The Savannah evening journal. (Savannah [Ga]) 1852-185?, October 29, 1853, Image 1

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dfijc SlftMtttttttf Cueiiti Jftjfiftl VOL. 111. DAILY PAPER $4. Sa;i3!iaal) (Eycuiii!) Journal. UviLV Pai’kk, - - $1 j Tui-NV exult, * • $3 Payable invariably in advance. H Y .I. B. C l UnEDUE. THOMAS W. LANE, Editor. A I) VERTISING RATES. Advertisements inserted at the followin'; rates, — FOR ONE SQUARE OF TKN LINKS. One insertion, $0 fift I One mouth, $G 00 Two “ 1 00 Two “ 10 00 Three “ 1 25 | Three “ 12 60 F ‘ur “ 150 I Four “ 15 00 Five “ 1 75 Six “ 20 00 One week. 2 00 | One year. 30 00 Contracts for yearly advertising may he mude o n liberal terms. Legal :i Ivertise nents ins *rte'.l at the usual rates and triet care taken that they be published according to 1 nr. All alvjrtiso nents from transient persons, or stran *ors. to l-e paid for in advance.’ I’d i privileges of yearly advertisers will be confined ri;i Uy to their regular business, and all other adver tise nents, not pertaining to their regular business, as agreed for. to be paid extra. ts“ Vll a Ivertise.u nits sent to this office without itlrn'ti >’H as to the number of insertions, will be pub 1 is'il l-i.ily. until ordered to be discontinued, and rh irgftd accordingly. IHHI Mil, SATURDAY, OCT. 2t>, 185^. ££s3* The disclosures which led to the .dis covery of the long lost Hungarian Crown, are said to have been made by Ex-Minister Sziuere, through hatred to Gov. Kossuth, whose enemy he has ever been. Surgical. The Academy of France has received a com munication from a surgeon of St. Petersburg. The climate, it seems, and the rigor of a severe winter, has led him to perforin a. series of ex periments on frozen corpses. Ills success was such that he undertook amputation iu a living subject, after having congealed the blood iu the limb, by artificial means. Such operations art* never fatal. Sedentary Vocalism. At a late concert in New York, M.tdatno Son tug remained seated on a sofa in front of the Mage, during the whole performance, and did not stand oven when executing her own selec tions. The cause of this was the injury she received in her ancle when she fell between the steamboat and a wharf last week. The Philadelphia Ledger, noticing the fact of a man having been sentenced to five year’s imprisonment for placing obstructions- on a railroad track, remarks truly that the crime ought to be punished with imprisonment for life, and legislature should so decree. There is no act in the catalogue of crime which shows more black hearted malignity, and none which is likely to cause more wholesale slaughter. A villain, who, to gratify purposes of revenge, will lay a trap which involves the lives of per sons guiltless of any injury to him, is too much of an outlaw for society to allow ever to go at large. Interesting to Doctors. The Boston Physicians are adopting the plan of special practice, or attending exclusively to one branch of professional business. It is said to be advantageous to the physician, making him more skilful, and the work less laborious Mini that patients seriously ill prefer to consult the innn who gives his time to the study of one m.ilady, iu preference to another, however cel obrated as a physician, who divides his thoughts and efforts among thousands. Unlou of the British Provinces. AVitliiti a few days the Canadian government journals have announced that the project of uniting all the provinces, with Quebec as the federal capital, will soon take place. Each pro vince is to be allowed a separate Legislature.— Lord Elgin is said to have gone to England for the express purpose of arranging the important matter. The British provinces now coutuiu three million of inhabitants. Oppressively Modest. A young man committed suicide in London recently, from excess of modesty. Mr. G. S. Sinythe, a young man nearly 30, was to be married to a young lady, but he had a strong impression that he was unworthy of her. This feeling drove him mad. He went into tho Ca thedral Hotel, St. Paul’s, called for a half pint of sherry, and drank it. In ten minutes lie fell on the floor, and expired in a few hours. He had put ossenco of bitter almonds in the bottle. I'd his pocket book were fuund lines bewailing his want of merit. How Canada Obtained its Name. Tho origin of the word Canada is curious enough. The Spaniards visited that country previous to the French, and made particular searches for gold and silver, and finding none, they often said among themselves, “Ara nada” (there is nothing here.) The Indians—who watched closely—learned this sentence and its meaning. After tho departure of the Spaniards, the French arrived; and the Indians—who wanted none of their company, and supposed they also were Spaniards, come on the same er rand—were anxious to inform them that their labor was lost by tarrying in that country, and incessantly repeated to them the Spanish sen tence—“Aea nada.” The French, who knew as little of Spanish as the Indians, supposed this incessantly-recurring sound was the name of the countrj-, and gave it the name of “Canada,” which it has borne ever since.” Value of Birds. Many years ago the coffee plants in the is land of Madagascar were attacked by a grakle, a well known bird on the Africau coast.— The grakle is an insect feeder, but having used up the supply, it betook itself in pure necessity to coffee. An edict was speedily issued and carried into effect for the annihilation of gra-. kies,and every bird on the island was destroyed All wont on well for a year or two; when, loand behold, tho insects and their larvae, having the field to themselves, began to make sad havoc upon the coffee. What was to be done ? There was no alternative, but of bringing back the grakle, which was in due season imported. The coffee planters had, howover, gained something by experience, and they resolved to profit by the same; they managed to keep the grakle within bounds, and they well knew that ho would do the same by the insects. £xperl Divers. Many nations, and particularly the savages in tho South Sea and other islands, are remark able for the expertness they acquire by habit in diving and moving about in the water. Be ing accustomed to it from their infancy, the element becomes so natural to them that they seem to have tho use of all their faculties in tho wuter the same as on dry land. 4 cc °r<Uf!g t° iho accounts of voyagers, they aro such export divers, that when a nail or other pieces*qf iron was thrown overbonrd, they would instantly jumped into the sea after it, and never fail to recover it. On ono occasion a smith's anvil is said to have fullon overboard ; not being able to bring this up. the islanders, notwithstanding, contrived to bring it ashore, by descending a great many times to the bottom, and rolling it over and over till it reached the land A Plain Spoken Judge. Judge Gier, on the recent slave trial at Pitts burgh, states that— “ If this man Gildersleove fails to make out tho fact sot forth in the warrant of arrest, I will request the Prosecuting