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About The Savannah evening journal. (Savannah [Ga]) 1852-185? | View Entire Issue (Nov. 3, 1853)
dlk Ciiciiii JiMiniiaL VOL. in. daily PAPER $4. (gotittsg Journal. l>uu- I’ai'km. - $4 | Tki-WuuCCT, : I'ayablc invariably in advance. B V .1. it. c i it it]Q ugß. TilOM As W. I. AM ~ Editor. A OVBRTISIHG R ITBB. Advertisements inserted at the following rates, — FOR ON* SJQIURK OK TUN M>KS. Gnu irMortion, $o rtO I Qne month, $8 00 Two •• 1 00 Two •• 10 Ul> Three “ 125 j Three 12 50 Four ** 150 I Four “ 15 00 Uiv. “ 1 75 Six “ 20 00 One week, 2 00 | One year, 30 00 ’ o’ mtr.icts for yearly advertising may be made o a liberal terms. be;il Ilvtrci<e ll.Mit< inserted at the usual rules and itriet care taken that they be published according to .w. All a lv :'ti< * n “its front tmnsient persons, or strait gers, to be paid lor in advance.” The. privilege* ofycarly a ivortisers will ho confined ri'illy to thoir.regular business, and all other adver tise nents, not pertaining to their regular business, as agreed for, to bo paid extra. All a lverdse itents sent to this office without dir * \i ms as to the number of insertions, will be pub lis’t * I daily, until ordered to bo discontinued, and char re I accordingly. 11111,1 JIIIIIIL Thursday, xov. 3, “Out of ClinoNl'omclh Immortality.’* Such id the language of an eastern poet. The .sentiment is u noble one—so encouraging and true. Jt tenches us when the storms of destiny break wildly upon us, and when distress and j confusion seem to ride rampant over broken fortunes, that then is the hour to put forth our strength—our whole strength—and that if with undaunted heart we still strive onward, we may yet attain the consummation of our proudest w ishes— *• The race must come before the prize, The cross before the crown.” A lew years since, as a wealthy lloston mer chant was leaving u store in New York, where ho had had occasion to transact some business, his eye was arrested by the appearance of a man ■ who was removing some boxes from the store. In him ho thought he recognized one whom lie had seen bo fore in a far ditferent station. “Is not yuur name (J said he, and were you not u year since, at the head of a large and nourishing establishment in I. V’ “ Yes, sir/’ was the reply ; “ hut I failed in business a few months siucc, and after losing : every dollar of my property, was obliged to be gin the world anew, Rather than call upon my irionds for assistance, 1 accepted this situation I as porter. 1 wished only to get a foothold. Call twelve months hence, and impure for me.” Twelve mouth's after that conversation, the porter's name was inscribed as a member of the linn, and honor, respectability and wealth were soon associated with his name. Too many there are who become discouraged by a single failure—a single obstacle in the 1 journey of life. Cases ate constantly occurring where men of known business ability, who have by some unfortuirate stroke of the wayward goddess lost their all, have resigned themselves passively to their fate, and with crushed euer- i gies and blighted hopes. Hunted, poor and de- ‘ pendent down the current of declining life, with hardly a feeble effort to recover the position they have lost. Is this right?—is this-manly’ ? i A man should rather start anew, at the very bottom of toe ladder, and with redoubled euer- ! gies strive to achieve a worthy lank among his Jvllow men. Fortune is coy, and w ill not come [ at his bidding. He must achieve her by the ; sweat of bis brow, lie may not succeed in six ] months, or a year: but let him try. Lot him ■ turn to the ladder with u tirm step and a fear- j less heart, and endeavor to gain “a foothold.” If he labors earnestly he must rise. Try! lor “opt of chaos cuiiKTil lMMottfALirr.” —J Jos to n : Ihii/u ./onnoil. — ♦ - Tlie President’s Message. The N. Courier <p EmjHirer's Correspon dent at Washington, says: The frame work of the .Message has been laid out, and the President is engaged with his Secrataries in reducing it to form. Its devel opomenta respecting our foreign relations will be doubtless, deeply interesting. Through its statements we shall bo informed of the exact progress of the negotiation relative to the fish •ry question and the northwest trade. The best informed her# believe that the Secretary of State is proceeding quio'ly but efficiently to an adjustment of the differences which have so long existed between England and the United .States on that subject. Nothing definite or very important cau bo expected to have taken place in reference to Cuba, Mr. Soule having not yet presented him self for acceptance at the Court of Spain, and there being no representative of the Queen near this government. The questions pending with Mexico are the right of transit across the of Tehuantepec Tehunntepoe as involved in the and Sloo Carry contracts,and defined in the trea ties negotiated by Judge Conklin and <sov. Letcher; the demand for the right of way for the Pacific railroad, through Sonora and Chilhuahua the reclamations of Mexico lor Indian depre dations, and the re-adjuslmeat of our mutual commercial relations. These are most impor tant subjects of negotiation between the two i republics, ami the President’s revolutions as to | the progress made in adjusting them are await- i ed with universal interest. Diplomacy, however, is the science of keep- j ing state secrets, and the state of our foreign i relations must necessarily be but imperfectly j known until the first Monday in December. In domestic affairs the policy recommended \ in the Message will bo, it is whispered among 1 the personal and confidential friends of the j President, in rigorous continuity with the prin ciples of the Democratic party as announced by its founders and earliest expositors. In finance, the President will advise the adoption of a revenue system which shall keep the an- | liual receipts nearly on a level with the estima ted expenditure. One of his subordinates in administration has not inaptly charade.i/.edl the present system as “a revenue tariff for pro tection.” It is to be amended by striking out the words “for protection.” As to the sur- j plus on hand, the system of purchasing up gov- j eminent stocks w ill be pursued until it is con- : sinned. In reference to expenditure tlio most rigid economy will be insisted upon. It is expected that the policy of improving rivers and internal Labors will bo discouraged. The plan of con necting the contract system of carrying jnails with tlie increase and support of the Navy, will bo referred to in unfavorable terms, and its abandonmont ns soon as consistent w ith existing contracts and resulting rights will bo recom mended. The proposition to connect the At lantic and Pacific coasts by a great national rrilroad will bo discussed, but the President will state his