Newspaper Page Text
—aaaagj' •
I'welvo months.
lonths, “
1'breo months, “
mouth, (<
(Vkeklt Enquirer, one year
i-NPAY Enquirer, oue year
it'NDAY und Weekly Knquiueu to-
■>othor, one year
AitvcrtUiuu Unto*.
I \N ASHiNGTON, March 18. —Frelinghuysen
i presented a petition of citizens of Macou,
• ...$8 00 Georgia, for the removal of the political
disabilities of Hon. Thomas Hardeman.
Referred to the Judiciary Committee.
A memorial, presented from a lady of
New York, says : The temperanoe tidal
wave will soon reach Washington, and
asking that the praying women berecoived
at the bar of the Senate, and that Car-
peuter, Chandler and Sprague bo a com
mittee to reoeive them. [Laughter.] The
petition was referred.
A petition was presented for the remov-
flip above is with tlio privilege of a change
».very throw moiitlH. For yearly cards a liberal dia
unt will ho uiude.
-fli,. Weekly rate* will invariably ho one-third
of the Daily.
When an advertisement is chuugod more than
ice lu three,months the advortiaer will bo charg-
I with the coat of composition. Foreign adver-
sors must pav as do those at home.
no. (»r».
Another “Modoc War” Threatened.
A correspondent of the San Francisco
Chronicle, writing from Camp lteale
Spring, Ari/.oua Territory, February 7,
says that a serious Indian war is impend
ing there, uuder tho following circum
stances :
On the Gila river, between the Mohaves
and the Juuearilla Apaches, lies the coun
try of the tiibe of the llualupai Indians.
These Huulapuis were our friends, and
aided in couqueriug the Apaches. Tho
old chief, Sorum—courageous ns a lion
and tho best Hhot iu the Territory—was
not filled with nfVeoliou for the whites.
Rot his peoplo were in favor of friend
ship, and he, recognizing it as tho boat
polioy, made a treaty with us, to which,
while we kept good faith with him, ho
was true as steel. Rat the evil day
enmo at leugth. Tho mandate was issued
from Washington that they should bo
moved away from their old homes aud
ul of tho disabilities of Thomas Haule- j ,ocateJ 0,1 the Iudian Reservation north
1 of tho Colorado river—a laud so poor
that oven tho k Lnnd Ring’ of tho Indian
Department did not want it—whore they
lUvcrn flooding' the Country—Mont
gomery aud Mobile Railroad
Broken—-City of Mont
gomery In Darknc«s.
Special to tho KN’QUlRBK-StJft.]
Montgomery, Ala., March 18, 1874.—
The Alabama river has risen to a very
high point, and is still on the upward
The country around is overflowed, and
every spot of low land bordering u stream
is covered with water. Great damage has
been done to the nowly-planted crops.
The Mobile «fc Montgomery Railroad is
broken badly iu a number of places, and
will hardly bo ready for passage uutil
eral days have elapsed.
At Montgomery tho gas house, located
in the northwest portion of the city, aud
in a low place nenr the river, was over
flowed and the city is now without gas.
The rush is for keroseue, aud the dealers
are making fortunes by the sale of lamps.
Montgomery, Ala., March 18.—Tho
rain in Middle Alabnma has ceased. The
Alnbama river is very high, and out of its
banks iu many places, as the streams are
swollen. Travel to Mobile is stopped, by
reason of washes on tho railroad track
and damage to some bridges. No trains
have gone out to-dny.
Part of the track to Atlauta is under
water. Trains to Eufaulu will not run
for a day or two. All trains on the Mont
gomery and L. Railroad have boon on
time, and no damage is reported.
The freshet is too early to injuro plan
ters, ns very little of tho orop has been
—Tho contost for Sumner’s successor
is narrowing. The principal candidates
are now conceded to be Dawes, Adams,
Hoar und Ranks, i t is thought the Dem
ocrats, who have 76 votes out of 280, will
unite on a Liberal Republican.
—The Germans of Cinciuuati had an
immense meeting Tuesday night, over the
Rhine at Turner Hall, to take measures to
resist tho temperance movement. The
Hall was orowded, aud hundreds of per
sons had to go away. Speeches wore
mado denouncing the woman movement.