Attorney of Lu zerne Cos. to prosecute him for perjury. I know tho United States have a limited authority , but where they have it, it is clear, undoubted and conclusive that theirs is the Sovereign ad ! thurify. If any tuppenny magistrate, or any unprincipled interloper can come in, and cause to be arrested the officers of the United States, whenever they please, it is a sad state of affairs. After the man against whom the United States warrants were issued has run away, some fel low intervened and runs to a State Judge f<>r his inter fern nee, and has tho United States of ficers arrested. Thee was a case recently of this kind, and to that I now allude. If habeas corpuscs are to be taken out after that manner, l will have an indictment sent to the United States Grand Jury, against the person who ap plies f<r the writ, or assists in getting it, the lawyer who defends if, and the sheriff wlu> serves tho writ, to see whether tho United States officers are to be arrested and harrassed, when ever they attempt to serve a process of tho l nited States. 1 speak of what is daily done to thwart the United States in tho exercise of : her lawful authority. I will see that my officers are protected.” The World a Tribunal. A mail passes for that he is worth. Very idle j is all curiosity concerning others’ estimates of us,and all fear of remaining unknown is not less so. If a man knows that he can do anything, that he can do it better than any one else, lie has a pledge of the acknowledgement of, , fact by all persons. The world is full of judg ment-days, and into every assembly that a man enters, in every action that he attempts, he is | guaged and stamped. In every troop of boys that whoop ami run into each yard and square, anew comer is as well and accurately weighed in the course of a few days, and stamped with , his right number, as if ho had undergone a for \ mill trial of his strength, speed and temper. A stranger comes from a distant School, with het j ler dress, with trinkets iu his pockets, with airs ! and pretensions. An older boy says to himself i “ It’s no use—we shall find him out to morrow.” ! —L.ncrtiun. “ Naked Truth.” The late eccentric John Holmes used fre -1 quently, in his addresses to different juries, to explain the meaning of the phrase “naked truth,” bv relating the following fable:— ” fruth and Falsehood, travelling one warm ’ day, met at a river, and both went to hath at the same plaeo. Falsehood coming first out of the water’ took his companion's clothes and left his own vile raiment, and then went on bisway, i Truth coining out of the water, sought in vain ; for his own proper dress—disiluining'to wear the garb of Falsehood. Truth started, all naked, in ‘pursuit of the thief, but not being so swift of : foot, has never overtaken the fugitive. Ever since ho has been known as Naked Truth.” DIBBLE& UAUEY, CLOT] in-: RS and; MERt il WT TAILORS, IVARE-HOOM. A. E. Corner oj Whitaker and fleoughton-Mt*,, Say mi iku It. ! r IMIK Subscribers, in announcing to their nutnerou.- 1 customers ami the public, the arrival and opening ! of tlieir Fall and Winter Stock, felicitate themselves on the advantages which their re. j cent purchases enable them to offer ail who desire t-> ; select their Clothing from an extensive assortment of the choicest goods, made in tin* most FASHIONABLE STYLE. These goods have been purchased under tint person* | ftl iuspev. ion of one of the proprietors: and availing I thems.-l-. rof favorable circa in Stan cos, they are enabled ; not only to warraut them in quality, but loolfer.them , at such LOW PRICES, as must distance all competition in their trade. The following enumeration is made for the benefit of i lent lemon in the country, whose orders will meet I prompt attention, and who, when in Ihe city, are re spectfully invited to an examination of our floods. GENTLEMEN’S CLOTHING. FROCK and DRESS COATS of every quality. “ ’* “ ** in black, blue, brown, green and olive colors. BUSIN ESS COATS, iu great variety, viz: Tweed, Cloth, and Cas imere, Frock and Business Coats. RANT A LOONS—Black Doeskin at a great variety of prices. Block and fancy Cassimeres. at a great variety of prices ” Drub I>’Etc, *• - Whitt; and Fancy Linen Drills, “ “ Fancy .Marseilles, “ • “ VESTS—Black silk and satin Vests. Fancy silk “ White silk, for party, “ White. Buff and Fancy Marseilles “ Embroidered Clotli, Velvet and Silk in great variety FURNISHING GOODS Furnishing Goods of every description lor Gentle men's wear—consisting of scarfs, cravats, Waterford ties, l*rinee Albert ties, spring stocks, merino shirts ‘and drawers, cotton do..suspenders, halfhose, gloves— aJl kinds, best quality patent yoke sliirtsfa fine assort ment of Dressing Gowns, Umbrellas, Canes, Perfumery, Combs, .Brushes, Port monies. etc. etc. HATS. An extensive assortment of the latest and most sash ionable styles. Trunks, Carpet lings, Valieep. Hat Boxes, etc. Merchant Tailoring. The favorable and long established reputation which j tlieir establishment has enjoyed, and still maintains, for the style and finish of its garments made to order, as well as for the superior quality of their Cloths, dura i bility of color and substantial workmanship, it shall be j the constant effort of the proprietors still to continue. ! They invite the special attention of both old and new customers to the following, from which they are pre pared to furnish garments, which they will warrant to I be as {dug ultra in both lit and fashion. SI MONTS & MOLLY'S best Blue. Black. Brown, , Mulberry,Green, Adelaide. Bronze, Corobo and Olive j Cloths. Blnek Doeskin. Black Cas.-inicre, ami n large assort ment of Colored and Fancy Tweeds. LI S’ EN GOODS.—-White. Buff and fancy Linen Drills. VESTINGS.—White Silk and Satin, for Party Vests. Block and fancy Silk and Satins. White, Buff and Orange Cos. siuiures. Uniform For Volunteer Companies inthccity add throughout, the State, made and furnished at the shortest notice and in the best manner. DIBBLE & CAREY. oet 8 IMPORTED WINES, •liquors, Sogars, and Fancy Articles. The Subscriber lias on hand a tine and MwoH selected stock, eomprising the follow. 10 half pipes Otnrd. Dupy & Cos 3do do old Ilenuessy Brakdt -do do Sazerae. Vintage 1840 2do do Jean Louis, do 1800 3do do .1 .1 Dupy 4do do old Reserve Madeira 2do do London Particular 3do do Old Port Winks odo do Old Sherry 20 casks of Claret 20 casks Champagne ’ 20,000 ltio llonda IQ,QQQ J,n Gruiz K.\n.\us 5.000 Lu Union I<U(>o Ijii Patria 26,000 Trahuca* Also, a large supply ofFaney Groceries, such as im. ported Cordials. English Pickups and Sauces, Preserves, Prunes and Jelly. Ibr sale by A.IiQNAUfb ’ daf 3 Corner Day and NVhitaker-sta. TUST LAJIDINq PER STEAMER AUGIjS f| TA —25 bbls choices dophoice Carter nnd i Mercer Potatoes, 10 obis red and’ white On ions, 5 bbls i new Buckwheat, 50 bags do,, 2 bids choice. Cranber ries, 5 bbls Self-Raising Flour. Ac. For sale bv G EORG K A LEX A N SKK. oet 20 corner Bull i Congress-sts, Monument s*,r. (1 OSHEN BUTTER.