Newspaper Page Text
iMS&m** '""’ "* ihiimi' '
NO. 106.
.ssrisi e SSs.1 is
T5iw!ikV»to« will lavutoMy he eae-thirt
**WtaS«»‘*6ni4Uimmtto «ht**s4 ■»«•...
wi. to Aw* math. th- Mvwtnwwin h* USt
■pt«Y M4H W(Mli|lh»U«to
^■M a
•at Im ud Mf’iiiai^aU 33fi5
■MttiM, WON pi*** oa to* OdMtf
Mr. MorriU. r 4 ^ lrM u. Oe**-
■alUaa oa km/nfHmlooo, repeated a MU
fortoanP^i of too auOaran by tea over-
fl °» of*, Mlaaiaalppl, taaraoringtha
propr'.adou from •90,0*0 to §0*000.
Amanda moved aa aa laatdaael IM
the proviriona of tha bill ahaU aotapply
latar than Saptaaibar lot, 16T4.
Mr. Paaaa aald that (Nat dtaWaitan
-•<4 nobte Bum*.Jraah (ton Italy,”
la whrirth* Hoodoo. Nome Journal anils
nltritaavaodat'ir plaster oute.
—4 Bail rod;# froaa ThomaUoa to Tal-
batten kube.m aataktliha*, tha eoatraot
■to*. aad aarrtaa wiH toaaaaaoaa to
thaaoav^af afa« vaaka.
-4/aaU. of •64.000 of tha Oaaal X*.
largr. a it Bonds of too city of AagoaU,
or,n .da oo Saturday at 81. Thabal-
&eoa will bo hald at 8A Tha boada an
—TfcaGriflto Itmm team* that Mr.
FMte pm* 08.800 «eak for hta oao-alith
iataraat to tha 4UaaU CmmMuMm, par-
oboaad loot weak. Tko satire tataraat, at
to, la valued at 0*0.000,
it OtMfo Mar roporta that a
of Ootaatboa ftathaaa" b«
f oa tha 4a(aata raoa of iaati
it ao maoh. that thoy bad to
this rata, la ralaod at $60,000.
-Tha Qr«*
bosvi'iy oo tkoTagoata raoa at last wa*k,
tad loot ao Book, that thay bad to walk
kaak to Maooo, bat won ikon
datad with raUrood Mokate oa a orodlt
—Notietog Ootooorillo'a olaim to tha
Mint, tho Griflto Aor sagguta that Bo
tkina la aald about tha wUaky and sugar.
Wo aro afraid that fltah'a aaal to tho
am of taaparaaeo haa not aado Ida
taUraly forgot tha pod thtoga of tho
—On* of th* adttom of tha Saadora-
rillo Birmld aoya ho “ haa booo traveling
ao* about Ira wo oho, aad daring that
Kao I bar* not not with ooo boo who
iipn—t 1 hirattl
na not to IMt
Johnson for tho
—Tha block to (avannah bonndod by
WhMahar, St. Jollaa, Bryan aad Johnoon
oaoar*. with tha eruption of two ucoom-
mated brick buildings, waa burned 04
foadoy aoraing. So nnabar of boild-
torn daatatood or wrookad *aa nine.
Thay voro moatly aaall, aad ooad oh tody
for Biokaaioal bnalnooa Total loa (16,.
m to (10,000.
—Tho Qtomaboro Hereto uya: Twen
ty faratoaa, tahdm todlaarlBtnotoly from
to oflriM Sl( aeroa to oatm ST aoroa in
wheat. Tbto yoar tboy m3 plant 1,8*6
aoroo to eottda | i.TlS aoma tooarn; 410
asm to OOMi aad 1M Mtan to wheat.
—4 bad Bagio naaod So* Btriokling
Ullod Booty Montgomery, aaothor negro,
a oar Goto Spatog. ur Zboraday led, by
aplitUog open ha hand with aa aza.
Hoary Son a vary good oharaetar, aad it
iaaaid that ho gar* ao prwrooatioafor
tho anrdoroas aoaault apoa him. loo
lad, and waa attll at larga at tha Utaat
Mow Tot
iatSST- 1
MilfrlUiMllt mulMld b# tiH' ft*
food and ototUfg.
