The Savannah evening journal. (Savannah [Ga]) 1852-185?, November 02, 1853, Image 1

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Hflfc Itpeitlfiif liirnsjiL VOL. in. daily PAPER $4. Sao3it!ul) (£ucnin!) Journal. D ULV t'AHKR, - - $4 | Trl-W&KKLY, • - |3 Payable invariably in advance. It V A. 11. ft BBKDGE. THOMAS \V. LANK, Editor. A I) V EIITISINCJ RATES. A Ivertisements iinert•> 1 nt the following rates, — KOH ONK aqil\HK OK TKN I.INKS. One insertion, $0 00 I One month, $( 00 Two - 1 00 Two “ 10 00 Three “ 125 | Three “ 12 std Four •* 1 f,o j Pour “ 15 00 Hve “ 1 75 Six “ 20 00 • hie week, 2 Oft | One year, 30 00 f ’ w* 0 *ntr --ts for yearly advertising may be made o i liberal terms. l.e; il a Ivertise n *\ts iuserte 1 at the usual rates and •ri ,, t e.ire taken that they be published according to VII alv *-tri * n mits from transient persons, or strati g. rs, to be paid for in advance.* Poe privileg.M of yearly a Ivertisors will he confined ! lly to their rofilar business, and all other adver* : tise nents, n >t pertainin'’ to their regular business, as ! agreed for, to be paid extra. .** VII a Ivortiseuunts sent to this offlee without di- • *tl i*is as 11 the n i nber of insertions, will bo pub lis'i -l failv, until ordered to bo discontinued, and . mill JiiiiiiL \v MDKSDAV, NOV. ‘t< I*o.l. John Van lluren remarked lo a friend on the day of Collector Dronson’s removal, ‘hat Hrousoii had joined the “Short Boys,” keitig a head shorter than the day before. Very good for t; e Prince. Female Orcbrst nts. Such things are not unheard of, or at least hot unimagined. That luxuriant traveling genius, William Beck ford, pretends to have seen and heard as follows in Venlco, in 17S0:— “ The sight of the orchestra/’ ho says, *'* still makes mo smile. You know, I suppose, it is en tirely oftho feminine geuder, and that nothing Is more common than to see a Jelicate white hand journeying across an enormous double bass, ora pair of roseate cheeks puffing, with all their efforts, at a French horn. Some that ! a e grown old and Amazonian, who have i abandoned their fiddles and lovers, take vigor ously to the kettle-drum : and one poor limping lady, who had been crossed in love, now makes an admirable figure on the bassoon.” A Bathing .Scone. An exchange states that during the past sum mer, at a town on tho'b&nks of the Susqehan bah, the heat had been overpowering all day, and night being come, numbers of people of both sexes sought coolness in the waters ofthat beautiful stream. A terrible thunder storm n rose whilst the river was populated with bath ers, and then commenced a general nance, pai jnnt. The wind bore away the clothing in ev ery direction, and every one to gain his ,r her “wri habiliments, joined in an impetous race clad in a single garment. This one, where he h id left his coat, found only a corset, and where the young girl sought her fresh toilette and her sweet tulle bonnet, she discovered a pair of pantaloons or a sack. Many Were obliged to enter the town in the most bizarre costume, and some even without any. The next morn ing the clothes that had been collected were di vided as equitably as possible. Hullxva y Train rim Into by a Vessel. The brig David Smart run into the passeu- j ger train on the Ualenn Railroad, yesterday j morning while crossing the bridge over the north branch. Her jib-boom grazed the two first cars, doing them no injury, it however | pierced the rear car, breaking in all the wind- • ows and demolishing a good portion of the j Woodwork. None of the passengers were in j Jured. The train Was going only at a moder ate speed, at the time. The brig’s jib-boom j was broken short ofl', which was all the damage j she sustained. —Chicago Journal. [From the New York Sun.] •Judicial Power. Mr. Editor. —l lately noticed iu some news paper. I don’t remember what oue, a very sin gular judicial proceeding. If I mistake not, it was in a ense where the prisoner had boeu sen tenced on two different indictments, for a term of years in the State prison, but because tho prisoner made some remarks that the honorable functionary didn’t exactly relish, ho “reconsid ered” one of the cases, and sent the poor fellow for seventeen instead of four years. Now, if “tho Court” had a light to reconsider ono case, he had tho same authority over the other, and J why did he not send him for thirty four years? j And if he could do that, he can at any time, In the infinity of his wisdom and goodness, acid on a few more years. I put it as a general ques tion, whether or not there is iu existenco a statute giving any one such power? And if so, if it is not contrary to the Constitution of tho United States? I have practised law for the j last nine years in Kentucky, Mississippi, nnd j Texas, but never before have I known a Judge j of tho Court to “reconsider” a sentence. T have 1 written this nlouo for information, Will you j please givo it? A. J. Hamilton', Astor House, X. Y; Wo believe there have been tinny instances ! where a judge has, after pronouncing sentence, . increased the amount of punishment; but it lias, ‘ so far as our impression goes, been always done j before the convict was removed from tho bar or j the Court Room, and tho Clerk had recorded tho sentence. After sentence is recorded, the ! Judge has no power to “reconsider” and in crease the punishment. Nor will a Judge, fit for his position, allow a few hasty expressions from a poor irritated prisoner, to rulllo his tem per, or excite to what, under almost any cir cumstances, iu the exhibition of a despotic spirit.— Sun. Erroneous Medical Theories. At a meeting of the Academy of Medical Sci ence, in New York, on Wednesday eveuing, Dr. Detmold exhibited a thumb which was torn | from tho hand of tho lato owner during the day. Ono tendon was left attached to tho thumb, some six luces long, and sundry nerves which were broken at various distances above tho point where the muscles had seperated. The ; point that the Doctor made from this text was, that the common doctrine was not always true, viz: that in tho living body the tendons are ruptured more easily than the muscles, while in ‘ho dead body the muscles are most easily rup tured. In this ease, which seemed to boa fair one, tho tendon evidently was broken only after tho end of tho thumb had been removed somo inches from tho hand. Tho contrary doctrine, that tho muscles hold out longest, is laid down in all books, and is tho belief of all orthodox schools. Another instance of an orror, perpetu ated through centuries, was tho doctrine that, in a gun-shot wound, tho smaller opening in the one rnado in entoring, and tho larger ono in passing out. Hut a more extended experience in gun-shot wounds, that tho axions is not gen erally true. Another was tho popular belief, which all manner of old books have ondorsed, that spontaneous combustion had occasionally taken place. Tho belief, however, being brought i to tho test of legal examination, Liebia proved that no authentic caso had ever occurred ; that wherever they were spoken of they could bo traced back to the Middle Ages, or to the more zealous than wise statements of enthusiasts