conviction that sound policy require it to he left to tho individual energies and the private capital of the country. Tho Secretary of the Navy is maturely con sidering the condition of the Navy, and will present a plan for re-organizing the personal and reforming the material. Many naval offi cers, however, expect more from experience, and collective talent of judiciously appointed committees on naval matters in Congeess, than | from the Department. The Gondola. Mr. Hilliard, in his book of travels, in speak- ; ing of the gondola, says: “ No form of locomo- I tion ever gratified so well the two warring ten dencies of the human soul, the love of move- | wept and the Jove of repose.” I A wise Man. It is a pity that some of our rich men, over whoso estates there is so much wrangling and i quarrelling, after they arc dead, do not pursue the course indicated in the following extract, and settle their affairs before they die. If Joint Me Don ugh had appropriated his immense ac cumulations to I ho establishment of Charitable rustisutions, while ho was living, our courts would not now be burdened with the care and . trouble, and his property be exhausted in die costs of the various suits which have arisen in the construction of his will : “Worthy of Notick.—Dr. Soppington, a wealthy gentleman of .Saline county, Missouri, i recently culled to his family mansion his two sons, three sons-in -law, and two grand sons, to divide his property among them. With the utmost hunnnuy, they fixed upon the value of his lands, about eight thousand acres, and a large number of negroes. The valuation being made, by the same consent each took such part as best suited his purpose, at the price named. The personal property, consisting of stock of mules, horses, etc., Ac., was put up at auction, and the proceeds of the sale divided in like manner. Thus the whole estate, except .so much ns the Doctor reserved for himself, was disposed of. to the entire satisfaction of the donor and the recipients, leaving no cause for dispiit ■or lit: ration hereafter. The Doctor re served lor his own use twenty thousand dollars in cash, ton thousand or twelve thousand of which ho intends properly to invest as a perma nent iund for the education of poor children i:; 1 the county of Saline.”—A'. 0. Delta. Deal It of a Noted Cliaractcr. Dr. Samuel Dennett, well known in almost every part of the United Slates for sonic pecu liar traits, - died here a few days since of the prevailing epidemic. Dr. Dennett, at the time id liis death, was about seventy-one years of age, but he was vigorous and strong for a man of hi** years, mid was in the enjoyment of most excellent health when attacked by the disease lb u terminated his existence. We knew Dr. Dennett more than thirty years ago. lie was th.*u known in every part of the country us the most successful thimble tdayer in the 1". States. It was Said that he had saved about $.10,000 of bis winnings. Me is known mostly in connec tion with his success in this game. lie was one id the earliest settlors in Shreveport. The place in tact, for some time was called “ Dennett’s Dlu IV.” Dr. Bennett was a man of more than common shrewdness, an I in many respects was kind and obliging as a friend, lie was fond of money, and had an interest in a considerable amount i of property in and about .Shreveport, audit is in other parts of the United States. How bis affairs will wind up, cannot be told at pres- ! ent: one thing is certain, some of his transac tions of late years have not boon marked by that caution that formerly distinguished his business operations. Hue tiring can bo said of Dr. llennett: ho was 1 very punctual and honest in discharging his ‘ pecuniary obligations. in this particular we novel’ knew hiui*to tail. —Sure repo rt /democrat. DIBBLE & CAREY, CLOTIII DUS and; .MiamiWT TAILORS, WARE-ROOM. A. /,’. Corner of Whitaker and /iroinjhtun-Hts,, S#v mi it a It. r |MtK SnbsrrilMws. in announcing to their numerous ‘ I customers and the public, tin- arrival and oucuiii” , of their j Fall and Winter Stock, felicitate themselves oil the advantages which their re. i ; ••■•lit pur. In-e> enable them to offer all who divan- to I select their Clothing from an extensive assortment of I the choicest goods, made in the most FASHIONABLE STYLE. | These gHxts have been purchased under tin* person- i ! ill bispeciioii of one of the proprietors; and availing ttiemsel-.i-soffavorahlecitvuinstances,tinware enabled ; not only to warrant them in quality, buttooffer them ■ : at such LOW PRICES, ; a* must distance all computation in their trade. The following enumeration is made for the benefit of i Gentlemen in the country, whose orders will meet prompt attention, and who. when in the city, are re spectfully invited to an examination of our Goods GENTLEMEN'S CLOTHING. I-ItoCK and DRESS COATS of every quality. “ ” “ “in black, blue, brown, green and olive colors. BUSIN ESSfMATS. in great variety, viz: Tweed, Cloth, and Can imore. Frock and Business Coats. PANTALOONS—BIack Doeskin at a great variety of prices. lfiaek and fancy Cassiuteres, at a grout variety of price* -Drab ir Hie. .. L. 1 .. White and Fancy Linen Drills, “ “ Fancy Marseilles, i. VESTS—black silk and satin Vests. Fancy silk White silk, for party, “ White. Buff and Fancy Marseilles “ Embroidered Cloth, Velvet and Silk in great variety FURNISHING GOODS Furnishing Giants of every description for Gentle men’s wear—consisting pf scarfs, cravats, Waterford ties, Prince Albert ties, spring stocks, merino shirts and drawers, cotton do..suspenders, halfhose. gloves— nil kinds, best quality patent yoke shirts;a lineussort meut of Dressing Gowns, Umbrellas,Canes, Perfumery, Combs, Brushes, Port monies. etc. etc. HATS. An extensive assortment oft he latest and most sash Finable styles. I Trunks, Carpet Dags. Yaliccn. Tint Boxes, etc. Merchant Tailoring. [ Qhe favorable and long established reputation which j their establishment has enjoyed, and still maintains, j l°r the stylo and finish of its i/annent* made In order, as , well ns for the suporior quality of their Cloths, dura ! hility of color anil substantial workmanship, it shall he j | the constant effort of the proprietors st ill to continue. ! I hey invite the special attention of both old and new | customers to the following, from which-they are pre- i l pared to turuisli garments, which they will warrant to be ne /this ultra in !*oth tit and fashion. SI.MNUS A MOLLY'S Lest Blue. Black, Brown, ‘1 ill berry. Green, Adelaide, Bronze, Combo and Olive . Cloths. Black Doeskin, Black Oassiniero. and a large assort- I incut of Colored and Fancy Tweeds. bIN FN GOODS.—While. Butr and fancy Linen Prills. - A IMTNGS.—YY bite Silk and Satin, for Parly Nests. Black and fancy Silk and Satins. White, But! and ‘ Or.