The Savannah evening journal. (Savannah [Ga]) 1852-185?, November 01, 1853, Image 2

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s&TAirmm - TuS.liy MWTLQQIIt 1, 1353. !*►’ first mill liUl p<lK> m #Q- Tho Flori.ln, arrivotl thi. morning, brought out 117 chW.ii, and 10J Bteorage pas sengers—total 280. The Australian fovcr, according U our | northern exchanges, baa abate*! wonderfully re- { cently; they do riot tell us why. fidP During the 1 to Agricultural chow In Baltimore, boxes were put up fur contribution to t!io Wishing!* n Monument: nrul how nilieh do you think was collected, render?—Oh ! shame where is thy blush !- Four dollars and twen ty cents ! ! ! ! fiJSt* In tlo City of Baltimore there are 17 Hoinan Catholic day sclioo’s, numbering 2,959, pupils, 130 of whom are orphans. fiMP The tightness of the money mark'd nut we.-t hoe thrown thoujond? of rail road hands ••ut of work. We hope it will not remain tight long, nor should If. Kvery California steamer brings a cathartic. fidP The Baltimore , .Vim'# correspondent, *• Ion,” says tin) t\.han Rumors, are considered a mare's nest at Washington. I! *is generally pretty well posted in ] ditical affair*, and wo suppose to this con. in i'n most we come tit last-acquisition ofCuba indefinitely postponed. It “ I in” he coil’ w should like to know what the / ‘nion lias u,*nnt for lli • last few days, by such constant and terrific nlarnis. Does that paper know anything about the Drc ideit. il greon-roorn, or .lon't it ? - Tin- \ru ( (ualir.H. Mr. Th vv i-< writing anew p. novel bearing tl: •ah >ve title. The end- * *.y that it is only a rehash of Li forun r nov- ls, and declare that in all the characters In the in w book, they distinctly recognize tho visays of old friends whoso fortunes they hnvc followed through D'-nd’ imi , and Vanity Fair Ac. More over, that Mr. Thackkua y, continues to present tho dark side of human nature, and to teach th** doctrino that there is a great preponderance of evil over good, in humanity. We hnvc n*t seen tho book—nor would wo accept tho first num ber as a criterion of iu kind or its quality, lhit there is one thing in it wo desire to notice. Wo always Jikod Tin. ki:u.\v. — wo have consider ed him a much alms’ 1 man, and ono whose time was not vet coni’ , to he appreciated. If Jli t.WKii had not writt’ ;“My * ,v 1.” wc should place Mr. Th\ ki hav next to Mr. Dickkn*. in tho list of English iu.\o li-ts of this .Iny—iu deed we don't know but we /,’/.< Tha. ki.iia v better than Bri.wKti, but mi mi re him less, but ave are digressing. The Sunday Times give.- Mr. Tii.wk him v a sovoro castigation for speaking <,i his men <n count, (in the new bonk) of (!> mml W.ishii.'ton, as Mr. Washington ; and for *.iying that Washington fought with a bravery “worthy of | a bettkit cause.” Now this is a small thing iu Mr. Tiiackkii vv, or in any other man of his calibre. It is a ■ smallness that w had thought it impossible for ! such as he to be guilty of. We feel no itnlig- ; nation at it—nor any mortification : but we do i feel sorry to have to fall in, ahnod if not entire ly, with the opinion that has so often been ex pressed of h : in, hy tlio-u who profess to know him, viz—that ho is himself a sm.b—a man of vulgar tastes—of ac-id and sour disposition, and real smallness of s oil. Wo confess this looks like it. Our contemporary of tho Times, in its re marks upon tho subject has taken one ground which even if tenable, we would led occupy. It speaks of Mr. ThacKKKw's ingratitude in thus sneering at America's cherished •nn. after we had filled his pockets w 11h more money than ever 1 they contained before. Upon that score we think our people got ns much out of Tiiackkuav ns be did out of us. Ills sneer i> indeed ungrate ful, in view of the privnto hospitalities, and friendly receptions which he received while in America, hot us read his book though, ns soon as it is all published, and try r > he as unpn-ju diced a* we can, or we w-n't enj .y it, even if it '• good. And ns for Wii mam's sneers, why let h m curl his proboscis intoa".l .ulde-bow knot,” if ho can; it will not damage us at all. though it may cost him a doctor's bill. We should feel humiliated did wo condescend to get into a passion or an argument, the incentive of which should be, Engli.-h sneers at American Great ness. F It ii I hl- m. The new Boston Theatre Cos. offer a premium of one hundred dollars for the best design or j model of elmir, or out. to occupy n>t over! 30 by I*l in. hr-, with moveable back* and spring scats. Out rngioiik. The Washington S-'.t.n.d s;.ys that in con sequence of various d-q.i. d.H>"i> committed at | the W ellington M -nun. ml <*> .und*, iheh.iu-o - containing the vaibm. ornnm**r t.l blocks. c..n j only be enter. and with the permi-M-i, and In j pretence -f th- guard. \ ‘. nt ......some j person j m.telv and ■ ..-I. and and mi- and aw.iy 1 with him three of iho l.ra-s 1 letter# on tl tho Swi - --on . • • mu. No ti ... . ,q tho thb. I has been di- ovn.- !. A Kru Tow ii iti \ irgliibi. I* - ‘ • I “ ■ 1 ” lif chn.-cd some eleven him lred .. res ..f I;, U J below the (iuyandotf- river, in Yii <ini‘ i-.i which they pay $ 3 000. T i.-v • o -mp'iie laving oil a portion of tins mu t iu inn lots. Whi th *ro Om a"l .tte bein ‘ tho focus of 1 I svsteiu of r. Ur .ads - ■ ■- •* • . ■ .. The I t Trade In Porthinnuti, Tho Portsmouth chronicle Mat. s that a con tract has been made to build two ire Im.iin that city, capable of containing four iVh-mi I tons of iee each A eompitiy haw hi:- J Jones's pond f-r eleven year-, for ti> • purpose of furnishing iee to the eili/.ens of P .ri-01 .ulh and for shipment to the southern sand i” tho East In lies. Ii 111 • I, au . In the year 10I'd, the I,- gi-1 Cure of Mirvland tmneted a law making a denial of the Godhead of any of the (hire p-rson* of the Trinity pun inhabit! by death: nod for any repro.ichlu! word .pokyn of 0,0 V„, , M rv.'ih.. j Dil iinprionni.',n. nt 1!,.. pi .-'i o ..f , lio lur.l . proprietor. he ren.i in nil ite leilfftl, ‘ nntl broadlli in lluenn - . Inwr. nn.l ie .till i„ inreo in the lii.iri.-t ..f Ci.luuihin, ilthnugh .ihrn ■ tjatC'l in Maryland hy the udupliun ul liie ien ! constitution. ,To bnc co. The total produro of tobacco grown on the face of the globe has been calculated toano.unt to two millions of tons—which weighs as much nt the wheat consumed annually bv ten millions of I-ngli.