Newspaper Page Text
)L. XVI.
NO. L>t>
TF-P-M8 Mr. Loogly, to prescribe the mode of WASHINGTON.
ur THK perfecting Kervice on corporations in
w Kirri/l V a KID QIIMHAV 1 criiniuil ‘I l,aH * criminal proceedings ;
Y, WttKLYf AHl/ end Authorize Superior Court Judged, Or*
month*. in advance..
•intbA. “
months, “
i t EHyriBKn, one year
JtajCian, one year
olid Wbbki v Kxyi'iBBR lo
ir, one yoar
Itutlluoua Hi lie li»tro<lu«e<l -Si.
H. H. oinl OtUera I'omr
i — one handrfd and
rweutyttve Hill*
In Oue Hoy.
■I • l'n«i*ii>r .m l Sun
Atlanta, January 2S, 1874
session in tbe Senate.
i hundred and twauty-flva new bill*
resolutions were introduced to-day
Codo changes again occupied luucb
ti<>B. Every member tbinkH be
Several geutleoien were aduiit-
ta on tbo Hour, who are entirely
ontidde tbeir n«u countiea.
• act ■ i is becoming farcical.
. Lyo i—To make tLa legal rata of
a. i ev J'l per cent, per nunani.
. II ignt — To preacribe tbe distribu-
*f tbo common acbool fund, and pro-
tor paying teachers for paat service*:
• reipiire Superior Court judges to
cep '*auo and motiou docket* only.
Ir. Howell—To ao amend tho Conati
on to tediirc tbo House to 112 rneiu-
Kacb Senatorial district entitled to
Representative* from the diatrict at
uud tuo countiea of ltichmond,
thaai, Bibb and Fulton each entitled
n Ucproaeutative additional,
o. to repeal tbe act amending tbe act
proteot tbo j o >ple in tbe sale of kero-
nnd authorize Superior Court Judg<
dtuaries and J. l'a. to order tbo aalo of
properly of a perishable nature.
A communication from tbe State Grange
of Patrons of Husbandly, approving tbe
! bill requiring foroigu insurance com pa-
f H 00 • n j a!t j olU g business in tbe State to dupoeit
4 00 $.*,0,000, and recommending tbe House to
. 2 00 | pitas without amendment tbe Senate bill
. 75c. repealing tbe lieu law, was read.
I have a great deal of goaaip on baud,
but Ibis ia enough for one time.
Tbo Legislature baa uot ao many days
to setuow.aud has a ipiautity of work
before it.
A general bill will bo introduced tl.i‘
week wbicb will bo universal in its appli
cation to all roads entitled to State uul,
wbicb, if I understand aright, will be
terially boucflciul to the Slate and the
roads concerned, and will lusuro tbo com
plotion of the North ami South. I be
liove the bill will paas.
2 50
:s no
a oil.
Ir. Gaudier—To niske homesteads
onnd personalty $8<h> in apecie.
Ir. Murphy of Harris—To require So-
s General to prosecute attorueya at
for failure to pay over money.
Ir. Turner—To make it penal for par-
to vote who have not paid all tales.
.m>, lo uuthorUu sheriffs to take titles
real estate as security on bonds in
lr. 1'oagin—To change tbe time of
hug IloiHtou fall term of Superior
rt ; to create a board of comiuisaiou-
, and detlue thu fees of tbe treasurer
■aid county.
Matthews -To repeal the common
u>1 act, so tar as it relates to Houston
Welch*!--To reinstate 'all case*
rken from the docket* of tbe Superior
Lf t for non-payment of taxes.
Ir. llutt of Marion—To incorporate the
t Trad* I nioii of tbo Patrons of Hus*
dry. Capital st>uk $100,000, with
liege to increaa-i it to $1,000,000. T.
’unth, A. II. Colqui't, W. Philips, T.