for certain reforms. Corn may bo imported into tho Papal States duty free till February next. Type-Composing Machine. Wo alluded a short time ago, to a sort of • printers’ piano, which has been invented by Mr. William It. Mitchell, of Brooklyn, a broth er of the celebrated Irish patriot. John Mtlchel. Tho construction of this machine is strikingly j ingenius, and if we mistake not, will make the | sons of tho Canton art dance to quite anew tune* whtJu its facile keys are sot in motion. Hero is a slight idea ofthis novel invention : ! A series of keys, like those of a piano-forte, each one labelled with u letter of the alphabet, is so arranged as to deposit a type, as it hap pens to be struck, on pieces of revolving tape, which carry it right side foremost to a form, where if is ready to be taken out nnd justified. The types may be dropped ns rapidly as tho digits ot a Vincent, Wallace, or Strakoseh can run over the keys of a piano forte, and become just as quickly and regularly’ set iu their proper places in tho form. This invention is peculiarly Well adapted for book printing. Any one who knows his letters, enn learn to print and play the piano at tho same time, while any experienced professor of the latter instrument can easily double or treble his fortunes by devoting his days to the instru ment which talks in letters, while his nights are as usual sacred to notes musical, when he can very appropriately play, “ 1 know a bank.” etc., in illusion to his new sour.: ;of wealth. Jo\ s apart, nimble fingers will shortly boa valuable I stock in trade. Mr. Mitoliel, who may be said to have found ; |ho key’ of the “Art preservative of all arts.” is, we understand, perfecting i machine for the distribution of used type. From Mr. Mitch el’s ! perse vo runCd anrl origin;! 1 turn of mind, we have i no doubt of the complete success of his inven tiou.— X. ) . National Democrat. DIIMLE& CIMyT CLOTJII lilts and; MHItCH WT TAILORS, WARE-ROOM. X. E. Corner of Whitaker and Uroiujhtoii-Hts,, Savannah. r |UIK Subscribers, in announcing to their imnierou .L customers and the public, tin- arrival and onciiiim of their Fall and Winter Stock, | felicitate themselves on the advantages which their re j cent purchases enable them to oiler all who desire t>> j select their Clothing from an extensive assortment ot \ the choicest goods, made in the most FASHIONABLE STYLE. Those goods have been purchased under tin* person al Inspection of one of the proprietors; and availing 1 themselves of favora I'lecireu instances, they are enabled not only to warrant them in quality, but'tooffur them i at such I,O AV PRICES, as must distance all com petition in their trade. The following enumeration is made tor Hi.- benefit, of Gentlemen in t:lio country, whose orders will meet prompt attention, and who. when in the city, are re spectfully invited to an examination of our Goods GENTLEMEN’S CLOTHING. FItOCK and DRESS COATS of every’ tjMality. “ “ in black, blue, brown, green ‘ and olive colors. BUSIN ESS COATS, in great variety, viz: Tweed, Cloth, and Cas imere. Frock and Business Cunt*. PAN”! At, 1 JON’S—black Doeskin at a great variety ot I prices. black and fancy Casslmores. at a great variety of orices : ” Drab D’lSte, ..... Fancy Marseilles. * u t . u VESTS—Black silk and satin Vests. Fancy silk White silk, for party, “ White. ButF and Fancy Marseilles Embroidered t.'loth. Velvet and Silk in great variety FURNISHING GOODS Furnishing Hoods of every de-eripti6n for Gentle mens wear—consisting of scarfs, cravats. Waterford i ties. Prince Albert ties, spring stocks, merino shirts and drawers, cotton do . suspenders, half hose, glove- all kinds, best quality patent yoke .-liut.-;a tine assort ment of Dressing Gowns, Umbrellas, Canes, Perfumery, Combs, Brushes, Port monies. etc. etc. HATS. ! An extensive assortment of the latest an.l most sash I ionalde sty les. [ Trunks, Carpet Hags, ValiceA, Hat Boxes, etc. Merchant Tailoring. | The favorable and long established reputation which their establishment has enjoyed, and still maintains, for the style ant finish of its garments made to order, as well as for the superior quality of their Cloths, dura- , bility of color and substantial workmanship, it shall in* the constant effort of fin* proprietors still to continue, i They invite the special attention of !•• .t 1, nhl and new : customers to the following, from which they nre pre pared to furnish garments, which they will warrant to bo ne plus ultra iu both titund fashion. SI.\IOXIS Sc Blnld.A S hast Blue, Black, Brown, Mulberry,Green, Adelaide, Bronze, Corobo and Olive Cloths. Black Doeskin. Black CasDmore. and a large assort ment of Colored and Fancy T'w,-<*ds. LINKS’ GOODS.—While. Hull’ and fain \ Linen Drills. ‘ VESTINGS.—White Silk and Satin, tor Party Vests, j Black and fancy Silk and Satins. White. Buff and : Orange Ca. si ni civs. Uniform Suits; For Volunteer Companies in'hr city and throughout ; the State, made nnd furnished at tin* shortest notice | nnd in the best manner. IMBBLK <v CAUKV. I oct * uqi ftlis AN w ■ 12 1 pipes Otard. Pupiiy .v t’n-.’s French Bran illlMNltb dy. hJhjilt pipes assorted brands, low pric -TOTffljffy **d French Brandy; 30 quarter cn*k* Domes tic do, 50 bids do do. 70 do P A II Bye ! Gin. 150 do E Phelps’do: ij pipes Hollandftfn. 19 bids Virginia Apple Brandy, 8 rlo pure Georgia IVa.-h do. ! 30p bids (lo M O W hi.-kev, 00 do whitia Baltimore d0.30 j old Westminster Monpngnliela do. 20 do old Pennsyl vania Mountain du’do, 101 l do X K Bum 25 quarter ( casks Madeira Wine.ld eighth do choice do do.2h qnnr i ter do Port do, 2 half pipes do do, 20 quarter casks ! Brown Sherry Wine,-10 basketsChainpaignedo. For (sale by |aug2i; WKItSTIiI: .V PALMES. NOT BOASIIN '). 15 OX FACTS. OlSjStm. CAMS.-C.VFB.—Th.- (iii.’.-t mi'l licft V-V'dP m “'l Gftps to he found in the City, nre to be found at the .Clothing St iv. Gibbon's Bunge—all made up for my trade and sold cheapo-call and sue. oct 22 GEO. S . NICHOLS. FOR THE HAIR. 1 Barry’s Tricopherous. Lyon's Cathurion. .Inync's UnirTonic, Kau Lusfrale. Kowl iiulsGen. Mucassnroil French. Eugli.-h and American Pomatums. < tils', etc. etc., J. K. DkFOUD. oct 11 Apoth'vcnries’ Hall. IMPORTED WINES, ‘Jiquors, Segars, and Fancy Articles. The Subscriber hat* on hand a fine and j well selected stock, comprising the follovr (I® b®!*’ pipes ‘Hard, Dupy Sc Cos nSSSsSI I *l° do Old Itoiinessy Brandt 2uo do Sazerne, Vintage 1810 2do do Jenn Louis, do 1800 3do do J.l Dupy •4 do do Old Deserve Madeira : 2do do Loudon Particular 3do do Old Port Wines ft do do Old Sherry 20 casks of Claret 20 casks Champagne 20,000 Bio Honda 10,000 LaGruiz Saqars 5,000 La Union lft.OoO La Patria 25,000 Trabucus Also, a large supply of Fancy Groceries, such as im ported Cordials, English Pickles and Sauces, Preserves, Prunes and Jelly, for sale by A. B(IN’ Al D, dec 8 Corner IDv and Whikaker-sts. |)K; iiams. list received*mn-T Florida. 1 6 barrels Pig lfams; sdo Smoked Beef; 20 dozen Smoked Tongues; 200 11* Bologno Susages. f*r sale by HYLAND A O'NKILL. oc. Next door Marshall House. PERFUMERY AND SOAPS.