-mge fa simeres. t triform Suits; I -*r \ olutitecr Companies iutheeity and throughout j the.state, made and furnished at the shortest notice and in the best manner. DIBULK A CABBY. ! NJ i’ BOABTINI}, BUT PACTS. FA PS.—CAPS.—The finest and best mr * aps to be found in the City, are to be found at the Clothing Store, Gibbon’s 1 Range-—all made up for my trade aud sold cheap—call and sec. oct 22 GKO. S. NICHOLS. IMPORTED WINES, ‘'.iiquor9, Segars, aud Faiicy Articles. Thu Subscriber has on hand a fine end veil sclented stock, comprising the follow - I in half pipes Otnrd, Pupy A Cos I 3do do Old Ilemic/sy Biia.ndv -do do Sazerac, Vintage IR4< I 2do do Jean Louis, do 180 T. I udo do .1 .1 Pupy I 4do do Old Reserve Madeira 1 2do do London Particular j 3do do old Port Wines j Bdo do Old Sherry I 20 casks of Claret [ 20 casks Champagne j 20,000 Bio Honda I 10.000 La Gruia : Saoars S La Union 10.000 La I’atria 25,000 Trabucas 1 Also, a large supply of Fancy Groceries, such as im ! ported Cordials, English Pickles and Sauces, Preserves, : Prunes and Jelly, for sale by A. BON AUD. I doc 8 Corner Bay and Whifakcr-st . \\ Oil; 10 bbls. Winter do. Just received and fir i tile bv JNO. B. MOORE & CO. * eept 2 Gibbons’ Building SAVANNAH, THURSDAY AFT KR NOON, NOYFMRKR ,5, fSVU SPRING ARRANGEMENT, JLf-r. THE LIVERPOOL AND PHII.A intend sailing their favorite Steum j CITY OK PIIIL A DELPHI A. now being built. : CITY OK MANCHESTER. 2165 tons. Capt. R. I.eltch, CITY OK GLASGOW, llilOtons. Capt. Win. YV vlic FROM I’HILADELFUIA. City of Glasgow Thursday, Mar 31. 1853 City of Manchester.... Saturday, April 23,1853 City of Glasgow Saturday, May 14, 1553 I City of Manchester.... Saturday. June 11,1853 City of Glasgow Saturday, July 2, 1853 FROM LIVERPOOL.’ City of Manchester... Wednesday. Mar 30, 1853 j City of Glasgow Wednesday. April 20,1853 City of .Manchester... Wednesday, May 18, 1553 City of Glasgow Wednesday, June 8,1853 City of Manchester... Wednesday. Jul\ o, 1853 KATES OF J’ASS AGE. FROM I*llll. UUimilA. I FROM 1.1 VLR I*ool.. j Saloon Berths yu Dol.'Saloon Berths...2o Guineas ; Midship “ r 5 •• (Midship ...15 j Forward 55 “ |Forward •* ...13 *• Including Steward's Fees. THIRD CLASS I’ASSKXGEItS. A limited number of Third Class Passengers will be j taken from Philadelphia and Liverpool and found in ’ provisions. 1 From Philadelphia ..-520 | From Liverpool £35 Certificate*, of passage will he issued here to parties ! who arc desirous of bringing out their friends at. cor . responding rates. | Drafts on the Agents and the Bank of Ireland from , C 1 and upwards. Ho’ FI: LIGHT ON’ GOODSOOs. PKR TON. Bills of lading for goods from Havre signed hv the agents there, through to Philadelphia at £220; per j ton. An experienced surgeon will be carried on each ; slii|,. All good sent to the Agents in Philadelphia and Liv i crpool. will be forwarded with economy and dispatch. 1 For freight or passage apply to THoSIAS RICHARDSON. 9 Walnut at., I*hiln..and 41 Exchange Plan*. \ Y. PAPKLKOKI). KA V .v Ct).. Bav st... Savannah. RICHARDSON, BROTHERS A prH Liverpool. HERON'S ItEGt l. \IC l \rivET Ll.\ I’. Shtt. Philadelphia and Savannah, i Tnc following vc.-sct.* comprize this Line, and will sail about every two weeks, viz : . ScUr. JI.LIA ELIZA. Capt. Kiourr. do. j. it. HOLMES, do. Lonor do. DART, do. Somkiw do. C. A.GBE!NEB, do. Pktfi:so\- The Vessels are first class schooners, and command, ed by captains experienced in the trade, and who will i their best exerlbais t*. give satisfaction to the ship- ! P-rs. For freight or passage (having good accomnn - dntions tor passage) apply to WILTS & BBUNDAGE, No. 7 2 Bav street. Savannah. It EBON A MARTIN, mar 11 No. : \.. r ih Wharve*. Philadelphia. j PREMIUM SEWING BIRDS. J> These useful and justly celebrated Birds are offered by th Origimil Manufacturer*, and recommended to Ha* favorable imii.-eof the ✓ Ludi.-s. .-.sarti-lcs whi. h in point ..f useful* beauty and durul.ility. cannot be surpassed. But if beauty was the only grouud upon which we could recommend them, we too would be ready to exclaim, We have enough of such. But how ofn-ndo we see Un fair form of woman, an l the natural beauty which Heaven ha? so kindly given her. materially je- sened by a drooping form, the natural e-onsdquenre of sew ing in an unfavorable position 7 Ladies, we trust that we are not saying two much when we tell you. that of the many thousands already intr.sluied. and in eon slant use, none say aught against them. Address or dcr* to (hot 24) J. A .MAYER. talian M. aronb white amt yel'lowr'vermlreUL Pearl. Bariev. Genesee self-raising Flour. Butter. Sugar. Pic- j lie and hoda Crockers, Pfg Ham*. Siuokod T-rngUes usages and Smoked Beef. YV. G. DICKSON, apr 7 corner YVhitaker stand Broughton-lune. N'EIV ItOOlvS.—The Mud Cabin: or the Clmr acter and Tendency of British Institution, ns ib ! I ustrated in their effect upon Human Character aud I test i y. by AYarran Islmui. The K..rged V.'iil: <r Crime and Retribution, by Em- f er.son Bennett. I The While Cruiser, or the Fate of tho Unheard of, by 1 Ned Buntline. Edith's I.ognev: or the Long Wood of the Grange, bv the author of Adelaide LimDay. j Jane So ton; or. the King’s Advocate: by James I Grant, author of “ Uonmnee of War.” Ac. Ac.’ i The Rudiments of Building: f.. r the u.-eof Archi ! lefts. Builders. Draughtsman. Machinists, Engineers, i and Mcehanies: bv John Bullock. The Rebel .<; a R-mmuecof tlio American ReVo 1 liiliou, bv Aria Ashland. Y inlet, the D u*vun-c:or Courtship and YVedlo, k. by i he author of “The Giet,” “YVurulug to Wives.'’ Barnum's News. No. to. Putiuiiu's Magazine,for October. Received by .H-t 4 CUBBED*JE A BROTHER. AGENCIES. —. The undersigned is Agent for the sale of mm Georgln Burr Mill Stone, dressed 1231 p| and furnished with all the necssary Irons ’I£ZL\S& complete for running—is also prepared to furnish French Burr, Cologne and Ksopus Mill Stones of every dimension. Wilder’s Patent Fire-Proof Safes, AT M ANUFACTI UK S I'UICKS. Burns & Griswold’s Sea Island Cotton aud Cotton Saw 11 ins. Taylor’s patented Georgia Straw Cutter, the most competent of any in use at present. *#*Specimens of nil the above to bo seen at the YVarc-house, 171 Bay-st,, Savannah. fob 3 Cl IAS. H. CAMPKIKLD. HATS! HATS!! HATS!! a J list received, per Alabama, a large lot ot triin’d and uutriin'd Bonnets. Umbrellas, and every variety of Fall and Winter Ilats.Caps.*e. Me will sell abetter new style Silk Hat,(and of our j own manufacture) at $3,50, than cun be produced in Savannah. We also wish it distinctly understood, that we make onrown Hats, aud put no other makers name in the tips, especially those that have been defunct for vears. sept 27 BKLDKN n CO. NEW BOOKS. f | I HK Homes of the New World—lmpressions of I America; by Frcderika Bremer—translated by I Mary llowilt. Clouded Happiness—a Novel; translated from the j 1 French of I lie < ’ountess D’Grsity. ( Graham's Magazinefor November. Godov’s Ladv’s Book fi-r do. Received by oct 21 CURBEDUE A BROTHER, i NEW BOOKS. I\rAYLA\P’$ Jl DSON —A Meuioirof the Life and M Ijubors of the Rev. Adoniram .liaison; by Fran cis YY'ayland, President of Brown’s University. | All's Not Gold that Glitters, or the Young Californi- j j an; hy Cousin Alice. I Bleak H"ti*e; hy (’has Dickens —with illustrations. I The Midnight Ouccu: by Gm l.ippaid. j Barnmn's Illustrated .News. No. 43. j Received by CI'BBEDGE A BROTHER. 