—A few firkins superior Goslien T Butter, received per steamer Augusta, and for sale at the sept H SEABORN G 00DALT.. SAVANNAH, SATLUDAY AFTERNOON, OCTOIJIMI JD. SPRING ARRANGEMENT, m THE LIVERPOOL AND PHI LA DELPIiIA STEAMSHIP COMPANY intend sailing their favorite Steam CITY OF PHILADELPHIA, now being built. CITY OF MANCHESTER. 2106 tons. Uupt, R. Leitch, CITY OF GLASGOW, 1010 tons, Cttpt. Win. Wvlie. FROM PHILADELPHIA. City of Glasgow Thursday, Mar 31, 1863 City of Manchester.... Saturday, April 2d. 1858 City of Glasgow... Saturday, May 14, 1863 City of Manchester.... Saturday. Juno 11, 1863 City of Glasgow Saturday, duly 2,1853 FROM LIVERPOOL. City of Manchester...M ednesday. Mar 30.1853 City of Glasgow Wed net day, April 20,1853 City of Manchester... Wednesday, May 18. 1853 City of Glasgow W ednesday, duneS, 1863 City of Manchester... Wednesday, July 0. 1863 RATES OF PASSAGE. PltOM I'HII. VDKLPIIIA. I KItUM fjVEKI’OOt. Saioon Berths 00 Pol.'Saloon Berths...2o Guineas Midship - to •• | Midship •• ...15 Forward “ 55 *• (Forward “ ...13 ** Including Steward's Fees. THIRD CLASS PASSENGERS. A limited number of Third Class Passengers will he taken from Philadelphia and Liverpool and found in provisions. From Philadelphia...s2o | From Liverpool $35 Oertifu-ai■** of passage will be issued hero to parties who are desirous of bringing out tlieir friends at cor responding rates. Drafts on the Agents and the Bank of Ireland from £1 and upwards. FREIGHT ON GOODSOOs. PER TON. Bills of lading for goods from Havre signed by the agents there, through to Philadelphia at s22)*, per ton. An experienced surgeon will be carried on each ship. All good sent to the Agents in Philadelphia and Liv erpool. a ill !e forwarded with economy and dispatch. For freight or passage upplv to TIMM AS RICH \KDSON. 0 Walnut st., Phila.,and 41 Exchange Place. V Y. PADKLFOKD. FAY & CO.. Bav st.. Savannah. RICHARDSON,BROTHERS A CO., aprtl Liverpool. J ■ HERON’S IIEUI LAK PACKET I,IN I . nr.rwn.N Philadelphia and Savannah, Tne following vessels comprize this Line, und will sail about every two weeks, viz : Sehr. JULIA ELI/.A, Cap!. IflOitEK. do. .1 II HOLMES, do. Lodge. do. DART, do. .Somers. do. C. A.OREINKR. do. Peterson: The Vessels are first class schooners, and command, ed by captains experienced in the trade, mid win* will use their best exertions to give satisfaction to the ship pers'. For freight or passage (having good accommo dations for passage) apply t> W I LIS .v lIIUM)AGE. No. 72 Its\-street. Savannah. HERON ,v MARTIN. mar 11 No.ST'.j North Wharves, Philadelphia. PREMIUM SEWING BIRDS. These useful and justly celebrated Birds are ffered by the Original Manufacturers, and recommended to the favorable notice of the i7 Ladies, as articles which in point of useful- Jies.-*, iieauty and durability, cannot be surpassed. But If beauty was the only ground upon which we could recommend them, we too would be ready to exclaim, we have enough of stud i. But how often do we see the tail* form of woman, and the liutural beauty which Heaven has so kindly given her. materially lessened by n drooping form, the natural consequence of sew ing in an unfavorable position ? Ladies, we trust that we are not saying two much when we tell you, that ot the many thousands already introduced, and in con stant use, none say aught against them. Address or ders to , n.o 24. J. A. M A V FK. a FRESH SUPPLIES received per v s tcamship Alabama : 30 glass jars Fresh Prunes, ■rSggffiTLjMqgQi 50drum- (small size)Turkey Figs, win boxes Cluster Raisins. “'Valiuu Macaroni, while and yellow Vermicelli, Pearl, Burley. Genesee self-raising Flour, Butter, Sugar, Pic nic and Soda Crackers. Pig Hams, Smoked Tongues, Bologna Sausages and Smoked Beef. W. G. DICKSON, apr 7 corner Whitaker stand Broughton-lane. NEW HOOKS—The Mud Cabin; or the Char acter and Tendency of British Institution, as il lustrated in their effect upon Human Character and Desti y. by Warren Ishaui. The Forged Will: or Crime and Retribution, by Em erson Bennett. The NN liite Cruiser; or the Fate of the Unheard of, by Ned Bnntiine. Edith’s Legacy: or the Long Wood of the Grange, by the author of Adelaide Lindsay. JaneScton; or. the King's Advocate: by James Grant, author of ** Romance of War.” Ac. Ac. The Rudiments of Building: for the use of Archi tects, Builders. Draughtsmen, Machinist.’', Engineers, and Mechanics: by John Bullock. The Rebel Scout; a Romance of the American Revo lution. by Aria Ashland. Violet, the Dan-cuusc: or Courtship and Wedlock, by the author of **The Gict,” ••Warning t<> Wives.’’ Barnum’s News. No.4>. Putnam's Mugazinc,for October. Received bv act 4 GtjIIBKDGK & BROTHER. AGENCIES. The undersigned is Agent for the sale ot * 11(4 Bl cor S ln Burr Mill Stone, dressed {(((IIK and furnished with all the necssary Irons complete for running—is also prepared to furnish French Burr, Cologne and Esopus Mill Stones of every dimension. Wilder’s Patent Fire-Proof Safes, AT MANUr.U'Tt'KK’S CRICKS. Burns & Griswold’s Sea Island Cotton und Cotton Saw Gins. Taylor’s patented Georgia Straw Cutter, the most competmit of any in use at present. ***Specimens of nil the above tube scon at the Ware-house, 171 Bay-st„ Savannah, feh 3 CIIAS. lI.CAMPFIELD. HATS! HATS!! HATS!! M Just received, per Alabama, a larg<* lot of trim'd and untrim'd Bonnets, Umbrellas, and every variety of Fall and Winter Hnts.Caps.Ac. IVc will sell abetter new style Silk Hat, (and of our own manufacture) at $3,50, than can be produced in Savanpah. We also wish it distinctly understood, that we make onrown Hats, and put no other makers mum; in the tips, especially those that have been defunct lor years, sept 27 BKI.PF.N a CO. i; ice’s’ WILD I'll [Hill (111 lill CAM! 4 GRKKABLK to tlic taste, and warranted (if used J V according to the directions, which are simple.) to cure all cases ot COUGHS and COLDS, which are with in flic reach ‘of unv Medicine, besides affording relief in cases of ('ROUP. A STJ IMA. CATARRHS, and BRON CHITIS. und being one of the most useful remedies in tho early stages of CON SUMPTION. Mr. RICE in placing this article before the public, claims not to have discovered or ingeniously com pounded Medicines hitherto unknown, or known only ils separate remedies or in such combinations as pro prevented the full force of tlieir’ beneficial effects. Nor does he aver that his COUGH CANDY has the approval of the ‘•entire Medical Faculty,” or has been recommended by the “most enlightened Pliy siciutiM,” hut he would merely state, that having him self suffered severely from Bronchial Affection attend ed with! ‘oughingand Nightß applied to one of the faculty whose prescript ion afforded saich sperdv re lief and resulted in such perfect cure that lie was in duced to obtain a knowledge ofthp ingredients aud the manner in which they might he properly compounded with sugar,to give them a convenient / palatable form since which In* has had the satisfaction of administer ing it. successfully iu many cases*. The ingredients <>f which this Candy is composed (among which Wild Cherry i the principle) are perfectly harmless, and may he taken by persons of all ngf\s jiJ nil Minus. I'nliUp many of thu Cough Candies now offered for , sale, (purporting to he Hie product, of profound medi cal research, but which arc iu reality the concoctions • of genuine Candy Makors.) this article is not expected tocure‘*nll the ills that flesh lx heir to,” but is pern liarly adapted to the few diseases ahovu mentioned, and instead ofbeiug composed of the poorest quality ‘ of Sugar, jnfuspd with Hit’ extract of Hoarhound, it la made from Sugar iq its highest state of iiud contains well known and approved remedies. Try it, and its intrinsic merit will call forth a spontan eous approval from yon which e'er long shall give it a popouhirity unparalleled iu the history of nostrums. Prjco 25 cants per Package. Knchgenuine package of KJCE’B COUGH CANDY will bejir on tfie envelope tho signature of TC RICE, Cor. Broughton A Whitaker-sts. Country Merchants can be supplied by the Box. each box containing 50 packages, t stj 26. bet 10. ts MERINO UNDKUSHrRTfc & pMU'. Fits.