-hmen, and is worth in money ns much as all the wheat enten in Great ( Britain. The largest prodiiecr#, and probably 1 the largest oonsutner.s of tobacco, nro the I'ni- i ted States of America, The amount grown in our country in HIO was estimated at 219,203 - | 319 pounds; in 1850 at 199.752.610 pounds, bo- ; iog about one-tweutioih part of tu. produce of ‘ Ihe globo Arrival of the Florida. Tho F. S. M. ste.unship Fteiiridri, MeRIUTT .Smith \V r oui*nrr,i., Commander, to l*Ai>Ki.r>Ri>, Fay ife Cos., arrived at 0 o'clock thin morning, from New York. On Monday, at 1.20 A. M.. 15 miles 8. W. triun, exchanged signals with steamship Janie 1 Atfyer, honed north. At 0.46 A. Al. (same day) parsed steamship Auyunht, (,'aptaiu Trtos. Lton. hence for New York on Saturday last. Burser 11. I*.* n will please accept pur thanks for a fine budget of New York papers in ndvtmuo of tiie mail, and for a copy of ike Lon don Ti. i'4 of the l.itcit date received. Thu following is a list of ihe passengers by this arrival: — Mi-s M. Baker, Mrs. mica Jones. Miss 11. Newell, Mrs. Jiiseph Jones and 3 children. Miss J. llinseoiu, Mi.-a M. Davidson, Miss E. 0. Lines, Mis Atwater, E. G. Bench, lady ai)d child, Mrs. Charles A. Green, 3 children and herv’t, IVIII. 11. Harris, lady hnd 2 children, Mrs. J a lues M. Muldon, Miss Maiden, .Miss It. Mul d<n, J. A. Dennis, lady ami child, Mrs. E. Kiec, Mr-*. Morris, Miss 11. G. Lazellc, Mrs. N. Oru ger,friend in i serv'f, Misst'artor.Mis.s BullHneb, MiasG. Cohen, Chus. A. Green, C. S. Webster, Win. .f. Wunn, James Johnson. John Coleman, Joseph S. Fay and seiv’t, A. W. Hawley, It. I*. How, M. Miss c. p.M-civiil. Mrs. Hayden, Miss I’iersou, W. Starr, Calvin Fay, J. F. Mulduu, D. Brown, \\ illiam Dattcrson, Mrs. Stevens and 3 !.ild;on, Mis- Wilkins, A. lh Nuiirse, Robert Fallignnt. \V. Robinson, E. S. Houghton, It. D. D'-st, G. L. Do.-t, L. IF Church and lady, B. Wells, C. 11. Cno hson, J. Chappel, IF liathy, F IF Thrill and lady, T. P. Middleton, Win. Mi Lit •; •!!, .Mr-. It. L. Morris, Mrs. Brailsford, It L. Morri-. ‘!. D. Ellis, John A. Brcekenridge, D. Wnrdner, K. \. Bradley, M. 11. Cutter, Win. Crowder, holy, child and serv't, James 11. Ho is, J. 11. Hughes. Robert Mo v, S. S. Wnlkley, D ‘ni'd Pratt, 11. k. Simmons. Janies GiSlet. N T . Thurhcr. Edward IF, J. Moody. M. B. J"iin-oti, M. Cnllenan. John B wen. J*. B. Oil -11 .1 . M. 15. Iti. Imrd.-oii :iml ladv, F. G.irtnor, It. B. Mom-", 1). IV. Holly, C. w. Sealey, II M. (5 “ll'iey. ('. C-r|,,itree, S. M. Waheman and L"ly, Charles Preei.iritis, O. Howard,.!. Ai.-t, F. L. L:i;>liam, Miss A. W. Bonham, E. A. B •nham and serv't, Mr. Baglin. 0. Bos woth. A. Barclay, J. F. Condon, 11. Grubb, and 109 in the steerage. ACIV H II t 111 [it. II AItItI VA I. 111’ TUB FLORID Ai] ‘ •*” The Expedition to proceed in search of Sir John Franklin, which was organized by Lidy F. hi- boon abandoned, owing to dis agreement among tho officers in command. 7<;r* The defence in the Henry Clay (steam boat) cast! commence l oil Friday last. The de fendants take tho ground that the accident coni l not by any hum in means, have been pre v euted, jr The Governor of Vermont, just by lift.o n votes, is a Democrat. The Free sui I ute 1 lectcd him. C- Ln the Martha Washington conspiracy highly important testimony has ho 11 in ti..du -ed by tho prosecution. r> ” The Australian papers bitterly oppose the a loption of the n mv Constitution, and do nouin-e it ns tho quintessence of tyrany. Tho people xc iii to be on very ‘vo of rebellion, and II Declaration of Independence, and that soon, seems a probable thing. A” Tho Meagher Club of Now York can gratulate th ir le.d, Mr. John Dally, on his appointment, as F. S. Consul at Galway 1 relaud. They arc making suitable arrange ments for the reception of John Mitchell, who is cv tv day expected in New York; and have r- solved to meet him with a Congrntula t"rv A idless, and to present him upon his ar rival with S3OO, out of the funds in tho Club’s Treasury. tl” Judge Fdmonds of N. Y.. has at last had printed and bound, his views, opinions, and ex periences, in regard t • Spiritual Manifestations, ihe ir rf’ Enquirer concludes a long ami able revi vv of them, in the following words:— ” With inexpressible relief, and with fresh cm-e: ms “I endeared 1 eiati.mship and hiial ‘dinging to Ids Mak. r, ti.c enlightened soul ton.- from the em pH ness “f these Godless spec ulations. to tbo rich suhstanco of the Gospel. N ! 'ing is s . poor and vain ns to servo no use tul end ; and while min is prepared for those dolusi'ii.a hy a eh. rished aversion to the severi ;> f spiritual ..digi-m, may plunge into them will’ * f'l ‘ ‘gern.-ss ; yet. if the contrast thnll .• A*ito Hi” Clnisiian world to a deeper study nnd a more vivid sense of the divine relations which are the life of souls, that service wil! not bo measurable by the utmost mischief* of such a system in its direct operation.” 1. i l>-1 Suit. The Tribune proprietors, arc tho defendants in a libel suit, in which the damages are laidat 000. and the* pl.iiutilf is Mr. Carson, ('liief Fi.gineer of the New Y .rk Firo Department. Greely. in a rather humorous article alluding to ihe suit, snvs that lie thinks Air. Carson, con -I.bring the “ übrniinable tightness in the mo. .i.-v m . 1 ket, should have been contented with $1.),500.” The l nlted v tutes and the Sandwich Iblnnda. I n< le .'.mi has hardly ha l time to throw him : ! * •■'< iif'itu I” on the Africanization of • u *l, “ i “n lie is startled with the rumor that 1 J ui.o i!u.-- 1-are s .on |.. arrive at the Sand h I ‘ noI.-, !.ir sonic purpose or other: lend > hunt* L'li. that the Czar, not content ” 31 ■’ p ■ ! ■ iv* sli- oof Turkey, is also enst -1 -> “and * :, d eye upon those desir.iblo posses* ‘"'•-in t ! ■ Dieiiie Mo- N. \. Tribune of Fri -1 1 1 di'u ‘i” iollowing paragraph in refer* Isv privnie ndv is from tha Sandwich Ts hinds. v\. I. n o ilmi the (|Ucstion of eomuH’iic -Ing n"got in I: 'ms |"i ( he mi of the sovereign i- o! the I-i il-10 the I uiio*l States, upon such ‘‘•nditi- •:*.■’ will seeurc i” the iiihnhitiuits all their civil 1 i;,hi- m 1 their property, is being n- 1 ■ !v ti 1 ly the 1 >rctgn residents iu ‘■* Din*'•!■*. It is the . pinion of our eorrespoii d’ nl that tho “eiieral doiic for such a cession, will . pet ite upon the minds of the King ami <hi f-. Tin* representatives of Great Britain >"'d Friirn-e are v r\ mu. h disturbed at • hit: state •I facts. .Vie... .in ly. on August 30, they n>k -1 no in diem 1 •! tho King anl Privy Council “I'<r tF po.