The Savannah evening journal. (Savannah [Ga]) 1852-185?, October 31, 1853, Image 1

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file Bmanmh cuciititi Jtoftrttal; / r VOL. Hi. DAILY PAPER U. SuuiJiiiial) (Cuntiii!) Journal. 1> vi lv Papuiiy - I $4 1 Tki-Wki:kly, - - fs Payable invariably in advance. BY J. B. CUBBEnQE. THOM A s W. LANE, Editor. vdvmkt ising n VTI:S• Advertisements inserted at the following rates,— K HI ONE .SQUARE OP TEN LINKS. • >ne insertion, $0 00 1 One mouth, $G 00 Two “ 1 00 Two “ 10 00 Three “ 1 25 | Three “ 12 50 Four “ 150 I Four “ 15 00 Five •• 1 75 Six “ 20 00 on.; week, 2 00 | One year, .10 00 | Hts O mtraets fir yearly advertising may bo made o a liberal terms. Legal a lvortH<rnentflinserted at the usual rate.sand ‘riot care taken that they bo published according, to 1 uv. All a lv vrtise n * it< from transient persons, or strait gers, to bo paid for in advance.” T i ■ privileges of yearly a Ivortisers will he confined ri gi lly to their regular business, and all other adver tis.* neuts, not pertaining to their regular business, as agre*d for. to he paid extra. All a sent to this office without direc'.i ms as to the number of insertions, will he pub li<’io 1 l lily, until or lered to be discontinued, and ch irge 1 accordingly. Bit MIL MONDAY, Ot T. :ji, 1853. Uncle Siam’s Money Box. A late number of the Nutiuuul Intelligencer contains the follewing description of the box at i New-York, in which Uuole S.iui keeps his i cash. “The Now-York Sub-Treasury now contains ten millions dollars in gold, and a few hundreds 1 in silver coin. The, safe containing the coin, is kept in the custom house, and is composed of double shoots of iron, strengthened by j cross bars or lattice work of cast steel rods, , between which no instrument cau cut or file. i The safe is fifteen feet long, eight wide, | and about as many feet high. It is divided into apartments, in the inner one of which the money is deposited: and it has three thick iron doors, each having two locks, the keys to which arc distributed at night among the different clerks, the Assistant Treasurer keeping-himsclf file register of the principal key, so that the safe cannot ho unlocked unless all are present. On the sides of the sale arc tiers of boxes, ‘ capable of holding in all, nine millions six hun dred thousand dollars. They are now filled ! with coin, which is put up in hags of a thousand j dollars each, except a few containing small ; amounts for convenience in making payments, j The weight of the ten millions of gold now in ; custody, is eighteen and three quarters tons.” 1 Jenny Lind’s Baby. Jenny Lind, the peerless, the Nightingale of the N o th, has got a baby ! — l , ].e<:liaji'je. Paper. Well, what of it? Hasn’t “Jenny Lind, the ‘ peerless, the Nightingale of the North,” aright to have a baby, we should like to know? Would j v *u always have her singing to the cold world. ! warm as it may he in its admiration of her so rigs ; charming it l\v her sweet notes? Must she nl- i ways he warbling to gaping crowds, who gaze 1 upon her only as a public performer? Look in to the nursery where Jenny’s baby sleeps in its little cradle, and hear the low lullaby of her j sweet voice. .See how fondly she gazes upon j the helpless thing, and when it opens its little j (•yes and looks trustingly up to the face of its : in ither. hear how she warbles the “Bird Song” j to charm it back to sleep. Listen to the angel ! sounds! There is no clfort, no art in that sera- j pliie music. It. com •;.< giishiitg fo'rth from a heart full of a mother’s affection, overflowing with a mother’s yearning. How soft and low it is, and yet how full of the intensest love. Be still. Ap- J plaud not. It is nature* all nature, supremely j sweet though it he. Disturb not the enchanting harmony by the voice of praise. See, those lit- ! tie eyes have closed again. Jetiny’s baby sloep§, and the song has died away, vanished slowly j like a dream, or a receding shadow, into alienee. “Reels the cradle” Jenny! llut why, we ask again, should not Jenny j have a baby to love, to fold in her fond arms, to kiss and hug, and toss into the air, and trot upon her knee, and chirrup to, and tumble ! about, with all a mother’s floating playfulness|? j Hue has conquered fame; shall she linger in i solitary ago, and die alone at last? Shall the ! heart’s affections he wasted in the pursuit of j ambition, and shall no loving and trusting faces cheer her through life, and stand around her death-bed, like bright visions looking upward toward the sky ? Shall she walk the world’s ! high places com pan tonless, and without a stay j for her age to lean upon ? No. Ten thousand i times dearer to her mother's heart, is the crow ing, even the cries of that little one, than the loudest applause that ever went up from the crowded audience, on the day of her proudest triumph. Ten thousand times sweeter is its smiles, than the fragrance of the flowers that were showered upou her, as a tribute of admi ration to her transcendent sweetness of song. Yes. yes, ambition is nothing—triumphs are nothing—admiration of the world, fame and ; wealth, are nothing ! The mother looks upon ! her little child, her heart clings to its feeble- ! ness, and all other world’s visions vanish away, i “Itocky the cradle” Jenny.” Go out to sing before the great world never j again—-pass forever from its gaze, to sit calm- ! ly by the domestic hearth, gathering your lit tle ones around you teaching them the value ; of” the divinity that stirs within them” tho ! duties of life find hope, of eternity. Tell them j of the littleness of fame, the folly of ambition I the beauty of holiness, and tho homo with the | just at last. And when angels shall gather a- I round tho great White Throne, among tho voices j that shall mingle in the song of the redeemed, yours and theirs shall be hoard in tho full vol ume of their sweetness, ohauuting the praises of “Him that liveth forever.” Very Singular. Tho Austin (Texas) Southwestern American gives the following account of the singular pro perties of the water of one of the branches of the Blanco, a stream which rises in tho niottn tains, some thirty miles south-westerly from Austin : ” One of tho branches of the Blanco, has tho singular property of encrusting a piece of wood when thrown into it, with a covering resembling hydraulic cement. Some gentlemen of San Marcos observed the effect of tho water upon some shingles, and discovered them coated with a substance impervious to water. In this same crook, there n number of dams, usually accred ited to the instrumentality of the beaver. A gentleman, upon examination, declares them to be oemposed entirely of this substance adhered to a root, or limb, and growing into a perpendi cular wall of some eighteen inches in width, across a narrow channel. There are a number of ponds upon it : all said to have been formed in this manner. These obstructions are suffici ently strong to resist the pressure of the water i at any stage. The ponds not changing their j positions, upon the