—The Directors of the Memphis and
Charleston Railroad refused to accept the
proposition of the Southern Security Com
pany to aunul the lenRe, and restore the
control of tho road to the stockholders on
the payment of bonds $160,000, which the
Southern Security Company claim to have
lost in running the connecting roads.
—Frederick A. Bailey, principal book
keeper of R.idean, 1^ jckwood A C<
porters and wholesale dealers iu fiuitin
New York, is n defaulter, and has ab
sconded. The amount of defalcation is
thoughttoroacb $:60,000. Fending the
investigation of the books, Badean, L.
A Co. have deemed it prudent to suspend.
The firm claims to be solvent.
—A terrible hurricane, accompanied by
thunder aud lightning and ruin, passed
over CJ.iro, IU.. at three o’clock yesterday
morning, causing considerable destruc
tion of property. The centre of the storm
seems to have passed south of Cairo as
the wires work ns usual north, and no
damages are reported fioui that direction.
No loss of life reported
—The steamer Rutn, from New Orleans
Thursday for Shreveport, with a full car
go of passengers and r»00 tons of assorted
carg >, was burned at Colfax, Sunday morn
ing. Boat aud cargo a total loss. They
were valued at $30,000, and iuf-ured for
$10,000. The passengers lost their bag
gage. Oflieera and crew returned to New
Orleans by the Marie Louise.
an, of Macon.
There was considerable debate in re
gard to fixing the time for taking a vote
i the fiuance question.
Sherman submitted a proposition that
after the passage to vote, two days bo al
lowed for general debate ; and after that,
spoeches not to exoeed ten minutes each.
All who spoke admitted the importance
of some action, as the oountry is await
ing tho result, to shape their spring busi-
No action on Sherman's order, which
oomes up again to-morrow.
Dawes and West, of Virginia, made
speeches on the finances, after
which the Army Appropriation Bill was
takeu up, and about half finished, all tho
committee amounts being agreed to.
This bill was taken up to-day, with tho
understanding that Senators are ready to
resume the finaucial debate to-morrow.
It will be laid aside.
A bill wus introduced granting public
lauds in Florida and Alabama to aid in
the construction of railroads. It grauts
the right of way through public lands in
the States named, to Daniel Holland, pro
prietor of the Jacksonville, Pensacola A
Mobile Railroad, for the construction of
a road from the present terminus of the
said road at Chattahoochee to the city of
Mobile, Alabama, and the city of Peusn-
cola, Florida, and from Ht. Johns'
river to St. Augustine, Fla., together with
the light to take from public land adja
cent to the line of the road material for
its construction ; and grants public lands
to the road to an amount not exceeding
twenty acres for each ten rnilos in length
on the line of the main road.
There was no quorum in the House to
day, but several speeches were made on
the transportation question.
majority of tho members visited
Chester to witness a ship launoh.
Jacksonville, Fla., March 18.—O. R.
Hart, Governor of Florida, after a linger
ing illness, died in this city, at 7 o'clock
this afternoon.
[He is one of the men who have attain
ed power since the war by punderiug to
the Radicals aud negroes. He was quite
an old man.—News Eo.J
No Seaslou of Ilouee of Represen
tatives in Consequence.
CilEHTKK, Pa., March 18.—The steam
ship City of Pekiu, for the Pacifio Mail
Steamship Company, was launched in
spleudid style at one o'clock, in the pres
ence of au immense crowd which lined
the wharves, and uumerous steamers and
tugs were afloat in tho river. Special
trains brought about oue thousand stran
gers from New York, Philadelphia and
foreign intelligence.
liElti.iN, March 18.—The Prussian
Ciohii Gaiette intimates that the Reich
stag will l-o diast-Wetl, if it persists in its
refusal to fn the ordinary strength of the
army at Itm.lJOtJ uton, aa demanded by the
Johann Heinrich Maedler, a distin
guished Gtruiuu astronomer is dead, aged
70 years.
London, March 18.--It is said tho
Queen’s speech, on tho assembling of Par
liament, will proposo a reduction of two
pence a pound on the income tax.
Viscount Bnringtou ("Conservative) has
been re-elected to Parliament from Suf
folk by 270 majority.