(llolt, 0. *V. Ad tins, J. H. Lovender,
. Humber, J. II. KehoU, 4. 1). Wad
, etui., hnorpoiators. A comiunni-
from the State (1 range urging ita
o wit: read; also, to chango tbe
i of boldiug Stewart Superior Court;
Jcbange the Hues between Mai.on and
ttahooebee, ami Marion and Schley
tit s; to repeal the acta creating a
d of Coamiiasioiiera, approvetl Au-
IB7B, and a G.itninal Court for Ma-
r. Frrr
t in Met .wether couuty ; and Mr.
urokuia mi:wa.
—A load of oata ha* elevated Washing-
—Tbe beus in North Goorgia bavo aus-
—Perry has elected W. D. Nottingham
as Mayor.
—Tbe tlyiug horses made per day
in Thouiaston.
—Gray, who killed youug Ilaye, in Fort
\ alley, lias beou refused ball.
Thomw* Argo has escaped from Meri
wether jail. He removed tbe lock.
—Isaac Hooper has been sentenced to
be bung ia Augusta, on March 20th.
—Savannah proposes to hive a trotting
Club, which will lease Thunderbolt track
—A watchman at thu Columbia railroad
depot at Augusta. h»* shot his fourth mat
this season.
—Iu Houston county last week, Mr.
Wiu, Powell's gin-house was burned.
This is tbe r-'.Jtp wbicb baa gouo up it
Georgia since September.
—A uegro broke iu tbe back door of
Mr. Eubanks house, in Atlanta, end stole
all tbe owner * clothes one afternoou.
Where “wus the perleeco"?
—Gen. Lilly has obtained ijr./jiMi from
twenty-four persons in Augusta towards
establishing u Georgia chair iu Washing
ton and Lee University.
—Tbe L'tGrangu wives make tbeir bus.
bands pants tbe same behind as before,
and have to start the gentlemen right
when they leave iu the morning.
—On Saturday George Parker, deputy
postmaster at Forest station ou tbo Ma
con and Western Railroad, shot and in
stantly killed John Norman, with whom
be bad been lighting.
—A bill has boon introduced into the
Legislature giving to Judge A. K. Wright Col. Alfred Shorter a perpetual and
exclusive franchise for bridges and fer
ries in the city of ltoiuu. The Council
has euturod a protest nguinst its passage.
Dooly county raised last year :t2 bush
els of corn to eveiy bale of cotton, and
.7} bushels ground peas, t»,248
sheep. 11,7H!» bogs, l,t>o4 mules aud
horses, 7,:U2 cat lit , and. 7,11(2 pounds of
wool carded.
—Gnfliu baa uot paid interest on fio,-
00O of city bouds to the Gritlln, Mouticel-
lo and Madison Railroad, and it ia said
alia will be sued ill the V. S. Courts, as
tho I mid* fall due when tbe interest is
—Mrs. Mary Rebecca Macon, wife of
Col. Thus. L. Macou, of New Oileans,
1 daughter of tbe late Wiu. Dougherty,
Esq., died in Atlanta lust Friday. She
once resided in Columbus, and wasa love
ly and brilliant woman. Mr. Peter Slier-
prominent citizen of Augusta, died
tbe same day.
—Judge Erskinn has ruled: “No one.
under the law and rules, can appear os at-
oruey-at-law for a plaintiff or defendant
who is not nt .'/a hint on the roll of attor
neys here. All papers must be signed by
attorneys of this, tbe (Tilled States Court.
