleached, Brown and Slate Cqlored Canton do. Prints. French. l’ngHtJi and American Prints. tl:e lnrrest ■ stoek ever brought to this market, varying in prices from. 6)4 to 50 cents a yard. Ginghams. Manchester. T .an cos tor English and Scotch Ging hams. from U2L* a yard. DeLaincn ami Cashmeres. Plain nnd Figured DoLames, from toil per yaril; Handsome Plaid Dufjaiues, entirely new; Black and Colored Cashmeres. These Goods are of the latest t Paris design, nnd comprise the most magnificent pat | torus ever offere 1 in any market. Alpacas. I Bine,’ Black and Figured Alpacas, fiom IS'A£ cents to $1,50 u yard. Silks. It, is impossible to delineate here the different styles j I now offered for wale, as description would only convey i a taint idea of tlieir richness and elegance, ln order, 1 therefore, to realize the exquisite beauty of the present j styles nnd the **hastp magnificence of tlieir colots it,is I efscntiul that they should be se<y to be appreciated. ! I*l nn( Ulna and Clonk*. Ladies’Black .Silk Mantillas: do. Colored do.; do. Waturod Silk Cloaks; d*f. Rl. ncbed Cloth Cloaks, Em broidered Braid; do. Colored Cloth Clonks, Euibfoi- : j dosed Braid: do. Lavender do., Velvet Trimmed. j Hosiery, ! Childrens* White. Mixed. Blate nnd Fey Striped Hose; do. (rey Lamb’s- Wool do.: do. Colored Cashmere ! ! and do". Fauey Cashmere do, Boy’* white, mixed and ‘ Fa icy,; do. I.nmb’-Wool ‘..j and".. do. Fancy ('ash- j ! mere V j do. Ladies’ White Canton Hose, from j ,! a pair; do. Slate. Mixed and Moravian d0.,d0. j Black Spun Silk (Und) do.; do. • olored do* (Lind) do; 1 , do. Black Italian do.: do. Merino dog do. cashmeres j do. Men’s White and Brown do.?do. Mixed X A do.; ! do. Superfine French Brown T do.:-do. Ribbed do.; 1 j do. Fnncv Stripe 1 .. do.: do. High Colored do.;Grey j Lamb s Wool do.; do. White do.; do Merino do. Gloves. ’ Ladies’ Alexandre Kid Gloves: Thibet do; Colored j Cat Xaptdo: Taffeta Silk do; Wool Mitts; Cashmere | Mitts. Men’s Wool Gloves;do Thibet do; do Cashmere do; ■ do Und Berlin do; do Drab Doe do: do Cloth do; do i TalTita d<\ do Ah xandre Kid *lo.; do Plush (1111 entire 1 new rticlo)du. Boys aud Misses Gloves of every Ue | script ion. IlandkerclilrfH. Ladies L C lulkfs from t**.j cents up: do Ilem’d ; Jstitclidodo; *lo Scalloped do Uis'doE'r; l’d do do.— ; Men’s L C hdkfs; do Bilk do iu great variety ; Boy's | do d.O; do Cotton do: Misses Ii C. Sumt rics. loidii-s Lambs Wool Vests; do Merino do; Men’s do do: Ladies Scarfs; do Piaid Woo) Shawls; d5 j Priu'i'il Cashmere do ;do Kmb’d do; do Fancy Neck-, j Ties; Elastic.*, liutfalo Combs. India Rubber Combs, ! Tooth ad Nail Brushes, Hair Brushes, Perfumery | Fancy S nips, together with an exteu-ivo assort j meat of House Keeping Goods. I N. B. An apartuicnt. exclusively approjiriated to I the Jobbing Trade has been titled up, where couu r j lnerclmuts will always find a large slock to select i from, - oct 25. ftjPjU'HO ARRANGEMENT) . /*. THE LIVKRPOUL AND I’lllLA DELPHI A .STEAMSHIP COMPANY intend sailing their favorite hteaui CITY OF PUi LA DELPHI A. now ladnir built. CITY OF MANCHESTER. 2D :, tons. Capt. It. Lpiteh. ’ CITY OF GLASGOW. Kilo tons. Capt. Wm. W vlie. FIMA! PHI LADIOJjFiI IA. City of iGm-row i’liur.-day. Mar 21, 1853 City of Mi uclii ,-tei-.... Saturday. April 23. lsao City of Glasgow Saturday, May 14. 1853 City of Manchester.... Saturday. June 11. 1853 , City of Cl:u''gow Saturday, July 2,1853 FUOM Ll \ HR POOL.’ City of Manchester..AVc-lnesday. Mar 30.1853 City of Glasgow \\ ednesd ay, April 20,1853 City of Manchester... Wednesday, May 18, 1853 City of Glasgow Wednesday, JuneS, 1853 City 01 Maii'-hrslcr...Wednesday. July 0, 1853 it A IKS OF PASSAGE.’ FR )M PHILADKLPHIX. ! FROM LIVKRpOOL. Saloon Berths ‘.fit Dol. Saloon Berths...2o Guineas Midship “ Hft *• i.Midsliip -‘ ...15 Forward 55 “ | Forward “ ...13 “ Including Steward's Fees. TIUItD CLASS PASSENGERS. A limited number of Third Class Passengers will l e taken from Philadelphia and Liverpool aud found; in provisions. From Philadelphia...s2o | From Liverpool $35 Certificates of jmssage w ill be i-sued here to parties who are desirous of bringing out their friends at cor responding rate*. Drafts on the Agents and the Bank of Ireland from .Cl and upwards. i;- m:!<)irr ox noonsckr tun. Bills of lading for goods from Havre signed by the agents there, through to Philadelphia at per ton. An experienced surgeon will he carried on each ship. , All good sent to the Agents in Philadelphia nml Liv erpool, will be forwarded with economy and dispatch. | For freight or passage apply to THnMAS RICHARDSON, 9 Walnut st., Philo..and 41 Exchange Place, N. Y. PADELFORIL FA Y & CO., Bay st.. Savannah. RICHARDSON,BROTHERS .t CO., aprtl Liverpool. JK* KERON’s .'jejy RF.GIT.AU PACKETI.INEXIft UETWKKN Philadelphia and Savannah, | TllO following vessels comprize this Line, and will sail | about everv two weeks, viz : Schr. JULIA ELIZA, ‘Capt. lIionKK. ! ‘do. .1. II IIOI.MKS, do. Lomu, fdo. DART. do. Somkus. do. c. A.GREINER, do. Petcusom: The Vessels are first class schooners, and command, ed hy captains exjairienced In the trade, and who will use their best exertions to give satisfaction to the ship* pers. For freight or passage (haviug good accommo dations for passage; apply to WILTS A BRUNDAGK, No. 72 Bnv-street. Savannah. HERON A MARTIN, mar 11 No. 37North Wharves. Philadelphia. PRiOMIUM SEWING BIRDS. <4>- These useful undjustly celebrated Birds are Jftfjjj. offered hy the Original Manufacturers, ami recommended to the favorable notice of the Ladies, ns article'which in point of useful ness, Inanity and durability, cannot be surpassed, put if beauty was the only ground upon which we could recommend them, we too would Ikj ready to exclaim, we have enough of such. But how often do wo see the fair form of woman, and the natural beauty which Heaven h:u* so kindly given her, materially lessened | hy n drooping form, tin* natural consequence of sew ing in an unfavorable position v Ladies, we trust that we are not saying t wo much when we tell you, that >t the many thousand* already introduced, and in con stant use, none sav aught against them. Address or ders to (nov 24; J. A. MAYER. . KREBII St.’ PPLIES recolvod pel . steamship Alabama : obi— jars Fr**h l*runes, 50 drums (small size)Turkey Figs, 1 o Imixos Cluster Raisins, ‘ltalian Macaroni, w bite and yellow Vermicelli, Pearl, Barley. Genesee self-raising Flour, Butter, Sugar, Pic nic aud Stria Cracker's, Pig Hams, Smoked Tongues. Bologna Sausages and Smoked Beef. W. G. DICKSON, apr 7 corner Whitaker st and Broughton-lune. OATS. —500 Bushels Prime Maryland Oats, just re ceived and for sale by P. L. CONST AN TINE, sept lii Foot of Barnard street. OILS. imp Oil; 25 bbls. Tanuer’s Oil; 30 do Linseed flo.: for sale bv sept 1 IF. J. GILBERT, West tide Market sqr. Spend Rflticea. Buperluteudeiit , n Office, (.’, R. U., 1 Savann.uv, Ga., fcept. Ist, 1853. j After this day, by reenltilion of the Board of Directors up and down freight will be payable at the Mcvclmuts’ Counting House, or bydepositYnade with the TretUtirar, semi-weekly, on Mundays and Fridays frc tn 1> o'clock, A. Mi to 2 P. M. Bills to be rendeml through the Post Office on Wednorinys and Fridays. Failure to miike payment wlifcn callo*l for as alx-v**, will stop parties’ account. W. M. \V ADLEY, sept 1 General Superintendent. AT PURSE’S PRINTING OFFICE, So. G, Whitakcr-strett; Cards .are printed at $2 530 3?EH XOOO 2! oct 24 lin NOTICE. THE owner oreonsigneo of 115. Grind Stom-s,marked 8.. landingfi'cm brig J. ; CVthcn, from Boston, is rCquesUri to tall, pay charges and take them away. oct 21’ E. W. BUKETI. MII3IC. FRENCH™ DRAWING AND PAINT ING. FJ. Mii.l. c .e will resmnohis lessonson tho lSr--v Piano and GrgaJi with his pupi Is on Mon ’ day the 24th inst.