recurrence of freshets. After J considerable tiino, these Avails become quite hard. We enquired of the gentleman, telling this, * if a shingle covered with this substance could be nailed on to sheeting without displa cing it? lie answered in the affirmative; fur thermore, was ofopinion they would last a very considerable time. We should be glad to have some gentleman to give this matter a chemical examination, and ascertain what it is.” Tne Ucpubliv of La Plata. It. was recently stated that ♦re:tties of coin nieroe had been concluded with the republic ! jof tho La Plata,by which tho navigation’of • 1 that river is to be opened to the vessels of this country. These treaties were concluded vith l rqui/.a. as the head of the Argentine confeu- ‘ oration, whose authority is not acknowledged , by the Buenos Ayreans. As that province vir tually comma mis the navigation of the river, a treaty concluded without its consent is of but [ little value. Urquiza also ceded to France and England tho island of Marlin Garcia, a very important position at the mouth of the Li ! IMuta, the-trade of which it commands. This ■ cession was made without the knowledge, an i against the wishes of the Buenos Ayreans. If we maintain tho validity of our own treaties 1 with l rqui/.a, vve recognize his power to con clude a treaty of cession Avith other nations. Curious Scntiacc. r J lie following verse contains every letter in ! the English alphabet except “K.” It is a ques- : tion whether any other rhyme can be produced tin print) without the letter “E,” which let ter is employed more than any other. By insert- j ing the word vox instead of tax, in the second line, the verso would contain all the letters of the alphabet: A jovial swain may rack his brain, And tax his fancy's might.. To quiz in vain, for ’tis most plain That what L did was fight. A ffUfstlna for {lie Sliakcsjnndau Crit ics. The New York Dost inquires—Has the fol lowing from Shakspcaro any thing to do with the last notion of the President and Cabinet in 1 regard to Bronson : . “Off with liis head : so much i l or Bucking ’em!’ ! I.>IBBLK.& CAREY. CLOTUIIOUsS and; MKUCHAYf TAILORS, WARE-ROOM. .V. A’. Comer of Whitaker and llrovijht<>n-stn„ Sh v a it nail. r pIIH Subscribers, in anuoum ing to their numerous ‘ A customers and the public, the arrival and oi- nimr of their Fall and Winter Stock, felicitate themselves on the advantages which their re cent purchases enable them to offer all who desire to • select their Clothing from an extensive ass .rluient ol * the choicest goods, made in the most FASHIONABLE STYLE. Those goods have been purchased uuder the person al in.-i-co.ion ol’ one of the proprietors; and availing tboiu-.'t;esoftuvondJecitcuiiiHUiuces.tno\ ure enabled not only to warrant them in quality. but*tooffer them at such LOW PRICES, as must distance all competition in their trade. The following enumeration is ma le for the benefit of Gentlemen in the country, whose orders will meet prompt attention, and who, when in the oily, are re spectfully invited man examination of our Goods GENTLEMEN’S CLOTHING. FHOCK and DRESS (MATS ofevery quality, i”, ” ”in black, blue, brown, green and olive colors. BI’SIN GSSOoAT.S. iugreat vnilciy. viz: Tweed. Cloth, and Chs imere. Frock and Business Coats. ; PANTALIONS—BIack Roe.-kin uta great variety of prices. t Black and fa neyCassi meres, at n great variety of mice •• Drab O J-.te. - ’ j White and Fancy Linen Drills, “ •• “ ! Fancy .Marseilles, “ • \ ICSTS—BIock >ilk and satin Vests. Fancy silk White silk, for party, •* White. Buff and Fancy 51 :r smiles Embroidered Cloth. V.-Het and Silk in great variety FURNISHING GOODS Furnishing Hoods of every’ description for Gentle- ! men's wear—consisting of scarfs, cravats, Waterford 1 ties, Prince Albert tie . spring stocks, merino shirts ; drawers, cotton do., suspenders, luufhosa. glove I all kinds, best quality patent y oke sljii ts;u fiifeassort inent of Drossing Gowns, Umbrellas. Cano*. Perfumery, Combs, Brushes, Port- 1 monies, etc. etc. HATS. An extensive assortment of the latest aud most sash i ionable styles. Trunk?, Carpet Bags, Vulieen, Hat Boxes, etc. Marchant Tailoring. The favorable and long established reputation wldd. | their establishment has enjoyed, and still maintains, for the style and finish of its yar-ments made to unit r , as i well US for the superior quality of their Cloths, dura- : bility of color and sub.-fantial workmanship, it shall be ! the constant effort nf the proprietors still to continue. They invite the special attention of both old and new ■ customer* to the following, from which they are pre pared to furnish garments, which tbev will warrant to i be nr plus ultra in both tit mid fashion. JSIMiINU.S A BIUI.LY'.S best Blue, Black, Brown. Mulberry,Green, Adelaido, Bronze, Ourobo and olive ; Cloths. Black Doeskin. Black Cossimcrc, find it large assort- J inent of Colored and Fancy Tvvorels. 1J N F*X GOODS.—White. Buff and fancy Linen Drills. ! \ EsTlNGS.—White Silk and Satin, for Party Vests, j Black and fancy Silk and Satins. White, Buff and Orange Ca. simeres. Uniform Suits: for \ oluutecr Companies in M.eeity and throughout 1 the State, made and furnished at t) shortest notice 1 and iri the’ best manner. DIBBLE £ CAREY oct 8 LIffUORS AND WjSjjg.—l2 ball pip® B Oturd, Dupuy & Co.’s French Bran .:ILJIbB <ly. 10hall'].ipes assorted brands, low pric- ! ‘‘J French Brandy; .'MI quarter casks Domes I tic do. 50 bids do do. 7<l tlo P A II bye I j Gin, 150 do K Pliolps’do; 0 pipes llollundUin, 10 bids 1 Virginia Apple Brandy, Bdo pure Georgia Peach do, j | :;00 bids do N O Whiskey’, <SO do white Baltimore d0,30 ! ! old Westminster Mouougahela do. 20 doold Pennsyl- I I vaiiiu Mountain do do, lon do X K Hum 25 quarter ; casks Madeira Winc.lfi eighth do choice do d0.20 qtiar- ! tordo Port do, 2 half pipes do do. 20 quarter casks ! Brown Sherry M ine, 40 baskets Champuigne do. For I ! sale by [ang’iol WEBSTER A PALMES. | NJT RJASTIWa. Bill FACTS. CAPS.—CAPS.—The tines! and best j H ‘£wjMSfgEP made Caps to be found in the City, are to ‘ xSlayafff be found at tliwClotliing Store, Gibbon's j Range—all made up for my trade aud ’ sold cheap—call and see. ! oct 22 (j E0..8. NICII )IS. ; | IREPARATI DNS FOII THE HAIR. 1 Barry’s Tricopherous, Lyon's Catharion. Jayne’s! IlairTonic, Kan Luslrule, howl itulsGeu. sl:u*us>orOil French. F.ngiioh and American Pomatums, oils, etc. I etc.. J. K. DkFORD, oct 11 Apothecaries’ Hnll. IMPORTED WINES, Miquors, Solars, and Fancy Articles. The Subscriber has on baud a fine and a well selected stock, comprising the follow- ! j 10 half pipes otnrd. Dupy A Cos I 3do do Old Ilennessy Brandt j- do do S.rzorne, Vintage 1 -IO I 2do do Jean Louis, do 1800 I 3do do .J .1 Dupy j -1 do do Old Reserve Madeira 2do do London Particular J 3do do Old Port Winks 1 odo do Old Sherry 20 casks of Claret [ 20 casks Champagne {20.000 Rio Honda 10,000 Lh Gruiz 5,000 La Upjon lO.OqO La Patria 25,000 Trahucas Also, a large supply of Fancy Groceries, such as im ported Cordials. English Pick Jes and Snucej, Preserves, Prunes and Jelly, lop sale by a. RON AIJD, deeß Corner Bay andWhitnker-sts. i I IST I. A \'l>\u PER iTKAMER SI • I TA—25 hhls choice Apples. 