All petition* must be tiyneil by the attor.
ney of this court him»rlf. Neither cau any
, r,. , I person who is not ut the time a member
“ lu rrMl * • I ul .1.. b.. ..f Ibis curl, upiitar b.fur. .
register for another. Tbe law is impure
■gnlale license* lo retail liquor
county. I —The Atlanta Herald gets this from a
ilr. I'otKHlv- To pml..-t lha ■ WMblnglon coir.s|..,ojoot
v- *•* >■ "■« ■ ■" -: .„v,r„;r (
ids of the North and South Railroad— yesterday ami read Gun. Toombs speech.
lS ides for one hundred couvicta and I lherowere liiitler, Hoar, lllaine, Kelly,
mi* lo complete tbe road to LaGrange, [ ***d one nr two smaller lights Hoar was
J -.11 Itum.- ,n.l. I ...J b. To.,ml
off on some of Jonuibx bloody, utiro-
r. I oshody Iu re-enact tbe aide, ^utant points, a faint giggle would run
im act, granting privileges to the , through tbe coterie When tbe resiling
iiiibus, and exUndiog tho sauio to the w *»* bniabed lllaine took tbe paper, and
lo„bl Guard. r.ll.v, member, from U "" *'»• '“•‘•'“K *«
, , , . said to a Georgia Representative that
dutyj; also, a resolution instructing 1 WIUI a Ter y ,-Uver fellow, but never
Finance Committee to inquire into
claim of W. L. Clark.
Hr. Sbewiuska—To pay tbe j#r liifM
1 mileage of member* expalled by (be
met from the Sen U* and IIoiim in
r. Foator — To collect and preserve
number aud value of tbe negroes
ncipated by tbe proclamation of Pres-
t Lincoln; Blau, to prevent tbe de-
:ti«.u of iusectiveroua Idrda during I
tAlU -IlitnlUl «
nade that speech iu hi* right mind.
rti.M.Ktrim- *on:«.
Tbe vbooiier Franklin Roger* Cbatb
aiu. fnr Hostou. capsized off Hutson, and
the Captain and two of tbe crew were loal
A palpable earthquake was felt at
Chelmsford. Mass., yesterday morning,
which shook buildings and caused much
—The therm-mister at Boston, yester |
day morning, was at /*ro. Much colder i
elsewhere. The !•*« btutmess w being 1
„ pushed vigorously.
1 rs'isportalion Company.
i I , , —Maurice ivlgur, news agent of tk" (
b capital stock of ?•» , • per mile. Nashville and Chattanooga Railroad, was
If Dell—Declaratory of the law of killed iu Nashville .Saturday, by a gamblei
tent, also, to autiionz* Superior Court named Stephens, who was arrested,
rks to keep an execution docket for Forged certificate checks on the First
istenng executions in ju*tie«s' courts ;
», to emeud tbo claim laws.
ilr. Lowe, to amea.l the act regula'ing i from M«ma
•lots in Newton, Jasper and Stewart, — Iu tbe McCarty duel trial, at 1!
dy to wholesale dealer* ; and prohibit* mood, the jury at first stood nine for ac- |
•ale of liquor eubin three mile* of
vur.smr.M ukant.
Ilia Viowaoii llic l.ouiaimii* NHtter
Thinlaa II n I'risud No Point
ful Hillerfiiff Hills I'rifmU
Tlif < oiiilMK XrisHgi'.
W vsHtNuToM, January 25.—Tbe follow-
may lie coniidcutly accepted a* reflect
ing the views of tbe President upon tbu
Louisiana question .
Numerous paragraphs, telegraphic and
otherwise, have roceutly appeared ia (be
uewspupeiH, stilting what tbe President
would or would uot do in rulntion to Lou
isiana and other public matter* now at
tracting general attoutiou, a* if to serve
the purposo of those immediately interest
ed i
questions. The President i* sometimes
represented as expressing views which he
curtsiuly does not entertain, and which
are contrary to the course he has hereto
fore pursued.
So far as reports prevsil of diflureuccs
with political friends, and a disposition to
..-I nltog, tiler independently of tllom, it | rooogmll ,
ia known from those having intimate re- 1
lutions with him. that they are unfound
ed ; nor is it probable that any difference*
are likely to exist, excepting such an may I j
be imparted from the views tbu President
m.y InuiHeli laU ..f In, cunititnlinn.l , „ vllip4tll) , (ot , )l(lr , tlrv i vl „, ,
dnlioa. and Ilia .-tllci.l reeponelbtlity lon , wcr „ t ,|„pi,.j.
wbicb attaches to the olhce. —
j in the Senate, is postponed to Thursday.