—Now opening per steamer,a full assort ment of Undershirts ami Drawers of Moripo, Flannel, roil and white French Flannel Shirts and Undershirts for servants; Ladies’Merino 1 Shirts, Undershirts and Drawers for Bv*. Shaker half-Hose. 3V.. for Sale cheap by (.- rtll.) ntl(r NICHOL:- .nUDKIt lTi:-.IMPARTIAL—IVDEfESDEM-.11 s SPRING AND SUMMKH CLOTHING, FOR 1863, Geo. S. Nichols. . . IiAS recentlyrcvently returned from /ffft'lflfr uw or * ; ’ w fi l ‘ r,> he lias beetl electing I 0 /Uand having made up his Spring and 1 LJ IHU Summer Clothing, and invites his friends and customers to look at the following which are good and fashionably made and offered on reasonable terms. Men’s Clothing. 76 Men’s Blue, Black, Frock and Dress Coats, : 760 do. Cnshmcret, Drap D'Ete, Merino. Alpaca,Twi>ed Planter's Linen, Cream Linen, Grass Linen Frock and Sack Coats. 250 Merino, Alpaca, Li Hen Drill and Cotton Round Jackets. 750 Valley Silk, Satin, Alpaca. Liuuu, White and Fig'd Marseilles Vests, 000 W Lite and Fancy Colored SlilrU* all qualities. 350 Undershirts and Drawers. do do Boys’ Clothing As notice was given that l would go largely into the Boys’ Clothing. 1 would inform them that l have the largest assortment in one Store in the South, and will ! tie sold cheap and at otteprice*. . 600 Boys’ Frock Coats, and Sucks of all kinds and quality. 700 Boys’ Round Jackets of great variety. 650 do. Cussimcre, Drilling, Alpacas, Drap D’l’.te I’ants. 300 do. Silk. Valencia and Marseilles Vests,great va riety, 250 do. White andCol’d. Shirts, from 6to 1G vears old. ! 75 Small Children's Suits. Kilts, and little Sucks, as sorted. Also a good supply of Boys’ Drawers, in fact a com plese outfit for llnys of any age at u moment, .-; not ice. Fancy Articles. Handkerchiefs. Cravat*. Stocks, Gloves, Suspenpers, Money Belts. Children's Belts. Combs. Brushes, Neck tii>s, Fort. Monais.Card Cases, Collars, Umbrellas.Sateli els,Carpet bags, Ostrich Feather Dusters, Coat Links Shoulder Braces,Caps, Ac., Ac. Those in want will, now find a full assortment of the above at the Cloth ing Store. No. 160 and 89, Gibbons’ Range. mar 25 AGRICULTURAL WARE-HOUSE, 170 BAY ST.— 8 \ VANN AH. GA. —The subscriber is prepared to furnished Flanters,Count ry Mer na i.hnnts und others, at WHOLE or 1!1:TA “- , ” w) ' varie,y A rlc nll ui n I I inplr men In , ! Consisting chiefly ot Ploughs. Cultivators, Harrows, Corn Bhellers. .Straw Cutters, Powder and Hand Corn Mills, Fan Mills, Smut Mills. Road .Scrapers, Root Pullers, Grain Cradles; grain, grass und bush Scythes; ! Reap Ilooks, Garden and lYuniny implements of all kinds. Mill and Cotton Gin Gearing, Mill Peeks and Mill Irons, Saw Gammers, bales and screws for lifting Mill Stc*u*s. Rest Dutch anchor bolting Cloths; Re gard us A Trumbull's patent Horse Powers; rioe aud grain Thrashers of various makers. Bloke’s Patent Ohio Fire-Proof Paint. Hydraulic Cement und calcined Plaster, iu quantity: ’ best sperm und other Oils for lamps, paint and ma chihery; patent leather Belting, double anil single from 2 to 18 inches width; stitched, cemented and copper-riveted; India Rubber do.. 3 and 4 ply, of all ! w idths; patent hire and picker string Leather, Copper i Rivets and Burrs. Douglass’ patent fitter, and Suction | /’ itmj'S . chain Pumps, hydraulic Rams, lead pipe to lit; Collins* and other makers approved Axes and Hateh i ets. wood and hand Baws. Ames’ Shovels und Spades. English paten* and cro n Hoes, and American best manufactured Hoes, of all sizes; hay and manure Forks, Chisels. Hammers and Nails, assorted; garden and canal Whcelbarcows, cotton ware house and store ’ Trucks, patent platform, counter and beam Scales, ot all sizes; Wire Cloth, Ac. pKIi’KS lIK.VSONAUI.K—TKItMS ACCOMMOMTINQ. Wool, Hides, Furs and Boes’ Wax, BOUGHT at all times, aud pa and for in cash at current J market prices. CIIAB. H. CAMPFI ELD. fab 3 NEW WATCH. CLOCK. JEWELRY, AND FANCY STORE, No. lUK llroitf^lifoii-at., i Mil. FRANCIS STEIN. Manufacturer .*f I Chronometers. Clocks, Town Clocks, Ac.. Ac., ! respect|idly informs his customers and the uipublic generally that he has fitted up the ! Store 148 Broughton-st.. w here he intends to make a I permanent locution, and carry on the Jewelry business in its various branches. Watches, Clocks, Town Clocks. Chronometers, Jewelry, Ac., Ac., cleaned and repaired I with dispatch and warranted. New fashion Jewelry and Fancy Goods of all descriptions sold at the lowest I prices possible. N. B.—Any Watch. Clock, Ac., that cannot be re paired by rt her watchmakers, 1 pledge myself shall he repaired bv me to satisfaction anil warranted, nov 4 ly FRANCIS STAIN. THIRTY HOUR STRIKE LEVE , CLOCKS JEWELED. THESE Clocks are constructed (at consiile- Wmt ruble extra expense'* w ith a particular rc- gnrd to durability, serious otyec jtTjß tlon to the lever—the wearing of the points g l ..- of the balance shaft and .-n ews, the const*- juent increase of friction ami decrense in motion utter running a short time—being obviated by the use of a polishedfltone jewel, straight pivot or bearings,instead of points t>* the balance shaft. They are eas<it iu beautiful cast Iron, ornamented frames, nnd warranted to la? as perfect time-keepers ns the best are iu use. For .-ale at the Jewelry Store. 129 feh 5. NEAY BOOKS I NEW HOOKS! !- Received by S. 8. SIBLEY. Thursday. July 14th. Margaret Peroivul. by the nuthorof *• Amy Herbert,” Ac. Edited by Bov Wm Sewell. Father Gazazzi's Lectures in New York, with his Life, corrected and authorized bv liimseif. Manesca’s Seriul aud Method of teaching the Froneh Language. Lives of tho Presidents of the United States, with sketches of Remarkable Events. Helen and Arthur, or Mi.