25 lo’choifNi Carter and I I Morcer Potatoes, 10 l ( b}s red and white Onions, 5 bbls , new Buckwheat. 50 hags do,, 2 bbls choice Cranber ries. 5 bbls Self-Raisjqg Flour. Ac. For sale lv GE( * lit* I ! J\\, KX A N DEB. oct 2Q corner Bull k Congress-ts, Monument sqr. OFIiEN BUTTER.—A few firkins superior Goshen ” I Butter, received per stepmi-.r Augusta, and for sajent the Emporium,by sept 14 SEABORN OOODALL SAFETY BOXES, for wax tapers and vesta lights: for sale by foot 8J EUBIJEDGE & BROTHER. I SAVANNAH, MONDAY AFTKItNOON, OCTOBER H. 18M. SPRING ARRANGEMENT, THE LIVERPOOL AND PIULA ! CO.MrANV ! sailing their favorite Stcuui I CITV OF PHILADELPHIA, now being built. ; CITY OF M \NTIIKSTEU. 2105 tmis v Capt, R. I.citch. I CITY OF G LA.SGoW. I'ilO tons. Caj>t. M m. Wylie. FROM I’ll ILA DELPIII A. City oF.GJasgotV L'liursday, Mur 31,.1853 ’ City of Manchester.... Saturday, April 23,1853 City of Ghu-gow Saturday. .May 14. 1553 City of Manchester....Sulunlay. June 11, ]SS3 ! City of Clnsgow Saturday, July 2,1853 FROM LIVERPOOL. City of Manchester... Wednesday, Mar 30,1853 City of Glasgow Wednesday,April 20.1 sr;; City of Manchester... Wednesday, Muy 18, 1853 1 CUy of Glasgow Wednesday, June 8. 1853 City of Manchester... Wednesday. Julv 0. 1863 RATES OF PASSAGE.’ HtOJI IdIII.VDCLJMUA. I FRU.M IJVKT.POOI. Saidon Berths uo Dol. Snloun Berths...2o Guineas Midship - •• jMid.diip “ ...15 i Forw-ud “ 55 “ |Forward “ ...13 “ Including Steward's Fees. THIRD CLASS PASSENGERS. A limited number of Third ('lags Pns>'iigers will be ! taken from Pliilhdtdpblu and Liverpool and found in provisions. I Fr-.ui Philadelphia...s2o | From Liverpool $35 ’ of pas-'itge w ill be isMii'd here to parties who are desidilus t,f bringing out their friends at cor i responding rates. Drafts on the Agents and tlie Bank of Ireland from £1 and upwards. tU, • FREIGII I’ ON GOODS 60s. PER TON. I Bills oflndiug for goods frt>ni Havre sigmd by the i agents there, through to Philadelphia at S22G, per J ton. An experienced surgeon will be carried on each ■■iiip All good sent, to the Agents in Philadelphia and Liv- , erpool, will be forwarded with economy and dispatch. For freight or passage apply to THuMAS RICHARDSON, 9 Walnut .st.. Phlla..and 11 Exchange Place, N. V PADELF*IRD, FA V A Cl).. Buy st.. Savannah. RICHARDSON, BROTHERS & Ca. M-rU Liverpool. ‘ ~t> HERON'S Jr > REIGI LAU PACIvETLIAEim Philadelphia and Savannah, Tne following vc-els comprize this Line, ami will sail about cvcrv two weeks, viz : Schr. .It'Ll A BUZ \. Cnpt. Hkjukr. do. .1. H. ILILMES, do. Loimk. do. DART, do.; i do. C. A. GREINER, do. I’m . > in: The Vessels arc first cl a s; schooners, and command. .**l by captains experienced in tho trade, and who will use their best exurtions t. give satisfaction to the ship pers. For freight or passage (having good aecomim dations for passage; apply t WILIS k BRUNDAGK. No. 72 Uav-streel. Savannah. llliitoN & M ART] V, marll No 37’.; \ r:h Wh m*, pfifia ldpldw. ! PREMIUM SEWING BIRDS. , The-e useful and justlv . elebraied Rirds are ..ffered by tie- Original Mauuf:..-1 urcr>. and fryj* recommended to ih,-f ;i ..ti..,f the V Ladies, as art kies whirl, in |mim of useful lie ~ beauty and durability, cannot be Mu passed. But if beauty was the only ground upon whi- b vve could recommend them, we too would be reudv to exclaim, we have enough of stu b. But liowofunub. wo see the fair form of woman, ami the natural beauty which Heave,, has so kindly given her, n.ateri:dly lessened by a drooping form, the natural eunsoqueYice ot s. w iiiL’ In nu unfavorable position Ladies, we trust that we are not si,yin-.’ two liiueh when we tell you. that ot ! the many thousands already -introduced, and in .-n ----'•aut use. none sav aught a’uiust them. Address or ders to (nov J. A.MA\ EKs *; FffESH iIjPPLIKS reOeivqd p* ‘taliuu Macaroni, while aud yellow Vermicelli, Pearl, i Barley, Genesee self-raising Flour, Rutter, Sugar. Pic nic and Soda Crackers. Pig Hams. Smoked Tongues,- BolognaSau.-ago and Smoked Be, f. W. G. DICKSON, apr 7 corner Whitaker stand Brough'on-lane. N* K\V KOOKS—I ho Mud Cabin: or the Char tic ter and Tendency of British Institution, as il- i 1 usirated in tlieireffect upon Human Charatter and Deal. y. by Warren Ishiun. Tim Forged Will: r Crime and Retribution, by Tun ers,,n Bennett. The White Cruiser; or the Fate of the Unheard of,by Ned Buntline. Edith's Legacy; .r (lie Long M ood ot the Grange, t.v | the author of Adelaide Lindsay. Jane Setbb; or. the King’s Advocate: by James! Grant, author of- Romance of M ar. Ac. Ac. The Rudiments of Building: f--r the u.-e of \r< hi- j teets. Builders. Draught-men, MachiuisLs, Engineers, . and M eel .antes: bv John Bulloek. The Rebel Scut: a Romance<.r Hie American Revo- J lution, by Aria A-1.l md. Vi det. the Danseuuse: or Court-hip and M edio k. bv the author of-Tl,c Giet,” -Munling to Wive-. ’ Burnuui’s News. NV.-Pb Putnam’s Magazine,tor ()ctol,er. Received hy oct 4 CUBBEDQE & JffIOTIIBR. AGENCIES. The undoTsigned is Agent f,r the sale ot 9f(fO] Gaorifla Burr Mill Stone, dressed furnish French Kurr, Cologne uud ]■> pus Mill Stone? of everv dimension. Wiltin’). I‘nlcut Ktrc-ProofSafes; Burns k Griswold's Sea Island Colton and Cotton Suw Gins. Taylor’s patented Georgia Straw Cutter, the moat | competent of any in use at present. * ¥ * Specimens of ail the. to be seen at the ! Ware-house, 171 Bv?-,-t.. Savannah. feb 3 CHAS. H. CAMPcTHLI). HATS! HATS!! HATS!! m Just received, per Alabama, u’large lot of , t,lin’d and untrim'd Bonnets, I tnhrelln.-, ami ; every variety of Fall and M inter Ha is.Caps,sc. ! Me will sell a tetter m-vv style'Silk Hat,(ami of our ! own manufacture; at $3,5u, than cau be produced in i Savannah. M e also wi-h it didinctly ..nderstood, that we make [ ourown Hats, nd put no other makers name in the I tips, especially those that have been defunct for years. ■ j sept 27 ‘ BELDEN *CO. WILD ailTill (’ WDV! VG REE ABLE to tin* taste, aud warranted (if used ! according to tho directions, which are simple.) to ! j cure all < uses “trot GI IS and C* iI.DS, which are with- [ ! in the natch of anv Modieino, hosltles nff. rding relief in | . ,-ase< oI’CKGI P. \STIIM A. CATAU'HtS. and BRUN CH ITIS, and being one of tho most useful remedies in ; the early stages of CoN SUMPTION. ■ Mr, K K.'E in placi.ig this article l-efore the public, l claims not to have discovered or itlgeniou.-ly com i pounded Medichio- hitlmrto unknown.t,r known only [ a.s separate remedies or in such coinhinations as pre i prevented the full f->ree.of their beneficial effects. Nov ! does he aver that his COUGH CANDY bos the approval <ff the * entire, al Famltv,” or ! | has been recommended by the-um t enlightened Phv , j siciatis,” hut he would merely stale, that having him- ‘ i .