I by which time counsel for the defendant*
j cau make up their case*, ui.d d-m pint*
A. J. Hix, editor of the Knoxville
| t'hmntdt, and Clerk ot tho House Com
mittee on Ranking aud Currency, is line.
Chkaoo, January 2«i. -At lhei*econd
1 quinqueniul session ot tbe Coastitut:oual
Grand Lodge of K'nai Herith of the I'ni
ted State*. I.VJ delegates were present.
•Senior liocli, of Washington, was elected
President, with a Vice President from
I each district. J. S. Isaacs and A. T.
Julia*, of Philadelphia, and Louis A.
Noitrou., January
stock It, I in.
retariea. The reports show a flourishing
condition, having doubled the number of
lodges and lu« tuhership since the last
convention. c
A beautiful Melttan ciohh of gold, tuv
ored wi'b emblems of tho order, was pie
1 t<> Mr. Franklin, of Memphis, in
Lit heron conduct in ad
ministering t< the wants of tlx- brethren
during the late yellow fever epidemic iu
that city. Resolutions of sorrow for the
of their brethren of the South who
had fallen during the epid line, and of
Acting in necord, end with tbo constitu
tional nquireiuonts that the President
shall, from time to time, give tbo Con
gress information of the State* of the
I'uiou. he is now eug tged in tlie prepuia-
tion of a message, which lie will submit
to the Cabinet before transmitting to Con
gress. This message will, according to the
present understanding, be confined to u
plain but elaborate statement of tho facts
attending tho Federal proceeding* iu
I, itiUinua in support of the United State*'
judicial decision*, which he hail un au
thority to disregard, uo matter what may
have been his own opiuiou upon the polit
ical question-- affected by them.
It is positively known that the Pruai-
dent lias not interfered in uny way with
the Louisiana question relating to seats,
cither in tbe Senate or House of Repre
sentative*. To lender* of both partus
who have e died upon him, he has repeat-
oily aaid that such questions properly
belong to Congress, tho Constitution
making each House tho judge of thu elec
tions, returns mid qualifications of its
own members, and that thu consideration
of Much questions involves tho subject of
tho legality of tho uiithonty under which
certiticate* of elections issue . so the one
question necessarily effects the other, and
both could attach at tbe same time or be
This, in substance, is the reply ho be*
unreservedly given to those who havo in
terrogated him on the subject of a bill
proposed to lie passed by Congress order
ing a new election in T*oiiiaietia. He ha*
discouraged such legislation, nod while
thus in opposition to Congressional inter
ference, he lias had lio hesitation iu say
ing to visitors, a* he repeated yesterday,
there was no doubt (list the Isle election
iu Louisiana
beginning to
iik. I.IVIMUMToxi: hi:a ii.
London, January 2G.- Dr. Livingstone
died in the interior of Africa ut • Ivh• • 11
IIww Thej *twrr> In Roynl l.ilr.
Si. Pktbrsiiuho, January 21. 'I tie
marriage ceremony of the Duka of E tin
burgh and Priuccns Maria commenced m
the pretence ot a \«>t assemldage of
guest*, in tho Winter P.daee. I'lie vari
ous galleries were tilled with ladles sump
tuously attired. I he prevailing eostiitn-s
were peciilutriy Russian, the ladies l»--uig
mainly in velvet and diamonds, and the
mtiu were lit uniform, with the except uni
of the American diplomatists.
After assembly a procession whs farm
ed, with tho grand equerries and cham
berlain*. and officer* ot the «>>urt leading.
Then cumo tho Emperor. Empress. Im
perial Prince. Princess ot Wale* and the
Princess Imperial of Germany ami I»«-n-
mnrk, and Prince Arthur. Then the
bride and hridogrooin^who wore the Rus
sian naval iitnforui. 'I lie bride was
splendidly nppur< lied in a long crimson
velvet iiiutitlo, trimmed with ermine.