| ■ expressing their sentiiueuts r—p'-’ ting simic “i-i 1:1 reiK'es which they con oivc deeply n olcd th” sovereignty of tha King ni.d the in•|.*p.*n I of the 1.-lands." I bis hid been gi.inted, t-. take place after the • Life us nor di- p 1 tehes. Ij‘ these r* prescntativo# h • ali liigh'y of A'liiiein syuipaihy.un I so forth it i> -upp.'-e 1 there will result a state of feeling wl.ieli will tl 1 iv. tbo King to an immediate ap pli.*.iti ni to I*4e.-idctit Pieiee. Very posrihly the |ii ti*h **t annexing the I-lands may he brought before tho next Congress. ront-Oflice Robbery. Fhotidknce. f Friday.) Oct. 28, 1853. Hiram \ itnsley anil Clinics Law re nee were detected at 1 o’clock this morning, robbing the Post-Of ftee in I xhri'lfde, and secured alter ft desperate r* sittanoe. They ha*l opened about 200 letters. The office whs in the grocery store of J. Taft A ! roth'T.-. Lawrence belongs to Georgia. The parties have been engaged in recent burglaries j in the village, as has been ascertained since j their detection,— Tribune 20th. SA\Ai\iNAli ;OUI!i\Al„ Tl I>l>AY, NOVEMBER 1, LBf>3. What** True tn Washington J Aye, what 7# true in Washington, that foun tain head of rumors, and contradictions, of re ports, and fables, of white fibs and colored fibs. The Tiibune of Saturday bus a correspondence dated at the metropolis, prufessing to give us true, really true, the following itomsof news : I. It in true that The Union IS in tho confi dence of the President, and speaks by authori ty in regard to Cuba and the Hards. 11. It is true that James Gordon Bennett, Esquire, Editor and Proprietor of the Now York .Satanic Press, bus an application on file at tho I State Department for tho French Mission. 111. It ii true that the administration pro -1 j\uses to believe. in the statements made public • touching tho virtual reopening of the slavo • trado between Africa and Cuba under the sanc tion of the English nnd French governments, with a view to the ultimate abolition of slavery iiu that island. It may ho di flic tilt to belive i that so preposterous an idea can gain currency iu such high quarters, but so it is. 1 Mr. McLaue, our New Minister to China, takes the overland route to India, and goes thence to Ilong Kong, where 110 will run his chance of getting on board one of the ships of the Japan Squadron, nnd of finding his way to the Government of the Celestials. Having no i proper ship at command, this is the only way the Government can get Air. Me Lane to his destination. [By mis Murnlno’s Wisikus Mail.] There was a heavy frost and some ice, seen at Bayou Sara, on the morning of the 25th The correspondent of the Picayune, who trans mits this intelligence to that paper, states that the frost did no injury to either the cane or cot ton crops—the weather was clear and dry with a North wind. lut rrcat lu % from Me xico. The New-Or'leans Uicnyune. of the 23th, has seen a private letter from Mexico, from whi<-h it the following extracts of interests; — “Gen. Gadsden, our Minister, is getting along smoothly with this Government. It is agreed that neither American norAlexican troops shall occupy tho disputed territory in the Mosilla valley, while negotiations are pending. This was proposed hy Santa Anna, nnd readily ac cepted by Gen Gadsden. The best feeling at present seems to prevail in the Government toward Americans. For instance, an American vessel was detected in smuggling, or at least pretty strongly suspected, in the por. of Aca pulco : being detained and an officer having been placed on board until un examina tion should take place, the captain one night slipped his cable and put out to sea with the officer on board. He wes pursed, overhaul ; ed and brought back, and then w ith all his crow thrown into prison. On a representation from Gen. Gadsden, however, the vessel, cap tain and crew were released. ” Another ease occurred at Paso del Norte, where an American stole some Mexican cattle, and was placed in prison to stand his trial for the offence. There again, the American Minis , ter iute:fered. In both instances, 1 am satis fied that right and justice were on the Mexican side of the question. But the Mexican Govern ment, in a written communication to our Min ister, informed him that his wishes in those eases were acceded to, and the uien released, out of an especial rc.B'd for his Excellency, Gen. Gadsden, and as an especial favor to him: and as such, they de.-ired him to consider it. ” There is no doubt of all this. It was an especial favor to him, and not an act of policy i.r justice. But there is no doubt .Santa Anna expects to make by the operation in the nego tiations now pending: as his mouth is watering fur some motley under the eleventh article of tho Trist treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo.” of the President to Hall Imorc, According to the Baltimore papers, the Presi dent id the l uited States, accompanied by Fletcher Webster, Esq., his Private Secretary, took the people by surprise, hy appearing at the Agricultural exhibition yesterday suddenly, and like a private citizen. Joshua Yunsant, Esq.. President of the Maryland Mechanics’ Insti tute, conducted tin* President to the grounds, where he was Cordially receiv'd by (’. B. Cal vert. Es.p, President of the Maryland Agricul tural Association, and other gentlemen connect ed with the society. The President immediate ly proceeded to look at tho ploughing match, which he was much pleased with, after which he took :i general view of the exhibition, ex pressing high commendation of the same. Sub - qiientlv. lie was conducted to the Fair of the Maryland Institute, where he was appropriate ly received hy Mr. Vansant, nnd other officers and members oft lie association. An inspection of the various articles, useful and ornamental, I afforded much pleasure to thy party, and pride at the eminent skill and ingenuity shown by American genius and talent. The President partook of a tine collation in the Manager's room, and was presented with a splendid cake, called the “Washington cake.'