-elf siifix-redsuveroly from Bronchial Affection attend- I ; ,and with Coughing and Night applied toonnof ‘ : the facultv w hose prescript ion afforded suchHperdvro- 1 | lief aud resulted in uch perfect cure that In was in- ‘ 1 dueed to obtain n know led go of the Ingredients and the 1 : manner in'which they might be p.xp. rly compounded ; w' give them a convenient t/'palatable form -Inc which he has bad the satisfaction of aduiini-ter i ing it nucciMtsfully in many casess. The ingmljcnts •f which tlus Candy D composed mmong which M ild • Cherry i the prim-iplo) are perfectly harmless, and I nmy be taken by persons of all ages at all times. • I ‘ulikc many of tho Cmuli Candies now offered fir i .-ale. (purporting to he tha product ol’profouud medi • cal research, but. which nrh in reality the concoctions j ! of genuine C.indv Makers.) this article is not expected ; j to cure-all the ills that tiesli is heir to,” but is pent, i linrly adaptwl to the few diseases above mention, .1. ■ . and itis:‘ad of being composed of the poorest quality 1 | of Sugar, infused with the extract , f Ifourhouud. it is i made from Sugar in its highest, slnte of perfection, j < and eouiatna well known and approved remedies, j Try it, audit- intrinsic, merit will epll forth a spoil tan- ; couß approval from you which e’er long shall give it j | n popoulnritv uuparalltilort tn tho history of nostrums. I Brice 25 cents per Rnekago. ! Each genuine package of RICK’S COUGH CANDY: will bear on the envelope the signature of TC RJCE, Cor. Broughton k M'hitaker-sts. Country Merchants can 1-e supplied hy tho Box, each box containing 50 packages, at $0 25. oct 10, ts VIKULVO UNDERSHIRTS & DRAW KRS. Now opening per steamer, a full assort ment. of Undershirts and Drawers of Merino. Flannel, red and whitn French. Flannel Shirts and Undershirts ’ for Ladies’ Merino Shirts. Undershirts and 1 Drawers for Boy s. Shaker half Hose, rfc., for kulo cheap ‘ [by [oct ll] GEO. V NlvttOLSC i MODICRATK—IMPARTIAL.—I\I)KIENDK XT— JUST. SPRING AND SUMMER CLOTHING, FOR 1858, Geo. S. Nichols. , HAS recgntlv recoiltlv returned from HlffM v ' w Vork - “ lK ' ri> he has been selectin I ‘[lyund having made up his Spring and 1 Lai IHU Summer Clothing, and invites his friends and customers to look at the following which are good and fu-hionably made and offered on rcuaonable terms. Men’s Clothing. 75 Men's Blue. Black. Frock and Dress Coats, 750 do. Cashiuerct, J)rnp D Ele, Merino. Alpaca,Tweed l*lunt-*r's Linen, Cream Linen, Uruss Linen Frock and Sack Coats. 250 Merino, Alpaca, l.iucu Drill uud Cotton Round Jackets. 750 Funev Silk. Satin, Alpaca, Linen, White and Fig’d M:\r-eiiles Vests. ptXl AVhite ami Fancy Colored Shirts - all qualities. 360 Undershirts and Drawers, do do Boys’ Clothing. As notice was given tlmt 1 would go largely into the 1 Boya’ Clothing. 1 would inform the in that 1 have the largest assortment in oueStoroiu tlu- .’south, and will be sold cheap and at one price. 500 Hoys’ Frock Coats, and Sacks of all kinds* uud quality. 7')o Boys’ Round Jackets of great variety. 550 do. Cassimere, Drilling, Alpucas, Dr up IVEU Bants. 300 do. Silk, Valencia and Marseilles Yosts,great va riety, 250 do. M'hito and Uol’d. Shirts, from sto 10 years old. 75 Small Children’s Suits, Kilts, and little Sacks, as sorted. Also a good supply of Boys’ Drawers, in fact a com pieso outfit for ]’••;■ of any age at a moment's notice. Fancy Articles. Handkerchiefs t ‘ravuts. Stm ks, (ib.ves, Su-penpcr.-, Money Belts, Children’s Belts. Combs. Brn-lu—. Neck tics. Port Monai-.Curd(,'nscs. Collars, riubrrlla-.Snt’ h els,Carpet bags. Ostrich Feather Dusters, Coat Link- Shoulder Braces. Caps, Ac.. Ac. Those in want will, now find a full assortment of the above at the Cloth ing Store, No. 160 and O'*. Gibbons’ Range. mar 25 AGRICULTURAL WARE-HOUSE, 170 BAV-BT SAV ANN VH, GA. -N. The subscriber is prepared to **'<S y furnished Planters,Contuiy \ler hunts and us, at UIIULE AgricuUurn 1 I mplcmcnt s, Consisting chietlv ..t Bhnigh,-. Cultivators, Harrows, Cv*ri si hellers. .Straw Cutters. Powder and Hand Corn Mills, Fan Mills, Smut Mills, Road Bcrapers, Root Bullers. Grain Cradles; grain, grass and bush .Wilms, Reap Hooks, (.'anl- n aud Pnmnu) Implements of all kinds. Mill and Cotton Gin G.-aring. Mill Becks and Mill Irons, j?uw Cummers, bales ami screw’s for lifting Mill htcnvM. Best Dutch anchor bnltiug Cloths; 80-! gnrdus A Trunibull's patent Horse Bowers; rioe and grain Thrashers of various makers. 1 Make’s Patent Ohio Tire Proof* Paint. Hydraulic Cement and calcined Blaster, in quantity: best sperm ami oilier Oils for lamps, paint and mn chinerv: patent leather Belting, double and single from 2 to Is inches width; sUtrbcd. cemented and copper riveted: India Rubber do.. 3 amt 4 ply. of nil widths: patent lace and picker string Leather. Copper Riv ets and Burrs Douglas.-’ patent >b#ve and Stf turn . Pumps, chain Bumps. hvalrnulicUains. lend pipe to fit: 1 Collins and other makers approv.-d Axes and Hatch ot-. wood and hand Saws. Ames’ Shovels and Spades, | English patent and cm n Hoes, and American best manufactured Hoes, of all sizes; hay and manure Forks, Chisels. Ilamm-r- and Nails, assorted; garden and canal M liec-lbar,-ows, cotton ware house and store 1 Trucks, patent plats-rm, counter aud beam Scales, ot all sizes: MireCt-.ih. A.-. BIUCUS UK AS* NAIILE—TKItMs ACCOMMODATING. Wool, Hides. Furs and Beos* Wax, BOUGHT at all time.-, and pa and tbr in cash at current ■ market | rives. CIIAS. 11. CAMBFIELD, feb 3 | NEW WATCH, CLOCK, JEWELRYTaND FANCY STORE, Xo. I IS Rnnighlon-St.. MR. FRANCIS STEIN. Manufacturer n! Chronometers. Clocks. Town Clocks, Ac., Ac., j -R t'e.-peetfullv iuliirms hi- > ustouiers and the ‘ public- genera 11 v that he has titled up the Store 148 Broughton -t., where he intends to make a permanent location, and carry on the Jewelry business j ifi its various branches. Wutehos. Clocks, Tbwu Clocks. I Chronometers, Jewelry. Ac.. Ac., cleaned aud repaired j with dispatch and warranted. Now fashion Jewelry and Fancy Goods of all descriptions sold at the lovre-.-t prices possible. X. 11.—Any M atch. Clock. Ac., that cuunot be re paired by other watchmakers. 1 pledge uiyself shall bo repaired bv me to satisfaction an-l w.-u ranted, nov 4 „ ly FRANOIB BTWN THIRTY HOUR STRIKE LEVE , CLOCKS JEWELED. THESE Clocks are constructed ,nt eonside- , hj. ruble extra expense) with a particular tv if-’ grd to durability, the most serious objw *'”n RUh’- lever—ilie wearing of the points ■ ifL- 35s of the balance shutl and screws, the eonse tuent increase of friction and decrease’ in motion alter ; running a short tint.—being obviated by the use ..f a polishedstone jewel, straight pivot or bearings,iusteud I of points to the balance shaft. They ur*-ca-e-l in beautiful cast Iron, ornamented j frames, audvvarrautc I to be as perfect time-keepers as , the best are in use. For sale at the Jewelry St ore, 129 | Congress-st. feb 5. j Nt.w BOOKS! NSW BOOKS 11-- Reeeivi-l t.y S. S. .SIBLEY. Tluir.