Ho kUodod tothatatograaa to tho aaora-
tag papam that th* n*groaa.arowad Moa-
pbto won aow rofaoiag 4a work, allagtag
that tha Oorornmoat lataaiadtofoadaad
ah00M| ‘
Tho Moaato than rooamod th*
nttoa of th* HpptoaMBtory Otril ftighta
Ooodoa, of Owogtoi gar* aatto* that
owoold aatoalt aa QBoadBml to ofriha
oak tha pontotan of th* UH girtag all
pooaaaaihofnB aad **a*l najoymut of
ooaomaa o*hooia aad pabilt
Th* Hooao diaooaaod all day tho Phila
delphia Oontoanlal MU, appoopttottag
thnaaaiUioa doUara, aad haa a ooooloa
toaidht oa tho ladtoa Appropriation bill.
Ito cabtoot diaooaaod th* 4ihaaoaa
tronblaa with oat aotioa.
Th* Room Ooaalttoo dtoanaaad tha
oath Of .to* Miaalaalppl bIH without ao-
on. It oamm op at tho port oaaottag.
Nomlnatloa—Hoary A Thoaaaa, Ool-
laotor of Onatoau at Paadloo, North Oar-
•ftoo, th
bat it wi
—Th* 41*b**aa rirar at MootgoBary
ooBBaaoad rtaiag again aa Monday, aad
tea* amwiy two foot oa that day.
—Th* Olty Ootut of Moatgoaiary ad-
Joaroad natfl yaotarday tho notion lor a
naw trial for PM HoMaaon, tax ooUootor.
—Th* Moaigooaary Ntm loam* from
th* railroad ttpalohoa, that from Taaaaa
dawn to Mobil* <ho honriaot rain knows
for twenty Joan foil on Sunday araoiag.
—Th* report of th* Oily (oztoa of
Hoatgouory oho wo that than war*
inter mania In th* oenntary for the month
of April. Of than* It worn whiten aad
—’Th* Mobil* Jhpttar nay* that at tha
roquet of Oatbollo prloots of Mobil*,
Bishop Qninlan ha* appolotod Vary Bar.
Pallioiar V. O., to roprooont tha Oatholloa
of tboMobtlo Diooooo, In th* pilgrimsgs
to Bobo, whioh loaron Mow York on ton
Stssmsr Poreir* on tha 16th of May.
Potbor PolUotor loft MobUa on th* STth of
—Captato John Chriotopher, ooaann-
Sant of th* poat at YoikrUl*, B. 0., oom-
alltad aatold* yaaiaaday by ahooting with
• piatoL Inqnaat roadarad a rarfiot aa
abor*. Banalaa an to b* unt to Philo-
Salphl* for interment.
Tha faculty of tha Uni vanity at Ann
Harbor, Mieh., laat oftaraooo, anapanded
tklriy-nin* eophomoeo* and forty-foot
lr4haaoa forhoMag.
.—Two hrothor* nomad Walker w«ro
*ot a* Owaotoo, Owen oonoty, Ky,
Xoadap, by WtUtaa Snoot, who ebargod
•na with ooeoring *0 indistment against
hla in th* (Moral Coart for niadomaan-
® r - Ooo died instantly 1 th* otter was
, —4 dimotah waa rooairad at Maw Or.
MfnayeaUtday, from Charleston, anthor-
jring a daaft for (t,000 for th* relief of
thooitoian from th* flood. Oontribn-
aa* Bill going oa. Than will bo
JjjJaatluo* next Bond ay for th* son* pur-
ThodUfloplty ta b* apptohoodad wo*
that tho labor of that whoto oooatry aright
booom* domorattiod. Ho had * thontoad
nagrou on hi* plantation, aad ho (Id not
oak th* Qorasannat to fond than,
woaid feed than kinsatf, and whoa ha
no bon fo* than, thay woaid aU
item tngithir
Hoaotd that tin toman of thaMlaMi
sipptahoold bar* hooa to a oaaMilttoa to
rantot lhoatatogad thoitoao. Tho people
of th* Blais* of laaktoa* oad. Mlaato-
hod hooa toxod largoiy to amairoat
tor***, aad If tha anaay hod hmp poop-
•rlj odd tl fwkl hiti Hf
■stood. Tkaflranillkno, if bato-
aotiy oad paopaajy anpaodad, oatHtotf
Ima ■nfBoiint to pfrilul tVr fhtlt irf Mu -
-« dtoM .aMlan
■MN|r|ra tatnn *Ow OtWhOWs
Th* troobl* woo tint th* nopay wo*
squandered by irtaopooattlo oad taohton
parti so. Bo rani of the Bbontlaa of Mi*
■iMlppii falolldlB| IftW NllljiivUok kl
lived, hadbaaa takod too togM poipooah
ao noab on ovary pound of aotftoa raiaad.
Boards of aoparviaora warn oppotatod for
th* diffomt ooootiao to diroot th* os-
paadilaro of thtooeaaoy.
Tb* board of onporrhun for thte p*.
poa* to hi* ooOMy kdoSlatad of foorno-
gross, who, ho balfavad, ooold a allha*
fOfdaocwMto, oM'dMwhiU ana, who
wasaoohthM th* people woaid manat
have th* oaaaoaat negro that ooold ba
foand than have hla. Tin tax-payon
had ao. ranponathtllty, ao ahara to th*
dtopotottoa of thairown nonay, *ad this
was th* iMloa why it wo* aqnudatad
•ad dlvartsd fton it* legitimate ppapom*.
Ha (Mr. 41oora) hsd andaavorad haro-
tof or* to gat th* Goasrol Qorarnnaat Oo
fotatob th* Mthority to aoaotroot oad
nataUto th* l*r**a, aad tot th* BUtoa
pm for then oo they won Obi* to do, bat
lot th* omy offleors ooatral it. Tb* poo-
plo on not afraid of omy offoaoo. They
know they will not picador thorn.
Mr. Oonkltog aokod bow it woo that th*
tsx-paysrs ooold h*v* no ohon to tho eon
trol of offsira, oo no on* <
to Miaatasippi f
Mr. 4kan sold Mot in hb aoonty ihw*
won oboot twelve or foortoon 00(0rod
non to on* whit* non. They won k
rosy good olan of ouioaM non, loo. Ho
(Mr. Aloom)hod no oomplslnt to audio
agsiut thorn, b< tbwo ouiorod BOO WON
told to th* last ooavaN that ft they would
aopport ■ osrteio tiokst, Osasnl Greet
woaid dlTido op tb* Undo onoog than.
Mr. Oonkltog—WiU tb* Banotor noi
tho porttoo who ooM* tboo* pwnton t
Mr. A loom add be did not our* to na
lion any names. He bad heretofore
given tb* una in hi* spooobM on too
stamp. He woaid not go Iota that mat
ter. He was now talking nbont th*
flood. Ho believed nowspoporo bad ex
aggerated the ufleriag, bat bad ao doobt
than wao a great doal; bat ha won tod tho
Booro sry of War to bava aboolato adn-
trol of tha taliaf fond*. If tha idm gm
out among tho negro** of that region
that tha Oovammant Intend* to food add
olotbo thorn, tha whole aoontry will ba
demoralised, and no aero work will b*
got ont of tha nagroaa for tbto yoar.
Ho tbooght, bowovor, that roitof should
also bo osUndod to tbopooploof Arkan-
-as, who bad anffond qnita aa nnoh m
thou of Miaaiaalppi.
Ha would npva an amaadaunt that tha
additional appropriation b* $100,000, in.
stand of (60,000, and that Aa state of
Arkansas bo inoladad.
Oonkltog aald bafon hairing tb* (an-
•tor from MMaaippt ba thought hawaMd
bava yotad for tha bill j bntaa that Hn-
ator bad aUtad tha Btota wnabto to am
for ito own poor, any aid that OrngNtn
kto (Alai
to panti
did anto
b* toft a
not poll
peal to I
thaia.pto** pan one who bad dafmndad
dbnfcltog sold that lb* poaplo of lOaato-
thaif Oi
■poke ol
that h* 1
it tads•
of hla <
Gov. As
Dean majority to th* State of 88,000. Ho
(4nak)bad *o am* tatorastto tha Btota
than ha
did not,
of biaB
told tha
A team aid th* Banotor (ton Pmnayi-
vaata (Ooaoran) aald ho wm Brad of thaw
mnphtotn Th* things of whioh h* (AL
<**(> had spoken won net ten of kto-
Th* Mae null la ftntolr-sax
tata AaAltoe—
tout. May 8.—The Coir to-day re
ceived vtoUa faon Qananla Ton Molka
4 MentaaflML
Nan Qaatnhaka* held a soofarenu
Laanoat, May A—Tharo la a gttat strike
Ik tbo DMkan «oU*fia*>Mrtip oat of
May A—Oottan qniat 1 mid-
Hi 8 -1 not rooaipta 8; aalas 180.