1 MOKE NEW BOOKS. Received by S. S. SIBLEY’. Oct. 25, 1853. Di-eussions on Philosophy and Literature—by Sir 1 ! Win. iliiniilton: Homes of the New World. Impressions of America j : —by Fmh-riea Bremer, translated by Mary lluwitt; ‘ ! Men nnd Things in Kirwan: Home Pieturos; by Mrs. Mary A. Deuisou; Rhetoric of Con versa tioi i, or Bri<lh*s Bpurs foi; ; the nmuagttmunt <*f the Tongue—hy Geo. VY'. Iter- I ‘•r. | Dr. CUjUmer’s Oorespoudence,—by Rev. YVm. I i Hanna; All is riot-Gold thntGlittcrs, ortho Y'oungCalifornian ! j —by Cousin Alice; The Y'oung Astronomer— by J. (\ Abbott; Gleason's IMctoriiil. Burnuins lllustvate.l News. La- j •tv’s Bofik for November, Graham's Magazine for Nc v ember; Blackwood’s Magazine for October, Clouded Happiness, a Novel, trauslatetl from the i French of the Countess P'Grsay: The Miiluiglit (jneen. anew Novel—by George Lip pard. For sale No 135 Congress-st. oct 20 | 1 AI N K CUTLER Y . -Just received n very superior assortment of Washtenliolm's and Rodgers’ Pock et Cutleiy: also, some v*rv fine Razors with ami with- 1 out Cases: Ladies’ fine Scissors, Ac. Ac., for sale at, the Apothecaries’ Hall, by oct 20 J. E. DkFORD. 1>o T A Tons... i3O bbls. Potatoes; 50 bags Po tatoes landing from brig Torcello. For sale by oct 28 Bit IGH AM, KELLY A CO. * MERINO VERTS.—Just received at 154 Congress 1 street, a beautiful assortment of Ladies and Gentlemen Cashmere and Merino Y'csts. S. CUR KELL Agent, cct. 10 Gibbon's Building | MODEUATEI >1 PARTIAI—IXDBPES I>ICNT—J L ST. SPRING AND SUMMER CLOTHING, FOR 1853, Geo. S. Nichols. 1 1A S recon tly recoiltly returned from New Y ork, where he has been selecting and having made up his .Spring Summer Clothing, and invites his friends and customers to look at tin* following which are good and fashionably made aud offered on reasonable terms. Mou’s Clothing. 1 75 Men's Blue, Black. Frock and Dress Coats, 750 do. Cashmeret. Drap D'Ete, Merino, Alpaca,Tweed Planter's Linen, Cri**un Linen, Grass Linen Frock and Sack Coats. 250 Merino, Alpaca. Linen Drill und Cotton Round Jackets. 750 Fancy Silk, Satin, Alpaca, Linen, White and Fig'il Marseilles Y’ests. 9tXl YVhite and Fancy Coloreil Shirts—all qualities. 350 Undershirts and Drawers, do do Boys’ Clothing. As notice was given that 1 would go largely into the Boys’Clothing, 1 would inform them that I have the largest assortment in one Store in the South, and will • be sold cheap and at one price. 500 Roys’ Frock Coats, and Sacks of all kinds und quality. 700 Boys’ Round Jackets of great variety. 550 do. Oasi-imcie, Drilling, Alpacas, Drag D’Ete Pants. :'OO do. Silk, Valencia ami Marseilles Y osts, great va riety. 250 do. White and Col’d. Shirts, from 5 to 10 vears old. 75 Small Children’s Suits. Kilts, and little Sacks, as sorted. Also a good supply of Boys’ Drawers, in fact a com plete outfit for Boys of any age nt a moment’s notice. Fancy Articles. Handkerchiefs. Cravats. Stocks, Gloves. Suspcnpers, i Money Belts. Children’s Bolts, Combs. Brushes. Neck ties. Port Monnis. Curd Cases. Collars. Unibrellas.Ssitcli els. Carpet bags. Ostrich Feather Dusters, Coat Link*- I Shoulder Braces. Caps. Ac., Ac. Those in want will, now find a full assortment of the above at the Cloth ing Store, No. 150 and fiff. Gibbons’ Range. mar *25 j AGRICULTURAL WARE-HOUSE, 170 lIAV ST.—SAY ANN AH, GA. The suhscriber is prepared to furnished Phi titers. Country .'b-r A ” •!• ill I nvu 1 lin pi viu e lit s. Consisting cltiefh of Ploughs. Cultivators. Harrow.*, t’uru Shell.■!>. Straw Cut tern, powder and Hand Coni Mills. Fan Ylill-. Smut Mills. Road Scrapers. Root Pullers, Crain Cradle.-*: grain, grass and bush Scytl,.-*; Reap Hooks, (iarit- u and I'mninp ~f all kinds. Mill and Cotton Gin Gearing, Mill Peeks and j Mill Irons, Saw Gumtuers, hides and -crews for lifting 1 Mill SU -o-*. R.-st Dutch anchor ladtiug Cloths; B<>* gardus A Trumbull's patent Horsepowers; rioe aud grain Thrashers of various makers. Wake's Patent Ohio Fire Proof Paint. Hydraulic Cement and calcined Plaster, in quantity : best sperm and other Oils for lamps paint and nia- | chinery; patent leather Relliug. double and single ’ from 2to 1> inches width: stitched, c.-mented and copper riveted ; India Rubber do., .“.and t ply, of all widths; patent hu e and picker string Leather. Copper | . Rivets and Burrs. Dougins*’ patent M m- and Sa. tion j ram) is, i Lain Pumps, hydraulic R ons, lead pipe to fit; Collins'aud other makers approved Axes and Hatch els. wood and hand jaws. Ames’ Shovels and Spades. ! English patent and cr* n II -s. and American best manufactured Hoes, of all sizes; hay and manure Forks. Chi*e|s. Hammers and Nails, assorted; garden j and canal Y\ h.-elbaroows. cotton w’are-house and store ‘ ; Trucks, patent platform, counter and beam Sales, ot all sizes; YY ire Cloth. Ac. PtllCKs UKASo.VAIILK 1 i.UMS A* • •'MMOfiATtNO. Wool, Hidos, Furs and Boos’ Wax, ! BOUGHT nt all times, and pa and for in cash at current market prices. CIIAS. 11. CAMPFIEI.D. | feb 8 NEW WATCH. CLOCK, JEWELRY7~AND FANCY STORE. Xo. I Is It rouglit <nt*it | gnj MR. FRANCIS STEIN, Manufacturer r f j i Vfyjx Chronometers. (Mocks, Town Clocks, Ac.. Ac., i AH respectfully informs hi* customers and the ! pul.ln generally that he ha- fitted up the j Store 14s Itroughton-st., where he intends to nmkea permanent 1> .ration, and carry on lie* Jewelry business ; ■ In Its various branches. Watches. CloTKp. Town ('b*l<e. i j Chrouomolers. Jewelry. Ac.. Ac., cleaned and repaired j , with dispatch and warranted. New fashion Jewelry i and Fancy tioods of all descriptions sold at the lowest j prices possible. ! N. R.—Any YVatch. Clock. Ac., that cannot be re j paired by oilier watebmakers. I pledge myself shall | be repaired by mu to satisfaction and w arranted. I nov 4 ly FRANCIS STEIN. THIRTY HOUR STRIKE LEVE v CLOCKS JEWELED. THESE Clock* arc constructed (at conside* : r ®hb* extra expense) with a particular re If ,3| gard to durability, tln- most serious objec -1 lion to the lever—the weaving of the points | of the balance shall and screws, the eonse tuent increase of friction nud decrease in motion after , I running it short time—Wing obviated by the use of a | polislu*Uslone jewel, straight pivot or U-arings,instead I •>f points to the balance shaft. They are cased in beautiful cast Iron, ornamented j frames, amt warranted to he as perfect time-keepers as i tho hestureiu use. For sale at the Jewelry Store. 