-sThusa's Spinning Wheel; a Novel—by Miss Caroline Lee Ilentz. Life and Adventures of Vallentine Vox. the Ventril oquist; by Henry Coektun, a most humorous work. ALSO, A FURTHER SUPPLY OF A’nnkee Notions, or the Whlt.t.llugs iff JcuathUn’s Jack Knife. Beautifully illustrated. YUlette, bv Currerßell. TlieSwnnip StfwL The Corsair Chieftain. Hazel's new Sen Story. Wild Sports of the Wiut; by Wm II Maxwell. Major Jones’ Courtship. Major Jones’ Travels. Chronicles of Pinoville. Roderick the Rover. Nathalie, a Tide; by Julia Knvatiah. Six Years Later, or the Taking of the Bastille. Ac. Ac. For sale at No. 135, Congress-st. julv 14 NEW BOOKS. IOUISK ELTON: or Things Seen and Heard, a j Novel: by Mrs. Mary Herndon. I Wild Jack; or the Staten Island Child—a sketch from life, together with highly interesting stories: by ; Caroline Lee Ilentz. 1 Sam Slick's Wise Saws and Modern Instances; or j Wloit he said, did or invented. Antifawatieisin—A Tale of the South: by Miss Mar- : ; tlia Haine Butt. Nancy Waterman; or Woman's Faith Triumphant— : | a story of New York City : by C. F. Bnmington. Lafilte, tho Pirate of the Gulf: by J. H. Ingraham. The Empress of the Isles: or the Lake Bravo: by | Charley < Jew line. Notabilities in France and England—with an auto biography : by Pbilarettc Charles, Professor of the Paris Institute. Harry Oovordnle’s Courtship, and wluit came of it: by the author of‘‘Frank Fairleigh,” “Louis Arun dell.” Ac. Ac. Volume 1. Putnam's Magazine, bound neatly in j Cloth. Further supply of My Novel. Baronin's News. No. 23. Arthur’s Magazine for June. Received by |jum*7| J. R. CUMBEDGK. GEORGIA MARBLE WORKS. Kan Uiii< Wm. iff. Iliirllck, (4 CO* L. SuiauifJ, (SuccensovH to A. Atl iiisoii J Cos.) r I MIIS daldishmeiit has la*en in successful opera- | I tinti for a number of years. The Quarries are i well opened, aud thu Marble is superior to any in the United States. We have so perfected our facilities for getting out ! aud finishing work,thatweeanfurnish MONUMENTS, TOMBS. TABLETS. HEADSTONES, and every thing in our line of business, in better style ami at cheaper rates, than any yurd in tlieeouutry, When )t (s considered that ia< saw <>m awn Marble. ; pay no Jobber’s profit, and no high freight from tlie j North, it will be seen that we <|o piissesn notorial ad vantage over all competitors. We cordially aoliritourfriamta 6nd tb public to ex aniineour work, and ooiqpaio <.**• prices with those of other yards, before ordering Northern Marlde. We have on hand atour m Mnvialta, filarge assortment of finished work- Miatunients. Tombs, rfe. —whoraour agent. Mr. G. W. Summers, will sell at. our prices. Our principal work dOfiO at the Mills. Address J. <l. RANKIN’ & CO., julv 18 ly Marble Work P. 0., Ga. ftil’- Every nowxpaper publishing the above adver tisement for 12 months, nnd -ending us one copy tho same length iff time, we will furnish them nn impos .ng stone of 12 or 13 superficial fu't delivered at Mari etta depot. I AItKSH Sl I'Wdßx,Received per steamer Augusta.—New YYheafc —Hiram Srqith’s double extra Genossee Flf..ur. Now N S Salmon, new No 1 Mackerel-, new Codfish Smoked Tongues, Soria Biscuit, Butter Crackers Fancy Crackers. Also, 15 bbls Crushed and,Clarified ! ugars For sale by WM. G. DICKSON, sept It CornerWbitaker-stand Beoughjfm Lnae uusi\i:ss dihi:< touy. S. M. PETTING ILL A U *'S ADVKRTtSI NO AGENCY. 102 .\ VSS VI STKKKT, M W VOltK. And So. 1” Nr 15 -sired. li-.c- a P. A Cos. are Agents fi r the most inllueutialutul lar gtst circulating Coumiorcidll'upNr- both in the United I States and the Canadas. NEW YORK ADVERTISEMENTS. r ’ HODGETTS, TAYLOR & HODGE I IS. wHot:>AH *uM'PAoiTiiß"j or PLANISHED TIN WARE, I ti 8 \\ il 11 a in-si., in the rear, NEW YORK Tea and t-ofieo Urns, Chafing Dishes. Veni son Dishes, Dish Covers, Codlevs, Coffee Pots. Tea Pots. Coileo Filters, Nurse Lamps, AND K\ EKY ARTICLE IN l it:. I li YDE oet 24 i mos IM > CE.LEBKATED CHEMICAL YEAST OR BAKING POWDERS. The Cheapest, Healthiest, mad t. -/„• / I'conomtCtd A) tied, far raisin i ti- i-t. Hi scud Fried, Griddle, and j >■„, Cukes. l\istry, Paddinas, Sta-. t'.i'.vs. Corn Jirai.'l. and . f IMIIS is the iu > t if.-, mi Miti.'ul. usefia!.. ui v.-m.-m ■,| 1 lieallhv compound in exi-t.-iuo j.u . u-inßrv.i.l Biscuit. Cake .Ua-try . Puddings. A<- w ith eilli.'i* Wiu-al Rye.lndian or BueUwlu-at Flour, it is aniudi-pou ii-Ie i nrti. leiu ttie. eulinarv departments m ev. i \ liou--eli<>M i estaldi-liinent. and there is not'ook or llou-ekeeper iit ereution who will le without it after lining fairly i tried it. Sold In the prineipal tiro. ers and Di u . i t.- Opinions of the Press. ! Those who have tried it. have found th it (! adver tiseuieut does not vaunt *ls praise:- too Id.JiD . Pci 1 , hasser F.oridion and Journal. Fd> 1* is..:;. ‘ Housekeepers who have tested the quality ot tl.i powder, pronou nee unanimously mils favor.- 1.r:.- | /tort Gaily Courier. | It. surpasses everything in the way >f ri ‘inp. we ever I yet saw used in the finking of colas /*.•• ur / .fin • i cute >I lie : nst> e. April 15. 1853. | This is au article of such utility iu various kin I *1 i cookery, that when n< virtues It.*.-..uu- :ly known ino housekeeper that studies mu if and .. i. m will willingly do without it. A Y. Fa ... U 21, i Nt one need he.-itateto use Durke.-s all imp.-: :aio i article to housekeepers /. , ‘><.< /< llama r i S’ash vilic Wliiij, F . 17. 1853. ’ Would you hat <* light h vad.sw•*. t to :i t. bread 1h v j you can eat with a good reli.-h. do not fore.*l to pro i cure Durkoe's Baking Powder, and you w ill n.-l to I have good bread, rakes. ,Vr. 77 - .// lt<il<j Tinas. J hr. 24. 1852. We have trieil this artielo und ran recommend it with perfect confidence. -Quebec Ga a tie. July. 1852. ! DurkueVi Baking Powder we have tried at our house | and our “better half” was astonished at the result. V. I*. Gaily Times, Qrt. 23. 1852. AUgood housewives will rejoice iu and glorify lie* ’ name of Durkee, al'fi r t!ie> lime given his Baking Powder a fair trial AVio York Fan. s pt. 3u, I- .2, Durkee's Baking Powder, undoubtedly the best arti cle for this purpose that has yel been discovered. —A. )'. Ontclnnaii. Fh. 12. ls.'io. The highest cotnuiendations. from liuodnsis of the largest and most respectable wholesale houses iu this, and nearly every large City on this Continent, could j bo given if spa It. a ndo m The arti- I- is w to give sail-faction.— Orders acromp ma and icitn Cash will he pnnnjttlyJUlf.l. I-’.. It. Pl’llKKK. Solo Proprietor and Manufacturer, W holesale Dealer in Sal Soda. I'ream *t Tartar, Sup Carh Soda. Cooking Extracts, Wax Matches, dr. 13l Water-stn-H, New \ oi'li. l aug 17 3in CARPET AND FLOOR CLOTH WAREHOUSE <'iirt aiits, Curtain Goods, Ac. No. 150 Congress and 57 St. Julion-streets. 1 THE SUBSCRIBER would re-pei tfnlly iu the public that he hu< now <>|..-ii<-.| the e.oinplele assortment of nil the various styles of GOODS usually kept in similar r?tufili>li inents. The sUn k of the different department* w ill consist, in part, of the following Goods. iz: Carpet Department. Royal Velvet Tapestry Brussels. Morel Brussels. Brussels, Velvet, Tapestry and Brussels for amirs. 3 i plv. Superfine. Fine, ami Common Ingrain, Plain and j Twilled Venetian for stairs, halls, etc. Druggets R-l. J 12-4 an ! Itr4 in width, of every variety of pal terns, i Hearth lugs. Parlor and Stoop Mats. Tahlcsatid Piano j Covers. Silver and Bras- Oval and Octagon Stair Rods, : Stair Linen, etc. Oil Cloths. | Os every width, from 1 to* yards, for halls, dining j rooms, MeanlH.