—Inst received a fine assortment of Lubiri’s Extracts and Soaps; also, river’s Soaps at Mu Apothecaries’ Hall, by ! sept 12 •. K. DK FORD, r I'AILtE CRAYON--h onvenient piece >*l I machinery for sharpening lend pencils: for sale by t 8) Cl BBEDGE and BROTHIR. I ROCKET “CUT LERY~-a desirable assortment, just opened, by CUBBEDGE <L BROTH KK oot 8 \TfIIALE Olb*-10 bbls. bleached Fall Whale YY Oil; 10 bbls. Winter do. Just receive I and for sale by JNO. B. M* )ORK Sc C(). c{*pt 2 OibbonT Building. SAVANNAH, WEDNEsDAV AriT.KNOON, NOVEMBER 2. (853. SPRING ARRANGEMENT, p THE Li V KRPiK'L AND PIITLA c 3: DELPHI A STEA WISH IP COMPANY fr intend .sailing their favorite Steuni- CITY UK PHI LA DELPHI \. now being built. CITY OF MANCHESTER. 2D15 tons, Capt, R. I.eitch. CITY OF GLASGOW. 10il) tons. Capt. Win. W > lit*. FROM PHILADELPHIA. City’ of Glasgow Thursday, Mar 31, 1553 City of Manchester.... Saturday , April 23,1853 City of Gl :v*g"w Saturday, May 14. 1853 City of M:iuchtstcr...j Saturday. June 11, 1853 City of Glasgow Saturday, July 2,1853 FROM LIVERPOOL. j City of Manchester... Wednesday. Mar 30, 1853 City of G 1 asgow \Vodnesdav,April2o.l Ss3 City “f Manchester. .Wednesday. May IS, 1853 City of Glasgow Wednesday, Junes, 1853 City of Manchester... Wednesday, July U, 1853 HATES OF PASSAGE. fttOM IMHI.ADEI.PHiA. I FROM I.IVKKI'OOI,. Snioon Berths 00 Dol.'Saloon Berths...2o Guineas Midship “ r 5 l.Midship ...15 Forward “ 55 “ |Forward “ ...13 “ Including Steward’s Fees. THIRD CLASS PASSENGERS. A limited nnmherof Third (’laws Passengers will he taken from Philadelphia and Liverpool and found iu I provisions. From Philadelphia...s2o | From Liverpool ,$35 f'crtilicah’- ot j>assage will lie issued here to parties who arc desirous of bringing out their friends at cor [ responding rates. I Drafts on the Agents and the Bank of Ireland from Cl and upwards. t:,r I it EIGHT ON GOODS (Us. PER TON. Rilis of holing for goods from Havre signed by the agents there, through to Philadelphia ut p#*r toil. An experienced surgeon will be carried on each ship. All good sent to the Agents in Philadelphia and Liv | i-rpool, “ill he forwarded wit li economy and dispatch. For freight or passage apply to THOMAS RICHARDSON. i 9 Walnut st., Phila.. and 41 Exchange Place. N. Y. P.VPKLFOKD, FA V ,V CO.. . Bay st., Savannah. RICHARDSON, BUO’iTIEItS A CO.. I aprll Liverpool. JTf\ HERON’S S UIH; t L All PACKET LIN’E lieTWEKV Philadelphia and Savannah, Tnc following vessels comprize this Line, and will sail 1 al*out every two weeks, viz : Sclir. JULIA ELIZA, Capt. llkibee, do. .J. it. HOLMES, do. Loikje. i ! do. DART. do. Somers, i d<J. C. A.GREINER, do. Peterson: j ; Tin; Vessels are first class schooners, and command. J cd by captains expcrieuecd in the tnule, and who will use their best exertions to give satisfaction to the ship- . i pers. For freight or passage (having good accouinu - | dations for passage) apply to WILIS Sc BRUNDAGE, No. 72 Bay-street, Savannah. j HERON & MARTIN. | mar 11 N0.37-.j North Wharves. Philadelphia. PREMIUM SEWING BIRDS. J$ m These useful and justly celebrated Birds are °ff‘ , r ,, d by the Original Manufacturers, and recommended to the favorable notice of the 4T .:ulits, as ariii les which in point of useful ness. beauty and durability, cannot he surpassed. But ifiieauty was the only ground upon which we could recommend them, we too would he ready to exclaim, we have enough of such. But how often do we see the fair form of woman, and the natural beauty which Heaven has so kindly given her, materially lessened by a drooping form, the natural consequence of sew iiig in an unfavorable position 't Ladies, we trust that 1 we are not saying two much when we tell you. that ot the many thousands already introduced, and in con- , slant use, none say aught against them. Addresser- i ders to • (nov 24) .1. A. M A VEIL *\ : . PRESII SUITE I K 8 rccciied pet* . steamship Alabama : >g>* 30 glass.jars Fresh Prunes. :,tl drums (small size \ Turkov Figs, tr&m ••lo hexes Cluster Rni-ins. Ba'rlcy. Genesee <elf-rai"sing Flour. Butter. Sugar'.’ Pic nic mid .Suda Crackers. Pig llano. Smoktnl Tongues. Bologna Sausages and Smoked Beef. W. G. DICKSON, apr 7 corner Whitaker st and Brougbton-lane. . NEW HOOKS—The Mud Cabin; or the Char- I acter and Tendency *<t British Instiletioii. as il lustrated in ‘their effect upon Human Character and Dcsti y, by Warren 1.-ham. Tin* Forged ’.'.’ill; or (.’riuie and Retribution, by F.m ersou Bennett. The White Cruiser, or the Fate of the Unheard of,by Nod Buntliiie. Edith’s Ixigacv: or tlie Long Wood oftho Grange, by the author of Adelaide Lindsay. .lane S-t-.n: or. the King's Advocate: by. James Grant, author of “ Homaiice of War.” See. See. The Rudiments of Building: for the use of Archi tects. Builders. Draughtsmen. Machinists*, Engineers, and Mechanics: by Jolm Bullock. The Rebel Scout: a Romauceof the American Revo : lotion. |.v Arm AM mil. \ inlet, the Hun. or Courtship and Wedlock. bv the author of -Tim Gh*l,” -Warning t-. Wives.” ‘Barmin. - News. No. 4". Putn.nil's Magazine.for October. Received by net A CURB EDGE .it BROTHER. AGENCIES. The undersigned is Agent for the sale ot I licorgla Burr Mill Slone, dressed | iHfliffl] ■■>■( f.iri.i-1..-l will, all tluMic-wry Iron- I .-..1iip1.-U- f..f mmiin-—i.H Ills.. prr|.nml to I furnish Kr.-n.-i, llurr.C- logno utij lijupu* Mill Slone, us ev.-rv -llni,-M-i.-n. Wiltl.i-'S l>nli ut Fire-Proof Safes, \T M VVtir HTl'ItK ‘ I'llJi'KS. Burns Sc Griswold’s Sea Island Cot tun and Cotton Saw | Taylor’s patented Georgia Straw Cutter, the most ! competent of inv In its.- at present. %. Spec imen>’ of all the hlhivc to be seen at the i Ware-house, 171 Byv-st„Savannah. feb3 c!I \- if CAMPVIRLD. HATS! HATS!! HATS!! pan Just received, per Alabama, a large lot *t i IB trim’d nml nntrlin’d Bonnets, rmhfclhis. and c’ every variety of I nil and \\ inter lints Cnps.&r. ,\Ve will sell a Letter new style Silk Hat. (nnd of our i own maiiutuctlire) ut 8 *,50, than ran be pivsluced In SilVHIItlHb. We nl.Mi wl-li i’ distinctly understood, that wc make niirown Hat -and put. no other makers mime iu the j lips especfMliy those that have been defunct forvears. | sept 27 ‘ BKI.DEN * CO. ULCE’S rr” WILD CIIEIIRV t'OI’GII C.WDY! A (!REF.A Bid’, to the taste, nnd warranted (if used 1 , \ according to the directions, which are simple.) lo cure all cases ott’ol'GllS and COLDS, which are with j in thercncli of any Medicine, besides all rdinff relief in cases of CROUP. ASTHMA, 0 A TAll'.l I IS, and BKON- | (MHTIS. and Wing one of tin- most useful remedies in j ! the early stages of CO.