129 Congress-st. feh ft. vtexV books! new books i2— Received hy S. S. SIBLEY . Thursday. July 14th. , Margaret Pereival. ty the authorof - Amy Herbert,” j Ac,. Edited by Rev YVm Sewell. Father Gaxazzi’s Lectures in New York, with his I Life, corrected und authorized by himself. Manescii’s Serial und Method of teaching the French Language. Lives of the Presidents of the United States, with sketches of Remarkable Events. Helen and Arthur, or MissThusa’s Spinning YY heel; u Novel—hy Miss Caroline Lee llentz.. Life and A<lventures of Y'alleutine Vox, the Y’entril oquist, hy Henrv Cock ton, a most humorous work. ALSO.’ A FURTHER SUPPLY OF Y'ankei* Notions, or the YY hittlings of Jonathan’s Jack Knife. Beautifully illustrated. Villette, by Curr r Bell. TheSwuinp Steed. The CorsairChieftuin. Hazel’s new Sea Story. YY'ild Sports if the YVest; by YY'm II Maxwell. Major Jones’ Courtship. Major Jones’ Travels. (Mironielesof Pinevllle. Roderick the Rover. Nathalie, a Tale; by Julia Kavunuh. Six Years Later, or the Taking of the Bastille, Ac. ‘ Ac. For sale nt No. 13ft. Congress-st. jnly 14 ! NEW BOOKS. I GUISE ELTON; or Things Seen nud Heard, n j Novel: by Mrs. Mary llcrndoii. YY'ild.lack; or the Staten Maud Child- i sketch from life, together with highly interesting stories: hy Caroline Kent/..* Sam Slick’s YY ise Saws and Modern instances; or What he said, did or invented. Aulifawnticisin A Tale of the South: hy Miss Mar- 1 tint Maine Butt. Nancy YVatermnn; or Woman's Faith Triumphant— a story of New Y ork City : bv C. F. Uniningtou. I.afitto, the Pirate of the Gulf: bv J. 11. Ingraham. The Empress of the Isles; or the Lake Itruvo: by Charley Clew line. Notabilities in France amt England—with an auto biography : by Pliilurettc I'luirh-s. Professor of the Paris Institute. Hurry Covenlalc’s Courtship, amt what eatne oflt: bv tin* author of “Frank Fnirlrigh,” *• Louis Arum dell.” Ac. Ac. Volume 1, Putnam’s Magazine, bound neatly in Cloth. Further supplv of My Novel. Burn urn’* News. No. 2::. Arthur's Magazine for June. Received bv (junc7| J. B. CURREIMJE. GEORGIA MARBLE WORKS. •T. <. Rankin'* AY in. 51. llnrllck, Geo. L. S it m in cy, (Successors h> .1. Atkinson if - Cos.) 11 IS Establishment has been in successful opera - 1 tion for a number of years. The quarries are well opened, and tbe Marble is superior to any in the United Stale-. We have so perfected nnr facilities forgetting out and finishing work.that weeau furnish MOM MEN IS. TOMBS. TABLETS. HEADSTONES, ami every thing in our line of business, in (teller style and at cheaper rates, than any yard in thc*onnfry. When it is considered that we saw onrown Marble, pay no jobber's profit, uml no high freight from the North, it will be soon that w. do possess material ad vantage ov*r all competitors. Wo cordially soli< ilour friends and the public to ex* audneour work, and compare our price.-* with those of other yards, before, ordering Northern Marble. YVc have on hand at our yard in Marietta, a large assortment of finished work— ‘loimments. Tombs, ifc. —whereour agent. Mr. (5. YV. Summers, will sell at our prices. Our principal work is done at the Mills. Address J.G. RANKIN A Cos., jnly 18 ly Marble Work P. 0.. Ga. i: }}’ Every newspaper publishing tboabovn adver tisement for 12 months, and sending us one copy the same length of time, we will furnish tie m au impos ing stone of 12 or 13 superfieiul feet delivered at Mari itta depot. INRESII 81PPLIES--I leceived per steamer j . Augusta.—New Wheat—Hiram Smith’s double extra Ucnessee Flour. New N S Salmon, new No 1 Mackerel, new Codfish Smoked Tongues, Soda Biscuit, Butter Crackers Fancy Crackers. Also, 15 bbls Crushed and Clarified Ugara. by WM. G. DipKSON, | sept 14 Corner Whitaker st aud Broughton Lone IU SI\KSS DIRIHTORV. S M. PETTINOILL A- (’J ADVERTISING AG UN* ‘Y . lU2 NASSAU XTKF.KT, Nr.W YORK, And .Xu. 10 iiiute irect, Ho.-don. P. A Cos. ure Agents for the most intluential and lar gest circulating Commercial Papers both in the United i States and the Canada- . NEW YORK ADVERTISEMENTS. HODGETTS, TAYLOR & HODGE Il'S. WUoI.KSAI K >1 VNTI AOTI KK.rS* OK PLANISHED TIN WARE. laß XVllllam-Mt., in the icin', NEYY YORK. Tea and Coffee Urns, Chafing- Dishes. Veni son Dishes, Disli Covers, Egg Codlers, Coffee Pots, Tea Pots. Coffee Filters. Nurse Lamps, AND EVERY ARTICLE IN Tin: I RAPE, oct 24 i'iuus 1)1 Itiiilll'N CELEBRATED CHEMICAL YEAST OR BAKING POWDERS, T c tr.eaprd. Il ‘thi,,,. ~.*: /*./,./ . lA'aiinmical Artie:, . /■„,■ r.iida ,- Hr,t, JJiscuit. Fen and. n/dle. and m / Ca!.,,. Pastry, /’idler s. ‘ Cains. C,.ra /leaf ever la cent,,/. r IHIIS is the mo* t •u.-mi.- and. u- -i’ o'. •mi vri,'. nt and 1 I leal iby compound in cxi-ti-ncc. tbr raisin'.: Biscuit,Cakes,Pastry. Pudding*. Ac., with citlu-r \\ heal ; Rye.lndian or Buckwheat Flour. 1; is .-inindi-pcit.-ibli j article in the culinary department * >1 every hoii-elcnd ! cstalili.-huieut, and lliere is uoUook or Ibmsekeepei- in ! creation who will be without it at'icr bavin-; fairly | tried it. Sold l) the principal Grocers and Ih u : Opinions of tho Press. Those who have tried it, h ive that tlieadv.-r ----1 tisemeut does not vaunt its praises |n,t In -iilv. ; husm Hoi ii/i i ■ dJoui'tm Rb. 19, 1861 Housekeepers who have teslovl the quality of this powder, proiiouiue unanimously in ils favor. -/.,■<■.■ , juirt /J uly (',-urie, . | It surpasses everything in the way of/-. we ever ! yet saw used in the baking of.-. -Italic j | c ite / Iteyistc-. April 15. I s'i3. j This is an article of >uch utility in various kinds t >f i cookery, that when its virtues becomepi-.qicrlv kmovu ! no housekeeper that studies coml'o l and eioin.iuy. will willingly do without it.—A'. )'. /VA.. Man I 1853. No one need he-itate to use DiirUee'.* all iin port id ; artiele to housekeepers—/.’< publnn,, /t.aunf . Aiishrillc Whip. 17. I I Would you have light 1> *ead.sweet bn- t 1. Vq-ea 1 that ! you can eat with a good relish, do not forget n> j• •.. cure Durkee's Raking Powder, and \ .n will n.-t i.dt 1.. have good bread, cukes. Ac. /'/••/ /i / 24. 1852. YVe have tried thisartiele ami run r*. ■ niin--ii< l it w itli perfect eontiduuce —(ptrlsc (laott<. July. i5..2. Durkee's Raking Powder we have tried at our le-n > and our ••better half” was astonished nt the r. *ult. .V. )'. H oly Times. O t. 23, 1 -..2, All goo l housewives will ivjoice in an I 1 ril'v i lie name of Durivcc, alter they lmve given hi 1:,. in Powder :i fair trial.—A'< io lark .8 ~,. \ ;;n. i* . Durkee's Baking Powder, uiulouhie.ll v ihehest arii ele for this purpose that has yet la*en di.-ix>vei-d. A. V. Cat’ Inn >il. /'eh. 12. 