* He received it | in a few pertinent remarks, and retired after spending a couple of hoursndmiring the oxliibi j tion, and receiving t !o congratulations of those ! present. The President, not feeling at liberty to remain longer, returned last evening to Washington, nnd is to-day assiduously engaged in duties which require his attention here. — ! Washington Star, 28th hint. Tile Kmperor of Russia. The New York Mirror chronicles the follow ing story of the Emperor of Russia. “A f.ieml of ours, who has just returned j from the East, was recently present at a re view of 100,000 Russian troops by the Etnp r or. whom he describes as a perfect specimen of j the physical man ; in height six feet three, nnd : admirably proportioned, with snow-white hair ’ and ruddy countenance, lie was plainly dress ed in a dark green frock, with a black chapeau without feathers; and mounted on a coal black charger, of immense size, the Czar looked *ev ; cry inch a king.’ “As the troops were passing before him he suddenly raised his hand as a signal for a halt when he dismounted, walked up to a private in the ranks, and asked him to unbutton his coat On finding that the soldier was without a shirt the Emperor promptly ordered the officers of the company to Siberia, and the officers of tho regiment were instantly degraded to tho rank of privates. S one two hours afterwards Nich olas mad** another inspection of tho condition of the soldiers: and finding all right, promoted every officer in the division, conferring the or ders with his own hand. It is this kind of dis cipline that makes the Russian army one of ; the most efficient in the world, and the head of it the idol of riie common soldier.” Mcniitng of “Clipper.” I have more than once been asked the mean ing and derivation of the term, Clipper, which has been so much in vogue for some years past. It is nmv quite a nautical term, at least among the fresh water sailors, nnd we find it most frequently applied to yachts, steamers, fast sailing merchant vessels. &o. And, in addition 1 to th*’ colloquial use of tho word, so common in praising the appearance or qualities of a vessel, j it has become quite recognized in the official j description given of their ships by merchants, J<\ Thus we niton see an advertisement head ed “the well known clipper ship,"“the noted j clipper bark,” and so forth. This use of the word, however, and its application to vessels 1; somewhat wide of the original. The wold in former times meant merely 11 hackney, or horse j adapted lor the road. The ow ners of such i m.idials naturally valued them in proportion to their capabilities for such service, among which i great speed in trotting was considered one of the chief, hast trotting horses were eagerly | sought after, and trials of speed became tho j fashion. A horse, then, which was pre-emi- • nent in this particlur, was termed a “clipper,” ! \ c. ahacknv'y par excellence.—Notts and Qne. rt'r*. Sale of Gold Land. The Pctersburgh (Va) Do uoorats state that : a tract of Land containing 1000 acres was sold i recently in Orange county, by Miss Coaßon, of Chatham, for $550,000, upon terms equivalent 1 to cash. The tract is in the gold region, and j was purchased by one of the members or an J English company, which is working Liberty ‘ min*, in the same ncighb**rh* and. TELEGRAPHED TO THE JOLRYAL. Clini'lcmtoii Cotton Market. Charleston, Nov. 1.—2,15 P. M. Cotton. —Boo bales changed hands this morning, at from 8 a 101 cents. History of the lulled States. It ia said that George Tucker, formerly Pro -1 fessor of Moral Philosophy in the University of I Virginia, and at present a resident of Philadel phia, is about to publish a history of the Uni ted States. The work was erroneously ascribed to his relative, the late Judge Henry St. George Tuokcr of this place. Professor Tucker is alrea dy known to the reading public by his life of , Jefferson, togethor with several writings on ! political economy. Some years ago he wrote and published over the signature of “Hickory Corn Hill,” a bit of verse designed to discoun j tenance —slinll we say it?—the praeti 0 of gam bling then in vogue among tho fashionable I ladies of Richmond. It had tho desired effect; gaining among the fair ones was heard of no inure. Wd wish a copy of the effusion could be obtained nt this late day. It would be wor thy of re publication; not as a medical remedy, but as a satirical gem.— Winchester Republi can. A Great Scheme. The prospectus of tho Daily Globe nnd the : Congressional Globe is published under the signature of John 0. Rives. It will boas large ’ as the Intelligencer or Union, and beautifully printed. Mr. Rives says : “I will have a corps of sixteen Reporters in Congress: each in succession will tak*i)otesdur ing five minutes, then retire, prepare thorn fr the Press, put them slip by slip in the hands of compositors, nnd thus, w hile a debate is going “ti in Congress, it will hi* put iu type, and in a few minutes after it is ended it will be in print:” and “thus the accurate debates of Congress i will reach the cities two hundred ami fifty miles : from tho Capitol before their daily morning pa , per a ro in circulation.” j “The miscellaneous news I shall be careful to gather from reunite sections of the country by telegraph. I will obtain from tho Executive 1 Departments the matters of moment transacted’ ; in them, and. all the city news of consequence, in sufficient time to bo put into tho Globe nnd mailed in the Express Mail trains,” Sterna Engine* on Farm*. A steam engine might bo profitably fitted up on many farms. The application of steam pow er on farms is yet in its infancy; anil it is ob jected to by many that for the purpose of small* farms it i- unnecessary and expensive; hut or those consisting of 700 acres or upward it is re commended. The number of operations that can bo so readily performed at one time with the aid of proper machinery—the great dispatch— the amount of work that can be done —and tho small cost of the sustaining power, are facts too important not to attract tho attention of every farmer. Progress. Geo. \V. Clinton, Esq., the “hard shell” Can didate for the office of Secretary of State in New York, closed his speech in tho Dark on Monday evening, by expressing tho hope “that j this glorious Confederacy shall cover Dot only | this continent hut the isles of the sea, and Cuba, j and Ireland shall he embraced in our arms.” A letter to the New Orleans Picayune, says the orange crop in the parish of Plaque.