Newspaper Page Text
SATURDAY Al’KIL 4, 1874.
Tiik Asliville Pioneer saya that in 1802
a Oonfederaio suldior nutncd OUlotn
chased a fox iuto a cavern in Raid Moun
tain, and then applied fire to the cavern,
which haw been burning over sineo. The
Rftino soldier hoard tho roaring in 180.1,
and know what canned it. Ho thinks that
tho mountain iH ono void coal bed, and
that it will not only contiuuo to burn, bat
will ovontuftlly destroy tho whole conti
nent ! Wo told Christio yesterday that
ho was fooling too Bocure now that he has
got wo far ofiT from his old “starnpiug
lUvnfo established our Sunday paper,
when taken soparatoly or with tho
Wookly, on a caah basis from tho begin
ning. tho only reduction in its largo issue
will bo tboso Daily subscribers whom
have boon forced to drop. It is thought
that many in tho city may continue to
tako tho Sunday paper at this office,
anticipation of this, wo will to-morrow
print tho usual number of copies, and
grade subsequent issues by tho demand.
Advertisers should avail themselves of
the advantages offered by The Bpnday
The Wilmington, N. (J,, Journal of tho
1st inst. reports a bold robbery of tho
United Statos mails at tho Union Depot
in its city. Tho robbory was cffocted
while the mails wero being transferred.
Several bags wore carriod off, all contain
ing matter bnd South. Tho mail bags
wore found on Monday, iu tho woods near
the city. They wore cut open and their
contents soattorod upon tho ground, all
tho let tors having boon opened. Tho let
ters woro gathered up to bo returned to
thoir writers. It is thought that tho rob
bers did not got much money, and they
did not tako any of tho draftH or money
orders. Tho robbers bnvo not yot boon
found out.
HO*. JAM EH Ji. 111.4 14.
This brilliant and fearless Democratic
loador has represented the famous Ash
land Dislriot of Kentucky, in Congress,
for a greater number of oonsooutivo yoars
tliau any other man over did, except
Henry Clay. \\V rogrot to hoc that ho
positively declines u ro-oloction. Mr.
Hock has won u notional reputation by
his service in Congress, and iH onlitlud to
llio confidence and esteem of all ports of
tho country by his consistent support of
the constitutional rights of all sections.
Ilis recent speech on tho expenditures of
tho government was one of the strongest
iu its facts and figures, and ono of tho
iiiuhL convincing in its statement and
logic, and one of the soundest in its rea
soning, that has been delivered for a
long lime in Outtgrt sa. His anient devo
tion to the cause of retrenchment and re
form is conspicuous m all its parts. Tho
South owes Mr. Heck u debt of gratitude
which our sulVoring people cau novor
hope fully to repay. It would bo but a
just and manly recognition of his great
services should they give him a united
support for the second position ou the
next Presidential ticket.
Tho New York Herald has put on its
paint and is uniniutukably on tho war
path because of tho appreheudod pas
sage and signing of the $100,000,000 bill.
Its issue of tin* tho 81st ult. bristles all
over with repudiation, ruin, sectional
strife and ultimata teersaion, us the result
of this measure. So extraordinary and
Houaational live its articles, Unit if it lind
delayed ilieir publication u day longer wo
would have concluded it was only play
ing off a broad “April fool" upon tho
o time or space to-day to
i'm articles iu full, or to make
, them. Wo merely Holoot sa
il hero and thuro, to show
our readers the auirnuu of the Herald and
the terrible state of excitement into which
it has worked itself, it regards the union
of tho South and tho West in support of
expansion us “an alliance against tho
North against Must" an nllianco propos
ing to porpotuato the crime of intlution,
us the Southern sectional party late
ly proposed to perpetuate tho crirno
of sloven! It ways that the West,
great and rich as it is, was built up by
the money of the North and Fast, and
that those soctious “have shown the
South unexampled forbearance under
oiroumHtanot .t which would have induced
ways of mon aro the same, and wars have '
tho same origin and the same results,
and mon now living must, in all likeli
hood, «eo our second civil war." i T
, not auppou tut auy .och r*T- 1 ~ A Uool< ’* th "“' an "
. i whip any man that says they have gall-
thoso above quoted will greatly berry tarts at camp meetings iu that com.-
I —Atlanta has received so far, £3,481
bales of cotton.
excite tho Ssouthorn mind, and perhaps ty.
they will not make any of the mighty riv
ers of the West turn back in their course.
Wo are, howover, in a condition to por-
coivo vory clearly how gioat a difference
it makes whose ox is gorod. Secession,
which wo all thought was dead and hur
ried far beyond tho reach of tho hand of
rosuroction, is Oireatened in behalf of the
section that so latoly killed it! Two or
more sections of the Union, having a
majority of the votes in Congress, maHt
not adopt a policy which they think their
interests require, if another section,
having the “whip hand" now, desires to
rotain it! Tho plain meaning of the
Herald is that tho North aud East must
rule because they have the most
money, or they aro the creditor sections
and tho West and South the debtor. A
fair analysis can lead to no other result.