-duv, July Mill. Margaret Pcrcivul. by the author of- Amy Herbert,” i Ac Edited by Kev Wm S well, Father Gazazzi's Lectures in New Vork, with lib Life, corrected and authorized bv him-df. Manc.Mii’s Ferial and Met hod of teaching the French Language. Lives of the Brc-i touts of the Butted States, with sketches of Remarkable Events. Helen and Arthur, or Mi-sThusa's Spinning M heel; a Novel—bv Miss Lee llentz. Life and Adventures of VnllenMnc Vox. the Ventril oquist :hy Henry Cos. ktnn. a most huomrous work. s ALS i. A H IM II F.R SI'PPLV OF Yankee Notions, or the Whitllhiga of J< nnUmn’s ! Jiu-k Knife. Beautifully illusCiiifeiL Villetle. by Curn-r IMI. l'ln-Swamp St< ed. The Cor.-nirChieftain, llaz.d’s new Sea Story. Wild Sport- .*f the West; I.V Wm II Maxwell. Major Jones’ Courtship. Sj.njnr Jone.-’ Trav els. | Chronfi-lesof Bir.-vilb-. Rod.-rick the Rover. Nathalie, n Tab-: bv Julia Kavun.-dt. Six Years Liter, or the Taking (ff the Bastille Ac. &p. For'aaiorit*No.l36. Congrcaa-at. .july 14 NEW mnKS. I’ OI.'ISK HLT(I\; ... Tliii.v- Swu mv. Ilt-ard, a j .V..VCI: In Mrs. ‘irirv Mil.Un.k; or Ilia Slnial. T-lalld Child— StiaMl ‘ from life, together with highly interesting stories: by I Caroline I.eejlenlz. Sam Slick's Wise Saws nnd Modern li.stancos; or What he -aid. did or invented. Aniifnwntiri-m—A Talc of the South: by Mi.-s. Ma rtha Main e Butt. Nancy Waterman; nr Woman’s FaitJ. Triumplmut— 1 a st.u v of New York * it v : hy C. F. llamingDui. Lnfltte, the Finite of tho Gulf: by J.H. Ingraham. The of the Isles; or the Lake Bravo: by Charley Clewline. Notabilities in France and England—witlran euto- • biography : by Bhilarotto Charles, Professor of the Baris Institute. Harry ’■• vyrdide’s Courtship, and what came of it: hv the author iff “Frank Fairleigh. “Louis Vrun dbll. ’&e. Ac. VolOme 1, Putnam's Magazine, bound neatly iu 1 Cloth. Further supply of My Novel. Barmi n's News. No. 23. Arthur s Magazine f..r June. Ri Wed by GEORGIA MARBLE WORKS. J*G. Ruukliu Wm. 31. Httrllck, Geo. L. Siimmi-y, (Sticveusora to A. At linn on <U Cos.) IMI IS Establishment has boon in sueces-ful opera tion for a number of years. The quarries arc I well opened, and tho Marble is superior to any i.i tl.e j United .States. We have so perfected our facilities forgetting out j and tinlslitngyvork.that yvecan furnish MON I’ M ENTS, ; TOMBS. TABLETS. HEADSTONES, and every thing i in mir line of business, in butter stylo and 4t oUoupor j rates. Ilian any yard in tho noun try. When it is considered that we smv ourown Marble, ! pay no Jobber’s profit, and no high freight from the North, it will he seen'that wo do possess material ad vantage over all competitors. We ecmtially solieUnur tVieiids and tjift public to ex- j amineour work, and compare our prices yvlth those <ff other yards, before ordering Northern Marble. We have on hand at our yard in Mavletta, a large j assortment of finished work—Monuments, Tombs, I (fa. —yvl.oreour agent. Mr. G. \V. Summers, yvill sell ut | our prices. Our principal work is done at the Mills ‘ rAddress .1. C,. RA N KIN k CO., july 18 ly Marble Work B. 0.. Ga. i) iV Every newspaper publishing the above advor fur 12 months, nnd sending us one copy the same length of time, we yvill furnish th n. an impos ng stone of 12 or 13 superficial feet delivered at Mari -1 tta depot. lAREJSII SI’PPIjIKS-•Received per steamer . Augusta.—Xeyv Wheat—lliram Smith's double extra Genossoe Flour. New N S Salmon, neyv No 1 Mackerel, new Codfish Smoked Tongues, Soda Biscuit, Butter Crack ors Fancy Crackers. Also, Jo bbls Crushed and Clarified ugars. For sale by WM. O. DICKSON. . ! sept 14 Corner'Vbitaker-ut and Broughton Lnae ! IftUSl* USS IHKE( l oin . 8. M. PETTING ILL A .CJ’S ADVERTISING AGENCY, 102 nas.s.u sruiiKT, ,v;:w vor.K, And No. i'i Stale (/&(, Boston P. A Cos. are Agents for tit-.’ most influential and lar gest circulating Commercial Papers both hi the United : States and the Canadas. NEW YORK ADVERT!SEMENT9 HODGETT3, TAYLOR & HODGE ITS, ~ VVHOI.F.SM.K M V.M'J AoTUIU VS Os PLANISHED UN WARE, 158 W illlmu-Ht., in ilic- roar, NEW-YORK. Tea aud Coffee Urns, Chafing Dishes, Veni son Dishes, Dish Covers, Egg Codiers, Coffee Pots, le.t Pots, Coffee Filters, Nurse Lamps, AND E\ i:ivV ARIICLE IN THE TRADE. oct 24 limos s>fi ;kkb-: !■;’* CELEBRATED CHEMICAL YEAST OR BAKING POWDERS, In t: aup .t, JhuU’nal. -nr >jt Useful and K:uui/iui<\d Article, j a raising Bread, Biscuit. I'rnd , (JriiiilU, and Johnny Putfri/. P,i laiii js, Sweet Cakes. Coro Hi rad. dc., ’ I Ml is i- the most economical, useful. conrenienUnd 1 healthy eompoutul in exi.-t-nce. tbr ratsingßread biscuit,t-ae v -.Buatrv Pialdtiigs. Ac., with cither \\ heat live Indian <>r Buckwheat Flour. It is tutimii-pensible article in tin- mllnary .lepartmeut, ol every household i e.stabli-hno-ut. and there is no Cook or Housekeeper iu er.-ati -n who will be without it after having fairly ; tried it. Sold by the printipnl Grocers and Druggists. Opinions of tho Press. Those who have trie! it. have found th .t the adver tisement doe- not vaunt its praises too highly.-Talla hassee rinridiuu uud Journal, F, b. 1.1, 1H53.’ Il.msekeepcrs who havotestel the quality of this pow-Jer. pronounce unanimously in ii- favor.—AocA p .rt Jhtily Courier. It surpuss.-s everything in the way of rising, we ever : yet saw ued in tl.e baking of caku.— tiahway Advo cate and Ur;,st-April 15. 185;*.. This is HO nra.-leofsueh utility in various kinds of rookery, that when it.- virtu-.- become properly known ! no hou-ekoeper that studies comfort and ecououiv, i will willingly do without it.—.V. F. Pick., May 21. No one need lie-itatetn use DurkeeV all important | article to housekeepers Urpublicau Banner and Xolnillt Wh,.j. l\h. 17. 1853. Would you have light b oad.sweet bread, bread that ! you can eat with a g od rehdi, do not forget to pro eurcDurk. e s Baking Bowd.-r. and you will not fail to have good hroild, cakas; Ac.— -JVoy Daily Timeii May . ~ \\ e iiave tried thi-article and can recommond it with | perfect ronfiiieuec. —Qioluc (JantU. July. 1852. Durkee s Baking Bowler vve have Died at our house atid our “better half” was astonished at the result.— : .V. r. Italy Tun s. on. 23. All good housewives Will rej.dee in and glorify the ! ttameof DtirKco, after tb.-v have give,, his Baking Bovvdor a fair trial— X. iv Yuri. San. 3d, 1,852. i Durke-’s Baking B-wder, umloubtedlv the best arti cle f.>r thi- purpo-e that has yet been discovered.—.V. i )'. Dutrhm in. Feb. 12. 1853. The highest commendations, from hundreds of the largest and most table wholesale hoUPca in this, i and nearly every b.rg- Vi:. on this Continent, could ! bo given if Sjueu allowed it. Kip Tho arti, lo i- w .rranb-1 to give satisfaction.— 1 Orders ,mj, >/. ,i„■ f. Cash tell hr promptly J, lied. | i:. i; in; itK he. Sole Proprietor and Manufacturer, Wholesale Dealer in Sal Soda. Cienui ol Tarlnr, Sup | Curb Sod,.. Cooking Extract*,'Wax .Mntcbei, i(e. I 8.1 Wat.r-slmt,.\cw York. nu: 17 3m CARPET AND FLOOR CLOTH WAREHOUSE ( urlainn, Cnrtaiit &c. No. 150 Congress aud 57 St. Julicm-streets. j'Y\\V\ TiliT aBBSCHIBER would respectfully in- I iMfiUlj for,n P"^^ c that be lilts now opened the complete assortment of all the various , styles of < iO >DS usually kept in similar establish- j incuts. The stock of the different departments will i consist, in part, of the following Goods, vi/,: Carpet Department. Royal Velvet Tapestry Brussels, Moivt Brussels. I Brussels, Velvet. Tapestry and Bru-.