1853. Tho highest commendations, from hundred-of the largest and most respectable wholesale houses in this, and nearly every large City uu this Continent, on,id bo given if spa* a* allowed it. Htf’ The arti- le is warrauteil t * give sali'faction. Orders accoinp tit ted with t'as/i will t; piinnjitlit lilted, j E. It. hIItKEE, Sole Proprietor and Manufacturer, YY‘ Dealer in Sul Soda, Cream of Tartar. Sup i Curb Soda, Cooking Exlnu is, Wax Matehes. ,!c. 139 Wat ei’-st i--t*t, X- \v York ung 17 HI CARPET AND FLOOR CLOTH WAKLHO USF CUI tidns, Clinn Ia <*o.*!•.. . No. 150 Congress and 57 St. Julien-streets. ! KTYVYX THE 81’BSCKI BER would req-eelt'iilly in the public that In- ha* now opened’ tkc )5, .rtiu st eonqdv.e assortment ,-f all the various : styles of (•> H)8 usually kept in similar establish meals. The wtock ■ >t’ the different depart mentis will consist, in part, of the following Goods, tdz: Car pot Department. Royal Velvet Tapestry llru - •!*. Mo-et Brussels. Rnissels. Ye| vet, Ttipe-I ry and lh it -els |in-*-airs, 3 I ply, Snpertiue. Fine, and Common I iigrain. Plain and Twilled Venetian f.-r stairs, halls, et Druggets •'. t. 12-4 and I*>‘4 in width, ot every variety of patterns, ! Hearth Bugs. Purler and Sloop Mat*. Tahle>aud Piano j Covers. Silver uud Brass Oval and Uelogon Stair Rods, j • Stair bin n, etc. Oil Cloths. Os every width, from l to S yards, for halls, dining 1 j rooms, .steamboats, saloons, ete.; Rosewood. Mahoga-, 1 jny and small figured Furniture Oil Cloths.-I t. ..4 j and,o-4 wide; Figuml India Rubber ('loth for stair.-. Curtains. j Silk and YY’orsted Damask DeLnine, Y\',-i--*i>d and ! j Linen Damask DeLaiue, Figured and Plain Dama.*ks. I variety of colors, YVhite and Ruff for Shades. Window Shades. 1 Transparent Landscape, Medallion, Garland, and • YVhite and Gold, entirely new sty le. Cord, Loops, Tas sels, with all the various Trimmings for Curiums and Shades. Gilt Corni cos. Bands, I stops and Pins, of the greatest variety and patterns, of the latest iiii|K>rtatiou —all of w hi, h w ill be sold,at wholesale or retnil.on the most liberal terms. YVM. 11. GUION, Agent. iH t 20 150 Congress and 37 St. Julien-sts. T. W. Al - A RTHOR CO., (SIGN OF THE 1110 COFFEE HOT) WHOLESALE V.XI* IIETAIL TIN WARE MANUFACTORY A.\l, STOVE WAlti: KOOIS. | mr YVE have now, and keep con* * tVU t i stun tly on hand, a full and ex [ tensive STvM K. whic h we offer on J HH|HLvcry reason able terms. “~3*) , Y Pumps, liC-nc! l*ijc-, Sliec-I liC-uu, Copin r and /lac. These Pumps are of simple construction, ami everv part perfectly fitted they are so made Hint tln*v mav I be taken apart and access gained to.-ill Go 1 vaiv,-- win, | out taking up the pipes, m-<-vcii d<*tarliing lln plat f.•rin. to which the Pump is fa-t.-m-d. YVe are.-|so.*,-Ring th,-. elebr.ted It 114-K Poll cm <'o4>liillK Sl4A4‘, fol w... 1W 1 1 i<-|| b. .-v .1 y extensively used in the citv and country. The mi. --.*s of this Stove, sinee its’ introdm tioi, hv u*. has been gratifying- nothing lias ever been offered t., th public for eulennry purposes that Im* given *u-li gen eral satisfaction. YVe shall take great plea* in showing this Stove, whether y>m pur-ha*- ~f ns m- Dot. and we think we can ssdi-fv y.m that this S| is superior to any ever offered for sale in this market, j mar 24 ‘ STOKE. No. I t BARNARD ST CHEAP SUGARS AND TEAS r -f DOUBLE Refined Crashed Su C- Tz 6gar.CrvstalizedjGranulateddo.. NC v Kt n,s. for ii. :i, 4 elKklßil l.ri-hl Ci ll'rVF^’ 12 Ills I'l „■ sl. Lower Grades Rcown Sugar. 14 lhs. f..r il. Dark (suitahlefor servants)Sugar. 17 lb*, for sl. FRESH TEAS—Selected from the latest import)!* i tions. eonsisting of:—Extra Hyson, Extra Fine linn powder. and * looking. Fresh Mustard. Sard in ek, Pickles. Preserves. Sweet j Oil, Aluionds. fan-v boxes Prunes, Brandy. London j Mustard. Peaches, Turkey Figs, extra large and fine, i and 2*l boxes Raisins (all elu.*lei-* whole, naif and j quarter boxes Mnee, Nutmeg*. Spi-es. Ac. Just received per steamer 2 bbls. pjg Hums; 50 Smoked Tongues, large size; 50 lbs. Rulognn Sausages: I 2 bbls. Smoked Beef. For sale at DICKSON'S, jail 20 Cor. Whitaker st. mid Broughton lane. | SOMETHING VERY HANDSOME. Hals for Small nml I,urge Hoys. a THE Ladies of Savanna It have long want ed to get. sniin-l liing very pretty for their < ’hildren in j tlio way of HATS. They can now find *ii-liiir* j tic,leant the Clothing Stor-. No. i'pll -imj 15*1 Gibbon'.* range, where I am now receiving Pauamaa, Leghorns. China and Dimore P-arl. Campe-lia.Rutland and Can ton Straw-, and Palm leaf all nenilv trimmed, to rU | Boysfrom one to fifteen vears oh*. Call and see. mar 30 GEO.S. NK’lloLS. j BOOTS AND SHOES. 20 CASES lint* sewed rnMkkin Boots; . Im 12 do. do. poggged do. 11> •: Mrmterey jB and Congr-<s Boots: Liu lies’ and Gent's Gaiter * IliHits; Undies’ Ties and Slipper-: Hoys’ and I Youth’s Shoes; 5,000 pairs Plantation Brogan-*. For j sale by STALKY A HENDRY, oct 28 Sign of the Golden Eagle. Congrezx st. ! GREEN HOUSE PLANTS.-- Three hundred potsOreen House full 1 bloom, comprising r.n eh-gaut assortment of j - &L various and rare kinds, will ho opened and of fered tar sale this morning* by may 18 YY’ YV LINCOLN, Monument-*'-) j MARRIAGE. HAPPINESS AND COM PE l’K X * *;. iiy/i /\ trr ’ I'll AT wi-behold many, in Ui- .*■ 1 dian o| lite laoken hi lo allh and spirits v i e oniplicatioii of tlisfas*-* an-lailineut. depriving tiem of the p**wer for the •-nji.yim-ut ..I lit; it -m a_. whvo physical 10-alth. bio'\ : i|u )ef sjdilf, and happy -ereut it>’ of mind, arising in.m a < udi i uot 1 ealth.-lioiild he oredominnnt .'lauv **t the •ms . ‘>f her suffering at fir-1 perhaps vears beteip.-rhap- da ring irlh<s*d.e|- tin- tr-t v> ai> ’ if marriage—were in their urig in so light hs to pass . unuoliccd, and of. on, , no 1. .-t, I J.X -1 FTF.Ii ) / AFS YYlien to., late t. le'.netiltcd by .*ur knowledge, w, j I'S'k back and iu<>iirn.niel regret the full eeii-lajin n. e of our ignoram ,*. YYhat 11l we not.ltei. give t-, |s j„ . -. rly lit* the know led .• obtain in alter year.- Yml what dn\s nd ni Ids of iingui.di we might m-t have It is ‘ ‘* ‘ W “ *" a * “*’ ‘ ] " U M! i xnhu.v t.\ / sr.urn.iXfi Tola-hold the • ieklies* and -utt.-: in elidmvdhv many 1 wife tor 111 11 \ ve ir .fnniieaiKes unple and l onlr, I ; lahle. ea-ily remedied- or better .still not. incurred, if \ M t'F tv/* M'i nr Fit | ■ *,, 1 t lie inter nei t ion (.in I ail el in a lit* le volume itliiu the r. .e h~| u- all <w hi Rw. ni.l -. n , i.. |„ , self ) F I US nr MIS Fit U. . And t- her hn bind tie- eon.-i ml (• *i’ an.l . | By becoming; in time po kr.mrivaige th. 1 healthy min'd* riial’klem! -'l. .'.inV;, i, THEMARRn r> wom w* l* i\ at, Mrilh a 1 to la eim 1011. BY I'll. M ‘I At R|| \l : < oit*.lGi-iiug; t tint .\ • % Ii lu- Ik'i in nti ic i in lint. < .in In i. a , ~ui |, n Cull I* nn w J t-ilgi- o I't It- a .-dim. '<•'• anil mi os at Di-i *oinjiia iit| - . with (In- v mloui.h\ mpiiiin*. nail ( tin | nt-a il > // I/./’ t Mtt.l.n \ < .•/-;/ >- *eq in-lit II p.