San Francisco, March 18.—The steam-
might pine aud freeze und die. They
fused to submit. Force was threatened
to compel them. Then iu tho night they
stole away to their mountain fatuesses,
with their few possessiot s, their women
and children and their arms. Thirty-
three of the Hualupuis, who had been en
listed in the army as scouts and were serv
ing at this post, deserted end joiued the
tribe, taking their arms and accoutre
ments, Ac., with them.
“It is hardly necessary to say that this
unlooked for result has filled this section
with the wildest alarm. There aro but
few troops here, and those aro mostly in
fantry. and as no one anticipated trouhlo,
even they aro wholly unprepared for war.
The Huulapuis are splendidly armed and
equipped and well mouuled. Upon leav
ing boro for their mountain fust nesses,
they announced that they would commit
no act of hostility unless the government
attempted to enforce its inundates about
removing thorn : but they have evidently
forgotten this, tor a few days ego wo
hoard that a band of them had been raid
ing and killiug cattle at a point forty six
miles distant from hero. This report has
siuco boon fully verified, ami it would
therefore appear that the war is actually
upon us."
The Porh Trade oi' C'liiciwo.
Chicago, March 13.— Howard White &
Crowell's Daily Commercial iluUetin to
day publishes a lull and carefully com
piled report of tho packing of Chicago
for the past season. It appears that the
total number of hogs packed during the
regular season is 1,620,021 : average net
weight, 210 47-100} average yield of lard,
117 4-4-100 ; hogs packed d iring October,
61,636. The product manufactured was
us follows: Clear poik, 1,810 barrels;
moss pork, 170,1507 barrels; mess old
pork, 1,061 barrels: family moss pork,
2,862 barrels; prime mess pork, 14,664
barrels ; extra prime pork, 1,614 barrels ;
rump pork, 800 barrels. Total of all
kinds, 1516,927 barrels; 1515,.'».*>I tierces of
Sweet Pickled Hams ; 27,299,468 pounds
of G«ee i Hams; 8,901*421 pounds of
Green a;;d Dry-salted Shoulders, and 15,1584
tierces of Sweet Pickled Shoulders. Al
so, 102,6315,292 pounds of sides of various
cuts, including 17,812,000 of the different
English cuts. Total number of cattle
packed, 21,712. Total stock of hog pro
ducts on baud in Chicago, March 6, as
reported to the Secretary of the Pork
Packers' Association : Moss pork 1115,789
barrels ;other kindsjof pork 12,408 barrels,
lard, 97,400 tierces; sweet pick-
led hums, 140,862 tierces aud barrels; long-
out bams, 1,628,091) pounds; dry-salted
nhouldors, 12,9158,809 pounds; sweet;
picklod shoulders, 1,2152 tierces; short
rib mi Idles, 12,890,601 pounds 5 short
clear middles, 7,266,948 pounds; long
clear middles, 2,710,210 pounds; Cum
berland middles, 1,4015,704 pounds, aud
other cuts of middlos, 1,2118,027.
—A Kentucky paper gives the follow
ing account of a hugo infant, named Dc-
ro Edward Chambers, bora two years aud
u half ngo, in Barren countv, in that
State ;
“When about throo months old he be
gan to tteshen, and soon attracted tho
serious attention of bis parents and im
mediate frionds. His accumulation of fat
has been uninterrupted, ami now ho ex-
hibits an obesity of hugo ulduriuauio pro
portions. Wo visited him and made a
careful examination aud measurement,
which wo give to tho curious public. His
parents aro the reverse of thoir infautilo
representative, so far os physical propor
tion is concerned. Tho tuthor, Smith E.
Chambers, is a delicate, spare-made man,
of not vigorous look, and weighs 127 lbs. ;
the mother is small, delicately built, and
weighs 144 pounds. Derc, *tlio young
giant, stands in perpendicular measure-
rnout 37 inches. Tho measuromout around
tho wrist is 10$ inches, and above the ol-
bow 10$ inches. The log around tho calf
givos n circumference of 18 inchos, and
tho thigh tho euonnous lougth around of
28J, while tho hips take full 48 inches of
tape to circuit their hugeness. Around
tho waist ho hhows a girth of 42 inohe r .