-vl.s for -stairs. 3 ; ply, Superfine. Fine, and ( ominon Ingrain. Plain and I Twilled Venetian f>r -tailhalls, etc. Druggets 0-4, i 12-4 and 10-1 in width, of every variety of patterns. \ Hearth Rug.-. Parlor aud Stoop Slats. Table.-nnd Binnu i Covers, Silver and Brass Oval and Octagon Stair Rods, ; Stair Linen, etc. Oil Cloths. Qfovery width, from 1 to S yards, for halls, dining ‘ rooms, f team boats, saloons, etc.; Rosewood, Mahoga-, ! nv and small figured Furniture Oil UMlis, 4-1, 5-4 j wide; Figured India Rubber Cloth for stairs. j Curtains. Silk and Worsted Dutnnsk DcLnine, Worsted and 1 Linen Damask DeLaine, Figured and lMain Datuusks. Variety of colors. White and Buff for Shades. Window Shades. Transparent Landscape. Medallion, Garland, and j White and Gold, entirely new style. Cord, Loops. Tits- 1 sols, with all the various Trimmings for Curtains and J Shades. Gilt Corni cos. Band*, Loop-s and Bins, of the greatest variety and | patterns, of the latest importation—all of which will i be’ Id.fttwhole.-rule or retail.on the most liberal terms, i WM. H. Gil ON, Agent, ort 20 150 Congress and 37 St. Juliun-sts. F. wMe AUTHOR & CO., (8109 OF rI IK llto CUFFKKFOTI WIIOI.KS.VI.K \NI RETAIL TIN WARE MANUFACTORY A XI) stovi; w usi: kooji. WK have now, and keep cow- ■ st.-mtly >n hand, a full and ex- U; “ tennivo &*TtH’K. which we offer on pj£-jg*jiiqL very reasonable terms. Pumps, Lend Plpe< Sheet Lead, Copper uud Zinc. These Bumps are of simple construction, and every part perfectly fitted—they are so made that they may be taken npart and access gained toall the valves with j out taking up the pipes, or even detaching the plat- j ! form, to which the Bump is fastened. Wei, re also .-el ling the celebrated Itiick Pattern I Cooking Stove, for yvood. which is being very | j extensively used iu tho city and country. The sue- | i cess of this Stove, since its introduction by us, has ; ! been gratifying—nothing has ever been offered to the I public for euleiiurv purposes that lias given such gen- : I cral satisfaction. Wo shall take great pleasure in i 1 showing this Stove, whether you purchase of us or j not, and we think wo can sati-rv you that this Stove I is superior to any ever offered fur sale in this market. | mar 24 ’ STORK, NO. 13 BARNARD-ST. CHEAP SUGARS AND TEAS gar, Crvstnlized, Granulated do.,’ ; s : % A | 1 ’ lbs. for fl. Also, sparkling, bright Coffee j Lower Grades Brown Sugar, 14 lbs. fi.r .41. j Dark (suitable for servants) Sugar, 17 lbs. for sl. FRESH TEAS—Selected from the latest Importa- | | tions, consisting of:—Extra Hyson. Extra Fine Gun- i powd.yr. and Ooolong. ■ Fresh Mustard. Sardines, Pickles, Preserves. Sweet ! Oil, Almonds, firticy Brunos, Brandy, London j 1 Mustard, Benches. Turkey Figs, extra large nnd fine, j j nail 20 boxes Raisins 0.11 clustered—whole, naif and quarter boxes—Mace, Nutmegs, Spices, Ac. i Just received per steamer —2 bbls. Pig Ilnms; 50 ! Smoked Tongues, large size; 50 lbs. Bologna Sausages; j I 2 bbls. Smoked Beef. | For sale at DICKSON’S, i jnn 20 Cor. Whitaker st. and Broughton lane. SOMETHING VERY HANDSOME. Hats for Small anil Large lloys. mTIIE Ladies of Savannah have long wanted to get something very pretty for their Children in tho way of HATS, They can now rind such ar -1 tides at Iho Clothing Store. No. 09 and 150 Uihbon’s rantre. where I am now receiving Panamas. Leghorns, | China and JMmoro Pearl. Campee.ha.ltuHand nnd Can i ton Straw, and Palm leaf— all noatlv trimmed, to fit j Hoysfrnm one to fifteen yearsob* Call and see. ! mar ltd GEO.S. NICHOLS. BOOTS AND SHOES. J2O CASKSfineseyved calfskin Boots; JL.. B 2 do. do. peggged do. do.; Monterey and Congress iioots: Ladies’ and Gent's Gaiter Roots; Ladies’ Ties and Slippers; lioys’ nnd < Youth’s Shoes; 5,000 pairs Plantation Brogans. For sale by STALKY A HENDRY, oct 28 Sign of tho Golden Eagle, Congress st. , ; Oi/ GIIEF.X HOUSE PLANTS Three hundred pots Green House Plants, in full | comprising an elegant assortment of - - -• various und rare kinds, will be opened and of- : ferel for sale this morning* by muy 18 W. W LINCOLN, Monument rq. MARRIAGE, HAPPINESS AND CONI PETE.\ UK. wur is it? r piIAT we behold man j females, scarce tn the men- I dian ot 111- broken in health mid spirits with a complication ofdi-eascs aud ailments, depriving of the power for th- enjovment of life at an age w ben physical health, buoyancy of spirits, and Imppy s.nen. ity of mind I at but- from u condition of health .should be predominant. Many of the -mi of her suit, rings m first—perhaps ; years before, porlmps during girlluHMl.or tin f.r.-t years of marriugo—were in origin so light us to pass unnoticed, and . f course neglected. IX AFIEK n AUS When too late to be bract.lied l.y our knowledge. M look back and mourn,and regret the full cousequciiccs 1 o! our ignorance Wbat wpultl wo not often ;lvo to p. m early life the knowledge we obtain in alter years! A. I what days *md nights of anguish w might not hay. been spared, if lh kuowled*;e was timely p ssevsed. - It is MKLAXt iIOLY AXD STAUTI.IMi To behold tho sickness and suffering emhu- dby many n wife for many years, from . au.-es -imple and control ‘ In tile, easily remedied—or better still- not h.curr and. if every wife ax it Moran: Powwssed the information contained in n little volume (within the reach ot us ull. yy hi.h would spare to Lei YEARS OF MISERY. And to her husband tho constant . il and anxiety t .j blind, necessarily devolving upon him fr in -i Um'-s.-i the wife, without giving him the .*p,ortunit\ i quiring that competence whi. I. hi- exerli..| - are enti tled. and the possession of win I. woufiUccurc the b ... pine.-s of himself, wife and cbildr. u. SEUUUE THE MEAXS OF If AFFIX I “S By becoming 111 time p. -,-essed nf ; knoyy|ed_e. th. want of which has caused the sickness and poverty • thousands. In view nf such consequences, no wife or mother t excusable if she neglects toavail hcrselfof il.ul know ledge, in respect to herself, which would spare bet much suffering, bo the means of happiness and pm-, perily to her husband, and e nter upon her eldldr. n that blessing at.ove all price—bellihv bodn-. win, healthy minds. That knowledge is .ontaiued in a lit tie work entitled TiII;.MARRIED WOMAN'S Private Medical Companion. BV IR. A. M.M At RIrL.U . One Hundrrtli F/lition.) pp. 2 >O. /Ve. 50 Cents First publiVhed iiVl's'p. 1 and Vt'i- in.t si upj:/sixi: on uoxp/ i. fi /.. C onsidering that everv l'riaal*. tvlit tkei mauled ornot.ean here un.i.ii, u full knowledge of I he nature. aeter and muses of lier eom |.I aln ts, with the various symptoms, and that nearly HALF A Mtl.l.lOX conus. should have been sold. It is impracticable to convey fully the various sub jects treated of. us they are of a nature strictly inten ded for the married, or those contemplating marriages but no female desirous ot enjoying health, aud that I beauty, consequent up n heultli. yvliich is so coudm tive to herowu happiue.