-Il lio.i 11 li, wili'-ll is so >lii live to hrr.iw n liappim-s. ami that of G.-r J,, i-1 ..,,. j lull either lias ~)• will nblain it. as ha* m- will nm - lillshaiil v. le- ha* I lie k*ve and idb* t i"U ~| his w jl\ irit i h its “< OX hi ic \op F/i ■ i : ’ ‘ \ \.. • OI'IF.S Have he..-n SFM’ J)V 4/.4/L within tie- I : f rW CAUTION TO I'll E 10 l:(.I<\ r.F xor Di.cttM /n n: Buy no bonk uul, - -Dr. A M. Mamieeau. 12'.* I.ib ertv Mreet N. V.” is on the title pa-.-.-, anl tie- entry in the Clerk's Olliee in the b.-i knj the title j..-- :u..i buy only of iv*| table ami honorable de:.!, r* • • •*end by mail, and address top-. \. M. M-m-i. , m. as there are spurious and silt rej.titinus iidV.i enn-j • ofcopv right. /./•;'•/• /1 /- /,’ j- wiff . i x!> ursn.wo roMtnr Xc> 4* \ 4” ii ** 4- to i” ignoi a m 4-, w lu'ii (.gnor n *l4-4- is ,tj iat-i-y to t liom n• liolil at ar II Cl <•!•, :tll4l \\ *l4ll to 4l is |H( out |^_ i 411-uu c- 4” Is >v i I It ft li our n nrli. | mother mail J. iuain mdf u n'.-d'o'i'mim'ln. m.-m'V',-i j es, which sooner or later, are d> slim-d |.. make f. .-,rfu! : rn.vai;es upon her health, unless guarded a *. nod I cause i” liphrni I'himsell wni'i i 1 traets from the honk, will bg sent ,f< - • t• • an\ j part of Ibe United Si a lee. by add re.* .-in-;. • ,i.| , J herein. YV lx n Kinnvhil"*’ i > 11 appi n <-•**,,’! is 4-111 ])M lile i o l - .III!. | Jitf-Hn receipt of One Dollar I for the l.m- I dilion. 1 extra Mi, UmgK-TiiK Mauhii r> Womvn Pkivati Mi ’ ! I lilted States. All letters must be |..,*t pj.jd’ ’am! :. ! j I dn-SM-d to Dr. A. M. MAUR Ml. A I:. |i.. s | i , York City. Publishing (Mlice. N,. I .i, r: \ Si reel ! j New-Yolk. | For sale by Lee A Whitumn. Rin/::oM; R. |-. p.eniiet. ! Cassvill,,: |),*y;d A- Sear*. MeD,inoii-.:l.- J. \. i.rumM ‘ ; i Dahlonega: C. Y'oumrt-lnod.* *u!*• 11• •ij <- ;. ! In New York t.'il >. In Stringer .v ’i'own-i nd. Adri j anee. Sherman ,v ( ■>. l'ewitt A Davenport, ami R.iii . ‘■ NEW BOOKS. j I BEAT Truths by Great Author : a diet}.a ; ,r\ . ! ’ * aids to reili-i , pi,.;*,. j phors,counselß,autious. aph i bins, proverl .A in from writers of all age.* and both heini -phen-s. I The Evening Rook: or. Fire kfi* Talk on M-nd* . and Manner*, with sket. h.- .f M.-t.-m I if.-• b\ Mrs. Kirkland, author of “ A New llotiie.’’ Ae. Ae. The Bible in the Counting Houoe: a course of Loo i taros to Merchants; by H. A. Boardinan, I*. l>. Rowland Trover; or tin- Pilot of Human Life: be- I ing an autobiography of the author showing hw t. 1 make or lose a fortune, and how to make another. The Race for Riches, and- oi the pit* into w In. h the runners fid! six Lee*.ores, applying the word ot I God to the t rathe ot men : by YY'm. Arnol. iuini.*t. rot Free St. Peters’, Glasgow ; Yineriean editi->i:. wit h j ret i are and notes, by Stephen Colwell. The Doubting Comm iinieant F neon raged: bv Septi- i inua Tuslin. D. D.. late Chaplain of tho United State* ! Senate. Second edition. Marco Paul’s \ oyago. Travels and Adventures in Boston : hv Jacob Abbot. Muriede Beruiere: a Tale of the Crescent Citv. A,-.. I Ae.: by YV. Gilmore Shinns, author . I the Y cm.-.*-I Ac. Ac. | American tlatneiii its Seasons: bv Ib-nn YY iMiam Herbert, autlior oftlie “Sh,.,.line Re\.’ --ieerMalk | ei s.” Ac. Ac. A Dictionary of Domestic Medicine and Ho - .1,.1,1 Surgery: by Spencer Tlioiiij-*< n. ‘I. !>.. n-visi-<! w ith addition, by Henry 11. Smith. M. I*.. Surgeon to |, t . ; Joseph's Ibopitnl. Philadelphia. Memoirs. J mid and Cori espoudenee. of Thomas Moore, edited bv the Right lion. Lord John Ru**,-ll ‘ M. V. Part IV. Cyril la : a Tale hy the author of ‘-The Initials.’’ Harry A-difim: .-r the Will and the Win : by the author ot •• YljnnieGrey --Gits llowanl.” Ac. The YVhite Wolf: **r the Secret Riolherwood a ■ Romamc; hv Paul Fcval. author of the - Mv t.-ri. * ‘ of London.” Ac. Minny Lawson: or the Out l aw's League a Bo tltanee oft lot ham : hy Chnrle* Ib-d Sw ans. The Dan, ing Feather, or Pirate Srlmom-r: by .1. 11. Ingraham. U.-q. The Selmol fellow's Firt )uarfer a gift for 1 Children, editedhy YY. c. Riohards and<’f-u*in Miee. j Putuaui s .Magazinel “i- June Barmin. S Illustrated News. No. *j|. Reeceived hy [June 1 j J. I! CURBUI” :U. { CONFECTIONARIES. lv. Ili.-il 111. 111,- |.||ri'li:i>ril 111,, inlrii’ i |,| Mr. \, v I eoniti.ii) tin* Coid'eelinu m hitliei 1011 w 111-i |b) \. we,mil A Rice: and that lie will e'onl inue'to imuiufaet nr.-, and keep al way s on hand aml Pun- CoiilT* f ionn i-i<-*. Maiiiifaclured from tfi - 1,.•*-1 ui.-iti-i : ~ i ilig every variety of Camli.- .mi m Phmi-. e. &, . ,v,- j French Confectionaries, Lemon Syrup, Syrups for Soda Fountains, Together with every other article in hi- line, always | instore ami for sah-al w hole.-ah ;■ ml retail.on the most roasonabh*terms. T. *'. RICK. I aft If S. E. Corner Rroiiirhlon ami YVhit .ker sts “PEKIN TEA COMPANY.” Warehouse, 75 and 77 Fulton-st., New York, i ■ This TEA * -iiipam li i* alwavs main- N M t:i i.U” I :• lii.!, I. 11l I"I i.'ii I-, 1 1'.,-..■ Id X ; ft % xj , j gi’an* t V. and are warranted In uive sal- “ . idJKdion ill . veiy ill-tune,-. If they do not pi.d,*- : represented they nun f,- n-linnnl. For sale bv tin- ! Agent. J A M.\ VI7R. Rrougidon -I.', el ‘* I NEW ROOKS. Fun .lottio.*: or Lau-.-hs I have taken a Pen to. bv N Parker \\ illis. Men and Things as I saw them in Europe, by K* r Count * ‘hristoval; or a Sequel to Lord Sa xondale.l.v G. Y\ . M. Reynolds. Barn uni's Illustrated News. No. 42. Received i-v "tJ’J * I BHEDGE A BEO'I HER. ’ I TRUSSES. Marsh's. Hull's and Rein hart's'l'm - . I and fine French single TrO'ses. also an extensive assortnieut of common Trusses. For sale bv wptjt JNO. 11. .MOGUL A (X), l>l TTEIt AND cm i : Just reriha I per *;• am I >er Alabama, ti fivsh siijq.dy of Butter and Cheese, a choice article, for sale at tin*. Emporium. Lv eept 12 M AR‘*RN GtMH*Aid. j NO i 2'J . TRIM KKlvlA ,8;l. j-V'i Vl , 01 1^53- GEORGE S NICHOLS, fj. til. Mn M\ ll CLOTHING. II 11 MS 111 \G GOODS. Ac. i ‘IMP “*l * i;lli 1. 1 ii..w m slot,-,and nffcm fo* i ‘••'■l - t-i . bln.- lack aid brown Cloth, Bcatct *"lh. 1., , I hi Ckal,. and Cimd let Oven oats I Gent sin. i la, k Cloth ( tanks and Mantles. lieni - fill, Line. i1.,,. and Claret frock aud Press ’ Coats. J jj’ 1 ‘ : *• • i Cm riinorc, blat k Chs J Gent ••he I. D"t-t’lls* me O lilnllnele tl-KII thirty dill’ rent pat f ti.iuy * inm, lull- vt lute st ;• deal 1.3 ** Ye , , tnbru, ilig all of V v I• . I t ? Satinett It*>iin t-Jacket*’ anti Can! . I In- hie Hu-m .-,** hi,„ k and Mule, tor mv li:*li i Rnl.b.-r and l’il t Cloth Overcoat* Youths’ and Boys’ Department: •” *’• ‘• Bed in IIIK place ami < oulain* tho R*.-, : < 1..11,. 1.1,.- ( l. th. Peter Miuui Overe n ts 11.,.- I la.k. I-i,■n. :id , laict Clnlh Die* > Frocks, Bl 14 bhn i an I I-1..W O. asnlUadot Otath Preea Jack ■i * a- 1 - I id *•.. I mixed Bali|iel Relllld .l|l, kef* M- .1 M lv. . , ai.l R. und Jacket*, for Negrnc-y; im. I -iiii.