- 1 mine will far exceed the crop of hist season j The trees are so much loaded that branches are ! often broken under tho weight of tho precious j fruit. Farmers generally ask from eighteen to 1 twenty-five dollars per thousand for thoir | crop. fid}” Sol. Smith, formerly an eccentric and I qu to celebrated cornelian, but now a snecPss -1 ful lawyer of St. Louis, is a candidate for Judge i of the Criminal Court of that city. CANDIDATES FOR SHERIFF. i To the Voters of Chatham County: 1- tLLO ” Bxtizkns 1 Hill a Candidate for the office of SIIKKIFF of your Coun ty nt the election in January next, auu respectful ly solicit your support. o> to • ALEXANDER TIIOMAS. .jr ‘T - -'l l,l i'7 iron: —Please announce Mr. ■ JOHN A. STALEY, u candidate f.,r the officeoi Sheriff of Chatham County, at the election in I Jnuunry, nov 1 MANY VOTERS. \l , r KST INDIA Fill’lT a fine lot just landing T T from 11 ‘Vaua, and for sale 1 y .1 A BROWN, net ‘.'d No ‘ll \V! itaker-st. SUNDRIES. (’ BUDS Porto Rico ami Muscovado Sugars * * 20 bag* Rio Coffee lb mats Old Government Java Coffee -•’ bids Crushed nnd Powdered Sugars 20 do Itiiitimore and 10 hbl* Canal Flour lb fioxos No. I Soap, *Jo boxes Pah* Sonp 25 do Starch, 16 boxes Adamantine Candle* -o do Lemon Syrup, 20 cases Cautou Ginger 20 do red atni white Hock Candy _ 50 do scaled Herrings 2' whole * half bids Nos. 1,2* 3 Mackerel—new 10 do do do No. 1 Mess Shad—new 30 boxes Cheese, nnd lo kegs choice Goshen Butter. All of the above Goods arc of the choicest quality, and will bo sold nt the lowest cash prices, bv oct 20 j. A. BROWN. 4 PPLF-S, POTATOES ONIONS. _i\ bids, lauding from steamer Florida, for sale hv octs_ 11. J GILBERT. pIIAI VKAUS ORGEAT ANI) RASPBERRY SY yy KlTS.—Su|*tior Orgeat and* Raspberry Syrup*:- j list received from the manufactory of A. .1. Chnuvcaii and for sale hy W.’tV. LINCOLN. oct 22 Monument Square. N r E\\ R AISINS. 30 whole, half and quarter hoxes Raisin*, just landing from steamer, hy j oct 27 J. A. BROWN. pOSHEN HI TTER AND CHEESE. , \ I Landing from the steamer Augtista.und for sale hv oct 27 11. J. GILBERT. * I HAY HAYS! 150 bale* ju 1 Iqoded from “Kuystoiia State,” and for sale hy l • C A. 1.. L^MAR* nUTTI “ .v CHEESE.- A fresh supply of Rutter I ) ami Cheese, receiv and per steamer Florida and for sale at the Emporium, hy oct 19 SEABORN GOODALL. nAY AM) C ORN ME Yli.—2s bales East ern Ilav, 72 bushels Corn Meal, just received i and for sale by ; oct 6 C. H. DURt'EE. 17.I 7.MBROIDERIES. Ac ,tc French nr.d i English EMBRI)JDc.UEI)OOUDS. in Ladies'Cuffs, I Collars, Clicinlzettes. Handkerchiefs.aud Undersleeve*, j Ladies and Gentlemen’s Plain Cambric Handker chief*. among which are some real Silesia Goods, at I great bargains: HOSIERY for the season, of all kinds, ; in Cotton, Merino. Wool spun. Silk, and Silk GLOVES. ; of all kinds—several new makes. M. PR K.N DERG AST * CO., Urouirhton-street, I oct2s opposite St. Andrew's Hall, west-side, OtCHLEY'S GEORGIA PLAIN'S.—A few hale* of ! these superior Good* manufactured last season. which are considered by judges to be the best article I in the market. Planters m e invited to call and exam | ino them before purchasing elsewhere. oct 25 K K MPT( N * VEUSTILLE. IT' ASTERN HAY.—For sale to arrive—l6o i bales Eastern Hay. per brig Sam i IL. for sale to , arrive, by [oct 29] E. W. BIiKKR. i MAKE HASTE] JUST received by last steamer: 40ps. Plain Col'd Delaine* nt 25, worth 37. 25 pieces Plain Col’d Alpacas ut 25, worth 37. 50 do English Furniture Chintz at worth 18%. 40 do American do do at 10, worth 15. 70 do Prints, (fast colors, warranted) 10, worth 25 do French Cambrics at 1 S%, worth 26. Call SOOU aud make a selection from the above, at J. Jl. COHEN A CO’S. ort 31 140 Broughton street. I I il )i ) CABBAOfcB, binding this day from I M f\J sohrs Virginia and Enchantress, by oct 31 J A BROWN. POTATOES AND ONIONS.-127 bbls., X landing this day, aud for sulo by oct3l J A BROWN. / IKANUKUUIES. —16 package* Cranberries in half \_y and quarter barrels, just landing from Boston, and f*r sale hy [oet3l] ,1 A BROWN. / (RACKERS.-lon hoxss No 1 (40 packs) fine ! \ j Crarkersf just received hv oct 31 J A BROWN. llcm 3U>Bfrlisfracnts. DB. GEO. F. COOPER. ft AS removed to the office lately occu * plod by Dr. Harris, near St. Andrew’s Hall. May be found at night at Mr*. Ueinshart’s, cor | ier Montgomery and Broughton** treats. nov 1 NOTICE. THE Pew* of the First Baptist Church will be rented on this TuosUay Evening i the Ist of November, at half past 7 o’clock. nov 1 s. A. PATOT. Treasurer. OGLETHORPE MUTUAL LOAN ASSOCIA TION. ¥ ‘ THE Regular Monthly Meeting of the ™ “ -w-’ above Association will bo held on Vediies I Jav, the 2d lost., at P. M., at the City Marshal's office, in the Exchange 2 nov 1 REMOVAL W m. A. Thomas has removed his Plumb- I ing establishment from the old stand to ; No 15 Barnard street, whore he will be happy to see j all who need’s his services, i nov 1 2t Fare Reduced. UNITED STATES MAIL LINE. FOR PHILADELPHIA. To leave Wednesday, Nov. 2, at 9 o’elk, A. M. w The new and *1 pend id s ten ms hip ! KKV-STGNK STATE. Capt. Robert ’ Jtf* Hardie. will leave as above. Cabin Passage to Philadelphia S2O Steerage “ do. $ For freight or passage, apply to ! w?t 2'J * C. A. L. LAMAR. FOR MACON, HAWKINSVILLE, AND other Landings. !' hu CIIAS. IIARTJUDGE, rn’n■■ i' axAaji W Taylor, master, will meet with despatch as above. Freight received at Johnsou s lower wharf. BItIGHAM, KELLY & CO. I oct 2S FOR RENT. My Farm, nt Hie east ol the city. Possession given Ist Jan'uary next. ALSO, A hriek Stable. 00 by UU feet, situated on the cor ner of President aud convenience of a large yard, and a line springof water. ; Possession given iinuiediatidy. ’ nov 1 ht C. A. L. LAMAR. U-Y Y AND .11 ESS HFKi’.--2<bale*prime Philadelphia Hay; 60 bids prime Mess Beef. For sale by C. A. L. LAM AR, nov 1 fit (1 UNI DROPS.—i ’hauveau's superior Leinon, X Vuniila, Rose, Strawberry, Raspberry, Banann, and Soda. Gum Drops; also. Vanilla, Rose. Lemon and Licorice; Jujube Paste, .lust received ami for sale by nov 1 JOHN It MOORE <t CO. Magazines for November.! Harpers New Monthly Magazine, tor November • Putnams Monthly Magazine, fur November. Received i by (nov 1) CU It HEDGE A BROTHER. ~ PINE WOOD. 9 /Y OR 30 cords Pino Wood for sale low, if hauled ■w* / away soon from Oglethorpe Town, South of the P,irk ’ _ U ,, ’ t 31—2) A. WEBB. GUN-SMITHING. V Lli kinds of double and single Guns re-stocked: . flint locks made to percussion, and all repairing j <lono by good workmeu, with despatch, and at reasonu ! bh* prices. E LOVELL, 11 Barnard-st. ; oct 31 !.3 10 DOLLARS. GREENE AND PULASKI LOTTERY, Class No. 131. for 1353. ; To be drawn in Savannah. Wednesday, Xov’r 2d. G RKGOItY A M A V R Y. M A \AG KIIB. Successors to J. W. .Maury A Cos. 78 Number Lottery—l4Drawn Ballot*. SCHEME. 