His avordupois pulls down the Hcales easi
ly at 118$ pounds. Tho child is quite in
telligent, can walk with tnnoh easier loco
motion than his ponderous, unshapely
form would iudicutc, ami enjoys very
good health.'"
Don't N|»ot! n Niiepir.
Tho Springfield (Mass.) licpublioan
says : “Ouo may bo pardoned for snooz
ing uuder any circumstances, in view of
tho oxporienoo of a woman from tho city
of Wosttiold, recently. Being iu com
pany, aud attempting to suppress a
sneeze, slio felt a queer sonsntiou iu tho
left sido of her face, which s >on began
swelling and drawing out of shape. A
physician was called, tint by tho time he
arrived hor month and tho left side of
her face had become drawn up, disfigur
ing her so that her most intimate frionds
could scarcely recognize her features,
whilo sho found it impossible to oloso tier
left eye. The physicians say it is a
kind of paralysis, caused by tho groat ef
fort she made in suppressing tho sneeze,
and give but faint hopostbat her features
will over rosumo thoir nutural nppoiir-
hiico. She isjnow iu this city seeking
medical advice."
— A long-suffering and ingenious wife
iu Orwig-lmrg Has invented a self-con-
sinning snore uttachmout for sleepers
which will yield her an immense fortune.
It consists of an India rqbbor tube, with
eup shaped euds, ouo to go over the no*o
and mouth, nud tho other over tho onr.
The snoror consumes his own noise, as a
stove does it smoko, ami wakes up iustnnt-
er. The husband of tho invotitresn tried
it one night, and it mndo him aa deaf ns a
post, hut ho doesn't Bnore uny uioro.
Money and Stock Market*.
New York, Maroh 18.—Stocks dull
nud weak. Money 8. Gold llj|. Ex
change—long 488, short 488$. Govern
ments strong and active. State bonds
quiet and nominal.
New York, March 18.--Money iu bettor
deuisud at 4at$. Exchaugo dull at 486.
Gold dull at 11 y Governments strong
and active. Slate bonds quiet and nomi
I'roviftlon Market*.
New York, March 18.—Flour dull and
declining. Wheat quiet and heavy. Pork
firm; moss $16. Lard firm; steam 9j}.
Cincinnati, March 18.—Flour quiet aud
steady. Corn quiet at 62u67. Pork in
good demand at $16 26. Lard steady at
8j[e for steam, 9 1-1 Go for kettle. Bacon
steady; shoulders 6$; clear rib 8;{u8;[;
clear sides 9a9$. Wniskey iu good de
mand at 90c.
Louisville, March 18.— Flour un
changed; corn quiet and unchanged; pro
visions quiet und unchanged; lard—9 for
tierce, 9j for keg; whiskey 90c.
St Lons, March 18. — Flour quiet und
lower to soil; corn duil and unchanged;
whiskey dull; pork firm at $16 31$: bacon
strong; lard nominal.
Cotton Market*.
Department of War, [
Washington, March 18, 1874.)
Probabilities.—For tho lower lake re-
giou falling baroiuotcr, southeast and
southwest winds,high temperature, cloudy
weather and raiu. No report for the
South Atlantic States.
New York, March 18.—Arrived— Chili-
oothe, Minnesota, Algorin, Thuringia, Co-
luiubuH and City of llavuun.
Arrived out—Macedonia.
.1 Hearten
As my Address on olomontary Agri
cultural Chemistry, teaching tho cheap
est nud ahortest means for procuring and
compounding umuurcs, is enthusiastically
received and heartily om’orsod by almost
every intelligent planter in thiH section,
and that 1 may bo componsated in u meas
ure somewhat coiumeusnrute with the
acknowledged merits of tho production
aud value of tho information convoyed,
1 do from this date oHtablish the price at
60 cents per copy. Iu consideration of
tLis clmugo, 1 do hereby agree to ro-
fui. tho money to any farmer who, after
reading the production, will certify to mo
ho is not fully satisfied with tho invest
ment. There is no slavery so hopeless
as that which compels a man to support a
family hy the cultivation of poor land,
The problem to bo solved by tho South
before wo can liopo for agricultural recu
peration and prosperity, is cheap and re
liable immures. Tho Address solves that
problem. [ defy the agrumhural or sci
entific world to disprovo ono fact or post,
lion taken iu the Address.