Hut tho Herald* thunder is not loud
enough to scare tho country yet, and the
strong probability seems to be that it will
have f solitary and alono wo hope) to roll
on its little ball of secession and a sec
ond civil war.
Tho groat mass of Southern merchants
when contemplating thoir semi-annual
trips North to buy goods, raroly think
about Thiladeldhia save as a largo way
atation betwoon Washington and Now
York. For this Philadelphia business
mon aro much to blame, for until of lato
thoy have quietly sat in their stores in
tho quiot streets and waitod for business
to come to thorn instead of seeking it,
and by ovory moans making thoir business
and their really groat city well known.
Siuco tho Centennial subject has boon
broached, Philadelphia has recoivod a
groat deal of attention, and as a great fair
has boon decided on as tho propor moans
of giviug national recognition to tho oc
casion, we must think it would bo emi
nently propor to give national aid that tho
undertaking may ho In ovory sense of tho
word a succoss. On tho propriety of,thin
hope to say more at another timo, as
woll as for tho ominont fitness of tho loca
tion of tho exhibition. Ono thing may
be counted on as certain, aid or no aid,
Philadelphia will havo tho Fair.
Slow as her citizens may seem, com
pared with Now York, thoy aro strong
and determined whon in eurnost, and for
object that appoars to thoir sympathies
and prido thoy havo over shown thora-
solvos liberal and opon-lianded. In that
Fair wo oxpoct to soo Georgia represent
ed, not only in tho products of her looms
and soil, but in her timbers uud ores, that
will spoak our capacity for development,
ns woll as do our products of wliat we
havo aoeoinpliahod. Goorgia is destined,
may it come in our day, to rank with tho
first manufacturing Statos iu tho Union,
uud wo should lot no opportunity slip to
present our advautagos to the labor aud
capital of the world.
Tho Albany New* thinks that tho “win
ter quarters" of the cotton cutorpillar
have been discovered, and hopos that sci
ence may find a way to destroy tho pest.
It says i
“Homo duys agoa planter friend brought
to ourollloo u number of cocoons, gather
ed from tho roots of stumps, dead trees,
old logs, and fouco corners of fields that
had bouu eaten up by euterpillnr.
oooootiH are substantially lined with a soft
silken web, us strong as felt and us imper
vious to cold uud water as tho most per
fect combination of wool ntul Indinrubbor.
This lining is encased iu a curiously aud
wondorfully tlmtchcd house of tho stems
of the oottou loaf, closely and securely
kmt together by a glutinous substance
similar inner to the lining. The iuriido is
a warm, cosy little home, of an inch in
length uml three-eighth* of an inch in di
ameter, and Kocuroiy houses tho larva*, or
inchoate butterfly, that lays the egg that
hatches the veritable caterpillar."
Thu editor forwarded tho cocoons to
Col. M. Johnston, Secretary of tho Stato
Agricultural Society, who pronounced
them “wonderful," ami promises to havo
a scientific examination.
If these aro tho cocoons of the real cot
ton caterpillar, it goes to show that some
of them, by instinct or accident, seek
sheltered places for preservation during
thoir state of hybernation, and it nmy bo
ttiftt the swarms of the next year come
exclusively from those thus protected.
Prolific as they aro said to be, it would
not roquiro a groat many, thus preserved
through winter, to produce a brood for
the next year amply sufiloient for any
destructive purpose. This discovery may
Hussin to make her another Poland, aud j *° & u °thor, v ' / * : ^nt tho winter is
England another India and Jamaica." It j H0,IH0U * n w kioh 1° exterminate tho
asks*. “Cun our brethren iu tho West j
and South suppose that we cau forever I
submit to havo a minority of tho Union HHN. JAN. 1*. NIMMONk AND HIM
impose upon us a degrading aorviludo? j II Kit EM Y.
For cau any servitude bo more degrading 1 Editor Columbu* Enquirer: A friend
than to follow a llag which two sections called my attention to your notice of my
of the country, for thoir own selfish pur- I letter to the Atlanta HeraM, which ap-
po.Mv ». have made tho llag of insolvency peered iu the Enqi'irku of tho 81st ult.,
aud repudiation’f’ - “(Jan ho (the Pros- , and in which you have the positions of
idem) or any one else, contemplating tho * the parties to the church case referred to
ultimate results, see any other issue but reversed. This was oloarly tlio result of
a now secession and a new oivil war 't' j a hasty reading of that article
Tho JUrald oontouds that tho addition , llev. Mr. Davis, the pastor of this
of forty-four milium*.of dollars to the church, uud the prosecutor iu the c
currency is the repudiation by tho West ( holds that the soul of Jesus Christ
of ouo-aixloeuth of all the interest it owes well us 11is body, was human, and that
to the East or to Europe, and that is why tin* souls of men are produced with and
their bodii
We havo n
copy any of i
comments on
limit passage
—The Rome Courier says more rain
ell at that point
March than in any ono month in nineteen
-—The Price Debating Society, of Dah-
lonego, last wook docided in the affirma
tive tho question: Should education ho
compulsory ?
—Primus Edwards, colored, killed Ber
ry Adams, also colored, on tho plantation
of Capt. John A. Cobh in Sumter county,
on Monday lust. No particulars at bund.
Edwards was arrested aud committed
—Two negro women who wero in El-
berton jail under sentence of death for
murdering another woman of tho same
color, by administering poison, escaped
last week. Ono was soon recaptured, but
tho other is still at large.
—John McMurrain committed suicide
nt the place of Mrs. Nanoy Burge, in Tal
bot county, on Wednesday of last week,
by cutting his throat with n razor. Tho
Standard, says that ho was a stout, healthy
man, in the prime of life, and that his
father lives in Muscogee.
—A clothior in Atlanta shrewdly and
neatly availed himself of the privileges of
“AH Fools’ Day,” by sending to quite a
number of parties tho following ‘d.spatch’
put up in a telegraphic envelope : “April
1st. Call immediately at the O. K. Cloth
ing Htoro, and buy your Spring Goods.”
—Mr. William E. Dodge, of Now York,
had tho conrt-houKO of the new Georgia
county of Dodge built, and will to-day,
in person, present it to tho county, mak
ing it a condition of tho donation that
the name of tho county shall never bo
changed. A haudiiome act, handsomely
—Tho Albany News of the 2d instant
roportB : “The corn crop of this suction
is pretty well up, and growing finely.
Cotton planting is fur advanced, uud
much of it is up. Good stands are indi
cated. Tho oat crop throughout South
western Goorgia is unprecedentedly
largo, and as fine as could be desired.”
—A correspondent of the Angusta Chron
icle writes from Atlanta that it is thought
thoro that (ion. Toombs’ hasty and unau
thorized action in instituting suit in tho
name of lion. A. II. Stephens against tho
WcBtorn A Atlantic Railroad, lias occa
sioned some coolness between those two
guntlemon, who have for no long a timo
boon close personal and political friends.
—Tho Harnosvillo Gazette calls tho fol
lowing “tho best plttu” : Eighty acres in
wboat, sovonty acres in corn, and fifty
acros in cotton, is tho way one of tho
best farmors in this noction of country
reported his plantation to tho Grange ou
Saturday last. Ho also reported that he
used olovon tons of guauo Inst year, but
had concluded that he could make out ou
ono ton for his next crop.
—The Examiner says that tho Ions to
Russell county iu the washing away of
bridges by tho lute freshet cannot bo less
than $2.1,000, from all reports. ,
—Tho Opelika Observer contains a fivo-
colutnn advertisement of lands in Eoo
county to be sold for taxes duo tho Statu
and oouuty, ou tho 4th day of May next.
Owners of lands in that county should
examine the list.
—Tho South and North Railroad, of
Alabama, have completed the prelimina
ries for the exchange, has returned all its
bonds endorsed by the State, and rocoivud
the straight bonds provided for by the
$4,000 per mile substitution act. No
other railroad has yot consummated this
arrangement, but it is said tho Savannah
A Memphis will do so.
—Tho East Alabama A Cincinnati Rail
road is to ho changed from a broad to a
narrow gauge railway. The iron will bo
exchanged for other iron suitable for a
narrow gauge, and thus the road will bo
extended nearly twice as far ns it now
i, and the cotton which now goos to
West Point will then go to Opelika.—
Montgomery Journal.
Mr. F. G. Jones informs us of tho sin
gular death of a little colored girl on his
farm near Auburn. Tho girl w. nt to
soino sills that hnd been used for tho pur
pose of cutting up meat and on which
thoro was a large number of red ants.
While asleep the ants by tho hundreds
made an attack on the child, and when
she awoke she was literally oovero l with
thorn, and all busy bitiug nud stinging.
Thoy woro ho ferocious that a woman on
tho plnco had to sweep thorn off with a
brush broom. Tho biting and stinging
was so vory sorious that fever ensued,
which, coupled with tho poison of tho
biton, produced death two days after
wards. — Opelika Observer.
Suturday Evening, April 4th, 1674. Auier-
■*> wont Earn ran Comedian,
The perforinan* •• will c inm.-uce "it!* T'»ni Tay
lor's celebrated three uCt comedy of the
Mr. Owens nt - Botf-rhy und Solon.
Special notice.
* We inform our putrous and the public
that we have a reliable and safer Colorist
now, and ran furnish our COLORING WITHOUT
no much DELAY AS HERETOFORE. Persons
laving Photograph* of any kind and wanting
them COLORED, ran have it done at tho shortest
notice and at the lowest prices.
TO ONK-I1AFL THE PRICKS charged heretofore
# 81 Broad St., over Carter’s Drug Store.
N. B.—All persons owing ns for Coloring will
tuke notl.e, and scttlo only with one of us.
mh3t tf
R. M. Waters & Co., 56 Broad St.,
New York, receive Depoait Accounts
on favorable terms from Banks,
Bankers, and Corporations, subject
to check at sight. Loans made only
on Cotton and Approved Stock Ex
change Collaterals.
Empire Mills and City
Reduced Wholesale Price List.
COLUMUUB, Oa., March 29th, 1874.
A A Flour (strictly Fancy) per batrcl $10 50
A Flour (Choice Family 9 ?»U
Jj Flour (Good Family) 8 50
pucki*d in ! au ‘i A “ HC h».
Ilmn, \K 1»*0 fb I 50
Urnn, 'pi lUoU lb 14 W>
Ship StuflS, ft ion lh..
O N SATURDAY, Al'ltlL 4th, !t)l$ o'clock. w.
will aeil u deairuble lot
Fine and Common Furniture,
Embracing neatly every article In tho line of
housekeeping. npr3 2t
Hay at Auction.
O N SATURDAY; 4th April, a
will hMI in frrnt of store,
apr3 2t
By Ellis &_ Harrison.
O N SATURDAY, April 4th, 11 o'clock, we will
sell in front of ourj store, without reserve, 15
cases und baskets (iu quarts and pints) Chain-
pugne, Sparkling Catawba Wine,in lots to suit pur
chasers. ap2—3t
Admsnistrator’s Sale.
B Y order of the Honorable Court of Ordinary
of Muscogee county, I will sell in frout of
Ellis & Harrison's auction room, in this city, at
11 o'clock ou Saturday, the 4th duy of April next,
tho following property, belonging to the estate of
Allen Andrews, deceased :
One lot Lumber, assorted sizes.
One Home.
One Express Wagon and Harness.
Olio cornpMe
One lot Plough
inventory of the lumber
Curpenter’s Tools.
be seen nt Ellis
t Harrison's auction i
It. T. YOUNG, Adm'r
Columbus, Ga., March 2G, 1874. dt
Real Estate Agents
j City and country, and will advert • the
• iat private 8a!e y FIIEF UF CHARGE, unless
property is sold.
Ship Stuffs, T* 1000 Hi
lie t White Table Meal and Grits, pot bushel,
n.h'-lO 4t
Your Grain Sacks!
the i:nii*iiie MI ELM
quantities that nitty be offered.
rnh'J'J titawlt
tho West votes roundly and steadily for
iutlutiou" that “the West is not seusi-
iUHiat that the smil-
Ou tho contrary, I
-the spirit which
live to honesty; it* principle is “that who- mated the body of Oirist—was purely di
j vine, and existed before tho world was
made, and that llis body was as tb
other moil's, and that tho souls of men
over can take and hold is the owuer,
whothor ng viust the bear or against the
builder of a railroad—whether the victory
be by bowio knife and rifle iu tbo forest, 1 existed also before the creation of this
or by votes in Uongross."
We copy tho conclusion of one of tho
Herald* article 1 * iq v this subject .
“Slavery made a . *i because of tho
essential conflict of two industrial sys-
It was from tho church, aud not from
tho ministry, that I was expelled. I uovor
was a minister.
Your conclusion, however, as to
toms, and the irreproHsible conflict of propriety of churches, at this late day,
tinauciai views will make another. All dealing with members for such here*u
tho States oast of the AlleghauioH, fludiug horeaies they be) is certainly correct,
thut laws aro made for them by their i Please put mo right before your readers
enemies—laws under which thoy cauuot on these questions by publishing this
live laws such as would bo made for tho note, and you will thereby very much
ants by the ant-eaters—will revolt agaiust oblige
the Western legislation, and tho West will
endeavor to subdue them and compel
obedience to the prairie freoman." “The
Yours, respectfully uud truly,
James P. Simmons.
Jsorcioes, Ga.
firm will pi
For Sale.
VACANT LOT OF LAND, being tho west por
tion ol tho "Nance lot," on Bryan h root, adjoining
tiie residence of lion. M. J. U'rawlonl. Call soon
if you want a bargain. febl'J tf
CITY LOT No. 001, ou MtTutosh street, with
three dwelling* on the hhiiio. Will In- sold
together or sepal ate, nt u low figure, for cash.
VALUABLE CITY l'UOUKRTV, situated in tho
buniuo-8 centre of tho city. Will sell at a great
bargain, or to an acceptable party an undivided
iuto* t st. Tho j roperty can be made to pay u large
; a vory comfortable and desirable 1
HOUSE with I
For Rent.
A STORK HOUSE in tho valley of Talbot county,
at a cross-road, three miles of the Clmlyb* at-
Springs. A very desirable location for a Dry
Goods and Grocery business. h< |^17
Liquor Dealers,
121 Broad Street, Columbus, Ga.,
H ave now in store a choice selection of purr and rv An
ulteratod Liquors, some of which aro three ami four years old. iUU ‘ l
Hennoasee Brandy,
Peach “
Apple “
Cherry “
Domestic “
Jattmcia Rum,
Now England Rum,
Holland Gin,
Domestic Gin,
Port Wine,
Sherry Wine, .
Madeira “ Malaga Wino,
Martin Whiskey,
Bourbon “
Cabinot “
Irish “
Rye “
White Corn Whiskey,
Adam Crow’s “
Weller’s Bourbon “
Robertpon County Whiskey,
Tom Moore Rya * 44
While Wheat 44
Pa. Dew Drow “
Tho above is offered at wholesale aud retail, in quantities to suit purchasers.
of tho
Mr. John G.
IN rsmifi having h'fl repair work with tln>
'■ *jr it by tlia loth of April
I to pay charges All per*
lato firm will please come
K. A. MEYER, Adrn’rx.
llavimr bought the interest of tho late F. Meyer
in the FURNITURE BUSINESS, 1 am prepared to
do Upholstering, Repairing, Ac.. In tho best man
ner. I solicit tho curitom of my frieudH ami the
public generally.
mli20 lw Thomas, near Broad Street.
Of tho Last Legislature,
novlii tf
Choice Simpson Cotton Seed
RnlNCti from Nclcctctl Rtalks, l>y
Run Away.
\N SUNDAY at 2 o'clock r. v .
City Light Guards’
Basket Pic Nic !
Fort Mitchell, on M. & G. R. R,
Wednesday, April 22d, 1874.
inland I BRASS li INI* !„*- I . imaged, ami
will discoiiM* sweet uiUMc during the d«\. A!m
a file' String Band of six iimtrum* nt* f r dancing
ha., been employed for the oiva«i«'ii Dancing
platform*, capable of a. oui modal in.; .,11 who wish
to dance, will be on vied. Abo Swiug-. > .t*. A..
The iVnipany will li.i'e * Drill iu tl n inmg
and Target Frartb «• f r a pi / • in 111 * a*i *n.
Although inch person will «-\p-«t li . .my
a lasket. yota’lwh niton l will bo pi \ I I for,
ami the Company w ill furnish Lemonade an l other
Refreshment*, fr« e.
Taken altogether, this will be THE l'U’NICof
the «• Hson, and all should attend.
TICKETS ON K DOLLAR L.U'II- for *»!.« by
each meiwbor of theOoiipany. ap.X tl
Lace Points, Sacques
Sleeveless Jackets,
apr.l St
milll Arm of LOI DKSBERA llKO. Isdisso'tol
.1 by mutuvl conseut. The debts of the concern
Will be settled bv K XV. l.oudenber. who Will 101.-
tiuu* the i HSIUCSS. F M . LOUDEN BEd.
Columbus, Ga , April 1st, l»71
^Succetjsor to Loudenber A Bro.—Estab
lished April, 1871,)
Cigar Manufacturer,
One Door West of oM Sun Offl e Building, ;
mail promptly attomh.i to.
Thomas Gilbert
Blank Book Manufacturer,
(Old Huu Offico Building,)
1 AM now proparoi
. uml dispatch ordc
cry description, viz:
Railroad Receipts, Bills Lading, Jfeo in
book or looso, Blank Books of all
kinds, with or without printed
heads, made at short notice.
Giving tuy eutlro poraonal attontloii to Job
Printing and Binding,1 am enabled to Ml nil ar
dors promptly at LOW CASH PRICES,
guaranteeing rati.-fact Ion,
Orders from abroad rocelro «amo attention ns
If parties wore prosont. Send (or Prlco List.
L)'A full stock of Georgia and Alabama
Legal Wanks always on hand. teba—It
City Tax Sales.
iTTILL bo sold on tho FIRST TUESDAY IN
H APRIL N EXT, iu front of tho auction house
of Ellis & Harrison, in tho city of Columbus, the
following describod property, ull aituatod in tho
city of Columbus, levied on to satisfy sundry li
fas for taxes duo said city of Columbud for the
Noith part of lot No. fi, Foraalo Acadomy square,
with Improvement thereon, being one qmn ter of
an acre, more or less. Levied onus tin-property
of .Mrs. ltoli’t M. AldtVorth. Amount of tax
South half of lot No. -127, with improvements
thereon, being A °f 11,1 ur™. more or less. Levied
on a* tho property of \Y, U. demons. Amount of
property of Jwhu D. Carter.
Amount of tax 25.
Lot No. 31 A, containing of an acre, more or
less, with improvements thereon. Levied on as
tin* property of John J. Grant. Amount of tax
qiUK Kirill or Kill'll, f'lrA.MBHRS k HANKS
T. has heeu dUsolv. d by the consent of ull tar-
ties concerned. A 1 1 unpaid advances an* in the
hands of the undurs guod for settlement, who will
also pay all ilaitus against the old firm.
rnilE UNDERSIGNED will still continue tho
Warehouse aud Commission
Thank ul for the patronage hestow’ed upon us
the present season, wo respectfully noli it its con
tinuance the coming season, with a promise to use
every effort to promote the interest of our pat-
April 1, 1874.—dtf *
Merchants’ aud Mechanics’
Muscogee Manufacturing Co.,
CuLUMtil 1 *, Oa., March 28th, lt>74.
fpllE Annual Meeting of Stockholder* of Mu**-
CotllpHliy will be held
on Thursday, 2d April,
nih Jfi td W. A FW1FT, Troan'r.
Crockery at Cost!
I HAVE removed my stock of CROCKERY ntul
I ULASSW ARE to the Hardware St or • of Janus
Ennis, and w ill coutinue to sell at cost for cash.
ol tax $18.25.
Lot No. 387, containing aero, more
with improvements thereon. Levied m
property of \\\ N. llawks. Amount of ta
North half of lot No. 305, containing
acre, more or less, with luiim
of tax $8.75.
I’art of lot No. 353, being (i5 fo.*t fiont o
north part of said lot. Levied on as the proj
of J. C. Jordan, trustee for Julia C. Jordan
child, Siliiui. Amount of tax $37.75.
South half of lot No. 135, containing 1 <■
acre, inure or ltsu, with improvements th ;
Levied ou as the property of A. R. Lamar, tn
for Uatho. li. I nuiar. Amount of tax $51.25.
North half of loth No. 4s:t. containing «i
acre, more or less, with improvements
Levied on as tin* property of Jason Lt
Amount of tax $17.75.
Lot No. Ill, containing half an acre, moi
less, with improvements thereon. Levied i
the property of R. G. Mitchell, trustee for
v $8'J.75.
street Iti feet
J. ENNIS, Assignee.
T had at office of Ctulrul Llue LXk-,.
of Heats to
Jacksonville, ■B3C!
Furnandina, Cedar Iveys,
Tallahassee an 1 Lake City.
O x ,
Order* by
l will *«U at retail some a* f
and at a* low PRICKS a* can be found AI
call from my frieud* u
F M . l.Ol'DKNBEK.
Our Seventy Page Illustra
ted Catalogue of
Mailed to any one iuleroatcd in buildiug, on
receipt of stamp.
254 Jt 256 CANAL STHKKT,
jyll dAwly NK1V YORK CITY.
he Boats of the Ceutral
il! leave Columbus on SAT
The Saturday boat only will go thr-aijti
l.ichlcoln. mil
Dancing’ School.
c *v -ted from her illness,
will commence her Third res.-don
Diliciug, at file Plauter*' Hotel, Th
. Th.- vari.-u* 1 mph'ineiits of Agri-
riilturt*, Chnnicals for making
Man u res, Farm uml Garden Seeds,
Flower Seed, &c., &e., to which the atten
tion of the readers of the ExqriRKR is ctiled from
lime to time iu ihe ‘‘Fanners’ Department" of this
newspaper, cau l»e found nud examined (without
the risk aud trouble of eeiidiug to RELIABLE
Agricultural Depot, 130 Broad Street,
! M* r “ Columbus, Ga.
7s, fronting on Ilroad
I running back 147 feet
i budding thereon being tenement
d on as the property ol Jt seph S.
Mrs. C. Victoria Wiuter. Amount
of the North
Amount of tax$l(»l.25
Parties may settle any of tho
the day ul sale by paying tho an
iliod, together with cost of advertising.
Uth8 i
Muscogee Sheriff Sale.
11’ ILL be sold ou tho first Tuesday in April i
Vi between the legal hours of rale, before tho
i:c«i*iii house ol Ellis A Harrison, Broad *t
’olumhus, Ua., the tullowlug descril ed property’,
All that tract or parcel of laud lyi
i the comity of Muscogee, and in
liberties and adjoining the North Cmntno
of Columbus, and kiiowu iu the ph
of tho
Northern Liberties-
Irontmg on Jackson street 147 feet 10 iuchcsj and
running back east 147 feet 10 inches, more or loss,
the property of Hampton Benton, trustee, di c’d,
a.d by
!U uscogee
Also, at the same time and place, all that tract
or parcel of laud lying aud boing In the city of
Columbus, in said eouuty, und known in the plat
of said city us lot number one hundred aud thirty
five, (135) containing one-quarter of an acre, more
or less. Levied ou us the property of A. K
trustee, by virtue of a mortgage ti fa issued by tho
Superior Court of Muscogi
Muscogee Sheriff Sale.
^ T 1LL l»o sold on the first Tuesday in April
Muscogee Sheriff Sale.
UriLI, he sold on the first Tuesday In M ay
»» n ‘‘ xt . between tho legal hours of sal,- i ,
front of the auction house of Ellis A llarri-
Broud street, Columbus, Ga., the following d.
scribed property, to-writ:
All that tract or parcel of hind lying and bein
in t o city of Columbus, in said county an
known In the plan of said city as lot number ”n
c u aiiiiug one-half acre more or loss. Sold i
satisfy three mortgage fi fas issued from Mtiscotr
“•uperiur Court, in favor of Wiu N llawks, true
parcel of land lying and being in said rouniv anu
State, and knowu iu the plan ..fsai*l county -i* the
Coweta Reserve, cuuiaimug sixty-two i».^) Hir
more or less, with the iinprovemetits t' «
hounded as follows: On the north by lands
Joseph F Foil, Thomas Threowits and E Sinn
Banks ; ou tho etat by lands of A Gatnniell
the south by lands ul A t.amniell, I T Brook*'huJ
James F Winter; and on the west by a street lend
ing Irotn the Macon road to the St Mary’s road, i
the property of Georgia A Thoruton, to satisfy
mortgage it fa isstud from Muscogi
Court iu fav«>-«r u’.„ v
Homo Build
A Thoruton,
Also, r ...... .v,
of land being number 71, in the 8th district e
Muscogee, bounded on tho n-rth by tho land*,
James C Cook; east by tho Hamilton road; gout
by tho reside nco of Mia Elvira A Sortiby, and i
the west by the lands of the late Seaborn Jam-
(this lot being tho one awarded to Pierce L I.ew
iu a bill of partitition as one of the heirs of Jam-
C Cook, Sr,) and implore meats, containing thitt,
acr* s, more or less, as the property of v\ li
Hughes, trustee for Jane C Hughes and childp
to satisfy five mortgage fi fas issued from Mine
g* e Superior Court, in favor of Wm N Ihiuki
treasurer of Home Bull bn 'and Loan Associut.
Property pointed out i, .* ,1 fi fas.
mhlO w2ut H. G. IVEY, Sheriff.
j time and place, all that certain I-
Sheri*f s Sale
highest bidder, for cash,
5,000 M1HAU1LIA CIGARS, iu small lots.levi.*
" the property of U. W. Offntt, to satisfy
H. G. IVEY, Sheriff.
Administrator’s Sale.
w ill he Hold before the Courthouse door in Ciidi
Ga.. on tho first Tuesday inApril next, totwe
usual hours of sale, all of lot No. 109, except
acres in the N. W. corner; West half of lot N- '
and ail that part of lot No. 181 lying west
Lumpkin road, tho whole of said trm't contnini
300 acres, more or less. A small part of said
perfect titles. Paid property is the
Administrator’s Sale.
B Y au order from the Honorable the Cm
Ordinary of Muscogee county, will be
ou Wednesday, the 8th day of April next, i
plantation of the late James Warren Masai-)
reused, nil tho peisotml properly of u perish;
uatui'o belonging to said deceased, c*iunistiug
horses, mules, cows, hogs, corn, fodder, b
lard, shucks, Ac., Ac, Turtus tu-vde known <e
day of sale. JOHN II. MAS8KY
tnh’Jfi d2iw2t* Temp. Adtn
legal hours of sale, bu-
Tvvo and
boxes tobacco, one box st
half middlings bacon, 20 pairs
three dozen boxes matches
Ievieil on as the pioperty of W R aud ’i. tkinner,
t.i satisfy a fi fa in my hau ls in favor of Allen.
Pri er a Iiiges. Propi rty pointed out by plaintiff.
Also, at tatno time and place, one hundred
shares of stock iu the Muscogee Homo lSuiidiug,
und alike interest iu tin* land on which the earns
Stands, as the ^property of John L Mustain. Also
city 1 *■ t No 227, and improvements thereon, m the
, r -j- rty <»f Seaborn Jones, duceastd. Sold to riat-
isfy u h la issuod Itom Muscogee Superior Cm
Also, at name time an place, south part of lot of
1 ii- I N 47-5, t-u McJu.o-li stroi t, betw* *-n ll ildw in
• : n baa atrMti, In thi tj Columbus, lev-
■ ' ■ | i i • ! , I! . : ; - u
isfy II fa in favor - I Dr C T*iry M.hiley
11.-lines, l’toperty pointed out by plaintiff's at-
ni lil" w td II. 0. IVEY. Sli r'if.
Sheriff Sales for Taxes.
W ILL be sold ou the first Tuesday in April
next, between tho legal hours of sale, iu
front of Ellis A Harrison’s auction house, Broad
"treet, Columbus, Ga., tho following dcoctibed
Mitchell, trust*-
• and county taxes for the year 187 ». Levy
nd returned by William Mahatl -y, luw fill
oi\v4t II. Q. IVEY. 8h»rlff.
Administrator’s Sale.
the north hull of lot of land N<>. 97
eiitli district of originally Muscog
att ihojcheo eouuty, as tho property of SJv
olsby, dec’d. GEG. II. SAl'l’,'
Chattahoochee Sheriff Sale.
ff’BJi be sold beforo tho Court House d
tl Cussetu, Clmttahoocheo county, Ga , -
first Tuesday in April next, within the legal
of sale, tho following il-iscribed prop rty, l-
Ouo Bay Horse Mu.e, about ten or twelve;
old, to vtisly a fi fa in my hands, is*tied ftui
Super or Court of stid county, upon the lor-
ure of a laborer's lien, in hivor -f William
Ryan, vs. John II. Ryan, ns the property v
John H. Kymi.
Also, at sumo time and place, one Buggy,
on by virtue of a distress warrant for rent, :
front the Superior Court of Chattahoochee c*
in favor of Lucy Botmell, ugaiust John L. Ho
Sale by Assignee in Ban!
W ILL bo sold by order of Court, on
Tuesday iu May, 1871, bofor? tin
House door in Lumpkin. Ptewart county, 1
at public outcry, to the highest bidder t-
the following described hiu-ls, to-wit:
All of lot No. Iu7, all of lot No. 137, all of
No. 130, except lit) acres <*ff of the northern [*
of lot 130; all the above lauds being in *1
district of originally Lee, now Stewart -
Georgia, aud sold.a* the property of Absol
Harris, Bankrupt.
mb27 oAWtd AMig
Muscogee Sheriff Tax Sales.
TXT ILL ho sold on tho first Tuesday in April
w next, between the leg*! hours of sal.*, in
front of the aiictiou house of Ellis A Uarrimn,
Bi.-ud street, Columbus, Ga., the following deacrib-
.Inly filed in uflife. |
•ts ot land numbers "1 and 22, in it l0
! GM coi.tainiiig 2(H) ,icies. more or
:o|."n -.-. Mr* Martin, G W Martin,
•' 1 •• l-«* v 'y mol- and ri-turn d
McMu lii- I, lawlul constable,
mi. and pl.t. . south jurt of b*t No
i, in tin* city ..f Colnm-
Mrs Spivey, to satisfy
R. C. Battorsou lint .
lug permanent letters of Administration -
• < c * I ttamenio annexo, of the estate ol
King, late ..| said county, deceased;
7 h se aro, therefore, to cite aud iidun-ni*
and singula-, iln* kindred and creditors, t" •
'•«('*" (if any they have) why letters of u*l
tration sli* uld not be granted to said apphea
the April term of s .id Court of Ordinary.
1 »\ ii_ * . i-oin-d for Mat.- and county tax for tin*
ar 1«7 . P • r.v pointed out by tux collector.
• •' ' turu . t by W. 8. McMlchoell
wf'il eon.table.
At earn* and place, lot of land, with im-
■ ■ - ' t- :.. N - . ; i , ,
*. as tin- prop.-rtv of Mr* J C J.irduu, t • s.tisiy
aul c -.u.iy tax fv.r 1873. Property pointed
1 * * T • '-lector. Levy nia-l und returned to
W . 8. Me\li l-ael, lawful constable.
dace, a >rth p >rts of lots Nos
prove menu thereon, in the
*. a. tb- pr- p-i ty of Mrs L 8
t> tax f >r 1^73. Prop-
vy mail** aud
393 und -L'l. u tii ot Columbus,
Wright, for State •
erty pointed out by tax colic v
returned to by \X. S. MrMichnel, lawful c- ust iblo.
time and place, north half of Jots of
the eRy „f Columbus, fronting
nd Ml and 34s, i
•r, for Siuto uud eouuty t
the property of .lohu D C
uty taxes for 1872 aud 1&73.
Levy made ami returned to by W. S. McMicliael,
II. G. IVEY, Sheriff.
parties intcie ted to show
day in April next, why
granted to said appliw
should In
\\ .1.1.1 AM A. FAItl.E'
f b24 w4t
V j Whereas, P. E. Weems ipplies for l- ’ 1 '
Aduilnistratioi. upon the estate of E. M- " e
late of said county, dec'd ;
These are, tliereloie, to cite and adtn r %
aud singular, tho kindred and credi'et-
dect:ised, Vo show cause on the first V '•
April, why letters should not be grant* : t
oppllcnnt. WILLIAM A.'PAK1.I.I
r«|.rl wit utilP. ■'
Notice to Debtors and Creditor*
A LL persons indebted to the estate --: -4-
Redding, deceased, are requested to r.
immediate payment to the uudersigued. -i >
ville, Ga., und those having tiemnuds »s“ U!>t
estate to present them iu terms of the l«* v - ,
mh4 wOw R. J. REDDING. U