—Day and evening classes are now -1 forming or French, Drawing and Ringing—-apply at 132 South-Broad-st—Also, a second baud Piano for sale or hire, cheap. 0 oet 21 TO THE VOTERS OF CHATHAM COUNTY. ~ Fki.low CTTrzBNb; —lain, a Candidate eS*- for the office of SHERIFF of your Coun ty at the election hr January next, and respectful ly .solicit your support. oet to ALEXANDER THOMAS. SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN. TIIE Subscriber having been a] pointed agent for the above unrivalled publication is prepared to receive subscriptions. The next vol- ; ume w ill commence on the 17 th of September. GEO. B. MITCHELL, [ oct 7 Succesor to F. Zngbuum A Cos. DR. GEO. F. COOPER. Office under Mrs. Snider's westside Lib j erty square, Montgomery st. Residence 1 corner Perry and Drayton sis, opposite the Catholic China!i. ts j” 6 LAMPORT, BLAKEMAN & LAW, (LATE CORK IS H, LAMVORT A CO.) ; Mannfhctui-ersof every va i*i*ty of Cup and Litter Pa per. J PUBLISHERS. BTYJKSELLERS A STATIONERS, Jfo.9 Purk Place % Hrruulioay, NEW-Y O R K . HIRAM If. LAMPORT, BIRDSEYBLAKEMAN, j aug’2l ly HENRY W. LAW. Wi. \. WHEELER a. (o, WHOLESALE I Stationers’ Warerooms. Summer nml Full Import at lout*, 1853. fheTh goods. the SUBSCIURERS are daily receiving j *- —from Eurtipe, the utost elegant ami care fully selected STOCK OF STAPLE AND FANCY STA TION FRY, ever imported into the city of New York.— ‘l’hcy have also on hand a complete assortment, ol AMERICAN CAP, LETTER. LEGAL CAP. BATH P>ST and FLAT PAPERS, all of which will be sold at the lowest Mill Pricks. Buyers from the Interior will sud it to their interest to examine these goods before purchasing elsewhere. WM. A. WHEELER & CO., Nos. 13 and 15 Park Row, I nug 24 3mos New York City. NEW SINGING BOOK PATISNY s NOTES! THE HARP OF THE SOUTH: A NLW AND KXTKN'IYIS COLLWTIo.V OF CHUIX’iI ML’SIC, By I. 11. AVooclliury, a- Author of the Dulciuc-r. Liber, Muricus, ■ Ac. This bofik embrace* many new f* is confidently believed, will be found the j must comprehensive, attractive ami useful woik of l lie kind ever issued. It has bean preparev! in un.-'w* r , to numerous calls from 1 In* S*--. th aud West# and cm- ‘ braces the Gems front, nil tlu- most popular round i note liooks in the country, togl-ther with much new music written expressly for its pages. By special*nr ‘< rangement, tl. 1 Iglit to use the fuvovite c* raj os it ion ;of Lowell .Mas*.ll. Esq., the distinguishod composer aud editor,'has been obtained, nnd a careful selection from his | very popular works, the Handel and “Hayden Society’s ! Collection: The Boston Academy's Collection; Tbo Car* iniiiH Sacra, (of which last work alone, over ‘300,000 j copies have been h-lU.) and other*, bias been made.— Selections have also been made from the works of Thomas Hastings and William B. Bradbury, Esqrs.,ns well as from tlie other most distinqui.-lnri American 1 add Foreign Composers. The choicest pieces have also . boon inserted from The Dulcimer, hy Mr. Woodbury, it work which lm has hud the arimiishing sale of 125,- Ooocopies iu the short time rime i*- publication, j Teachpcs, Choristers nwl otheri-’ interested, are in vited to ‘examine thi work. Retail price $1 00. For vale by CUIREDGE A. BRgTHLR. 