\M MPTION. Mr, K D’E in placing this article before the public. I claims not to have discovered or ingeniously com pounded Medic ines hitherto unknown, or known only j I a-separate remedies nr in Mich emu Limit ions as pre- | | prevented the full force of their beneficial effects. Nor ! j doeti lie aver that his COUGH CANDY lias the approval of the -entire Medical Faculty.” or j has been recommended by the “most enlightened Pliy J sieianß,” but bo would merely state, that having him self suffered severely from Bronchial Affection attend ed withUoughingandNight Sweats,ho appliedtooneof I the faculty whose prescript ion afforded such s pertly ro i lief and resulted in such perfect cure that lie whs in i duced to obtain a knowledge oftho ingredients and the ! iiuunier in which they might Improperly ConipoundiHl i with Hiignr.fn give thorn a convenient </palatable form i ince which In* has had tho satisfaction of administer ing it successfully iu ninny cases?.. The ingredients | of which t his Candy in composed (among which Wild j j Cherry is the principle) are perfectly harmless, and j may be taken by persons of all ages at all times. ■ Unlike many of the Cough Candies now offered tor j j sale, (purporting to be the product of profouud modi- j cal research, but which arc in reality the concoctions ) of genuine Candy Makers.) this article is not expected ’ to cure-all the ills that llesli Is heir to,” but is peeu. linrly adapted to the few diseases above mentioned, and instead of being composed of the poorest quality i of Sugar, infused with the extract of lloarhound. it. is j i made from Sugar in its highest state of perfection, and contains well known and approved rotnodios. Try it, and it s intrinsic merit will call forth a spontan eous approval from you which e'er long shall give it a ponoularity unparalleled in the history of nostrums. Brice 25 cents per I’ackagJ. Each genuine package of KICK’S CNdUOII CANDY will boar on the envelope tho signature of TO RICE, Cor. Broughton & Whltaker-sts. Country Merchants ctui ho suppll**d by tho Box, each l*ox containing 50 packages, ut $0 25. oct 10, <r \I)ERINO BKDURfiHIitTs & DRAW EKS. —Now opening per steamer, a full assort nie.nt of Undershirts and Drawers of Merino, Flannel, red and white French Flannel Shirts and Undvrshijta 1 for servants: Ladies’ Merino Shirts, Undershirts and i Drawers for Boys. Shaker balf-llose. <Lv., for salo cheap j by (oa ll| GEO. S. NICUOU 1 - I JIODKIIATK.. IMPARTIAL—I\I)KI*E.VI)KXT~ JUST. SPRING AND SUMMER CLOTHING, FOR 1853, Geo. S. Nichols. * HAS recently recently returned from i'll Jr fjjljr New \ 'or’k, where In“has been selecting i I uloY having made up his Spring LJ Uii/Summer Clothing, and invites his friends and customers to look at the following which are good and fashionably imule andolh rcd on reasonable terms. ! Men's Clothing-. 75 Men'** Line. Black, Frock and Dross Coats, 750 do. Cnshuierct. Drnp D'Kte, Merino. Alpaea.Tweed I‘lanL‘r s Linen, Cream Linen, Grass Linen Frock and Sack Coats. 250 Merino, Alpaca. Linen Drill and Cotton Round • Jackets. 75u Fancy Silk. Satin. Alpaca, Linen. White and Fig’d Marseilles \ csts. 900 White and Fancy Colored Shirts—all qualities. 350 Undershirts and Drawers, do do Boys’ Clothing. As notice was given that I would go largely into tho Boys’ Clothing. 1 would inform them that 1 have the largest assortment in one Store iq the South, and will lie sold cheap ami nt one price. 500 Boys’ Frock Coats, and Sacks of all kinds and . quality. 700 Boys’ Round Jackets of great variety. 550 do. Cnssimorc, Drilling, Alpacas, Dfh > D’Kle Pants. 300 do. Silk. Valencia alid Marseilles Vests, great va riety. 250 do. White aud Col'd. Shirts, from sto 10 years I Old. 75 Small Children’s Suits, Kilts, and little Sacks, ns sorted. Also a good supply of Bovs’ Drawers, in fact a com plese outfit for Boysofany age at a itiouicut's uoticc. I Fancy Articles. Handkerchiefs. Crnv uts. Stocks, tiloves, Suspenpers. I Money Belts. Children s Belts, t ombs. Brushes. Neck ties. Port Mi*nai.-. Card'a.-es; Collars. I'uihrellas.SuU h els. Carpel hags. Ostrich Feather Dusters, Coat Links Shoulder llniro* l .Caps, Ac., \r. Those in want will, now find a full assortment of the above at the Cloth iiig Store. No 15U und no. Gibbons’ Range. mar 25 AGRICULTURAL WARE-HOUSE, 170 BAY-ST.—SAVANN AH. GA. The subscriber is prepared to < furnished Planters.('omitry Mcr ~ chants aud others, nt WllOLK xjmfor, , t*. SALE or RE TAIL, every variety Agrirull tv nil 1 in pie int-utH, i Consisting chiefly <*i Ploughs. Cultivators. Harrows. Corn Shelters. Straw Cutlers. Powder nnd K ind Corn Mills. Fan Mills. Smut Mills. Road Scrapers, Kin it : j Pullers. Grain Cradles; grain, grass nnd Inn It Scythes; i Reap Hooks. Garden ami Drunimj /infilenirnt* of all . kinds. Mill and Cotton Gin lieuriiig. Mill Peeks and Mill Irons. Saw Glimmers, hides and serews for lifting Mill St< les. Best Dutch anchor boiling Cloths; 80-1 1 gardiis A Trnmbull's patent Horse Powers; rioc and i grain Thr.-ohcrs of various makers. Blake’s Patent Ohio Fire Proof Paint. Hydraulic Cement and calcined Plaster, in quantity : best sperm and other Oils for lamps, paint and nt.i ehiuery; ]>uteiit leather Belting, double and single from 2 to is incites width; stitched, cemented ami copper-riveted; India Rubber do., 3 and 4 ply. of all 1 widths; patent lace and picker string Leather. Copper i Rivets and Burrs. Douglass’ patent .M<r*y <i nd .Sad/><n I’uinps, chain Pumps, hydraulic Rams, lead pipe to lit; J Collins’and other makers approved Axes and Hatch- j uts. wood and hand 8a ws. Ames’ Shovels and Sptplos, English patent and er<> n Hoes, and American best ; manufactured lloes, of aIP sizes: hay and manure j Forks, Chisels, Hummers nud Nails, assorted: garden t and canal Wlioelbarcow.s, cotton ware-house aud store - Trucks, patent plat f>rm, couuter and heatn Scales, ol , all sizes; Wire Cloth. Ac. Pricks kkaso.naiji.e—tkums acoommoi>atin(i. Wool, Hides, Furs and Boos’ Wax, BOUGHT at all times, and pa and tor in cash at current market prices. CIIAS. 11. CAMP FI ELD. feb 3 NEW WATCH, CLOCK, JEWELRY, AND FANCY STORE, No. I 18 iCrouglitnn-st., MB. FRANCES STEIN, Manufacturer of Cliroiiomctprs. Clocks. Town Clocks, See., Sir., j respect fully informs his cu- : J,oi)M\ i :*i l ‘‘d|l fhtf } Store 148 Broughtou-sl.. where he intends to make a permanent location, and carry on the Jewelry business i in its various branches. Watches. Clocks, Town Clocks, | Chronometers. Jewelry, Ac.. Ac., cleaned and repaired ; with dispatch and warranted. New fashion Jewelry | and Fancy Goods of all descriptions sold at. the lowest prices possible. N. B.—Any Watch. Clock. Sr., that cannot he re paired hv other watchmakers, 1 pledge myself shall le repaired by uie to satisfaction and warranted, nov 4 ly FRANCIS STEIN. THIRTY HOUR STRIKE LEVE i CLOCKS JEWELED. THESE ( locks arc constructed (at conride- | ruble extra expense) With a particular re- I r ial card to durability, the mod serious objee iLljS lion to the Jev. r— the wearing of the points | Os the balance shaft and screws, the consc iuent imrea>eoffviclioii and-hvivase in motion after running a short time—being obviated by the use of a i pulishi'-lisp, lie jewel, straight pivot or Knrings, instead J of points tuxhe hah.m e shaft. They nre cased on 4 In*n. ornamented frames, an.l warranted to he as perfect time keepers as the best arc In use. For sale ut the Jewelry Btnre. 