1 prize of $4,340 f 1 prize of j 1 prize of 1,0 U) J lo prizes of 120 | 1 prize of 00U j 10 prizes of M) t-e. Sir. ic. i Tickets .?! —shares in proportion. Tickets either singly or by the Package for sale by K. \\ ITHINGTUN. Bay Lam*. Savannah, Gn, uov 1 Vender for Gregory .t Maury. 11EAD-HUAIirEKS F'JR PRIZES. 0® Office 153 Bay-street, two doors east of City llofeknnd j in connexion with Ilarndcu’s Express Office. anouia \ st m: i.ottiiici For tho Bouoflt of tho Firo Company at Augusta. A. !>. 131,1,14 -v CO., .11 it ti asrers. t'Al'l f.\l„ 7,500 DOLLARS. Grand Scheme lo venture by the l’ncknge. Class lU7, Will be drawn in Savannah To-morrow Afternoon. 15 drawn ballots in each pack of 25 Ticket*. SPLINDI D SCI! EM E 97,500, Si,l.->O, 9730, A'*. ,vc. Tickets only $2.50 l!,.lve*.sl 25 Quarters. 02c. Pack of Halves cost A'll .25. must draw $18.75 j “ Qunrs. “ 15.02, “ 4u* Order* from the country answered prnuptly, i drawings sent regularly, and prizes cashed on demand j at this office, hy | nov 1 CHARLES B. PATTERSON. ESI I Butter, Sugar. Soda, Cup. Walnut and Fan cy Crackers; Ginger Snaps, dt\ Just received per ’ , steauier Augusta, and forsule by oct 31 ‘ W. Q. DICKSON. HAY, —Prime Eustcrn Hay iu store, and for sale in lots to suit purchasers. Apply to ! 0,12 y OGDEN & BUNKER. • —7sbales prime Eastern Hay. in store, and .for sale by [oct 29J E. W. BUKKR. j( 1 OSHEM OUTT i:R AND CHEEsE. \ J A fresh supply f Goshen Blitter and Cheese; just received per s'earner Augusta, and forsa eat the Emporium, by Oct 26 SEABORN <;< 01 AI L. M. PRENDERGAST & CO.. “WITISII particularly to direct attention to the most ‘ ? y elegant a***ortment of New French and British Ribbons they have ever s !d, embracing every novel I ty in style. 4 1 Rich Genoa and Lyon’s Velvets, fur Talmas, I Scarfs and Mantillas. Ul'k and Col’d. 0-4 Superfine Twilled French Ladies’ Cloths for Tab 1 i mas nnd Mantillas. Fictieh Merino, all-colors; Rich Plaid nnd Printed ‘ d’Laines nnd Cashmeors. o't 25 17 S Itroughton-st, op. St, Andrew’s lln 11. 1. ENGLISH PLAINS.—A heavy or tide suitable j for Rice Planters, at KKMPTON k YERSTILLE’S, 72 St. Julien and 105 Bryan-sts, oct 25 Waring’* Range. | IST EECEIVED--Another lot of X. i zin’s celebrated Soaps and Pi*rfume-v. at the j M*pt 3n APOTHECARIES’ HALL. |M TTER, PORK A M) It Id E F.— Receiv- I ) ed per Alabama—New pig pork: also F. M, Mess ! Beef: and Strictly Prime Goshen Butter, for sale by i [ wpt 27 IVM. (J. DICKSON. I I>i ITElk—2filirkiiistreshGoshen Butter) received >P**r steamer Alabama, nnd for sale at the Kmpori j n by [sept 26] SEABRON GOODALL. DK. SN\ AY NE'S celebrnteil Family Mcde cines. for sale wholesale or retail at the’ Apothi '■ari. -’ Hall, ‘ov [sept 30] J. E. DeFORD, I \* WHITK IIFANS-;. bhlH for wle by . n pet 25 .1 A DR !>\\. Mo 27 WTi|tftkflf*gt. OMgN SETTS—i.eceiveil per t*.Keystone State YVhiteaud Y’ellow Onion Set oct 10 JOHN A. MAY'KR, Broughton-sticeL 17RE8II garden SEED.-Celery,Spinach,Turirip and other seeds; just received—fresh, oct 10 JOHN A. MAY ER, Broughton-street. / 1 OSHEIIV CHEESE—Landing from steamer \ I Florida, and for sale by oct 5 ’ 11. J. GILBERT. \ i:i,vet RIBBONS 4te Jiut pax ivod * I at 154 Congress street, colored silk Velvets,'Fes toon do; Plain Black do: Figured Black do; Superior | j Black English Crape: do do Italian do; white ami black I i Crape Leisse; Marceliue and Florence Silks; Bonnet I 1 and neck Ribbons. Taffeta and Satin do. S. (’U lilt ELL Agt. No. lot Congress street. ; oct 6 Gibbon’s Building. 1> EC KIVKII per steamer, u supply of Ladies’ IA and Misses Buskins and Slippers, nnd for sale by sept 20 YV. HEIDT. Gibbons’ Range. “PASTERN HAY.—ISI bales Eastern Hay I.J now landing at Whitehead’s Wharf, per brig Ar go, from Boston, for sale by oct 4 OGDEN A BUNKER. HAY. —87 bales prime Eastern Hay, for sale, to arrive, apply to sept 11 OGDEN Sc BUNKER. TYAISINS! RAI4INSI!—SO half boxes Fresh Kai- JLV sins; 50quarter l>oxes Fresh Raisins, for sale by oct 10 A. BOXAUD, cor. Bay and Whitakrr-sts. Special llotifcs. [rya at Mi.-. B, TOAIB’S PIIuYV ROOMS. 174 Brough ton-street, a few new 1 style DRESS and MOURNING CAPS; alto, Ribbon aud Worsted Kigolctt*. oct 25 AT PURSE’S PRINTING OFFICE, No. 0, YYlilfuker-ktrcet, Cards are printed at $2 ao tpidh iooo :: j oct 24 lm IlollounyVOintment nml Pills have effected another extraordinary cnri ofn AVouml in the Leg. —Andrew Milton,a ! hostler, residing nt Burton, about two years ago { bruised his shin, and being of a full habit of ‘ i body, n severe inflammation ensued, which defied eve ry effort to subdue; afterwards an obstinate wound t formed, and although various modes of treatment were tried, it would not heal, and his leg became so ; bad that his surgeon urged him to have it amputated, | but not wishing to lose his limb before giving Hollo- ; | way’s medicine a trial,he commenced, and he has rea i Ron to be grateful that he did, for by their use he has j effected a souUil and perfect cure. oct 26 ! I MUSIC, FRENCH, DRAWING AND PAINT ! ING. E. Mii.lkk will resume his lessons on the , Piano and Organ with bis pupils ouMon j day the 24th instl—Day und evohing classes are now formiug'orFrench, Drawing and Singing—apply at ‘ 132 South-Broad-st—Also, a second hand llano for sale or hire, cheap. 0 oct 21 SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN. Uf* THE Subscriber having been appointed w—agent for the above unrivalled publication is prepared to receive subscriptions. The next vol ume will commence on the 17 th of September. (IKO. U. MTrCHULU oct7 Surdesop to F. Zogbnum t Cos. LAMPORT, BLAKEMAN & LAW, (LATH CORNISH, LAMPORT k CO.) Manufacturers of every va- riety of Cap nml Letter Pa per. PUBLISHERS, BOOKSELLERS & STATIONERS, -Vo. 8 Park- Place, near Broadway , N K VV -YORK. HIRAM H. LAMPORT, j 111 RDSEY BLAK KM AN, | nu/24 ly HENKY W. LAW. WM. A. WHEELER & CO, W HUI.KSA LK | Stationers’ Warerooins. Summer and Fall Import at ions, 1853. FRESH GOODS? psi THE SUBSCRIBERS are daily receiving I2>^—from,Europe, the most elegant, and care ; fully selected STOCK OF STAPLE AND FANCY BTA | Tli )N ERY, ever Imported Into the city of New York.— They have also <>n hand n complete assortment ot 1 AMERICAN CAP, LETTER, LEGAL CAP, BATII j | I*OST ami FLAT PAPERS, all of w hich will be sold at , I the lowest Mai. Pricks. Buyers from the Interior will find it. to their interest j to examine these goods before purchasing elsewhere, i WM. A. WHEELER & CO., j Nos. 13 and 15 Park Row, : nug 24 3mos New York City, j NEW SINGING BOOK PATENT NOTES! THE HARP OF THE SOUTH: A XfcW VM) KXTK.NSIVE COI.LKCTIOX OF CHUIICH MUSIC, By I. 14. Woodbury, i Author of the Dulcimer. Libor. Musicus, i Ac. This lxiok embraces many new sea- ! j tures, and, it is confidently believed, will be found the ! ! most comprehensive, attractive and useful work of I : lie kind ever issued. It has been prepared in answer to numerous calls from the Srtt ih and West, nml em braces the Gems from nil the most popular round note books in the country, together with much ucw i music written expressly f<T its pages. By special ar J rangenient, the light to use the favorite c mposi.ion | of Lowell Mason, I’.sq.. t!ie distinguished cempbsor and i ; editor, has Innin obtained.and a careful selection from his very popular works, the Ilandel ami Hayden Society’s Collection: The Boston Academy’s Collection: The Car iniiia Sacra, (of which lust work alone, over 300,000 . ; copies have been sold.) and others, has been made.— ; Selections have also been made from the works of ! j Thomas Hastings and William B. Bradbury, Esqrs..s j w ell as from the other most distinquisJleU American ( add Foreign Composers. The choicest pieces have also . been Inserted from The Dulcimer, by Mr. Woodbury, i a w - ork which ha* has hud the astonishing sale 0f125,- i ’ UOO copies in the short time since its publication. ! Teachers, Choristers and others interested, arc in | vited to examine this work. Retail price SIOO. For . ! sale by CUBBEDGE A BROTHER, w ‘l’t 5 ly Savannah, i BOOK ANB JOB PRINTING. pfr subscriber having supplied his office with a large assortment of plain, ornu mental aud fancy types, is now prepared to execute,at short notice, all orders entrusted to him in the best manner, aud equal to any establishment in the South. Pamphlets. Law Blanks, Circulars. Catalogues, Busi ness Cards, Hat Tips, Bills of Lading, Visiting Cards, Bill Heads, Dray Receipts; also Posters, Show nnd Hand Bills, in Gold, Bronze, Red, Green, Blue, Yellow, i nnd every kind of colored Inks, faithfully done at short notice and on reasonable terms. Orders may be ! left at the Office, Sorrel’s Building, or at the Book Store on Market-square. jnn 27 J. B. CUBBEDGE. DAGUEBIiEAN GALLERY. Mil. P- M CARY, having formed a 1 -**s Copartnership with ,1. W. Parkins, for the purpose Oi carrying on the business of theDaguerrunn • Art, respectfully gives notice to hit- former patrons and the publiq tlmt the rooms formerly occupied by him will he open during the whole season .the business be- | j ing done by the firm of Cary Si Perkins. ; Those who are in want of pictures are respectfully invited to cal Land examine Mr. Perkin's specimens of I I the Art. they will not be found inferior to any that I have before been exhibited in these rooms. Pictures taken at all hours between!) o’clock, A. M. and 6 o'clock, P M., and in any weather. 4 tT“ ENTRANCE FROM r ST. JI'HEX-ST., THROUGH S. S. ‘ Wilmoths Jewelry Store, ‘u a nuso P. M. CARY. BOOK BINDING. ; The subscriber is prepared to execute Book Binding of every description at the j ahortest notice. Blank Hooks ruled and hound to any ! patterns. [fcb2] CUBBEDGE A BROTHER. I)OTATOES— 1: libls. r.ll \mn> Pn tatoes landing from brig Torcello. For sale by j | oct 28 BIUGIIAM, KELLY & CO. NAILSdi- KPIKESi —3OO Kegs for sale by O. A. McCLESKKY. i oct 27 No 149 Congress street. ; \ f POOljS.— Mechanics’ Tools,of all kinds: for sale j JL by GKO. A. McCLKgKEY, I I oct 27 No. 140 Congress-street. I 1?INK IMCKF.T <C I\\ytY TABLE CUTTLKKY.— I ‘Plie handsomest assortment ever offered in the j j citv ju.-t pr.c’d and for sale by GKO A. McCLESKKY. | oct 27 No. 149 Congress street. SILIvS. Just received another magnificent : assortment of Figured Silks, entire new patterns, j I and each piece containing but one dress. Also, a few dresses of Paris D'Laines, imported ex- : prusslyforthe Southern market. S. CURKELL, Agt, oct 11 Gibbon’s Building. 4 PPLES.—76 bbls Apples—landing from steamer 1 iV oct 26 J A BItOWN. j 7A BBLS. YELLOW ONIONS and 80 bbls, I \ J Potatoes, landing from brig Martha Rodgers I from Boston, by [oct 27J J. A. BROWN. J UST received per steamer Augusta—A fresh sup ply of Pickled Pork, (choice pieces) Smoked Beef, I Beef Tongues, Pig Hams, Pickles in barrels, Pickled ! Salmon, Codfish <£ Mackerel. Also, Potatoes. Apples, I new Lemons, Raisins and Citron. For sale bv oct 31 W. G, DICKSON. H GST received per steamer Augusta—A full supply *9 of atrictl> prime Goshen Butter and Cheese, Also, * choich Butter,! lbs. for $1; fair do.. 6 lbs. for .*l. For sale by [oct 81] W. G. DICKSON, j Jitsuranrt. ‘savannah mutual insurance CO.’ Office, No. 118 Bay*treet. This Com pa - ny w ill continue to take Marine, Fire and Inland Navigation risks on the most favorable terms. Hunky D. West*, President. Trustees—Henry D. Weed, J. li. Wilder. I. W. Morrell, N. B. Knapp, Ili ram Roberts. E. r. Wood, Henry Lathrop, Jihn W. Audorsnn. Jaines McHenry. Ferretary. jnne 13 PROTECTION INSURANCE COMPANY. Tfr’ ‘'-jZ'-'-.Of Hartford, Conn.—The undersigned, ageuta of the above Com! prepared to take risks against Fire, on buildings, and their con tents, on the.most favorable terms. July 10 BRIGHAM. KELLY & CO. TUAL LIFE INSURANCE. fiP Lift- Insurance Com panyofNov York. ISAAC ABBATT, Secretary. F. S. WINSTON, President. Applications received by WM. P. HUNTER, Agent. Da. It. D. Arnold, Medical Examiner, ly jan FIRE AND LIFE INSURANCE AGENCY. ! No. 129 ContjreHH-st ., Savannah. Ga. Eqnitable Fire insurance toiiipnii)’, OK LONDON. Authorised Capital {;2.500.00<j | Capital paid in .$1,000,000 i C. K. Haukciit, Esq.. Y llknry Lviilam, Esq., -Trustees, N. Y. Rout. Diluin, Esq.. J Farmers’ Fire Insurance Company, Capital, 9^00.000. i Granite Fire Insurance Company, Capital §‘400,000. Knickerbocker Fire Insurance Cos., Capital $150,000. New York A Erie Fire Insurance Cos., Cai.-iinl, 8450,000. i These Companies having a cash capital, safely in vested iu ltoml and mortgage, are j rcpared to effect Insurance against damage by fire, on ail kinds of pro perty on reasonable terms. Charter Unit Life Snsniauee Com pany. HARTFORD, CONN.