1 sejit 5 ly Savannah. BOOK AND JOB PRINTING. TiJ The sutiscriher having supplied his office ; with a large ass*.rtment of plain, ornn i uu iii.-d and fancy types, is n*w prepared to execute, at short notice; all oi-ders bntr-usted U* him in the best manner, and equal to any establish incut iii thcSouth. P.-qupblets. Law Blank#*. Circular*. Catalogues, Busi ness Cards, I Tat Tip*. Bill of Lading. Visiting Cards, Bill Heads. Dray Receipts; also Posters, Show and Hand Hills, in Cold. Bronze, Red. Green. Blue, Yellow, aud overy Kind of colored Inks, foitlifully done at short notice and On reasonable terms, drdorsmuj be : left at the Office,’ Sorrel's Building, or at the Book . Store on Market-square. j jan 27 J. B. CUBBKDGK. DAGUERREAN GALLERY. MR- !’• CARY, having formed a ; Copartnership with J. W. Perkins, for the ! purpose ot carrying on the busThoss of the Dagnerrean Art, respectfully gives notice to liis further patrons and ! tho public that the rooms formerly occupied by him will be open during the whole season,the business be | ing done by the firm of Cary & l’erkins. i Those who arc in want of pictures are rispectfully I invited to call aud examine Mr. Perkiu's specimens of ’ the Art. they will not be found inferior to any that 1 have before been exhibited in these rooms. Pictures taken at ull hours between D o’clock, A. M. nnd 0 o’clock, P. M., and in a:*y weather. 45f* Entrance from St. Jl'ukn-st., Timouau S. S. MSttMOT’s Jewelry Store. *3 | rui{s r. M.CiliT. BOOK BINDING. j The subserilier is prepared to execute Book Binding of every description at the , ahortest Uotice. Blank Books ruled and bound tp any i pattarus. j_feb2] CUBBEDGE & BROTHER. The most serious cases of Dropsy cured by Holloway’* Pills.—The causes of dropsy are various, but it generally arises from ot>- : st ructions to the free circulation of the blood through ; the system; to remedy this there is nothing so effee- i tivo as Holloway's Tills, ns they purify the blood and strengthen the constitution, and thereby gradually j diminish tho collected fluid, nud if persevered in till ! the cure is complete, further accumulations lire pre veatod. Many persons that have suffered from, drop j sy ean testify to the efficacy of this medicine, especial- 1 ly females at the turn of life, who at that period are ! more particularly predisposed to this insiduous dis- ! ease. oct 18 j I EMONS. —Landing and for sale by ii oct 14 11. J. GILBERT. A |.\so.\'s fili.vt'KiM,,-For sale in quoit- 1 XvA tity to suit purchasers, by li. J. GILBERT. sept 20 insurance. SAVANNAH MUTUAL INSURANCE CO. Office. No. 118 Bay-street. This C'ompa* ny will continue to take Marine. Fire and Inland Nnvigutiotirisks on the most favorable terms. llespt D. l'resident. Trustees— Henry D. Weed. J. U. Wilder. 1. Xf. Morrell, N. B. Knapp. Hi* ratn B*riJbrls. K. F. Wood, Henry lAthrop, John W Jamies McHenry, Secretary. jane 13 PaOTECTION INSURANCE COMPANY. ftp- •*7'. ‘f Hartford, Conn.—The undersigned, agents of the aboveCcgnpany.aru prejwred to take risks against Fire, on bnildiogs, and their con tents, otjL the most favorable terms. July 10 BRIGHAM, KELLY A CO. MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE. pun} of New York. ISAAC ABB ATT, Secretary. F. S. WINSTON, President. Applications received by WM. P. HUNTER, Agent Ir.B. D. Arnold. Medical Examiner. Iv jan FIRE AND LIFE INSURANCE AGENCY. No. 129 CoHijre.aa-nt., Savannah, Ga. Eiinijablc l ire thouj-avce Company^ OF LONDON. Authorised Capital $2,500,000 Capital paid in...... .’ $1,000,000 (’. E. Haiikcht, Esq.. j lli-.VRT Lcm.AM. Kuq.. Trustees, N. Y. Rout. Dillon, Esq., j Farmers’ PI re Insnrnnce Companv, Capital, >200.000. Granite Pire Insurance Company, Capital S2(l(i,Uoo. Knickerbocker Fife Insurance Cos., Capital New York & Eric Pire Insurance Cos., Capital, $150,000. These Compfthie.'having a ctfsh capital, safely in ’ vested in bond and moftg ige. are prepared to effect Insurance against damage by fire, on all kindbof pro perty on retisouublc touts. Charter Onk I.ife Insurance Com pany*. HARTFORD. CONN.— Capital, and surplus over $250,000. Ai.frkd Gn u Drepident. J.vs. C. Fer’y. This Company will issue Dolbies on the Joint Stock principle, und upon the Mutual plan, tnus cc in binlng thebi-riefits of both systems at the option of the insured. “The strength..ability and well invested capital o! thu institution are, in iny opinion, unsurpassed i-y all v Life Insurance Company in this State or Union. [L. S.J Signed ’ K. G. FINNEY, Comptroller of Public Accounts. State of Connecticut. For insurance in either of the above limned Compa nies, apply t” A. WILBUR, General Insurance Agent. und agent for the above Cos. sept 13. Office RICE’S WILD CHERRY Mil C.WDY! 4 GRKEABLR to the taste, and warranted (,iFused ! i\ according to the directions, which are simple.) to cure all cases of CGUGIIS and GOLDS, which are with in tin- rem h of any M-di* ine, besides ass rdiug relief in ; ca.'fS ofCiiDUP. AS’JHMA. CATARRHS, and 1 RON OIITTIS. and beingmpe of the most useful remedies in the'curly ri>:i:sot Cri.Ni UMl'floN. Mr. RICK in placing this article before the public, claims m>t to lime dh-roveml or ingeniously cm pountb-d Mfriirines hitherto unknown, or known only as separate remedw-s or iii >ueli, cr mbinntions ns pre- I ]n evcnU‘d the full force of their bcnellcitd effects. Nor I docs 4ic aver that liis COUGII CANDY has the p; rovaluf the “entire Medical Faculty,” or lw..- bfet ii rce* mini id. and by fl;c--Diost enliphteiM.d I hy sicians.” but l.e would merely state, il nt l aving 1 ixi - ; self suffcji dmv ei 11\ ti iin J'.n nriiinl Affection i.tttl a nd: ed with toughing and Night app lit dt one of 11 *i faculty vli ,1 | mni}. ta 1 aflCrdid m<h sj tidy n : lief and resulted ir siieb-pei feet ei>re U'-nt h< vas in i’u. ed ti ol tain a knuwh dgeoftl eii i icdii nt.* 11 and tbe mannerin whh 0 tlu-v might bepriqevly ei liq.i in.did .v\ iih sugar,to give tin in a convenient ii ) alati.l-h'h ini ■rince Mbit II be l.:> had the satis faction of i.iminister- I ing it Mien*'.'fully in imiiiycn.Mss. lie ii.pi* dii i.ts 1 of wbii I, thi* ('cm)y is <1 inp-oM-d (rnno*g wbii 1. Wild Cherry i< th<- piiuci] le) are perfectly haimless. and may be taken )• jeiM.ns it j.U ages at ill times, i Unlike many of the. (’i.tidies now offered fir j sale, (pur; to ‘-c tin* pioduct of profound medi- I cal reM i-.ri b. but vblchaieii 11 ality the ei ti i.s | of genuine Candy Makers.'’ this arlieliri** not cxpeetc-d ihi cure-1: ti t- iii? that fieri, h l.eir So.” lidis J mi. ! Early ri’aj ted to the low (ihcai-es 1 mentioned. ;in <1 iu'.ea .1 t l-oil gl< nq OMil i t the ; i oiest (|Ul<liiy of Sutrar, infused with il c rxlriut rs Heat In it and. it is made fr* m Sugar in in- highe.-’t state of pcitretion. m'.d *1 iitr.ii.s well known arid a].; roved remedies. Try it, audit** iniiimic merit wilU-uil forthnspoutun eons r.i j r val fn m you v hic-h i- er long < hull give it popoub-.ri'v unpara!leied in the history of nostrums. , lbi'o 2-5 ‘mils por Packarc. I'.a. I, genv-iui! package of PICK'S COUGH CANDY i “ill bear on the euvulope the signature of T CRICK. Cor. Broughton & M biti.ker-f ts-. Country’ Mcrchnntk can l e supplied by the Box, each box containing 50 packages, . t $0 25. j oct, 10. ts HAYS! HATS!!'HATS!! ; . Just received per Alabama, n large lot of fii.4 *•iin'd ami untrim’d iioiim is, l mbrellus, and every variety of Fall and \\ inter Hats.Cups.&c. : W e will sell a better new style Silk Hat,tend (four nwri liinnulnctiue) at,'than can Le pioduced in I Savannah. We also wish it distinctly understood, that wc make 1 our own Hats, and put no other makers name in the , tips, especially those that have been defunct for years. ! ?pt 27 BURDEN * CO. FALL AND WINTER TRADE, 1853. T 1 MERCHANTS Anti AY liolexitle Pnrchasrrs of DRY GOODS. Oi l! Pb RC lIA.-'i.S for tin* Fall and \\ inter trade an* now completed, and we can submit to your j inspection a very large nnd well-assorted stock, em bracing every article connected with ti e trade, ANI) AT ."l (’ll PRICES as will, in the present state of ■he markets, prove bighl. soil--factory. M. PK END ERG AST & CO., 178 Cougress-st., j oct 21 opposite St. Andrew’s Ilall, *• est aide. 111. PRENDERGAST & CO. 17 8 Broughtou Street, o}>]>0 }>]> >*tc St. Andrew's Hull, West aide, nA \ E great pleasure iu directing attention to their late purchases. In connection with tlieir Retail ! trade, they carry out strictly the same system, in the ; sale of tlieir tioods. as is pursued -by the large houses ! in the Northern cities, namely: giving their custom | ei'Mbe full advantage arising from buying IN LARUE I Plan ters, and heads of families, and all persons buy ; mg I*N HI'AM’ITY will find manv lauue hits to bly from, AND DECIDEDLY CHEAP. oct 24 CARPET AND FLOOR CLOTH WAREHOUSE Curtains, Curl aln Goocis, &c. No. 1.50 Congress and 57 St. Julien-streets. i * would respectfully in that lie has now opened the ■ -—iinost complete assortment of all the various ; styles of GOOD.-s usually kept in similar establish* j ments. The stock ol the different departments will • consist, in part, of the following Goods, viz: Carpet Department. Royal A civet Tapestry Brussels, Mocet Brussels, Brussels, Velvet, Tapestry Hiid Brussels for stairs, 3 i ply. haperfine. Fine, und Common Ingrain. Pluiu mid Twilled Venetian for stairs, halls, etc. Druggets b-4, ; I‘J*4 and lfi-4 in width, of every variety of patterns, ! Hearth Rugs, Parlor % and Stoop Mats, Tublesand Piano Covers, Silver and Brass Oval und Octagon Stair Rods, ! Stair Linen, etc. Oilcloths. | Os every width, from Ito 8 yards, for halls, dining rooms, steamboats, saloons, etc.; Rosewood, Mahoga ny nd small figured Furniture Oil Cloths, 4-4, 5-4 j aud. 04 wide; Figured India Rubber Cloth for stairs. Curtains. Silk and Worsted Damask Detaine. Worsted and Linen Damask DcLgine, Figured nnd Plain Damasks, I variety of colors, W hite ami Buff for Shades. Window Shades. Transparent Landscape, Medallion, Garland, ami | White and Gold, entirely new style. Cord. I,oops. Tus , sols, with all the various Trimmings for Curtains and j Shades. Gilt Cornices. I Bands, Loops and Pins, of the greatest variety and | patterns, of the latest importation—all of which w ill be sold,at wholesale or retall.on the most liberal terms. IN M. 11. GUION, Agent, ort 20 150 Congress and 37 St. Julien-sts. NOT BOASTING, BUT FACTJL ’ APS.—CAPS.—The finest and best V-ri z.i rtf* *nadc Caps to be found in the City, are to MjfSSXm found i*t the Clothing Store. Gibbon’s 1 Range—all made up for my trade aud sold cheap—call and see. ’ Oct 22 GEO. S. NICHOLS. SILKS. Just received another magnificent assortment of Figured Silks, entire new patterns, i and each piece containing hut one dress. I Also, a few dresses ot Paris D’Laines, imported ex prosslyfor the Southern market. S. CURRELL, Agt, j oct 11 Gibbon’s g