J. Monroe Lennaud,
Columbus, Go.
Tho above work is for sale at the En
quirer Oflieo, where copies can bo order
ed by moil, with stamp enclosed for re
turn postage. A libond discount made to
Grangers or farmors ordering a largo
cumber. This pamphlet should bo iu the
hands of overy planter at this time.
jil.'t dAwtf
Hotel! 77i 1 »»{/•«.
Go to the Ruby Restaurant for your
Oysters, Fish, Game, and all things good
to cat. oetlft tf
Liverpool, March 18—12:80 i\ u.—
Cotton und firmer; uplands 8(5(1.,
Orleans 8} ; sales 26,000 bales, including
6,000 for speculation and export.
To urrivn 1-16 dearer. Sales uplands,
nothing below good ordinary, shipped iu
February, 8 1-16 ; do., shipped in March
and April, 8 1-16 ; do., deliverable May
d June, 8 1-16. Sulus Orleaus, nothing
—According to the receutly-issued offi
cial register of the civil, military and
naval officers und employees of tho Gov
ernment, tho totul number so employed is
over 130,600. Of those tho Executive
counts ton, tho Legislative six hundred
aud twenty-six; Department of Stato,
or under its authority, five hundred and
eight ; Treasury Department, twelve
thousand five hundred ; Wur Department,
including the army, thirty-four thousand;
Navy Department, including tho navy,
twelve thousand; luterior Department,
two thousand soveu hundred und lifly-
uine; Department of Justice, including
the Supremo und other courts of the
United States, tint exclusive of court em
ployees, five hundred and seventy-nine;
Department of Agriculture, ninety-threo,
and General Postoffico, including post- 1 below low middling, shipped
masters, sixty-seven thousand four bun- J April, 8 6-16.
dred and ninoty-soven. Later.—Sales to-day 11,600 bales of
—— | American; sales of Orleans, nothing bo
The Japanese. j low good ordinary, shipped in March and
The drOHR of the j«p»ue«e, h„,h u writ- April, 8/, ditto nothin,, helo* low nml-
er U plain, hut neat und ,-on,foil- I dlnut", Rhlppad in Maroh and April,
able, aud. be it said to their praise, farsur- Liverpool, March 18-6 o clock c M--
passes our own in point of phyriological Sales uplands, nothing below low ^mid-
fitness. 'The men and women both wear a , dling, deliverable May and Juno, 8 .»-IL :
garment very much resembling tho old | sales Orleans, nothing below low mid
Roman toga, which is fastened about the | dling, March and April,
waist with a broad girdle. The women New York, March 18. Lotion firm;
wear their hair iu a very nice way, some- , 8ft } e B 2,739; uplands I6A; Orleans 16'
thing after tho waterfall style, minus the Futures opened as follows; April l>
false material. The men wear theirs prot- J 26-32*16 27-32; May 16 11-32016]; June
ty much as the Europeans do. It is the j»;7. July 17 3-16nl 7;.
custom for the ladioR ns soon os they mai - I New York, March 18. —Not receipts
ry to blacken their teeth and shove their | (J8() uloM
eyebrows, in order. I suppose, to prove Futures closed steady : sales 26,200
their affection for their husbands, and I , bu|oH> follows : March 16 19-32 ; April
think it ought, fur it renders them hor- j - i;i
rihly ugly. The young misses are usual- !
lv very good broking, and some of them
, beautiful, but none of them tan compare
with our young girls at home. They are
accepting* the modoru improvements with ,
wonderful celerity, end are making rapid H'UH.] ; net receipts
strides on the road of civiliz dion, and rap-
hbors over on
Thin unriVHifil MctlirIm- In nrrnnli"l ij**t inn
titlu n hIiikIo |inrlicl(« of Mbhiiiav, m nay Injui ln
mineral nul>Htniice, hut In
containing tlinMe Soul horn llouti amt llfilm a hi
an all wltfii I'rt vMimici) Iiiih |it>»e«*il In r.iinti
wh'TO Liver liiHfitMRM lit<>►.t prevail II \% I
cure hI I I)Ini>iin«« raiiNed l»y DcrniiKO-
meiit of tlio l.iver anil llownln.
Simmons’ Liver Regulator or Medicine
In oniiiiMitly a Family Miiilirlnc; it id hy IikIiik
kept ii'inly tor iniiii«»«llat•• 'cnoii will n:>v. many an
of HiifTnrluK and many a U.i.lai In ilmo ami
■ v ] T[ j ■ i«V • ■ i • «Y
NJ-W* *uu
j| >ASSEN'il Fits for .MoiilKi'iuoiy ruu Ioavh Co-
ImuhiM mi Muhllo ami Glianl l'lianittiKor Tiaiu
ut a o'clock p. m. on Tuesdayh, Thutsdayn and Sat
urdays, and arrive at Montgomery at 11 p. m.
samn day. \Y. !,. ULaHK,
uicUUd'iw Hup't M. k 0. It. II,
Western Railroad of
$35 50 Fare to New York!
F •,7 York ani New Orloans Mail Lino.
Coil'MiiUH. UA„ Man h 2d, 1874.
Jfor Atlanta, • • 1U.4U \. It.
Arrivnat Atlanta, 5:4- P m.
Kor MoniKmuory nml Sidina, 1:00 m.
Arrivu at .Moutg'y, n 1» a m.
Arrive at Selma, ll:0l A. n.
Atlanta li:0O p. m., Hie. i.\lllc. S. II-.M a in.,
niAULOTri: Ml. a. m, (iicm,« 1 L. p. in.,
Dalit ill" : J7 | in . It,.•him n I II «•. p in Aline
al \\ aantii|,’i,.n I .to a. in., nt n to a in.,
at I’hiludidpliui 1.40 p. in., at New V<-rk in.
4'nrM linn In 4'linrlotip.
K \ RADON, A Kent |nuolil If
Change of Schedule.
Southwestern R. R.
.'..himhint .< do a. m. (Honda;
Change of Schedule.
^ yfTT j r f f "***•'* *" * *
Now Advortisomonts.
A 1
e\\ Ycrk.
‘ J ^SYi’HOM ANt'Y.
snri. t'll A It At
T" " 1 “ ’V 1 ' 1 **iie.MluiiH ..l any |.«nmn
U 'V • Itoi.Bo luHtniii|> This Hlmpln mental ho
lutipmctit nil i'll it nw.i'Hrt, Ireo. l.v u.iul 1.11
( I"K" Imr will, a Iiinrrliia,. «i,l.l,.'. K K vi.i|ai,
L;t a, ; 1 «...!T«.»'. i" i.'iiiU'H, w,.,iiiin„.
•■lu.tuis, Mims in
Nljilil Slilrl, a.-. ,\ .,,
M 11,1,1A I\1 I 1
.. i-u
Addieaa F
When denlli w.m h tl ,|, ,. x .„ .,,i , ,
SUMI’TION, all leniedn-H havm K Uii.-d'. "mt |.,
II. .lainoM wan experiment iiik, h . „. .'t.i.M. t it 11 x
niiiih' n prrparatinii .■! Im-i • s llrvr, wht.hnu t
Lilly clilhl,
•celpt .
••I re.o, Fill! i
pin i, naming this p.»|
RUPTURE Seele)'s lim it Ituhh' l' TrilNNC*.
TRUSSES Hermn nr Ittiptnrn.
highly pulInlioil Fie..
W ll I. hill ,| I iihl.ei.
im udiiig Hai l Kill.'
Coughs, Colds, Hoarsonoss.
I’lil'ilHUNiiV in iii.i i: mixes
Sold hy t»riiK<lHl*. t\,
Ureal Reduction In tlio I’rien ui
Apiilo Trees
Peach Trees """
Hunt iu itnv pai4 ..I tho Hlate, pur uxpre-., CD i>.
AddieNit W. li NELNDN.
Propi ietorul the 4 a x*o rg In XniNi'ij.
Iw A iiKiintn, (la
T'li«* lilgliral HMKlical uiilliorltlca
ol liiirofir say thu HtrutiKCHt Tunic, 1‘urllbu
nml Douhntruont known to the tnodlcnl wot Id t^
It ittriifllH decay ul vital forces, exhauHtlon nt
tin. nervoud nyHtmii, ri.htonoi vigor lu the del.11
Itntail, I'lo'.niBea vitiated hluud, romnvea vodlolu
uhetriuHIuiih and iiijIh Ulrrctly nu the l iver und
Spleen, i'rloct #f a Imt'jo. .14)11 N it. K lit.
|j()(l<I, 1H rinltSt., N. Y.