129 C..n,ov- s. ‘ feb ft. NEW BOOKS 1 NEW BOOKS It— Received by S. S. SIBLEY, Thursday. July 14th. Margaret Pereival. by thenuthorof • Amy Herbert.” Ac. Edited by Rev Win Newell. Father Gnzazzi’s Eeetures in New York, with Ids Lire, corrected and authoil/.rd by himself. Manesca's S.Tial and Metliodof teauhiiig the French Language. Lives of the Presidents of the United States, with sketches of Remarkable Events. Helen and Arthur, or Mi-sThnsa’s Spinning Wheel; a Novel—by Miss Caroline Le. 11. nt/. Life and Advent tires of ) allentii.e Vox. the Ventril oquist ; l.y llenrv (Nn ktoii.n inoat humorous work. AbS<. A FURTHER SI PPEY OF Yankee Notions, or the Whittling** of Jcnathah's Jack Knife BcinHfußy illnslrated. Villßtta. by (Itirrer Bell. Tie*Swamp £tced. The Corsair Chieftain. Hazel's new Sea Story. Wild Sports of the West; l.y Win II Maxwell. Major Jones’ Courtship. Major Jones’ Travels. Clironiolosof Pinevillc. Roderick the Rover. Nathalie, a Tale; by Julia KaXanali. Si.x Years Later, or the Taking of the Bastille. Ac. Sec. For sale at No. 135. Congrcss-st. jnly 14 NEW BOOKS. IODISE ELTON: or Thing* Seen ami Heard, a i Novel: l.y Mrs. Mary Herndon. Wild Jack: or the Staten Island Child—a sketch from life, together with highly interesting stories: by ! Caroline Lee Ih'iitz. Sam Slick’s Wise Saw* and Modern Instances; or What he said, did or invent*-!. Antifftwnlicisin—A Talc of the South : by Miss Mar tha Haiti.* Butt. Nancy Waterman; or Woman’s Faith Triumphant— a story of New York City : by C. F. Bamitigton. Lafitte. the Pirate of the Gulf: by J. 11. Ingraham. The Empress of the Isles; or the Lake Bravo: by Charley Clewline. Notabilities iu France and England—with an auto biography : by Pl.ilarette Charles, Professor of the Paris Institute. Harry Coverdale's Courtship, and what came of it: bv the author of “Frank I'airlelgh,” “Louis Arttu dell,” Ac. Ac. Volume 1, Putnam’s Magazine, bound neatly in Cloth. Further supply of My Novel. Itanium's News, No. 23. Arthur's Magazine for June. Itaeeivod by june7] J. B. OUBUHDfIR. GEORGIA MARBLE WORKS. J. G. Rankin* Win. M. Ilurlick, Geo. L. Simimcy, (SiiceensorH to A. Atkinson f* Cos.) r I Establishment has been in successful opera -1 tinn for a number of years. The quarries are well opened, and the Marble is superior to any iu the United States. We have so perfected our facilities for getting out and finishing work,Unit we can furnish Mi LN UM ENTS, TOMBS. TABLETS. HEADSTONES, and every thing in our line of business, in better style and atchcapcr rates, than any yard in tho country. When it is considered that we saw our own Marble, pay im jobber’s profit, and no high freight from the North, it will be seen that we do possess material ad vantage over all competitors. Wc cordially solicit our fricuds and the public to ex work. nml complice our prices with those of other yards, before ordering Northern Marble. We ha ve on hand at our yard in Marietta*, a large assortment of finished work —Monuments. Tombs, <fe. —whoreour agent, Mr. G. W. Summers, will sell nt our prices. Our principal work is done at the Mills. Address J.G. RANKIN Sc CO., July 18 ly Marble Work P. 0., Gn. /?cy Every nowxpnper publishing the above adver tisement for 12 months, and sending us one copy tlie same length of time, we will furnish th* m an inipns -ng stone of 12 or 13 superficial feel delivered at Marl 'tta depot. 18RKSII SUPPLIES--Received per steamer A Angust i.—Now Wheat—lllrani Smith’s double extra Goneas'ce Flour. New N S Salmon, new No 1 Mackerel, new CodtUh Stu/okl Tongues. Stain Biscuit. Butter Crackers ; Fancy Cvuolw.-. Alsu, b> bids Crushed and Clarified , ugars. For sale by \\ M. G. DICKSON, i sept 14 Cjrucr and Broughton Luao CUNI\ i:ss imki:< rou\ . S. M. PETTI NO ILL A COS ADVERTISING AGENCY. 102 NASSAU .STRi I.T, M W Yol’.K, Ami Xo. 10 State-strut, Boston. P. A Cos. arc Agents f *r the most iulluontinland lar gest circulating Commercial Papers both in the United States and the Canadas. NEW YORK ADVERTISEMENTS. HODUETTS, TAYLOR & HODGE I TS, WHOLKSAI.K M\.MJFAOTI’Kt:rS OF PLANISHED TIN WARE, I 5 8 Y\ illimn-ati, lit ilit- ri-nr, NEW-YORK. Toa and Coftoo Urns, Chafing Dishes, Veni son Dishes, Dish Covers, Egg Codlors, Coffee Pots, Tea Pots, Coffeo Filters, Nurse Lamps, AND EVERY ARTICLE IN TllE I’KADE oct 21 t'.mos in!i:iit:E’s CELEBRATED CHEMICAL YEAST OR BAKING POWDERS. The must l mill friM>nu<al Artie!., /. r r / tii-ui.t, Biscuit, /•% i. <l, tirii’lith . oii't I ‘UiOi'j Calcs. I'istry, I'ml tiwj.i, Siorcl fairs, fora Her,n't. Ac., ear Invented. I'll IS isthe most >*>-on.>mi. :d, u.-rful. convenient.ami healthy compouml iu exist.•me. f.*r niisin- Bread Biscuit,Cukes.Pastry, Puddings, .vc.. with ritln-r Wheat Rye.ludiuu or Buckwheat Flour. 1 1 is anindi-pciisihlo article iu the culinary departments every household establishment, and there is no Cook <r Housekeeper in creation who will he without it after having fairly tried it. Sold by the principal Grocers and Druggists. Opinions of tho Press. Those who have tried it. it ive found that tlieadver • Lisctiicul does not vaunt its praises too highly.— t'uila hassrc Floridian and Journal, Fdr 19, is;,3. Housekeepers who have tested the quality of tills powder, pronounce unanimously in its favor.— Loci:- pa t Daily Courier. It surpasses every thing in the way of rising, we ever yet saw used iu the baking of—Jialuvny Advo cate and Ueyidcr. April 15,1853. This is an article of such utility in various kinds of cookery, that when its virtues become properly know n no housekeeper that studies comtoit ami ecomuuv. will williugly do without it.—.V. I*. Fid .. J/,, v g|. 1853. No one need l,e-itnte to use Dtirl;ce’s all important I article t.. housekeepers JiipuNtcan Baioitr .(ml , Nashville Whig, Feb. 17. 1853. I Would you have light bread,sweet bread, bread that , you can eat with a good relish, do not forget to pro j cure Durkcc's Baking Powder, and you \\ ill not fail to have good bread, cakes, Ac. Troy Daily Times. May i | 24. 1x;.2. We have tried this article and can recommend it with j perfect confidence. Quebec Gazette, duty. 1852. i Durkcc's Baking Powder we have tricdutourliousc and our “better half’Yvas astonished ut the result.— j X. V. Daily Times. Oct. 2:1. 1852. j Allgood housewives will rejoice ill and glorify the I name of Durkee, after they have given his Baking Powder a fair trial.-—.Wto }srv Sun. S,pt. 30, 1852. ! Durkcc's Baking Powder, undoubtedly the best arti- | 1 ele for this purpose t hat has yet been discovered.— X. ! I I'. Dutchman, Tib. 12. 1553. j The highest commendations, from hundreds of the largest and most respectable wholesale houses in this, : and nearly every large City on this Continent, could be given if space allowed it. HjF* Tin* article is warranted to give satisfaction. --- I Orders accompanied with Cash trill In- promptly filled. K. R. DUIIK ISM. Solo Proprietor and Manufacturer, Wholesale Dealer in Sal Soda, Cream ot Tartar, Sup , Curb Soda. Cooking Extracts. Wax Mat*lies. de. 43V AVati ‘a., ‘ CARPET AND FLOOR CLOTH WAREHOUSE Curt a I us, Curtain Goods, Ac. No. 150 Congress and 57 St. Julien-streots. VVVY'N. THE Sli ItSUItl HER would respectfully iu '\lKWMhjlform the public that he has now opened the ; complete assortment of all the various j styles of GOODS usually kept iu similar estabibh- j meats. The stock of the different departments will j consist, in part, of the following Goods, viz; Carpet Department. Royal Velvet Tapestry Brussels, Moeet Brussels, | Bru.-suls, Velvet. Tapestry and Brussels tor -'airs. 3 ply. Superfine. Fine, and Couimmi Ingrain. Plain and j Twilled Venetian for stairs, halls, etc. Drue, its 0-4, 12-4 nud lo t iu width, of ever} variety of puttuus, . Hearth Rugs, Parlor and Stoop Mats. Tabh-saudPiuuo ■ Covers, Silver and Brass Oval and Octagou Stair Rods, ! Stair Limn, etc. Oil Clotlis. Os every width, from I to S yards, for halls, dining i i rooms, ateaiuboals. >al(Mns, etc.; |{osewiM.|. Maliogn-, * ny nml small figured i urniiuie nil Cloth.-. 4-4. 5 I 1 uiidj o-4 wide; Figured India Rubber Cloth for stair-. Curtains. Silk and Worst.s| llaniask DeLnim*. Worsted and I Linen DelgUne. Figured and I Gain Damasks, ‘ variety ol colors. While and Buff for Shades. Window Shades. Transparent Landscape, Medallion. Garland, and White and Gold, entir* ly new stylo. Cord. Loops, Tas sels, w ith all the various Trimmings for Curtains ami Shades. Gilt Cornices. Bands, Loops and Plus, of the greatest variety and patterns, of tin* latest importation—allot’ wlii.h will be sold,at wholesale or retail,on the most liberal terms. WM 11. GUIu.N. Agent, or.t 2d 150 Congress and 37 St. Julien-sts. T. W. Al r A RTIIOR & C 0., (siuM op thk aid C'tKlrE hot* wiioi.icsvi.i: r\t> ar:TMt. TIN WARE MANUFACTORY AMI stovh iVAin: noon. mr, WE have now, and keep eon- 4 i stonily on hand, a full and ex tensile STOCK. Mliich we otler on iml i very reasonable terms. T Pumps, I.t ad Sheet Genii, Copper an.l 7.1 nr. These Pumps are of simpleeonsiruetion, aud every part perfectly fitted—they are so made that they may be taken apart amhuvess gained toall the valves with out taking up the pipe-, or een detaching the plat form. to which the Pump is fa-tened. Wearealso-ellingtheeehhrated Kurk Pattern Cooking Stove, for wood, which i- I).n.g very extensively used in the city aud country. The sttc cess of this Stove, -ince its Introduction hv us, has gratifying—nothing lias ever been offered to the public for ctdenary purpose- that has given such gen eral satisfaction. Wo shall take great pleasure in -le-wing this Stove, whether you purchase of us or not, and wo think we cau -af.-fv you that this Stove is superior to any ever offered for sale iu this market, mar 24 STORI NO 13 BARNARD I CHEAP SUGAR3 AND TEAS , i)Di:i:u: TV •ik'li,” < „r,lV..-t:,!it,..UlrunHlul,-.|.|.,. ■% ) lawcr Grades Brown Sugar. 11 lbs. f„v -1. Dark (anitable for servant) Sugar, 17 lbs. for *l. FRESH TEAS— front the latest importa tions. consisting of:—Extra Hyson, Extra Fiue Gun powder, nnd Ooolnng. Fresh Mustard, Sardines, Pickles. Preserves. Sweet Oil, Almonds, fancy boxes Prunes, Brandy, London Mustard, Pearlies, Turkov Figs, extra large and fine, and 20 boxes Raisins (all clusters) —whole, naif and quarter boxes—Mure, Nutmegs. Spices, Sir. Just received per steamer —2 bbls. Pig Hams; 50 Smoked Tongues, large size; 50 lbs. Bologna Sausages; 2 bids. Smoked Beef. For sale at DICKSON’S, jan 2ft Cor. Whitaker st. and Broughton lane. SOMETHING VERY HANDSOME. Ilats for Small nml Large Itoys. a THE Ladies of Savannah have long wanted to get something very.pretty for their Children in tho way of HATS. They can now find such ar ticles at tho Clothing Store. No. 09 and sft Gibbon's range, whore I am now receiving Panamas, Leghorns, Ohinaaml Ditnoro Pearl, Cainpccha.Uutland and Clin ton Straw, and Palm leaf—al* neatly trimmed, to dt Boys from oue to fifteen years oh* Call and see. mar 3ft GKO.S. NICHOLS. BOOTS AND SHOES. J2O CASES fine sowed calfskin Boots; 12 do. do. peggged do. do.; Monterey nnd Congress Boots; Ladies’ and Gent's Uniter 1 Boots; Ladies’ Ties and Slippers; Boys’ and Youth’s Shoes: 5,000 pairs Plantation Brogans. For I sale by ST A LEV A HENDRY, oct 28 Sign of tho Golden Eagle, Oongrcnst. | .j GREEK IIOUgK PLANTS. - Threw hundml pots Green House Plmits.lii full j 1 I'lfiom, comprising r.n elegant assortment ot various and rare kinds, will be opened and of- 1 sered for sale this morning’ by uiay 1,8 W. W LINCOLN* Mnnuu'nt;q- | MARRIAGE. HAPPINESS AND CO Al PKTK UK. iiv/r /.x n t f J ‘ll AT we behold many u:. -* t: •in tin* uteri L diart ol Jifi- broken in h.-atth and spirits withs coniplicntton of diseases and aihnents, depriving them oflliepowei for the enjoynnuC of'life at an auewheii physical liciUth. I.uoyainy of spirits, ami happy >ercni Itv of mind, at i-mg from a condition ot : callh should be predominant. Many of the causes of her sufferings at fir-p- j erhaps yenr> before, perhaps during girlhood.or the first years of marriage—wore in tlieir migin so light as to* pas.- Ulinoticed, and of course neglected. /V IFT Fit 17.. I US. W hen too late to 1,0 hen,•titled by our knowledge, we l,H,k back and mourn.and regret the full consequences of our ignorance. W hat would we not ofl en give to possess, in early life tin* knowledge we obtain in after years! And what day-and nights of augu:..h we might not have been spared, if 111 knowledge ”ns timely possessed.— ! It is Mr 1.. I.V CUOL r t .YD >'7VI /, TL IX ti To behold the siekno.-s nnd sull'ering endured by many a wife for many years, from causes simple amt routivi la hie. easily remedied—or better still- not incurred, if every 117/7. .t .YD I/O/ /// /.’ I’ossessed the iiiforniat ion contained in a little v ••lunie (within the reach of us all; which would-pare to h. r self J'A’.l US OF MISFI: r. And lo her hu>h.ind the and ii-lant toil ,nd anxietv ot mind. nc.rilv .f.-v• vin_ up, n him ft<>lll-ickm -sol the wife, without giving him the opportunity of h* quiring that competence w hi h hi* exertions are enli tied, and thepo-s,--io:, ..| vGnch vv ,*n|,|. c ure the hap pine.-.- <d’ himself wife and • iiildren B'■ llt F THE Ml IANS OF I! 1/7 ‘JXFSs ! By IxM-nming iu tin..- p. - . --, dot the know h I ~ tl.- want ot which has can-..! the siclae -and i~*\,-i tv , t thousands. In view of such enusr | lienees. vvi*’,- or mother is : excusable if .-dm neglect- t..avail her.-,-It ot t hat know ledge, in r. sp. ct t.. hers. ls, w hi,di w.,uld -par,- her ‘ mueh suffering. U- the means of happiness and pr s perity to her ln-hand. and rotifer upon her ehil<lieu that blessing l-„e all priee—lie-ill hv o..dn-. with ‘ healthy mind-. That knowiedge iseontalin and in a li'- Rework entitled rui;m \i;i; 11 :i woman’s l*rivnl<- Medical Cumiiatilon, BV DK \. M.M M KHT.AI . t‘ROKi:s.-toR op lUSKIsKS OP W.'VUV One Humic,U, Hfiti-.n.) 15,,, go. 50 rents. fox pink r\m n. KTit \ i.ixmx* >1 uu.j First puhli.-hed n lM<>. nnd it Is not SI IJl’li/SIXi,” <>/>■ It <.\// /. / / /.. 4<ii-lde 1 i i*u t li a I every Icmnlc. vvll,. tlier married or not, ei 11 here a‘<|tiire n full know ledge of 1 lit- nature, elini - acter and of her ran, pi iiint s, will* llir variaiis k,v mptanis, and 1 hit I 11 early HALF t Ml LUOS corn s. | should have been sold. i His impractical !,• to convey fully the various suh ! jeets treated of. as they are of n nature strictly inten ded for t lie married. ~r t hose contemplating marriages j but im female desirous ot enjoying health, and that beauty, consequent u|x>n health, which is eonduc , live to her,>wu happinc-s, and that ol her hn-band. hut either ha.