Haw Oauam, Mat A—Cotton steady
Jhdto.hetoar doauud, atddHnga lT|o. ,
low middling 16(o; good erdlnary lsjo;
ordinary isf; net rooaipta 1,090 balu ;
esparto to Great Bitten 1,100) anln
9,000—Inal evening 4,000.
May(.-ttdlafa nMdUags lSf,
netNNipn 190 beta)min 900.
Mamin, May I.—Tke nain body af tb*
Carl lata la at RipoU, under Pitnu AL
Don dark*, to at Darango.
Marshal Berrnoo is aspect ad at Madrid
that he
that th
and* fa
mik Mac* by hnxtar.
LisnaBoas, Mm 6.—A apaatal aay*>
After tbs arrant of Judges Bennett aad
fliarl* by th* Bostarltes, they wen taken
naren tb* river to a skiff, and then to 8t.
John* College at th* outskirts of th* olty.
They spent a night the**, and yesterday
Booming won pat on hone*, aad to
ahaagn of ahead of mvnlrynna warn tak
en into lb* oooatry, and will probably be
kept in tb* wood*.
On tb* bool* of tbto moot, at Bv*
o'clock yoatordsy noratog, the State An*
ditar, whown owakuod by kaoakiag at
t|| dooc of Uo mUUooOg jiafii oil of
bed and went down otoin, when be taw n
book at th* door. Th* driver aald that
Gon. MoOmory wanted to no Un.
Wboolor, ooi th&ikiac of tho ttptiro,
said: "Aakbinto.ooam to.’ MaOaaoty
to aw arid back forjMn to ooma oat H*
wanfoot, and sons nnr who had boon
station ad with gam on th* other ton*
4dm of to* boom, rasbad op and pat
bin by form into to* osrrtog*. Ho was
drirail down to toa Antooay Hooaa. Thay
torn took Un to Bastarh roon, wok*
Baztar, and MoOaaary sold, “I bag par
don for soring wMhont oadnr, bit I
thought It ay doty to mptan Wheeler
and bring Un to yon, and auk* Un as-
kaowladg* yon u Governor. I will do
too aee with tho Slat* Treasurer Page,
ud Brook*, too, if yon **y ao."
B*st*r g*v* orders to nloam Un,
ant tp UtOmy'ilhiQiitiii)
TkMiiMM talk if norlof hit fov-
imMtl to ArktaUtphli im sitlBf thtt
hit ttpital*
Aooaof Jadg* Beaaott reeeivod a let-
tar hat afteraooa fton bto fetbar, aayiag 1
“I uppers you know lodge Baeria aad I
war* eaptared at Arguta last night W*
an wall treated aad in ao bodily danger.
Don't know whan w* will be ml sued."
Tha latter wu racoivad through General
Blooker, of Bastarh foraas.
Baster baa again pmollpolly uiasd ton
tnlagn^b oHan. Tbareara gaardapoatad
aboat on* knndnd yard* away, and thay
allow no aa* to antu.
Tb* tobnUtamt* of Bilbos won witboat
brand during to* tost wuk of th* ulg*.
Th* BapuUlun troop* bar* bom vtoto-
riou In urarsl akirmlshu to AndallnsU,
VslonoU and Mow Outlu.
Buna, Hay 8.—Tb* Kspoout Hall
bloak to Hydo park, Inotading to* poat-
ofltoa, bonk, Unitarian BoalMy'i HaU, ton
Norfolk County Jonrnol otfloa, Moblo's
apotkaaary, Sanford A Bon nail's grooary,
M. Pratt's portodtool store, D. M. Lao*,
Jr's., shoo store, and Pita's Jewelry ator*,
wan bnmad this morning. Lon (148,.
nine im
■t MB-
Nsaanixn, May 8.—Th* negro Bill
Bkalloy is to b* hanged on Friday nest for
raping n white woman.