-s. and that of her husband. , but either has or will obtain It. as has or will eycry : husband who has the love and uffeeti<.>u of his wife at heart, or I hut of his own pecuniary improvement. UPWAUDS OF OXE Hi XDUEIJ lUUISAXIt COPIES Have been SEXT BY MAIL within the last few mouths. CAUTION TO THE ITUI.IC. HE A O T DEFE Al HEIH \ Buy no book unless “Dr. A. M. Maurireau, 129 Lib ! orty Street N. V.” is on the title page, and the entry i in the Clerk's OtHco on the buck of the title page: unit ! buy only of respectable uud honorable dealers, .r | send by mail, and address to Dr. \. M. Muuriecuu. as there are spurious aud surreptitious infringement | ofeopvrlght. [ LET EVERY WIFE AXD 111 SEA XD n>.\l>FU Xo excuse for Ignorance, when Ignor ance In .>11 > to t tiose u e hold n nr anti dear, and when to di>pt lour Ig norance Is wit hln our retie h . To enable every one tndccidc upon the i.rU-i j . lie necessity ol pos-esing a copy, and that no yvife. m | mother need remain uniformed upon the ninnv can* I e.s, which sooner or later, are destined to make fearfu! ! : ravages upon her health, unless guarded against, mid I 1 that no (’•'risliliTnte arid affectionate hu.-hand imve 1 f cause to upbraid himself yvfth neglect of the welfare of ! I hia yvife—a pamphlet of thirty -is pages. . ••iitaining i full Title-puye and Itulv.r (>f Coiih nts. together wn h , \ j i tracts from the lxok. yvill he sent free nf dm rye to any ! part of the United Stateo, by addressing, post-puid as | herein. When Knowledge is Ilniipincs.s,*(ia ! culpable to lie igmmuit. HU- On receipt of tine Dollar (for the fine Edition, j extra binding;.-Tiik Markii.m Woman’s BistVAi r: Mkd -ICAL CoMi'AMON’is sent I HiaUcdfr, a to; MV part of the I U nited States. All letters must be po\ j 'aid. nud ad dressed to Dr. A. M. MAURIGEAU. 1<• a 1224. Ny\. Vork City. Bublishing Olftce, No, 12J Liberty Street, New-Vork. For sale bv Lee k Whitman, Rio R F. Rennet. 1 CmwvillojDoyal A Sours. McDonough; J. A. Reynolds, Dahtoucga: F. Voungbloo.l,Oglethorpe, tin. In New York l’ity,bv Stringer .v Town-end. Adri anee, Sherman k Go. Ifewitt ,v Davenport, and Barnes *Co- • NEW BOOKS. / 1 REAT Truths by Great \utl.. i>: n die t i„narv m ”JT aids t reflection, quotations ot inn\in -n e!;i phors.coiin.-els. cautions, aphorism .proyc.l.- ,ve.,Vo.. | from writers ..fall age- and both h. mb| l,cu.-. The Evening Book: or. Fireside Talk on Moral- ; and Manners, with sketches of \V,.-nni Lite: bv I | Mrs. Kirkland, author of “ A New Home.” kr Ac. ’ | ! The Bible in the Counting House: n c ur-e . t Lee- ! | tures t.. Merchants: by II \ Boardumn. D. D. I Rowland Trever: or*the Bilot of Human l ife: be- ! ! Ing an autobiography ul the author—Gaming how te ! j make or lose a fortune, and how to make me thcr. The Race for Riches, and some of the 111.-into which I I the runners fell-six Lie-iuras. applying the word ot i God to tho trnflle of men: by Wm. Arm*, minister <•! ! Free St. Beter- . (Gn-gow : Aineriemi e.Vi -n.yyith \ ref , 1 ace mid notes, by Stephen Colwell. The Doubting Comm uni. nnt Encouraged: hv Scpti ! mus Tustln, D. D.. late Chajduin of the I nitcd Stales ] Senate. Second edition. Marco Paul’s Voyage. Travels and Adventures in 80-ton : hy Jacob Abbot Marie de Bern hire: a Tale of the Crescent ( itv. Ac.. Ac.: by W.Gilmore Simms, author of the Yeina-.-ec Ac. Ac. AmericanGnim-in its Seasons; bv Ifenrv WUHnni 1 Herbert, author of the “ Shooting Box,” “DcerfrUGU- Mrs.” kr. A c. A Dictionary of Domestic Medicine and Ilom-ebohl Surgery; by Spencer Thompson. M. |>.. revifte.l—-with addition, hy Henry H Smith. M. D., Surgeon to Lt Joseph’s Hospital. Philadelphia, j Memoirs. Journal and Correspondence. ofThm.s ----i Moo.e, edited by the Right Hon. Lord John Ru-.-dl. M. B.—Bart IV. j Cyrilla: ..Toll by the author of “Tho Tnidals.” ; Harry Ashton; or the Will aud the W,.v by the . author of “MinnieC.rev.” “Gus Howard Ac. The White Wolf: of the Secret Brother wood— ! Romance: hy Paul Fcvnl, author of the “ Mysteries < of London,” Ac. Minny Lawson; or the Out Law’s League—a Bo I ...imec of Gotham: l.yCharlc- Red .Swans, j The Dancing Feather, or Pirate Schooner; by J. ii | Ingraham, Esq. ’ The School-fellow’s 1 irt Quarter—a wist Book fi-r i Children, editedfiv tt\ C. RjirViards and Cousin Alice. 1 I Butnum’s Maeazlne for June. ; Barnum’s Ulustrnted News. No. 21. j Bcoccived by Ijune 1] J Jt. (TRREDGK. \ CONFECTIONARIES. r | 1 11E subscriber begs leave toinfirm Ids friends r^,’ I tho citizens ge.nT.iUv nt Savannah and its vieinb | ty. that he Ims purchased the Inferred iff Mr. New I tho Confectionary hithertoowncl by Newron.l j k Rice; nnd that he will conllnuc'to manufacture, and keep always on hand Fresh anil Pure Confer!fonnrles. Manufactured from tin* host materhds. and compris i it>g every variety of Candles. Sugar Blums. Ac. Ac, Ac French Confectionaries, Lemon Syrup, Syrups for Soda Fountains, Together with every iirticfe fn his Rue. always j ’ instore and for wholesale an J retail,*'!, the most j reasonable terms. T. C. RICE. ! 5 ts S. E. Corner Rroughtie. ann V. hitaker-'t "PEKIN TEA COMPANY” Warohouso, 75 and 77 Fulton-at., New York. This TEA Compuuy has always tiuilu-inJri leSM tabled a high rapufalh.ii tbr TEAS ouj®* 5 ” f the most delicious character and fra- W . grsney. ami are warrant .si to give .at- ! l.faoti(n it. every instance. If they do nut prove u's j represented they may he returned. For sale by the; Agent. J. AM A Y F.R. Brough ton-street .* i NEW HOOKS.—FiII. .b,ttlng: i.i- Laughs I have taken a Ben to. l.v N. Parker Will Is. Mon aud Things as 1 saw them iu Europe, by lver wan. Count Ohrlstoval; or a Sequel to Lord (i. W. M. Reynolds. Barnum'fl Illustrated News. No. 42. Received by <>rt 19 CUB.BKDGE A HKOTHER. r l ’'RUSSES.—Marsh's, Hull’s and Reinhart's Trusses, 1. an.l fine French single Trusses, also an extensive assortment of common Trusses. For sale by j sept 14 JNO. B. MOORE A CO, BUTTER AND CHEESE.—.7nt received per steam or Alabama, a fresh supply of Butter nnd Cheese, | a choice article; for sale at the Emporium, bv | sept 12 SEABORN GOOD ALL. No 1 ]!>. 11M W EEKLY $3. _ . —: ‘ —II 1 •” ~ | iijH” GrORGE S. NICHOLS, Hi; AI > A M M)i: ( I.OTIII MRNI IIINti gSOIS, A.. 1 ‘l’ll I I Cloth Beter sham. 1 ur cl and t . loi ’i-t <*y ercoats Gent’s fine Mmk Cloth. ,i Mm.t :•>. GcntT fine blue, Muck, a. : ch.u-t to, 1. ,„.d Dvc. s i Costs. I Oenl’s Cadet Cassimere, T If, imen blackCss- I himere. blue Ca-mu rcFnckni .-. Mi l I um, . - Sack I Gent’.-block Doe l a--imci e omlm re tin, thlrtv 1 different patterns of fancy Ca: , 1 >.i . i later*. Gent's Ve-ts-abi ut l.:t O V.-ts, embii .i ’1 cf the i:'W et y le*. .-• me | erfe. tl\ benutil.d Avery lar_e lot f Satinett Round-Jacket- ami Pants, Hushing. Overcoats. Fro. k and Sack- fir -ir India Rubber and Pilot Chdli Overcoats. Youths’ nmißej's’ Department* has never been equalled in this place and ti e Broa.j Cloth. Beaver Cloth, I’. ter Sham Overcoats Blue. I luck in un, and claret Cloth Brets Frocks, Rim- blink, and brown. andCadct Cloth Dr. s Jack cts. < ; -. t aid Steel mixed .I Ja. ket- Mixed and Kcr.