-or will obtain it. as has or will ever v liuslmnd who has the l,,ve and affeelion of hi- wife at • heart, or that of hi.- own pecuniary improvement. CP WARDS OF ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND • DJ’IFS i R:n* bean SENT BY MAIL within the last f, w ! j mouths. CAUTION To TUK I*l I!LIC. BE XOT DEFRAUDED ’ ; Buy no Ihh U utiles- “Dr. A. M. Mauri,van, 129 I.ib- J erty Street N. V.” is on the title page, and the entry i in the Clerk's Os lire on the hack ot the title page; anil ; ! buy only of respectable and honorable dealer-. <>r j sell I Ly mail, and address to Dr. A. M. Mauri., an. I j there an, spurious and surreptitious iiifriiigeim nU of copyright. LEI EVERY WIFE AX D lIiSIIAXD FONDER. Y* < \ iise lor nee, vv iien I^iior nne • ik Al is*’ ry to t Itouc wc lioltl n < it r nml denr, and vv lien to di>|>cl our Ijg -11 or a nee is vv it li ill our re ae li. i To enable every one todecide Upon the /' mli. pensi til,liner lll'Hi'irnmrri innifintT.,-n|*.itS,,t ntrrnjr'emC” j es. which sooner or later, are destined to make fearful ravagesU|m,tiher healtli, tinh-s guarded against.and ! 1 that no considerate and affectionate husband have ! 1 cause to upbraid himself with neglect of the welfare of his wife —a pamphlet of thirty-six pages, containing full Tith jiiye and Index nT Omb-nts. together with ,-\ tracts from the hook, will be -ent fr.c /chary, to any i part of the I!uited tStatee, by addressing, post paid as 1 herein. When Knowledge is II a |>|>iness,'f is eulpuMe lo !>• ignorant. lYjj -(An receipt of ne Dollar for the tine Edition, extra binding),**Tti!'. M vui:iki> \Voman's I’riv.vtk Mki>- I,'al l'o\t PAXir’X “is sent, ni* libit Tree) to any parltd the j United Stale-. All letters musl be post-paid, and ad- j dressed to Dr. A. M. MA 1 It UT. \ I . It, x 1221. New. 1 York City. I‘uhllsliing Office, No, 129 Liberty Street, | New-York. For sale by I Sc Whitman.Ringgold: It. F. Rennet, t’a.-sville; Duval A Sears. McDonough: J \. Reynolds, Dahlottega: ('. Vounghlood.Oglethorpe. Gn. In New York t'-ity. hv Stringer A Townsend. Adri- 1 j ant e, Sherman Sc Cos, Dew ill A Davenport, and Barnes v Cos. apr 12 j NEW DOOKS. i * REATTrutlis bv Great Authors: a dietionary ot ” I aids to reflection, quotations cd maxims, meta phors, counsels. cautious, aphorisms, proverbs, A'c. &<*.. j from writers of all ares ami both licnii-plieres. The Evening Book: or. Fireside Talk on Morals and Manners, with sketches of Western Life: by- Mrs. Kirkland, author of “ A New Home.’’ Ac. Ac. The Bible in Ihe Counting lluii-c: a course ‘ tures to Merchants: by 11. V. Boardman. I*. I>. Rowland Trever: or the Pilot'of Human Life: be- j iug an autobiography of UlO author- -bowing how t, ! make or lose a fortune, and how b- make another. The Race for Riches, and some of tin* I it-into which tlie runners foil -six Lectures, applying the word 1 I God to the traffic of men : by Win. Arnot. minister ot l- ree Ft. Peters’, Glasgow ; American edition, wilh pref ace and notes, by .Stephen Colwell. The Doubting Communicant Encouraged: Lv Fcpti nms Tustin, D. D.. late ( haphtin of tlie l nilcl States Senate. Second edition. Marco Paul’s Voyage, Travels and Adventures in Boston; hv Jacob \bhot. Marled,* Bernicro; a Taleof the Crescent t itv. Ac.. Ac.: by \V.Gilmore Simms, author of the \enia-ee. . American Game in Its Season- 1 \ llenrv W illiatn [ J Herbert, author of the -Shooting Box. I* Stalk- A Dictionary of Domestic Medicine and ll,ms,d old ! Surgery : by S| •.-,-r Thompson. M. D . n vi. eib with addition, by llenrv II Smith. M. D . Surgeon to Id I Joseph - Hospital. i hiDulelj hia. Memoir-. Journal and ,r, *• p* . d.-m •• <d Thomas Moore, edited by tho Bight lln Lord John Ki. ,11 I M. IV Part IN Cyril In : a I’nle by the anthorof The Initials. ILirrv A-hton: *r tie* Mill and tlie Wav by the 1 author of “ MinnietSrev. * “Gus Howard.'’ Ac. The White Wolf: or (he Sorrel Pr.dhcrw ! , ; R.mianee; bv Paul Fetal, au.lmr of the - Mv-leri..- ofl.on.lon.’’ Ac. Mitinv Lawson: or tin* Out Law \ Longue a U„ | manec ofGotham : i.vthnih- Fed Swam . The Daneiug Feather, or Pirate Junior: by J. H. Ingraham. Esq. Ihe .School fellow’ First quarter a gift P. U fori Children: edited hv M . C. Richard- and ,'ousiu Alb •• | Putnaiii's r J m e Barn uni's lllu-trnte.l New-. No. .1 Reeceived by |June 1 . J. IL CrBBKrGI'. j CONFECTIONARIES. ’ I'll F. sub-criher be, - leave l<> mt* 1 m his f, i< mis and L the citizens generally ot Savannah ami its vicini ty. that he has purchased the Interest <*| Mr. New 1 omb.iu the Confection ,iy hilhertoowned bv Newronil A Hie,,*, nnd that he will manufacture, and ! keep always on ltaml Krexli nml Pure CoiFoc<ianarfr, Manufactured from the best materials, and eontpris 1 Ing every variety of Candies. Sugar Plums. Ae. Ac. Ac I French Confectionaries. Lemon Syrup, Syrupj for Soda Fountains, Together with every other artiilo in hi-line, nlway- 1 inatore and for -alcut wholesale aud retail.on the most reasonable terms. T. C. RICE. a5 ts 8. E. Curlier Broughton nn*t V, lißaker-s!- “PEKIN TEA COMPANY.” Warehouse, 75 and 77 Fulton-st., New York. 1 • This TL N ompnnv lias alwav- main- r - I tained a It.-h rcpntati.m for TEAS “t i>| | the most delicious character >u *1 fra vi 73 grnney. und nre wnrraiiU'd to give sut-• lsfartioii in every iu-tame. It they do not prove as represent,*! they may be retuin,d. For fule by the Agent. J \ M AVER. Brought, 11 street.) NEW lIOOK S.- Fit'll J-Uim. or Laugh- 1 have taken a Pen to. by N. Parker Willis. I Men nnd Things as 1 .-aw (linn in Europe, by K, r [ wan. Count ChristovaV, or a Sequel to Lord Sa.xndale,hy ! (4. W. M. Reynolds. I Barn,mi's Illustrated News. No. 42. Breeived by pet 19 _ (JIBBKDGF A BHOITIKR. ’ J"!; 1 Marab’a, Hull ttt hurt 1 and lino French single Trusses, also all exteu.-ivv 1 assortment of common Trusses. For sale hv sept 11 JNO. B. MOORE Sc CO, I >UTTER AND <' lll : l'..- F -Just re< ivetlpr am >er Alabama.u fresh supply of Butter and Cheese, Ia choir,* article; for salo at tlie Emporium, by j i.opt 12 SEABORN GOODAJ.L. NO. 121 TRI WEEKLY S3. I i-'a'.cf i 3a ‘ ‘ - 1 GEORGE S. NICIIOLS. Ji HLAI> \-M ADR CLOTHIiStb IT UNI Sill Nil GOODS, A. ’l’fll -t Pm bll*l'R has now in store.and offers f..* 1 sale, ti e foil, wine ; - ttent - fir.-bl”c. k and broWn Cloth. Beaver 1 < i*>th. Peter Minin. Fur Cloth. hikl CamblelOvercoats. I Gent's fine Mu, k 1 lutli Cl, aks aid Mantle-. J Gent’s tine blue, black, ai.q claret ft,-, k ami Tress Gent's Cadet Cassimere. Tweed Cass inure, him k Ca-- | sintcre. blue t ‘assiniere K, iktcand busii.Fa,k . Coat-'--a great \atiety. trent’s black Dee t assinn re, and iiuiii* tl an tliirty different patterns of sum y Cu.stiuuir < t lui, t : sty le. i Go,it's N e-ts—about 15t ft Vests. , mbiaiiiig all * f I the nevv .-tyles. M 1,1, • perfectly lenutifld. Avery la fie lot f Sntiuett Ibmml Ja* kets and Pants. Flushing, Oter,cats. Fro* k ami Faiks. for n-r , vants. India Rubber and I'ilot Cloth Over, oats. Youths’ and Boj's’ Department: : In,** m-v, I been equalled in this pin, c and cuuti.ius ti e ; follow inc : i Broad doth, lleaver Cloth, Bet. r Miam Overroatj t in* black, brown, m.,1 (InrelClMh Dross Frocks, ! I in. Mol. and brow n. ami Cadet Cloth Press J,k ; i ts. < ad.