Her truin was borne by four pages. Then
followed ah imiueiiso procession of the
Imperial family, prince* and princesses,
and court officials.
The Princess of Wales was dressed in
dark crimson velvet, with diamond coro
net and collar aud pearl necklace of the
■ amo stylo. The dress of the Russian
Piinrrss wax of blue velvet and gold.
Priuce Arthur was iu the uniform of the
Rille Rrigadc, acting ns groomsman. All
wore silver wedding favors.
The procession, upon reaching the Rus
sian church, w*s received by the luulru
politau head of the Russian church tin-
holy syimd liennug the eros-s and stored
vessels of holy wah r. I'be Emperor « oti-
dU 'ti d tho bride and hildegrooui to tin-
middle of the church, assuming his sta
tion with the Euipresh immediately
behind. Aionud th>- biidcgroom stood
Prince Arthur and tlm grand duki - I he
wedding rings, borne on golden salvers,
were deposited on the altar teiii|Hirarily
t an organized fraud from I by the uu|>erial confessor uutil placed on
1, il.-> bunclU lit I llio Ilnifi-H U.o bull, gim.iu
, served and Holciun insniier created a >
imtavorahlu imj resaioii. Tli • Piinee slid 1
1 Princess of Wales wise cheered on Ihoir
coining on the street.
After tho ceremony a banquet was giv-
! eii at the palace. Madame Patti singing,
j Subsequently a ball Was given at Kt.
I Georges Hall,at winch tbe Grand Russian J
; Polonaise was danced by the Imperial
family aud guests. At tl\e eouelu-ion of
I the hall tin* bridal couple were marshaled '
lo the bridal chamber, accompanied by
, the Emperor and officer* of tue court. |
After the retirauieut of tho couple tho
festivities were continued, the Emperor
l Mag pnaw)
*lorc tbniil the blssirse I'm In*.
Ni. v Yolk, Jal‘. \ di-palch from
Mount Airy, N < published Jmn tin*
I morning, gives nti interehting c-uiversn-
I tioli between a coFiespoudcnt mid Dr.
Ilallingsworth, who was the tirvt ph>*d-
cian to arrive at tin- rosidetico of the Kin
meae twins alter their death.
Width does not believe ling s diath was
eansisl by any vital coniu-eiion or artery !
passing through the ligament uniting the !
twills. Ileilocs not believe the « Veiling j t
of any vital ooiiuectioii has aiteiidcl lb on *
Freipienlly, when one had been sick ami j „„V.,n.ov
the other ill goo I health, lie had lio I KAI.N
tl.od twenty le-ats dlffsleuce to the unit { Um,- .sav.inn
Ute iu their pulsation, ling's death was la iv«• Au*u i
undoubtedly due to the s.-h iek and terror
inspired by (be uniou with Chang's dead ; hai .
body An attempt sever the li;*isment 1
alter (.'hang's death would only lisvi
liast*n<d the death of Kug.
Intimate friends of tin twins, however, j Arrive’.'m
maintain that au artery was contained in Arrive *i l
tho ligament, and that aftei'Clmng s death ' Arrive at
blood from Eng'* body flowed into hi*. | \.*|
but there being no respoiisivo vitality, j J^*'ve • „ii
Eng Kueeunilred from exhaustion and li w - !..- • •• i.-i
of blood. Up to the lime of Eng s dentil Am eaijl
the ligament was quite wnitii. Die point inbeJdj
whole it entered V’lian ; s body the ligi
men! is four inches wide *• .1 as thick as a
man s wrist. It passed from the abdomen
of one to the other, aud the om i. ivd of
the twin* is in its cento Meanwhile th
bodies have been temporarily interred l.-..v» AuitT
It is asld the relations ol the twins are lie Arrive *i An
gotiatmg to dispose of the d id bodies on iV>lVt"Maelii
thu most profitable terms, aud are askm
Aroi'srv, Jamiaiy 2n. t ollon dull, i
uiddliogx 141: receipts l i e; aales d.