A dispatch fton Ootonbia, Toon., any*
a negro naasd Merritt Voorfau 0 at raped
to* para 00 of o young tody whom be met
alone to the outskirts. Th* city poilu
an punuiag the brut*.
Dmeatwn* op Wen, \
WinmiM, May l, mA)
Penn, May A—Bantu 69f. Ttfo.
Lonoo*, May A—Oonaola 991*96. Brie
Now Yobs, May 5.—Stocks eotive end
Iran. Money A Gold 19|. Bschaoge—
long 488; aboat 491. Govwenowte native
•Me little oB. State bond* quiet
people away from them, forlboy hed bem
atrtokpndnoa end tasM nnjaatly. He
denoanud the tes lespoeM eg tooirmt-
of the
the Mo
«** hi
forgot I
Lima Hook, May 8.—Hester drain
that he entoorimd toe errut of to*
dndgen, bet when Bt. John'* College wu
•M4 Ifej* ■•"•Ung by • squad
of regnlen eettog u police,
elehed reput ef tkstr ar
eldrenad to Bestor, wu found
tb* tebto, whom It bed been loft in beeto
lneidwt to the depertora, which cflkotael.
ly refatu hie ctetcncnle. Write of Aa-
tool corpus hove bun leaned tot toe mtaa-
ieg Judge*, end Better, Newton, Ohurch-
toill, Bloaksr end WiOiene era repotted
to bev* left town to avoid eerviu..
toga a
Ue am
pie. i
or tkr*
bat If
and wi
•ppltad by toe Stale offlo*m Ora. Ann
wm f» toHtan men, end toe people of
Mltoitolul, without ropuid to polltlui
frith, par* ton to* audit of being on*.
and But Gulf Btiln, north and Out
winds, rising tanpsntnm, with eiur ant
tagwaotou, nsa|S light rain on toa
(oath AtUnti* aosat to-night
nnr'insws. '
Baveman, May A—Arrirad : Ban Ja-
ototo and Wyoming. Ciasrsd : Carl X.
Georg*, Marra, Jaau Peake.
■T nuuin M 8**VUSA
Mow Yang, May A—Money
active at 4*6. Ksokanjs qutot sn da toady
at 488. Gold Ilf*!. Govunmonta aaUv*
Statu q«tot sod nonical.
. »«*«**.4*^ b*r*ly steady; asluof
M,8M bote* u folio** 1 May IT 8-18)
June IT 17-69*17 p.16) July 17 15-16*17
(1-88; hugest IS 8-16*18 T-S8.
OallfUtrnla But!(r In rolls, Mo,
- a.* »e(rwj «m.
Flgli gnd Fish Rm,
la kMa, b»8* »>* half team*.
Mod aula OhamA
Oouri Maokkorrioa, WhartMoariaa,
Ptoo Aretas, Poanaa* nu,
Oarn aUViitaliB, Aap*"W.
as* all other varMtm ri Ila* flnurlia, at
H.F. ABELL A00.’fc
ftprw tf
Prices Bedneedl
■«. Orkraa YoHow OhNllaa Iriiw UH« * M.
Oranri.Pew**ieAO«oul>te* and Hook locoro.
Palm flu Yaw* Hjaaa, Boafowd.r, laparial
I pay yarltmlar aUoatiu to this 4.putaaal,
aad *u mH Ttoa at law trim. I tan at all
tiatw a full aad ampleto aaaBWaoCt
Snlq'i Yaaat PawOWa, *aaria daa hia,
treat aa A Marrlll'a Yaaat Powian.
fa*ar Oand Sknaklaaa, Baa* as* Wklta Maato.
katia Choice flashes 9u tlir, ICa | h.