4 w
P 5*^
i Tileadaya, Thin-i.lnyi nml
dm lui b’ In 11 m.
A fiat
Ik .(ill
l 'pityi'muloannim0lid* It’^' u.'
Aimed Mi'htldi ANTID'.TK, all iliinaleM ami
fear. Ah a Heine lv ill M ALA Mill S FE YFdtH,
IT IIAM NO Mil il t
It i< lhu t hinpfHt, I'lin-Ht, and inn I amlly
.Medicine in tlio World '
MAN UFA l TUI'. Ml UHl.t Hr
J. II. KF.II.IN X I t).,
I*lice. <51.00. Sold hy nil Hi iikuMn.
Good Nows to Smokers!
.1. IVowman A
At 141 Brond St., Columbus,
May 16 13-32.(7-16 : Juno 16j
29-32 ; July 17}a).
New York, March 18.—Cotton firm
sales of 6,846 bales nt J6jal6-
Boston, March 18,—Steady ; middling
I ^ 1
I r :
i ^ -
Central Pacific Railroad.
Battle Mountain, Nkv., March !•» —
Tho track on tho Central Pacific liuilroiid, (
about sixteen milt s from here, al 'be ! a hip Mikado brings intelligence from I idly distancing their
More.hoiea, i« roported impaaaalilH. Tho ! j Iono j n i n that l’rinco Malakua has beon | this Hide.
| elected Kih E of the Saad.ich W.cda to :
traok is washed away. A only-at aud succeed Lunalelo. Tho elections
other portions of the road are also washed 1 quiet.
away a short distanco east of Galcouda. ; . R _ w
A work train sent down this morning I Honolulu In o
from Carlin is still at work at Store-h .use j Nan Francisco, March IS.—Serious
break, but it is thought no trains can get rjots occurre d in Honolulu upon tho elec-
through to-day. The west-hound passou- v , , ou \vh«r tho an- —
ger trains are side-tracked here ; also, one . tlon of K * . 6 ' . j J'^Bened bv the inquiring looks of his fair oxpor t H
freight and a large cattle train. The | nouncemont of Lmmas defeat was made, | f riend , ^hTlo tho old woman repeats her cu.hlwiHe hii-l a 2 ’
trouble in caused liy Ihe quantity of tho mol) of her adherouts atteckcd tho j d eul » n d, and in Homo cuhch obtninB the Gai.'E'TjN. M.i:, h 1 -Cotton Brio,
»ater oomiug down from the uiouutnioH h )T „ a „f the Aaseuihly. heating aevernl of ; lllnd>r ; ' fair' demand', good ordinary D'-l; mW-
,a formed », m6nl b er8i one of whom afterwards ; 1 dtiaga IBji net reeeipt-i .VJ"
tbn " h , and deaka, and aef -One of tho London coimc papers 18; ,alo« l.-'Oii; stock 80,.Ml.
when the United : tall, of an Aberdeen who,_«(._• , Miupuia , Maroh C> -Cotton Orm.r and
Charleston', March 18.—Steady; mid
dlings 16$ag, low middlings 16»i{, good
ordinary 14J; net receipts 1379: sales
1000; stock 60,840.
-A very aly old woman in Cleveland I Auouhta, Hard. IJ. Htroog; mid-
baa bean making money by tricka that are dling. l.»,i recoipa. , hi, e '•
.l sh.mvl.Vl young men, when they | Mom,B, March 1B.-Muy»rs and aellera
are out with their lady friemlH, and do- apart: middling 1 :>;.»! c, _ low middling.,
maudH that “dollar and forty cents that 14^.15, good ordinary I.
you owe mo for washing." The young gi;:i; aaleaoUO.
man is generally loo confused to make an Kavasxaii, March 18. -
immediate reply, aud his confusioum not in(j up . middlings I.'.J ' ■■
Cigars, Tobacco, Pipes, &c,
The Tobaccoist,
, t 11 1 '»M v ,ii. RED HMIN,*
A new lot of “Culebras” Cigars
i Tv/o new brands of Cigars,
Pcrriquc Smoking Tobacco,
Lone Jack Smoking Tobacco,
Eureka, Durham Smok'g “
Fine-Cut Cigarette Tobacco,
Fine-Cut Chewing “
Finest Plug “
ill ..lift, 1,1 *"11 I mu of III'. Hint pop ill.u Wiki
r. s. bonds .'"r,’ and
Gen. Robert E. Lee.