-ats. saloons, etc.; Rosewood. Maho-ra-. iny and small figured Furniture oil Cloths. 4-4. 1 and,o-4 wide; Figured In-'ia Rubber Cloth for stair-. Curtains. Silk nnd Worsted Damask DeLaine. Worsted and Linen Damask DeLaine, Figured and Plain Daiu.i.-ks, variety of colors. \\ bite and Puff fi r Shudes. Window Shades. * Transparent Landscape. Medallion. Garland, and White and Gold, entirely new style. Cord. I.<i|s. I’as sels, with all the various Trimmings for Curtains and Shades. Gilt Cornices. Bands, Loops and Pius, of the greatest variety and patterns, of the latest importation—all of which will be sold,at wholesale or retniLon the most liberal terms. W M. II GUION. Agent-. CH‘t. 20 150 Congress end 37 >*t. .lulien sis. Ti w. mcarthur a t 0., (81(1 NOP TIIK mil COKKKK HOTI WIIOI.RSAI.K \NH 111 TUI. TIN WARE MANUFACTORY A XU STOVK VVVUi: 1(00)1. WK bate now, and keep eon- , Ptantly on band. ,* full and e.\ tst'*Ay tensive S'l’i ‘UK. which we offer on jwint* \ery reasonable terms. “ Pui|s, Lead Pipe, Slice! I,end, Copper ami Zinc. These Pumps are of -impfeeanstr'iotion. and every part perfectly fitted --they are so made that they may bo taken apart audaecess gained to.-ill the vaiu s vrilh out taking up the pipes, or even detaching the plat form, to which the Pump is fastened. We n-e also.-clling the eel.-bra ted line k Pat ( e ru Cooking Stove. f>r wraxl. which i- l-1s,■ : very extensively used iu the city and country. The suc cess of this Stove, since its introduction by us. has been gratifying--nothing has ever I men offered to the public for eulenarv purposes that has given such gen end satisfaction. We shall take great pleasure in showing tliis Stove, whether you purchase of us or not, nnd we think wo can sali-fy you t hat this Stove is superior to any ever offered for sale in this market mar 24 .STORE. No. 13 BARN \ UD ST CHEAF SUGARS AND TEAS rvc DOUBLE Kcl'iiiiml Crashed Su *LjjmPQM'y? gar.Crystalized,GranubiteUdo.. c t” lbs. for sl. i*. Also, sparkling, ‘wight Cofi< .> Irt'wer tirades Brow n Sugar. 1 l ibs. fi>r :fl. Dark i suitable for servants) Sugar. I.’ Ihs. for 41. FRESH TEAS-—Selectetl fiivrn the latest importa tloiis, consisting of: Extra Hyson, Extra Kin‘tiuu powder, and Ooolong.* Fresh'lustard. Sardines. Piekl*< Preserves. Sweet OH, Almonds, fancy Imixcs Prunes, Brandy. Loudon Mustard, I Who*. Turkey Figs, extra Im/>- and tine, and Jit boxes Raisins (idl flusters i whole, half and , quarter boxes Mace. Nutmegs, Spices. Ac. Just reeeiveil per steamer- 2 bids. Pig Hams: :>(’ ‘ Smoked Tongues, large size; 6) lbs. Bologna Sausages, ; 2 bbls. Smoked Reef. For sale at IRk'KSONV-. jan 20 Cor. Whitaker si. and Broughton lane. SOMETHING VERY HANDSOME. Hat far Miaall ami lon g* lloys, a THE Ladles of Savannah have long wanted fi get something very pretty for their Children in 1 the way of HATS. They can now find such ar tides at the Clothing Store. No. O'.) aim 150 Gibbon.- range, where I am now receiving Panamas, Leghorns, China and Dimore Peart, (’’ampoehu. Rut laud and Can ton Straw, and Palm leaf- all neatly t rimmed. to fit Bovsfrom one to flfU*eii years oh* ('all and see in nr 3ft GEO.S. NICHOLS, j BOOTS AND SHOES. J2ft CASKS fine owed calfskin Boot : . 12 do. do. peggged do. do.; Mon term -j and Congress Boots; Ladles’ and Gent’s Gaiter Boots; Ladies’ Ties and Slippers; Bovs’ and Youth’s Shoes; 5,000 pairs Plantation Itrorrans. For sale by STALKY ,<• HENDRY, oet 28 Sign of the Golden Eagle, Congress st. ,GREEN lIOURK PLANTS. ‘•Tilt Three hundred pots Green House Plants, in full bloom, comprising an elegant ass<*rtmont of various und rare kinds, will be opened und of ferod for sale this morning* hv l may 18 W W LINCOI.N. Monumeic , MARRIAGE. HAPPINESS AND t DffPET E WK. 44 7/i /.n iff ‘l'll \r ;• fi< hold many feitiales. set*feft iu the TOeri 1 dian ot life firoken in health and spirits with a complication of diseases and ailments, depriving them of the power for the enjoyment of life at an age when pbv-ual health, buoyancy of spirits, and happy sereni ity of mind, ari-ing from a condition of health,should be predominant. >fiin\ t the row -ot her sufferings at first—perhaps ytvtrs I.MMore. pel Imps <1 urnu* girlhood.or the first years of marriage were in their origiu so ligtit us to puss uanoticed, and of course neglei led. IS AFI'KU I/A US. I When too late to !.e henelitted fiv our knowledge. e j lok tin. k and uiourn.and re,riel* the full couseuueuces j toil, would v VI . uot■ofic-ii give t..* |tossess, in early | lite the know led ire we obtain in utter year-*! And . what d-i\ • Miid nights of anguish we miglit not have been spua-d. it ill kimw led;;e was timely posMissed. ! It is Vi. I tA- doll ASG FTA KTL ISC I'M behold the siekii sand suffering endured by many i a “ tetor many \• ars, from causes -iniph* andcontnd fiit le. easily reinvdie<l -<u better still—not ineurred. if 11 iFI. t.\:> MoTHF.Ii p.-5... the inlorniation contained in a little volume • within tlic reach of us all • which would spare to h*n -el f 1 FAFS OF V. And to her husband the on Maul and anxiety of j “mi.| necessarily devolving up >n him IV--in sickness of the wile, without giving him tin- opportunity iff ae- i quiring that competence which his exertions are enti tled. and the possession of with h wouldsceuretlie imp pirn s ..t hiniM'lf. wife and . hildr.-n. SFCLUE nil. SiF.ASS <‘F 11A i J'ISFSF By becoming iu time posscsseil of th,- know K-i L-c. (he w .-.iii -i w hich has caused the sickness and poverty ot thousand . In view of such consequences, no wife or mother i j excusable it-lie n.-i.-, i- t.. avail herself of llmt know- ; I’ I-ZC. in |C. peet 1., licrself. which would spare her! niui h siill.-i ing. be i|>c means ol happiness and pros ••*•!> t.. hci hnshand. and . oiler upon lo r children 1 hat I*l,•■sing above all price- hcaliliv bodies will, healthy mind t hat know k-lge is eonlnined In a lit He work cntillc-l 1111 M \KKII I’ \Vn\l \\*s Prlviil- Me ill. 11l i oil! pa 111 Oil. B\ Db \ MM \l Bil l \C. One. II ah:th Fhtion • I rr . 2 ft. Gn[r 60 Cents. ‘ ON | IN, I-VIM - J.HIU Ul MO NO, id 00. | ‘I /- I '/. IS IM. nU 117 *.Y Gh I. FI /.. ! OU-G.I. . i..0 Ki male.whr. *. , laanh il .' l r utqui. e u fall kaovib.lg. ol thc linfiire. elrur in lrr :nnl hiiim s oi lier . ..mpliiliit s. v* i! I l tie v arhuik ay iii|.tenis, aud | lial uea i ly H I/./’ i MIU.IOS < ol'/FS. should have been -old. It is impracticable to convey fully the various sub jeet s treated of. as they arc of a nature strictly int.-n- j ded for the married, or those contemplating marriages But no female desirous of enjoy ing health, and that beauty, consequent upon health, w liicli is s;n endue live to herovvn happine-,- and that .*1 her husband, i hut either Inis or will obtain it. as has or will every ‘ husband who ha* the love nnd affect ion of hi* wife at heart. >r that of his <>w n peeuniart improvement. t I‘HA FIGS OF l\ lit SGIt FG THOCSA YG < “itGIFS Have ben SFST HI MAIL withiu the h.-t fi w mouths. ( M’TION TO Till) IM’. />'/••’ \nr G 1 Fit A! CFG: Bov it-'hook oides- Dr. \ M Maoriccau. 1*29 Lit. ci ly Street V S “ is on the title page, and the entry iu tilt* Clerk's Office on the hack of the title page and Buy only of respectable und honorable dealers, or send by mail, and adders- lo Dr. A N| ‘laiirieeuu. as there are spurious und surreptitious infriiigeineuts I of copy right. j LFTFX /.'/•’ J * WIFE IY/ l/tsE tXG ro.XtfFlr , N evcuM'for Ignoi aiiri , u lien iinn l Mim to I lio-t- w e liolil near ami lirar. ami w Iteti to <lis|t-| om- tioi'ii net* is vv it ill it oci i* rear li. To enable every one tod.-.-ide upon the intli.p, n>t i , l,(r | p.i ■ii--ing a copy, aud that no wile, or j mother ue*i| remain iinil-.niie.l upon the many rails c-*. which sooner *>r later, are destined In make fearful ; • ravages u|nm her health, unless guarded against.and ’ that no e.m-1 Inatr and affect innate hiislmud have cause to upbraid him-ell’ with neglect ot the w el la re of I his wifi- a pamphlet of thiriysix pages, foiilidtllng | lull I tilt pay. mol Indrj'-I (•■r>f.,, l s. Ingot her with ex | tracts from the hook, will he seDt/r-c of charge •” any I ; part of tlie United Statee, by addressing, post-paid as ; herein. When Knowlnlge is Ila ]gi uessUt Ik enlpable to lie IglKinilil. U’.j -On receipt us One Dollar ( for the fine Edition, j extra binding). •• Tin: M vitltii i. Woman's Diuvatk Men- | ! t'Al. (’".Ml* vmo.n’ i-- sent i mailed Trrr) to any part of the ‘ : United .stales. .MI letters must he post-paid, and ad dressed to Dr. \. M. MAURK'EAi . Box 1224. New ■ Yorkt’itv. I'iffdishing iMliee, No. 129 Liberty Street. | • New-York. For snie by Lee A- Whiimnn. Ringgold: B. F. Bennet. | Cassv illc: Dm :il A Sears. ‘lcDoiiougb; J. A. Bevimlds. , Dahlonega: (’. Yimugbluod. Ogle I horpe. Gn. In New \ nrk City, by stringer \ Townsend. Adri- I am.-. Sherman A-Co. Dewitt A Davenport, and Barnes I a c .. &pr lji NEW BOOKS. / < REAT Tinths by Great Authors: a dictionary of ; v !1 aids to rettcction. qiiolations of maxims, nietu phors.counsels, caution*, aph.>ri - ni>. pr.n ci bs, Ac. Ac.. | j from writers o| all Hires and both hemispheres. ■ The Evening Book: or. Fireside Talk on Morals and Manner.-, with sketches of Western Life: by Mrs. Kirkland, author of- V Nov Home.” Ac. Ac. • The Bible in the Counting H.-itse: a course of Lc- 1 I tores t-> Merchants: by II \ Board man. I) D, ! Rowland Trevor: or the l*il..t of Hniuait Life : l.e- j ing an autobiography of the author -bowing howto I make or lose a fortune, and how to make another. The Race tor Riches, and- vine of the I’tts into which the runners fi.ll six Lectures, applying the word of God to th.’ traffic of tnen : by Win. Arnot. minister ot j Free St Peter-'. Glasgow: American edition, v ith pr f I j ace and notes, by Stephen Colwell. • Tin* Doubling Communicant Encouraged: by S'epti | mus i'u.-lin. D. I'., late Chaplain ol the United Suites | Senate. Seop.l .-ditioii. ‘larei. Paul's Voyage. Travel and Adventures in ‘ Boston : bv Ja. oli A Idiot. Mari.*d< B. i nier. l : a Talc of the Cre-cent City. At.. | A.-.: by W. Gilmore Simms, author of the Ycmasscc. { I Ac Ac. | Anu ri. auGiiiiicin its Seasons; hv Heorv William | Ib-rh. it. author of the “ Shea dine Box.’ “ifierMalk . . rs.” Ac. Ac. A Dictionnrv . fDoiucstie Medicine and Household I : Surgery: hv SpiuiciM'Thompson. M. lb. revised with I addition, l.v llenrs l|. Siuilli, M. (.. Surgeon to Li. • Joseph's Hospital. Philadelphia. | .Memoirs. Journal and < ‘urrespnndence. <ff Thomas ‘ i'b ore, edited b> the Right lbn. Lord John Russell. M. P Part I \ . Cyrllla : a Tale by the author o! “ The Initials.” 1 Harry Asht-ui. .t the Will und tin M.iv: by the , author ot Minnie Grey.” “Gus Howard.” Ac. • The White W oil: or the Secret Brot hervvood— a Boiuamc: by Paul Fetal, author of the *• Mysteries : ; of Loudon. Ac. Miiinv Law.-on: or the Out Law’s League—a Bn- i , uiiiii.v of Gotham : l.y Charles p.-.| Swans. ‘ The Dam ill” l eather, or Pirate Schooner: bv J IL : i hi rniluim, l-’sq. The Selin..Mellow''. I'irM ‘,'unrtor a ift Book for | i Children : edited hv W .i . Bk hards and Cousin Alice. ‘ j Putnam'-’ Maia/in. for June. : Bariimo’- Illustrated News No. 21. bv Ijime 11 J. It. i t BHEDGE. j CONFECTIONARIES. ’ I'll U. .- iih-eriher begs leave to inform his friends and • He eiti/.efi- 1 1'lierally ..f Sm vimrmh and its vieini ly. 11:;;t lie hie pur.*luoed the intere.-t. of Mr New ‘•"" the Confection u*y hithertoowned bv Newcoml • A ’ Hiee: and that In* will continue'to manufacture, and i . keep a! wii \ * on hand j I’rcsli n lid Pu rr iounrhs | Manufactured trnin tin* he-t materials, and compris j | ing every variety oft ‘amlies. Sugar Plums. Ac. Ac. At ; French Confectionaries. Lemon Syrup, Syrups for Soda Fountains. I To'cethor w ith every other article iu his line, always i instore and for salwit wholesale and retail.on the most ; ‘ } reasonable terms. T C. RICE. i • :ii* If S. E. Corner Rrmiufifim and V, hitaker-sls. 1 “PEKIN TEA COMPANY.” Warohotiae, 7ft and 77 Fulton-st., Nnw York. 1 ’ This TE \ t ompimy him alw uv s main ... <■ , t ained a high reputation for TE AS of .' aLa^ i? ; the most dclieious eliamcter and fra V 1 j i iiii. v, no t are warrant.l to give sat- ‘-I i : i-faetkui in every instance. If they do not prove as I represented they innv he relumed.’ For sale by the j , Agent. J. A MAYER, ltn.lighten NV.W BOOKS. Pun Jottings; or Laughs | j have taken a Pen to. bv V Parker NN illis. j Men and Things as I smv them in Europe, by Ker wan. C.umt Christoval; or a Sequel to Lord Saxondale.hv I G. NY, Nl. Reynolds. Barnum Illustrated News. No. 12. Received by ! ’ • !•’ t UHBKDGK A BRoIHEB. r J'P.I SSLS. Nlursb's. Hull's nnd Rein hart’s Trusses. 1 and tine I'rench single Trusses, also an extensive assortment of common Trusses. For sale by wpt H JNG. R. MOORE A CO, |* lASTI\f;s —. —Foil setts of Gin Gearing, of I \ ! various-i. .-. Plough Points. Heels, <Pc. Iteceiv I y Inst steamer.', and for sale bv J C’H. H CA.MPFIELD. J NO. 1 ir'. Till WEEKLY 6;], ; iy, I'AtLOP 1853 . GEORGE S. NICHOLS. Ji. H L.\DN'-.M ADR CLOTHING. SI KXISIIIXti .iUODS, ic. TMII! SUBSCRIBER has now in store.and offer.a f * 1 sale, the I-41..wing : I Gent's lice blue, black and brown Cloth. Reavt r I Cloth. Peter Sham. Fur Cloth, and Coinblet Overeat I Gent s line block < loth Cl.-aks and Mantles. . Gent’s line blue, l>luck, and Claret frock and Dress I Coats. • f 4icut's Cadet Ca-Hinere Tweed Ua?ifoerc. black Ca j simere. blue Cassimerc Frocktees, and business Sack I C< ht - —a l’ rent ‘ a riel \ tlent’s blaek Doe Cas.-iinere, and more tl un thirty I different puttei ns ol sane) Ca. simvre Punts if lat t ; style. i tJent's N. ts - about 1.. ofi NV-ts. embracing all of I the new styles. :< me perfertlv heauiifnl. ; Avery large lot f Satinett Round-Ja. kefs an 1 Punts, kioshlng. Gvercoots. Frock and Sacks sot n i 1 v ant-. India Rubber nnd Pilot Cloth Overcoats. Youths’ and Boys’ Department: ha- never been equalled in this place andcoutiiim th* Broad CL-ili, Bonver Cloth, Peter Sham Overca at i , and Sacks. Id ue bhuk. bri'wn, and claret Cloth I'ress Fro* 1.-, and S:.rks. Bin:*. Min k, and brown, nndCadct Cloth Press Jm k ets. Cadet and Sfi el mixed Satinet Bound Jacket*. Mixed ami Kersey and Round Jackets f,„- Ne*toes; tin.’ 1 lin k Doe C.a-siniere. Blue Cloth, ui and n large as sort inciii of fancy < il.'reil Cii'-miere and Satinet Pants It • kFa in i 1 Mpac• Ula<k Cloth at I a great variety of'loriw \ “-t-. All cd the above f i boy* frotn Ift to 17 years old. Children’s Department : contains very pretty fringed and plain black Cloth Suits: fancy ccdorcd Ua-silnoie Siiiis. with Nests aid Punts connected: Gi-nin’> new st > le of Fancy Dress Jackets; lilrck uudhroun Talma*: i laik an.lgre. n To gas Overcoats; embroidered Caps. All for children from 4 to lo years. j Children, boys’ and youth's white and colored Shirts Fancy Articles : j embracing almo.-t every aitide for a gentlemen,- w nrd i robe that can he ealled for, together with the richest 1 assortment of covered und plain CAPS for gentlemen, I youths. Itnys. and children. N B Most of the abov e goods. Hie .Mon and Boys’ Clothing, have been made up expressly for my trade, and under my inspection, at the North.and 1 can coti : t.dontly reeominend them as good, and a* cheap na I can he found elsewhere. The citizens and public pen ••vail v are invited to cull and see at the Clothing Store, I Gibbon's Range. oet 7 GR•: \ r \ i iit Ni l'• ON :l RTitnmiiyiim. ‘j’HK SI BSC It I B K.RS beg leave to state that they I have detvrtniiieil stay in Savannah, and have This Day commenced to open an entire new fall and Winter STOCK OF DRY GOODS, ! NN hit h. for styles and prices, cannot be surpassed . I and would invite the attention of the public, viz M.-useliiie dc Baines. fr m Ift to . cents per yard | Plain Persian do.. “ Ift to t>2*cents pci* yard. Figured do., from IS to sft cents per y ard. Ureneh .Merluos: Kdglish do.; plain and figured Cash meres. Fl*en'h Gala Plaids (new styles.) Chimizettes Collars, ( hnntilla Neils. Swi*- and Cam brie Inserting and edgings: besides Prints, brown nnd bleached Shirtings ami Sheetings. Flannels, Denims, Ae. For sale at J. Il C< HI EN A CO.'S, s*pt 14 140 Broughton-strees. TAILOniNGo DIBBLE & CAREY, - llfflis 111 Mini ; COliSFli HltOrcilTOS ASG WIUTAKEIi STS Bnv Hunnli, Gn< ’ I HIE SUP,SCR I BERS would call the attention of tha 1 citizens of Savannah, to their SPRING STYLES OF ALL COI.OHS OK CLOTHS, CASSIMERES AND VESTINGS, ’ Which they are preparod to manufacture to order, in i the neatest and most fashionable styles. Also, their stock of RcKtiy .Made* Clothing, all of which hat** been got up in a superior style to any ever before offered for sale in this market. Their stock of FURNISHING GOODS is complete, and well assorted. These Goods will he sold on thu most reusonabe and accommodating terms, mar 25 ts SHOES! SHOES!! SHOES!!! For the l*'ll uml Winter Trade* the SUBSCRIBER would m re-poetfully call the attention B “ft lie planters “t Georg iß.South JK Carolina aud Florida, and the public generally, to Ids large Stock ff HOOTS \\ i) SHOES* His stock has been selected by himself with special enri and particular reference to the retail and planters'trade, that being the most important feature of his business lie confidently offers to his customers and the public work ot a superior quality and on reasonable terms. His stoek comprises all the varieties usually kept iu a Shoe Store, consisting of Ladies’ Shoes. Boots. ai:d (Jai lers of every variety. Gentlemen's Boots. Shoes and Congress Gaiters; also. Misses', Roys’, Youths’, and Children's Slioes of every kind. In connection with the above he has a large stock of N ft GIRO BROGANS, | which can safely be recommended as n superior article : No effort w ill L,i spared t<>give entire satisfaction. A I cull is solictod from you before purchasing. ; sopfc 23 NVM.IIKIDT. Gibbons’ Range. TRAVELLER'S TRUNK DEPOT, (Jlhlian'* Knnge. TYI (SE(L S. NICHOLS.has rerenUv re ***£ e. ived a large supply of Travel!, r a V\ •’ r,l, ik-. N’nllicfis. and Carpet Bags, * i-MmJ among w |,icl, are the following: Superior English Sole Leather, iron frames, new pat term. Do. Muck Harness Leather, iron frames. Black and bronzed Leather Ladles Trunks, ftetr style 28. 30 and 3*2 inch brass hand, extra finish. 28. 30 and 32 inch black and bronze Folios. 60 common black packing Trunks, various sizes. Sole leather and common leather \ alliees. Ladle- Hat lk>\c . new patterns. Mack and bronze, 100 NYiltoTi, Bru-sol*. Tapestrv and Ingrain Carpet Bags.all sizes and qualities, foget her with Satchels Those in want are inviieil to give hifn ft call at thu Clothing Store Gibbon’* Range, where great bargains will he given. Call and see. may 4 THE SI ÜBCEIBER, has y. Jj t it,? just received a good assortment of ’ V*\ Trunk* \ ali-esamlCarpet Bags.which ww A JLA-J! .<■ will dispose of on very reasonable terms. All in want are respectfully invited to call and look at them. WILLIAM HE IDT, jc* 14 Gibbons’ Range. TIN WARE ! TIN WAKE ! i~ 111 AN E on hand and am constantly manufacturing TIN NV ARE, of every variety and quality, whole sale and retail, to which I would invite the inspec tinn of the public- -fading assured that I can give sal isfaetion as regard quality nnd price. Also, Brass Kettle.. lira.-*. Iron. Enameled and Tin ned Sauce Bans. Frying Bans ; Smoothing Irons, Fir.* Dogs : inn l’"ls, Ovens and Spiders , Tea Kettle* Gridirons: Waffle irons: Table Cutlery; Brass Cand'o sticks: Snuffers Tea and Dinner Bells. Also Glass and Brittania Fluid Lamps, and many articles too numer ous to mention Call and see. nmrcii 5 J. J. MAURICE. lUALIiUVU CASE 11SH1\<4 RODS. Avery eouv>uieut Rod for fishermen; also, fine and common 3. 4 and 5 joint Rods, with and without Keels; Silk Line* plaited nnd sorted colors and sizes. Flex nnd Cotton Drum, and every *i/,o dog Hooks of • very variety. Kirby, Trent, Unieriek do; Drnni.Rns’ # Sheephend and Shark Uooks.aß sizes, with Chain and •Swivel*.*. sorted colors. Snell Hooks. Bait Fish. “Yankee Dim,die” Hooks, sorted sizes, just receiv ed and Jor sale singly an t by the dozen on best terms. jo'22 K. LOVELL.No.iI Barnard-st. NBW BOOKS. Kecvivi SIBLEY October 4. 1863. • Th.- Mud Cabin, or the Character and Tendency of British Institutions; by NVarren Jshuin. The Forged NN ill, or Crime and Retribution; by Km> erann Bennitte. Edith's Legacy, or the l ong Woods us tbeGrange;hy th** author of Adelaide l,md*ity. The NN bite Cruiser, or the Fates of the Uuhoard of. By Ned Bunt-line. I’utnaui - Monthly for October. The London Journal forOctobor. The Industry of all Nations. Jane Beten.ur the King’s Advocate, a Scottish Tiis i torieul R. .um nee. by Jas. Grant, author of the Romancn of NVar, Ar. The Rudiments of the Art of lluilding: edited by Jno. Bullock. Violet: The Dansense. or the Courtship and Wed lock; by the author cf tho Giltro. The Rebel Scout, a Romance of American Revoln ion: By Aria Ashland. i F<>r sale at No. 135 Cengress-street. Oct 5 I |7.\XjbTROPE AVirBAGGI]VG For safe | r>hy Isept 21] H J. GILBERT