-ey and Round Joe! cts fer Negroes; fine ‘ lack D.• Ca sal mere. Lint* Cloth, in and a lar.c as sorlu.ent ,ff fm.ev coloredCa.*-iinereri.d Satinet Bam-. Dim K Satin f . ured Mlk- M, i,. Black Cb th.and a great variety of Merino All ti the above for toys from lo to 17 years old. Children’s Department: contains very pretty fringed and plain Mn. k Cloth Sii it r-; fumy colored (a-mn-re Soil v •), \.,i- aid connecicd: Genii. -new style. ! It . v Dress Jackets: Link and brown Talma-. Hack and green To gas Overcoats; ciubioideied Cap-. All fi r children from 4 to in veal s. Children, boys’ and youth's white and colored H irts Fancy Articles: | embracing idinost every article for a gentlemen > ward- I robe that canbe eallci f..r. together with tin- richest . ■uncut of .-over-! and plain CABS for m ulleinci. ! yen*i boys, and children. \ B.— M. -t. fthe above eoi ds. tin* Mm and R. y-’ i Clothing, have been made up oxjr.-riy f. r mv tia.le, 1 and under my ins|.. tion. at tin- I can eon , talent ly recommend them :.s good, and as cheap ns can by found el-cwhere The eiti/en- and | üblic gen erally are imbed to call and see at the Clothing Store, 1 Gibbon’e Range. ,„ t 7 , GREAT AT Til ACT 1 * Old II SOT IEEE XT RAISE DIIAHY. , TIIK SI li.SC?It I BEKS beg leave to -late that they j have determined t* s>;.v in Savai•l.ali. andjlave’ This Day coinmeneed to open an entire new FALL AND WINTER STOCK CF BUY GOODS, 1 Which, for ftyh.i aud prir-s. cannot be .-urj a-.-cd ; I and yyould imite the attentjon ot the j iil.iie. viz: 1 Mom-eline de Lain..-, fr. in li ; to t.2 1 ., cents |er yard* I Blain Bersian do.. •• In to ‘ - _U. cents |er y aid. Figured do., from IS to ;'.(i cents per y ard. I French Merinos: Edgli.-li do.: pluin aiid figured Ca. li mercs. French Gala I’laids ('new sty lea.) . Chiniizettes Collars, t hiiiitiUa Veils. Sy\iss arid Cam- I brie Inserting and edgings; besides Prints, hrown aud I leached Shirtings and Sheetings. Flannels, Denims, j Ac, For sale at J. 11. CuRI N A CO.’S, : aept 14 140 Broughton-a trees. DIBBLE & CAREY, -j, Alums Ml TIIS.I I cou y eii Buona/Tox ax a wiijtae eh-ets. Savannah, (tn. I’ll!’ SUBSCRIBERS would call the attention <>f tho . citizens of Sayannah. b. their SPRING STYLES CLOTHS, CASoIMERES AND VESTINGS. Which they are prepared t” manufacture to order, iu j the neatest, and nm-t fasl.ionahle styles. | A!-<>. their stock of Hearty ‘lade Clothing, j all of which have been got up in a superior style to j any ever before offered for sale ir. tin- market. Their stock of FURNISHING GOODS is complete, and well as- rted. The><:o ,a- will he sold on thu I most reusoiiabeund accoinnn-duting terms, tmu ts SHOES ! SHOES !! SHOES !! j For the Full and AVlnlcr Trade, THE SI BSCRIBER would fti* re-1 eel fully . „li the attention 9 ! Ur • ’ V.'iM 'nil i,! L7giV.'.V puHir general!v, t„ hie lnr,-v- SUlck us HOOTS A A E) -IIOK-. I Ili- stock has been selected lyhiiu-. II wit li special .-are I nml particular reference lot lie retail und planters’ trade, that being the iiior-t important feature iff his busine-s. j lie . ..nfi.b ntty offers t. bi? rttstotiierc nrttl the public “orkofn puperior quality and on reasonable tei ms. j 11.- stock comprise- all the varieties ..-.tally kept in a Shoe -lore, omsibiinp of Livii. she Roots, and Gai ters of every variety: Gentlemen*.- Boots. Shoes and Congress Gaiter-: also, Mi--, s'. Boys’, VoulhC. and I’hiMren's Sb. es ..f cy. rv kind. In connr- tiMi wifb the a boy c he ha- n large -lock of xEURO i:r(k; \ .\s, wld. I. .an sat. Kbe r-. ommen.!, and u < ri. • article INo effort yyill he-pared n sni.-Jaelioi,. A call is solietad from y ou purchasing, j se| i ‘4 ; W M III!’ i 1. GiM„ , . TEA VELLEIUS TRUNK DEPOT, (4ililon‘a Rang. . CTv W il i ’” ‘ N1( H'JLS. ha- riven Mv re- C *-rv v.-ived a large supply < • T.aycifeirij \ ; Trunk.-. I ulUc- nu t i; : ,, t lings, ’ among wlu. h are the f. Rowing • | Superior English Sole Leather, i:..u,-. new put- Do. black ilariv -• Leather. Iron franu s. Bind and bronzed Leather Ladies T. .inks, n“w style 28, 30 and :;2 in. I. bias hand, ,-> trn fin. u 28. 30 and D2i.a h Mack and bronze 1-. hos. 50 common Mack packing Trunks, various Sole leather and . ommon leather \uih.. s. Ladles Hat Boxes, new patten -and brrmre. 100 Wilton. Bril- ‘•!*. Tap. ry and Carpet Rug-, all Am -and qualities log. iher ith Satchels. Those in want are invited to giyc him n .Ml u t Urn I’l thing Store, Gibbon - Ran ■ . where gi -at bargains will be given Call uud see. ...ay 4 Jam— -in. TUV* SLBSCRIBER, bats Vs3 | i ill just r. c-ived n ... and a--, ri inent of J’ X\ Trunk - \ nli-es and Carpel Bh which I AJn-u-m dispose ot .>n very reasonable j forms. All in want aro respectfully invited to call and look at them. W ILLIAM lIEIDT, jail Gibbons’ Banga, TIN WARE ! TIN WARE ! ! 1 HAVE on hand und .tmivii.-tantlv manufacturing | TIN WARE, of everv variety and quality, yvliok salo and retail, to which I would invite the inspec tion “ftlte public t ‘eliug assure.l that I can give rot as regard quality und price. AD -. Brass Keiths: Brass, tion. Em.mMed and Tin ned Same Bans. Frying Ban-: Smoothing Irone. Fire Dogs; Ir. n But is Ovens and Sj.iders . Tea Kettles Gridimn-. Wattle Irons; Table Cutlery; Brass Cnnd o sticks: Huuffers; Tea and Dinner IfellE Al Glass ami Biittanii. Fluid Lumps, and many articles tou nuLtcr ous to mention. Call uud sec. •I'm; b 5 .1 J. M U'UICE. IF AbKING CAXK FIMUXf; RODS , A y ery •-•-uveni<-ut lhnl e.r fi.-heric.-u: also, fine m.d common 3, 4 and 5 joint Rous, with ami without Reels: .-ilk Lines plaited nml sorted colors and sizes. Flax and Cotton Drum, and every size do.; Hooks of “very variety. Kirby. Trout, L.uerick 1. : Drom. Ba •, Shivphead mid Shark Uooks.nU sizes, y.ith Chain nnd Swivels. Uv Hooks, sorted i-.!„ra. Snell Uucks. Ifeit Irish. - Yankee Doodle” II i. and sizes, just receiv ed nnd fur wale singly mi l by the dozen on best terms. J 22 K. LOV I i.b. No il Baro rd -*• NKW B(M1K8. Received by S. S SIBLEY October 4. lhj*3.— I The Mud Cabin, or the Character ar.d Tendency of British Institutions: by Warren Ishiun. The Forged W ill. orOrime and Retribution; by Em* j CTBon Bennitte. 1 Edith's Legacy, or the Long Woods of the Grange; by the author of Adelaide Lindsay. The White Crulsor, or the Fates of tlio Unheard of; By N'etl Buiitliuc. Butiinm's .Monthly for October. The London Journal for October. The Industry of all v ati* n.-. Jane ton.or ilie King's Advocate, a .Scottish His torical Romance; by Jas. Grant, author of the Koinauce of War. Ac. The Rudiments of the Art of Building; edited by Jno. Bullock. Violet: The Danscusc, or the Courtship and Wed lock; by the. author of the Giltro. The Rebel Scout: a Ibununcc us Amuiicau Revolu lon: by Aria Ashland. For sale at No. 135 Congress-street. oct 5 j TaLEROF E AX'D BAGGING.—For Base Ivt.y II j ULLBEIiI.