— Capital, and surplus over $250,000. I Alfred Gill. President. Jas. C. YYalkilt, Scc’y. This Company will issue Policies un tbe Joint j Stuck principle, and upon the Mutual plan, tiius com bining the benefits of both systems ut the option of the insured. . “The strength, ability- and well invested capital *•! the institution are, in my opinion, unsurpassed Ny any Life Insurance Company in this State ot Union. • [L. S.J Signed ’ R. G. PINN.KY, Comptroller of Public Accounts, State of Connecticut. For insurance rn either of the above nai el Comp*. : nies, apply to A. WILBUR, General Insurance Agent. aud agent for the above Cos. sept 13 Office \E\V HARDWARE STOKE, - r IMIE UNDERSIGNED has opened a NEW 1 HARDWARE STORE At No, 119 Congrcss-strect, in the Store recently occuj id by Messrs. N. K. Bnrn • urn t Cos., unci .s now receiving an entire now und ! well selected Stock of ENGLISH AND AMERICAN ixardwahe. embracing almost every article usually found in a Hardware Store. Having purchased his Stock direst 1 from the Manufaeturers in England and this cnuntry I lie is enabled o offer his g ods as low as they cun T*e I j-urchase lat the South. He respectfully asks of ti\e ; pat-ons of the late firm of McCleskcy A Norton, the | citizens generally, and persons \ isiting the city to gi> i •him a call tiid be satisfied of his prices if c., ! Uct 27 oEti A. McCIiESK EY. NEW STYLES. m.IUST received per steamship Augusta, anew style if Black Alhoni U vis for young men: also, u variety of \ Children's, und Infant. 4 t Ilafa and Caps, Ac., Uy ; ’t 27 BKLDEN A CO. NEW BOOKS. r pilK Hornes of the New World —Impressions if I l>y Krederika Bremer—tlunslutcd by Mary tb-witt. Clouded Happiness—a Novel: translated from tins i French of tbe Countcs D’ursay. | Graham’s Magazine fur November. | Goitcy’s Lady’s Bu k i->r b. Received bv I ft 2r, ( ÜBBLDGE a brother, NEW BOOKS. Tl’'Ys LANDS J I'DSGN—A Memoir of the Life an 1 f 7 r>f the Rev. Adouirani Judsori: by Fran - cis Wuyland. President of Brr-wi Ii iveisity. All s Not Gold that Glitters, or the Young Californi an; by Cousin A lie*. ! DJ< ak House; by ('has Dickens—with illustration*. The Midnight Queen : by Geo i i) pa.d- Baruuni’s Illustrated News. No. 43. Received by CUBBEDdE k BROTIIKR. > (K-t 25 MORE NEW BOOKS. Received by 5. S. SIBLEY. Oct. 2.. 1853. Discu.-.-ions on Philosophy and Literature —by Sir Win. Hamilton; Homes of-the New YTcvrld, Impressions of America —by Fred,-rica Bremer, translate! by Mary ilowit l ; i Men and Things iu Europe—by Klrwan: i Home Pictures: by Mrs. Mary A. Denison: 1 Rhetoric of Conversation, or Bridles Spurs fsr tbe management of the Tongue—hy Geo. Y. Ile-r ----i vey; Dr. Chaluier's Cor, ospondouce,—by Rev. Wm. Hanna: All is not Gold thatGirtters, or the*YoungCuliSurnißa —by Cousin Alice; The Young Astronomer—by J. C. Abbott; Gleason’s Pictorial. Bn mums lllustmtrti News. La dy's Book for November, Graham s Magazine for No vember; Blackwood’s Magazine for October: (’loude.l Happiness, a Novel’ translated from thw French of the Countess D’Orsay; The Midnight Quoen. anew Novel—by George Lip pur and. For sale No 135 Congress-st. oct 20 SUNDRIES. i elar’d Sugar: 50 do powd’ed do; / */30 bin Is St Croix do; GO bids II S an 1C Flour; 150 bids Balt. and >: ISO do Lebauou and Etowah Georgia do; 100 bags. P 8 lbs each. Georgia do: 50 do Rutter. Sugar*; i nrul Sola Crackers; 25 do Pilot Bread; 40 boxes Soda i Biscuit; 150 bbls Portland Sugar-house Syrup: 75 bids ! N () do: 50 do good eating Potatoes; GO boxes Pendel’s | fi’s and B’s patent Tallow Candles; 75 do Adamantire 1 do; 25 ilo Judd & Son’s S; erm do; 50 do* Brooms; 1.5 i lbs No 1 Mackerel, 2<d .> Lids No 1 do: 75 boxes whiio and yellow Cheese; 25 bids prime Lard; 50 kegs do d> ; 100 boxes ss, Bs. and pounds Tobacco, good brands, so ido 50 and SsGrant A Williams’ do: 150 do Smith. Col ’ gate, Crotton. and Bond ell's Family Soiq ►; 75 do Palo do do du: 120 do No 1 do; 50 do Pearl Starch; 80 whole, i half, and qr boxes Raisins; 25 drums bigs; 50 boxes Herrings, just received nml fur sale l;v WEBSTER A PALMES I NK CUTLERY.—Just received a very superior . assortment of Washtenholm’s ami Rodgers’ pork ; et Cutleiy; also, some very fine Razors with and witb out Cases; Ladies’ fine Scissors. Ac. Ac., fur sale at the , Apothecaries’Hail, by I oct 20 J. K. DkFORD. \ITIRE SIEVE OR CLOTH-2 eases, } containing all sizes of fine and coarse woven W'ire] j 21 to 30 inch width ; for sale bv ! oft 1 _CH. 11. CAMP FI ELD ‘V’’ E W GOODS. —Every steamer arriving brings 11 with it new and handsome Clothing, for .'Men, j Boys and Children. Aml 1 expect to open by the Al ; abaum to-day. something extra for Bovs, and a verv ! large assortment of Gents’ Overcoat* and Business ! Coats. Call and see at the Clothing Store. Gibbon's sngo. [t 22 GKO. s. NICHOLS. ! 7 IST RECKIV KD PKR BTEAMER- ft bbls f/ Pig Hams, 2do new Bologna Sausages, 6 half bbls I Pulton Market Beef. 6do Pig Pork. 6 bids Pickled CuJ I cumbers. 2 do mixed Pickles, 2 bids Tomato Catsup, j Codfish, Mackerel. Pickled Salmon. Smoked Herrings, Tongues nnd Sounds, Ilalibu, Fins. Ac. For sale at ALEXANDER'S oct 26 c >rnor Bull a Congress-sts, Monumont-sqr. IvO l BLR and Single Barrcld Guns, Hint ant! / percussion Rifles. Colt’s and other Pistols, per russlon caps. Powder. Shot and Lend, Powder flask, j Shot pouehes. and any article used for Sporting. All just Received, and for sale on Reasonable terms, by j oct 2S Noll Burnanl Street. K. LOVELL. A A BOZEN WOLF'S super* or Schehlam HrVySehapps, a superior Tonic, Diuretic. Anti-dispep tic and ImiogratingCordial, especially reccmme'dod to alt persons residing in the Southern country: a demonstrated preventive of Ague, Remittent and Bil ious ever, for sale by A. BON AID. oct 21 corner of Bay and Whitaker sts. - SILKS^ TIIST RECEIVED at 154 Congress street, the follow ing very desirable SILKS, which for elegance of style, cannot be surpassed, if equalled, by any estab lishment in the city, viz: Super Bayadere Silk ; do. Plaid do. ; Plaid Satin do do. black Gro de Rhine. ALSO, A handsome assortment of black and colored Al pacas, I)e Luiues, Ac. S. CURKELL, Sept 20 154 Congress-street. Tiff - Kill NO VESTS.—Just received at 154 Congress it I street, a beautiful assortment of Ladies and Gentlemen Cashmere and Merino Vests. S. CURB ELL Agent, oct 10 Gibbon's Building.