-t an*! Steel mixed Satinet Round Jackets Mix*.l a, and K,r,. y aid Round Jackets for Negroes; I * k I*. *• < -9n, re. lne Cloth, ni and a lan.- a ! in > colored imere and Satin, t Pants. Di „k .’ .tin. * 1 i,d Silks. Alt am, Ila, k 11. ih.iind 1 1 -■• tiety of Merino \ e-ts. All of the above for 1. b.*y . from lt> l IT years old. Children’s Department : ."uCit; very pr.tty trio - I and plain black Cloth | ; t"i cv 1 “h-r, and t a-- „ *„• Suits, w ill. Acts and ! l anis te,! , : - lew sty h- of Fern y |,, -S •ha ket.-; Mrek am! I , . wi, Talmas, bla, k aud gre, 1, To a ,u• Trout-: emb.oidcred Caps. All fer children from 4 to lo years. fhildteii, beys’ ami youth - white ami, ,1, r. and M.irts Fancy Articles: e,iibra, inu Him,*-t,very article for a , entleTmn * ward rol.e that enn be called for. together with the richest a.-o.tinent ot eov.-n-d and plain t APS fm gentlemen, youths. iHvy s. and child,, ~. N B. Mo>t**l tbe at .vc c ds. the Men and BoyV Clothing, have l„, t, made up expv.-slv f, , my trade, and under my iu.-| ,*, lion, at the N, 1 llt.and I,an.,n talent ly reemmeod them a- g..*l. aud - , heap a ; ran be found drew here. The ciU/ens and public ut,- • rally are hmt, l t ~ all ami see at the t U thing st, re, .ihl., „ s Range. oct 7 bUEAT \TTIt \C’TO.\ !! JOTIEE ElflAOßllliiy. I TIIK SC KSt ‘HIRERS heg have t*> state that they I I have determined tu stay ill Savannah, undjinv e This Day couiuienccd to open an entile new FALL AND WINTER STOCK OF DRY GOODS, I M hi, h. for styles and j-ci, ,s, cannot 1<• -oipa-sedt : aud would invite the attention <<f the public, v i/ : I Mouseline ,le Laities, li, m I” tot'jU, cents per ynnp j Plain Persian do. •• Into ,kl. eent-j er \ aid. Fin it ted do., fr, lit 18 to 50 , ruts per yard, i Freud. Morin,*.-: I ,lgli? h ,I,• plain and figured Cash j meres. j From h Gala Plaids (new sty les.) j Chimizeltes Collars ( ban til la \,i! -. Swiss aid Cam- I brie Inserting nml edgings: besides Prints, brown and I lea, bed Shirtii , and sheeting-. Flannels, IVninti'y Ac. For suit at J. 11. t , 111 \ A t't. s. w**!*! 14 140 Broughton slices. TAILiOniN Go DIBBLE &c CAREY, TlflilArEflfi AND TAJIOIifI, -M. CORNER IiRonHITOX AX D Will TA K pit- STS. Savannah, Ca. r I ‘111! SCBSCIJII!KRS would call tin* attentioii , f tliu I citizens of Savannah, to their SPUING STYLES *,K AM. col n|;.- oK CLOTHS, CASSIMERES AND VESTINGS, 1 Which they are prepared to manufacture to order, in J the neatest and most fa-hionable -Ivies Al-o. tln ir stock if It early Alad*- Clothing, j all of which have I wen got up inu superior style to | any ever before offered for -ale in this market, j Their stock ot FUKNIMMNG GOODS is complete, and well assorted. These Goods will be sold on tho J most reusonube and accoiiniiodating terms. | mar. 25 ts SHOES! SHOES!! SHOES!!! For the I*’nil nnd tVinfer Trade. W|\ THE Si P.m KIRLR would gj | ‘N. le.-pectfully call the attemi, n U ,1 th,• planter- ofGeor :ia.>outb JBf 57 t** far, linu and Florida. nr,,l tlx* publi* generally .to liis large Stock of HOOTS A N l SIIOFS. ! His stock htui been selected by himself w illi special enrol j aiidpurt ictdar reference to the retail and plantei l rude, ’ that being the most important feature of hi.- business. lie confidently offers to his customers and the public ] work of a superior quality ami , n reason alia tonne. His stock comprises all the varieties usually kept in t Slice Store, con-isling of l.a,lies’ Shoes. Roots, aid Gai ter- of ev cry variety ; Genth-m* >'* Roots. Shoes ami I Congress Gaiters; ul.-o, Mi- <• . Hoy.-". Youth-', ami { Children's Slu es of every kind. I -,j connection with the above he has a large st,„ U <•!’ X Ftdto llltot; A Y V. j whit li can -afely he recommended as a mi; eraenrli, le. N, ctVort will le -pared tor ive entire .-atislatTit-n. A call is solictnl from you before purclmsine. epi 23 ‘ \V ‘l 111 IDT, ~i bon Range TRAVELLER'S TRUNK DETOT, (dhfion's Range. ( Illii'.S Ml Mill ‘ In- recently re ..1 1,nr.i1.-. • Superior Engli.l, Sole Leather, iron frames, new pat | Do. black 11 nri.e - l.callier. ir. n frafn.-L ! black and br-,.ed Leather Ladi,Ttuuks. new atvh*. JV i'.tt and 3.2 inch bra.-.- baml. extra tini h. I 2S. 3ft and 32 in, h black and l-r* nze Folios. I :>o common black packing Trunks, various size*. I •!.* leat i•• 1 :.r,d o mmol, leatUer \ allir,- j Lndie- Hat Box,-.-, new patU rus. bla, k und l*rntizf*. I 100 Wilton, firm-els. Tapestry an.l Imqaiti Carpet lings, all sizes and qualities together with Sat, heb . ! Those it lot It* , • ... him a call .t ih* I Clothim Store, GihlKitfs Range, where great bargains I will I Wen. Gall and may 1 T IIK M list ItlllEU. has CT)? ,-t mcived a _ od assortment of F Trunks Yalt.-,- ami Carpet Bags.which vvdl dispose ~f on Vly reasonabb let nt.- All in want are r-\-t fullv Invited to call and look at them. WILLI \M III* IDT. i j,* 1 I Gibbons’ Kue. TIN WAKE! TIN WARE ! ! 1 II \\ l n band and am o-t.inMv manufa.'turing [ UN MARI *'i every v ; ,n,t v „n.| . , ditv. w h**b- I -ale and retail, t- which 1 w-u.l/i invite the in-pec j ttun ,*t the public—l cling assured that I can give wit- I i-faction both as regard quality aud price. Also. Bra- Kettles. Brass, Iron. I in*uncled and Tin ! ned Sam,’ Puns. Frying Pan- ; Smoothing Irons. Fir,.* i Dogs; lrn Pot . Ovens end Spiders, Tea Kettles I Gridirons; Waffle Irons: Table Cutlery; Brass Cand'e ’ -tiek-: Snuffers: Tea and Dinner Bell-. A Iso Glass and ! Bril tan la Fluid Lamps, and many art Mrs U*o uuner j ous to mention. Call and see. I mar, M., J. J. MAURICE. uriLKISO ( INK PISHIXG RODS# > > \ Very eonvenient R*hl fi r fishermen: also, finn and common’ 3, 4 ami 5 joint ldsls, with and without | Reel-: Silk Lin*!-plaited and sorted color* and sizes, 1 Fl„x and Cotton Drum, and ever* size do.; \look* of every vaiielv. Kirby. Trout. I.merlck d,*: Drutn.KasM Sheephead and Shark 4UH.ks.all sizes, with Cham an A Swivels. Fly Hooks, sorted odors. Snell ll,aks. Bait Fish. ‘Yankee Doodle’’ Hooks, sorted sizes, just receiv ed BH,I for -ale singly an t by the dozen on W.-t terms. Jc*22 K LOVI LL. Xo.Jl 1 amanl-ht. NEW BOOKS. lUtceh i 1 •. J ffIDLKY October 4. 1853.- The Mu I Cal in. or the Character nnd Teu.lem y of Briti-h In-tiiution.- bv Y\ „rr. 11 Ishnni. The For.-***! Mill orUrluie and KeltMrulton; by Em erson B-nnrtte. Edith's Legacy, or the Long Woodd of the Grange; by the author of Adelaide I.ind ny. The W hit,* Cruiser, or the Fates of the Unheard of; By Ned Buntliiie. Putnam’s Monthly for October. The Loudon Journal for October. The Industry of all Nations. Jam* Setmn.or the King's Advocate, a FcotKah fife’ tori, al Koinaucc; by Jus. Graut. outhorof thfe Rontnnco of War. Ac. The Rudiments of the Art of Building; edited by Jim. Bullock. Violet: The Danseuse. or the Courtship and Wed lock: by the author of the Giltro. Th,* Rob,l Scout: a Komanco of American Revolu ion; by Aria A.-hlaud. l-or'Mile nt No. 135 Cergrefc--street. Oct 5 1 $ ALE HOPE IND BAUOIKO.-Fot nl JL) l y [sept 21J U. J. GILBERT