■na [mi era]
Grocery House
N«> I4ind ft Broad •«.,
*■’ Ooltuabas, On.,
Kflatfl flMMtAItkl II UM UNI
100,000 Pflueda OafldA
Mew Otieun, Mey 6.—Thar* to so
eketenmt of lie overflow. -
Bdger front, neeegaa of. th* Boll
giver plan tattoo, to AeensepMon perish,
ley*: ‘Th this aeottob of tb* pariah than
to • popntoW— «f shout 1,000 wkltu,
dutitoto of th* flNt neuaaariu of Ufa,
living on rafts rad bonu-topa, with no
trMBpoitBUoo of ibj kind, Bad tb# bme*
•at land twenty nilu distant, ,411 thair
aattla and borau ar* drowned, and tha
water is atill rising aboat sis inebu in
twahty-fonr boars.”
Mrs. B. A. Briggs, writing from tb*
Hesperia plantation. My a: "Paryait ma
to oall your nttantion to tb* suflhrtog* of
to* froadman on ny plantation, 110 in
nnnbu, who wars aubmarged. Tha nr-
ohanto not aitaadtog aid, provtoteM nr*
oibnootod, aad woman and ohildrm ten
to ns, and I an without nunp to help
Maw Yonn, May 5. —Flour Arm.
Wheat a shad* Armor. Corn Arm. Pork
•m at $16 80*17 00. Lord bury;
•am 10|.
Lommua, May 8.—Floor qutat and
uccbaagad. Corn qalat and naohangad
SGaSSo. Pork (17 60. Btoon—shoulder*
74; oloar rib 9J; olaar eidu 104) angar-
onrod boms 18, plain 11}. Lard ll 11-1A
Wbiakay 98a.
Onraanien, May 6.— Floor quiet end
nnobnngrd. Coro 8,mar and higher at
70*78*1 Pack in light damned aad hold-
nra firm at (17 86. Lard qniat bat Arm
at 104* for Hearn; lOfo for kettle. Bacon
eotlv* and higher at 64.7c for ahooldoni
94*8(0 for olur rib atom; 9f*9}o for clou
tidu. Wbiakay drm at V80.
B*. Lock, M*y 6 —Floor dim; good
demand for low and madtom gradu;
priou nag* from (4 to $6.60. Corn
Artur; 69 for Mo. f mixed on trick, oaab;
white mixed higher at 78.78 on track.
Whiskey Am at 94.
Ltvaarool, May 6to—Moon.— Cotton
qutat nod aoobtnmd; ulu 10,000 bal.a,
toolndtog 9,000 for • peculation and *x-
^Mu of nplanda, aotblag balow good
ordinary, dollvorable Jnn* nod July, 8) ;
do., nothin j; Mow low nilddUngs, chip.
8 r. m.—Bate* of nplanda, nothing bo-
low good ordinary, deliverable rin Mey,
94 ; aelu of Orleeae, nothing below good
ordinary, to Jane end Jaly, 84.
8:80 r. A Beta* of uptaado, nothing
below low middlings, chipped to May ana
June, *4 1 do., deliverebto in Jaly end
August, 84; ulmOrlmua, nototog balow
low middungs, doUvarnhie in Jon* and
July, 6 9-10.
Brim teetadc6,900 belu Aouriaon.
Lavanvoob, May 8, 4:80 v. w —Baton of
uplands, nothing balow good ordinary,
dolirombl* to July end August, 8)d.; do.,
nothing balow low middlings, shipped la
April and May, 8 7-lfld.
New Yoax, Mey 6.-Cotton qutot; snlu
176 belu ; apiende 17), Orlmne 18).
Fataru opraed •" foil -ue t Mey 17 S-lft
*6-16, Jane 17 9-16*19 83, Jnty 17
Vgftm UMft dm tkJkA e *— *
rm* ww n mwv ■■rrwff BifBTe
100 begs Ceflba.
From 100 to 200 tomh Bprap.
MO hnrrers Whiskey.
200 bflxm Tflbflfltfl.
MO "
MW bemte Lord.
OO " Meokorol.
800 mluMk
OO tlrroo* Otoo. *
(00 roam Wrapptao Fepor.
100 oeem Potoeh.
WO •• Oerdlno*.
WO *• Ptoklm*
iOO bonoe Onndy.
MSP poon Aa fco»Ulo»re flnaB.
•0,000 Clgara,
MOO poonfla Oram aafl BletoTae
too hern of (hot.
AU oven thill Is the flieaory flea, which It*
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