-r.-, blue Cloth, and large as , .. :• <■ v , “i-.i • ’assiliierciind ,-atinet I’uiitK, I , im. i.vni. .i >ilk-. -Mpoa‘’ id -kt l. tli.imd e:.. , .tv . I Me, :n \ •’ *. YI! .flbeal .ve tor Children's Department : 1•• )-IV 1-1,-ltv fro ,-.| met | lain bine-k H,|| I ■v .. ■i* *1 4 , in re 8101 • Wi:|, y.. th ! ‘I ‘"li). - e.-w style • I tam y I ,-**< black and gie* n Tn "v. at*: eml i, ujerid Caps. All lei children < i.i! 1 . eli, I y- and y. ul i.'* hit-■ e ,|,.red Shirts Fancy Articles; n- • ! <-, el V .- , li.-1.-t. ,- „... -nil.--mon s ward • ■ b. ! . ait. .1 i. 1 logelher with tbe ri, l est •• • „ lit * I1.:••1• * I : in CAPS for gentlemen, • • utils. and . btldien N B M lOf I .. I lb. Men and 8.-v*’ • Gnu have .. nm -l,- • 1 o M .re.*slv I.r mv trad*. *•!..1 under mv nope, t.. 1, at th-\. rill.and I ,-nn con ’ ■'••i-.tiv • • - I them a* giant, amt as ch.-ap as •” 1 e t.-m ,-w Lei •• Ih.-.iii/en- and putdi, gen - ‘ • If io,. . I to, all and -cr at the Clothing Store, sot i 1:e 11 tYa iill iai t. I 1 ‘ l-M RIP*I-.R.~ be leave l-> state that tln-v I • -mhe : *•■ -lay ill Savannah. an.lJmva FALL AND W INTER STOCK CF DRV GOODS, t- ■ r : /,<••.*. can 111 >t be siirj Hsscd ; and w.1 ni.| invite lb.- attention ot the public-, viz: 1 ‘l* ■ • 1 <*•• I tin. 1 1, in 1” t* ‘ 1 . ,-ents | ,-r y ard ! CI- n P< ■*.-. •!*■ . H* to ( 2 1 .. cents per yard. I ‘ “” - 1 ■ •” ; ‘ ‘• “” ‘ ! per*yard. I 1 1. ‘leiin, I ’: I .!■ plain aid figdred Cash I r.;m I, Gala Plal.N , new .-tylesd * hit ■• : - * • 1! a: - 4 banlilhi Veils Swiss and Cam wl ing I Hidden Prints, bn •” n and 1 hi, 1 - aud shcniiiigt I Itinnela, 1 kmiibi A, For .-ale at J. i'l. O'HEN A CO.’S, wept li 110 Broughton strees. Oj DIBBLE &. CAREY, it DRAPEF-S ill WlliS.l roit.y/:/t /t/tnr , ;i/lax \xi> wnnw k yit-i STS: S a v a ii ii .i li, (• rt, ‘1 li.l ii VI, lb 1 . 1. ‘ w ouki -all the attention 4)f thu I- u * ol Savannah, to their NPltiixu ST \ r;rr,T CLOTHS, CASSIMERES AND VESTINGS. ” ! 1 ll|, v Ml '’ pc-Ti'i-ed iiiiimifnetffre to order, in th, i.—: it, •-1 and luo I ta-bio liable styles. ’ t k IC rntly ’ Muih a C’lol all-I w hielihave been got up in a suptirior styfo ta an . ever bef.ire oil-r,-d for sale in this market. i ‘lk.’ -'".'l* -I It RN I SIII N’G GOODS is complete, iialw. li a-'.'i-i l I ti-•• - Goods will he sold on the n- tre -miabe und ac, - muiodidiug terms, mar if SHOES: SHOES!! SHOES!!;” Eor lln I'nll :i i 14 1 \Y infer Trade/ Vc4*\ file .*1 R.'CKIItEK would tSjt J v fully 4-:Ul the attention H Ir. k o* i h-pla ul- ’ soKleorgia.Fouth U 1 ’: i and Merida, and the I’.OOl** YN I > SHOES. Ill* stock ha* I selected by liilli-ell w ith ,special earo i ‘".I | art., ular r,:< i -me to I lie retail mid jdiinters’ trade, 1 that being ihe most important feature of his business. ll,* confidently .-11,-i t hi* - customers and tbe public ‘” ‘ i!. ’ I-i *:i | erior qiuilil v nml on reasonable terms, i! - ■■i.-fk loin |.i* .sail tin* varieties usually kept in a Hiec Store, consisting of Ladies’ B hue . Roots, aid Gnl . h - rs >•!-very van-:,: 4 <ciilh'iiic)i* Roots, Bhqos anil 1 liny a ) lulfii’, ami’ ’,'ii s 81.. .* “Ii vory kind. In connection with i the above lie has a large stock of X KG ICO HKOGAXS, whi'-li can safely be r,-e< lliliieinletl a.* a sup4riorurt*bli, N"-11. I. will be *| are,l togive entile sat isfuctioii. A call is s. from you 1 adore purchasing. w 'pt “23 Y\ M. HF.IDT, GibbotlH* Range. TRAVELLER S TRUNK DEPOT, <■ i li l4>ti*s ltnng4-. *’ •:• * .<. NlClloLS,lias r,*<-ently re ” hirge supply of Traveller’* ’ i lii I ‘trunks. Y all ices, and Carjwt Bugs, ’ 4 among which are the following: Superior Eiu.lish .•*• Ii Leather, iron frames, new put term. Do. black Harness tarn flier, iron frames. K i. lv and In'."iized 1 -at her Ladies Trunks, new styld : ‘-' s . and inch lira** band.extra finish. [ ‘2B. 30 nml 32 inch black and bronze Folios. . .•'> common black packing Trunks, various t-izea. *1- !. alb. I and ‘ - 11-.IIIOU leather Yidliees. I * Hat Boxes. io*w |>uttern*--,black and broil-/, . I h ,n Y\ilUn. Brussels, rape-try and Ingrain Carpet Ihu all -i/.-- and qualities together with Satchels I Tho'C in wan -.i- invited to give him a call at the , 1 l. il.iii lor-. Git.t..mi * Rang.-, where great bargains j will he i ’ *’ii Col! and -e- mav 4 ’*• 81 ItsntlßKU. hn.T j, g ? • _*JJ .insi receive,l a good assortment of ‘ VaT l Va f l lll 1 - Y. alisi-nn.l C,irpet I lags, which A.LaJ lu- wilt dispose of on very reasonable term*. All in want are respectfully invited t.• call ain I I ; at them. WILLI A M IIEIDT, je 14 Gibbons’ Range. TIN WARE ! TIN WARE ! ! 11l YY l ii hand and aiuconstnutly maiiiifact uring TIN \\ ARC, ol every variety and quality, w hole , -ale and retail, to which I would Invite the Inspec ’ lion nt il |.ubln- I a-ling a**nriil that I eun give sr | isfai-limi both as n-gai l quality end price. Also. Brn- Kcttfi- Bra-.*. Iron. I'naineled and Tin urd .-an. - Pan Fry in- Pan.* ; Smoothing Irons. Fire i Dog* : Ir. o Pot*. and Spider* . Ten Kettles ’ Gridin.i - W all!- Ir. n I'al I- Cull.-ry: Brass Cand’e ! slicks: Sunil.-! lea and Dinner Bells. Al*o Glass mid Brit tan in Flui-t L;„„|.*, and immy a nicies Uk> nunot l mis to mention. Cull and see. I march 5 J. J. MAURHJK. \ % ’ \ I.K I XI. (AXE IIMIIYG RODS 1 } Avery . >.iiv euieiit Rihl for tisli.-rint-ii: also, Hue , u l eiinin,i| an l •• joint Rods, with and without I lie-1*: .-ilk I io—. plaited and soi led colors and sizes, i Flax and Coll.a, Drum, and every size do.; Hooks o'* i every vin i. *y. k 1 - y I• -ut. I. inerieU d.-: In-inn. Bass, Sin -pheii'l ami Shark 1 looks.all sizes, with Chain anil Swiv-1. Fiy Ib.oks, sorted colors, Snell llim.Ks, Bait ! leli Nani Doodle - ’ Hook . sorted sizes, just receiv ed and I'm side singlv an I hv Hie dozen on best terms. je'22 I. I.**Y ELL. No 11 Barnard st,. F.\Y IRMHvS. Be.vived Vy S. S. SIBLEY The ‘lni din. m lii ■ ham. ter and Tendency of lieili'l, Institulimis: I-. YYarren 1.-linm. The |i • i -d YYill. - :< lime and Retribution: by Em- I erson 1 te|i |lit 1 1*. l.iltli- 1., i , oi Uu-I >ng YY'ihml.* of the Grange; by Ue author . I Vd-hod. I in,bay. The Yy In.-, Crui-.-r. or the Fates of tin* Unheard of; Bv N-.l Bmiiline. Putnam - Monthly tar U l-lu-r. TI . I.oiidon .looinal for tic talr. The Didu.'trv , i al) Nations. Jam Sotun.tin King * Ydvoente. a Seotti. h Hls i ii al Roman, e. bv Jos. Grant.Hilthorof the Ivomnnro of YVar, he. Tin* l; n liirtcnt - “f l lw> Art of Building; edited by Jim. UulliH-k. Y lofid: The D:ms, u*e. or the Courtship and YVed -I.m k: by tl,. author ,■! the Gtllro. Th-Reb,-! Se.-ni: a Romance of American Revoln ! ion: by Aria Ashlniul. For s"i'.. at 8 . ! ‘engress-Ftrcet. oct 5 t . v •. •*. itUPK .\ \ D BAGGING.—For eo- v l > by | ept 21J IL J. OILHHVy: