The Savannah evening journal. (Savannah [Ga]) 1852-185?, November 03, 1853, Image 4

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/ Jpuftri). Tin- \ nice m’ Autumn. Th i Ion*;!;. I.v-n r ■ “I •f “ p.U.n, |U buries* power •vpv -,. l. j Burst from thy pris m- rend thy chain— T have no p Wigti-te bwls and flower*, I have no summer bee* ami bowers ; But, 'b, 1 have some pleasant hours, Plenty o'er all the qnietland ller varied vesture weave*, And flings her gift*. with I: . i\ l-.n i.l, To glad the heart that grieves ; Along the southern mo ntain steep*. The viu * its purple nectar werp*. While the bold peasant proudly reaps The wealth of golden sheaves. F >rth, with the earliest march of morn, He bound-- xvp h f t-tataps f—• ; He plucks the fruit—he binds the corn, Till ulght steal,-o'er Iho lea ; Beneath the broad. nse iding mooQ, lie carries home the welcome Lrfbn. And shirts vetvo cl I remembered tunc With loul and pl* c. Then came l-< n t- i;n i- pa- ed, Kre darker h<>u*> prevail— Betbro the thrust leaves are east, And wildly >'-•'• Ihe -ale ; There’s splendor in the day-spring yet— There’s glory when th* sun i* set— Around heaven > pilgrim pale. And far th e v ip runt cut kou Bn -, To - k kinder zone ; Hut-other music stiU it lu re, Ills soft and plaintive note. Tin- titful wailing of (lie \vi, .1- Tin- -idemit r .;.r . f ;■ mug Pro. laiiuiug in. r .mi,:, id!. FOR I-’ \ lil. \M> U! M hit I ?)!M (;ooj)s: Din (;ooi)S!! KBttPTON a ViSRSTiLLE, f | 11 ‘ Ml.’ IV i : :: l which tliev a 1 - 111 : f r I- and Ihe puM- lu-m ■ uient* l< > public iMironag.-. In addin.,n In . !.•!•• ... I him lsnin* supply <-f DUES'*. l \\r\ wdiihsk ...v line, hi v Ik- f.iu'n I I ‘I- j 1 • t |nfh!*l .:i>iV.. i-. •l. l*-4. lU-t Twi'ihnl : >I.” . I*-I i.r. v pi ll-1. 12 i. I: tin- !:.- l I Crib and Cra do., an If-r ‘ nngrno.V wear, a I.* • -t -k of I*l. title and Kllll •SKVS.nt pm-e- :,,,..xx 1,|1.. I. ~|;I,- m • here, t.f Dm I dim ~| ; 111 - !,: •, * !,. .u u: II- I sev* : silperi'irln*a•• vI , I, M-h-ndi I .rtn lei: Imitation -, and . i , - |>. ,i K 1,11 K-. -v-. un i tlm old <tv|o Cabb-vi.i. pK, , - \\ hit,-. Drei an 1 Black Itmta'i- ~•. --I . |*|.Al - M ~-ed 1". <- l.t- •. ’ - heavy Georgia Plain-nflii-t , n,.. .• .arid lie-I ,-( M .'ll 1114 Knue M I” 1 II", Jl->. :. I FALL AND WINTER TR.VDI3j3. A ltl Whole.ule l*n r<-li of DRY GOODS. ( )’ bracing every a'rti- ta conn. - t-.| h'.'iVi’ Dm I rude’ ’ \‘\ I) j AT cl fir PKII'ES u- vi!l. ill Die , . -nt -t .t of lm j marked, prove liighta ui r.v. i .rv. M. PRKNDKR ; \- T A t’ .. ITS r.mgre-s -t . Oct 21 opposite St. Andrew's Hull. >-e*t Side. • M. PRENDEHGA&T& CO. I ? s II rottfc li son >i ml, Of.,St. .\-// . ‘•. II , c /.. II L’ ITS. Planters, and li-a 1- > f funnii.- and alt per-oim bin ing IN IJI .WTITV i iHu 1 vwvi-.i.- i. i- > •■ i v PROM, AND lhC||K!>|A fill. AP. i-1.l | JOHN B MOORE & CO., DriiKgl.l. ami \ jhi Imm-u i-U-s, market. I'l|. ||- a—i ii nt >t Plant ar, Ii and Toilet arlieles. will he fnind un-urpa.v;J, either in quality “r van t For Physicians. The hsl Kreiic-h. Kn-,il. .ml \ u i hi Chemie.ih. B-U-t Powd.-m ‘I -i •■< of„U kind-; l„n tal, P'M-ket. m l ('upping lusiruuieiits, Culh.-U r’s Med leal ca.l 11, Bag*. A* Plantor'a Articles. Paints, (Has*, il.iuup ml, |,nn--uj. Tooth Instru roents. sup-ii T Aui-n m M.nlu l, and hiu (iarden Setit.M. For Family Use. Preston A M rnll * \. , t I’owd, r>. Klavorlnc Kx tra-t*. Ilu-I. 1-ini av-.Delatim Vanilla Beans, Klein h IVldle Wine Vun-.a .Hup rlor Te... >pio.-s. Mustard Artuw K Sw. -t ■ n. Burning ITuiil, and .'perm • M For tho Toilet. Fin** Turkey Sponge. Kledi Hubherc: Hand Mir rors. Powder P. • . tierman t ob-gue Hmvimr Creams. K ./.-r Strop-. t f- and an extnn-ive a-- inn ni *t Ki.-imh. Ciighehnud Ameri can Hair Pr-pa..Vmm. OxMurovv. hul ■■ m. -. B-ar , on. fte.; mi l l.a* as, D.m. lai,, „. Man nef . Piv-rV. !•"> -• ‘• >.,>■’ •' ‘1'..,!., - I” made.s,midoxlra - ! *rthe ll ind .-nhlcf Brushes ami Combs. They r-que-U parti ilaratb nthm t.. theirassnrtinent ! nt Die— art ado vi/ Iv i \ P-arl. Bone. Bnlt.ib, Satin won* I nl Inlai 111 ,ir BruDn- , -iipri in • ev,- rv variety of Kc n-h and him m mufai til. Ivory, Belial i. and Hm. h ... II and IS*ah Hiu has. Nall Brurt*. 1 r-. Slmll. It'll! .1 I lid D. •11l lire- ,n • -,:,d 11|. k „„h and ivory Km l . .ti, < mi Sundries. Ha I Hgk SAVANNA:! !> . N •*, Tiekeh-lon uildi. u . II .u ( sf.r | mi H-t and * ‘old IPuli-. Parent.- are , • ,• t t„ll> ir.l rt-*.-1 line . v . to tb .-.d'-.i, t-. I u I ~,. 11* „ ,I*. , k-.-p 1 f T -ale a variety . ! f.,., y , , ‘ . Ortivwti HI ali kind ft; j j... Tiim and Cm ion 1.. l-n.hiri> 1.1, i l>, 14 ,. |., i|| j. j men's wear: ai . IPur. I „.th, l| ‘ Vail 11. b Clothe* mid Sti.„- B, Till-- l--aUtil ‘, • . r- 1 ' 11 .; ‘. • | |., |, im mend it. l'ri- ■ ;1 nlu>.„r!i, i.i.-: , —. XMPUIU’ANT TO THE AFFLICTED TANARUS":.; . . . .v. ~:. lion I in im , .V.-I Bi t-1 - r .-*l..i I ;.- t supporter, dnrin • th. r . t y>:>r. Imsitt.lui'•*•.! tlm cuU n> rilair to order a lar;> -upp.'v of the iilmivo viti uaMe arttele, dlreet ti..iu DM.Tnaaufiwtoiv. whleli will tomblrt him to rx*ln.*e llie price of D.e divine ’ .‘U that ivll can he ae, >uim-elated who require ! their a—ixtance. A ftmnUv well qunlllied tu lit ‘ the Braco will l< in attendance vipou ladi.--. and, : if dc-er .-d, JIV. •• ai’- l upon at tlu-ir residences. ft P r -I ‘ I'ANCvtT. Bxvuiht-ii'st. | ‘/MKtll\iLEHl\t! i ©, jTXji'JC*, Vfljcnt. 5 V palrnna, -■ ev.-nih and t, him. and In-ga Dm attention rd I.H old friend:- and eii’t , .uieriM , nd that of , the S \ PUBLIC cnernllv. so on** rif th- m*l evtcnflve nT'tarled 1... I-.- I i'.. r ■ ih.. „. The- e Dranl-. liMv sre off -ed fur vide at 7 .'1 St. .1 lilt* tt ustd INI C on tfr s-i-st ! u, M „irdic duf>fie Inmorter- ujnl-r I.U pcr>o„l : in -poeri •tuuiil vAh ,K ialr. f'.f-nr.-totheirudapUß.ou , fr r.i there ir-uni daticea, and an acqunlntniire I vri*h tl.eSa* modi iinir 1 .,'. be i enabled In state ronft* ’ dcu ily th*t ll.c ‘v ~nta t o ahe in now prej a red lo of fer to PURCHASF.USOF DKY GOODS, esnuot beexe H.\l by any Ivm e in the city. 1 Ihe following enumera ion will convoy an idea of : I t’.ic extent and variety of DicDixt-ls now offered, via; Kri'M-y h. -hb V PI lin* Bin* k ami \\ Idle Washington Kor-cy; KcnturUv (irev*- Tb.rce Crd l>oiih!e and Twicicd. , Do -rgia Kersey, Heavy Striped Kersey; Blanket h. IMnid H r c BUuke!-. Heavy Twilled do.: Assorted I .w.lor* do.: Heavy Mackinaw |n.? Duftll do.: 10-4. Hl.’ 1 13 IMI I’m J and-.. 11 Bath; Hlhhon hooud Crib do. Ca3simores. Cloths and Satinets. Vnt.ey trench <H xirimr*-•: Clouded t • - intent: 80. k I-bind do Cr- t:D L'almti do : Black French Doc* Skin , d-. ruperfine Black French Clollis, U>. Twilled do: Black, Blue and Grey Satin etc. Txv i-ril*. I An rvl-n is -a ta, oompri-i-.g I cve f y variety of color. I'laniM Is. V. I A-and V. I low Klann.l-; Wel hdo-.Sel li -in I"I:i •* *.l * f>r bndie* Sae|<. ; Printed Klm.ii.-I-: Itcil m.d Wld-.. Twillcl do; lib,, Brown and Slate’ I’ilnt tt. i French. Knglhh an l Aim ri- an Prints. Ihc largest C. U . V..,- bri'-.ig j lo tlii* inarkol, varying in price.-* , from *•> [ tu ;,o int * yard. t-iiiglnuiH. Mnnelu- ‘■ r. b-m. -r I n :li*li and Scot h* haul.*, from Vl\' 2 to ;:T bjcent-u y aid. 11l liiilui-n ami ( Avlitnrm. I- In ind . . rod P from 12J .to per ’ II vud onto I lul l A bnhroH, ontlroly now;lilack i, t< ‘• .1. i-- I ‘, Inner.- . Tlm.-,- < ;..o.|- are of Dm Jte-l ‘'l ;l ‘ ‘ V W^i C in npri<lt,t, ‘ o Uloafc Aljmcnn. Id ■ Ml and I ran l Alpm m. fioiu lucent- to Silk*. It : : I: ■■i* ‘•’ b 111.- lie here th’ dilf-rent >ly|e :. t.ii--: il.Mi.f llmirri Ini. - m:d elegHime. In order. *-.. m. .10, ,\W. it., ev;,,i.jfeU.:„,rv.ftbe present < eiilt.ll Dial D. .. i. M I ii t., t e appreciated. MnnlllbH atul < looks. l ad:, lila.-k ill. Mantilla• do. t*..| do.;do. j M t.-i* I Ik •', -. .. Bl- a, lied Plotl. Clonk*, b; ‘i'll r. i Hr .Si. ('• b-i.-d Cloth bakFinbrui* : |. . 1 Bu:id;U'*. I-uemler do.. Velvet Trimmed. 110-. ii ry . < •Mi it - .Mixed. Sl.ile and Key Striped H ! I.mnb * M 1 .i. • I ■ C.dorixl Cn-hmcre ■i 10. 1.. . Ca-iin:. .v .!” Bov - white, mixed nml l -.oev > j-lo.: and... bam’ - M... I’ .. do., do. Fancy Cn.-li , . ■ • -10. I. ell.- • \\ bite < 11..-e. from 1A .to Ia • in and H .te. \b-.-l an I Moravian ,| b '. it. Silk i ■ .|oi.-d do. i bindido ; r do. i. k I- li iv -I - .. Meriii” lo : do Cn.*hiiieres do. VI. ,- M lii’.- and brnw.i ‘.d • : .b-. Mix,- I ‘ do : and I an. - ,i„ Mi l, I . |..i ,-.| and".: Drey t;iav * s b .di. • A!. .... , Ki.t t.l .XThibet .! : C010r,..1 ’ Vaj Ido T.-ob ia Silk do; Wool Mitt-; ‘ a-hiiuro Me-u - \V... 11. ..V.--: do Tl.ibel .1 , C--hll.eie do: do I • < I B.- liii do: .io Dial. do; .1 <1 Di do; and ■ . Ta.niu.l- do AI ,x a ii, lre Kid 1.-; do I’hml. ( an entire • Handkerchiefs. Lil li-* I. C hdkf- r. in ; rent up: do Hein’d Stiteh i|.. and..; do Sea I loped do du: do K bd do do,— Men • 1.C1i.l >*• .!.. Silk do in great vnriclj : Buy s do and-: do Cotton.lo: Mi--. -b C. S it ml riea. 1., ‘i. Lamb- \V.-,| V.-t-; do Merino .1-: Men's do I.! ka li. - I.mi.d .Hurt d<> Plaid Wool .'bawl-: do 1 i . i..- . * —v — .... . ,1..- .lo Klinev Neek I, : 1.l i-t.—. Biillab. Comb.-. BubTerCouihs.’ , T-. tl.aod Nail Itru lie.. Hair Bru.-lms. Perfumery Kani-y .'..a,,-. tog.-tlmr vvitli an e xleimivc usuort* House Iv < plug Coml-. N. It \n apartment, appropriated to the .lobbing Trade luo* been fitted >|>, w Imre roun*r • will always find a large stock to seleet HERE IS YOUR REMEDY. _ // a f. S ■ j v 'V N-Vij i A I ri ; vb* , and ■ •... ! AA • A: v rv HOLLOWAY S OINTMENT A V Uad 1... r, 13 ) Sn // • ritfj. lAtrtf t of a letter from Sir. William Galpin, of TO St Maim w. vuiouUi, dated 10th May, lbil : r. 1'r.,1 • m HtJUnony: Sin .At D.e ag.-..f eighteen my wife, (who is now IMJ-.lie, eangl.t a violent, cohl, which settled iu her b- and ever einee that time they have la-en more or 1.-** -i,-. and _ - iiv iutlnnied. ller agonies were l. -tia. ting, and for n.onthc together she wa.-deprived | entii -Iv tii nod sleep Kv. rv remedy that medi ■ 1 . . .. adv I-. I was tried, but without effwt; hei 11• -~t 11 sutler.- I- verelv. and the Mtnte of her legs w.a* : terrible I had often read v >ur advertlsemoiits, and <dvi-e.J her t.. trv v-nir Pill.- and Ointment; and. as a li I reMiinre, after every other remedy had proved u.e|, . I ii-. iilial to do SO. Hie eonnneiircd six w’eeks a.-. alal. atran-.-e to relate, is now in g.axl : health. 11-. I. ■- are painb- -. wit limit Koani or scar, and hersl.- p ■■uiidand m.di-t urta-.L Could youhave ! wi Die -nit. i tin u.f my wife during the lust 4.: y,-rti>. and .-••i.lrast them with In-r pre*,nt enjoymout H 1,.-.dill. You would lud. -l feel delighted ill having I b. .-U D,■ limans of so gr.- .tly alleviating the aulferings i (Siguod) William Oali*i. j I r ■„ , M ) - \.,r Cured f “ Jin.l 1 /. /. O’ ;o ), St, ('—* • ‘■ • from Mr. Mm. Abba, builder of D j t l(u-li, lut>* near ILudder.-tieM. dated May , S. I -niTere I for a pi-rid ■<{ thirty years from a t-fnl leg. the i e-ult of two or Du e. dillereiit aeridenls . .o * *i.. i •■iine. Dial 1.-w win. had not witnessed it ■ William A;.,;-. I Tb. ; i:b of tni- statement .-an be wiila-d lo* Mr. : W P i .m I b ... t, 13 Mark*: *!•■■ \II u id. i, I h. /,V/ // •■? It.. ~t in One Mn„th. i I. n... -I a let:. . Mr. Kredeii.-I, Turner, ot : I*-..*1.11rH. Kent. dakHl Be ember lktli, I- ‘ Mv laufl ‘ ■ .a Had It •t ----. Mil,. liei .a • . mid |,..-liiu:.te it Wns 1I id'mi: fur in I Dial, . III'.!, U a pert.-.-! cure w a.- elhvn-l. nml the \ d* ri• ■ and fr- in their u-e i- re dly jn.l..niHiing. I ... /v j *t.• ■:*g 1v r. .-.iiini. nd them U, all inv friends. >• o. I, f uI.I'LKtCK TfUNf.r i ‘ P.ll* li--iM ’.- ! • 1 cniointly with the Dint- Ball. Cl.ili i-laiiii. I-I.nda* S. re Throat* [ Bad Bi .-a.-t.- Cl . tout Skin Pi-easc* , ’ Burn* hands lil.unlubir Seurw 1 Bun: -H ‘- •* ft) Sw. din.- Sole ItejuU Bit-_ .-fnioi*. Chiu*.-I.umhago Tumours >-"dKlie* ‘*■ 1 Hi?l Hlmutiuilhttn Wounds | C’M*-'.. h..‘t Lleidmntinsis. S..i,- Nipples. - .1 I •! the ouslnimni -.f Pr-fe** . IIULLOM AY. •ill. Bar. Loudot nd by all iaW hruggi-t sand Dealer*in ./. Heines throUah- i •ut. Dm Briti.-li Lin pile and those <11|„- | ,ut,H Slate*, in Pot* n1.17 1 .. . >. .. ands 1 ..o each. Wholesale bv , 1 tlm prin Drug l.< u-e* in Dm l nion, and by .t/essrs. \ |t. .V If. SINUs. Nov* York. ■•!-se a saving by hiking tho • Ip. ... . j N B bii *h*||..iv?* f..r the giiklanee ofpatlenls in ovo , .y rtu - affix, dto ea.-h Pot. For Hite hv •M f * l.v W W LI NCOI.N . Agent. V I.V-I P.'MDKB an inv..,.- ... preshm v ,Me - j 1 ‘!■ - uiiai:il le Veaxt I'.ov.le, .-t r> . -ived atl he j *** * AP'D II Kt \ 111 FS* II \ LL. j J/KH I D\ !>j \ t HEN, .v . . i rlor quality. Also, Wax Matches’ H-gar Ligld/ and 1 Taper*. Just ra t ive lby J. K. OXFORD, i -vt t/i Apotlivaark*’ llall. j ■SAVANNAH JOCRNAL THURSDAY, NOVEMBER -3 IBftg. NEW FALL ANO WINTER STOCK OF It-i*dy IM title (loflilncii Caps, Root a, Shoes, A/f. At the Sign of the E.tflo, 178 Conrrress*st. \bl.v .V HEN I>KY ‘Uivejust received a large and •V. W,I J I -b.ek of every thing in their line. 1 hey tiller at the lowest prices, Block Cloth K'voek and Dress Coatw, New Murket Coats, (new styles.) Ca -imere Frock Coate, Albert do. Buahie.vtV.nts of every style. Blai k und Colonsi Cu‘Diucre Punt*, Block Katin V.- tr, Knnry Slk do l onm ( Wimeredo,. Line,, it, mm shirts, Lim y Kr-n. ii q.., Merino ami Cashmere do. A I o. fund lung goods of i verv di-s-rij>tion. Pur -liH*i!iA generally ar* invited tueoll and examine our M ' k - aept H I> KI% T I (. |IVli . Having made arrnng iHMiitß with Me srs. C. My tiler .v Cos., of Phihulel |d'in. one of tb.- bi;*t manut'auturerH of Printing Ink | in the I idled States, vv- hav received and intend keeping on band for Kale, a general assortment of I B**k. New. and Fancy (kdored Inks, wliich we think w ill plia c 1.-.lh in quality and price. We have Bonk i and News Ink In k-gs nf f...m 2o to 100 lb* . Nos. 1 I i.iol J: Card and ll'v.k Ink in small caniati-rs. Also. Ited Blue. \ ellow, und Hreeii, In < aiiisterK of from one I to three lbs. e-e-h. All which will be sold ala trilling nth nm eon iimnufiu-turer'x |>Hces, f,r <-ash >.r eitv im*- j evptiinc s. From our knowledge or the Ink, w.*e H n ’ s:vf-ly rc-.min. nd it. as being equal to any sold in the | South. Orders att-ml.-l to at tin- lawk store *r is. S. SIBLKY, No. 130 Congresa-st. 1 ’ 1 ’ lt I SBKS, ii: i tBK! Mar h' b.- improvi l I t niv ial and Self„dju.'ti ; - Tru-*. Ib-in bm It * pab-iil.-d Dla.*s pad C1.,0e-. and llnils double : "and single, of all *•/..< and patterns. SI, .uld.-r Bn,, ,-s. Su pciisorv Band:, ;,-*. Abdo,ni„:.l Support,-r*. Surgi .ai Instruments. A• .A. rweived and for sal- I v may 17 .1. K. Di.FDKD. Apollm. ories’ Hall. mini it; ri.i s.iv, I w ill r.-m-v.- at. l . ur- W.ul . M l- . ( „,,.Tett-r f •'"’lb DI Bing Morin* and T.m.D, A. Im. ThlsSalve is quite Fide, and almost inirac.ilouHy itenrovs the unnatural growl I, of lleHi in i.iiiu or .•;. t. It will cure an v .-f I In- „b - uaiin and di,ea <•*. in three I-.. tciimiliuU-••*. l-..r . ale l.v .1. F. lltHimi. \ the*ury-’n II 11. hi! - II'KHT. \ MI'S (KbKBKATKD i.KB MAN UITTEBS, for tlm cure nf Liver toinplnint. daundi c. DyspepDa. N. rvmiK Debility. Chronic* . b • !. .Oftb • KHn-v.and nil’ di.-eases ari^in•’ f."io n dl-urder, (I Liver ur .'teimn 1,. Bocnlved and f'T sal,* by .1, L. Di.MijfD. A i-. 11.. . ..j. * llall. | nd KKEKPLK .- ..I IDE Mr- Bradtey - iiou . keeper'* Dull-, anew. plain and eionomi.-nl t |: ...k, containing tin* greatest variety ofn.-w. valliable and appro..-I re. eipf* ever publish.-i in one , w*.rl It should b.- in the hands of every hou.-ekeepor. I ri.-e, .VD-ent*. F..r sale In Hug A s S. SIBLEY. No 1 ‘ Congr.-.-si. , t I .M*; \ ri'BKl.'ii KBICIi. N IMM I IA v, V I J n-lul aril. 1,-f..| bathing pnrj :.i.d mm Ii mi* perior to tb,* Imir glov.-.- now in „.-e. vv Imre friction is : requin-d. They are very highly l ecnin.endcd by the nie.lieal faculty in Englandaial the Cnited States.— 1 .1 usl r.-i eie.l ami for sale by M. M . LINCOLN, niar24 Monument Square |;\M \ < K U lx Ells, iii . ..|„H i • i I 1 M ai,,..: Dessert,Fan, v. BnttaiUnd I*emonCrack- : Bi-i-uit, /.ante Cm mints. Fig-, Citrons, Ka.-t India Dinger. Ms.,. 2 lb Canisters Kiel, Salmon. Ilermetrieallv sealed. 1 111 do do. 2 11. Canister* !.<•! t-r>. 1 lb do do. ‘ Sardine. Kngli h Sau.-e>. I'icklos, A.*.. Ac.. t..r sole l.v j”l> M . D. IHCKS N. r J ’ \ N \ \TV i:ki i.i;\ sku/.ki; aid I IDEM, n.i> much esteemed and highlwnlu-’ al l-preparation, will effectually remove Hea-indie. Hill’ ms nffe,-H0,,.-. Heart Burn, Costivmu ss. Ac., just ived ;ll id for sale by *pr 27 ‘ .l-'IIN It. MO ILK A CO. | M.v I.a*; a ‘; itaid:.*>. “i;an<,i:s. ‘l;:m.ns. a.-. . Bceived per -t-amer Alabama. k.-g* Malaga Ci:il. AI.KX’ANDKR, mivrO Cor. B.iU anrt Oongr.w. Mnn-Oq, i•• •'..■ .. ill, l-n. 11.... I ■ T. -V i'..| Unw . Iruir-. 1 .In I'ull.v li- It. • I .1.. l-r..1r.-iix Trull,., 1 dul'ult... Fuis For .l<- by A. nOXAI'D, 1.' -MO.1-11 FOOTII lilt l SIIK. \ v.-t. I j ..., prior art i. 1... f Knyilrli r. Br.iahM., I. | ctur.,t , x,,r. -t v f-r ,|„. j„U, HI..T an.l .11, . .-I fr„m For .-ulu by IV. M I.INCiII.V, 19 QHIKTSI BHIKTait-lutTSdl ti’ llnp toTSf • 1,,i ‘ ‘-.•M>n-1..t Atlirl-. m>l ..., t ■1... 1 1., an v. f. ,r tit bi'iiuty. Fur aalu rh-ap at it..- (TnthinK ‘ U ina', l; ' l .' l ""'’ r:,UK ‘’- OEO.S. NtL'MtJI.S. , i’i. i voi:i )■: vtk.icts,—'tb'av.if 1 Mn„, tarry. Itaapla-rry. liauana Hi. ..... Xl-ri—t, N ,:I|.|. .. miter \lm,. I. 1 anlUa. *.... tla.i.iin- .1a11i,.,. |,.p,. ji WU o>. tWtrv jiil amt (t.raalp by ‘ . j” -’ .1 It!K* cn. 1-1.1 il> ‘IAIINFpIA ti., „ . Ia v,*r., „-r., .1.1, -m. i, ~.r11...,a„ui„. i-trniipi. “I 11 ".',.- la „t, .n,.f„l |„ x..,,,,, i ; “, !J ” “••••■•’ ■ ••‘l.-kn.-p a.,.1 l)yFP|.sia. ‘ ■ ‘■ ‘■! IV. IV. UXCtJI.N, jur..l il.mitnipnl Sqiiarp. j Xg” sk, IAIIS ported Sornw, iul .a rp.'. t, I ■ t , a ri'in. l.raa.ts, , t/ : |., | ~, .. r .., ]. |„ |.. Fila„tn,|.a, Itiu II M.Fur pal-l.v “” ‘ it,'.At n, comer of Bay und WUltokeMta. QTEWA.B.T’B CANDiis7 .1,,., —iv,.l, ‘ * * A tala.lna. a il|.|.l, . I St-n art'. .. I. !.rat-il l.roited Cuiiiii.*.. tu I halt , “K"". , . VV. I.IM'III.N. . 111 M..m,„„ iiqunra. I)’ Cl U. .„,.r. „„p|X,- 1 rit li i,.,n11v ,-alle,l I'ur—|.rii,ll„-, I’ap. Latter Me “I*,"’ ‘a’ ‘"ta r t:..v„l. fa. k. t Fu,t. \ut... K.ivri ■ o|„*,ir., A,.. Fur ante l.y J. It. CLTtItFLKiK. j \\ iim.i; am> ii ii.i- iiuirs. < n.ii, H;,ll It 1 .an,line l r rt,liter, l.arr. lp extia <'mil.l H.„r: at-,, half 1.1,1, ,|., ,|,,.. „,„| MinrrOue ■ CTnmi.l l!i-Fb.ur: ll.a-ker’a rvlf raiei.i- (lenceeel'u ‘ “at 11, ■*. r. In , k7,^-. J |:l > 11 w. DICKSON. ‘ l-HIIMI TI KNll” SKEDS...ituta 1 Hat Dul.-li. that Top. ,itut„.. a,,*l l-arL'e Nurl.'lk Turnip S—.l- uftbr -r.„,tl, u| 1 SS.T : j,„t rc . I ~Tv„,l unit far sale by W. IV. I.I.MMi.x. ! I juueVS Monument Square. | X vein and Spades, Collin • 0.. . \ M.... 1 H„„.|, fa,,,., | „„,| IJ,„ k ■ .|,.'ar,''. la‘,-Ir. 1 il.-s. anil lull asHirliueiit ofCarpou* . t-r’- It,*null T,ilr, re,-rived and tur rale l.y d ,|, - ; S-LOVEUa ! / , Al.i;s- IMlin XKOF OPKAI. rill- i l Ii a,,,* eli-tuienl |.,v | .„rnli. i, ~| Opiiiin ph|e|, | -untauis atl its —dative n„d Auotvnp jiropertios. pr,s I • I,„.|||,; none uftl.e 1,:,.1 . 1t...-|, whirl, fult,.,. tbe u.-o ~f ! prcparaUulis oTi))>iu,ri. Fur sal., bv July JJ JXO. It. M(H)HK ACO. i xJI- ‘ l'la*: ‘I.AI I- >,, - , *,".'Ut at tt,” !’■•> —I and rbsapasl States in ti,j. I mark-l ja-tr—iv-d. Also, a s|a-i„„.„ ~ ,|„. Wst llo„n,lit elates, wl.i. I, pan be furnish,al vv I,nli-sale nr r, ‘ 1,1111,v S. S. SIBI.KV. j at” 1 ’ No. l:tf,, ‘.mjrres.-street I ): OVKItI,, S-ln \i, .|„ia and ~tb-r v. “ I U •! I'sirravv s 7 ‘ - 1 a--t I l ull It-;,III Flnushr. I ,l,„. I • „il ••• l.iltl,-tr,ld,,/.. 1,. pr Fat. itail “•'* 11 C. 11. CAMFFn:t.I) I | j XIU I’ 111.1 *\i;A FI ■. v s Ivi , 1 l A.,. -. I F “MS !- It K—iduili... aril,.in- It- r M.l ||. ItaiM.ryr Curb, ip Fluid. It,rev’s ! 111. I tennis l.yunV Katbaiii.n, and liadivav s clreir ■inn llalm,(,r sale l.y J i •I0!|\ t: ■•tnor.FAc,’ I I IIOW A l'. I Mt-rtllt v(( t . , , ~ ; 1)1, l'"ilmn-l 1t,..,,,, Mini nr Snap. .... „,„rl, a,,. ] j” I '. and rlinrinu: j„ 1 reei and *■ IV. M I.INCoI.v - J n-„,S,„,„re. | W “"bl “ TOM.I laS, SMiIM.II Oi l I l’ I nil. 1, MnrUi t Mesr Itrel. I,„lb-!.fs r-l. l.rated I .'1..... CU.— I II ft- Park, Xu. 1 Pi, Ivied Sidueni. ! •lust received and fur sale by . ‘ IVM. ,:. HICKSON, July n 1’ bHakeiast.enr. Ilnvui-1it,.,, I ] | ),. •.’ S K-'.'I.M I “I -IA VIA IF A,; I NCKlt.—'lddr | ,:,lllnldi- pr-peniesef .1„,J,., and will I e I’ ai ltd „n trial, to be an exenlient rninilv “n-Ueitie. T 1 1-.1 vs|..- 1i,.. || alturd • -rent r,diet In i .-.vln. I..„etn lliedia.-m, ~I„.l rr.-eived • I “.•sale l.y W. LIMVIIA “",r I” Mi m Squniio. XX” A \ \K.IIT- I.IUIITSr- x„ ,v,lle,di * arlirl.lurll.eNnrrrn ~r Fl,ainla-r. Furl ” b) JullN 11. MHOHK ,v (-11 6 (III.Ik.iiF Bjulldlug. Ml'* KI. \ 91.1 IVS 11 011 Iv —la-tl-r- end l| ' ■” 11 1 ” • I'r Ilhyiee. and lllank Ver ... ! ; ‘ y l.nui., 1.1-mjay. a lady of ti,,, Snuil,. Fur sale by I J'"” -■ and. ii.r-iTiiiKi),;):. - ,oll\ 9111.1.5... J.l -Tvut s -..-I : ’ 1 •” ‘!."*. >. ’l-1 b’ band, new landme i, ,„ . brie An.-a.-ta. and l„r sale by 1 • C.H. CAMPFJELD. i / 101.1) PK9Ti.uA new sssortibent nf Geld ‘ 1 1 ... land f.n sal,. at lerv Kvlu.aal pri-, r. ‘•y s. .*. .*im.ia. jan.-ll V. j 1 - I 1.T0.V M Alii; F I iIKEF. - Jlihalf bids, fnrsel. > 1 ; *I” II and <i I l.ltldll I n A ‘ priiar v-rii, Kiv.-r Hay, lan,line I and lei sale by “ | 1 19 DRIGIIAM. KKLI.VACO. 1 / VA I S.— 1.l I ~ tnirli-ls fd tint., f-r rat,” t„ arrlvr: ’ ‘ •'* -*,*l ’ - IHIIIFN & lU.-.NK lilt. I W IIISKFY —ln 1.1.1. M. n.tae ,l„ la “* V V I putirl,,-. a, s—lcl, ln.key I do Irish d-. Furealobv | “vl l IIVLA9D A(J NFILL yjl LERIOR SEWING COTTON, vN I H M’e hnvo receivr-d, by stojunor this week, u large ! :i--<orti:u:nt of Brooks’ tjnperter White Sewing Cotton, i in nil nmnlmr*. This mis //m nut if K'oinp Cnfton that ohUiinttl the th. Il’mb/’ ■ Ah ir ill It only requires consumer.'’ of this article to give it | n to !"■ fully eonvincisl of ita deei led superiority | over all other tnaker's productions nowin unc. Inconnection with this, we have also rec-ived sere- ! r:xl cases of a very superior made English Flux Thread ! .*f the seTi-rnl numbers, and in all colors. .'! I’IIENDKItD AST ti CO ,ITS Broughton st, ang 27 opposite St. Atidrows Hall, west aide. • ICEMPTON & VERSTILLE “” 4 UK now opening n finely assort-. Inn-i complete ,'Bick of Summer and oth*r lAlt\ GOODS, which they will offer upon the most aeeoniinudating terms. As great cjxre li is ta-en exerciswllti the selec tion of their stiH-k. with a view both to price and qud ity, they confidently invito their friends and the public generally, to call and examine for themselvesH. apr it ~CRAPE SHA.WLS ! CRAPE SHAWLS lT JUST RECK IVKI) at the new store a fresh sup ply of Plain and Embroidered White Crape Shawls, | of every quality. The Ladies are respectfully request ed to call and look ut them, as there Is no trouble to show goods—at J. ii. COHEN A CO.'S, mar 7 140 Broughton-st. I SAY, LOOK HERE! SHIRTS. Umbrellas, and water j*roof Conts. .lust received at the Cheap Clothing Store, Gibbon's range, and fur sale cheap by | may 5 GKO. S NICHOLS. INDIA RUBBER COUIBS.” UT K liavejust re -civod a b>tof Do.Hrear's celebrat ed nndia Rubber Combs, which w e „ r r to the public very cheap: thei.adic-. particular o,rtr roquo*. t.-.l to call and examine the same, at ly.nre apr 7 .Ulf. C MIEN & CO >. l lo Br >Hghtop^t.w / 1 KNTLE 111 I N VVIIOSH IVE THE II \ J SKL VES uui.b-r*’ Patent Metallic Tablet , and Razor Strop—the best arli( le ever offered to the public in the way the Razor Strop. It will keep tlm ravor in flue -having order without the use of the hone. Al-oa him of Shaving Soaps, Sa ponacrous C.-mpoiind Olur.phaiie, Shoving Cream of various kind-. Military Shaving Soap. Ac . ,vc., receiv ed and f*.r sale by .1. K DkKoKI), rthecraioa’ Hall. r J’A HU A A T’S SEIiTZK K \ PER IEIV T. 1 Tin* •- , terve*-eiugpreparation i'prepured from an atmlysis -.-lehrute I Seltzer Spring i.iGonnanv wifi, -m l, ad Litimis and in,prove, m*„U as will he f. un I nmterinliy 1.. fr,crease its effi.. v. It will not > loi to r.-mox- D.x.piq-i*. Bilious Affections. A.-iditv of Die Stomach, (ostixene,.*. Headache. Ac. Koranic by JOHN It. MOORE A C"., | Gihljon’ Building. I ‘l.l. IS* COM POI \l s\ tu POP s \ r‘- Ii S A I’A l( ILL A.—Th is Concent rut* s| Syrup is found B- ben safe and valuable remedial agent, alternative ! , in it* effects, and purifying in Rs nature; and may ta* j u*. I wi:l, great advantage in the cure of Rheutna tiMo*\ Ulcer-. Scrofula. Teller, and other diseasesnris ing I'r.. ut an impure state of ti.- h|o. M |.ju*t received I mid for sale by M . M LINCOLN. SEGARS! SEGARS! ! SEGARS! !! I K. 1)1 FOISH !ia>just received lot of very supe *t . rior lin | sorted Segnrs, com prising the fbUowiug choice brand*: Union Loudon Eagle Extra Principe. M.-,limn Plantation, Full Primavcra, Uldckeu Cock, Ap..!loOpera. A- .. ,Ve. ABo. a *Uj i article Chexv* , ing Tobacco, for *ale Apotlmcuries’ Hull. mar 30 jIiIEV V 1X i 4 A(X A verv superior ii rl tel e V >of Pill .-Hid I*xvi*i Tobacco of various brands, for sab-at the Apothecary llall. .1. E. DeFORD. i mar 24 DR. RJBLRT'S WELCH MEUiCAMENTUM, I ‘• R i-urin: I ndi-gesti..!) or D. *; ep*ia. Liver I pl .iuL*. .lam.di,e. Kever and Nguc. Dysentery, I! , la. le-. L *-of Appetite and Heartburn. It also puriJte-s Hi,* 1 and renovates the whole system. Put up in pint bottle*. i 7:. cents per tedtl.-. Fur sate by mar 17 JXO. A. MAYER. 151 Broughton-st. MAPS, ROUTE AND GUIDE BOOKS, &C. / IdETIIN S Route and (Elide lb - k t1.r0,,.d, the I ni- V J ted Suite* and ‘ utmda. containing the routes and distances on the great line of travel by Kail mads. Singe roads, Canals, Lake* and Rivers accompanied xxiD, n large ami an ,irate map—2‘- X3” indies. Colton'* Map of the United Sa’ js of Amc-i.-n. .n. lud ing the Brili.d, Prox inees, M- .te , the M ost Indies and Central America,will, a part o’ New Grenada and Von e/.0-la. 33 X 4” inches. Pod;, i Maps of Georgia. Klodda. Tennessee, and Kentucky—A uexv jtssorttaout just rec ived and for S!l | e h y 8. SIBLEY. j” -'X No. 135 Co* ‘r.v*'-street. I ‘ JIHKELL'AS.-Ge..,ge .*>. Nidi, iv |,* I hand the hnest assortment of Silk, Gingham.and Conn,, Umbrellas of oil colors, ever brought to this plat , , which will be sold at moderate prices Ibis hot weather. ‘I hose in wont are invited to call at his clothing store iu Gibbotia'Range. july I / 10RN is i \R( . Vi i ; •„ .. and prepared | 1 , ‘ “V 1 S, "rV K **.c r.dtnnrx’ use. This article is ex , ceemngiy imalllix. and economical.nnd when ; ilusiro.l. iuhj I.” ii.ihl av a f,, r . i„] in tlic same manner as Arrow lboxt. For sj.Je by John b. Moore, a co., ’ ‘ ir ‘7 Gibbous’ Buildings. I ‘XCEbSIOR OKillS I'U.N riKRK I..—pre I jpare I by A .v .1. R un-av. This Dentifrice imparls lot lie gums a beautiful and healthy appearan, ,*. re j move* tartar from D.e teeth, affords an n-g,-eenbte fra- I •ran. .- to Die be at h. and de.,„>e* artificial * : T sale ’ 2.. cents per U.ttlc bv John ilmooki: a ro, J’ Gibbons Batidingg. / tO.AIK %T I. \ • I . PER BTEMSHIP \ At >D ST A. -I bo Mats an much inquired for at ltd. I*-* i* of late.i’ >n-i-!ing of Jit ir l . l/'.jhtfra Cautmi Struts .I,'Wjj Pirn ,'.ln sib . it-c. Cniuc now and xveean suit yon BMLDKX A CO. n!X(.|-:*a XXI) IH I TS, Strew*. Weights. and Nails. Brads. Hoiks and Staples, Bolt*, Hand Rail Screws, an 1 Stays, Hat and Coat llook?, Padlocks. Chest. Cupboard and Draw bocka, just re ceix.-d and ir - ai. by . . ii ■ n.i. i ‘I. \ \ ORING EX l RAC i Proton A Mor -3 riil and M right .X Meakin s Extracts of Rose. \ inilla. Lemon. Strawberry, Nutmeg, Bitter Almond, • Banana, .larzoudl, Pear, Ac. K r salebv apr l . JOHN B. MOORS y CO. y 10NGRKS3 w ITKR a tv.-h * a received ” diiect trom the proprietors of the Congress Spring • for sale by aprO JOHN B. MOORE A CO. ORANGE FLOWER WATER \ perior French article, just received and f.*r sale | l, y JOHN B. MOORE A CO. | [j . I H ELF RAISING FLOUR.— A fresh supply just re O reived in ••and 12 !b. Packages. Also. Pastry Ca nal Flour, extra fine, for sole nt I may m DICKSON'S. •IDIK liEORGIA PRIMER, just issued 1 from the S ivauuah press, for sal- hv July te ,|. It. Cl BBBDGB. I IMF:. Lime, per brig Tallulah, for I j sab- to arrive by . i july IS ‘ BRIGHAM. KELLY A CO. OATS.— ;‘0 bit-bel* just received from Cobh county and lor sale low, by mli, WELLS & DI’KR. \ r I >KG A It. - \ few barrels prime Cider Vine egar. for sale by jttne D- SEA HORN GOOD ALL. H’ ‘ • “ bales Hay dally expected nor bar Flight, and for sale, to arrive, l.y “"'• 12 BRIGHAM.'KELLY A CO. WRAPPING PAPER.-•2",.i reams \Yrnp|dug P- If per ofdilb-rt:,it siies and qualities, r.x eived and j fur alo hy fJ. S. SIBLEY. m ay I- \.i 183 longrcss -t. / tO I'FOX \ \K\> nail Os \ VIH !<<;*. \ - ■ • Yam*, vari.m- numher ; P* do Gsimburgs. -Iti* received ands r sale hy jnne 30 BRIGH 4M KELI \ A- CO. ! ) a superior article of Salad t)il, for table use. Ac, |.x,. For sale at AY. W. LINCOLN'S, I jmio I .Monument Square. 1 i 1 }y\ J '."’ ■ ‘ed i - 1 1 ppl’ of Maeblnery Lard •* / lii.-.sperm, Rape-seed, and Tanner* oil. and I !;;•* hy J- U- MOGUL A CC, l (HAMPiMGU: t... Plate llvi: X ‘l. .i..|.,i„-ut'. tur raj ti l.y a. noxAcn. \ ’ 1 11:1:111 9 Ita'oXvs. ..., T.nv i, r r„„,| *1 l.aivi,. I I 1,1t.1- I, til tmrk KvHVtrtnl -,.|, I ‘■>*_ :j"iy -} cn h.fimi'fiki.ii. l -I.IIVK 9.901)9 XE.-T,,, .Vlt-a. l.v' u n \ immediate and perfect cure. I may 27 J\' A. MA Y EK. la4 Bronghtan-st. NO* >1 ‘• A K.—3o hlids. N. O Sugar, for sale lox\ • toclusM. by ;maybj SEABORN (JOODALL. j'OH \ < ( t). . \ f,.xv boxes low-priced tobacco for 1 June IH) SEABORN GUODA LI.. - I*l RIT <i \>• Spirit Gas being a cash article | l he,e.qlime wil) Ihj nono sold on a credit i l ash price 7.7 a uta per gallon : 20 cents perquart | J‘ ‘. . 1 A- M A VER. 1,4 Broughton-st. r 1 1 EA A,X D Toil At O {, boxes Bhwdt Te.-,. aud 1 boxes lobacoo Xu s ; j„cq received and for sate SEABORN OOODALL. If 1!l • H ‘’ I | ,W id j < ruud , pack.-.. ,-s. warranted of Die last year's growth.- “ ,:,v ;; MponmentSqur [I A JIS. -7700 of lil< won & Little's Riitf* • , 1,11 , 1| . c •' ,l K ar ‘ u red Hams, in store and fur salehy “tiDEN A BUNKER. I )UO\\ .VS ESSENCE t, I JAMAICA GINGER I > A imli supply of thlsdull rbtful article, t.„- the : -tininter Use, received and for sale by ‘M' l |s J. I-: Ap. the. hi ii-.’ Hall. I Mils’ C IIKCIv A M) GUO UN JACK. I > Georges. Ni.-hols has just received a line assotinenf B..ys‘ cheek and Drown Linen Jackets, for • , ?f* n ! 9 I^A? irs o,d Kor sule cliuop at Ihe clothing . -re in Gibbons’ Range. julv 1 I> I( K FU)I K.—Just received, a supply of Su 4 perin., Rio,; Flour, fresh ground, which excels for l ako. Puddings. Ac. For sale at DICKSON'S, july 1 Curuv*. ‘I Li taker tt.aud Luuc. 1 NEW BOOKS. ! / t BEEN WOOD LEAVES : a collection of Skctche-t . V T and L<*:tarp; by Draco GnsonwiMid. Life of Captain John Smith. Castle of Otranto, j Private Life of Daniel Webster. The Star of the Fallen; by Newton M. Curtis. I Beatrice, or The Unknown Relatives, j Father UavH/.xi’n Luctureq in New York—a new sup- ■ | ply. For sale by S. S. SIBLEY, j sept 8 No. 136 Congress street. NEW BOOKS. j r IUIK Sword and the Distnff.or Fat, Fair and Forty, 1 a story of the South nt the close of the Revolu tion. by the author of the Partisaus, Mellichnmpi, Cathenue Walton, Ae.,Ac. The Heavenly Home, or the Employments and Fhj joytnenta of the Saints in Itaavtm, hy Rev. 11. ILir buugh, A. M. Poems, by Meditatus; Rook of tho AVorld, X T o. 10. I <H,k of t lm World, vol. 1. hound. The Half Yearly Abstract of the Medical Sciences, No. 17. The British and Foreign Modico-f'ldrurgicul Review, No. 23. Received by piug 12 J. B. CUBBHDGE. NEW BOOKS. RECEIVED BY ,S. S. SIBLEY, A UG. 10th, 185.3. i AT I LES THEM KNII ERE; or. thcLove Test, bv An* j nette Mario Mjdllund, author Zingrn of the Gyp* i sey. ! Philosophy of Sir William Hamilton. Professor of Logie and .'te.tajdiypies in Edinburg University, for the use of Schools and Colleges. Abelard and Hehdse, a Romance, by O. AY. Wright. Eugene; or, tbe Soldier’s Bride, hv Miss Surah >L Howe Pyschoinnncy. Spirit Uappings. and Table Tippings exposed, by Prof. Charles tb Page, M. I)., Ac. Barnum’s Illustrated News. Gleason's Pictorial. Popular Educator. Magazine of Art. For sale at the Rook Store. aug 11 Nt., ; ..INGRESS STlffißT. NEW BOOKS. (1 RAW KdRD, hy tlje author ot “Mary I’nrlo.** j ; -Ruth,” Ac. | Fern Leaves from Fanny’s Portfolio, with original 1 designs l.y Fred. M. Coffii,. Mites Tn*minhcre, or the I<ove Twit, by Annette Ma rie Maillard. 4 ! j Iho Rom.-ineeof Alhelard and lielol*e. by f*. W. ‘’ riglit, translator of Cousin’s ••History of Philoso* 1 phy.” Psy eoinaney. Spirit rappings. and Table-tippings ex |lose.l by Ppif.lTi.ia. G. Page. M. D. Tin? r*..biter’s Bride, or the t onspirntors of Im A’en , deu—a romauce of .Napoleon’s Time-, bv Miss Sarah M I lux e. j Apjdeton'snew and eomplelc United States Guide- I W.ok for Travellers, enil.rui'ingtiie Northern. Eastern. : ; Southern and W. -tern States, t/auadu, Nova Scotiii. .New Bruns *ii-k. ,Vby W. Willi.-nus. Phih .-opbv of sir William Hamilton. RnrE. Profes sor of Logie and .Metaphysics, in Edinburg University arrange'! for the usuof SebtKila,liy o. IV. Wright. J Barnuin's illustrated N :w*. No. 32. \ A fresh supply of Ellen Devore. Received hy I 2 ID J. B. CUBBKDOK. NEW BOOKS. f 1 1 H E Works of .lames Hall—Legeudsof the AYest— I Du-author s revised edition. I he E’hiik-I Hunt, ji narrative of personal adven ture. bv J. V\ Fahens. author of bite on the Isthmus. Behind tlm Curtain; a tale of Klville. lr. Birch and Ids Young Friend*,l.y Wm.M. Tlm. k- . aray. with sixteen illustration* by the author. Uuml Essays, l.y A. .1. Downing, edited with n me moir ot the author, l.v James W. Curtis; and a IsTter to his Friends, by Frederiku Bremer. Every D.-iv .Scripture Rending, with brief reviews und practical observations, for Die use of Families and i Schools, by Rev. John L. Blake, 1. D. Essays and Mi-cellani.-s. ehoiee cutting* from the Manuscripts of Grin e Aguilar, author of* Vale of Ce dars.’ Ac. *4*l.*.-ti-1 hv her mother, Sarah Aguilar. Eustace Quintal, a sequel to Mary Price, by G. W. M. Reynolds. Jack aud his Bride, or tile Highwayman's Flight: be bift Die further adventures ofUlaude and his friends, by the author of ‘Gentleman Jack,’ beauiifullv illus : t rated. Tin- Illustrated Bible, numbers received to 47. B.irnuin - Illu-trati-l News. No. 17. I.ofty and Lowly,l.y Miss Mclntosh—further supply i :>js J.B, COBBKDGE. ‘ ; NEW BOOKS. Ik DAPS AND BAI L ROADS : a manual of theprin k, ri pies and practice of Ri>a<l-niaking; comprising | tin- location, construct inti and improvement of Ronds 1 and Railroads, hy W M. Gillespie, A. M., C. K.. civil engineer in Union College. Pwiiis of Alexander Smith. The Last Leaf from Sunny Side; hy II Trista. with a mein rial of the author, l.y Austin'Phelps. Home Cookery: a i-olle-lion of tried Receipts, both foreign and domestic, by Mrs. J. Sha.lxxi.-k Philosophy of .Mysterious Rapping* and Reply to Beecher, by E. Rogers. Chamber’* Miscellany, in 20 volumes, fancy boards, wild 10 volumes, Cloth. Chamber's Repository. 4 volumes. Fancy hoards. ( bainbcrs Information for the People, royal octavo. I tt.itr “nit Binding. Chamber's Papers for the People, 12 volumes. Fan cy Boards. 1 be W orks of Samuel Maunder, including the Tren- , Fury of Natural History. Treasury of lli*tory. Sctentil.i and Literary Treasury. . Proasury of Knowledge and Bi .graphical Treasury. ’ Industry of all Nations. Nos. 3 and 4. j Godey's Lady's Book, tor September. ’I be \ ictiui s Revenge; n sequel to the “Matricutt’s ! Daughter.’'and-The Star of the Fnllen.” Barnuin's Illustrated New*, No. 34. Received bv J. B. CUBBKDGK. j \E AY BOOKS, ill.’ Material M unagement of j Children in Health and Disease; by Thomas Bull, ; M. D. ’ I Practical Mineralogy. Assaying and Mining: witli a J description of the useful Minerals, and instructions for • assnyidg and mining, according to the simplest method I by Kreiic rick Overman. Miuing Engineer. Tho Mieruseopisl: or a complete Manual of the use i ot tbe .Microscope; for Physicians, Students, aud all | I /overs id Natural Scionee. Secmui Edition, improved-’ mid enlarged. Willi illustrations by Joseph 11. 1 Wythe*, M.l). 1 A Treatise on Operative Ophthalmic Surgery; hy 11. j II ay no* Wntton, fellow of the Royal College’ of Sur- 1 eery in England. First American from the first Lon don Edition, illustrated by 1(19 Engravings on Wood. Edited by S. Lit tell. M. D.. author of a Manual of the Diseases of the Eye. Received by ept 9 j. B. CUBBSDG E. N EW ROOKS.—Harper’s Magazine for Fep tomber. Graham’s Magazine for September. Tho Matricides Daughter: a Talo of the Great Me tropolis. by Newton M. Curtis. Dare-Devil Dick: i>r the Rond aud its Rider*, hy the author ofDentlenifn Jack, Jack and ids Bride. Ac. The Pirate Doctor : or Hie Extraordinary Career of New York Physician, by a Naval Officer. The Artist’s Wife; and other Tales, hy Mary Ilovritt. The W izard of the Wave, a romance of the Deep. Blue Sea and Indian l.*!nnds. by Fayette Robinson. The History and Rudiments of Architecture, embrac ing the orders of Architecture, Architectural Style* of various countries, the nature and principles of designs in Architecture, and mi accurate ami complete Glos. sary ot Architectural terms, for the use of Architects, Builders. Draughtsmen. Machinists. Engineers and Mechanics, bv John Bullock, Architect, Civil Engi neer Mechanician ami Editor of the American Artizan. Arthur's Magazine for September. Barnuin's Illustrated News, No. 35. Further supply of Fern Leaves and The Sword aud the Distaff. Received by :!(> J. B. CUBBKDGE. NEW Books.—The Liberties of America; hy 11 W Warner. The Pedestrian in France and Switzerland; hy Geo Barrell, Jr., authuf-of Bubbles of Fiction. A .Memorial of Horatio Greenough—consisting nf ii Memoir. Seh?ctions from his Writings, and Tribute to his genius; bv Henry T Tuckerumn. Mark Ilurdleotonx*, or tho Two Brothers: by Mrs Moodie. Kustnge Quentin, a Sequel to Mary Price: hy G W M Reynolds, vol 2. The Robber’s \\ ifc. njllomostte Romance: hy the au th r ■>’ Rose Siiniiucrville. the First False Step, Ce. i >ld Put, or the days of ’7fi. Potersoii's Magazine for July. Barman s News, No. 33. Received bv aug 17 J. R. Ci RREDGE. VK\ BOOKS; -Received by S. 8. SIBLEY", August 24,1553. — I 'old rails and Mcnioirsof Eminent Americans; by •L'lin Livingston. Esq , in two vol*. 7 In- V tetiiu's Revenge: by Aexvt*>n M. Curtis. Jim Bunt, or Life Alloat and Ashore; hv Cant. Bend ley. U. .<. X. Gleuson’s Pictoriul; Barnuin's Illustrated News’; Arthur's Home Magazine. —ALSO— Hooper s Medical Dictionary. Smith's Classical Dictionary. Appleton's Dictionary of Mechanics, Diseases of Cliiidreu: by (’has. D. Megps. M. D. For sale at [aug2sj No’ 136 CONG It ESjS-FTK E KT. More hooks.—Recivud'i*V's'. Sibley, . Sept, nth, 1X53 Elion DcYere, complete. Fern Leave*, anew supply. Life of John Randolph. The Boy Hunters; by Captain Mayno Reid. Claud the Artist: by Ben Perly Poore. KusD.vtMiutiu, complete. Tiie Lawyer’s • < tery. ~r Grj'hun's Wrong*; by a Mem l-er of Xcm \*ork Bar. Bride of Dmberg; by Emily F. Carlen. Gleason's PietoriaJ. Barnuin's Illlustrated Now*, Ac. For sale at No. 135 Congress-street. *opt 7 MORE HOOKS.—Received by £?. S. SIBLEY, August 80th, 1863. The Fawn of Die Palo Faces: or, TxvoCcutuiie* Ago; by J. l\ Brace. The Matricide's Daughter: A Tale of Life in the great Metropolis, by Newton M. Curtis. Dare-Devil Dick; or, the Road and its Riders, being the Romantic Adventure* encountered by Dick Tur pin. The Pirate Doctor, hy a Naval Officer. Blackwood’s Magizine for August. Graham's do. September. Godey’s Lady’s Book for do. Gleason's Pictorial, Bam uni’s Illustrated News, for sale at No. 135 Con gre-s street. aug'3l N-KXV BOOKS.—The Esilos; a ta’e by Talvi, i hu til or of ileloise, the Literature of the Sclavic • , Nations. I Theory of Politic*, an inquiry into the foundations J of governments, nnd the causes and progress of polit I i ieal revolutions, by Richard Hildreth, uulhor of the | 1 History of the United States of America. <ft\ The Story of Mont lilane. by Albertemith. A Visit to Europe, in 18.52. by Prof. Benj. Sillimnn. ‘ of Yule 2 vwl->.. illustrated. John C. Calhoun’s Works, vol. 2. Tho Picture Pleasure Book, illustrated with upwards i df five hundred engravings, from the drawings ofeni- ! lnent artist*. The White Rose, or the Lovely Maid of Louisiana; a romance of t!u Wild Forest, by Dr. J. 11. Robinson. Til • (Johfvu E-igle, or the Privatoar of ’75, a talo of ; ( the revolution, by Syi vanu* Cobb, Jr. The Countess De Charney, or the Fall of the French i Monarchy, by Alexander Dumas. Riirnufn'.s Illustrated News, N0*.37 nnd 38, reeeiv- , . ‘‘£hy | spot 21] J. B. CUBBKDGK. | NEW BOOKS. Buds and blossoms FOR THE YOUNG, by Mr*. Hugh*. j Life of Daniel Webster, the Statesman and Patriot, j , containing numerous Anecdote* with illustrations. Saying* and Doings of Animal, with one hundred ; and six illustrations. Anecdote* of the Habits and Instinct* of Birds, Rep tiles and Fishes, by Mrs. R. Lee. •W 19 j. B. CUBBEDGE. TAECEtVED BY RECENT A ILK l - lA VALS.—ldUTrny or Canal Barrows; 1 dozen Gar den do. 50 No. 10 Ploughs; 50 bid*. Hydraulic Cement. 25 Hovev's Straw Cutters, different sizes. 25 Swift> SbsM Hand Mills for Corn. 25 do Coffee Mills, two size*. 20 pair* Georgia Burr Mill Stones, lo do Ksopus and Cologne Mill Stones, with or without dress, irons to suit. 2 lota Saw Mill Irons, complete. 1 doz. full setts ('actings, consisting of Segment, Pinions and Gudgeons, for 8,9, 10 and 11 feet i dium. Wheel*. 1 doz. setts Bales an l Screws, for lifting Mill Stone*. *.j doz. Saw Cummer*. 50 kegs Nails, assorted. 1 package best Dutch anchor brand Bolting i i (Roths, from No. 0 to No. In. 1 do/. May hew'* double wheel Corn Shelter*. 1 .'.doz. bates Patent Corn and Cobb Crushers. 1500 loot patent leather Belting. 0 Smut Mills. Leonard Smith's patent. Patent Balances; Platform and Counter Seales. Rest Sperm and Machinery Oils, in casks. 1d,15.. ! aud cans. For sale by nug 22 C. IT. CAMPFIELD. i Domestic mquoßs.—dm bw*. n. an< tiffed U liiskev; 00 do. E Phelps’ Gin; 50 do. N. U. lluxn: , S(J do. Domestic Brandy: 50 do. P. if 11. Conn. River i (Jin: 25qr. casks Malaga Wine. Kor salt?by ‘ WEBSTER A PALMES. j (10R.Y. —300 Imshels more of Corn, just received J and for sate by ug7 SEABORN 00ODALL. I T > SMLGK BRS AX'D CIIKW ERS. -Just reeidvedj a I very superior lot of Tobacco and--Sugars: Tol)acco ! of the mo.-t celebrated brands, and Segars that are ! genuine and imported, for sale at the Apothecaries’ i j by [sept 301 J. E. DkFORD. i / I>>FFEE.—3OO bags Fair to Prime Rio Coffee: ;",U bag.- st - D'uuingn Coffee; 25 bags Old Gov. Java Coffee, ■ f,,r by [sept 15] WEBSTER .<• PALMES. FINGLISH PICKLES AND SAUCESk JO dozen as- I i sorted English Pickle*, fresh : 0 doz. Sauces. For swle by Bept I.; 11VLAX D and O’N El LL. | JAY •—SO Lui.dli-s l.,u:esti,- II . t r - ;tl *• l,y | ug fi SKAB >RN GOODALL. / (A.II I* 111 X7F.—hbl*. just received; also, a fresh Y V supply of Burning Fluid. J .MIN B. MOORE & CO. IIR CORKS.—Of various sizes; also overy de l M-riptiou of Bottle Corks: for sale nt wholesulcor re tell. l\v JOHN B. MOORE A CD.. 9 Gibbous’ Build ing. j 11TR ATE OF M ION ESI . V ) frigerant and laxative for the Summer, tar sale by ’ |tls J. K. DeFORI), Ai*otheenries'Hall. A j ATC'IIES.—IOO gross Clark's, 100 do Round , 111 Wood, gross small Matches, for sale bv j 0,-t 1 j. B. MOORE ,t CO.. Gibbons’ Building. (lABBARES -l-'ixe hundred jntd received per J steamer State of Georgia; for sale at ALEXANDER’S. • S( Tt U cor. Bull nnd Congress *ta. Mont-sq. HA'S ■—l2s bales Northern I lay, j u*t received and tar sate by p. L. CONSTANTINE, j Foot of Barnard-st. barrels Flour in store and fur sale by I a<>t>t 2?j BRIGHAM. KELLY A CO. jbbl*. Baltimore Flour, lor sale to I arrive; apply to . yP fc 8 EN A Bl!N K ER. POII.ACCO. ;>t) boxes Tobacco, comprising an I J nssiirtment of Brand*, now landing per seJuxuier ; .loons Smith, H nd for ntr by ’l 11 1,1 WELLS ADp Hit. f tOILM.—ISO bust,rls Corn, for snhijmv bv ; V tesept 17 SEABORN (IDODALL. I LMOXS.—loboxes; for sale by 1 { “ ! IE J DM.BERT. \\ r ...'1 INDIA LIMES, !• i sal© i M A. BON AUD. j p A, M LI) PAILS.—7S dozen; for sale bv -* so B , j IL J. GILBERT. i IV ’ Ll'U'DßS,—luu bids. Rectified N. O. I ‘ W la-key: oO Ibh. E. Phcjp's Gin: 50 bids P ,1 II j ( oiinectteut river Gib; 25 ivbl.s. Brandv: 50blds. X. ’ Bum; For sale by • I w P tIA WEBSTER A PALMKS 4 PPL.ES AM) POTATOKS.-Jt l.i, _a \ landing trout steamer Florida and for sale bv “1 11 - 1 11. J. GILBERT. ; / iiiURCH'S LOTION.—An Cura f.jr eruptions ou the Face and Skin particularly, : * J) Pics. IVrtor,Sun Burn. Ringworm. Freckles. Ar.— I Ibis Lotion has been administered with great success ] lii Europe and America. 11 is perfectly safe, vet poxv- I ***",,’ jiikl possesses all the good qualities of the most ) celebrated cosmetics. For sale by j |llv 1 J. B. MOORE A 00. r | V\NXEUS’ OIL.—ID bbls. just received audtitr'Tsuje l, y J. B. MOORE A CO., _ -• > Gibbon’* liuil,lings. Hydraulic cement... 100 u,is. or Ilotfman Koseiulnle Cement, binding from schooner Cataract, for sale by july2 q u CAMPFIELD. 1 lOSTOBf JJ M'pt -J) IL ,J. GILBERT. lATHS. —100,000 Lath*, for sale on wharfby J :iu g 17 OGDI'.\ AMI NK ER. \TKW ORLEANS AND PORTO RICO sTg7\IL-4() i.3 lihd*.; tur sale by aept lS 11. J. GILBERT. •) ‘A I* ALES Eastern Ilav for sale, te arrix o. Tv aug 4 BRIGHAM, KELLY A CO. ‘ / )K.\ AND MEAL. Bushel* Prime \J W ustem Corn: 150 do fresh ground Meal: 24 Sucks Gorgia Flour, 08 llm. each. just, received, ami for sale !£ IfepJJTI CD AS. IL iUDIYEi;. \J ’l l| !l bbls. Portland Syrup; LOO bhla* a* 1 choice N. 0. Molasses. For sale by •’ I l ’ WEBS I'EH St PALMBS Jl ST liKCElVEDporsteamed- -In bbis. lpple*;io boxes Oranges: 10 do Lemons, Figs, Nuts, Roisius. Currants. Citron, Dates, etc. GEO. ALEXANDER, Bull and Oongres-sts.. £ a l‘ r, Monument square. I \IRECT PROM THE SPRINGS.— I J Fresh (Vmgross Water, just lauded from the ship Southport, ran be found on ice, at 1 I'. W . 1.l XT'>E VS. Monuinent-*i|r. |)ACOX AND LARD. 200 i„ hhd* I ) Side* aud Shoulders, and 30 bbs Lard, for sale bv nift y 27 H. J. GiLBERT. / iOK.V sack* prime White Baltimore CorhJn \j store and for sale bv ° u 28 OOOE.N k JIUXKBR. niITTBE, DIOTO, *.•.-t:..,. tv. t I I steamer from New York, 1) kegs strictly prime Goshen Butter. 15 kegs low priced do.. 10 boxes New Cheese: W hole and half barrels double extra Canal Flour: Pickled Salmon. No 1 Mackerel. Pickled Cod rtsh. Family Mess Beef. Bologmi Sausage*. Smoked Tongue*. Also, Fancy Biscuit. Sodas, forsalo at DICKSON’S, J'dy 1 Cor_WJdtaker-st. and Broughton bam-. / (OS||lo A’ IMTTIR. \ ) Butter, in t.utis. kegs, and firkins, jqst received per steamer Alabama, and for sale at tue old sign of 1 the Emporium, by ft UgA SEABORN (JOODALL. \X r <„!k-.iK ~,ill \ c. OALHOI N.—The aaoond M volume, containing his Speeches, delivered in the House of Representatives and Senate of the United Suites; by Riehird K. Crull. Received and for sale l,y . .... S. S. SI BLEY, •'T< u, No. 135 (^Mwaiwtreet 4 LMANACS FOR 1854. -Greenville’s Al- JY manne* for 1854. euleulnted for the States of Georgia, South Carolina, Alabama, and Florida, re ceived and for sale, wholesale aud retail, by *opt ‘J<> _ .1. B. (TUBEDGE. A LMANACS FOR 1 854.—GreenvUteTAb TY man aes for 1854.,-alculated for the States of (Bor gia. South Carol inn, Alabama, and Florida, received ! and for sale or retail, by S. S. SIBLEY ‘’ ' T - ’ 186Congreas-*irae) 1)C1,1,.5’ sA,I *A P AKII. I,A. ~r th,. ro 1 > movul und permanent cure of all diseases nrisin” lrow an impure state of the blood,or habit* of the sys tom. This extract is extensively usefl by the best physicians in the country, and is confidently recom mended a* being the best article now iu use. For sale at wholesale or retail by u J. . MUOItB rfCO.Gilibona’Building. IJII KSEHV dozen, just rccclvwl, vis: Straw lerry-s Bwptverrjs, l’eaehes. !>enr. nnd Bine Ap- PI pt,S S,U * ■ ‘OLA NI) <£ 0-NJJILL. I r l’eu ACCO.—,SO tvoxes astorted“brands,fur valV I J- °3’ [art 20] H. O. GILBERT. _ t ) Oil, warranted pure; lor sale by JOHN B. .MOORE* CO., sc P l - GjbbouE’ Building. ‘ A NEVER FAILING COUGH REMED A Late Discovery. Dr. Wm. H. Tutt’s Pectoral Elixir. J For the Complete, Speedy and permanent cure o Coughs, Colds. Influenza, Bronchitis, Asthma, Spitting of Blood, Croup, Catarrh, Hoarse ness, Pleurisy. Pnuumonin, Whooping Cough, Difficult Breathing, and Incipont Consumption. I The above preparation is confidently recommended i to those afflicted with uny of the above diseases. It ! contain* no mineral whatever.but iscomposed of vege ! table substances, which in their combinntinon exert a p<twx?rful and'specific effc, t up* n (lie respiratory or gans. expelling, through tbe skin, ki Ineys. and boxvel* all the impure agencies which ten I to disease the deli cate substance of the lungs. In A.dliina. it* effect* are very prominent, relieving almost instantly the difficulty of breathing. In Croup, one single dose, with a flannel saturated with turj>entine, bound to the throat, will relieve in ten minutes. In Bronchitis, it promotes easy expectoration, and affords instant relief. The Pectoral Elixir is not recommended to cure all diseases, but only those of tbe lungs and their connex ion, and for these it is a Certain and Pleasant Remedy It is now patronized by many eminent physicians in heir practice, many of whom have given voluntary testimonials of its great .virtue in healing lung diseas es. Prepared by Wm. 11. To*% M. I)., Augusta, Ga. I and sold by JAS. 11. CARTER <f CO., Broughton-st., opposite Bt. Andrew’s ilali.Snvnniiuh, aud hy all the principal druggist* South. nov 10 A CARD ff The undersigned having re opened with an entire New Stock of IE DRUGS. CHEMICALS - nml FANCY ARTICLES. No. 139 South Side of Broughton-st., formerly Walker’s Marble Yard, Ts now ready to furnish any thing in his Line, at the shortest notice. SODA WATER made in his own peculiar way, sent to. any part of the city, and always to be had at the store, iii the highest state of perfection. Prescriptions nut up with rare and dispatch. a~ The Subscriber having servin! the public long and faithfully, respectfully solicits n share of patronage, te# !” “• 3 fy THOMAS BYERSOX. Agent. JOHN B. MOORE & CO. Gibbon’s Build ing,Sava mi all, Wholesale & Retail Drug-gists, \hH LD call tin* at tent ion of MeivhftUts, Farters, Planters, l’hysicians and others, t* their exteii ‘■tee and well s.-bn-ted St4K-k,rumpiisiiigeverv ar ti l‘ in their line of business, ami which they in fer for sale on the most favorable terms for cash or aje proved credit, viz : Paints, Varnishos, Glass, &c. Whiti* Lead. Pure and No. I: ’Homan's Colors, dry and in nil: Japan. Copal and Couch Varnishes: Linseed nil; Spirit* Turpteine, Window Glass. Pit tty .Gold Leaf, Paint Brushes. Sash Tools, ami Glaziers’ Diamonds. Lamp, Machinery, and Tanners’ Oil, &c. Bleached sperm. \\ bah;, and Lard nils, for burning; all descriptions of Oils for Machinery, viz: Patent nil, Unbleached Sperm. Lard and Rape Seed Oil; also Tan ner's, Neats Foot and Sweet nil. Grocers’ Articles. Nutmegs. Mace. Uiunnmou. Pepper. Ginger Mustard. Saleratus. Soda, Pearl ash, Sweet Oil. Starch, l-'ig Blue, Matches. Ac. For Physicians. A great variety of the best French. English and Arner kail Chemical and Pharmm-cutknl Preparation; Select Powders. Surgical Instrument*, Vials, Specie Jurs.Me tallie Saddle-bags. Ac. Also. Camphene and Burniog Fluid. Any one who may favor them with their order*, may depend upon their receiving the best attention, ami that nil goods furnished will ho of a relinbtequnlitv.— Should they not give entire satisfaction they max’ be returned at the option of the purchaser. mar 10 A P 0 I H E C A R Y ’li HAL L, South East Gtruer o f BroughUm mut llama rd-st reels .Savannah, Ga. m -Ji . Subscriber would most respectfully in form tin* citizensof Savannah.and thesurrounJ ffl country, tJmt lie has taken tb** store situated as above, wiiere he is now opening a full and SKLF.UT STOCK OF DRUGS, MEDICINES, CHEMICALS, PER- fumery, Fancy Articles, Dye Stuffs, G tj A KS - W A HW, \ r. A \\ hie he offers te the public at whoi.ksalk ani rktaii. on such terms as cannot fail to give entire satisfaction * botli as regards price and quality. Every article In: offer* tar sale has la-en selected bv himself within tlu-last twkxty pays, from the most re liable houses in the northern markets: particular at tention having Ihh*ii paid u> their purity nn.l freshness. Having had several years’ experience in the pre scription business in northern and southern cities, lie j feels himself fully prepared to compound all pre<erip | tions and family medicines entrusted te him, with care neat ness and dispatch. Prescriptions put up at all hour* of the day nnd night., by a skilful nnd competent hand. Physicians. Country Merchants and Families, nnd all persons who need or max need pure and genuine Medicines, or any other article that is generally found in a well regulated Drug -Store,are respectfully invited to call and examine his stock before purchusiim else where, at the Apothecary's Hall. ~ J. E. DkFORD. mar - _2 ts Drug Ist and Chemist. ggyJl ‘ * MEDICINES.—Had way’s heady Relief, Perry Davis’ Pain Killer. Aver s Ig ('berry Pectoral, Daley s Magical Pain Kxtrac tor. McAllister's Ointment. Iloflnnd's German Bitters, Moffatt s Pills. Rowand's Kalydor for the Coni* plexion. Rowland's Tonic Mixture*, celebrated for tbe cure of Chills and Fever: Rowland's Telegraphic Piles and various other* in general use : Turlington’s Bal sam, Kabnstoek’s and Javnes’ Vermifuge and Dead Shot, A full supply of all the late popular patent Medicines, received per steamer and for sale hy “ , ' t 4 JNO. A. MAYER. X.IIST RECEIVED, per Ship Spocd and Bona Dea from Livcrjtool—Five cases o fiuc DOUBLE BARREL GUNS, with L A M I N AT E D Steel Barrels, direct from the makers. Also, a supply of Sportman’s good*, too uumeroii* to mou °n. K. LOVELL, july 8 No. 17 Barnard street. UNPICKABLE LOCKS. /~v For door* of any kind, which challenge the world to pick them, tbe hero of a hundred yjy “locks” not excepted. It is due to the public that locks thus offered,should be fairly tested. For that purpose the proprietor otfe-*- to deposit Five Hundred dollars in proj-er hands for so years, i* - not sooner won—as a reward to the successful operator,on the following terms. Any person may select three locks from thirty—before examining them— and may then examine tbe remaining twenty seven, and have the use of their key*. lie may then have one month to prepare his picking instruments, when he must be gin the picking operation, nnd pay one per cent, per day on tin- amount deposited, till lie pick* one of the selected locks, or abandons it. the fast of which he may not do till he has operated ten days. When he has picked one lock, to the acceptance of a disinterest ed committee, he is only to prove that he knoxvs how to pick them by picking the remaining two locks in the two following days, to the acceptance of the same committee, and take the SSUO. This may certify that Mr. E. P. Woodbridge lias de posited in niv hand* a certified check of SSOO, payable talitta Hanover Bank,New York, for the purpose nam edn the * above advertisement. JAMES C. BEACH. { Payable Teller at the Hanover Bank. *** The above Lock* with 3 key*, with a variety of superior finished Store, and House Door Locks, with and Without knob*. Also. Carpenter* Mortice, Stock Closet, Chest. Trunk Pad. Drawer, Ac., Ac. with* Porcelain aud Mineral Knobs, just received and for s.alo l.y _ E. LOVELL, j uni * •’ No. 11 Barnard street. BLANKETS AND FLANNELS; r IMIE price ofl.oth the-c article*, and indeed of-vrry 1. kind of goods, into the production of which Wool ; goes, will rule high this season. In anticipation of this, we arc happy to inform our customer* and the public generally, that we bad secured a large stock of summer made Blanket* and Flannels, both domestic aud imported, which we (‘an now offer at oi,j> cricks M. PR EX’ DERG AST A CO, 178 Broughton-st! aug 27 opposite St. Andrew* Hail, westside f )IG HAMS, SMOKED BEEF. Ac.—Just received I per steamer. 2 bbl*. Marshall’s superior Pi” Hams* 2 do. do. Smoked Beef: 5 half do. Fulton Market do’ • Pickled Tongues; Pig Pork, Ac. For sate at ALEXANDER’S. ff T’ H’ cor Bull and Congress st*. Mon’t-sqr. FALL TRADE OF 1853. T? X w° l l V SOAP ’ & c— luo bbls. Baltimore X Howard street Flour: 50 Hiram Smith’s do. 50 bbls. pure Genncssee Flonr. 50 boxes Bendel*s Family Soap. 50 do Croton do. 50 do Patent Mould Candle*. 100 do Adamantine Candles. 25 do Sperm do 50 do Colgate's Starch. For sale bv ni, g WEBBTBR A j'A f.MES. | iS*S—Sint t.uKhViv ,->m mlf 1... contracts f..r V - on lilieral urms it nppllc-l fur won to *" 2 SEABORN MXtDALL. ®°® KS —tioCoys'l.ailj ■ Hook for Orto The Victim of Excitement, the liosten Serpent, bv Caroline Lee Hentz. Anecdotes °f the Habits and Im-tlnrt. of bird..Hep tiler end Fi-hct., by Mrs. 11. Loe. Illustrated by liar : nson Mcir. J i The Fair Itcbel; a Tales of Colonial Times, by Em erson Bennett. Received by 1 CX'WIEUOE k PROTUEJI