UtT 8"lid fur Ciroulnr .it
4w Unltimoro, Mtf,
uh Ikr. N<iu«< y H !'n-
Jjfarrli lluniodi I
hi(tt Ly Ifm niil'l, L
| in/: whlcJi I
(IInmino yloldNl
ea ILu sylitem lias
•ii tmt In perfect
Irr villi IkortorB
■»lrrr«’« Cickldonf
I ,'iledlrul DUrovery, wLK !i s l.ouhi R
*' n.cstlyln turredL:-».xl an
hare ulw.v ( at fault, al-
iliually, upon the die.'
ho no >■ avl 1** rhamlH-r
... .;i- : h,.n' M ' i pplicl u it
I Ikr. IMcrn-’H Naanl Ikoticlic," U
L.« !i:m ‘a li.'* u it 1 c i'.«■ • I ht'.iU it
1.1 pt rjnlitre p|.. :c ID : I |. ir!« *.f |> (
I**Cotft in JJeti>l"n
Icannotcure. ll«t v — - --
liiiulnniH.'nt.foi' I ij nil drupplslH.
Assignee’s Sale
1 Crockery,('liiiKDV:(jlliD>
during the Into thaw, which h
perfect flood of water over tun , , , , . , ...
coautry, and is washing away calvert-i, in : died, tore up tbs seats and desks, aud set
»oma places covering the track eighteen ttre to the building, when the Uwted j J® 11 " "“pg pVrish’ioners before the ! ^‘“^gherrio'w mfddliugs l G
inchos and two feot. Smtes and Uriti«h marinas l.ndod nud dm- . coogr6 B KIlt iou, put llin usu.l qnention to 4lP: „tipmeuU 1.1SJ.
, —•••*•— ,, er8 ed it. !» sto»t girl wh.i«o filbyr knpt » P’> ’' c j; KW Or.UiANS, March 18. -Cotton
Conv.n“ion h ren.mi # ualld (Liv'C«ri , W.Orn.n, Mmmt.rof For.ign Album. | bun,. ^^Whnt. is ;»■(?“; ti,. and hrmcr, middltnga
for Governor, Charlea C. V»iwmt for tendered the th.nkH of the Government
Lieutenant Governor, Joshua M. Adde- • ^ or timely interference of the marines.
man for becretary of Slate. Willard Sayles ! j st m threatened with aeaeesi- | D ye uo 8 ay when ye come iu «■“ “ : t uvell j u ^ :».too
for Attorney General, aud Samuel (Mark j 1 uo ,vlu ° on » night, ‘Bet. bring me some ale *
for General Treasurer. nation.
.bouse: *Wbut ih yuur ««(«»• tive and firmer: middlings ,>, t . low run.- , .... 4 , . r • «>n Bnd by u.. / •».•* i p.-t-.r.,,
I ply. The question having boon repea , good ordinary 13^; ordinary i.* • . h.-a th y * n , „ ,i..,
1 the girl repliod : “Nane o your fun. Mr. , “ t receipts 2,678; Kfoss 2,809; ox- r«'^l.iw rtr-i iu».u, * •. ; ,
'Minfater; ye ken my name.well enough. , t|j (iroat Hritiau 2,7-)4 sales l,urH^ £!£.««!,«
| idaot, Now Y»r)
riuuLiijiii aiui in
For Sale at Low Prices.
<«i‘Or|(lit IIoiim- llnnk tin I Id i 114 .
rel»22 I in
Take Notice.
y <Uy« from llii« <lnlc, liavlug tlir> ruti
.y! tlirrMo, I will bix.mio
DORA J. rr.n.KX
yteu.lsTI Im*
Of tho Last Loglalatmu,
Wood. Wood !
I) A.fl Uppli.-AI l*>n to th«
U'lA* 1: MVritOtHR MAN F'.NU Oxk