Swannxii, Juiniarv :‘i; Cotton verj
lull: net ree, ipts •> export to Conti. I
lent L'ihiI; i.alus |.'i.'l.'»: stock llo,2:i2.
.Mrwi'iin, January RJ.—Cotton- te
i'lpts bub s, ablpuieut* Jl.iB's stoek
Cuttuu iiuiit Columbus, 0a.,
,t» «««. | poos a General Banking Business.
ee 2.020 aales 2!M. |
Central Railroad, f
ilmuae. 4.wl<l. Silver. Mm'ltv. Ac
pee I Ml Mtleullnu kGcu lo « oiler-
ns. i*nd |»roin|d reluru* niNde.
that State, and that there ba. never yet
is, tbe
Cvivoti d with velvet, criuitoii and
been a fall' count of the
suits buying been reached by disbon
moms too well known to be repeated.
SloriiliiK Aevvimi House.
A large number of bills w ere intrislni
d referred
I Im I iiiimitteo ou Contingent Expefi I I be imperial eoufesaoi il.
• , .. ' I boil sei VaLl of li.l, Allr.-i I-
i w is ni'-t .'0' te I to enquire into llie ,
1 | ward, nit crowned for ibis h o
expediency of prohibiting tbe atalioiier at y| arlM Al«xai.ilr.#v.m.
the eapitol frooi furnivbiag auy article* of i n«m* of the FmHum >
Stationery to Senators, except paper,|«ua,
U*B". O.
c»h.ig« nor bill for Eiuisiaua
oms iu to-day. '1 b" iimssago cornea to-
irrow und the l»i!l will probably follow-.
•tb may be expected to morrow.
I .veiling Session House,
liills were introduced : Pensioning the
soldiers and widows of tlie Mexican war
pensioning the waiow of James L. Grr.
>f .South Carolina and to provide for an
vrmy survey of u -.hip canal from Lsk<
Michigan to the Mis-Issippi aver, near
d »'i-pend
■r.dil pair,
nniiiisn .
>-v<- " 1!, I
W Vw .
K.N LSt'IT'H orFK'KV K It. /
•Sa\ Akv vii, N'ocintirr I, !*,.«. (
AM' A FT hit M NI»AY,*1 lacunt,
*'ngei Iralin <>u the Georgia IVinia
i H H .M i Mi|| HU N l» W K.n f
HI.I’OHir* rrreiieil in smkim of
eenls kiiiI
SI.4 I.\ per renl. per mimiiiio In
(«*rest allowed. pn>Hl»le 1st Jno.iart.
April. July nod 0.'(«», eo».|<l-
'■'I ll.oew mi..molIv .
I N'li | \ ‘ |
at M «.'<-n iroin Allaula 0
v Mu GillNii NOK'I M ANU \
I p.H
M *•'..« l'
Arrive at Kulauln
Xe*n» Hnl«l
Havana, January 2d, via Key Wes), 21
Gil l Im night of I lie '..’mil in wt , a band ot
ingtocs made a raid into Tnnidtd valley t
ami burned .Mayajura, L->« I,.doe .,-••>
Saera Fairalid plant si ion-«. I bey
off nil slaves from Mayajura platitstioii.
and completely destroyed I he maehiner v
l»y koockiog it into places |*h»* oMo-i
two plantation* suffered lesa.
Five thoiisnml insurgents i. iv« »ui
rounded Mau/antllo.
Tbo Goveruiiient pr--po».s (•• ••tnb.og •
saver'I Jesta»os which wer • latelv r
Dni AUiMksr or Was. •
WAaiitMUToN, Jan •*»;, |*74 »
Prohiibilitim. For the .South Allaulie
State-, tbebaronietcr will fall, with a slight
rise of temperature ami east to south
winds and increasing cIou<Iiuok«
save I'•iluuilm*..
Kill,i nil
ii l'- d u hi On
ii l-diljiila
Ie-.i. •• Alisa* I a * "
\ rri> e at .‘u.v.iunsh * I,
Irani N» i icimra tliiougli Irani <>u
•eiitrsl K|,Ni > |<| >| n k "ill)-at wide,-la
II..II-, |ia»-«-ii4i r< !'•! nail rlalloiis <"
l .i !*••.» ■»!• |.ur .i| I’.i.-rn-nr* |,.r -MillIjj.
and l.aD.iii--., w i| ukr Train J*.. I lr»m
la.mis ..ii llic s \V I; K . .Miauls an-i >1 a-••■■
I In- Mllle-licc-villo an-i hal-nlmi tram run*
•l .il.v • Niinils)- ei.-r|.l.-.l "
l)i*i lisnnrat hiqi’t
Western Railroad of
jpLC'--*"'* in .
WS**.V U W BO Jill
F-w York Few Orlcuns Ha:! Line, I
ITKN'l ION I - • .1 I,.
' " 1 ■ ' 1 • > '■ > l
OI K I.I ATII I It HI.I* 4K I >11 XI
IgImGh'kVoLK^.KaTIIMI 1 A. KI a’ !| VK ANi
(II kinds -I KKI'AIKINU l-m in ll.t- l-.i dj!.
•W ». i-«v il,. lltUIGHT MAItKKI Nil' I
"»!' HIM HUMS.
73 Broad Stroot.
Rankin House,
CoIiiiiiImin, Cilia
J. W. RYAN I’nq r.
Kiilq Kestaiirant,
r»'.w« S'.coting C»rj Hun Througli :rom 1 „ j , c ,
Sts-.iki -.3 LYnchburg. Bl ‘ r “ nd Billiard Saloon,
Nnw York, January .’i. Slot
Money 5. Gold llj. lixnh.,
4Xi'(J, short (H7. Goveriiiumii
Slate bond* quiet and - twady
NT w York. Jan *_•*• Ermnng
es*y at Tai. IT’h.iuge dull I
11'. GoveruoiftiitH s’long
quiet, brit strong
Prsil.iiin Hni ki-lv
Cix< innati, Jatiiiiry .**•
Or. I
I I.
i... i. mu i i i x,
Dnis & Meiliciies.^^
i ( it xrn i
Ml. i
Then tb« EjHsbn i
Ural ihaptet and '.'nth lo the : ,| v ia. >
was lead After the leading Wie> c .iiclinl
rd lb* Gospel of the Marriage ;il Cma, in
Ii.dlluu, w*.-v P’a.1 I bi’it tin crown, were
rcniovd, the inumt-d ouplc walked tbri.-e
..round the rulvkil dnls. hoidllig to l|.c tip
o| tits 'onf<r a i'd •- with ■ hand and
•« .'Miulli III 111" other.
At Inn conch, on ol tl v - ii iiiouy tlie
•auraiiientsl cup wan brought forward,
Idcnatd sml pnrluk'-ll "I by lio In.dal
pair, the . onto-, u proven ling It >» cro
IC. After
I be. , Ob
i iiu-urporwie tow KAstern
mg to lb« ilsll ii< Al'-kal.<l' i tor tlx
gln an service. D. au Slatilvy offi' inled ,
Die i.sii waa ntbai musII D.>- wall,
were ib-coiatcd with battle picluren D an I
Stanley, who. during t!„ lire, k •• ivn-.e. ■
worn ijis Epio opal D" lor of Divinity | I
hood and gown, now ugp. u ed nt the .dial I
wearing bis Eptacopal surpli'-e will. II.• I t
jewebd collar ol the Order ol the Kill f
* lie waxas-ist. t I • tw . l.T.glisl. .-Icrgy | J
men. The mein te. a of the English . ol>. | ;
:lu ling'-is and merchant*,
•there 1 at thu hit of thu Hilar* * >n
National Hank, signed !l. II. Wmahip
are circulating Tbe forger ix now ope-
rating m the Wail, having made time
qmiUl and three for murder
•Ingres A accoud jury brou
i Church, iu Stewart county. d,rt n f iov.dnntary manslangbt.
ght i
\* a* to t^ beard vesterdav
BIkL-, to MbSltm. t».Dty fo. I.n _ T( ,. TgZi. Ih „ ,|„ont,cd
at ia Uw raUUug to redemption ot t >jr a facetious local: Thar* has been •
.Id under tax fl fa*. large falling off in tha deposits of late,
lit U„BW to ru.l.1,1 th< Ml* of pfop.r- MMU f JSL *!S" L
» in out ha ex--apt
Mr Ktswart. to amend tha school •
xa It relalaa lo Taylor county
Ry Mills of T< xas To raaiuv* all the
troops from th - Southern States to the
border for frontier prole, tioii.
liy II i> . I'nruishitig army rations to
destitute people of the South.
The We-l Virginia Election w.i* r-
Preliminary pro.-, • dings w ere unim-
M .rtoti c,ll"l up th* lTnchback ease.
ID which he r.Tturalud the statement that,
if tlm charge, were Inc. Pmcbback was
nut a proper person for a seat in th* ny,
MeCreery followed iu u telling, brilliant
On motion of
desire- to sp«;.»k
Executive sen-ion.
44 Mai. I mb t* It lleMia.
rha S„;jrfruv vdjourD. Friday L. ., w ,t" ,b ” , I “» , SI« I"-- - -
, * . J th*-bride walked h* her father am
llw tr.lM«nJ.y m kl.r.b , h . bruta*r«u«. «llb I-.,,..,, (rlbur I..
Tbo President and Attorney General hind. Upon the cnclustoi. ol the s*.-r
consulted t'>-day. ?,c *. Dean Manly warmly coogratuiatM
Tho Fc4er«l GovcrnBMBIhu. vulbonxad “•« '"‘I' 1 '' “ ' Jl “
niteinss *r|# prusenl during the wrtji't
Mexico to extend the t*.• graphic hue un- Kr.gii>n chapel. I he Eutpres>
der *.he Uio Grand* to lirowusville. and i.eing a continued invalid and mn h fs
luainiam an <.(!!.•• !!.• !• ugued
No Southern nominal i
Tbe hearing of tha contvat l»«twe«u t.aaluteher
Sikex au l Hpencar, of Alai au... for a seal appeurai.^e of the hud.
I pi.
I wIImm Uarki-
i i " Jsuuary
Is 7 1 t irlvNi.s ’
includin': 2.IMMI |„r -|
Hales of upland-, nu'l.iu,
idll.SI V, 'hipp' d lal,Hal v i
' .. shipped
Chango of Sciicflti
*Tt 'Mr ^ U W U W> VV
"! upland-, m.tlni.g ff»-l
1,-pp.d l»"cml'sr an
>l.ip|H <1 Jsi.usiy ..nd I
!■ Februaiy «i I
•• u itiaih i
k. January '
I stead) sales
Caipenter, wl
abject, the re.
• postponed
i ally noticeable as
1. for bi* vei.eral.le sji
h»J bj Isading no u.
1 tte Riis'i.n i.oliility, gathered m
ght side of the altar. Lpiseop,
l..r middlings I .. low a.nidi
I good ordinary 1 .j nal lecrq t
| • ’ports to Great Ifritaii. (7«.s i
DRY coons.
X • Mb, ’,,• I
Katin U i- ?»rtlusrs c. -Jus uz:e..rst
Car.pcuni Srtrsc. of 2-j;hu.
Gvi.vrsros. January
Candy, Candy, Candy ’
Manuladurcd at No. BO broad St.,
Profumo 4 Hoffman.
for Nou-EIectro Plating,
T ,
J. W. Ft AiL 4 KOHMAN.